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1 AIESEC in Malaysia |No 74, Jalan Universiti, Seksyen 13, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor | | (t) +603 7966 0721

Reception Booklet



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2 AIESEC in Malaysia |No 74, Jalan Universiti, Seksyen 13, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor | | (t) +603 7966 0721

Reception Booklet















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3 AIESEC in Malaysia |No 74, Jalan Universiti, Seksyen 13, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor | | (t) +603 7966 0721

Reception Booklet

First of all, Congratulations on being matched with AIESEC in Malaysia!!!

Thank you for selecting Malaysia as your internship destination!

We welcome you with open arms and look forward to learn from you and help you learn

more about yourself! The purpose of this booklet is to help you in preparing yourself to

come to our beautiful country, but the information provided might not be complete. So we

recommend that you read up as much as possible about Malaysia through guidebooks,

websites, or information from the embassy before coming.

If you need any extra information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Every culture on

earth differs in a way that we might never imagine. Prepare yourself well for the challenges

ahead. Malaysia is a very unique place that is full of challenges and opportunities.

Open up your mind for any possibilities that you might encounter during your amazing

internship experience!

We hope that you will enjoy your whole duration of your stay here!

Best of luck in your preparation, and we are looking forward to working with you soon.

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4 AIESEC in Malaysia |No 74, Jalan Universiti, Seksyen 13, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor | | (t) +603 7966 0721

Reception Booklet

Map of Malaysia


To know Malaysia is to love Malaysia. A bubbling, bursting melting pot of races and religions,

where Malays, Indians, Chinese and many other ethnic groups live together in peace and

harmony. Multiculturalism has not only made Malaysia a gastronomical paradise, it has also

made Malaysia home to hundreds of colourful festivals. The people of Malaysia are very laid

back, warm and friendly.

The Facts and Statistics

The Federation of Malaysia is comprised of Peninsular

Malaysia (made up of 11 states and 2 federal

territories) and the states of Sabah and Sarawak with

the Federal Territory of Labuan in the island of Borneo.

Covering an area of 329 758 sq km, Malaysia is located

between 2 and 7 north of the equator. Peninsular

Malaysia is separated from Sabah and Sarawak by the

South China Sea. To the north of Peninsular Malaysia is Thailand while its southern

neighbour is Singapore. Sabah and Sarawak share borders with Indonesia and Brunei


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The population stands at approximately 28 million. Bahasa Melayu (Malay language) is the

national language but English is widely spoken. There are many ethnic groups in Malaysia,

mainly comprising Malay, Chinese and Indian; and also a variety of languages and dialects. It

is common to find a Malaysian who can speak more than just Malay and English.

The capital of Malaysia is the city of Kuala Lumpur, but in the recent years, the

administrative capital has been moved to the Federal Territory of Putrajaya. The government

practises Parliamentary democracy with a bicameral legislative system. The Head of State is

the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and the Head of Government is the Prime Minister. Our national

anthem is the “Negaraku”.

Climate, weather & time zone

Climate: Tropical

Average Temperature: 23°C - 35°C

Kuala Lumpur has a hot, tropical climate with heavy rain storms

occurring throughout the year, mostly in the early evenings. Days are very warm and often

humid, while nights are fairly cool. On the west coast, the rainy season extends from

September to December, and August proves to be the wettest month. Lightweight clothes

are worn throughout the year. Waterproofing is advisable.

Malaysian time is 8 hours ahead of GMT and 16 hours ahead of the US Pacific Standard Time.

Malaysian Culture

Malaysia's cultural mosaic is marked by many

different cultures, but several in particular have

had especially lasting influence on the country.

Chief among these is the ancient Malay culture,

and the cultures of Malaysia's two most

prominent trading partners throughout history--

the Chinese, and the Indians. These three groups

are joined by a dizzying array of indigenous tribes,

many of which live in the forests and coastal areas

of Borneo. Although each of these cultures has vigorously maintained its traditions and

community structures, they have also blended together to create contemporary Malaysia's

uniquely diverse heritage.

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Meetings and Greetings

Greetings in a social context will depend upon the ethnicity of the person you are meeting.

