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5 Things You Must Know About Earning Customer Trust

Did you know that employees distrust managers and company executives? That was the recent

findings of a study conducted by Maritz, a market research company. Only 10% of Americans

believe the leaders of a company are honest and ethical, and 7% believe that senior managers

have actions that match what they say. If that’s how employees feel, it’s likely that is how your

customers also feel. That means you need to work on changing the customers perception of your

company. Here are 5 things you must know about earning customer trust.

1. Do What You Say You Are Going to Do

If your company does not keep the promises it makes, it is a huge turn-off for customers. This

includes thing such as:

Items that are grossly misrepresented – you know the “gotcha” part when you receive the


The no fee scams – you find out after it’s packed with hidden fees

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Distorting the truth – no fee scams that add fees another way, claims that something is

guaranteed to last 10 years, when they really mean 10 years providing you don’t use it,

and the list goes on.

Make sure that what you say is what you are doing. That’s how customers come to trust you.

2. Take a Cut in Pay

There is a significant gap between what executives and managers make and the rest of the

working world makes. Even if, you can justify the salary you make, it still raises eyebrows, and

gets customers talking, and not in a positive way. It breeds contempt and resentment in your

customers. Reduce the hidden perks and go easy on the pay raises of executives and upper


3. Listen to Your Customers

Keep the lines of communication open between executives, managers, and employees so that

customers know they are being heard. Never twist the customers words, and never try to make a

customer believe that poor service is actually good service. Don’t try to be sneaky with thing s

like surcharges being added as benefits – customers are a savvy bunch and they’ll catch things

like this. If you aren’t listening to what your customer is saying, they are not going to trust you,

and they are going to go elsewhere.

4. Don’t Hide

There is nothing more annoying or frustrating to a customer than not being able to contact the

managers and upper executives. To build customers trust do not use private phone numbers and

hidden email addresses. Let the customer know how to contact the people higher up in the

company should they want to take to them. A good manager is accessible to customers and to

his/her employees.

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5. Don’t Lie

You might not go to jail, but your customers are going to catch that you are lying, and there will

go your trust. How often are customers promised far more than the company actually delivers?

Just tell it like it is – your customers will learn to trust what you are doing. Even if they disagree

with what you are saying they will respect you for being honest and trust you.

These 5 things to know about earning customer trust are just the beginning, but it’s a solid place

to get your started, because you see without customers trust and loyalty you have nothing.