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45 Awe-Inspiring Landmarks Around The World


刘家英, Jiaying Liu, Shanghai, [email protected]: Indian Summer 印度夏季

Ayers Rock. Australia. 艾尔斯岩,澳大利亚。Image source: Floydian

Sydney Opera House. Sydney, Australia.悉尼歌剧院,澳大利亚悉尼。Image source: Gun Sydney

Angkor Wat. Siem Reap, Cambodia.吴哥窟,柬埔寨暹粒。Image source: Hahli9

Christ on the Corcovado. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.科尔科瓦多山基督雕像,巴西里约热内卢。 Image source: Kalamu

Niagara Falls. Canada, USA borders.尼亚加拉大瀑布,加拿大,美国边界。Image source: Flipkeat

Sphinx Egypt. Giza, Egypt.狮身人面像,埃及吉萨。Image source: Matt Champlin

Great Pyramid of Giza. El Gizeh, Egypt.吉萨大金字塔,埃及厄尔尼诺吉萨。Image source: Matt Champlin

Bank of England. London, England.英格兰银行,英国伦敦。Image source: Acuity

St Paul Cathedral. London, England.圣保罗大教堂,英国伦敦。Image source: Spendavis

Stonehenge. Salisbury Plain, England.巨石阵,英国索尔兹伯里平原。Image source: Thpeter

Arc de Triomphe. Paris, France.凯旋门,法国巴黎。Image source: Allard One

Notre Dame. Paris, France.巴黎圣母院,法国巴黎。Image source: Jpgmn

The Brandenburg Gate. Berlin, Germany.勃兰登堡门,德国柏林。Image source: Gdphotography

Neuschwanstein. Fuessen, Germany.新天鹅堡,德国富森。Image source: Wohli

Acropolis of Greece. Athens, Greece.希腊雅典卫城,希腊雅典。Image source: Darrell Godliman

Sahib Golden Temple. Amritsar, India.金庙,印度阿姆利则。Image source: Angad

Colosseum. Rome, Italy.斗兽场,意大利罗马。Image source: Joanot

Leaning Tower of Pisa. Pisa, Italy.比萨斜塔,意大利比萨。Image source: Crimsonlipstain

The Great Buddha. Kamakura, Japan. 大佛,日本镰仓。Image source: Theraider

Petra. Jordan.佩特拉古城,约旦。Image source: Mikeb79

Chichen Itza. Yucatan State, Mexico.奇琴伊察金字塔,墨西哥尤卡坦州。Image source: Mananetwork

Machu Picchu. Cuzco, Peru.马丘比丘,秘鲁库斯科。Image source: Szeke

Kremlin. Moscow, Russia.克里姆林宫,俄罗斯莫斯科Image source: InObrAS

St. Basil’s Cathedral. Moscow, Russia.圣巴索大教堂,俄罗斯莫斯科。Image source: Soleterranean

Balmoral Castle. Aberdeenshire, Scotland.巴尔莫勒尔城堡,苏格兰阿伯丁。Image source: John Rogers

Alhambra. Granada, Spain.阿尔罕布拉宫,西班牙格拉纳达。Image source: Photoskimo

Casa Mila. Barcelona, Spain.米拉公寓,西班牙巴塞罗那。Image source: R.Duran

Blue Mosque. Istanbul, Turkey.蓝色清真寺,土耳其伊斯坦布尔。Image source: Dleiva

Capitol Hill. Washington, DC, USA.国会山,美国华盛顿特区。Image source: Gursesl

The White House. Washington, D.C, USA.白宫,美国华盛顿。Image source: xlivingdeadgirl

Bryce Canyon. Arizona, USA. 布莱斯峡谷,美国亚利桑那州。Image source: MLGn00beater

Empire State Building. New York, USA.帝国大厦,美国纽约。Image source: Arnold Pouteau

Golden Gate Bridge. San Francisco, USA.金门大桥,美国旧金山。Image source: Kaoni701

Central Park. New York, USA.中央公园,美国纽约。Image source: Kw~ny

Angel Falls. Bolivar State, Venezuela.安赫尔瀑布,委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔州。Image source: Michael Anderson

Victoria Falls. Zambia, Zimbabwe.维多利亚瀑布,赞比亚,津巴布韦。Image source: Botswanaodyssey