

















Уважаемые коллеги! Спешим сообщить Вам, что с этого времени Вы можете прочитать любой из выпусков “Альгологического Вестника” на ботаническом сайте Московского государственного университета по адресу Мы выражаем свою искреннюю благодарность Ольге Анисимовой, предложившей разместить “АВ” на сайте и решившей все технические проблемы. Спасибо!


Президія Гідроекологічного товариства України

Інститут гідробіології НАН України

Інформаційний лист №1

Велимишановні колеги!

Нам приємно повідомити, що ІІІ з’їзд Гідроекологічного товариства України відбудеться орієнтовно з 17 по 20 вересня (сентября) 2001 року у місті Тернополі на базі Тернопільського державного університету.

Генеральна тема з’їзду: “Гідроекологія на межі тисячоліть”.

На з’їзді будуть обговорюватись актуальні питання гідроекологічної науки на пленарних засіданнях та по таких секціях:

1. Водні ресурси України, екологічні основи їх збереження, охорони та використання.

2. Екологічний стан континентальних та морських вд України.

3. Санітарна і технічна гідробіологія.

4. Гідрохімія, токсикологія та радіоекологія.

5. Фізіологія та біохімія водних тварин.

6. Фізіологія та біохімія водних рослин.

7. Аквакультура, марікультура. Культивування водних організмів.

8. Якість води, методи оцінки, біоіндикація та біотестування.

9. Продуктивність водних екосистем. Біологія та екологія гідробіонтів.

10. Озерно-річкове та ставове рибне господарство. Досягнення, завдання, проблеми.

11. Математичне моделювання процесів та прогнозування стану екосистем. Управління водними екосистемами.

12. Методологія гідроекологічних досліджень, методи та питання стандартизації.

Запрошуємо Вас прийняти участь в роботі з’їзду, для чого необхідно надіслати анкету-заявку (форма №1) і тезиси доповідей.

Форма №1

Прізвище, ім’я та по-батькові _________________________________________________

Місце роботи ______________________________________________________________


(повна назва установи, поштова адреса, телефон, факс, e-mail)

Домашня адреса, телефон ____________________________________________________


Назва роботи, автори ________________________________________________________


Бажана секція (назва секції) __________________________________________________

Вимоги до оформлення рукописів тезисів.

Тезиси доповідей на українській або російській мові обсягом до 4 сторінок надсилаються у 2 примірниках. На одному з них повинні бути підписи усіх авторів і дозвіл установи, в якій вони працюють, до друку матеріалу. До тезисів додається дискета з записом тексту.

Текст повинен бути набраним на комп’ютері і надрукованим на принтері шрифтом підвищеної якості (LQ або NLQ), 14 кеглем через півтора інтервали (8 мм) в редакторі Word 6 без переносів і вирівнювання по правому краю на аркушах білого стандартного (210 х 297 мм) чи близького до нього формату без рукописних виправлень.

Поля верхнє, ліве і нижнє повинні бути не менше як 2,5, праве – 1 см. Кількість рядків на одній сторінці не більш як 27.

У списку використаної літератури обсягом не більше як 1 сторінка і набраному, як і основний текст, через 1,5 інтервала з нумерацією в алфавітному порядку, подаються тільки цитовані роботи. Посилання на них у тексті слід давати у квадратних дужках, наприклад [2, 6].

Починаються тезиси з УДК, номер якого визначають автори. Далі йде назва тезисів (великими літерами), ініціали і прізвище авторів, назва установи, в якій вони працюють і міста, в якому ця установа знаходиться. Наприклад:

УДК [574.63: 627,8] [282.447.32]



Інститут гідробіології НАН України, Київ

Тези надсилаються до 15 травня (мая) 2001 року за адресою: Україна, 04210, м. Київ, просп. Героїв Сталінграда, 12, Інститут гідробіології НАН України, Оргкомітет ІІІ Гідроекологічного з’їзду.

Матеріали з’їзду будуть опубліковані, для чого необхідно зробити оргвнесок в розмірі 30 грн. на рахунок Гідроекологічного товариства України: Гідроекологічне товариство України. Код 19356064, Мінське відділення 8142 Ощадбанку в м.Києві, МФО 320229, р/р 26007301436.

Рукописи тезисів, надіслані після 15 травня (мая) 2001 року, або такі, в яких зазначені вимоги не дотримані, публікуватись не будуть.

Президент Гідроекологічного товариства України

директор ІГБ НАНУ, академік НАНУ В.Д. Романенко

Учений секретар, к.б.н. Л.І. Вятчаніна

From: П.М. Царенко


Огляд робіт, присвячених водоростям і опублікованих в “Українському ботанічному

журналі” (№12 за 2000 рік та №1 за 2001 рік)

Сиваш О.О., Михайленко Н.Ф., Золотарьова О.К. Цукри як ключова ланка в регуляції метаболізму фотосинтезуючих клітин // Український ботанічний журнал. – 2001. – 58, №1. – С.121-127.

Представлен анализ данных о влиянии экзогенных сахаров на рост, фотосинтетическую продуктивность, биосинтез отдельных компонентов фотосинтетического аппарата, экспрессию фотосинтетических генов у водорослей и культур клеток высших растений. Показано подавление фотосинтеза действием низкомолекулярных углеводов. Кратко изложена концепция метаболитной регуляции фотосинтеза, основные теоретические представления о механизме действия сахаров на фотосинтетические процессы. РЕЗЮМЕ.

Ниже приводим список работ с резюме, опубликованных в

“Ботаническом журнале” в №11-12 (2000) и №1 (2001) и посвященных водорослям

Перестенко Л.П. Эволюция Бурых водорослей (Phaeophyta) в Мировом океане. 2. Условия, закономерности и этапы // Ботанический журнал. – 2000. – 85, №11. – С.1-6.

Показано, что в современной флоре бурых водорослей сосуществуют 3 разновременные флоры: фукусово-диктиотовая, по-видимому мел-пелеогеновая; ламинариоидная аустральная палеогеновая (эоцен-олигоценовая); ламинариевая бореальная миоцен-плиоцен-плейстоценовая. РЕЗЮМЕ.

Белякова Р.Н. Конспект флоры Cyanophyta бентоса дальневосточных морей России. 2. Chroococcales (Entophysalidaceae, Dermocarpellaceae, Xenococcaceae, Hydrococcaceae) // Ботанический журнал. – 2000. – 85, №11. – С.87-98.

По результатам инвентаризации и критического изучения систематики Cyanophyta семейств Entophysalidaceae, Dermocarpellaceae, Xenococcaceae и Hydrococcaceae российского побережья дальневосточных морей составлен аннотированный список 41 вида. Предложено 6 новых комбинаций и 1 новое название. 15 видов впервые указываются для флоры России, 5 видов – для дальневосточных морей. Впервые приведены сведения о флоре северо-западной части Японского моря (исключая залив Петра Великого), Охотского моря, Курильских и Малых Курильских островов. РЕЗЮМЕ.

Виноградова К.Л., Гогорев Р.М. Памяти Ираиды Викторовны Макаровой (1929-2000) // Ботанический журнал. – 2000. – 85, №11. – С.146-156.

Белякова Р.Н. Конспект флоры Cyanophyta бентоса дальневосточных морей России. 3. Oscillatoriales // Ботанический журнал. – 2000. – 85, №12. – С.60-77.

Составлен конспект флоры порядка Oscillatoriales российского побережья дальневосточных морей в виде аннотированного списка 93 видов. Предложена новая комбинация Pseudoscytonema corynoideum comb. nov. (= Plectonema corynoideum). 11 видов указываются впервые для флоры России, 16 – для дальневосточных морей. Впервые приведены данные о флоре северно-западной части Японского моря (исклюючая залив Петра Великого), Охотского моря, острова Сахалин, Курильских и Малых Курильских островов. РЕЗЮМЕ.

Перестенко Л.П. Литоральные фитоценозы Командорских островов // Ботанический журнал. – 2001. – 86, №1. – С.55-65.

Описана структура литоральной растительности Командорских островов по материалам гидробиологической экспедиции Лаборатории хорологии Института биологии моря Дальневосточного центра АН СССР 1972 г. выделено 49 литоральных фитоценозов, слагаемых 88 видами красных, бурых, зеленых водорослей. РЕЗЮМЕ.

