Download -  · 4 C. CIS Learning Centres Faqe 55 D. Italy Learning Centre Faqe 57 E. Netherlands Learning Centre Faqe 59 F. Portugal Learning Centre Faqe 61 G. Spain Learning Centre Faqe 63

  • Katalogu Akademik EuNC


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    EUNC Katalogu Akademik 2009-2010


    1. INTRODUCTION Faqe 5

    A. The Profile of EuNC B. The Mission of EuNC

    C. Statement of Belief D. The Values of EuNC

    E. The Character of the Education F. The History of EuNC



    A. PRANIMI DHE REGJISTRIMI Faqe 16 1. Kërkesat Hyrëse 2. Studentët e Maturës 3. Përgjegjësitë e Studentëve. 4. Zbatimi i Katalogut 5. Transferimi i Krediteve 6. Qartësimi i Diplomimit 7. Përcaktimet e Vitit Shkollor dhe Semestreve

    B. Të mësuarit për kursin Faqe 18

    1. Pesha Akademike 2. Integriteti Akademik 3. Aftësitë Gjuhësore 4. Pjesëmarrja në Mësim 5. Rregullat për Dorëzimin e Detyrave me Vonesë 6. Vendi i Kursit 7. Kurset në Qendrat Mësimore 8. Kurset online 9. Studime të Drejtpërdrejta 10. Kurse që Përdorin Videon

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    C. Grades Faqe 21

    1. Grading System 2. Orët si Dëgjues 3. Tërheqja, largimi nga Kursi 4. Ngelja – Opsioni i Përsëritjes 5. Notë jo e Plotë 6. Stazhi akademik dhe Pranueshmëria 7. Çmimet e Nderit 8. Kopjet e Shkruara


    A. Curriculum Framework Faqe 33 B. Description of the Nine Clusters Faqe 34

    C. General Education Requirements Faqe 36


    A. Certificate in Spiritual Formation Faqe 40

    B. Certificates in Christian Ministry Faqe 42 C. Bachelor of Arts in Religion Faqe 44 7. EDUCATIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ORDINATION Faqe 48 8. EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMES Faqe 49

    A. Büsingen Campus Faqe 49 B. SHQIPËRI/KOSOVË Faqe 53

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    C. CIS Learning Centres Faqe 55

    D. Italy Learning Centre Faqe 57

    E. Netherlands Learning Centre Faqe 59

    F. Portugal Learning Centre Faqe 61

    G. Spain Learning Centre Faqe 63


    A. Common Wealth of Independent States Faqe 101 B. Southeast Europe Faqe 103

    C. Western Mediterranean Faqe 105

    D. Northern Europe Faqe 107


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    A. THE PROFILE OF EUNC EuNC is a professional school of ministry that educates people for Christian service. This means that EuNC intends to help students prepare for vocational work in churches or Christian organisations. A solid foundation for ministry is laid during the first two levels (120 ECTS) of study. EuNC is a Nazarene educational institution. This means that the educational programme of EuNC reflects the Wesleyan theological heritage, but not in an exclusive way. It also implies that the education EuNC provides meets the educational requirements of the Church of the Nazarene for ordained ministry on the Eurasia Region. EuNC offers an accredited Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in the liberal arts tradition. This means that certain criteria are imposed on EuNC by the accrediting agency, and the BA needs to prepare students for graduate level (or Master’s level) education. The third and fourth levels of the curriculum concentrate more specifically on meeting these criteria. EuNC is a multi-site school with one campus and administrative centre and many different learning centres. The faculty members live and minister in many different countries, and the students take classes at the campus or the learning centres. EuNC is more than a collection of buildings in one location; it is an educational network of people living and working in different European countries. EuNC serves the churches in continental Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), giving them a common, acknowledged, educational programme. In these countries, churches face particular challenges in ministry, and the curriculum of EuNC is developed with these challenges in mind, trying to balance common European developments with regional and national issues.

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    B. THE MISSION OF EUNC Through transformational education reflecting the Wesleyan theological heritage, EuNC aims to enable disciples of Christ to participate in the mission of God and serve local communities of faith.

    Transformational Education: Transformational education is focussed on the whole person (content, competency, character), in context, with the aim of bringing about a change in the learners (both teacher and student). Wesleyan Theological Heritage: The emphasis of Wesleyan theology is holiness, the divine work of transformation in history through grace-enabled cooperation with humanity. Enable: The education of the learner is never the final goal; it is a means that enables the learner to grow into a person who is of service to others. Disciples of Christ: The education EuNC provides seeks to build upon foundational discipleship; it intends to further equip those who have already grown (and are growing) as disciples of Christ, so that they may be prepared for more specific Christian service which requires further theological knowledge, awareness, and more specific skills. Participate: As Christians we do not build our own world, we are drawn into a movement initiated by God; we cannot claim ownership at any level. Mission of God: We serve God by participating in His redemptive activity in the world. Serve: Leadership is servanthood. Leaders serve God, serve His Body, and serve others. Local Communities of Faith: The church is, first of all, an embodiment of Christ in a certain context. Church happens at the local level, and the representative and leadership levels of the church are called to serve the church as the body of Christ in context.

