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    Luciano Berio

    Berio:Layout 1 20.10.2008 18:00 Seite 1


    Berio:Layout 1 20.10.2008 18:00 Seite 2

  • 3contents

    Luciano Berio(*24 October 1925, Oneglia, Italy 27 May 2003, Rome)

    5 The Past as Future: Luciano Berio

    6 Il passato come futuro: Luciano Berio

    7 Die Vergangenheit als Zukunft: Luciano Berio

    8 Le pass en tant quavenir: Luciano Berio

    10 Worklist by instrumentation

    15 Chronological list of works

    20 Catalogue of works

    56 Transcriptions, arrangements, etc.

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  • 5about his music

    The Past as Future: Luciano BerioIn the aftermath of the Second World War, many composers of Luciano Berios generationfelt obliged to wipe the slate clean. To a composer with roots as deep in the achievementsof the past four centuries as Berio, this was never an option. His work constantly re-inventedcontinuities where others saw only the possibilities of rupture. Not that he was ever temptedby the assorted nostalgias that haunted some part of the music of the last century. On thecontrary, he maintained an insatiable curiosity about the explorations of his contemporaries musical or otherwise. But his dialogues with literature, with linguistics, with structuralanthropology, with ethnomusicology always proved to be the most inventive of piratical raids seizing the materials that he needed as a musician, and drawing from them creativeconsequences often far removed from their original context. They are a fraternal homage, notan imitation. Beyond his apprentice years of the late forties and early fifties, much the samemight be said of his response to his musical contemporaries. His oblique relationship to thepost-Webernian mainstream was the first instance of a trait that has remained central to hiswork ever since. Seizing with relish upon its demonstrations of inexhaustible metamorphicpotential, he expanded this into a basic principle: you may always re-write what is alreadywritten. The exuberant melodic confidence of his work from the late fifties and sixties whether thenervous brilliance of the flute Sequenza I, or the by now classic lyrical intensity of workswritten for Cathy Berberian, such as Circles or Sequenza III bears witness to the confidentauthority with which he grasped these means. Equally, the series of Chemins that revisit soloSequenzas demonstrate not just a Joycean work in progress, but our obligation to treat eachcompleted work as a listening in progress. But the sixties also saw the first indices of anunwillingness to side-line issues central to his rigorous sense of musical tradition. Where somecontemporaries seemed content to treat harmony as simply a subcategory of texture, Berioinsistently returned to the harmonic dimension as central to his larger musical aspirations.Training his own and his listeners ears to find their way through the harmonic jungle was atfirst a matter of brilliantly alert intuition in, for instance, Sequenza IV for piano but wassoon absorbed into a focussed framework, first in O King, but then in many subsequent worksof the early seventies, by exploring the consequences of harmonic projections from a line. Thefruits of this patient process of exploration came in the major works of the eighties andnineties, where harmony resumed its rights as the organising force behind such major theatreworks as La vera storia, Un re in ascolto, and Outis, but could equally determine the masterlyconcision of Sequenza XIII for accordion. Although Berio drew admiration in the late fifties as an exuberant explorer of electronicresources, his vivid empathy for the risks and rewards of live performance tended to gain the

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    upper hand over any disembodied search for new sounds. However fragile and temporary thecommunity created in the concert-hall by a brilliant performance, it is one that Berio servedwith singular fixity of purpose. Since the sixties a vigorous inhabitant of McLuhans globalvillage (of which any concert-hall or radio station may propose itself as a temporarymicrocosm) he asserted musics obligation not only to its own singular history, but also to there-statement of human concerns that, without such patient and committed reiteration, couldso easily evaporate. His is a music that refuses to forget.

    David Osmond-Smith

    Il passato come futuro: Luciano BerioDopo la Seconda Guerra Mondiale molti compositori della generazione di Luciano Berio sisentirono obbligati a ricominciare daccapo. Un compositore come Berio per, le cui radiciancoravano profondamente nelle conquiste di quattro secoli, non prese mai in considerazionequesta opzione. La sua opera re-invent costantemente delle continuit laddove altri vedevanocome unica alternativa la rottura. Non che fosse mai stato attratto da quelle nostalgie aleggiantiin alcune musiche del secolo scorso. Al contrario, mantenne una curiosit insaziabile verso leesperienze di ricerca dei suoi contemporanei musicisti ed altri. Ma i suoi dialoghi con laletteratura, la linguistica, lantropologia strutturale, la musicologia etnica si sono sempredimostrati i pi ingegnosi raid corsari: egli acquis i materiali di cui aveva bisogno come musicista,per trarne delle conseguenze creative, spesso molto distanti dal contesto originale. Sono unomaggio fraterno, non unimitazione. Al di l del periodo di apprendistato tra la fine degli anni40 e linizio dei 50, si pu affermare praticamente lo stesso a proposito della sua interazione coni suoi contemporanei musicali. La relazione non sempre diretta con la corrente di pensieropostweberniana fu il primo dei tratti che da allora caratterizzarono la sua opera. Impossesandosicon gusto dellimmenso potenziale metamorfico di tale pensiero, Berio lo trasofrm in unprincipio di base: sempre possibile ri-scrivere ci che gi scritto. L'esuberante sicurezza melodica delle sue opere degli ultimi anni 50 e 60 sia la brillantezzanervosa della Sequenza I per flauto, sia l'ormai classica intensit lirica dei brani scritti per CathyBerberian, tra cui Circles o Sequenza III testimonia lautorevolezza con cui Berio ricorreva aquesti mezzi. La serie dei Chemins, rivisitazioni delle Sequenze per strumento solo, non soltanto sidimostra un work in progress nel senso joyceano, ma ci obbliga anche a considerare ogni operacompiuta come un listening in progress. Gli anni 60 vedevano per anche i primi indizi dellavolont di non trascurare istanze centrali del proprio senso rigoroso della tradizione musicale.Mentre alcuni contemporanei sembravano accontentarsi trattando larmonia semplicementecome una categoria subordinata di texture", Berio non smise mai di tornare con insistenza alladimensione armonica come fulcro delle sue aspirazioni musicali pi ampie. Lallenamento delproprio udito e di quello dei suoi ascoltatori, cos da trovare un percorso attraverso la giunglaarmonica, fu inizialmente un aspetto dellaccortissima intuizione beriana per esempio nellaSequenza IV per pianoforte. Presto per questintuizione divenne parte di una concezione messabene a fuoco, prima in O King, poi in tante opere dei primi anni 70, nelle quali esplor le

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    conseguenze delle proiezioni armoniche partendo da una linea di suoni. I frutti di questo pazienteprocesso desplorazione si poterono cogliere nelle opere principali degli anni 80 e 90, dovel'armonia reclamava i propri diritti quale forza organizzativa dietro opere teatrali cos importanticome La vera storia, Un re in ascolto e Outis, ma determinava ugualmente anche la magistraleconcisione della Sequenza XIII per fisarmonica. Malgrado Berio fosse apprezzato nei tardi anni 50 come esuberante esploratore di risorseelettroniche, la sua vivace empatia per i rischi e le ricompense dellesecuzione dal vivo ebbetendenzialmente la meglio su qualsiasi ricerca astratta di nuovi suoni. Per quanto fragile etemporanea sia la comunit che si crea in una sala da concerto in occasione di una brillanteesecuzione, Berio si dedico ad essa con singolare determinazione. Abitante convinto, sin dagli anni60, del global village mcluhaniano (nel quale un auditorio o una stazione radiofonicapotrebbero proporsi come una sorta di microcosmo temporaneo), egli ha affermato limpegnodella musica nei riguardi non solo di se stessa e della sua storia particolare, ma anche nel ribadiretutto ci che concerne lumanit che, in mancanza di una simile reiterazione, paziente e dedita,potrebbe facilmente dileguare. La sua una musica che si rifiuta di dimenticare.

    David Osmond-Smith

    Die Vergangenheit als Zukunft: Luciano BerioNach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg fhlten sich viele Komponisten dem Ruf nach einer tabula rasaverpflichtet. Ein Komponist wie Luciano Berio, dessen Wurzeln so tief in den Errungenschaftenvon vier Jahrhunderten verankert waren, zog so etwas nie in Erwgung. Sein Werk hattestndig Anknpfungspunkte ge- und erfunden, wo andere nur die Alternative eines Bruchssahen. Das bedeutet aber nicht, dass er jemals von der Nostalgie befallen wurde, die in vielenKompositionen des vegangenen Jahrhunderts sprbar ist. Ganz im Gegenteil hatte er sichstets eine unstillbare Neugier auf die Erkundungen seiner Zeitgenossen bewahrt sowohlauf die musikalischen wie auch auf andere. Aber seine Dialoge mit Literatur, Linguistik,Musikethnologie oder Anthropologie hatten sich immer als hchst schpferische Feldzgeerwiesen. Er eignete sich das Material an, das ihn als Musiker faszinierte, um daraus kreativeKonsequenzen zu ziehen, die oft weit entfernt vom originalen Kontext waren. Das isteine kollegiale Hommage, keine Imitation. Einmal von seinen Lehrjahren in den spten40er und frhen 50er Jahren abgesehen, konnte man hnliches ber die Reaktion auf seinemusikalischen Zeitgenossen konstatieren. Schon damals zeigte sich in seiner postwebernschenGesinnung eine Eigenheit, die seither fr sein OEuvre bezeichnend geblieben war. Ausder anfnglichen Faszination ber das grenzenlose metamorphische Potential schlte sichallmhlich Berios Grundsatz heraus: Man kann schon Geschaffenes immer wiedernachschpfen.Die melodische Ausstrahlung seiner Werke der 50er und 60er Jahre sei es nundie nervse Brillanz der Sequenza I fr Flte oder die mittlerweile klassische lyrischeIntensitt der fr Cathy Berberian geschriebenen Stcke wie Circles oder Sequenza III bezeugt Berios Fhigkeit, mit der er sich dieser Mittel bediente. Die Serie Chemins su

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    Sequenza steht nicht nur als ein Beispiel fr ein work in progress (im Sinne von James Joyce),sondern auch als eine Verpflichtung, jedes abgeschlossene Werk als ein listening in progress zu betrachten. In den 60er Jahren gab es aber auch schon die ersten Anzeichen fr einenUnwillen, musikalische Tradition zu vernachlssigen.Obwohl einige Zeitgenossen sich damit abfanden, Harmonie einfach als eine Form vonTextur zu betrachten, hatte Berio immer wieder die harmonische Dimension als wichtigsteKategorie seines musikalischen Denkens begriffen. Die Erziehung seines eigenen Hrverhaltensin Sachen Harmonie, wiewohl auch desjenigen seiner Hrer, beruhte ursprnglich auf Beriosungewhnlich wacher Intuition z. B. in Sequenza IV fr Klavier. Diese Intuition kristallisiertesich aber bald zu einer klaren Konzeption, zuerst in O King, dann in vielen Werken der frhen70er Jahre: nmlich das Erkunden der Konsequenzen, die bei der Projektion einer melodischenLinie auf die harmonische Ebene entstehen. Die Frchte dieses geduldigen Forschungsprozesseskonnten in den Hauptwerken der 80er und 90er geerntet werden, wo die Harmonie ihreRechte als organisatorische Kraft hinter solch wichtigen Musiktheaterwerken wie La verastoria, Un re in ascolto und Outis einfordert, aber auch das meisterhafte Konzept der SequenzaXIII fr Akkordeon bereichert. Obwohl Berio in den spten 50er Jahren als unermdlicher Forscher elektronischer Musikgeschtzt wurde, zog er immer die Risiken und Mglichkeiten des realen Musizierens derabstrakten Suche nach neuen Klngen vor. Wenngleich die Gemeinschaft, die in einemKonzertsaal entsteht, eher zerbrechlich und von kurzer Dauer ist, ist es eine, um die sich Beriomit einzigartiger Zielstrebigkeit bemhte. Berio war schon seit den 60er Jahren einleidenschaftlicher Anhnger von McLuhans Idee des global village (einer Gemeinschaftbrigens, in der ein Konzertsaal oder ein Radiosender einen Mikrokosmos bilden knnte). Soformulierte Berio die Aufgaben der Musik nicht nur im Hinblick auf ihre eigene einzigartigeGeschichte, sondern auch im Hinblick auf allgemein menschliche Anliegen, die ohne ein solchgeduldiges und engagiertes Beharren sehr leicht in Vergessenheit geraten knnten. Seine Musikweigert sich zu vergessen.

