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Page 1: AREL E⁄‹T‹M KURUMLARI SAYI 22 HABERBÜLTEN‹ · kÜltÜrlerarasi farkindalik / intercultural awareness ata’ mizi saygiyla aniyoruz... / we commemorate our leader; ataturk














Page 2: AREL E⁄‹T‹M KURUMLARI SAYI 22 HABERBÜLTEN‹ · kÜltÜrlerarasi farkindalik / intercultural awareness ata’ mizi saygiyla aniyoruz... / we commemorate our leader; ataturk

AREL E¤itim Kurumlar›

Merkez Mah. Hac› Arif Bey Sk. No. 1,34197 Yenibosna - Bahçelievler / ‹stanbul

Tel : (0212) 550 49 30 (pbx) - 630 35 05 (4 hat)Faks : (0212) 550 77 82e-posta : [email protected] :

Yay›n Kurulu

Edebiyat Bölümü Yabanc› Diller BölümüMelike CENG‹Z Demet YAVUZfiehvar DO⁄ANLI Aylin ERG‹NÖzlem POLAT Demet SAVAfi



2 ‹lk Y›llar Program› / PYP -Primary Years Programme

6 Orta Y›llar Program› / MYP -Middle Years Programme

7 Rehberlik Bölümü / Guidance Department

10 Yabanc› Diller Bölümü / Department of Foreign Languages

14 Türkçe-Edebiyat Bölümü / Department of Turkish Language & Literature

21 Fen Bölümü / Department of Science

27 Matematik Bölümü / Department of Mathematics

31 Sosyal Bilimler Bölümü / Department of Social Sciences

34 Teknoloji Bölümü / Department of Technology

39 Görsel Sanatlar / Department of Arts

46 Beden E¤itimi ve Spor Bölümü / Department of Physical Education & Sports

48 S›n›f Etkinliklerimiz (1-5) / In & Out- Class Activities (1-5)

50 Anaokullar›m›z (FLORYA 2005 / AREL BAHÇEL‹EVLER) / Our Preschools

Kurumsal ‹letiflimNurcan AfiIKKUTLU

Page 3: AREL E⁄‹T‹M KURUMLARI SAYI 22 HABERBÜLTEN‹ · kÜltÜrlerarasi farkindalik / intercultural awareness ata’ mizi saygiyla aniyoruz... / we commemorate our leader; ataturk

Baflar›da 20 Y›l20 successful years

1990’dan 2010’a baflar›da 20 y›l› geride b›rakt›k. Emin ad›mlarla gelece¤e yürüyoruz. Bilimde, sanatta,kültürde birçok baflar›ya ad›m at›yoruz. Gelece¤in bilim adamlar›n›, sanatç›lar›n› sporcular›n›,siyasetçilerini….yetifltiriyoruz. Uluslararas› projelere imza at›yor, her alanda ödüller kazan›yoruz.Ald›¤›m›z her ödül bizi daha da büyük baflar›lara yönlendiriyor. Ve biliyoruz ki baflar›n›n s›n›r› yok. Hepdaha ileriye, hep daha güzele…

Bu sene karfl›n›za bir yenilikle daha ç›kman›n gururunu yafl›yoruz. Teknolojik aç›dan yaflanan geliflmelerinyak›n takipçisi olan AREL E¤itim Kurumlar› olarak geçen sene minik ö¤renciler için tasarlanan MobilOkul Bilgisayar›n› kullanmaya bafllam›flt›k. Bu sene de ö¤rencilerimizin ve ö¤retmenlerimizin derslerdekiverimlili¤ini artt›rmak, ö¤renmeyi ve bilgiye ulaflmay› h›zland›rmak için tüm s›n›flar›m›zda ak›ll› tahtateknolojisini kullan›yoruz.

Bu say›m›zda da her zaman oldu¤u gibi ö¤rencilerimizin baflar›lar›n› ve yeteneklerini sürekli gelifltirmelerinisa¤layan dönem boyunca yapt›klar› aktiviteleri sizlerle paylafl›yoruz. Okulumuzla ilgili haberlerindetaylar›n› bültenimizde keyifle okuyabilirsiniz.

We have left 20 successful years behind from 1990 to 2010. We are heading for the future withdetermined steps. We have achieved many things in science, art and culture. We raise the prospectivescientists, artists, sports people, politicians. .etc. We are taking part in international projects andwinning awards in various fields. Each award we have received encourages for greater achievementsFurthermore we know that there is no limit for success. Always going forward, always getting better.

We are proud to welcome you with one more innovation this year. As Ar-El Schools which closelyfollows technological developments, last year we started to use portable school computers designedfor young students. This year we are using smart boards in all classrooms in order to increase theefficiency of both students and teachers and accelerate learning and reaching information.

In this issue as usual we are sharing this term’s activities which constantly help our students improvetheir abilities and to increase their success. You can read the details of the news about our school inthis issue with great pleasure.

YAYIN KURULUPublication Comittee

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Bu y›l aram›za yeni kat›lan AREL Anaokulu ö¤rencilerine ve velilerine 7 Eylül 2009tarihinde, Uluslararas› Bakalorya Organizasyonu ‹lk Y›llar Program› (IB-PYP) tan›t›m› PYPKoordinatörü taraf›ndan yap›ld›.

Program felsefesinin, müfredat çerçevesinin ve temel ö¤elerin tan›t›ld›¤› günde ayr›ca okulumuza özgü PYP Karneleri ile velimektuplar›na da yer verildi.

International Bacceaularate Organization Primary Years Programme (IB-PYP) Introduction was done by the PYP coordinatoron 7th September, 2009 to the little AREL kindergarten students and their parents. On that day, the philosophy of the programme,curriculum framework, essential elements, AREL Primary School’s own report card and parents newsletter were introduced.





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MESLEK‹ GEL‹fi‹M Professional Development


AREL E¤itim Kurumlar›, mesleki geliflime verdi¤i önemi ö¤retmenlerini ve idarecileriniher y›l IB-PYP çal›fltaylar›na göndererek ispatlamaktad›r.

Okulumuzun PYP Koordinatörü, Hülya SALT AYDINER 6-8 Temmuz 2009 tarihleriaras›nda Radisson SAS Zurich Oteli’nde gerçeklefltirilen PYP 3B “Mesleki Sorgulama”çal›fltay›na kat›lm›flt›r. Dünyaca tan›nan Amerikal› Profesör Kathy Short ve deneyimliIB e¤itmenlerinden Anja Junginger taraf›ndan verilen çal›fltay, oldukça zevkli vebilgilendirici geçmifltir.

AREL Schools prove the great importance of professional development by sendingteachers and administrators to the IB-PYP Regional workshops every year. OurPYP Coordinator, Hülya SALT AYDINER attended the PYP 3B “Professional Inquiry”Workshop which was held at Radisson SAS Zurich Hotel, from July 6 to July 08,2009. The workshop, led by Kathy Short, a well known American Professor, andAnja Junginger, an experienced practitioner of IB, was quite enjoyable and informative.

SERG‹ ÜN‹TES‹ 2009-2010Exhibition Unit 2009-2010‹lk Y›llar Program› (PYP) Sergisi, PYP’nin temel ö¤elerini sentezleyipbunlar› okuldaki tüm topluluk üyeleriyle paylafl›r ve ö¤rencilerinyaflam›nda farkl› bir yer tutar. Ö¤rencilerden PYP’deki son y›llar›nda,ortaklafla yürütülen disiplinlerüstü bir sorgulama sürecine giriflmelerive bu kapsamda gerçek yaflama dair konular› ya da sorunlar›tan›mlamalar›, sorgulamalar› ve bunlara çözümler sunmalar› istenir.2009-2010 E¤itim-Ö¤retim Y›l›'nda AREL ö¤rencileri de Sergi Ünitesikonusu olarak “Bulafl›c› Hastal›klar” konusunu seçtiler. ‹kinci dönem,Bahçelievler ilçesinde bir devlet okulunun hijyenik ortam›n› düzeltmeyikendilerine eylem olarak seçen ö¤rencilerimize çal›flmalar›nda baflar›lardiliyoruz.

The Primary Years Programme (PYP) exhibition represents asignificant event in the life of a PYP school and student, synthesizingthe essential elements of the PYP and sharing them with the wholeschool community. In the students’ final year of the PYP, studentsare required to engage in a collaborative, transdisciplinary inquiryprocess that involves them in identifying, investigating and offeringsolutions to real-life issues or problems. In 2009-2010 AcademicYear, AREL students have chosen “infectious disease” as the unittitle for the exhibition. We wish good luck to our students who havedecided to take an action by improving the hygenic conditions of astate school in Bahcelievler in the second term.

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24 A¤ustos-11 Eylül 2009 tarihleri aras›nda ise tüm PYPö¤retmenleri, program Koordinatörü ile birlikte yeni e¤itim-ö¤retim Y›l›’na yönelik haz›rl›k yapm›fllard›r. Bu haz›rl›klar;ünite planlama toplant›lar›, 2009-2010 AREL ‹lkö¤retimOkulu PYP sorgulama program›, 2009-2010 müfredatharitas›, IB standartlar› ve kurallar›, okul politikalar› vetemel sözleflmelerdir. 28 A¤ustos 2009 ve 3 Eylül 2009tarihlerinde ise tüm ö¤retim kadrosuna; Soru Yazma,Bloom Taksonomisi, Zekâ Çeflitleri, De¤erlendirme Araçlar›ve Stratejileri konular›nda bilgilendirme sunumlar› yapm›flt›r.

The six new teachers who started working with us in 2009-2010 Academic Year were informed about the IB-PYPprogramme and the school regularities between the dates11th-14th August,2009. All PYP teachers made theirpreparations related to the new Academic year with thePYP Coordinator between the dates 24 August-11thSeptember, 2009. The preparations were ; unit planningmeetings, 2009-2010 Academic Year’s Programme ofInquiry(POI), 2009-2010 Academic Year’s CurriculumMap, IB Standards and prcatices, school policies and

essential agreements. The whole AREL teaching staff were informed about question types, Bloom's Taxonomy, learning domains/multiple intelligence, assessment strategies and tools in orientation seminars on 28th August, 2009 and 3rd September,2009.

ORYANTASYON E⁄‹T‹MLER‹Inhouse Trainings

Bu y›l aram›za yeni kat›lan alt› ö¤retmene, 11-14 A¤ustos 2009tarihleri aras›nda ‹lk Y›llar Program› ve okul iflleyifli ile ilgili olarakbir bilgilendirme semineri verilmifltir.

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SANAT KERMES‹ Art Departments’ Fine Art SaleKermesin yap›lma amac›, sene sonunda eyleme dönüflecek Sergi Ünitesi için 5.s›n›f ö¤rencilerine destek olmakt›. Teknolojiö¤retmenlerimiz de, derslerinde ö¤rencilerine haz›rlatt›klar› 2010 takvimlerini, y›lbafl› kartlar›n› ve kitap ayraçlar›n› satarak SanatBölümü’ne destek verdiler.

In the sale that was held by the Arts Department, candle holders, paper clips, pencil holders, decorated pegs and statuettes doneby the students in Visual Arts lesson were sold on 29th December,2009.The main purpose this sale is to support 5.grade studentsin their exhibition unit which will end with a meaningful action at the of the second term. Also ICT teachers supported the ArtsDepartment by selling the 2009-2010 calendar, new year cards and bookmarkers which were prepared by our students in theirICT lessons.

2.SINIF KERMES‹2.s›n›f ö¤rencileri, “Tutum, Yat›r›m ve Türk Mallar› Haftas›”nda bir kermesdüzenleyerek hem ülkemize özgü ürünlere vurgu yapm›fllar hem de eldeettikleri kazançla 5.s›n›f ö¤rencilerinin büyük projelerini küçücük yürekleriyledesteklemifllerdir.

By organizing a food sale in “ Saving, Investment and Turkish Goods week”,the 2.grade students emphasized on to the goods made in Turkey and alsosupported the 5.grade students’ big project with their caring hearts.

3.SINIF KERMES‹3.s›n›f ö¤rencileri ve ö¤retmenleri “Reklamlar” konuluPYP ünitelerini ifllerken Sergi Ünitesi’ne destek olmakad›na bir kermes düzenlemeye karar verdiler. Üniteboyunca reklamlar›n› yapt›klar› ürünlerin benzerlerinitekrar haz›rlad›lar ve 16 Aral›k 2009 tarihindegerçekleflen kermeste sat›fla sundular. Oldukça zevkligeçen kermesten elde edilen gelir duyarl› 3. s›n›fö¤rencilerimiz ve ö¤retmenlerimiz taraf›ndan 5.s›n›fö¤rencilerine teslim edildi.

Our 3.grade students and teachers decided to makea food sale during their unit of inquiry “Advertisements& Commercials” in order to support the Exhibitionunit. The students prepared the similar products thatthey had advertised during the unit and offered forsale on 16th December, 2009. The income from thesale was given to the 5.grade students by the the3.graders and their teachers.

Sanat Bölümü taraf›ndan 29 Aral›k 2009 tarihindegerçeklefltirilen kermeste ö¤rencilerin tüm dönemboyunca Görsel Sanat derslerinde yapt›klar›;mumluklar, ataçlar, kalem bafll›klar›, mandallar vebiblolar sat›ld›.

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Toplum ve Hizmet Etkileflim Alan› çal›flmalar›n›ndaha etkin sürdürülebilmesi için MYP grubuö¤rencilerinden bir “Toplum Gönüllüleri” grubuoluflturuldu. Grubun ilk çal›flmas› engelliler odakl›planland›. “Community Volunteers” group was formedamong MYP students in order to work moreefficiently. The first act will focus on disabledpeople in the community.Ö¤renmeye Yaklafl›mlar Etkileflim Alan›

çal›flmalar› kapsam›nda aral›k ay› boyunca“Organizasyon Becerileri” odakl› bir yar›flmaplanland›. Ay›n sonunda, s›n›f temsilcilerinin,ö ¤ r e t m e n l e r i n , a l a n l i d e r i n i n , M Y PKoordinatörü’nün ve Müdür Yard›mc›s›’n›noylamalar› ile 6. s›n›flardan Simay Akay, 7.s›n›flardan Ece Ezgi Kabaday› ve 8. s›n›flardanSelin Demir en organize ö¤renciler seçildiler.In terms of Approaches to Learning, a competitionbased on “Organization Skills” was planned duringDecember. At the end of the month, class

representatives, teachers, the area of interaction leader, the MYP Coordinator and theVice Principal voted and Simay Akay from 6th graders, Ece Ezgi Kabaday› from 7thgraders and Selin Demir from 8th graders were elected the most organized students.

Bu haftadan sonra, tüm kadro bir ayl›kseminer çal›flmalar›m›z› tamamlad›k veyeni e¤itim-ö¤retim y›l›na haz›r olarakbafllad›k.

We had a one week teacher trainingprogramme in August with the teacherswho joined AREL family in 2009-2010Academic Year. After that week, thewhole team completed one monthtraining programme and started thenew academic year prepared.





2009-2010 E¤itim - Ö¤retim Y›l›’nda aram›za yeni kat›lan ö¤retmenlerimizeA¤ustos ay›nda bir haftal›k MYP Program› oryantasyon e¤itimi verildi.

4 ve 11 Ekim 2009 tarihindeMYP grubu velilerimize MYPprogram›n› tan›tt›k.

The MYP Programme was introduced to ourMYP parents on October 4th and 11th, 2009.

Sa¤l›k ve Sosyal E¤itim Etkileflim Alan› çal›flmalar› çerçevesinde, “A¤›z ve Difl Sa¤l›¤›Haftas›” dolay›s›yla, 6 Kas›m 2009 tarihinde 6, 7. ve 8. s›n›f, ö¤rencilerine okulumuzunkonferans salonunda Difl Hekimi Dr.Güzin GERO⁄LU taraf›ndan a¤›z ve difl sa¤l›¤›hakk›nda seminer verildi.

In the framework of Health and Social Education Area of Interaction, in order to celebrateMouth and Teeth Care week, a seminar was organized and delivered by Dt. GüzinGERO⁄LU in the conference hall to 6-7-8 grade students.

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Rehberlik Birimi Yay›nlar›Guidance Department Publications


Arel E¤itim Kurumlar› 20. Y›l›nda12. Rehberlik SempozyumunaEv Sahipli¤i Yap›yor.

Arel Schools Hosts The 12th GuidanceSymposium On Its 20th Anniversary

Her y›l geleneksel olarak ülke genelinde düzenlenen RehberlikSempozyumunun 12. si “Yaflam ve E¤itim” temas›yla 27 Mart 2010Cumartesi günü AREL E¤itim Kurumlar›'nda gerçeklefltirilecektir.

The guidance Symposium, which is annually and traditionallyorganized throughout the country, is going to be held at ARELSCHOOLS on March 27, 2010 with the theme “Life and Education”.

Türkiye Çocuk Zirvesi 14.Y›l KutlamaToplant›s› Okulumuzda Gerçekleflti…

Child Summit Of Turkey's 14th CelebrationMeeting Was Held In Our School...

Ülkemizde 1995 y›l›nda kanunlaflarak yürürlü¤e giren Çocuk Haklar›Sözleflmesi'nin kabulünün 14. y›l›, 20 Kas›m 2009 Cuma günüAREL E¤itim Kurumlar›'nda kutland›.

