Download - Análisis genético y molecular de la inmunidad a la …Análisis genético y molecular de la inmunidad a la bacteriosis vascular en yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) mediante estrategias

Page 1: Análisis genético y molecular de la inmunidad a la …Análisis genético y molecular de la inmunidad a la bacteriosis vascular en yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) mediante estrategias

Análisis genético y molecular de la inmunidad a la bacteriosis

vascular en yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) mediante estrategias

de mapeo genético y transcriptómica por RNA-seq

Genetic and molecular analysis of the inmmunity to cassava

bacterial blight through genetic mapping and RNA-seq


Johana Carolina Soto Sedano

Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Facultad de Agronomía, Escuela de Postgrados

Bogotá, Colombia


Page 2: Análisis genético y molecular de la inmunidad a la …Análisis genético y molecular de la inmunidad a la bacteriosis vascular en yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) mediante estrategias
Page 3: Análisis genético y molecular de la inmunidad a la …Análisis genético y molecular de la inmunidad a la bacteriosis vascular en yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) mediante estrategias

Análisis genético y molecular de la inmunidad a la bacteriosis

vascular en yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) mediante estrategias

de mapeo genético y transcriptómica por RNA-seq

Genetic and molecular analysis of the immunity to cassava

bacterial blight (Manihot esculenta Crantz) through genetic

mapping and RNA-seq approaches

Johana Carolina Soto Sedano

Tesis o trabajo de investigación presentada(o) como requisito parcial para optar al

título de:

Doctor en ciencias agrarias


PhD. Camilo Ernesto López Carrascal


Ph.D. Adriana Jimema Bernal Giraldo

Línea de Investigación:

Genética y fitomejoramiento

Grupo de Investigación:

Manihot Biotec. Departamento de Biología

Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Facultad de Agronomía, Escuela de Postgrados

Bogotá, Colombia


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A Mauricio y María Alejandra por y para


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Empiezo por agradecer a mi director de tesis, Dr. Camilo Ernesto López Carrascal por

toda su confianza, apoyo, dedicación, por sus enseñanzas tanto académicas como

personales y su comprensión en los momentos en que más lo necesité. Es usted un

formador en todo el sentido de la palabra. Me siento muy afortunada por haber

contado con su dirección y haber sido parte de su grupo de investigación.

A mi codirectora, Dra. Adriana Ximena Bernal y a mi comité doctoral, Dra. Liliana

López y Dra. Luz Stella Barreto, por la guía recibida, apoyo durante las actividades

académicas y por permitirme contar con su incondicional cooperación.

Un especial agradecimiento a la Dra. Teresa Mosquera, por su apoyo durantes estos

años tanto académico como personal, por contagiarme con su entusiasmo hacia la

ciencia, por su gestión para la realización de mi pasantía en Alemania y por acogerme

como una integrante más de su grupo de investigación.

A la Universidad Nacional de Colombia Facultad de Ciencias Agrarías, postgrado en

genética y mejoramiento por mi formación académica a través de excelentes

docentes, y por el apoyo recibido durante la duración del programa doctoral.

A la Universidad Nacional de Colombia y al Departamento Administrativo de Ciencia,

Tecnología e Innovación (COLCIENCIAS), por la financiación de esta investigación a

través del proyecto 521-2011 y por la financiación de mi formación doctoral, a través

de la convocatoria de doctorados Nacionales 528 de 2011.

Al instituto INRES “Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation”, Bonn,

Alemania, especialmente al Dr. Agim Ballvora, Dr. Boby Mathew y Dr. Jens Leon, por

permitirme vivir una de las mejores experiencias de mi vida y por el apoyo y guía

durante mi pasantía de investigación.

Al grupo Manihot Biotec, en especial a Paula, Juan Camilo, Mariana, Lina, Andrea,

Ruben, Paola y Zapata, gracias por su amistad y por tantas discusiones

enriquecedoras. A los estudiantes Rubén, Paola y Marly gracias por toda su

colaboración durante largas y agotadoras jornadas de trabajo de campo.

A la Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Orinoquía y al señor Lisímaco López, por

permitirme desarrollar parte del trabajo de campo en sus instalaciones y por toda la

colaboración prestada.

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Al CIAT, especialmente al Dr. Luis Augusto Becerra por facilitarme el material vegetal

y a la Dra. María Cristina Duque por su instrucción inicial en el análisis de datos y por

unas interesantes tardes de discusión sobre QTLs.

Finalmente, al todopoderoso, a mi querida familia, a mis padres y hermanas Tata y

Polo, por sus enseñanzas y amor es que he logrado alcanzar las metas propuestas.

A mi amado esposo por su apoyo y por seguirme incondicionalmente con amor y

paciencia en todos mis sueños.

A mi hija María Alejandra, eres la más grande manifestación del amor de Dios en mi

vida, gracias por impulsarme a ser tu mejor ejemplo.

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La yuca es uno de los cultivos más importantes a nivel mundial. Una de las

enfermedades que más compromete su producción es la bacteriosis vascular (CBB

por sus siglas en Ingles) causado por Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis (Xam).

La mejor manera de controlar esta enfermedad es la siembra de variedades

resistentes, obtenidas a través de mejoramiento genético tradicional o por

transformación genética. No obstante, en la actualidad no hay reportes de la

clonación de genes relacionados con inmunidad para CBB. Uno de los pasos

importantes hacia el aislamiento de genes es la construcción de mapas genéticos

altamente densos que permitan la clonación posicional. Aquí se presenta el desarrollo

de uno de los mapas genéticos de yuca más densos. Este mapa se obtuvo a través de

la aplicación del enfoque de genotipificación por secuenciación (GBS por sus sigas en

Ingles), el cual permitió la obtención de miles de marcadores moleculares de

polimorfismo de un solo nucleótido (SNP por sus siglas en Ingles). Estos SNPs fueron

obtenidos y evaluados en la progenie de una población F1 segregante resultado del

cruce entre TMS30572 y CM2177-32. En total se identificaron 78,854 SNPs que

cubren el 87% (463.2 Mb) del genoma de yuca. El set completo de SNPs se evaluó

para parámetros de mapeo y aquellos SNPs de alta calidad se seleccionaron para

construir el mapa de ligamiento. El mapa cubre 2,571 cM distribuidos en 18 grupos

de ligamiento con una distancia promedio entre marcadores de 1.26 cM. Este mapa

fue usado para la detección de loci de un caracter cuantitativo (QTL por sus siglas en

Ingles) para la resistencia a CBB. La población de mapeo fue evaluada para la

resistencia a dos cepas de Xam (Xam318 y Xam681) en dos localidades en Colombia:

La Vega (Cundinamarca) y Arauca (Arauca). La evaluación se realizó durante las

épocas de lluvia y sequía. Una tercera evaluación fue realizada bajo condiciones de

invernadero. Adicionalmente, la población fue evaluada bajo condiciones naturales

de infección en Puerto López (Meta) durante una época de lluvia. A través de mapeo

de QTL se identificaron 18 QTL que explican entre el 10.9 y el 22.1% de la varianza

fenotípica. De estos QTL nueve mostraron estabilidad entre las épocas de evaluación.

Se detectaron interacciones QTL x ambiente significativas para diez de los QTL.

Dentro de los intervalos de los QTL se describió un repertorio de 151 genes

candidatos relacionados con defensa a CBB (CDRGs por sus siglas en Ingles), de los

cuáles trece corresponden a genes que codifican proteínas que contienen dominios

representativos de proteínas de inmunidad. Cuatro CDRGs mostraron expresión

diferencial durante la infección por Xam681 en el parental resistente TMS30572. El

repertorio de CDRGs que co-localizan con QTL representa una fuente de regiones

genómicas nuevas involucradas en la resistencia a CBB, que puede ser explorado y

validado para su uso futuro dentro de programas de mejoramiento de yuca.

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Palabras clave: Loci de un caracter cuantitativo, resistencia cuentitativa,

Xanthomonas axonopodis p.v. manihotis, genotipificación por secuenciación, mapa



Cassava is one of the most important crops world-wide. One of the diseases

compromising its production is the cassava bacterial blight (CBB) caused by

Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis (Xam). The best way to control this disease is

growing resistant varieties obtained through traditional breeding or by genetic

transformation. Nevertheless, currently there are no reports of the cloning of

immunity related gene to CBB. One important step toward the isolation of genes is

the construction of high dense genetic maps allowing the positional cloning. Here we

present the development of one the highest dense genetic maps of cassava. This map

was obtained through the use of the Genotyping by Sequencing (GBS) approach

allowing the generation of thousands of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs).

These SNPs were evaluated in the F1 segregating progeny resulted from cross

between TMS30572 and CM2177-32. A total of 78,854 SNPs were identified covering

87% (463.2 Mb) of the cassava genome. The total set of SNPs was evaluated for

mapping parameters and high quality SNPs were selected to construct the linkage

map. The map covered 2,571 cM distributed in 18 linkage groups and includes 2,141

SNPs with an average distance of 1.26 cM between markers. This map was used to

perform QTL (Quantitative Trait Loci) detection for CBB resistance. The F1 mapping

population was tested for resistance to two Xam strains (Xam318 and Xam681) at

two locations in Colombia: La Vega (Cundinamarca) and Arauca (Arauca). The

evaluation was conducted during rainy and dry seasons. A third evaluation was

conducted on greenhouse conditions. Additionally, the population was evaluated

under natural infection conditions at Puerto López (Meta) during a rainy season.

Through QTL mapping, 18 strain-specific QTLs were detected, explaining between

10.9 and 22.1% of the phenotypic variance. From these QTL, nine showed stability

between the evaluated seasons. A significant QTL x Environment interaction was

detected for ten QTL. Within the QTL intervals were described a repertoire of 151

CBB candidate defense-related genes (CDRGs), from which thirteen correspond to

genes coding for proteins containing domains representative of the immunity

proteins. Four CDRGs show differentially expression during Xam681 infection in the

resistant parental TMS30572. The repertoire of CDRGs co-localizing with the QTL

reported here, represents a source of novel genomic regions involved in CBB

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resistance to be explored and validated for its future use into cassava breeding


Keywords: Quantitative trait loci, quantitative disease resistance, Xanthomonas

axonopodis p.v. manihotis, genotyping by sequencing, genetic map.

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Table of contents


Resumen ................................................................................................................................................... VIII

Abstract ........................................................................................................................................................ IX

List of figures ........................................................................................................................................... XIV

List of tables ............................................................................................................................................... XV

List of abbreviations ............................................................................................................................. XVI

Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 19

Objectives ................................................................................................................................................... 22

CHAPTER 1 ................................................................................................................................................. 23

Review of related literature................................................................................................................. 24 Cassava classification and origin ..................................................................................................... 24 Biology and reproduction ................................................................................................................... 25 Diversity .................................................................................................................................................... 27 Global and national cassava production ....................................................................................... 28 Uses .................................................................................................................................................... 29 Cassava breeding programs............................................................................................................... 31 Cassava genome ...................................................................................................................................... 35 Pest and diseases .................................................................................................................................... 36 Cassava Bacteria Blight ........................................................................................................................ 39 The causal agent: Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis .................................................. 39 Etiology and disease incidence ......................................................................................................... 40 Xam diversity ........................................................................................................................................... 41 Xam genome ............................................................................................................................................. 42 ABC of plant immunity ......................................................................................................................... 43 Quantitative resistance ........................................................................................................................ 47 Molecular interaction cassava-Xam ................................................................................................ 49 Molecular basis of the pathogenecity ............................................................................................ 49 Molecular basis of resistance to CBB ............................................................................................. 50 Mapping the quantitative resistance to CBB ............................................................................... 51 Improving CBB resistance .................................................................................................................. 54 References ................................................................................................................................................. 55

CHAPTER 2 ................................................................................................................................................. 74

RNA-seq: herramienta transcriptómica útil para el estudio de interacciones planta patógeno ..................................................................................................................................................... 75

Resumen .................................................................................................................................................... 75 Abstract .................................................................................................................................................... 75 Introducción ............................................................................................................................................. 76 Tecnología RNA-seq .............................................................................................................................. 78 Plataformas y estrategias de secuenciación para RNA-seq .................................................. 79 Estrategias y consideraciones para experimentos RNA-seq ................................................ 83

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Aplicaciones enfocadas al estudio de interacciones planta patógeno ............................. 86 Antecedentes del uso de RNA-seq en interacciones planta patógeno ............................. 89 Conclusiones, retos y perspectivas ................................................................................................ 92 Referencias ............................................................................................................................................... 93

Unraveling the molecules hidden in the gray shadows ........................................................... 101 Abstract ................................................................................................................................................. 101 Introduction........................................................................................................................................... 102 The ABC of plant immunity ............................................................................................................. 103 Quantitative resistance enters into the game .......................................................................... 104 How to study complex traits and QDRs ..................................................................................... 105 A new era for QDR studies: phenotyping has the last word .............................................. 107 From theory to practice: QDR in breeding ................................................................................ 108 Molecular explanation of quantitative resistance ................................................................. 110 QDR as a continuous response that depends ongene expression intensity ................ 111 R weak alleles........................................................................................................................................ 113 Allelic variation .................................................................................................................................... 114 Kinases and signaling ........................................................................................................................ 115 Miscellaneous........................................................................................................................................ 116 Conclusions ............................................................................................................................................ 117 References .............................................................................................................................................. 118

CHAPTER 3 ............................................................................................................................................... 126

A genetic map of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) with integrated physical mapping of immunity-related genes ................................................................................................................. 127

Abstract ................................................................................................................................................. 127 Introduction........................................................................................................................................... 128 Materials and methods...................................................................................................................... 131 Results ................................................................................................................................................. 134 Discussion............................................................................................................................................... 150 Acknowledgments............................................................................................................................... 153 References .............................................................................................................................................. 154 Supplementary data ........................................................................................................................... 161

CHAPTER 4 ............................................................................................................................................... 163

Novel genetic factors involved in cassava bacterial blight resistance detected through QTL analysis ............................................................................................................................................ 164

Abstract ................................................................................................................................................. 164 Introduction........................................................................................................................................... 165 Materials and methods...................................................................................................................... 168 Results ................................................................................................................................................. 171 Discussion............................................................................................................................................... 184 Acknowledgments............................................................................................................................... 189 References .............................................................................................................................................. 189 Supplementary data ........................................................................................................................... 197

CHAPTER 5 ............................................................................................................................................... 200

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QTL identification for cassava bacterial blight resistance under natural infection conditions. ................................................................................................................................................ 201

Abstract ................................................................................................................................................. 201 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 202 Materials and methods ..................................................................................................................... 204 Results ................................................................................................................................................. 205 Discussion .............................................................................................................................................. 208 Acknowledgments .............................................................................................................................. 210 References .............................................................................................................................................. 211 Supplementary data ........................................................................................................................... 214

General discusion .................................................................................................................................. 216

General conclusions and perspectives ........................................................................................... 236

Publications and presentations ........................................................................................................ 238 Publications ........................................................................................................................................... 238 Oral presentations in scientific events ....................................................................................... 238 Poster presentations in scientific events .................................................................................. 239

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List of figures

Pag Figure 2-1. Secuenciamiento masivo de ADNc, RNA-seq, por las tecnologías NGS Illumina y 454 81 Figure 2-2. Model in which the expression level of QDR genes is associated with the resistance phenotype 113 Figure 3-1. Cassava genetic map containing 2,141 markers 137 Figure 3-2. Summary of mapped annotated SNPs 138 Figure 3-3. Anchor markers showing co-linearity between different cassava genetic maps 139 Figure 3-4. Repertoire of genes coding for immune related proteins (IRPs) identified in the cassava genome 143 Figure 3-5. Orthology clusters between of the predicted immunity-related proteins in Manihot esculenta, Arabidopsis thaliana, Ricinus communis, Populus trichocarpa 147 Figure 3-6. The cassava genetic and physical map enriched with IRPs and QTLs for cassava disease resistance 149 Figure 4-1. Evaluation of parental responses to different bacterial Strains 173 Figure 4-2. Which Won Where/What graphic of GGE-Biplot analysis 179 Figure 4-3. QTL x environment interaction based on additive phenotypic effects (APE) 182 Figure 4-4. Gene expression of genes that co-localizes with QTLs in resistant parental against Xam681 183 Figure 5-1. Histogram of the distribution of the disease index values obtained in the field evaluation of the response to CBB 207 Figure 5-2. QTL detection for field resistance to CBB in linkage groups 4 and 8 by non-parametric interval mapping 207

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List of tables


Table 3-1. Genetic map data summary 137

Table 3-2. Comparative analysis of cassava physical maps pag 142

Table 3-3. Relationships between genetic and physical maps,

representative for each linkage group and for the whole genome 144

Table 4-1. Codes for the localities, strain and seasons where the

inoculation and phenotyping was conducted 174

Table 4-2. Distribution of AUDPC values in the mapping population 177

Table 4-3. Pairwise Pearson correlation coefficients between

AUDPC values 177

Table 4-4. Better-parent heterosis 178

Table 4-5. Summary of QTL associated to CBB resistance 180

Table 5-1. Summary of QTL detected for field resistance to CBB 208

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List of abbreviations

Abbreviation Meaning

AM Association mapping

APE Additive phenotypic effect

AUDPC Area under the disease progress

AFLPs Amplified fragment length polymorphism

BLUP Best linear unbiased prediction

CBB Cassava bacterial blight

CBSD Cassava brown streak disease

CCMD Cassava common mosaic disease

CDRG Candidate defense-related gene

CDS Coding DNA sequences

CEBiP Chitin elicitor-binding protein

CFSD Cassava frog-skin disease

CIAT Center for Tropical Agriculture

CIM Composite Interval Mapping

CMD Cassava mosaic disease

CVMD Cassava vein mosaic disease

DDPSC Donald Danforth Plant Science Center

DI Disease index

ECZs Edaphoclimatic zones

EF-Tu Elongation factor Tu

EST Expressed sequence tag

eQTLs Expression-QTLs

ETI Effector-triggered immunity

ETS Effector-triggered susceptibility

FAO The Food and Agriculture Organization

CBB Cassava bacterial blight

GBS Genotyping by sequencing

GEBV Genomic estimated breeding value

GO Gene ontology

GS Genomic selection

GWAS Genome wide association study

G x E Genotype x environment interaction

HR Hypersensitive response

ICGMC International Cassava Genetic Map Consortium

IITA International Institute of Tropical Agriculture

ILTAB International Laboratory for Tropical Agricultural Biotechnology

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IM Interval Mapping

IP Pathogen invasion patterns

IPR IP receptors

IPTR IP-triggered response

IRG Immunity related genes

IRP Immunity-related proteins

LPS Lipopolysaccharides

LRR Leucine rich repeats

MAMP Pathogen associated molecular patterns

MAS Marker assisted selection

MAPK Mitogen-activated protein kinases

MARS Marker-assisted recurrent selection

miRNA microRNA

mQTLs Metabolite-QTLs

NBS-LRR Nucleotide binging site–Leucine reach repeats

NCBI National Center for Biotechnology Information

NGS Next generation sequencing

PAMP Microbe associated molecular patterns

PCR Polymerase chain reaction

pQTLs Protein-QTLs

PR proteins Pathogenesis-related proteins

PRR Pathogen recognition receptors

PTI PAMP- triggered immunity

QDR Quantitative disease resistance

QTL Quantitative trait loci

Q x E QTL x environment interaction

RGA Resistance gene analogues

RFLP Restriction fragment length polymorphism

RLP Receptor like proteins

RPKM Per kilobase of exon per million mapped reads

RILs Recombinant inbred lines

RLK Receptor like Kinase

ROS Reactive oxygen species

SAGE Serial analysis of gene expression

SAR Systemic acquired resistance

SNPs Single nucleotide polymorphism

SNV Single nucleotide variations

SSR Simple sequence repeats

TALE Transcription activator-like effectors

T3E Type III effector

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UTR Un-translated regions

WGS Whole genome shotgun

Xam Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis

Xoo Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae

Xop Xanthomonas outer proteins

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Cassava, Manihot esculenta Crantz, is one of the most important crops worldwide and

is considered an essential crop for food security in developing countries. Cassava

represents the staple food for about 1,000 million people (FAO, 2013). Several

diseases compromise the production of cassava. One of the most limiting bacterial

diseases is cassava bacterial blight (CBB) caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv.

manihotis (Xam). CBB has been reported in all regions where cassava is grown

(López and Bernal, 2012). To provide options for effective protection to the cassava

crop it is imminent the requirement of the implementation of strategies aimed to

deepen the knowledge of the CBB and finding new ways to identify resistance

sources to this disease. The best alternative to control CBB is through the use of

resistant varieties, developed by traditional breeding or in the future by genetic

transformation. However, so far, any immunity related gene to CBB has been cloned

to be incorporated into breeding programs.

Cloning genes by positional mapping has been the main strategy used in both model

and crop plants (Jander et al., 2002). This strategy has been particularly valuable in

the cloning of resistance genes (Bent, 1996; Pflieger et al., 2001; Gebhardt et al.,

2007). Positional cloning requires the development of genetic maps (Collard et al.,

2005; Pflieger et al., 2001). Ideally these maps should contain the maximum number

of markers (high resolution). However, in the past, DNA-based molecular markers

technologies allowed the developing of low saturated genetic maps, usually with

large gaps between markers due the low coverage at genome level of the molecular

technologies. Also, usually these markers were anonymous with no knowledge of the

corresponding sequence. These facts hinder gene cloning because positional cloning

requires short intervals where there are located the loci responsible for the trait or

quantitative trait loci (QTL). By reducing the QTL interval, the strategy of fine

mapping can be implemented (evaluation of thousands of recombinant individuals

for the interest region), followed by physical mapping (Salvi and Tuberosa, 2005).

However, this represents a time consuming approach. Nevertheless, with the advent

of next generation sequencing new genotyping tools have been generated for

detection of thousands of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) markers in

mapping populations, contributing in developing dense genetic maps, which carry

high number of non-anonymous molecular markers (Davey et al., 2011; Glaubitz et

al., 2014; Takagi et al., 2013). These maps have established close relationships

between markers and QTL (Davey et al., 2011), helping the subsequent identification

of genes involved in the trait of interest.

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Resistance to CBB has been described as quantitative, with polygenic inheritance

(Jorge et al., 2001, 2000). Thus as in any other quantitative trait, the classical

procedure to study its genetics is through QTL mapping (Salvi and Tuberosa, 2005).

Several QTL for CBB resistance have been identified under greenhouse (Jorge et al.,

2000; Wydra et al., 2004; López et al., 2007) and field conditions (Jorge et al., 2001).

From these studies 31 QTL have been detected which explain 7.2% to 62% of the

resistance to Xam strains (Wydra et al., 2004; López et al., 2007). Some candidate

genes such as RXam1 and RXam2 have been identified from the QTL detected as key

elements in CBB resistance (López et al., 2003). RXam1 is a candidate gene that codes

a Receptor like Kinase (RLK) protein, associated to a QTL that explains 13% of the

resistance to Xam strain CIO136 (Lopez et al., 2007). While RXam2 is a gene coding

for a Nucleotide binging site–Leucine reach repeats (NBS-LRR) protein which co-

localizes with a QTL that explains the 62% of the resistance to Xam CIO151 strain.

The gene expression of both RXam1 and RXam2 has been tested during Xam infection

(López et al., 2007; Contreras and Lopez, 2008). A part of these two examples no

other candidate resistance gene to CBB have been identified so far. The generation of

a high dense cassava genetic map and the identification of new QTL associated to CBB

resistance will contribute in an important manner to identify this kind of genes in


This thesis aims to contribute in identifying genomic regions associated with

resistance to CBB. The results obtained and the knowledge generated during the

development of this thesis are exposed here and presented under a four chapters-

format. In the first chapter, a theoretical framework regarding to the cassava crop,

the CBB, the mechanisms of the resistance to CBB and the status of cassava breeding

programs are shown. The second chapter presents a theoretical background of

different relevant topics for the development of the thesis. The first topic of this

second chapter consists in an exploration of the bases, applications and advantages of

the RNA-seq technology, as well as a discussion of the studies revealing the

importance and usefulness of this tool in the study of plant pathogen interactions.

This gave the conceptual basis for the results obtained during this thesis concerning

the differential gene expression analysis performed to a repertoire of candidate

genes putatively involved in CBB defense. This information was presented through a

review published in 2012 in the Fitosanidad journal. Also, in this chapter, it is

presented a critical review on the bases of quantitative resistance, its importance, the

recent efforts to elucidate the molecular bases and some studies exhibiting new plant

immunity models. This enriched the literature revision and deepened the current

status of quantitative resistance studies. This information is presented as a review

submitted to the Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions journal.

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The third chapter presents the development of a high-density genetic map of cassava

obtained through genotyping by sequencing (GBS). The first genetic and physical

mapping of a repertoire of genes related to immunity in cassava is presented in this

work. These results were valorized through a scientific publication in 2015 in the

journal BMC Genomics. The fourth chapter presents the effort to characterize novel

genetic factors involved in CBB resistance through QTL and RNAseq approaches. To

accomplish this goal a phenotyping evaluation was conducted in a segregant mapping

population after inoculation with two different Xam strains. This evaluation was

conducted under field conditions during rainy and dry seasons in two Colombian

locations and under greenhouse controlled conditions. The transcription profiles of

the candidate genes located within the QTL were obtained during Xam infection in

the resistant parental through RNA-seq approach. These results are part of a

manuscript in preparation to be submitted to Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions

journal. Finally, as integral part of this chapter, is presented the identification of

novel QTL for CBB resistance detected under natural infection conditions. This study

was performed in Puerto Lopez (Meta), Colombia and the main results were

valorized in a scientific manuscript submitted to the journal Acta Biológica

Colombiana. At the end of this document a general discussion searching to integrate

the different results obtained, as well as to highlight the goals achieved and their

limitations is presented. This discussion includes also a general view of the

perspectives and the contribution of the knowledge generated through this thesis to

the breeding programs addressed to generate cassava varieties showing CBB


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General objective

To develop a SNP-based high-density genetic map of cassava through next generation

sequencing approach and to identify genomic regions related with resistance QTL to

cassava bacterial blight.

Specific objectives

Determine contrasting defense responses in the parental of a cassava mapping

population against a collection of Xam strains.

Construct a SNP-based high-density genetic map of cassava through genotyping by

sequencing approach.

Identify resistant QTL to cassava bacterial blight.

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“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing”

– Walt Disney

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Review of related literature

Cassava classification and origin

Cassava belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family, which includes more than 300 genera

and 8,000 species (Webster, 1994). The apomorphic (derived states) of the

Euphorbiaceae is characterized by being a flowering plant family, having laticifer cells

producing milky secretions (Aristizabal and Sanchez, 2007). It can be found as herbs

or shrubs (Webster, 1994). Several species of the genus Manihot have been described

as toxic due the high accumulation of cyanogenic glucosides, especially linamarin and

lotaustralin, compounds that can be found in leaves and roots (Ceped and Mattos,

1996). Additionally, to M. esculenta, in the Euphorbiaceae family can be found other

species of economic importance such as castor oil plant (Ricinus communis) and

rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis).

The origin of Manihot esculenta Crantz (1766) has been extensively studied and

debated. Some authors recognize Brazil as the origin center where exist around 80

species of the Manihot genus. However, other authors consider that there is not

enough archaeological evidence to confirm this origin. Central America, especially

Mexico has been considered as possible origin center, where seventeen species of

Manihot exist (Clement et al., 2010). In addition in this country were found leaves

from cassava plants that were cultivated 2,500 years ago. Despite the debate,

nowadays is accepted the Amazonian basin as the origin center and Mexico as an

important center of diversity. M. esculenta is considered the most important food

crop that originated in the Amazonas (Clement et al., 2010). The common name of

this species is “cassava” term that comes from the Arawak word cazabi that means

bread (Lebot, 2009).

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Some of the difficulties in establishing the origin of cassava are the large area of

distribution of wild subspecies and the fact that M. esculenta has been considered a

cultigen (plant species that has been selected artificially by humans) (Allem, 1994;

Nassar et al., 2008) which originated from several introgression events among wild

species. The species M. aesculifolia and M. carthaginensis, from Mexico and Colombia-

Venezuela respectively, were proposed as the wild relative of M. esculenta species.

However, some molecular studies propose that Manihot esculenta subsp. flabellifolia

is the wild progenitor of cassava (Olsen and Schaal, 1999, 2001). Another species that

has been considered as the wild relative of M. esculenta is Manihot glaziovii. Recently

through genome wide analysis of wild, cultivated and cassava-related species has

been revealed interesting facts regarding to the origin of this species (Bredeson et al.,

2016). Based on genome sequencing of cassava related species it was demonstrated

the high prevalence of haplotypes of M. glaziovii in the current African and South

America cassava cultivars even for different named accessions which are really near

clones and so far unknown (Bredeson et al., 2016).

Regarding to the domestication origin, it is believed that domestication of some

cassava cultivars occurred 6,000 B.C. in the Amazonian rainforests (Gibbons, 1990).

The cassava arrived to Africa from Brazil in the 16th century, through navigators that

travel to the west coast of Africa (Jones, 1959), and was in the 17th century when,

through African traders, initiated the cassava local expansion. Nowadays cassava is

for Africans an essential food and an important part of its culture. On the other hand,

in Asia the crop was introduced from South America by Spanish explorers, as a

famine reserve crop and a source of starch for commercial exploitation (Hershey et

al., 2000). Even today, in Thailand the Asian country with the highest cassava

production, the consumption as a food is very low with almost 90% of the production

destined to industry uses (Hershey et al., 2000; FAO, 2015).

Biology and reproduction

Cassava is an allogamous species (Da Silva et al., 2003), and as the majority of species

of the Manihot genus, is protogeneous, with pistillate flowers open before staminate

flowers of the same inflorescence (Nassar et al., 2008). This fact favors the cross-

pollination and thus the development of extremely heterozygous genotypes. Cassava

is a monoecious plant, with relatively small female flowers at the base of the

branched panicle while the male flowers are located at the tip. The flowering time as

well the fertilization is high dependent of both genetics and environment conditions

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(Halsey et al., 2008). In Colombia the natural pollinator of cassava are wasps of the

genus Polistes, while in Africa is the honeybees Apis mellifera (Kawano, 1980).

Cassava has a diploid genome with 2n=36 and sexual reproduction, but for

production farmers use vegetative propagation by stem cuttings (De Carvalho and

Guerra, 2002; Raji et al., 2009; Sakurai et al., 2013). The buds initiate to sprout 5 to 8

days after planting (dap) and 10 to 13 dap appears the first true leaves (El-Sharkawy,

2004). The sprouting capacity and rootlets formation seems to be governed

genetically because is variety-dependent (El-Sharkawy and Cock, 1987).

The distribution of cassava is mainly throughout the tropics from Mexico to northern

Argentina (Rogers and Appan, 1973). The crop requires a warm weather with a day

temperature for optimum growth above 20°C. The maximum leaf photosynthesis rate

is obtained with temperatures between 25 to 35°C (El-Sharkawy et al., 1992).

However, there are some cassava cultivars which can be cultivated in tropical high

altitudes (>1800 m.a.s.l) (El-Sharkawy, 2004). Cassava also tolerates drought and has

the ability to grow in acid and low fertility soils (Aristizabal and Sanchez, 2007).

Molina and El-Sharkawy (1995), demonstrated that nutritional reserves contained in

the stem cuttings are more important than the fertility of the soil for an optimal


A special photosynthetic status can be found in cassava, which has a C4

photosynthetic cycle, however, due to the lack of the typical Kranz anatomy,

considerable carbon assimilation proceeds through the Calvin-Benson cycle (Cock et

al., 1987; El-Sharkawy, 2004). In cassava has been shown that the activities of

photosynthetic enzymes are considerable affected by water stress (El-Sharkawy,

2004), showing that under long exposure to water stress the activity of the C4

Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase is favored over the C3 Rubisco.

Cassava roots are rich in carbohydrates, containing between 250 to 300 kg/Tn and

very low in fat and protein content ranging 5 to 19 gr/kg of dry root matter (El-

Sharkawy, 2004). Cassava provides moderate vitamins and minerals, especially

potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron. The leaves, which are used for human

consumption in some countries of Africa and Asia, contain relatively high contents of

ascorbic acid and carotene (Diaz, 2012).

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The diversity of the genus Manihot is relatively high with 70 to 100 cassava wild-

related species. From these species farmers have developed new cassava varieties

over centuries trough traditional breeding (FAO, 2010). In South America exists

several diversity centers of cassava. The first one is Brazil, where around 80 species

are present. Mexico is the second most important with 17 species reported (Clement

et al., 2010) and according to the last report on the state of the world´s plant genetic

resources for food and agricultural (FAO, 2010), Asia and Africa are also important

diversity centers of cassava.

The use of few genotypes as parents in the African breeding programs has produced

a reduction of cassava´s genetic diversity (Bredeson et al., 2016). However, in recent

years big efforts, mainly led by International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA),

have been done in order to improve and increase the germoplasm variability of

cassava. In Asia the cassava genetic diversity seems to be narrow compared with

Africa and Latin America. However, in Thailand the elite varieties, mainly for industry

uses, are more diverse than the African ones (Fu et al., 2014).

Most of the knowledge of the current status of the diversity of cassava comes from

the use of molecular marker techniques. Several studies using simple sequence

repeats (SSR), amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLPs) and more recently

SNPs, have contributed with the determination of the genetic variability of cassava

materials. In South America the genetic diversity, based on the Shannon´s index,

seems to be relatively high ranging from 0.80 to 4.20 (Colombo et al., 2010; Mezette

et al., 2013). While in Africa ranges from 0.95 to 1.25 (Kawuki et al., 2013). This low

genetic diversity seems to be the reflection of a bottleneck effect in the African


In the 70s the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), located in Cali,

Colombia, began an initiative to collect and conserve phylogenetic resources of

cassava from all over the world. Nowadays CIAT holds the largest cassava collection

with 5,709 accessions that represents the 17% of the cassava´s world resources,

which includes more than 32,000 accessions (FAO, 2010;

CIAT´s collection is considered the most important in the world, not only for the high

number of materials conserved, but also for the genetic diversity and geographic

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regions that it represents ( This collection includes entries

from Colombia (37.7%), Brazil (24.1%), and other South American countries

(21.2%), Central America and Caribbean (7.2%) and Asia (7.1%). The remaining

2.5% of accessions comes from other countries ( This

collection is conserved in an in vitro condition and a back-up is maintained by the

International Potato Center in Lima (FAO, 2013). CIAT also maintains an especial

collection of 833 accessions that represents the wild species of the Manihot genus

( This collection is a potential source of genetic variability

useful to be employed in breeding programs. The Brazilian Agricultural Research

Corporation (Embrapa) and the IITA, located in Ibadan, Nigeria, also maintain two of

the most important collections of cassava, with 2,800 and 2,900 accessions

respectively. Other collections are also conserved in Benin, India, Indonesia, Malawi,

Nigeria, Thailand, Togo and Uganda (FAO, 2013).

Global and national cassava production

Cassava is grown in more than 100 countries (Taylor et al., 2012). In 2014, the global

area cultivated of cassava was 17.1 million hectares, with a production of 9.7 million

tons more than 2013 (FAO, 2015). The major production came from Nigeria, Brazil

and Thailand. In 2014 the production was more than 57 million tons, increasing

around 1 million tons compared to 2014. In Thailand, the Asia’s largest producer, the

total production for 2015 was more than 34 million tons, reaching record yields

(FAO, 2015). In Brazil the cassava production in 2014 was around 23 million tons,

maintaining the yield trend of 2012 (FAO, 2015).

Colombia is ranked eighteenth in the worldwide production and third in Latin

America after Brazil and Paraguay, with an average of annual production of 2.5

million tons (FAO, 2015). The total production of cassava in Colombia for 2014 was

2.3 million tons, from which 70.5 thousand corresponds to cassava growing for

industry purposes. From 2012 to 2014 the production increased 16.5%, an

outstanding growth compared to other crops (FAO, 2015). The total planted area was

223 thousand hectares. The departments with the largest planted areas and

production are Bolívar, Córdoba and Magdalena, with 17.4%, 13% and 9.5% of the

participation in National production, respectively. Sucre is the Colombian

department that leads the production of cassava for industry uses, with an area

planted of almost 4,000 hectares ( Sucre is also the

department that leads the industrial cultivation of cassava with 3,644 hectares of

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planted area, producing 70,540 tons in 2014, the 3% of national production


From 2012 to 2014 the global cassava productivity has been increasing by 4%, this

rate outstrips the majority of the staple crops and is more than the world population

growth (FAO, 2015). Despite the increasing trend in cassava production, the weather

adversities threat the world cassava production (FAO, 2015). For 2016 it is uncertain

for instance the effect that El Niño could have in cassava production (FAO, 2015).


Cassava is an essential crop for food security in developing countries; provides more

carbohydrate content than other crops such as potato and represents the staple food

for more than 1,000 million people in Africa, Asia and South America (FAO, 2013).

Human consumption is the major use of cassava. Paraguay is the first consumer of

fresh cassava in the world and in several African countries the human diet is mainly

based on it. Regarding to the taste, cassava can be divided in bitter and sweet; both

can be consumed as boiled, fried or roasted “rale” roots like potatoes (Steenkamp et

al., 2014), as flour for several preparations and several fermented foods and

beverages, including cassava beer and wine (Ray and Sivakumar, 2009) and the

popular Taiwanese bubble tea made from tapioca (cassava starch) pearls (Nicolau et

al., 2015). Most recently, in Uganda a new trade brand of beer was developed form

cassava ethanol (Impala) (Steenkamp et al., 2014). Some indigenous traditional foods

are made from both, cassava leaves and roots, especially in the Amazon region. These

are the “casabe” or “cassava bread” and “farinha de agua”, a toasted granular food,

which is called “garí” in Africa. For the preparation of casabe, the natives prefer bitter

varieties. Part of the tradition is the great technical skill they have to remove from

these varieties almost 97% of the cyanogenus compounds in a typical preparation of

casabe that takes 48 hours (Dufour, 2006). From cassava starch is produced several

bakery products such as “pandebonos”, “pandeyuca” (Colombia), “chipas” (Paraguay)

and bread “couac”, biscuits and cakes (Steenkamp et al., 2014). From cassava also it

can be produced different kind of chips such as the dried chips or sticks (Taiwo,

2006). Despite its high consumption cassava provides calories through its

carbohydrates but little nutrition, given as a result nutritional deficits when the diet

is exclusively based on it. The cassava roots offer a smaller portion of the daily

requirement of protein, and minerals such as iron, zinc and vitamin A (Sayre et al.,

2011; Talsma et al., 2016).

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Even though the consumption of cassava leaves has been related with toxicity

because its high cyanogenic glucosides contents (Mlingi et al., 1992) and also that is

considered as a non-conventional food, at least for human consumption, since long

ago the cassava leaves have been recognized as a good nutritional alternative

(Lancaster and Brooks, 1983; Ufuan et al., 2005; Aletor, 2010). With an appropriated

cooked method, based on heat treatment, the potentially toxic components can be

removed up to 99% (Ufuan et al., 2005). Thus the cassava leaves can become an

important source of proteins (18% – 40%), vitamin A and B, as well as minerals

especially calcium, potassium, phosphorus and iron (Ufuan et al., 2005; Aletor, 2010).

Several efforts have been established in order to increase the nutritional value of

cassava through bio-fortification projects. In 2004, the HarvestPlus challenge

program arose with the objective to create varieties with high content of provitamin

A, protein, zinc, iron, as well as decreased the amount of cyanogens (linamarin) in

cassava, mainly through transgenic strategies (Sayre et al., 2011). Genetically

improved cassava has been obtained for several traits such as protein contain

(increase of fourfold with respect to the control) (Abhary et al., 2011), decrease of

cyanogen content (Siritunga and Sayre, 2003); high levels of carotenoid (up to 5.7

μg/fresh weight) (Failla et al., 2012) and increasing in zinc levels (Sayre et al., 2011).

The cassava crop also has important applications in the industry, mainly from its

starch which is used in a diverse range of products (Ospina and Ceballos, 2002) and it

is considered the cheapest one (FAO, 2013). The 80% of dried weight of a cassava

root is starch (Olomo and Ajibola, 2003). Some of the principal uses of cassava starch

are as a stabilizing agent for various foods in food industry; in pharmaceutical

industry for pill coating; in textile industry for the rubberizing of cotton-based cloths

(Aguilera, 2012), for biodegradable plastic and films (Larotonda et al., 2004; FAO,

2015) and in biofuel production. The ethanol from cassava is undoubtedly one of the

most attractive products for the energy industry. The demand of this biofuel (mainly

from Asia) boosted the growth of this crop worldwide. In average, from one ton of

cassava roots (30% percent of starch content) can be obtained around 280 liters of

96% pure bioethanol (FAO, 2015).

In Colombia, the principal cassava use is the human consumption. However since

2013 the government incentives the planting of the industrial cassava for the

production of flour, starches, and preparation of concentrate food for animal

consumption. This sector has been strengthened with a yield increase of more than

200% from 2012 (19,488 Ton/year) to 2014 (70,540 Ton/year)


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Cassava breeding programs

The cassava as the majority of the food crops of economic importance has been

constantly selected from thousands of years by man for the improvement of their

genetic potentials. It is very likely that the first cassava plant breeders were the

aboriginal farmers, during the domestication of the crop, 6,000 B.C. in the Amazonian

rainforests (Gibbons, 1990). They should have chosen cassava materials, vegetative

propagated, with superior qualities such as the production of thick roots and high

number of roots by plant, and then preserved it for the next planting season. In fact,

the clonal selection seems to be the first strategy for cassava improvement applied by

man (Montaldo and Gunz, 1985).

During the 70s, the IITA located in Nigeria and CIAT in Colombia, became two of the

most important institutions where different breeding programs have been

implementing with successful results which allowed the generation of materials with

high starch content (Sanchez et al., 2009), high cooking quality (Asare and Safo-

Kantanka, 1997), low cyanogenic compounds in roots (Dixon et al., 1994), high

protein content in roots (Nassar and Sousa, 2007), low post-harvest deterioration

(Rudi et al., 2010), bio-fortification (Pfeiffer and McClafferty, 2007) and resistance to

pests and diseases (Hahn et al., 1979; Okogbenin et al., 2007).

As occurs in wheat and maize, the conventional cassava breeding schemes are based

on the production of F1 populations of full-sibs and half-sibs generated through

directed crosses between elite materials carrying desired traits or elite materials

with wild relatives. This genetic recombination by sexual crosses can be performed

by hand or through open pollination. The full-sib families usually are obtained by

through “controlled” manually pollinations, while by open pollinations are obtained

half-sib families which are produced in polycross nurseries.

