Download - APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Page 1: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an


MUDr. Jan Bureš


Page 2: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Trauma může být cokoli

Page 3: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Polytrauma, trauma

Trauma: úraz, poškození, náhlá zevní

událost, která svým působením na

organismus vyvolá jeho poškození

Polytrauma: Syndrom ze současného

poranění nejméně dvou orgánových

systémů, přičemž postižení alespoň jednoho

z nich, či jejich kombinace, vedou k selhání

základních životních funkcí

Page 4: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Polytrauma, multiple trauma

A clinical syndrome with severe injuries

involving two or more major organ or

physiological systems which will initiate an

amplified metabolic and physiological


Page 5: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Hodnocení prognózy poranění

skórovací systémy GCS - prognostický význam TS - vhodné pro přednemocniční péči RTS - na základě fyziologických parametrů AIS - na základě anatomického poškození ISS - retrospektivní srovnání výsledků trauma center TRIS - kombinace anatomického a fyziologického skórování

( RTS+ ISS +věk. index)

Page 6: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an
Page 7: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Mechanismus poranění

Tupá poranění

– Náhlá změna rychlosti

– Decelerační, „high energy“ zranění

¨dopravní nehody, pracovní úrazy pády z výšek, násilné činy, sportovní úrazy, blast syn atd.

Page 8: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Mechanismus poranění

Tupá poranění

– Mnohočetné zlomeniny

– Rozsáhlé poškození tkání

– Lacerace, kontuze (kompartment sy)

– Poškození visc. Orgánů

Přístup – iniciální resuscitace, celkové

vyšetření, event. chirurgie dle Dam(n).

Control surgery

Page 9: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Mechanismus poranění

Penetrující trauma

– Objekt proniká vnitřní tkáně, cévy, orgány

– Často zavádějící malá povrchová rána

– Závažnost dle hloubky, úhlu, místa, nástroje

Page 10: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Mechanismus poranění

Penetrující Trauma

– Malá rána

– Krvácení různě vyjádřeno

Přístup – primárně chirurgické ošetření –

není co kde jak diagnostikovat …

Page 11: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an
Page 12: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Patofyziologie traumat

Poškození měkkých tkání

Poranění vnitřních orgánů


Syndrom ischemie/reperfuze

Rozvoj koagulopatie


Page 13: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Patofyziologie traumat

Krevní ztráta

Poškození tkání

Page 14: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Patofyziologie - komplexní

Krevní ztráta

– Pokles cirkulujícího objemu – rozvoj šoku

– Tkáňová hypoxie – acidóza, aktivace endothelu,

rozvoj SIRS

– Ztráta koagulačních faktorů

– Ztráty tepla

Výsledek: další poškození tkání + koagulopatie

– bludný kruh

Page 15: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Patofyziologie - komplexní

Poškození tkání

– Uvolnění myoglobinu a intracelul hmot do


– Vzestup kalémie

– Orgánová dysfunkce ( plíce, mozek …)

– Otok tkání, rozvoj kompartment sy.

– Sy. ischemie reperfuze

– Aktivace zánětu, aktivace koagulace

– Krvácení

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Patofyziologie - komplexní

Page 17: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an
Page 18: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Fáze péče o trauma


Emergency příjem

Operační fáze

Resuscitační péče

Intermediální (JIP) péče


Page 19: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an
Page 20: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Předhospt :-

1. Airway + C páteř

2. Imobilizace

3. zmírnění krvácení (tlak, turniket/škrtidlo)

4. I.V. vstupy

5. transport do místa DEFINITIVNÍHO

ošetření -traumacetrum

Page 21: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Urgentní příjem


– Advanced Trauma Life Support A



– Trauma Nurse Core Course

Primary, Secondary Survey spolu s rychlou

diagnostikou a terapií

Page 22: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Proč ATLS?

Trimodální distribuce úmrtí

– první peak okamžitě (mozek srdce velké


– druhý peak – minuty až hodiny

– třetí peak – dny až týdny (sepse, MOF)

Page 23: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Distribution of trauma death Zlatá hodina

Page 24: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Koncept ATLS

Řešit okamžitě stavy bezprostředně

ohrožující život

Neznalost definitivní diagnózy by nikdy

neměla zdržet potřebnou byť sympt. léčbu

Detailní anamnéza není nezbytná pro

zhodnocení stavu

“ABCDE” přístup

Page 25: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

ATLS Guidelines

Systematický přístup k rapidnímu

zhodnocení poranění a stabilizaci vit. funkcí

1. Primary Survey A-B-C

2. Resuscitative Phase

3. Secondary Survey

4. Definitive Care Phase

Page 26: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an
Page 27: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an
Page 28: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Zhodnocení a management

Vždy teamová práce (no I in TEAM)

Page 29: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Trauma Team

Page 30: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Trauma Team

Page 31: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Příjem od ZS

Page 32: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Primární vyšetření

Identifikace hlavních problémů, rychle jednoduše, 1-2 minuty max.