In general, most Malaysians are aware of Western ways, so a handshake is normal. There

may be slight differences though and a few things to bear in mind that include:

• Malay women are not to shake hands with men. Women can of course shake hands

with women. Malay men are not to shake hands with women as well. They will use

the salam with a slight bow while placing their right hand on their heart.

• The Chinese handshake is light and may be rather prolonged, sometimes

accompanied with a touch on the arm. Men and women may shake hands, although

the woman must extend her hand first. Many older Chinese lower their eyes during

the greeting as a sign of respect.

• Indians shake hands with members of the same sex. When being introduced to

someone of the opposite sex, nodding the head and smiling is usually sufficient.

Among all cultures, there is a general tendency to introduce:

• The most important person to the lower ranking person.

• The elder person to the younger person.

• Women to men.

Religions in Malaysia

There are 4 main religions in Malaysia and they are Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and



Islam is the official religion in Malaysia. The word “Muslim” means

one who submits to God (Allah). People who practice the religion are

known as Muslims. Muslims pray 5 times a day, and they are

required to pray at the mosque every Friday afternoon. For the rest

of the time, they can pray either in their house, their office or in a

room called "Surau” in any buildings.

Muslims celebrate many festivals, such as Hari Raya Puasa, Hari Raya

Haji and Awal Muharram. Awal Muharram is the celebration of a new year according to the

Muslim calendar. Meanwhile, Hari Raya Puasa is celebrated at the end of the Ramadhan

month, after Muslims complete their one-month-fast.

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7 AIESEC in Malaysia |No 74, Jalan Universiti, Seksyen 13, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor | | (t) +603 7966 0721

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Buddhism is a set of teachings often described as a religion

or a body of philosophies influenced by the teachings of

Siddhartha Gautama, also known as Gautama Buddha.

Buddhist refers to the people who practise Buddhism.

Buddhists usually pray twice a day, in the morning and in

the evening. On special occasions, they will go to temple to

do their prayers.

Buddhists celebrate festivals such as Wesak Day. Wesak Day is a day to celebrate the birth of

Gautama Buddha. On this day, Buddhists go to the temple to pray and be a vegetarian for a



Hinduism originated from India. People who practise Hinduism are

known as Hindus. Hindus celebrate Deepavali, Ponggal and Thaipusam.

Deepavali is the celebration of a new year according to the Hindu

calendar. It is also known as the Festival of Light. On the night of

Deepavali, Hindus usually make their house festive by lighting candles



Christianity is a monotheistic religion centred on the life and teachings

of Jesus Christ. Major Christian celebrations are Christmas and Easter.

Christmas commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ and is widely

celebrated among the different ethnics of Malaysia, even among non-

Christians; meanwhile, Easter is less prominent in Malaysia, celebrated

only by Christians.

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Cultural Do’s and Don’ts


1. Take off your shoes when everyone else does so

2. Follow the dress code, especially when there are important-looking people around.

3. Try to be polite and not swear/ shout

4. Avoid taboo subjects like sex, some things need not be vocalized

5. Call before you visit, or at least knock

6. “Right is always right”. If you’re unsure which hand to use in whatever occasion, use

your right.

7. Smile, but be serious when you need to.

8. Serve chicken and fish when you have guests, because some may have special dietary

No-no’s (e.g.: Muslims don’t take pork, while Hindus and certain Buddhists don’t take

beef). Oh, and don’t forget the vegetarians…

9. Adapt to the environment, it’s a jungle out there.

10. Avoid having too much or prolonged physical contact with the opposite sex

(especially with most Muslims), unless consented.

11. Obey your elders, or else!


…violate any of the above. Please.

There are universally accepted standards of rights and wrongs and there is no need to cover

the obvious here. However, as Malaysia is a multicultural society there are certain different

cultural and religious characteristics one needs to recognize. Without delving too deeply into

the origins of each custom here's a few that will help you survive:

1. Shoes are commonly left at the front door of houses or maybe some shops and

buildings. A collection of shoes at the door is a sign that you have to remove your shoes

before entering. Another sign is if you notice that you are the only one wearing shoes!

2. Many Malays greet each other with a less than firm handshake and may then place their

right hand over their heart after greeting you. Observe and follow their lead.

