Download - Bod yn ddwyieithog - Newport...Welsh Medium Schools send homework in Welsh . and English. Schools are happy to provide advice and support to parents at any time. The . . website provides

Page 1: Bod yn ddwyieithog - Newport...Welsh Medium Schools send homework in Welsh . and English. Schools are happy to provide advice and support to parents at any time. The . . website provides

Bod yn ddwyieithog

Ydych chi’n ystyried anfon eich plentyn i ysgol cyfrwng Cymraeg?


Thinking about sending your child to a Welsh medium school?

Find out



Gweler rhagor o wybodaeth y tu mewn!

Page 2: Bod yn ddwyieithog - Newport...Welsh Medium Schools send homework in Welsh . and English. Schools are happy to provide advice and support to parents at any time. The . . website provides

Beth yw ystyr bod yn ddwyieithog?Y gallu i fyw eich bywyd bob dydd mewn dwy iaith.

Fel rhiant, bydd penderfynu ar addysg eich plentyn yn un o’r penderfyniadau pwysicaf y byddwch yn ei wneud. Mae nifer cynyddol o rieni yn tystio bod dewis addysg cyfrwng Cymraeg ar gyfer eu plentyn wedi bod yn brofiad cadarnhaol a gwerth chweil

• Bwriad y llyfryn hwn yw ateb cwestiynau, mynd i’r afael â phyderon a nodi’r manteision sy’n gysylltiedig â bod yn ddwyieithog.

• Mae’r llyfr hefyd yn dangos llwybrau clir ar gyfer eich plentyn drwy’r blynyddoedd ysgol, o’r dosbarth meithrin, i’r ysgol gynradd, yr ysgol uwchradd a thu hwnt.

Oeddech chi’n


Mae tua 98% o ddisgyblion sy’n cael addysg Gymraeg yng Nghasnewydd yn dod o gartrefi di-Gymraeg?


Page 3: Bod yn ddwyieithog - Newport...Welsh Medium Schools send homework in Welsh . and English. Schools are happy to provide advice and support to parents at any time. The . . website provides

So, what does being bilingual mean?It’s the ability to live your everyday life using two languages.

As a parent, deciding on your child’s education will be one of the most important decisions that you will make. An increasing number of parents can testify that choosing Welsh medium education for their child has been a positive and worthwhile experience.

• The aim of this booklet it to answer questions, address concerns and state the advantages of being bilingual.

• This booklet also maps a clear path for your child through the school years from nursery, to primary and secondary schools and beyond.

Did you


About 98% of pupils in Welsh medium education in Newport come from non Welsh speaking homes?


Page 4: Bod yn ddwyieithog - Newport...Welsh Medium Schools send homework in Welsh . and English. Schools are happy to provide advice and support to parents at any time. The . . website provides

Mynd i’r afael â phyderon cyffredin rhieniSut alla i helpu â gwaith cartref fy mhlentyn os dydw i ddim yn siarad Cymraeg?

• Mae ysgolion Cymraeg yn anfon gwaith cartref yn Gymraeg ac yn Saesneg. Mae ysgolion yn hapus i roi cyngor a chymorth i rieni ar unrhyw adeg. Mae gwefan yn darparu amrywiaeth o becynau cymorth ac adnoddau dysgu digidol cenedlaethol.

Bydd y plant yn drysu a bydd safon eu Saesneg yn dioddef

• Ar gyfartaledd, mae disgyblion mewn Ysgolion Cymraeg yn cyflawni’n well yn Saesneg nag ysgolion di-Gymraeg*. Hefyd, drwy esbonio’r hyn maen nhw’n ei wneud i’w rhieni yn Saesneg, mae’r disgyblion yn llwyddo i atgyfnerthu’r wybodaeth wreiddiol gan wreiddio’r dysgu.

* Adroddiad Thematig Estyn 2014 Saesneg yng nghyfnodau allweddol 2 a 3.


Page 5: Bod yn ddwyieithog - Newport...Welsh Medium Schools send homework in Welsh . and English. Schools are happy to provide advice and support to parents at any time. The . . website provides

Addressing common parental concernsHow can I help my child with homework if I don’t speak Welsh?

