Download - Arya Samaj Wedding | Arya Samaj Mandir Delhi -

  • 8/15/2019 Arya Samaj Wedding | Arya Samaj Mandir Delhi -


    Welcome to Aryasamajvivah

    Arya Samaj MandirKhyber Pass Mall Road,

    Near vidhan Sabha metro StationDelhi - 1100!

    "ndiaMail #s $ aryasamajvivah&'mail(comaryasamajvivah(in

  • 8/15/2019 Arya Samaj Wedding | Arya Samaj Mandir Delhi -


    About Us

      Marria'e is a sacred instit)tion in every *art o+ theorld( And here in "ndia, marria'e is considered asone o+ the most divine instit)tion( Peo*le sayMarria'es are made in heaven hich e solemni.e

    on earth/( At Arya Samaj Mandir, We do it by )nitin'co)*les into the )nbreaable bond o+ marria'eitho)t the c)lt)ral or s)*erstition barrier( "ts)**orts inter-caste, inter-reli'ion marria'e, lovemarria'e, co)rt marria'e etc( Arya Samaj Marria'e isle'al by all means( "t is re'istered also and cannot bechallen'ed by any co)rt o+ la(

      Mail #s $ aryasamajvivah&'mail(com  aryasamajvivah(in

  • 8/15/2019 Arya Samaj Wedding | Arya Samaj Mandir Delhi -


    2#R3 MARR"A45 ANDMARR"A45 R54"S3RA3"2N

      "n s)bstance co)rt marria'es and re'isteredmarria'es o+ a man and a oman do not re6)ire anyrites or rit)als and they are *er+ected by le'al*roced)re in a la o)rt )nder 7ind) Marria'e Act

    18 and S*ecial Marria'e Act, 18!( And e deliverthe best service to mae the val)ed day o+ yo)r li+eand main' all the arran'ements +or yo)r eddin'ceremony le'ally ith a re'istered marria'e and*rovidin' yo) ith the marria'e certi9cate as ell(

      Mail #s $ aryasamajvivah&'mail(com  aryasamajvivah(in

  • 8/15/2019 Arya Samaj Wedding | Arya Samaj Mandir Delhi -


    "N35RAS3 AND "N35RR5:"4"2NMARR"A45

      "nteraste and inter reli'ion marria'es in "ndia arebeen *revailed +or a very lon' time d)e to a veryri'id caste system( 5d)cation tried its *art to brin' achan'e and someho achieved b)t not +)lly altered

    the mindset o+ the *eo*le b)t here e mae it*ossible +or the blessed co)*les to 'et married in avalid manner( ;eca)se here caste and reli'ion neverhindered this *)re bond and e trans*ire it(

      Mail #s $ aryasamajvivah&'mail(com  aryasamajvivah(in

  • 8/15/2019 Arya Samaj Wedding | Arya Samaj Mandir Delhi -


    ARM)slim or

    hristian@ can convert their on reli'ion into7ind)ism and become 7ind)s in the Arya SamajMandir ith their on +ree ill and assent( 7ere atArya Samaj Mandir marria'e certi9cate is been*rovided to the nely married co)*le that is validcom*letely and not challen'eable anyhere( 2)r *artis to mae it ha**en in a *)re *ro+ession ay(

      Mail #s $ aryasamajvivah&'mail(com  aryasamajvivah(in

  • 8/15/2019 Arya Samaj Wedding | Arya Samaj Mandir Delhi -


    :25 MARR"A45  :ove is the most divine +eelin' and the

    co)*les in love are blessed to be in( :ovemarria'es earlier seemed to be c)rse +or theco)*les b)t event)ally ith the time thecontem*orary era evolved in an im*rovisedmindset o+ *eo*le and they startedacce*tin' love marria'es( At Arya Samaj emae it ha**en in an easy, a?ordable, 6)ic

    and valid ay(

      Mail #s $ aryasamajvivah&'mail(com  aryasamajvivah(in

  • 8/15/2019 Arya Samaj Wedding | Arya Samaj Mandir Delhi -


    ontact #s

    Arya Samaj MandirKhyber Pass Mall Road,Near vidhan Sabha metro Station

    Delhi - 1100!"ndia

    Mail #s $ aryasamajvivah&'mail(comaryasamajvivah(in