Седова Т.В. Сравнительно-цитологическое изучение одноклеточных зеленых водорослей. XI. Некоторые особенности митоза Chlamydomonas группы Chlorogoniella (Chlamydomonadaceae, Chlorophyta) // Ботанический журнал. – 2001. – 86, №1. – С.84-88.

Неделящиеся ядра у Chlamydomonas minutissima, C. asymmetrica, C. oblonga из группы Chlorogoniella имеют круглую форму, диаметр от 1.5 до 2.5 мкм и сложный хромоцентрический тип организации. Сходство митоза выражается в характере локализации ядра, однотипном поведении ядрышка, появлении в конце профазы особой светлой зоны, в которой располагаются мелкие хромосомы. Особенности митоза проявляются в своеобразии конденсации хроматина в профазе, степени дифференциации прямого конусовидного веретена, продолжительности существования межзонального веретена. Кариотипы C. minutissima (n~10), C. asymmetrica (n~9) и C. oblonga (n=7) отличаются не только по числу хромосом, но и по их форме и размерам. РЕЗЮМЕ.

Околодков Ю.Б. Современная система динофлагеллат (Dinoflagellata) // Ботанический журнал. – 2001. – 86, №1. – С.110-125.

Приведена наиболее полная классификация динофлагеллат по Fensome et al. (1993) с изменениями, касающимися современных динофлагеллат. Впервые приводятся латинские диагнозы подсемейств Gonyaulacoideae и Goniodomoideae в порядке Gonyaulacales. РЕЗЮМЕ.


Вашему вниманию предлагается перечень работ, опубликованных в Journal of Phycology на протяжении 2000 (№№1-6) и 2001 (№№1-2) гг. В следующем выпуске “Альгологического Вестника” будет помещен перечень работ,

опубликованных в 1998 и 1999 гг.

April 2001, Volume 37, Issue 2

Algae - Highlights:

- Colette Sacksteder and Bridgette A. Barry. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy: a molecular approach to an organismal question. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 197-199.

Ecology and Population Biology:

- Anita G. J. Buma, M. Karin de Boer, and Peter Boelen. Depth distributions of DNA damage in Antarctic marine phyto- and bacterioplankton exposed to summertime UV radiation. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 200-208.

- Amy L. Giannotti and Karen J. McGlathery. Consumption of Ulva lactuca (Chlorophyta) by the omnivorous mud snail Ilyanassa obsoleta (Say). J. Phycol. 2001 37: 209-215.

- Janice E. Lawrence, Amy M. Chan, and Curtis A. Suttle. A novel virus (HaNIV) causes lysis of the toxic bloom-forming alga Heterosigma akashiwo (Raphidophyceae). J. Phycol. 2001 37: 216-222.

- Claude E. Payri, Stephane Maritorena, Christophe Bizeau, and Michel Rodiere. Photoacclimation in the tropical coralline alga Hydrolithon onkodes (Rhodophyta, Corallinaceae) from a French Polynesian reef. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 223-234.

- Giuseppe C. Zuccarello, Paul H. Yeates, Jeff T. Wright, and Jason Bartlett. Population structure and physiological differentiation of haplotypes of Caloglossa leprieurii (Rhodophyta) in a mangrove intertidal zone. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 235-244.

- Lucie Maranda. Infection of Prorocentrum minimum (Dinophyceae) by the parasite Amoebophrya sp. (Dinoflagellea). J. Phycol. 2001 37: 245-248.

Physiology and Biochemistry:

- Darren R. Clark. Growth rate relationships to physiological indices of nutrient status in marine diatoms. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 249-256.

- Linda A. Franklin, Gudrun Krabs, and Ralph Kuhlenkamp. Blue light and UV-A radiation control the synthesis of mycosporine-like amino acids in Chondrus crispus (Florideophyceae). J. Phycol. 2001 37: 257-270.

- Mario Giordano, Mustafa Kansiz, Philip Heraud, John Beardall, Bayden Wood, and Don McNaughton. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy as a novel tool to investigate changes in intracellular macromolecular pools in the marine microalga Chaetoceros muellerii (Bacillariophyceae). J. Phycol. 2001 37: 271-279.

- Michael James Holmes, Fu Chin Lee, Hong Woo Khoo, and Serena Lay Ming Teo. Production of 7-deoxy-okadiac acid by a New Caledonian strain of Prorocentrum lima (Dinophyceae). J. Phycol. 2001 37: 280-288.

- Shi-Yan Li, Jean-Paul Lellouche, Yossef Shabtai, and Shoshana Malis Arad. Fixed carbon partitioning in the red microalga Porphyridium sp. (Rhodophyta). J. Phycol. 2001 37: 289-297.

- Maria T. Maldonado and Neil M. Price. Reduction and transport of organically bound iron by Thalassiosira oceanica (Bacillariophyceae). J. Phycol. 2001 37: 298-310.

- Andrea Stihl, Ulrich Sommer, and Anton F. Post. Alkaline phosphatase activities among populations of the colony-forming diazotrophic cyanobacterium Trichodesmium spp. (Cyanobacteria) in the Red Sea. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 310-317.


- Beatriz Reguera and Sonsoles Gonzalez-Gil. Small cell and intermediate cell formation in species of Dinophysis (Dinophyceae, Dinophysiales). J. Phycol. 2001 37: 318-333.

Phylogenetics and Taxonomy:

- Ana S. Cifuentes, Mariela A. Gonzalez, Ingrid Inostroza, and Alejandra Aguilera. Reappraisal of physiological attributes of nine strains of Dunaliella (Chlorophyceae): growth and pigment content across a salinity gradient. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 334-344.

- Annette W. Coleman, Lothar Jaenicke, and Richard C. Starr. Genetics and sexual behavior of the pheromone producer Chlamydomonas allensworthii (Chlorophyceae). J. Phycol. 2001 37: 345-349.

Book Reviews:

- Max H. Hommersand and Paul W. Gabrielson. Marine Plants of Australia. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 350-351.

February 2001, Volume 37, Issue 1

Algae - Highlights:

- Phycologists called to Estes Park! J. Phycol. 2001 37: 1-4.

Ecology and Population Biology:

- I. Hawes and A-M. J. Schwarz. Absorption and utilization of irradiance by cyanobacterial mats in two ice-covered Antarctic lakes with contrasting light climates. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 5-15.

- Luke Twomey and Peter Thompson. Nutrient limitation of phytoplankton in a seasonally open bar-built estuary: Wilson Inlet, Western Australia. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 16-29.

- Willem H. van de Poll, Anja Eggert, Anita G. J. Buma, and Anneke M. Breeman. Effects of UV-B-induced DNA damage and photoinhibition on growth of temperate marine red macrophytes: habitat-related differences in UV-B tolerance. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 30-38.

Physiology and Biochemistry:

- Dietrich Baumer, Angelika Preisfeld, and Hans Georg Ruppel. Isolation and characterization of paramylon synthase from Euglena gracilis (Euglenophyceae). J. Phycol. 2001 37: 38-46.

- Katja Knauer and Jacques Buffle. Adsorption of fulvic acid on algal surfaces and its effect on carbon uptake. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 47-51.

- Klaus Luning. Circadian growth in Porphyra umbilicalis (Rhodophyta): spectral sensitivity of the circadian system. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 52-58.

- T. Alwyn V. Rees. Effect of oligomycin on dark respiration in the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Bacillariophyceae): implications for determination of maintenance respiration. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 59-63.

Cellular and Molecular Biology:

- Kirk E. Apt, Sandra Metzner, and Arthur R. Grossman. The subunits of phycoerythrin from a red alga: position in phycobilisomes and sequence characterization. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 64-70.

- Paul L. A. M. Corstjens, Yoko Araki, and Elma L. Gonzalez. A coccolithophorid calcifying vesicle with a vacuolar-type ATPase proton pump: cloning and immunolocalization of the V0 subunit c. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 71-78.

- Connie M. C. Lam, D. C. New, and Joseph T. Y. Wong. cAMP in the cell cycle of the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii (Dinophyta). J. Phycol. 2001 37: 79-85.

- Amy E. Malmberg and Karen P. Van Winkle-Swift. Zygospore germination in Chlamydomonas monoica (Chlorophyta): timing and pattern of secondary zygospore wall degradation in relation to cytoplasmic events. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 86-94.