ABCDEs péče

– A Airway and c-spine protection

– B Breathing and ventilation

– C Circulation with hemorrhage control

– D Disability/Neurologic status

– E Exposure/Environmental control

Page 33: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an


Posun k dalšímu bodu až po vyřešení


Někteří pacienti se nedostanou k sekundární


Page 34: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

A- Airway

Zhodnocení průchodnosti – Schopnost verb komunikace

– Stridor, sekrece, krvácení

– Cizí tělesa

– Kontrola poloha ETR

Vždy předpoklad poranění C páteře – Při zajišťování DC – MILS C-páteře – nejmenší

exkurze, pak límec (Stifneck, Philadelphia)

Page 35: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Difficult Airway –be ready

Page 36: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Důležitá zásada při zajišťování “difficult airways“

Zachovat spontánního dýchání!!! při všech způsobech zajišťování „A“. V každém případě je třeba:

vyvarovat se apnoické techniky

všude, kde je jen pouhé podezření na ”difficult airways”. Dýchací cesty je většinou nutno zajistit invazivně. Hodnocení: Look, listen and feel

Page 37: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

B- Breathing Zajištění dostatečné ventilace + úkony k

zajištění ventilace

Look listen, feel …

– Deviace trachey, krepitace žeber,

oslabené/vymizelé dýchání (pohled, poslech)

Rychle odhalit respirační insuficienci ( PNO,

HT, míšní léze..) + ihned vyřešit příčinu !!!

(UPV, hrudní drenáž)

Page 38: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Vlající hrudník

Page 39: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Podkožní emfyzem

Page 40: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Hrudní drenáž

Page 41: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

tenzní PNO

Page 42: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

C- Cirkulace

Při hypotenzi vždy předpokládat krvácení

Rychlé zhodnocení

– Vzhled kůže

– Pulz na 4 končetinách – disekce Ao

– TK, P


Page 43: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an


Focused Abdominal

Scanning in Trauma

4 pohledy: Cardiac,



Goal: nález volné


Page 44: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

C- Cirkulace

Pro i.v. objem lepší krátké PVK , pro

trauma pánev hrudník 2x CVK do povodí


CVK není primárně indikováno !!! (ATLS)

Cílový sTK 80 mmHg do vyřešení krvácení

Kraniotrauma MAP nad 80


Page 45: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an


Barva Míra Průměr




oranžová G14 2,00 290

šedivá G16 1,75 225

bílá G17 1,50 155

zelená G18 1,30 96

růžová G20 1,00 59

modrá G22 0,90 42

žlutá G24 0,75 29

Page 46: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Bleeding management

Bandáž, tlak na krvácení,

následně definitivní ošetření – chirurg, angio

Objemová resuscitace

Kolik ?


Page 47: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Update v r 2016

Page 48: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an


Permisivní hypotenze (neboli minimální


– Cílový sTK 80 mmHg do vyřešení krvácení

– Kraniotrauma MAP nad 80

Časná hemostatická léčba – chirurgická,

angiograf. embolizace

damage control surgery

Page 49: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Hrazení krevních ztrát ztráta = 10 – 15% objemu – bez léčby nebo krystaloid ztráta = 15 – 25% – krystaloidy ztráta = 20 – 30 % – krystaloidy + koloidy????? ztráta 25 % objemu – indikace transfúze ztráta 35 – 40 % – absolutní indikace transfúze

Vitální indikace – možnost užití “0 - negat.” Případ nouze – “0 pozit.” u mužů Použití “0”negat. 50% objemu nemocného, nepřecházet na původní skupinu (??)