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    C. STATEMENT OF BELIEF European Nazarene College is an institution of the Church of the Nazarene and, as such, the curriculum, teaching and standards of conduct are guided by the agreed Statement of Belief of the Church of the Nazarene. EuNC welcomes students from other Christian persuasions who feel that they can benefit from the nature and quality of education provided by EuNC. We believe:

    1. In one God – the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 2. That the Old and New Testament Scriptures, given by plenary inspiration,

    contain all truth necessary to faith and Christian living. 3. That man is born with a fallen nature, and is, therefore, inclined to evil, and

    that continually. 4. That the finally impenitent are hopelessly and eternally lost. 5. That the atonement through Jesus Christ is for the whole human race; and

    that whosoever repents and believes on the Lord Jesus Christ is justified and regenerated and saved from the dominion of sin.

    6. That believers are to be sanctified wholly, subsequent to regeneration, through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

    7. That the Holy Spirit bears witness to the new birth, and also to the entire sanctification of believers.

    8. That our Lord will return, the dead will be raised, and the final judgment will take place.


    EuNC reflects the core values of the Church of the Nazarene: we are a Christian people; we are a holiness people; we are a missional people. These are expressed at our educational institution through specific norms and values. EuNC is a community of learners. As an institution of higher education, it is attended by scholars and by those who seek knowledge for use in God’s kingdom. Whatever role or title its members hold, they are expected to learn from one another, to be teachable, and to be growing in their faith and identity in Christ. As a learning community, EuNC is committed to authenticity and integrity. We believe that no faith journey, nor any academic pursuit of value, is taken alone. We are accountable to one another in our studies and in our lives. Eventually, what affects one of us will affect us all. In light of this, we view academic dishonesty as a direct violation of our community, and we believe that a wasteful,

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    half-hearted pursuit of knowledge and truth damages both the individual and the community of learners as a whole. EuNC is a faith community. Our members do their utmost to respect and value one another. We do our best, as individuals and as a community, to pursue a closer relationship with God and to reflect His likeness. The lives we live are not divided into the “sacred” and the “secular.” All that we do, we do in front of God, and we encourage one another to seek Him wholeheartedly. As an international faith community, EuNC is committed to respecting the diversity of God’s creation. We are a learning community that benefits from the influence of many cultures and a wide variety of life experiences, and we value and respect these differences. We strive to be inclusive and hospitable, for whatever our differences, we are bound by the grace and inclusive love of God and we seek to be a part of His work in the world. Blessed in so many ways, EuNC is, and is committed to be, a community of gratitude. We realize that few in the world have access to this opportunity of community and this level of academic study. We also realize that we are benefiting from the sacrifices and commitments of many others. As we are entrusted with knowledge, we seek to share it and to use it in service. Grateful for the influence of one another, we invite others to join, and we hope to more effectively touch the world around us. Offered a place of refuge and growth, we desire to extend this sort of haven into other lives, other places. E. THE CHARACTER OF THE EDUCATION OF EUNC In its educational programmes, EuNC strives for academic excellence, ongoing spiritual formation, and the practice and development of ministerial skills and abilities which are excellent and relevant to the context and which reflect a Christ-like attitude of “servant ministry." Focusing on the whole person in a certain context, EuNC’s curriculum is designed to help students reach the four educational outcomes as defined by the Church of the Nazarene for ministerial preparation, and expanded by EuNC to include the General Education Outcomes of MidAmerica Nazarene University. The four outcomes, or "four C's," relate to areas of knowledge or content, competencies, personal character development, and sensitivity for contextual issues as they relate to effective ministry. The purpose of such an education can be described in three statements: education as vocation, education as transformation, and education as restoration.

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    Education as Vocation Education is part of the human development of maturation. As people learn, they develop a sense of identity, experience what interests them, explore their natural skills, and find a path towards a certain vocation in life. Through education, EuNC intends to help the students find their identity, first of all, as a child of God, as indicated in Psalm 100:3. It seeks to guide the students as they explore who they are and where they come from, but also where they are going. It intends to walk along with students as they find a vocation in life that suits who they are, created by God and shaped by their life experiences. The education EuNC provides is like a partner on the journey, and we hope that students will be inspired to continue on as life-long learners. Education as Transformation For many people, education is the accumulation of knowledge. However, at EuNC, we disagree. We do not believe that knowledge is neutral information, merely to be collected and held. Unlike computers, we humans do not store information without effect. Rather, knowledge does something to the learner; it influences the perspectives, values and actions of persons. Theological education is ultimately about the good news concerning Jesus Christ. As Paul indicates in Romans 12:2, this knowledge renews the mind and transforms people. Studying the life-transforming good news and the history of God’s transforming activity in the world can only reach its purpose as the learners become transformed and receptive to the transforming power of the triune God. EuNC’s primary concern in its educational programme is this kind of transformation, not just knowledge, as such. Education as Restoration EuNC is convinced that the education it provides needs to contribute to a comprehensive revival of genuine Christianity in order to restore the role of the Church as a transformational agency in society. The Church is marginalized. Those who call themselves Christians need to be intellectually, emotionally, ethically, and socially renewed, so that, as the rejuvenated Church, we may fully participate in God's mission in society.

