Download - AfR OHC !OOH orr1cc •ou••u aoaTON, lilll418ACHUal:TTA 0810• · AfR 2 2 1952 . OHC !OOH . orr1cc ... O..r Kr. Thantu1 . on behalf of our client, tbe lla...obuaotta Tlarnpiko

Page 1: AfR OHC !OOH orr1cc •ou••u aoaTON, lilll418ACHUal:TTA 0810• · AfR 2 2 1952 . OHC !OOH . orr1cc ... O..r Kr. Thantu1 . on behalf of our client, tbe lla...obuaotta Tlarnpiko

-- 5.3 .7 FOLEY, HOAG & ELIOT

AfR 2 2 1952 OHC !OOH orr1cc •ou••u

c•h••••un ·•o~n .._,.•r.1co,.,..,,,,,,.., •. ,>.. • ••11•••lNn,11.•.

-•..•TO•, o.c. -a. TIU-lllNl UI.._

April 22, 19t2


Lorenao Thantu

aoaTON, lilll418ACHUal:TTA 0810•

a.a.dial Project Maha9er united lt•t•• Snvironaental

Protection A9ency llA I Superfund Section (llRB-CAll))1f••t• llana9•Mnt Divi•ion J . P. Xonnody Buildi119 aoeton, M 02203

a. i Pac Reeource• 8uperfunct lite1 P•l•r llaeaachuaetta Re•ponao to -•l llotice Letter;Meagghyeet;t;e Turnpilr:e Ap1;bqrity

O..r Kr . Thantu1

on behalf of our client, tbe lla...obuaotta Tlarnpiko Autbority (tho "llTA"), I write in rooponao to tbo lotico of Reaponaibility (•-•1 ioouod by SPA to llTA vitb roa- to tbe Al»Ye·r•f•r•nced •ite (tbe ••tta•) . The JIOlt vaa Uted llarch 11,nu and was r-iVOd by tbo llTA on llarob lt, nu.

A.a you know, the lfTA received an inforaation requeat tra IPA pu.rauant to I 104(•) of CIRCLA, 42 u .a. c., s 9604(•), concerning thia Sita. In r••Ponding to tha requaat, the Wl'A haa•nv•9ed in a dili9ant inveati9ation to datarmine ita connection, if any, with tha Site. '1'tle llTA'a inveati9•tion h•• not revealed any docUMnta or other inforaation linkilMJ it to the Site. We beve now obtained fra the llaaaachuaette o..,.rt..nt of Snvirormental Protection (•JIDD•) certain Monthly Operatil'MJ lteporta (the •aeporta•) that vere apparently tiled by entitiea related to PSC Reaourcea, vhich purport to ahow •hipiMJnta ot vaate oil from tha HTA to the Site. However, the HTA haa aerioua queationa concernift9 the reliability of thia inforaation. Moreover, thoae record• indicate •hipaenta of vaate oil. Therefore, even aaauainq, l.UllandQ, the validity of the Recorda, there ia no evidence that the llTA aent hazardoua aubatancea totbo Sito.

Given thia •ituation, the llTA •uat r epeat i ta prior requeata

Page 2: AfR OHC !OOH orr1cc •ou••u aoaTON, lilll418ACHUal:TTA 0810• · AfR 2 2 1952 . OHC !OOH . orr1cc ... O..r Kr. Thantu1 . on behalf of our client, tbe lla...obuaotta Tlarnpiko

Lorenzo Th•ntu April 22, 1112 ••,. 2

to the avency to provide the MTA vith any inforution in EPA'• po•••••ion on which EPA relied in identifyinv th• M'l'A •• a potentially reaponaible party (•PRP•) vith reepect to the Site . In fact, the llTA believe• that coaplete inforution di•cloaure by DA, vith reapect to all peraona na.ed •• PRP• (•nd any other peraona vbo ..y have ••nt vaatee to tba Sita), vill be a preraquiait• to any aettl..ent of thia Site .

In raaponH to the iaauanca of th• tfOb, certain peraon•receivinv tfOaa held an or9ani1ation•l Metinv for PRPa . It ia the llTA'• praaent intent, notvith•tandint the abaence of any evidence Vbich would warrant nuing th• llTA •• a PRP, to partioipata in the PRP qroup, includi"9 potential aettl...nt nevotiationa vith DA. However, at thi• point in ti.., and baaed on currant evidence, th• llTA ia unable to ccmait to perforunc•of the reaady or raiabu.r••••nt of paat coat•.

On a related utter, the period for public coaant on the preferred alternative rune only throu9h the end of April. Given the abort notice vbich t!ae llTA ba• bad to couent on th• praferr.I alternative, the llTA rupectfully requeeta that the -t period by extended by eirty (60) daye.

ftank you for your attention to thia ..tter. I look forward to bearift9 from you or Dan Winovrad concerninv releaae by IPA of intonation •-rti119 it• identification of ti>• llTA •• a PRP at thia lite. If you have any que•tiona, do not haaitate to call.