    David Osmond-Smith

    Le pass en tant quavenir: Luciano BerioAprs la deuxime Guerre mondiale et les squelles quelle causa, de nombreux compositeursde la gnration de Luciano Berio choisirent de faire table rase. Pour un compositeur commeLuciano Berio, profondment enracin dans les acquis musicaux de quatre sicles, il ne fut jamaisquestion de choix. Son oeuvre a toujours rinvent des continuits, l o dautres ne voyaient biensouvent que des possibilits de rupture. Cela ne signifie pas pour autant quil tait empreint de lanostalgie qui fut commune un grand nombre de compositions musicales du sicle pass. Bienau contraire, il a conserv une curiosit insatiable pour les expriences exploratoires de sescontemporains, quelles soient sur le plan musical ou bien autre. Mais ses dialogues avec lalittrature, la linguistique, lanthropologie structurale ou lethnomusicologie savrrent toujoursdes excursions plagiaires trs innovatrices cest en tant que compositeur quil sest appropri les

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    matires qui le fascinaient, afin den extraire des effets souvent fort loigns de leur contextedorigine. On doit les considrer comme un hommage fraternel rendu par le compositeur, noncomme une imitation. Abstraction faite de ses annes dapprentissage la fin des annes 40 etau dbut des annes 50, on peut considrer quil en est de mme quant sa rponse sescontemporains musicaux. Sa relation indirecte avec le courant esthtique postrieur Webern at et demeure lune des caractristiques essentielles de son oeuvre. A partir de sa fascinationinitiale pour le potentiel mtamorphique et son infinit, le principe fondamental de Berio sestcristallis pas pas: tout ce qui a dj t crit peut tre rcrit. Le charisme mlodique de ses oeuvres composes la fin des annes 50 et au dbut des annes60 tmoigne de la facult de Berio de se servir de ces moyens, que ce soit travers la brillancenerveuse de la Sequenza I pour flte ou lintensit lyrique devenue entre-temps classique despices composes pour Cathy Berberian telles Circles ou la Sequenza III. De mme, la srieChemins su Sequenza nest pas seulement la manifestation dun work in progress inspir parJames Joyce, mais doit tre une obligation de considrer chaque oeuvre accomplie sous laspectlistening in progress.Mais les annes 60 ont vu lmergence des signes avant-coureurs dun refus de ngliger lesthmes centraux de la tradition musicale. Tandis que certains contemporains semblent strecontents de traiter lharmonie comme une simple sous-catgorie de la texture, Berio a fait dela dimension harmonique lun des points centraux de son idal musical. Lducation de sa propreoreille musicale ainsi que celle de ses auditeurs afin de sorienter au milieu de la jungle desharmonies reposait avant tout sur son intuition exceptionnellement vive, telle que dans laSequenza IV pour piano. Cette intuition sest cependant rapidement transforme en uneconception claire, tout dabord avec O King, ensuite dans de nombreuses oeuvres du dbut desannes 70: ce fut alors lexploration des consquences issues de projections harmoniques duneligne mlodique. Les fruits de ce patient processus dexploration ont pu tre rcolts dans lesoeuvres majeures des annes 80 et 90, o lharmonie saffirme aussi bien en tant que forceorganisatrice darrire-plan dans les compositions lyriques importantes telles La vera storia, Un rein ascolto et Outis, quen tant que facteur denrichissement dans la concision magistrale deloeuvre Sequenza XIII pour accordon.Bien que Luciano Berio ait joui la fin des annes 50 dune grande admiration pour sonexploration exubrante des ressources de la musique lectronique, sa vive empathie pour lesrisques et possibilits de la reprsentation live la continuellement amen prfrer cettedernire la recherche dsincarne de nouveaux sons. Mme si la communaut qui se credans une salle de concert lors dune reprsentation de qualit est fragile et temporaire, Berio acherch ltablir avec une dtermination singulire. Depuis les annes 60, Berio, habitantconvaincu du village global de McLuhan (dans lequel une salle de concert ou une station deradio pourrait se constituer en microcosme temporaire), a prn lengagement de la musique, nonseulement envers sa propre histoire, mais aussi envers les intrts humains qui, sans unepersvrance patiente et engage, pourraient trs facilement svanouir . Sa musique est unemusique qui refuse loubli.

    David Osmond-Smith

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    worklist by instrumentation

    Worklist by instrumentation

    Stage Worksa ronne Allez-hopIl Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda (Monteverdi)CompassCronaca del LuogoLa vera storiaLaborintus IINaturaleOperaOutisPassaggioPer la dolce memoria di quel giorno Un re in ascoltoTurandot (Puccini)Twice upon ...Vor, whrend, nach ZaideWir bauen eine Stadt (Hindemith)

    Vocal Worksa ronne AgnusAir Altra voceBallade von der sexuellen Hrigkeit (Weill)Beatles SongsCalmoCanticum novissimi testamenti4 Canzoni popolariChamber MusicChe dice la pioggerellina di marzo? (Ernesto Berio)CirclesIl Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda (Monteverdi)

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    worklist by instrumentation

    CoroCries of LondonE si fussi pisciE vEl mar la marEpiphaniesFolk Songs 5 Frhe Lieder (Mahler)6 Frhe Lieder (Mahler)Le Grand Lustucru (Weill)HrMagnificatO KingOfanmOpus Number ZooOtto Romanze (Verdi)Recital for CathySequenza IIIShofarSiete Canciones populares espaolas (de Falla)SinfoniaStanzeSurabaya Johnny (Weill)There is no tune

    OrchestraAccordoAllelujah IAllelujah IIContrapunctus XIX (Bach)BewegungChemins IIbContinuoDivertimentoEindrckeEkphrasisEncoreEntrataFanfaraFestumFormazioni

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    worklist by instrumentation

    LB.AM.LB.M.W.D.IS.LB NonesNotturnoQuatre ddicacesQuattro versioni originali (Boccherini)Re-CallRendering (Schubert/Berio)RequiesVariazione sullaria di PapagenoVariazioni

    Solo Instruments and Orchestra / EnsembleAlto saxophone RcitBasset horns (2) Variazione sullaria di PapagenoBass clarinet Chemins IIcFlute Serenata IFlute, violin, 2 pianos Tempi concertatiGuitar Chemins VHarp Chemins IClarinet or viola Brahms Opus 120 Nr. 1 Clarinet, viola AlternatimClarinet, violin, harp, celesta ConcertinoOboe Chemins IVPiano points on the curve to find ...Piano Concerto IIPianos (2) ConcertoSoprano saxophone Chemins IVTrombone SOLOTrumpet Kol odViola Chemins IIViola Chemins IIIViola VociViolin, 2 horns CoraleVioloncello Ritorno degli snovidenia

    Chamber MusicAutre foisCallDiffrencesDuetti per due Violini

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    worklist by instrumentation

    Due PezziGlosseKortLineaMemoryThe Modification and Instrumentation (Purcell)Musica LeggeraNaturaleNotturnoOpus Number ZooQuartettoRicorrenzeSincronieStudyTerre chaleureuseWasserklavier

    Solo InstrumentsAccordeon Sequenza XIIIAlto saxophone Sequenza IXBass clarinet Sequenza IXBassoon Sequenza XIIClarinet LiedClarinet Sequenza IXDoube bass PsyDoube bass Sequenza XIVFlute Sequenza IFlute Mozart CadenzeGuitar BrinGuitar Sequenza XIHarp Sequenza IIHarpsicord RoundsPiano 5 VariazioniPiano BrinPiano CanzonettaPiano ErdenklavierPiano FeuerklavierPiano LeafPiano LuftklavierPiano (4-hands) Maria Isabella (Adolfo Berio)Piano Petite Suite

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    worklist by instrumentation

    Piano RoundsPiano Sequenza IVPiano Six EncoresPiano SonataPiano (4-hands) TouchPiano WasserklavierOboe Sequenza VIIOrgan Fa SiSoprano saxophone Sequenza VIITreble recorder GestiTrombone Sequenza VTrumpet Gute NachtTrumpet Sequenza XViola Sequenza VIViolin Sequenza VIIIVioloncello Les mots sont alls ...Violoncello Sequenza XIV

    Electronic Musica ronneChants paralllesDiario immaginarioMomentiMutazioniPerspektivesThemaVisage

    Music for childrenOpus Number ZooTwice upon Wir bauen eine Stadt (Hindemith)

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    chronological worklist

    Chronological worklist

    194647 4 Canzoni popolari1947 Petite Suite1949 Magnificat1951 Due Pezzi1951/70 Concertino

    Opus Number Zoo1952 El mar la mar1952/85 Study195253 5 Variazioni195259 Allez-hop1952/55 Mimusique No 21953 Chamber Music

    Mimusique No 11954 Mutazioni


    1955 Mutazioni195655 Allelujah I

    PerspectivesQuartettoVariazione sullaria di Papageno

    195657 Allelujah II1957 Divertimento

    Serenata I1958 Sequenza I (flute)

    Thema195859 Diffrences195960 Tempi concertati195961 Epifanie (withdrawn, see Epiphanies 1991)1960 Circles

    Momenti1961 Visage196162 Passaggio1963 Esposizione (withdrawn)

    Sequenza II (harp)Traces (withdrawn)

    1964 Folk Songs (mezzo soprano and 7 instruments)

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    chronological worklist

    Sincronie1964/73 Folk Songs (mezzo soprano and orchestra)1965 Chemins I

    Laborintus IIRounds (harpsicord)Wasserklavier

    196567 Beatles Songs 196590 Six Encores1966 Il Combattimento (Monteverdi)

    GestiSequenza III (voice)Sequenza IV (piano)Sequenza V (trombone)

    1967 Beatles SongsChemins IIRounds (piano)Sequenza VI (viola)

    1968 O KingPrayer (withdrawn) Sinfonia

    1968/73 Chemins III1969 Air

    Erdenklavier MemoryThe Modification and Instrumentation (Purcell)Sequenza VII (oboe)

    196970 Opera (rev. 1977)1970 Air

    Chemins IIb1971 Agnus

    Autre foisORA (withdrawn)

    1971/84 Bewegung 1972 Amores (withdrawn)

    Bewegung II (withdrawn)Chemins IIcE vRecital for Cathy

    197273 Concerto1972/93 Ballade von der sexuellen Hrigkeit (Weill)

    Le Grand Lustucru (Weill)Surabaya Johnny (Weill)

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    chronological worklist

    1973 LineaStill (withdrawn)

    197374 Eindrcke1974 a ronne (5 actors)

    Musica LeggeraPer la dolce memoria di quel giornopoints on the curve to find ...