Welsh Medium Schools send homework in Welsh and English. Schools are happy to provide advice and support to parents at any time. The website provides a variety of digital learning tools and resources.

The children will be confused and their English will suffer

On average, children in Welsh Medium schools perform better in English than in English Medium schools*. Also, by explaining what they do to their parents in English, the pupils reinforce the original information and embed their learning.

*Estyn Thematic Report 2014 English at key stages 2 and 3.


Page 6: Bod yn ddwyieithog - Newport...Welsh Medium Schools send homework in Welsh . and English. Schools are happy to provide advice and support to parents at any time. The . . website provides

Dechrau eu taith at ddwy iaith

Ti a Fi Sesiynau grŵp rhieni a phlant hyd at oed ysgol. Tua 1-2 awrCyfle i’r plant a rhieni gymdeithasu a dysgu canu a chwarae yn y GymraegMudiad Meithrin

Cymraeg i Blant Grwpiau cefnogi am ddim i rieni newydd.Sesiynau tyluno babi, ioga babi a stori â châ n. Ar gyfer rhieni â phlant bach, o’r crud i fyny

Meithrinfa / GofalwrGofal plant preifatTua 8yb-6yh Llun-GweGofynnwch i’ch Meithrinfa lleol sut maent yn defnyddio’r Gymraeg yn eu gweithgareddau bob dydd

Cylch Meithrin / Dechrau’n Deg2-2 ½ awr 2 oed i ysgol. Mae rhai Cylchoedd Meithrin yn cynnig llefydd codi’n 3 oedGofal cofleidiol ar gael

Am wybodaeth ar ofal plant ac addysg


Page 7: Bod yn ddwyieithog - Newport...Welsh Medium Schools send homework in Welsh . and English. Schools are happy to provide advice and support to parents at any time. The . . website provides

For information on childcare and education please

Begin their bilingual journey

Ti a Fi You and MeParent and toddler group sessionsAround 1-2 hoursAn opportunity for parents with children up to school age to socialise, sing and play in WelshMudiad Meithrin

Cymraeg i Blant Cymraeg for KidsFree support groups for new parents. Baby massage, baby yoga and rhymetime sessions in Welsh and English. Suitable for parents and babies from birth onwards


Day Nursery / ChildminderPrivate childcareAround 8am-6pm Mon-FriAsk at your local nursery how they use Welsh in everyday activities

Cylch Meithrin / Flying Start PlaygroupAround 2- 2½ hoursChildren from 2 years old to school ageSome groups provide rising 3 placesWraparound service available

Page 8: Bod yn ddwyieithog - Newport...Welsh Medium Schools send homework in Welsh . and English. Schools are happy to provide advice and support to parents at any time. The . . website provides

Y daith addysg dwyieithog Addysg Bellach, Hyfforddiant a Gwaith16+ oed

Ysgolion Gynradd Gymraeg3-11 oedYsgol Gymraeg Bro TeyrnonYsgol Gymraeg CasnewyddYsgol Gymraeg Ifor Hael

Ysgol Uwchradd Gymraeg11-18 oed Ysgol Gyfun Gwent Is Coed

Ysgol Gymraeg Bro Teynon Brynglas Drive, Casnewydd NP20 5QS

01633 850804 [email protected]

Ysgol Gymraeg Ifor Hael

Clos Meon, Betws, Casnewydd NP20 7DU

01633 414694 [email protected]

Ysgol Gymraeg Casnewydd Heol Fferm Hartridge, Casnewydd NP18 2LN

01633 290270 [email protected]

Addysg Uwchradd

Ysgol Gyfun Gwent Is Coed Safle Ysgol Gymraeg Bro Teyrnon,

Rhodfa Brynglas, Brynglas, Casnewydd NP20 5QS

01633 851614 [email protected]

Safle Dyffryn o fis Medi 2018


Page 9: Bod yn ddwyieithog - Newport...Welsh Medium Schools send homework in Welsh . and English. Schools are happy to provide advice and support to parents at any time. The . . website provides

