Download - 淺談台灣物流產業集聚Analysis on Logistics Industry Cluster and Regional Economic Development of



:Analysis on Logistics Industry Cluster and Regional Economic Development of



1 A logistics industry cluster is the connotation of industrial clustering related industries in a particular geographic area relative to the collection of economic and related industries for a variety of industrial capital elements in the same space together within the scope of the process continuously. Renowned economist Marshall Principles of Economics > (1920 systematically studied the phenomenon of industrial clustering, stating that 'industry cluster can bring external economies, including external economies of scale and external economies of scope, this economy can often similar in nature because many enterprises are concentrated in specific place - that is commonly referred to as industrial regional distribution is obtained. '[1] the logistics industry cluster is in a particular geographic area economy, many logistics enterprises gather together the logistics industry related functions such as transportation, warehousing , import and export, distribution processing, handling, distribution and information processing and other organic integration, the formation of the logistics industry chain, improve the efficiency of logistics services to the industrial layout.2 China's logistics industry cluster development status of modern logistics industry to use modern information technology will transport, storage, handling, processing, sorting, transportation and other functional elements combine to form a complete supply chain, accelerating the speed of logistics, improve logistics accuracy, reduce inventory, thereby reducing costs, to provide users with multi-functional, comprehensive integration services.'s level of development of modern logistics has become a measure of the level of modernization of a country or region with an important indicator of overall competitiveness of modern logistics industry is a modern regional agglomeration level of development of the logistics industry to improve a performance. As China's economic development, China's logistics industry to continuously improve the level of development, the logistics industry agglomeration continue to appear. Dr. Yang Chunhe think in a way, spatial development pattern of China's logistics industry performance the more obvious 'three zones - four areas' spatial pattern. [2] three bands are in the northeast and northwest China's energy and raw materials industries relying on logistics industry gathering belt, including three northeastern provinces, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang and other regions, Central to the coal industry as the basis of industrial accumulation zone, including Shaanxi, Shanxi, Hebei and other regions, the southeast coast to manufacture, import, export, consumption as the basis of the logistics industry cluster areas, including Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Fujian and other regions. four districts logistics industry gathering area in Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta logistics industry gathering area, Bohai logistics industry gathering area, northeast of energy and heavy industry gathering area.Three major industrial agglomeration theory of competitive advantage of economies of scale 3.1 scale economic theory: Since raising the level of specialization in production and other reasons, so that their unit costs decline, thus forming the long-term average cost of corporate yield increases with decreasing economy. Logistics enterprise in a certain geographical space agglomeration, reducing the operating costs of logistics enterprises, improve labor productivity, the nearest advantage of the rich human resources logistics, marketing, logistics and technology, and information and other resources, as Krugman pointed out: supply of industrial raw materials like and workers gathered in one area, can produce a large number of skilled workers and their various factories to bring new technologies in general, resulting in prosperity. logistics enterprises in a certain region of space can gather a large number of quantitative logistics and transport, storage of rationalization, standardization and universal packing, loading and unloading of transport and mechanization and automation of information. transport a large number of quantization can reduce transportation, loading and unloading times, reducing the loading and unloading process losses, improve the efficiency of the vehicle's handling, storage quantity over Large warehouse space occupied and funding, storage quantity is too small may lead to shortages or delays in delivery, so it is important for proper storage, packaging, standardization and universal help save shipping space, storage space, handling mechanization and automation can improve the loading and unloading operating efficiency and reduce the cost of loading and unloading operations through IT integration of logistics business processes, can greatly improve the efficiency of the service, the rapid expansion of enterprise scale.3.2 Scope economic theory Chandler (1990 to economies of scope is defined as: joint production or marketing economy, is the use of a single operating unit production or sales process to the production or sale of a variety of products arising from the economy. Firm-level economies of scope that practiced the depth of the product line strategy, that is within the existing product lines continue to increase product variety specification strategy. enterprises economies of scope, the unified management of the industry to broaden the diversification of industry, the purpose is to get more economic enterprise benefits, reduce operating costs, gain greater market share. parity successful case in this respect is the Haier economies of scope. third party logistics enterprise itself has advanced logistics facilities, equipment, highly systematic, integrated and information management system, it can create a virtual logistics enterprise with other enterprises, Dynamic Logistics Alliance and other ways to further expand their logistics hardware and software resources, so third-party logistics enterprises in order to carry out, including procurement, transportation, storage, packaging, distribution processing, distribution and other integrated logistics services, these services have the ability to put the whole process is the same process as much as possible to maximize in order to gain economies of scope.4 logistics industry gathering mechanism to promote regional economic development gradient theory of development economics, growth pole theory, (non-balanced development theory are that: the area and the area between the material, the exchange of information and communication to achieve regional economic growth is a necessary condition, because if there is no exchange of goods, transfer of any economy can not grow, it will not generate growth pole, there will be increasing polarization and diffusion effect, then it will not achieve the Gradient therefore necessary to achieve regional economic growth within the region, between regions supplies, information exchange and communication. logistics


