Download - ANDREAS ISSA · A. Skriv rätt hjälpverb Write the correct auxiliary verb 1. Min pappa brukar dricka kaffe. My father tends to drink coffee. 2. Vi tala svenska. We can speak Swedish.

Page 1: ANDREAS ISSA · A. Skriv rätt hjälpverb Write the correct auxiliary verb 1. Min pappa brukar dricka kaffe. My father tends to drink coffee. 2. Vi tala svenska. We can speak Swedish.
Page 2: ANDREAS ISSA · A. Skriv rätt hjälpverb Write the correct auxiliary verb 1. Min pappa brukar dricka kaffe. My father tends to drink coffee. 2. Vi tala svenska. We can speak Swedish.
Page 3: ANDREAS ISSA · A. Skriv rätt hjälpverb Write the correct auxiliary verb 1. Min pappa brukar dricka kaffe. My father tends to drink coffee. 2. Vi tala svenska. We can speak Swedish.




The Swedish language in English

Page 4: ANDREAS ISSA · A. Skriv rätt hjälpverb Write the correct auxiliary verb 1. Min pappa brukar dricka kaffe. My father tends to drink coffee. 2. Vi tala svenska. We can speak Swedish.


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This book is protected by the copyright act. Copying, beyond

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Those who breach the act and the rights of use can be prosecuted and

sentenced to a fine or prison for up to two years, as well as be liable for

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ISBN 978-91-982293-5-6

Författare: Andreas Issa

Översättare: José Francos Rodriguez

© 2017 Samuel Issa förlag AB

Samuel Issa förlag AB

Tryckeri: Printon Trükikoda, Tallinn 2017

Page 5: ANDREAS ISSA · A. Skriv rätt hjälpverb Write the correct auxiliary verb 1. Min pappa brukar dricka kaffe. My father tends to drink coffee. 2. Vi tala svenska. We can speak Swedish.


The quickest route to integration is thorough language. When you learn a new

language, the doors to being an active citizen open up.

The goal is for new arrivals to learn the basics of the Swedish language in order

to be able to proceed with their language learning.

The idea to create a learning tool for new arrivals came about because of lack of

existing materials for students to learn the basics of the Swedish language.

Through extensive dialogue with students we were able to put our finger on both

why it was difficult to learn Swedish as well as how they wanted to learn the

language. This learning tool has been crafted from a student’s perspective.

I began distributing my own training materials with grammatical explanations to

my students. These were completed and commented on by all students.

This work continued for several years until I had enough material and

documentation in order to create a unique learning tool for new arrivals.

Page 6: ANDREAS ISSA · A. Skriv rätt hjälpverb Write the correct auxiliary verb 1. Min pappa brukar dricka kaffe. My father tends to drink coffee. 2. Vi tala svenska. We can speak Swedish.

Innehåll Content

1 Introduktion………………………………………………………………………………. 5


2 Lång och kort vokal…………………………………………………………………….. 12

Long and short vowels

3 Uttal……..…………………..………………………………………………………………... 23


4 Räkneord……………………………………………………………………………………. 30

Counting words

5 Klockan………………………………………………………………………………………. 44

The time

6 Pronomen………………………………………………………………………………….. 49


7 Substantiv………………………………………………………………………………….. 62


8 Plural………………………………………………………………………………………….. 69


9 Hjälpverb……………………………………………………………………………………. 83

Auxiliary verbs

10 Verb…………………………………………………………………………………………... 88


11 Adjektiv……………………………………………………………………………………… 103


12 Prepositioner……………………………………………………………………………… 113


13 Ordföljd……………………………………………………………………………………... 125

Word order

14 Frågeord…………………………………………………………………………………….. 138

Interrogative words

15 Dialoger……………………………………………………………………………………… 147


Facit…………………………………………………………………………………………… 161


Page 7: ANDREAS ISSA · A. Skriv rätt hjälpverb Write the correct auxiliary verb 1. Min pappa brukar dricka kaffe. My father tends to drink coffee. 2. Vi tala svenska. We can speak Swedish.



Auxiliary verbs

Page 8: ANDREAS ISSA · A. Skriv rätt hjälpverb Write the correct auxiliary verb 1. Min pappa brukar dricka kaffe. My father tends to drink coffee. 2. Vi tala svenska. We can speak Swedish.

Hjälpverb Auxiliary verbs

In Swedish, you cannot speak about the future without using auxiliary verbs.

