Download - รายงาน · Dr. Amjed Ali Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy, University College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha, Life time Membership of Pakistan Society

Page 1: รายงาน · Dr. Amjed Ali Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy, University College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha, Life time Membership of Pakistan Society


การน าเสนอผลงานวจยในการประชมวชาการระดบนานาชาต

IASTEM-407th International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH)

เมองโจฮนเนสเบรก ประเทศแอฟรกาใต

25 – 26 มถนายน พ.ศ. 2561

อาจารย ดร.ปกครอง มณโรจน

สาขาวชารฐประศาสนศาสตร คณะมนษยศาสตรและสงคมศาสตร มหาวทยาลยราชภฏสวนสนนทา

ปงบประมาณ 2561

Page 2: รายงาน · Dr. Amjed Ali Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy, University College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha, Life time Membership of Pakistan Society

ค าน า

มหาวทยาลยราชภฏสวนสนนทา มนโยบายสงเสรมและสนบสนนดานการวจย โดยมอบหมายใหสถาบนวจยและพฒนาเปนหนวยงานหลกในการพฒนาศกยภาพบคลากรดานการวจย การสนบสนนงบประมาณการวจย การสรางองคความรจากการวจย ตลอดจนสงเสรมใหนกวจยเผยแพรผลงานวจยทงในระดบชาตและนานาชาต โดยในการเผยแพรผลงานวจย มหาวทยาลยไดจดตงกองทนพฒนาบคลากร เพอสนบสนนงบประมาณในการน าผลงานวจยไปเผยแพรในรปแบบตางๆ เชน การน าเสนอผลงานวจยในการประชมวชาการ การตพมพในวารสารวชาการ การประชมสมมนา เปนตน

ในการประช ม วช าการ IASTEM-407th International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH) ณ เมองโจฮนเนสเบรก ประเทศแอฟรกาใต ซงจดขนโดย IASTEM ขาพเจา อาจารย ดร.ปกครอง มณโรจน อาจารยประจ าสาขาวชารฐประศาสนศาสตร คณะมนษยศาสตรและสงคมศาสตร มหาวทยาลยราชภฏสวนสนนทา ไดรบการตอบรบใหน าผลงานวจย เรอง Accountability in Thai-Niyom Democracy in Thailand เขารวมน าเสนอ และไดรบการสนบสนนงบประมาณในการน าเสนอผลงานวจยจากกองทนพฒนาบคลากร มหาวทยาลยราชภฏสวนสนนทา ซงผลงานวจยทเขารวมน าเสนอในการประชมวชาการครงนสามารถน ามาเปนตวชวดการประกนคณภาพของมหาวทยาลยได

28 มถนายน 2561

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หนา ค าน า ก แบบสรปผลการน าเสนอผลงานวจย กองทนพฒนาบคลกร ข ขอมลการจดการประชมวชาการ 1 - หนวยงานจดการประชม 1 - สถานททใชจดประชม 1 - คณะกรรมการพจารณาบทความ 1 - ก าหนดการน าเสนอผลงานวจย 6 - บทความวจยฉบบสมบรณ 7 - เอกสารการน าเสนอผลงานวจย 12 - ประกาศนยบตร 18 เอกสารประกอบการน าเสนออนๆ 19 - หนงสอตอบรบการน าเสนอผลงานวจย 19 - บนทกขอความขอรบทนอดหนนการเผยแพรผลงานวจย 21 - บนทกขอความแจงผลการพจารณาทนอดหนนการน าเสนอผลงานวจย 25 - ค าสงเดนทางไปราชการ 29 - ภาพประกอบการน าเสนอผลงานวจย 30

Page 4: รายงาน · Dr. Amjed Ali Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy, University College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha, Life time Membership of Pakistan Society

กองทนพฒนาบคลากร มหาวทยาลยราชภฎสวนสนนทา

แบบสรปผลการน าเสนอผลงานวจย

1. ชอ – สกล อาจารย ดร.ปกครอง มณโรจน

2. สาขาวชารฐประศาสนศาสตร สงกด คณะมนษยศาสตรและสงคมศาสตร

3. ประเภทบคลากร สายวชาการ สายสนบสนนวชาการ เบอรโทร 089 496 6662

4. ขอสรปการขอรบเงนสนบสนนการน าเสนอผลงานวจย เรอง Accountability in Thai-Niyom Democracy in Thailand