    197476 Cries of London1974/89 Calmo1975 a ronne (8 singers)

    Chants paralllesChemins IVDiario immaginario Fa Si Ritirata notturna di Madrid (Boccherini)

    197576 Coro1976 Sequenza VIII (violin)

    Les mots sont alls ... 197677 Ritorno degli snovidenia197780 La vera storia

    Siete Canciones populares espaolas1978/81 Encore197982 Un re in ascolto197983 Duetti per due violini1980 Entrata

    Sequenza IX (clarinet)Sequenza IX (alto saxophone)

    198081 Accordo1981 Corale1982 Fanfara1983 Lied198385 Requies1984 Sequenza X

    Voci1985 Luftklavier

    NaturaleTerre chaleureuse

    198587 Call Formazioni Ricorrenze

    1986 5 Frhe Lieder (Mahler)Gute Nacht

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    chronological worklist

    1987 6 Frhe Lieder (Mahler)Wir bauen eine Stadt (Hindemith)

    1988 LB.AM.LB.M.W.D.IS.LB Sequenza XI (guitar)

    198889 Concerto II198897 Ofanm1989 Festum


    198991 Canticum novissimi testamentiContinuo

    1990 Brahms Opus 120 Nr. 1 LeafRendering (Schubert)

    1991 Canzonetta TouchOtto Romanze (Verdi)Epiphanies

    1992 Chemins V1993 Notturno (string quartet)1993/95 Notturno (string orchestra)1994 Compass

    There is no tune Twice upon ...

    1995 HrRe-CallSequenza XIII (accordion)ShofarVor, whrend, nach Zaide

    199596 Outis1996 Ekphrasis

    Kol odRcit

    1997 AlternatimGlosseSequenza XII (bassoon)

    1998 Kort199899 Cronaca del Luogo1999 Altra voce19992000 SOLO2000 Interlinea (withdrawn)2001 Albumblatt (unpublished)

    Alois (withdrawn)

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    chronological worklist

    Contrapunctus XIX (Bach)Sonata Turandot (Puccini)

    2002 E si fussi pisciSequenza XIV (violoncello)

    2003 Stanze

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    catalogue of works

    Catalogue of works

    a ronne 1974a radiophonic documentary for five actors 32text: Edoardo Sanguinetitape (CD) on hire.For rehearsal or broadcast only. Not for live performance.

    a ronne 1974for 5 actors 32text: Edoardo Sanguinetipremire: 30/06/1974, Hilversum. KRO Radio performance score on hire

    a ronne 1975for 8 singers (2S, 2A, 2T, 2B) 30text: Edoardo Sanguinetipremire: 1975, Lige. Swingle Singers II choral score on hire

    Accordo 19801981for 4 wind bands 30basic instrumentation of each band: 2 1 3 0 - 2 2 3 3 perc(2) - sop.sax, alto sax, t.sax or bass cl, flhn(6). This instrumentation has to be multiplied ad lib., possibly with at least 400 playerspremire: 1980, Assisi.score and parts on hirefor sale: UE17712 (special order)

    Agnus 1971for 2 sopranos, 3 clarinets (and electric organ) 6language: Latinpremire: 1971, Indiana. Scheurer, Sambucofor sale: UE13755 scoreUE30538 set of parts

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    catalogue of works

    Air 1969from Opera for soprano and orchestra 7text: Alessandro Striggiolanguage: Englishpremire: 1971, Rovereto. Alide Maria Salvettascore and parts on hire for sale: UE13799 score

    Air 1970from Opera for soprano and 4 instruments 7text: Alessandro Striggiolanguage: Englishpremire: 1971, Rovereto. Alide Maria Salvettafor sale: UE14986 scoreUE14987 set of parts

    Allelujah I 1955for orchestra 930premire: 29/04/1957, Cologne. Michael GielenEdizioni Suvini Zerboni

    Allelujah II 19561957for orchestra 19premire: 17/05/1958, Rome. Bruno Maderna and Luciano Berio Edizioni Suvini Zerboni

    Allez-hop 19521959Racconto mimico for mezzo-soprano, 8 actors, ballet and orchestra 28text: Italo Calvinopremire: 23/09/1959, Venice, N. Sanzogno Edizioni Suvini Zerboni

    Alternatim 1997for clarinet, viola and orchestra 304 1 5 1 - 1 2 1 1 - sop.sax, alto sax, strpremire: 16/05/1997, Amsterdam. Paul Meyer (cl), Christophe Desjardins (vla),Concertgebouw Orkest, Luciano Berioscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE31439 study score (special order)

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    Altra voce 1999for alto flute, mezzo-soprano and live electronics 1012text: Talia Pecker Beriolanguage: Italianpremire: 22/08/1999, Salzburg. Michele Marasco (fl), Monica Bacelli (mezzo-soprano),Thierry Coduys (electronics) study score and performance score on hirefor sale: UE33146 study score (special order)

    Autre fois 1971Berceuse canonique pour Igor Stravinskyfor flute, clarinet and harp 1premire: 1971, Venice. for sale: UE18701 score and parts

    Ballade von der sexuellen Hrigkeit Song of Sexual Slavery 1967/1972from Die Dreigroschenoper (The Threepenny Opera) by Kurt Weill (1928) arranged for alto (low) and ensemble (original key) 3text: Bertolt Brecht, language: German (translations available)cl, bass cl, acc, vib, vln, vla, vc, cbpremire: 1967, Venice. Cathy Berberianscore and parts on hire

    Ballade von der sexuellen Hrigkeit Song of Sexual Slavery 1972/1993from Die Dreigroschenoper (The Threepenny Opera) by Kurt Weill (1928) arranged for alto (high) and ensemble (transposed) 3text: Bertolt Brecht, language: German (translations available)cl, bass cl, acc, vib, vln, vla, vc, cbpremire: 1967, Venice. Cathy Berberianscore and parts on hire

    Beatles Songs 1967by John Lennon and Paul McCartney (1965)arranged for voice and instruments 8language: English, FrenchMichelle I for voice and 3 instruments (fl(2), hpsd or fl, ob, hpsd) (2)Michelle II for voice and 7 instruments (alternative arrangement) (fl, cl, hp, vln, vla, vc, cb) (2)Michelle II for voice and 7 instruments (transposed version) (fl, cl, hp, vln, vla, vc, cb) (2)Ticket to Ride for voice and 8 instruments (fl, ob, tpt, hpsd, vln, vla, vc, cb) (2)Yesterday for voice and 3 instruments (fl, hpsd, vc) (2)score and parts on hire

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    Berio Family Album 1975Adolfo Berio (1847-1942): Maria Isabella (Waltz for piano for 4 hands) Ernesto Berio (1883-1966): Che dice la pioggerellina di marzo? (for female voice or femalechoir unisono and piano) Luciano Berio: Petite Suite for piano (1947)for sale: UE15950 digital download available

    Bewegung 1971/1984for orchestra 143 3 3 3 - 4 4 3 1 - perc(3), hp, pno,, alto sax, t.sax, strpremire: 1971, Glasgow, Scottish National Orchestra, Luciano Berio; premire revised version: 26/10/1984, Basel. Basler Sinfonieorchester, Luciano Berioscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE31495 study score (special order)

    Brin 1990for piano 130for sale: UE33013 Six Encoresdigital download availablesee also Six Encores

    Brin 1990for guitar 130arrangement: Bruce Charles (1994)for sale: UE30302

    Call 1985/1987for 5 brass instruments 4tpt(2), hn, tbn, bass tubapremire first version St. Louis Fanfare: 31/07/1985, St. Louis. Nashville Contemporary BrassQuintetpremire revised version Call: 31/03/1987, New York.score and parts on hireCall is a short musical ceremony; a call to the audience; an invitation to listen before the feast begins. (Berio)

    Calmo 1974/1989(in memoriam Bruno Maderna)for mezzo-soprano and 22 instruments 20text sources: Homer, Edoardo Sanguineti, Saadi, Cantico dei Canticilanguage: Italian2 0 4 1 - 1 2 1 0 - perc, hp, alto sax, vla(3), vc(3), cb(2)

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    premire: 25/03/1974, Milan. Paoletti, Luciano Berio; premire revised version: 16/10/1990, Paris. Slavka Taskova, Ensemble Intercontemporain,Pierre Boulezscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE19478 score (special order)UE31270 study score (special order)

    7 Canciones populares espaolas see Siete Canciones populares espaolas

    Canticum novissimi testamenti 19891991Ballata for 4 clarinets, saxophone quartet and 8 voices (2S, 2A, 2T, 2B) 18cl(Eb), 2 cl, bass cl, sop.sax, alto sax, t.sax, bar.saxsource text: Novissimum Testamentum by Edoardo Sanguinetilanguage: Italianpremire: 18/12/1989, Paris. Raschr Saxophone Quartet, London Voices, EnsembleIntercontemporain, Pierre Boulezscore and set of parts on hirefor sale: UE31269 study score

    Canzonetta 1991for piano (4-hands) 1in preparation

    4 Canzoni popolari 19461947for female voice and piano 12Dolce cominciamento (1946, revised 1973, text: anonimo siciliano) La donna ideale (ignoto genovese) Avendo gran disio (Jacopo da Lentini) Ballo (ignoto siciliano)language: Italianpremire: 1952, Milan. Cathy Berberian, Luciano Beriofor sale: UE15947

    Chamber Music 1953for female voice and instruments 830source text: poems by James Joycepremire: 1953, Milan. Cathy BerberianEdizioni Suvini Zerboni

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    Chants parallles 1975for electronic sounds on tape 15 premire: 07/04/1975, Paris ORTFno score available, tape (CD) on hire

    Chemins I 1965 (on Sequenza II)for harp and orchestra 123 3 3 3 - 4 4 3 1 - hp(2), cel, hpsd, pno, str(8 vln.A, 8 vln.B, 8 vln.C, 8 vla, 8 vc, 8 cb)premire: 1965, Donaueschingen. Francis Pierre, Sdwestfunk Orchester, Ernest Bourscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE13720 study score

    Chemins II 1967 (on Sequenza VI)for viola and 9 instruments 12fl, cl, tbn, perc(2), hp,, vla, vcpremire: 1968, Milan. Walter Trampler, Juilliard Ensemble, Luciano Berioparts on hirefor sale: UE13740 score

    Chemins IIb 1970for orchestra 112 1 2 2 - 2 3 2 1 - perc(3), pno,, alto sax, t.sax, e.guit, vln(1), vla(6), vc(4), cb(3)premire: 25/04/1970, Berlin, Ensemble Musique Vivante, Diego Massonscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE14948 score

    Chemins IIc 1972for bass clarinet and orchestra 112 1 2 2 - 2 3 2 1 - perc(3), pno,, alto sax, t.sax, e.guit, vln(1), vla(6), vc(4), cb(3)premire: 1972, Rotterdam. Harry Sparnaay, Luciano Berioscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE14948 scoreThe bass clarinet solo is ad lib. without it, the work is Chemins IIb .

