Download - Action-Items CXII [Obama's Fascism]

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Inasmuch as Guzzardi is apparently not legally challenging the Supremes’ decision to dump him from the ballot in Federal Court [opting to pursue a predictably-impotent write-in campaign], there is no longer a trenchant need to generate referenced-policies to help him formulate/document his platform [amplifying his study of individual legislative proposals]. Because there are no demonstrable “action-items” that will arise routinely following review of state-level events, the reader is advised to monitor KeystoneReports and PoliticsPA [and to hyperlink from the former] to follow whatever may be of-interest. {For example, “NBC First Read” Rated Corbett #1 Most Vulnerable Gov [again] and another Sandusky-themed reminder emerged [NCAA: Paterno sanctions lawsuit 'ignores reality') [again] but, although Halvorson says process must change, it does not appear he will win his primary; other issues manifest on the state-level [notably Common Core] have now gained a certain currency that undermines the need to unearth key-points that otherwise might have been overlooked.}

Accruing what has proven to be of-interest has yielded the temptation to review just about all news [from local to international]; this has proven to be time-consuming and, ultimately, redundant, notwithstanding reticence of libs/dems to “think with their brains and feel with their hearts” [instead of vice-versa]. Overall, pet-projects [such as my recently-published article on Kurdistan, which is being leveraged within Congress] will be shared, although the reader should feel surcease that blow-by-blow accounts have been shared when strategic input could affect the outcome [e.g., Guzzardi] or deferred when excess uncertainty abounded [e.g., Holocaust Mandatory Education Bill].

Similarly, “BHO’s Scandal-Sheet” is receiving considerable attention [finally!] by the media, and it appears BHO has “lawyered-up” in anticipation of what will be revealed by Rep. Trey Gowdy. Because the essence [and extent] of these outrages [IRS, NSA, Fast/Furious, EPA, NLRB, etc.] has been captured during the past year [compiled in 2000+ pages], it seems unnecessary to sound the alarum any more “loudly,” the reader is advised to monitor Drudge and Breitbart [and, again, to hyperlink from the former] to follow whatever may be of-interest. {For Israel-related items, check-out Arlene Kushner and Pamela Geller [daily, regularly].} All are on Facebook.

Just as was done last week, a series of themed-hyperlinks will be remitted [fewer than a half-dozen, to avoid another 24-hour lockout]; thereafter, an effort will be made to circulate only articles that either open new ground [such as an analysis that connects multiple “dots”] or seem to challenge these views [and, thus, must be fleshed-out].

They are grouped [after a warm-up providing a bit of levity] into [1]—BHO’s impact on Domestic Politics, with the Scandal-Sheet [including BenghaziGate] and Voting; [2]—BHO’s impact on Foreign-Affairs, with the Media [including news/entertainment] and Illegals; and [3]—BHO’s impact on Domestic Policies, with a “Bill of Rights” break-out [including reverse-racism] and “Culture-Wars.” “No prior knowledge” is assumed, although know that there is nothing new herein that has not already been explored; the opener correlates his “fundamental transformation” of America with Fascism [modeled as “statism”]. Levity:

“” is replete with great stuff, including “hotel-california.” Champion Bohemian Kick boxer meets U.S. Marine Western United States Brought To Life In Over 15,000 Beautiful Images 29 mind-blowing photos that show you how badly liberalism has ruined Detroit

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Sleight Of Hand Card Tricks. Hustlers, Hoaxsters, Pranksters, Jokesters and Ricky Jay Best magician in the world! (sleight of hand) Betty White & Johnny Carson in Skit as Adam and Eve on Johnny Carson's Tonight Show,

1979 Quick Animated Presentation Of Carl Sagan's Well-Known "Pale Blue Dot" Speech. FROM AFGHANISTAN TO THE NFL: EAGLES SIGN ARMY RANGER

Regarding BHO’s Fascism:

THE NEW AMERICAN FASCISM - It's time to name the perpetrators BHO’s “liberalism” may have been so successfully implemented that it cannot be

distinguished from that advocated for decades by Dems. Fearing “outrage,” rejection of conservative Commencement speakers @ brandeis and

@ Rutger’s and @ Azusa Pacific illustrates the degree to which mind-control and limited-speech has become the norm among modern-libs.