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    F. THE HISTORY OF EUNC The college began as a vision in 1963 in the minds and hearts of Jerald Johnson, serving in Germany, and Bob Cerrato, of Italy. The vision was to serve continental Europe by training persons for ministry. A building was found in a little German village surrounded by Switzerland, the village of Büsingen. The mandate of the college was to be international in scope, with English as the medium of instruction, and to prepare persons for ordination and Christian service. The school was called European Nazarene Bible College (ENBC) and was established in 1965 with Rev. John B. Nielson as its first rector; classes began January 10, 1966. Throughout its existence, the college has stayed focused on fulfilling its original purpose. In 1977, the school affiliated itself with MidAmerica Nazarene University, through which it was able to offer a fully accredited Bachelor of Arts degree. In the early 1990’s, as an immediate result of the fall of Communism and the lifting of the Iron Curtain, the school started theological education by extension and, through this, expanded its mission to include many students from various countries who were not able to study at the campus in Büsingen and/or study in the English language. In 2001, the name was changed to European Nazarene College (EuNC). This change had been several years in coming, and it was accepted in the hope that the new name would reflect the institution’s educational profile more accurately. As an international college, EuNC has consistently been a campus community formed of students from an average of 15 different countries, and it currently has learning centres in more than 15 European countries. Realising that the rapidly changing European environment demanded a drastic change in the way EuNC provided theological education for ministry, the school started a 7-year self-change project in Autumn 2004. In January 2006, the Board of Trustees accepted the new strategy Moving Forward that emerged out of this project. The strategy reaffirms the mission and vision statement of EuNC and outlines the organisational priorities for the future of being “one multicultural and multinational school with one campus and administrative centre and many teaching locations in various European countries" and aiming at “a high mobility of faculty and students between the campus and the various locations, with the goal of exposing them to the best of residential and extension education." EuNC is currently working on implementing the Moving Forward strategy. EuNC has been working to adapt its academic and administrative structures to better support a multi-site school with one overall faculty and student network, living and studying in different countries, and one curriculum with room for contextualisation within the various European cultures. This work is ongoing, but 2007/08 was a

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    critical year for this endeavour. In 2007/08 a new, outcomes based curriculum, relevant to the diverse European context was launched. Structured around a modular course offering and modular schedule, this new curriculum increases access for non-traditional learners and allows for greater faculty mobility. That same year, the school also adopted the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). G. AKREDITIMI, BASHKIMI DHE MARRËVESHJET BASHKËPUNUESE Bashkimi me Universitetin Nazaretas së Amerikës së Mesme Që prej vitit 1977 Kolegji Europian Nazaretas ka qenë duke bashkëpunuar me Universitetin Nazaretas të Amerikës së Mesme (UNAM) në Olathe, Kanzas të Shteteve të Bashkuara të Amerikës ( Diplomimi në Arte i ofruar nga EuNC-ja është përdorur nga Universiteti Nazaretas i Amerikës së Mesme dhe si pasojë është një diplomim amerikan që është i njohur në mënyrë ndërkombëtare. Akreditimi nga Shoqata Qendrore e Veriut e Kolegjeve dhe Shkollave. Nëpërmjet marrëdhënies së saj kontraktore me Universitetin Nazaretas së Amerikës së Mesme, EuNC-ja është pranuar nga Komisioni më i Lartë Mësimor (KLM) i Shoqatës Qendrore të Veriut (SHQV) të Kolegjeve dhe Shkollave ( për të ofruar Programin e diplomimit te godina në Bysengen (Büsingen) dhe kurse diplomimi të ndryshme në secilën vendodhje të saj. Kurset e diplomimit të ofruara te këto vendodhje janë të kufizuara në dy nivelet e para të programit të diplomimit. Sepse të gjitha kurset e ofruara nga EuNC-ja mund të numërojnë në drejtim të Diplomimi në Arte (BA – Bachelor of Arts), çdo kurs ka nevojë të përmbushë ( kriteret e caktuara nga shoqata e akreditimit që vërteton Diplomimi në Arte (BA - Bachelors of Arts). Kjo lidhet me të gjitha kurset si në godinë ashtu dhe në qendrat mësimore. Institucioni i Njohur i Edukimit Nazaretas Recognised Nazarene Educational Institution Kolegji Evropian Nazaretas është listuar nga Bordi Ndërkombëtar i Edukimit (BNIE) të kishës së Nazaretit si një nga institucionet zyrtare të edukimit të kishës së Nazaretit dhe është një anëtare e Këshillit të Edukimit të Euroazisë (KEE) të Kishës së Nazaretasit. ( Programi Mësimor i Miratuar nga Shërbesa e Shuguruar nga Kisha e Nazaretit Çertifikata e Shërbesës së Krishterë të Kolegjit Europian Nazaretas është miratuar nga Komuniteti Këshillimor Ndërkombëtar i Studimit të Kurseve (KKNISK) i kishës së Nazaretit për të përmbushur kërkesat minimale për