Türkiye Çocuk Zirvesi Genel Sekreterli¤i ve AREL E¤itim Kurumlar›iflbirli¤i ile gerçekleflen programa, TBBM Eski Baflkan› Say›n KöksalTOPTAN ve efli Türkiye Özürlüler E¤itim ve Dayan›flma Vakf›Mütevelli Heyeti Baflkan› Say›n Saime TOPTAN, BahçelievlerKaymakam› Say›n fievket C‹NB‹R ve efli Hayriye C‹NB‹R ve çoksay›da önemli davetli kat›ld›.

14th year of acceptance of Agreement of Children's Rightswhich became law and inured in our country in 1995, wascelebrated in AREL Schools on 20th of November, 2009.

The former head of Turkish Grand National Assembly KöksalTOPTAN and his wife, Head of Trustee Committee of TurkeyDisabled Education and Support Foundation Saime TOPTAN,Lieutenant Colonel of Bahçelievler fievket Cinbir and his wifeHayriye C‹NB‹R and a great number of important guests attendedthe programme which was prepared with the cooperation ofSecretariat General of Child Summit of Turkey and ARELSchools.

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Velilere Yönelik Haz›rlanan Ek Bültenve Broflürler

E¤itim döneminin bafl›nda Anaokulu ve 1.s›n›f velilerimiz için“Okula Bafllarken” isimli broflür, 1-5. s›n›f velilerine yönelikyafl dönem özellikleri konulu bülten, 6, 7. ve 8. s›n›f velilerineyönelik ergenlik dönem özellikleri ile ilgili bülten haz›rlanm›flt›r.Anadolu ve Fen Lisesi ö¤renci velilerine yönelik ise yeni ÖSYSsistemi, s›nav kayg›s›, ergenlik dönemi özellikleri konulu bültenhaz›rlanm›fl ve da¤›t›lm›flt›r.

At the beginning of education term; "Getting to School"brochure for kindergarten and 1st class’s parents, ‘’AgesFeatures’’ titled bulletin for 1-5. class’s parents, ‘’AdolescenceFeatures’’ bulletin for 6 7. and 8 class’s parents were prepared.The new ÖSYS system, exam anxiety, adolescence featurestitled bulletin were prepared for Anatolian and Science HighSchool parents.

Davran›fl ÇizelgeleriAchievement Charts

Anas›n›f› ve 1. s›n›f ö¤rencilerine yönelik olarak “OlumluDavran›fl Kazand›rma Çizelgeleri” haz›rlanm›fl, dönem boyuncaher hafta uygulanm›flt›r. Dönem sonunda çizelgeler, düzenlibir flekilde takip edilmesi ve en çok gülen yüzün kazan›lmas›nagöre de¤erlendirilmifl ve ö¤renciler buna göre ödüllendirilmifltir.

The printed forms called ‘Positive Behaviour AchievementCharts’ were prepared for encouraging the kindergarden andthe first grade� students to achieve positive behaviours. Theseforms were applied to the students every week during theterm. At the end of the term, were assesed . The studentswho followed the forms regularly and the ones who gained thehighest amount of smiling faces were rewarded by the classteachers.

Kulüp Çal›flmalar›Student Club Activities

2009-2010 E¤itim- Ö¤retim Y›l›’ n›n sonunda velilerimizin dekat›l›m›yla ö¤rencilerimizin devam etmek istedikleri kulüplerbelirlenmifltir. 2009-2010 E¤itim-Ö¤retim Y›l›’ n›n ikincihaftas›ndan itibaren kulüpler etkinliklerine bafllam›fllard›r.Ö¤rencilerimiz yerlefltirildikleri kulüplerde ilgi ve yeteneklerini,bedensel faaliyetlerini, yaflama uyum sa¤lama becerilerinigelifltirme amac›yla yetifltirilmektedirler.

At the end of the last year, we determined the student clubsto which the students are going to attend by contributionsof the parents.From the second week of 2009-2010educational year, the clubs started to study.The students, intheir clubs, are educated to develop their interest and skills,physical acitivities and adaptation skills.


Rehberlik SeminerleriGuidance Seminars

PYP ve MYP çerçevesindeki Bireysellefltirilmifl E¤itim Program›2005-2006 E¤itim-Ö¤retim Y›l›’ndan itibaren AREL RehberlikBirimi taraf›ndan yürütülmektedir. Bu amaçla, 11.09.2009tarihinde, e¤itim-ö¤retim kadromuza “E¤itimde BireyselFarkl›l›klar” konular›nda seminerler verilmifltir. Bu seminerdebireysellefltirilmifl e¤itimin tan›m›na, kriterlerine, bu programadahil olacak ö¤rencilerin özelliklerine ve ihtiyaçlar›na,kullan›labilecek stratejilere de¤inilmifltir. Ayr›ca “Motivasyon”,“Etkili ‹letiflim” konular›nda da seminerler verilmifl ve buseminerlerde motivasyonun ö¤renme sürecine olan etkisineve ö¤renci-ö¤retmen aras›ndaki etkili iletiflimin öneminede¤inilmifltir.

Guidance and Counseling Department gave a seminar about“Individual Differences in Education” to our educational staffon 11.09.2009. In the seminar, our counselors stated thedefinition of and criteria for special education, features of thestudents which are defined and included to the special educationprogram and strategies that the teacher can use. Guidanceand Counseling Department also give other seminars called“Motivation” and “Effective Communication” during the firstsemester. They pointed out the effects of motivation to thelearning process and the importance of effectivecommunication between the student and teacher at thoseseminars.

A presentation “First Day at School’’ was performed for theparents who have preschool and first grade children. The

presentation was about the difficulties that could be seen atthe beginning of the school life, the children’s possible reactionsand some suggestions for the parents. Guidance andCounseling Department also performed presentations aboutadolescence features, the new ÖSYS system and exam stress.Issues such as principles of the Guidance and CounselingDepartment, the services provided by the counselors and theconcept of developmental guidance were extensively discussedat the presentations.

The printed forms of ‘Positive Behavior Achievement Charts’were prepared for encouraging the preschool and the firstgrade�students to achieve positive behaviors. These formswere used in each classroom during the term. At the end ofthe term, the students who followed the forms regularly andthe ones who gained the highest amount of smiling faceswere rewarded by the class teachers.

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Ö¤rencilerimiz ile 2009-2010 E¤itim-Ö¤retim Y›l›’nda geliflimselrehberlik kapsam›nda; akademik, duygusal, davran›flsal aç›dantakiplerini gerçeklefltirmek amac›yla bireysel görüflmeleryap›lm›flt›r.Üniversite tan›t›m› kapsam›nda Y›ld›z TeknikÜniversitesi ve Bo¤aziçi Üniversitesi’ne gezi düzenlenmifltir.

With our students in the academic year 2009-2010 within thescope of developmental guidance, academic, emotional,behavioral terms in order to perform follow-up interviews wereconducted individually. In the context of university presentationYildiz Technical University and Bogazici University trips wasorganized.

AREL ‹lkö¤retim Okulu’nda 2009-2010 “Ö¤renci Meclis Baflkanlar› Seçimleri”yap›ld›. Arda Pekflen ‹lkö¤retim Okulu Meclis Baflkan›, Elifsu Döventafl OkulMeclis Baflkan Yard›mc›s› seçildi. AREL Lisesi’nde 2009-2010 Ö¤renciMeclis Baflkan› Seçimleri yap›ld›. Kaan Arslan Özel AREL Fen Lisesi Ö¤renciMeclis Baflkan›, Hazal fienses Özel AREL Anadolu Lisesi Ö¤renci MeclisBaflkan› Seçildi.

Elections for the 2009-2010 School Student Council were held in ARELPmimary School. Arda Pekflen was elected as the president and ElifsuDöventafl was selected as vice president. In AREL High school 2009-2010elections were held, too. Kaan Arslan was elected as the president ofPrivate AREL Science High School and Hazal fienses was selected as thepresident of AREL Anatolian High School.

Okul Baflkanlar›m›z› Seçtik…Our student – President was selected

Ö¤rencilere Yönelik Çal›flmalar Studies for Students


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Cambridge Üniversitesi taraf›ndan düzenlenen ve ‹stanbul British Council taraf›ndanuygulanan UCLES “ Young Learners –KET-PET s›navlar›na kat›lan ö¤rencilerimizsertifikalar›n› alm›fllard›r. Uluslararas› bir platformda kendilerini test etme olana¤› bulantüm ö¤rencilerimizi kutluyor ve baflar›lar›n›n devam›n› diliyoruz.

AREL students, who took the UCLES “ Young Learners- KET- PET exams organized by Cambridge University and applied by theBritish Council have received their certificates. We congratulate and wish success to our students who found an opportunityto test themselves on an international platform.


Yabanc› Diller Bölümü olarak s›n›flar›m›zda yapt›¤›m›z aktivitelerdenseçti¤imiz örnekleri di¤er bölümlerdeki arkadafllar›m›zla paylaflt›k.Sunumumuzda 10. s›n›flar›n “Reklam” ünitesinde uygulad›¤›m›z aktivitelereyer verdik. Ö¤retmen arkadafllar›m›z da en az ö¤rencilerimiz kadar e¤lenerekbu aktivitelere kat›ld›lar.

We, as AREL teachers shared a set of sample activities chosen among theactivities done in our classrooms with our colleagues. In our presentationswe performed activities that were done with the 10th graders in their“advertisements” unit. Our colleagues took part in the activities as willinglyas our students.

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Okulumuzda uygulanan Uluslararas› Bakalorya Orta Y›llar program› kapsam›ndaToplum ve Hizmet Etkileflim Alan› odakl› ‹ngilizce dersi çal›flmalar›n›n bir etkinli¤iolarak 9. s›n›f ö¤rencileri 2 Ekim 2009 tarihinde Bahçelievler –‹stanbul Huzureviziyaretini gerçeklefltirmifllerdir. Ziyarete gitmeden önce düzenledikleri kermesten

toplad›klar› parayla huzurevisakinlerinin ihtiyaçlar›na katk›dabulunan ö¤rencilerimiz bu ziyaretsonras›nda haz›rlad›klar› projeleriarkadafllar›yla paylaflt› lar.

Based on the Community andService focused unit, 9 th gradesvisited Bahçelievler –‹stanbul RestHome on October 2nd, 2009. Thestudents contributed to their needswith the fund they had raisedthrough bake sale and shared theirprojects with their friends.


24 Kas›m Ö¤retmenler Günü, Yabanc› DillerBölümü’nün rehberli¤inde ö¤rencilerimiztaraf›ndan haz›rlanan bir programla kutlanm›flt›r.Ö¤retmenlerimiz güne birlikte yapt›klar›kahvalt›yla bafllarken, tüm okulun sorumlulu¤unualm›fl olan 12. s›n›f ö¤rencileri, s›n›flara girerekilk ders yoklamalar›n› alm›fllar ve ö¤rencilerintöreni izlemek üzere konferans salonunageçifllerini sa¤lam›fllard›r.

Teachers’ Day was celebrated in our school with a program organizedby our students in the guidance of Department of Foreign Languages.While the teachers were having breakfast with their colleagues, 12th grades, who took the whole school’s responsibility,had the first lesson with the students and guided them to the conference hall for the ceremony.


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Art›k geleneksel hale gelen Karaokeflovumuz yine birçok ö¤rencimizin kat›l›m›ylagerçekleflti. Karaoke flovu öncesindegeçti¤imiz y›lda gerçekleflen olaylar›hat›rlamak amac›yla e¤lenceli ve ödüllü birbilgi yar›flmas› düzenledik. Ayr›ca ilkö¤retimö¤rencileri 2009 y›l›n›n önemli olaylar› ileilgili sunumlar›n› arkadafllar› ile paylaflt›lar.

S t u d e n t s p r e p a r e dPowerPoint presentationsabout political, economic,art, technological andspor ts events thathappened in 2009 inTurkey and in the worldand presented them totheir friends on December31st . To have fun ,volunteer students sang

their songs with Karaoke and had fun. We appreciate theirencouragement.



Ö¤rencilerimiz konuklar›m›za “kültür floku” ve “Türkiye’deyabanc› olmak” konusu ile ilgili sorular yönelttiler. Ayn›zamanda, ö¤rencilerimiz yine bu konuda haz›rlayacaklar›sunumlar için birçok bilgi elde ettiler.Ö¤rencilerimiz“Türkiye’de yabanc› olmak” konulu sunumlar›n› arkadafllar›nave ö¤retmenlerine sunarken farkl› kültürlere karfl› hoflgörülüolma kavram›n› bir kez daha vurgulam›fl oldular.

On December 17th, 2009, we, as Foreign LanguagesDepartment invited some foreign guests to our school forthe 9th grades interdisciplinary theme; “Mevlana andTolerance”. In this question-and-answer session, ourstudents had a chance to ask questions about our topic“Culture Shock and Being a Foreigner in Turkey” and alsothey got first-hand information for their projects. Ourstudents focused on tolerance towards different culturesonce again while presenting about “Being a foreigner inTurkey” to their friends and teachers.


17 Aral›k 2009 Perflembe günü, 9. s›n›flar›nalanlararas› projesi olan “Mevlana veHoflgörü” temas› kapsam›nda, Yabanc› DillerBölümü olarak ülkemizde yaflayan yabanc›uyruklu insanlar› ö¤rencilerimizle ‹ngilizcebir söylefli yapmak üzere okulumuza davetettik.

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S›n›flararas› düzenlenen geleneksel kitap okuma yar›flmam›z sonuçlanm›flt›r.Ö¤rencilerimizin okuma al›flkanl›klar›n›n geliflmesine ve dil düzeylerinin artmas›na olanaksa¤layan bu yar›flmada ödül almaya hak kazanan ö¤rencilerimizi kutlar›z.

Our traditional competition on reading books has ended with great enthusiasm. Our students were awarded in this competitionwhich allows them to develop their reading skills and gives opportunity to improve their English .


3-ABaflak ‹nceo¤luSinem DönmezÖyküm KaramanSelen Y›lmazSelin fienbak

3-BYi¤it K›l›çBatuhan GültekinMerve Turan

3-C‹rem ÖçDilflah GülkanElçin Tanr›verdiEmre Tafl

4-AElvin AySeçil YükselZeynep EnginDo¤a Sar›

4-BUtkan Y›lmazZeynep Dila AktaflDo¤a Atasoy

4-CHüseyin Bora GürerMehmet Utku To¤salÖzge ErduvanDamla Diri

4-DMelike GürtekinAlmina ÖnderZehra UygunYaren ÜnalDidem Veli

5-ADila So¤uktaflElif Su Döventafl

5-BEce Baht›flenDeniz ÖzgürDilara Mo¤ulkoçEge ÖzmenAlperen Lokman



Ö¤rencilerimizin yeni yay›nlar› yak›ndan tan›malar› ve kitap okumaal›flkanl›klar›n› gelifltirmeleri amac›yla okulumuzda 18-21 OCAK2010 tarihleri aras›nda çeflitli yay›nevleri taraf›ndan kitap stand›aç›lm›fl ve ö¤rencilerimizin arzu ettikleri kitaplara sahip olmalar›sa¤lanm›flt›r.

Book Fair was held in AREL Schools between the dates of 18th -21st January to help the students catch up new publications anddevelop their reading abilities. The students had an opportunityto buy the books they would like to read.


RADYO AREL her hafta farkl› bir DJ ile yay›nlanmaya bafllad›.AREL radyo sayesinde ö¤le tatilleri Dj ler taraf›ndan seçilen hitflark›larla daha e¤lenceli oldu. fiark›lar›n yan›nda farkl› konulardayap›lan konuflmalar da dinleyicilerimizi ülkemizde ve dünyadayaflananlar hakk›nda bilgilendirdi.

Radio AREL started to be broadcasted in December. It was onair with a different DJ every week. Thanks to it, the lunch breaksbecame enjoyable with the hit songs chosen by our DJs. Not onlythe songs but also the speeches about different topics made theaudience become aware of the latest news and songs.


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Ata’m›z› ölümünün 71.y›l›nda sayg›yla, özlemle and›k.Ö¤rencilerimiz Atatürk’e duyduklar› sevgi ve minnet duygular›n›flark›larla ve fliirlerle dile getirdiler.

We commemorated our leader Atatürk in his 71st anniversaryof his death. Our students showed their love and appreciationsfor him by singing songs and reading poems.

Bir tutkusun sen Mustafa KemalYitirtilmifl kas›mlarda açan umutsunBir bafls›n, vazgeçilmeyen... Cumhuriyetimiz 86 Yafl›nda


AREL E¤itim Kurumlar› olarak anaokulundan liseyeCumhuriyetimizin 86. y›l›n› coflkuyla kutlad›k. CumhuriyetBalosu’yla bafllayan törenimiz marfllar, dramalar, step,bale, halk oyunlar› gösterileriyle devam etti. “Ad›m Ad›mÖzgürlük” adl› orotoryonun da sergilendi¤i törenimizOnuncu Y›l Marfl›’n›n söylenmesiyle sona erdi. ARELö¤rencileri cumhuriyetin sad›k bekçileri olduklar›n› bir kezdaha gösterdiler.

As AREL primary and high schools, we celebrated our RepublicDay enthusiastically. Our programme started with the “RepublicBall” and continued with anthems, dramas and dances suchas steps, balley anf folk dances. The programme also includedan oratorium called “ Step by step Freedom” and ended with“ Onuncu Y›l Marfl›”. AREL students re-showed that they arethe loyal keepers of the Republic.