3. In the city, the presentation of business cards or name cards often follows with an

introduction as a sign of interest in keeping contact with you, either socially or for

business purposes. It is actually your prerogative; so use your discretion if it is wise to

give your card or kindly excuse yourself for not carrying any of your own. But in doing

business, it is a common practice of card exchanging though it is not compulsory.

4. Public Displays of Affection (or PDA) in public are frowned upon and on the East Coast of

Malaysia, men and women keep a safe distance from each other in public.

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5. Hugging and kissing are strictly reserved for relatives and very close friends. Malaysians

don’t usually hug and kiss each other in public.

6. There are certain areas of mosques that should not be entered by non-Muslims. Signs

are often displayed or people will inform you. Conservative dressing is always required

in all parts of mosques.

7. Many elders are simply referred to as "uncle" (PakCik) or "aunty" (MakCik). People who

are younger than you may also address you with such a term – well, just take it as a

compliment. Many people nod their heads as they walk past people, especially when

passing the elder folks.

8. Some Malaysians eat with their hands. In many restaurants this is more than acceptable

and well worth trying (saves time waiting for the cutlery!). A tip though - only use the

RIGHT hand as the left is used for more basic bodily functions.

Malaysian Food

Malaysian Food is not one

particular distinction of food

but a culinary diversity

originating from its multi-

ethnic population of Malays,

Indians, Eurasians, Chinese,

Nyonya and the Indigenous

peoples of Borneo. A brief

look into the past and how

this multi-ethnic country came

to be, is essential in order to

comprehend how such a

cosmic array of food, has now

come to be known all over the

world as 'Malaysian Food'. The staple food in

Malaysia is rice as in countries in the region. Besides, noodles are also popular. Both are the

main sources of carbohydrate in the country.

Most of the foreigners that come to Malaysia will face difficulties in adapting to Malaysian

food if they are not used to spicy food, and yes, MALAYSIAN FOOD IS SPICY!! (Non-spicy food

are also available but most food are spicy, so be prepared).

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Dress Code

Malaysia is a country where, for the visitor, most basic requirements are readily available

and very cheap, and the general simplicity of life creates few unexpected demands. The

consistently warm weather requires only the lightest of clothing. The general standard of

dressing, even in the city, is casual. It is a rare occasion that demands a suit and tie. Despite

this sensible concession to the climate, the people are immaculately groomed.


For Work, it is usually formal wear with tie for men; formal shirt/blouse with pants or skirts

for women. There are times where you have to meet important people at important events.

You can be adventurous and don on traditional Malaysian costumes like the Baju Kurung

(ladies) or the Baju Melayu (men); or you can be conventional with formal wear.

As for the formal dinners or evening occasions, men should

wear a suit and tie or a long-sleeved ‘Batik’ shirt. For the

ladies, any Malaysian traditional costumes (Baju Kurung,

Baju Kebaya, saree etc.), evening gowns or cocktail dresses

are recommended.


For daily wear, something light and sweat-absorbent like cotton t-shirts and pants would be best but shorts are still okay. But most importantly, always remember to bring an umbrella along. In short, always be prepared for whatever the skies may throw at you and dress decently.

Comfortable and informal clothing is suitable during the day and recommended all year round because of the tropical, hot and humid climate. However, as Malaysia is a predominantly Muslim country, conservative dresses (for women) are most appropriate. Daily office attire requires the men to put on long sleeves shirts with tie and skirt suits or dresses for the ladies.

If you fancy the fascinating tropical sandy beaches in Malaysia, remember to bring along your beachwear! And if you plan to visit the highlands, bring a light sweater or cardigan along. Trainees should not be worried too much about clothes as they are readily available in departmental stores and clothing boutiques.

In a mosque, visitors are required to dress decently; guys shirts and long trousers while ladies in long sleeved blouses and long skirts. Headscarf may be provided for lady visitor. In a Chinese or Indian temple, moderate clothing is advisable (no miniskirts or mini shorts).

In Public universities, trainees must wear decently (No sleeveless clothing, no spaghetti-straps top, and all skirts and pants must cover the knee) especially when around public areas in the public universities. Dress code does not apply when trainees go out of the university compound, or when in the dormitories.