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    shërbesën e shugurimit brenda distriktit të kishës së Nazaretit për të cilën EuNC-ja është siguruesi edukativ. Çdo distrikt ka kërkesa të qarta shugurimi dhe ata ndjekin minimumin e kërkesave ose i kalojnë këto. Me fjalë të tjera, studentët e EuNC-së që janë kandidat për shugurim ju kërkohet nga çdo distrikt i kishës së Nazaretit, të plotësojnë Çertifikatën e Shërbesës së Krishterë dhe në disa raste, distrikti i përfshirë mundet gjithashtu të kërkoj punë shtesë. Është e rëndësishme të kuptohet se distriktet individuale vendosin këto kritere –j o shkolla - dhe ndryshimet ndërmjet distrikteve janë të mundshme. Megjithatë, kërkesat e Çertifikatës së Shërbesës së Krishterë janë ato që të gjitha programet e distrikteve kanë të përbashkët. Anëtarë të Shoqatës së Akreditimit Europian Ungjillor Kolegji Europian Nazaretas është një antarë i Shoqatës së Akreditimit Europian Ungjillor ( I Pranuar nga Shteti Gjerman i Baden-Württemberg Kolegji Europian Nazaretas është pranuar nga shteti gjerman i Baden-Württemberg si një Höhere Fachschule që ofron një diplomë të njohur të huaj, Diploma e Artit në Fe, së bashku me Universitetin Nazaretas së Amerikës së Mesme. Marrëveshjet Bashkëpunuese me institucionet e tjera Kolegji Europian Nazaretas ka marrëveshje me institucionet vijuese në lidhje me studentët ose shkëmbime fakultative ose mbështetje: - Evangelische Theologische Hogeschool, Veendendaal, Hollanda - Universiteti Nazaretas Korean, Seul, Kore - Universiteti Nazaretas i Amerikës së Mesme , Olathe, Kanzas, Shtet e Bashkuara të Amerikës - Kolegji i Nazaretasit, Kolorado Spring, Kolorado, Shtetet e Bashkuara e Amerikës - Universiteti Veriperëndimor Nazaretas, Nampa, Idaho, Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës - Universiteti Nazaretas i Point Lomas, San Diego, Kalifornia, Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës - Universiteti Nazaretas i Treveka-s , Nashville, Tenezi, Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës.

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    H. GODINA, QENDRAT MËSIMORE DHE VENDODHJET E MËSIMDHËNIES EuNC-ja është një shkollë me një shumëllojshmëri qendrash mësimore në vende të ndryshme të Europës. Godina kryesore është vendosur në Bysengen, Gjermani ku studentët mund të studiojnë me kohë të plotë në anglisht. EuNC-ja ofron studime me kohë të pjesshme në anglisht ose në gjuhën amtare në qendrat mësimore vijuese të ndara në fushat vijuese: Federata e Shteteve të Pavarura Armenia; Kazakistani; Kyrgyzstan*; Rusia; Ukraina Europa Juglindore Shqipëria; Bullgaria; Kosova*; Rumania* Mesdheu Perëndimor Franca*; Italia*; Portugalia; Spanja; Europa Veriore Danimarka*; Gjermania*; Hungaria*; Vendet e Ulta Në vendet e shënuara me një * ofrohen një numër i kufizuar kursesh, por jo një program i plotë. Profili aktiv i një Qendre Mësimore 1. Kurse të ofruara rregullisht me një minimum prej 15 ECTS, kredite në vit. 2. Programi mësimor i Çertifikatës së Formimit Shpirtërore (60 ECTS, kredite) dhe Çertifikata e Shërbesës së Krishterë (120 ECTS, kredite). Është e nevojshme që të bëhet e mundur për studentët të plotësojnë këto dy programe në 2-4 vjetë dhe 4-8 vjetë, përkatësisht (15-30 ECTS, kredite në vit). 3. Një program mësimor shugurimi që është ose a) i njëjtë me Çertifikatën e Shërbesës së Krishterë ose b) i zgjeruar, dhënia e kurseve shtesë në programin e Shërbesës së Krishterë. 4. Strukturë administrative të qartë dhe një personel i aftë për t’ju siguruar një shërbim cilësor studentëve. 5. Të gjitha administrimet studentore bëhen nëpërmjet SonisWeb dhe ndiqen të gjitha proçedurat dhe politikat. 6. Udhëheqësia e qartë akademike sigurohet nga Koordinatori i QM. Ky individ është përgjegjës për planifikimin e kurseve dhe garantimin e cilësisë së edukimit.