The bilingual education journey

Welsh Primary Schools3-11 yearsYsgol Gymraeg Bro Teyrnon Ysgol Gymraeg CasnewyddYsgol Gymraeg Ifor Hael

Welsh Secondary School11-18 years Ysgol Gyfun Gwent Is Coed

Further Education, Training and Work 16+ years

Ysgol Gymraeg Bro Teynon Brynglas Drive, Casnewydd NP20 5QS

01633 850804 [email protected]

Ysgol Gymraeg Ifor Hael Clos Meon, Betws, Casnewydd NP20 7DU

01633 414694 [email protected]

Ysgol Gymraeg Casnewydd Heol Fferm Hartridge, Casnewydd NP18 2LN

01633 290270 [email protected]

Secondary Education

Ysgol Gyfun Gwent Is Coed

Safle Ysgol Gymraeg Bro Teyrnon,

Rhodfa Brynglas, Brynglas, Casnewydd NP20 5QS

01633 851614 [email protected]

From September 2018 at the Dyffryn site


Page 10: Bod yn ddwyieithog - Newport...Welsh Medium Schools send homework in Welsh . and English. Schools are happy to provide advice and support to parents at any time. The . . website provides

Beth yw manteision bod yn ddwyieithog felly?Mantais addysgol…• Mae plant dwyieithog yn tueddu cyflawni’n well

yn y cwricwlwm ac yn ystod arholiadau

• Mae pobl ddwyieithog yn tueddu ymdopi’n well o ran gweithio dan bwysau

• Mae pobl ddwyieithog yn ei gweld yn haws dysgu ieithoedd ychwanegol

Ystyriwch eich gyrfa• Mae siarad dwy iaith yn cynnig rhagor o gyfleoedd i chi

• Bydd gennych chi sgil ychwanegol ar eich CV

• Mae yna fantais amlwg i allu cyfathrebu gyda phobl yn eu dewis iaith

• Mae’r meysydd gyrfa yma yn arbennig o frwd i gyflogi siaradwyr Cymraeg – gofal iechyd, addysg, chwaraeon a hamdden, adwerthu, y cyfryngau, technoleg gwybodaeth, gofal plant a chwarae a’r gwasanaeth sifil.

Cryfhau eich ymenydd…

• Mae pobl sy’n siarad dwy iaith yn fwy hyblyg a chreadigol

• Mae pobl dwyieithog yn dadansoddi data ac yn aml-dasgio’n well

Oeddech chi’n


Cymraeg yw un o’r ieithoedd hynaf yn Ewrop sy’n dal i gael ei siarad.?

Ymchwil rhyngwladol gan Prof. Colin Baker, Dr. Ellen Bialystok, Prof.E. Bylund, Prof P. Athanasopoulos & Dr. G. Poarch


Page 11: Bod yn ddwyieithog - Newport...Welsh Medium Schools send homework in Welsh . and English. Schools are happy to provide advice and support to parents at any time. The . . website provides

So, what are the benefits of being bilingual?An educational edge…• Bilingual children tend to achieve higher within the

curriculum and tend to perform better in exams

• Bilingual speakers tend to do better working under pressure

• Bilingual people find learning additional languages easier

Consider your career...• Speaking two languages offers more employment opportunities

• You will have an additional skill on your CV

• There is an obvious advantage to being able to communicate in people’s choice of language.

• These career areas in particular are keen to employ Welsh speakers – health care, education, sports and leisure, retail, the media, information technology, childcare and playwork and the civil service

Boost your brain…

• People who speak two languages are more flexible and creative

• Bilinguals are better at analysing data and multi-tasking

International research by Prof. Colin Baker, Dr. Ellen Bialystok, Prof.E. Bylund, Prof P. Athanasopoulos & Dr. G. Poarch

Did you


Welsh is one of the oldest living languages in Europe.?