The auxiliary verb must be followed by the verb in infinitive form, and this verbs often

end in the letter -a. There are some verbs in the infinitive which do not end in -a and

these already end in an intoned vowel.

Example: Jag ska gå Jag vill be

I will walk I want to pray

The list below includes the most important and most common auxiliary verbs:

kan kunskap, förmåga

can knowledge, ability

Jag kan spela fotboll.

I can play football.

vill vilja, önskan

want to a will, a wish

Jag vill åka till Malmö.

I want to go to Malmö.

måste tvång, plikt

must force, duty

Jag måste gå hem nu.

I must go home now.

får tillåtelse (att göra)

allowed to permission (to do something)

Jag får köra bil, jag har körkort.

I am allowed to drive a car, I have a licence.

ska avsikt

shall/will intention

Jag ska promenera imorgon.

I shall walk tomorrow.

behöver behov

need a need for something

Jag behöver dricka vatten.

I need to drink water.

brukar vana

tend to/usually habit

Jag brukar hälsa på min mamma.

I tend to say hello to my mother.


Page 9: ANDREAS ISSA · A. Skriv rätt hjälpverb Write the correct auxiliary verb 1. Min pappa brukar dricka kaffe. My father tends to drink coffee. 2. Vi tala svenska. We can speak Swedish.

A. Skriv rätt hjälpverb Write the correct auxiliary verb

1. Min pappa brukar dricka kaffe.

My father tends to drink coffee.

2. Vi tala svenska.

We can speak Swedish.

3. Barnen leka hemma.

The children want to play at home.

4. Berit inte spela fotboll.

Berit is not allowed to play football.

5. Jag inte dricka kaffe.

I want to drink coffee.

6. De titta på tv.

They usually watch tv.

7. Eleverna promenera till skolan.

The students must walk to school.

8. Min mamma inte sova .

My mother cannot sleep.

9. Familjen åka till Stockholm.

The family will go to Stockholm.

10. Min son gå till tandläkaren.

My son must go to the dentist.

11. Hon inte äta griskött.

She is not allowed to eat pork.

12. Vi köpa mat.

We need to buy food.


Page 10: ANDREAS ISSA · A. Skriv rätt hjälpverb Write the correct auxiliary verb 1. Min pappa brukar dricka kaffe. My father tends to drink coffee. 2. Vi tala svenska. We can speak Swedish.

13. Hon inte tala spanska.

She cannot speak Spanish.

14. Helena dricka vatten.

Helena needs to drink water.

15. Jag träffa mina kompisar.

I want to meet my friends.

16. Han stänga dörren.

He must shut the door.

17. Sara diska.

Sara will wash up.

18. Vi laga mat.

We tend to cook food.

19. Min kompis promenera i skogen.

My friend wants to take a walk in the woods.

20. Anton lyssna på musik.

Anton usually listens to music.

21. Min pappa köpa kyckling.

My father wants to buy chicken.

22. Linas familj gå på bio.

Lina’s family will go to the cinema.

23. Jag resa till Brasilien.

I need to travel to Brazil.

24. Min bror städa hemma.

My brother tends to tidy up at home.


Page 11: ANDREAS ISSA · A. Skriv rätt hjälpverb Write the correct auxiliary verb 1. Min pappa brukar dricka kaffe. My father tends to drink coffee. 2. Vi tala svenska. We can speak Swedish.

25. Min mamma baka bröd.

My mother can bake bread.

26. Vi vakna klockan åtta.

We want to wake up at 8 o’clock.

27. Jag duscha idag.

I need to shower today.

28. Barnen inte simma i havet.

The children will not swim in the sea.

29. Vi inte åka hem.

We cannot go home.

30. Jag raka mig.

I must shave.

31. Pappa parkera bilen.

Father is not allowed to park the car.

32. Läraren prata med min pappa.

The teacher wants to speak to my father.

33. Han skriva ett brev.

He must write a letter.

34. Du inte röka här.

You are not allowed to smoke here

35. Mamma tvätta kläder.

Mum will wash the clothes.

36. Elin hämta barnen.

Elin must pick up the children.


Page 12: ANDREAS ISSA · A. Skriv rätt hjälpverb Write the correct auxiliary verb 1. Min pappa brukar dricka kaffe. My father tends to drink coffee. 2. Vi tala svenska. We can speak Swedish.