In general, the cassava breeding scheme starts with the selection of varieties carrying

several interest traits as well as the selection of promising wild relative species

carrying a desirable trait that is absent in the cassava variety. These materials can be

act as parents for a first designed cross between them. From the donor parent (male)

it is obtained the pollen which is then transferred to the acceptor parent (female)

previously emasculated (removal of male reproductive structures). Once the

fertilization succeeds, the development of the seed takes around two months,

however the seed production in cassava seems to be low (Fregene et al., 2001), as

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well as its germination rate (Hahn et al., 1973). In controlled pollinations can be

obtained from one to three (in trilocular ovary) viable seeds per fruit (Jennings,

1963; Ceballos et al., 2004). The seeds can become contaminated, making difficult its

germination. Without seed treatments the percentage of germination ranges from

10% to 40%, and takes from 2 to 4 months (Hahn et al., 1973). Some efforts have

been done in order to tackle this problem. The IITA for example has developed a

protocol based on insecticide and fungicide treatments, nursery cares, precise water

and temperature supply, increasing the germination of hybrid seed up to 80% (Hahn

et al., 1973).

The hybrids resulted of the F1 cross are grown in greenhouses and then transplanted

to the field where enters to a mass recurrent selection process based on their

phenotypic characteristics (Jennings and Iglesias, 2002; Ceballos et al., 2012). Then

multiple rounds of selection are performed. These consist in clonal evaluation trials

(preliminary, advanced and two regional yield trials). After these multiple rounds of

selection, those individuals carrying the major number of interesting and desirable

traits introgressed by the variety plus the desirable trait transferred by the wild

relative will be selected for a backcross with the elite cassava variety. It is expected

that some seedlings product of this cross have all desired traits (those from the elite

variety and the one from the wild relative). In order to fix the trait, it is possible to

perform multiple cycles of backcrosses (Nassar and Ortiz, 2010), although inbred

depression have been observed. Finally, those promising materials carrying the

desirable traits can be selected for its use in further breeding schemes as a parents or

evaluated them in stability tests, which ideally has to be done under a wide range of

environments and cultural practices (Hahn et al., 1973).

Despite that the conventional breeding scheme based on crosses between promising

materials has been the traditionally strategy followed by several food crops

improvement (Borlaug, 1983), it has not been an easy task in cassava. Some

challenges have to be faced within the breeding programs, mainly due to the biology

of the crop.

The first challenge that has to be solved in a cassava breeding program is the low

multiplication rate. From one plant can be obtained around eight stem cuttings

(Ceballos et al., 2012), thus to get the initial materials intended for the designed

crosses could be time consuming. Also, the flowering time in cassava is an issue. This

characteristic is highly genotype and environment-dependent. Even it has been

reported that some cassava materials never shown flowering. However, recently,

some strategies are under development to induce flowering in cassava

( In flowering varieties, once the plant blossom, the

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branching appears. However, the varieties with erect and non-branching features are

those that are favored by farmers; thus incorporate elite varieties in crossing

schemes may become challenging due to the scarceness of flowers (Ceballos et al.,

2012). For those cassava clones that bloom, the lack of synchronic flowering is an

important issue. The flowering time in cassava has a wide range of time from 4 to 10

months after planting. This can increase the time to obtain seeds (Ceballos et al.,


In the cassava donator parental (male) also some challenges have been described.

The cassava male sterility has been highly reported for some varieties (Magoon et al.,

1968; Hahn et al., 1973). The pollen grains of cassava lose their viability some hours

after the pollen anthesis (Halsey et al., 2008). In fact, cassava breeders do the

pollinations no more than one hour after they collect the pollen, in order to increase

the chances of success in the fertilization process (P. Chavarriaga and N. Morante,

personal observation, 2005 in Halsey et al., 2008).

Another challenge that has to be overcome within cassava breeding programs is the

protogeneous nature of the crop, a mechanism which has been related to the

prevention of self-fertilization (Narbona et al., 2011). Despite that self-pollination in

cassava is possible, a high inbreeding depression has been reported (Fregene et al.,

2001; Rojas et al., 2009; de Freitas et al., 2016). This represents an important issue

for plant breeding schemes which commonly search for an increase in homozygosis.

In cassava, Ceballos et al (2015) considered that to get homozygous lines can take up

to 15 years. Some applications that could be applied in cassava through inbreeding

are the detection of useful and undesirable recessive traits, executing back-cross as

well as reciprocal recurrent selection schemes and get recombinant inbred lines


Over the last decade, the development of techniques in molecular biology has

contributed to the detection of loci and isolation of genes responsible for the most

economically important traits. Also molecular biology has assisted in the

identification of promissory materials carrying desirable loci for its future use in

breeding programs, and thus has helped to accelerate the crop genetic improvement.

The selection of plants carrying desirable traits in early plant stages, without the

necessity to wait until see the individual phenotype, can be achieved through the

detection of molecular markers developed from the sequence of the responsible

genes if it is known. Otherwise, the identification of molecular markers associated to

a particular trait can be employed. For example, to select resistant individuals to a

particular pathogen or abiotic stress, it is not necessary to expose the plant to the

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stress because with the molecular analysis it is possible to anticipate the plant

response. This approach is known as marker assisted selection (MAS) and can reduce

considerably the time required for the selection of promissory materials within a

breeding program (Xu and Crouch, 2008).

Some successfully examples of the use of molecular markers within breeding cassava

programs are RME1 and NS158, which are associated with the CMD2 gene conferring

resistance to cassava mosaic disease (CMD). RME1 and NS158 have been used in MAS

strategies for CMD resistance selection in Latin American breeding programs

(Okogbenin et al., 2007, 2012). The first cassava variety that was selected using this

strategy was UMUCASS33, which was released in Africa in 2010 (Ferguson et al.,

2012). Also, the cultivars TMS 97/2205 and TMS 98/0505 selected for high CMD

resistance and stability in several regions of high CMD pressure represent other

examples of breeding lines selected by MAS (Okogbenin et al., 2012) with great

potential to become elite varieties.

Although the MAS strategy has been successful in some cases, for those traits

governed by multiple genes of small effect, this strategy has not been effective. In

consequence, an alternative approach, named genomic selection (GS), has been

developed recently. The GS allows selecting plant material carrying desirable genes

in early stages, but taking into account whole genome molecular markers associated

with the trait. The objective behind the GS is to foretell the phenotype of an individual

using a prediction model based on the genomic estimated breeding value (GEBV).

This GEBV is the criteria of selection and is obtained from whole genome molecular

markers that are associated to the interest trait and from the genotypic and

phenotypic data obtained in “training populations” (representative germplasm)

(Jannink et al., 2010). For the prediction of GEBV, several models have been

developed. The most representative models are the best linear unbiased prediction

(BLUP) (Henderson, 1984), Bayesian models (Gianola and Fernando, 1986) and

linear mixed models with pedigree data (Crossa et al., 2010) and previous QTL

(Barabaschi et al., 2016).

The implementation of GS in cassava breeding programs can increase the rate of

cassava genetic improvement by predicting the phenotype of materials before they

reach the field and accelerates the breeding cycle. The application of GS in cassava is

currently underway and is focus mainly on traits such as shorten the cassava

breeding cycle, to improved cassava flowering (, prediction of

shoot weight, dry matter content, fresh root yield, starch amylose content and starch

yield (de Oliveira et al., 2012). Preliminary results of the use of GS in cassava

improvement have shown high levels of accuracy in the predicting models; that range

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from 0.67 for dry matter content to 0.83 for shoot weight (de Oliveira et al., 2012),

and highlights the reduction to almost half of the time that is required for these trait

selection compared to phenotype selection.

Cassava genome

The cassava genome size was studied for first time in 1994 by Awoleye et al., who

established that the amount of DNA in cassava is 1.67pg, corresponding to a haploid

genome size equivalent of 772 Mpb. Other authors had suggested an allopolyploid

(Umanah and Hartmann, 1973) and polyploid (Hahn et al., 1990) nature in cassava.

However, a karyotype analysis of 27 cassava accessions as well as the flow cytometry

analysis revealed the diploid status 2n=36 of the cassava genome (Awoleye et al.,


The initial attempt to get the complete cassava genome sequence started in 2003

within the Global Cassava Partnership (GCP- 21), a project led by the International

Laboratory for Tropical Agricultural Biotechnology (ILTAB) at the Donald Danforth

Plant Science Center (DDPSC), and CIAT in Palmira, Colombia. In 2009 a cassava

sequence was obtained using a whole genome shotgun (WGS) approach. The cassava

accession used was MCOL1505 (AM560-2), a partial inbred cultivar generated at

CIAT (Prochnik et al., 2012). A genome of 532.5Mb was obtained in 12,977 scaffolds,

showing the 68.9% of the haploid genome size. From the total scaffolds, 487

represent half of the assembled genome.

The current cassava genome draft version (v6.1) corresponds to Illumina based

sequencing from the same cassava accession used in the v4.1 (AM560-2). This

version has 2,001 unanchored scaffolds and 10,976 scaffolds anchored in 18

chromosomes, through the guide of a GBS-based high resolution genetic map

carrying 22,403 SNP markers (International Cassava Genetic Map Consortium

(ICGMC), 2015). The genome spans 582.28Mb and the 96.2% are represented in 317

scaffolds. A total of 33,033 loci correspond to protein coding transcripts and 8,348

alternative transcripts were described. More than 78,000 cassava ESTs (expressed

sequence tag), published in the National Center for Biotechnology Information

(NCBI), were mapped and annotated in this genome (

Recently, several genomes of wild and cultivated cassava have been obtained,

annotated and compared (Wang et al., 2014; Bredeson et al., 2016). These studies

have given knowledge regarding the evolution and domestication of M. esculenta. The

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majority of the draft cassava genomes seem to be a hybrid of M. esculenta and M.

glaziovii, with exception of the chromosomes 1 and 18 whose right arms proceed

exclusively from M. glaziovii. This fact shows the introgression of M. glaziovii into

several African and South American cassava accessions which should take place

during cassava domestication or within breeding programs (Bredeson et al., 2016).

The high heterozygosity of cassava, compared with crops such as potato (The Potato

Genome Sequencing Consortium, 2011), has been revealed based on the number of

single nucleotide variations (SNV) as well as insertions and deletions (InDels) located

in the genome. Comparative cassava genome analysis has shown the high percentage

of repetitive sequences, which ranges from 23% to 51% of the total assemblies

(Wang et al., 2014; Bredeson et al., 2016). The total of SNVs in the cassava genome

goes from 1.3 to 4.1 million, while the total of InDels ranges from 97 to 326 thousand

(Wang et al., 2014). The number of microRNA (miRNA) contained in the genome, has

also been estimated from 20 to 68 families (Zeng et al., 2009; Pérez et al., 2012;

Patanun et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2014). Recently, some bioinformatics analysis have

provided information regarding to the identification and locations of more than 120

clusters containing around one thousand immunity related genes within the cassava

genome (Lozano et al., 2015; Soto et al., 2015).

Pest and diseases

Cassava, as any other crop, is affected by several pests and diseases affecting yield

drastically. There are several reported diseases caused by bacteria, fungus,

phytoplasm and virus, as well as mite and insect pests.

The viral diseases are positioned as the most devastating in cassava. The main viral

diseases affecting this crop are the Cassava Mosaic Disease (CMD) and Cassava

Brown Streak Disease (CBSD). Both diseases can be transmitted through the use of

infected planting material or through whiteflies vectors, especially by the species

Bemisia tabaci (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) (Legg, 2009). CMD is a disease caused by a

virus member of the Geminiviridae family, the Begomovirus (Legg and Threshb,

2003). It was first described in 1894 in Tanzania (Warburg, 1894 in Legg, 1999).

CMD has been reported in countries of East, West and Central Africa, as well as in

India and Sri Lanka. The typical symptoms of CMD are leaf chlorosis, leaves with

abnormal shape, mottling and mosaic (Legg and Thresh, 2003). However these

symptoms can vary depending on the virus strain, the environmental conditions and

the cassava variety (Legg and Thresh, 2003). Several reports have been made

regarding to yield losses up to 80% of plantations by CMD in Kenya and Uganda

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(FAO, 2013), as well as in India and Sri Lanka (Dutt et al., 2005). CBSD is caused by

the Ipomovirus, a member of the Potyviridae family (Monger et al., 2001). It was first

reported in Tanzania in the 30s (Storey, 1936). The most significant symptom of this

disease is the dry, brown, necrotic lesions in the root tissue (Nichols, 1950). Despite

several symptoms can be present in leaves and stems these are not always evident

(FAO, 2013). CBSD has an important economic impact due to its devastating

behavior. In 1999 it was reported CBSD incidences up to 90% to 100% in

Mozambique fields (Hillocks et al., 2002). It has been also reported in Tanzania

(Mtunda et al., 2003) and Kenya (Njeru and Munga, 2003) with high yield losses.

Neither CMD nor CBSD have been reported in the Americas. However, viruses such as

the Cavemovirus the causal agent of the Cassava Vein Mosaic Disease (CVMD) and

Potexvirus causing Cassava Common Mosaic Disease (CCMD) have been reported as

pathogens producing important yield losses, especially in South America (Calvert and

Thresh, 2002). CVMD has incidence in Brazil (Calvert et al., 1995) while CCMD has

been reported also in Colombia, Paraguay and even in some African and Asian

regions (Chen et al., 1981; Carvajal-Yepes et al., 2014). The typical symptoms of

CCMD are green patches, chlorosis and mosaic in the leaves. While the most common

CVMD symptoms are vein chlorosis, which become ring-spots and leaf deformation

(Calvert and Thresh, 2002). For these diseases there have not been described

transmission vectors, thus the mechanical transmission seems to be the most

probable mechanism of spreading.

For both, CMD and CBSD it is recommended a strict implementation of quarantine

protocols during international exchange of cassava germplasm, and the achievement

of appropriate cultural practices, including virus-free planting material, and the use

of resistant cultivars (FAO, 2013). Despite that several efforts have been

accomplished to identify the loci governing resistance to both CMD (Akano et al.,

2002; Okogbenin et al., 2012; Rabbi et al., 2014) and CBSD (Rabbi et al., 2012), until

now the best alternative to protect cassava fields for these diseases is the use of

resistant varieties.

In the 70s in Cauca, Colombia a devastating disease appeared in cassava storage

roots. It was named cassava frog-skin disease (CFSD), because of the appearance the

roots (Álvarez et al., 2015). Since then, this disease has had prevalence in other South

American countries such as Brazil, Panama, Peru, Venezuela and Paraguay (Calvert et

al., 2008; Chaparro-Martinez and Trujillo-Pinto, 2001; Álvarez et al., 2015; Téllez et

al., 2016). Particularly in Colombia, incidences of up to 90% of CFSD have been

described in Valle del Cauca, Cauca, Meta and the North Coast (Pineda et al., 1983).

This disease generates plants with thin roots that accumulate little or no starch.

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However, affected plants usually look healthy in the aerial parts (Cuervo et al., 2010).

Despite that for years the pathogen causing this important disease was unknown, a

phytoplasma belonging to a 16SrIII-A Subgroup has been linked to CFSD (De Souza

and Da Silva, 2014). The phytoplasma-like structures and phytoplasma 16SrIII was

detected in cassava infected tissue. This detection was possible by using fluorescent

microscopy and real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis (Valverde, 2015).

Despite the evidence of the 16SrIII-A phytoplasma as a putative causal agent of CFSD,

recently, three viruses of the Secoviridae, Alphaflexiviridae and Luteoviridae families,

have been found in cassava plants showing root symptoms of CFSD (Carvajal-Yepes

et al., 2013). These results demonstrate that complex viral infections in cassava are

common but also show that more studies have to be carried out in order to establish

the pathogen(s) causing CFSD.

Several fungi have caused diseases in cassava and although they are not considered

limiting pathogens in some cases can generate important crop losses. The most

important fungi causing diseases in cassava are Colletotrichum gloeosporioides

(Anthracnosis) (Fokunang et al., 1997); Armillaria mellea (Armillaria root rot)

(Lozano and Terry, 1976) Scytalidium sp. (Black root and stem rot) (Bejarano et al.,

1991); Cercospora vicosae (Blight leaf spot) (Teri et al., 1978) and Cercosporidium

henningsii (Brown leaf spot) (Sugawara et al., 1991). Less devastating but with high

incidence rate are the root rots caused by several fungal genera such as

Macrophomina phaseolina, Fusarium sp. and Botryodiplodia theobromae

(Bandyopadhyay et al., 2006). This disease is a typical condition in all regions was

cassava grows and it is presented during intense rainy periods due to poorly drained

soils (FAO, 2013). The root rots is caused by several fungal and/or bacterial

pathogens, causing leaves losses, dieback and root deterioration, often resulting in

considerable decrease of the harvest. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

has implemented a strategy called “Save and Grow” to help the cassava small farmers

to face this sanitary problem through the use of a compendium of “clean” cultural


The pests affecting cassava usually are not crop-specific. However, insects that belong

to the genus Phyllophaga sp., Cyclocephala sp., and Anomala sp. feed on cassava roots

(Bellotti and van Schoonhoven, 1978) given way to secondary infections. Also, some

worms (larvae) such as Agrotis ipsilon, Spodoptera ornithogalli, Spodoptera frugiperda

cut the cassava buds and new stems (Alvarez et al., 2002) damaging the plant.

Crickets can also affect the cassava crop. The most common species found are Gryllus

assimilis (grillo negro) and Gryllotalpa sp. (grillo topo) (Bellotti, 1983). In addition,

termites such as Heterotermes tenuis can feed on stem cuttings, roots and even on

adult plants producing yield losses (Batista-Pereira et al., 2004).

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Some pests directly affect the cassava leaves. This is the case of the mites

Mononychellus tanajoa, M. caribbeanae, Tetranychus urticae, T. cinnabarinus and

Oligonychus peruvianus, as well as the green mites Mononychellus tanajoa and M.

caribbeanae (Bellotti and van Schoonhoven, 1978). The typical symptoms of mite

attack in cassava are in leaves similar to the mosaic appearance, embryonic leaves

grow with deformations and the presence of spider webs. Finally, the whiteflies

Aleurotrachelus socialis Bondar, Bemisia tuberculata, B. tabaci, Trialeurodes variabilis,

Aleurodicus disperses and Aleurothrixus aepin (Gold et al., 1991), even if they are not

the most important pests in cassava for the damage in the crop, represent an

important vector for virus transmission. Particularly A. socialis has been described as

the most economically important pest in cassava caused by flies in Colombia. This

pest can cause plant tissue deformation and a yellowish green spotted in apical and

intermediate leaves.

Bacterial diseases can be a serious limiting factor under special circumstances (FAO,

2013). Some common bacterial diseases are Bacterial stem gall (Agrobacterium

tumefaciens), Bacterial stem rot (Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora), Bacterial

wilt (Erwinia sp) (Hillocks and Wydra, 2002) and cassava bacterial necrosis

(Xanthomonas cassavae) (Onyango et al., 1980). However, the principal disease

caused by bacteria is cassava bacterial blight (CBB).

Cassava Bacteria Blight

The causal agent: Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis

The causal agent of CBB is the bacillus Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis (Xam).

Xam is a vascular and foliar pathogen which belongs to the phylum Proteobacteria,

class Gammaproteobacteria, order Xanthomonadales and Xanthomonadaceae family.

Is a gram-negative rod-shaped bacterium of 1.0-1.75 x 0.28-0.6 µm, motile with a

single polar flagellum. The individual colonies become visible after 24 h of incubation

at 28°C in nutrient agar plates. The colonies are white-cream in color, convex, smooth

and shiny with entire edges (Maraite and Meyer, 1975).

Xam has a worldwide distribution, with the exception of Europe. Some quarantine

measures exist in all the places were cassava grows, especially regarded to the

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movement of stem cuttings (Addoh, 1972). Artificial infection with Xam in species

belonging to different genus of the Euphorbiaceae family, such as poinsettia

(Euphorbia pulcherrima) and Pedilanthus tithymaloides seems to present similar

symptoms to those seen on cassava (Dedal et al., 1980).

Etiology and disease incidence

CBB was first described in Brazil in 1912 (Lozano, 1986), since then it has been

described as a very high destructive disease, causing losses between 12% up to 100%

in affected areas (Lozano, 1986; López and Bernal, 2012). CBB has been reported in

all regions where cassava is grown (López and Bernal, 2012). It is also described as a

potentially devastating disease and its causal agent is considered as a quarantine

organism (Mansfield et al., 2012; FAO, 2013). The effect of CBB in crop yield may vary

depending on factors such as the crop location, variety, climate and quality of initial

seed material (FAO, 2013). In 1974, CBB generated losses up to 50% of large

plantations in Brazil (FAO, 2013). Also in the 70s this disease was the cause of a

famine in Zaire (now Democratic Republic of Congo) and Nigeria (Moses et al., 2007;

Strange and Gullino, 2010). Thus CBB could be considered as the second most

devastating disease after CMD in epidemic episodes, causing losses of 90% of the

cassava yield (Lozano, 1986).

The principal way of transmission of CBB is the planting of infected material through

vegetative seed or cuttings, or by the use of infected crop tools. Likewise, the

transmission of the disease can occur from plant to plant by the rain splashing, by the

transit of personnel, machinery or animals infected to healthy fields. The youngest

leaves are initially infected by Xam and then the pathogen invades the vascular

tissues of the plant and finally causes death. The general described CBB symptoms

are blight, angular lesions in leaves; brown spots, production of gum exudates in

stem, wilting and defoliation (Mansfield et al., 2012; Lozano, 1986). Initially, the

symptoms appear in young leaves as angular leaf spots and blight. The spots become

brown (eventually with yellow halos), before they are transformed in necrotic areas

and finally suffer defoliation (Lozano, 1986). The presence of CBB symptoms in roots

is not common. However, this tissue can be affected in very susceptible varieties,

showing dry roots and vascular strands surrounded by rotted spots (Lozano, 1986).

High relative humidity favors Xam growing. The incidence of CBB has been reported

to be higher in warm and wet weather. In the 90s Fanou (1999), remarked the

importance of rainfall and high relative humidity, in humid forest, under the

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epidemiology of CBB. Moreover, high CBB severities had been reported in the forest

zone, where is typical the rainfall and relative elevated humidity (Banito et al., 2001),

as well as deforested high rainfall areas in Nigeria (Wydra and Verdier, 2002).

Climate conditions also have been reported as an important factor for the disease

cycle of CBB (Fokunang et al., 2000). In Africa, especially in areas where there are

dissimilar rainy and dry seasons, the disease involves two phases. The first one

consists of angular leaf spots which begin and continue during the rainy season. The

second one, is the epiphytic phase in which the availability of moisture favors the

increase of the pathogen, and with it the effects in susceptible varieties of wilting and

defoliation of infected leaves, tip die-back and plant death (Lozano, 1986; Fokunang

et al., 2000).

Xam diversity

The knowledge on Xam diversity is an indispensable requirement to achieve an

integrated disease control of CBB. In the last decade several studies have been

focused on understanding the population dynamics of this pathogen (Verdier et al.,

1994; Ogunjobi et al., 2007; Ogunjobi, 2006; Verdier et al., 2004)

The Edaphoclimatic Zones (ECZs) were defined in the 80s by CIAT, as a way to study

different aspects of the crop and direct the breeding programs, including CBB

improvement. The ECZs were classified according to the importance of cassava

production, climatic conditions, soil type and predominant pest and disease problems

in the region. The first studies on Xam diversity carried out in Colombian showed a

high genetic variability within and among populations in different ECZs (Restrepo et

al., 2004). From 1995 to 1999, 96 Xam strains were isolated from infected cassava

stems or leaves in four ECZs in Colombia. Based on restriction fragment length

polymorphism (RFLPs) analysis, 45 haplotypes were detected (Restrepo et al., 2004).

In addition it was shown that Colombian Xam populations are highly dynamic and

changing in time. Evidence of this was the rapid change of haplotypes frequencies

detected in different ECZs. This dynamism is typical of migration events, which in this

case may be due to the exchange of infected cassava cuttings between growing areas,

which is a common behavior among farmers (Restrepo et al., 2000).

Recent studies on different Colombian regions, such as Cienaga de Oro, Chinú,

Palmitos, San Jacinto, Tolú Viejo, Meta and Casanare, have shown the current

situation of the Xam populations in the Caribbean region and Eastern Colombia. From

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2008 to 2010, more than one hundred isolates of Xam were characterized using

AFLPs; the results shown that populations remain highly dynamic and highly diverse.

Also the haplotype composition of the isolates allowed identifying migratory

processes in the populations; as well as showing regions such as Chinú that

represents a diversity reservoir evidenced by the extensive genetic distances and

high diversity indices observed in this zone compared to those estimated in other

locations (Trujillo et al., 2014).

Some studies had initially shown that Xam African populations are highly

homogenous, contrary to the American ones (Verdier et al., 1994). However, in the

last decade, it was identified greater variability in populations in African Xam strains

(Ogunjobi, 2006; Ogunjobi et al., 2007; Verdier et al., 2004). Although it exists

knowledge of the diversity of this pathogen in Africa, the current status of the Xam

populations in this continent remains unexplored.

Xam genome

The genome sequence of several bacterial species belonging to the genus

Xanthomonas have been obtained, including Xam (Bart et al., 2012; Arrieta-Ortiz et

al., 2013). Through the study of these pathogen genomes have been attained not only

knowledge of the genome structure but also localization of pathogenicity factors

(Bart et al., 2012).

A draft genome sequence of sixty-five Xam strains originating from South America,

Africa and Asia was obtained (Bart et al., 2012). The genome sizes of these drafts

ranged from 4.50Mb to 5.12Mb in length. Through a phylogenetic analysis using

polymorphic SNPs markers present in the genomes, it was found a strong clustering

by country of origin, as well as a common ancestor between the Brazilian, Colombian

and African clades (Bart et al., 2012).

Recently a more complete genome sequence of Xam was obtained (Arrieta et al.,

2013). This genome corresponds to Xam CIO151 strain, which had a 5.15Mb genome.

This version of the genome has 36 scaffolds, 65.1% of G-C content, rRNA operons,

tRNA for all residues and more than four thousand coding DNA sequences (CDS)

which were automatic and manually annotated based on previous bacteria and

Xanthomonas genomes (Arrieta et al., 2013).

High similarities and small inversions were found when compared the CIO151

genome structure with those from Xanthomonas citri pv. citri and Xanthomonas

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euvesicatoria. The 12.4% of the genome seems to be related to horizontal gene

transfer events. Within these regions, four pathogenicity islands were found. Also, the

gene annotation and proteome comparisons with other Xanthomonas revealed more

than 50 Xam-specific proteins (Arrieta et al., 2013).

ABC of plant immunity

Plants are an important source of nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins and

metabolites for a wide range of microorganisms. Through the co-evolution, plants

and microorganisms have developed mechanisms to defend and access to these

resources respectively. Currently, the molecular understanding of plant-pathogen

interactions has allowed developing a model of the function and evolution of plant

immunity, known as zig-zag (Jones and Dangl, 2006). This model is based on the

knowledge generated through the study of the well-known pathosystems. According

to this model, the first event is the ability to recognize conserved molecules in

microorganisms known as PAMPs or MAMPs (Pathogen/Microbe Associated

Molecular Patterns). Among the molecules recognized, the most studied are flagellin

(flg22) originally described in Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci in the interaction with

tomato, tobacco, potato and Arabidopsis (Felix et al., 1999; Chinchilla et al., 2006).

The other best well known PAMP is the elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu) characterized in

Agrobacterium tumefaciens in the interaction with Arabidopsis (Zipfel et al., 2006).

Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) and chitin have also been described as PAMPs recognized

by Arabidopsis and rice respectively (Kaku et al., 2006; Miya et al., 2007). From the

genus Xanthomonas it has been described the PAMP eMAX in the interaction with

Arabidopsis (Jehle et al., 2013). However, this has not been purified and thus its

chemical nature is still unknown.

Recognition of PAMPs depends on the presence of plant proteins called Pathogen

Recognition Receptors (PRRs), which are proteins located generally in the plasmatic

membrane of the plant cell (Gómez-Gómez and Boller, 2000; He et al., 2007; Boller

and He, 2009; Zipfel, 2008; Thomma et al., 2011). Several PRRs have been described.

The first to be identified and one of the most studied is FLS2, which is a receptor that

recognizes flagellin, originally identified in Arabidopsis (Gomez-Gomez and Boller,

2000). This PRR is a transmembrane RLK with a rich extracellular domain of LRR and

serine/threonine intracellular kinase domain, possibly responsible for signal

transduction (Gómez-Gómez and Boller, 2000; Asai et al., 2002). Several homologues

of FLS2 have been found in tomato and rice (Takai et al., 2008). Another PRR widely

studied is EFR receptor that recognizes the N terminal region of EF-Tu (Kunze et al.,

2004). EFR also belongs to the family of RLK receptors (Kemmerling et al., 2011). The

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EFR receptor is present only in members of the Brassicaceae family. The first PRR for

chitin to be identified was the chitin elicitor-binding protein (CEBiP) of rice, a

membrane protein with two LysM extracellular motives and one transmembrane

domain (Kaku et al., 2006). The CeBiP homologue in Arabidopsis was also identified

and named CERK1 / LysM-RLK (chitin elicitor receptor kinase) (Miya et al., 2007). It

seems that this PRR is capable of recognizing molecules present in the walls of gram

negative bacteria like peptidoglycan, which has characteristics similar to chitin, such

as an oligosaccharide. Recently, it has been described two membrane proteins in rice

which have LysM, LYP4 and LYP6, that act as PRRs inducing immunity responses

when recognize the bacterial peptidoglycan of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo)

and chitin of Magnaporthe oryzae (Liu et al., 2012).

A particular case of PRR is Xa21. This protein is a receptor kinase (RK) and was

initially characterized as a protein encoded by a resistance gene against Xoo, the

causal agent of bacterial blight in rice (Song et al., 1995). However, after several years

of efforts to identify the corresponding Avr (AvrXa21), it was not until 2009 when

this protein was characterized. It seemed that RaxX protein was recognized as a

PAMP for the activation of the Xa21-mediated immunity (Pruitt et al., 2015).

The first response based on the interaction between PAMPs-PRRs is referred to

PAMP- Triggered Immunity (PTI). In this type of immunity, the infection usually

stops before the microorganism multiplication starts and is sufficiently effective

against non-adapted pathogens (Chisholm et al., 2006). Furthermore, during

evolution, a particular group of pathogens developed a special type of proteins called

effectors that when injected into plant cells block PTI, achieving a successful

colonization (Jones and Dangl, 2006). Such interactions are called compatible, and

the result for the plant is the disease development. According to the zig-zag model,

such interactions fall under the concept of effector-triggered susceptibility (ETS).

There are several mechanisms by which some adapted pathogens suppress or escape

from the detection mediated by the PTI. The best studied are the bacterial type III

effector (T3E) proteins which are translocated to the host cytoplasm by the T3SS

(Coburn et al., 2007). These effectors belong to different families which differ by their

functions. Some of the T3Es can induce the degradation of PRRs, such as the effector

AvrPtoB from Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Pst) DC3000 (Göhre et al., 2008).

Other targets are the Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) which are active

after pathogen recognition. Effectors as AvrPto and AvrPtoB from Pst block these

pivotal proteins (Abramovitch et al., 2006; Rasmussen et al., 2012). Some effectors as

Hopl1 from Pst and P. syringae pv. maculicola (Psm) interfere with cell organelles

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such as the chloroplast, promoting the reduction of acid salicylic production (Jelenska

et al., 2007).

One of the best known families of T3Es is the Transcription Activator-Like effectors

(TALEs) (Boch et al., 2014) which includes the AvrBs3 effector family from

Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria (Xcv) (Bonas et al., 1989). These effectors are

restricted to the genus Xanthomonas and have the ability to induce the disease by

selectively bind to the DNA promotor sequence of target susceptibility (S) genes

activating its transcription (Boch and Bonas, 2010). The gene induction of S genes is

TAL effector-dependent and has direct consequences on disease symptoms (Boch et

al., 2014). On the other hand, plants evolved to activate resistance genes mediated by

TALs, which are named executor (E) genes (Bogdanove and Voytas, 2011; Tian et al.,

2014; Zhang et al., 2015). All proteins members of the TAL family have an N-terminal

where is located the T3SS-mediated translocation signal; a central domain containing

a repetitive domain of 33 to 35 amino acids where the amino acids 12 and 13 are

polymorphic and are called repeat-variable di-residues (RVDs) (Boch et al., 2014;

Zhang et al., 2015). These RVDs determinates the binding specificity of the TALs to

specific promoter regions of S or E genes.

In order to face the ETS, plants developed a second branch of immunity based on the

recognition of pathogen effector proteins, which correspond to the third phase of the

zig-zag model called ETI (Effector-Triggered Immunity). The ETI depends on the

presence of resistance (R) proteins that can recognize directly or indirectly effectors,

triggering a reaction of incompatibility or resistance (Chisholm et al., 2006) (Jones

and Dangl, 2006) (Dodds and Rathjen, 2010). The ETI corresponds to the classic

concept of race specific resistance or gene by gene theory proposed by Flor in the

50s. This recognition is governed by the presence of an R gene in the plant and for the

existence of a specific avirulence gene Avr in particular strains of a species of

pathogen (Flor, 1955; Dangl and Jones, 2001). Thus, some varieties of a crop will be

resistant to some strains of the pathogen, but susceptible to others. This differential

response depends on the races which usually carry a repertory of effectors or

differential Avr genes. Most R proteins have an NBS (Nucleotide Binding Site) domain

and a LRR domain at its N-terminal. In the carboxy terminal can have a TIR domain

(Toll/Interleukin-1 receptor) or a coiled coil (CC) domain (Bent, 1996; Hammond-

Kosack and Kanyuka, 2007).

The recognition of pathogen effectors by R proteins can be direct or indirect. In direct

recognition, the R protein acts as a receptor that interacts with the pathogen Avr

protein, which acts as a ligand (Dodds et al., 2006). In many cases it has not been

demonstrated an R-Avr interaction. This led to argue that the recognition could be

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mediated by a third protein, known as pathogenicity target (guarded protein). This

model has been called "guard gene model", and suggests that R protein detects a

change effector-induced in the pathogenicity plant target protein (Dangl and Jones,

2001). Thus, alteration of the target in the host will confer pathogen colonization in

susceptible host genotypes, but it will induce ETI response in hosts carrying the

corresponding R protein (Dangl and Jones, 2001; Caplan et al., 2008). It has been

considered that in this model the guarded protein would be facing opposing selective

forces, due to the dependence of the presence of the R protein. Thus the guarded

protein will be selected against mutations leading the lack of the effector recognition

if the R protein is not present. On the other hand, if the R protein is present, there will

be a selection favoring increase the recognition by the effector. Given this

discrepancy, the "decoy" model was proposed. In this model, the "decoy" protein

represents an effector target but it is not involved in plant immunity and have any

function neither in resistance or susceptibility, nor contributing to the pathogen

fitness in the absence of R protein (van der Hoorn and Kamoun, 2008; Dodds and

Rathjen, 2010).

Despite PTI and ETI have been described in several pathosystems (Thomma et al.,

2011b), there are a number of concerns around these separated branches (Boller and

Felix, 2009; Pritchard and Birch, 2014). As an alternative to the zig-zag model, the

invasion model has arisen, which is based on the pathogen invasion patterns (IPs). An

IP can be either an external or a modified host ligand that is perceived by host IP

receptors (IPRs), indicating invasion. The defense response that is activated by this

perception is called IP-triggered response (IPTR) (Cook et al., 2015). The invasion

model considers that several ligands and receptors could be acting at the same time

and in consequence, the defense response will be the result of the interaction

between all of them. The description of this model in pathosystems is still under


Although initially it was considered that the responses triggered by the PTI and ETI

were different, recent studies have shown that these overlap considerably (Schulze-

Lefert and Panstruga, 2011). Once the perception of PAMPs or effectors is given by

the PRRs or R proteins, a signaling cascade is triggered mainly mediated by MAPK

(Göhre et al., 2008; Colcombet and Hirt, 2008; Beckers et al., 2009) which culminate

with the activation of transcription factors and leads the reprogramming of gene

expression. Additionally, these responses are associated with events of opening of

ionic channels in the membrane, production of ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) and

fortification of cell walls through the deposition of callose (Zipfel, 2008).

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The reprogramming of gene expression during PTI, ETS and ETI has been studied in

pathosystems models mainly using transcriptomic approaches. The responses

between compatible interactions (virulent bacteria), incompatible (avilurent bacteria

carrying Avr proteins recognized by plant R proteins) and non-host are similar and

the differences found in the gene expression are quantitative in terms of intensity

and the speed with which these occur (Tao et al., 2003). However, it seems that the

plant response in incompatible interaction is robust in terms of the high level of

resistance gene expression, and is not affected by environmental conditions (Tao et

al., 2003).

During the plant responses several genes have been identified whose products are

pathogenesis-related proteins (PR proteins) (Van Loon and Van Strien, 1999). Some

PRs have antimicrobial activities such as chitinase and glucanase. These PRs have

been classified into 17 families and although some of them were initially found in

tobacco and Arabidopsis, its induction by pathogens has been reported in several

plant species (Van Loon and Van Strien, 1999; Sudisha et al., 2012). The recognized

defense activity of these proteins has made that its gene expression is an indication

(marker) of the activation of defense responses (Sudisha et al., 2012; Zhang et al.,


Quantitative resistance

Unlike PTI or ETI, whose explanatory models are based on the resistance mediated

by a single gene, the quantitative resistance is governed by multiple genes each

contributing differentially with a given percentage in the total resistance (Poland et

al., 2009; Kou and Wang, 2010). Quantitative resistance is also known as field

resistance, polygenic, incomplete resistance, broad spectrum or horizontal resistance.

It has been considered that the quantitative resistance does tend to be durable over

time, mainly for two reasons. The first one is that is governed by multiple genes, thus,

the likelihood of simultaneous mutations in several Avr genes, which allows

successfully escape recognition, is very low. In addition, this type of resistance is not

specific to a particular race; conversely it is broad spectrum, which means that the

plant is resistant to different races, strains or variants of the same pathogen species,

and even to different host species (Poland et al., 2009; Kou and Wang, 2010).

As any other quantitative trait, quantitative resistance shows a continuous variation

of phenotypes, therefore a single phenotypic classification of resistance or

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susceptibility is not easy. Thus usually the phenotype is determined by the use of

scales of symptoms, ranging from any or few affectations to full disease. This

phenotypic variability present in quantitative resistance typically has an important

environmental component making its study a challenge.

One of the most widely used approaches for the study of quantitative resistance and

thus the identification of the loci that governs this resistance, has been the QTL

mapping (Young, 1996); and more recently the genome wide association study

(GWAS) analysis (Zhu et al., 2008; Brachi et al., 2011). The detection of QTL is based

on i) the variation of DNA, through polymorphic markers which allow the

construction of a genetic map and ii) the observed phenotype in the segregating

population generated to construct the genetic map (Mackay et al., 2009). Combining

this information, it is possible to associate some markers with a particular

phenotype. On the other hand, the GWAS strategy generates a direct association

between the trait with the polymorphic markers taking advantage of the historical

recombination events at population level (Zhu et al., 2008) 1

The molecular basis of quantitative resistance has not been elucidated in detail.

However, it has been proposed that both the qualitative and quantitative resistance

are controlled, at least partially by classic R genes (Poland et al., 2009; Kou and Wang,

2010; Lopez, 2011). This hypothesis is based on the observation of co-localization of

genes encoding proteins with NBS domains with QTL associated to pathogen

resistance (López et al., 2003a; Ramalingam et al., 2003)

Through QTL mapping it has been possible the identification and cloning of genes

involved in quantitative resistance. These genes code proteins related to signal

pathways and are: i) a wheat kinase-START (WKS) (Fu et al., 2009); ii) an ATP

binding cassette (ABC) protein transporter (Krattinger et al., 2009); iii) a protein rich

in proline residues that is associated with the transport of metals with motifs for

protein-protein interactions (Fukuoka et al., 2009); iv) an atypical kinase which lacks

several domains for the kinase catalytic (Huard-Chauveau et al., 2013) and v) a

receptor like kinase (RLK) (Hurni et al., 2015). The cloning of these genes has

contributed to a better understanding of the molecular nature of the quantitative


1These concepts will be further developed in a scientific manuscript that is part of Chapter 1.

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Molecular interaction cassava-Xam

Molecular basis of the pathogenecity

As was described above, during the co-evolution between plant and pathogens,

pathogenic bacteria has developed ways to suppress the plant defense by the

translocation of virulence factors or effectors into the host cells and thus facilitating

the successful establishment of disease.

The availability of the draft genome for 65 Xam strains from diverse geographical

origins (Bart et al., 2012) and the genome of the strain Xam CIO151 (Arrieta et al.,

2013), has allowed the identification of more than 25 T3Es gene families. This

repertoire includes the effector AvrBs2, a group of Xanthomonas outer proteins

(Xop) and TALE effectors (Bart et al., 2012).

AvrBs2 is an effector widely described in the genus Xanthomonas containing a

conserved glycerolphosphodiesterase (GDE) domain pivotal for virulence (Kearney

and Staskawicz, 1990). For several pathosystems it has been demonstrated its

virulence contribution and the capacity to suppress plant immunity (Kearney and

Staskawicz, 1990; Li et al., 2015). In Xam it was identified a protein similar to AvrBs2

(Arrieta et al., 2013). A recent study reported the generation of an AvrBs2 mutant in

Xam. This mutant showed a significant reduction in virulence and aggressiveness to

cassava (Medina et al., 2016 unpublished results).

In Xam the role and/or function of different predicted effectors still remains to be

elucidated. However, a recent study of gene mutagenesis has revealed that some

members of the Xop family have a pivotal role in virulence and suppression of PTI

and ETI in cassava (Medina et al., 2016 unpublished results). For example, it was

demonstrated that additional to AvrBs2, the effector XopAO1 was important for

virulence. While the mutation of the effectors XopR, XopQ, XopE4, XopN and XopV not

compromised the aggressiveness of Xam, suggesting a redundancy function between

different effectors.

