Download - ß“¡ ßà“æ√–∑’Ëπ—ËßÕπ—πµ · Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall was constructed in the Italian Renaissance style similar to that of St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome,

Page 1: ß“¡ ßà“æ√–∑’Ëπ—ËßÕπ—πµ · Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall was constructed in the Italian Renaissance style similar to that of St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome,
Page 2: ß“¡ ßà“æ√–∑’Ëπ—ËßÕπ—πµ · Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall was constructed in the Italian Renaissance style similar to that of St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome,

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Page 3: ß“¡ ßà“æ√–∑’Ëπ—ËßÕπ—πµ · Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall was constructed in the Italian Renaissance style similar to that of St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome,

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History Located to the east of Ambara Villa in the compound of Dusit Palace, Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall was constructed in 1907 by the command of His Majesty King Chulalongkorn (King Rama V) to be used as a public audience hall and for state ceremonies. His Majesty King Chulalongkorn conferred the name “Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall” in order to preserve the name formerly existed for the ancient throne hall constructed in Phra Abhinaova Nives by His Majesty King Mongkut’s command. The old Throne Hall was built with timber pillars which were at that time in a deteriorated state that His Majesty King Chulalongkorn ordered it to be dismantled. Nonetheless, the density of structures within the Palace compound dictated that the new throne hall be constructed within the compound of Dusit Palace instead. The name of the new Throne Hall implied His Majesty’s intent to use it as an important audience hall for the state affairs.

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Initially, His Majesty King Chulalongkorn wished to build this Throne Hall in the Thai architectural style. However, there was only one able Thai architect, Phraya Rajasongkram (Korn Hongsakul), available. The Throne Hall was consequently built according to the Western architecture under the supervision of Chao Phraya Yomarat (Pan Sukhum), the Project Manager and Phraya Prachakorn Kijvijarn (Oh Amatayakul) Project Assistant, and a team of Italian architects and engineers, comprising Mr. M. Tamagno, architect; Mr. A. Rigotti, assistant architect; Mr. C. Allegri, engineer; and Mr. E.G. Gallo, assistant engineer. The foundation stone laying ceremony of the Throne Hall was part of the Ruby Jubilee of Accession to the Throne Celebration to mark His Majesty’s King Chulalongkorn’s 40th anniversary of his reign on 11 November 1908. On the foundation stone inscribed His Majesty’s speech, details of the construction and the foundation stone laying ceremony. The building was not completed until the end of 1915 in the reign of King Vajiravudh (King Rama VI). The total construction period was eight years and the cost of approximately 15 million Baht. Soon after the completion of the construction, His Majesty King Vajiravudh commanded the ceremony to celebrate the new Throne Hall which took place during January 7–12, 1916.

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Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall was constructed in the Italian Renaissance style similar to that of St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome, St. Paul’s Cathedral in London and Queen Victoria’s Monument in Calcutta, India. The Throne Hall is a two-storey marble building, the structure of which was built with reinforced concrete, laid brick and whitewashed. Both interior and exterior are covered with patterned marble plates. The arches and door panels are made of wood. The main and largest dome in the center is surrounded by six smaller domes, making a total of seven domes. The roof consists of two layers: the inner is made of concrete while the outer is lined with copper plates and pure lead plates. The Throne Hall is 49.50 metres wide, 112.50 metres long and 49.50 metres high. The upper floor of the Throne Hall houses a beautifully embellished long hall. All of the pillars are sculptured marble. The heads of the pillars are of leaf revealing Corinthian style. Above the door of each chamber are Roman statues, necks adorn with long marble garlands.

The vaulted ceiling of Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall holds large paintings by an Italian artist, Mr. C. Riguli. In each dome is a painting depicting major activities of the past kings of the Chakri Dynasty from King Buddha Yodfa Chulaloke (King Rama I) to King Vajiravudh, totalling six paintings.

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The painting inside the northern dome of the Central Hall depicts King Buddha Yodfa Chulaloke (King Rama I), known, at that time, as Somdej Chao Phraya Mahakasatsuk, returned from war to Thonburi while there was an uprising. The people and noblemen welcomed his return and bequeathed him the Kingship. King Buddha Yodfa Chulaloke assumed the power and was crowned on April 6, 1782.

The painting inside the southern side of the eastern dome shows King Buddha Loetla Nabhalai (King Rama II) in a Royal procession to inspect the construction of the Stupa of Wat Arun Ratchavararam or the Temple of Dawn. King Buddha Loetla Nabhalai wished to extend the height of the Stupa from 16 metres to show the glorious prosperity of the city.