    Chemins III 1968/1973 (on Chemins II)for viola and orchestra 154 0 4 3 - 4 4 3 1 - perc(4), hp(2), cel,, strpremire: 1968, Paris. Walter Trampler, Ensemble Musique Vivante, OrchestrePhilharmonique de lORTF, Luciano Berioscore and parts on hirefor sale:UE16654 score (special order)UE33687 study score (special order)

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    Chemins IV 1975 (on Sequenza VII)for oboe and 11 strings 10vln(3), vla(3), vc(3), cb(2)premire: 17/10/1975, London. Heinz Holliger, London Sinfonietta, Luciano Berioscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE31268 study score

    Chemins IV 1975/2000 (on Sequenza VII)for soprano saxophone and 11 strings 10vln(3), vla(3), vc(3), cb(2)premire: 17/10/1975, London. Heinz Holliger, London Sinfonietta, Luciano Berioscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE31268 study score

    Chemins V 1992 (on Sequenza XI)for guitar and chamber orchestra 203 0 2 1 - 1 2 1 0 - mar, hp(2), acc, t.sax, vln(12), vla(8), vc(4), cb(3)premire: 23/09/1992, Bonn. Eliot Fisk, Orchester der Beethovenhalle, Luciano Berioscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE32542 score (special order)UE31955 study score (special order)

    Chemins VI see Kol od

    Chemins VIIsee Rcit

    Circles 1960for female voice, harp and 2 percussion players 20 source text: poems by e. e. cummings, language: Englishpremire: 01/08/1960, Tanglewood. Cathy Berberian and members of the Boston Symphony Orchestraperformance scores on hire

    Il Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda 1966by Claudio Monteverdi (1624)arranged for soprano, tenor, baritone, harpsichord and strings 25text: Torquato Tasso, roles: Clorinda soprano, Tancredi baritone, Testo tenor hpsd, vla(3), vc, cb (the strings can also be doubled, trebled etc.)premire: 1966, New York. Titus, Mandac, Luciano Berio

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    score and parts on hirefor sale: UE13727 score

    Compass 1994Recital for piano and orchestra 454 3 4 3 - 3 3 3 1 - timp, perc(2), hp, cel, alto sax, t.sax, strpremire: 12/03/1995, Zurich Opera. Folco Vichi (pno), Manfred Honeck (cond.), Bernd R. Bienert (choreography)score and parts on hire

    Concertino 1951/1970for clarinet, violin, harp, celesta and strings 11premire: 1950, Milan. Borisov, Orchester des Konservatoriums, Luciano Berio; premire revised version: 1970 St. Paul, Minnesota. Stanislaw Skrowaczewskiscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE14979 study score

    Concerto 19721973for 2 pianos and orchestra 253 3 4 4 - 2 3 3 1 - perc(3), pno,, alto sax, t.sax, str premire: 15/03/1973, New York. Bruno Canino und Antonio Ballista, New York Philharmonic,Pierre Boulezscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE15783 piano reduction (= 2 pianos and piano reduction)

    Concerto II 19881989 (echoing curves)for piano and 2 instrumental groups 25group A: 3 2 4 3 - 2 2 2 1 - t.sax, cel, vla(3), vc(3), cb(3); group B: 1 1 1 0 - 3 2 1 0 - alto sax,, vln(20), vla(6), vc(4), cb(4)premire: 03/11/1988, Paris. Daniel Barenboim, Pierre Boulezscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE30692 scoreUE19117 solo part

    Continuo 19891991for orchestra 204 3 5 3 - 6 4 4 2 - mar, vib, hp(2), cel, pno,, t.sax, alto sax, str(at least 12 12 12 10 8)premire: 30/10/1989, London. Philharmonia Orchestra, Luciano Berioscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE19899 (special order)

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    Contrapunctus XIX 2001from The Art of Fugue by Johann Sebastian Bach transcribed for 23 players 84 2 3 1 - 2 2 1 0 - hp, alto sax, t.sax, str(1 0 2 1 1)premire: 31/05/2001, Spoleto. European Orchestra of Teatro Lirico Sperimentale, Marcello Bufaliniscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE32498 score (special order)

    Corale 1981 (on Sequenza VIII)for violin, 2 horns and strings (at least 6 6 4 4 3) 15premire: 17/01/1982, Zurich. Carlo Chiarappa, Collegium Musicum Zrich, Paul Sacherscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE17545 score

    Coro 19751976for 40 voices and instruments 60source texts: lyrics from different cultures; poems from Residencia en la tierra by Pablo Neruda choir: 10S, 10A, 10T, 10B4 2 4 3 - 3 4 3 1 - perc(2), pno,, alto sax, t.sax, vln(3), vla(4), vc(4), cb(3)premire: 24/10/1976, Donaueschingen. WDR Rundfunkchor Kln, WDR RundfunkorchesterKln, Luciano Berio; premire revised version: 16/10/1977, Graz. ORF Chor und SO, Leif Segerstamscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE15044 score

    Cries of London 19741976for 8 voices (2S, 2A, 2T, 2B) 12text source: English street cries, language: Englishpremire: 1975 (preliminary version for 6 voices), Edinburgh. Kings Singers premire revised version: 1977, La Rochelle. Swingle Singersfor sale: UE16828 score

    Cronaca del Luogo 19981999Azione musicale 90text: Talia Pecker Beriopremire: 24/07/1999, Salzburg Festival. Sylvain Camberling; Claus Guth (stage direction);Cast: Hildegard Behrens, Frode Olsen, Matthias Klink, David Moss, Monica Bacelli, UrbanMalmberg; Arnold Schnberg Chor and Tlzer Knabenchor; Orchestral soloists: GabrieleCassone, Christian Lindberg, Michele Marasco, Ernesto Molinari, David Moss, Igor Polesitsky,Georg Schulz, Folco Vichi; Klangforum Wien and Tempo RealeCasa Ricordi, Milan

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    4 Ddicaces see Quatre ddicaces

    Diario immaginario 1975Radio opera 31 source text: after Moliretext editor: Vittorio Sermonti, Luigi Diemozpremire: 1975, Florence. Cathy Berberian, Orchestra Sinfonica della RAI, Luciano Berionot available as a score; tape available for radio broadcast only.

    Diffrences 19581959for 5 instruments and tape 17fl, cl, hp, vla, vcpremire: 1959, Paris, Pierre Boulezscore, parts and tape (CD) on hire

    Divertimento 1957in collaboration with Bruno Madernafor orchestra 12premire: 02/12/1957, Rome. Bruno MadernaEdizioni Suvini Zerboni

    Divertimento fr Mozart for string trio (vln, vla, vc) 5Casa Ricordi, Milan, RCA Edizioni musicali

    Divertimento see Variazione sullaria di Papageno

    Due pezzi 1951for violin and piano 8premire: 1951, Tanglewood. Lorin Maazel, Seymour LipkinEdizioni Suvini Zerboni

    Duetti per due Violini 19791983for 2 violins 70Bla (Bartk) Shlomit (Almog) Yossi (Pecker) Rodion (Schedrin) Maja (Pliseckaja) Bruno (Maderna) Camilla (Adami) Peppino (Di Giugno) Marcello (Panni) GiorgioFrederico (Ghedini) Valerio (Adami) Daniela (Rabinovitch) Jeanne (Panni) Pierre(Boulez) Tatjana (Globokar) Rivi (Pecker) Leonardo (Pinzauti) Piero (Farulli) Annie(Neuburger) Edoardo (Sanguineti) Fiamma (Nicolodi) Vinko (Globokar) Franco (Gulli) Aldo (Bennici) Carlo (Chiarappa) Henri (Pousseur) Alfredo (Fiorenzani)

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    Igor (Stravinsky) Alfred (Schlee) Massimo (Mila) Mauricio (Kagel) Maurice (Fleuret) Lorin (Maazel) Lele (dAmico)premire (of all 34 pieces): 1984, Los Angeles; for sale: UE17757 performance score

    Duetti 19791983Selected easy duos for 2 violins 8 Bla (Bartk) Shlomit (Almog) Rodion (Schedrin) Camilla (Adami) Daniela(Rabinovitch) Marcello (Panni) Valerio (Adami) Igor (Stravinsky) Annie(Neuburger) Henri (Pousseur)for sale: UE17581 performance score

    Duetti 19791983arrangement for 2 guitars: Eugenia Kanthou (1987) 5 edited by Karl ScheitIgor (Stravinsky) Bla (Bartk) Henri (Pousseur) Annie (Neuburger) Aldo (Bennici) Camilla (Adami) for sale: UE16728 performance score

    E si fussi pisci 2002Sicilian love song for mixed choir a cappella 2language: Italianchoir: SATBpremire: 05/10/2002, Siena (Umberto Eco honorary doctor ceremony). Coro dellAteneo,Fabio Lombardofor sale: UE32803 choral score

    E v 1972Sicilian Lullaby from Opera for soprano and instruments 4language: Italian1 1 3 0 - 0 1 1 0 - perc, pno,, vln(1), vla(1), vc(1), cb(1)premire: 10/09/1972, Arco. Alide Maria Salvetta, London Sinfonietta, Luciano Berioscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE31494 score (special order)

    Eindrcke 19731974for orchestra 113 3 4 3 - 4 4 3 1 - perc(3), hp, pno,, alto sax, t.sax, str(12 12 10 8 6)premire: 18/06/1974, Zurich, Tonhalle Orchester, Erich Leinsdorfscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE33312 study score (special order)

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    Ekphrasis 1996 (Continuo II)for orchestra 204 2 5 3 - 6 4 4 2 - mar, hp, cel, acc, pno, sop.sax, alto sax, t.sax, str(12 12 12 10 8)premire: 24/01/1997, Las Palmas, RSO Frankfurt, Luciano Berioscore and parts on hirefor sale:UE30996 score (special order)UE30998 study score (special order)

    El mar la mar 1952/1969for soprano, mezzo-soprano and 7 instruments 12text: Rafael Albertilanguage: Spanishfl, cl(2), hp, acc, vc, cbpremire original version: 1953, Milan;premire revised version: 1969, Royan. Cathy Berberian, Reri Grist, Juilliard Ensemble,Luciano Berioset of parts on hirefor sale: UE13752 score

    Encore 1978/1981for orchestra 54 3 4 3 - 3 3 3 1 - timp, perc(2), hp, cel, pno, alto sax, t.sax, strpremire: 17/06/1978, Rotterdam, David Zinmanscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE33018 study score (special order)see also Quatre ddicaces

    6 Encores see Six Encores

    Entrata 1980for orchestra 3 4 3 4 3 - 3 3 3 1 - timp, perc(3), hp, pno, strpremire: 01/10/1980, San Francisco, San Francisco SO, Edo de Waartscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE33019 study score (special order)see also Quatre ddicaces

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    Epiphanies * 1991for female voice and orchestra 30text sources: Bertolt Brecht; James Joyce; Antonio Machado; Marcel Proust; Edoardo Sanguineti; Claude Simonsolo: soprano or mezzo-soprano4 3 4 3 - 4 4 4 1 - perc(6), hp(2), cel, vln.A(8), vln.B(8), vln.C(8), vla(8), vc(8), cb(6)premire: 22/04/1993, Philadelphia. Charlotte Hellekant, Philadelphia Orchestra, L. Berioscore and parts on hire* Epifanie for female voice and orchestra (19591961/1965) was withdrawn by the composer.