Concerning to the TAL family effectors present in Xam, the first member described

was TALE1Xam (Castiblanco et al., 2013), which was previously known as pthB. This

TAL has 13.5 tandem repeats and it was demonstrated have an important role in

virulence (Castiblanco et al., 2013). Through transcriptomic analyses it was

demonstrated that TALE1Xam can activates the transcription of several genes in

cassava cells being one of the predict targets a heat shock transcription factor B3

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(HsfB3) (Muñoz-Bodnar et al., 2014). Recently it was established that TAL20Xam668

promotes virulence through the induction of the expression of the sugar transporter

MeSWEET10a (Cohn et al., 2014). More than 50 virulence targets for TALE effectors

have been described in cassava, specifically for the Xam strain Xam668 (Cohn et al.,

2016), including proteins related to cell wall-modifying, proteases and immunity

related proteins such as LRR-kinases.

The analysis of more than 180 Colombian Xam strains has revealed the presence of

several TALs in the Xam genome ranging from two to five (Zarate et al., 2015,

unpublished results). The identification of S and E target genes for some of these

TALs has been predicted using bioinformatics tools and their validation is currently

in progress (Mora et al., 2016 unpublished results; Ramirez et al., 2016, unpublished


Molecular basis of resistance to CBB

Despite that in the pathosystem cassava-Xam the zig-zag model has not been

determined; it is possible to expect that both the PTI and ETI are present. In Xam

some effectors have been described (Bart et al., 2012; Arrieta et al., 2013), as well as

some repertoires of immunity related genes (IRG) (Leal et al. 2013; Lozano et al.,

2015; Soto et al., 2015)2.

Taking advantage of the presence of conserved domains (NBS, TIR, LRR) in the R

proteins several RGAs (Resistance Gene Analogues) have been amplified and

identified by the use of degenerate primers designed based on these conserved

domains (López et al., 2003). More recently, taking advantage of the available cassava

genome it was possible to design bioinformatics tools to identify genes coding for

proteins containing the typical conserved domains present in R proteins. Two

repertoires of more than 550 RGAs have been described (Lozano et al., 2015; Soto et

al., 2015).

2These concepts will be developed further in a scientific manuscript that is part of Chapter 1)

Using primers designed from the resistance gene Xa21, which confers resistance to

Xanthomonas oryzae in rice (Song et al., 1995), it was amplified a fragment of cassava

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genome having a high degree of similarity to the gene. This fragment co-localized

with a QTL explaining 13% of the resistance to Xam strain CIO136 and has been

called RXam1 (resistance to Xam 1) (Jorge et al., 2000). The gene RXam1 encodes for

a RLK protein. In resistant cassava plants inoculated with CIO136 Xam strain, RXam1

is induced at five days post inoculation (López et al., 2007). The similarity between

Xa21 and RXam1 suggests that it may have a function of resistance in cassava and

several experiments are being conducted to validate its function (López, 2011).

López et al (2007) mapped a set of defense-related genes and BACs-containing RGAs

into 11 linkage groups on the cassava genetic map. Within these linkage groups were

identified two QTL that explains the 21.4% and 61.6% of the resistance to Xam

strains CIO121 and CIO151, respectively. The last QTL co-localizes with a BAC

containing an RGA, which was called RXam2 (Resistance to Xam 2) and encodes a

protein with a NBS domain and a LRR domain in the C-terminus (López et al., 2003;

López et al., 2007). This gene is also being validated through different approaches to

confirm its role in CBB resistance.

Several important efforts have been conducted in order to identify proteins involved

in pathogen recognition and to study the reprograming gene expression during

cassava-Xam interaction. Thus for example, employing a cassava resistant variety it

was established important gene expression changes during cassava immune

responses. The comparison of some selected genes between resistant and susceptible

cassava varieties show that these genes are also induced but stronger and faster in

the resistant variety (Lopez et al., 2005). Moreover, aspects such as the identification

of non-coding microRNAs (miRNAs) (Pérez et al., 2012) and trans-acting small

interfering RNAs (ta-siRNAs) induced and repressed in cassava during Xam infection

(Quintero et al., 2013) have been reported. Several targets of these non-coding RNAs

were predicted and include genes coding for transcription factors and LRR-

containing proteins (Pérez et al., 2012; Quintero et al., 2013). Also the plant immune

response involves a complex network of protein-protein interactions some of which

have been studied in cassava-Xam through experimental assays (Román et al., 2014)

or through in silico predictions (Leal et al., 2013).

Mapping the quantitative resistance to CBB

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Cloning genes through positional mapping has been the most widely used method for

resistance gene cloning (Bent, 1996; Pflieger et al., 2001; Gebhardt et al., 2007). This

approach involves the development of genetic maps (Collard et al., 2005), ideally

with low average distance in cM between markers.

By definition, a genetic map is a descriptive diagram of the position and relative

genetic distance between markers either morphological or molecular and loci or

genes along linkage groups (Paterson, 1996). The markers are positioned relative to

each other based on their recombination frequencies and representing relative

distances between them. It has been established that the distances are indicated in

centi-Morgan units (cM), where 1cM corresponds to a 1% probability that a

crossover occurs between two loci during meiosis (Wu et al., 2007). Such maps are

usually called linkage maps, as they determine the position of genes or markers

"linked" within a single chromosome.

In order to develop a genetic map a segregating population must be generated

through targeted crosses. It is a necessary condition to use contrasting and/or

phylogenetically distant parental for the interest trait, in order to increase the

probability of finding loci and / or polymorphic markers. The segregation of these

markers has to be tested in the progeny through the Mendelian expected segregation,

according to the population type (Wu et al., 2007). Once constructed the genetic map

and knowing the relative distances between the molecular markers within linkage

groups, these can be associated with the phenotypic value of the trait of interest,

through QTL mapping for the case of complex traits (Wu et al., 2007).

For cassava it has been built several genetic maps based on different types of

molecular markers and some of these have been used in QTL mapping for important

agronomical traits including disease resistance. The first genetic map of cassava was

developed from an intraspecific cross between the Nigerian variety TMS30572,

developed by IITA, with the Colombian elite variety CM21772. The resulting F1

progeny of this cross consisted of 150 genotypes, highly heterozygous (Fregene et al.,

1997). This map was developed with 132 RFLPs, 30 RAPDs, three microsatellites and

three isozymes, with a resolution of 8 cM. Later, this map was increased with 172

microsatellite markers but with lower resolution (Mba et al., 2001). Chen et al,

(2010), using another cassava population (SC6 x Mianbao) obtained a genetic map

with 231 AFLPs markers, 41 microsatellites, 48 SRAPs (Sequence-related amplified

polymorphism) and 35 ESTs, with a resolution of 4.8 cM. Since then, the cassava

maps have increased the number of molecular markers. Kunkeaw et al. (2010, 2011)

develop two genetic maps; the first one was obtained from the genotyping of 58 F1

progeny resultant from the cross between Rayong 90 x Rayong 5. This map consisted

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in 110 AFLPs markers and 19 SSRs with a resolution of 8 cM. The second map was

obtained from the genotyping of 100 F1 progeny from the cross between Hauy Bun

60 x Hanatee, and consisted in 56 EST-SRRs and 155 SRR, with a resolution of 5.6 cM.

In 2012, Rabbi et al. obtained a map with 434 SNPs and 134 SSRs with a resolution of

3.4 cM, which was obtained though the genotyping of 130 F1 full sibs from the cross

between Namikunga x Albert (Rabbi et al., 2012).

With advances in high-throughput genotyping, the cassava genetic maps integrate

thousands of SNP markers. Rabbi et al developed two cassava genetic maps using

genotyping by sequencing (GBS) approach. These maps were developed using the F1

progeny from the crosses between MME9 x TMS30571 (182 full sibs) and

TMS011412 x IITA-TMS-4(2)1425 (180 full sibs); these maps had 772 and 6,756

SNPs, with resolutions of 2 cM and 0.52 cM respectively (Rabbi et al., 2014a, 2014b).

Recently Soto et al (2015) has obtained a genetic map of 2,141 SNP, with a resolution

of 1.26 cM, which was obtained though the genotyping of 132 F1 full sibs from the

cross between TMS30572 and CM2177-2 (K family).3

Some studies focused on the detection of QTL mapping for resistance to CBB have

been performed based on the resistance phenotypic evaluation in the high

segregating population “K family” as well as through the use of some of the genetic

maps presented above. These studies have been performed under natural and

controlled conditions. The latter is the case of the study conducted in 2000 by Jorge

et al, where 12 QTLs were identified, eight located on linkage groups B, D, L, N, and X

of the linkage map from the parental TMS30572 and four were located in linkage

groups G and C of the linkage map from the parental donor CM1477-2. These QTL

were obtained through simple regression analysis, and explained from 9 to 27% of

the phenotypic variance of the response to Xam strains CIO-84, CIO-1, CIO-136, CIO-

295 and ORST X-27. In this study transgressive segregants were also identified,

showing possible gene dominance. QTL that explain the variance of resistance to the

CIO-84 strains and ORST X-27, apparently are introgressions of a wild Manihot.

3 The development of this map will be further presented in a scientific manuscript that is part of Chapter 2

These QTLs are located in the linkage group D of the TMS30572 map, which has a

large number of polymorphic markers and shows a low recombination frequency

compared to the rest of the genome. The nature of this linkage group suggests that it

is a vestige of the genome of M. glaziovii (Jorge et al., 2000).

The phenotyping response to Xam has also been tested under natural high pathogen

pressure conditions. Jorge et al (2001) conducted the evaluation of the same K family

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derived from TMS30572 x CM1477-2 in two growth cycles (years) under high field

Xam pressure. QTL detection was also performed by simple regression analysis and

revealed eight QTLs explaining between 7.2% and 18.2% of the resistance to Xam.

From cycle to cycle were detected changes in the QTL, suggesting that these are not

stable or that there are changes in the pathogen population. Only one QTL located on

linkage group D, was detected in the two years of evaluation. Also, Wydra et al (2004)

using a population product of the backcross (TMS30572 x CM1477-2) x TMS30572,

detected nine QTLs that explain from 16% to 33% of the resistance to four African

Xam strains. The phenotypic evaluation was performed through inoculation in leave

and stems under greenhouse controlled conditions.

Strategies such as the mapping of several defense-related genes to CBB and BACs

carrying RGAs have contributed with the detection of QTL (López et al., 2007), as was

described above. Despite of all these efforts, until today any resistant gene to the CBB

disease has been identified yet.

Improving CBB resistance

The development of resistant varieties to CBB through traditional breeding has been

one of the objectives within some breeding programs in countries where the disease

has an impact (Russell, 2013).

It has been considered that the source of resistance to CBB in the current cassava

varieties comes from the introgression of its wild relative M. glaziovii (Hahn et al.,

1980) Mahungu et al., 1994). The successful development of clones and varieties

promissory for CBB resistance from crosses between M. glaziovii and M. esculenta

support this hypothesis (Hahn et al., 1974). The cross between these two species has

also been useful to break the linkage between genes responsible for resistance and

undesirable productivity genes, commonly found in the wild species (IITA, 1977).

Breeding schemes to improve CBB resistance starts with the search for materials

with the highest resistance to CBB but also with high genetic variability for important

agronomical traits (Mahungu et al., 1994). The sources of these materials are the

bank germoplasm, local varieties or some of the commercial varieties. Two

evaluations to CBB resistance are usually performed. The first evaluation is done in

pre-selection of seedlings. The second one is conducted three to five months after

planting. In both evaluations the inoculation is performed artificially through the

stem puncture inoculation method and the disease is scored using: i) scale of

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symptoms, ii) the total number of plants affected, iii) the disease incidence (scored in

percentages) and iv) the disease severity (Mahungu et al., 1994).

It is necessary to conduct extra evaluations for selected materials, under different

environmental conditions, as is done in some African programs, where the

evaluations have showed high stability of resistance to CBB (IITA, 1976). As the

environment conditions have a high influence in the incidence of CBB and contributes

to accelerate the development of the symptoms (Leu, 1978; Banito et al., 2000, 2001;

Wydra and Verdier, 2002; Restrepo et al., 2004), it is imperative to conduct

evaluations under different environments within the breeding schemes, in order to

obtain cassava materials with durable resistance and adapted to broad or specific

environmental conditions.

The estimation of low values for broad sense heritability of CBB resistance has also

highlighted the important effect of the environmental conditions under the

development of the disease. In cassava breeding programs, values of CBB broad

heritability ranged from 24% to 48%, which has been estimated in half-sib families

and clones, respectively (Hahn et al., 1974). In experimental populations the

heritability values reported ranged from 10% to 69% (Hahn et al., 1998, Jorge et al.,

2000; Fregene et al., 2001; Ly et al., 2013).

Due to the fact that CBB is influenced by environmental conditions and show low

heritability, some considerations have to be taken into account in order to guarantee

the development of durable resistance to the disease. Multi-environment evaluations

are highly advisable, as well as the evaluation of the stability of the resistance during

several seasons and crop cycles. Also, as it is known that Xam populations are

variable in space and time, it is important to perform evaluations under high disease

pressure, in different localities and/or using different strains. On the other hand, it is

advised that within breeding programs the dynamics and diversity of Xam

populations should be analyzed in the fields of evaluation but also in the regions

where the improved varieties will be established.


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"Always let your conscience be your guide"

-The Blue Fairy. The Adventures of Pinocchio, 1940

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RNA-seq: herramienta transcriptómica útil para el estudio de

interacciones planta patógeno

1Johana Carolina Soto Sedano y 2Camilo Ernesto López Carrascal

1, 2. Manihot Biotec Laboratory, Biology department, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá,


Published in Fitosanidad 16(2) August (2012) 101-113


El conocimiento del transcriptoma y su regulación es fundamental para la

interpretación articulada de los diversos constituyentes moleculares que integran la

red de respuesta génica ante un determinado evento inductor, como los que se

presentan en interacciones planta patógeno. La actual tecnología de secuenciación ha

llevado al desarrollo del RNA-seq como herramienta transcriptómica que permite el

secuenciamiento masivo de ADNc o ARN y hace posible obtener perfiles de expresión

génica de las respuestas de defensa, lo cual ofrece posibilidades para profundizar en

el entendimiento de los mecanismos que se activan durante las respuestas inmunes

en plantas. El RNA-seq está cambiando la manera de cómo se estudian los

transcriptomas y ha permitido identificar y cuantificar nuevos y conocidos

transcriptos relacionados con defensa vegetal. Aquí se presenta el principio,

aplicaciones y ventajas del RNA-seq, además se discuten trabajos recientes que

revelan la importancia y utilidad de esta herramienta en estudios de interacciones

planta patógeno.

Palabras clave: secuenciación, ADNc, fitopatología


The knowledge gained from transcriptome and its regulation is essential to articulate

the constituents that make up the molecular network of response gene induction for

a certain event, such as those occurring in plant pathogen interactions. The current

sequencing technology has led to the development of RNA-seq as a tool that enables

mass sequencing of cDNA or RNA, making possible to obtain gene expression profiles

for defense responses, which offers great potential to deepen the understanding of

mechanisms that are activated during immune responses in plants. The RNA-seq is

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changing the way of how we used to study the transcriptome and has helped identify

and quantify new and known plant defense related transcripts. Here, we present the

basis, applications and advantages of RNA-seq, also we discuss recent studies that

have revealed the importance and usefulness of this tool for studies of plant pathogen


Key words: cDNA, sequencing, phytopathology


Celularmente, la información genética cifrada en el ADN y contenida en los genes se

expresa través de los mecanismos de transcripción y traducción a partir del cual se

producen moléculas de ARNm y proteínas, respectivamente. Eventos celulares tales

como la replicación, la diferenciación y la división celular y otros caracteres

macroscópicos tales como rasgos fenotípicos, morfológicos, funcionales y de

respuesta ante estímulos son producto de la expresión diferencial de genes. En

plantas el control de la respuesta frente a estados de estrés biótico y abiótico está

dado por la actividad transcripcional de activación o represión de genes (Proudfoot

et al., 2002). La transcripción es un proceso nuclear cuya activación depende de

estímulos intra o extracelulares que activan cascadas de señalización para

determinar cuáles genes deben expresarse o reprimirse de acuerdo al tipo de

estímulo inicial.

La regulación de la transcripción depende de la unión de activadores o represores en

los elementos del promotor ubicados en la región 5’ de la secuencia codificante. Los

activadores o represores dictaminan la tasa de síntesis de ARNm que debe producir

la maquinaria basal de transcripción, la cual está constituida por los factores de

transcripción generales (GTFIIs) y la ARN polimerasa II (Proudfoot et al., 2002).

La cantidad de moléculas producidas de determinado ARNm depende de la función

que éste tenga en un proceso celular específico. Así, cuando se requiera dar respuesta

a una condición determinada en la cual un gen juega un papel importante, más

moléculas de este transcrito se producirán. De manera similar bajo ciertas

circunstancias particulares hay genes que permanecen apagados pero un estímulo

hace que se expresen iniciándose entonces la transcripción. De esta manera la

determinación de dónde, cómo y cuándo es generado un transcripto, bajo una

condición dada, es fundamental para el entendimiento de la actividad biológica de un

gen. Más aún, los niveles de ARNm pueden dar no sólo una visión clara de patrones

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de expresión sino también cuantificaciones altamente correlacionadas entre cambios

en la abundancia de ARNm con cambios en la abundancia de proteínas (Lockhart y

Winzeler, 2000). En conjunto, todos los transcritos derivados de genes que se

producen en una célula en un momento y bajo una condición fisiológica determinada

se denomina transcriptoma.

El estudio y análisis del transcriptoma es esencial para el entendimiento de la función

de genes. De manera general se puede establecer que si un gen se expresa en una

condición o célula determinada es porque cumple allí una función. El estudio global

del transcriptoma permite también establecer patrones de regulación génica

coordinada lo que contribuye no sólo a dilucidar la función y agrupamiento de varios

genes bajo un estímulo o condición específica sino también a identificar elementos

promotores comunes a varios genes. En la década de los 90´s, los northern blots, los

microarreglos de ADNc (ADN complementario obtenido por transcriptasa inversa a

partir de ARNm), los cDNA-AFLPs y el análisis serial de expresión de genes SAGE (del

inglés serial analysis of gene expression) entre otras técnicas, permitieron el

desarrollo y generación de conocimiento en transcriptómica, al estudiar la expresión

de genes relacionados con respuestas a estímulos o a condiciones particulares, así

como para determinar cambios en los patrones de expresión génica en tratamientos y

cinéticas de expresión (Shalon et al., 1996; Schena et al., 1998; Meyers et al., 2004;

Marguerat y Bahler, 2010). Sin embargo, estas estrategias resultan limitantes al estar

basadas en hibridación, tener baja cobertura y en algunos casos necesitar algún

conocimiento previo de la secuencia del genoma para su implementación (Ward et

al., 2012).

Actualmente y gracias a los avances en las técnicas de secuenciación del ADN, a

través de tecnologías de nueva generación, NGS (del inglés Next Generation

Sequencing), se han revolucionado campos como los de la genómica y la

transcriptómica. Estas tecnologías han permitido no sólo generar información con

altos rendimientos y a bajo costo, sino también, abrir nuevos horizontes para el

entendimiento detallado y global de procesos de expresión génica (Mochida y

Shinozaki, 2011; Schneeberger y Weigel, 2011; Ward et al., 2012).

La caracterización completa y el análisis global de la expresión génica en una célula o

tejido, aún sin ninguna información genómica previa, es ahora posible a través de la

implementación de la secuenciación de ADNc o más recientemente de la

secuenciación directa de ARN, tecnología conocida como RNA-seq (Wang et al., 2009;

Garber et al., 2011; Egan et al., 2012; Ward et al., 2012). Esta herramienta

transcriptómica está cambiando la manera como se analizan y comprenden los

transcriptomas (Wang et al., 2009). Además, el RNA-seq da una cobertura completa

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de transcriptos, genera información no sólo de la secuencia, sino también de la

estructura de exones y posibles eventos de splicing alternativo (Lister et al., 2009;

Gulledge et al., 2012). La información de esta manera puede ser integrada e

interpretada constituyéndose de gran utilidad para vislumbrar procesos biológicos y

mecanismos de coexpresión.

En el poco tiempo que esta tecnología se encuentra disponible se han desarrollado un

grupo relativamente amplio de investigaciones dirigidas a caracterizar y a cuantificar

transcriptomas así como a comprender los mecanismos de la variación de la

expresión génica. Las aplicaciones de RNA-seq se han llevado a cabo en especies

eucariotas tales como Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Schizosaccharomyces pombe,

Drosophila melanogaster, el ratón y el humano (Nagalakshmi et al., 2008; Mortazavi

et al., 2008; Maher et al., 2009; Pickrell et al., 2010; Gan et al., 2010; Daines et al.,

2011; Peng et al., 2012), lo que ha demostrado la alta aplicabilidad que el RNA-seq ha

tenido en estudios de especies modelo.

Recientemente la tecnología de RNA-seq también se ha implementado para estudios

de transcriptomas vegetales. Los estudios de RNA-seq en plantas ha permitido por

ejemplo la identificación de genes expresados frente a tratamientos de vernalización

y respuesta a giberelinas en remolacha azucarera, (Mutasa-Gottgens et al., 2012) y en

respuesta a estrés hídrico y calor, (Gulledge et al., 2012). La información generada

por RNA-seq también se ha explotado para la identificación de SNPs (del inglés single

nucleotide polimorphism) en uva y arroz (Zenoni et al., 2010; Lu et al., 2010) y para

la detección de variantes de splicing alternativo durante el desarrollo del fruto de uva

y en Arabidopsis (Zenoni et al., 2010; Gulledge et al., 2012). También se ha

constituido en un herramienta fundamental para ayudar en la anotación de genes (Lu

et al., 2010). Lo anterior muestra la utilidad y posibilidades que esta herramienta

transcriptómica tiene y su aplicación bajo diferentes enfoques investigativos.

Tecnología RNA-seq

El RNA-seq es una herramienta transcriptómica actual que está fundamentada en la

secuenciación de ADNc basada en los desarrollos NGS. En esta tecnología, se captura

el ARN total o ARNm, el cual es fragmentado y convertido en una librería de ADNc.

Uno de los pasos fundamentales es la obtención de un ARN de buena calidad que

represente todos los transcritos que se están produciendo en la condición y tejido de

estudio. Para el aislamiento del ARN con frecuencia se emplean kits de extracción de

ARNm que aplican la captura a partir de la cola poly(A) (Ward et al., 2012). La

fragmentación del ARN o del cDNA se realiza o bien por nebulización, por digestión

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con enzimas de restricción o a través del uso de cationes divalentes bajo condiciones

de presiones elevadas (Wang et al., 2009). Generalmente, el fraccionamiento se

realiza posteriormente a la síntesis de ADNc. Esta síntesis se realiza con

procedimientos estándar bien establecidos para la mayoría de organismos haciendo

uso de la enzima transcriptasa reversa. Una vez obtenido el ADNc se ligan

adaptadores de tal forma que cada fragmento generado contendrá un adaptador

ligado en sus extremos 3´y 5´. Las secuencias de estos adaptadores se conocen y

serán necesarias para que cada fragmento pueda ser secuenciado y en algunos casos

pueden ser empleados para diferenciar otros grupos de fragmentos obtenidos a

partir de muestras de ADNc diferentes. Sin embargo, no en todos los casos se

requiere la ligación de adaptadores, lo cual dependerá de la plataforma de

secuenciación a emplear. Los adaptadores se pueden ligar directamente a la muestra

de ARN, previa síntesis de ADNc (Core et al., 2008; Marguerat y Bahler, 2010), o

alternativamente se pueden adicionar directamente a la cadena sencilla de ADNc,

(Maher et al., 2009; Marguerat y Bahler, 2010).

En cuanto a la cantidad y concentración del ARNm que se requiere para la tecnología

RNA-seq, el rango esta actualmente entre 5μg y 10μg, con una concentración

alrededor de 500ng/μl, (Ryan Kim, UC Davis Genome Center; Nong Chen, Business

Development Director, BGI Americas, comunicación personal).

Por otro lado, dentro de las aplicaciones y ventajas que tiene la tecnología RNA-seq

esta que da una cobertura completa de transcriptos, genera información tanto de la

secuencia como de la estructura de exones y sitos de splicing alternativo (Lister et al.,

2009; Gulledge et al., 2012). Así mismo, los datos arrojados por RNA-seq tienen una

alta precisión con respecto a los niveles de expresión génica que se obtienen a través

de PCR (del inglés polimerase chain reaction) cuantitativa (qPCR) (Nagalakshmi et

al., 2008; Wang et al., 2009; Ward et al., 2012). Además, también se ha mostrado que

los resultados son altamente reproducibles (Wang et al., 2009).

Plataformas y estrategias de secuenciación para RNA-seq

La tecnología RNA-seq actualmente está disponible comercialmente en las compañías

Roche/454, Solexa/Illumina, SOLiD/Life Technologies y Helicos/BioSciences. Sin

embargo, de las tecnologías de NGS disponibles las mas aplicadas son Roche/454 y

Solexa/Illumina (Strickler et al., 2012). No obstante, estas compañías y otras no cesan

en la búsqueda de mayores rendimientos de secuenciación, obtención de lecturas

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más largas que se lleven a cabo en tiempo real y cada vez a costos más bajos

(Metzker, 2010; Mardis, 2011).


Roche/454 es una tecnología que emplea el secuenciador 454-Genome-Sequencer

FLX, desarrollado en el 2005. Este fue el primer sistema comercial de NGS. Su

principio se basa en la piro-secuenciación o detección de pirofosfato descrita en la

década de los 80´s (Nyrén y Lundin, 1985). En esta tecnología se incorporan

adaptadores a los extremos de los fragmentos de cadena simple de ADN o ADNc, los

cuales serán adheridos a microperlas que contienen en la superficie oligonucleótidos

complementarios a las secuencias de los adaptadores. Posteriormente se lleva a cabo

una PCR en emulsión para la amplificación de los fragmentos. El objetivo de esta

amplificación es la obtención de un gran número de moléculas idénticas que

producirán altas intensidades de señal en cada lectura (figura 1) (Ansorge, 2009;

Mardis, 2011; Egan, 2012).

Al finalizar la amplificación se lleva a cabo una denaturación y las microperlas son

transferidas a pozos en un chip de fibra óptica, en donde son incubadas con las

enzimas ADN polimerasa, ATP sulfurilasa, luciferasa y apirasa, así como con los

sustratos luciferina y adenosin-5-fosfosulfato (APS). Posteriormente sobre el chip se

adiciona un deoxinucleótido particular (dNTPs), así cuando la ADN polimerasa

incorpore el dNTP a la cadena naciente se liberará pirofosfato. Este pirofosfato

proviene de la formación del enlace fosfodiester y es convertido a adenosin trifosfato

(ATP), en presencia de la APS. El ATP así producido reaccionará con la enzima

luciferasa en presencia de luciferina para generar oxiluciferina produciéndose luz en

proporciones equivalentes a las cantidades de ATP producidas. La emisión de luz será

detectada por una cámara CCD (dispositivo de carga acoplada, del inglés charge

coupled device). Finalmente, la apirasa removerá el ATP y dNTPs no incorporados.

Una vez realizado esto, se repite el ciclo con un nuevo dNTP (Nyrén, 2007; Ansorge,

2009; Egan, 2012).

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Figure 2- 1. Secuenciamiento masivo de ADNc, RNA-seq, por las tecnologías NGS

Illumina y 454. Tecnología de secuenciación 454, basada en el principio de PCR en

emulsión y piro-secuenciación. b. Tecnología de secuenciación Illumina basado en el

principio de amplificación en puente y uso de marcaje por fluorescencia de

terminadores reversibles

Actualmente, Roche/454 ofrece el servicio de secuenciación para RNA-seq con su

más reciente secuenciador, el sistema SG FLX+. Con esta tecnología es posible

obtener lecturas de hasta 1000 nucleótidos. Sin embargo, la cobertura es baja,

alrededor de 2.5 millones de lecturas o reads por corrida (454/Roche sequencing

contact, Comunicación personal).

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Por su parte, Solexa/Illumina, se basa en el principio de amplificación en puente y el

uso de marcaje por fluorescencia de nucleótidos modificados como terminadores

reversibles (figura 1) (Metzker, 2010). En esta tecnología, uno de los adaptadores de

los extremos de los fragmentos de ADN o ADNc se ligan complementariamente a

oligonucleótidos adheridos a una superficie sólida o “flow cell”. Estos

oligonucleótidos harán las veces de primers o cebadores sentido o antisentido, y

crean puentes que favorecen la amplificación. Los amplicones permanecerán

adheridos y luego de una denaturación formarán otro puente para permitir la

amplificación. Estos pasos se repiten hasta generar millones de grupos o clusters de

un fragmento determinado. Una vez formado estos grupos se desnaturalizaran

nuevamente para iniciar la polimerización o síntesis de cada fragmento, y se

introduce esta vez en la mezcla de síntesis cuatro nucleótidos marcados 3′-O –

azidometil ó terminadores reversibles (Ju et al., 2006; Gu et al., 2008; Metzker, 2010).

Los terminadores reversibles (dideoxinucleótidos) detendrán la síntesis de ADN una

vez la ADN polimerasa integre a la cadena naciente el nucleótido correspondiente.

Seguido de la síntesis, los fluoróforos de los terminadores reversibles integrados a la

cadena naciente son activados por un laser. La emisión de luz será diferencial de

acuerdo al nucleótido incorporado. La información será registrada y almacenada. Una

vez hecha la detección, un lavado retira los dideoxinucleótidos no integrados y

enzimáticamente es cortado el terminador para que así un nuevo ciclo permita la

incorporación del siguiente nucleótido (Metzker, 2010; Egan et al., 2012).

Cada “flow cell” de Illumina contiene ocho carriles o lanes. Cada uno de ellos en la

actualidad tiene un rendimiento de 150 millones de lecturas o reads. La longitud de

las lecturas generadas es pequeña, del rango de 50 -100 nucleótidos, las cuales

pueden ser lecturas sencillas desde un sólo extremo, SE (del inglés single end

sequencing reads) o bien lecturas desde ambos extremos PE (del inglés pair end

sequencing reads) (Wang et al., 2009; Garber et al., 2011). Aunque las longitudes

sean cortas, el alto número de lecturas generadas incrementarán la cobertura y

permitirá extender la secuencia hasta poder, en algunos casos, obtener la secuencia

de todo el transcripto. Además, cada lane tiene una capacidad para 24 muestras o

librerías de ADNc. Sin embargo, entre mayor el número de muestras que se ubiquen

en cada lane de Illumina, los millones de lecturas por muestra disminuirán. En el caso

en el que se desee potencializar la técnica a través de la obtención de un mayor

número de lecturas por muestra, el uso de replicas biológicas es adecuado (Ryan Kim,

UC Davis Genome Center y Veridiana Cano, Illumina®, comunicación personal).

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El número de millones de lecturas deseables dependerá de varios factores. Uno de

ellos es la disponibilidad de un genoma de referencia que facilitará el ensamblaje de

las lecturas. Otro factor importante es la información sobre el número de genes de la

especie, pues lo que se busca es tener representado en miles de lecturas cerca de la

totalidad de genes expresados.

Secuenciación directa de ARN – Tecnología Helicos

Helicos/BioScience, fue el primer sistema comercial en disponer de una tecnología de

secuenciamiento por síntesis capaz de secuenciar una molécula sencilla (Harris et al.,

2008; Thompson y Milos, 2011). Más aun, esta compañía ha desarrollado un método

de secuenciación directo de ARN ó DRS (del inglés direct RNA sequencing), sin

necesidad de la previa conversión de ARN a ADNc, método que fue reportado por

primera vez en transcriptos de Saccharomyces cerevisiae y que aun esta en

perfeccionamiento (Ozsolak et al., 2009; Lipson et al., 2009; Levin, 2010; Ozsolak y

Milos, 2011). La secuenciación directa de ARN podría disminuir alguno de los

inconvenientes que se pueden presentar durante la conversión de ARN a ADNc. Uno

de los problemas más frecuente es la obtención de ADNc quimérico, en donde la

cadena naciente se puede disociar del molde ARN y posteriormente realinear a una

cadena diferente de ARN con una secuencia similar, e iniciar la síntesis de nuevo

(Mardis, 2011; Ozsolak y Milos, 2011). Sin embargo, hasta que la tecnología DRS no se

establezca ampliamente, la obtención de librerías ADNc para RNA-seq seguirá


Estrategias y consideraciones para experimentos RNA-seq

Independiente de la plataforma de secuenciación a usar, es recomendable que cada

muestra o librería contenga patrones de reconocimiento llamados códigos de barra o

barcodes, lo que permitirá maximizar el número de muestras a ubicar en un sólo lane.

Esta estrategia es conocida como barcoding o multiplex. Cada barcode es una

secuencia corta, alrededor de cinco o seis nucleótidos, que caracteriza cada muestra o

librería de ADNc. Esta secuencia generalmente está ubicada contigua a la secuencia

del adaptador en el fragmento de ADNc (Strickler et al., 2012). Los barcodes son muy

útiles ya que permiten no sólo diferenciar las muestras sino también que hacen más

eficiente el uso de cada lane.

Los barcodes deben diseñarse uno por cada muestra o librería de ADNc. Aunque las

compañías de secuenciación ofrecen secuencias prediseñadas y probadas, el diseño

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debe ser cuidadoso. Algunas de las recomendaciones es que los dos primeros

nucleótidos no pueden ser iguales de un barcode a otro, además un barcode no puede

ser la secuencia reversa complementaria del otro, ni tampoco pueden ser secuencias

palíndromas. Al hacer uso del barcoding se debe tener en cuenta que el tamaño de

cada lectura de los transcriptos se reducirá en aproximadamente 18 nucleótidos,

pues en el ensamblaje de estas se eliminaran tanto las secuencias de los adaptadores

como las de los barcode (Strickler et al., 2012).

Una vez revisadas de manera general las tecnologías de secuenciación para RNA-seq,

surge la pregunta de ¿cómo escoger la plataforma de secuenciación apropiada para

un proyecto RNA-seq? Partiendo de la premisa de similitud en cuanto a rendimiento,

precisión y capacidad de las lecturas desde ambos extremos del ADNc (3´y 5´), y que

actualmente las tecnologías con mayor demanda son Roche/454 y Solexa/Illumina, el

punto crítico para la respuesta dependerá de cuál es la longitud de las lecturas que se

desea obtener, así como si se cuenta o no con un genoma referencia e

indudablemente del presupuesto con el que se disponga, pues en términos generales,

el costo por base es menor con la tecnología Illumina. Un lane de Solexa/Illumina

para RNA-seq en la actualidad tiene un costo cercano a los USD 3000.

Como se mencionó anteriormente Roche/454 produce lecturas más largas con

respecto a Solexa/Illumina, Sin embargo, cuando el propósito es realizar ensamblaje

de Novo, es decir sin genoma de referencia, lo más recomendable es obtener lecturas

más largas, con el fin de facilitar el ensamblaje. En este caso Roche/454 sería de gran

utilidad. No obstante, es necesario considerar que el número de lecturas obtenidas no

será muy alto. Si se dispone de un presupuesto cuantioso se puede realizar un

elevado número de lecturas lo que facilitará el ensamblaje. Alternativamente, si se

cuenta con un genoma referencia, las lecturas cortas obtenidas con Illumina pueden

ser la mejor opción ya que no es necesario ensamblar el transcriptoma completo y el

alto número de lecturas que se generan darán mayor confiabilidad a los datos para la

cuantificación de la expresión y para otros fines como la detección de polimorfismos

(Ozsolak y Milos, 2011).

Para el ensamblaje de las lecturas existe una amplia diversidad de programas

bioinformáticos disponibles. Hay programas especializados en la eliminación de

barcodes, eliminación de ruido, etc. Si se trata de un ensamblaje de Novo, las lecturas

serán ensambladas a partir de contigs, es decir en secuencias sobrelapadas, de allí la

importancia de tener secuencias más largas. Algo importante de este tipo de

ensamblaje es que es posible encontrar transcritos que pueden no estar

representados en el genoma, como por ejemplo eventos de splicing alternativo o

genes que no se expresan bajo la condición de estudio (Strickler et al., 2012).

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Dentro de los programas bioinformáticos aplicados al ensamblaje y análisis de RNA-

seq se encuentra por ejemplo Scriptuture, desarrollado en el Massachusetts Institute

of Technology. Este se ha empleado para el estudio del transcriptoma de ratones.

(Guttman et al., 2010). Trinity es otro programa ampliamente usado el cual fue

desarrollado por Broad Institute y la Hebrew University of Jerusalem, el cual permite

la reconstrucción de transcriptos, reconoce eventos de splicing alternativo y es

especializado en análisis de muestras que no tienen genoma de referencia (Grabherr

et al., 2011). El programa R ya ha diseñado un paquete estadístico, denominado

DEGseq, dirigido al análisis de la expresión diferencial entre muestras y tratamientos

(Wang et al., 2010). Además de estos actualmente, existen muchos otros programas

útiles, probados y de acceso gratuito (Ward et al., 2012).

Uno de los objetivos al emplear la tecnología de RNA-seq no es sólo identificar la

presencia de transcritos sino la de cuantificar el nivel de expresión de cada transcrito.

En este sentido aquellas lecturas que se encuentren en alta proporción representarán

niveles altos de expresión de determinado gen y aquellos transcritos ausentes o con

un bajo número de lecturas serán aquellos que o no se expresan o lo hacen a niveles

muy bajos (Schenk et al., 2012). En algunos casos se realizan normalizaciones

químicas en las librerías ADNc con el fin de igualar la abundancia de transcritos. De

esta manera aquellos transcriptos altamente expresados no serán los únicos para los

que se obtengan lecturas en la secuenciación (Ward et al., 2012). Para este fin existen

comercialmente diferentes kits y generalmente están asociados con cada plataforma

de secuenciación. En otras situaciones lo que se desea es comparar el perfil de

expresión génica entre diferentes muestras que pueden corresponder a tratamientos,

tejidos o condiciones.

Para los análisis de las lecturas generadas por RNA-seq es muy frecuente el uso de

varios parámetros estadísticos. Uno de ellos es el RPKM (del inglés reads per kilobase

of exon per million mapped reads). Con este parámetro es posible cuantificar niveles

de transcritos, y facilita la comparación entre muestras (Mortazavi et al., 2008). Otro

parámetro útil y muy usado es el fold change de las lecturas que corresponde a la

división del numero de lecturas generadas para un gen particular en una muestra Vs.

el de la otra muestra. Al estimar este parámetro es posible correlacionar la expresión

de un gen en dos condiciones distintas así como establecer radios de expresión

génica diferencial entre tratamientos (Auer y Doerge, 2010).

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Aplicaciones enfocadas al estudio de interacciones planta patógeno

Dentro de los retos de la fitopatología están el detallar cómo los patógenos son

reconocidos por sus hospederos y cómo se establecen interacciones de resistencia y

susceptibilidad. En este sentido, la biología molecular y la bioinformática, así como el

estudio de la expresión génica en eventos de patogenicidad han contribuido de

manera importante (Verhage et al., 2010; Lodha y Basak, 2012; Schenk et al., 2012).

Actualmente, el entendimiento molecular que se tiene de las interacciones planta

patógeno ha permitido desarrollar un modelo de la función y evolución de la

inmunidad vegetal (Jones y Dangl, 2006). Según este modelo denominado “zigzag”, el

primer evento o fase de la respuesta de resistencia consiste en la capacidad de

reconocimiento de moléculas conservadas en los microorganismos conocidas como

PAMPs (del inglés pathogen associated molecular patterns) o MAMPs (del inglés

microbe- associated molecular patterns). Dentro de las moléculas reconocidas de este

tipo, las más estudiadas son la flagelina (flg22), (Felix et al., 1999; Chinchilla et al.,

2006), el factor de elongación Tu (EF-Tu), (Zipfel et al., 2006), los lipopolisacáridos

(LPS) y la quitina (Kaku et al., 2006). El reconocimiento de PAMPs depende de

proteínas denominadas PRRs (del inglés pathogen recognition receptors), las cuales

son proteínas de reconocimiento ubicadas generalmente en la membrana plasmática

de la célula vegetal (Gomez-Gomez y Boller, 2000; He et al., 2007; Boller y Yang 2009;

Zipfel, 2009; Thomma et al., 2011).

El primer PRR identificado y más estudiado es el receptor de flg22, denominado FLS2

el cual es una proteína transmembranal con un dominio extracelular rico en

repeticiones de leucinas (LRR, leucine rich repeats) y un dominio serina/treonina

kinasa intracelular, posiblemente encargado de la comunicación de la señal. La

proteína FLS2 es clasificada como un receptor con actividad kinasa (RLK, Receptor-

Like Kinase) (Gomez-Gomez y Boller, 2000; Asai et al., 2002). No fue hasta el 2006,

cuando fue posible la clonación del receptor EFR que reconoce al PAMP EF-Tu, el cual

también es de tipo RLK (Zipfel et al., 2006). Esta primera respuesta basada en la

interacción entre PAMPs-PRRs es denominada como inmunidad mediada por PAMPs

o PTI (PAMP triggered immunity). Este tipo de inmunidad generalmente detiene la

infección antes que el microorganismo comience su multiplicación y es

suficientemente efectiva contra patógenos potenciales no adaptados (Chisholm et al.,


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Una vez se da la percepción del ligando por parte de los PRRs, se desencadena una

cascada de señalización mediada principalmente por MAP Kinasas (del inglés

mitogen associated protein kinase) (Gohre y Robatzek, 2008; Colcombet y Hirt, 2008;

Beckers et al., 2009), que finaliza con la activación de factores de transcripción lo que

conlleva a una reprogramación en la expresión génica. Por ejemplo en Arabidopsis se

ha establecido que la inducción de la expresión de los genes FRK, At2g17740 y

WRKY22/29 es un criterio diagnóstico de la activación de la PTI (Asai et al., 2002;

Shan et al., 2008). Adicionalmente estas respuestas están asociadas con eventos de

apertura de canales iónicos en la membrana plasmática, producción de especies

reactivas de oxígeno y fortificación de paredes celulares a través de la deposición de

callosa (Buchanan et al., 2000; Zipfel, 2008, 2009).