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6, 7 ve 8. s›n›f ö¤rencilerimiz haz›rlad›klar› “Foto¤rafl› Aile fiiirleriAntolojisi “ çal›flmalar› ile ailelerine duyduklar› sevgiyi dilegetirdiler ve sunumlar›n› yapt›lar.

Our 6th, 7th and 8th grades express their love for their familiesby preparing “ Anthology of Family Poems with Photos” andpresented them.



AREL E¤itim Kurumlar› olarak de¤iflen dünyam›zda, ö¤rencilerimizin gereksinimlerinikarfl›lamaya yönelik ve zaman›n gerekliliklerine uygun, ça¤dafl bir e¤itim vermeyihedefliyor, ö¤rencilerimize rehber olmaya devam ediyoruz.

Usta çizer Salih MEMECAN ilkö¤retim ikinci kademe ve liseö¤rencilerimizle karikatür sanat› üzerine keyifli bir söylefli gerçeklefltirdi.

Master cartoonist, had an enjoyable conversation with our upperprimary and high school students.

Bilgin ADALI ö¤rencilerimizle sohbet ederken...

Bilgin ADALI is talking with our students...

Yazar Mine SOYSAL’›n “Eyvah Kitap” ve di¤er kitaplar› ile ilgiliilkö¤retim ö¤rencilerimizle söyleflisinden bir kare…

Author Mine SOYSAL had a conversation with our primary studentson her latest work “Eyvah Kitap” and her other books.

Çocuklar›m›z›n; Türk ve Dünya yaz›n›n›n roman, öykü, tiyatro,deneme, fliir gibi birçok yaz›nsal türüyle ufuklar›n› geniflletmeleri;çeflitli alanlarda çal›flmalar yapan sanatç›lar›n, yazar, çizer veakademisyenlerin bilgi birikimlerinden yararlanmalar› içinokulumuzda 18-21 Ocak tarihleri aras›nda “AREL 2010 K‹TAPFUARI VE SÖYLEfi‹ GÜNLER‹” bafll›¤› alt›nda bir dizi etkinlikdüzenledik. Türkçe ve yabanc› dillerde pek çok yay›n›n yer ald›¤›etkinli¤imize yaklafl›k 15 yay›nevi ve 11 yazar kat›ld›. Etkinli¤imizdeö¤rencilerimiz, Türk ve Dünya yaz›n›n›n seçkin eserlerini ve ilgiduyduklar› kitaplar› sat›n alma olana¤› buldular.

In order to broaden our students’ vision with Turkish and Worldwidenovel, story, theatre, essay, poetry and to get them inspired of theknowledge of various field artists, cartoonists, authors andacademicians, we organized “AREL 2010 BOOK FAIR ANDCONVERSATION DAYS” on January 18-21, 2010. We invitedapproximately 15 publishers and 11 author contributors. Our studentshad an opportunity to meet with some of the distinguished writersof Turkey. AREL students had the famous authors signed their books.


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Foto¤raf sanatç ›s ›Pemra YÜCE ile 4, 5.s›n›f ö¤rencilerimizf o t o ¤ r a f › n b ü y ü l üdünyas›na bir yolculukyapt›lar.

Our grade 4-5 studentshad a trip to the magicworld of photographywith the photographerPemra YÜCE.

33 dilde 40’tan fazla ülkede yay›mlanan ve haftalarca “En ÇokSatanlar” listesinden inmeyen “Kay›p Gül” roman›n›n yazar› SerdarÖZKAN, lise ve ilkö¤retim ikinci kademe ö¤rencilerimizle “roman”üzerine söyleflti.

Serdar ÖZKAN, the author of the book “The Lost Rose” whichwas translated in 33 languages in 40 countries and was the bestseller for weeks, came together with our upper primary and highschool students to talk on “novel”.


“Her ‹flin Bafl› Sa¤l›k”slogan›yla Dr. MeralTuna PERKAN 1, 2 ,3,4. s›n›f ö¤rencilerimizlesa¤l›k üzerine güzel birsöylefli gerçeklefltirdi.

With her slogan “Healthis the starting point ofeverything.” Dr. MeralTuna PERKAN, had anice conversation onhealth with 1-4 gradestudents.

Sunucu-yazar Ayflenur YAZICIilkö¤retim ikinci kademe ve liseö¤rencilerimizle meslekitecrübelerini ve haber yay›nc›l›¤›ile ilgili bilgi ve deneyimlerinipaylaflt›.

Presenter-author AyflenurYAZICI shared professionalexperience and information onnews broadcast with our middleyears and high school students

‹lkö¤retim ö¤rencilerimizin kitaplar›n› keyifle okuduklar› yazarSevim AK, ö¤rencilerimizle kitaplar› üzerine coflkulu bir söylefliyapt›. Ö¤renciler, Sevim Ak’a kitap imzalatmak için birbirleriyleyar›flt›lar.

Sevim AK, whose booksare read by our primarystudents with greatp l e a s u r e , h a d a nenthusiastic conversationwith our students on herbooks. The studentsseemed quite impatientto get their books signedby the author.

Prof. Dr. Gül BATUfi, “2010 Avrupa Kültür Baflkenti ‹stanbul” konulugörsel sunumuyla ö¤rencilerimizi keyifli bir ‹stanbul yolculu¤una ç›kard›.

Prof. Dr. Gül BATUfi, took our students to an enjoyable Istanbultour with her visual presentation “2010 European Capital of CultureIstanbul”.

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Hiçbir gemi, bizi bir kitap kadar uzaklaragötüremez. Bizler de uzak diyarlara yelkenaçmak için 8, Lise Haz›rl›k, ve 9. s›n›fö¤rencilerimizle 4 Kas›m Çarflamba günü,6 ve 7. s›n›f ö¤rencilerimizle ise 5 Kas›mPerflembe günü Tüyap Kitap Fuar›’n›ziyaret ettik. Birçok yay›nevi stand›n›dolaflarak kitaplar› yak›ndan incelemef›rsat› yakalayan ö¤rencilerimiz, kitaplar›nsamimi, s›cak ve insan› çeken dünyas›nagirerek okuman›n önemini bir kez dahaanlad›lar.

Any ship can take us as far as a book cantake. In order to sail to the places far away,4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th gradersvisited “TUYAP Book Fair” on 4th and 5thof November 2009. Our students had achance of examining the books by visitingthe book stalls of the different publishers.They understood the significance of thewarm, friendly and attractive world of thebooks once more.


‹ranl› bir flair der ki: “Aflka uçarsan kanad›n yanar…”Mevlana der ki: “Aflka uçmazsan kanat neye yarar?”

A Persian poet says, "Don’t fly towards love, it will only burn your wings"Mevlana says, "What use are wings, if you are not going to fly towards love?"

“Mevlana Haftas›” ilgili alanlararas› proje çal›flmas› kapsam›nda Türkçe-EdebiyatBölümü olarak bir fliir dinletisi gerçeklefltirdik. 23.12.2009’da Cep Tiyatrosu’ndagerçeklefltirilen dinletide 9. s›n›f ö¤rencilerimiz Mevlana’n›n fliirlerini ve ö¤üt verensözlerini arkadafllar›yla paylaflt›lar. K›sa video gösteriminin de izletildi¤i dinletininsonunda 9/C ve 9/D s›n›flar› aras›nda düzenlenen Mevlana’yla ilgili sloganyar›flmas›n›n sonuçlar› aç›kland›. “Hayat› Bofl Görme, Hofl Gör!” slogan›yla 9/Ds›n›f› ö¤rencisi Serkan Canol birinci oldu.

For the interdisciplinary Project “Mevlana Week”, the Department of TurkishLanguage and Literature organized a poetry performance. Our 9th graders sharedMevlana’s poems and words on December 23, 2009 in our mini-theatre auditorium.

At the end of the performance which also included a short video show, the results of the slogan competition about Mevlana forthe 9/C and 9/D classes were announced. Serkan Canol from 9/D became the winner of the competition with the slogan “Don’tthink life is empty, be kind and tolerant!”



‹lkö¤retim ikinci kademe ö¤rencileri bir dönem boyunca yapt›klar› tema çal›flmalar›n›s›n›f ve bölüm panolar›nda sergilediler. 6. s›n›flar›n “Yurt Sevgisi” temal› fliirleri,7. s›n›flar›n “ Cumhuriyet “konulu yaz›lar›, 8. s›n›flar›n ; “Herkes Baflar›l› Olabilirmi?”yazma çal›flmas›, “Atatürk’ün Biyografisi” poster çal›flmalar› bunlardan baz›lar›yd›.

The middle school students exhibited the displays of the works they have done inthe first term on the boards in the classroom and the corridors.Some of the samples are: the poems about “Patriotism” of 6th grades, the writingsabout “ Republic” of 7th grades, “the compositions called “ Can everybody besuccessful?”, and posters about “ the biography of Atatürk” of 8th grades.

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Ödüllerimiz:Our Awards:“ 6 Ekim ‹stanbul’ un Kurtuluflu” Konulu Liseleraras› fiiirYazma Yar›flmas› ‹lçe Birincili¤i, ‹l ‹kincili¤i

The winner of the poem competition about “ October 6, TheSalvation of ‹stanbul” arranged among the high schoolstudents in Bahçelievler area as well as being the runner upin ‹stanbul.


“24 Kas›m Ö¤retmenler Günü” Konulu Liseleraras› fiiirYazma Yar›flmas› ‹lçe Birincili¤i, ‹l ‹kincili¤i

The winner of the poem competition about “ November 24,The Teachers’ Day” arranged among the high school studentsin Bahçelievler area as well as being the runner up in ‹stanbul


“29 Ekim Cumhuriyet Bayram›” Konulu ‹lkö¤retimKompozisyon Yar›flmas› ‹lçe Birincili¤i

The winner of the essay competition about “ October 29,The Republic Day” arranged among the middle schoolstudents in Bahçelievler area.


“10 Kas›m Atatürk’ü Anma” Konulu Liseleraras› fiiirYazma Yar›flmas› ‹lçe Birincili¤i

The winner of the poem competition about “ November 10,The Commemoration of Atatürk” arranged among the highschool students in Bahçelievler area.



Arel school students became the district winners of the essayand poem competitions about “ The Salvation of ‹stanbul ( October6), Teachers’ Day ( November 24), The Republic Day ( October29), The Commemoration of Atatürk ( November 10) organizedby the Istanbul Office of National Education. Additionally, two ofour students became successful in ‹stanbul area.

2009-2010 E¤itim-Ö¤retim Y›l›’nda ‹l Milli E¤itimMüdürlü¤ü’nün düzenledi¤i 6 Ekim ‹stanbul’unKurtuluflu, 24 Kas›m Ö¤retmenler Günü, 29 EkimCumhuriyet Bayram›, 10 Kas›m Atatürk’ü Anmafliir ve kompozisyon yar›flmalar›nda ilçe birinciliklerihep AREL ö¤rencilerinin olmufl, ayr›ca iki ö¤rencimizil çap›nda da dereceye girmifltir.


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Cumhuriyet...Y›llarca özlenen, beklenen... Osmanl› ‹mparatorlu¤u’nun da¤›lma döneminde çekilen s›k›nt›lar,Birinci Dünya Savafl›’ndaAlmanya’yla birl ikte gelen yenilgi ve Çanakkale’de kazan›lan zafer.. . Vatan topraklar› iflgal alt›nda.

‹flte tam da bu s›rada, sadece vatan› için yaflayabilen bir kahraman ç›kt›. Çanakkale’den zaferle ç›kan kahraman.Ve o dedi ki:CUMHUR‹YET... Kad›n, yafll›, çocuk demeden onu kazanmak,vatan topraklar›n› kurtarmak ad›na yap›lan zorlu savafl: KURTULUfiSAVAfiI.Bütün bunlar ne içindi? HÜRR‹YET!

Cumhuriyetle gelen yönetim fleklinde halk kendi kendini yönetir, temsilcilerini seçer, seçme ve seçilme hakk›na sahiptir. Böyle miydieskiden? Cumhuriyetin istenme sebebi buydu iflte.Böyle yönetilmedi¤i için ülke, savafla zorland›. Ve ülkeyi Atatürk kurtard›.Vatan›için, cumhuriyet için can›n› bile vermeye haz›rd› Atatürk. Ordusundan da bunu istiyordu: “YA ‹ST‹KLAL YA ÖLÜM! “ diyordu.Bukadar önemliydi cumhuriyet, hâlâ da önemli. Bizler de Atam›z›n izinde, sonsuz bekçileri olaca¤›z cumhuriyetin.

‹nsanlar canlar›n› verebiliyorlard›,kefensiz topra¤›n alt›na girmek zor de¤ildi,vatan için cumhuriyet için.fiehitlerin al kan›n›n üzerineyans›yan ay y›ld›zdan oluflmufltu bayra¤›m›z.Daha de¤erlisi var m›yd› bu dünyada? Vatan için dökülen al kandan oluflan bir bayrakdaha var m›yd›?

‹flte bu zor flartlardan bugünlere gelindi.fiimdi cumhuriyetle yönetilen laik ve demokratik bir ülkeyiz.Cumhuriyeti sonsuza kadarkorumak ve yaflatmak da biz gelece¤in gençlerine b›rak›lm›fl kutsal bir görevdir.Bunun için ihtiyaç duyaca¤›m›z güç damarlar›m›zdakiasil kanda mevcuttur.Sen rahat uyu Atam,cumhuriyet ilelebet yaflayacakt›r!



Ödül Alan EserlerThe Awarded Poems and Essays


Üflüyorum, gerçi so¤uk de¤il ama üflüyorumOdada bir duvar gibi sessizlikYata¤›n etraf›nda pek çok dost.Üzgün bana bak›yor,Bir fley biliyor gibiler,Nefesim daral›yor.

Ortal›k yavafl yavafl karar›yorKalbim at›yor mu, atm›yor mu bilmiyorumAma bildi¤im bir fley var;Art›k içim rahat,Gönlüm rahat,Beynim rahat.

Birden bir ses geliyor uzaktan, bir gencin sesiBa¤›rarak: “Bu vatan emanetinizdir!” diyor.Etraf ayd›nlan›yor sanki bu sözlerleGence bak›yorum,Yafl ak›yor gözlerinden.A¤lama evlad›m, benim içim rahat,Bu vatan senin gibi Cumhuriyetçi gençlere emanet,‹flte bu yüzden içim çok rahat diyorum.

Etraf yine yavafl yavafl kararmaya bafll›yorSaate bak›yorum, dokuzu befl geçiyor.Sonra birden bembeyaz oluyor odam,Görünmez bir el uzan›yor duvarlar›n aras›ndanGel tut, diyor elimiTutuyorum.Rahat›m.Arkamdan bir ses:“Atatürk ölmedi, kalbimizde yafl›yor!”


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Ne aflklar sakl›d›r kald›r›mlar›nda,Sultanahmet’in curcunas›nda,Piyer Loti’nin durgunlu¤unda...Ne sitemler sakl›d›r u¤runa yaz›lan her sat›rda,Ne savafllar yaflanm›flt›r, gö¤sünde yaflamak u¤runa...Kim bilir kaç kifli masmavi denizinde sevdi¤inin gözlerini,Ufkunda annesinin hasretini görmüfltürKim bilir kaç kifli afl›kt›r senin tarih kokunaBelki de bundand›r zaman zaman a¤lamanUnutturmamak içindir maziyi...Sokaklar›nda yank›lanan at nallar›nda,U¤runa dökülen kanlar›...Rüzgar›nla getirirsin an›lar›n›Burcu burcu kokar bazenSenin denizine bakan bir gencin aflk ›sl›klar›Annesine sar›lan bir çocu¤un mutluluk 盤l›klar›...Bazen de so¤uk eser rüzgar›nPek de pembe olmayan ac›lar›n› getirir demet demet

Bir çocu¤un açl›ktan ölmesini,O¤lunu kaybeden bir annenin gözyafllar›n›Bazen bir f›s›lt›d›r,Bir kad›n›n yard›m 盤l›¤›n›Ya da kemanc›n›n bir hazin notas›n› getirenNe güzel bir flehirsin ki sen ‹stanbulKaybolmaz yaflan›lan hiçbir an› sendenBir duvar›nda rastlan›r o yaflanan koca aflka,Ya da bir kum tanen dile gelir, anlat›r hüzünlerini pare pareNe güzel bir flehirsin ki sen ‹stanbulMelekle fleytan› yan yanaKalbindeki coflkulu orkestradaKendi besteledi¤in o ilginç flark›ndaBir notaya çevirirsinM›r›ldan›rlar bu yaflam senfonisiniSende kaybolanlar.



Seni anlatmaya çal›fl›yorum,Olmuyor yapam›yorum,Senden ö¤rendiklerim bile yetmiyor seni anlatmayaNe zamanki gökle yer, yer de¤ifltirecek‹flte o zaman kelimeler seni anlatmaya yetecek.

Bir güneflsin sanki karanl›¤› ayd›nlatanMilleti karanl›ktan kurtaran yar›nlara yelken açan,Öyle bir güneflsin ki sen;Hiç ama hiç batmayan.