5. วนท 25 – 26 มถนายน พ.ศ. 2561

สรปสาระส าคญ ขาพเจาไดรบอนญาตเดนทางไปราชการ ณ เมองโจฮนเนสเบรก ประเทศแอฟรกาใต เพอเขารวมน าเสนอผลงานวจยในการประชมระดบนานาชาต IASTEM-407th International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH) ระหวางวนท 25 – 26 มถนายน พ.ศ. 2561 โดยขาพเจาไดน าเสนอผลงานวจย เรอง “Accountability in Thai-Niyom Democracy in Thailand” โดยไดรบการสนบสนนงบประมาณในการน าเสนอผลงานวจยจากกองทนพฒนาบคลากร มหาวทยาลยราชภฏสวนสนนทา ซงผลงานวจยทเขารวมน าเสนอในการประชมวชาการครงนสามารถน ามาเปนตวชวดการประกนคณภาพของมหาวทยาลยได ซงขาพเจาไดน าเสนอภาพถายและเอกสารหลกฐานเกยวกบการน าเสนอผลงานวจยดงกลาวดงตอไปน


1. ขณะน าเสนอบทความ


Page 5: รายงาน · Dr. Amjed Ali Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy, University College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha, Life time Membership of Pakistan Society

2. ใบประกาศนยบตร

ขอเสนอแนะเพอการพฒนาดานการเรยนการสอน หรอเกยวของกบวชาชพทปฏบตงาน แนะน าใหนกศกษาเขยนบทความทางวชาการเปนภาษาองกฤษ และฝกน าเสนอผลงานเปนภาษาองกฤษในเนอหาทเกยวของกบสาขาวชารฐประศาสนศาสตร โดยเฉพาะอยางยงควรใหนกศกษาสนใจเกยวกบธรรมาภบาล และความพรอมรบการตรวจสอบ ลงชอ

(อาจารย ดร.ปกครอง มณโรจน) ผน าเสนอผลงานวจย

Page 6: รายงาน · Dr. Amjed Ali Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy, University College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha, Life time Membership of Pakistan Society


ชอการประชมวชาการ IASTEM-407th International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH) หนวยงานจดการประชม

The IIER (International Institute of Engineers and Researchers) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia South City Mall Condominium, Block A-2-3A Jalan Serdang, Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia, Post Code: 43300


The Aviator Hotel OR Tambo Airport Address: 85 Kempton Rd, Kempton Park, 1620, South Africa


Prof. Dr. M. Azram Department of Science in Engineering, IIUM, Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia Ph.D:University of Idaho, U.S.A Prof. Aydın Kavak Civil Eng. Department, Kocaeli University, Umuttepecampus Kocaeli/Turkey Session chair:TheIIER Conference,Hong Kong,21st March 2015 Prof. Lalit Mohan Saini School of Biomedical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, India Session chair:TheIIER International Conference,Hong Kong,21st March 2015 Professor Dato Dr Ahmad Mujahid Ahmad Zaidi Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Defense University of Malaysia (NDUM), Kuala Lumpur PhD in Mechanical Engineering (The University of Manchester) Member: Malaysian Society for Engineering & Technology, Malaysia

Page 7: รายงาน · Dr. Amjed Ali Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy, University College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha, Life time Membership of Pakistan Society

Member of National Professor Council (Majlis Professor Negara) Dr. Amjed Ali Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy, University College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha, Life time Membership of Pakistan Society of Agronomy. Life time Membership of Weed Science Society of Pakistan Prof. Sameh H. Ghwanmeh Director Computer and Information Center Professor Faculty of IT MCP,CCNA WISE University, JORDAN PROF. RAYMOND QUILAS DATUON, DEM HEAD Research, Publication, and Faculty Development Chiang Kai Shek College DR. ASHOK KUMAR SAINI ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR (MATHS) PRINCIPLAL(OFFICATING) BANAWARI LAL JINDAL SUIWALA COLLEGE,HARYANA,INDIA Dr. Md. Al-Amin Bhuiyan Associate Professor Dept. of Computer Engineering King Faisal University Al Ahssa 31982, Saudi Arabia. Igor Todorovic Assistant Professor Department of Business Economics and Management Faculty of Economics, University of Banja Luka MOHD AB MALEK BIN MD SHAH LECTURER DEPARTMENT OF LAWS UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA (MELAKA) CITY CAMPUS,Malaysia Sarma Vangala PhD, PEng CEO Metastrategy, Inc Toronto, CANADA Prof. Oyetola Olaoluwa ONIWIDE DEPT. OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION, ODUDUWA UNIVERSITY, IPETUMODU. OSUN STATE, NIGERIA