is to achieve within the region, between regions supplies, information exchange and an important means of communication At different stages of economic development, the role of logistics on economic growth may be different, but in the foreseeable future years or even decades, is still indispensable. logistics industry cluster impact on regional economic development mainly in the following aspects:4.1 promote regional economic activity economies of scale, economies of scope, reduce transaction costs logistics industry cluster gathering a large number of logistics enterprises, these logistics companies can gather together to share infrastructure, information platform, preferential policies, cheap land resources, logistics enterprises continue to grow and develop itself formed a certain scale, reducing the logistics enterprises assessed the proportion of fixed capital, reducing the cost of logistics enterprises, economies of scale, while the logistics industry cluster of many logistics enterprises, these enterprises are facing intense competitive pressures and power, which will stimulate the logistics enterprise continuous technological innovation, management innovation and the development of new services and products, the formation of economies of scope. Moreover, the logistics industry cluster together, the original point, between the feature elements of chance, random Relations between network members to develop into a stable, close contact, logistics exchanges and cooperation between enterprises can be enhanced wear between the elements and transaction costs will be reduced. logistics industry gathering together to expand the scope of information sharing , reduces the logistics operations that occurred during the information poor, improve the ability of both parties to recognize an uncertain environment, reduce transaction subject 'bounded rationality' transaction costs incurred. supply chain will be long-term cooperation between enterprises largely reduce the opportunistic behavior of parties to the transaction, which makes the parties to the transaction opportunistic transaction costs can be controlled at a lower level.4.2 promote regional industrial structure adjustment of regional industrial structure refers to various types of industrial and economic zone in the proportional relationship between economic factors and changes in general, the first, second and tertiary industries constitute a proportional relationship between the area the basic content of the industrial structure. division accordance with internationally recognized industry standards, modern logistics industry core components (such as transportation, warehousing and distribution of materials processing industry and other mostly belong to the tertiary sector. logistics services logistics industry gathering area large number of enterprises so that you can build in areas such as information gathering, human resources, technology, finance, law, mediation, monitoring and inspection and other special services, promote the optimization and upgrading of China's tertiary industry, increasing the proportion of tertiary industry in the national economy, optimizing China's first First, second, third proportional relationship between industries In addition, the logistics industry cluster to promote regional logistics development, the development of regional logistics industry for the regional economic effects will produce a forward, backward and lateral effect effect, thereby changing the region the industrial structure of the economy. regional logistics industry forward effect refers to the development of regional logistics industry will promote the logistics system, logistics equipment manufacturing, logistics, new technologies and new technology development, thereby improving the efficiency of logistics activities to promote the optimization of the logistics industry, enhance the potential economic and social opportunities. backward effect refers to the development of regional logistics industry will drive highway, railway, aviation, pipeline, storage, communications, and other regional logistics industry development, thus increasing the coal, steel, cement and manufacturing needs Regional Logistics Industry flanking effect refers to the development of regional logistics industry in all regions will be commercial, supply and marketing, food, trade within the region as well as all industry supply, production and sales of logistics activities have a positive role in improving regional types the efficiency of economic activity. [4]4.3 is conducive to the formation of a new growth pole region growth pole forming the government and market mechanisms is the result of joint action, specifically, the growth pole of the power system and contains the power of innovation, market dynamics, industrial structure and optimize the power, industrial gather momentum and impetus, five basic elements of the system or subsystem. [5] industry cluster is a driving force for the formation of growth poles, industrial agglomeration can create a competitive advantage in the form of industrial space organization, is to promote the growth pole of endogenous motivation. First, the logistics industry cluster focused considerable scale logistics personnel, funding and logistics technology, many companies exercise a high degree of division of labor between, resulting in high production efficiency, economies of scale, promote growth pole growth, and secondly, making the logistics industry cluster area internal corporate geographical proximity, easy to build a relationship of trust and mutual credit mechanism, reducing opportunistic behavior, reducing the space for transaction costs and improve the efficiency of regional growth pole, once again, the logistics industry cluster logistics enterprises increased competitive pressures and momentum, Logistics companies must constantly learning and innovation to gain competitive advantage. logistics industry cluster formation of a new growth pole region, dominated play through growth pole effect, the multiplier effect, polarization effects, diffusion and promote regional economic development.5 Conclusions logistics industry cluster is conducive to promoting regional economic development, China's logistics industry gathering stage, mainly for logistics parks, logistics base, construction of logistics centers, the Government should in the logistics park, logistics base, the construction of logistics centers play an active role, give full play to the leading role of the government in the land, capital, tax aspects of corporate policy to give support to encourage logistics agglomeration area a foothold on their own entrepreneurial and professional development.


Abstract Logistics industry cluster to promote regional economic development, regional economic development plays an important role. In this paper briefly describes the content of the logistics industry gathering and analysis of China's logistics industry cluster development status, focusing on economies of scale theory, the range of economic theory perspective of the logistics industry gathering mechanism to promote regional economic development. Papers Category:Economics Papers-New Economic PapersFROM:















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