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The sole official language of Malaysia is Malay (also known as Bahasa Melayu or Bahasa

Malaysia). English is also taught in schools and widely spoken in the larger cities. There is

also a colloquial form of English spoken among Malaysians in urban areas, not

inappropriately known as ‘Manglish’, which takes a bit of getting used to if you intend to join

in the conversation. (An example would be the use of the word 'lah'; although there is a

common misconception that we use 'lah' at the end of EVERY sentence). Some other

languages spoken in Malaysia include Chinese dialects (Cantonese, Mandarin, Teochew,

Hakka, Hainanese and Hokkien), Indian languages (most commonly Tamil) and several

indigenous languages (Iban and Kadazan) in East Malaysia.

Bahasa Malaysia is usually used in hawkers, food stalls, rural area & etc. Here are some

phrases you should know.

English Bahasa


English Bahasa Malaysia

I Saya Welcome! Selamat datang!

We Kita, Kami How are you? Apa khabar?

You Kamu Fine Baik

Him or

Her Dia

I don’t understand Saya tidak faham

Them Mereka How much? Berapa banyak?

Name Nama Thank you Terima kasih

Age Umur Good morning Selamat pagi

Gender Jantina Good afternoon Selamat tengahari

Male Lelaki Good evening Selamat petang

Female Perempuan Good night Selamat malam

Ownself Sendiri What is your name? Siapa nama anda?

Address Alamat How much is this? Berapakah harganya?

Job Pekerjaan What time is it? Pukul berapa sekarang?

Citizen Warganegara

I would like to go


Saya hendak pergi ke….

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Race Bangsa You’re welcome Sama-sama

Eat Makan Please come again Sila datang lagi

Drink Minum

How do I get to this


Bagaimanakah saya hendak

pergi ke tempat ini?

House Rumah Sir Encik

Room Bilik Madam Puan

Kitchen Dapur Friend Kawan

Toilet Tandas Yes Ya

Island Pulau No Tidak

Door Pintu Water Air (pronounced ‘ah-yer’)

Bus Bas Air Udara

Taxi Teksi Snack Alas perut

Help Tolong Delicious Sedap

Call Panggil Like Suka

Take Ambil Prefer Lebih suka

Find Cari Thirsty Dahaga

Close Tutup Itchy Gatal

Open Buka Sick Sakit

Hot Panas Visit Melawat

Cold Sejuk Hungry Lapar

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Places of Attraction

Petronas Twin Towers

The 88-storey Petronas Twin Towers, otherwise known as

KLCC, is one of the world's tallest twin structures.

Inspired by the geometric shape found in Islamic architecture,

this gleaming mega-structure was designed by Argentinian-

American architect Cesar Pelli.

Stretching out to one side of this architectural masterpiece is

the spacious and beautifully landscaped KLCC Park. Other

attractions at KLCC are Suria Shopping Complex, Petronas

Philharmonic Hall, Petrosains Science Centre, Petronas Art

Gallery and Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, where The

Aquaria Oceanarium is situated.

A 58.4 metre sky bridge at levels 41 and 42 links the Twin

Towers. The unique double-deck sky bridge stands 170

metres above street level with its arch support forming a

symbolic gateway to the city centre.

The sky bridge is opened to visitors between 8.30am - 7.00pm every Tuesday to Sunday.

Opening Hours: 8.30am - 7.00pm every Tuesday to Sunday

Entrance fee: Free

How to get there

The Putra LRT train, KLCC station is linked with shopping mall Suria KLCC, you will find

direction there.

Detailed Information

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Aquaria KLCC

Located in KLCC, adjacent to the

PETRONAS Twin Towers, Aquaria KLCC

is a world-class aquarium that

showcases animals and various types of

colourful marine life species from

Malaysia and around the world.

The aquarium occupies 60,000 square

feet in the Concourse level of the Kuala

Lumpur Convention Centre. A visit to

the Aquaria KLCC will take you through a journey of discovery in education as well as eco-

tourism, supported by the latest technology with a mesmerizing ambience.

Opening Hours: 11:00-20:00 Everyday

Entrance fee: RM38

How to get there

The Putra LRT train, KLCC station is linked with shopping mall Suria KLCC, you will find

direction there

Detailed Information

KL Tower (Menara Kuala Lumpur)

Soaring to 421m, and considered a main feature of the city

skyline, the KL Tower is the world's fourth tallest

communications tower.