    Erdenklavier 1969Pastorale for piano 2premire: 1970, Bergamo. Antonio Ballistafor sale: UE33013 in Six Encoresdigital download available see Six Encores

    Fa Si 1975for organ (with registration assistants) 6premire: 1975, Roveretofor sale: UE16827

    Fanfara 1982for orchestra 24 3 4 3 - 4 4 3 1 - timp, perc(2), cel, t.sax, vla, vc, cbpremire: 05/10/1982, Venice. Orchestra Sinfonica della RAI, Roma score and parts on hirefor sale: UE33016 study score (special order)see also Quatre ddicaces

    Festum 1989for orchestra 24 3 4 3 - 6 5 3 1 - timp, perc(3),, alto sax, t.sax, strpremire: 14/09/1989, Dallas, Dallas SO, E. Matascore and parts on hirefor sale: UE33017 study score (special order)see also Quatre ddicaces

    Feuerklavier 1989for piano 2premire: 1989, New York. Peter Serkinfor sale: UE33013 in Six Encores digital download availablesee also Six Encores

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    Folk Songs 1964for mezzo-soprano and 7 instruments 231 Black is the colour (USA) 2 I wonder as I wander (USA) 3 Loosin yelav (Armenia) 4 Rossignolet du bois (France) 5 A la femminisca (Sicily)6 La donna ideale (Italy)7 Ballo (Italy)8 Motettu de Tristura (Sardinia)9 Malorous quo un fenno (Auvergne [France])10 Lo fiolaire (Auvergne [France])11 Azerbaijan love song (Aserbaijan)language: English, Armenian, French, Italian, Azerifl, cl, perc(2), hp(or guit), vla(1), vc(1)premire: 1964, Oakland, CA. Cathy Berberian, Luciano Berioscore and set of parts on hirefor sale: UE13717 score UE34112 study score (in preparation)digital download available

    Folk Songs 1964/1973for mezzo-soprano and orchestra 231 Black is the colour (USA) 2 I wonder as I wander (USA) 3 Loosin yelav (Armenia) 4 Rossignolet du bois (France) 5 A la femminisca (Sicily)6 La donna ideale (Italy)7 Ballo (Italy)8 Motettu de Tristura (Sardinia)9 Malorous quo un fenno (Auvergne [France])10 Lo fiolaire (Auvergne [France])11 Azerbaijan love song (Aserbaijan)language: English, Armenian, French, Italian, Azeri2 1 3 1 - 1 1 1 0 - perc(2), hp, strpremire: 1973, Zurich. Cathy Berberian, Collegium Musicum Zrich, Luciano Berioscore and parts on hirefor sale: PH544 pocket score UE13763 score (special order)

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    Formazioni 19851987for orchestra 204 3 5 3 - 6 4 4 2 - perc(3), hp(2), cel, alto sax, t.sax, str(12 12 12 10 8)premire: 15/01/1987, Amsterdam. Concertgebouw Orkest, Riccardo Chaillyscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE31516 study score

    5 Frhe Lieder 1986for voice and piano by Gustav Mahler (before 1892)transcribed for baritone and orchestra 13Ablsung im Sommer (from Des Knaben Wunderhorn) Zu Straburg auf der Schanz (fromDes Knaben Wunderhorn) Nicht wiedersehen! (from Des Knaben Wunderhorn) Umschlimme Kinder artig zu machen (from Des Knaben Wunderhorn) Erinnerung(R. Leander)language: German2 2 3 3 - 3 2 1 1 - timp, perc, hp, strpremire: 20/06/1986, Toblach. Thomas Hampson, Orchestra Haydn, Hermann Michaelscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE18651 score

    6 Frhe Lieder 1987for voice and piano by Gustav Mahler (before 1892)transcribed for baritone and orchestra 22Hans und Grete (from Des Knaben Wunderhorn) Ich ging mit Lust durch einen grnenWald (from Des Knaben Wunderhorn) Frhlingsmorgen (R. Leander) Phantasie (Tirso deMolina, from Don Juan) Scheiden und Meiden (from Des Knaben Wunderhorn) Erinnerung (R. Leander)language: German3 3 4 3 - 4 4 3 1 - timp, perc(2), hp, cel, strpremire: 07/12/1987, Reggio Emilia. Thomas Hampson, Orchestra Sinfonica dellEmiliaRomagna Arturo Toscanini, Luciano Berioscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE18307 score

    Gesti 1966for treble recorder 7premire: 1966, Amsterdam. Frans Brggenfor sale: UE15627

    Glosse 1997for string quartet 6 premire: 22/06/1997, Reggio Emilia. Quartett Lotus

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    for sale:PH546 pocket score UE30442 set of parts

    Le Grand Lustucru 1972from Marie Galante by Kurt Weill (1934)arranged for mezzo-soprano and ensemble (original key) 3text: Jacques Dvallanguage: German2 1 3 1 - 0 1 0 0 - perc, vln, vla, vc, cbpremire: 1967, Venice. Cathy Berberianscore and parts on hire

    Le Grand Lustucru 1972/1993from Marie Galante by Kurt Weill (1934)arranged for alto and ensemble (transposed) 3text: Jacques Dvallanguage: German2 1 3 1 - 0 1 0 0 - perc, vln, vla, vc, cbscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE30715 score (special order)

    Gute Nacht 1986for trumpet 1for sale: UE19060 in Fanfares New Trumpet Pieces for Young Players

    Hr 1995Prologue from Requiem der Vershnungfor choir and orchestra 5source text: Die Posaunenstelle by Paul Celanlanguage: Germanchoir: SATB4 2 5 2 - 3 4 3 1 - perc(2), hp, cel, acc, pno,, alto sax, t.sax, strpremire: 15/08/1995, Stuttgart. Krakauer Kammerchor, Gchinger Kantorei Stuttgart, IsraelPhilharmonic Orchestra, Helmuth Rilling score and parts on hireonly to be performed as part of the complete Requiem der Vershnung

    Il Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda see Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda

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    Kol od 1996 (Chemins VI)*for trumpet and chamber orchestra 20 3 1 4 1 - 2 2 1 1 - cel, acc, sop.sax, alto sax, vln(4), vla(3), vc(3), cb(2)premire: 27/04/1996, Basel. Gabriele Cassone, Ensemble Intercontemporain, Pierre Boulezscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE30946 study score * on Sequenza X

    Kort 1998for 8 violoncellos 8premire: 11/05/1998, Beauvais. Octuor de Violoncelles de Beauvaisscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE31339 score (special order)

    La vera storia 19771980Azione musicale in due parti 120text: Italo Calvino, Luciano Beriolanguage: Italian (translations available in German and English) roles: Leonora soprano, Luca tenor, Ada mezzo-soprano, Ivo baritone, Comandante baritone, Il Condannato bass, Ugo tenor, Prete tenor, Storyteller (at least 2), 3 actors aspassers-by, passer-by soprano, vocal ensemble (2 2 2 2), 3 voices in the street, mimes,dancers, acrobatschoir: SATB (at least 60 singers)4 3 4 3 - 3 3 3 1 - perc(3), hp, keyb, pno(2), alto sax, t.sax, str; stage music: acc, bells, vln (solo),pianola, guit, bass guit; banda: 3 0 3 0 - 3 3 2 1 - perc, alto sax, t.sax,, barpremire: 09/03/1982, Milan. Oslavio di Credico, Giancarlo Luccardi, Daisy Lumini,Alexandrina Milcheva, Milva, Mariana Nicolescu, Alberto Noli, Roeloff Oostwoud, GabriellaRavazzi; New Single Singers, Coro del Teatro alla Scala, Filarmonica della Scala, LucianoBerio; Maurizio Scaparro (stage director)score and parts on hirefor sale:UE30242 study score, Italian (special order)UE34180 study score, German (special order)UE34179 study score, English (special order)

    Laborintus II 1965for voices, instruments and tape 35text: Edoardo Sanguineti, language: Italian, English, LatinSpeaker: Italian or English (translation by David Osmond Smith)roles: 3 female voices, 1 speakerchoir: 8 actors 1 0 3 0 - 0 3 3 0 - perc(2), hp(2), vc(2), cb(1)

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    premire: 26/09/1965, Paris. ORTF, Luciano Berioscore, parts and tape (CD) on hirefor sale: UE13792 score

    LB.AM.LB.M.W.D.IS.LB 1988(dedicated to Leonard Bernstein for his 70th birthday)for orchestra 135 3 3 4 3 - 4 4 3 1 - timp, perc(2), hp, cel, alto sax, strscore and parts on hire

    Le Grand Lustucru see Grand Lustucru

    Leaf 1990for piano 2premire: 06/05/1990, London. Paul Crossleyfor sale: UE33013 Six Encoresdigital download availablesee also Six Encores

    Les mots sont alls ... 1976/1979(Recitativo pour cello seul) for violoncello 3 premire: 02/05/1976, Zurich. Mstislav Rostropovichfor sale: UE18399

    Lied 1983for clarinet 4premire: 1983, Steven Kanofffor sale: UE17812

    Linea 1973for 2 pianos, vibraphone and marimba 15premire: 08/02/1974, Grenoble. Katja und Marielle Labque, Jean-Pierre Drouet, Silvio Gualdafor sale: UE15991 score

    Luftklavier 1985for piano 2premire: 1985, Florence. P. Nardifor sale: UE33013 Six Encoresdigital download availablesee also Six Encores

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    Magnificat 1949for 2 sopranos, mixed choir, 2 pianos and instruments 13(fl, ob, 2 cl, 2 cor, 2 trp, 2 trb, cb, perc) premire: 1971, Turin.Belwin Mills Publishing

    El mar la mar see El mar la mar

    Memory 1969for 2 pianos 13[revised for electric piano and electric harpsichord (1973)] premire: 1972, New York. Peter Serkin, Luciano Berifor sale: UE33314 performance score (special order)

    The Modification and Instrumentation of a Famous Hornpipe as a Merryand Altogether Sincere Homage to Uncle Alfred 1969

    A hornpipe by Henry Purcell (1659-1695) transcribed for 6 instruments 1fl(ob), cl, perc, hpsd, vla, vcpremire: 22/04/1969, London. Pierrot Playersscore and parts on hire

    Momenti 1960for electronic sounds on tape 7premire: 1960, Hamburg.tape (CD) on hire

    Les mots sont alls ... see Les mots sont alls ...