- Woongghi Shin and Sung Min Boo. Ultrastructure of Phacus trypanon (Euglenophyceae) with an emphasis on striated fiber and microtubule arrangement. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 95-105.

- Maki Yamamoto, Hisayoshi Nozaki, and Shigeyuki Kawano. Evolutionary relationships among multiple modes of cell division in the genus Nannochloris (Chlorophyta) revealed by genome size, actin gene multiplicity, and phylogeny. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 106-120.

Phylogenetics and Taxonomy:

- Shoko Fujiwara, Mikio Tsuzuki, Masanobu Kawachi, Nobuhiro Minaka, and Isao Inouye. Molecular phylogeny of the Haptophyta based on the rbcL gene and sequence variation in the spacer region of the RUBISCO operon. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 121-129.

- Hiroshi Kawai, Hideaki Sasaki, Yoshiki Maeda, and Shogo Arai. Morphology, life history, and molecular phylogeny of Chorda rigida, sp. nov. (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae) from the Sea of Japan and the genetic diversity of Chorda filum. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 130-142.

- Brian S. Leander and Mark A. Farmer. Evolution of Phacus (Euglenophyceae) as inferred from pellicle morphology and SSU rDNA. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 143-159.

- Hau U. Ling. Snow algae of the Windmill Islands, continental Antarctica: Desmotetra aureospora, sp. nov. and D. antarctica, comb. nov. (Chlorophyta). J. Phycol. 2001 37: 160-174.

- Kristina M. Rhode, Janice L. Pappas, and Eugene F. Stoermer. Quantitative analysis of shape variation in type and modern populations of Meridion (Bacillariophyceae). J. Phycol. 2001 37: 175-183.

- Vera Tai, Sandra C. Lindstrom, and Gary W. Saunders. Phylogeny of the Dumontiaceae (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) and associated families based on SSU rDNA and internal transcribed spacer sequence data. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 184-196.


- Future Meetings of the Phycological Society of America. J. Phycol. 2001 37: 4.

February 2000, Volume 36, Issue 1

Algae - Highlights:

- Dan Reed. Microecology of macroalgal blooms. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 1-2.


- Paul G. Falkowski. Rationalizing elemental ratios in unicellular algae. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 3-6.

Ecology and Population Biology:

- James F. Coles and R. Christian Jones. Effect of temperature on photosynthesis-light response and growth of four phytoplankton species isolated from a tidal freshwater river. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 7-16.

- Marcia A. de O. Figueiredo, Joanna M Kain, and Trevor A. Norton. Responses of crustose corallines to epiphyte and canopy cover. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 17-24.

- Karen Kevekordes and Margaret N. Clayton. Development of Hormosira banksii (Phaeophyceae) embryos in selected components of secondarily-treated sewage effluent. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 25-32.

- Aishao Li, Diane K. Stoecker, and D. Wayne Coats. Mixotrophy in Gyrodinium galatheanum (Dinophyceae): grazing responses to light intensity and inorganic nutrients. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 33-45.

- Marnie J. Zirbel, Fabrice Veron, and Michael I. Latz. The reversible effect of flow on the morphology of Ceratocorys horrida (Peridiniales, Dinophyta). J. Phycol. 2000 36: 46-58.

- Sergi Sabater and Isabel Munoz. Nostoc verrucosum (Cyanobacteria) colonized by a chironomid larva in a Mediterranean stream. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 59-61.

Physiology and Biochemistry:

- Feng Fu Fu, Tasuku Akagi, Sadayo Yabuki, Masaya Iwaki, and Norio Ogura. Distribution of rare earth elements in seaweed: implication of two different sources of rare earth elements and silicon in seaweed. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 62-70.

- Hongbin Liu and Edward J. Buskey. Hypersalinity enhances the production of extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) in the Texas brown tide alga, Aureoumbra lagunensis (Pelagophyceae). J. Phycol. 2000 36: 71-77.

- Allen J. Milligan and Paul J. Harrison. Effects of non-steady-state iron limitation on nitrogen assimilatory enzymes in the marine diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii (Bacillariophyceae). J. Phycol. 2000 36: 78-86.

- Roel Riegman, Willem Stolte, Anna A. M. Noordeloos, and Doris Slezak. Nutrient uptake and alkaline phosphatase (EC 3:1:3:1) activity of Emiliania huxleyi (Prymnesiophyceae) during growth under N and P limitation in continuous cultures. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 87-96.

- Marcoaurelio Almenara Rodrigues, Cesar Pereira dos Santos, Yocie Yoneshigue-Valentin, Dragana Strbac, and David Oakley Hall. Photosynthetic light-response curves and photoinhibition of the deep-water Laminaria abyssalis and the intertidal Laminaria digitata (Phaeophyceae). J. Phycol. 2000 36: 97-106.

- Mark A. Schneegurt, Don L. Tucker, Jennifer K. Ondr, Debra M. Sherman, and Louis A. Sherman. Metabolic rhythms of a diazotrophic cyanobacterium, Cyanothece sp. strain ATCC 51142, heterotrophically grown in continuous dark. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 107-117.

- Chia-Hsiung Liu, Ming-Chiao Shih, and Tse-Min Lee. Free proline levels in Ulva (Chlorophyta) in response to hypersalinity: elevated NACL in seawater versus concentrated seawater. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 118-119.

Cellular and Molecular Biology:

- Brian Binder. Cell cycle regulation and the timing of chromosome replication in a marine Synechococcus (Cyanobacteria) during light- and nitrogen-limited growth. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 120-126.

- Andree Jenks and Sarah P. Gibbs. Immunolocalization and distribution of form II Rubisco in the pyrenoid and chloroplast stroma of Amphidinium carterae and form I Rubisco in the symbiont-derived plastids of Peridinium foliaceum (Dinophyceae). J. Phycol. 2000 36: 127-138.

- Katarzyna A. Palinska and Wolfgang E. Krumbein. Perforation patterns in the peptidoglycan wall of filamentous cyanobacteria J. Phycol. 2000 36: 139-145.

- Engel G. Vrieling, Theo P. M. Beelen, Rutger A. van Santen, and Winfried W. C. Gieskes. Nanoscale uniformity of pore architecture in diatomaceous silica: a combined small and wide angle X-ray scattering study. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 146-159.

Phylogenetics and Taxonomy:

- Niels Daugbjerg. Pyramimonas tychotreta, sp. nov. (Prasinophyceae), a new marine species from Antarctica: light and electron microscopy of the motile stage and notes on growth rates. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 160-171.

- Rebecca J. Gast, Tracey A. McDonnell, and David A. Caron. srDNA-based taxonomic affinities of algal symbionts from a planktonic foraminifer and a solitary radiolarian. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 172-177.

- Dorothea Janofske. Scrippsiella trochoidea and Scrippsiella regalis, nov. comb. (Peridiniales, Dinophyceae): a comparison. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 178-189.

- Stefan Kraan and Michael D. Guiry. Sexual hybridization experiments and phylogenetic relationships as inferred from Rubisco spacer sequences in the genus Alaria (Phaeophyceae). J. Phycol. 2000 36: 190-198.

- Louise E. Phillips, Hang-Gu Choi, Gary W. Saunders, and Gerald T. Kraft. The morphology, taxonomy, and molecular phylogeny of Heterocladia and Trigenea (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta), with delineation of the little-known tribe Heterocladieae. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 199-219.

- Angelika Preisfeld, Silke Berger, Ingo Busse, Susanne Liller, and Hans Georg Ruppel. Phylogenetic analyses of various euglenoid taxa (Euglenozoa) based on 18S rDNA sequence data. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 220-226.

- Geoffrey W. Woolcott, Masafumi Iima, and Robert J. King. Speciation within Blidingia minima (Chlorophyta) in Japan: evidence from morphology, ontogeny, and analyses of nuclear rDNA ITS sequence. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 227-236.

- Takeo Horiguchi and Richard N. Pienaar. Validation of Bysmatrum arenicola Horiguchi et Pienaar, sp. nov. (Dinophyceae). J. Phycol. 2000 36: 237.


- Peter E. Miller and Christopher A. Scholin. On detection of Pseudo-nitzschia (Bacillariophyceae) species using whole cell hybridization: sample fixation and stability. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 238-250.

