Download - 靜思語(廿二)

Page 1: 靜思語(廿二)



To live in peace, we must have inner peace. To have inner peace, we must have a clear

conscience. When our conscience is clear and our mind at peace, we bring peace and bliss to

those around us.

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The more mistrust we feel ,the less confidence we have.

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To be agreeable without compromising our principle is a sign of wisdom.

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Rather than worry about the condition of our society, why not replace it with confidence

and with dedication to contribute with loving-kindness?

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Be honest and truthful in everything you do. Be gentle and forgiving

in your relationships with others. 

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The more mistrust we feel,the less confidence we have.

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When walking, as we step one foot forward, we lift the other foot up. In the same way,

we should let go of yesterday and focus on today.

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Our life can be simple and free from afflictions if we can faithfully and humbly fulfill

what is our duty, be mindful in everything, be grateful always , and work to give back

for all that we have received.

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We should not idle away our time, and drift in frivolous thoughts .

It is best to nurture our innate goodness and develop our ability to help others.

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When the body is in disharmony, there are ailments. When humankind is not in harmony,

there are man-made calamities. When the world is out of harmony, there are disasters.