Ömrünü ö¤retmeye, ö¤renmeye adamakVe senede sadece bir kere an›lmakTüm bunlara ra¤men y›lmamakCehalete karanl›¤a karfl› ayakta kalmak

‹lginç meslek ö¤retmenlikAnneler babalar bile dayanamazken bazenHiçbir kanba¤›n›z olmayan birinin, bir kelime ö¤retmek için,Gelece¤e bilgili beyinler aktarmak içinCan›n› difline takmas› ve her bir ö¤renciye evlad› gibi davranmas›...

Bir gönül bahçesi var ö¤retmenlerin,‹çinde binbir renkli çiçekler bulunan,Baz›lar› ürkek ma¤rur menekfle gibi hiç incitmemeli dal›n›Baz›lar› papatya gibi sevdirir kendini;

Baz›lar› ise gül gibi; yine seversin ama dikenliAc›t›r bazen canlar›n›Ama yine y›lmazlar kimisi can›n› ac›tsa daAzimle sularlar bu bahçeyi, hiçbir ayr›m yapmadan dikenler ellerine bata bata…

‹lginç meslek ö¤retmenlikTüm ömrünü belki seni ilerde hiç hat›rlamayacak birine adamakBir ç›kar gözetmeden pek bir fley beklemeden.Yaln›zca arada s›rada hat›rlanmak belki, aradan on sene geçse dahiBir ö¤retmenler gününde elinde bir demet çiçekle gelipKap› arkas›ndan s›cac›k bir tebessümle, beni hat›rlad›n›z m› hocam, demek‹çten ve samimi bir sesleBelki bu bile yeter onlara.

Ama yetmez asl›nda.Yeter mi hiç ömrünü ö¤retmeye, e¤itmeye adayan insanaAma bu bile yetiyor kanats›z meleklereDünün bu günün ve yar›n›n kurucusu ayd›nl›¤›n simgesiAnne babam›z kadar s›cak ö¤retmenlerimizeSizce de ilginç meslek de¤il mi ö¤retmenlik?




6. s›n›f ö¤rencilerimiz “Eskici” öyküsününyazar› Refik Halit Karay’a, öykü hakk›ndakiduygu ve düflüncelerini içten bir dilleyazd›lar, merak ettikleri sorular› sordular.

Our 6th grades wrote letters to the author “Refik Halit Karay”of the story “Eskici”expressing their feelings and thoughts aswell as including their questions about the things they wantedto know.


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Günümüzde yaflanan h›zl› ve köklü de¤iflimin temelde¤iflkeninin bafl›nda bilim ve teknoloji gelmektedir. Birülkenin hem kalk›nm›fll›¤›n›n hem de uluslararas› gücününönemli göstergelerinden biri kuflkusuz “bilimsel araflt›rmapotansiyeli” ile “bilgi ve teknoloji” üretimidir. Bu da bilimve teknolojiye kaynakl›k eden, fen bilimleri dersleri sayesindeolacakt›r. Bunun bilinci ile ö¤rencilerimizin seviyeleri dikkateal›narak proje çal›flmalar› yap›lmaktad›r.

Today, rapid and fundamental changes exist in science andtechnology and they are at top of the basic variables of thesechanges. There is no doubt that, important indicator of development and international strength of a country is the productionof "scientific research potential," and "knowledge and technology". This can be only achieved with science courses which includescience and technology resources. Based on this fact, our students have been doing project works that vary according to theirlevels.


Fen BölümüDepartment of Science

PROJE ÇALIfiMALARIMIZDAN ÖRNEKLERPROJECT WORK EXAMPLESOkulumuz Semep, Eko-Okul üyesi olup uzun zamand›r her seviyede ve disiplinleraras›çal›flmalar› sürdürmektedir. Çevre, ekosistem, küresel ›s›nma, iklim de¤iflikli¤i, ozontabakas›n›n delinmesi, sürdürülebilinir enerji kayna¤› ve yönetimi, nüfus artmas›…nedeni ile karfl›laflt›¤›m›z sorunlar› çözme ve yaratt›¤› s›k›nt›lar› minimuma indirmeamac› ile çal›flmalar yapmakta ve önlemler almaktay›z.

As a member of Semep and Eco-school, our school has been carrying out interdisciplinaryworks for each level for a long time. Environment, ecosystem, global warming, climate change, perforation of ozone layer, andmanagement of sustainable energy resources, population increase… Because of these problems we have been working tominimize the unfavorable causes of them and take precautions.


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Dünyada at›k sular›n dezenfekte edilmesi çok büyük bir sorun yaratmaktad›r. Bu ifllemdedo¤al yöntemlerin kullan›lmas› ekolojik at›k yükünün daha da azalmas›n› sa¤lamaktad›r. Projemizde, 11. s›n›f ö¤rencilerinden Esat Ahmet K›l›çhan ve Diliflah Al ile sumak bitkisikullan›larak at›k sularda bulunan bak›r iyonlar›n›n ar›nd›r›lmas› amaçlanmaktad›r.Bu proje çal›flmas› Tübitak’ta sergilenmeye de¤er görülmüfltür.

Bu projede elde edilen sonuçlar dahilinde fabrika at›k sular›n›n , göl ve deniz sular›n›n do¤al yollarla temizlenmesi hedeflenmektedir.Projenin teknik dan›flmanl›¤›n› Y›ld›z Teknik Üniversitesi Kimya Bölümü araflt›rma görevlilerinden Dr. Ahmet Lütfi U¤uryapmaktad›r.

As a member of SEMEP and Eco-Schools Team, our school has been carrying out interdisciplinary projects such as environment,ecosystem, global warming, climate change, perforation of ozone layer, and management of sustainable energy resources,population increase, etc. We have been working to minimize the unfavorable causes of the environmental problems and takeprecautions. Disinfection of waste water is creating a huge environmental problem in nature. In our project, natural methodsare used to provide further reduce the ecological burden of waste. Our 11th grade students Esat Ahmet K›l›çhan and DiliflahAl are looking for a way to purify waste water from copper ions using sumac plants. Dr. U¤ur Ahmet Lutfi from the ChemistryDepartment of Yildiz Technical University is their technical advisor. Our team aims to find a natural way to clean contaminatedwater, lakes and sea polluted with industrial wastes.

K‹TOSAN ÇOCUK BEZ‹CHITOSAN NAPKINKitosan (biyopolimer) bizim projemizde tamamen do¤al materyallerkullan›larak üretilmesi planlanan çocuk bezi tasar›m›nda su emici olarakkullan›lacakt›r. Çocuk bezlerinde yayg›n olarak kullan›lan kimyasallar›nözellikle k›z çocuklar›nda rahim a¤z› kanserine neden oldu¤u düflünülmektedir.10A s›n›f›ndan Kübra Pusat ve Ya¤mur Erdo¤an adl› ö¤rencilerimiz projeyiyürütmektedir. Bu projede Hacettepe Üniversitesi Kimya – Biyokimyabölümüne ba¤l› olarak çal›flan Biyopolimerik Sistemler Araflt›rma Grububaflkan› Prof. Dr. Emir Baki Denkbafl bize yard›mc› olmaktad›r.

Chitosan (Biopolymer) will be used as water absorbent in our projectwhich is planned to produce a diaper from completely natural materials.It is thought that, widely used chemicals, especially in girls, causecervical cancer. Our 10A students Kübra Pusat and Ya¤mur Erdo¤ancarry out the project. In this project, the head of Biopolymeric SystemsResearch Group Prof. Dr. Emir Baki Denkbafl from Hacettepe University,Chemistry - Biochemistry Department advises us.


10B s›n›f› ö¤rencisi Ahmet ÇEL‹K “Suyun Rengi” adl›projeyi yapmaktad›r. Projemizin amac›; Led teknolojisikullanarak s›cakl›kla orant›l› olacak flekilde suyun renginide¤ifltirmektir.

10B class student Ahmet Çelik carries out this project.The aim of our project is to change water colorproportional to the temperature by using Led technology.



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Eko-Tak›m’da bulunan ‹layda Eren ve MelisÖren adl› ö¤rencilerimiz ile yapt›¤›m›zprojede, çevreci mineral olarak bilinen‘zeolit’ ile insan sa¤l›¤›n› do¤rudanetkileyen sular› temizlemeyi amaçl›yoruz.

Bu projede Marmara Üniversitesi Do¤a Bitkileri ve Su ÜrünleriAraflt›rma ve Uygulama Merkezi’ ne ba¤l› olarak çal›flan Uzm.Bio. Med. Dr.Barlas D‹NG‹LYAN bize yard›mc› olmaktad›r.

We aim to clean water which directly effects human healthwith environmental mineral known as 'zeolites'. ‹layda Erenand Melis Ören have been carrying out this project.In this project, Exp. Bio. Med. Dr. Barlas D‹NG‹LYAN whoworks with Marmara University and the Natural PlantProducts Research and Application Center of Water Product'is advising us.



UNESCO ve Milli E¤itim Bakanl›¤›’ncadesteklenen, Akdeniz Üniversitesi taraf›ndandüzenlenen Uluslararas› Çevre Projesi SEMEP(Güneydo¤u Akdeniz Su ve Çevre Projesi)yar›flmas›nda bu y›l ‘KENT‹N‹ KEfiFET’ olarakbelirlenen konu Kültür & AB de¤erlerineodaklan›l›p bilimsel yöntemler kullan›larakçal›fl›lmaktad›r.

This year’s topic of the SEMEP EnvironmentProject (Southeast Mediterranean water andenvironment project) competition supportedby UNESCO and MEB is “DISCOVER YOUR CITY”.



ÇEVRE PROJES‹ - Environment Project

ÇEVRE PROJES‹Environment Project

ECO SCHOOL2002 y›l›ndan beri ECO-SCHOOL üyesi olan okulumuz Yeflil Bayraksahibidir. Bu e¤itim-ö¤retim y›l›n›n bafl›nda ECO-SCHOOL çal›flmalar›n›organize etmek amac›yla ilkö¤retim ö¤rencilerinden bir eko- tak›mkurulmufltur. Tak›m üyelerini duyurmaktan gurur duyar›z. Slogan›m›z“Minimum enerji - Minimum at›k.” Bu y›l SU ve ENERJ‹ konusundaçal›flmaktay›z.

As a member of ECO-SCHOOL since 2002, our school has a greenflag. At the beginning of this year, an Eco-Team has been establishedfrom primary school students in order to organize ECO-SCHOOLworks. We are proud to announce their names. Our slogan is"minimum energy - minimum waste." This year we have been workingon WATER and ENERGY.













13. ALP EM‹R fiEN









22. Y‹⁄‹T ÇAKMAK



Ad› Soyad› - Name Surname


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• Haftal›k olarak gazete ve dergilerden haber toplama, albümoluflturma çal›flmas› bafllat›ld›.On a weekly basis, collecting news from newspapers andmagazines, album creation works are launched

• Çevresel inceleme olarak okulumuzdaki sayaçlar›n takibiyap›lmaya baflland›.As environmental review a follow-up for counters in our schoolsis constructed.

• S›n›f, koridor ve bürolardaki ayd›nlatma düzeni/ ampullerinadet ve ifllevsellikleri belirlendi ve bu do¤rultuda gereklide¤ifliklikler yap›ld›.Lighting scheme of classrooms, corridors and offices / thenumbers and functionality of the bulbs were determined andin this direction necessary changes have been made.

• Okuldaki ve evlerimizdeki elektrikli gereçlerin kullan›m alanlar›ve s›kl›¤› belirlendi ve raporlaflt›r›ld›.The frequency and type of use of electrical equipments in ourschool and homes were determined and reported.

• Evlerde yap›lan enerji tasarrufu gözlemleri raporlaflt›r›ld›.Observations of energy saving in our homes were reported.

• ‹STAÇ ile iflbirli¤i yap›larak kat› at›klar›n geri dönüflümükonusunda seminer düzenlendi.In cooperation with ISTAC the recycling of solid wastes seminarwas held.

• “At›k K⤛t Toplama Kampanyas›” bafllat›ld›. Toplanan k⤛tlarbelirli periyotlarda ‹STAÇ’a teslim edilmektedir.'Waste Paper Collection Campaign' is launched. Collectedpapers are delivered periodically to ISTAC.

• “Enerji nedir? Enerji çeflitleri nelerdir? Günlük yaflamda nas›lenerji tasarrufu yapar›z?” konusundaki araflt›rmalar sergilendi.'What is Energy? What are the kinds of energy? How do wesave energy in daily life?" research subjects were exhibited.

• TAP ile iflbirli¤i yap›larak at›k pil toplama kampanyas› bafllat›ld›.In cooperation with TAP waste battery collection campaignwas started.

10. ULUSAL EKO-OKULLARKOORD‹NATÖR Ö⁄RETMENLERSEM‹NER‹10th ECO-SCHOOLSCOORDINATOR TEACHERSNATIONAL SEMINARHer y›l periyodik olarak yap›lan “Ulusal Eko-Okullar KoordinatörÖ¤retmenler Semineri” bu sene 18-19 Aral›k 2009’da Mu¤la-Akyaka’da yap›lm›flt›r. Seminere okulumuz ad›na Fen ve Teknolojidersi ö¤retmeni Nalan Güngüder kat›lm›flt›r. Eko- Okullar Program›Uluslararas› Çevre E¤itim Vakf› (FEE) koordinasyonunda uluslararas› alanda 44 ülkede uygulanmakta olup hedefi, ilkö¤retimve okul öncesi ça¤›ndaki çocuklarda çevre bilincinin geliflmesinisa¤lamakt›r. Di¤er taraftan güncel konulardan biri olan GDO’lu ürünler ile ilgili bir bildirime de yer verilmifltir. Bu seminerdeokullarda yap›lan çal›flmalar, mavi bayrak , eko- okullar›n birlikte çal›flmas› konusu ve okullarda orman program›n›n yürütülmesiile ilgili görüfller paylafl›lm›flt›r.

Annual Eco-Schools coordinator teachers seminar was held in Akyaka Mu¤la on 18-19 December 2009. On behalf of our school,Nalan Güngüder, science and technology courses teacher, participated in the seminar this year. The Eco-Schools Program isapplied in 44 countries in coordination with the International Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) and the goal ofthis program is to ensure the development of environmental consciousness in primary education and preschool-age children.On the other hand, a notice also took place about one of the current issues related to genetically modified organism (GMO). Inthis seminar, opinions related to school studies, the blue flag, cooperation between eco-schools and the execution of forestprogram have been shared.


KULÜP ÇALIfiMALARIMIZCLUB WORKSÖ¤rencilerin bilimsel ve teknolojik geliflmeleri takip edebilmesi, proje gelifltirebilmesi amac›ile ilkö¤retim ikinci kademede ve lisede Fizik, Kimya ve Biyoloji ÖSS Haz›rl›k Kulübü ve ProjeKulübü, “Genç Mucitler Kulübü” ad› alt›nda kurulmufltur.

For the students who want to follow scientific and technological developments and createprojects,a “physics, chemistry and biology university entrance exam preparation club andproject club” is founded under the name of “Young Inventors Club”.


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Genç Mucitler Kulüp çal›flmalar› 9A s›n›f›ndan Ilgaz Ezgi Karl›,10A s›n›f›ndan Sinem Uçak, Ifl›k Sümer, 10B s›n›f›ndan A.Alparslan Çelik, Faruk Yi¤it Yorulmaz, 11A s›n›f›ndan EsatK›l›çhan, Buse Oral, ‹dil Küçük ve 11B s›n›f›ndan Diliflah Alisimli ö¤rencilerle birlikte gerçeklefltirilmektedir.

Young Inventors Club works are being held by 10A studentsSinem Uçak, Ifl›k Sümer; 10B students A. Alparslan Çelik, FarukYi¤it Yorulmaz, 11A students Esat K›l›çhan, Buse Oral, ‹dilKüçük and 11B student Diliflah Al.

Tuz çözeltilerinin tohum geliflimini etkiledi¤ini düflünerek birproje bafllatt›k. Projemiz “De¤iflik Tuz Çözeltilerinin Bitkilerin‹lk Geliflimi Üzerine Olan Etkilerinin Araflt›r›lmas›” ile amaçlanan;

Thinking that the salt solutions affect the development of seedgermination we started a project. Our project “The effects ofdifferent salt solutions over the pre-developments of plants”aims to;

• Gerek evsel, gerekse endüstriyel yolla çevreye at›lan tuzlar›n,bitkilerin ilk geliflimi üzerine olan etkisini araflt›rmak.Search the effects of salts released domestically and industriallyover pre-development of plants

• Zararl› tuzlar›n tar›m alanlar›na ulaflmas›n› engellemek.Prevent the contact of harmful salts to the agricultural lands

• Ziraatte ifl ve ürün kayb›n› minimuma indirmektir.Decrease the loss of power and product to minimum inagriculture.