Page 8: รายงาน · Dr. Amjed Ali Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy, University College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha, Life time Membership of Pakistan Society

Dr. VPS Naidu Principal Scientist & Assoc. Prof., MSDF Lab, FMCD CSIR - National Aerospace Laboratories, Bangalore, India Jitender Grover Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science & Engg. M.M. University, Sadopur, Ambala (Haryana),India Shahriar Shahbazpanahi Islamic Azad University, Department of Civil Engineering, Sanandaj, Kurdistan, Iran, PhD (Structural Engineering), University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia , 2009-Present JERIL KURIAKOSE RESEARCH SCHOLAR Dept. Of Computer Science Manipal University , Jaipur, India Abdul Mutalib Leman Associate Profesoor Faculty of Engineering Technology Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, RAMIN SHAMSHIRI CV Dept of Biological & Ag Eng Faculty of Eng, Univ Putra Malaysia Serdang, Selangor, MALAYSIA MD. MAHBUB SATTER Test Engineer, Silicon Photonics Solutions Group (SPSG), Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, CA, USA. Ph.D. in ECE Georgia Institute of Technology (GATECH). Dr.H.N.Reddappa Asst. Professor Dept. of Mechanical Engg., Bangalore Institute of Technology KARNATAKA, INDIA Mohammed M. Bait-Suwailam, Assistant Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Sultan Qaboos University Ph.D., University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada

Page 9: รายงาน · Dr. Amjed Ali Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy, University College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha, Life time Membership of Pakistan Society

HAMIZAH A HAMID Management Department, University of Otago School of Management, National University of Malaysia Phd: University of Otago, New Zealand Dr Negin Maftouni Faculty member at Alzahra university, Tehran, Iran PhD.:Nanomechanics,University of Tehran Shukor Sanim MOHD FAUZI Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Teknologi Mara, Perlis Campus Arau, Perlis, Malaysia Dr.G.P.Ganapathy Associate Professor Centre for Disaster Mitigation and Management VIT University, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India Dr. J. Baskaran, Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur , India. Assoc. Prof., Dr. Eriki Ananda kumar Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Engineering, Science and Technology, Nilai University, Nilai, Malaysia. Dr. T. Rangaswamy Professor & Head Department of Mechanical Engineering Government Engineering College Hassan , Karnataka state, INDIA Prof. Dr. Mohammad Ameri Mechanical & Energy Eng. Department Power & Water University of Technology P.O. Box 16765-1719 Tehran, Iran Shorena Barbakadze Associate Professor Department of Classical and Romance Philology Akaki Tsereteli State University Kutaisi, Republic of Georgia

Page 10: รายงาน · Dr. Amjed Ali Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy, University College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha, Life time Membership of Pakistan Society

Dr. Des RajBajwa Professor,Department of Commerce & Management Govt. Post Graduate College AmbalaCantt Director General Higher Education,Haryana,Panchkula urukshetra University, Kurukhsetra Dr. H. RAVI SANKAR Senior Scientist & Officer-in-Charge Department of Computer Applications Central Tobacco Research Institute Rajahmundry 533 105, Andhra Pradesh, India. Abhishek Tiwari Asst. Professor TIMS MILAD ZAMANI FAR Lecturer of civil engineer Faculty in Islamic Azad University Dr. Vikrant Associate Professor Head of Dept. in ECE, Delhi Technical Campus, HARUN BIN SARIP Head of Research and InnovationDept, UniKL-MICET Doctorate: Universit de La Rochelle, France Member : International Society of Pharmaceutical Engineer, Singapore Chapter Jitender Grover Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science & Engg. M.M. University, Sadopur, Ambala (Haryana),India Dr. N. ANAND Asst. Professor Karunya University Ph.D: Structural Engg, Karunya University, India APPASAMI.G Assistant Professor in Dr. Pauls Engineering College, Villupuram, Tamilnadu Dr. T.S.Devaraja Associate Professor of Commerce & Director, Post Graduate Centre, University of Mysore, Hemagangothri Campus, Hassan- 573220, Karnataka State, India Dr. A. K. MALIK Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics B. K. Birla Institute of Engineering & Technology Pilani-333031 (Rajasthan) INDIA

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ก าหนดการจดการประชม

Tentative Conference Program

The Definite Programme Schedule will be mailed to all delegates after the last date of registration.