- Daniel Tillett and Brett A. Neilan. Xanthogenate nucleic acid isolation from cultured and environmental cyanobacteria. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 251-258.

April 2000, Volume 36, Issue 2

Algae - Highlights:

- Paul G. Roessler. More Tools for diatom molecular biology research. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 259-260.


- David R. Mitchell. Chlamydomonas flagella. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 261-273.

Ecology and Population Biology:

- Jean-Pierre Descy, Harry W. Higgins, Denis J. Mackey, James P. Hurley, and Thomas M. Frost. Pigment ratios and phytoplankton assessment in northern Wisconsin lakes. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 274-286.

- Heike K. Lotze and Winfrid Schramm. Ecophysiological traits explain species dominance patterns in macroalgal blooms. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 287-295.

Physiology and Biochemistry:

- Anita G. J. Buma, Tim van Oijen, Willem van de Poll, Marcel J. W. Veldhuis, and Winfried W. C. Gieskes. The sensitivity of Emiliania huxleyi (Prymnesiophyceae) to ultraviolet-B radiation. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 296-303.

- Yu Gao, G. Jason Smith, and Randall S. Alberte. Temperature dependence of nitrate reductase activity in marine phytoplankton: biochemical analysis and ecological implications. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 304-313.

- I. Emma Huertas, Brian Colman, George S. Espie, and Luis M. Lubian. Active transport of CO2 by three species of marine microalgae. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 314-320.

- David J. Smith and Graham J. C. Underwood. The production of extracellular carbohydrates by estuarine benthic diatoms: the effects of growth phase and light and dark treatment. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 321-333.

- Hans Pakker, Rute S. T. Martins, Peter Boelen, Anita G. J. Buma, Osamu Nikaido, and Anneke M. Breeman. Effects of temperature on the photoreactivation of ultraviolet-B–induced DNA damage in Palmaria palmata (Rhodophyta). J. Phycol. 2000 36: 334-341.

- Anthony J. Windust, Tingmo Hu, Jeffrey L. C. Wright, Michael A. Quilliam, and Jack L. McLachlan. Oxidative metabolism by Thalassiosira weissflogii (Bacillariophyceae) of a diol-ester of okadaic acid, the diarrhetic shellfish poisoning. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 342-350.

Cellular and Molecular Biology:

- Kyung Suk Seo and Lawrence Fritz. Cell ultrastructural changes correlate with circadian rhythms in Pyrocystis lunula (Pyrrophyta). J. Phycol. 2000 36: 351-358.

- Srinivasa Rao Uppalapati and Yuji Fujita. Carbohydrate regulation of attachment, encystment, and appressorium formation by Pythium porphyrae (Oomycota) zoospores on Porphyra yezoensis (Rhodophyta). J. Phycol. 2000 36: 359-366.

- Yan Wang, Ya Chen, Colleen Lavin, and Michael R. Gretz. Extracellular matrix assembly in diatoms (Bacillariophyceae). IV. Ultrastructure of Achnanthes longpipes and Cymbella cistula as revealed by high-pressure freezing/freeze substitution and cryo-field emission scanning electron microscopy. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 367-378.

- Lioudmila A. Zaslavskaia, J. Casey Lippmeier, Peter G. Kroth, Arthur R. Grossman, and Kirk E. Apt. Transformation of the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Bacillariophyceae) with a variety of selectable marker and reporter genes. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 379-386.

Phylogenetics and Taxonomy:

- Marvin W. Fawley, Yue Yun, and Mingbo Qin. Phylogenetic analyses of 18S rDNA sequences reveal a new coccoid lineage of the Prasinophyceae (Chlorophyta). J. Phycol. 2000 36: 387-393.

- Gert Hansen, Niels Daugbjerg, and Peter Henriksen. Comparative study of Gymnodinium mikimoyoi and Gymnodinium aureolum, comb. nov. (=Gyrodinium aureolum) based on morphology, pigment composition, and molecular data. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 394-410.

- Mitsunobu Kamiya, John A. West, Giuseppe C. Zuccarello, and Hiroshi Kawai. Caloglossa intermedia, sp. nov. (Rhodophyta) from the western Atlantic Coast: molecular and morphological analyses with special reference to C. leprieurii and C. monosticha. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 411-420.

- Paul Kugrens, Brec L. Clay, and Rosane Aguiar. Ultrastructure of Lobocharacium coloradoense, gen. et sp. nov. (Chlorophyta, Characiosiphonaceae), an unusual coenocyte from Colorado. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 421-432.

- Curt M. Pueschel, Gary W. Saunders, and John A. West. Affinities of the freshwater red alga Audouinella macrospora (Florideophyceae, Rhodophyta) and related forms based on SSU rRNA gene sequence analysis and pit plug ultrastructure. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 433-440.

- Matthew T. Cimino, Kenneth G. Karol, and Charles F. Delwiche. An artifact in the small subunit rDNA sequence of Chaetosphaeridium globosum (Charophyceae, Streptophyta). J. Phycol. 2000 36: 440-442.

- Hans J. Sluiman. Molecular phylogeny of Chaetosphaeridium revisited. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 443-444.

Book Reviews:

- An introduction to photosynthesis. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 445-446.

June 2000, Volume 36, Issue 3

Algae - Highlights:

- S. W. Jeffrey and Jan M. Anderson. Emiliania huxleyi (Haptophyta) holds promising insights for photosynthesis. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 449-452.


- Catriona L. Hurd. Water motion, marine macroalgal physiology, and production. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 453-472.

Physiology and Biochemistry:

- Olivier Errécalde and Peter G. C. Campbell. Cadmium and zinc bioavailability to Selenastrum capricornutum (Chlorophyceae): accidental metal uptake and toxicity in the presence of citrate. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 473-483.

- Juliette Fauchot, Michel Gosselin, Maurice Levasseur, Behzad Mostajir, Claude Belzile, Serge Demers, Suzanne Roy, and Piedad Zulema Villegas. Influence of UV-B radiation on nitrogen utilization by a natural assemblage of phytoplankton. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 484-496.

- José L. Garrido, Jorge Otero, Miguel A. Maestro, and Manuel Zapata. The main nonpolar chlorophyll c from Emiliania huxleyi (Prymnesiophyceae) is a chlorophyll c 2-monogalactosyldiacylglyceride ester: a mass spectrometry study. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 497-505.

- Katja Knauer and Harry Hemond. Accumulation and reduction of arsenate by the freshwater green alga Chlorella sp. (Chlorophyta). J. Phycol. 2000 36: 506-509.

- Scott G. Lynn, Susan S. Kilham, Daniel A. Kreeger, and Sebastian J. Interlandi. Effect of nutrient availability on the biochemical and elemental stoichiometry in the freshwater diatom Stephanodiscus minutulus (Bacillariophyceae). J. Phycol. 2000 36: 510-522.

- Graham S. Peers, Allen J. Milligan, and Paul J. Harrison. Assay optimization and regulation of urease activity in two marine diatoms. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 523-528.

- Willem Stolte, Gijsbert W. Kraay, Anna A. M. Noordeloos, and Roel Riegman. Genetic and physiological variation in pigment composition of Emiliania huxleyi (Prymnesiophyceae) and the potential use of its pigment ratios as a quantitative physiological marker. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 529-539.

Cellular and Molecular Biology:

- Edward J. Carpenter and Sven Janson. Intracellular cyanobacterial symbionts in the marine diatom Climacodium frauenfeldianum (Bacillariophyceae). J. Phycol. 2000 36: 540-544.

- Reinhard Pinontoan, Takashi Yuasa, Marinela I. Anderca, Takashi Matsuoka, Nobuyuki Uozumi, Hitoshi Mori, and Shoshi Muto. Cloning of a cDNA encoding a 66-kDa Ca2+-dependent protein kinase (CDPK) from Dunaliella tertiolecta (Chlorophyta). J. Phycol. 2000 36: 545-552.

- Francesco Pomati, Silvia Sacchi, Carlo Rossetti, Stefano Giovannardi, Hideyuki Onodera, Yasukatsu Oshima, and Brett A. Neilan. The freshwater cyanobacterial Planktothrix sp. FP1: molecular identification and detection of paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 553-562.

- Assaf Sukenik, Alexander Livne, Kirk E. Apt, and Arthur R. Grossman. Characterization of a gene encoding the light-harvesting violaxanthin-chlorophyll protein of Nannochloropsis sp. (Eustigmatophyceae). J. Phycol. 2000 36: 563-570.

