Download - Caput Duodecimum Derivatives


2. Art: human creativity; skill; a craft; a making of things that have form and beauty.
Artifice: skill or ingenuity; trickery.
Artificial: made by human work; not natural.
Artistry: skillful quality, ability, work, etc.
Artistic: done skillfully; sensitive to beauty.
Ars: art, skill/Artifex: artist
3. Image: representation of a person or thing.
Imagery: mental images; figurative language.
Imaginary: existing only in the imagination; unreal.
Imagination: act or power of producing mental images of what is not present.
Imaginative: having or showing creativity or imagination.
Imago: image
4. Cooperate:to work together with
another or others.
Inoperative:not working or functioning.
Operate: to be in action; to work.
Opera: a play having its text set to music.
Operative:active; effective.
Opus: work
5. Pictura: picture
Poema: poem
Poeta: poet
Recitatio: recitation, recital
Sculptor: sculptor
Sculptura: sculpture
Statua: statue
The following Latin words have obvious English derivatives:
6. Create: to make; to originate.
Creative:inventive; able to create.
Creation:anything created.
Creature: living being, animal or human.
Recreation:any play, etc. used for refreshment of mind or body.
Re-create:to make again.
Creo: to create
7. Depict:to represent by drawing,
painting, etc.
Pictorial:of, containing, or expressed in pictures.
Pigment:coloring matter used to make color.
Pingo: to paint