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‘Bowling for Columbine’ (2002) Michael Moore

How does Michael Moore conform to the Expository mode through:

1) Heavy reliance on visual imperatives (archive footage, images, cartoons)

2) conveying “important” information to the spectator

Support your answer with examples from the text.

“Michael Moore describes the magnitude of the problem and helps us figure out why Americans kill one another with such extraordinary frequency” (Alan Rosenthal)

Are there any statistics/verbal/non-verbal codes that convey this “extraordinary” problem to the spectators?

How does Michael Moore’s desire to go “into the field” (Participatory) engage the spectator and conform to the essence of a good documentary being “the recording of events as they happen”?

Support your answer with 3 examples (verbal, non verbal codes)

Write down at least 3 examples of how Michael Moore “directly engages the spectator” (Expository mode) and explain what impact they have (connotations):

Talk about Moore’s presence on screen – Does it interfere with the spectators engagement with the topic?

YOU MUST answer these questions in detail throughout the screening and write any extra areas on the back of this A3 analysis sheet.