Durante la evolución, un grupo particular de patógenos desarrolló un tipo especial de

proteínas denominadas efectoras que al ser inyectada al interior de las células de las

plantas hospederas bloquean la PTI, y logran una colonización exitosa (Jones y Dangl,

2006). Este tipo de interacciones se denominan compatibles y el resultado para la

planta es el desarrollo de la enfermedad. Según el modelo zigzag propuesto, este tipo

de interacciones cae bajo el concepto de ETS (del inglés effector triggered

susceptibility). Sin embargo las plantas frente a esta situación desarrollaron una

segunda rama de la inmunidad basada en el reconocimiento de proteínas efectoras

del patógeno, tercera fase del modelo zigzag. Esta inmunidad es denominada como

ETI (del inglés effector triggered immunity). La ETI depende de la presencia de

proteínas de resistencia que pueden reconocer de manera directa o indirecta

efectores, este reconocimiento desencadena una reacción de incompatibilidad o

resistencia (Chisholm et al., 2006; Jones y Dangl, 2006; Dodds y Rathjen, 2010). De

manera similar a la PTI, parte de las respuestas desencadenadas durante la ETI

incluyen la reprogramación de la expresión génica. El estudio de esta reprogramación

permite conocer los mecanismos moleculares de respuesta y es susceptible de ser

estudiada mediante la técnica RNA-seq.

La inducción de varios genes importantes para la defensa vegetal se ha identificado

durante las respuestas ETI. Producto de la expresión de estos genes se encuentran las

proteínas PR (del inglés pathogenesis-related proteins) (Loon y Strien, 1999).

Algunas proteínas codificadas por estos genes PR tienen actividad quitinasas y

glucanasas. En la cascada de señalización que lleva a la transcripción de estos genes,

el ácido salicílico SA (del inglés salycilic acid) y el etileno, desempeñan una función

reguladora y sinérgica. Así mismo, se ha encontrado que la activación de grupos de

genes PR puede ser mediada por patógenos a través de un mecanismo llamado

resistencia sistémica adquirida o SAR (del inglés systemic acquired resistance). Para

que este mecanismo ocurra, la infección inicial debe resultar en una lesión necrótica,

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como parte de una respuesta hipersensible o HR (del inglés hypersensitive response).

La activación de SAR produce una reducción de los síntomas de la enfermedad ante

un siguiente ataque del patógeno e incluso algunos otros tipos de patógenos no

relacionados con el de la primera infección (Durrant y Dong, 2004).

Las proteínas PR son una gran familia y aunque muchas de ellas fueron inicialmente

encontradas en tabaco y en Arabidopsis, su inducción por patógenos se ha reportado

en diversas especies vegetales (Loon y Strien, 1999). Más aun, su reconocida

actividad de defensa ante eventos de patogénesis ha convertido a estos genes PR en

genes marcadores de defensa y ha hecho que la medición de los niveles de su

expresión sea ampliamente utilizada en estudios de interacciones planta patógeno

(Slaughter et al., 2012; Zhang et al., 2012).

La reprogramación de la expresión génica durante las reacciones de PTI, ETS y ETI ha

sido bastante estudiada en diferentes patosistemas a través de la aplicación de

microarreglos o cDNA-AFLP (del inglés amplified fragment length polymorphism). En

el modelo Arabidopsis, a través del estudio de perfiles de expresión de ARNm con

microarreglos y frente a interacciones con P. syringae, fue demostrado que las

respuestas entre interacciones compatibles (bacteria virulenta), incompatibles

(bacteria avilurenta) y no hospedero (P. syringae pv phaseolicola), son similares y

que las diferencias en expresión encontradas son cuantitativas en cuanto a la

intensidad y en la rapidez con la que se producen. Sin embargo, la respuesta vegetal

en la interacción incompatible es robusta en términos de altos niveles de expresión

de los genes de resistencia RPS2 y RPM1, los cuales activan la respuesta mediada por

los genes avr avrRpt2 y avrB, avrRpm1 de P. syringae (Tao et al., 2003). Así mismo, el

empleo de microarreglos contribuyó a la identificación del receptor EFR que

reconoce el PAMP Ef-Tu (Zipfel et al., 2006). También recientemente esta técnica

permitió profundizar en el entendimiento de la actividad de las citoquininas en la

inmunidad vegetal, y puso en evidencia, que este fitorregulador, regula positivamente

el incremento de las respuestas de defensa mediada por acido salicílico y más aun,

que este último tiene una retroalimentación negativa al inhibir la señalización de

citoquininas (Argueso et al., 2012).

De manera más general los microarreglos han permitido el estudio de la

reprogramación génica en Arabidopsis en respuesta a virus (Whitham et al., 2003) a

hongos (Ramonell et al., 2002) e incluso a nematodos (Puthoff et al., 2003). También

se han empleado microarreglos de papa para el estudio de las interacciones

incompatibles con Phythophtora (Avrova et al., 1999) pero también durante la

interacción compatible (Restrepo et al., 2005). En arroz los perfiles de expresión por

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microarreglos se han estudiado frente a infección por patógenos como Xanthomonas

oryzae pv. oryzae y Magnaporthe oryzae (Li et al., 2006).

En cuanto al uso de cDNA-AFLP para análisis de transcriptomas vegetales en

patosistemas, esta ha sido aplicada fundamentalmente para la búsqueda de perfiles

polimórficos relacionados con la expresión de genes frente al ataque por patógenos

(Birch y Kamoun, 2000; Durrant et al., 2000). También a través de cDNA-AFLP se han

estudiado perfiles de expresión relacionados con respuesta hipersensible en tabaco y

tomate (Vandenabeele et al., 2003; Gabriëls et al., 2006) así como en resistencia

sistémica adquirida en Arabidopsis (Maleck et al., 2000). Sin embargo, como se

mencionó antes, estas técnicas o bien requieren de pasos de hibridación como los

microarreglos, o poseen una baja cobertura de transcriptos, esto hace que la

alternativa del uso de RNA-seq sea llamativa y muy prometedora.

Antecedentes del uso de RNA-seq en interacciones planta patógeno

Los primeros trabajos de secuenciación de ADNc en plantas se llevaron a cabo en

Medicago truncatula, Arabidopsis thaliana y Zea mays con la tecnología 454. En estos

reportes, se identificaron más de 17 mil genes de Arabidopsis, 25 mil secuencias

genómicas en maíz que no estaban anotadas ni tenían similitud alguna con otras

especies y 400 SSR (del inglés simple sequence repeats) en M. truncatula (Cheung et

al., 2006; Emrich et al., 2007; Weber et al., 2007). Desde entonces el RNA-seq mostró

ser altamente sensible y prometedor para el análisis profundo de transcriptomas en

plantas. Dado lo novedoso de la técnica, los estudios en interacciones planta patógeno

en donde se hace uso de RNA-seq son escasos. A la fecha se han reportado estudios

en Arabidopsis thaliana, algodón y soya, pero en otras especies como yuca y maíz las

investigaciones están en desarrollo.

Uno de los trabajos más recientes enfocado al análisis de múltiples genomas y

transcriptomas en Arabidopsis usando RNA-seq, reveló que la variación en los niveles

de expresión génica es mucho mayor en genes que están involucrados en respuestas

a estrés biótico. Así mismo, que los genes de resistencia de las subfamilias NB-LRR

(del inglés nucleotide binding leucine rich repeat), coiled-coil, receptores Toll

interleuquina-1 y genes relacionados con defensa, codifican para proteínas mas

variables, que aquellas codificadas por genes del metabolismo basal (Xiangchao et al.,


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En el patosistema algodón-Verticillium dahliae se reportó inicialmente, mediante

microarreglos, cambios transcriptómicos en las respuestas de defensa de 211 genes

así como la activación de la respuesta de defensa basal, correspondiente a la PTI, y a

la rápida producción de fitoalexinas, terpenoides y felipropanoides (Cui et al., 2000).

No obstante este conocimiento, el entendimiento de las respuestas de defensa del

algodón ante V. dahliae era limitado. Recientemente, a través de la aplicación de RNA-

seq y la plataforma Illumina se logró obtener el primer análisis global del

transcriptoma de defensa en algodón. En este estudio se pudo monitorear los perfiles

de expresión en raíces a las 4, 12, 24 y 48 horas post inoculación (hpi), se detectó

expresión diferencial en más de 3 mil genes, lo que permitió enriquecer el

entendimiento de cómo los genes involucrados en actividad enzimática,

especialmente en la ruta metabólica fenilpropanoide, están involucrados en eventos

de respuesta (Xu et al., 2011). También se reportaron niveles de lignificación y

actividad enzimática contrastante, así como expresión génica diferencial en plantas

resistentes y susceptibles al hongo.

En soya, con RNA-seq, fueron mapeados más de 43 mil genes con el genoma

referencia de esta especie y se estudiaron expresiones diferenciales de más de mil

genes en líneas casi isogénicas a las 0, 6 y 12 hpi con Xanthomonas axonopodis pv.

glycines (Xag), agente causal de la BPL (del inglés bacterial leaf pustule) de la soya.

Así mismo, bajo este enfoque, se detectó la sobreexpresión de PRRs y genes que son

inducidos por estos en líneas resistentes a Xag (Kim et al., 2011). En esta

investigación se unieron tres réplicas biológicas de cada tiempo 0, 6 y 12 hpi, se

corrió un lane de Illumina para cada uno de ellos y se obtuvo más de 125 millones de

reads. También en soya y con la tecnología Illumina, pero en un estudio de la roya,

otra de las enfermedades más limitantes de este cultivo, recientemente se analizaron

patrones de expresión de genes, con el objetivo de dilucidar los eventos moleculares

que ocurren tras la infección por parte del hongo Phakopsora pachyrhizi (Tremblay et

al., 2011). En plantas susceptibles y en etapas avanzadas de infección, un alto

porcentaje de genes involucrados en el metabolismo de síntesis de aminoácidos,

carbohidratos y lípidos fueron detectados con regulación negativa. Por el contrario,

muchos otros genes relacionados con rutas metabólicas implicadas en defensa se

sobre-expresaron en etapas iniciales de la infección. De acuerdo con los autores,

muchos de los genes encontrados en este trabajo han dado luces para el desarrollo de

un programa de mejoramiento genético enfocado a lograr resistencia amplia contra

la roya de la soya a través de sobreexpresión o silenciamiento génico (Tremblay et al.,


El RNA-seq también ha sido aplicado para análisis de perfiles transcriptómicos en

fitopatógenos. Es el caso de Phytophthora phaseoli, agente causal del mildeo velloso

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en lima bean, Phaseolus lunatus. Poco se conoce de la base molecular de la interacción

de este oomycete con su hospedero. En esta investigación con la tecnología Illumina

para RNA-seq, se compararon los transcriptomas de tres tratamientos: el primero P.

phaseoli creciendo bajo condiciones de cultivo, el segundo P. phaseoli infectando a P.

lunatus 3 días post inoculación (dpi) y el tercero a los 6 dpi. Se trabajaron dos

replicas biológicas por tratamiento y un total de 150 millones de reads fueron

obtenidas. Los resultados mostraron similitud en 10.427 genes de P. phaseoli con el

genoma de P. infestans, de los cuales 318 son genes putativos de virulencia, y que

mostraron ser sobre expresados en los transcriptomas del patógeno en interacción

con la planta (Kunjeti et al., 2011). Este reporte muestra que esta herramienta

también tiene un gran potencial en investigaciones direccionadas hacia el estudio de

transcriptomas en fitopatógenos.

Sin duda, la implementación de RNA-seq está dentro de las actuales y futuras

proyecciones de investigación en diversos patosistemas. A modo de ejemplos, está el

maíz Zea mays - Aspergillus flavus y la yuca Manihot esculenta- Xanthomonas

axonopodis pv. manihotis (Xam). En maíz, se planea encontrar genes expresados

diferencialmente entre líneas susceptibles y resistentes, así como integrar esta

información del transcriptoma con la presencia de QTL (del inglés quantitative trait

loci) ya reportados de resistencia a la acumulación de aflatoxinas producidas por el

patógeno (Kelley et al., 2010).

En yuca, actualmente se desarrolla una estrategia en donde se combinará la

información arrojada por RNA-seq de líneas resistentes y susceptibles a Xam y el

genoma referencia, con el fin de asignar funciones putativas a muchos de los 35.000

genes de la yuca. Así mismo, se busca identificar los genes que se inducen o reprimen

frente al ataque de la bacteria y finalmente realizar identificación de SNPs, con el fin

de establecer relaciones entre estos marcadores y QTL para resistencia (López y

Bernal, 2012). Este enfoque contribuirá de manera determinante no sólo en el mejor

entendimiento de la interacción molecular de este patosistema, sino también

aportará información para incrementar el número de marcadores presentes en el

mapa genético de yuca lo que facilitará la clonación de genes R contra la bacteriosis

vascular de yuca.

De igual forma, hoy por hoy es factible la posibilidad de profundizar en preguntas

como ¿cuáles son aquellos genes que son expresados en el hospedero ante el ataque

de un fitopatógeno, incluso, cuáles son aquellos genes que son expresados en una

planta dentro de un sistema heterólogo no hospedero?, ¿cuáles son aquellos genes

que se expresan en el patógeno frente a la interacción con su hospedero?, ¿cuál es el

nivel de esta expresión?, ¿en qué momento después de iniciada la interacción ocurre?,

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¿de manera temprana, tardía? ¿cuáles son esos nuevos transcriptos que no pudieron

ser identificados con previas técnicas para análisis de transcriptoma?, ¿cómo en

determinado patosistema, la estructura génica en cuanto a exones y sitios de splicing

alternativo, están relacionados con activaciones de respuestas de defensa?. Las

respuestas a estos y otros cuestionamientos, pueden encontrarse bajo el enfoque de


Conclusiones, retos y perspectivas

El secuenciamiento masivo de ADNc permite ampliar los rangos de detección de

transcritos que se lograron en su momento bajo la herramienta de microarreglos. Es

evidente el gran potencial que tiene el RNA-seq en cuanto a reconocimiento de genes

relacionados con defensa, factores de transcripción involucrados en activaciones de

respuesta génica y determinación de expresión diferencial, incluso cuando el

conocimiento del genoma es escaso o incluso nulo.

Así mismo, el conocimiento generado por el RNA-seq contribuirá de manera

importante dentro de programas de fitomejoramiento. Con la información generada

será posible la identificación de nuevos genes blancos para su uso en transformación

genética, en búsqueda de expresión génica que se traduzca en el desarrollo de plantas

resistentes a patógenos. Con seguridad, en el futuro cercano la literatura enfocada a

interacciones planta patógeno contendrá un sin número de reportes alrededor de

esta herramienta transcriptómica. Más aún, las tecnologías de NGS avanzaran y en

esa medida, la herramienta se volverá cada vez más poderosa, mejorarán sus

rendimientos, se podrán obtener lecturas más largas, en un menor tiempo y por

supuesto a menores costos.

El secuenciamiento directo de ARN es uno de los mayores retos que presenta la

técnica, sin embargo, las investigaciones, desarrollos y comprobaciones al respecto

están en marcha y pronto la alta oferta de esta tecnología será una realidad (Ozsolak

et al., 2009; Ozsolak y Milos, 2011). Así mismo, el reto computacional es grande, el

análisis de millones de lecturas que generan archivos de tamaños enormes, requiere

del desarrollo de herramientas bioinformáticas cada vez con mayor capacidad de

análisis, rendimientos más altos, procesos de ensamblaje más sencillos, así como con

capacidad de caracterización precisa de estructura y dinámica de transcriptoma.

Estos son otros de los retos que tiene esta poderosa herramienta transcriptómica

para los próximos años.

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El reto para la fitopatología es explotar la utilidad de esta herramienta

transcriptómica y a través de ella profundizar en el entendimiento de las complejas

interacciones planta patógeno, así como revelar eslabones moleculares involucrados,

que hasta hoy no habían podido ser revelados.


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Unraveling the molecules hidden in the gray shadows

1Andrea Ximena Vasquez Chacón, 2Johana Carolina Soto Sedano and 3Camilo Ernesto

López Carrascal

1, 2, 3. Manihot Biotec Laboratory, Biology department, Universidad Nacional de Colombia,

Bogotá, Colombia.

Review submitted to Plant Molecular Pathogen Interaction


One of the most challenging questions in plant breeding and molecular plant

pathology research is what are the genetic and molecular bases of quantitative

disease resistance (QDR). The scarce knowledge of how this type of resistance works

has hindered plant breeders to fully take advantage of it. To overcome these

obstacles methodologies for the study of quantitative traits have been developed.

Approaches such as genetic mapping, identification of quantitative trait loci and

association mapping, including candidate gene approach and genome wide

association studies, have been historically employed to dissect quantitative traits and

therefore to study QDR. Additionally, great advances in quantitative phenotypic data

collection have come on the scene to improve these analyses. Recently, genes

associated to QDR have been cloned, opening new hypothesis concerning the

molecular bases of this type of resistance. In this review we present the more recent

advances and application of QDR, which have allowed postulating new ideas that can

help to construct new QDR models. Some of the hypotheses presented here as

possible explanations for QDR are related to the expression intensity and alternative

splicing of some defense-related genes, the action of “weak alleles” of R genes, the

presence of allelic variants in genes involved in the defense response and a pivotal

role of kinases or pseudokinases. With the information recapitulated in this review it

is possible to conclude that the division between qualitative and quantitative

resistance corresponds to an anthropic vision because indeed both share important


Key words: quantitative disease resistance (QDR), plant immunity, quantitative trait

loci (QTLs).

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Understanding the genetics and molecular bases of phenotypic traits is one of the

more important challenges for scientists in this new era. The study of traits that show

simple inheritance has been the focus of most genetic research from the beginning

and it has come a long way, reaching historical milestones. The association between

phenotypic traits and single genes started with Mendel’s experiments, the foundation

of modern genetics. Since then, genes for thousands of monogenic traits have been

characterized in organisms that belong to almost all of the taxonomic groups in

nature. The study of these traits is straight forward because the phenotype reveals

the underlying genotype without ambiguity (St. Clair, 2010). The fact that

researchers have described genes that control single traits so broadly that is

impossible to summarize gives the false impression that most phenotypic traits

follow single inheritance. However, the phenotypic variation observed in natural

populations is governed mainly by multiple genes and, to a lesser extent, by single

genes, indicating that the complex inheritance of traits is the rule rather than the

exception. In model plants, as well as in agronomically important crops, although

single genes that control morphology, productivity, yield, food quality and disease

resistance have been described elsewhere, the real genetic bases of these traits, in

most cases, depends on the concerted and simultaneous action of multiple genes.

The study of the genetic bases of plant resistance has not escaped the above-

mentioned oversimplification. The response phenotypes of individuals with

qualitative resistance have a discrete (categorical) distribution and the genes

involved segregates following the expected Mendelian ratios (St. Clair, 2010). The

association of plant resistance with single genes was first proposed by Flor with the

well-known gene-by-gene model (Flor, 1955). Since then, a lot has been

accomplished in understanding how these genes control the response to pathogens.

The number of single genes associated with plant immunity that have been cloned

and characterized is large enough that it has resulted in a broad view of molecular

mechanisms that control plant immunity, but quantitative resistance has not been

considered. In this review, we try to reposition the importance of this type of

resistance by discussing the efforts that have been made to elucidate the molecular

bases. We collected recent studies that are not only worthy of being included in new

immunity models, but also are helpful in understanding how quantitative genetics

have been studied. It is important to note the lack of field implementation of

knowledge on genomic regions that explain quantitative disease resistance (QDR).

We also want to explain how quantitative resistance works at the molecular level

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based on QDR genes that have been cloned and functionally validated with the aim of

highlighting shared characteristics.

The ABC of plant immunity

Since plants are continuously threatened by different kind of pathogens, it is

imperative to develop new strategies in order to control plant diseases. The most

favorable and environmental friendly strategy is to exploit the natural mechanisms

that plants have evolved to control invading pathogens. The activation of an effective

immune response depends on the ability of plants to recognize pathogens. Based on

the knowledge on molecules from pathogens and their recognition by hosts, a scheme

known as the zig-zag model has outlined how to describe immunity systems in plants

(Jones and Dangl, 2006). This model state that plants have evolved immune receptors

that are able to recognize pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) or

specialized effector proteins that are present in particular races/strains of pathogens.

The recognition of PAMPs depends on the pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) that

constitute the first line of molecular defense, known as PAMP triggered immunity

(PTI) (Zipfel, 2014). Adapted pathogens translocate effector proteins into plant cells

to manipulate host components or suppress PTI (Cui et al., 2015). Plants can

recognize pathogen effectors through R proteins and the immunity they activate is

known as effector triggered immunity or ETI (Chisholm et al., 2006). Although this

resistance is even higher and more specific than PTI, it can be easily overcome by

point mutation in effectors that escape plant recognition (Houterman et al., 2009).

The ETI is the molecular explanation of the gene-by-gene model proposed by Flor.

According to this model, a plant is resistant when the interaction with the pathogen is

incompatible. On the other hand, when the plant is susceptible, the interaction is

compatible. In this case, there are only two possible phenotypes, resistant or

susceptible, and the intermediates are not considered.

The zig-zag model does not include several host-pathogen dynamics, such as

intermediate phenotypes and, consequently, is somewhat artificial. A novel “invasion

model” was recently proposed in which the classification of the immunity response is

based on the pathogen invasion patterns (IPs). These IPs are a large spectrum of

molecules that indicate invasion and are perceived by invasion pattern receptors

(IPRs). The functions of IP scan vary from microbiological physiology to host defense

suppression and, consequently, they trigger a large spectrum of continuous defense

responses. Plant responses can be either symbiotic or not, depending on the ability of

the plant to recognize the IPs with IPRs and activate an IPTR (IP-triggered response).

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This new model also takes into account the fact that there is a complex interaction of

multiple receptors and ligands at the same time and that the output is the

combination of all of them. The invasion model was developed as an alternative to

the adopted classifications that separate PTI from ETI and in which the PAMPs are

defined from the host perspective while the effectors are considered from the

pathogen perspective(Cook et al., 2015). In its application, the invasion model

emphasizes the identification and understanding of molecules produced by the

pathogen. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a model that uses the idea of defense

as a continuum of responses, with a synergy and interaction between components

from the invasion model, but that also shows the plant perspective of the model and

its application.

Quantitative resistance enters into the game

In plant populations, when the response to a pathogen is a continuous phenotypic

value, varying from highly susceptible to highly resistant individuals, it is considered

quantitative resistance (Huard-Chauveau et al., 2013).QDR is controlled by several

genes, each one contributing to a different degree, to the reduction of the disease (St.

Clair, 2010).The term polygenic, or oligogenic, resistance is frequently associated

with QDR because of its inherent genetic architecture(Mackay et al., 2009; Niks et al.,

2015). Although the concept of QDR is well-defined, it is also widely used and

sometimes misunderstood, misused or exchanged. Partial resistance is the most

widely used concept in literature to describe the intermediate phenotype when the

resistance is not complete (Niks et al., 2015). It is important to emphasize that this

definition must be used to just describe a phenotype and not to define the genetic

basis underlying the response(Niks et al., 2015).QDR is often called field resistance

because it has been evaluated frequently in polycyclic field conditions (Niks et al.,

2015); however, it should not been used as a synonym because QDR has also been

observed and assessed under greenhouses and controlled conditions.

Traditionally, QDR has been associated with two important concepts: broad spectrum

and durable resistance; however, it is important to stress that these two concepts are

not strictly exclusive to QDR. Durable resistance is a concept that was defined by

Johnson in 1981to refer to the resistance that retains its effectiveness in crops that

are widely cultivated in an environment that is favorable to the pathogen, but this

does not mean that it has to be permanent (Johnson, 1983). QDR has been considered

more durable than qualitative resistance and, consequently, more reliable. However,

experiment evidence for this assumption is scarce (St. Clair, 2010). On the other

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hand, broad spectrum resistance occurs when the defense is effective against two or

more types of pathogen species or to several strains or isolates of the same species of

pathogen (Kou and Wang, 2010).The term is often used as a synonym for QDR, but it

is important to note that there are several examples of strain-specificquantitative

resistance loci (QRLs) (Poland et al., 2009). On the other hand,PRRs can confer a

broad spectrum defense (Zipfel, 2014) and single R genes can also mediate broad-

spectrum resistance (Xiao et al., 2001; Zhao et al., 2004; Narusaka et al., 2009)or can

be engineered to achieve this type of resistance (Segretin et al., 2014;

Giannakopoulou et al., 2015).

How to study complex traits and QDRs

Continuous traits do not exhibit single phenotype inheritance, as it occurs in

progenies that segregate according to the Mendelian rules (e.g. 3:1 or 15:1).

However, this is not a consequence of a different genetic mechanism per se.

Conversely, the variation in the phenotype observed for a quantitative trait is the

result of a multiple genotypic expression of segregating alleles. In addition, it is highly

influenced by the environment. As a consequence, it is not possible to clearly

discriminate a phenotype of a particular genotype. For this reason, the Mendelian

mechanisms in the study of quantitative traits is masked despite the fact that each

gene could be segregated in a Mendelian mode (Griffiths, 2005).

For the above reasons, how to study quantitative traits has represented a new

challenge to classical geneticists. The first studies on complex quantitative traits in

plants included the association between the size of the seed (a quantitative trait) and

the seed coat color (a qualitative trait)(Sax, 1923). The initial idea of quantitative loci

mapping was first proposed by Thoday (1961), based on the observation that

segregating single gene markers could be linked with loci associated with complex

traits. Later, in 1982, the term quantitative trait loci (QTL) was used for first time to

name the different loci that determine several quantitative traits in tomato (Tanksley

et al., 1982).

The logic behind QTL detection is to determinate the relationship between DNA

variation, as captured by DNA-based markers, and the observed phenotypic variation

(Mackay et al., 2009). The identification of QTL starts with the construction of a

genetic map, where a large group of molecular markers are positioned in linkage

groups (chromosomes) based on recombination frequencies. Once obtained, these

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markers are associated with the phenotypic trait of interest. This is accomplished

with the principle that the genes responsible for a particular trait segregate via

chromosomal recombination during meiosis (Collard et al., 2005).

In the past, the challenge was to increase the number of molecular markers present

in genetic maps for QTL mapping purposes. During the 90s, the development of DNA-

based markers revolutionized the ability to detect DNA variations (Phillips and Vasil,

2013). Molecular markers, such as Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism

(RFLP), Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD), Amplified fragment length

polymorphism (AFLP) and Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR), contributed significantly

to the development of high-dense genetic maps, allowing for the dissection of

qualitative and quantitative traits. Despite significant efforts, the genetic maps

obtained through the use of these markers were generally low-saturated because of

the lack of markers representing the complete set of recombination events. Thus, the

first versions of maize and tomato maps contained only 50 RFLP markers each

(Helentjaris et al., 1988) and the first potato map had 135 RFLP markers (Bonierbale

et al., 1988). Moreover, at that time, the QTL intervals were large, usually ranging

from 10 to 30 cM (Glazier et al., 2002). These limitations were overcome by massive

sequencing technologies (Ansorge, 2009). These new genotypification technologies

allowed for the high throughput identification of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism

(SNPs) (), which have become the most widely used molecular marker. Nowadays,

hundreds or thousands of widely distributed SNPs and the positions in the genome (if

the reference genome is accessible) can be identified in a relatively short period of

time and at a low cost. Thereby, in recent years, the number of molecular markers

and, therefore, map resolutions have increased, which ultimately leads to the

reduction of QTL interval lengths to a few cM (Gautami et al., 2012;; Soto et al., 2015).

The association mapping (AM) approach arrived at the beginning of the XXI century

as an alternative to the linkage mapping approach for QTL identification. In this case,

the analysis is based on the phenomenon of linkage disequilibrium (LD) andthe

exploration of the historical recombination events at the population level (Zhu et al.,

2008). The AM take advantage of the explosion of new genome-scale data, allowing

for a higher resolution, as compared with linkage mapping (Zhu et al., 2008). In this

case, two strategies for the dissection of complex traits can be followed. The first is

the candidate gene approach and the second is genome wide association studies

(GWAS) (Brachi et al., 2011). While in the QTL linkage mapping approach, the

quantitative candidate genes are located at an interval; in the AM, a direct association

between complex traits and the polymorphic markers, usually SNPs, is achieved

(Rafalski, 2002). However, both approaches seem to be complementary in the sense

that their ultimate goal is the detection of the genes underlying the quantitative

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complex trait for further cloning. Several examples of the use of the association

mapping approach in QDR studies for the more limiting diseases can be found in

recent literature (Benson et al., 2015; Gutiérrez et al., 2015; Iquira et al., 2015;

Arruda et al., 2016; Olukolu et al., 2016; Turuspekov et al., 2016). However, despite

the broad use of this approach, nogenes detected by AM for plant QDR have been

cloned so far.

Recently, two approaches had been proposed for studies on quantitative traits. First,

there is extreme-phenotype GWAS (XP-GWAS), a new variant combining bulk

segregant analysis (BSA) and GWAS (Yang et al., 2015). The second approach takes

advantage of the use of clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats

(CRISPR-Cas9) by obtaining targeted mitotic recombination events without needing

to develop directed crosses (Sadhu et al., 2016). Through this approach, high

frequency double strand breaks (DSB) are induced in regions of interest in mitotic

cells. Then, the intrinsic cell reparation by homologous recombination (HR),

generates recombination events that lead to the formation of a recombinant. Thus,

the high efficiency of CRISPR-Cas9 mediating recombination events within 20 kb of

the targeted site has been demonstrated. Comparing this rate of recombination with

that obtained by random meiotic segregation, the later would require more than

seven thousand individuals (Sadhu et al., 2016). The application of XP-GWAS and

CRISPR-Cas9 approaches and their potential scopes in QDR is promising.

In recent years, the concept of the set of all the information supported

experimentally, no matter the methodology followed, about the QTL and its allele

variations for a trait in one species, has received the name QTLome (Salvi and

Tuberosa, 2015). Beyond constructing a QTLome, it is necessary to find a way to

integrate and give a global sense to all the high volume of QTL information. This is the

challenge of statistical QTL meta-analyses. The detection of common QTLs and the

identification of co-location resistance candidate genes from different experiments

and populations have been recently achieved using QTL meta-analyses in maize to

find resistance genes for virus diseases (Wang et al., 2016), leaf rust in wheat

(Soriano and Royo, 2015) and verticillium wiltin cotton (Zhang et al., 2015).

A new era for QDR studies: phenotyping has the last word

The greatest aim for QDR studies in the past century was to increase molecular

markers in mapping populations to capture all the allelic variants of genes that

govern complex traits. Advances in high-throughput sequencing technologies have

overcome this limitation, at least partially. The current challenge is to produce

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quality phenotype data, increasing molecular information and representing the

bedrock of a new era of plant quantitative trait studies that will contribute to a better

understanding of QDR (Basu et al., 2015).

Advances in automated precision phenotyping or high-throughput phenotyping

apply technologies principally based on image, thermal, spectra and digital sensors,

from which quantitative phenotypic information can be generated (Araus and Cairns,

2014). There are several advantages of these approaches. First, the reduction of

subjectivity in the determination of disease incidence and symptoms during a

particular plant-pathogen interaction. Second, the increase in the number of plants

that can be evaluated. Finally, the increase in the reproducibility and the possibility

to collect data at numerous time points (Mutka and Bart, 2015).

Some of the more sophisticated technologies for high-throughput phenotyping

applied in QDR studies are hyper-spectral imaging, chlorophyll fluorescence imaging

and thermal imaging (Mutka and Bart, 2015). Plant diseases produce different

spectral reflectance patterns and plants suffering biotic stresses display changes in

chlorophyll fluorescence emission (Baker, 2008). It has been shown that pathogens

can change plant tissue temperature during the infection process. With these recent

technologies, all of these parameters can be measured, even in the early plant

phenological stages (Mutka et al., 2015). Wheat and sugarcane are some crops where

these technologies have been used for detection and study of QDR (Mahlein et al.,

2012; Bauriegel and Herppich, 2014; Mutka et al., 2016). Despite the fact that these

techniques require a large number of previous evaluations in order to set the

parameters for each disease, their potential in phenotyping plant disease is


Phenotype has also been studied from an “omics” view (Salvi and Tuberosa, 2015).

This new phenotyping method includes transcripts, proteins and metabolites, such as

elements directly related to the phenotype, which have led to approaches such as

expression-QTLs (eQTLs), protein-QTLs (pQTLs) and metabolite-QTLs (mQTLs),

respectively. eQTLs and mQTL are the more used given their progress in collection,

automation and analysis of data (Salvi and Tuberosa, 2015).

From theory to practice: QDR in breeding

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The complexity of QDR represents a challenge and an opportunity for plant breeding.

A breeding scheme focused on obtaining qualitative disease resistance is relatively

simple. It would be enough to introduce a single R gene into a susceptible plant

background to confer resistance. On the other hand, in the case of QDR, the

introduction of a gene from a QTL can confer a reduction, but not absence of disease.

Thus, it would not be possible to get complete resistance until all of the resistance

responsible loci are identified. In addition, in contrast to the current relative large

repertoire of isolated R genes, the isolation of genes governing QDR for future use in

breeding programs has not been an easy task.

For decades, marker-assisted selection (MAS) (Xu and Crouch, 2008) and gene

pyramiding (Brun et al., 2010) efforts have been directed toward the identification of

QTLs with major effects, explaining more than 20% of phenotypic variance, for

introduction into plant resistance breeding programs (Collard et al., 2005). Some

examples with great success in achieving high levels of resistance are found in rice

(Bustamam et al., 2002), common bean (Miklas et al., 2006) and pearl millet (Sehgal,

2016), but unfortunately this has not been the case for most crops, including staple

crops, such as cassava.

In plant breeding programs focused on QDR, one of the limitations to be considered is

the linkage disequilibrium between the genes conferring resistance and closely

linked undesirable genes, a phenomenon called linkage drag (Summers and Brown,

2013). Undesirable genes may affect the commercially accepted gene pool and,

therefore, modify the quality and crop yield. If linkage drag is not eliminated or

decreased, the use of the QTL in the program will be impractical. The MAS strategy

has counteracted this phenomenon. Through high throughput genotyping and the use

of haplotype analysis of the introgressed region (QTL), the linkage drag in seedlings

can be detected and tracked in order to subsequently backcross these individuals to

resistant varieties lacking drag. This strategy was applied to detect and remove the

linkage drag around the Rpv12 gene and confer resistance to powdery mildew in

wine grapes (Vitis vinifera L.)(Venuti et al., 2013). Alternatively, the marker-assisted

recurrent selection (MARS), combined with genomic selection (GS)(Heffner et al.,

2009), can also contribute to solving the linkage drag problem for QDR (Summers

and Brown, 2013). The GS selects plant material carrying whole genome molecular

marker that are associated with resistance to a specific pathogen through the

prediction of the phenotype using GEBV (Falconer and Mackay, 1996). These GEBVs

are obtained by the compilation of molecular marker scores, phenotypic data

evaluation of several germplasm and populations under a range of environmental

conditions and (if it is available) pedigree information. Thus, MARS would increase

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the frequency of insertion of the desirable gene, decreasing the incorporation of

undesirable ones and speeding up the detection of resistance loci with GS.

Another limiting factor in exploiting QTL with the aim of generating new varieties is

the effect of the environment on the QTL. Multi-environment analyses in QDR studies

offer the opportunity to detect the QTL x environment interaction (Q x E), conditional

QTLs (El-Soda et al., 2014) and QTL stability during seasons and crop cycles. Special

attention should be given to an eventual Q x E interaction in plant quantitative

resistance that is widely influenced by the environment and in which heritability

values are usually low (Ntare and Williams, 1998). On the other hand, the functional

validation of candidate genes is an important part of QDR studies, which can be

carried out by overexpressing or down regulating the candidate gene by applying

genetic engineering (Mittler and Blumwald, 2010) or exploiting the mutant

collections (Cavanagh et al., 2008).

In a large number of QDR studies the phenotypic evaluation (host response to the

pathogen) is done after an artificial inoculation, employing a particular strain or a

group of strains, allowing for the detection of QTL associated with these strains and

leaving aside other genomic regions involved in resistance to other strains. When

these QTLs are introgressed in particular varieties and evaluated under naturally

diseased fields, where different pathogen strains or races can be found, it is possible

to obtain unsatisfactory results. For this reason, it is mandatory that a breeding

program starts with the knowledge on the dynamics and diversity of the pathogen


Molecular explanation of quantitative resistance

Although important progress in understanding and analyzing complex traits has been

accomplished in recent years, knowledge on the molecular basis of the QDR is still

scarce. Several hypotheses have been generated to explain the function of the genes

that control the QDR (Poland et al., 2009). Five genes have been cloned from QTLs,

which has enriched the proposed models. The rice Pi21 gene, which encodes for a

protein that has a heavy metal–transport/detoxification domain, confers resistance

to several races of Magnaporthe oryzae (Fukuoka et al., 2009). The QDR genes from

wheat Yr36 (resistance to Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici) and Lr34 (resistance to

Puccinia striiformis, P. triticina and to Blumeria graminis) encode for a Kinase-START

protein and a pleiotropic drug resistance subfamily of ABC transporters, respectively

(Fu et al., 2009; Krattinger et al., 2009). In addition, the RKS1 gene, which encodes for

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an atypical kinase identified in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, confers

resistance to most Xanthomonas campestris races, and to the pathovar sraphani,

incanae or armoraciae (Huard-Chauveau et al., 2013). Finally, the receptor-like

protein coded by the ZmWAK gene of maize that confers resistance to Sphacelotheca

reiliana was cloned recently (Zuo et al., 2015). Considering these discoveries and the

gaps in QDR knowledge, different explanations of how it works are plausible.

QDR as a continuous response that depends on gene expression intensity

The expression level of genes involved in plant resistance can play important roles on

the intensity of the final output response. Transcriptomic analyses have allowed for

the identification of global changes in the expression profiles of genes related to plant

immunity. Through expression analysis, it was possible to demonstrate that, during

incompatible, compatible and non-host interactions, gene expression profiles were

almost the same and that differences were seen in the intensity and speed of their

induction (Tao et al., 2003). Other studies support the overlap between PAMP and

ETI at the gene expression level (Navarro et al., 2004; Bozsó et al., 2009; Bozso et al.,

2016). For QDR, several studies have reported a direct relationship between the

expression level of some genes and the degree of resistance response. The maize

ZmWAK gene is induced after pathogen inoculation. This gene is highly expressed in

the mesocotyl and, at a lesser extent in the coleoptile of resistant lines, and the

expression level of ZmWAK can be associated with the degree of pathogen growth

restriction in mesocotyl and coleoptiles (Zuo et al., 2015). A similar situation is seen

for the RKS1 gene, whose expression is correlated with the resistance level in

different Arabidopsis accessions to Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc)

strain 568 (Huard-Chauveau et al., 2013). Finally, following the same rationality, but

in a contrary sense, the increase in the expression of susceptibility genes can also

increase the susceptibility of plants, as has been demonstrated for the susceptibility

Pi21 gene from rice. In this case, transgenic plants showing higher expression of this

gene were more susceptibility to a virulent race of Magnaporthe oryzae (Fukuoka et

al., 2009).

QDR can be explained not only as a consequence of the intensity of the gene

expression, but also by the specificity or pattern expression of these genes. The wheat

Lr34 gene, which was recently cloned from a QTL, is expressed at the relatively same

level in resistant and susceptible plants. However, its expression is lower in wheat

seedlings than in high adult plants where it is more effective Krattinger et al., 209. In

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this case, the quantitative response depends not on the genetic background of the

plant, but on the control of gene expression exerted by other genes, whose

expression can be controlled by different factors, such as the development of the

plant, tissue or organ specificity, etc.

The above examples suggest a relationship between the transcription level of QDR

genes and the degree of resistance. We hypothesized that the higher the expression of

a gene involved in defense is, the higher the resistance level will be (Figure 2-2).

However, this relationship should not necessarily be linear. This is consistent with

the results obtained by Huard-Chauveau et al (2013), who found that the expression

of RKS1-L in natural accessions was negatively correlated with the disease index. The

question is: which is the factor that determines the intensity in the induction of gene

expression? During the plant response, it has been considered that the induction of

gene expression is a consequence of the activation of a signal pathway, which in turn

is dependent on the pathogen recognition. According to these ideas, the level of gene

expression could be conditioned depending on the ability, specificity and strength of

the interaction between pathogen-derived molecules and plant receptors.

Another aspect related to the transcriptional control and level of resistance is the

requirement for the presence of alternative spliced transcripts. The classical example

is the N gene from tobacco, conferring tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) resistance.

Through alternative splicing, NS and NL transcripts are produced. During the initial

phase of infection, the NS version, coding for the full-length N protein, is more

abundant, but, 4 hr after inoculation, the relationship is inverted. If only one of the

two variants is present, complete resistance is lost (Dinesh-Kumar and Baker, 2000).

For QDR, the above mentioned RKS1 gene, two transcripts were identified, with

differences in length between resistant and susceptible Arabidopsis accessions

(Huard-Chauveau et al., 2013). Another example is the Yr36 gene from wheat, which

can have up to six alternative transcript variants; however, only one of them codes

for a protein containing a complete START domain. This transcript is differentially

regulated by temperature and is the only one that is up-regulated after inoculation

with the fungus Pucciniastriiformis f. sp. tritici (Fu et al., 2009).

Figure 2-2. Model in which the expression level of QDR genes is associated with

the resistance phenotype.

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To summarize, the transcription level differences shown by the QDR genes suggest

that it is necessary to incorporate the information on gene expression into the DNA

variation data in order to achieve a systematic genetic approach and, thus, gain a

better understanding of the molecular bases of the quantitative response (Mackay et

al., 2009).

R weak alleles

As mentioned before, the first step in the activation of plant immunity is pathogen-

derived molecules recognition. In the ETI, a specific, strong and direct or indirect

interaction between R proteins and the corresponding effector (named Avr) conducts

the activation of a signaling pathway, leading to immunity, which, in most cases, is

associated with an HR response. In ETI, this Avr-R interaction has only two

alternatives: it happens or it does not, generating two phenotypes, R or S. Several

studies on QTLs, have demonstrated the presence of the typical qualitative R genes,

coding for NB-LRR in QTLs, suggesting that the molecular bases of the pathogen

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recognition can be shared with ETI. Supporting this hypothesis is the fact that both

responses, ETI and QDR, share some molecular components (Roux et al., 2014b). In

this model, the cause of the QDR is the presence of “weak alleles” of R genes (Roux et

al., 2014b). How to explain that an R protein confers only partial resistance? The R

protein is responsible for the recognition of a specific effector or the activity of it on a

pathogenicity target protein. A weak allele of the R protein can correspond to a

protein that is able to interact with an effector (or pathogenicity target), but its

affinity is not high enough to induce a strong response.

