Download - 7mo chakra

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    The crown chakra is related to thought, universal identity, transcendence, wisdom, universal consciousness, and self-knowledge. It brings us knowledge, wisdom, understanding, spiritual connection, and bliss.

    Effects of imbalancesThe crown chakra controls the whole being and is connected to the cerebrum and pineal gland. A HIGMIRG]MRSVFPSGOEKISJXLMWGLEOVEGERPIEHto depression, confusion, loss of faith, apathy, materialism and skepticism of spirituality or religion, and sensitivity to light and sound.

    Opening and balancingTo balance the crown GLEOVEMX WMQTSVXERXto try and dim the constant inner chatter in our heads and instead

    FITVIWIRXMRXLIQSQIRX-J]SY VISTIRXSTVE]MRKTVE]1IHMXEXMSRMWIWTIGMEPP]FIRIGMEPJSVbalancing this chakra. Bliss activates this chakra. ColorEnvision the color violet glowing on the top of the head connecting you to the greater universe.


  • %JVQEXMSRWI connect with spirit, I am who I am, I choose to live my life from a place of love.

    CrystalsAmethyst, clear quartz, diamond

    Essential oilsLavender, rosewood, frankincense

