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3D printingIndustry trends


Alexander LisovskyCoFounder at ZZ Photo

[email protected]/alexlisovsky,,

3D printing materials

1. gypsum polymer (full color plaster)

2. photopolymers (precision plastics)

3. metals (titanium, cobalt-chromium, steel)

4. polyamide (durable and flexible plastic)

5. porcelain.

I. 3D printing technology that extrude, pour or spray


3D printing technologies

1. FDM (fused deposition modeling) printers squeeze material layer by layer through a nozzle dispenser.

3D printing technologies

2. Polyjet technology. The technology lies in the following: photopolymer is fired in small doses from thin nozzles as in inkjet printing, and immediately polymerizes on the surface of the manufactured device while being exposed to UV radiation. PolyJetdiffers from stereolithography by its ability to print a variety of materials.

Advantages of the technology: a) the layer thickness is up to 16 microns (blood cell is 10 microns thick), b) prints quickly as fluid can be applied very quickly. Disadvantages of technology: a) only prints using photopolymer - narrowly specialized, expensive plastic which is usually sensitive to UV and fairly fragile.

Usage: industrial prototyping and medicine

3D printing technologies

3. LENS (LASER ENGINEERED NET SHAPING) Material in the form of powder is blown out of the nozzle and hits the focused laser beam. Part of the powder flies past, and the part that instantly gets in the laser focus gets sintered, forming layer by layer a three-dimensional detail. This technology is used to print steel and titanium objects.

Before this technology, it was only possible to print objects made of plastic, so nobody took 3D printing seriously, and after this technology has appeared, it has opened the door for 3D printing in the "big" industry. Powders of different materials can be mixed and thereby alloys can be obtained on the fly.

Usage: for example, titanium turbine blade with internal cooling channels.

3D printing technologies

4. LOM (laminated object manufacturing) Thin laminated sheets of material are cut with a knife or laser and then sintered or glued into a three-dimensional object. For example a thin sheet of material is cut along the contour of the object, another layer is cut above it and so on. After that, all the sheets are pressed or sintered.

Thus the 3D models can be printed out of paper, plastic or aluminum. Print patterns from aluminum are made from a thin aluminum foil, which is cut along the contour layer by layer and then sintered by means of ultrasonic vibration.

II. 3D printing technologies that glue or sinter


3D printing technologies

SL (Stereolithography) There is a small bath with a liquid polymer. The laser beam passes through the surface and the polymer polymerizes under UV. After one layer is prepared, a platform with a workpiece goes down, the liquid polymer fills the void and then the next layer is baked and so on. Sometimes it is vice versa: the platform with the part goes up, the laser is located below...

After printing using this method, the object requires post-processing - the removal of excess material and support, sometimes the surface is being polished.

3D printing technologies

LS (laser sintering) Similar to the SL, but instead of a liquid photopolymer a powder is used and it is sintered by laser.

Advantages: a) less likely that the item will break in the printing process, as the powder itself acts as a reliable support b) material in powder form is quite easy to find, this also could be: bronze, steel, nylon, titanium

Disadvantages: a) spongy surface as a result b) some powders are explosive, therefore must be stored in a chamber filled with nitrogen c) sintering occurs at high temperatures, so it can take a long time to cool down, depending on the size and thickness of the layers, some objects may cool down up to one day

3D printing technologies

3DP (three dimensional printing)

The technology was invented in 1980 at MIT by the student named Paul Williams, the technology has been sold in several commercial organizations, one of which -zCorp, now absorbed by 3D Systems.

Glue is applied on the powdered material and it binds the granules, then another powdered layer is applied and so on. The output is usually a sandstone material (with similar properties to gypsum)

3D printing and cars

SLA ProX 800 printer produces very large photopolymer parts of high quality and precision, which makes this technology suitable for car parts’ prototypes production.

3D printing fields of application

3D printing and cars

3D Car Strati

The car will only include 47 parts, whereas the normal car has more than 20 000 items.

