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Bill/Jan. 2016

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- 艾力臣 Erik H. Erikson

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重要社群 契機、危機 培養的素質 父母

嬰兒期 信任、不信任 孕育盼望 透過所得的愛護認識自己 主要任務 正面果效 I am what I am given 接受照料 信任、樂觀

第一個階段 - 嬰兒期 0-1歲

most fundamental stage of life; develops basic trust or basic mistrust is not merely a matter of nurture. If successful in this, the baby develops a sense of trust, ." Failure to develop this trust will result in a feeling of fear and a sense that the world is inconsistent and unpredictable.

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第二個階段 - 幼兒期 1-3歲

重要社群 契機、危機 培養的素質 父母/照顧者

幼兒期 自主、羞恥 意志 透過自主能力發揮 主要任務 正面果效 I am what I will 模仿 自我控制

Introduces the concept of autonomy vs. shame and doubt. The child begins to discover the beginnings of his or her independence Discouragement can lead to the child doubting his or her efficacy During this stage the child is usually trying to master toilet training.

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第三個階段 - 玩耍期 3-6歲

重要社群 契機、危機 培養的素質 父母家人朋友

玩耍期 奮進、罪疚 確立目的 透過玩耍中的我以想 主要任務 正面果效 像的可能性來創造自己 認同 具有自信 I am what I imagine I will be 進取心

Preschool / 3–6 years. Does the child have the ability to or do things on their own, such as dress him or herself If "guilty" about making his or her own choices, the child will not function well. most guilt is quickly compensated by a sense of accomplishment.

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第四個階段 - 學習期 6-11歲

重要社群 契機、危機 培養的素質 學校,鄰居

學習期 勤懇、自卑 鍛練能幹 學習中的我用所掌握的 主要任務 正面果效

知識和技能來衡量自己 教育 建立學習能力 I am what I learn 成就感

Child comparing self-worth to others Child can recognize major disparities in personal abilities relative to other children. should ensure that children do not feel inferior.

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第五個階段 - 少年期 12-20+ 歲

重要社群 契機、危機 培養的素質 朋輩 少年期 身分確立、身分迷失 忠誠(真我塑造)

成長路,就以不斷的 主要任務 正面果效 新經驗來定義自己 同輩群體 團體歸屬感 角式嘗試 開展將來計劃

Questioning of self. Who am I, how do I fit in? Where am I going in life? if the parents allow the child to explore, they will conclude their own identity the parents continually push him/her to conform to their views, the teen will face identity confusion.

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第六個階段 - 成年期 20-35 歲

重要社群 契機、危機 培養的素質 伙伴

成年期 密契、疏離 愛

主要任務 正面果效 關愛 建立密切關係和他人分享

Dating, marriage, family and friendships are important during the stage in their life. By successfully forming loving relationships with other people, individuals are able to experience love and intimacy Those who fail to form lasting relationships may feel isolated and alone.

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第七個階段 -中年期 35-64 歲

中年人的特徵 ?

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第七個階段 -中年期 35-64 歲

中年期是收成期,是甘甜。亦有多年來我們種下很多思想、行為、習慣、個性(性格) ..有喜悅,有黑暗 ..我們有沒有處理?!

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第七個階段 -中年期 35-64 歲

中年人的特徵 a.關係與恐懼 b.安全感?/! 建立在?/! c.未能實現理想,心中失望,憤慨,苦毒 d.消沈沮喪,心有不甘,健康漸走下波

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第七個階段 -中年期 35-64 歲


e.因前六階段成長的缺乏,所以帶著不信任 羞恥,罪疚,自卑,身份迷失,疏離的關係

f.如果是「所謂成功」的中年人,他們也會… 疏離關係…/用金錢支配人、事與物…仍繼 續在幻想 (disillusion) ..無有真我

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第七個階段 -中年期 35-64 歲

中年期 人如何脫離這光景? X 回應神的召命 尼希米 X 祝福你 – 在青年時期後, 仍會為別人流淚的人 滕近輝

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第七個階段 -中年期 35-64 歲

重要社群 契機、危機 培養的素質 家庭,社會

中年期 豐盛、呆滯 關懷/關愛

主要任務 正面果效 建立創造力 成功的個人事業及關懷 適應多變環境 社會、下一代成長及家人

During this time people are normally settled in their life and know what is important to them. their career or treading lightly in their career and unsure if this is what they want to do for the rest of their working lives. Also during this time, a person is enjoying raising their children and participating in activities, that gives them a sense of purpose. If a person is not comfortable with the way their life is progressing, they're usually regretful about the decisions and feel a sense of uselessness.

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第八階段 -老年期 65+ 歲

重要社群 契機、危機 培養的素質 知己

老年期 操守、沮喪 智慧

主要任務 正面果效 反省與整合 對一生感到滿意

last chapter in their life and retirement is approaching or has already taken place Ego-integrity means the acceptance of life in its fullness: the victories and the defeats Wisdom is the result of successfully accomplishing this final developmental task. Wisdom is defined as “informed and detached concern for life itself in the face of death itself