    Mozart Cadenzefor Mozart Flute concerto No. 2 K.314to be performed as solo pieces or as cadenzas (4) in the Mozart Flute concerto No. 2 K.314in preparation

    Musica Leggera 1974for flute, viola, violoncello and tambourine 5 for sale: UE32745 score and parts

    Mutazioni 1955for electronic sounds on tape 330premire: 1956, Milan.Edizioni Suvini Zerboni

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    Naturale 1985(su melodie siciliane) for viola, percussion and recorded voice 20premire: 1985, Taormina. Aldo Bennici, vla; Ater Ballettoperformance score and tape (CD) on hirefor sale: UE32634 study score (special order)

    Nones 1954for orchestra 10Edizioni Suvini Zerboni

    Notturno 1993 (Quartetto III)for string quartet 26premire: 31/01/1994, Vienna. Alban Berg Quartettfor sale:UE30134 score UE30135 set of parts

    Notturno 1993/1995for string orchestra 26premire: 26/08/1995, Luzern. Accademia Bizantina, Gnter Pichlerscore and parts on hire arrangement of Notturno (Quartetto III)

    O King 1968for mezzo-soprano and 5 players 5 text: O Martin Luther Kingpremire: 04/05/1968, Bowdoin College, Maine. Aeolian Chamber Playersfor sale:UE13781 score UE13782 set of parts

    Ofanim 19881997for 2 childrens choirs, 2 instrumental groups, female voice and live-electronics 30source text: the book of Ezekiel (1, 19) and Song of Songs (4, 5), language: Hebrew6 0 4 0 - 2 4 2 0 - perc(2), midi-keybpremire: 25/06/1988 Prato, inauguration Museo darte contemporanea. Esti Kenan,Finchley Childrens Music Group, Musicus Concenticus, Luciano Beriopremire first revised version (in memoriam Rivi Pecker): 11/11/1992, Jerusalem, dedication ofThe Supreme Court Building. Esti Kenan-Ofri, Ankor Childrens Choir, Tempo Reale,Jerusalem Symphony Orcehstra, David Shalonscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE32632 study score (special order)

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    Opera 19691970/1977in tre atti 90text: Luciano Berio, Italian version by Luciano Berio and Vittoria Ottolenghilanguage: English, Italian, French, Germanroles: 13 actors, 2 sopranos, 1 tenor, 1 baritonechoir: vocal ensemble 2 2 2 2 / children2 2 3 2 - 3 3 3 1 - perc(5), pno(2),, alto sax, t.sax, e.guit, vln(12), vla(10), vc(10), cb(8) - on stage: fl, cl, perc, pno, vln(1), vc(1), cb(1)premire: 12/08/1970, Santa Fe. Open Theatre Ensemble, Emily Tracy, Barbara Shuttleworth,Douglas Perry, Richard Lombardi, Dennis Russell Davies; premire revised version: 27/05/1977, Florence. Anastasia Tomaszewska Schepis, Alide MariaSalvetta, Swingle Singers II, Bruno Bartoletti (conductor), Giovanni L. Radice (stage director)score and parts on hirefor sale: UE16655 score (special order)

    Opus 120 No. 1 1990Johannes Brahms Sonata for clarinet (or viola) and piano opus 120 no. 1 (1894) transcribed for clarinet (or viola) and orchestra 252 2 2 3 - 3 2 1 0 - timp, strpremire: 06/11/1986, Los Angeles. Zukovsky, Los Angeles Philharmoniscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE18868 study score

    Opus Number Zoo 1951/1970Childrens play for wind quintet 7 text: Rhoda Levine1. Barn Dance Tanz in der Scheune Ballo Campestre 2. The Fawn Das Pferd Il Cavallo 3. The Grey Mouse Die Maus Il Topo4. Tom Cats Die Kater I Gattaccilanguage: English or German (transl. by Friedl Hofbauer) or Italian (transl. by VittoriaOttolenghi). The text is recited by the musicians.fl, ob, cl, bsn, hnpremire: 1952, Milan. premire revised version: 1971, New York. Dorian Quartetfor sale:UE15637 score UE31262 set of parts

    Otto Romanze 1991by Giuseppe Verdi transcribed for tenor and orchestra 25

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    In solitaria stanza (Jacopo Vittorelli) Il poveretto (S. M. Maggioni) Il mistero (FeliceRomani) Lesule (Temistocle Solera) Deh, pietoso, oh addolorata (J. W. v. Goethe, transl. by Luigi Balestra) Il tramonto (Andrea Maffei) Ad una stella (Andrea Maffei) Brindisi(Andrea Maffei)2 2 2 2 - 2 2 2 1 - timp, perc, hp, strpremire: 27/09/1990, Padova. Jos Carreras, English Chamber Orchestra, Luciano Berioscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE19915 score

    Outis 19951996Azione musicale in due parti 115text: Dario Del Corno and Luciano Beriopremire: 04/10/1996, Milan. Tatiana Poluektova, Alan Opie, Luisa Castellani, Luca Canonici,Monica Bacelli, Yelda Kodally, Elena Brilova, Dominique Visse, Roy Stevens, Donald Maxwell,Peter Hall, Paolo Calabresi etc.; groupe vocal - Swingle Singers; instrumentistes en scne -Folco Vichi, Massimiliano Murrali, Michele Lomuto, Aldo Bennici, Claudio Jacomucci;Orchestra e Coro del Teatro alla Scala, Tempo Reale, David RobertsonCasa Ricordi, Milan

    Passaggio 19611962Messa in scena di Luciano Berio e Edoardo Sanguineti 35language: Italian, (translations in English, German, and French available) soprano (solo), choir: 2 SATB (choir A in the orchestra, choir B in 5 groups, spread in the hall)2 0 3 2 - 1 2 2 1 - perc(5), hp, harm, alto sax, t.sax, e.guit, vla(1), vc(1), cb(1)premire: 06/05/1963, Milan. Giuliana Tavolaccini (soprano), Kammersprechchor Zrich,Coro del Teatro alla Scala, Luciano Berio, Virginio Puecher (stage director)score and parts on hirefor sale:UE13700 score (Italian)UE13702 text book (Italian)UE34338 study score, Italian (special order)UE34339 study score, English (special order)UE34340 study score, German (special order)UE34341 study score, French (special order)

    Per la dolce memoria di quel giorno 1974Ballet after Petrarcas I Trionfi 80premire: 09/07/1974, Florence. Ballet du XXe sicle; choreography: Maurice Bjarttape (CD) on hire (no score)

    Perspectives 1956for electronic sounds on tape 7

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    premire: 1957, Milan.Edizioni Suvini Zerboni

    Petite Suite 1947for piano 20Prlude Petit Air I Gavotte Petit Air II Giguepremire: 1948, Como.for sale: UE15950 in Berio Family Album

    2 Pezzi see Due Pezzi

    points on the curve to find ... 1974for piano and 22 instruments 163 2 3 2 - 2 2 1 1 - cel, alto sax, vla(1), vc(2), cb(1)premire: 20/10/1974, Donaueschingen. Anthony di Bonaventura, SWF-Sinfonieorchester,Ernest Bourscore and parts on hirefor sale:UE15906 scoreUE15895 solo part

    Psy 1989for double bass 2premire: 1989, Parma.for sale: UE30272

    Quartetto 1956for string quartet 7premire: 12/05/1959, Vienna. Quartett Die ReiheEdizioni Suvini Zerboni

    Quatre ddicaces 19781989The title given by Pierre Boulez in 2007 to this group of four previously independent worksfor orchestra 12 Fanfara (230) Entrata (430) Festum (230) Encore (330)4 3 4 3 - 6 5 3 1 - timp, perc(3), hp, cel, pno,, alto sax, t.sax, strpremire: 31/01/2008, Chicago. Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Pierre Boulezscore and parts on hire

    Quattro Canzoni popolari see Canzoni popolari

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    Quattro versioni originali della Ritirata Notturna di Madrid di L. Boccherini superimposed and transcribed for orchestra (1975) 83 3 3 3 - 4 4 3 1 - timp, perc(3), hp, strpremire: 17/06/1975, Milan. Filarmonica della Scala, P. Bellugiparts on hirefor sale: UE15953 score

    Un re in ascoltosee Un re in ascolto

    Re-Call 1995 for 23 instruments 42 1 4 1 - 2 3 2 1 - vln(2), vla(2), vc(2), cb(1)premire: 15/06/1995, Paris. Ensemble Intercontemporain, David Robertsonscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE31082 study score

    Rcit 1996 (Chemins VII)for alto saxophone and orchestra 154 2 5 1 - 3 3 1 0 - hp, cel, pno, strpremire: 12/10/1996, Milan. Claude Delangles, Orchestra Sinfonica Siciliana, Gabriele Ferroscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE31686 score (special order)UE31440 study score (special order)

    Rcit 1996/2003 (Chemins VII)for alto saxophone, ensemble of 12 saxophones and percussion 15 arrangement: Vincent David and Claude Delangle (2003)perc, sop.sax(3), alto sax(3), t.sax(3), bar.sax(2), bass sax (or bar.sax)score and parts on hire

    Recital for Cathy 1972 (Recital I)for mezzo-soprano and 17 instruments 35spoken text: Luciano Berio (with references to Andrea Moretti, Edoardo Sanguineti)language: Italian or English1 1 2 0 - 0 1 1 0 - perc, pno(3),, alto sax, bass tpt, strpremire: 1972, Venice. Cathy Berberian, London Sinfonietta, Luciano Berioscore and parts on hirefor sale:UE34396 score, English (special order)UE34399 score, Italian (special order)

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    Rendering 1990restoration of Schubert's symphonic fragment in D major D936A for orchestra 2 2 2 2 - 2 2 3 0 - timp, cel, str(14 14 12 10 8 or 8 8 6 6 4) 35premire (2 movements): 14/06/1989, Amsterdam, Concertgebouw Orkest, NikolausHarnoncourt; premire (3 movements): 19/04/1990. Concertgebouw Orkest, Riccardo Chaillyscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE19311 score

    Requies 19831985 (in memoriam Cathy Berberian) for chamber orchestra 172 2 3 2 - 2 2 1 0 - mar, hp, cel, str(8 8 4(6) 4(5) 3)premire: 26/03/1984, Lausanne. Orchestre de Chambre de Lausanne, Armin Jordan; premire revised version: 13/08/1985, Aspen. Aspen Music Festival Orchestra, Luciano Berioscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE19149 score

    Ricorrenze 19851987for flute, oboe, clarinet, horn and bassoon 15premire: 18/04/1988, Paris. Quintetto Arnoldfor sale: UE18885 score UE18886 set of parts

    Ritirata Notturna di Madridsee Quattro versioni originali della Ritirata Notturna di Madrid

