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  • 8/10/2019 alasan pennambahan bahan


    alasan penambahan bahan

    vitamin c 60 mg/ HARI ------RDA

    ncompatible with alkalis, heavy metal ions, especially copper andiron, oxidizing materials, methenamine, phenylephrine hydrochlor-ide, pyrilamine maleate, salicylamide, sodium nitrite, sodiumsalicylate, theobromine salicylate, and picotamide.(4,5) Additionally,ascorbic acid has been found to interfere with certain colorimetricassays by reducing the intensity of the color produced.(6)(excipient : 45)

    Tribasic calcium phosphate is widely used as a capsule diluent andtablet filler/binder in either direct-compression or wet-granulationprocesses. The primary bonding mechanism in compaction is plasticdeformation. As with dibasic calcium phosphate, a lubricant and adisintegrant should usually be incorporated in capsule or tabletformulations that include tribasic calcium phosphate. In some casestribasic calcium phosphate has been used as a disintegrant.(1) It ismost widely used in vitamin and mineral preparations(2) as a fillerand as a binder.(excipient: 100)

    Adsorbents such as silicon dioxide (Syloid, Cab-O- Sil, Aerosil) are capableof retaining large quantities of liquids without becoming wet. This allowsmany oils, fluid extracts, and eutectic melts to be incorporated into tablets.Capable of holding up to 50% of its weight of water, silicon dioxide adsorbedsystems often appear as free-flowing powders. This adsorbent characteristicexplains why these materials function well in tablet formulations to alleviatepicking, especially with high-level vitamin E tablets. Silicon dioxide also ex-hibits glidant properties and can play both a glidant and an adsorbent role inthe formula. Other potential adsorbents include clays like bentonite and kaolin, magnesi-um silicate, tricalcium phosphate, magnesium carbonate, and magnesium oxide.Usually the liquid to be adsorbed is first mixed with the adsorbent prior toincorporation into the formula. Starch also displays adsorbent properties.

    (pdf tablet : 140)

    Alginic acid is a polymer derived from seaweed comprising D-mannuronicand L- glucuronic units. Its affinity for water and high sorption capacitymake it an excellent disintegrant. It is insoluble in water, slightly acidin reaction, and should be used only in acidic or neutral granulations. Itcan be used with aspirin and other analgesic drugs. If used with alkalinesalts or salts of organic acids, it tends to form soluble or insoluble alginatesthat have gelling properties and delay disintegration. It can be success-fully used with ascorbic acid, multivitamin formulations, and acid salt s oforganic bas(pdf tablet: 194)


    penambahan asam folat sebab asam folat pada makanan mudah rusak oleh pemanasan;FT....

    fosfor kalsium, mangan, zinc, asam folat

  • 8/10/2019 alasan pennambahan bahan


    TALK...nggak boleh.....karena dapat mengganggu absorpsi cyanocobalamin (aulton:244)

    Khan and Rhodes [59] reviewed the disintegration properties of dibasiccalcium phosphate dihydrate tablets employing insoluble and soluble disin-tegrating agents. The insoluble disintegrants showed a greater effect whencompressional forces were varied than did the soluble disintegrants. The use of a medium coarse dicalcium phosphate dihydrate has beenreported [60,61]. It has interesting applications in vitamin-mineral formula-tions as both a direct-compaction vehicle and as a source of calcium andphosphorus.(pdf tablet 1: 122)

    Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) is an alcohol-soluble material which is usedin concentrations between 3 and 15%. Granulations using a PVP-alcoholsystem process (granulate) well, dry rapidly, and compress extremely well.PVP finds particular application in multivitamin chewable formulations wheremoisture sensitivity can be a problem.(pdf tablet : 126)

    Ethylcellulose (Ethocel) is used as alcohol solutions of 0.5 to 2.0% andaffords moisture-sensitive components a protective coating. Vitamin A andD mixtures, which are usually sensitive to moisture, may be coated with

    ethylcellulose solution, dried, and granulated with conventional aqueoussystems. Ethylcellulose may have a serious retardant effect on tablet dis-integration and drug dissolution release.*(pdf tablet:127)

    BAHAN TAMBAHANASAM ALGINAT desintegrant 1-5 persen---------------

    penghancur dalam 2 persenpenghancur luar 3 persen

    mgstearat pelincir 0, 1 persen bibe kayaknya 1 persenPVP dalam alkohol (pengikat) 3-15 persenPovidone

    pengisi tribasic calsium posfatabsorben silicon dioxideSALUT FILMEtil selulosa 0,5-2 persenalkohol ad 100 persen

    SATU1. ferro fumarat ditambahkan dengan sebagian pengisi, dan pvp dalam alkohol2. granulasi dan kempa menjadi tablet3.salut dengan etil selulosa dalam larutan alkohol.


    1. semua mineral yang tersisa dicampur dnegan povidone dalam air dan metanol2. granulasi dan keringkan

    TIGA1. campur semua vitamin, kecuali vitamin A,D, C dan K.2 granulasi dengan menggunakan air.keringkan pada suhu 120 derajat celsius dan ayak pada ayakan 15 mesh

    EMPAT1.campur asam askorbat dengan asam alginat (penghancur dalam)

  • 8/10/2019 alasan pennambahan bahan


    2 campurkan dengan A,D, dan K dan adsorben Silikon dioxida

    LIMA1. campur campuran empat, tiga, penghancur luar dan tribasic calsium posfat (pengisi)

    ENAM1. Campuran dua dan lima dicampur dan dikompressi untuk melapisi tablet inti ferro (besi)2. salut tablet dengan salut film etil selulosa dalam alkohol