9:00 AM - 9:30 AM Registration at Desk

9:30 AM - 10:00 AM Inaugural Session Keynote Speech by Speakers

10:00 AM- 10:15 AM Breakfast & Tea Break

10:15 AM - 1:00 PM Technical Session-1

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Lunch

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Technical Session-2

4:00 PM - 4:30 PM Certificate Distribution & Award Ceremony

4:30 PM - 4:45 PM Closing Ceremony

Page 12: รายงาน · Dr. Amjed Ali Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy, University College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha, Life time Membership of Pakistan Society

บทความวจยฉบบสมบรณ Accountability in Thai-Niyom Democracy in Thailand

Pokkrong Manirojana

Master of Public Administration Program,

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences,

Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Bangkok, Thailand Email: [email protected]


Thai-Niyom Democracy created by National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) military junta government

who seized power in Thailand on May 22, 2014. Chief of NCPO General Prayut Chan-o-cha who appointed himself

to be 29th Prime minister of Thailand. He claimed that Thailand have unique condition different from other

countries. Thailand should have own democracy style for the best interest of Thai people . He defined the national

strategy for 20 years and wrote the Constitution prohibits the government in the future cannot change his strategies. Thai-Niyom Democracy concept is focus on good person and Thai culture. Thai people should follow

government leaderships from top to bottom. Accountability in dictatorship government can investigate and punish for political opponents and

bureaucratic very strict but nobody can question or investigate government or their support groups. Military junta

accused of legal charges and punishment of government inspectors charges of endangering national security. The

military dictatorship speaks on mass media about the reform of the country to complete democracy . The

indicators of accountability are about structure process and many actors who can access to official documents or details of government projects, Public disclosure, Media, Civil society and Thai citizen cannot ask for any information from government.

Public accountability didn’t appear on dictatorship government that’s claim to be good person and scarified

for Thai people but it’s not true. Keywords: accountability, Thai-Niyom, democracy


In the midst of Thailand's two decades of political conflict between the conservative groups that want to

preserve the privilege of being the elite of the country and the Democrats that want the sovereignty of the people to belong to the people as truly.Both sides have different approaches, Conservatives are the elite of the country

since the days of Thailand in the monarchy. The Royal family, nobles and high-ranking soldiers dominate the power

and interests of most of the country as a powerful and wealthy prince, while the people are merely commoners and slaves, there is no voice, to be a follower and the servants of the elders. Even after changing the so-called rule. “Siamese revolution of 1932”, where the people seized power from the king to change the country in a democracy. But the promoters are the military that has the authoritarianism ideas that want to have power over the king. The

king is under the constitution and the military dictated the dictatorship throughout the country. Political parties

of that era did not have enough power and often the military coup . The Thai people have never been taught to

truly understand the principles of democracy but was taught to obey the authority as a good follower to serve the boss. Even though it is written in the Constitution that Thailand ruled in democracy but people never really

own sovereignty. Military leaders never paid much attention to the will of the people because the military will

come to take a coup government that is elected by the people at all times and is the author of the Constitution to preserve power and benefit to the elite. When political parties began to strengthen since it was elected by the

people landslide. It received over half the votes of all the representatives . The government is strong and the

country is more democratic. This is a great way for people to know and understand democracy. The country has

changed a lot. Leading elites have lower power, loss of benefits has always been received. This group has to unite

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to destroy the strong political party by slander, take the military coup and the dictatorship of unjust law to eliminate the democratic political leaders. The people are convinced that the politicians are bad people that

corrupt government for private benefit, an enemy to the king, want to overthrow the dynasty and trying to draft a constitution to prevent the popular political party was elected back to manage the country again . Dissolve the

political party and punish politicians not to vote for 5 years to twice, in 2007 and 2008, there were 220 politicians were banned to vote. But when the new election, the former political party returned to win another election and

the soldiers returned to make another coup with the new constitution again to set the election rules as a barrier to win the election of democratic political groups. While the current coup was in power for more than four years,

it promised to hold elections. It has been postponed to 4 times. When people come out to call for elections, the

authoritarian government dictates to police and soldiers intimidate, arrest and threaten those who demand elections.