Page 12: Bod yn ddwyieithog - Newport...Welsh Medium Schools send homework in Welsh . and English. Schools are happy to provide advice and support to parents at any time. The . . website provides

Sut mae’r Gymraeg yn cael ei dysgu mewn ysgol Gymraeg?• Pan mae plant yn dechrau addysg Gymraeg, maent yn cael

eu trochi yn yr iaith o’r cychwyn ond mae staff yn hyblyg ac yn gallu defnyddio’r Saesneg os oes angen i helpu’r plant.

• Cymraeg yw iaith yr addsyg yn y Cyfnod Sylfaen (meithrin-bl2) ac yna bydd plant yn cael gwersi Saesneg ac yn defnyddio Saesneg yn eu gwersi ar draws y cwricwlwm.

• Mae hwn yn ddull sy’n cael ei ddefnyddio ar draws y byd erbyn hyn.

Hwyrddyfodiaid • Mae Cyngor Dinas Casnewydd yn croesawu ymholiadau

gan hwyrddyfodiaid i Addysg Gymraeg. Gellir rhoi cefnogaeth iaith ychwanegol i’r disgyblion i drosglwyddo i ysgol Gymraeg, ac fel arfer mae hyn yn llwyddiannus iawn. Cysylltwch ag Ysgol Gymraeg y dalgylch neu Gyngor Dinas Casnewydd am ragor o wybodaeth.


Page 13: Bod yn ddwyieithog - Newport...Welsh Medium Schools send homework in Welsh . and English. Schools are happy to provide advice and support to parents at any time. The . . website provides

How is Welsh taught in a Welsh medium School• When children begin learning Welsh, they will be immersed

in the language from the start but the staff are flexible and can use English if necessary to help the children.

• Welsh is the language of Education in the Foundation Phase (nursery-Y2) and then children will have lessons in English and use English in their lessons across the curriculum.

• This is an internationally recognized method of learning languages.

Latecomers • Newport City Council welcomes enquiries from latecomers

to Welsh Medium Education. Pupils can be given additional language support to transfer to Welsh medium schools and this is usually very successful. Contact your catchment Welsh Medium School or Newport City Council for more information.


Page 14: Bod yn ddwyieithog - Newport...Welsh Medium Schools send homework in Welsh . and English. Schools are happy to provide advice and support to parents at any time. The . . website provides

Sut i helpu’ch plentyn o’r dechrau?Mae cefnogaeth ar gael er mwyn helpu ti a dy blentyn i ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg.

Hyd yn oed yn y groth mae babis yn gallu clywed lleisiau a cherddoriaeth.

Felly os wyt ti’n awyddus i fagu dy blentyn yn ddwyieithog, fe elli di ddechrau siarad a chanu yn Gymraeg i dy fabi bryd hynny

Caneuon Cymraeg i blant

Rhaglenni Teledu Cymraeg i Blant Gwylia rhaglenni teledu Cyw gyda dy blentyn. Mae gan S4C raglenni dyddiol yn y bore i blant

Gallwch wylio ar-lein

Gwefan gemau Cymraeg


Page 15: Bod yn ddwyieithog - Newport...Welsh Medium Schools send homework in Welsh . and English. Schools are happy to provide advice and support to parents at any time. The . . website provides

How to help your child from the start?Support is available to help you and your child use the Welsh language.

Even during pregnancy, babies can hear voices and music.

So if you’re keen to raise your child bilingually, now’s the time to start speaking and singing in Welsh to your baby.

Welsh Songs for children

Welsh television programmes for children Watch Welsh Cyw programmes with your child. S4C have programmes for children every morning in Welsh

You can watch these programmes online

Welsh games website


Page 16: Bod yn ddwyieithog - Newport...Welsh Medium Schools send homework in Welsh . and English. Schools are happy to provide advice and support to parents at any time. The . . website provides

Apiau Cymraeg i blantMae llawer o apiau defnyddiol i dy helpu ar hyd y ffordd.

Gemau i ddysgu’r wyddor, lliwiau, siapiau a rhifau o S4C.