Page 50: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Love – 15 – 30 – 40 — game over (>40)

Page 51: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Massive transfusion protocol

Page 52: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

D- Disability

Stručné zhodnocení

– Stav vědomí

– Zornice : velikost a reakce

– Hybnost – pokud sedace tak jak před OTI


Page 53: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an



Spontaneous 4 Oriented 5 Obeys 6

Verbal 3 Confused 4 Localizes 5

Pain 2 Words 3 Flexion 4

None 1 Sounds 2 Decorticate 3

None 1 Decerebrate 2

None 1

Page 54: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

E- Expozice

Kompletní obnažení, inspekce

Log roll otočení na bok v ose – kontrola zad

Změření teploty


– hypotermie u traumat škodí

Page 55: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Always Inspect the Back

Page 56: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Urgentní výkony

Page 57: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Secondary Survey

AMPLE history

– Allergies, Medications, PastMedicaHistory, Last

meal, Events

Vyšetření head to toe, pokud možno i p.r.

Opakované zhodnocování vit.fcí

– Provedení odběrů na lab. vyšetření, zavedení PMK,

ev- RTG

Zhodnocení stavu a rozhodnutí o dalším

postupu –

další vyšetření x urgentní operace

Page 58: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Sekundární survey

Page 59: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Směřování pacienta

Dle traumatu a stability

Pokud stabilní – vyšetřování pokud třeba

Nestabilní – urgentně hledat příčinu, pokud krvácení známé – na sál

Transport obezřetný, ne zbrklý

Page 60: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

základy terapie

intenzivní péče + chirurgická terapie

umožnění jak primárního výkonu, tak second look

minimalizace dalších poškození


Page 61: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

“two hit “ hypotéza

Iniciální trauma + chirurgická intervence = 2 poškození organismu

Zákrok zvyšuje hladinu prozánětl. působků

– = SIRS větší = MODS

Page 62: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Damage control

Letální kombinace koagulopatie,

hypotermie a metabolická acidoza.

Masivně zvyšuje krevní ztrátu

Pro přežití operace je nezbytné odjet na sál

zahřátý, s korig koagulopatií, doplněným

i.v. objemem

Page 63: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Traditional approach

Page 64: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Damage Control Surgery

Page 65: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

chirurgická neodkladná léčba

/damage control surgery/

zástava krvácení

minimalizace kontaminace

vyloučení dalšího postižení

nemusí se jednat o definitivní výkon

Page 66: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Resuscitační péče Vstupní vyšetření:

– Primary, Secondary survey methods

Pokračování ve stabilizaci (i.v. objem,

zahřívání, hemostat. Léčba)

Kompletní hygiena

Snaha o prevenci kompplikací » Infekce, ARDS, DIC, embolie, ARF, compartment


» O2 Supply/ Demand balance

Pain Management

Communication: Patient and family

Page 67: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an


Ohrožuje přímo

– Krvácení, PNO, neprůchodnost DC – primary



– SIRS reakce na poškození

– Koagulopatie

– Rozklad vnitřního prostředí

Page 68: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an


Trauma is best managed by a team approach

(there’s no “I” in trauma)

A thorough primary and secondary survey

is key to identify life threatening injuries

Once a life threatening injury is discovered,

intervention should not be delayed

Disposition is determined by the patient’s

condition as well as available resources.

Page 69: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Zdroje informací


ATLS Student Course Manuel, 6th edition.

Emergency Medicine A Comprehensive Study Guide, 5th


Page 70: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an
Page 71: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Děkuji za pozornost

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Page 73: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

I. Initial resuscitation and

prevention of further bleeding

Recommendation 1

We recommend that the time elapsed between

injury and operation be minimised for patients

in need of urgent surgical bleeding control.

(Grade 1A)

Rychle operovat

Page 74: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Tourniquet use

Recommendation 2

We recommend adjunct tourniquet use to stop

life-threatening bleeding from open extremity

injuries in the pre-surgical setting. (Grade 1B)

Page 75: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an


Recommendation 3

We recommend initial normoventilation of

trauma patients if there are no signs of

imminent cerebral herniation. (Grade 1C)


Page 76: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Diagnosis and monitoring of


Recommendation 4

We recommend that the physician clinically assess the

extent of traumatic hemorrhage using a combination of

patient physiology, anatomical injury pattern,

mechanism of injury and the patient's response to

initial resuscitation. (Grade 1C)

…odhad dle mechanismu, ztrát, vzhledu,

oběhové stability, odpovědi na tekutiny…

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Love – 15 – 30 – 40 — game over (>40)

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Page 79: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Immediate intervention Recommendation 5

We recommend that patients presenting with

haemorrhagic shock and an identified source of

bleeding undergo an immediate bleeding

control procedure unless initial resuscitation

measures are successful. (Grade 1B)

Tj. operace, pánevní pack, selektivní


Page 80: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Recommendation 6

We recommend that patients presenting with

haemorrhagic shock and an unidentified source

of bleeding undergo immediate further

investigation. (Grade 1B)

