Download - Bell Work “Brain Storm” For 3 minutes ask your self this Question? Is working together an important social skill?

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Slide 2 Bell Work Brain Storm For 3 minutes ask your self this Question? Is working together an important social skill? Slide 3 Norms! Eyes watching Ears listening Hand Raise if you want to talk! Participate! Respect others! Slide 4 By Jacob Villagomez & Claudia S. Larson Slide 5 SLOs Student will be able to Use Resolving Interpersonal conflicts. Identify Group Approaches In developing Social Skills. Use Maps and Globes to understand Spatial relationships. Slide 6 When you Teach Social Studies! Student should not be Limited to knowledge acquisition and discovery. Students need to learn variety of social skills to be use throughout their lives. These skills are process that human beings acquire in order to access knowledge. ( Dynnesson & Grosss 1999,) p.` Slide 7 Group Approaches 1 Two By- Two. Breaking the Ice! Purpose to help students to learn about others in the classroom. Slide 8 Group Approach 2. Slide 9 Advocacy Switching Slide 10 Conflict Resolution A very important Social skills! 2 Types Negotiation! Slide 11 1.Conflict Resolution 1. Negotiation is one approach that can be used to help resolve conflicts. Agree to negotiate Gather points of view Find common interests Describe feelings Create win-win options Evaluate options Develop an agreement Slide 12 2. Mediation is the application of the negotiation process with the assistance of a third party facilitator. We agree not to interrupt each other We do want to solve the problem Slide 13 Role Play Get into 5 groups of 3-4. Your group will come up with a problem and a solution that students could be facing in school using the negotiation and mediation approach. Be ready to share in 5 minutes. Slide 14 Developing Map and Globe Skills Slide 15 The globe is easier to show the major features of the world. The features include the equator, the Tropic of Cancer, the Tropic of Capricorn, the North and South Pole, the distance scale, etc. Slide 16 Basic Map and Globe Skill 7 basic map and globe skills 1. Recognizing shapes (physical shapes of the world landmasses such as the shapes of islands, continents, and oceans) 2. Utilizing scale (scale maps lack physical features and details to show the exact size of a country or place on a map thats why scale maps are not useful for studying the globe because they lack important details.) 3. Recognizing symbols (a symbol representing what you are reading on a map.) Slide 17 Basic Map and Globe Skill 4. Utilizing direction (Cardinal Directions by using the sun, rise from the east and sets in the west) 5. Determining absolute location (understand how a longitude-latitude grid system can be used to identify the address of every location on earth.) 6. Identifying relative location (the location of one place in terms of one or more other places. 7. Describing earth-sun relationship (impacts our understanding of day and night, seasons, different times in different parts of the world.) Slide 18 Research Skills Reference Materials for Information Atlas (contains maps on a particular topic) Yearbooks (e.g. Statesmen Yearbook gives a detailed account of something on a yearly basis. Encyclopedias (concise summary of a specific topic) Slide 19 Time and Chronology Skills Time lines provide a system for organizing events in a meaningful pattern or sequence. Good way to summarize information. Useful in helping students see a relationship between events over time. Slide 20 Analyzing Charts and Graphs Encoding Data (3 Basic Types of Graphs) Bar Graphs, Pie Graphs, Line Graphs Making References Develop interpreting skills Slide 21 Interpreting Political Cartoons Recognizing symbols cartoonists regularly use to depict certain ideas or categories of people. Slide 22 Activity Draw a map of your neighborhood. Get ready to share 5 minutes. Slide 23 Review Name 3 group approach to develop social skills. What are the two conflict resolution? Name one type of social skills. Name 3 of the 7 basic map and globe skills.