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    Edukimi i siguruar kontriubon në misionin e EuNC-së e qartë dhe reflekton vlerat e saj dhe vizionin në edukim si thirrje, transformim dhe restaurim. 7. Kurset janë ofruar sipas programit mësimor shabllon ndërsa zhvillohet nga trupi pedagogjik i përgjithshëm i EuNC-së dhe të gjitha garancitë cilësore dhe mjetet vlerësuese janë përdorur. 8. Fakulteti dhe profesorët e tij përmbushin kualifikimet e caktuara nga EuNC-ja dhe pajtohen me të gjitha proçedurat e fakultetit. 9. Ai ka një plan fakultativ zhvillimi të investoj në kualifikimin e ardhshëm dhe të pajis kualifikimin aktual që fushat e ndryshme të programit mësimor janë mbuluar për Qendrat Mësimore. Përveç fakulteteve të tij lokale, antarët e trupit pedagogjik ndajnë përgjegjësitë e takimeve të të gjitha fakulteteve të EuNC-së. 10. Qendra ka aktivitete shtesë si pjesë e programit mësimor, si këshillim, praktika dhe shkëmbim eksperiencash në të cilat kompetencat dhe karakteri formues do të theksohen. 11. Studentët kanë mundësinë të organizojnë vetveten në trupin e QM dhe të bëhen pjesë e rrjetit studentore ndërkombëtar të EuNC-së. Vendodhjet mësimore Kurset ofrohen në një total prej 36 vendesh përveç kampit të Bysengenit, të ndara sipas shteteve të mëposhtme, të listuara sipas rendit alfabetik në anglisht: Shqipëri Tiranë (ALB1) Armeni Akhuryan (ARM1) Bullgari Sofia (BUL1) ; Razgrad (BUL2); Montana (BUL3) Danimark Greve (DEN1) Francë Paris (FRA1); Montpellier (FRA2) Gjermani Bysengen/edukimi online (GER1) Hungari Budapest (HUN1) Itali Romë (ITA1); Firence (ITA2); Katania (ITA3)15 Kazakistan Borovoe (KAZ1); Astana (KAZ2) Kosovë Prishtinë (KOS1); Suharekë (KOS2)

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    Kyrgystan Bishkek (KYR1) Hollandë Vlaardingen (NET1) Portugali Lisboa (POR3); Porto (POR4); Coimbra (POR5) Rumani Bukuresht (ROM1); Sigishorë (ROM2) Rusi Moscovskaya Oblast’ (RUS1); St Petersburg (RUS2); Viazma (RUS3); Ulyanovsk (RUS4); Volgograd (RUS5); Chaltyr (RUS6); Moska (RUS7) Spanjë Madrid (SPA1); Barcelonë (SPA2) Ukrainë Kiev (UKR1); Mariupol UKR2); Vinnitsa (UKR3)

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    2. POLITIKAT AKADEMIKE A. PRANIMI DHE REGJISTRIMI 1.Kërkesat Hyrëse Kërkesat minimale për pranim janë çertifikata e shkollës së mesme ose 10 vjetë të shkollës fillore dhe edukimit tetë-vjeçarë. Studentët e godinës së Bysengenit ose studentët e Qendrës Mësimore regjistrohen në kurset me anglishten si gjuhë mësimore, duhet të marrin TOEFL-in (testi i anglishtes si gjuhë e huaj). Te kërkesat e mëposhtme futen: TESTI I TOEFLIT