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The painting inside the northern side of the eastern dome illustrates King Nangklao (King Rama III) in a Royal procession. The background depicts the Padej Dassakorn Fort, the pagodas of Prajetupon Vimolmanglaram Temple, the Rajmontian Palace at the Grand Palace, various temples, forts and city walls, all of which the King constructed and repaired for official affairs during his reign.

The painting inside the ceiling of the dome to the west portrays King Mongkut (King Rama IV) seated in front of Phra Buddha Jinasi Image replica surrounded by an assembly consisting of ecclesiastics of different religions, representing the King as Patron of all religions and the declaration of religious liberty in Thailand. The painting also demonstrates a fine diplomatic relations with various countries.

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The painting inside the ceiling to the south of the Centre Hall shows King Chulalongkorn (King Rama V) declaring amnesty and abolishing slavery completely from the Kingdom. In the background are steamers and scenes of construction of Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall as His Majesty King Chulalongkorn had traveled extensively to other countries and established liberal international trade. Besides, the construction of Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall was initiated and began in His Majesty’s reign.

The painting inside the ceiling to the east of the main hall shows King Vajiravudh (King Rama VI) at his Coronation, sitting on the Busabok Mala Throne at the balcony of the Dusit Maha Prasart Throne Hall granting an audience for government officials, and ordinary man to partake in the Drinking of Water of Allegiance Ceremony of 1911.

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Besides the paintings showing major activities of the kings of Chakri Dynasty, the ceiling of the main dome boasts the Royal ciphers of King Chulalongkorn and King Vajiravudh weaving graciously in golden pattern. His Majesty King Vajiravudh’s cipher appears there because the construction of Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall was completed in His reign.

The center of the Throne Hall is where various royal ceremonies have taken place. Through the door way locates Manangkha Sila Asna Throne, restricted for the king’s use since the ancient time. Above the Manangkha Sila Asna Throne stands Bhuttan Kanjana Singhasna Throne on which the king seated surmounted by the canopy of the nine tiers umbrella. (During the period in which Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall was still in use for the National Assembly session, the members of the Parliament would gather to the east of the Bhuttan Kanjana Singhasna Throne).

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The main chamber, or the audience hall, from Bhuttan Kanjana Singhasna Throne until the west end of the building is used for state ceremonies. (Formerly, this area was used by the king to host banquet for guests of the state).

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To the front of Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall is a balcony protruding from the building, like that of St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome, for the head of the state to make appearance before the people on special occasions such as when Their Majesties King Bhumibol Adulyadej and Queen Sirikit returned from the state visit to America and Europe.

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The lower floor of Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall was later partitioned into 14 rooms: ten of small, two of medium and two of large sizes. These rooms used to be offices of government officials, state employees and personnel of the Office of Secretariat of the House of Representative.

There are two main entrances to the Throne Hall which are of a dome shape located in the west and east of the building. The former is used by the king to arrive to state ceremonies while the latter for diplomatic corps.

The four main gates to the building are:-

The front gate facing the Statue of King Chulalongkorn is named “Tuey Thep Samosorn” (the gathering of the deities) and reserved for use by Their Majesties the King and Queen. This gate remains closed unless there is a state or Royal ceremony.

The unnamed adjacent front gate was used as a path for the members of the council of ministers, lower house representatives, government officials, state employees, authorized personnel and commoners on the day of the National Assembly sitting when Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall still hosted such session.

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The gate in the back staggered toward Khao Din Wana Zoo, called “Samnak Nives Phol” (the residence of populace), was used as a path for authorized personnel and visitors the National Assembly or the Office of Secretariat of the House of Representative.

The back gate to the left of the building, named “Thakol Kiati Anand” (the great established honour), remains closed at all time. The gate was occasionally opened to relieve traffic congestion in the Throne Hall’s compound.

Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall is the landmark epitomizing the unique advancement of living in and politics of the country. It, like a great memoire, contains chronicles of events taking place during the past 100 years. Through royal ceremonies and major activities taken place in this Throne Hall, the monarch has steadily bound the hearts of Thai people since the reign of King Buddha Yodfa Chulaloke until the reign of the present king.

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The Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall: Political Symbol By and large various symbols have been assigned to refer to or represent physical and abstract subjects to facilitate communication within a given society. A range of “political symbols” emerge from a mutual understanding of political phenomena. Since June 24, 1932 there have been many political episodes at and in connection to Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall, making it one of the country’s grandiose political symbols.