Charles Murray to Students at the College That Caved to Controversy and Disinvited Him: Is This Why You’re Getting a College Education?: “I was scheduled to speak to you

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tomorrow. I was going to talk about my new book, ‘The Curmudgeon’s Guide to Getting Ahead,’ and was looking forward to it. But it has been ‘postponed.’ Why? An email from your president, Jon Wallace, to my employer, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), said ‘Given the lateness of the semester and the full record of Dr. Murray’s scholarship, I realized we needed more time to prepare for a visit and postponed Wednesday’s conversation.’ ”

The lefties claim Charles Murray is a White Nationalist, observing that this AEI-fellow has become one of the most influential social scientists in America; they allege he uses racist pseudoscience and misleading statistics to argue that social inequality is caused by the genetic inferiority of the black and Latino communities, women and the poor.

Liberal speakers at college commencements outnumber conservative speakers by two to one, a study by Campus Reform shows.

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough mocked Kansas parents’ and students,’ calling concerns

over Michelle Obama’s appearance at their high school graduation “asinine.” Duke University Student Groups Launch Word Police Campaign

Alpha Phi sorority and Phi Delta Alpha fraternity of New Hampshire's Dartmouth College

have cancelled their long planned for South-of-the-Border-based "Phiesta" benefit for cardiac patients because a singular student complained; at-dartmouth-the-word-fiesta-is-racist-and-white-people-can’t-use-it. This is reminiscent of the claim by Blacks that only they can use the N-word, and it may be a reaction to the fact that the former defeated the latter recently during their debate [D'Souza vs. Ayers] at Dartmouth College.

UConn Professor Who Harangued Christians Doubles Down On Crazy, Expects

Punishment Professor Brent Terry has apologized for slamming the GOP during a creative writing

class lecture at Eastern Connecticut State University earlier this week. Professor: Republicans are ‘Racist, Misogynist, Money-Grubbing People’ - Prof: If GOP

Wins Universities Will Close professor-apologizes-after-audio-anti-gop-rant-class-surfaces University stops students from handing out copies of U.S. Constitution MARK LEVIN RAILS AGAINST 'FRENCH REPUBLICANS' IN 'POST CONSTITUTIONAL'

'PERILOUS' PERIOD WE LIVE IN Liberal/Democratic Party Hypocrisy Liberals and Democrats do not give a hoot about women and minorities other than their

usefulness in furthering the socialist/progressive agenda

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New DHS Sec Johnson Signifies Push For a Civilian Army

Regarding BHO: Time left until Obama leaves office: fewer than 1000 DAYS. Obama-Friendly Biographer to MSNBC: 'The World Seems To Disappoint Him' Obama played golf instead of attending the Funeral of his Aunt Zeituni Oyango; the 61-

year-old featured prominently in the first of his two memoirs [Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance], for she was critical to his trip to Kenya as a young man, having Obama around his father's ancestral homeland and introduced him to many of his long-lost relatives.

obama-implicitly-compares-himself-pope-and-jesus-tribute Candidate Obama Debates Barack Obama, Flip-Flopping Obama Lies obama-vows-continued-dictatorial-rule-if-he-doesn’t-get-his-way Unmasking the Imperial Presidency NADER: IMPEACH OBAMA Congress must Take Back the Power to Make Laws Obama Threatens to Veto Bill Requiring Him to Follow Law president-pinocchio-has-put-us-on-perilous-course Obama: President of the United States, but King of the Selfie BARACK OBAMA, THE ADOLESCENT PRESIDENT Obama Says The Constitution Is Out-Dated- International Law Is Supreme GEORGE CLOONEY TO STEVE WYNN: LEAVE BARACK ALONE, A**HOLE! HOLLYWOOD WINS $26 MILLION IN TAX CUTS major-obama-donor-avoids-jail-time-after-brutally-beating-girlfriend Internal DHS watchdog blamed for whitewashes of Obama, political appointees After Firestorm of Criticism Illinois Democrats Back Off $100 Million [sneaky "off-site"