    Letër Kompjuter Internet Bazuar Bazuar Bazuar

    Kurset e nivelit të parë 475 153 53 Kurset e nivelit të dytë 525 197 71 Kurset online 525 197 71 Kurset e nivelit të tretë dhe te katërt 550 213 79 Pranimi garantohet në bazë të vlersimit individual. Për të hyrë në godinën e Bysengenit duhet bërë provimi i TOEFL-it dhe duhen marrë të paktën 475 pikë. 2. Studentët e Maturës EuNC-ja lejon për pranim të mundshëm studentët e maturës pa kualifikime formale në bazë të eksperiecës jetësore. Kjo është një temë për detyrën individuale dhe kurset urë mund të kërkohen përpara se të hyjnë në programin e plotë akademik. 3. Përgjegjësitë e Studentëve. Administrata dhe fakultteti i Kolegjit Europian Nazaretas përpiqen t’i qartësojnë dhe t’i këshillojë studentët në mënyrë të qëndrueshme përsa u përket kërkesave për diplomimin dhe progresin e tyre në plotësimin e këtyre kërkesave. Pjesë e zhvillimit personal të studentëve, megjithatë është njohja dhe miratimi i përgjegjësive të tyre në plotësimin e të gjitha kërkesave të diplomimit. Studenti pritet të marrë inisiativën dhe të ndjekë të gjitha kërkesat dhe detajet e programit akademik. Çdo pyetje që kanë studentët përsa i përket progresit të tij ose të saj, ose kurset e studimit, duhet të drejtohen së pari te Kryesekretaria ose te Koordinatori i Qendrës Mësimore më të afërt dhe në fund te Dekani i EuNC-së 4.Zbatimi i Katalogut

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    Studentët do të diplomohen nën kërkesat e katalogut në fillim të vitit të tyre të parë, përveç degës jashtë ku kërkohen kurse shtesë. Në qoftë se karriera akademike e studentit është ndërprerë për më shumë se pesë vjetë, studenti duhet të diplomohet nën katalogun aktual. 5. Transferimi i Krediteve EuNC-ja duhet të marrë kopjet e shkruara zyrtare direkt nga institucioni i mëparshëm i frekuentuar për vlerësimin. Asnjë punë e transferuar nuk do të përfshihet në kopjet e shkruara derisa të jetë plotësuar në mënyrë të suksesshme. (Mesatarja 2.00) në banesën e EuNC-së ose 50% e Çertifikatës së Formimit Shpirtëror (30 ECTS, kredite) është plotësuar në një nga qendrat mësimore. Një maksimum prej 49% i numrit të kërkuar të krediteve mund të transferohet në çdo program. Asnjë transfertë e punës së kursit të mëparshëm nuk do të pranohet për Çertifikatën e Formimit Shpirtëror, Çertifikatë (e Nivelit të parë) në godinë. 6. Qartësimi i Diplomimit Çdo kandidat për diplomimë është përgegjës për përmbushjen e të gjitha kërkesave për diplomim. Dekani miraton kurset të dizenjuar për të plotësuar kërkesat e programit. Kryesekretaria rishikon kërkesat e tjera përfshirë këtu edhe ECTS, kreditet, ndarjen më të lartë të krediteve, rezidencën, mesataren minimale dhe kreditet e përgjithshme të edukimit. Duhet të përmbushen të gjitha nivelet e kërkesave për programe specifike, siç edhe janë listuar në katalog. Të gjitha detyrimet financiare duhet të bëhen në zyrën e financave. Duhet të ketë qartësi për çdo diplomim nga zyra e administrimit përfshirë këtu nga biblotekari, Dekani i Studentëve dhe Dekani Akademik. Nuk do të jepet asnjë çertifikatë ose diplomë deri sa të jetë e sigurtë qartësisht. 7. Përcaktimet e Vitit Shkollor dhe Semestreve Një vit i plotë shkollor përbëhet nga katër semestre. Semestri i Vjeshtës fillon nga shtatori deri në nëntor; Semestri i Dimrit nga dhjetori deri në shkurt; Semestri i Pranverës nga marsi në maj dhe semestri i Verës nga qershori në gusht. Në godinën e Bysengen, semestret janë ndarë në stinë të ndryshme.

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    B. Të mësuarit për kursin 1. Pesha Akademike Mesatarja e pikëve për një student me kohë të plotë gjatë një viti shkollor është 60 ECTS, kredite. Minimumi i kurseve që një student të quhet akoma student me kohë te plotë është 40 ECTS, kredite për një vit. Një ECTS, kredi është e barabartë me 25-30 orë mësimi të një studenti. 2. Integriteti Akademik Ndershmëria në të gjitha përpjekjet akademike janë jetësore si një shprehje e jetës së krishterë. Kërkohet që studentët e Kolegjit Evropian Nazaretas të mos marrin pjesë në mashtrim, plagjiaturë (të përdorësh fjalët dhe idetë e dikujt tjetër pa përmendur burimet origjinale), të mos falsifikojnë ose të marrin pjesë në forma të tjera të pandershme (për shembull të punosh në grup ndërkohë që kërkohet punë individuale). Është përgjegjësia e studentëve të mësojnë metodën e përshtatshme për citimin e burimeve që kanë përdorur. Në fillim, kur studentët do të regjistrohen në Kolegj, do të jepen të gjitha porositë e nevojshme. Çdo student që ndihmon me dashje një student tjetër në mënyrë të pandeshme është njëlloj përgegjës. Pandershmëria akademike është një dhunim serioz etik i integritetit akademik. Minimumi i dënimit për pandershmëri akademike do të jetë ngelja në detyra. Fakulteti në mënyrë të kujdesshme mund të marrë masa më të rrepta duke përfshirë e mos marrjen e kursit, ngeljen, kohë prove akademike ose pezullimin akademik. 3. Aftësitë Gjuhësore Një rregull i përgjithshëm për të gjithë kurset është që 10% e notës së detyrave të shkruara (esetë, rishikimet) do të përcaktohen në bazë të gabimeve gramatikore dhe drejtshkrimore. Studentët që nuk janë anglisht folës dhe që bëjnë kurse anglishteje si gjuhë mësimore dhe ata që nuk kanë përmbushur kërkesat e TOEFL-it nuk do të vlerësohen në mënyrë aq të rreptë sa studentët që janë anglisht folës. 4. Pjesëmarrja në Mësim Studentët duhet të ndjekin të gjitha orët e mësimit, përveç rasteve kur kanë sëmundje serioze ose për situata të tjera të pashmangshme. Ata janë përgjegjës ndaj profesorit në përmbushjen e të gjitha kërkesave të kursit. Mosprania mbi 10% në orët e mësimit do të dënohet sipas planit mësimor të çdo klase individuale. Nëse studenti mungon 25% ose më shumë në orët e mësimit, për çfarëdo lloj arsye, do të hiqet nga kursi dhe do të vlersohet me notën “W” ose “F,” varet nga numri i mungesave që ai bën. Ky rregull zbatohet për të gjitha