- Lena Suzuki, Jeffrey P. Woessner, Hidenobu Uchida, Haruko Kuroiwa, Yasuhito Yuasa, Sabine Waffenschmidt, Ursula W. Goodenough, and Tsuneyoshi Kuroiwa. A zygote-specific protein with hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein domains and lectin-like domains involved in the assembly of the cell wall of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (Chlorophyta). J. Phycol. 2000 36: 571-583.

- Matthew J. Wargo and Peter J. Rizzo. Characterization of Gymnodinium mikimotoi (Dinophyceae) nuclei and identification of the major histone-like protein, HGm. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 584-589.

Phylogenetics and Taxonomy:

- Dominik Hepperle, Eberhard Hegewald, and Lothar Krienitz. Phylogenetic position of the Oocystaceae (Chlorophyta). J. Phycol. 2000 36: 590-595.

- Shin Watanabe, Atsumi Himizu, Louise A. Lewis, Gary L. Floyd, and Paul A. Fuerst. Pseudoneochloris marina (Chlorophyta), a new coccoid ulvophycean alga, and its phylogenetic position inferred from morphological and molecular data. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 596-604.

- Erik J. van Hannen, Miquel Lürling, and Ellen van Donk. Sequence analysis of the ITS-2 region: a tool to identify strains of Scenedesmus (Chlorophyceae). J. Phycol. 2000 36: 605-607.

Applied Phycology:

- Yean-Chang Chen and Hsiu-Chuan Shih. Development of protoplasts of Ulva fasciata (Chlorophyta) for algal seed stock. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 608-615.


- Peter A. Siver and Jan Hinsch. The use of interference reflection contrast in the examination of diatom valves. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 616-620.

Book Reviews:

- Amy D. Rosemond. Use of Algae for Monitoring Rivers III. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 621.

- Walter Dodds. Common Freshwater Algae of the United States. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 622.

August 2000, Volume 36, Issue 4

Algae - Highlights:

- G. Jason Smith. Transport makes the difference. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 625-627.


- Jackie L. Collier. Flow cytometry and the single cell in phycology. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 628-644.

Ecology and Population Biology:

- Pia H. Moisander and Hans W. Paerl. Growth, primary productivity, and nitrogen fixation potential of Nodularia spp. (Cyanophyceae) in water from a subtropical estuary in the United States. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 645-658.

- Akihiro Tuji. The effect of irradiance on the growth of different forms of freshwater diatoms: implications for succession in attached diatom communities. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 659-661.

Physiology and Biochemistry:

- Michal Koblizek, Josef Komenda, Jiri Masojidek, and Libor Pechar. Cell aggregation of the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus: role of the electron transport chain. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 662-668.

- R. Michael L. McKay, Tracy A. Villareal, and Julie La Roche. Vertical migration by Rhizosolenia spp. (Bacillariophyceae): implications for Fe acquisition. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 669-674.

- Avigad Vonshak, Suk Man Cheung, and Feng Chen. Mixotrophic growth modifies the response of Spirulina (Arthrospira) platensis (Cyanobacteria) cells to light. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 675-679.

- Simon D. Costanzo, Mark J. O'donohue, and William C. Dennison. Gracilaria edulis (Rhodophyta) as a biological indicator of pulsed nutrients in oligotrophic waters. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 680-685.

Cellular and Molecular Biology:

- Salah E. Abdel-Ghany, Paul Kugrens, and A. S. N. Reddy. CpKLP1: A calmodulin-binding kinesin-like protein from Cyanophora paradoxa (Glaucophyta). J. Phycol. 2000 36: 686-692.

- Benny Dominic, Sabino Zani, Yi-Bu Chen, Mark T. Mellon, and Jonathan P. Zehr. Organization of the nif genes of the nonheterocystous cyanobacterium Trichodesmium sp. IMS101. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 693-701.

- Mark Hildebrand and Katherine Dahlin. Nitrate transporter genes from the diatom Cylindrotheca fusiformis (Bacillariophyceae): mRNA levels controlled by nitrogen source and by the cell cycle. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 702-713.

- Patricia I. Leonardi, Maria C. Rodriguez, and Eduardo J. Caceres. Fine structure of biflagellate zoospores of Asterococcus superbus (Tetrasporales, Chlorophyceae), including the absolute configuration of the flagellar apparatus. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 714-722.

- Sigrid Penno, Lisa Campbell, and Wolfgang R. Hess. Presence of phycoerythrin in two strains of Prochlorococcus (Cyanobacteria) isolated from the subtropical north Pacific Ocean. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 723-729.

Developmental Biology:

- Svetlana R. Speransky, Susan H. Brawley, and William A. Halteman. Gamete release is increased by calm conditions in the coenocytic green alga Bryopsis (Chlorophyta). J. Phycol. 2000 36: 730-739.

Phylogenetics and Taxonomy:

- Eric W. Linton, Maria Alejandra Nudelman, Visitacion Conforti, and Richard E. Triemer. A molecular analysis of the euglenophytes using SSU rDNA. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 740-746.

- Richard M. McCourt, Kenneth G. Karol, Jeremy Bell, Kathleen M. Helm-Bychowski, Anna Grajewska, Martin F. Wojciechowski, and Robert W. Hoshaw. Phylogeny of the conjugating green algae (Zygnemophyceae) based on rbcL sequences. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 747-758.

- Ki Wan Nam, Christine A. Maggs, Lynne McIvor, and Michael J. Stanhope. Taxonomy and phylogeny of Osmundea (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta) in Atlantic Europe. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 759-772.

- Louise E. Phillips. Taxonomy of the New Zealand-endemic genus Pleurostichdium (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta). J. Phycol. 2000 36: 773-786.

Book Reviews:

- Ingo Maier. New Textbooks in Phycology. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 788-789.

- Ingo Maier. New Textbooks in Phycology. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 789-790.

- Winfried W. C. Gieskes. UV RADIATION. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 790-791.


- Future Meetings of the Phycological Society of America. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 787.

October 2000, Volume 36, Issue 5

Algae - Highlights:

- Valerie Vreeland and Bernard Kloareg. Cell wall biology in red algae: divide and conquer. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 793-797.


- Debashish Bhattacharya. Minireview introduction: Plant origin. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 798.

- Yin-Long Qiu and Jungho Lee. Transition to a land flora: a molecular phylogenetic perspective. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 799-802.

- Francisco Vergara-Silva, Leon Martinez-Castilla, and Elena R. Alvarez-Buylla. MADS-box genes: development and evolution of plant body plans. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 803-812.

- Debashish Bhattacharya, John Aubry, Erik C. Twait, and Stefanie Jurk. Actin gene duplication and the evolution of morphological complexity in land plants. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 813-820.


- Veronique Martin-Jezequel, Mark Hildebrand, and Mark A. Brzezinski. Silicon metabolism in diatoms: implications for growth. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 821-840.

Ecology and Population Biology:

- Holly Adrian Berry and Carole A. Lembi. Effects of temperature and irradiance on the seasonal variation of a Spirogyra (Chlorophyta) population in a midwestern lake (U.S.A.). J. Phycol. 2000 36: 841-851.

- Diane M. McKnight, B. L. Howes, C. D. Taylor, and D. D. Goehringer. Phytoplankton dynamics in a stably stratified Antarctic lake during winter darkness. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 852-861.

- Kathy Ann Miller, Jeanine L. Olsen, and Wytze T. Stam. Genetic divergence correlates with morphological and ecological subdivision in the deep-water elk kelp, Pelagophycus porra (Phaeophyceae). J. Phycol. 2000 36: 862-870.

Physiology and Biochemistry:

- Lars P. Brull, Zebo Huang, Jane E. Thomas-Oates, Berit Smestad Paulsen, Ellen Hanne Cohen, and Terje E. Michaelsen. Studies of polysaccharides from three edible species of Nostoc (Cyanobacteria) with different colony morphologies: structural characterization and effect on the complement system of polysaccharides from Nostoc commune. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 871-881.

- Franca Guerrini, Monica Cangini, Laurita Boni, Paolo Trost, and Rossella Pistocchi. Metabolic responses of the diatom Achnanthes brevipes (Bacillariophyceae) to nutrient limitation. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 882-890.