Chwiliwch am CYW S4C

Hwyl dysgu darllen gyda storiau Magi Ann Chwiliwch am Magi Ann

Adnoddau Cymraeg i brynu:

Mae gan lyfrgelloedd Casnewydd filoedd o lyfrau Cymraeg a dwyieithog i blant o bob oed


Page 17: Bod yn ddwyieithog - Newport...Welsh Medium Schools send homework in Welsh . and English. Schools are happy to provide advice and support to parents at any time. The . . website provides

Welsh language apps for childrenThese handy apps will help you along the way.

Games to learn the alphabet, colours, shapes and numbers from S4C.

Search for CYW S4C

Have fun learning to read with the award winning Magi Ann stories Search for Magi Ann

Welsh language resources to buy:

Newport libraries have thousands of Welsh and bilingual children’s books for children of all ages


Page 18: Bod yn ddwyieithog - Newport...Welsh Medium Schools send homework in Welsh . and English. Schools are happy to provide advice and support to parents at any time. The . . website provides

Mudiad Meithrin Mae Mudiad Meithrin yn rhoi’r cyfle i blant ifanc yng Nghymru cael gwasanaethau ac phrofiadau blynyddoedd cynnar cyfrwng Cymraeg.


Mudiad Meithrin

01970 639639

Cymraeg i Blant Cynllun cenedlaethol sy’n cefnogi rhieni i ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg gyda’u plant ac i ddewis gofal plant ac addysg Gymraeg. Rheolir y cynllun gan Mudiad Meithrin.

Grwpiau cefnogi lleol am ddim i rieni: grwpiau tylino babi, ioga babi, sesiynau Stori a Chân a digwyddiadau misol i’r teulu sydd yn rhoi cyfle cymdeithasol ychwanegol trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg.


[email protected] - 01970 639639

Facebook Cymraeg i Blant Casnewydd


Cymraeg Llywodraeth Cymru Gwefan a gwybodaeth ar bopeth Cymraeg sydd hefyd yn borth i wefannau eraill – cael hyd i ddigwyddiadau, ap yr wythnos, cyrsiau Cymraeg i Oedolion a llawer mwy. @Cymraeg

Cymraeg i Oedolion@Coleg Gwent Mae gan bawb wahanol resymau dros ddysgu’r Gymraeg – i gefnogi plant mewn addysg Gymraeg, efallai, neu i ehangu cyfleoedd gwaith.

Os wyt ti’n awyddus i wella neu ymarfer dy Gymraeg, neu os wyt ti’n chwilio am gwrs i ddechreuwyr ar gyfer ffrind neu berthynas, cysyllta â ni.

01495 333710 neu ebostia [email protected] @CymraegGwent



Page 19: Bod yn ddwyieithog - Newport...Welsh Medium Schools send homework in Welsh . and English. Schools are happy to provide advice and support to parents at any time. The . . website provides


Mudiad Meithrin Mudiad Meithrin supports young children in Wales to access early years services and experiences through the medium of Welsh.


Mudiad Meithrin

01970 639639

Cymraeg for Kids A national scheme that supports parents to use the Welsh language with their children by choosing Welsh medium childcare and education. The scheme is managed by Mudiad Meithrin.

Local free support groups for parents: baby massage, baby yoga, Welsh Storytime sessions and monthly family events that are an additional opportunity to socialise through the medium of Welsh.


[email protected] - 01970 639639

Facebook Cymraeg i Blant Casnewydd


Welsh Government Cymraeg Website with information on a range of Welsh language matters and a portal to other sites – events finder, app of the week, Welsh for Adults courses and much more. @Cymraeg Cymraeg i Oedolion@Coleg Gwent People have different reasons for wanting to learn Welsh - to support children in Welsh medium education, perhaps, or to widen job choices. A range of Welsh courses are held across Gwent. Please contact us for more information.