Allelic variation

The above hypothesis of weak R alleles can be the extreme case of allelic variation

related to QDR. However, other QDR genes have shown allelic variation. There is

enough evidence to indicate that QDR is associated with the allelic variation of genes

that differ in structure from canonical R proteins and that are important for plant

defense. For example, the recently cloned QDR gene, ZmWAK, exhibits seven

substitutions and a deletion between the resistant and susceptible maize lines.

Although, in this case, polymorphisms affecting protein function were not found(Zuo

et al., 2015), these polymorphisms could affect the interaction with other molecules

or could prevent protein complexes formation. A similar situation was observed for

the RKS1 gene, which, even if it is present in both resistant and susceptible

accessions, has several SNPs that have been found to be associated with both

phenotypes. These SNPs are located in the coding region and in the 5’ and 3’

regulatory regions. In fact, one of the identified susceptible alleles corresponds to a

stop codon in RKS1. The authors suggested that mutations could be associated with

susceptibility as a consequence of altered RKS1 long transcript expression (Huard-

Chauveau et al., 2013). Some polymorphisms have been also found between resistant

and susceptible wheat plants that are located in the Lr34 gene; two polymorphisms

were located in exons and one in an intron. The polymorphisms located in exons are

present in the resistance cultivar and correspond to a deletion of 3 bp and an SNP

that changes the amino acid tyrosine for histidine andaffect the first transmembrane

domain of the ABC transporter (Krattinger et al., 2009). Resistant and susceptible rice

cultivars have seven polymorphisms between them, located in the genomic region

that harbors the Pi21 gene. Two of these polymorphisms correspond to deletions and

were associated with the corresponding phenotype. Polymorphisms in this region,

between different cultivated rice accessions, allowed for the identification of 12

haplotypes and revealed the natural variation of QDR genes. Only one of this

haplotypes was associated with resistance (Fukuoka et al., 2009). Further studies

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that include the intermediate phenotypes that are in between the lines or accessions

that have already been evaluated, will resolve the role of polymorphisms in QDR. It is

important to stress that these studies were conducted on contrasting lines,

representing extreme resistant and susceptible phenotypes, and it would be

interesting to evaluate the expression levels of QDR genes in individuals showing a

gradient of phenotypic response.

Polymorphisms can be present even in promoter sequences, as happens with the

ZmWAK gene; however, no association with function or phenotype has been studied

for these variations (Zuo et al., 2015). Additional studies are required to reveal if

there is an association between these polymorphisms and the quantitative response.

In addition, polymorphisms located in introns or in promoters can modify

transcription factor binding and splicing events, generating a particular quantity of

transcripts or differential timing and tissue specificity gene expression (Mackay et al.,


The studies presented here to exemplify allelic variation are important, not just

because they show that these polymorphisms represent different alleles, but because

the polymorphisms were found in QDR genes that were cloned and validated, and, in

this sense, these sequence differences could be the cause of the quantitative

response. The number and nature of polymorphisms found in a QDR gene or in its

genomic region could define the level of the phenotype. Huard-Chauveau et al.,

suggested that the quantitative disease response phenotype could be due the additive

effect or interaction of SNPs present in the identified haplotypes (Huard-Chauveau et

al., 2013). In a similar fashion, we propose that there is a highly resistant phenotype

that is associated with a haplotype of a QDR gene or genomic region and those

variations of this haplotype would lead to the quantitative characteristic of the

resistance. Additional SNPs could be in other genes or other genomic regions that

account for the resistance. Furthermore, It could be that susceptible alleles compete

with resistant alleles for the interaction with scaffold proteins of molecular signaling

complexes (Huard-Chauveau et al., 2013). Complementary studies with accessions

that represent the range of the response showing different levels of resistance and

the corresponding sequence polymorphisms will help to tell if the polymorphisms

present in QDR sequences are associated with the phenotype in order to shape or

discard this hypothesis.

Kinases and signaling

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Kinases are essential components in plant biology and regulate different processes,

such as biotic stress (Afzal et al., 2008; Parniske, 2008), hormone signaling (Santner

and Estelle, 2009), growth (Hematy and Hofte, 2008), cell differentiation and other

physiological processes (De Smet et al., 2009). Serine-threonine kinases are

important signaling transduction components of PTI and ETI (Zipfel, 2014) and MAP

kinase cascades regulate downstream defense responses (Schwessinger and Zipfel,

2008). Additionally, pseudokinases are described as being important in signaling

network control (Huard-Chauveau et al., 2013). In this context, it is not unreasonable

to consider genes involved in the signaling pathway, including MAP kinases, as key

elements of QDR.

Several proteins that have been characterized as responsible for QDR have proved to

be kinases or pseudokinases. RKS1 from Arabidopsis (Huard-Chauveau et al., 2013) is

a typical kinase, ZmWAK protein from maize contains a kinase domain (Zuo et al.,

2015) and Yr36 from wheat has a kinase domain similar to Arabidopsis WAK-like

kinases (Fu et al., 2009). In addition, through eQTLs in barley, a gene was identified

that encodes for a “putative histidin-kinase” as an important component of the

resistance to Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici (Druka et al., 2008). This biochemical

characteristic opens the door to possibilities for the role that these proteins may play

in QDR, as for example like transmitting molecular signals.


One interpretation of how QDR works at the cellular level considers the phenotypes

of complete resistance (with hypersensitive response) or susceptibility as the

extreme responses of PTI or ETI, while QDR is the product of a weak PTI or ETI

(Lopez, 2011; Kushalappa et al., 2016). In this way, the resistance, known as

qualitative, could also be polygenic and is achieved if all the components are present

and functioning correctly (Kushalappa et al., 2016). Therefore, the quantitative

counterpart may have missing components. The missing concept here not necessarily

corresponds to complete absence of a particular component, but to differential

quantities of resistance related metabolites, proteins coded by R genes, or PRRs,

which in turn are regulated by other genes (Kushalappa et al., 2016). Therefore, the

more defense-related components that are missing (or diminished), the more the

resistance is reduced. An alternative, but not excluding, hypothesis states that

differences in defense responses are the consequence of the sensitivity of the

components to input signals. It was hypothesized that resistant plants display robust

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responses because they are insensitive to small changes in input signals (Tao et al.,

2003); therefore, the remaining range of responses of QDR could be more sensitive to

this change. QDR have been recently redefined due to the cloning of some of the

corresponding genes and it has been stated that the involved proteins do not belong

to a specific group, such as in the case of R genes, but may have several functions

(Navabi et al., 2005; Poland et al., 2009; Bryant et al., 2014; Roux et al., 2014a). Thus

new molecules, which previously have not been described as important during plant-

microbe interactions, could be responsible for the resistance (Roux et al., 2014b).

Nevertheless, it seems that R genes actually have roles in QDR, but with low

representation, as compared to other genes with different structures and functions

(Corwin et al., 2016). The new evidence suggests that the key QDR molecules are not

R proteins, but this does not mean that these proteins have to be excluded from the

model. They could also participate to a lesser extent.


In the present review, we would like to highlight the impact that QDR should have on

plant breeding, but that, unfortunately, is not happening. Although information

coming from functional gene studies is scare and relatively new, there are thousands

of studies on QTL identification. Consequently, there is a misbalance between the

published QTLs studies and the application of this information in field. This reflects

the bottleneck in the application of QDR and the lack of efforts made to validate these

QTLs. In addition, results coming from QTL studies could lead to false conclusions. A

genomic region could be identified as responsible for disease resistance because of a

statistic artifact. Furthermore, unless QTL detection is done in well-controlled

greenhouses or growth cambers, these experiments should have repetitions in

different growing cycles and different seasons or weather conditions to be sure that

the identified QTL is real and stable. Another flaw is found in QDR studies; the

identification of these QTL is frequently done with only one strain of the pathogen or

even when it is not known which strain is being evaluated because some studies are

done with natural inoculation. In this way, QTL validation should include multiple

strain inoculations. Plant-microbe is a two-way interaction, so the genetic

characteristics of the pathogen are necessary components that should be taken into

account. Frequently, QTL are involved in resistance to populations of pathogens;

however, no information about evolution or diversity of the pathogen is included or

old information is often used. Finally, the problem of subjectivity that adds error to

QTL studies will be removed with the arrival of precision phenotyping that, in the

end, will result in the reproducibility and reliability of these studies.

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We gathered results and experiences from different pathosystems for QDR because

we wanted to highlight some components of plant defense that are known, but that

have not been integrated or incorporated to plant immunity models. Thereby, plant

immunity must be seen from a different point of view. We propose that plant defense

is not a simple and single-layered outcome, but instead is a synergistic process and

represents the sum of several protein interactions that are being taken at the same

time. Even hypotheses or mechanisms proposed by other authors, such as Poland et

al (2009), may occur simultaneously. Here, we present different molecular

explanations of how QDR work. It is important to note that all of these explanations

can arise together and they are not exclusive. We also suggest that it is necessary to

consider alternatives to imposed models. A particular and specific model could be

applied to one pathosystem, but not to others. Each plant and/or pathogen could

have its own characteristics within a set of shared components, determining the

validity of one model or other. Even though the zig-zag model has helped to

understand plant immunity, it just explains a part of it, which represents a monogenic

interaction in which QDR are not included. To achieve a better understanding of plant

immunity, a holistic approach should be considered that integrates the intricate array

of interactions between molecules and cells, determining the complexity of

phenotypic traits.


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“I know I'm supposed to hate humans, but there's something about them. They don't

just survive, they discover, they create...I mean, just look at what they do with food”

-Ratatouille (Ratatouille, 2007)

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A genetic map of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) with integrated

physical mapping of immunity-related genes

Johana Carolina Soto Sedano1, Juan Felipe Ortiz1,5, Laura Perlaza-Jiménez2,6,, Andrea

Ximena Vásquez Chacón1 , Luis Augusto Becerra Lopez-Lavalle3, Boby Mathew4, Jens

Léon4, Adriana Jimena Bernal Giraldo 2, Agim Ballvora4, Camilo Ernesto López


1 Manihot Biotec Laboratory, Biology department, Universidad Nacional de Colombia,

Bogotá, Colombia. 2 Laboratory of Mycology and Plant Pathology, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá,

Colombia. 3 International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Cali, Colombia. 4 INRES-Plant Breeding University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany. 5 Present address Department of Biological Sciences, Vanderbilt University,

Tennessee, USA. 6 Present address Max Planck Institute for Molecular Plant Physiology, Potsdam-

Golm, Germany

Published in BMC Genomics 2015. doi: 10.1186/s12864-015-1397-4.


Cassava, Manihot esculenta Crantz, is one of the most important crops world-wide

representing the staple security for more than one billion of people. The development

of dense genetic and physical maps, as the basis for implementing genetic and

molecular approaches to accelerate the rate of genetic gains in breeding program

represents a significant challenge. The advent of novel molecular and bioinformatics

technologies makes it possible to generate and analyze thousands of DNA markers in

order to accomplish this task. A reference genome sequence for cassava has been

made recently available and community efforts are underway for improving its

quality. Cassava is threatened by several viral, bacterial and fungal pathogens, but the

mechanisms of defense are far from being understood. These genomic resources

could be useful for breeding resistance to these biotic stress factors. In addition, there

has been a lack of information about the number of genes related to immunity as well

as their distribution and genomic organization in the cassava genome. A new high

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dense genetic map of cassava containing 2,141 SNPs generated by genotyping by

sequencing (GBS) approach has been constructed. Eighteen linkage groups were

resolved with an overall size of 2,571 cM and an average distance of 1.26 cM between

markers. More than half of mapped SNPs (57.4%) are located in coding DNA

sequences, 27% within introns, 10.4% within promoters and 5% within un-

translated regions (UTR). Physical mapping of scaffolds of cassava whole genome

sequence draft using the mapped markers as anchors resulted in the orientation of

687 scaffolds covering 45.6% of the genome. One hundred eighty nine new scaffolds

are anchored to the genetic cassava map leading to an extension of the present

cassava physical map with 30.7Mb. Comparative analysis based on anchor markers

showed strong co-linearity to previously reported cassava genetic and physical maps.

In silico based searching for conserved domains allowed the annotation of a repertory

of 1,061 cassava genes coding for immunity-related proteins (IRPs). Based on

physical map of the corresponding sequencing scaffolds, unambiguous genetic

localization was possible for 569 of them on the 18 linkage groups. The higher

density of genes coding for IRPs was found on chromosomes 10, 3, 7 and 18.This is

the first study reported so far of an integrated high density genetic map using SNPs

obtained from GBS analysis with integrated genetic and physical localization of newly

annotated immunity related genes in cassava. These data build a solid basis for future

studies to map and associate markers with single loci or quantitative trait loci for

agronomical important traits and molecular cloning of genes controlling these traits.

The enrichment of the physical map with novel scaffolds is in line with the efforts of

the cassava genome sequencing consortium. Considering these improvements, the

size of the genome sequence draft aligned to the genetic map is increased to 344Mb

corresponding to 64% of total cassava genome.

Keywords: linkage mapping, physical mapping, genotyping by sequencing, single

nucleotide polymorphisms, immunity-related genes


The advent and progress made in the last two decades of DNA based molecular

markers has contributed to the generation of dense genetic maps (Davey et al., 2011;

Elshire et al., 2011; Takagi et al., 2013). New technologies like next generation

sequencing (NGS) have made possible the high throughput identification and

genotyping of thousands of molecular markers in a relatively short time and

potentially at a low cost (Nielsen et al., 2011). A fast cost-effective approach to next-

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generation molecular marker discovery called genotyping by sequencing (GBS), has

been proposed to reduce the turnaround time significantly and increases the

availability of thousands of SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) molecular

markers evenly distributed throughout the genome (Elshire et al., 2011; Poland et al.,


High-density genetic maps built using SNPs derived from the GBS approach have

been reported in important crop species such as barley (Poland et al., 2012; Liu et al.,

2014), wheat (Poland et al., 2012), rice (Spindel et al., 2013), raspberry (Ward et al.,

2013) and cotton (Gore et al., 2014). In non-model crops, new technologies as GBS

have not been widely used so far. However in cassava, one of the most highly dense

genetic maps was created using GBS-based SNPs, for mapping the resistance to

cassava mosaic geminiviruses (Rabbi et al., 2014b).

Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family, which

includes approximately 6,300 species (Wurdack et al., 2005). Botanically it is a

tropical perennial shrub whose origin center is the Amazon Basin (Olsen and Schaal,

1999). Cassava typically is a diploid species (2n=36) (Raji et al., 2009; Sakurai et al.,

2013) highly heterozygous and vegetative propagation through stakes in agriculture.

Cassava is important for food security in tropical regions of the world. It represents

an important source for calories for more than one billion of people (Ceballos et al.,

2010). The species tolerates drought and has been considered as a well adapted crop

facing climate change which could position it as one of the best alternatives for

providing food for the rapidly growing world population in future (FAO, 2008; Jarvis

et al., 2012; FAO, 2013).

Cassava is cultivated in more than 100 countries and its leaves and roots can be

consumed as food and feed (Taylor et al., 2012). The plant has also important

industrial uses, mainly for its low-cost starch which finds a diverse range of

applications (Ospina et al., 2002; FAO, 2008). For many decades the use of cassava

was limited to subsistence of farmers, but since several years is becoming

increasingly important for agro-processing industries mainly due to its biofuel

potential (Jansson et al., 2009). Despite the fact that cassava is one of the major crops

in the world, a decade ago this crop was listed as one of the least studied plant

species (Okogbenin and Fregene, 2003). The employment of modern molecular tools

will help to go deeper in the understanding of the genetic basis and even lead to the

identification and cloning of genes controlling agro-economic importance traits. Most

of the genes characterized so far in model and cultivated plants have been cloned

employing map based cloning approach (Bent, 1996; Pflieger et al., 2001; Jander et

al., 2002; Gebhardt et al., 2007). The application of this strategy requires the

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development of high resolution genetic maps (Pflieger et al., 2001; Collard et al.,

2005). The lack of these maps has hampered so far the cloning of interesting genes in

cassava (Fregene et al., 1997; Mba et al., 2001; Okogbenin et al., 2006; Lopez et al.,

2007; Chen et al., 2010; Kunkeaw et al., 2010; Kunkeaw et al., 2011; Sraphet et al.,

2011; Whankaew et al., 2011; Rabbi et al., 2012).

While in genetic maps, markers, genes or loci are ordered based on recombination

frequencies at meiosis (Paterson, 1996), physical maps present ordered fragments of

cloned genomic DNA fragments and whose sizes and distances are given in base pairs

(bp). Genetic maps have considerable relevance for the construction of

comprehensive physical maps. Combining the relative location and order of genetic

markers on a map, with their location on scaffolds or contigs allows the assembly of

these fragments into a genome-wide physical map (Meyers et al., 2004).

The current draft of the cassava genome sequence (draft v4.1) is publicly available at

the JGI’s Phytozome v10 platform and it was obtained by a whole genome shotgun

(WGS) strategy (Green, 2001), using 454 Life Sciences technology. The cassava

genome assembled into 12,977 scaffolds span a total of 532.5 Mb (Prochnik et al.,

2012). However, based on nuclear DNA quantity, it has been estimated that the

cassava genome to be 772 Mb (Awoleye et al., 1994). Strategies based on

correlations between physical and genetic maps could serve as one valuable tool for

subsequent identification of genes involved in interesting traits (Moroldo et al., 2008;

Shulaev et al., 2011), for genome organization studies (Chen et al., 2002), assessment

of genetic diversity (Lu et al., 2011) and comparative genome analysis (Amarillo and

Bass, 2007).

One the main advantages of genetic and physical mapping is the possibility to

integrate traits of interest and the corresponding function of genes (Bakker et al.,

2011; Swamy et al., 2011; Whankaew et al., 2011). The availability of the functional

maps is of importance not only to better understand the evolution of plant species

through synteny but also for marker-assisted breeding programs.

Cassava, like other crops is affected by pests and diseases caused by bacteria, viruses,

fungi, phytoplasms and oomycetes (FAO, 2013). The molecular analysis of plant

pathogen interactions in several model plants and crops has allowed the

identification of two main branches in plant immunity depending on the receptor

molecules involved (Jones and Dangl, 2006). One branch is defined on the presence of

pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) that are able to detect microbe-associated

molecular patterns (MAMPs) (Gohre and Robatzek, 2008). The PRRs have conserved

domains as for example leucine rich repeats (LRR), LysM and kinases (Zipfel, 2014).

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The MAMP-triggered immunity (MTI) is effective against non-adapted or non-host

pathogens. Some pathogens adapted to infect and colonize particular plants species,

suppressing the plant MTI by delivering effector proteins into the plant cytoplasm

(Buttner and He, 2009). However, plants evolved resistance (R) proteins, which

recognize specifically some of these effectors and trigger the second branch of

immunity named race specific, gene for gene resistance, or effector triggered

immunity (ETI) (Tsuda and Katagiri, 2010). The largest class of R proteins contains

NB-ARC (Nucleotide-binding domain shared by Apaf-1, R gene products, and CED-4)

and LRR domains which can be accompanied by the presence of a TIR

(Toll/interleukin-1 receptor) domain in their N-terminus. (Bent, 1996; Jones and

Jones, 1997; Zhang et al., 2014). Several studies have employed the presence of these

conserved domains to identify R genes in plant genomes to gain insight about their

genome organization and evolution (Jupe et al., 2012; Zhang et al., 2014). The

genome-wide identification of a set of classical defense-encoding sequences and their

localization in a genetic map will provide insights into the diversity of genes coding

for immunity-related proteins (IRPs) available in cassava and also can contribute to

accelerating the process of isolation and cloning of PRR and/or R genes.

In the present study a new genetic map of cassava is constructed based on a

population of 132 F1 full-sib progeny derived from a biparental cross and SNP

markers obtained using the GBS approach. Physical mapping of scaffolds from

cassava whole genome sequencing using the mapped markers as anchors is

presented. Furthermore we present a genome-comprehensive repertoire of cassava

IRPs based on the presence of conserved domains. Finally, more than five hundred of

genes encoding for IRPs were unambiguously localized on the sequencing scaffolds

and on the genetic map.

Materials and methods

Mapping population and DNA extraction

The mapping population consists of a full sib F1 segregating population of 132

individuals derived from single seeds of a cross between cultivars TMS30572 and

CIAT’s elite cultivar CM2177-2 (Fregene et al., 1997). Total genomic DNA was

extracted from young leaf tissue of 132 individuals of the F1 population and their

parents TMS30572 and CM2177-2, using the commercial kit QIAGEN DNeasy Plant

Mini Kit® (Hilden, Germany), following the manufacturer’s protocol and adjusting

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the final concentration to 100ng/µL. To assess the quality of DNA and absence of

enzymatic inhibitors, a restriction digestion was performed using HindIII and

visualized on a 1% agarose gel.

Genotyping by sequencing (GBS) approach

GBS libraries were prepared and analyzed at the Institute for Genomic Diversity (IGD,

Cornell University, USA), according to Elshire et al. (Elshire et al., 2011). The partial

methylation sensitive ApeKI restriction enzyme that recognizes a five base pair

sequence (GCWGC) was used for digestion and a library was generated with 134

unique barcodes for progeny and parents. Two lanes of Illumina Hi-seq (Illumina,

Inc.) were used for the all samples.

The GBS analysis pipeline 3.0.139 version, an extension to the Java program TASSEL

(Bradbury et al., 2007), was used to call SNPs from the sequenced GBS libraries

(Elshire et al., 2011). The mean sequencing depth was 8 to 10 times. The alignment of

the resulting tags to the reference genome was performed using BWA Version 0.6.2-

r126 (Li and Durbin, 2009), checking that each SNP has a unique position within the

genome scaffolds with 89% of identity. The markers were delivered as Hapmap and

VCF (v0.1.10) (Variant Call Format) format files (Danecek et al., 2011).

Filtering of GBS data

From the complete set of markers an initial filtering was performed using SAS® 9.3

(Inc, 2011) (script, unpublished), to select those SNPs with Mendelian segregation for

1:1 if segregating only in one parent and 1:2:1 if segregating in both parents. Less

than 10% of distorted markers were allowed. Monomorphic homogeneous SNPs and

those with identical segregation were discarded. The segregation in the population,

corresponding to 132 individuals was analyzed for markers that exhibited

polymorphisms between TMS30572 and CM2177-2.

Linkage analysis and map construction

Both linkage analysis and map construction were performed with JoinMap 4.1, and

data were analyzed using the CP (outbreedering full-sib family) population type (Van

Ooijen, 2006). The X2 test was used to assess goodness-of-fit to the expected 1:1 or

1:2:1 segregation ratio for each marker. Linkage groups were established using a

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grouping LOD (logarithm base 10 of odds) threshold upper than 3. Markers were

assigned to correct linkage groups using two-point grouping analysis and within each

group were mapped based on the strongest cross-link (SCL). The map was generated

using a recombination frequency below 0.50 and the “ripple” procedure was applied.

Recombination frequencies were converted to relative distances in centiMorgans

(cM) using Kosambi function (Kosambi, 1943). The graphical presentation of the

linkage groups was performed using R/qtl (Broman et al., 2003).

Comparative genetic map of cassava

The map developed in this study was compared to the other cassava reported maps.

For that the SNP markers located at the same position on scaffolds were used as

anchors. The genetic positions of these markers were compared and the co-linearity

of the maps was determined. The comparison revealed the number of newly mapped

scaffolds and their size was determined.

Physical mapping

All SNP markers obtained were physically localized in the scaffolds of the cassava

draft genome sequence (, based on minimum sequence

similarity of 89%. For that, the core sequence of the marker locus (64bp) was aligned

towards the available genome sequence information to order the position of the

markers on the scaffolds. The scaffolds were anchored and the corresponding

positions along the cassava chromosomes were defined by comparing the positions

of markers on the scaffolds and on the genetic map. The percentage of coverage was

calculated as sequence covered by all mapped scaffolds to the estimated total cassava

genome size. The graphical presentation of the physical map was done by using

Circos algorithm (Krzywinski et al., 2009).

Mapping of immunity-related proteins

The genes taken into account were those encoding for proteins containing any of the

following domains or domain-combination: LRR (Leucine-rich repeat), WRKY, LRR-

kinase, NB-ARC (Nucleotide Binding domain shared by Apaf-1 R gene products, and

CED-4)-LRR, TIR (Toll/interleukin-1 receptor)-NB-ARC-LRR, LysM (Lysin motif)-

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kinase. All these domains or domain-combination correspond to essential part of the

most studied immunity-related protein encoding genes (van Ooijen et al., 2008;

Swiderski et al., 2009). Models for each domain were downloaded from (Finn et al., 2011). HMMscan was used with the

downloaded models to search the cassava proteome for proteins containing one or

more of the selected domains, using an e-value cutoff of 10. Proteins containing

several of the domains were identified collapsing the information of the position and

presence/absence of each domain. The genomic coordinates of each protein were

retrieved using BioMart tool from

In order to detect orthologous clusters in Manihot esculenta, Arabidopsis thaliana,

Ricinus communis, and Populus trichocarpa the protein prediction using HMMER

(Finn et al., 2010) was performed. R. communis and P. trichicarpa are chosen as the

closest relatives of cassava and A. thaliana as model organism for which detailed

analysis of IRGs has been reported (Meyers et al., 2003). The Orthologous Cluster

Analysis was done using QuartetS (Yu et al., 2011). Two programs, Single Linkage

Cluster (SLC) and Markov Cluster Algorithm (MCL) were implemented to cluster

genes into orthologous clusters.

Using the obtained catalog of cassava IRPs, the annotated regions containing GBS-

markers were identified, to subsequently locate them on the map according to their

genome-scaffolds positions. IRP clusters were determined using scaffolds and map

positions. The definition of cluster was according to Meyers et al (Meyers et al., 2003)

and Jupe et al (Jupe et al., 2012). A maximum distance between two or more IRPs of

200 kb was allowed and less than eight non-IRPs between them.


Genotyping by sequencing

To identify polymorphisms the parents and the progeny of the mapping population

were genotyped using the GBS approach. On average 2,920,870 reads were generated

for each of 134 samples and 2,173,235 tags were obtained in total. Considering that

the average length of each tag was 64 bp, the total amount of DNA sequence analyzed

was 139 million base pairs. To eliminate possible false positive SNPs, only tags

aligned to unique positions in the cassava reference genome were selected. After the

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alignment to the cassava genome (Prochnik et al., 2012), 1,185,928 tags (54.6%)

were aligned to unique positions while 229,629 tags (10.6%) were aligned to

multiple positions and the remaining 757,678 tags (34.9 %) could not be aligned.

In total, 78,854 SNP markers were obtained which corresponds, on average, to one

SNP every 1,763 base pairs. They are distributed across 3,450 scaffolds from 12,977

constituting the current cassava genome sequence draft, corresponding to 87%

(463.2 Mb) of the genome. The distribution of tagged scaffolds, the number of SNPs

representing the scaffolds and the cumulative scaffold length in base pair across the

genome is shown in Additional file 1.

From the resulting set of 78,854 SNPs, 51.4% (40,561) of the total set of SNPs

correspond to transitions and 48.6% (38,293) to transversions, for a transition-

transversion ratio of 1.06. A meaningful number of SNPs, 62.6% (49,429), were

located in annotated cassava genome regions. Of these, 52.6% (26,030) were found

within annotated CDS (Coding DNA regions). For non-coding regions, 31.7% (15,708)

were found within introns, 10% (4,940) within promoters and 5.5% (2,751) within

UTRs (Additional file 2).

The gene ontology (GO) analysis was performed for 14,384 unique cassava genome

annotated sequences that contain at least one of the 49,429 annotated SNPs obtained

by GBS. On average, each annotated region contains three SNPs. In total for the three

groups, 2,682 unigenes (counts for gene product characteristics) were obtained

corresponding to the 49,429 annotated SNPs. The functional group with the highest

gene product counts was biological process with 58.2% (1,562 tags) followed by

molecular function 30.2% (811 tags) and cellular component 11.6% (309 tags)

(Additional file 3).

High-density genetic map construction

The obtained 78,854 SNPs were subjected to a series of selective criteria in order to

choose the useful SNPs for the purpose of genetic mapping. From the total set of

markers, 43,921 SNPs (55.6%) correspond to polymorphic markers in the two

parents, from which 25,968 (59.1%) correspond to genotypes derived from a cross

between heterozygous and homozygous parents. Monomorphic homogeneous (both

parents having the same allele) markers as well as those with missing data in more

than 10% of the population individuals were excluded. After the quality control

filters the number of useful and informative loci for mapping was reduced to 7,146.

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More heterozygous markers were identified in the female parental than in the male.

Of the 7,146 markers, 2,528 (35.4%) were heterozygous only in the male parent

while 2,158 (30.2%) were heterozygous only in the female and 2,460 (34.4%) were

heterozygous for both parents. After the filtering of identical segregation and

distortion for linkage analysis and map construction 5,300 SNPs were taken into

account to be analyzed using Joinmap 4.1. From them, the software integrated,

unambiguously, 2,141 SNP markers onto the newly constructed genetic map. These

were distributed in 18 linkage groups, which corresponds to the number of haploid

cassava chromosomes (2n = 36; n = 18) (Raji et al., 2009; Sakurai et al., 2013). The

numbering was done according to previous studies (see below). The pairwise

recombination fractions and LOD scores obtained using R/qtl indicate strong linkage

for all pairs of markers on each of the 18 LGs (Additional file 4).

The number of SNPs in each linkage group ranged from 35 to 176, with an average of

118.9. The map spanned a total of 2,571 cM, with an average distance of 1.26 cM

between markers (Figure 3-1 and Table 3-1). The LG5 was the largest group, with a

total length of 208.5 cM, while the smallest was LG9, with 36.48 cM. The LG2 and LG8

were the groups with the highest marker density, with an interval of 0.7 cM, whereas

the LG17 was the least saturated group, with an interval of 2 cM. Longer intervals

were present in linkage groups 5, 4 and 14, with values of 20.7, 18 and 16.6 cM

respectively (Table 3-1 and additional file 5).

From the total of 2,141 mapped SNPs, 54.6% correspond to transitions and the

remaining 45.4% to transversions. 76.1% or 1,631 markers are located in annotated

regions, 57.4% (937) are within annotated CDS, 10.4% (170) within promoters, 27%

(442) within introns, and 5% (82) within UTRs regions (Figure 3-4). The total

number of annotated markers in the linkage groups varied from 28 annotated SNPs

for the LG9 to 139 SNPs for the LG1, with an average of 90.61 SNPs. The LG1 has the

highest number of SNPs positioned in CDS regions, followed by LG2.2, while LG9 has

the lowest number. For SNPs positioned within intronic regions, the linkage group

that has the highest number of counts corresponds to LG15, whereas LG9 again has

the lowest number. On the other hand, SNPs positioned in promoter regions, the LG2

shows the highest number of counts while LG9 does not have any. Finally, for SNPs

positioned within UTR regions, the LG2.2, LG10 and LG1 have the highest counts

(Figure 3-2).

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Figure 3-1. Cassava genetic map containing 2,141 markers. The linkage groups

are named LG1 to LG18. On each linkage group, the black lines represent mapped

markers. Genetic distances are given in Kosambi map units in centi-Morgans and are

calculated using JoinMap 4.1 software (Van Ooijen, 2006).

Table 3-1. Genetic map data summary. The linkage groups, loci number, total

length per group, average distance between markers (density) and scaffolds for each

linkage group are shown.



No. of





Interval (cM)


interval (cM)

1 169 199.09 1.19 7.25

2 156 108.24 0.7 5.42

2.2 176 183.51 1.05 5.06

3 80 142.84 1.81 9.85

4 117 129.03 1.11 16.6

5 120 208.47 1.75 18.03

6 106 132.22 1.26 8.62

7 123 171.58 1.41 6.95

8 146 100.64 0.69 9.32

9 35 36.47 1.07 5.27

10 118 151.38 1.29 8.35

11 113 137.08 1.22 10.87

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13 87 148.08 1.61 5.52

14 137 169.35 1.25 20.7

15 154 149.15 0.97 11.11

16 136 147.8 1.09 7.11

17 63 124.07 2 9.23

18 105 13,217 1.27 6.87

Total 2,141 2,571 1.26

Figure 3-2. Summary of mapped annotated SNPs. Linkage groups and the

corresponding annotated loci numbers. The positions of analyzed SNPs in the gene

structure are shown by different colors. Coding DNA Sequence CDS (), introns,

promoters or UTR (Un-translated Region).

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Comparative genetic map of cassava

The map constructed here was compared to the previously reported genetic maps

(Rabbi et al., 2014a; Rabbi et al., 2014b). Only for the reported LG12 no homologous

linkage group could be identified. The rest of linkage groups show high co-linearity

when the markers are compared according to the corresponding scaffoldings they

tag. The identities of the scaffolds shared for each LG among the maps was in the

range between 52% (LG4) and 83% (LG13) with an overall average of 66%

throughout all the linkage groups (Figure 3-3 and additional file 6). In total 389

anchor markers between the maps were identified. The LG2.2 and LG14 contain the

highest anchor markers (34), while the LG17 with 8 markers was the lowest. On

average each LG have 21.6 anchor markers (Table 3-2 and Additional file 6). An

additional comparative analysis was done with the cassava map developed by Rabbi

et al. (2014) (Rabbi et al., 2014a). Eight anchor markers distributed in LG1, LG6,

LG14, LG16 and LG19 were identified (Additional file 6).

Figure 3-3. Anchor markers showing co-linearity between different cassava

genetic maps. Markers with the same genomic position (determined by the

corresponding scaffolds) are connected by lines. Comparison was carried out

employing the genetic map reported by Rabbi et al, 2014 (Rabbi et al., 2014b).

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Figure 3-3. Continue. Anchor markers showing co-linearity between different

cassava genetic maps.

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Figure 3-3. Continue. Anchor markers showing co-linearity between different

cassava genetic maps.

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Table 3-2. Comparative analysis of cassava physical maps. Unique scaffolds in

the reported map version (A, Rabbi et al. 2014), in the map from the present study

(B), common scaffolds between them, new mapped scaffolds from this study (B)

anchored, their size in bp and the anchor markers per linkage group .



Nr. of scaf.


Nr. of scaf.




Nr. of new

scaffolds (B)

Size of new

scaffolds (bp)



1 65 45 33 8 885,261 23

2 50 43 25 18 3,391,767 17

2.2 58 43 30 11 1,428,130 34

3 56 35 25 10 1,066,798 15

4 56 33 21 10 813,846 17

5 60 48 28 17 4,888,465 21

6 72 42 28 14 1,766,509 21

7 66 34 25 8 3,061,711 23

8 79 53 37 15 2,262,879 23

9 19 10 10 0 0 16

10 54 37 24 11 1,608,816 23

11 41 32 13 16 2,783,942 11

13 60 32 25 6 1,124,354 16

14 91 46 39 6 329,758 34

15 50 36 25 11 1,026,082 31

16 64 46 31 12 1,996,766 25

17 71 28 22 5 890,465 8

18 60 44 32 11 1,396,841 31

total 1,072 687 473 189 30,722,390 389

Physical mapping of scaffolds in the genetic map

To orient the scaffolds of the cassava genome draft sequence into the genetic map,

the mapped markers were employed as anchors. A total of 687 unique scaffolds were

localized on the genetic map, representing 45.6% (242.6Mb) of the current cassava

reference genome. The linkage groups with the highest number of scaffolds were LG8

(53), LG5 (48), LG16 and LG14 with 46 each. LG9 and LG17 have the lowest numbers

of scaffolds with 10 and 28, respectively (Table 2). A total of 46% (316) of the

selected scaffolds were tagged by single-markers, 41% (282) were tagged by 2-5

SNPs and 13% (89) by more than five markers. Scaffold 1551 has the highest count of

markers with 45 SNPs in LG15. Only 3.4% (24) of the scaffolds were present in two

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different linkage groups (Additional file 5). In this way, the previously reported map

(Rabbi et al., 2014a) could be enriched with 189 new scaffolds which were mapped in

this study. These scaffolds are disturbed on 17 LGs and the number varied between

six for LG13 or LG14 and 18 for LG2. Only for LG9 could not be anchored new

scaffolds. In total, the physical map of cassava is extended with 30.7Mb (Table 3-2),

which correspond to the sum of all new anchored scaffolds.

Figure 3-4. Repertoire of genes coding for immune related proteins (IRPs)

identified in the cassava genome. Numbers on right of bars show the number for

each class of immune related protein. Numbers in parenthesis show the mapped

IRPs. The branches of IRPs are indicated by the color code as shown on the upper

right side.

The relationship between physical and genetic distances in cassava genome was

determined. For that, three representative regions were selected from different areas

of the LG, one from the middle part and one for each of the distal parts. The scaffolds

analyzed contain at least three SNPs. The overall physical map anchored analyzed

comprises 32.1 Mb that corresponds to a genetic distance of 215 cM giving a mean

value of 603.2 kbp per 1 cM. However, this ratio varies strongly between the linkage

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groups, from 76.8 to 2,429 kbp per 1 cM in LG13 and LG18, respectively. This

variability is calculated also inside of the linkage groups indicating uneven

recombination events. In LG11, 1cM can correspond to 0.1 or to 2,395kbp, whereas in

LG2 it ranges from 288.6 to 1,148kbp (Table 3-3).

Table 3-3. Relationships between genetic and physical maps, representative

for each linkage group and for the whole genome.

Linkage group









Mean value of

relationship of

genetic (1cM) to

physical (kbp) length

Range of relationship

of genetic (1cM) to

physical (kbp) length

1 2,550 26.4 169.1 95.2 – 269.3

2 2,048 5.3 751.6 288.6- 1,148

2.2 991 9.37 98.1 83.6 - 125

3 1,780 12.4 144.8 21.6 – 234.7

4 1,810 4.91 1,554 3.5 – 5,273.3

5 1,547 16 167.1 42.3 – 245.8

6 796 3.8 288 18.1 – 680.2

7 1,908 18.2 1,062 32.3 – 3,052.8

8 2,516 8.3 323 62.5 – 562.7

9 577 8.1 92.1 28.9 – 208.1

10 2,065 17.1 332 5.2 – 940.6

11 3,13 4.5 913 0.1 – 2,395

13 2,175 22.8 76.8 7.7 – 209.3

14 2,293 7.9 400 72.6 – 570.2

15 4,633 11 1,561 18.9 – 4,634.6

16 1,759 17.8 296 64.2 – 665.4

17 1,289 6.6 201 82.8 – 420.1

18 1,333 14.1 2,429 8.3 – 699.8

Genome-wide 32,1Mb 215 603.2 0.1 - 5,273

Repertoire of Immunity-related proteins

Employing a bioinformatics approach, the cassava proteome was investigated for

proteins containing the conserved domains present in PRRs and R proteins. A

repertoire of proteins with a complex pattern of combinations of these conserved

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domains was obtained (Figure 3-4). In total 1,061 IRPs were identified (Additional

file 7). From them, 253 were classified as LRR-kinases based on the presence of

leucine-rich-repeat and kinase specific domains. These proteins, also known as

receptor-like kinases (RLKs), which contain an extracellular LRR and a cytoplasmatic

kinase domain are involved in MTI pathways. Seventeen putative proteins containing

only the LysM domain and eleven proteins containing both the LysM and kinase

domains were detected (Figure 3-4).

The cassava proteome contains 28 TIR-NB-ARC-LRR, 177 non-TIR-NB-ARC-LRR

putative proteins, and two with TIR-LRR domains. Proteins containing only the NB-

ARC domain or only the TIR domain were relatively well represented, with 29 and 14,

respectively. Proteins with an extracellular LRR domain are also known as receptor

like proteins (RLPs) can participate as immune receptors, while other RLPs

participate in plant development. The cassava proteome contains 425 of these RLPs

proteins. Although the WRKY domain separately is not present in any known R

protein, it is present in an important family of plant transcription factors related with

defense against pathogens. The cassava proteome has 105 WRKY proteins and none

of them contains additional conserved domains (Figure 3-4 and Additional file 7).

Genomic organization of immunity related annotated genes

In total, 554 scaffolds containing genes coding for IRPs were identified. Most of the

genes, 713 (67%) were localized in scaffolds containing two or more IRPs. However

349 genes (33%) were localized in scaffolds as single genes. The scaffolds containing

the highest number of annotated genes encoding for IRPs were 8265 with 13 (5 LRR,

4 LRR-kinase, 3 NB-ARC-LRR and 1 WRKY) and 05875 with 12 (4 LRR, 4 LRR-kinase,

2 NB-ARC-LRR, 1 LysM-kinase and 1 NB-ARC). Scaffold 8686 contains 11 genes all

from the LRR class. Three scaffolds contained ten genes: 6914 (4 NB-ARC-LRR, 3 LRR,

2 LRR-Kinase, 1 WRKY), 7520 (5 LRR, 3 LRR-kinase, 1 NB-ARC-LRR, and 1 WRKY)

and 10217 (6 NB-ARC-LRR and 4 LRR). Interestingly, from the 28 annotated genes

coding for putative TIR-NB-ARC-LRR proteins, 10 were grouped into only two

scaffolds, one containing six genes (scaffold 97) and the other one (scaffold 11897)

containing four of these genes. The six genes in scaffold 97 are located in a region of

just 77,359 bp, whereas the four genes in scaffold 11897 cover 116,966 bp. Scaffolds

3,921 and 11,106 also harbor a relatively high number of genes of the NB-ARC-LRR

class, with six genes each. The scaffolds containing genes coding for proteins with a

WRKY domain harbor only one or two of this class of genes and only a few have three

(Additional file 7).

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The annotation of the immunity genes in the cassava genome was performed with an

Ortholog Cluster Analysis (sequence homology) (Figure 3-5). Arabidopsis thaliana,

Ricinus communis, and Populus trichocarpa were selected as related species and the

same pipeline employed to identify conserved domains in cassava was applied for

these species. From the 425 putative proteins of cassava classified as LRR proteins by

HMMscan, 189 have orthologs with LRR proteins from at least one of the other

species analyzed (Figure 3-5A). A cluster with 57 LRR family proteins was shared by

all the three species. Cassava shares 40 orthologous LRR proteins with P. trichocarpa,

26 with R. communis, and eight with A. thaliana (Figure 3-5A). The second biggest

group was the LRR-kinase family. Of the 253 proteins LRR-kinase proteins predicted

in cassava, 168 had an orthologous at least in one of the other plant species analyzed.