Headquarters of the People’s Party

Khana Rassadorn, so-called People’s Party, occupied Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall and used it as the headquarters where important meetings took place during the coup d’état on June 24, 1932 which brought changes in the political regime. This was also the place where members of the Royal family and senior government officials were held hostages.

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The National Assembly Session His Majesty King Prajadhipok granted permission for the Throne hall to be used for National Assembly sittings. The National Assembly sessions had been taking place at Ananta Samakhom for 42 years, from the first sitting of the House of Representatives on Tuesday June 28, 1932 to the 66th sitting of the Second National Legislative Assembly on Saturday September 14, 1974.

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Statement of Policies to the National Assembly The Government which come into power, under the provision of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, shall state its policies to the National Assembly at Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall. On Tuesday June 28, 1932 Phraya Manopakorn Nititada, the first Prime Minister of Siam, made the first policy statement in the Throne Hall and Mr. Sanya Thammasak, the 34th Prime Minister, was the last during the 36th sitting of the Second National Legislative Assembly on Friday June 7, 1974.

State Ceremony to Open

the First General Ordinary National Assembly Session Although the National Assembly session has been moved to the present Parliament building since the 67th sitting of the Second National Legislative Assembly on Thursday September 19, 1974, the state ceremony to open the National Assembly is first session, at which the king makes presence, still takes place at Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall in order to carry on His Majesty King Vajiravuth’s desire.

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The impression of Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall in the hearts of general public not only represents the place for Royal and state ceremonies, but also political symbol signifying the inauguration of constitutional monarchy and maintaining the status of legislative branch of the sovereign power.

The Royal and State Ceremonies at Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall November 10, 1932 King Prajadhipok made presence at the main audience hall of Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall to grant His Royal signature to promulgate the Constitution of Siam, B.E. 2475 (1932).

November 10, 1933 King Prajadhipok participated in the state ceremony to open the National Assembly session at the main audience hall of Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall according to the provision of the Constitution and granted opportunity to Members of Parliament an audience with the King.

May 9, 1946 Somdej Phra Chao Yu Hua Ananda Mahidol (His title at that time) made presence at the main audience hall of Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall to grant His Royal signature to promulgate the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, B.E. 2489 (1946).

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March 8, 1952 King Bhumibol Adulyadej made presence at the main audience hall of Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall to grant His Royal signature to promulgate the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, B.E. 2495 (1952).

September 20, 1956 Queen Sirikit Regent made presence before the National Assembly to declare a solemn declearation at Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall as the Regent during the King’s ordination, October 23 – November 5, 1956.

June 20, 1968 King Bhumibol Adulyadej made presence at the main audience hall of Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall to grant His Royal signature to promulgate the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, B.E. 2511 (1968).

June 9, 1971 the Royal Ceremony was organized by the government and people of Thailand, in appreciation of His Majesty’s benevolence, to cerebrated His Majesty’s Silver Jubilee Anniversary of Accession to the Throne.

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December 28, 1972 the Royal ceremony to confer Somdej Chao Fa Vajiralongkorn the title of the Crown Prince of Thailand was held at the Parliament Hall of Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall.

December 5, 1999 Their Majesties the King and Queen together with other members of the Royal family granted an audience to other nobilities, the Prime Minister, President of the National Assembly, President of the Supreme Court, government officials and Members of the Parliament to offer auspices blessing on His Majesty’s 72nd birthday.

Page 23: ß“¡ ßà“æ√–∑’Ëπ—ËßÕπ—πµ · Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall was constructed in the Italian Renaissance style similar to that of St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome,

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June 17, 2005 took place the Royal ceremony Phra Ratchaphithi Somphot Duan Lae Khuen Phra U (celebration of the first month of the prince) of Phra Chao Larn Ther Phra Ong Chao Dipangkorn Rasmijoti, son of His Royal Highness Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn at the main audience hall of Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall.

December 10 of each year celebrates the Constitution Day in commemoration of King Prajadhipok’s promulgation of the Kingdom’s first Constitution at the Bhuttan Kanjana Singhasna Throne on which the king seated surmounted by the canopy of nine tiers umbrella to sign and give the Constitution, being the ultimate law of the country. A combined Royal and state ceremony to make merit takes place at Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall annually.

Page 24: ß“¡ ßà“æ√–∑’Ëπ—ËßÕπ—πµ · Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall was constructed in the Italian Renaissance style similar to that of St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome,

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