    Ritorno degli snovidenia 19761977for violoncello and 30 instruments 193 2 3 2 - 2 2 3 1 - pno, alto sax, vln(3), vla(3), vc(3), cb(2)premire: 20/01/1977, Basel. Mstislav Rostropovich, Kammerorchester Basel, Paul Sacherscore and parts on hirefor sale:UE16649 score UE30131 solo part

    8 Romanze see Otto Romanze

    Rounds 1965for harpsicord 4 premire: 1965, Basel. Antoinette Vischerfor sale: UE13716

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    Rounds 1967for piano 4 premire: 1968, New York. Joel Spiegelmannfor sale: UE13794digital download available

    Sechs frhe Lieder see Frhe Lieder

    Sequenza I 1958for flute 6 premire: 1958, Darmstadt. Severino Gazzellonifor sale: UE19957digital download available

    Sequenza II 1963for harp 7 premire: 1963, Darmstadt. Francis Pierrefor sale: UE18101digital download available

    Sequenza III 1966for female voice 8 text: Markus Kutterlanguage: Englishpremire: 1966, Bremen. Cathy Berberianfor sale: UE13723digital download available

    Sequenza IV 1965for piano 9 premire: 1966, St. Louis. J. de Carvalhofor sale: UE33012digital download available

    Sequenza V 1966for trombone 8 premire: 21/03/1966, San Francisco. Stuart Dempsterfor sale: UE13725digital download available

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    Sequenza VI 1967for viola 8 premire: 1967, New York. Walter Tramplerfor sale: UE13726digital download available

    Sequenza VII 1969for oboe 10 premire: 1969, Basel. Heinz Holligerfor sale: UE31263

    Sequenza VII 1969for soprano saxophone 10 arrangement: Claude Delangle (1993)premire: 20/05/1993, Strasbourg. Claude Delanglefor sale: UE30255digital download available

    Sequenza VIII 1976for violin 15 premire: 1977, La Rochelle. Carlo Chiarappafor sale: UE15990digital download available

    Sequenza IX 1980for clarinet 13 premire: 1980, Paris. Michel Arrignonfor sale: UE15993digital download available

    Sequenza IX 1980for alto saxophone 13 premire: 1981, London. John Harlefor sale: UE17447digital download available

    Sequenza IX 1980for bass clarinet 13 arrangement: Rocco Parisi (1998)premire: 17/10/1997, Turin. Rocco Parisifor sale: UE31234digital download available

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    Sequenza X 1984for trumpet (and piano resonances) 10premire: 1984, Los Angeles. Thomas Stevensfor sale: UE18200digital download available

    Sequenza XI 1988for guitar 14premire: 20/04/1988, Rovereto. Eliot Fiskfor sale: UE19273digital download available

    Sequenza XII 1997for bassoon 19premire: 15/06/1995, Paris. Pascal Galloisfor sale: UE30264

    Sequenza XIII 1995 (Chanson)for accordion 12premire: 09/11/1995, Rotterdam. Teodoro Anzellottifor sale: UE30377digital download available

    Sequenza XIV 2002 for violoncello 13premire: 28/04/2002, Witten. Rohan de Saramfor sale: UE32914digital download available

    Sequenza XIV 2002/2004 for double bass 13revision: Stefano Scodanibbio (2004)premire: 15/06/2004, Stuttgart. Stefano Scodanibbiofor sale: UE33071

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    Serenata I 1957for flute and 14 instruments 11premire: 1957, Paris. Severino Gazzelloni, Pierre BoulezEdizioni Suvini Zerboni

    Shofar 1995for choir and orchestra (part of the third cycle of Outis) 8source text: Die Posaunenstelle by Paul Celanpremire: 1995, London. BBC Philharmonic, Charles MackerrasCasa Ricordi, Milan

    Siete Canciones populares espaolas 1978for voice and piano by Manuel de Falla (1922)transcribed for mezzo-soprano and orchestra 13 source text: Spanish folk songs El pao moruno Seguidilla Murciana Asturiana Jota Nana Cancin Pololanguage: Spanish2 2 3 3 - 2 2 2 1 - timp, perc(2), strto be performed only as a cyclescore and parts on hirefor sale: UE16791 study score (special order)

    Sincronie 1964for string quartet 15premire: 1964, Grinnel, Iowa. Lenox Quartetfor sale: UE31490 study score UE31491 performance score (special order)

    Sinfonia 1968for 8 voices and orchestra 35 text sources: Luciano Berio, Samuel Beckett, Claude Lvi-Strausssoli: S(2), A(2), T(2), B(2)4 3 4 3 - 4 4 3 1 - perc(3), hp, e-hpsd, pno,, alto sax, t.sax, strpremire (without 5th part): 10/10/1968, New York. Swingle Singers, New York Philharmonic,Luciano Berio premire (complete): 18/10/1969, Donaueschingen. Swingle Singers, SdwestfunkOrchester, Ernest Bourscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE13783 score

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    Six Encores 19651990for piano 12Brin (1990) Leaf (1990) Wasserklavier (1965) Erdenklavier (1969) Luftklavier (1985) Feuerklavier (1989)for sale: UE33013digital download available

    SOLO 19992000for trombone and orchestra 225 1 5 1 - 4 4 3 1 - alto sax, t.sax, str(12 0 8 8 6)premire: 07/12/1999, Zurich. Christian Lindberg, Tonhalle-Orchester Zrich, David Zinmanscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE31515 study score (special order)

    Sonata 2001for piano 26premire: 02/07/2001, Zurich. Andrea Lucchesinifor sale: UE31873 digital download available

    Stanze 2003for baritone, 3 male-voice choirs and orchestra 25source texts: Paul Celan, TenebraeGiorgio Caproni, Congedo del viaggiatore cerimonioso Edoardo Sanguineti, e rispondendo ho parlato da un turbine ...Alfred Brendel, The News That ... Dan Pagis, Die Schlacht (The Battle, German translation from the original Hebrew by Anne Birkenhauer) language: German, Italian, Englishchoir: TTTBBB (minimum 12 + 12 + 12)4 3 5 3 - 4 4 3 1 - perc(3), glock, pno, alto sax(2), t.sax, str(12 12 12 8 8)premire: 22/01/2004, Paris. Dietrich Henschel, Choeur de lArme Franaise, Orchestre de Paris, Christoph Eschenbachscore and parts on hire for sale: UE32653 study score

    Study 1952/1985for string quartet 9 premire: 1952, Tanglewood.RCA Edizioni Musicali

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    Surabaya Johnny 1972from Happy End by Kurt Weill (1929)arranged for mezzo-soprano and ensemble (1st version) 5text: Bertolt Brecht; Dorothy Lane, language: German fl, cl, tpt, perc, guit, vln, vla, vc, cbpremire: 1967, Venice. Cathy Berberianscore and parts on hire

    Surabaya Johnny 1972/1993from Happy End by Kurt Weill (1929)arranged for alto and ensemble (transposed) 5text: Bertolt Brecht; Dorothy Lane, language: Germanfl, cl, tpt, perc, guit, vln, vla, vc, cbscore and parts on hire

    Tempi concertati 1958-1959for flute, violin, 2 pianos and other instruments 161 2 3 1 - 1 1 1 0 - perc(4), hp(2), pno(2), vln(1), vla(2), vc(2), cb(1)premire: 04/03/1960, Hamburg. Alfons und Aloys Kontarsky, Severino Gazzelloni,Hansheinz Schneeberger, NDR-Orchester, Ernest Bourscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE13205 score

    Terre chaleureuse 1985(Fragment) for wind quintet 3fl, ob, cl, bsn, hnfor sale:UE18280 score (special order) UE18281 set of parts (special order)

    The Modification and Instrumentation of a Famous Hornpipe as a Merryand Altogether Sincere Homage to Uncle Alfred

    see Modification and Instrumentation of

    Thema (Omaggio a Joyce) 1958electro-acoustic elaboration of Cathy Berberians voice on tape 7premire: 1958, NapoliEdizioni Suvini Zerboni

    There is no tune 1994for choir a cappella 2text: Talia Pecker Berio

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    premire: 1994, LondonCasa Ricordi, Milan

    Touch 1991for piano (4-hands) 2in preparation

    Turandot 2001by Giacomo Puccini (1924)completion of the 3rd act by Luciano Berio premire (third act): 24/01/2002, Las Palmas. Concertgebouw Orkest, Riccardo Chailly;premire (full opera): 25/05/2002, Los Angeles. Kent NaganoCasa Ricordi, Milan

    Twice upon ... 1994theatre without words for 6 childrens groups 25premire: 1994, London.Casa Ricordi, Milan

    Un re in ascolto 1979-1983Azione musicale in 2 parti 90text: Italo Calvino and Luciano Berioother text sources: W.H. Auden, F.W. Gotter, W. Shakespearelanguage: Italian (translations available)main roles: Prospero bass-baritone, Regista tenor, Venerd actor, Protagonista soprano, Soprano I and II, Mezzo-soprano, 3 Cantanti tenor, baritone, bass; ballet; choir SATB3 3 4 3 - 3 3 3 1 - perc(2), acc, pno(2 players), t.sax, keyb, strpremire: 07/08/1984, Salzburg. Theo Adam, Heinz Zednik, Helmuth Lohner, Patricia Wise,Karan Armstrong, Sylvia Greenberg, Rohangiz Yachmi, Thomas Moser, Georg Tichy, AlfredMuff, Wiener Philharmoniker, Lorin Maazel; Gtz Friedrich (stage director)score and parts on hirefor sale:UE17854 libretto/text book UE32993 study score, Italian (special order)UE33736 study score, German (special order)

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    Variazione sullaria di Papageno 1956No. 2 from Divertimento fr Mozart*for 2 basset horns and strings 3premire: 21/10/1956, Donaueschingen. Hans Lemser und Karl Meiser, SdwestfunkOrchester, Hans Rosbaudscore and parts on hire*Divertimento fr Mozart is a collection of 12 views on the air Ein Mdchen oder Weibchen wnscht Papageno sich composed by 12 different composers. Each work can also be performed separately. The complete collection is available on hire.

    5 Variazioni 19521953for piano 7premire: 1953, Milan.Edizioni Suvini Zerboni

    Variazioni 1954for chamber orchestra 12premire: 23/02/1954, Hamburg, N. SanzognoEdizioni Suvini Zerboni

    La vera storia see La vera storia

    4 Versioni originali della Ritirata Notturna di Madrid di L. Boccherini see Quattro versioni originali della Ritirata Notturna di Madrid di L. Boccherini

    Visage 1961for electronic sounds and Cathy Berberian's voice on tape 21premire: 1961, Milan.tape (CD) on hireNot available as score. Tape available for radio broadcast only.