To experience the exhilarating view from the KL Tower,

you can go to the 335-metre high observation deck on a

high-speed lift. From here, the city's eccentric architecture

and lush greenery will be laid out before you.

Opening Hours: 09:30-22:00 Everyday

Entrance fee: RM15

How to get there

The easiest way to get to the Bukit Nanas is via the KL Monorail or Dang Wangi via LRT.

From there you need to take a taxi or walk up Jalan Sultan Ismail then turn right on Jalan P.

Ramlee, and right again up the hill. The KL Tower entrance will be on your left.

Detailed Information

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Jamek Mosque (Masjid Jamek)

Built in 1909, this is the oldest mosque in the city. The

mosque sits at the meeting point of the Klang and Gombak

rivers, which is also the birthplace of Kuala Lumpur.

Its architecture is inspired by Mogul influences of northern

India, and it was officially declared as the National Mosque

in 1965.

If entering the mosque, make sure to be decently dressed as this is an area of worship.

Opening Hours: 08:30-13:30, 14:30-18:00 Everyday

Entrance Fee: Free

How to get there

Hop on the LRT and stop at Masjid Jamek station. The mosque is just round the corner.

Central Market

Central Market is a one stop shopping centre for

Malaysian products such as handicrafts, art, kebaya,

songket, batik and the wide variety of Malaysian


The building was built in 1888 was originally a wet

market. Malaysia is well known for her

multiracial culture where people of different races live in peace and perfect harmony.

Central Market has created a corner to display multi ethnicity and zoned the stalls based on

the features of each race.

Opening Hours: 10:00-22:00 Everyday

How to get there

The Pasar Seni station on the LRT line is right outside Central Market.

Detailed Information

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Bintang Walk

For both shopaholics and coffee-sipping night owls,

Bukit Bintang is one of the hippest streets in the city.

It's a perfect place for people-watching over a latte

between bouts of bargain-hunting.

A wide pedestrian walkway running the length of the

street has transformed it into an exciting rendezvous

point with open air cafes and restaurants.

There are many shopping malls along Bukit Bintang including Pavilion, Starhill Gallery, Lot 10,

Sungei Wang and BB plaza etc.

Don’t miss Jalan Alor! Jalan Alor is a street that filled with food late into the evening. The

stalls are parked all along the street. The Jalan Alor area is relatively dead during the day, but

when the sun goes down it gets a complete makeover.

How to get there

There is a Monorail station called Bukit Bintang that is in between Lot 10 Shopping Centre

and Sungei Wang Plaza.

National Mosque (Masjid Negara)

The main dome of the national mosque is designed in the

shape of an 18-point star to represent the 13 states of

Malaysia and the five central Pillars of Islam, and has the

appearance of a partly opened umbrella roof which

symbolises the aspirations of an independent nation.

As one of Southeast Asia's largest mosques, its unique

modern design embodies a contemporary expression of traditional Islamic art, calligraphy

and ornamentation. Visitors are asked to wear modest clothing and to remove their shoes

when entering the mosque. Modest outer-wear is available for rent outside the mosque.

Opening Hours: 09:00-18:00 Everyday

Entrance fee: RM1

How to get there

Right next to the KL Railway Station

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Petaling Street (China Town)

Petaling Street, the centre of Kuala Lumpur's

original Chinatown, maintains much of its

traditional atmosphere, particularly at night when

vendors fan out their merchandise along the street.

Food is plentiful here with many scrumptious

varieties to choose from; some of the restaurants

here have been in business for generations. Locals

flock to Petaling Street primarily for bargain

accessories and great Chinese food. So, go on, be

brave - head down to Petaling Street with an empty stomach and an adventurous spirit. Even

if you don't spend a penny, (which will be hard!), you are guaranteed to have an amazing

experience here.

How to get there

The Pasar Seni station on LRT down the street from the beginning of Petaling Street.

Putra Mosque

The pink-domed Putra Mosque is constructed with

rose-tinted granite and can accommodate 15,000

worshippers at any one time.

The basement wall of the mosque resembles that of

the King Hassan Mosque in Casablanca, Morocco.

Putra Bridge

The three-tier bridge is inspired by the Islamic architecture of

the famous Khaju Bridge in Isfahan, Iran. Its magnificent

attractions are the four minaret-type piers, complete with

observation decks, overlooking the Putrajaya Lake.