The initial version of the car would have to travel at a speed of 65 km/h. Car charge will be enough for the distance from 193 to 245 kilometers.

The cost will vary from $18,000 to $30,000, depending on the characteristics.

3D Car Strati

3D Car Strati

3D printer for the aerospace industry

Arcam produces industrial 3D-printers based on EBM (electron-beam melting) technology, which allows to produce precision parts made of titanium.

This solutions allow to reduce the weight of the missiles’ structural elements, for example.

3D printer for the aerospace industry

3D printer for food

Foodini menu

The device is able to print anything - from chocolate braid to pizza, and it can even make ravioli with filling. The ingredients are loaded into special containers (no need for cartridges), and after that you can print your dish.

Foodini does not cook, so, of course, some actions should be made by the user (for example, to put the pizza in the oven)

3D printers and construction

3D printers and construction

The construction of this magnificent building designed by the famous Antoni Gaudí began in 1882 and it still continues.



Doodler allows to do five types of models:

Flat. When the pattern is printed on a sheet of paper and just circled by Doodler.Glued. Here it is necessary to cut around the pattern and glue a few details using Doodler.Framed. More complex kind of modeling. The model building is completely unattached to surface and without using of pre-printed parts. With this type of construction the model is built up level by level.Filled. This model can be done in one long set with Doodler, and you get not a wireframe model, but a model which consists entirely of molten plastic turns.Hybrid. Models that combine various elements of the previous types.


3D printing of headphones

Best headphones are the ones that are custom-built for specific ears.

The buyer must download a special app for Android or iOS and with its help take pictures of his ears, after that he should select the color and the desired length of the headphones cord, then send the photos to the Normal.

3D printing of headphones

3D printer and medicine

3D printer and medicine

In 2012, the first operation with mandibular implant printed on a 3D printer took place. Material - titanium.


Crown of developments in this area is a recent operation by Beijing scientists on the spine of a 12-year-old boy with a spinal cord malignant tumor. The material from which the vertebrae is made is spongy, and the scientists believe, that there will be no need to change the vertebrae as the bone tissue will simply grow around it, so that the vertebrae will become the integral part of the body.


75% of the patient's skull has been replaced with printed part. Quite a result. This operation took place on March 4, 2013 in the United States. The result follows the shape of the smallest details.

According to the Oxford Performance Materials, from 300 to 500 people in the US each month can become the patients who would require such operations. They are usually traffic accidents victims, military and cancer patients with tumors in the skull.

Other bones

1) Speed. Using traditional techniques of casting prostheses is a long process.2) Light-weight. Weight, by the way, can be adjusted by changing the porosity of the titanium prosthesis.3) Porosity. This property allows the prosthesis to "grow into" living tissues.

This June several operations took place in China, in which patients were implanted with the clavicle, scapula and right iliac.

There was a surgery this year in Britain, in which a hip was replaced with a printed part. 71-year-old grandmother was put on her feet. Material - titanium powder.


Earlier this year in the United States, the first man with the 3 D printed implanted knee appeared.

Why it is better than usual implants? The truth lies in the "little things": usually you need to select a prosthesis, and then the bone is grinded to be attached to it. But in this case, developers took the results of computed tomography and made a joint that most naturally suited for the patient.


There is a concept which involves live human cells and inductive radio antenna. This concept is still being discussed. It is created for testing usage of the nanoelectronics in 3D printing.

Orthopedic products

The idea is on the surface: printing of the orthopedic insoles on a 3D printer after scanning becomes very easy and fast.


3D printing in the field of medicine has not yet revealed its full potential. Many believe that print organs are on the way. Perhaps there are 10-12 years left to this.

In future doctors will not wait until the donor gets in an accident, leaving his healthy organ to donate, doctors simply will take the necessary tests and type the desired organ.

SLM has printed Rover Asimov R3C,

which will fly tothe Moon next year

Alexander LisovskyCoFounder at ZZ Photo

[email protected]/alexlisovsky,,