Democracies want to use democratic processes in their administration and go to the polls for the people to make a decision but conservative groups take a coup d’état using military means, violence, and slander including

the use of laws that violate human rights. Hurting people who disagree or a party with a political opinion that

wants democracy. Thailand's political conflict continues and military dictators continue to use dictatorship

oppressed people. The military dictatorship still uses dictatorial tyranny. The name of this authoritarian regime. "Thai - Niyom democracy", which is not completely democratic. There are also special laws, the power over the

Constitution, the military dictatorship can use unlimited power . The people are under false pretenses, bad

economy and no freedom of expression in politics. Accountability is the most important principle of good

governance. Because of those who have the authority to allocate public interest the people of the country should

be ready to be monitored from all sectors. Especially the people, the mass media, academics and the general

public. Conceptual framework of accountability used in this article are 1) public accountability 2) administrative

accountability and 3) legal accountability which these three elements have the following important components;

1) Public accountability - Looking at the institutional framework, citizen participation is the most important. Without public participation process It cannot be tracked and check the work of the government . The government

must disclose all information (Without compromising public safety and security) is a mission that the government

must give a high priority and people need access to information easily. In addition, the government must listen to

public opinion in order to meet the needs of the people properly. If looking at accountability from the moral

framework responsiveness and answerability, it is the primary duty of the government to provide open, non -concealed and responsive responses to the demands of the people, quickly, identically and in line with the real needs of the people as well as the duty must be done with transparency, disclose all processes publicly and they must listen to the opinions and demands of the people.

2) Political accountability - For the government to act in the allocation and management of resources of the

country. The government will have to enter into power by being empowered by the electorate . There must be a

balance among power management, Legislative power and judicial power to allow all three powers to monitor and balance each other's power. To prevent any party from exercising excessive power. The each of these main

institutions must be independent. To make sure the inspection is accurate and fair. On the moral framework side,

the government must take responsibility for the people to serve the interests of the people only. There must be

no conflict of interest. Government must respect human rights as well as different opinions in society, policies and

strategies. The decision must be maximized and be recognized by most of the people of the country. The

government must answer the question of the people in reality without twisting. 3) Legal accountability - When analyzed by the institutional framework. The government must strictly abide

by the law, cannot avoid or use the law that beyond the law. By the way, Legislation needs to be approved by the

people, always listen to feedback from the public participation process. To make the law acceptable and credible,

the government must also be responsible for overseeing the bureaucracy's efficiency and effectiveness, and the final outcome of the public good.

Guy B. Peters has described the meaning of accountability in the article " Public Accountability of

Autonomous Public Organizations" in 2012, the article is closest to the topic that I want to study the most. The

concept of accountability has been used in four different ways.

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1) Answerability is the basic concept of accountability. It is the duty of those who need to be investigated . It is a part of the duty to provide explanations, answers, questions and present the evidence for the performance of their duties or the agency. To make the operation has transparency, disclosure, giving the opportunity for the

public to review at any time. Fear of being punished, fear of punishment if committed improperly or use the wrong

authority are a deterrent to the recipient of the investigation and be more careful, do not make mistakes or damage to the organization or the public. Answering is one of the most important methods of the accountability

process. This is essential for all public sector workers. 2) Accountability – This is as another level of answerability refers to the need for individuals or organizations

not to take into account only the performance of an individual or organization by a supervisor or the Audit Committee but it needs to take into consideration judgments by other agencies or an independent body responsible for the inspection in particular, it is the duty of a public organization to report its performance to a political organization or the organization with the authority to investigate. To build credibility to the public and

still connected to the punishment or reward for organizations. For organizations in the public sector today, it is

being monitored by several organizations including lawmakers or even the lawmakers themselves are even more scrutinized than any other organization. To increase the likelihood of auditing as well as financial auditing and the

establishment of many audit organizations. It also has the duty to advise public sector organizations on the scope

of public policy. 3) Responsibility – This is a word that is used in a meaning is close to Accountability What is the difference?