Putrajaya Cruise

Putrajaya Lake is in the heart of the administrative city, and

visitors can take a leisure cruise on the lake.

One can view stunning vistas of the surrounding area from

the cruise, including the Putrajaya Mosque, Putrajaya

Bridge as well as several government administrative


Visitors can opt to sail the lake on a passenger cruise boat,

which is a great option in the day and even more spectacular at night!

Visitors can choose from two different modes to cruise on the Putrajaya Lake, either the

passenger cruise vessel or the gondola-like vessels available in 4 to 6 seaters.

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Batu Caves

Batu Caves is a an iconic and popular tourist attraction in

Selangor. Site of a Hindu temple and shrine, Batu Caves

attracts thousands of worshippers and tourists, especially

during the annual Hindu festival, Thaipusam.

A limestone outcrop located just north of Kuala Lumpur, Batu

Caves has three main caves featuring temples and Hindu


Its main attraction is the large statue of the Hindu God at the

entrance, besides a steep 272 climb up its steps to finally

view the stunning skyline of the city centre.

Monkeys frolic around the caves, and it is a popular spot for

rock climbing enthusiasts. Paintings and scenes of Hindu Gods

can also be seen in the Ramayana Cave.

Batu Caves is a place where you should not miss during your visit to Malaysia!

Opening Hours: 08:00-18:00

Entrance fee: Free

How to get there

Take the KTM from KL Sentral station straight to Batu Caves station.

Pulau Tioman (Tioman Island)

A sleepy little fishing village at the southern tip of the island, Mukut has a rural charm that is

hard to beat, even on Tioman. A slightly rocky beach gives way to patches of soft sand at the

far eastern and western ends. Giant butterflies flutter away from children on bicycles,

monkeys jump from tree to tree in the jungle behind and a monitor lizard slowly makes its

way into the undergrowth. For those that want to experience tranquillity, nature and the

traditional village life, this is the place. The accommodation is simple, most chalets only have

fans and cold showers and the food is traditional Malay fare. The spectacular Asah waterfall

is a 45-minute walk away. Mukut is also the starting point for treks to scale the “dragon's

horns”. Explore the fishing village, or go shopping in the duty free shop and enjoy all the

activities nature can offer - snorkelling, scuba diving, fishing, rock climbing, trekking etc.

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Pulau Redang (Redang Island)

Pulau Redang, situated 45km off the coast of Kuala

Terengganu, is the largest of all Terengganu's islands.

From the very first glance, Pulau Redang will enchant

visitors with its compelling beauty. Its incredibly azure

waters fringed by white sand, against the backdrop of

verdant jungle-clad hills make picture-postcard views.

Pulau Redang archipelago comprises 9 islands, the Lima Island, Paku

Besar Island, Paku Kecil Island, Kerengga Besar Island, Kerengga

Kecil Island, Ekor Tebu Island, Ling Island, Pinang Island and Redang

Island. This archipelago is abounds with marvellous marine fishes,

turtles and coral reefs, ensuring a great snorkelling and scuba-diving

experience. Redang Island which is approximately 7km in length

6km in width is the largest of all other islands in the Marine Park.

A myriad of surprises waits beneath the bewitchingly blue sea. The waters teem with a

wealth of marine life and corals, and the good visibility makes it ideal for snorkelling and

diving. At the Marine Park Centre friendly wrasses, sergeant majors and breams swarm

around snorkelers. Divers can look forward to thrilling encounters with black-tip sharks. Rare

giant clams and hawksbill turtles too have been sighted here.

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20 AIESEC in Malaysia |No 74, Jalan Universiti, Seksyen 13, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor | | (t) +603 7966 0721

Reception Booklet

Transportation in Malaysia

Don’t worry about finding your way around in Malaysia. We have a rather well-developed

transportation system - complete with buses, taxis, and trains. Since you will be spending

most of your internship here in Kuala Lumpur, let’s focus on the transportation system here,


Taxi (Cab)

Taxis in KL are available 24 hours a day, and are based on a metered rate. The flag-off rate is

RM3.00 and 10 cents is charged for every 150 meters travelled. But beware! Some taxis do

not charge by the meter especially during rush hour. So if you ever get on a cab, do insist on

being charged by the meter. However, taxis do have additional charges for services after

midnight or for services booked by phone. Other taxi like the Airport Limousine taxis uses a

prepaid coupon system in which you have to pay at the counter.


