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Page 1: A Farewell Letter (in English and Chinese)

Gabriel Garcia Marquez, famous writer from Colombia ( familiarly known as “Gabo” in his native country), and Nobel prize winner for literature in 1982, has retired from public life for reasons of health. He has a form of cancer which is terminal. He has sent a farewell letter to his friends and it has been circulated around the Internet.百年孤寂作者馬奎斯是哥倫比亞著名作家, 1982 年諾貝爾文學獎得主。得了癌症,送出這封道別信給他的朋友們。


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France 法國 If God, for a second, forgot what I have become and granted me a little bit more of life, I would use it to the best of my ability.


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I wouldn't possibly, say everything that is in my mind, but I would be more thoughtful of all I say…I would give merit to things not for what they are worth, but for what they mean to express..

我不能說盡心中的每一件事,但我將更用心思索我所說的話。 我不會因為東西的價格來決定它們的價值,而是看它們所要表達的是什麼來決定 ...

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HAMBURG 漢堡 I would sleep less, I would dream more, because I know that forevery minute that we close our eyes, we waste 60 seconds of light.I would walk while others stop; I would awake while others sleep.

我將少睡一點、多夢想一點,因為我知道每瞌眼一分鐘就浪費 60 秒的光陰。人們停下腳步的時候,我要繼續走;人們睡的時候,我要醒著。

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SYDNEY 雪梨 If God would give me a little bit more of life, I would dress in a simple manner, I would place myself in front of the sun, leaving not only my body, but my soul naked at its mercy….

如果老天爺能給我多一點點的生命,我將穿得簡單。我將在祂的憐憫下,把自己置於陽光下,不僅讓身體,也讓靈魂赤裸… .

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BERLIN 柏林To all , I would say how mistaken they are when they think that they stop falling in love when they grow old, without knowing that they grow old when they stop falling in love….


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BUDAPEST 匈牙利 布達佩斯I would give wings to children, but I would leave it to them to learn how to fly by themselves.To old people I would say that death doesn't arrive when they grow old, but with forgetfulness.


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Cologne 德國 科隆

I have learned so much with you all, I have learned that everybody wants to live on top of the mountain, without knowing that true happiness is obtained in the journey taken & the form used to reach the top of the hill.


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London 倫敦 I have learned that when a newborn baby holds, with its little hand, his father's finger, it has trapped him for the rest of his life.I have learned that a man has the right and obligation to look down at another man, only when that man needs help to get up from the ground..


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Prague, Czech Republic 車臣 布拉格

Say always what you feel, not what you think. If I knew that today is the last time that that I am going to see you asleep, I would hug you with all my strength and I would pray to the Lord to let me be theguardian angel of your soul….


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Dresden, Germany 德國 德勒斯登 If I knew that these are the last moments to see you,

I would say "I love you".


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Salzburg, Austria 奧地利 薩爾斯堡

There is always tomorrow, and life gives us another opportunity to do things right, but in case I am wrong, and today is all that is left to me, I would love to tell you how much I love you & that I will never forget you.


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Tomorrow is never guaranteed to anyone, young or old. Today could be the last time to see your loved ones, which is why you mustn't wait; do it today, in case tomorrow never arrives. I am sure you will be sorry you wasted the opportunity today to give a smile, a hug, a kiss, and that you were too busy to grant them their last wish.


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Venice 威尼斯

Keep your loved ones near you; tell them in their ears and to their faces how much you need them and love them. Love them and treat them well; take your time to tell them "I am sorry";" forgive me"," please“, "thank you", and all those loving words you know!


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DRESDEN 德國 德勒斯登

Nobody will know you for your secret thought. Ask the Lord for wisdom and strength to express them.


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Mont-St-Michel , France法國 聖米歇爾山

Show your friends and loved ones how important they are to you.Send this letter to those you love. If you don't do it today...tomorrow will be like yesterday, and if you never do it, it doesn't matter, either, the moment to do it is NOW…


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Tower Bridge, London

Un abrazoUn abrazo8 de abril de 20238 de abril de 2023Y son las Y son las 10:0810:08

For you, With much love,Your Friend,Gabriel Garcia Marquez

給你,附上許多愛,你的朋友 馬奎斯 敬上