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Cardiovascular Physiology(心血管生理学)

Qiang XIA (夏强 ), MD & PhDDepartment of Physiology

Room C518, Block C, Research Building, School of MedicineTel: 88208252

Email: [email protected]

Components of the cardiovascular system:


•Vascular system


System Overview

Plasma includes water, ions, proteins, nutrients, hormones, wastes, etc.

The hematocrit is a rapid assessment of blood composition.It is the percent of the blood volume that is composed of RBCs (red blood cells).

The heart is the pumpthat propels theblood through the systemic and pulmonary circuits.

Red color indicates blood that isfully oxygenated.

Blue color representsblood that is only partially oxygenated.

The distribution of blood in a comfortable, restingperson is shown here.

Dynamic adjustments inblood delivery allow aperson to respond to widely varying circumstances, including emergencies.

Functions of the heart

• Pumping(泵血)

• Endocrine(内分泌)

– Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)

– Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP)

– Other bioactivators

The major external andinternal parts of the heart areshown in thisdiagram.

The black arrowsindicate the routetaken by theblood as it ispumped along.

The Heart

Valves of the heart

The general route of the blood through the body is shown, including passage through the heart (colored box).

• The major types of cardiac muscle:

– Atrial muscle

– Ventricular muscle

– Specialized excitatory and conductive


Contractile cells(收缩细胞)

Autorhythmic cells(自律细胞)

Conducting system of the heart

Cardiac muscle

The sinoatrial node is the heart’s pacemaker because it initiates each wave of excitation with atrial contraction.

The Bundle of His and other parts of the conducting system deliver the excitation to the apex of the heart so that ventricular contraction occurs in an upward sweep.

Sequence of cardiac excitation

General process of excitation and contraction of cardiac muscle

• Initiation of action potentials in sinoatrial node

• Conduction of action potentials along

specialized conductive system

• Excitation-contraction coupling

• Muscle contraction

Click here to play theConducting System

of the HeartFlash Animation

(250-300 bpm)(350-600 bpm)

Scaling from the level of the organelle to the organ

Transmembrane potentials recorded in different heart regions

Transmembrane potentials in epicardium and endocardium

Transmembrane potential of ventricular cells and its ionic mechanisms

Resting Potential: -90 mV

Action Potential

• Phase 0: Depolarization

• Phase 1: Early phase of rapid


• Phase 2: Plateau(平台期)• Phase 3: Late phase of rapid


• Phase 4: Resting phase

• Resting potential

– K+ equilibrium potential

– Na+-inward background current

– Electrogenic Na+-K+ pump

Ionic mechanisms

Phase 0

Threshold potential (-70mV)

Opening of fast Na+ channel

Regenerative cycle(再生性循环)

The action potential of a myocardial pumping cell.

Phase 1

Transient outward current, Ito

K+ current

activated at –20 mV

opening for 5~10 ms

Phase 2

Inward current Outward current

(Ca2+ & Na+) (K+ current)

Types of Ca2+ channels in cardiac cells:

(1) L-type (long-lasting) (Nowycky, 1985)

(2) T-type (transient) (Nowycky, 1985)

Ca2+ channels

Duration of current long-lasting transient

Activation kinetics slower faster

Inactivation kinetics slower faster

Threshold high (-35mV) Low (-60mV)

cAMP/cGMP-regulated Yes No

Phosphorylation-regulated Yes No

Openers Bay-K-8644 -

Blockers varapamil Tetramethrin

nifedipine, diltiazem Ni2+

Inactivation by [Ca2+]i Yes slight

Patch-clamp recording run-down relatively stable

L-type T-


Outward current (K+ current):

(1) inward rectifier K+ current (IK1)

(2) delayed rectifier K+ current (IK)

Phase 3

Inactivation of Ca2+ channel

Outward K+ current dominates

IK: Progressively increased

IK1: Regenerative K+ Outward Current

Phase 4

Na+-Ca2+ exchange

Sarcolemmal Ca2+ pump

SR Ca2+ pump

Na+-K+ pump

a, The key ion channels (and an electrogenic transporter) in cardiac cells. K+ channels (green) mediate K+ efflux from the cell; Na+ channels (purple) and Ca2+ channels (yellow) mediate Na+ and Ca2+ influx, respectively. The Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (red) is electrogenic, as it transports three Na+ ions for each Ca2+ ion across the surface membrane. b, Ionic currents and genes underlying the cardiac action potential. Top, depolarizing currents as functions of time, and their corresponding genes; centre, a ventricular action potential; bottom, repolarizing currents and their corresponding genes.