- Herve Lechat, Mireille Amat, Jacques Mazoyer, Alain Buleon, and Marc Lahaye. Structure and distribution of glucomannan and sulfated glucan in the cell walls of the red alga Kappaphycus alvarezii (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta). J. Phycol. 2000 36: 891-902.

- Michael W. Lomas and Patricia M. Glibert. Comparisons of nitrate uptake, storage, and reduction in marine diatoms and flagellates. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 903-913.

- Tracie-Lynn Nadeau and Richard W. Castenholz. Characterization of psychrophillic oscillatorians (Cyanobacteria) from Antarctic meltwater ponds. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 914-923.

- Bryan Sakamoto, Yoshitsugi Hokama, F. David Horgen, Paul J. Scheuer, Yukiko Kan, and Hiroshi Nagai. Isolation of a sulfoquinovosyl monoacylglycerol from Byropsis sp. (Chlorophyta): identification of a factor causing a possible species-specific ecdysis response in Gambierdiscuc toxicus (Dinophyceae). J. Phycol. 2000 36: 924-931.

Cellular and Molecular Biology:

- Debra M. Sherman, Don Tucker, and Louis A. Sherman. Heterocyst development and localization of cyanophycin in N2-fixing cultures of Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 (Cyanobacteria). J. Phycol. 2000 36: 932-941.

- E. Virginia Armbrust. Structural features of nuclear genes in the centric diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii (Bacillariophyceae). J. Phycol. 2000 36: 942-946.

Phylogenetics and Taxonomy:

- Gary L. A. Barker, Allan Konopka, Barbara A. Handley, and Paul K. Hayes. Genetic variation in Aphanizomenon (Cyanobacteria) colonies from the Baltic Sea and North America. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 947-950.

- H. Taiana Darius, Paul M. V. Martin, Patrick A. D. Grimont, and Catherine Dauga. Small subunit rDNA sequence analysis of symbiotic dinoflagellates from seven scleractinian corals in a Tahitian lagoon. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 951-959.

- Takeo Horiguchi, Junko Yoshizawa-Ebata, and Takeshi Nakayama. Halostylodinium arenarium, gen et sp. nov. (Dinophyceae), a coccoid sand-dwelling dinoflagellate from subtropical Japan. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 960-971.

- Robert Trench. Validation of some currently used invalid names of dinoflagellates. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 972.

Book Reviews:

- Craig W. Schneider. Caribbean Reef Plants.J. Phycol. 2000 36: 973-974.


- Corrigenda. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 622.

- Corrigenda. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 622.

- New textbooks in phycology. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 975.


- A message from the Editor. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 793.

- Future Meetings of the Phycological Society of America. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 976.

December 2000, Volume 36, Issue 6

Algae - Highlights:

- Stephen S. Bates. Domoic-acid-producing diatoms: another genus added! J. Phycol. 2000 36: 978-983.

- Beverley R. Green and Elisabeth Gantt. Is photosynthesis really derived from purple bacteria? J. Phycol. 2000 36: 983-985.


- John P. Smol and Brian F. Cumming. Tracking long-term changes in climate using algal indicators in lake sediments. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 986-1011.

Ecology and Population Biology:

- Francisco Arenas and Consolacion Fernandez. Size structure and dynamics in a population of Sargassum muticum (Phaeophyceae). J. Phycol. 2000 36: 1012-1020.

- Ester Clavero, Mariona Hernandez-Marine, Joan O. Grimalt, and Ferran Garcia-Pichel. Salinity tolerance of diatoms from thalassic hypersaline environments. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 1021-1034.

- Tamsin E. Laing and John P. Smol. Factors influencing diatom distributions in circumpolar treeline lakes of northern Russia. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 1035-1048.

- Sylvie Mathot, Walker O. Smith, Jr., Craig A. Carlson, David L. Garrison, Marcia M. Gowing, and Chrystal L. Vickers. Carbon partitioning within Phaeocystis antarctica (Prymnesiophyceae) colonies in the Ross Sea, Antarctica. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 1049-1056.

- Yuichi Kotaki, Kazuhiko Koike, Makoto Yoshida, Chu Van Thuoc, Nguyen Thi Minh Huyen, Nguyen Chu Hoi, Yasuwo Fukuyo, and Masaaki Kodama. Domoic acid production in Nitzschia sp. (Bacillariophyceae) isolated from a shrimp-culture pond in Do Son, Vietnam. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 1057-1060.

- Ricardo Scrosati and Elisa Serviere-Zaragoza. Ramet dynamics for the clonal seaweed Pterocladiella capillacea (Rhodophyta): a comparison with Chondrus crispus and with Mazzaella cornucopiae (Gigartinales). J. Phycol. 2000 36: 1061-1068.

- Alf Skovgaard. A phagotrophically derivable growth factor in the plastidic dinoflagellate Gyrodinium resplendens (Dinophyceae). J. Phycol. 2000 36: 1069-1078.

- Florian Weinberger and Michael Friedlander. Response of Gracilaria conferta (Rhodophyta) to oligoagars results in defense against agar-degrading epiphytes. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 1079-1086.

Physiology and Biochemistry:

- Teresa Alcoverro, Ersilia Conte, and Lucia Mazzella. Production of mucilage by the Adriatic epipelic diatom Cylindrotheca closterium (Bacillariophyceae) under nutrient limitation. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 1087-1095.

- Isao Kudo, Makiko Miyamoto, Yoshifumi Noiri, and Yoshiaki Maita. Combined effects of temperature and iron on the growth and physiology of the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Bacillariophyceae). J. Phycol. 2000 36: 1096-1102.

- Jeffrey D. Leblond and Peter J. Chapman. Lipid class distribution of highly unsaturated long chain fatty acids in marine dinoflagellates. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 1103-1108.

- Martha Ludwig, Dieter Sultemeyer, and G. Dean Price. Isolation of ccmKLMN genes from the marine cyanobacterium, Synechococcus sp. PCC7002 (Cyanophyceae), and evidence that CcmM is essential for carboxysome assembly. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 1109-1119.

- Sigrid Sagert and Hendrik Schubert. Acclimation of Palmaria palmata (Rhodophyta) to light intensity: comparison between artificial and natural light fields. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 1119-1128.

- Klaus Luning, Andreas Wagner, and Cornelia Buchholz. Evidence for inhibitors of sporangium formation in Laminaria digitata (Phaeophyceae) during the season of rapid growth. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 1129-1134.

Cellular and Molecular Biology:

- Ken-ichiro Ishida, Thomas Cavalier-Smith, and Beverley R. Green. Endomembrane structure and the chloroplast protein targeting pathway in Heterosigma akashiwo (Raphidophyceae, Chromista). J. Phycol. 2000 36: 1135-1144.

- Koh-ichi Sugiyama, Izumi C. Mori, Koji Takahashi, Shoshi Muto, and Ikuko Shihira-Ishikawa. A calcium-dependent protein kinase functions in wound healing in Ventricaria ventricosa (Chlorophyta). J. Phycol. 2000 36: 1145-1152.

Phylogenetics and Taxonomy:

- Brett K. Baillie, Carmen A. Belda-Baillie, and Tadashi Maruyama. Conspecificity and Indo-Pacific distribution of Symbiodinium genotypes (Dinophyceae) from giant clams. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 1153-1161.

- Nina Lundholm and Ojvind Moestrup. Morphology of the marine diatom Nitzschia navis-varingica, sp. nov. (Bacillariophyceae), another producer of the neurotoxin domoic acid. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 1162-1174.

- Morgan L. Vis and Timothy J. Entwisle. Insights into the phylogeny of the Batrachospermales (Rhodophyta) from rbcL sequence data of Australian taxa. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 1175-1182.


- Antonella Penna and Mauro Magnani. A PCR immunoassay method for the detection of Alexandrium (Dinophyceae) species. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 1183-1186.


- Luigi Provasoli Award Recipients. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 977.

- Future Meetings of the Phycological Society of America. J. Phycol. 2000 36: 1195.



Ниже приведен список публикаций, посвященных глобальному биоразнообразию водорослей.


Please, send me your comments, additions, updates:

[email protected] or [email protected]

Anon (1994) Systematics Agenda 2000: Charting the Biosphere. Technical Report. Systematics Agenda 2000. 34 pp.