vote] for Obama Library in Chicago Obama-Biden vacation tab reaches $40 million...$2.9 million for two golf outings U.S. Switched Sides in War on Terror Imam to Obama: ‘End Oppression of Muslims’; Obama to Imam: ‘Pray for Me’

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ISLAMIST INFILTRATION OF THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION government’s-new-definition-terrorism is simply exercising-constitutional-rights New Trailer for Dinesh D'Souza's 'AMERICA' Takes on the Haters 'AMERICA' TRAILER LETS LIBERALS LIKE WARD CHURCHILL, NOAM CHOMSKY BASH THE

U.S. Filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza, whose “2016: Obama’s America” grabbed the nation’s

attention during the 2012 presidential campaign, is giving members of the left a voice in his upcoming film, “America: The Movie.”

Federal Judge Rules NAACP Parody Not Funny Former Republican Congressman Allen West stoked controversy today

by labeling President Obama a "slavemaster." Washington Free Beacon provided video of what led Americans to believe Obama lies. Sheriff Joe Arpaio: New Criminal Evidence - This video outlines the document and ID

fraud surrounding Barack Obama with his known aliases, AKA Barry Soetoro.

Regarding the Ideology, Implementation and Corruption of Big Government:

liberalism from the progressive statists Bill Maher: "Socialism Built The Middle Class In America" The high cost of liberalism - By Thomas Sowell Michelle-Obama-Cited-Bogus-Study-Showing-Drastic-Drop-In-Childhood-Obesity Regulator Without Peer - By at least one measure, Obama surpasses all predecessors. USDA doles out $6 million for climate change studies new-usda-developments-include-a-flour-that-could-prevent-weight-gain

SENATOR CALLS FOR VA SECRETARY TO RESIGN AMID MOUNTING SCANDALS Veterans Affairs Cancelled 1.5 Million Unfinished Medical Orders Whistleblower: Phoenix VA Hospital Destroying Evidence 'Pushed Aside Like an Animal': Vet Dies While Unable to Get Care Through VA navy-vet-thomas-breen-dies-while-unable-get-appointment-va-doctors-arizona VA Director at Phoenix Hospital Got $9K Bonus - 40 vets died from delays at facility

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EPA Paid Nearly $500K in Unauthorized Bonuses EPA Delayed Climate Change Regulation [a final regulation limiting greenhouse gas

emissions for new power plants] Until After Midterms USDA Made $6.2 Billion in Improper Payments Last Year Ex-DHS watchdog placed on leave after Senate probe says he altered reports There is little evidence that e-cigarettes are harmful. Popularity of e-cigarettes gives rise to 'vaping' lounges E-Cigarettes to Be Subject to Restrictions Despite Evidence They Help People Stop


DIETS UKIP Leader Nigel Farage Rails Against Plain Cigarette Packaging

Regarding the Ideology and Implementation of Income Redistribution: Paul Krugman: America Becoming an 'Ugly,' 'Oligarchy'; Supports Global Wealth Tax Sen. Bernie Sanders claimed the GOP's platform is intended to enrich the rich Inequality in America: The 1% in International and Historical Perspective CNN Host Mocks White House Hypocrisy on ‘Equal Pay’! Fighting Inequality: Rule Of Law Vs. Legal Plunder Increased inequality since the early 1970s was due to the end of the gold standard. the hidden reason why big-government wants to raise-the-minimum-wage is to

generate increased regulation through the creation of a “living wage.” [genevieve-wood-demolished-white-house’s-wage-gap-argument]

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Regarding BenghaziGate:

Attkisson: Liberals Attempting a 'Well-Orchestrated Strategy to Controversialize' Benghazi Attkisson: Why Can’t We See Photos at White House During Benghazi Attack?