From the following article:Cardiac channelopathiesEduardo MarbánNature 415, 213-218(10 January 2002)doi:10.1038/415213a

Click here to play theAction Potential in

Cardiac Muscle CellFlash Animation

Transmembrane potentials recorded in different heart regions

Transmembrane potential of autorhythmic cells and its ionic mechanisms

Contractile cells Autorhythmic cells Phase 4 stable potential Phase 4 spontaneous depolarization

( 4期自动去极化)

Resting potential Maximal repolarization potential


Purkinje cells: Fast response autorhythmic cells


Ionic mechanism

• Phase 0~3 : similar to ventricular cells

• Phase 4:

– (1) If – Funny current, Pacemaker current(起搏电流)

– (2) Ik Decay(钾电流衰减)

Characteristics of If channel

• Na+, K+

• Voltage- & time-dependent

Activation── Repolarized to -60mV

Full activation── Hyperpolarized to -100mV

Inactivation── Depolarized to -50mV

• Blocked by Cesium (Cs), not by TTX

Sinoatrial cells

• Maximal repolarization

potential -70mV

• Threshold potential -40mV

• Phase 0, 3, 4

Sinoatrial cells: Slow response autorhythmic cells


0 3

Ionic mechanism

Phase 0: ICa (ICa,L)


0 3

Phase 3:

Inactivation of L-type

Ca2+ channel

Outward K+ current



0 3

• Phase 4: Ik decay

Inactivated when repolarized to -60mV


Activated when depolarized to -50mV


The action potential of anautorhythmic cardiac cell.

Click here to play theAction Potential in

SA NodeFlash Animation

Electrocardiogram (ECG)(心电图)

The electrocardiogram (ECG) measures changes in skin electrical voltage/potential caused by electrical currents generated by the heart

The relationship between the electrocardiogram (ECG), recorded as the difference between currents at the left and right wrists,


an action potential typical of ventricular myocardial cells.

Electrocardiogram (ECG)

The standard 12 lead ECG Einthoven’s Triangle

Limb leads (Bipolar) (I, II, III)

Augmented limb leads

(Unipolar) (aVR, aVL, aVF)

Chest leads (Unipolar) (V1, V2,

V3, V4, V5, V6)





V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6

Willem Einthoven: Dutch physiologist. He won a 1924 Nobel Prize for his contributions to electrocardiography.

Placement of electrodes in electrocardiography

Normal ECG

0.04 sec

ECG interpretation•Measurements •Rhythm analysis•Conduction analysis•Waveform description •Comparison with previous ECG (if any)

• P wave: the sequential depolarization of the right and left atria

• QRS complex: right and left ventricular depolarization

• ST-T wave: ventricular repolarization

• U wave: origin for this wave is not clear - but probably represents "afterdepolarizations" in the ventricles

• PR interval: time interval from onset of atrial depolarization (P wave)

to onset of ventricular depolarization (QRS complex)

• QT interval: duration of ventricular depolarization and repolarization

• ST segment: the time period between the end of the QRS complex

and the beginning of the T wave,  during which each myocyte is in

the plateau phase (phase 2) of the action potential 


Partial block

Complete block

• Excitability

• Autorhythmicity

• Conductivity

• Contractility

Electrophysiological properties(电生理特性)

Mechanical property(机械特性)

Physiological properties of cardiac cells

Factors affecting excitability

– Resting potential

– Threshold potential

– Status of Na+ or Ca2+ channels



• The QRS complexes may widen so that they merge with the T waves, resulting in a “sine wave” appearance. The ST segments disappear when the serum potassium level reaches 6 mEq/L and the T waves typically become tall and peaked at this same range. The P waves begin to flatten out and widen when a patient‘s serum potassium level reaches about 6.5 mEq/L; this effect tends to disappear when levels reach 7-9 mEq/L. Sinus arrest may occur when the serum potassium level reaches about 7.5 mEq/L, and cardiac standstill or ventricular fibrillation may occur when serum levels reach 10 to 12 mEq/L.