There were 68 orthologs of LRR-kinases shared by all species (Figure 3-5B). Of the

105 WRKY proteins from cassava, 66 have an ortholog in at least one of the other

plant species analyzed and 23 are in a cluster in all species (Figure 3-5C). In the case

of the NB-ARC family, all the 29 cassava predicted proteins had an ortholog in at least

one other plant species evaluated and one protein is shared by all of the species

(Figure 3-5D). Of the 177 proteins predicted in the non-TIR-NB-ARC-LRR family, 55

cassava proteins had an ortholog in at least one other analyzed species and six

proteins had orthologs in all the studied species (Figure 3-5E). Finally, less than 15

orthologs are found among the analyzed species for the predicted ORFs of each of the

following classes: LysM, LysM-kinase, TIR and TIR-NB-ARC-LRR (Figure 3-5F-I).

Mapping of immunity related proteins

Based on the cassava IRP repertoire (1,061 in total), those located on scaffolds

oriented in the physical map were selected. In total, 569 IRPs were mapped, 198 of

them (34.7%) belonging to LRR class, 1609 (28.1%) to the LRR-kinase, 88 (15.4%) to

NB-ARC-LRR, 80 (14%) to WRKY, 8 (1.4%) to NB-ARC, 13 (2.3%) to TIR-NB-ARC-

LRR, 8 (1.4%) to LysM, 6 (1.1%) to TIR and 9 (1.6%) to LysM-kinase (Figure 3-4,

Additional file 7).

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Figure 3-5. Orthology clusters between of the predicted immunity-related

proteins in Manihot esculenta, Arabidopsis thaliana, Ricinus communis, Populus

trichocarpa. A. LRR. B. LRR-kinase. C. WRKY. D. NB-ARC. E. NB-ARC-LRR. F. LysM. G.

LysM-kinase. H. TIR. I. TIR-NB-ARC-LRR.

These 569 genes coding for IRPs were physically located in 226 scaffolds and

distributed in all the 18 linkage groups with an average of 31.6 per linkage group.

LG2.2, LG7 and LG8 had the highest counts with 45, 45 and 40 genes, respectively.

The linkage groups with the lowest counts were LG17 and LG9 with 16 genes each

(Additional file 7). In total, 128 clusters were identified, with 382 genes, counting for

almost 67% of the total mapped IRPs. Clusters were found in all 18 linkage groups.

The cluster with highest number had 11 IRPs (LRR) and was located in LG10,

followed by LG3, LG7 and LG18 with clusters of 9 IRPs each. Seventy clusters, on 17

LGs, except for LG13, have two IRPs each. These clusters had diverse combinations of

IRP classes (Figure 3-6).

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Anchoring previous QTLs for disease resistance

We searched to localize loci or QTLs previously reported in our genetic or physical

map. The markers SSRY28 (CMD2), S5214_78931 and S5214_30911 have been

genetically associated with CMD resistance (Akano et al., 2002; Lokko et al., 2005;

Okogbenin et al., 2012; Rabbi et al., 2014a; Rabbi et al., 2014b). These markers were

anchored in the scaffold 5214 in LG16 (Figure 3-6 and Additional file 7) at the same

position as reported by Rabbi et al. 2014 (Rabbi et al., 2014b). In this study it was

possible to anchor the markers SSRNS158 and SSRNS169 previously associated with

CMD resistance (Okogbenin et al., 2007) in the scaffold 6906, while in the scaffolds

4,175 and 7,933, localized in the LG16, were anchored the markers SSRNS198 and

SSRY106 where a QTL for CMD resistance have been reported (Lokko et al., 2005;

Okogbenin et al., 2012). Interestingly, from these scaffolds, the 5,214 and 4,175, one

(from the LysM family) and five genes (two LRR-kinase, two NB-ARC-LRR and one

LysM) coding for IRPs are present (Additional file 7). A fine mapping and/or

association studies will allow if these candidate genes are directly related to CMD


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Figure 3-6. The cassava genetic and physical map enriched with IRPs and QTLs

for cassava disease resistance. The linkage groups are highlighted with different

colors and the markers in blue lines. In the inner part the black curves mark the

anchored scaffolds, their number and cumulative length in Mb per linkage group,

orientation based on map positions of markers. In red are shown the IRPs families,

their number per linkage group is shown in parenthesis. In green the reported loci

and QTLs for cassava mosaic virus resistance. The grey lines mark the link between

genetic and physical scaffold positions of marker clusters in the same scaffold.

Diagram was plotted using Circos software(Krzywinski et al., 2009).

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In this work a GBS approach was carried out to identify SNP derived markers in a

cassava population for genetic and physical mapping purposes. The 78,854 GBS-SNPs

obtained cover 87% (463.2 Mb) of the current cassava genome sequence. These

markers were distributed homogenously through 3,450 scaffolds of the genome

sequence draft. These scaffolds cover the majority of the cassava genome, although

they represent 16.5% of the total number of genome scaffolds. This due to just 487 of

almost 13,000 scaffolds covers half of the current cassava genome (Prochnik et al.,

2012). No SNPs were identified in small scaffolds representing the remaining 13% of

the cassava genome. Consequently, these data constitute the most representative

genotyping information for a cassava population until now, and can be relevant for

future applications where DNA fingerprint is pivotal.

The transition-transvertion ratio of the total of SNPs was 1.06. This figure is lower

when compared to previous cassava reports on genome-wide polymorphic discovery

(1.24) (Sakurai et al., 2013) and expressed sequence tags (EST) (1.27) (Ferguson et

al., 2012). Surprisingly, more than 60% of the SNP markers obtained were located

within annotated and coding regions. The enzyme ApeKI used for preparation of GBS

libraries is partially methylation sensitive (Elshire et al., 2011), and this leads to the

preferential restriction of coding sequences. Similar results were obtained in cattle

using the enzyme PstI, also a methylation sensitive enzyme (De Donato et al., 2013).

SNPs located more often in cassava CDS than in UTRs, which has also been reported

in a previous study based on genome-wide analysis (Sakurai et al., 2013). Those SNPs

located within a CDS can potentially modify the encoding amino acid chain, resulting

in proteins with new functions or introduction of a stop codon. These represent an

outstanding source of information to validate the function of genes (Wilson et al.,

2004; Kumar et al., 2014) and constitute a direct and effective way to conduct

phenotype association analysis.

On the other hand, the SNPs positioned in non-coding regions such as introns might

also play key roles in processes of alternative splicing and can be employed in

evolution and diversity studies (Yamanaka et al., 2004). Those SNPs residing in UTR

regions or promoters represent control points to regulate gene transcription and

translation. Interestingly, some non-coding regions have been reported as key in

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regulating and controlling the expression of genes responsible for agronomical

important traits such as flowering time in maize (Salvi et al., 2007; Studer et al.,

2011) and loss of seed shattering in rice (Konishi et al., 2006). Therefore, in this

version on the cassava genetic map the description and putative function for the

sequences containing SNPs was not limited to coding regions, but to all annotated

sequences containing a marker.

The cassava population used in this study is derived from a cross between highly

contrasting parents for several phenotypic and phenological traits (Okogbenin and

Fregene, 2003; Okogbenin et al., 2008). This cross has been employed so far to

identify genomic regions involved in morphological traits (Fregene et al., 1997;

Okogbenin and Fregene, 2003) resistance to CMD (Cassava Mosaic Disease) (Akano

et al., 2002) and Cassava Bacterial Blight (Jorge et al., 2000; Jorge et al., 2001) . The

highly dense genetic map reported here could contribute to future research focused

on studies of allelic variation and the effect on different traits, as well QTL analysis

and marker-assisted breeding programs.

The linkage map we have constructed is the second most saturated map on cassava

reported so far (Rabbi et al., 2014b). However, although these two maps employed

GBS derived markers and the same restriction enzyme for library construction, the

total number of SNPs obtained was different. This could be due to library

preparation, technical issues, pipeline used for the SNP calling (Sonah et al., 2013),

the quality, quantity and concentration of the DNA sample, but also because of the

level of genetic diversity between the parents.

The map contained 2,141 SNP markers, distributed in homogenous manner in 18

linkage groups, with a density of 1.26 cM. Some regions of this map are sparsely

saturated, as has previously been reported for other species using SNPs obtained

from GBS (Ward et al., 2013; Liu et al., 2014; Rabbi et al., 2014b). This fact could be

explained by the scarcity or even lack of polymorphisms in these regions. However,

more than 93% of the map shows a high saturation and reduced interval lower than

3cM. It will be very useful establishing close relationships between markers and QTLs

(Falconer and Mackay, 1996; Davey et al., 2011), facilitating the subsequent

identification of genes involved in interesting traits.

Almost half (264.4Mb) of the current cassava genome draft sequence could be

anchored to the genetic map through 687 scaffolds. Comparative map analysis with

the reported cassava maps (Rabbi et al., 2014b) revealed high correlations between

linkage groups based on anchor markers. Moreover, the physical map of cassava was

extended with 30.7Mb by anchoring 189 new scaffolds. This will contribute to the

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efforts of improve the current cassava genome sequence draft. It is expected that

SNPs belonging to the same scaffolds to be in clusters on the same linkage groups.

Nevertheless, cluster of markers from the same scaffold are disrupted by some

markers from other scaffolds. For instance in LG15, scaffold 1,551 was disrupted by

scaffold 3,241; in LG2.2, scaffold 2,895 was disrupted by scaffold 4,060. Similar

scenarios have also been reported (Sraphet et al., 2011; Whankaew et al., 2011; Rabbi

et al., 2012). On the other hand, it was found that 24 scaffolds are located at two

locations belonging to different linkage groups as already reported by Sraphet et al.

(Sraphet et al., 2011). The scaffolds 8,265 and 4,165 seem to harbor duplications,

because these two scaffolds are located in more than one LG in the cassava maps

(Sraphet et al., 2011; Rabbi et al., 2014b). Scaffold 8,254 is located in LG2.2, LG4 and

LG16 in the map constructed in this study as well as in that reported by Rabbi et al,

2014 (Rabbi et al., 2014a). Scaffold 4,165 is located in LG4 and LG9 in our study but

only in LG9 in Rabbi et al, 2014 (Rabbi et al., 2014a). It is common to assume that the

genomes of plants of the same species are similar, however, there is increasing

evidence for rearrangements, translocations, gains or losses of DNA segments and

copy number variations (CNV) usually found in all chromosomes among the genomes

of different genotypes of the same species (Swanson-Wagner et al., 2010; Zmienko et

al., 2014). This might be the case between the genotypes used for the draft genome

sequence and the parents used in this study and might explain the differences

observed between the genetic and physical map found. Undoubtedly, a consensus

genetic map for cassava could be helpful in this regard, as has been performed for

other species with high heterozygosity level such as grapevine and apple (Velasco et

al., 2007; Clark et al., 2014). Other explanations might be that some of the markers

identifying these scaffolds are not properly mapped or because of errors during

assembly of the reads, that are still present in the draft genome sequence.

The relationship between physical and genetic distances found is the range of

reported data for other plant species. The value of 603 kbp for 1 cM determined in

this study for cassava varies between 139 kbp in Arabidopsis to 510 in tomato or

2140 in maize

( This

information is useful when detailed genome structure analysis or gene cloning by

map-based cloning approaches will be undertaken in the future.

A high number of SNP-tagged genes were classified in different GO categories,

showing a wide variety of functions in the annotated regions containing markers.

This represents a meaningful source of genes/markers, which can be employed to

answer important biological questions and set up of further experiments to confirm

gene functions and links with phenotypes. GO analysis is a basis for construction of

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functional maps for a particular group of genes of one of the functional categories,

such as responses to abiotic or biotic stress. Moreover, it allows the quick mapping of

gene families or even gene pathways for interesting traits.

Based on the presence of conserved domains in the PRR and R proteins, it was

possible to identify a large IRP repertoire in the cassava genome. In total 1,061 IRPs

were identified, although probably not all of them are involved in plant immunity.

The next challenge will be to identify the MAMP or effectors that are recognized by

these predicted proteins. The numbers of IRPs varies enormously between plant

species. For example, the quantity of NB-ARC-LRR, the largest class of R proteins,

ranges from 92 in Brassica rapa (Mun et al., 2009) and 150 in Arabidopsis thaliana

(Meyers et al., 2003) to 438 in potato (Jupe et al., 2012). The reasons for the number

variation of IRPs between different plant species have not been explained so far.

In other plant genomes, more than 40% of genes encoding for IRPs are clustered and

the cluster size can be highly variable (Meyers et al., 2003; Mun et al., 2009; Jupe et

al., 2012). In cassava we found a range from two to eleven members per cluster

whereas in Arabidopsis was from two to seven (Meyers et al., 2003), or two to

eighteen in potato (Jupe et al., 2012). As the physical map reported here represents

45.6% of the current cassava genome, it is expected that more IRPs and clusters of

them lie in the remaining genome regions that could not be analyzed. The 1,061 IRPs

were analyzing 532 Mb sequence information. This information will be important to

infer the evolutionary history of these important genes and better understand how

their genome organization has influenced on their structure dynamics and adaptation

to pathogen-derived selective forces.

In addition, in this study it was possible to anchor some markers with scaffolds

present in the LG16 with a region containing loci associated with CMD reported

previously. This example has shown the utility of how dense genetic and physical

map information in addition of phenotypic is an excellent way to accelerate the

cloning of agronomic interest trait genes or to develop markers useful in marker

assisted selection programs. With more phenotypic and QTL analysis the association

between the markers identified in this study and traits will increase.


We thank COLCIENCIAS for the financial support through grand 528-2011 and PhD

scholarship call 528. We would like to extend our gratitude to Alvaro Perez and Dr.

Teresa Mosquera from Universidad Nacional de Colombia, for their scientific support

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and advices. Also to Wiebke Sannemann from INRES-Plant Breeding, Bonn

University, for her support with Circos software. Finally, to the Institute for Genomic

Diversity, Cornell University core facilities who conducted Illumina sequencing of the

GBS libraries.


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Supplementary data

The SNP data set supporting the results of this article is available in the SNiPlay


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The Cassava draft genome sequence used in this research is available at:!bulk?org=Org_Mesculenta.

The additional files are available at:


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“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're

curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths”

-Walt Disney

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Novel genetic factors involved in cassava bacterial blight resistance

detected through QTL analysis

Johana Carolina Soto Sedano1, Fabio Andrés Gómez Cano4, Rubén Eduardo Mora

Moreno1, Boby Mathew2, Jens Léon2, Adriana Jimena Bernal, Agim Ballvora2, Camilo

Ernesto López Carrascal1 1 Manihot Biotec Laboratory, Biology department, Universidad Nacional de Colombia,

Bogotá, Colombia. 2 INRES-Plant Breeding University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany.


Cassava, Manihot esculenta Crantz, is one of the most important crops world-wide

representing the staple security for more than 1 billion people. Cassava’s production

is constantly threatened by several diseases, one of the most important is cassava

bacterial blight caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis (Xam). A high

dense genetic map developed with Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) through

a Genotyping by Sequencing (GBS) approach was used to QTL (Quantitative Trait

Loci) detection for cassava bacterial blight (CBB) resistance. As a mapping population

a F1 highly segregant of 117 full sibs was used and tested for resistance to two Xam

strains (Xam318 and Xam681) at two locations in Colombia: La Vega, Cundinamarca

and Arauca. The evaluation was conducted in two years during rainy and dry season.

A third evaluation was carried out under greenhouse conditions. The phenotypic

evaluation of the response to Xam revealed continuous variation. Based on composite

interval mapping analysis, 16 strains-specific QTLs were detected, explaining

between 11.7 and 22.1% of phenotypic variance of resistance to Xam. From these

QTLs, nine show stability between the two seasons evaluated. A genotype by

environment analysis was performed, in order to evaluate responses to Xam

performance of genotypes under CBB incidence. QTL by environment interaction was

detected for ten QTLs and broad sense heritability of the resistance showed values of

23% and 53% for Xam318 and Xam681 respectively. In total 147 genes were found in

the QTLs intervals, thirteen genes correspond to genes coding for resistance related

domains, LRR, LRR-Kinase, NB-ARC-LRR and WRKY. Four genes co-localizing with

three QTLs exhibited differentially expression during infection of parental TMS30572

(resistance background) with Xam681.

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Keywords: Xanthomonas axonopodis p.v manihotis, genotyping by sequencing, QTLs,

high dense genetic map, RNA-seq.


Cassava, Manihot esculenta Crantz, is a starchy root crop and one of the most

important crops over the world due to its importance for food security in tropical

regions. This crop represents an important source for calories for about one billion

people (Ceballos et al., 2010). Cassava tolerates drought and it has been considered

as one of the best alternatives for providing food for the world population in the

context of climatic change (FAO, 2013). The major bacterial vascular disease affecting

this crop is Cassava Bacterial Blight (CBB), caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv.

manihotis (Xam). This disease has a very high destructive power causing losses

between 12 and 100% in affected areas (Lozano, 1986; López and Bernal, 2012). Xam

was described among the top 10 most important plant pathogenic bacteria

(Mansfield et al., 2012). CBB has been reported in all regions where cassava is grown

(Taylor et al., 2012; López y Bernal, 2012; FAO, 2013), and has been identified in 56

countries distributed in Asia, Africa, Oceania and North, Central and South America

( Additionally the number of reports in countries where the

disease was not previously identified is increasing and it has been described the

bacterial movement worldwide (Bart et al., 2012). Recent studies have shown that

Colombian Xam populations remain highly dynamic and exhibit a high genetic

diversity (Trujillo et al., 2014). The analysis of 65 Xam genomes revealed that this

pathogen harbors between 14 to 22 effector genes, from which nine are conserved in

all the strains (Bart et al., 2012).

The best alternative and most efficient strategy to control CBB is to take advantage of

natural plant genetic resistance and planting resistant cultivars. Plants have

developed strategies to defend themselves against pathogens. Unfortunately these

mechanisms have been mainly studied in model plants and knowledge generated in

cassava is relatively scarce. Histology and cytochemistry studies of the resistance

mechanisms in cassava during Xam infection showed callose deposits as a barrier in

cortical parenchyma cells and phloem, contributing to block bacterial multiplication

(Kpémoua, 1996; Sandino et al., 2105). Other mechanisms like cell wall fortification,

lignification and suberization associated with callose deposition and production of

flavonoids and polysaccharides were also observed during cassava response being

faster and stronger in resistant cultivars compared to susceptible ones (Kpémoua et

al., 1996). On the other side, in the last years important efforts have been conducted

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to identify molecular determinants of the CBB resistance, including the amplification

of genes coding for proteins containing NBS and TIR domains through PCR (López et

al., 2003) or by bioinformatics approach on the cassava genome (Lozano et al. 2015;

Soto et al., 2015). Several gene expression studies have identified genes induced and

repressed in response to Xam in both susceptible and resistant cultivars (Santaella et

al., 2004; López et al., 2005; Muñoz et al., 2014). The identification of non-coding

microRNAs (miRNAs) (Pérez et al., 2012) and trans-acting small interfering RNAs (ta-

siRNAs) induced and repressed in during Xam infection (Perez et al., 2012; Quintero

et al., 2013) have been recently described.

Resistance to CBB has been described as quantitative, with polygenic inheritance and

additive (Hahn et al., 1974; Jorge et al., 2000, 2001) contrary as it occurs with

resistance to cassava mosaic disease (CMD) (Hahn, et al., 1980; Lokko, 2004; Rabbi et

al., 2014). Several quantitative trait loci (QTL) for resistance to CBB have been

described for cassava employing the full-sib population derived from the cross

TMS30572 x CM1477-2. Eight QTLs, explaining between 7.2% and 18.2% of the

variance were detected in field conditions under high disease pressure and over two

consecutive crop cycles (Jorge et al, 2001). On the other hand, twelve QTLs were

identified under controlled conditions to five Xam strains (Jorge et al. 2000). These

QTLs explained 9% to 27% of the phenotypic variance (Jorge et al. 2000). Two new

QTLs were identified to the Xam strains CIO151 and CIO121 explaining 62% and 21%

resistance, respectively (López et al., 2007). Moreover, Wydra et al. (2004) reported

nine QTL explaining from 16% to 33% of the phenotypic variance to four African Xam


The environment plays an important role in the phenotypic response of traits

governed quantitatively (Weinig and Schmitt, 2004; Anderson et al., 2014). In

consequence, the detection and stability of the QTLs between environments is an

important aspect to consider in the study of genetic determinants of complex traits

(Anderson et al., 2013; Mitchell-Olds, 2013; El-Soda et al., 2014). In QTL studies there

is a QTL by environment interaction (Q x E) when a QTL has a different effect under a

trait in different environments, even if it has a significant effect in one environment

but not in another (El-soda et al., 2014). This situation is even more complex when is

considered the plant-pathogen interaction. According to the classic quantitative

genetic model the phenotype is the result of the genetic composition of the plant (G),

the environment (E) and the interaction between them. However, G x E interaction

can be outspread in the case of the plant-pathogen interactions where another

genotype (corresponding to the pathogen organism) is included. In this case an

equation of this form will result in G x G x E (Jorgensen et al., 2012). In this context

the detection of QTL and the dissection of their allelic composition are necessary to

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better understand the genetic basis of these interactions and the phenotypic

responses to specific environmental conditions (El-Soda et al., 2014).

In literature can be found a wide range of studies focused on plant resistance QTLs

and many others concentrated to characterize and quantify transcriptomes as well as

to understand the mechanisms of variation of gene expression during plant pathogen

interactions (Verhage et al., 2010; Lodha and Basak, 2012; Schenk et al., 2012).

However, studies where these two approaches come together for the analysis of gene

expression of loci governing the quantitative resistance in plants are scarce. For

example, in rice has been elucidated the contribution of the quantitative resistance to

blast and sheath blight through an analysis of gene expression of a cluster of genes

belonging to a Germin-Like Protein gene family. These genes correspond to a

previously reported QTL (Manosalve et al., 2009). Recently, in Arabidopsis thaliana a

strategy combining genome wide association (GWA) with the large public gene

expression data it was possible to identify co-expression components involved in

quantitative resistance to distinct isolates of the pathogen Botrytis cinerea (Corwin et

al., 2016). Besides these two examples, large-scale gene expression analysis in

repertories of resistance candidate genes for plant disease has not been described so


The molecular bases and mechanisms of quantitative resistance are not known in

detail. However, recent reports, including the cloning of genes associated to QTLs,

have provided some important clues. The proteins involved in pathogen recognition

can be similar in both qualitative and quantitative resistance (Gebhardt, 2001; López

et al., 2003; Ramalingam et al., 2003; Calenge and. Durel, 2006; Poland et al., 2009;

Kou and Wang, 2010; Roux et al, 2014; Corwin et al., 2016). In addition, genes

involved in quantitative resistance can correspond to those coding for proteins

related to signal transduction (Fukuoka et al., 2009; Corwin et al., 2016) and/or with

antimicrobial activity (Ramalingam et al., 2003; Liu et al., 2006; Guimaraes and Stotz,

2004; Van Kan, 2006).

Here we report 16 novel QTLs for CBB resistance, specifically for two Xam strains,

detected in field evaluations during rainy and dry seasons in two Colombian

localities, as well under greenhouse conditions. Furthermore an analysis of G x E and

QTL x E interaction (Q x E), allowed establishing the effect of the environment over

genotypes and QTLs. A repertory of genes located within the QTL intervals were

identified and their transcription profiles during Xam infection was studied through


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Materials and methods

Plant material

The mapping population consisted in a cross between the Nigerian cultivar

TMS30572 and CIAT’s elite cultivar CM2177-2 provided a full sib F1 segregating

population of 117 individuals (Fregene, 1997). This population has been extensively

used in mapping studies (Fregene et al., 1997; Jorge et al., 2000; Jorge et al., 2001;

Mba et al., 2001; López et al., 2007), and recently for high a dense genetic map

construction integrated with the physical map of the cassava genome (Soto et al.,

2015). To produce multiple clonal plants of each individual, parental and F1

individuals were grown and vegetative propagated from stem-cuttings in CBB-free

fields conditions, at La Vega Cundinamarca and Universidad Nacional de Colombia, at

Arauca, Arauca.

Bacterial strains and phenotypic evaluation of CBB resistance

For long-term storage, bacteria strains were kept in 60% glycerol at −80 °C, and

streaked on LPGA medium [yeast extract (5 g/Lt), peptone (5 g/Lt), glucose (5 g/Lt),

bacto-agar (15 g/Lt)] at 28°C for 12 hours before use as inoculum. A single colony of

Xam was grown in liquid culture at 28°C with shaking at 230 rpm for 24 hours. Cells

were harvested by centrifugation at 3,000 g and re-suspended in 10mM MgCl2.

For the evaluation of CBB disease response, plants were grown on two different

locations: La Vega Cundinamarca, Latitude 0,5°,00´44.188´´N, Longitude

74°21´31.005´´N, which belongs to the Andina region and Arauca, Arauca, Latitude 7°

1' 22.32"N, Longitude 70° 44' 42.50"W, in the Orinoquía region. Plants of six-weeks

old were inoculated on July 2013 and December 2014, corresponding to rainy season

and dry season respectively. Besides, an evaluation was done under greenhouse

controlled conditions, 30/20+/-2°C day/night temperature, 12h of photoperiod and

70% of relative humidity. The inoculation was conducted by puncturing the stem of

each plant between the second and third true leaf. The bacterial suspension was

placed using a tip filled with 10 ul of the inoculum (1x106UFC/mL). As a mock one

plant was inoculated with 10 mM of MgCl2. The disease severity was scored at 7, 14,

21 and 30 days after inoculation, using a rating from 0 to 5 according to the

symptoms scale proposed by Verdier et al (1994), where 0= no symptoms, 1=

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necrosis at the inoculation point, 2= stem exudates, 3= one or two wilted leaves, 4=

more than three wilted leaves and 5= plant death. Disease progress in time was

calculated for each replicate through the area under disease progress curve (AUDPC)

(Shaner and Finney, 1977; Jeger and Viljanen-Rollinson, 2001). Once the phenotyping

evaluation had finished, the inoculated material and the substrate were burned with

the purpose of ensure the CBB-free fields condition. In order to determine resistance

and susceptibility to the strain in parental and F1 genotypes, the AUDPC value was

taking into account as well as the criteria previously described (Trujillo et al., 2014;

Restrepo et al., 2000; Jorge et al., 2000). A statistical t test was performed to establish

contrasting responses of resistance and susceptibility to each Xam strain evaluated.

Broad-sense heritability (H2) of the response to Xam strains was determined through

calculating variance components using lme4 package (Bates et al., 2015) in R

software (Ripley, 2001). The measure of the variance components of genotype,

genotype by environment, genotype by year and experimental error, were measure

according to Holland (2006). The value of heterobeltiosis (better-parent heterosis),

as heterosis estimated over the resistant parent (Jinks and Jones, 1958), was

measured in order to establish the percentage of progeny that exhibited higher levels

of resistance than the resistant parental. In order to evaluate performance (response

to bacteria) of cassava genotypes under CBB incidence, a genotype x environment

analysis was performed through a GGE-biplot analysis of multi-environment trials

(MET) independently by bacteria strain and year of evaluation (rainy and dry

seasons), based on the model for two principal components (Yan et al., 2000; Yan

2001, 2002; Yan and Tinker, 2006). Data from all locations, including greenhouse,

were combined to construct the GGE-biplots in order to compare also the behavior of

the genotypes even under controlled environment. The GGE-biplot criteria were

centered by two (centered G + GE), no scaling and singular value partitioning (SVP) of

row metric preserving. GGE-biplot analysis was performed using the R package

GGEBiplotGUI (Frutos and Galindo, 2012).

Statistical analysis

For each location, year and strain, five biological replications per genotype, parental

and mock were disposed according to a randomized complete design. A Log

transformation for the AUDPC values was done according to previous CBB

evaluations (Restrepo et al., 2000). The distribution of frequency of the AUDPC data

was evaluated for normal distribution by the Shapiro-Wilk test, analysis of variance

(ANOVA) and correlation of environment phenotyping data were also performed

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through Pearson test. The AUDPC scores were averaged per experiment and used for

further QTL analysis. All statistical analyses were performed using R software

(Ripley, 2001).

QTL mapping

The QTL mapping analysis was performed by Composite Interval Mapping (CIM)

using the Haley–Knott regression model of R/qtl V1.37-11 (Broman, 2015). Three

markers as covariant in a window size of 10 cM were used. A high dense genetic map

of cassava containing 2,141 SNPs was employed. This map has eighteen linkage

groups with an overall size of 2,571 cM and an average distance of 1.26 cM between

markers (Soto et al., 2015). In addition, a set of 2,236 GBS-SNP markers with

unknown genetic position but with physical position known were join to the map as

linkage group nineteen. A LOD threshold was calculated from 1,000 permutation

tests. However a LOD score higher than 3 was also chosen to declare the presence of

a QTL. The LOD peak of a significant QTL was considered as the QTL location on the

linkage group in the map. The QTL interval was determined through a LOD decrease

of 1.5 from the LOD peak position. The phenotypic variation (R2) explained by each

QTL was determined through the function calc.Rsq in R. In order to determine

possible environment effects under QTLs, an analysis using the significant additive

phenotypic effects of QTLs was performed through the software QTL IciMapping

(Meng et al., 2015). Candidate genes were located using the knowledge of physical

positions of the SNP-based genetic map. To define possible clusters, a maximum

distance between two or more genes of 200 kb and less than eight different

annotated genes between them was allowed, according to previous criteria applied in

other genomes (Meyers et al., 2003; Jupe et al., 2012). Moreover, BLAST (Basic Local

Alignment Search Tool) and gene ontology analysis were conducted to the current

cassava genome (v6.1) implemented at the JGI’s Phytozome platform for genes

identified within the QTLs intervals.

Gene expression of genes co-localized with QTLs in resistant parental

background during Xam681 infection

Plant inoculation, RNA extraction and sequencing

TMS30572 plants of six-weeks old in 500gr substrate pots were grown under

greenhouse conditions and maintained at 30/20+/-2°C day/night temperature, 12h

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of photoperiod and 70% of relative humidity before and during the inoculation

process. Preparation of the inoculum of strain Xam681, and inoculation procedure

was performed as previously described for the evaluation of CBB resistance in F1

population. Four cms of stem area around the inoculation point (two cm above and

two below the inoculation point) were collected at 1, 3 and 5 days post inoculation

(dpi) flash introduced into RNAlater® solution and stored at −80°C until RNA

extraction. Additionally tissue of not inoculated plants, grown under the same

conditions, was taken as a control of the inoculation puncturing effect. Three plants

as biological replicates per time were used.

Total RNA was isolated separately from approximately 100 mg of stem tissue from

each plant using Trizol protocol (Invitrogen). mRNA was isolated from total RNA

using oligo (dT) magnetic beads. First-strand cDNA synthesis was performed using

reverse transcriptase (Invitrogen) and second-strand cDNA was synthesized using

RNase H and DNA polymerase I (Invitrogen). Size selection for the paired-end

libraries was 101bp. The integrity and quality of samples was evaluated with the

bioanalyzer Agilent 2100 (Agilent Technologies). RNA sequencing was performed

through Illumina HiSeqTM 2000.

Data analysis and gene expression level

RNAseq data and cassava transcriptome were generated by Gomez et al 2016

(manuscript in preparation). Sequence quality and filtered was evaluated by FastQC

(V0.11.2) (Andrews, 2010) and FASTX-trimmer from FASTX-Toolkit (V0.0.13.2)

(Gordon and Hannon, 2010), respectively. Clean reads were mapped to the current

cassava genome V6.1 ( using RSUBREAD, mapping option uniquely

(Shi and Shi, 2013). The count per millions account (CPM) were calculated using

FeatureCount (Liao et al., 2014). The CPM was normalized by trimmed mean of M-

values normalization method (TMM) and the differential expression profiles were

generated using the R package edgeR (Robinson et al., 2010) using the QL F-test

(p<0.05). The differentially expressed genes were identified using Log2Fold-change

and pairwise comparisons of treatments.


Bacterial strains and phenotypic evaluation of CBB resistance

In order to identify Xam strains that generate highly contrasting responses in

parents, an initial evaluation was performed under greenhouse conditions. Seven

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Xam strains were chosen due to the fact that they belong to different haplotypes and

represent the genetic diversity of Xam in Colombia (Trujillo et al., 2014). These

experiments were conducted by duplicated under controlled, greenhouse conditions.

Five of seven strains inoculated (Xam226, Xam571, Xam645, Xam306 and CIO151)

shown to be virulent in both parents and the symptoms/response were similar, with

AUDPC values not showing significant differences. The AUDPC average values for the

female parent (TMS30572) against these strains were 1.50, 1.68, 1.34, 1.46 and 1.47,

while for the male parent (CM2177-2) the AUDPC average values were of 1.65, 1.72,

1.55, 1.69 and 1.64, respectively (Figure 4-1). Considering the threshold establish by

Jorge et al (2000) and Restrepo et al (2000), both parents were susceptible to these

five strains. On the other hand, the parents exhibited a highly contrasting phenotypic

response when were inoculated with the strains Xam318 and Xam681 (Figure 4-1).

The parent TMS30572 shown to be resistant with an AUDPC average value of 1,19 for

Xam318 and 1.49 for Xam681, while the parental CM2177-2 was susceptible with a

AUDPC values of 1,71 and 1,88 for Xam318 and Xam681, respectively (ɑ= 0.05).

Symptoms in parental CM2177-2 against Xam318 and Xam681 appeared from 14

days post inoculation (dpi), while in the parental TMS30572 symptoms started to be

evident around 21 dpi. Moreover, during the evaluation time this parental not

exceeded note 3 in the scale of symptoms. For strain Xam318 the AUDPC average

values, based in two experiments with five biological replicates each, range from 1.49

to 1.84 for parental CM2177-2 while for the parental TMS30572 ranged from 1.22 to

1.55. On the other side, for strain Xam681, the AUDPC average values range from 1.62

to 1.79 for parental CM2177-2 and for the parental TMS30572 ranged from 0.81 to

1.41. The contrasting responses induced in the parental by strains Xam318 and

Xam681 were confirmed in a third experiment under natural conditions in La Vega.

Based on these results, strains Xam318 and Xam681 were selected for further

inoculations and phenotyping evaluation in the biparental mapping population.

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Figure 4-1. Evaluation of parental responses to different bacterial strains.

Phenotypic evaluation of the parents TMS30572 and CM2177-2 inoculated with

seven strains of Xam was determined through the measured of the area under

disease progress curve (AUDPC). Significant differences as contrasting responses of

resistance and susceptibility, T-test ɑ= 0.05*.

Phenotypic evaluation of CBB resistance in mapping population

Once established the strains for which the parental shown a contrasting response, the

F1 population and parents were evaluated on two different locations (Arauca and La

Vega) and during a two-year period. The first one corresponds to Arauca during a

rainy season in 2013. In this period the maximum and minimal temperatures were

31°C and 22°C, respectively, relative humidity of 88%, with a mean precipitation of

301 mm. The second evaluation conducted at the same location was done in 2014

during the dry season, with maximum and minimal temperatures of 31°C and 22°C,

relative humidity of 73%, with a mean precipitation of 18.7 mm (IDEAM. On the other hand, at La Vega, the maximum and minimal

temperatures during the evaluation time in the rainy season were 20°C and 9°C,





1,49 1,46


1,71 1,65




1,69 1,64












Xam318 Xam226 Xam571 Xam645 Xam681 Xam306 CIO151





TMS30572 CM2177-2



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respectively, relative humidity of 79%, with a mean precipitation of 106 mm. The dry

season showed maximum and minimal temperatures of 22°C and 10°C, relative

humidity of 70%, with a mean precipitation of 30 mm (IDEAM.

In addition, the evaluation was conducted in two years under greenhouse conditions,

30/20+/-2°C day/night temperature, 12h of photoperiod and 70% of relative

humidity. The corresponding codes for the different conditions, localities, strain and

seasons, are presented in Table 4-1.

Table 4-1. Codes for the localities, strain and seasons where the inoculation and

phenotyping was conducted.

Location Season Xam

strain Code

Arauca (Arauca)

Rainy Xam318


Dry AR318-D

Rainy Xam681


Dry AR681-D

La Vega (Cundinamarca)

Rainy Xam318


Dry LV318-D

Rainy Xam681


Dry LV681-D

Greenhouse (controlled


2013 Xam318


2014 G318-2014

2013 Xam681


2014 G681-2014

All AUDPC values for the F1 genotypes for each location, Xam strain and season

showed a continuous and normal distribution, except for LV681-D (supplementary

figure 4-1). As was expected, both parents exhibited AUDPC values in both extremes

of the distribution curve. The genotype TMS30572 was considered as resistant with

AUDPC values ranged from 1.24 for LV318-D, to 1.39 for AR681-R. On the other hand,

the genotype CM2177-2 was considered as susceptible, exhibiting high AUDPC values

which ranged from 1.72 for AR318-R to 1.92 for LV681-R. The number of genotypes

evaluated, the AUDPC by parental and the distribution of AUDPC values in the

progeny by location condition is shown in Table 4-2. The widest range of AUDPC

distribution in the genotypes evaluated was found at AR318-D with a range from 1.23

to 1.78 and G681-2013 with a range of 1.08 to 1.89. While the minor range of AUDPC

distribution was for AR318-R from 1.23 to 1.78 (Table 4-1).

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In all the locations, for both Xam strains and seasons tested, the number of resistant

genotypes were higher that the susceptible ones (Table 4-2). Moreover, under dry

season conditions for both Arauca and La Vega against Xam318 and Xam681, were

found more resistant genotypes than those found under rainy season. In the

evaluations performed under dry season against Xam318, it was found that 84% and

75% of the progeny was resistant at Arauca and La Vega, respectively, while under

rainy season the percentages were 77% and 72%. A resistant phenotype was

observed for 72% and 70% of the progeny at Arauca and La Vega, respectively under

dry season against Xam681. These values dropped to 65% and 59% during the rainy

season (supplementary Table 4-1).

In order to detect a differential behavior of genotypes against the pathogen, the

phenotypic plasticity was also determined. For the strain Xam318, 48% of the

genotypes showed a distinct phenotype in at least one location and/or season with

respect to the others, while 38% of the genotypes presented this behavior for

Xam681 (supplementary Table 4-1). For instance genotypes g5, g40, g53 and g116

were susceptible in AR318-R but were resistant under the other conditions tested.

On the other hand, genotypes g15, g51 and g97, which showed a resistant response to

Xam681 in La Vega during rainy and dry seasons, were susceptible under the rainy

season in Arauca.

The mapping population exhibited a transgressive segregation for resistance to Xam

strains. Transgressive segregants with higher resistance or susceptibility than the

parents were identified in the two locations, against the two Xam strains and also

under rainy and dry seasons (Table 4-2). For all conditions, the total of resistant

transgressives was higher than susceptible ones. At LV318-D and LV681-D were

obtained the highest number of transgressives, with seven and six respectively. On

the other hand, the highest number of resistant transgressives was identified at

AR318-R and under greenhouse conditions against Xam681 for both years of

evaluation (G681-2013; G681-2014) with 25, 18 and 18 individuals respectively

(Table 4-2). The genotype g79 exhibited a resistant transgressive phenotype in six of

the twelve conditions evaluated (Arauca, for both Xam strains, and also during rainy

and dry seasons). Besides, the greenhouse evaluation against Xam681 showed lower

AUDPC values in relation to the resistant parent. However, the genotype g29 was

identified as a susceptible transgressive for six of the twelve conditions: AR681-R,

AR681-D, LV681-D, G318-2013, G681-2013 and G681-2014 (supplementary Table 4-


Pairwise Pearson correlation between AUDPC values measured at two locations and

greenhouse, two seasons and for the two Xam strains employed was highly

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significant (P <0.05) with correlation coefficients ranging between 0.62 for pairwise

AR318-R and AR318-D to 0.99 for G681-2013 and G681-2014 (Table 4-3).

Broad sense heritability of the resistance to Xam strains showed values of 23% and

53% for Xam318 and Xam681 respectively. Meanwhile regarding to the heterosis

exhibited by the progeny for the resistance to Xam strains in cassava, the highest

values of heterobeltiosis were those corresponding to the evaluations conducted

under greenhouse conditions. For Xam681 was 21.11% and 20.39% in 2013 and

2014, respectively. For Xam318 was 16.62% for the two years of evaluation. The

lowest value of heterobeltiosis corresponds to AR318-R (Table 4-4).

The analysis of variance showed significant differences (p<0.001) for genotype (g),

environment (location, Xam strain, season) and genotype x environment among the

F1 cassava genotypes tested (supplementary Table 4-3). The GGE-Biplot analysis

showed that the AUDPC evaluations of the genotypes were able to discriminate

between environments. Moreover, the different environments presented large

vectors, meaning that there is information for discriminate between genotypes. In

addition, the behavior of genotypes differed between environments and these fell

into two sectors of the graphic, except for Xam318 rainy season, which fell in three

sectors. Taken together these results indicate there is not just one "best genotype" for

all environments. However, it was possible to distinguish two genotypes as the

“extremes” for a resistant and susceptible behavior for almost all environments. The

two principal components (PC1=genotypes and PC2=Environments) explained

77.83%, 83.96%, 81.12% and 83.97% of the total variance caused by G + GE for

cassava resistance to Xam318 during rainy season, Xam318 during dry season,

Xam681 in rainy season and Xam681 in dry season respectively.

For Xam318 rainy season it was possible to distinguish g29 and g131 as extreme

genotypes as susceptible and resistant respectively (Figure 4-2a). For Xam318 in the

evaluation during the dry season, the extreme susceptible genotype was g124.

However, for Xam318 during the same dry season, the extreme resistant genotype

was g131, the same as for Xam318 during the rainy season (Figure 4-2b). On the

other hand, the evaluation conducted under the rainy season employing Xam681

allowed to distinguish g79 and g29 as extreme genotypes for resistance and

susceptibility respectively (Figure 4-2c). The genotype g93 was identified as the

extreme resistant for the evaluation using Xam681 in the dry season. On the other

hand under these conditions the extreme susceptible genotype was g29, which was

also identified as the extreme susceptible for Xam681 during the rainy season and for

Xam318 in the rainy season. In addition g29 was also the highest susceptible

transgressive (Figure 4-2d). For evaluations against Xam681 under dry season, all

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genotypes tested in both, Arauca and La Vega locations, seems to have similar

responses to this particular Xam strain (Figure 4-2d).