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Ülkemizde bilim insan› yetifltirmeye katk› sa¤lamak, lise fen e¤itimini (Fizik-Kimya-Biyoloji-Fen ve Teknoloji) desteklemek, bu alanda yetenekli ö¤rencileri araflt›rmaya yöneltmek vebulufl yapman›n temeli olan deneysel çal›flmalara ilgiyi artt›rmak amac›yla okulumuzda ;

In order to contribute to raise scientists in our country, to support high school science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Scienceand Technology) education, to direct the students talented in this area to the research and increase the concern to theexperimental studies which are the basis of discoveries, in our school;

MÜNAZARA YARIfiMASIYouth debating the role of plastics and sustainabilityTürk Plastik Sanayicileri,Araflt›rma,Geliflim ve E¤itim Vakf›’n›n düzenlemifl oldu¤u münazarayar›flmas› 31 May›s 2009’da ‹stanbul ‹l Binas›’nda düzenlenmifl, okulumuz ad›na bu yar›flmayakat›larak ikincilik elde eden 12 A s›n›f›ndan Selin Çelikgül adl› ö¤rencimiz yar›flman›n finaliningerçeklefltirildi¤i Roma’ya gitmeye hak kazanm›flt›r. Ö¤rencimiz, 12 Kas›m 2009’da Roma’yagitmifl, 8 farkl› ülkeden 78 ö¤rencinin kat›ld›¤› yar›flmada Türkiyetak›m olarak birinci olmufltur.

Introduced by PlasticsEurope (Association of Plastics Manufacturers) in 2007/2008, theYouth Parliament initiative brings together young people to debate sustainability andplastics. Each national-level Parliament selected ten winners who traveled to Rome toparticipate in the grand final event. Rome was selected as the venue for the 2009 YouthParliament final because of its place in EU history. Belgium, the Czech Republic, France,Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, and Turkey: All these countries had had their Youth Parliamentdebates on plastics and sustainability and had sent their ten winners to the European final.The final of this parliament debates and all debates in eight European countries were done in the same style and followingidentical rules. In Rome’s Parlamentino, it was PlasticsEurope’s Executive Director Wilfried Haensel who opened the debate.

The Turkish team was selected by a debate competition organized by “Turkish Plastic Industrialists, Research, Developmentand Education Foundation”. The debate was held on 31.05.2009 at Istanbul City Building. Our student Selin Çelikgül (12A) haswon second place at the competition and was entitled to go to Rome as a member of the Turkish Team for semi-finals. Afterroughly two hours of debating, Nora Sundahl from Belgium took the win.

03.04.2010 tarihinde“‹stanbul Liseleraras› II. AktifDeney Yar›flmas›”On 03/04/2010“Istanbul II. InterhighschoolsActive Experiment Contest”

17.04.2010 tarihinde“‹stanbul ‹lkö¤retim Okullar›Aras› Aktif Deney Yar›flmas›”düzenlenecektir.On 17.04.2010“Istanbul II. InterprimaryschoolsActive Experiment Contest”will be hold.


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Matematik BölümüDepartment of Mathematics

Do¤runun Yolculu¤u (6. S›n›f)

A journey of a line (6th grade)

K⤛t katlama sanat› ile en az iki do¤ru parças›n›n kesiflimkümesinin bir nokta da olabilece¤ini ve do¤ru ile düzleminakrabal›¤›n› ö¤rendik.

We learnt that with the help of origami , the intersectionof at least two line segments can also be a point and welearnt about the relationship of a line and a plane.

Termometrede S›ralama (6. S›n›f)

Ordering in the thermometer (6th grade)

Yönlü say›lar› ak›ll› tahta yard›m› ile bilgi da¤arc›¤›m›za ekledik.By using smart board we have learnt the directional angles.

Birbirine Küsen Aç›lar (6. S›n›f)

The sullen angles (6th grade)

Cetvel ve aç›ölçerini en do¤ru flekilde kullanarakölçüsü verilen herhangi bir aç›y› oluflturduk.By using a ruler and protractor properly weformed an angle with a given value.


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Canl›lar Dünyas› (6. S›n›f)

The world of living things (6th grade)

Fen bilgisi dersi ile ba¤lant›l› olarak canl›lar› döllenmeyerlerine göre s›n›fland›rd›k, arkadafllar›m›za sunumyapt›k.

In an interdisciplinary work with science, we classifiedliving things according to their types of reproductionand presented it to our friends.

Üç Do¤runun Arkadafll›¤› (7. S›n›f)

The friendship of three lines (7th grade)

Drama yöntemiyle ters aç›lar› canland›rd›k. Geometrifleritleriyle üç do¤runun oluflturdu¤u aç›lar› inceledik.We performed the opposite angles by drama. We studied theangles that are formed by three lines with geometry bands.

Daire Keselim (7. S›n›f)

Let’s cut a circle (7th grade)

K⤛tlarla daireler oluflturarak merkez aç› ile çevre aç›n›naras›ndaki iliflkiyi keflfettik.We made a circle by using paper and we discovered therelation between the center angle and inscribed angle.

Geometri dersinde ö¤rendiklerimizi kullanarakhayalimizdeki mahalleyi tasarlad›k.We planned our dream neighborhood with theknowledge we learnt in our geometry lessons

Hayalimdeki Mahalle (7. s›n›f)

My dream neighborhood (7th grade)


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Üçgen Oluflur mu? (8. S›n›f)

Does a triangle form? (8th grade)

Farkl› uzunluktaki üç do¤ru parçalar›ndan her zaman üçgenoluflturamayaca¤›m›z› gördük.We have seen that three line segments that have differentlengths do not always form a triangle.

Matematik Bölümü olarak s›n›f içinde ö¤rencilerle yapt›¤›m›zetkinliklerin bir k›sm›n› ö¤retmen arkadafllar›m›zla paylaflt›k.6. s›n›fta ifllenen “Oran-Orant›” konusu ile ilgili derssunumumuzda, ö¤retmen arkadafllar›m›z grup çal›flmas›yaparak son derece istekle ve hevesle etkinliklere kat›ld›lar.

As Mathematics department we shared some activities withour teachers that we do in our lessons with students. In ourpresentation about the ratio and proportion subject that isstudied in sixth grade, our colleagues worked in groups andthey were very enthusiastic to participate in activities.


Tüm ö¤retmen arkadafllar›m›za teflekkür ederiz.We thank all our colleagues.


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Braille Alfabesi ve Kümeler9. s›n›f ö¤rencileri kümeler konusunda, alt küme say›s› ve altküme kavram› ile ba¤lant›l› olarak Braille Alfabesi konusundaaraflt›rma yaparak elde ettikleri bilgilerle bir sunum haz›rlad›lar.Evde aile bireylerine; bu alfabenin oluflturulma gerekçesi,tarihçesi ve günlük hayat›m›zdaki yeri ile ilgili sunum yapt›larve bu sunumlar›n› videoya kaydettiler.

9th grade students, in the unit of sets; dealing with numberof subsets and definition of subsets did homework on BrailleAlphabet (Which is used by blind people for reading. Thisalphabet consist of two columns and three rows, six points,different number of these points and different shapes definea different characters) For homework, students searchedabout the origin of Braille Alphabet and Mr. Braille and alsothe relationship between mathematics and daily life. All theinformation was presented to their family members andrecorded by students.

Bulan›k Mant›kFuzzy Logic9. s›n›f ö¤rencileri Mant›k konusunda “Bulan›k Mant›k” konusuile ilgili araflt›rma yaparak poster haz›rlad›lar. Bu çal›flmalarkoridor panosunda sergilendi.

9th grade students did research about "Fuzzy Logic" andthen they prepared posters. This work has been exhibited inthe corridor display board.

S›nav Haz›rlamaExam Preparation10. s›n›f ö¤rencileri polinomlar konusunda ö¤rendiklerinipekifltirmek amac›yla istenilen MYP kriterleri do¤rultusundaörnek bir s›nav haz›rlad›lar.

10th grade students prepared a sample exam that includedwhat they learn about polynomials according to MYP criteria.

PisagorPythagoras10-C s›n›f› ö¤rencileri geometri dersinde, dik üçgen konusukapsam›nda pisagor ba¤›nt›s›n› gösteren posterler haz›rlad›lar.Grup çal›flmas› yapan ö¤rencilerin haz›rlad›klar› posterler s›n›fpanosuna as›ld›.

10-C-class students, In geometry lessons prepared postersthat show the Pythagorean relation. The students worked ingroups and the posters were displayed on the classroom’sboard.

Matematik-Zekâ Kulübü Çal›flmalar›:Mathematics-IQ Club Works:• Türk Zekâ Vakf›’n›n “OYUN 2009” adl› etkinli¤ine yönelik

di¤er ö¤rencileri bilgilendirecek bir poster haz›rland› vekoridordaki panoya as›ld›.

• Üçgenlerin özellikleri ile ilgili bir poster haz›rland› vekoridordaki panoya as›ld›.

• Milli E¤itim Müdürlü¤ü taraf›ndan düzenlenen Fen-Matematikyar›flmas›na kat›lacak gönüllü ö¤renciler belirlendi. Yar›flmayayönelik çal›flmalar bafllat›ld›.

• Ö¤rencilere, problem çözüm teknikleri ile ilgili bir sunumyap›ld›.

• Students created a poster about Turkish Intelligence Foundation'sevent which is named "GAME 2009" and put it on the corridorboard to inform the other students.

• They created a poster about the properties of triangles andthe poster was displayed on the corridor board.

• Volunteer students were determined to participate in thecompetition “Science and Mathematics” that is organizedby the Ministry of National Education.

• A presentation was shared with the students related toproblem solving techniques.


Matematikçi OlmakBeing a mathematician

Ö¤rencilerden araflt›rmak üzere birer Matematikçi seçmeleriistendi. Ö¤rencilerin her biri farkl› bir Matematikçi seçerek,seçtikleri kifli hakk›nda detayl› bir araflt›rma yapt›. Yapt›klar›araflt›rmalar› detayl› bir rapor halinde dosyalad›lar. Araflt›rmaraporlar›n›n yan› s›ra araflt›rd›klar› matematikçinin ilginçyanlar›n› yans›tan 5-6 slaytl›k ‹ngilizce bir power point sunusu haz›rlad›lar. Bu sunumu s›n›ftadi¤er ö¤rencilerle paylaflarak, sunum sonras› s›n›f arkadafllar›n›n sorular›na cevap verdiler. Yap›lansunum ö¤renciler taraf›ndan de¤erlendirildi.

Students chose a mathematician to search about his/her life. Each student chose different mathematician, theysearched the mathematician’s life and prepared a folder of their research results. As well as research reports, theyprepared 5-6 slide power point presentation in English which includes interesting aspects of the mathematicians.This presentation was shared with other students in class and after the presentation, the classmates' questionsanswered. The presentations were evaluated by students.

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“Sosyal Bilgiler Ö¤reniyorum” ünitesi kapsam›nda bilimselaraflt›rma basamaklar›n› kavrama ve bilimsel araflt›rmayapabilme becerilerini gelifltirebilmek amac›yla 6. s›n›fö¤rencilerimizle okul kütüphanemizi ziyaret ettik. Ayn›esnada Ö¤renmeye Yaklafl›mlar etkileflim alan›n›n altbecerilerinin kavranmas› konusunda alan liderininaç›klamalar› ile ö¤rencilerin düflünme, dönüflümlü düflünme,bilgiye ulaflma, araflt›rma-sorgulama ve iflbirlikçi çal›flmagibi konularda geliflimini hedef alan k›sa bir sunumgerçeklefltirildi.

As part of our unit “I learn Social Studies”, in order to comprehend scientific researchsteps and develop research skills, grade 6 students visited the library. During thevisit, the students were also informed about the sub skills of the area of interactionApproaches to Learning which are thinking, reflection, collecting data, inquiry,collaboration skills...etc.


Sosyal Bilimler BölümüDepartment of Social Sciences

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Proje Çal›flmalar›Projects

MYP ö¤renen profiline yönelik geliflimleri hedef alan, derskonular›n› içeren proje çal›flmalar› uygulanm›flt›r. Her kademeiçin farkl› etkileflim alanlar› dahilinde kriter verilerekde¤erlendirilen bu çal›flmalar amaç ve hedeflerine ulaflm›flt›r.

Project works based on the Learner Profile and the subject area, have beenassigned to students. These works focused on different areas of interactionsand criteria for each grade level and reached the objectives successfully.

6. S›n›flarda: “Sosyal Bilgiler Ö¤reniyorum” ünitesi içinde “E¤itim Hakk›m›z” projesi“Yeryüzünde Yaflam” ünitesi içinde “‹lkça¤ Uygarl›klar›” projesi

7. S›n›flarda: “‹letiflim ve ‹nsan ‹liflkileri” ünitesinde “Medya Elefltirisi” projesi8. S›n›flarda: “Bir Kahraman Do¤uyor” ünitesinde “Atatürk’ün Savaflt›¤› Cepheler ve Fikir Hayat›n› Etkileyen fiehirler” projesi

“Milli Uyan›fl” ünitesinde “Kurtulufl Savafl›nda Cepheler” projesi

Grade 6: In “I learn Social Studies” unit “Our right for education” projectIn “Life on Earth” unit “Ancient times civilizations” project

Grade 7: In “Communication and human relations” unit “Media critique” projectGrade 8: In “A hero is born” unit “Atatürk’s battle fronts and the cities that effected his thoughts” project

In “National rise” unit “Fronts of the Independence War” project

9. s›n›f ö¤rencilerimizin Tarih dersinde yer alan “Uygarl›¤›n Do¤uflu ve ‹lkça¤ Uygarl›klar›”konusunda anlat›lan bilgileri pekifltirmeleri amac›yla, ‹stanbul Arkeoloji Müzesi’ne bir gezidüzenlendi. Ö¤rencilerimiz Mezopotamya, M›s›r, Anadolu,Ege-Yunan, Do¤u Akdeniz’dekurulan ilk uygarl›klar›n siyasi, sosyal, kültürel ve ekonomik yap›lar› ve bu uygarl›klar›nbirbirleriyle etkileflimini yaflayarak ö¤renmifllerdir.

A trip to Istanbul Archeology Museum was organized for our 9th grade students in orderto support the history unit of “A Rise of a Civilization and Ancient Civilizations”. Ourstudents experienced and inquired the political, social, cultural and economical structuresof the ancient civilizations and the interaction of Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Anatolian,Aegean-Greek and East Mediterranean civilizations.




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2010 Kültür Baflkenti ‹stanbul2010 Istanbul: Capital of CultureAlanlararas› bir di¤er çal›flma olarak 2010 y›l›nda kültür baflkentiseçilen ‹stanbul temas›n› temel alarak 10. S›n›flarla projeçal›flmalar›m›z› sergiledik. Tarih dersinde gördükleri ‹stanbul’unfethedilmesi konusu ile Co¤rafya dersinde gördükleri ‹stanbul’ujeopolitik yönden önemli bir kent yapan özellikleri birlefltirerekbuna dair bir sunum haz›rlad›lar. Bu çal›flmalar›nda ‹stanbul’ugünümüzde de¤erli k›lan, Avrupa kültür baflkenti seçilmesindeetkili olan önemli özelliklerin geçmiflten günümüzearaflt›r›lmas›na ve sergilenmesine özen gösterdiler.


10. s›n›f ö¤rencileri Co¤rafya dersinde ö¤rendikleri konular›pekifltirmek amac›yla Kandilli Rasathanesi’ni gezdiler.Rasathanede, deprem, astronomi ve iklim konusunda yetkilikiflilerden bilgi alarak ö¤rendikleri konular› görsel aç›danpekifltirmifl oldular.

Grade 10 students had a trip to the Kandilli Observatory inorder to reinforce the Geography subjects. The students gotinformation on earthquake, astronomy and climate from theexperts there and visualized their knowledge.

AREL Students displayed an interdisciplinary project based onthe theme “Istanbul: Capital of Culture of the Year 2010”. Ourstudents, putting together their knowledge about the conquestof Istanbul from History lesson and the factors that makeIstanbul geopolitically an important city from Geography lessons,prepared a presentation. They explored the value of Istanbultoday and what makes it the capital of culture from past topresent and they exhibited their work.

Sosyal Bilimlerle YaflamLiving with Social Studies

9. s›n›flar, “Tarih ve Co¤rafya’n›n Bilim Olarak Tan›mlanmas›ve ‹nceledi¤i Alanlar” ünitesi kapsam›nda Tarih ve Co¤rafyabilmenin önemine dair bir afifl çal›flmas› haz›rlad›lar. Tarih veCo¤rafya bilmenin topluma etkilerini düflünerek gazete vedergilerden seçecekleri konuya dair foto¤raf ve sloganlar›nafifl haz›rlanarak yans›t›lmas› yoluyla Sosyal Bilimlerinhayat›m›zdaki yeri üzerinde düflünme becerilerinigelifltirdiler.

During the unit “History and Geography as Science andtheir content” unit, grade 9 students prepared postersfocusing on the importance of learning History andGeography. They developed their reflection skills bysearching for photos and slogans in newspapers andmagazines to reflect the importance of SocialStudies in our lives.

Proje Çal›flmalar› ProjectsMYP ö¤renen profiline yönelik geliflimleri hedef alan, Sosyal Bilgiler dersi konular›n›içeren proje çal›flmalar› uygulanm›flt›r. Her kademe için farkl› etkileflim alanlar› dahilindekriter verilerek de¤erlendirilen bu çal›flmalar amaç ve hedeflerine ulaflm›flt›r.

Project works based on the Learner Profile and the subject area, have been assignedto students. These works focused on different areas of interactions and criteria foreach grade level and reached the objectives successfully.