Periodic changes in excitability

Postrepolarization refractoriness of slow response cells

Valuable protective mechanismThe long refractory period means

that cardiac muscle cannot be

restimulated until contraction is almost

over & this makes summation &

tetanus of cardiac muscle impossible

Premature systole & compensatory pause


A 39-year-old lady presenting with frequent palpitations lasting a few months

•A 39-year-old lady presents to you with frequent palpitations lasting a few months, which are not associated with dizziness, syncope or angina. She has enjoyed good health and is not on any medication or herbal medicine. She is a non-smoker and has no known diabetes, hypertension or hypercholesterolaemia. Her menses is regular and physical examination is unremarkable other than a few premature beats. This is her ECG.

Answers:Ventricular premature beats are noted.

Premature ventricular contractions unmask the P waves

Hemodynamic tracings to demonstrate the increased variability of systolic BP (SBP), diastolic BP (DBP), and heart period (HP) in MI rat with frequent VPB



SA node 100 times/min

AV node 50 times/min

Bundle of His 40 times/min

Purkinje fibers 25 times/min

Normal pacemaker(正常起搏点)SA node

Latent pacemaker (潜在起搏点)(Ectopic pacemaker [异位起搏点 ] under pathophysiological conditions)

AV node

Bundle of His

Purkinje fibers

The mechanisms of SA node to control latent pacemakers

– Capture(夺获)

– Overdrive suppression(超速抑制)

Factors Affecting Autorhythmicity

Maximal repolarization potential

Threshold potential

The rate of phase 4 spontaneous depolarization

Sinus Bradycardia(窦性心动过缓)



Gap junction

SA node Atria A-V node 0.05 m/s 0.4 m/s 0.02~0.05 m/s

His bundle Purkinje fiber Ventricle

1.2~2.0 m/s 2.0~4.0 m/s 1.0 m/s

Conducting velocity

Atrioventricular delay(房室延搁) : Asynchronization of

atrial and ventricular depolarization to provide

adequate cardiac output

Factors Affecting Conductivity

Structural factors

• Diameter of cardiac cells

• Gap junctions at Intercalated disk

Physiological factors

• The velocity and amplitude of phase 0


• Excitability of adjacent region

First Degree AV Block

Definition: 1AVB is a rhythm in which the electrical impulse which leaves the SA node and travels through the atria, AV node, Bundle of His to purkininjie fibers is slowed down and takes longer than normal to arrive at its destination. The normal PR interval is 0.12- 0.20 seconds. A 1AVBT is greater than 0.20 seconds. The cause ranges from coronary heart disease, inferior wall MI's, hyperkalemia, congenital abnormalities, and medications such as quinidine, digitalis, beta blockers, and calcium channel blockers.

Second degree AV Block type 1 (Mobitz)

Definition: Second degree AV block is also known as Second Degree Type I, Mobitz I, or Wenckelbach. This arrhythmia is characterized by a progressive delay of the conduction at the AV node, until the conduction is completely blocked. This occurs because the impulse arrives during the absolute refractory period, resulting in an absence of conduction, and no QRS. The next P wave occurs and the cycle begins again. Possible causes are acute inferior wall myocardial infraction, digitalis, beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, rheumatic fever, myocarditis, or excessive vagal tone.

Mobitz II is characterized by 2-4 P waves before each QRS. The PR of the conducted P wave will be constant for each QRS. It is usually associated with acute anterior or anteroseptal myocardial infarction. Other causes are cardiomyopathy, rheumatic heart disease, coronary artery disease, digitalis, beta blockers, and calcium channel blockers. Mobitz II has the potential of progressing into a third degree heart block or ventricular standstill.

Second degree AV Block Type II

A third degree atrial ventricular block is also know as a complete heart block artrioventricular block of 3degree AV block. It is a problem with electrical conduction. All electrical conduction from the atria are blocked at the AV junction, therefore, the atria and the ventricles beat independently from each other. This arrhythmia is dangerous because it significantly decreases cardiac output, and could lead to asystole. Possible causes: acute inferior and anterior myocardic infraction, coronary heart disease, excessive vagal tone, myocarditis, endocarditis, age, edema from heart surgery, and meditation toxicity from digitalis, beta blockers, calcium channel blockers.

Third Degree -- Complete Block



Reentry (折返)Model

Reentry can take place within a small local region within the heart or it can occur, for example, between the atria and ventricles (global reentry). For reentry to occur, certain conditions must be met that are related to the following:

1.the presence of a unidirectional block within a conducting pathway;2.critical timing;3.the length of the effective refractory period of the normal tissue.

The End.