[illustrating the observation that she seems to have found a new home @ FNC, having been on both A.M./P.M.]

How To Make Yourself Sound Like A left-Wing, Sexist Hack 101 – Members of the liberal commentariat who think they're immune to charges of sexism just because they endorse a left-wing feminist agenda, should think again. Attacking a female investigative journalist because of her criticism of the entrenched media bias at her former network - calling her "someone with temperament issues" who "sounds nuts" - looks to me like a ham-handed, sexist attempt to delegitimize and silence an inconvenient woman. On Sunday, Attkisson told CNN’s Brian Stelter that she felt that after she reported on stories critical of the Obama administration, Media Matters was paid to take her down and helps produce news reports for CBS.

Carl Bernstein: Benghazi Not Watergate, But Is a Story [illustrating the elitism of the media, which has just discovered this sordid tale…and this scandal is actually worse because we have a cover-up of a cover-up of a cover-up…and four men died]

Peter King: Dems Who Boycott Benghazi Panel 'Afraid' of Truth [illustrating their dilemma, for they risk missing the opportunity to x-examine, to stymie, etc.]

Will Obama Claim Executive Privilege On Benghazi? David Plouffe: GOP 'a Loud Delusional Minority' on Benghazi White House Refuses to Signal Cooperation With Benghazi Committee PARANOID CLINTONISTAS: VAST RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY WORSE TODAY [they ain’t

seen nuttin’ yet!] Democrat: Obstruction of Justice Is An Assault on the Constitution GEORGE WILL TO GOP: BEWARE OF 1998 U.S. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper Forbids Employees from Talking to

Media, as per a leaked memo Democrats Open Door to Taking Part in Benghazi Probe Rand Paul: Subpoena Hillary Clinton to Testify on Benghazi White House Refuses to Signal Cooperation With Benghazi Committee REVERSAL: Kerry Will 'Cooperate' With Benghazi Subpoena...'Nothing to hide'

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Regarding BHO’s Scandal-Sheet: [IRS]

While law abiding conservative groups have been targeted by the IRS, tax exempt status has been granted to other organizations which have links to Islamic terrorism.

lois-lerner-contempt-vote former-congressman-congress-has-legal-authority-to-arrest-and-jail-lois-lerner We now have an e-mail Lerner sent to colleagues noting the Department of Justice was

looking into criminal prosecutions of these tax-exempt groups. Awards bonuses to employees who owe back taxes

Regarding AG-Holder:

DEFIANT HOLDER: 'I'M STAYING' holder-pleads-with-court-to-stop-document-release-on-obama-gun-running-scandal Justice Department to collect, study arrest data for racial bias clemency-after-10-years-in-prison-doj-announcing-overhaul Obama Subverts the Law in the Name of Clemency - The president’s rewriting of

narcotics statutes is a gross abuse of power. Obama, Holder Looking into Pardon of 'Perhaps Thousands' of Criminals Holder, Obama and Sentencing Guidelines doj-pardon-attorney-quit-amid-obama-plan-to-release-thousands-of-felons SESSIONS: OBAMA IGNORING RULE OF LAW WITH PLANNED CLEMENCY FOR DRUG

CRIMINALS Once GOP wins Senate and Keeps House in November, docs and testimony will be easier

to acquire, so that it will be able to document BHO’s complicity in the IRS Scandal and others; for now, AG-Holder and illegal/corrupt Harry Reid block investigations [by the DOJ, by the Senate] that could hurt Obama.

turning-bipartisan-policy-partisan-politics by announcing a new clemency initiative. Krauthammer: Democrats will ‘rue the day’ they stood by while Obama flouted the law

– one released prisoner committing a crime will prompt a boomerang. Amid Planned Protests, Eric Holder Cancels Police Academy Speech in OKC

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