Hoflgörü Haftas›na Kat›l›m Tolerance week in school

Okulumuzda di¤er branfllar›n da kat›ld›¤› “Hoflgörü” temas›n›n ifllendi¤i haftaya yönelik olarak 9. s›n›flarda “HOfiGÖRÜNÜNBEfi‹⁄‹: ANADOLU” isimli proje çal›flmalar›m›z› tamamlad›k ve sergiledik. Ö¤renciler tarihi ve co¤rafi özelliklerini tan›mayabafllad›klar› Anadolu’nun ça¤lar boyunca farkl› kültür ve milletlere merkezlik eden yap›s›n› keflfederek buna dair bir panohaz›rlad›lar. Yarat›c›l›klar›n› kullanarak Anadolu’nun hoflgörüyü yans›tan özelliklerini somut ö¤elerle panolar›nda resim-foto¤rafve yaz› ile gösterdiler.

Grade 9 students worked on the “The Cradle of Tolerance: ANATOLIA” project and joined the tolerance week in an interdisciplinarywork. The students, who got to know the historical and cultural facilities of Anatolia, discovered its structure of hosting variouscultures and nations in different ages. The students used their creativity and reflected tolerance with concrete componentssuch as pictures, photos and texts on the display boards.


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1. s›n›f ö¤rencileri taraf›ndan PYP 1. ünite kapsam›nda yap›lan“Okulda En Sevdi¤im Yer” isimli bilgisayar dersi çal›flmalar›ndanörnekler:

A few examples from ICT class works done by 1st gradestudents within the PYP 1st unit about “My favorite place inthe school”:

1. s›n›f ö¤rencileri taraf›ndan PYP 2. ünite kapsam›nda yap›lan“En Sevdi¤im Arkadafl›m” isimli bilgisayar dersi çal›flmalar›ndanbaz›lar›:

A few examples from ICT class works done by 1st grade studentswithin the 2nd PYP unit about “My best friend(s)”:

2. s›n›f ö¤rencileri taraf›ndan PYP 1. ünitekapsam›nda yap›lan “Trafik Kurallar›”isimli bilgisayar dersi çal›flmalar›ndanörnekler:

A few examples from ICT class works doneby 2nd grade students within the 1st PYPunit about “Traffic Rules”:

2. s›n›f ö¤rencileri taraf›ndan Paintprogram›nda haz›rlanan“Mondrian” resim çal›flmalar›ndanbaz›lar›:

A few “Mondrian” work preparedby 2nd grade students using paintprogram:

“Kaydet” ve “Farkl› Kaydet” aras›ndaki fark› görebilmekamac›yla 3. s›n›f ö¤rencileri taraf›ndan yap›lan ‹ki ResimAras›ndaki 5 Fark› Bulma etkinli¤i:

In order to differentiate the functions of two important optionsfrom File menu, “Save” and “Save As”, 3rd grade studentshave prepared the activity of “Finding 5 Difference betweentwo pictures”:

AREL Okullar›’nda Teknoloji ders grubu ad› alt›nda Anaokulundan 5. s›n›fa kadar Bilgiiletiflim Teknolojileri dersi okutulmaktad›r. Okulumuzdaki PYP çal›flmalar› do¤rultusundadersimizde Sorgulama Ünitelerine destek verilmektedir. Ö¤rencilerimiz TeknolojiLaboratuvar›nda ö¤rendiklerini di¤er derslerinde uygulayarak teknolojiyi s›n›flar›naentegre etmektedirler.

In AREL College, under the name of Technology classes, “Information and Communication Technologies” course is taught tothe students from preschool to 5th grades. Within the concept of the PYP studies in our school, Program of Inquiry is supportedin these classes by activities. Also, by applying what the students have learned in their technology lessons to other lessons,they integrate technology to other courses.


Teknoloji BölümüDepartment of Technology

‹lk Y›llar Program›Primary Years Programme PYP

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3. s›n›f ö¤rencileri taraf›ndan PYP 2. ünite kapsam›nda yap›lan“En Sevdi¤im Ürün” isimli bilgisayar dersi çal›flmalar›:

A few examples from ICT class works done by 3rd grade studentswithin the 2nd PYP unit about “My favorite product / food /drink”:

4. s›n›f ö¤rencileri taraf›ndan yap›lan “Markalar” konulu bilgisayardersi çal›flmalar›:

A few examples from ICT class work done by 4th grade studentsabout “Your Best Brand”:

5. s›n›f ö¤rencileri taraf›ndan PYP 2. ünite kapsam›nda yap›lan“Ad›m Ad›m Türkiye” konulu bilgisayar dersi çal›flmalar›:

A few examples from ICT class work done by 5th gradestudents within the 2nd PYP unit about “All About Turkey”:

4. s›n›f ö¤rencileri taraf›ndan PYP 1. ünite kapsam›nda yap›lan“Vücut Sistemleri” konulu bilgisayar dersi çal›flmalar›:

A few examples from ICT class work done by 4th grade studentswithin the 2nd PYP unit about “Body Systems”:

5. s›n›f ö¤rencileri taraf›ndan Publisher program›nda haz›rlananyeni y›l kartlar›ndan baz›lar›:

A few “New Year Cards” from ICT class prepared by 5thgrade:

4. s›n›f ö¤rencileri taraf›ndan PYP 2. ünite kapsam›nda yap›lan“Kültürler” konulu bilgisayar dersi çal›flmalar›:

A few examples from ICT class work done by 4th grade studentswithin the 2nd PYP unit about “Cultures”:


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6. S›n›flar - 6th Grades

2009-2010 E¤itim Ö¤retim Y›l›’n›n 1. döneminde ‹lkö¤retim 6. s›n›fö¤rencileri ile “Makarna Köprü” projesi yap›lm›flt›r. Bu çal›flma ileö¤rencilerimiz tasar›m çemberi ad›mlar›n› takip ederek proje yap›maflamalar›n› ö¤renirken, PowerPoint program› ile proje ad›mlar›n›gösteren sunumlar›n› haz›rlad›lar. Çal›flmalar›nda etkili sunum tekniklerinikulland›lar. 6. s›n›f ö¤rencileri taraf›ndan yap›lan “Makarnadan Köprü”isimli bilgisayar dersi çal›flmalar›ndan örnekler:

In the first semester of 2009-2010 Academic Year, “Spaghetti Bridge”project was done with 6th grade students. With this project, studentshave learnt the design cycle steps to create a project. Also they havestudied the PowerPoint program to make their presentations. Effectivepresentation techniques were used in these slide shows. A few examplesof poster from ICT class works done by 6th grade students within theproject “Spaghetti Bridge”:

7. S›n›flar - 7th Grades

2009-2010 E¤itim Ö¤retim Y›l›’n›n 1. döneminde ‹lkö¤retim7. s›n›f ö¤rencileri ile “Sa¤l›k Bilgilendirme Kampanyas›” adl›proje yap›lm›flt›r. Bu çal›flma ile ö¤rencilerimiz tasar›m çemberiad›mlar›n› takip ederek proje yap›m aflamalar›n› ö¤renirken,Publisher program› ile tasarlad›klar› broflür, poster ve websayfalar›n› oluflturdular. 7. s›n›f ö¤rencileri taraf›ndan yap›lan“Sa¤l›k Bilgilendirme Kampanyas›” isimli bilgisayar dersiçal›flmalar›ndan örnekler:

In the first term of 2009-2010 Academic Year, “HealthAwareness Campaign” project was carried out with 7th gradestudents.. In this project students have learnt the design cyclesteps to create a project. Also they have studied the Publisherprogram to create their brochures, posters and web pages.A few examples from ICT class works done by 7th gradestudents within the project “Health Awareness Campaign”:


Bilgisayar Teknolojisi

AREL E¤itim Kurumlar› Teknoloji ders grubu ad› alt›nda ilkö¤retim 6, 7 ve 8. s›n›flar›m›zaBilgi ‹letiflim Teknolojileri dersi okutulmaktad›r. Okulumuzdaki MYP çal›flmalar› do¤rultusundadersimizde proje tabanl› çal›flmalara yerverilmektedir. Ö¤rencilerimiz TeknolojiLaboratuar›nda tasar›m çemberi ad›mlar›n›takip ederek proje yap›m aflamalar›n›ö¤renmektedirler.

In AREL Schools, under the name Technology classes, “Informationand Communication Technologies” course is taught to the 6th,7th and 8th grade students. On the scope of the MYP studies ofour school, project-based studies are carried out in our classes.Therefore, students learn how to create projects in technologylaboratories by following design cycle steps.

Orta Y›llar Program›Middle Years Programme MYP

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8. S›n›flar - 8th Grades

2009-2010 E¤itim Ö¤retim Y›l›’n›n 1. döneminde ‹lkö¤retim8. s›n›f ö¤rencileri ile “Üç Boyutlu Foto¤raf Albümü” konulutasar›m projesi yap›lm›flt›r. Bu çal›flma ile ö¤rencilerimiz tasar›mçemberi ad›mlar›n› takip ederek proje yap›m aflamalar›n›ö¤renirken, 3-D PhotoSlide program› ile tasarlad›klar›albümlerine hareket verdiler. 8. s›n›f ö¤rencileri taraf›ndanyap›lan “Üç Boyutlu Foto¤raf Albümü” isimli bilgisayar dersiçal›flmalar›ndan örnekler:

In the first term of 2009-2010 Academic Year , “3-D PhotoAlbum” project was done with 8th grade students. In this projectstudents have learnt the design cycle steps to create a project.Also they have studied the 3-D PhotoSlide program to maketheir photo albums. A few examples from ICT class works doneby 8th grade students within the project “3-D PhotoSlide”:

9. s›n›f ö¤rencilerimiz “Film Yap›m›” projesini tamamlad›ktansonra flimdi “Ö¤renen Profili” projesi üzerinde çal›fl›yorlar.

Having completed their Movie Making project the ninth gradestudents are now working on their projects on Learner ProfileProject.

9. S›n›flar - 9th Grades 10. S›n›flar - 10th Grades10. s›n›f ö¤rencilerimiz “Küçük ‹flletme Veri Taban› Tasar›m›”projesini tamamlad›ktan sonra “Alternatif Enerji Kaynaklar›” konusunda proje çal›flmalar›n› sürdürüyor.

Having finished their project on Small Business Database Designour tenth grade students are now working on AlternativeResources of Energy projects,

Haz›rl›k s›n›f› ö¤rencilerimiz bu dönem Windows XP iflletim sistemini etkin kullanmay›,etkili sunum haz›rlamay› ve masa üstü yay›nlar haz›rlamay› ö¤rendiler.

Prep class students learnt to use Windows XP efficiently, prepare effective presentations and create publications.


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‹lkö¤retim 6. s›n›f ö¤rencileri Dizayn Teknolojisi dersinde, Tasar›m Çemberinikullanarak “Bir proje nas›l yönetilir?” konusunda kitap kapa¤› tasar›m›yapt›lar. Projelerinde ‹nsan Yarat›c›l›¤› etkileflim alan›nda çal›flmalar›n›gerçeklefltiren ö¤rencilerimiz çeflitli illüstratörleri inceleyerek çeflitli logotasar›mlar›, kitap kapa¤› resimleri ve kitap kapa¤› stilleri oluflturdular.Öncelikle kitap kapa¤› tasar›mlar›n›n ö¤elerini araflt›rarak belirleyenö¤rencilerimiz, her ö¤esiyle bir bütünü oluflturacak tasar›mlar ortayaç›kart›rken yarat›c›l›klar› ile teknolojiyi bir araya getirerek planl›, estetikve dikkat çekici ürünler oluflturdular.

In Design and Technology Classes within the scope of design 6th grade studentsdesigned a cover of a book to learn how a project is developed. In their projectsstudents who used human ingenuity as areas of interaction designed different logos,pictures and styles suitable for a cover by examining some illustrators. Our studentssearching the steps of designing a cover first and ,bringing these steps togetherthey used their creativity and knowledge of technology. Finally, they performed interesting and attractive examples.

Dizayn Teknoloji Dersi

7. s›n›f ö¤rencilerimiz Dizayn Teknoloji dersinde, ‹stanbul’un2010 Avrupa Kültür Baflkenti seçilmesi dolay›s›yla bir projegerçeklefltirdiler. Dizayn çemberinin tüm aflamalar›na görehareket eden ö¤rencilerimiz, farkl› kültürlerin yaflad›¤› çevreleredikkat çekmek için ‹stanbul’da yer alan farkl› kültürlerin mimariözelliklerini belirlediler. Belirlenen kültürlerden ‹stanbul’untan›t›m›nda kullan›lan mimari ö¤eler, ö¤rencilerimizin oluflturdu¤ugruplar taraf›ndan biçimlendirildi.

In Design and Technology classes 7th grades develped a projectconsidering Istanbul the Capital city of European Culture Centre 2010. By using all steps of design cycle, our students identifiedthe architectural features to take others’ attention ofenvironment where people from different cultures are located.

The chosen arthitectural elements used for promoting Istanbul were formed by the groups of students.

Okulumuz 8. s›n›f ö¤rencileri Dizayn Teknoloji dersinde çevreyeduyarl›l›¤› art›rmak amac›yla tiflort tasar›mlar› yapt›lar.Photoshop program›n› ö¤renen ö¤rencilerimiz, belirlemiflolduklar› konularda foto¤raflar› birlefltirirlerken sloganlarladestekleyerek, tiflort bask›lar›n› oluflturdular.

Our 8th graders prepared original t-shirt designs in order toraise public awareness about environmental issues in Designand Technology lessons. Our students prepared their photoswith the Photoshop program that they have learned. Theycreated their t-shirt designs by combining the photos relatedto the topics that they chose with their slogans.


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Sanat Bölümü olarak “10 Kas›m Atatürk ‘ü Anma”töreninde, 4.- 5. s›n›f ö¤rencilerinin resimlerindenoluflan bir resim sergi düzenlenmifltir. Ayr›ca Müzikö¤retmenlerinin önderli¤inde 2. s›n›f ö¤rencileriAtatürk Marfl›’ n›, 6. s›n›f ö¤rencileri Atatürk’ünsevdi¤i flark›lar› seslendirerek ATAMIZA olansayg›lar›n› göstermifllerdir.

As Arts department during the commomerationceremony of Ataturk, an art exhibition was heldincluding 4th and 5th grades’ drawings . Under theleadership of music teachers 2nd graders sang themarch of Ataturk and 6th graders performed thesongs liked by Ataturk to show their respect.

2009-2010 E¤itim Ö¤retim Y›l›1.dönemi içinde Sanat Bölüm’ü olarakö¤rencilerin alg›sal yeteneklerinigelifltirmek, zihinsel birikimlerini görselbiçimler ve müziksel olarak ifadeedebilmelerine yard›mc› olmak vekendilerini özgürce ortayakoyabilmelerini sa¤lamak amac›ylaçal›flmalar gerçeklefltirilmifltir. MEB ve‹BO program›n›n hedeflerido¤rultusunda; sanat eseri üretmeninyan› s›ra sanat› seven ve sanatkültürünü alg›layan ve bunu hayat›nayans›tabilen, bireyler yetifltirmek içintüm etkinliklerimiz zenginlefltirilmifltir.

As Arts deparment, we carried out some works to help students improve their perception, to express their knowledge visuallyor through music, and express themselves freely in the first term of the 2009-2010 Academic Year. In parallel with MEB andIBO programme, besides creating artistic works, our activities were enriched to raise individuals who like art and perceive theculture of art and reflect this to their lives.

Sanat Bölümü olarak “24 Kas›m Ö¤retmenler Günü” töreninde, 1. ve2. s›n›f ö¤rencilerinin resimlerinden oluflan bir resim sergidüzenlenmifltir. Müzik ö¤retmenlerinin önderli¤inde 4. ve 5. s›n›fö¤rencilerinin korosu Ö¤retmen Marfl› ve flark›lar›yla törene eflliketmifllerdir. Milli E¤itim Bakanl›¤› taraf›ndan düzenlenen “Ö¤retmenlerGünü” konulu resim yar›flmas›nda 5-A S›n›f› ö¤rencimiz Sibel Melek, Bahçelievler ‹lçe Milli E¤itim Müdürlü¤ü taraf›ndan birinci seçilmifltir.

For the Teachers’Day ceremony on November 24 we arrenged an artexhibition consisting of the drawings of first and second grades. Underthe leadership of music teachers fourth and fifth grades participatedin the ceremony by singing marches and songs. Sibel Melek from 5-A was awarded the first prize by Bahçelievler Office of NationalEducation in the “teachers’ day” painting contest organized by Ministryof National Education.


Görsel SanatlarDepartment of Arts

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4. - 5. s›n›f ö¤rencilerimiz Heykel Kulübü’nde 3 boyutluçal›flmalar gerçeklefltiriyor. Öncelikle 3 boyutlu düflünmeyeyönelik eskizler haz›rlayan ö¤rencilerimiz, belirledikleritaslaklar sonucunda düflüncelerini ve malzemeyi birlefltirerekeserlerini haz›rl›yorlar. Özellikle art›k materyaller kullanarakgerçeklefltirdikleri bu çal›flmalarda, strafor ve FIMO hamurlar›n›kullan›yorlar.