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    mungesat, duke përfshirë këtu edhe ato nga rrethanat e pashmangshme. Dekani Akademik mund të përjashtojë nga ky rregull një student që i drejton një peticion të shkruar. Profesorët duhet të lajmërojnë studentët kur ata janë duke rrezikuar kreditet ose notën për shkak të mungesave të shumta. Anëtarët e fakultetit të çdo kursi janë përgjegjës për të përfshirë në planin mësimor të gjitha rregullat përsa i përket pjesëmarrjes në kurs. 5.Rregullat për Dorëzimin e Detyrave me Vonesë Çdo profesor duhet të formulojë në planin mësimor rregullat për detyrat që dorëzohen me vonesë. Rregulli duhet të përcaktojë dënimin për çdo ditë që detyrat dorëzohen me vonesë brenda një numri të caktuar ditësh mbas të cilave nuk do të pranohen më detyrat dhe nuk do të jepen pikë. Profesori është i lirë t’i japë më shumë kohë studentëve nëse ata kanë arsye të forta. 6. Vendi i Kursit Vendi ku ofrohen kurset ndodhet në godinën e Busingenit. Disa kurse të tjera si kurset që ofrohen online dhe program stazhor, etj. zhvillohen dhe mbikqyren nga godina e fakultetit. 7. Kurset në Qendrat Mësimore Kurset e Qendrave Mësimore janë kurset që zhvillohet në një vend tjetër jo në Bysengen, që organizohen nga Qendrat Mësimore të ofruara në anglisht ose në gjuhën amëtare. 8. Kurset online Një kurs online është një kurs i ofruar nëpërmjet internetit. Gjuha mësimore e këtyre kurseve është anglishtja dhe kërkohet të bëhet një provim i TOEFL-it me një rezultat perj 525 pikësh, përveç rasteve kur kursi është me të vërtetë për një grup gjuhe të veçantë dhe jo në anglisht. Të gjitha kurset online kanë prapashtesën “O.” 9. Studime të Drejtpërdrejta Një studim i drejtpërdrejtë është një kurs individual për një student të veçantë i drejtuar nga një anëtar i fakultetit dhe përfshin studime të pavarura. Studimet e drejtpërdrejta duhet të jenë rrallë tema thelbësore. Numri maksimal i krediteve të lejuara për studimet duhet të jetë normalisht 15 ECTS, kredite (gjatë katër viteve të programit). Prioriteti do t’u jepet studentëve të nivelit të tretë dhe të katërt. Aplikimet dhe regjistrimet për kurset e drejtëpërdrejta janë finalizuar gjatë periudhës zyrtare të regjistrimit. Të gjitha numrat e kurseve të studimit të drejtpërdrejtë kanë prapashtesën “D.” Kur në një klasë të caktuar regjistrohen më pak se tre studentë do të ketë si studim të drejtpërdrejtë një numër të kufizuar sesionesh mësimore krahasuar me

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    një klasë të rregullt, por studentët nuk do ta paguajnë tarifën e shkollës . Prandaj këto kurse nuk do të marrin prapashtesën “D.” 10.Kurse që Përdorin Videon Kurset “konferenca me vidio“ lejojnë profesorin dhe studentët e një ose më shumë vendndodhje të komunikojnë duke përdorur pajise cilësoretë fidbekut me anë të zërit direkt dhe me anë të pajisjeve të videos. Vendndodhja e kursit është atje ku mblidhen psikologjisht profesori dhe studentët. Nëse nuk ka studentë që bëjnë kursin nga vendodhja e profesorit, atëherë faqja e internetit ku shihet videoja me grupin më të madh të studentëve do të listohet si vendodhja zyrtare mësimore e kursit.