Buses in KL are also quite convenient (if they come on time that is). Bus services like Rapid KL,

City Liner and Metrobus make up a network of routes.


Trains in Kuala Lumpur, the Light Rail Transit (LRT), KL Monorail and KTM Komuter trains will

provide regular accessibility to many places within the city as well as to several outlying

towns. The KL Sentral Station is a transportation hub where various modes of transportation

converge. Seeing that there are multiple lines, we will try to provide you with information so

that you won’t be confused or find yourself to be very lost.

Travelling by train is the most convenient as they come frequently and has the widest

network. Besides that, it is much cheaper than other modes of transportation, and a lot

faster. Here are the fares for the various lines of trains.

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Things to Bring:

• Laptop and charger

• Bring an electric plug adaptor to connect your electronic devices (optional)

• Mosquito repellent

• Stationeries

• Clothes for hot and humid weather

• Finances to cover living cost. Funds for extra miscellaneous expenses and shopping.

• Personal toiletries (facial cleanser etc) and Personal medication (if needed)

• Bed sheet (Size: Single)/ bed cover and pillow case

• Some stuffs from your country for us to share with, such as non-perishable and

packed food, items for country presentation, traditional clothes videos, etc…

• Any other relevant things that you think of necessary

Other documents (document that may need to be prepared):

• Your passport

• Visa and documents needed to extend your visa

• Personal Medication

• Sufficient cash, ATM card and/or credit card

• Copies of all travel documents

• Copy of health insurance

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23 AIESEC in Malaysia |No 74, Jalan Universiti, Seksyen 13, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor | | (t) +603 7966 0721

Reception Booklet

Important and Emergency Numbers

Here’s a list of phone numbers you may find helpful during your stay in Malaysia.


Police & Ambulance 999

Fire 999

Civil Defense 991

From Mobile Phone 112



KLIA 03 8776 2000

Penang 04 643 0501

Changi 02 542 9727

Aeroflot 03 2161 3231

AirAsia 03 7651 2222

Air India 03 2614 2166

Berjaya Air 03 2145 2132

Cathay Pacific 03 2078 3377

Garuda 03 2162 2811

Japan Airlines 03 2161 1700

MAS 1 300 88 3000

Qantas 03 2167 6000

Royal Brunei 03 2070 7166

SIA 03 2692 3122

Thai Airways 03 2031 1900

Bank Negara 03 2698 8044

Bukit Aman 03 2262 6222

Customs 03 6201 6088

Domestic Trade 03 2274 2100

Foreign Affairs 03 8887 4000

Home Affairs 03 8886 8000

Human Resource 03 8886 5000

Immigration 03 2093 9181

Income Tax 03 6201 7055

Meteorology 03 7958 7422

Reg of Business 03 4049 2125

Reg of Company 03 4043 3366

Veterinary 03 2094 0077 Breakdown 15454

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Reception Booklet




Celcom 03 3630 8888

Digi 016 221 1800

Maxis 03 7492 2123


PUBLIC COMPLAINTS Internet Service Providers (ISPs)

Biro Pengaduan 03 8888 7777

FOMCA 03 7876 2009

MCA Hotline 03 6258 9323

MCA PSC Dept 03 2163 2305

Malay Mail Hotline 03 2282 1002

Comfort 03 8024 2727

KL Teksi 03 9221 8999

Persatuan Radio 03 2693 6211

Public Cab 03 6259 2020

Radio Cab 03 9221 7600

Saujana 03 2162 8888

Silvertop 03 4023 1267

Supercab 03 7875 7333

Sunlight 03 9058 9986

Teletaxi 03 9221 1011

Intrakota 03 7726 2944

KESAS 03 5633 7188

KL Sentral Station 03 2279 8888

KTM 03 2273 8000

PLUS 03 7981 8000

Plusliner 03 2272 1586

Putra LRT 1 800 388228

Sprint 03 7960 1050

Star LRT 1 800 388288

Domino's 1 300 88 8333

McDonalds 1 300 13 1300

Pizza Hut 1 300 88 2525 019 300 0900

Jaring 03 8996 5000

Maxis Net 1 300 82 1512

Timenet 03 2710 6200

TMnet 03 8318 8027

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Useful Website Links

1. AIESEC in Malaysia Websites

AIESEC in Malaysia Facebook

Global Ambassador Club (A communication channel for AIESEC interns, EB, and MC in Malaysia)