Algae and Human Affairs. 1988. Lembi, C.A. and Waaland, J.R. (eds) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Alvarez, M. & Gallardo, T., Ribery, M.A. & Garrreta, G.A. (1988) A ressessment of Northen weed biogeography. Phycologia 27: 221-233.

Andersen, R.A. (1992) Diversity of eukaryotic algae. Biodiversity and Conservation. 1: 267-292.

Andersen, R.A. 1996. Preservation and Maintenance of Algae. pp 29-64. In Hunter-Cevera, I.C. & Belt, A. [eds.] Maintaining Cultures for Biotechnology and Industry. Acad. Press, N.Y. 263 pp.

Andersen, R.A., Blackburn, S.I., Taylor, F.J.R., and Tomas, C.R. 1996. Algal Culture Collections and Toxic Algal Strains. pp. 489-532. In Hallegraeff, G.M., Anderson, D.M. & Cembella, A.D. [eds.] Manual on Harmful Marine Microalgae. IOC Manuals and Guides no. 33. UNESCO.

Angel, M. & Rice, T. (1993) Biodiversity of the deep ocean. NERC News October 1993, 34-36.

Biodiversity, Biotechnology & Biobusiness. 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Biotechnology, 23 - 27 November 1998, Perth, Western Australia

Bolton, J.J. (1994) Global seaweed diversity: patterns and anomalies. Botanica Marina 37: 241-245.

Bourelly, P. (1990) Les Algues d'Eau Douce. Initiation a la Systematique. Tome 1, 2nd edn. Boubee, Paris. 572 pp.

Carpenter, S.R., Frost, T., Persson, L., Power, M. & Soto, D. (1995) Lakes and rivers. In Global Biodiversity Assessment. pp. 399-402. United Nations Environmental Programme. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Changes in the marine flora of the North sea. Eds. by Scott, G. & Tittley, I. July 13-15 1998, University College Scarborough, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, UK. ISBN 0 9534857 0 6

Clarke, A. & Crame, J.A. (1984) Diversity, latitude and time: patterns in the shallow sea. In Marine Biodiversity: Causes and Consequenses (Ed. by Ormond, R.G. & Gage, J.D.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Cox, E.J. & Norton, T.A. (1994) The effect of stress on benthic algal communities. In Water Quality and Stress Indicators in Marine Freshwater Ecosystems: Linking Levels of Organization (Ed. by J.G. Jones & D.W. Sutcliffe), pp. 1-14. Freshwater Biological Association, Windermere.

Critchley, A.T., M. Ohno, D. Largo and R. Gilespie (Eds). 1998. Seaweed Resources of the World. JICA. 341p.

Fitze, D. (1994) Patent aspects of the Convention at the microbial level. In The Biodiversity of Microorganisms and the Role Microbial Resource Centers (Ed. by B. Kirsop & D.L. Hawksworth), pp. 37-44. WFEFCC & UNEP.

Global Biodiversity Strategy. (1992) Courrier, P. (ed.) World Resources Institute, IUCN, and UNEP, Washington DC.

Grassle, J.F. & Maciolek, N.J. (1992) Deep sea species richness: regional and local diversity estimates from quantitative bottom samples. American Naturalist 139: 313-341.

Grassle, J.F., Lasserre, P., McInthyre, A.D. & Ray, G.C. (1991) Marine biodiversity and ecological function. Biology International Special Issue 23: 1-19.

Hammond, P.M. (1992) Species inventory. In: Global diversity Status of the Earth's Resources (Ed. by B. Groombridge), pp. 17-39. Chapman & Hall, London.

Hawkes, M.W. (1992) Seaweed biodiversity and marine conservation in the Pacific Northwest. Northwest Environmental Journal 8: 146-148.

Hawksworth, D.L. & Colwell, R.R. (1992) Microbial diversity 21: biodiversity amongst microorganisms and its relevance. Biodiversity and Concervation 1: 221-226.

Howe, M.A. (1918) Algae. In The Flora of Bermuda (Ed. by Britton, N.L.), pp. 487-540. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York.

Howe, M.A. (1920) Algae. In The Bahama Flora (Ed. by Britton, N.L. & Millspaugh, C.F.), pp. 553-631. Published by authors, New York.

Proceedings of the International Committee on Microbial Diversity, Paris, Sept. 1994

Proceedings of the International Meeting of Biodiversity held during the General Assembly of the International Union of Biological Sciences at UNESCO, Paris, Sept. 1994

Jensen, A. (1993) Present and future needs for algae and algal products. Hydrobiologia 261: 15-24.

John, D.M. (1992) Algae. In: Global Biodiversity Status of the Earth's Resources (Ed. by B. Groombridge), pp. 62-63. Chapman & Hall, London.

John, D.M. (1994) Biodiversity and concervation: an algal perspective. The Phycologist 38: 3-15.

Julius, M. L., E. F. Stoermer, C. M. Taylor, and C. L. Schelske. 1998. Local extirpation of Stephanodiscus niagarae Ehrenb. (Bacillariophyta) in the recent limnological record of Lake Ontario. J. Phycol. 34: 766-771.

Lubchenco, J., Allison, G.W., Navarette, S., Menge, B., Castilla, J.C., Defeo, O., Folke, C., Kussakin, O. Norton, T.A. & Wood, A.M. (1995) Coastal biomass. In Global Biodiversity Assessment. pp. 370-381. United Nations Environmental Programme. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Medlin, L. (1998) Marine biodiversity: patterns and processes, by R.F.G. Ormund, J.D. Gage, M.V. Angel. Nature 395 ( 6703): 658-658

Metting, F.B. (1996) Biodiversity and application of microalgae. J. Industrial Microbiology 17: 477-489.

Norse, E.A. & Gerber, L.R. (1993) A global startegy for conserving diversity in the sea. Diversity 9(3): 40-43.

Norse, E.A. (1991) Conserving the neglected 71%: marine biological diversity. Species (IUCN Species Survival Commission) 16: 16-18.

Norse, E.A. (1993) Global Marine Biological Diversity: a Strategy for Building Conservation into Decision Making. Island Press, Washington DC.

Norton, T.A., Andersen, R.A. and Melkonian, M. (1996) Algal Biodiversity. Phycologia 35: 308-326.

Radmer, R.J. (1996) Algal diversity and commercial algal products. BioScience.46: 263-270.

Ray, G.C. and Grassle, J.F. (1991) Marine biological diversity. BioScience 41: 453-457.

Seaweed Cultivation and Marine Ranching (second edition 1997), Ohno and Critchley (eds), JICA, over 190 pages.

Seaweed Resources of the World (1998) Critchley, Ohno, Largo and Gillespie (Eds) Published by JICA (Japanese International Cooperation Agency), over 400 pages.

Sepkoski, J.J. (1995) Large scale history of biodiversity. In Global Biodiversity Assessment, pp. 202-212. United Nations Environmental Programme. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Sobel, J. (1993) Conserving biological diversity through marine protected areas. Oceanus 36: 19-26.

Sournia, A., Chrétiennot-Dinet, M.-J. & Ricard, M. (1991) Marine phytoplankton: how many species in the world ocean ? J. Plankton Res. 13: 1093-1099.

Steele, J.H. (1991) Marine functional diversity. BioScience 41: 470-474.

Stork, N.E. (1993) How many species are there ? Biodiversity and Conservation 2: 215-232.

Taylor, W.R. (1954) Algae: non-planktonic. Botanical Review 20: 363-399.

Thomsen, H.A. (1986) A survey of the smallest eukaryotic organisms of the marine phytoplankton. In Photosynthetic Picoplankton (Ed. by T.Platt & W.K.W. Li), pp. 121-158. Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, Ottawa, Canada.

Thorne-Miller, B. & Catena, J. (1991) The Living Ocean: Understanding and Protecting Marine Biodiversity. Island Press, California.

Titley, I. (1992) Algae. In: Global Biodiversity Status of the Earth's Resources (Ed. by B. Groombridge), pp. 57-62. Chapman & Hall, London.

Titley, I. (1994) Seaweed species richness and diversity in the North Atlantic: implications for conservation. The Phycologist 37: 39.

Understanding Marine Biodiversity. National Research Council. 1995. National Academia of Sciences, Washington, DC.