While the accountability is monitored based on the line of command and external relations but the responsibility is relevant to the self-control of employees (Bovens, 1998), government employees or civil servants are expected

to be responsible for the performance of duties, creating your own inner value, using personal judgment about the appropriateness of their behaviors more than being checked by someone else. Difference in behavioral

standards in public services raises a difficult question for government officials to meet the needs of the commander or serve the public. Naturally, employees, officials, or bureaucrats often focus on meet the needs of

the commander, supervisors or ministers rather than meet the needs of the people. Because supervisors can give

you - direct penalties affect work progress over the public, so subordinates have the discretion and responsible

for duty. It is important to focus on one another. This is an example of a differentiated responsibility from being

accountability. In practice, it is unlikely that civil servants will be more important to citizens than ministers. 4) Responsiveness - It is a concept that presents complex problems in the control of the current

government. The government must be open, and spread the ideas about creating democracy that people feel. In

public service and public servants or government officials must respond to the needs of the public and should respond individually, because the organization in the public sector involves a network of agencies and other public and private organizations are now called Stakeholders. In the policy process, the government wants to be the core

of negotiations between the government and the private sector. For Policy implementation side, it needs the

government’s responsiveness to meet the needs of the private sector as much as possible including people

(Peters, 2012). It indicates that the concept of accountability is multidimensional and is used in a different sense depend

on the purpose of the adoption including the political, economic, social, and administrative context of each sector . All of these are for the individual or the agency takes into account the good and the bad effects of their actions . To the organization and the public as a whole. It's not just acts or meet the needs of the commander to progress

in their career only. It is also a concept to reduce corruption, misbehavior, use of power for personal interests and

more public. This is at the heart of public sector organizations. That is, public service is equitable to the public,

fairly fair to respond to the public interest over the benefits by virtue of responsibility, ethics and with accountability of the various inspectors. Inside and outside the organization. This will create a culture of public

service for the benefit of the public. DISCUSSION

From the principles of accountability on the three categories of NCPO, the military dictatorships lacked all of the characteristics of public accountability, political accountability and legal accountability . From entering into

power in the country, NCPO was not elected by the people. It is not widely accepted by the people of the country

for incoming but the military used the weapons to seize power of 67 million people in Thailand . This is the lack of

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legitimacy in the position and also the most serious offense. Changing the country's regime from democratic to

military dictatorship, break the Constitution, which is the highest law of the country. It is illegal to all, abolition of

the Constitution by the King and spending the budget of the people of the country without the consent of the people. Financial, economic, political, human rights abuses. Using the law to punish political enemies without

being guilty. Using state power mechanisms to force people to submit to power under false pretenses,

there is corruption in the families of leaders and the leader himself with clear evidence. Appointment of

political rulers in government agencies with high interest. Do not disclose spending information, the budget is also

used to purchase expensive military equipment and no need spend the money until the end. It does not focus on

the problems of inequality, poverty and the problems of the people . Small and medium businesses lose so much

money. Irresponsible by throwing offense to another government at all times . Never heard of the public. The public

lied to the people, wrote the constitution for their inheritance, the right to liberty of the people . Block the

comment and political activities of political parties while the government spends money on campaigning for the people with useless projects and there are many cheats. Capture the offender only the opponent but the same

party never caught, not guilty Policy formulation and strategic and obsolete strategic framing. Foreigners lack

confidence Reduce investment and move production bases to other countries but communist and dictatorial countries have no ability to trade with countries around the world .

The personality of the leader is unreliable. Use emotions rather than thoughts, speaking more than

listening to public opinion because he thinks he know well. Free from shame and take advantage of politics. Do

not respect the rules, which these Thai people know but the military power forced to fall under the terrible situation for a long time. CONCLUSION

The military junta that took power from Thai citizen was committed crime. Their actions contrary to good

governance in all aspects. All of public, political and legal accountability. This shows clearly the greed and

selfishness of this group. Being a trained soldier does not help these people have a sense of humanity that respects

the humanity of others. Like the mafia, and criminal use of illegal power and violence to intimidate to fear and

robbed people. They do not care about the suffering of the victim. While most high-ranking officials favor the benefits, do not object or resist the wrong things and also works

to get support without argue that makes Thailand transforms into a military camp . The people became army

soldiers who had to follow the orders of the leaders but the leaders do for the benefit of their people. The main

good governance and the accountability in Thailand are just good words . There are no leaders to deploy to

benefit the public. The military coup repeatedly took coup in a few years, which shows the consciousness of selfish

conservative elites, never thought of the benefits of the people and the future of the Thai people in the next generation. SUGGESTION