Table 4-2. Distribution of AUDPC values in the mapping population. Number of

genotypes evaluated, AUDPC values showed by parental, range of AUDPC obtained in

the phenotype distribution, resistant and susceptible genotypes in the population

and number of resistant (R) and susceptible (S) transgressive segregants by

environment, Xam strain and season. AR= Arauca; LV= La Vega; G= greenhouse; R

rainy season; D= dry season.

Location Genotypes
















AR318-R 103 1.72 1.39 1.23 - 1.78 79 24 25 4

AR318-D 100 1.76 1.26 0.97 - 1.78 84 16 11 1

AR681-R 104 1.83 1.35 1.28 - 1.94 68 36 6 2

AR681-D 100 1.8 1.32 1.16 - 1.94 72 28 8 3

LV318-R 93 1.85 1.21 1.16 - 1.82 67 26 3 0

LV318-D 106 1.73 1.24 1.04 - 1.82 80 26 15 7

LV681-R 93 1.92 1.39 1.19 - 1.97 55 38 6 2

LV681-D 106 1.88 1.36 1.21 - 1.97 74 32 12 6


2013 117 1.85 1.28 1.09 - 1.88 78 39 15 1


2014 109 1.87 1.28 1.10 - 1.86 73 36 16 0


2013 117 1.87 1.25 1.08 - 1.89 74 43 18 1


2014 112 1.87 1.25 1.10 - 1.90 73 39 18 2

Table 4-3. Pairwise Pearson correlation coefficients between AUDPC values.

Correlation measured at two environments and greenhouse in two seasons and for

the two Xam strains employed. AR= Arauca; LV= La Vega; G= greenhouse; R= rainy

season; D= dry season P value = 0.05.

Location AR318-R AR681-R LV318-R LV681-R G318-2013 G681-2013

AR318-D 0.62

AR681-D 0.06 0.84

LV318-D 0.03 0.08 0.81

LV681-D 0.15 0.35 0,05 0.89

G318-2014 0.07 0.15 0,04 0.05 0.91

G681-2014 -0.03 0.34 0,04 0.22 0.34 0.99

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Table 4-4. Better-parent heterosis. Percentage of heterosis over the better parent

values for the quantitative genetic trait of resistance to the two Xam strains evaluated

in cassava under the environments AR= Arauca; LV= La Vega; G= greenhouse; R=

rainy season; D= dry season

AR-R AR-D LV-R LV-D G-2013 G-2014

Xam681 14.36% 14.60% 13.46% 14.15% 21.11% 20.39%

Xam318 7.43% 14.24% 14.60% 16.59% 16.62% 16.62%

QTL mapping

In total 16 QTLs were detected which were distributed in 12 of the 19 linkage groups.

The linkage groups 19 and 5 had the higher number of QTLs with four and two QTLs

respectively (Table 4-4). The phenotypic variance of resistance to Xam explained for

these QTLs ranged from 11.7 to 22.1%. In particular, for the evaluation against

Xam318 were detected six QTLs explaining from 11.8% to 18.8% of the phenotypic

variance. Ten QTLs were associated to resistance to Xam681 and explained from

11.7% to 22.1% of the phenotypic variance. From these, six QTLs were detected

under the Arauca conditions, while in La Vega and greenhouse conditions were

detected four and six QTLs respectively.

Five QTLs showed high significance based on LOD threshold obtained by permutation

test. The QTL detected in the evaluation at La Vega during the rainy season

(QLV681RD-6) explaining 22.1% of the resistance to Xam681, showed the highest

LOD (Table 4-4).

In average the interval length of the QTLs was 3.1 cM. The QTL with the lowest

interval length was QAR681R-17 with 1 cM, while the QTL with the highest interval

length was QAR318R-5, with 7.5 cM (Table 4-4). Nine of the 16 QTLs were stable

between seasons for the same location (Figure 4-2). From these, five correspond to

QTLs detected under greenhouse conditions, three were detected from the evaluation

conducted at La Vega and one detected under Arauca conditions. Five of the stable

QTLs were associated to the resistance to Xam681 and the other four to Xam318

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(Table 4-5). There were not QTLs detected for all environments and/or seasons with

significant LOD score.

Figure 4-2. Which Won Where/What graphic of GGE-Biplot analysis. Axis1=PC1=

Genotypes, Axis2=PC2= Environments. A. GGE-Biplot analysis for phenotype

evaluation against Xam318 under rainy season. B. GGE-Biplot analysis for phenotype

evaluation against Xam318 under dry season. C. GGE-Biplot analysis for phenotype

evaluation against Xam681 during the rainy season. D. GGE-Biplot analysis for

phenotype evaluation against Xam681 during the dry season. For all e1=Arauca, e2=

La Vega, e3=Greenhouse.

-40 -20 0 20








Which Won Where/What

AXIS1 47.58 %






















g20 g21

























































































-40 -20 0 20 40








Which Won Where/What

AXIS1 47.07 %
















g11g12 g14








g29 g30g31






















































































-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40







Which Won Where/What

AXIS1 56.45 %








g3 g4

























g38 g39

























g81 g82




















































-40 -20 0 20









Which Won Where/What

AXIS1 53.34 %













































g62 g63






















g95 g96





g102 g103
























g139 g140














c d

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Table 4-5. Summary of QTLs ligados to CBB resistance. QTL name, location, Xam

strain and linkage group), LOD threshold, R2= percentage of phenotypic variance

explicated by the QTL, peak marker, position of the peak marker in the genetic map

given in cM. QTL marker interval, interval length in cM and Kb and number of genes

within the intervals is shown. Underlined stable QTL between seasons for the same

location. In bold QTL highly significant based on LOD obtained by permutation test. *

Unknown genetic position. **. ND= Not determinated.




score R2








length cM


length Kb

Genes in


QAR318R-5 3.3 13.7% MB_36197 78.6 MB_11835/MB_25647 7.5 ND ND

QAR318RD-3 3.0 12.2% MB_49048 79.0 MB_43944/MB_49052 3.3 44.8 3

QAR681R-17 3.4 13.9% MB_3100 107.1 MB_57042/MB_57031 1,0 25.7 9

QAR681R-19 3.2 13.1% MB_76581 * MB_75272/MB_76594 * 6.7 2

QAR681D-14 4.3 18.1% MB_9956 90.6 MB_62539/MB_10857 4.1 1.5 2

QAR681D-19 3.1 13.1% MB_48318 * MB_48251/MB_48264 * 331.3 19

QLV318RD-19 3.8 17.3% MB_38006 * MB_37785/MB_38030 * 80.8 8

QLV681RD-6 5.0 22.1% MB_50599 31.0 MB_36352/MB_63835 2.2 1.2 3

QLV681R-7 3.4 15.4% MB_78306 81.3 MB_78255/MB_78336 3.6 303.9 40

QLV681RD-4 3.4 13.8% MB_74425 30.8 MB_74354/MB_74453 5.2 275.7 34

QGH318-8 3.5 13.6% MB_62295 38.8 MB_10205/MB_10214 1.5 25.4 6

QGH318-13 3.2 12.7% MB_0787 76.0 MB_69697/MB_29269 3.3 1.1 1

QGH318-19 4.9 18.8% MB_49863 * MB_49851/MB_49878 * 58.8 8

QGH681-5 3.4 12.7% MB_0645 115.3 MB_56217/MB_0643 1.8 1.1 2

QGH681-10 3.2 11.7% MB_55582 107.0 MB_55587/MB_55581 1.9 5.4 2

QGH681-2.2 4.2 15.8% MB_23160 93.5 MB_23143/MB_26945 2.3 110.1 8

In order to identify the environment effect on the QTLs, a Q x E interaction analysis

based on the additive phenotypic effect (APE) was conducted. In this case, QTLs

detected under greenhouse conditions were not taken into account due to this

condition was not considered as an environment. Significant Q x E interaction was

established for ten QTLs (Figure 4-2). Four QTLs (QAR318R-5, QAR681R-17,

QAR681R-19 and QLV318RD-19) exhibit positive APE, which were correlated with

high AUDPC values or susceptibility, while five QTLs (QAR318RD-3, QAR681D-14,

QAR681D-19, QLV681R-7 and QLV681RD-4) shown a negative APE, which were

correlated with resistance or low AUDPC values. The QTLs QAR318R-5, QAR681R-17,

QAR681R-19, QAR681D-14, QAR681D-19 and QLV681R-7 are conditionally neutral,

due to they were detected in specific environments. On the other hand, the QTLs

QAR318RD-3, QLV318RD-19, QLV681RD-6 and QLV681RD-4 are stable QTLs, showing

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different effect levels in dry and rainy season. Despite that the QTL QLV681RD-6 was

detected during rainy and dry seasons, the APE was detected only under dry

conditions (Figure 4-3).

The genomic regions corresponding to each QTL interval were searched for coding

genes. Several genes were identified in all regions covering the QTLs intervals, except

for the QTL QAR318R-5. In total 147 genes were present in the regions containing

QTLs (supplementary Table 4-4). The QTLs physical intervals comprised in total

1275.5 Kb corresponding to a genetic distance of 37.7 cM with a mean value of 33.8

kb per 1 cM. In average it was found one gene each 8.67 Kb. However, this ratio

varies between the QTLs from 0.4 in QLV681RD-6 to 17.4 genes per Kb in QAR681D-

19. QTL regions QLV681R-7 and QAR681D-19 which shown the highest intervals

lengths (303.9Kb and 331.3Kb, respectively) contained also the highest number of

genes with 40 and 19 respectively. However the gene density (GD) was very

different: one gene every 7.5Kb for QLV681R-7 and one gene every 17.4 Kb for

QAR681D-19. In this case both QTLs have almost the same interval but the difference

in number of genes is relatively high. On the other hand QTLs with lowest interval

length, as for example QGH318-13 and QGH681-5, both with 1.1 kb each, have only

one and two genes, respectively.

From the 147 genes co-localizing with the QTLs, 89 genes (60.5%) had an annotation

in PANTHER and PFAM, while 30.5% (45 genes) were annotated in the three data

bases. 29 genes (19.7%) had no annotation described so far in the current cassava

genome, based on PFAM (Finn et al., 2010), PANTHER (Thomas et al., 2003) or

EuKaryotic Orthologous Groups (KOG) (Koonin et al., 2004). Protein kinase domain

was the most represented with thirteen counts (8.84%). A gene cluster of nine

kinases was identified in QLV681D-4. This cluster comprises a region of 140kb in

length, a GD of one gene every 15.5 kb. Also, within this cluster it was found a NB-ARC

and an LRR-Kinase encoded immunity-related gene (IRG). One genes coding for a

kinase was identified in QAR681R-19 and QGH681-2.2 while in the QLV681R-7 two

kinase were found (supplementary Table 4-3).

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Figure 4-3. QTL x environment interaction based on additive phenotypic effects

(APE). QTLs exhibit significant Q x E interaction based on additive phenotypic effects

(APE). Positive APE was correlated with negative effect under the response to Xam

while negative APE with positive effect under resistance.

A cluster of six NB-ARC was found in QAR681D-19. This cluster comprises a region of

226 kb, with a GD of one gene every 37.6kb. On the other hand, two IRGs co-localized

with QLV318RD-19, a gene coding for a WRKY DNA -binding domain protein and a

gene coding for an NB-ARC-LRR, which were 1.4Mb apart. The QTLs QAR681R-19,

QGH318-8 and QAR681R-17 co-localized with a gene coding for LRR-Kinase, a protein

with a site for AvrRpt-cleavage (Cleavage site for pathogenic type III effector

avirulence factor Avr), and a Defensin like protein respectively (Figure 4-4). The

QTLs QLV681RD-6, QGH318-19, QAR681D-14 and QGH681-2.2, which are those QTLs

with higher percentage of phenotypic variance explained, co-localized with different
















AR318-R AR318-D

AR681-R AR681-D

LV318-R LV318-D

LV681-R LV681-D
















ic e










































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annotated genes, however no IRG were found in these regions (supplementary Table


Gene expression of genes co-localizing with QTLs in resistant parental against


The expression profiles for 109 (74.1%) of the 147 genes identified in the QTLs were

obtained from transcriptomic data. The RNAseq was obtained from libraries

constructed using mRNA extracted at 1, 3 and 5 dpi. From the 147 genes only four

showed significant differential expression (p-value<0.01) when were compared to

the mock, in at least one the post inoculation times. Three genes were down

regulated and one up-regulated (Figure 4-4). Two of the down-regulated genes,

Manes.06G091400 and Manes.06G091700, co-localized with QLV681R-7 and

corresponds to a chlorophyll A-B binding protein and to a non-annotated gene,

respectively. The third down-regulated gene, Manes.07G107000, corresponds to a

protein tyrosine kinase and co-localized with QLV681D-4. This gene belongs to the

kinase cluster present in this QTL (Figure 4-4). On the other hand, the up regulated

gene Manes.10G091100 co-localized with QAR681D-19. This gene has no annotation

described so far.

Figure 4-4. Gene expression of genes that co-localizes with QTLs in resistant

parental against Xam681. Log2 of the fold-change of the relative mRNA expression

levels of the two down-regulated genes, Manes.06G091400 and Manes.06G091700 at

1dpi, and the down-regulated gene, Manes.07G107000 and up regulated gene

Manes.10G091100 at 5dpi. * p-value<0.01.
























2 o

f f





1dpi 3dpi 5dp1









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In this study we evaluated the phenotypic response of 117 genotypes of a F1

mapping population against two Xam strains in two different environments and

under rainy and dry seasons, which allowed us to identify 16 strain-specific QTLs

associated with resistance to CBB. In these QTLs were found 147 genes, from which

four were differentially expressed in the parental TMS30572 after infection with


From the seven Xam strains evaluated, two showed a contrasting phenotype between

the parents which was reproducible in all field experiments, showing that is a stable

contrasting response. These two strains, Xam318 and Xam681, were then selected to

inoculate the F1 progeny and to evaluate their response. Strains Xam318 and

Xam681 were isolated from plant samples with typical symptoms of CBB disease in

fields located at Ciénaga de Oro (N 08.889°, W 075.569°) a typical Caribbean savanna

region and Palmitos (N 09.450°, W 075,160°) located on mountains, respectively.

These strains are part of a set of Xam strains evaluated for virulence in nine cassava

accessions. Both showed a high virulent behavior, causing disease in six and eight of

nine accessions tested, respectively (Trujillo et al., 2014). Moreover, these strains

have been reported as part of prevalent haplotypes described in Colombian Xam

populations and to be the product of migratory processes between regions in

Colombia (Trujillo et al., 2014). Even though several studies on Xam populations have

been carried out, it is still needed to examine the population structure of Xam in other

Colombian geographic regions like the Orinoquía and Andina, regions where the

current phenotypic evaluation was conducted. The Xam populations in these regions

remained unexplored since more than a decade (Restrepo et al., 1999, 2000). In these

two particular regions although cassava is cultivated, the crop area is relatively

limited. It will be important for example to establish if the two strains employed in

this study are present in these two regions or if other strains belonging to the same

haplotypes exist. This will allow directing the breeding programs based on these

QTLs toward the resistance to these Xam strains for these particular Colombian


The broad sense heritability measured in this study was 23% and 53% for resistance

to Xam318 and Xam681 respectively. Broad sense heritability for CBB resistance has

been previously reported with values ranged from 10% to 69% (Hahn et al., 1998,

Jorge et al., 2000; Fregene et al., 2001; Ly et al., 2013). These values of heritability

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highlight the important effect of the environmental condition on CBB response. In

particular the humidity has a clear influence on the phenotypic response in some of

the F1 individuals. Thus, for example, the number of susceptible individuals was

higher during the rainy season compared with the dry season in both localities (68

vs. 64 for LV and 60 vs. 44 for Arauca) suggesting a positive effect of the humidity in

the phenotypic response of the genotypes tested. This can be related with the fact

that several studies have shown a positive (favorable) effect of humidity not only on

the speed of symptoms, but also on the growing of Xam (Banito et al., 2001; Wydra

and Verdier, 2002; Restrepo et al., 2004).

Even though the environmental wet conditions seem to favor the disease, also their

changes can generate different effects under a particular genotype. This can be

perceived as a change in the plant phenotype, which is known as phenotypic

plasticity. In all the conditions evaluated were found genotypes that exhibited a

resistant behavior under some environmental conditions but susceptible in others.

Thus is the case for example of the genotypes g29, g30 and g116, which showed a

resistant phenotype under the dry season but shown to be susceptible under the

rainy one. Other example is the g51 and g97 which were resistant to Xam681 at La

Vega during rainy and dry seasons, but susceptible under the rainy season at Arauca.

The phenotypic plasticity has been widely described in model and non-model crops

for several traits, including resistance to plant pathogens (Agrawal, 1999; Dicke and

Hilker, 2003). The individuals showing phenotypic plasticity identified in this study

can be used in local breeding programs as superior genotypes adapted to specific

environmental conditions as an approach exploiting adaptive plasticity (Nicotra et al.,


The identification of resistant transgressive segregants represents an important

source of resistance for breeding programs. Several genotypes showing resistant

transgressive phenotype were found in this work. The highest values of better-parent

heterosis were those corresponding to the evaluations conducted under controlled

conditions. A particular case was the genotype g79, which was categorized as a

resistant transgressive phenotype for almost all the conditions evaluated. Other

interesting case is g131, which was detected by the GGBiplot analysis. The genotype

g131 has an extreme resistance genotype in rainy and dry season against Xam318.

These two genotypes become an important source of resistance for its future use in

recombination strategies in a cassava breeding program. Transgressive segregation

of resistance has been previously described in cassava against Xam strains (Jorge et

al., 2000, 2001) as well as for other important traits for this crop (Akinwale et al.,

2010; Whankaew et al., 2011; Thanyasiriwat et al., 2013; Njenga et al., 2014). The fact

of identifying some resistant transgressive genotypes suggests the presence of

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additive and dominant genes playing a pivotal role in CBB resistance. This type of

heterosis has been explained by the presence of blocks of dominant genes from both

parents (Bingham, 1998; Jorge et al., 2000), variations in the chromosome number,

chromosome rearrangements (Rieseberg et al., 1999), and even DNA methylation,

epigenetics and silencing by small RNAs (Shivaprasad et al., 2012).

Sixteen QTLs distributed in eight chromosomes were successfully identified in

cassava to Xam. Six were associated to resistance to strain Xam318 and ten to

Xam681, indicating these are strain specific QTLs. These loci correspond to QTLs

which explains the phenotypic variance of resistance to Xam up to 10%. In order to

not discard QTLs with relative small effect two criteria were used to declare them as

significant. The first one employed a permutation test and the second one consider a

LOD >3. Even if the QTLs explaining up 10% can be considered as minor QTLs, and

the identification of QTLs for plant resistance has focused principally on those

explaining more than 20% of phenotypic variance or large effect (Roux et al., 2014),

QTLs with relative small effect as those identified here, can also have a relevant

importance not only in breeding programs, but also to the understanding the

molecular mechanisms involved in plant disease resistance.

Previously, twelve QTLs were identified to five Colombian Xam strains by Jorge et al

(2000), while Wydra et al (2004) reported nine QTLs to four Xam strains. None of

these QTLs were identified in the present study. Several reasons can explain this fact.

First of all, the environments where the evaluations were conducted were completely

different. As mentioned before the environmental conditions play an important role

in the response to Xam infection and in consequence certainly influence the QTL

detection. Second, several of the previously identified QTLs were strain-specific. As

the present study employed two strains different to the previous studies it is

expected not to find the same QTLs. Actually all the QTLs identified in this study were

strain-specific. Detection of strain-specific QTLs has already been reported for

quantitative resistance in the past for several crops such as rice (Li et al., 1999),

tomato (Wang et al., 2000; Carmeille et al., 2006), melon (Perchepied et al., 2005) and

apple (Calenge et al., 2004), showing that is common phenomenon. Taken together,

these results suggest a strong strain x cultivar x environment interaction. In order to

prove this hypothesis it will be important to consider carrying out phenotypic

evaluations in multi-environments with the same Xam strains as well as to expand

the panel (repertoire) of strains belonging to the same and different haplotypes.

The Q x E interaction was established for all QTLs except for those detected under

greenhouse conditions. Remarkable, the majority of QTLs detected under rainy

season showed a positive APE, while those detected under dry conditions exhibit a

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negative one. This suggests a positive contribution in the response to Xam of these

QTLs under dry conditions in the population evaluated. This evidences once again the

important role of the environment and especially the humidity conditions in favoring

CBB disease. The detection of QTLs with a significant APE in one environment but not

in another, (unstable QTLs) or conditionally neutral QTLs, are evidence of the pivotal

role of the environment conditions in the instability of the detection of QTLs between

environments. Conditionally neutral resistance QTLs have been reported in some

crops like rice (Li et al., 2007), wheat (Ramburan et al., 2004) and apple (Calenge and

Durel, 2006). In cassava in spite that environmental unstable QTLs have been

reported (Jorge et al., 2001), Q x E interaction for CBB has not been described so far.

Although, stable detected QTLs are the best ones for breeding programs, due to its

genetic component plays a major role, the knowledge behind a conditional neutral

QTL also has a place in plant improvement. These resistance loci indicate the great

influence on the phenotype of external conditions, such as environmental factors.

Thus, they can be exploited in local programs that present particular environmental

conditions and adapted pathogens.

All the QTLs identified covering a region corresponding to 1,275.5 Kb. In this region

were found 147 genes. In the past, studies on QTLs worked with low saturated

genetic maps developed mainly with anonymous markers. In consequence they

generate QTLs with large intervals with narrow knowledge about the number and the

nature of the genes present in these regions. This fact made the identification of

genes responsible of the variation of the most interesting traits in crops time-

consuming. Nowadays, with the advent of next generation sequencing, strategies

such as genotyping by sequencing (GBS), it is possible to obtain thousands of markers

with known physical positions in the genome. This expedited the development of

high dense genetic maps containing non-anonymous markers. In spite of some

associations between candidates genes with QTL has been reported (Faris et al.,

1999; Ramalingam et al., 2003), the isolation of genes present in QTLs regions are

scarce. In this study through the use of a high dense genetic map obtained by GBS we

were able to identify 147 putative genes that co-localized with QTLs in short interval

lengths (3.1 cM in average).

The corresponding functional gene annotation was obtained for 118 of the genes,

from which thirteen showed annotations directly related to plant immunity. These

genes co-localized with five QTLs. In the past, other studies have shown the co-

localizing of genes coding for typical resistance genes with QTLs (Ramalingam et al.,

2003; St. Clair, 2010; López, 2011). Thus in spite that resistance to CBB has been

considered as a quantitative trait and that in cassava-Xam the Avr-R interaction has

not been demonstrated, the presence of genes coding for typical R genes within the

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QTLs intervals strengthen the idea of an overlapping between qualitative and

quantitative resistance.

In the whole repertoire of genes present in the QTL intervals, the kinase was the most

represented group of proteins. A cluster of nine kinases, one of them being a LRR-

kinase, co-localized with QLV681D-4. Despite the kinase family is one of the most

widely distributed protein families in plant genomes, find a co-localization of

members of this family with resistance QTLs not seems to be due by chance. Several

proteins of this family have been involved in plant resistance in model plants (Huard-

Chauveau et al., 2013) as well as in some of the most important economical crops

such as barley (Druka et al., 2008), wheat (Fu et al., 2009) and maize (Zuo et al.,

2015). The kinases can be an important element in quantitative disease resistance,

either as a receptor or as part of the signaling pathway. Clusters of kinase related

proteins have been reported as an import part of defense responses in Arabidopsis

and in other crops (Roux et al., 2014). In tomato for example, the Pseudomonas

resistance gene (Pto) is a Ser/Thr kinase (Oh and Martin, 2011) that belongs to a

kinase cluster. The large group of kinases has been exploited to be used as “decoys”

for the plant immunity (Van der Hoorna and Kamoun, 2008). One of the kinases

(Manes.07G107000) identified in the QTL region (QLV681RD-4) and explaining

13.8% of the resistance to Xam, was down-regulated at 5dpi. The down regulation-of

protein kinases have been previously reported as a negative regulator of plant

immunity (Petersen et al., 2000). This is the case of the Mitogen-activated protein

kinase MPK4 from Arabidopsis, which when is down regulated, result in the

activation of the plant pathogen-mediated defense responses (Gao et al., 2008; Zhang

et al., 2012).

Despite the fact that the majority of the genes (121 genes) present in the QTL regions

do not correspond to IRGs and only four were differentially expressed they should

not be disposal as interesting genes. Conversely, it has been demonstrated that the

classical immunity-related proteins could be part of a small fraction of the total genes

associated with quantitative resistance (Corwin et al., 2016). Also, evidence from the

cloning of some genes responsible for plant quantitative resistance, shows that the

corresponding proteins do not belong to any specific group of immunity related

proteins or lack of the classical domains present in R proteins. These genes are

involved in different functions and/or process (Poland et al., 2009; Bryant et al.,

2014; Roux et al., 2014). The repertoire of genes co-localizing with the QTLs reported

here, represents a first step in the dissection of the biological mechanisms that

govern CBB resistance and a new sources of genes to be validated through different

approaches. With the advent of gene editing methodologies it will be possible to

know the function of these particular genes in CBB resistance (Sander and Joung,

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2014). Moreover, this gene repertoire and the SNP markers associated to them

become a source of data directly related to CBB resistance. They can be used in plant

breeding strategies focused to develop cassava materials resistant to CBB adapted to

the regions here evaluated.


We thank COLCIENCIAS for the financial support through grand 521-2011 and PhD

scholarship call 528. We would like to extend our gratitude to the International

Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) for enabling the plant material, to the staff of

the Universidad de Colombia, Orinoquía, especially to Mr. Alexis Landaeta. Special

thanks to Mr. Lisímaco López† for their hospitality, kindness and for the support

during the field experiments.


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Supplementary data

Supplementary Figure 4-1. Distribution of AUDPC values for the F1 mapping

population for each environment, Xam strain and season. ar= Arauca; lv= La Vega. In

figure it is show the AUDPC value for the parents: TMS= parental TMS30572; CM=

parental CM2177-2. Shapiro-W Test ɑ= 0,05, **AUDPC normal distributed.

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Supplementary Table 4-1. Phenotypic responses to Xam318 and Xam681

during multi-environment evaluation. K= genotype, R= resistant, S= susceptible.

(year (2013= rainy season, 2014= dry season; Location (ara= Arauca, lv= La Vega,

gh= Greenhouse; Xam strain (318 or 681). File available at:


Supplementary Table 4-2. Transgressive segregants of the phenotypic

responds to Xam318 and Xam681 during multi-environment evaluation. K=

genotype, R= resistant, S= susceptible. (year (2013= rainy season, 2014= dry season;

Location (ara= Arauca, lv= La Vega, gh= Greenhouse; Xam strain (318 or 681). File

available at:


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Supplementary Table 4-3. Analysis of variance for genotype (g), environment

(location, Xam strain, season) and genotype x environment among the F1 mapping

population. (p<0.001)

Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)

Rep 4 1.81 0.45 14.56 8.52e-12 ***

Environment (E) 7 9.40 1.34 43.13 <2.2e-16 ***

Genotype (G) 116 34.5 0.29 9.56 <2.2e-16 ***

GxE 681 62.5 0.09 2.95 <2.2e-16 ***

Error 3200 99.6 0.03

Supplementary Table 4-3. Repertoire of candidate defense-related genes

identified in QTLs intervals. CBB resistance QTLs with its positions in the cassava

genetic map and in the cassava genome v4.1 and v.6.1. Candidate defense-related

genes identified in QTLs intervals with its functional annotation. File available at:


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"Just because I cannot see it, doesn't mean I can't believe it!"

-Jack Skellington, A Nightmare Before Christmas, 1993

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QTL identification for cassava bacterial blight resistance under

natural infection conditions.

Johana Carolina Soto Sedano1, Rubén Eduardo Mora Moreno1, Fernando Calle2,

Camilo Ernesto López Carrascal1

1 Manihot Biotec Laboratory, Biology department, Universidad Nacional de Colombia,

Bogotá, Colombia. 2 Unidad de Mejoramiento y Genética de yuca. Centro Internacional de Agricultura

Tropical. CIAT, Palmira, Colombia

Submitted to Acta biológica Colombiana. June 2016


Cassava, Manihot esculenta Crantz, represents the main food source for more than

one billion people. Cassava’s production is affected by several diseases, one of the

most serious is cassava bacterial blight (CBB) caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv.

manihotis (Xam). A quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis for CBB resistance was

performed under natural infection conditions, using a mapping population of 99 full-

sibs genotypes highly segregant and a SNP-based high dense genetic map. The

phenotypic evaluation was carried out in Puerto López, Meta, Colombia, during the

rainy season in 2015. Both resistant and susceptible transgresive segregants were

detected in the mapping population. Through a non-parametric interval mapping

analysis, two QTLs were detected, explaining 10.9 and 12.6% of phenotypic variance

of resistance to field CBB. After a bioinformatics exploration four genes were

identified in the QTLs intervals. This work represents a contribution to the

elucidation of the molecular bases of quantitative cassava resistance to Xam.

Keywords: Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis, cassava, QTL, resistance,

molecular marker, SNPs

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Cassava, Manihot esculenta Crantz, is a cross-pollinated species, belong to the

Euphorbiaceae family, is a perennial shrub and its origin is the Amazon Basin (Olsen

and Schaal, 1999). The cassava diploid genome is 2n = 36 and has sexual

reproduction but for agro-economical purposes farmers use vegetative propagation

(Carvalho and War, 2002; Raji et al., 2009). Cassava is one of the most important

crops worldwide. It is the third most important source of calories in the tropics, after

rice and maize. Cassava has been considered essential in protecting food security,

especially for developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America (FAO, 2008).

Due to the high adaptability to drought and acid and poor soils, cassava has been

considered as an excellent alternative for an eventual world food crisis (FAO, 2008,


Brazil, Thailand, Indonesia, Angola and Ghana are the countries with the largest

cassava planted area. Colombia was ranked fifteenth in world cassava production and

third in Latin America after Brazil and Paraguay (Aguilera, 2012). In Colombia,

Departments such as Bolívar, Córdoba, Sucre, Magdalena and Meta are those with the

largest cassava planted area and production. The total production in these

Departments was more than 500 thousand tons in 2014 (

Cassava, as any other crop, is affected by several diseases produced by virus, fungus,

oomycetes and bacteria (FAO, 2013). The most important bacterial disease affecting

cassava is Cassava Bacterial Blight (CBB), which is caused by the vascular and foliar

pathogen Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis (Xam). Recently, Xam was ranked as

one of the top 10 most important bacterial phytopathogens (Mansfield et al., 2012).

CBB is a devastating disease, generating significant losses, which can reach between

12 and 100% in infected fields (Lozano, 1986; López and Bernal, 2012). In Colombia,

the Xam populations are highly dynamic and diverse (Restrepo et al., 2004; Trujillo et

al., 2014).

Conventional breeding strategies have been used to address CBB but with limited

success. The most efficient strategy to manage CBB is planting resistant cultivars.

However, the knowledge of the molecular mechanisms which governs the resistance

in cassava is scarce. Nevertheless, histology and cytochemistry studies of the

resistance to CBB shows the callose depositions (Kpémoua, 1996; Sandino et al.,

2105), cell wall fortification, lignification and suberization associated with callose

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deposition and production of flavonoids and polysaccharides as important

mechanisms of resistant cultivars in response to Xam (Kpémoua et al., 1996). Also,

different molecular approaches have conducted to identify resistance and defense

genes (López et al., 2003; López et al., 2005).

Resistance to CBB is a quantitative trait, with polygenic and additive inheritance

(Hahn et al., 1974; Jorge et al., 2000, 2001). A number of quantitative trait loci (QTL)

for resistance to CBB, with major and minor effects as well as stable and unstable

have been detected. In 2000, Jorge and coworkers reported twelve QTLs explaining

9% to 27% of the phenotypic variance. These QTLs were detected under greenhouse

conditions to five Xam strains (CIO-84, CIO-1, CIO-136, CIO-295 and ORST X-27).

Eight novel QTLs, explain between 7.2% and 18.2% of the resistance, were identified

under field conditions of natural disease pressure and during two consecutive crop

cycles (Jorge et al., 2001). Nine QTLs explaining from 16% to 33% of the phenotypic

variance to four African Xam strains were also reported (Wydra et al., 2004). More

recently, two new QTLs explaining 62% and 21% of the CBB resistance were

identified to the Xam strains CIO151 and CIO121 (López et al., 2007).

Undoubtedly the environmental conditions plays a key role in traits governed

quantitatively and even more in plant pathogen interactions (Weinig and Schmitt,

2004; Anderson et al., 2014). In fact, several studies had shown that the environment

conditions are a key factor in the cassava - Xam interaction. In particular, the

humidity favors the dispersion and proliferation of the bacteria and favors the

disease (Banito et al., 2000, 2008; Wydra and Verdier, 2002; Restrepo et al., 2004).

Thus, is essential to perform field evaluations with high disease pressure in order to

detect genetic determinants involved in CBB resistance under natural conditions

where cassava grows.

Here we report two novel QTLs for CBB field resistance, based on the evaluation of a

biparental population of 99 F1 segregating full sib progeny. These QTLs were

detected during a rainy season in 2015 in Meta, Colombia. A bioinformatics research

for genes present in the QTLs regions was carried out finding some candidate genes.

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Materials and methods

Mapping population and field design experiment

The mapping population is a full sib F1 segregating population of 99 individuals

obtained by a cross between the Nigerian cultivar TMS30572 and CIAT’s elite cultivar

CM2177-2 (Fregene, 1997). This population has been used for several mapping

studies (Fregene et al., 1997; Jorge et al., 2000; Jorge et al., 2001; Mba et al., 2001;

Lopez et al., 2007), and for the construction of a high-density cassava genetic map

(Soto et al., 2015). Each genotype was grown from stakes at the research institute “La

Libertad” Corpoica, located in Puerto López, Meta, Colombia (4°03'40.3"N

73°27'22.5"W). This region belongs to ecozone 2 (ECZ2): a lowland tropical region in

the Colombian eastern plains (Restrepo et al., 1999; Jorge et al., 2001; Trujillo et al.,

2014). Ten plants of each parent and each genotype were planted with a density of

1m2, in an area of 1.9 ha under a complete random design. The phenotyping

evaluation was performed during July 2015 corresponding to rainy season


Field evaluation of the response to CBB

Under a natural pressure of Xam, the disease severity was scored in ten plants by

genotype and parental at 10 months after planting, using a rating from 0 to 5, using

the symptoms scale described by Jorge et al (2001). Symptom 1=no symptoms;

2=angular leaf spots; 3=wilting of leaves; 4=dieback of one or several apices;

5=dieback of whole plan. The average of the symptoms at the observation time was

calculated for each genotype and taken as a disease index (DI). The DI of each

genotype was used for QTL analysis. The transgressive segregants were also

evaluated in the mapping population. The distribution of frequency of the DI was

tested for normal distribution by the Shapiro-Wilk test. An analysis of variance

(ANOVA) and its non-parametric test (Kruskal-Wallis) was also performed.

QTL mapping

Interval Mapping (IM) analysis with the “np” model was used for QTL detection

through R/qtl V1.37-11 (Broman, 2015). The high dense genetic map of cassava (Soto

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et al., 2015) was employed plus a set of 2,236 GBS-SNP markers with unknown

genetic position but with known physical position in the current cassava genome

v6.1. To declare the presence of a QTL a LOD score equal or higher than 2.5 was used

as criteria. The QTL interval was established by a LOD decrease of 0.5 from the

marker peak position. Phenotypic variation explained by each QTL was determined

with calc.Rsq in R. Physical positions of the genes identified within the QTLs intervals

were established based on the SNP-based genetic map. The gene annotation was

consulted in the JGI’s Phytozome platform.


Field evaluation of the response to CBB

The F1 population was planted in August, 2014. The plants were cultivated according

to the agronomical practices employed by the farmers. No control to diseases was

conducted. During the evaluation period of the response to natural disease pressure

of Xam in Meta, Colombia, in July 2015, the maximum and minimal temperatures

were 32°C and 22°C, respectively, 87% of relative humidity and a mean precipitation

of 400 mm ( Insects or other diseases did not attack the plants,

which grew as expected.

At the end of the productive cycle (10 months after plantation) and before collecting

the roots, the plants were scored for the presence of symptoms. Five genotypes (5%)

were symptomless, while 94 genotypes (95%) exhibit at least one of the typical

symptoms related to CBB, being the angular leaf spots the most common. Taking into

account these observations it is possible to conclude that CBB was present in the field

and in consequence it was possible to evaluate the differential responses between the

genotypes. The plants were categorized according to the presence of symptoms using

a field scale previously established (Jorge et al., 2001) and a disease index (DI) was

calculated for each genotype. The DI in the mapping population did not exhibit a

normal distribution, (P<0.05) (Figure 5-1). However, the Kruskal-Wallis test showed

significant differences (p<0.05) for the DI values obtained for the genotypes tested,

sugesting that the response to CBB is genotype-dependent (Supplementary Table 5-

1). Also both parents exhibited DIs statistically different (significant P<0.05),

indicating contrasting responses to CBB (Supplementary Table 5-2). The resistant

parental TMS30572 had a DI value of 0.2 while the DI for the susceptible parent was

0.6. The DI in the mapping population ranged from 0 to 2, with a mean of 0.75 and a

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standard deviation of 0.45. Most IDs values were found near the average of the

sample (34 genotypes with ID=1) and very few values near the upper (4 genotypes

with ID >1.8) and lower extremes (5 genotypes with ID =0) (Fig. 1). From the 99

genotypes evaluated, 38 have equal or lower IDs values than 0.2 (ID value of the

resistant parent TMS30572), these were considered as resistant genotypes. On the

other hand, 61 genotypes exhibited equal or higher IDs values than 0.6 (ID value for

the susceptible parent CM772-14) and those were considered as susceptible.

Transgressive segregants with DIs higher or lower than the parents were identified

in the mapping population. The total trasngressive segregants were 8 for DIs lower

than 0.2 (ID value of the parent TMS30572) and 60 higher than 0.6 (ID value of the

parent CM2177-2). The genotypes g52 and g135 were the extreme genotypes for

susceptibility with ID values of 1.83 and 2, respectively. For resistance, the extreme

genotypes were g23, g89, g92, g93 and g104, which did not exhibit any symptom

related to CBB (Supplementary Table 5-2).

QTL mapping

Due to the ID values in the mapping population did not exhibit a normal distribution,

a non-parametric QTL interval mapping approach using the model “np” of R/qtl, was

applied. Based on the phenotyping evaluation of the response to CBB in the F1

population and the previous cassava genetic map developed (Soto et al., 2015) a QTL

analysis was carried out using IM. This analysis allowed the identification of two

QTLs explaining CBB field resistance. These QTLs were located in linkage groups 4

and 8 with LOD 2.5 and 2.9 respectively (Figure 5-2). The QTL in the linkage group 4

was named as QLB-4 and explains the 12.6% of the field resistance to CBB. It covers

an interval length of 2.4 cM. The interval flanking markers of QLB-4 were MB_21980

and MB_25367. The physical distance from the peak (MB_21974) to the flanking

marker MB_21980 was 317bp. While the distance from the peak marker to the

flanking marker MB_24367 could not be established due to these two markers belong

to different scaffolds in the cassava genome v4.1.

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Figure 5-1. Histogram of the distribution of the disease index values obtained

in the field evaluation of the response to CBB. The X-axis represents the classes of

the distribution of ID values for the 99 genotypes evaluated. The Y-axis shows the

frequency of genotypes in each category. ID values of the parents are shown by the


Figure 5-2. QTL detection for field resistance to CBB in linkage groups 4 and 8

by non-parametric interval mapping. The Y-axis indicates the LOD values and the

X-axis the linkage group with the corresponding molecular markers. The QTL peak is

shown with the SNP peak marker. The red line indicates the LOD 2.5 threshold.

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The second QTL was located on the linkage group 8, explained 10.9% of CBB

resistance and was named as QLB-8. The QLB-8 covers an interval of 1.8 cM, whit a

peak marker matches to the SNP MB_8500 and interval flanking markers MB_2801

and MB_14991 (Table 5-1). The physical distance from the peak marker to the

flanking markers could not be established due to the two flanking markers belonging

to different scaffolds in the cassava genome v4.1.

For each QTL interval, the corresponding genomic regions were searched for the

presence of coding regions based on the new cassava genome version v6.1. The

positions of the SNPs markers MB_21974 (peak marker) and MB_21980 (flanking

marker) of QLB-4 match with the gene Manes.07G062100. According to PFAM the

annotation, this gene coded for a protein related to the vacuolar-sorting receptor 3.

The position of the other flanking marker of QLB-4 (MB_25367) matches with the

gene Manes.07G053100 which following the PFAM annotation corresponds to a serine

protease carboxypeptidase. While in the interval of QLB-8 two genes were detected:

Manes.S010100a and Manes.03G002800, which code for a C2HC zinc finger-containing

protein and for a core-2/i-branching beta-1,6-n-acetylglucosaminyltransferase

protein, respectively.

Table 5-1. Summary of QTLs detected for field resistance to CBB. The QTL name

(Q=QTL; LB=La Libertad; number of linkage group), LOD score, percentage of

phenotypic variance explicated (R2), peak marker and its position in the genetic map,

QTL interval, interval length in cM and number of genes within the intervals. ND= Not





score R2


SNP Marker






length cM

Genes in


QLB-4 2,5 12,6% MB_21974 98.34 MB_25367- MB_21980 2.4 2

QLB-8 2.9 10,9% MB_8500 7.21 MB_2801- MB_14991 1.8 2


The present study evaluated the phenotypic response of 99 full-sib segregant

genotypes to CBB in field during the rainy season at Meta (Eastern plains), one of the

most productive areas of cassava in Colombia ( An adequate

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high disease pressure was observed during the field evaluation. Differences in the

severity of the disease between parental genotypes, as well as differences within the

individuals of the mapping population, could be detected. Based on the phenotype

data obtained it was possible the identification of two QTLs explaining 10.9 and

12.6% of cassava resistance to Xam. In each of these QTLs regions were found two

coding genes, representing novel candidate genes for CBB resistance.