Australia 03 2146 5555

Brunei 03 2161 2828

Canada 03 2718 8333

China 03 2142 8585

France 03 2053 5500

Germany 03 2142 9666

India 03 2093 3504

Indonesia 03 2142 1151

Japan 03 2142 7044

Korea (South) 03 4251 2336

Philippine 03 2148 4233

Singapore 03 2161 6277

Thailand 03 2148 8222

United Kingdom 03 2148 2122

United States 03 2168 5000

AmBank 03 2612 6888

Bank Islam 03 2698 9608

CIMB Bank 1 300 88 0900

Hong Leong Bank 1 800 38 8888

Maybank 1 800 88 2828

Affin Bank 03 5511 4323

Public Bank 03 2163 9191

RHB Bank 03 2070 4299

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Reception Booklet

2. Tourism Malaysia

3. Map of Malaysia

4. Travelling in Asia

5. Airlines Company

6. Kuala Lumpur train service




7. KL LRT map

8. KLIA Express

9. Malaysian Foreign Affairs

10. Visa and health requirements website:

11. Other interesting Links (Tourism Malaysia videos)

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Reception Booklet

Other Useful Information


Sockets in Malaysia are ‘Type G’ (as pictured above) with single phase voltage of 240 V and

frequency of 50 Hz.


The voltage in Malaysia is 240 volts. If the devices that you are carrying

do not accept 240 Volts at 50 Hertz, you are required to use a voltage

converter. There are mainly three types of voltage converters that are

adaptable to the Malaysian voltage:

1) Resistor‐network converters (50‐1600 Watts)

Such converters are used for lightweight usage and support high‐wattage electrical

appliances such as hair dryers and irons.

2) Transformers (50‐100 Watts)

For continuous use and better electricity, transformers are best if used for low wattage

appliances like battery chargers, radios, laptop computers, cameras, mp3 players and


3) Combination Converters

These converters have a combination of both a resistor network and a transformer. They

come along with a switch that switches between the two modes.

Phone code to dial into Malaysia:

00 or +60 ‐ Country code for Malaysia, Area code (1 or 2 numbers), Phone number (6 or 8

numbers) 00 + 60 + 1*(*) + *** **** eg 00+6012+3281329

When you are in Malaysia, you can dial the above numbers without ‘+6’ using any of the

public phones but if you are using your mobile phone, dial the numbers shown above.

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Reception Booklet

Safety Reminders


1. Avoid dark, quiet alleys… We don’t know what goes on in there…

2. Strap or sling your bag when you move about, and always try to walk against

oncoming traffic.

3. Bring mosquito repellent. For some unknown reason, local mosquitoes are attracted

to trainees.

4. Always bring an umbrella. Useful, whether rain or shine.

5. Obtain adequate insurance coverage before travelling to Malaysia.


… be afraid to talk to the locals. You might find some hidden treasures ;)

Non‐residents should not bring Malaysian Ringgit notes more than RM1000.

Please be extremely careful with your personal belongings, your money and your travel

documents. Be aware of your surroundings as foreigners in Malaysia sometimes do attract

attention from people with bad intentions.

End Note

This is a brief preparation package for all interns in Malaysia. Please do not hesitate to

contact your hosting LC for more in depth preparation that you will need or want to enquire

about it.

Remember, when you ask more questions, you are better prepared too! And we can help to

ensure a better internship experience here for you!

If you find that you still have other questions that were not answered in this mailer, please

do not hesitate in emailing us and letting us know.

It is with extreme enthusiasm that we await your arrival, as we know together we will make

this an incredible experience.

Our best wishes for your life changing career experience here in Malaysia!!!

ENJOY your stay in Malaysia!

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29 AIESEC in Malaysia |No 74, Jalan Universiti, Seksyen 13, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor | | (t) +603 7966 0721

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Welcome to Malaysia!!!!