Van der Meijden, R., Vermeulen, J.J., Lokhorst, G.M., Noordelos, M.E., Van Dam, H., Sinkeldam, J.A., Kouwets, F.A.C., Coesel, P.F.M. Botanische Diversiteit in Nederland: de Getallen. Van Nieukerken, E.J. & Van Loon, A.J. Biodiversiteit in Nederland. Leiden, Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum. 43-48.

Other recommended to the topic papers:

Enigmatic Microorganisms and Life in Extreme Environments. ed. by J. Seckbach, Vol. 1., Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-5492-3, February 1999.

Evolutionary Pathways and Enigmatic Algae: Cyanidium caldarium (Rhodophyta) and Related Cells. ed by J. Seckbach, Vol. 91, Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-2635-0, August 1994.

Jones, V.J. (1996) The diversity, distribution and ecology of diatoms from Antarctic inland waters. Biodiversity and Conservation 5: 1433-1449.

Kristiansen, J. (1996) Biogeography of Freshwater Algae. Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-4253-4.

Stoermer, E. F. 1998. Thirty years of diatom studies on the Great Lakes. J. Great Lakes Res. 24: 518-530.

Stoermer, E. F., and M. B. Edlund. 1998. No paradox in the plankton? - Diatom communities in large lakes. pp. 51-58. In: Mayama, Idei and Koizumi (eds). Proceedings of the 14th International Diatom Symposium, Tokyo.Koeltz Scientific Books, Koenigstein.


Дьяков Ю.Т. Введение в альгологию и микологию: учебное пособие. М.: Изд-во МГУ. 2000. 192 с. Тираж 1500 экз.

В книге содержатся сведения из области молекулярной биологии, биохимии, цитологии, морфологии, физиологии, экологии и практического использования грибов и водорослей, а также современные их системы, отсутствующие в других отечественных руководствах. Для студентов биологических специальностей вузов.

Книгу можно заказать в отделе распространения "Издательства Московского университета".

119899, Москва, Воробьевы Горы, "Издательство Московского университета", отдел распространения.


In the press. Due end May 2001.

Diatoms of EuropeDiatoms of the European Inland Waters and Comparable Habitats. Edited by Horst Lange-Bertalot. Volume 2: Lange-Bertalot, Horst: Navicula sensu stricto, 10 Genera Separated from Navicula sensu stricto, Frustulia. 2001. 140 photographic plates. 526 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. (ISBN 3-904144-78-2) DM 380 (approx. US$ 190).


Authors foreword and acknowledgements/

1: DIAGNOSES AND DISCUSSIONS OF THE TAXA: Navicula Bory sensu stricto/ Section I: Navicula (128 taxa)/ Section II: Alinea nov. sect. (22 taxa)/ From Navicula sensu lato separated 10 genera: Hippodonta Lange-Bertalot et al., Craticula Grunow, Geissleria Lange-Bertalot & Metzeltin, Neidiopsis Lange-Bertalot & Metzeltin, Mayamaea Lange-Bertalot, Adlafia Lange-Bertalot, Decussata (Patrick) Lange-Bertalot, Fistulifera Lange-Bertalot, Aneumastus Mann & Stickle, Haslea Simonsen/ Frustulia Rabenhorst/

2: KEYS FOR THE IDENTIFICATION OF THE TAXA: Navicula sensu stricto, Section I: Navicula/ Navicula sensu stricto, Section II: Alinea/ Navicula groupings corresponding to ecological conditions/ Hippodonta/ Craticula/ Geissleria/ Mayamaea/ Adlafia/ Neidiopsis, Decussata/ Fistulifera, Haslea/Aneumastus/ Frustulia/

3: LATIN DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW TAXA/4: REFERENCES/ 5: PLATES (with indication of the arrangement of the genera)/


From the author's foreword: A revision and synopsis of Navicula sensu stricto, another 10 genera previously included in Navicula sensu lato, and of Frustulia. Covers the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere, with emphasis on Europe. The revision however is more general in its coverage of the temperate and colder zones, and includes some remarks on taxa from the (sub-) tropics. Additionally, reference to the diatom floras of the Pleistocene and Neogene (Tertiary) are made. It is very interesting to compare the fossil flora with recent diatom communities. Some species have traversed the several million years to the present, but other species seem to have become extinct, as we have not been able to find them in recent material.

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Царенко П.М., Петлеванный О.А. Дополнеие к разнообразию водорослей Украины. – Киев: Институт ботаники им. Н.Г. Холодного НАНУ, 2001. – 130 с.

Приведены дополнительные данные о разнообразии водорослей Украины и обобщены сведения об общем их систематическом составе. Водоросли Украины относятся к 12 отделам, 24 классам, 111 порядкам, 894 родам, 4908 видам, представленных 6101 внутривидовым таксоном. Действительно обнародованы названия одного рода и 9 видов (10 таксонов) хлорококковых водорослей. Приведен указатель латинских названий водорослей Украины, отмеченных в “Разнообразии водорослей Украины” и настоящем дополнении.

Additional data on algal diversity of Ukraine are given. A new information of general systematic composition of algae of Ukraine is summarazid. They are belonged to 12 divisions, 24 classes, 111 orders, 894 genera, 4908 species, represented by 6101 intraspecific taxa. The names of one genus and nine species (10 taxa) chlorococcalean algae are legalized. It is given the index of algae of Ukraine marked in “Diversity of algae of Ukraine” and this supplement.

Книгу можно заказать по адресу: 01601, Украина, г.Киев-4, ГСП, ул. Терещенковская,2, Институт ботаники им. Н.Г. Холодного НАН Украины, редакция журнала “Альгология”, Алейникова Мария Даниловна, тел. (044) 235-13-11.

Source: П.М. Царенко.

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Dear All!

If anyone was interested in spending some time in South Africa, I received this this morning. I looked at the web site, and note that these are available to non-South African nationals (I have pasted some information from the web site below also).

John Bolton.



The Trustees of the Claude Harris Leon Foundation have established postdoctoral fellowships in Science, Engineering and Medical Science at South African universities. The fellowships will be available from January 2002 for two years, subject to satisfactory progress, and are valued at R70,000 per annum with an additional R10,000 contributed towards the fellow's running expenses.

It should be borne in mind that the cost of living in South Africa is lower than many other countries, e.g. the United Kingdom. It is understood that, subject to formal application by the host university to the S.A. Revenue Department, the fellowship should be exempt from S.A. tax although the Foundation can give no guarantee.

The closing date for receipt of application forms is 8 June 2001.

For details and access to the application form, please contact the following website: or Mrs Tanya Stone, PO Box 13187, Mowbray 7705, Cape Town. Tel and fax:(021) 531-6910, email: [email protected]

Еhe Claude Harris Leon Foundation is offering post-doctoral fellowships for the year 2001. Fellowships will be awarded for two years and will be worth, per annum, R70 000 with an additional R10 000 per annum contributed towards the running expenses of the fellow's research project and/or travel costs to enable attendance at conferences.

The fellowships are open to South African and foreign nationals, and are awarded for research in the faculties of Science, Engineering and Medical Sciences to be conducted at universities and technikons in South Africa. A translocation allowance will be awarded to those coming from outside South Africa.

Fellowships are awarded on a competitive basis, taking the applicants' academic achievements and potential as researchers into account. Preference will be given to candidates currently under-represented in South African science, engineering and medical sciences.

The Trustees are seeking to foster co-operation between developed and developing areas in higher education in South Africa and fellows will be encouraged to visit a department in another tertiary institution where the field of study is still developing to give lectures and/or seminars.

Reports-- a satisfactory progress report by the fellow and their supervisor(s) is required by 14 August 2001 to allow the award to be given for the second year. It is a condition of the award that a comprehensive report on research funded by the Foundation should be prepared by the fellow and Supervisor and submitted within 3 months of the end of the Foundation's support.

The award cannot be held concurrently with another award/salary without the permission of the Trustees.

The selection committee will include representatives of the Royal Society of South Africa and will make recommendations to the Trustees who will make the final decision at their September 2000 meeting. Successful candidates will be informed in October. The fellowships will normally be taken up early in 2001.

A/Prof John J. Bolton (Algal biologist)

Botany Department

University of Cape Town

Rondebosch 7700

South Africa

Tel: (27) 21 650 2447

FAX: (27) 21 650 4041

E-mail: [email protected]



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