4th and 5th graders created 3D works in sculpture club.First of all our students, who draw sketches requiring 3Dthinking , are preparing their works by combining theircreativity and materials according to the results of sketchesthey chose. they use strafor and fumo dough in their worksmade of waste materials


05.11.2009 tarihinde ilkö¤retim birinci s›n›f ö¤rencilerimiz; Ça¤dafl Sanat Sahnesi’nin en önemli aktörlerinden Sarkis’in ‹stanbulModern’de gerçeklefltirdi¤i “Site” sergisinde, sanatç›n›n 50 y›ll›k sanatsal yaflam›n›n süreçlerini izlediler. Sanatç›n›n çocuklarlaözel olarak gerçeklefltirdi¤i su içinde suluboyayla röprodüksiyon incelemelerine kat›larak su içinde kendi suluboyalar›n› oluflturdular.

first graders watched the process of Sarkis’ 50 years’ art life ‹n the exhibition called “SITE” by Sarkis, one of the most importantactors in “Ça¤dafl Sanat Sahnesi”, held in Istanbul Modern on November 5, 2009.


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Okulumuz lise ö¤rencileri Sanat Kulübü’nde çeflitlitekniklerde röprodüksiyon çal›flmalar› yaparakyarat›c›l›klar›n› ortaya ç›kartacak ilk ad›mlar› att›lar.

High school students in Art Club started to revealtheir creativity by carrying out reproduction worksby applying various techniques.

AREL Ö¤retmenleri Yarat›c›l›klar›n› SergilediArel Teachers Demonstrated Their Creativity

Okulumuzda her y›l yap›lan iyi örnekler ders sunumlar›kapsam›ndan Sanat Bölümü ö¤retmenlerinin gerçeklefltirdi¤i“Seramik Çal›flmas›”nda ö¤retmenlerimiz ö¤renci olmuflyarat›c›l›klar›n› sergilemifllerdir.

Our teachers pretended to be students and demonstratedtheir creativity in ceramics that they learnt in the “BestPractices” workshop organized by our Arts Department.


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2.- 3. SINIF KULÜP ÇALIfiMALARISecond and third grades club work.‹ki boyutlu dev resim ka¤›tlar›na kompozisyon çizimleri3 boyutlu portre yap›m›.

Drawings were made on the two huge dimensional papers.Three dimensional portrait works.

5 YAfi “TOPRA⁄IN SUNDU⁄U Y‹YECEKLER” PYP ünitesindesebze ve meyvelerin pastel boya ve kabartma tekni¤iyle ‹kiboyutlu çal›flmalar› yap›ld›.

In The PYP Unit “the food supplied by the soil”, 5-year-oldstudents made the two dimensional models of the vegetablesand fruit with pastel paint by using glyph technique.

6 YAfi “VÜCUDUMUZ” PYP ÜN‹TES‹ ile ba¤lat›l› Puzzle yap›m›6 YEARS "Our Body" Puzzle making connected with PYP UNIT

6 YAfi “ÇOCUK OYUNLARI” PYP ünitesi ile ba¤lant›l› renkliresim ve katlama tekni¤iyle farkl› konular› ele alarak oyunoluflturma.

In the PYP “KIDS GAMES” unit, colored pictures and foldingtechniques are used considering various subjects to createthe game.

1.s›n›flar›n PYP Ünitesi “BEN VE OKULUM” ile ba¤lant›l› olarakgörsel sanatlar dersinde Soy A¤ac› yap›ld›.

In visual arts lesson, family tree was prepared parallel withthe PYP unit “ I AND MY SCHOOL” .


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PYP “Ortak Kullan›m Alanlar›”ünitesi çerçevesinde, ö¤renciler50X70 cm. boyutlar›nda kendibelirledikleri ortak kullan›m alan›nagrup çal›flmas› yolu ile kolaj tekni¤iniuygulayarak üniteye destek oldular.

For the PYP unit “Public Places”, thestudents supported the unit byapplying 50 X 70 cm width patchworkin the public places that they chosein their groups.


PYP “Reklamlar” ünitesi çerçevesinde, hayat bilgisi dersindeö¤renciler kendi belirlemifl olduklar› hayali ürünlerinin reklamafifllerini oluflturarak üniteye destek oldular.

Our 3rd graders in the PYP Unit of “Ads” prepared their own postersof the imaginary products that they made up.


5. SINIFLAR5th Grades

PYP “Ad›m Ad›m Türkiye”ünitesi çerçevesindeö¤renciler grup çal›flmas›ile Türkiye fiziki haritas›n›n150X100cm boyutlar›ndakabartmas›n› yapt›lar.

In the PYP Unit “Step byStep Turkey”, the studentsmade 3D physical map ofTurkey (150 X 100 cm) intheir groups.


PYP “Elektrik” ünitesi çerçevesinde ö¤renciler , elektrik kullan›malanlar› ve tasarruf etmenin yollar› veya tasarruf etmemeninsonuçlar› konulu çal›flma yaparak üniteye destek oldular.

In the PYP Unit “Electricity”, the students supported the unit byworking on the areas that electricity is used, the ways of savingenergy or results of wasting energy.

6. SINIFLAR6th Grades

MYP “Resim” ünitesi çerçevesindeö¤rencilerle “Cumhuriyet DönemiTürk Ressamlar›”n›n karakalemröprodüksiyon çal›flmalar› yap›ld›.

In the framework of the unit"Image" the students made"Republican Period Turkishpainters" charcoal reproductionstudies.

MYP “Temel Sanat E¤itimi” ünitesiçerçevesinde ö¤rencilere resmintemel ö¤eleri aktar›ld›. Resimdedenge konusu üzerine soyutgrafiksel çal›flmalar yap›ld› .

Within the framework of MYP “Basic Art Education” basic elementsof the drawings were taught to the students. During the study ofthe drawings, abstract graph about the balance was studied withthe students.


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7. SINIFLAR7th Grades

MYP “Heykel” ünitesi çerçevesinde ö¤rencilere “Sporcu” konulu üçboyutlu çal›flmalar yapt›r›ld›. Ö¤rencilerle alüminyum iskelet, gazeteka¤›tlar› ve koli band› yard›m›yla hacimlendirilerek grup çal›flmas›yap›ld›.

In the MYP unit “Sculpture” the students made a three dimensional“Sportsman” model of . Using an aluminum skeleton, newspaperand boss tape models were made as a group work.

8. SINIFLAR8th Grades

MYP “Bask›” ünitesi çerçevesinde ö¤renciler kendi araflt›rmalar›sonucunda bulduklar› ya da yapt›klar› çizimleri, film bask› tekni¤i ileuygulad›lar.

MYP “Temel Sanat E¤itimi” ünitesi çerçevesinde ö¤rencilere resmintemel ö¤eleri aktar›ld›ktan sonra M.C.Escher’in karakalem çal›flmalar›yap›ld›.

In the MYP "Print" unit, the students applied film and printingtechniques on their own drawings that they found while searchingor that they drew.

In the framework of the unit “Basic Art Education” the studentslearnt about the basic elements and then reproduced work madeby M.C Escher.

MYP “Temel Sanat E¤itimi” ünitesi çerçevesinde ö¤rencilere resmintemel ö¤eleri aktar›ld›ktan sonra resimde derinlik konusu üzerine çal›flmalar yap›ld› .

In the MYP “Basic Art Education” unit, after the basic elements ofthe image had been taught to the students, the dept in the imagesubject study was done.

5 yafl s›n›f› olarak, Müzikdersinde “Küçük Y›ld›zlar”orkestras› kurduk.Ö¤rendi¤imiz flark›lar› buflekilde seslendirmek çoke¤lenceliydi.

In music lessons 5 yearolds established "SmallStars" orchestra. It wasvery entertaining to sing the songs we have learnt like this.


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Mini mini 1’lerimiz, tahtada yaz›l› olan notalar› takip edipmelodika çal›yorlar.

Our little students, are playing melodica while following thenotes on the board.

PYP “Reklamlar” ünitesinde 3. s›n›f ö¤rencilerimiz kendi seçtikleribir ürüne uygun reklam slogan› yaz›p ürünün küçük bir maketiniyapt›lar. Reklam müzi¤imiz eflli¤inde s›n›f televizyonumuzdan buürünün tan›t›m›n› gerçeklefltirdiler.

In the PYP "Ads" unit, 3rd grade students chose an appropriate adslogan written on the product and made a small model of theproduct. The students introduced their products through the classTV with their jingle at the background.

4. s›n›f ö¤rencileri “Madde”ü n i t e s i n d e m ü z i kaletlerinin nelerdenyap›ld›¤›n› ö¤rendi vesunumla arkadafllar›n› dabilgilendirdi.

4th grade students learntthe materials of themusical instruments andshared what they learnt with their friends in the unit “ Matter”.

5. s›n›f ö¤rencileri müzikdersinde “Din” ünitesinehaz›rl›k yapt›lar ve farkl›dinlere özgü müziklerbulup s›n›f içinde sunumyapt›lar.

5th grade studentsprepared for the unit “Religion” in their musiclesson and searched the music of different religions and sharedthem with their friends in the classroom.

6. s›n›f ö¤rencileri “TemelSanat E¤itimine Girifl”ünitesinde sanat ve sanatdallar›n› ö¤rendi, kendisineyak›n buldu¤u bir sanat dal›n›araflt›r›p s›n›f ortam›ndasunum yapt›.

6th grade students learnedabout art and its branchesin the unit “Introduction tobasic art education” andpresented their worksabout an art branch thatthey are interested in their classrooms.

MYP ünitemiz olan “Sanat Türleri” ile ilgili araflt›rmalar›m›z sonucunda elde etti¤imiz bilgileri ilk olarak sanatsal geliflim defterimize kaydettik,daha sonra bu bilgiler do¤rultusunda projeler tasarlad›k. S›n›fta, sanattürlerinin tarihi geliflimiyle ilgili sunumumuzu gerçeklefltirdik.

Firstly we recorded the result of our research about our MYP unit “artbranches” in our developmental notebooks and then we designed aproject in parallel with this information. We presented our presentationabout the progress of the art branches through the history.

7. s›n›f ö¤rencileri “Ezgi” ünitesinde kendi melodisini yarat›psunumunu yapt›.

7th grade students created their melody and presented inthe “Melody” unit.

8. s›n›f ö¤rencilerimiz “‹nsan ve Müzik ‹liflkisi” ünitesinde duygu vedüflüncelerini arkadafllar› ile paylafl›p müzi¤in ruhunu kavraman›nzevkine vard›lar.

Our 8th grade students shared their feelings and thoughts with theirfriends in the unit ” The relationship between human beings and music” and they got the pleasure of the music spirit.


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Okulumuzda ana s›n›f›ndan bafllayanbale e¤itimi, ö¤rencilerimizin estetikve do¤ru duruflu kazanmalar›n› amaçedinmifltir. Ö¤rencilerimiz okulumuzgösterilerinde aktif olarak görevalmaktad›rlar.

Through ballet training, starting in the kindergarten, the education of ballet aims the acquisition of aesthetic and appropriateposture for our students. Our students actively take part in our school performances.

29 Ekim Cumhuriyet Bayram› Kutlamalar›nda Beden E¤itimiö¤retmenleri’nin 2. s›n›flar ile haz›rlad›¤› Ankara yöresi Misketoyunu çok be¤enildi.

“Misket “folk dance of Ankara region, prepared by the studentsof second graders with the help of their PE teachers wasadmired on the 29th October, Republic Day ceremony.

29 Ekim CumhuriyetBayram› kutlamalar›nda,Ulu Önderimiz Atatürk’ünspora verdi¤i önem, liseö¤rencilerimizin yapt›¤›step gösterisi ile bir kezdaha vurguland›.

The importance of sportsunderlined by our leaderAtaturk was emphasizedonce more with the stepdance show performed by our high school students on RepublicDay Celebrations on October 29th.

29 Ekim günü, eski cumhuriyet balolar›n› an›msatan bir törendüzenlendi. Beden E¤itimi ö¤retmenleri’nin deste¤i ile liseö¤rencilerimiz o günleri an›msatan bir vals gösterisi sundular.

On the 29th of October, a ceremony was organised resemblingthe old republican balls. Our high school students performeda waltz show with the support of P.E teachers.


Beden E¤itimi ve Spor BölümüDepartment of Physical Education & Sports

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2010’a girerken Beden E¤itimi ve Sanat Bölümü iflbirli¤i ileilkö¤retim 1.-8. s›n›f ö¤rencileri için yeni y›l etkinli¤i düzenlenmifltir.Beden E¤itimi dersi ö¤retmenlerinin haz›rlam›fl oldu¤u oyunlarlae¤lenen ö¤rencilerimiz, sanat ö¤retmenlerinin sihirli elleriyleyüzlerini renklendi.

To welcome the New Year a new year activity was organisedfor the 1-8 graders with the cooperation of P.E and Artsdepartments. While the students were enjoying the activitiesorganised by the PE teachers, the magic hands of their artteachers coloured their faces.

Beden E¤itimi derslerinde hemPYP ünitelerine destek verdik,hem de e¤lenerek birçok fleyö¤rendik…

In Physical Education classes wehave supported the PYP Units, aswell as learning many things inan enjoyable environment.

Yüzme müsabakalar›nda, okulumuz ö¤rencilerinden DidemBEK‹RO⁄LU 10 yafl 50 m S›rtüstü stilde Türkiye 1. , BerkantBALCI 13 yafl 200 m s›rtüstü stilde Türkiye 2. , ‹rem DamlaM‹RZA 11 yafl 400 m serbest stilde Türkiye 3. olmufllard›r.Ege ÖZGÜR ve Tar›k K‹BAR da ilk 10’a girmifltir. Ö¤rencilerimizayn› zamanda bu y›l ‹stanbul Abdi ‹pekçi Arena’da düzenlenenAvrupa K›sa Kulvar Yüzme fiampiyonas›’nda da görevalm›fllar›d›r. Ö¤rencilerimizi kutluyor ve baflar›lar diliyoruz.

In the ten year olds 50 m backstroke swimming contest, ourstudent, Didem BEK‹RO⁄LU was ranked the first, in the 13year olds 200m backstroke style Berkant BALCI was rankedsecond, in the 11 year olds 400 m free style. ‹rem DamlaM‹RZA was ranked third. Also, Ege ÖZGÜR and Tar›k K‹BAR were ranked in the first ten swimmers in the competition.Moreover, this year our students took part in the EuropeanShort Course Swimming Championship held in Istanbul Abdi‹pekçi Arena Sports Centre. We congratulate our studentsand wish them success.

AREL E¤itim Kurumlar›’ndayüzme e¤itimi anaokulundanitibaren bafllar ve devam eder…

The swmimming training startsfrom the kindergarten and goeson...


6 Kas›m 2009 tarihinde 6, 7ve 8. s›n›flara okulumuzkonferans salonunda diflhekimi Dr. Güzin Gero¤lutaraf›ndan a¤›z ve difl sa¤l›¤›hakk›nda seminer verildi.Ard›ndan ö¤rencilerimize diflmacunu da¤›t›ld›.

On November 6th, our 6th,7th and 8th grade studentswere given a seminar by Dr.Güzin Gero¤lu in the conference hall. After the seminar tubesof tooth paste were given to the students.


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Ö¤rencilerimiz “TutumYat›r›m ve Yerli Mal› Haftas›”kapsam›nda 5. s›n›flar›n SergiÜnitesi’ne destek amac›ylakermes düzenlediler.

Our students organized acharity for “ Local Food Week” for the fifth grades exhibitionunit.

Kutlu olsun hafta bize,Meyveler geldi dile.Hepinizi sevece¤iz,Güzel güzel beslenece¤iz.

2. s›n›f ö¤rencileri bu fliirleriokurken çok heyecanl›yd›.fiiirleriyle tüm ö¤rencileretutumlu olman›n ve yerli mal›kullanman›n önemini hat›rlatt›lar. Meyveli taçlar› ve getirdikleriyemiflleriyle fliirlerine renk katt›lar.

The second grades were excited while they were reading thepoems. They emphasized the importance of using the local food.They decorated their poems wearing colorful and food shapedcrowns.

2-B S›n›f› ö¤rencileri“Sa¤l›kl›y›m” ünitesindedengeli beslenmenin önemikonusunda ‘Denge l iBesleniyorum’ menüsüoluflturdular. Ö¤rencilergruplar oluflturarak sabah,ö¤le ve akflam yemeklerindeneler yiyebileceklerinidüflünerek kendilerine birmenü oluflturdular. Seçtikleriyiyeceklerin sa¤l›kl› olupolmad›¤› hakk›nda tart›flarak sonuçlar› menülerinde gösterdiler.Yiyecekleri ö¤ünlere göre listelerken fon ka¤›tlar›na da buyiyeceklerin resimlerini çizdiler.Daha sonra grup halindeoluflturduklar› menülerini s›n›fta sergilediler. Hamburger, cips,kola, tost gibi yiyecek ve içeceklerin menüde niçin yer almad›¤›n›tart›flt›lar.

2-B students created their own “I have a balanced diet” menuabout the importance of healthy dieting in PYP unit “I’m healthy”.Students, in groups, created their own menus by thinking aboutwhat they can eat and drink for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Thenthey discussed about whether the chosen food and drinks arehealthy or not and they showed the discussion results in theirmenus. As they were making up their lists, they also drew thepictures of the food items they had chosen. Then, they presentedtheir group menus in the class and they discussed about whysome types of foods and drinks such as hamburger, chips, cokeand toast were not included in their menus.

“Trafik” ünitesi kapsam›nda yap›lan Topkap› Trafik E¤itim Park›Gezisi ile ö¤rencilerimiz edindikleri bilgileri pekifltirdiler.