    Voci 1984 (Folk Songs II)for viola and 2 instrumental groups 303 2 4 2 - 2 2 2 1 - perc(3), keyb(synth), str(12 0 5 6 4)premire: 26/10/1984, Basel. Aldo Bennici, Basler SO, Luciano Berioscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE31122 study score

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    Vor, whrend, nach Zaide 1995commentary on an unfinished opera by W. A. Mozart 25premire: 1995, Florence.Casa Ricordi, Milan

    Wasserklavier 1965for piano 2 premire: 1970, Brescia. Antonio Ballistafor sale: UE33013 in Six Encores digital download availablesee also Six Encores

    Wasserklavier 1965for 2 pianos (original version) 2 for sale: UE31413 performance score digital download available

    Wir bauen eine Stadt 1987a play for children by Paul Hindemith (1930)libretto: Robert SeitzDer Sandkastenarranged for piano for 4 hands (ad lib. with 7 additional instruments and tape) 12picc, hn, tpt, tbn, bass tuba, perc(2), pno Stadt der Zukunftarranged for chamber orchestra 122 1 3 3 - 2 2 2 1 - perc(4), hp, pno, str premire: 28/02/1988, Vienna. Wiener Kinderoper, Georges Sanev, Ian Strasfogel (stage director)score, performance score and vocal score on hire

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    transcriptions, arrangements, etc.

    Transcriptions, arrangements, etc.Johann Sebastian Bach (16851750)Contrapunctus XIX 2001

    from The Art of Fugue transcribed for 23 players 84 2 3 1 - 2 2 1 0 - hp, alto sax, t.sax, str(1 0 2 1 1)premire: 31/05/2001, Spoleto. European Orchestra of Teatro Lirico Sperimentale, Marcello Bufaliniscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE32498 score (special order)

    Luigi Boccherini (17431805)Quattro versioni originali della Ritirata Notturna di Madrid di L. Boccherini

    superimposed and transcribed for orchestra (1975) 83 3 3 3 - 4 4 3 1 - timp, perc(3), hp, strpremire: 17/06/1975, Milan. Filarmonica della Scala, P. Bellugiparts on hirefor sale: UE15953 score

    Johannes Brahms (18331897)Opus 120 No. 1 1990

    Johannes Brahms Sonata for Clarinet (or viola) and piano opus 120 no. 1 (1894) transcribed for clarinet (or viola) and orchestra 252 2 2 3 - 3 2 1 0 - timp, strpremire: 06/11/1986, Los Angeles. Zukovsky, Los Angeles Philharmonicscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE18868 study score

    Manuel de Falla (18761946)Siete Canciones populares espaolas 1978

    for voice and piano (1922) transcribed for mezzo-soprano and orchestra 13

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    source text: Spanish folk songs El pao moruno Seguidilla Murciana Asturiana Jota Nana Cancin Polo language: Spanish2 2 3 3 - 2 2 2 1 - timp, perc(2), strto be performed only as a cyclescore and parts on hirefor sale: UE16791 study score (special order)

    Paul Hindemith (18951963)Wir bauen eine Stadt 1987

    a play for children (1930) libretto: Robert SeitzDer Sandkasten arranged for piano for 4 hands (ad lib. with 7 additional instruments and tape) 12picc, hn, tpt, tbn, bass tuba, perc(2), pno Stadt der Zukunft arranged for chamber orchestra 122 1 3 3 - 2 2 2 1 - perc(4), hp, pno, str premire: 28/02/1988, Vienna. Wiener Kinderoper, Georges Sanev, Ian Strasfogel (stage director)score, performance score and vocal score on hire

    John Lennon (19401980); Paul McCartney (*1942)Beatles Songs 1967

    arranged for voice and instruments 8language: English, FrenchMichelle I for voice and 3 instruments (fl(2), hpsd or fl, ob, hpsd) (2)Michelle II for voice and 7 instruments (alternative arrangement) (fl, cl, hp, vln, vla, vc, cb) (2)Michelle II for voice and 7 instruments (transposed version) (fl, cl, hp, vln, vla, vc, cb) (2)Ticket to Ride for voice and 8 instruments (fl, ob, tpt, hpsd, vln, vla, vc, cb) (2)Yesterday for voice and 3 instruments (fl, hpsd, vc) (2)score and parts on hire

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    transcriptions, arrangements, etc.

    Gustav Mahler (18601911)5 Frhe Lieder 1986

    for voice and piano (before 1892)transcribed for baritone and orchestra 13Ablsung im Sommer (from Des Knaben Wunderhorn) Zu Straburg auf der Schanz(from Des Knaben Wunderhorn) Nicht wiedersehen! (from Des Knaben Wunderhorn) Um schlimme Kinder artig zu machen (from Des Knaben Wunderhorn) Erinnerung(R. Leander)language: German2 2 3 3 - 3 2 1 1 - timp, perc, hp, strpremire: 20/06/1986, Toblach. Thomas Hampson, Orchestra Haydn, Hermann Michaelscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE18651 score

    6 Frhe Lieder 1987for voice and piano (before 1892)transcribed for baritone and orchestra 22Hans und Grete (from Des Knaben Wunderhorn) Ich ging mit Lust durch einen grnenWald (from Des Knaben Wunderhorn) Frhlingsmorgen (R. Leander) Phantasie (Tirso deMolina, from Don Juan) Scheiden und Meiden (from Des Knaben Wunderhorn) Erinnerung (R. Leander)language: German3 3 4 3 - 4 4 3 1 - timp, perc(2), hp, cel, strpremire: 07/12/1987, Reggio Emilia. Thomas Hampson, Orchestra Sinfonica dellEmiliaRomagna Arturo Toscanini, Luciano Berioscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE18307 score

    Claudio Monteverdi (15671643)Il Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda 1966

    arranged for soprano, tenor, baritone, harpsichord and strings 25text: Torquato Tassoroles: Clorinda soprano, Tancredi baritone, Testo tenor hpsd, vla(3), vc, cb (the strings can also be doubled, trebled etc.)premire: 1966, New York. Titus, Mandac, Luciano Berioscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE13727 score

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    transcriptions, arrangements, etc.

    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (17561791)Mozart Cadenze

    for Mozart Flute concerto No. 2 K.314to be performed as solo pieces or as cadenzas in the Mozart Flute concerto No. 2 K.314in preparation

    Variazione sullaria di Papageno 1956No. 2 from Divertimento fr Mozart*for 2 basset horns and strings 3premire: 21/10/1956, Donaueschingen. Hans Lemser und Karl Meiser, SdwestfunkOrchester, Hans Rosbaudscore and parts on hire*Divertimento fr Mozart is a collection of 12 views on the air Ein Mdchen oder Weibchen wnscht Papageno sich composed by 12 different composers. Each work can also be performed separately. The complete collection is available on hire.

    Vor, whrend, nach Zaide 1995commentary on an unfinished opera by W. A. Mozart 25premire: 1995, Florence.Casa Ricordi, Milan

    Giacomo Puccini (18581924)Turandot 2001

    completion of the 3rd act by Luciano Berio (2001)premire (third act): 24/01/2002, Las Palmas. Concertgebouw Orkest, Riccardo Chailly;premire (full opera): 25/05/2002, Los Angeles. Kent NaganoCasa Ricordi, Milan

    Henry Purcell (16591695)The Modification and Instrumentation of a Famous Hornpipe as a Merryand Altogether Sincere Homage to Uncle Alfred 1969

    A hornpipe by Henry Purcell transcribed for 6 instruments 1fl(ob), cl, perc, hpsd, vla, vcpremire: 22/04/1969, London. Pierrot Playersscore and parts on hire

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    transcriptions, arrangements, etc.

    Franz Schubert (17971828)

    Rendering 1990restoration of Schubert's symphonic fragment in D major D936A for orchestra 2 2 2 2 - 2 2 3 0 - timp, cel, str(14 14 12 10 8 or 8 8 6 6 4) 35premire (2 movements): 14/06/1989, Amsterdam, Concertgebouw Orkest, NikolausHarnoncourt; premire (3 movements): 19/04/1990. Concertgebouw Orkest, Riccardo Chaillyscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE19311 score

    Giuseppe Verdi (18131901)Otto Romanze 1991

    transcribed for tenor and orchestra 25In solitaria stanza (Jacopo Vittorelli) Il poveretto (S. M. Maggioni) Il mistero (FeliceRomani) Lesule (Temistocle Solera) Deh, pietoso, oh addolorata (J. W. v. Goethe, transl. by Luigi Balestra) Il tramonto (Andrea Maffei) Ad una stella (Andrea Maffei) Brindisi(Andrea Maffei)2 2 2 2 - 2 2 2 1 - timp, perc, hp, strpremire: 27/09/1990, Padova. Jos Carreras, English Chamber Orchestra, Luciano Berioscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE19915 score

    Kurt Weill (19001950)Ballade von der sexuellen Hrigkeit Song of Sexual Slavery 1967/1972

    from Die Dreigroschenoper (The Threepenny Opera) (1928) arranged for alto (low) and ensemble (original key) 3text: Bertolt Brecht, language: German (translations available)cl, bass cl, acc, vib, vln, vla, vc, cbpremire: 1967, Venice. Cathy Berberianscore and parts on hire

    Ballade von der sexuellen Hrigkeit Song of Sexual Slavery 1972/1993from Die Dreigroschenoper (The Threepenny Opera) (1928) arranged for alto (high) and ensemble (transposed) 3text: Bertolt Brecht, language: German (translations available)cl, bass cl, acc, vib, vln, vla, vc, cbpremire: 1967, Venice. Cathy Berberianscore and parts on hire

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    transcriptions, arrangements, etc.

    Le Grand Lustucru 1972from Marie Galante (1934)arranged for mezzo-soprano and ensemble (original key) 3text: Jacques Dvallanguage: German2 1 3 1 - 0 1 0 0 - perc, vln, vla, vc, cbpremire: 1967, Venice. Cathy Berberianscore and parts on hire

    Le Grand Lustucru 1972/1993from Marie Galante (1934)arranged for alto and ensemble (transposed) 3text: Jacques Dvallanguage: German2 1 3 1 - 0 1 0 0 - perc, vln, vla, vc, cbscore and parts on hirefor sale: UE30715 score (special order)

    Surabaya Johnny 1972from Happy End (1929)arranged for mezzo-soprano and ensemble (1st version) 5text: Bertolt Brecht; Dorothy Lane, language: German fl, cl, tpt, perc, guit, vln, vla, vc, cbpremire: 1967, Venice. Cathy Berberianscore and parts on hire

    Surabaya Johnny 1972/1993from Happy End (1929)arranged for alto and ensemble (transposed) 5text: Bertolt Brecht; Dorothy Lane, language: Germanfl, cl, tpt, perc, guit, vln, vla, vc, cbscore and parts on hire

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    Digital downloads

    Editor: Eric Marinitsch Photos: Universal Edition / Eric Marinitsch (pages 1, 3-63, 62); Charlotte Till-Borchardt (page 4); Alfred Schlee (page 49) Graphic Design: Egger & Lerch, DVR: 0836702 Printed in Austria by REMAprint UE KAT 60890-99 October 2008

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  • UNIVERSAL EDITIONAustria (Main Office): Bsendorferstrae 12, Musikverein, A-1010 Viennae-mail: [email protected] +43-1-337 23 - 0, fax +43-1-337 23 - 400

    UK: 48 Great Marlborough Street, London W1F 7BBe-mail: [email protected] +44-207 2929 171, fax +44-207 2929 173 .

    USA: European American Music Distributors LLCe-mail: [email protected] West 31st Street, 15th Floor, New York, NY 10001-2813tel +1-212-461-6940, fax +1-212-810-4565.

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