The Colombian Eastern plains belong to the ECZ2 which is characterized by savannas

of acid soils, with mean temperature of 26.1°C and mean precipitation of 400 mm per

month (Jorge et al., 2001; Ospina et al., 2002; Restrepo et al., 2004). This ECZ2 has

been described as an area with one of the highest incidence of CBB in Colombia

(CIAT, 1975; Jorge et al., 2001). Several studies have shown that Xam populations

present ecozone-differentiation as well as pathogenic specialization to the local

adapted cassava material (Restrepo and Verdier, 1997; Restrepo, 1999). Thus, the

QTLs reported here could be useful for further breeding strategies whose interest

will be developing new CBB-resistant cassava varieties highly adapted to this ECZ. It

will be important to carry out studies on the pathogen in this area in order to dissect

the current status of the presence of different Xam strains and its dynamics. The last

information available on Xam in this particular ECZ was obtained almost two decades

ago (Restrepo, 1999).

A higher number of susceptible genotypes (61.6%) compared with the susceptible

ones were identified in the mapping population. Due to the phenotypic evaluation

was performed during a rainy year, it is expected that the high humidity had

contributed to this finding. This is consistent with several studies showing that high

humidity favored the development and speed of symptoms as well Xam growing and

dispersion (Leu, 1978; Banito et al., 2000, 2001; Wydra and Verdier, 2002; Restrepo

et al., 2004).

Both, resistant and susceptible transgressive segregants were identified in the

phenotypic evaluation of the mapping population. Ten resistant transgressive were

identified. This type of segregation has been described for several crops (Whankaew

et al., 2011; Akinwale et al., 2010; Njenga et al., 2014; Thanyasiriwat et al., 2013), as

well for cassava to CBB resistance in the same mapping population used in this study

(Jorge et al., 2000, 2001). The finding of these segregants suggests the action of

additive and dominant genes for CBB resistance in the TMS30571 x CM2177-2 cross.

The transgresive genotypes and especially the extreme resistant individuals g23, g89,

g92, g93 and g104, became an important source of CBB resistance to be employed in

different cassava breeding programs.

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In this study only two QTLs were identified. A previous QTL detection study for CBB

conducted also at ECZ2 (Jorge et al., 2001) revealed the presence of eight QTLs from

which six were stable. On greenhouse and controlled conditions with particular Xam

strains more than twenty QTLs have been identified (Jorge et al., 2000; Wydra et al.,

2004; Lopez et al., 2007). Several of these QTLs were strain-specific QTLs. In order to

evaluate the stability of the QTLs reported here, it will be necessary to perform

additional field evaluations during different years and dry seasons. Another

important aspect will be to determinate the Xam strain (s) present on the infected

plants to know if these QTLs are strain specific.

The two QTLs identified in this study cover a genetic region of 4.2 cM, 2.4 cM for QLB-

4 and 1.8 cM for QLB-8, respectively. The QTLs cover a short interval length given the

high marker density exhibited for this genetic map (Soto et al., 2015). In addition, this

genetic map was anchored to the cassava genome which allowed the identification of

the genes present in the QTLs intervals. Even though some associations of candidate

genes with QTL have been reported (Faris et al., 1999; Ramalingam et al., 2003; Liu et

al., 2004), these types of studies are scarce. Here it was possible to identify four

candidate genes in a relative short interval length. The presence of only two genes in

each of these QTLs will facilitate the number of genes to be functionally validated.

The functional annotation of the four genes present within the QTL intervals are not

directly related to known plant immunity related genes. Other studies have reported

the presence of genes coding for proteins related in plant immunity process as

pathogen perception or in signal pathways (Ramalingam et al., 2003; St. Clair, 2010;

López, 2011). However, some studies have established that the typical immunity-

related genes are only a small part of the whole genes related to plant resistance

(Corwin et al., 2016). Recently, several genes have been cloned from QTLs and none

of them correspond to classical R genes, but have different functions not directly

related with pathogen recognition or defense (Poland et al., 2009; Bryant et al., 2014;

Roux et al., 2014). Thus, the four genes here detected become new genetic factors

that may be playing an important role in CBB resistance. The functional validation of

these genes should be addressed in order to deepen the understanding of the cassava

response to Xam.


We want to thank Universidad Nacional de Colombia and COLCIENCIAS for the PhD

scholarship call 528 of the author Johana Soto. We would like to extend our gratitude

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to the “Unidad de Mejoramiento y Genética”- CIAT International Center for Tropical

Agriculture (CIAT) for enabling the plant material and to the staff of Corpoica La

libertad for the support during the field experiments.


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of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) with integrated physical mapping of immunity-related genes. BMC Genomics. 16:190

Thanyasiriwat, T., Sraphet, S., Whankaew, S., Boonseng, O., Bao, J., Lightfoot, D. A., Tangphatsornruang, S., and Triwitayakorn, K. 2014. Quantitative trait loci and candidate genes associated with starch pasting viscosity characteristics in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz). Plant Biol. 16:197–207

Trujillo, C. A., Ochoa, J. C., Mideros, M. F., Restrepo, S., López, C., and Bernal, A. 2014. A Complex Population Structure of the Cassava Pathogen Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis in Recent Years in the Caribbean Region of Colombia. Microb. Ecol.

Weinig, C., and Schmitt, J. 2004. Environmental effects on the expression of quantitative trait loci and implications for phenotypic evolution. Bioscience. 54:627–635

Whankaew, S., Poopear, S., Kanjanawattanawong, S., Tangphatsornruang, S., Boonseng, O., Lightfoot, D. A., and Triwitayakorn, K. 2011. A genome scan for quantitative trait loci affecting cyanogenic potential of cassava root in an outbred population. BMC Genomics. 12:1

Wydra, K., and Verdier, V. 2002. Occurrence of cassava diseases in relation to environmental , agronomic and plant characteristics. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. 93:211–226

Wydra, K., Zinsou, V., Jorge, V., and Verdier, V. 2004. Identification of Pathotypes of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis in Africa and Detection of Quantitative Trait Loci and Markers for Resistance to Bacterial Blight of Cassava. Phytopathology. 94:1084–1093

Supplementary data

Supplementary Table 5-1. CBB disease index values of the mapping population

evaluated under natural conditions of infection. Disease index obtained from 99

genotypes during field evaluation (Meta, Colombia). The additional file is available at:


Supplementary Table 5-2. T test of the response (disease index) of mapping

population. Parents exhibited indicating statistically different contrasting responses

P<0.05. The additional file is available at:


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General discusion

Improving CBB resistance: a general diagnostic

In the last decade, according to the FAO cassava has emerged as one of the most

important crops, after rice, wheat and maize. The demand of this crop has increased

dramatically, not only for the millions of people in developing countries who base

their diet on this crop, but also for its use in the industry (FAO, 2015). However the

production, and thus the supply of this product, is under threat as consequence of

devastating diseases such as CBB. Notwithstanding its importance, cassava is a crop

that has been scarcely studied, including the molecular mechanisms related with CBB


A century ago CBB was first described as one of the most devastating diseases of

cassava (Lozano, 1986). Xam, its causative agent, has been considered a quarantine

pathogen. However, new reports of CBB have emerged over time, being one of the

most recent those from Burkina-Faso (Wonni et al., 2015). CBB has also been

described as a disease highly influenced by the environment (Banito et al., 2001).

Xam populations have been described as highly diverse (Restrepo et al., 2004;

Trujillo et al., 2014). This scenario makes the study of this disease a challenge,

requiring the isolation of several genes conferring resistance to the large repertoire

of Xam strains reported.

Undoubtedly there is a need for detailed knowledge of the pathogen populations, the

effect of the environment on the resistance response and the inherent genetic factors

governing resistance. All this information should be integrated in order to generate

novel and innovative strategies to improve CBB resistance through complementary

traditional and molecular breeding approaches.

For years, new cassava varieties with different levels of CBB resistance have been

obtained through conventional breeding in different countries (Russell, 2013).

However, these materials are not necessarily adapted to different regions. Thus it will

be necessary to implement resistance evaluations in multi-environments into the

breeding schemes. On the other hand, the knowledge of Xam populations, diversity

and dynamics has been rarely taking into account within the cassava breeding

programs. As a consequence there is a lack of knowledge concerning the level of

resistance of the new materials developed to the spectrum of Xam strains, making

impossible to predict the level and durability of resistance in these materials.

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In this thesis, through a combination of approaches including mapping, QTL and

transcriptomic, analysis we sought out to get a closer to the genetic factors governing

CBB resistance. A special attention was given to the effect of the environmental

conditions on CBB responses to two Xam strains evaluated on the F1 population used

to construct the cassava genetic map and on the QTL detection. Once the QTLs will be

validated, they could be successfully integrated into cassava breeding programs

which aim to develop adapted cassava varieties resistant to CBB

The bottlenecks: molecular markers in the past, phenotypic data nowadays

Different approaches have been developed for the detection of the genetic factors

governing a quantitative trait. The most popular is the QTL mapping and also more

recently the GWAS (Korte and Farlow, 2013). The idea behind these approaches is to

understand the dynamics between allele variation and how it influences the

phenotype. Thus, both genotype and phenotype data are the bedrock of these sort of


In the QTL linkage mapping approach, solid statistical analysis such as interval

mapping and composite interval mapping allow the association between molecular

markers localized on the genetic map with the phenotypic data obtained for a

particular trait in the same population (Collard et al., 2005). However in the past the

big challenge was to obtain high volumes of genotypic (molecular markers) data.

Thus there was always a particular interest in the generation of high number of

molecular markers which could be employed for the construction of genetic maps.

The first generation of molecular markers included RFLPs, RAPDs, AFLPs and SSRs

among others. With high effort (time-consuming, low high-throughput possibilities)

hundreds of these markers were obtained for a population and positioned on genetic

maps. In addition these markers were not widely distributed in the genome, were

anonymous and come from unpractical techniques in terms of cost and time.

However, they were used successfully for the development of the first genetic maps

and for QTL detection purposes in the most important economical species (McCouch

et al., 1988; Graner et al., 1991; Reinisch et al., 1994).

The limitations of the above-mentioned molecular markers were overcome with the

generation of the new and massive sequencing technologies (Ansorge, 2009) which

revolutionized the ability not only of obtain complete genome sequences but also to

detect variations in DNA through high-throughput genotyping. Nowadays it is

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possible to obtain thousands of SNPs markers with a precise position on the genome

in a relatively short period of time and on large size of population (Elshire et al.,

2011). This growth in the capacity to obtain genotypic data raised a big challenge on

the ability to store and to analyze high volume of information. The demand of

specialized programs used for genetic mapping and QTL detection as well as

algorithms able to perform genetic analysis of these volumes of data tends to grow.

Nevertheless, new algorithms and statistical models are in constant development to

improve the accurate and speed of genetic analysis based on DNA high-throughput


The high-throughput genotyping also consolidated a new generation of more

accurate genetic maps. Today we have the possibility to integrate large set of

molecular markers for the development of saturated genetic maps. This translates

into a greater genetic resolution, short gaps between non-anonymous molecular

makers, more efficient computing processes and a diminution in price. In fact, in this

thesis a genotyping by sequencing approach was applied to the mapping population.

In less than a year we were able to generate more than 78,000 SNPs for 150

segregating individuals, covering around 87% of the current cassava genome. Based

on this genotypic data we made a big jump concerning the construction of cassava

genetic maps producing one of the most saturated maps reported so far. The cassava

genetic map here reported increased the number of markers from a few hundred of

anonymous markers with big gaps between them (Fregene et al., 1997; Jorge et al.,

2000; Mba et al., 2001) to 2,141 SNPs markers with known positions in the genome

and an average distance of 1.26 cM between markers.

Moreover, with the availability of the cassava genome sequence, we were able to

assemble the genetic map into a genome-wide physical map, as a first attempt to give

an order to the sequence of the cassava genome v.4.1, which at that time was

represented by thousands of scaffolds. Also, this map increased the last version of the

cassava map (Rabbi et al., 2014) in 30.7Mb, leading 64% of the genome sequence

draft v.4.1 anchored to a genetic map. Thus, the high-throughput genotyping used in

this work allowed us to develop a genetic map that represents a great contribution in

different ways for the cassava scientific community. This map can be exploited to

identify specific genotypes through the presence, absence and inheritance of

particular molecular markers associated with a particular trait within populations.

This map can also be employed as a reference in future studies of the cassava genome

evolution, contributing to detect chromosome rearrangements, intraspecific genome

duplications and search for syntenic regions between species. In addition this map

can be exploited for further comparative genomic studies with other cassava

populations. One of the most important practical contributions of the genetic map

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developed during this work is the fact that it constitutes a fundamental element for

gene cloning by positional mapping in cassava.

Positional gene cloning requires the molecular markers delimiting the QTL are

separated for reduced intervals. One of the ways to reduce this interval is through a

fine mapping approach (Lynch et al., 1998). Nevertheless, since this approach

requires the production of populations with thousands of recombinant individuals, it

is not an expeditious strategy to be followed in cassava given it has a low seed

production and low germination rate (Hahn et al. 1973) (Fregene et al., 2001).

Another way to reduce the QTL intervals is through the use of high dense genetic

maps. In the development of this kind of maps, the greater the size of the mapping

population, the greater number of recombinants that can be detected, and thus the

map resolution will increase. Here we were able to integrate a good number of

molecular markers into the map, however this number was affected by our mapping

population size. As a consequence a number of markers not were integrated to the

map. Nevertheless the resolution achieved in this version of the cassava genetic map

was enough to detect 18 strain-specific QTLs with low sizes intervals ranged from 1

to 7 cM; in which relatively few number of CBB candidate defense-related genes

(CDRGs) were found, ranged from 1 to 40 for a single QTL interval. In the 18 QTLs

which represents a total map region of 38 cM were identified a repertoire of 151

CDRGs. Moreover, this dense genetic map has already been used for the dissection of

other cassava traits such as the cassava vegetal architecture (Mora et al., 2016).

Despite the easiness in obtain genotypic data useful to construct high dense genetic

maps there is a contrast with the rate in the generation of phenotypic information.

This unbalance can affect the accurate interpretation of how a change in the

phenotype is the result of the variation in loci and its subsequent identification; since

this interpretation requires both genotype and phenotype data, as high and precise as

possible. To achieve significant levels of precision in the QTL detection it is necessary

the assessment of large number of plants and its biological replicates. This

constitutes a big challenge if we consider the areas needed for these evaluations and

the time required. Here for example for QTL linkage mappping, the defense responses

were evaluated for more than 100 cassava materials with its respective replicates

and mocks, against two Xam strains, under multi-environments and two seasons,

required the generation and visual inspection of more than 9,000 plants at five

different time points. In the same way, for AM the defense responses have to be

evaluated in panels of at least 100 diverse accessions also with its respective

replicates and mocks. Each accession could probably have its own rate growth and

requirements that have to be taken into account for the phenotyping evaluation. All

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this phenotyping process implied different types of efforts, including field areas, big

budget, agricultural supplies, human work and a lot of time.

CBB resistance is a quantitative trait highly influenced by the environment (Banito et

al., 2001). In fact, in this study were detected 18 strain-specific QTLs, from which half

of them were stable between the rainy and dry seasons. Also it was described a

genotype and QTL by environment interaction. These results highlight and confirm

the important effect of the environmental conditions on the response to Xam

infection and thus in the QTL detection. Therefore, under this scenario, the evaluation

of the resistance to CBB becomes a bigger challenge, because it requires evaluations

in multi-environment and multi-Xam strains assessments. One alternative to

overcome this challenge is to perform the CBB resistance phenotyping evaluation in

cassava seedlings using growth chambers simulating different environmental

conditions and with different Xam strains. The uses of the growth chambers for

resistance phenotyping have been successfully applied in other pathosystems

(Dannon et al., 2004; Hao et al., 2015). Several advantages and constraints can be

considered with this system. The detection of potentially resistant genotypes will be

easier and faster and obtaining lights about the behavior of a genotype can be

conducted in less time than would be required if the assessment take place under

field conditions. The phenotyping can be achieved through monitoring of symptoms

and measuring the bacterial growth. However, even if it is possible to obtain

phenotypic data it will be important to consider that the growth chamber conditions

will not be never exactly the same when the genotype is under natural conditions.

Despite that this system can simulate parameters such as temperature, humidity,

photoperiod, light intensity, etc, it cannot take into account other natural

environment factors playing a role in the plant defense responses, such as wind

speed, precipitations, and interactions with soil microbiota.

The application of approaches such as MAS and GS which aim to reduce the

phenotyping steps and give more strength to the genotype predictive value (Heffner

et al., 2009) are alternative to avoid the big efforts to phenotyping. To achieve this,

the best molecular markers associated with the trait are selected to screen directly a

target population. Thus it is to expect that the genotypes carrying the selected

molecular markers contain also the trait of interest. This assumption is that the

molecular markers are genetically linked to the QTLs that govern the trait. For this

strategy a DNA extraction of the materials to be evaluated is followed by the

detection of the molecular markers by a PCR to determinate the presence/absence of

the corresponding marker. On the other hand, GS can estimate the phenotype from a

genomic perspective based on a prediction equation, which is obtained from the

whole-genome DNA polymorphisms, and previous phenotypic data collected from

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training populations. Notwithstanding, the power of this approach resides in an

initial high quality phenotyping of several training populations under different

environments. Only when it is possible to get this information the predictive model

will be enough accurate to define a real association between genomic regions and the

trait. Therefore once again, the high challenge and the current bottleneck is the

development of efficient methods for phenotyping, but in this case only for training


An alternative strategy is the use of high-throughput phenotyping technologies

(Araus and Cairns, 2014). The use of complex image machines, the use of geographic

information systems (GIS), screenings coupled to microscopes are some of the

technologies, which have been proposed. Several high-throughput phenotyping

technologies have been applied successfully for the detection of pathogens and

symptoms caused during infection in several crops (Mahlein et al., 2012a, 2012b,

2013; Fahlgren et al., 2015). However, this is not the case for the diseases affecting

cassava such as CBB. In consequence before to implement these technologies it is

necessary to standardize the procedures for this pathosystem. Some parameters can

be explored, for example the reduction on the photosynthetic ratio which can be

measure in a high-throughput manner (Fahlgren et al., 2015), the diminution in foliar

area or the detection of necrotic areas (Stewart and McDonald, 2014). The access to

these technologies continues to be limited because some of them are based on

sophisticated machines (Cabrera et al., 2012). It will be important to note that not all

the laboratories and breeding programs can have access to these technologies. This

point is even more complex for cassava, which is a crop cultivated mainly for small

farmers and where the research is, in many of the cases, conducted in developing

countries. Thus, it will require greater efforts to develop novel, accurate, fast and

affordable disease diagnostic methods for CBB.

Identifying and validating the most promising CBB-CDRG

The search for genetic factors involved in CBB resistance has been of great interest

for the cassava scientific community since long ago, arguably almost from the time

when the disease was described. Different efforts have been achieved to identify the

genomic regions that govern the resistance of this devastating disease (Jorge et al.,

2000b, 2001; Lopez et al., 2003). However, the identification of these factors has

proven to be a big challenge, basically because as any other quantitative trait, the

governing loci have usually small effect and is highly conditioned by the environment.

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The main aim of this thesis was to search for these factors through the construction,

in a first time, of a dense genetic map built with thousands of SNPs markers obtained

by GBS. In a second time, the response evaluation to CBB in the segregating mapping

population was performed in multi-environments (two localities during rainy and

dry seasons and under greenhouse conditions). The response was followed in the F1

segregating population after inoculation with two Xam strains and also under natural

pressure of the pathogen. All this work allowed us to identify novel QTLs and, more

important, a repertoire of 151 CDRGs with a putative role during the cassava defense

response to CBB. From these genes four showed gene differential expression in the

resistant parent during Xam681 infection. The detected QTLs explained between 10.9

to 22.1% of the phenotypic variance of resistance to Xam.

Selecting the best candidates

Since the QTLs detected are the result of linkage mapping, it is very probable that not

all of the CDRGs that reside in the QTL interval are involved in the resistance to CBB.

Therefore it is necessary to “reduce the interval” where these genes are located and

determine which of them are the most promising. Different alternatives can be

applied for the selection of CDRGs. The first one is to select directly those genes that

co-localized with QTLs which satisfies one or more of the following criteria. i) Explain

the higher percentage of phenotypic variance. It is to expect that these loci represent

responsible gene alleles, which in a greater manner confer the defense response to

Xam. Thus the genes located in these QTLs could be involved in pathogen recognition

or playing a pivotal role in an immunity pathway. ii) Genes localized on stable QTLs.

The effect in conferring defense response to Xam of these genes is strong and is not

strongly affected by the environment. In consequence these genes have the potential

to be used in breeding programs and MAS strategies with multi-environment

purposes. iii) Genes coding for IRP. Despite it has been reported that several proteins

lacking of the classical domains present in R proteins can have an important roles in

the plant defense response, a selection of genes coding for proteins containing NB or

LRR domains and co-localizing with a resistance QTL is a straight alternative. iv)

CDRGs showing a differential expression during Xam infection and displaying a

contrast in gene expression (induced in one case and repressed in other) between

resistant and susceptible genotypes can be privileged. The differential gene

expression of these candidates can be taken as a clue of its role in the cassava defense


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Confirming the CDRGs

Once established the best CDRGs, the next step is to confirm its role in CBB

resistance. The most expedites strategies to accomplish this goal could are: the

application of AM, the search for polymorphisms in a panel of cassava accessions to

associate them with the phenotype and the analysis of the gene expression in several

resistant/susceptible backgrounds against different Xam strains.

The use of AM allows detecting a direct association between the CBB resistance trait

and particular SNPs markers (possibly corresponding to CDRGs). One advantage of

AM is its possibility to increase the level of resolution. The AM analysis is based on

the exploration of the historical recombination events at population level allowing

the exploration of a large number of recombination events taking place through all

the genome and during large periods of time (Zhu et al., 2008). In contrast, the

linkage mapping analysis has a limited detection resolution because it depends on

the number of recombinants present in the biparental population studied. Thus, the

genetic map developed, and therefore the QTL linkage mapping analysis applied, in

this study had a limited detection resolution, exemplified for the QTL intervals of

more than 2 cM. To increase the resolution of the map and QTL detection by the

employment of the same genetic map it will be necessary to increase the number of

segregating individuals and thus cover a greater number of recombination events. As

was mentioned in the previous section, this represents a difficult task considering the

cassava reproductive biology. The AM approach offers a promising alternative. The

strategy to follow will be performing a high-throughput genotyping of a diverse panel

of cassava accessions, including the parentals TMS30572 and CM21772 employed to

construct the cassava genetic reported in this work. This will offer information

concerning to the polymorphisms present in the genes localized in the QTLs reported

in this study. At the same time, it will be imperious to conduct an evaluation of the

phenotypic response to Xam infection for these cassava accessions. In this way it will

be possible to determine the level of significance in the association of the allelic

variability of the SNPs, contained in the CDRGs or in other genomic regions, with the

variability of the cassava phenotypic response to Xam. The information generated in

this study will guide the primary sources of genes to direct the search of

polymorphisms, which will be the first task to be accomplished. In a second time, but

not in an exclusive manner, other genes or sequences (promoters, for instance) can

be screened to identify associations. In this schema the AM and QTL mapping are

considered as complementary approaches and one can guide or direct the sampling

area to particular genomic regions (Mammadov et al., 2011). The limiting factor to

accomplish the ambitious goal of detecting association between DNA sequences and a

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complex trait is the generation of phenotypic data. It was reiteratively stressed in the

previous section. The challenge now is to develop new tools to evaluate in a rapid and

accurate way the cassava resistance to Xam. This aspect takes more relevance in the

actual context where the genome of several cassava accessions and related species is

available (Bredeson et al., 2016). The exploitation of this information can be only

accomplished with phenotypic data. For the particular case of CBB resistance it will

be important not only to develop phenotypic analysis for a restraint number of Xam

strains or in a particular locality, but should be extended to the more representative

and stable Xam strains in different Colombian regions. All this information will help

us to determine the G x E interactions and to detect eventual strain-specific marker-

trait associations.

The gene expression analysis of the CDRGs in a resistant (female parent) background

allowed us to identify four genes showing differential expression during Xam681

infection. The gene expression analysis has allowed for decades to identify and

quantified new and known transcripts related to plant defense for many diseases of

economically important crops (Matsumura et al., 2003; Soto and López, 2014).

Accordingly, it will be interesting to evaluate the gene expression profiles of the four

CDRGs differentially expressed as well as the complete CDRGs repertoire in a

susceptible background (male parent) and against different Xam strains. These

profiles will help to establish more accurately the dynamic of expression of these

genes on a resistance and susceptible host; as well as provide information regarding

to strain-specific gene responses.

Functional validation

Once identified the most relevant CDRG within the QTL intervals, several possibilities

for its functional gene validation can be implemented. The loss-of-function and gain-

of function strategies can be envisaged. The list includes gene down expression

through interfering RNA (RNAi), virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS), employment of

artificial microRNAs and genome edition using the new CRISPR/Cas9 system

(Hamilton and Baulcombe, 1999; He and Hannon, 2004; Burch-Smith et al., 2004; Ran

et al., 2013). In cassava there are not mutant collections, which will offer a rapid and

efficient opportunity to study the function of particular genes. These mutants exist

for Arabidopsis and rice and have been largely employed (Anderson et al., 1992;

Hirochika et al., 2004). The VIGS system to knock down genes is broadly used in plant

species of the Solanaceae family (Liu et al., 2002; Ryu et al., 2004; Unver and Budak,

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2009) and in fewer cases for other plant species (Liu et al., 2002b; Robertson, 2004).

In cassava a VIGS system has been reported but its use has been very restraint

(Fofana et al., 2004). The remaining alternatives of loss-of-function (RNAi, use of

artificial microRNAs and genome edition), as well the gain-of-function are all of them

dependent of a transformation system. Some consideration should be taking into

account before to follow one of these approaches.

Genetic transformation has been achieved in different cassava cultivars but with a

very low efficiency (Liu et al., 2011). Currently the cultivar employed for

transformation is cv. 60444 (TMS60444 or NGA11 in CIAT germoplasm collection),

which has become the model given the high efficiency in transformation and

regeneration (Sayre et al., 2011). The cv. 60444 is a West African cultivar not broadly

employed for farmers. Concerning to CBB resistance, it has been established that this

genotype is susceptible to most of the Xam strains, including Xam318 and Xam681

(Trujillo et al., 2014). The use of the loss-of-function approach by genetic

transformation in 60444 will produce more susceptible plants if a CDRG is effectively

involved in CBB resistance. In this case, once obtained these highly susceptible plants

could be difficult to obtain and/or to study. Therefore, the alternative is employing a

gain-of function approach through overexpression, as it has already been

implemented in our laboratory (Diaz et al., 2016, unpublished results). It is expected

that the overexpression of a particular CDRG in a susceptible cultivar as cv.60444

show a reduction or a delayed onset of CBB symptoms after Xam infection. For this

strategy the principle would be to clone the coding DNA sequence of the CDRG in a

binary vector under a strong constitutive promoter, for example the cauliflower

mosaic virus (35S). Then this construction could be used for Agrobacterium

tumefaciens-mediated genetic transformation of friable embryogenic callus (FEC) of

cv. 60444. After a molecular characterization of several lines, showing only a unique

insertion event and an accurate level of expression of the transgene, these can be

employed to study the effect on CBB resistance. If the candidate gene is involved in

resistance it is expected a reduction of symptoms on the cassava plants after Xam

inoculation. Classically and for the case of qualitative resistance it is achieved through

the observation of an Hypersensitive Response (HR). However in cassava this HR has

never been observed and taking into account the quantitative nature of CBB

resistance it is not a real possibility. Alternatively, and for the particular case of this

disease resistance, it will be possible to measure the effect as a decreasing or

retarding on the development of symptoms. However, given that the CDRGs

correspond to QTLs, the value of resistance expected to be transfer into the candidate

gene-overexpressed plants, should be in the order of the percentage of the

phenotypic variance explained by the QTL. In this study for example it was possible

to identify QTL with a phenotypic variance explaining 22.1% and 18.8%, (QLV681RD-

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6 and QGH318-19 respectively). This implies that the CDRG-transgene may confer

limited quantitative resistance to the disease. The question raise here is how to

quantify the effect in reduction or retard of CBB symptoms for genomic regions

contributing in these percentages to CBB resistance. Some alternatives can be

considered. In a first time, the AUDPC is an excellent way to follow the speed and

intensity in the development of symptoms. A reduction on the AUDPC will represent

a good hint of the function of the candidate gene. This strategy implies to produce

adult plants in a relative high number representing a time-consuming task. The

production of stem cuttings from transgenic plants can take more than two or three

years. In this sense it will be important to test the possibility to conduct an evaluation

of “in vitro” plants and develop a new AUDPC scale based on symptoms observed on

these types of plants. In consequence, it will be imperative to validate the in vitro

system to study CBB resistance. However, considering the important effect of the

environment on the CBB response, the in vitro system should be considered as an

initial step. It would be convenient that all phenotypic evaluation of the regenerated

transgenic plants should be conducted under multi-environmental conditions

(locality and strains), including those conditions under which the QTLs that contains

the CDRGs were identified. In this way it will be possible to evaluate the environment

influence on the effectiveness of the transgene to reduce the susceptibility in the

transgenic plant. Other possibility is to quantify the bacterial growth in plants after

inoculation. This strategy offers the possibility to have a quantitative measure and it

will be relatively easy to identify a quantitative reduction, even a soft one, in bacterial

growth in the transgenic plants if the candidate gene is involved in CBB resistance.

There are several efforts using the bacterial growth in cassava plants as a measure of

the level of resistance/susceptibility as well the virulence/aggressiveness of Xam

(Cohn et al., 2015; Muñoz et al., 2015).

CBB-CDRGs into conventional and molecular breeding

As any other complex trait, the introduction of a quantitative allele conferring

resistance to CBB is not an easy task. In the case of qualitative disease resistance, the

introduction of a single resistance gene into a susceptible cultivar represents an

expedited scenario. In contrast, given the quantitative resistance is governed by

multiple genes, the level of resistance achieved through different breeding strategies

is dependent on the number and effect of the loci introduced into the susceptible

cultivar. Based on this, some efforts have been accomplished in order to introduce

several plant resistance QTLs by conventional breeding. In these cases even without

the cloning of the corresponding genes the genomic regions corresponding to these

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loci have been introgressed into elite varieties of some of the most important

economical crops such as barley (Toojinda et al., 1998; van Berloo et al., 2001),

tomato (Robert et al., 2001) and rice (Ahmadi et al., 2001) within others. The

backcrossing and the development of near-isogenic lines (NILs) supported by MAS

approach for the identification of the desirable QTL alleles are part of the recurrent

breeding scheme followed for this purpose (Tanksley and Nelson, 1996). The cases of

the introgression of QTLs have allowed increasing the resistance compared to the

susceptible background. The level of resistance achieved into the introgressed lines

varies with the environment conditions and according to the number of introgressed

QTLs. For example in rice, the introgression of four QTLs into an elite cultivar confers

different levels of resistance depending on the combination of QTLs alleles present in

the introgressed lines (Fukuoka et al., 2014). More recently, several studies have

reported the cloning of genes from QTLs (Zuo et al., 2015; Zheng et al., 2016). This

represents a big advance in the sense it will contribute to develop in a more expedite

way new varieties containing a single gene to increase the resistance level for a group

of variants of a particular pathogen species. In this context, this works provided the

first steps towards the identification of CDRG, which in a near future can be employed

into breeding schemes to be introgressed into cassava elite cultivars.

Since the QTLs described here were strain-specifics and none of them were detected

in all the environments studied, the candidate genes, once validated, could be useful

for breeding purposes but taking into account some considerations. First, the

breeding program including these genes should be focused on obtaining adapted

materials to the regions where the QTLs were identified, either Arauca or La Vega.

The aim to extrapolate this information towards breeding programs targeting other

regions should be considered with caution. To accomplish this it will be imperative to

know in a first time if the strains evaluated in this study (Xam318 and Xam681) are

present in the target region. At least it will be important to know if in the Xam

population in the region present strains belonging to the same haplotypes of Xam318

and Xam681. In a second time it will be important to consider the agro-ecological

conditions present in the zone where the breeding program will be conducted.

Considering the high influence of environmental factors on the CBB response, the

data generated in this study will be only valid for other zones showing similar

conditions and even high caution should be taken before to extrapolate the

information. Once the big challenge of obtaining phenotypic data will be

accomplished, it will be expected to have new and complementary information

concerning to the CBB response in multi environments. In this way, in a near future,

the breeding programs will be directed to zones with overlapping characteristic

concerning the environmental conditions. In this situation we will know if the genes

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underlying the QTLs detected here can be employed for different or similar


The validated CDRGs can also have a potential use in the MAS approach. Based on the

genome sequence, and knowing the position of SNP markers it is possible to identify

genes or molecular markers associated to the trait, even knowing that not necessarily

they correspond to the functional gene. In consequence cassava accessions, hybrids

and wild-relative species carrying those molecular markers will also contain the

genomic region for CBB resistance conferred by the “unknown” CDRG allele. This

strategy can increase the accuracy in the selection of resistant cassava materials and

in turn decreasing the time necessary for it. Once this correlation is established, it is

possible to identify at early stages of the plant the presence of the DNA markers and

predict the behavior in response to a particular Xam strain before to conduct the

phenotyping. In practical breeding, the MAS strategy has been successfully applied

for the detection of molecular markers associated to genes conferring resistance to

CMD in cassava (Okogbenin et al., 2007, 2012). Concerning to disease resistance, it

has been done for economically important crops such as wheat (Kuchel et al., 2007;, barley (Miedaner and Korzun, 2012) and common

bean (Miklas et al., 2006). However it is important to highlight that the MAS requires

the generation of thousands of markers in a first step as well as very confident

phenotypic data. Only when there is a good combination of these two types of

information it is possible to conduct judicious selections. The problem turns more

complex for quantitative traits. Besides quantitative disease resistance, in some cases

it has been reported MAS application for complex traits such as resistance to abiotic

stress (Miklas et al., 2006; Patto et al., 2006), quality (Dubcovsky, 2004), yield (Stuber

et al., 1999), etc. However, for these quantitative traits is expected that the genotype

selection based on MAS would have a limit in the number of described loci and its

effect under the trait. The application of MAS for cassava qualitative traits such as

resistance to CMD was expediently achieved, for quantitative traits it requires the

validation of loci with small and large effects. Also the evaluation of these effects in

different cassava backgrounds and under a range of environment conditions would

be essential.

In our study no epistatic effects between the QTLs were described. However it is

possible that some interactions may occur between these QTLs and other loci in

different genetic backgrounds. In the last years the MAS-based approach “mapping as

you go” (MAYG) has been developed aiming to solve some problems associated with

the underestimation of the power of the described QTLs (Podlich et al., 2004). MAYG

takes into account the fact that the effect of quantitative alleles can change by the

influence of the genetic background, by epistatic interactions or by environmental

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effects. In this strategy the genotype and phenotype is evaluated for elite materials

within a breeding program. Then, this data is used in a QTL analysis for the re-

estimation of those detected previously. This will ensure that the initially identified

QTLs persist for the elite materials tested. Also ensures the detection of possible new

QTLs. Considering the MAYG approach and its application for the particular case of

CBB resistance, the idea will be to re-estimate the effect of the validated QTLs in each

cycle of MAS during a cassava breeding program. If a change in the QTL-allele (CDRG

allele) effect is detected, it could be due to the genotypic background or by the

environment. In consequence, the novel markers linked to the new detected QTLs can

be used for the next selection cycle of MAS. If any change in the CDRG allele effect is

detected, it means that neither the genotype nor the environment is affecting the

detected QTL. Thus the markers linked to the QTL could be applied directly in MAS.

Despite that the MAYG offers an option for the incorporation of the QTLs and the

CDRGs identified in this thesis into breeding programs, this approach requires new

genotyping and phenotyping experiments and new QTL mapping in each MAS cycle.

As it has been stressed before, it demands an important human effort, costs, large

infrastructure and is time-consuming. This will be only practical if new phenotypic

evaluation of CBB resistance is developed.

An alternative option to overcome the bottleneck of phenotyping is avoid it. In recent

years the approach of GS has offered new ways to incorporate molecular and some

phenotypic data on breeding programs. GS is a prediction-based breeding strategy

which applies mathematical modeling to predict the plant phenotype in early states

using whole genome molecular markers as predictors of breeding values, avoiding

the necessity to conduct field evaluations in adult plants. A predictive model is

created with high and accurate volumes of genotypic and phenotypic data of the

traits of interest obtained from “training populations”. Afterwards the model

generates genomic estimated breeding values (GEBV) for the evaluated lines. These

GEBVs represent the phenotypic predicted value of the line; in other words, the

GEBVs contain the information of how this line will perform in the field. Currently

some efforts around GS are underway for accelerated breeding cycles in cassava (de

Oliveira et al., 2012; This approach seems to be promising for

cassava since the crop breeding cycle can takes several years and it is not easy to

evaluate the phenotype of thousands of adult cassava plants.

The GS approach seems to be an interesting choice to incorporate the SNP markers of

those validated QTLs for further CBB resistance breeding purposes. In simulated data

for GS-Bayesian model analysis, several results have shown that the accuracy in GS

prediction improves with the inclusion of QTLs into the analysis (Zhong et al., 2009;

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Jannink et al., 2010). Therefore for CBB the strategy could consist in include into the

“training population” the most resistant individuals from the mapping population

evaluated here; which carry the resistant QTL alleles. Thus the GS genotyping dataset

will contain the SNPs markers linked to the validated QTLs generated during this

thesis. Even knowing the percentage explained by the QTLs identified in this work it

will not easy to establish the level of CBB resistance that can be predicted through GS.

The idea behind this approach is to strengthen the selection of cassava materials

resistant to CBB and thus accelerate the breeding cycle. Additionally, GS opens the

opportunity to identify QTL with small effect, which could have escaped from the QTL

mapping analysis performed here.


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General conclusions and perspectives

CBB is a serious disease that can be devastating for the cassava crop in all regions

where cassava is cultivated. Given the importance of cassava for developing

countries, its protection should be a priority. The final aim of this work was to

contribute to identify and deepen the understanding of the natural genetic factors

involved in CBB resistance. This information will guide the breeding programs to

confer resistance to the oncoming improved cassava materials.

In this thesis it was built one of the densest genetic maps reported so far in cassava.

This map has 2,141 SNPs obtained from GBS which integrates genetic and physical

localization of newly annotated IRG in cassava. In this map it was possible to anchor

almost half of the cassava genome v.4.1 sequence draft. Also this map was enriched

with 189 new scaffolds that increase the previous version of the cassava map in

30.7Mb. Nearly 344 Mb or 64% of the genome sequence draft is now anchored to the

genetic map. The cassava GBS-derived data and the genetic map will allow in the

future to map and associate markers with QTLs for particular traits and molecular

cloning of genes controlling them. Also, these data would assist future efforts in

closing the gaps between the scaffolds in the genome sequence and for the

construction of a consensus genetic map. The cassava IRG repertoire, as well as their

genetic and physical map position, accompanied with the SNP information will be a

reference for future genetic analysis and candidate gene approaches to identify genes

related to resistance to diverse biotic stresses.

The phenotypic evaluation of the F1 population to two pathogenic Xam strains was

conducted under multi-environments and during rainy and dry seasons. In addition

the population was evaluated under natural high pressure of the disease. An

evaluation under greenhouse conditions was also included. This represents a high

effort to collect as much information as possible to obtain an excellent set of

phenotypic data. This information was employed for a QTL mapping analysis. As a

result, 18 strains-specific QTLs were detected, explaining between 10,9 and 22.1% of

phenotypic variance of resistance to Xam. Nine of these QTLs show stability between

the rainy and dry seasons and a QTL by environment interaction was detected for ten

QTLs. Moreover, a genotype by environment analysis was accomplished, identifying

several resistant transgressive segregants which represent an important source of

resistant individuals for future breeding programs.

Within the QTLs intervals it was possible to identify 151 CDRGs, from which thirteen

correspond to genes coding for domains present in immunity proteins. Through an

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RNAseq analysis four CDRGs were differentially expressed during Xam681 infection

in the resistant parental TMS30572. The repertoire of CDRGs co-localizing with the

QTLs reported here, represents a first step in the dissection of the biological

mechanisms that govern CBB resistance and constitutes a novel source of defense-

related genes to be validated. Moreover, in the near future once identified the most

promissory genes within the CDRGs repertoire and once they are functional

validated, these CDRGs can be used in plant breeding strategies focused to develop

cassava materials resistant to CBB adapted to the regions here evaluated.

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Publications and presentations


Vasquez, A.X., Soto, J. C., & López, C. E. (Submitted to Molecular Plant-Microbe

Interactions Journal. September 2016). Unraveling the molecules hidden in the gray

shadows. Review.

Soto, J. C., Mora, R. E., Calle, F., & López, C. E. (Submitted to Acta Biologica

Coolombiana. June 2016). QTL identification for cassava bacterial blight resistance

under natural infection conditions.

Mora, R. E., Soto, J. C., & López, C. E. (2016). Identification of QTLs associated to plant

architecture in cassava (Manihot esculenta). Acta Biológica Colombiana, 21(1), 99-


Soto, J. C., Ortiz, J. F., Perlaza-Jiménez, L., Vásquez, A. X., Lopez-Lavalle, L. A. B.,

Mathew, B.... and López, C. E. (2015). A genetic map of cassava (Manihot esculenta

Crantz) with integrated physical mapping of immunity-related genes. BMC

genomics, 16(1), 1.

Soto, J. C., and López, C. E. (2012). RNA-seq as a transcriptome useful tool for the

studies of plant pathogen interactions. Fitosanidad, 16(2), 101-113.

Oral presentations in scientific events

Soto, J. C and López C. E. Mapeando la resistencia a la bacteriosis vascular de la yuca,

Manihot esculenta a través de genotipificación por secuenciación. XIII Congreso

nacional de fitomejoramiento y producción de cultivos. Corpoica. Tibaitatá

(Cundinamarca), Colombia. Noviembre 6-8 de 2013.

Soto, J. C and López C. E. Genotipificación por secuenciación y mapeo de alta

resolución en yuca, para detección de QTLs de resistencia a la bacteriosis vascular.

XXX Congreso ASCOLFI (Asociación Colombiana de Fitopatología y ciencias afines).

Pereira (Risaralda), Colombia. Septiembre 18-20 de 2013.

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Poster presentations in scientific events

Soto, J. C, Mathew, B., Léon, J., Bernal, A., Ballvora, A., And López, C. E. Molecular and

genetic analysis of cassava bacterial blight (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis)

resistance in Manihot esculenta. GPZ (German Society for Plant Breeding) 12th

Conference: Genetic Variation in Plant Breeding. Kiel, Germany. September 24-27-

2014. Outstanding scientific poster award.