When our students had a school trip to “Topkap› traffic trainingpark” related to their PYP unit, they had a chance to deepentheir understanding.

“Tutum Yat›r›m ve YerliMal› Haftas›” nda görevalan ö¤rencilerimizellerinde yerli mal›yiyecekleri, bafllar›natakt›klar› taçlar› ile çokrenkli görünüyorlard›.Yerli mal› kullanman›nönemini ve tutumluolman›n gereklili¤inifliirleri ile tüm okuladuyurdular.

Our students who tookpart in the event of “ Saving, investment and national goodsweek” looked very colourful with the crowns on their heads andfood in their hands. They expressed the importance of usingnational goods and the necessity of being thrifty by their poemsto the whole school community.


“Ortak Kullan›m Alanlar› ” ünitesinde ö¤renciler bu alanlardakidavran›fllar›n›n nas›l olmas› gerekti¤ini anlatan senaryolar yazd›lar.Resimde ö¤renciler bankada nas›l davran›fllar sergilemeleri gerekti¤iile ilgili yazd›klar› senaryoyu arkadafllar›na sergiliyorlar.

In the un›t of “ Public Places “ students wrote drama scenarioswith groups about how we must behave in such places. In thispicture students acted out their dramas about how to behave ina bank..


S›n›f Etkinliklerimiz (1-5)In & Out- Class Activities (1-5)

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Ö¤renciler y›lbafl›n› okulumuzda düzenlenen parti ile kutlad›lar.Hepsi yeni bir y›la girmenin sevincini gülümsemeleriyle belli ettiler.

Students celebrated the New Year with a party in the school. Allof them were really happy about starting the new year, theysmiled all day long.

“ Reklamlar “ ünitesinde ö¤rencilerürünlerini belirlediler, ürünlerininözelliklerini ön plana ç›karansloganlar buldular ve bu sloganlar›arkadafllar›yla paylaflt›lar.

In the unit of Advertisementsstudents chose their materialsand then found some slogansabout their product’s propertiesand shared their slogans withtheir friends.

Ö¤renciler demokrasinin gere¤i olan oy kullanman›n öneminiö¤rendiler ve okul baflkan› seçimine kat›ld›lar.

Students learned the importance of voting as an application ofdemocracy and they attended the school leader elections.

“Kültürler” ünitemizdeTopkap› Saray›’n› gezdik.Hem ö¤rendik, hem dee¤lendik. Sonra da as›rl›ka¤ac›n alt›nda dinlendik.

We had a trip to Topkap›Palace for the unit “Cultures”. We both learned and enjoyed.Then we relaxed under an oldtree.

“ V ü c u t S i s t e m l e r i ”ünitemizde; ‹TÜ BilimMerkezi’ni ziyaretimiz çoke¤lenceliydi.

In the unit “Body System”,we had a trip to ITU ScienceCenter and we enjoyed a lot.


“‹nanç Sistemleri” ünitemizleba¤lant›l› olarak AyasofyaMüzesi’ni gezdik, geziboyunca gözlemlerimizi notald›k.

Within the scope of our unit“Belief Systems”, we madea trip to the Hagia SophiaMuseum and took notes during this visit.

Ö¤retmenler Günü’nde ö¤retmenlerimize flark› ve marfllar›m›z› söyledik.

We sang the songs and marches for our teachers.


Ö¤renciler Atatürk’ün hayat› , getirdi¤i yenilikler ile ilgiliaraflt›rmalar›n› , Atatürk için yazd›klar› fliir ve mektubu arkadafllar›ylapaylaflt›lar. Böylece Atatürk’le ilgili daha kal›c› bilgiler edindiler.

Students researched the life of Atatürk and his comments on therevolutions he tought, they shared the poems and letters, whichthey wrote for Atatürk, with their friends. As a result of this they learned more about Atatürk..

TÜYAP Kitap fuar›nda kitap inceleyip seçerlerken...While looking at the new books at Tuyap Book Fair


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PYP ünitelerimizle ilgiliaraflt›rma ödevlerihaz›rlad›k ve bunlar›s›n›fta arkadafllar›m›zasunduk. Ünitelerimizinbitiminde ne kadar çokfley ö¤rendi¤imizi farkettik.

We prepared research projects related to PYP units andpresented them to our friends in the classroom. We noticedhow much we have learned at the end of the units.

Oyun salonumuzda, istopoynarken, hem renklerihem de birbirimizinisimlerini, ayn› zamandakura l lara uyman›nönemini ö¤reniyoruz.

While playing ball gamesin the playground, we arelearning both the namesof each other and colors.Besides, we are learningthe importance of obeyingthe rules.

Okuma – yazmaya haz›rl›k çal›flmalar›nda, verilen çal›flmasayfalar›m›z› yönergelere uygun biçimde tamamlayarak biliflselgeliflimimizi ve el-göz koordinasyonumuzu destekliyoruz. Yenibilgiler ö¤renmek için heyecanlan›yoruz.

We are supporting our eye-hand coordination and cognitivedevelopment by completing our handouts regularly in the literacyactivities. We are excited about learning new things.

Küçük aflç›lar ifl bafl›nda… Mutfaketkinliklerinde, oklava ile açt›¤›m›zhamurlar›m›z›, kal›plarla flekillendirdik,minik ellerimizle en lezzetli kurabiyeleriyine biz yapt›k.

Little chefs are on duty. In our kitchenactivities, we gave shapes to thedough. We made the most deliciouscookies with our little hands.

Her kitapla, farkl› serüvenlere yelkenaç›yoruz. Kimi zaman Güliver’inkay›¤›nda, kimi zaman PamukPrenses’in yata¤›n›n baflucunday›z.Biz masallar ülkesinde çok mutluyuz.

We feel like sailing for differentadvantures. We sometimes on Gulliver’sboat, sometimes at thwe bedside ofSnow White . We are very happy in thetales world.

Hayal gücümüz s›n›rtan›m›yor. El imizdekioyuncaklar›, istedi¤imiz gibiflekillendirip oyunlar›m›z›nbirer parças › ha l ineget i r iyoruz . Z ih inse lgeliflimimize bu flekildedestek oluyoruz.

There is no limit in ourimagination. We are givingshapes to the toys we have and using them in our games. Bythis way we are improving our mental development.

Dramalar, yaflayarak ö¤renmedeve empati kurmam›z› sa¤lamadaçok önemlidir.Biz de s›n›f›m›zdafarkl› kültürlere ait dramalaryaparak e¤leniyor, hoflça vakitgeçiriyoruz.

Dramas are very important in learning while doing and havingempathy. We are having great fun while performing in dramasabout different cultures.

Yeni bir yafla daha giriyoruz.Bu sevincimizi, s›n›ftaarkadafllar›m›zla paylaflt›k.Pastam›z› kestik, dans ettik.Sonunda bir yafl daha büyüdük.

We shared our happiness withour friends in the classroom.We cut our cake, danced. Weare one year older now.

Fen ve do¤a bilimleri ile ilgilikonular›, yapt›¤›m›z deney vegözlemlerle daha iyi kavr›yor veyaparak, yaflayarak ö¤reniyoruz.Ard›ndan bu deneylerin analizleriile ilgili resimler yap›yor, sonuçlar›birbirlerimizle paylafl›yoruz.

We are experiencing andlearning the topics related toscience and natural science with the help of experiments andobservations. After that we are drawing pictures of the experimentsand sharing the results with each other.


AREL Anaokulu (Bahçelievler)

Anaokullar›m›zOur Preschools

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Oyunlar ve oyuncaklar,e¤lenirken ö¤renmemizisa¤lar. “Çocuk Oyunlar›”ünitemize bafl larken,evlerimizden getirdi¤imizoyuncaklar›m›z›, birbirimizlepaylafl›yoruz. Oyunlar veoyuncaklar hakk›nda nelerbiliyoruz? Bununla ilgili beyin f›rt›nas› yaparken, hem düflüncebecerilerimizi hem de iletiflim becerilerimizi gelifltiriyoruz.

Games and toys help us learn with fun. We are sharing thetoys we brought from our homes with each other at thebeginning of the unit “Children Games”. What do we knowabout games and toys? While brainstorming, we improve ourcommunication and thinking skills.

Hayallerimizi renklendiripyarat›c›l›¤›m›z› gelifltiriyoruz.Kesiyoruz, katl›yoruz, yap›flt›r›pboyuyoruz, yeni ürünler eldeediyoruz.Ürünlerimizi keyiflesergiliyoruz.

We are making our dreamscolorful and improving ourcreativity. We are making new products by cutting, folding,pasting and coloring. We are happy to exhibit our products.

Yüzme etk in l i k le r indee¤lenerek yüzme ö¤renmeninkeyfine vard›k. Havuzda topoyununu çok seviyoruz.

We had fun while learning toswim. We love ball games inthe pool.

“Tutum, Yat›r›m ve Türk Mallar› Haftas›” kutlamam›za çok iyihaz›rland›k. fiapkalar yapt›k, etkinlikler düzenledik. Kutlamagünümüzde de flapkalar›m›z› takt›k, kostümlerimizi giydik vefliirlerimizi söyledik. Ard›ndan da yurdumuzda yetiflenyiyeceklerden oluflan bir mönüyü afiyetle yedik. Bu haz›rl›klars›ras›nda çok yorulduk; ama yoruldu¤umuza da de¤di do¤rusu…

We got ready for the celebration of “National Products Week”.We made hats, organized activities, On the Celebration Daywe wore our hats, our costumes and read poems. Then weate the food grown in our country. During these preperationswe felt really tired but it was worth.

Yeni bir y›l yeni bir heyecan… Yeni y›l için haz›rl›klar›m›z›tamamlad›k. Çam a¤ac›m›z› süsledik, kartlar›m›z› haz›rlad›k,flapkalar›m›z› takt›k. Yeni y›l› karfl›larken sevincimizi,heyecan›m›z› ve 2010 ile ilgili dileklerimizi partimizde paylaflt›k.Hediyelerimizi al›rken de bu y›l kazand›¤›m›z iyi davran›fllar›m›z›pekifltirdik. Hofl geldin yeni y›l!

A new Year, a new excitement... We completed our preperationsfor the new year. We decorated the pine tree, prepared ourcards, wore our hats. While welcoming the new year, we sharedour happiness, excitement and new year resolutions and wisheswith our friends at our party. While receiving our presents, wereinforced good behaviours we gained this year.New Year Welcome..

Müzik etkinliklerinde ritima l e t l e r i n i k u l l a n d › k ,ö¤rendi¤imiz flark›lara ritimtutarak çok e¤lendik.

In the music activities, weused rhythm tools and wehad fun while singing songsand beating the rhythm.

Resim yar›flmas›nda aram›zdanbir arkadafl›m›z›n derece almas›,hepimizi çok mutlu etti.

We all felt happy when one ofour friends won a prize in theart competition.

Günefl, temiz hava ve e¤lence…“Çocuk Oyunlar›” ünitemizdeailemizden çocukken oynad›klar›oyunlar› ö¤rendik. Havay› da günefllibulunca, ö¤rendi¤imiz oyunlar›bahçede arkadafllar›m›za ö¤rettik.Do¤rusu çok da e¤lendik.

Sun, fresh air and fun... In our “Children Games” unit, we learnedthe games our parents used to play when they were children.When the weather was good, we taught these games to ourfriends in the playground. We really enjoyed very much.

Ata’m›z› hiçbir zaman unutmad›kve unutmayaca¤›z.

We have never forgotten Atatürk.We will never forget him.


Boyalar, f›rçalar, k⤛tlar…fiimdi s›ra hayallerimizirenklendirmede… Akl›m›zdangeçenleri k⤛tlar›m›zaaktar›yoruz.

Paints, brushes, papers....Now it’s time to colour ourdreams. We are transferingour ideas to thr papers.

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“Yiyecekler” ünitesinde Fen ve Do¤a Çal›flmalar› dersindekendi domates fidemizi ektik. Her gün fidemizi sulayaraksorumluluk ald›k. Canl›lar›n büyümesi için su ve günefl de¤ilayn› zamanda sevgiye de ihtiyaçlar› oldu¤unu ö¤rendik.

In the “Food” unit in our science and nature classes, weplanted tomato seeas. We took responsibility by watering ourseedling every day. We learnt that plants need not only waterand sun light but also love in order to grow.

“‹letiflim” ünitesinde fienlikköy Postanesine gittik. Yeni y›lkartlar›m›z› evlerimize gönderdik.

In the “Communication Unit”, we went to the Post Office. Weposted our New Year cards to our addresses.

E¤itimin s›n›fla s›n›rl› kalmayaca¤›n› kan›tlad›k. Manava gittik.Meyve ve sebzelerin isimlerini ‹ngilizce ö¤rendik. Okuladöndü¤ümüzde beyin f›rt›nas› yaparak asetata resimledik.Teknolojiyi kullanarak birbirimize anlatt›k.

We have proved that education is not limited to the school.We went to the grocery store and we learned the names offruits and vegetables in English. When we returned to school,we did same brainstorming and used acetate to illustratefruits and vegetables. Using of technology we shared whatwe have learned.


AREL 2005 Anaokulu (Florya)

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Oyun oynarken ö¤rendiklerimizide¤iflik materyallerle sunmaolana¤› bulduk.

We had lots of fun during ourgame time. While playing games,we had a chance to present thethings we have learned by usingdifferent materials.

Yarat›c›l›¤›m›z› kullanarakkendi iletiflim araçlar›m›z›yapt›k. Televizyon programlar›h a z › r l a y a r a k s › n › f t a k iarkadafllar›m›za sunduk.

By using our imagination wecreated our own communication

devices. We prepared various television programs and presentedthem to our friends.

Annelerimizden tarifler ald›k. Hep beraber mozaik pastayapt›k.Yerli Mallar› Haftas›’n› kutlad›k ve pastam›z› yedik.fiiirler okuduk ve flark›lar söyledik. Çok e¤lendik.

We got recipes from our mothers and made a mosaic cake.We celebrated Turkish products week and ate our mosaiccake. We had a lot of fun- we read poems and sang songs.

10 Kas›m’da çelenk yapt›k. Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK’ü sayg›ylaand›k. Florya Atatürk Köflkü’nü ziyaret ettik. Çevremizdegördü¤ümüz canl›-cans›z varl›klar› gözlemledik. Bunlar›toplayarak okulumuzda koleksiyonlar oluflturduk.

On October 10 we made a wreath and commemorated thedeath of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. We visited Florya AtatürkMansion. We observed living and non living things around us.We collected them and created collections at school.

Yeni y›l› oyunlar oynayarak ve ö¤rendi¤imiz flark›lar› söyleyerekhep beraber kutlad›k. Noel Baba’dan hediyelerimizi ald›k.

We celebrated New Year together by playing games andsinging songs that we have learned. We received our presentsfrom Santa Claus.

K › fl m e v s i m i n i nözellikleri ile ilgilikavram haritas ›oluflturduk. Ya¤murve kar›n oluflumunuyapt›¤›m›z deneylerlegözlemledik.

We made a conceptmap about the featuresof the winter season.By doing experiments we observed the formation of rain and snow.

“My Family” ünitesinde evimizden getirdi¤imiz aile foto¤raflar›ylaaile albümü oluflturduk. Arkadafllar›m›za ailemizi tan›tt›k. Her birimizaile üyelerimizin rollerini alarak dramalar yapt›k.

In “My Family” unit we brought photos from home and made a familyalbum. We introduced our families to our friends. We acted outdramas by assuming the roles of our family members.


Page 56: AREL E⁄‹T‹M KURUMLARI SAYI 22 HABERBÜLTEN‹ · kÜltÜrlerarasi farkindalik / intercultural awareness ata’ mizi saygiyla aniyoruz... / we commemorate our leader; ataturk

Çocu¤unuzla AREL OYUN GRUPLARI'nakat›lman›n fark›n› yaflamak istemez misiniz?

Anne ve babalar›n çocuklar›yla beraberkat›labilecekleri AREL Oyun Gruplar›çocuklara e¤lenceli, güvenli ve e¤itici birortam sunar. Anaokullar›m›zda çocuklarayl›k geliflimlerine uygun olarak 2 ayr›seviyede grupland›r›l›r. Çocuklar, oyungruplar›nda bir yandan sosyalleflmeyi ve

paylaflmay› ö¤renirken; bir yandan dafiziksel, duygusal ve zihinsel geliflimlerinidestekleyici aktivitelerin yer ald›¤› sa¤l›kl›ve güvenli bir oyun ortam›nda bulunurlar.Çocuklar cesaretle, deneyerek keflfederkenve ö¤renirken AREL ailesi olarak sizi dearam›zda görmekten mutluluk duyaca¤›z.

22-36 ay aras› çocuklar için OYUN GRUPLARIMIZ aç›lm›flt›r.


AREL E⁄‹T‹M KURUMLARI Merkez Mah. Hac› Arif Bey Sk. No. 1, 34197 Yenibosna - Bahçelievler / ‹stanbulTel: (0212) 550 49 30 (pbx) - 630 35 05 (4 hat) Faks: (0212) 550 77 82 e-posta: [email protected]

AREL 2005 Anaokulu: fienlikköy Mah. Özgen Sk. No: 6 Florya - Bak›rköy / ‹stanbul Tel: (0212) 541 60 03