Tj, RTG, USG nebo CT

Page 81: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Recommendation 8

We recommend that patients with significant free

intra-abdominal fluid and haemodynamic instability

undergo urgent intervention. (Grade 1A)

Recommendation 9

We recommend further assessment using CT for

haemodynamically stable patients. (Grade 1B)

Page 82: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Recommendation 10

We do not recommend the use of single Hct

measurements as an isolated laboratory marker for

bleeding. (Grade 1B)

Recommendation 11

We recommend either serum lactate or base deficit

measurements as sensitive tests to estimate and monitor

the extent of bleeding and shock. (Grade 1B)

Page 83: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Detekce koagulopatie

We recommend that routine practice to detect post-

traumatic coagulopathy include the early, repeated and

combined measurement of prothrombin time (PT),

activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT),

fibrinogen and platelets. (Grade 1C)

We recommend that viscoelastic methods also be

performed to assist in characterising the coagulopathy

and in guiding haemostatic therapy. (Grade 1C)


Page 84: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Tak co tedy dávat ?

We recommend that crystalloids be applied initially to

treat the hypotensive bleeding trauma patient. (Grade


We recommend that hypotonic solutions, such as

Ringer's lactate, be avoided in patients with severe

head trauma. (Grade 1C)

Page 85: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an
Page 86: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Tak co tedy dávat ?

If colloids are administered, we recommend use within

the prescribed limits for each solution. (Grade 1B)

We suggest that hypertonic solutions during initial

treatment be used, but demonstrate no advantage

compared to crystalloids or colloids in blunt trauma

and TBI. (Grade 2B)

We suggest the use of hypertonic solutions in

hemodynamically unstable patients with penetrating

torso trauma. (Grade 2C)

Page 87: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Krevní deriváty

We recommend a target haemoglobin (Hb) of 7 to 9

g/dl. (Grade 1C)

We recommend the initial administration of plasma

(fresh frozen plasma (FFP) or pathogen-inactivated

plasma) (Grade 1B) or fibrinogen (Grade 1C) in

patients with massive bleeding.

If further plasma is administered, we suggest an

optimal plasma:red blood cell ratio of at least 1:2.

(Grade 2C)

Page 88: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Fibrinogen We recommend treatment with fibrinogen concentrate

or cryoprecipitate in the continuing management of the

patient if significant bleeding is accompanied by

thromboelastometric signs of a functional fibrinogen

deficit or a plasma fibrinogen level of less than 1.5 to

2.0 g/l. (Grade 1C)

We suggest an initial fibrinogen concentrate dose of 3

to 4 g or 50 mg/kg of cryoprecipitate, which is

approximately equivalent to 15 to 20 single donor units

in a 70 kg adult. Repeat doses may be guided by

viscoelastic monitoring and laboratory assessment of

fibrinogen levels. (Grade 2C)

Page 89: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an


We recommend that platelets be administered to

maintain a platelet count above 50 × 109/l. (Grade 1C)

We suggest maintenance of a platelet count above 100 ×

109/l in patients with ongoing bleeding and/or TBI.

(Grade 2C)

We suggest an initial dose of four to eight single platelet

units or one aphaeresis pack. (Grade 2C)

Page 90: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

Recombinant activated

coagulation factor VII

We suggest that the use of recombinant activated

coagulation factor VII (rFVIIa) be considered if major

bleeding and traumatic coagulopathy persist despite

standard attempts to control bleeding and best-practice

use of conventional haemostatic measures. (Grade 2C)

We do not suggest the use of rFVIIa in patients with

intracerebral hemorrhage caused by isolated head

trauma. (Grade 2C)

Page 91: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an


Recommendation 24

We recommend that tranexamic acid be administered

as early as possible to the trauma patient who is

bleeding or at risk of significant hemorrhage at a

loading dose of 1 g infused over 10 minutes, followed by

an intravenous infusion of 1 g over 8 h. (Grade 1A)

We recommend that tranexamic acid be administered

to the bleeding trauma patient within 3 h after injury.

(Grade 1B)

Page 92: APPROACH TO TRAUMA - IPVZ · Polytrauma, multiple trauma A clinical syndrome with severe injuries involving two or more major organ or physiological systems which will initiate an

A co špatné vazopresory?

Recommendation 15

We suggest administration of vasopressors to maintain

target arterial pressure in the absence of a response to

fluid therapy. (Grade 2C)

We suggest infusion of an inotropic agent in the

presence of myocardial dysfunction. (Grade 2C)