The people of Thailand who want to see the country progress . Fairness, equality and quality of life in the

future. Should cooperate against unjustified power. Do not surrender to the evil that is destroying the future of

the whole country. People who love democracy should understand and pass on knowledge, of true democratic

ideals to many people who still do not understand. And the need to punish the culprit strictly prohibited . This is

an example of a soldier thinking of a coup in the future . Society should not accept the coup and supporters

anymore. They have to be punished by law. The judicial process of justice is truly fair. It is not the judicial power

that is under the power of dictatorship, as in the past. The good governance concept that integrated the knowledge about corruption in the school curriculum

according to ‘Growing Good, Say No to Corruption Project’ that identifies how corruption affects the student and

the country. (Jintalikhidtdee, 2014) Education should focus on these issues seriously. It should provide a wide range

of courses, activities and political discussions. This is an opportunity for the new generation to express their

thoughts and dare to do what is right. For the benefit of the common good rather than personal gain .

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The author would like to thank the research and development institute, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Bangkok, Thailand for management and financial support. *All correspondence related to this article should be directed to Mr. Pokkrong Manirojana, Public Administration

Program, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Bangkok, Thailand. Email: [email protected]


1. Jintalikhidtdee and group, Democratic Political Culture of the fifth and sixth graders under the Authority

of Dusit District Office, Bangkok. World Academy of Science and Technology International Journal of Social,

Management, Economics and Business Engineering Vol:8 No:8, 2014

2. Bovens, M.A.P. The Quest for Responsibility. Accountability and Citizenship in Complex Organisations. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1998.

3. Bovens, M.A.P and Others “The Politics of Blame Avoidance. Defensive Tactics in a Dutch Crime-fighting

Fiasco.” In when things go wrong. Organizational failures and breakdowns, edited by H.K., Anheier. Thousand Oaks : Sage, 1999.

4. Bovens, M.A.P. “Public Accountability.” In The Oxford Handbook of Public Management, edited by E. Ferlie,

L. Lynne and C. Pollitt. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2005. 5. Bovens, M.A.P. “Analyzing and assessing public accountability: a conceptual framework.”, European Law

journal, 13 (2007). 6. Peters B.G. and Pierre J. “Governance without Government?.”. Rethinking Public Administration, Journal of

Public Administration Research and Theory, Vol. 8:2, 1998. 7. Peters B.G. “Managing the hollowing state.” Managing public organizations. SAGE Publications, 1993.

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เอกสารประกอบการน าเสนอ

Thailand’s Prime Minister

Page 18: รายงาน · Dr. Amjed Ali Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy, University College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha, Life time Membership of Pakistan Society

Public Administration Program, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences,

Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Bangkok, Thailand

Email: [email protected]

Dr. Pokkrong Manirojana

Accountability of Thai-Niyom

Democracy in Thailand

Page 19: รายงาน · Dr. Amjed Ali Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy, University College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha, Life time Membership of Pakistan Society


Thailand was coup by military junta since 2014. Chief

of NCPO General Prayut Chan-o-cha acquired to be

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the 29th Prime minister of Thailand. Military junta assigned most of ministry in military government and claimed that they are good person

most of them came from royal Thai Army.

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They accused former government about corruption in government project called Jum

Num Khao and blame all of politician are bad. They cancelled the constitution 2007 and assigned Constitution Drafting Committee for the new constitution for amnesty themselves in everything they do in the past present and


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Thailand's military dictatorship was intimidated and threaten people who try to investigated

government corruption. Although there is

evidence of corruption in many cases. But this

government has been false charges their

political enemies trying to get rid of them.

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Thailand’s junta chief didn’t listen to the needs and

afflicted of Thai’s citizens. They spent a lot of

country budget to bought weapons, Submarine, Air Force Aircraft, Armored vehicle by the excused of

national security and forbade people to talk about it..

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Accountability is a relationship between an actor and a forum, in which the actor has an obligation to explain and to justify his or her conduct, the forum can pose questions and pass judgement, and the

actor may face consequences (Bovens, 2007)

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But Thailand’s military junta try to make

accountability. They always said about good

governance all the time in their speech in front of medias And called their unaccountable Thai Niyom


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เอกสารประกอบการน าเสนออนๆ

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- บนทกขอความขอรบทนอดหนนการเผยแพรผลงานวจย

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- บนทกขอความแจงมตทประชมกองทนพฒนาบคลากร การพจารณาทนอดหนน การน าเสนอผลงานวจย

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- ค าสงเดนทางไปราชการ

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- ภาพประกอบการน าเสนอผลงานวจย ภาพกจกรรม

1. ขณะน าเสนอบทความ

2. ใบประกาศนยบตร