01495 333710 or email [email protected] @CymraegGwent


Page 20: Bod yn ddwyieithog - Newport...Welsh Medium Schools send homework in Welsh . and English. Schools are happy to provide advice and support to parents at any time. The . . website provides


Yr Urdd Mudiad ieuenctid yw’r Urdd sy’n cynnig cyfleodd a gweithgareddau i holl ieuenctid Cymru (hyd at 25 oed). Mae’n fudiad bywiog sy’n rhan o fywyd plant ysgolion Cymraeg, drwy chwaraeon, cerddoriaeth, Eisteddfodau, canolfanau preswyl a grwpiau ieuenctid. @urdd 01495 752589

Rhieni dros Addysg Gymraeg (Rhag) Cymdeithas Genedlaethol sydd am gefnogi a datblygu ysgolion Cymraeg ac am rhoi cyfle cyfartal i’r rhai sy’n dymuno rhoi addysg Gymraeg i’w plant. @RhAG1

Menter Iaith Casnewydd Mae Menter Iaith Casnewydd yn hyrwyddo, cydlynu a threfnu gweithgareddau a digwyddiadau Cymraeg yng Nghasnewydd e.e. sgiliau pel droed i blant, Clwb Carco ar ôl ysgol, Clwb Clonc a llawer mwy. @micasnewydd 01633 432101

Gwasanaeth Gwybodaeth i Deuluoedd Casnewydd Am wybodaeth am ofal plant ac addysg ewch i dudalen Gwasanaeth Gwybodaeth i Deuluoedd ar wefan Neu


Page 21: Bod yn ddwyieithog - Newport...Welsh Medium Schools send homework in Welsh . and English. Schools are happy to provide advice and support to parents at any time. The . . website provides


Yr Urdd The Urdd is a youth organisation which offers opportunities and events to all the young people of Wales (up to the age of 25). It is a lively organisation which is a part of the life of children who attend Welsh medium education, through sports, music, the Eisteddfod, residential centres and youth groups. @urdd 01495 752589

Rhieni dros Addysg Gymraeg (Rhag) Parents for Welsh Medium Education exists to support and promote education though the medium of Welsh throughout Wales and to ensure equal opportunities tor those who wish their children to be taught through the medium of Welsh. @RhAG1

Menter Iaith Casnewydd Menter Iaith Casnewydd promotes, co-ordinates and organises activities and events in Welsh in Newport e.g. football skills for children, Afterschool clubs, Practice your Welsh Club and much more. @micasnewydd 01633 432101

Newport Family Information Service For information on childcare and education, visit the Family Information Service page on Or


Page 22: Bod yn ddwyieithog - Newport...Welsh Medium Schools send homework in Welsh . and English. Schools are happy to provide advice and support to parents at any time. The . . website provides

Gair o brofiad…

Mae gwybod nad chi yw’r unig siaradwr Saesneg

wrth giatiau’r ysgol yn gysur mawr.

Hannah Hamnett

Y dyddiau hyn rwy’n credu ei fod yn bwysig cael ail iaith

yn enwedig eich iaith eich hun. Pan mae gyda chi fwy

nag un iaith, mae ieithoedd eraill yn dod yn haws.

Jannine Parkhouse

Mae’r ysgolion yn gefnogol iawn a dydych chi ddim yn cael

eich barnu fel rhieni, yn wir mae’r ysgolion yn eich cefnogi ac yn eich parchu hyd yn oed yn fwy am eich bod wedi gwneud y dewis i alluogi eich plentyn i fod yn ddwyieithog.

Hannah Hamnett


Page 23: Bod yn ddwyieithog - Newport...Welsh Medium Schools send homework in Welsh . and English. Schools are happy to provide advice and support to parents at any time. The . . website provides

From experience…

Knowing that you will not be the only English speaker at the school gates is a huge reassurance.

Hannah Hamnett

These days I think it’s important to have

a second language especially your own. When you have more than one language,

other languages come easier.

Jannine Parkhouse

The schools are very supportive and there’s no

judgment on you as parents, in fact the schools support you and respect you even

more because you’ve made the choice to enable your

child to be bilingual.

Hannah Hamnett


Page 24: Bod yn ddwyieithog - Newport...Welsh Medium Schools send homework in Welsh . and English. Schools are happy to provide advice and support to parents at any time. The . . website provides

Beth yw manteision bod yn ddwyieithog?

What are the benefits of being bilingual?