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    C. GRADES 1. Grading System The academic work of the student is graded in accordance with the system listed below. PERCENT LETTER GRADE EXPLANATION GRADE POINT 100 99 A 4.0 EXCELLENT. Ability to discern and analyse 98 with scholarly treatment of problems 97 arising. 96 95 94 93------------------------------------------------ 92 SUPERIOR WORK. But lacking creative 91 A- 3.7 originality. 90------------------------------------------------ 89 VERY GOOD WORK. Can argue forward 88 B+ 3.3 logically and thoroughly to a proposed 87------------------------------------------------ solution of problems. 86 85 B 3.0 ABOVE AVERAGE. Ability to expose and 84 explore issues. 83------------------------------------------------ COMPETENT WORK. Showing some 82 ability in analysis and solution of problems 81 B- 2.7 but more limited than the above grades. 80------------------------------------------------ 79 GOOD WORK. Showing limited analysis 78 C+ 2.3 and problem solving ability. Usually ability 77------------------------------------------------ in only one of these areas. 76 AVERAGE WORK. Satisfactory 75 C 2.0 understanding and comprehension of 74 material with ability to apply facts in 73------------------------------------------------ arguments. 72 ADEQUATE WORK. Understands and 71 C- 1.7 comprehends material, little ability to apply 70------------------------------------------------ facts. 69 BELOW AVERAGE WORK. Ability to 68 D+ 1.3 answer with facts without demonstrating 67------------------------------------------------ real comprehension of material. 66 65 D 1.0 INADEQUATE WORK. Failure to grasp 64 meaning of the material and handle facts. 63------------------------------------------------

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    62 POOR WORK. Failure to show more than 61 D- 0.7 basic understanding of material. 60----------------------------------------------- 59 F 0.0 FAILURE. Does not obtain the minimum and below standard. Shows only a minimal familiarity with that standard. A grade of “F” indicates failure and necessitates a satisfactory repetition of the course before credit can be granted. The grade-point average of a student is determined by dividing the total number of grade points earned in any term by the total number of ECTS attempted in the academic load, excluding neutral credits.

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    2. Orët si Dëgjues Në pagesën për takstën studentët mund të regjistrohen në shumicën e kurseve në çdo semestër si një dëgjues. Kurset e gjuhës, laboratoret dhe aktivitetet e kursit mund të mos ndiqen. Individi që është dëgjues në një kurs nuk i lejohet të marr provimin ose të fitoj kredi përveçëse duke e marr kursin më vonë, duke bërë regjistrimin e duhur dhe duke përmbushur kërkesat për kredi. Studentët që janë dëgjues në klasa duhet të frekuentojnë 2/3 e sesioneve të orëve para se kursi të regjistrohet si kopje e shkruar. Një “AU” (Dëgjues) do të shfaqet në raportin e notave dhe në kopjen e shkruar. 3. Tërheqja, largimi nga Kursi Studentët mund të tërhiqen nga një kurs me një “W” (Tërheqje), kur ata kanë marrë pjesë në më pak se 55% të orëve të mësimit. “WF” (Studentët që tërhiqen ndërsa janë duke ngelur) regjistrohen kur studenti ka një notë ngelëse gjatë kohës kur do të të tërhiqet. Studentët që mendojnë se është e nevojshme të tërhiqen nga një kurs i caktuar duhet të flasin me profesorin dhe Koordinatorin e Qendrës së Mësimit ose me Dekanin Akademik. 4. Ngelja – Opsioni i Përsëritjes Studentët që kanë marrë si notë një D ose më pak kanë të drejtën ta përsërisin kursin. Nëse studentët dëshirojnë ta përsërisin kursin, ata duhet t’i drejtojnë një peticion Dekanit Akademik. Dhe si notë do të shënohet vetëm nota që është marrë pasi është përsëritur kursi, kështu që nota që ishte marrë më fillim do të ndryshohet me shkronjën “P” (Përsëritje). Notat “W” dhe “P” nuk konsiderohen si nota zëvendësuese. 5. Notë jo e Plotë Nota “P” (jo e Plotë) tregon një detyrë jo të plotë dhe i vendoset një studenti, i cili për arsye të mira dhe të forta nuk ka bërë një pjesë të detyrës ndërsa ka bërë pjesën tjetër të detyrës në mënyrë të kënaqshme. Detyra jo e plotë duhet të plotësohet brenda kohës që ka dhënë mësuesi dhe nuk duhet të dorëzohet jashtë semestrit akademik ose mbas 3 muajve që nga data që u dha detyra e paplotë. Në rastin e një detyre jo të plotë, mësuesi dhe studentët duhet të plotësojnë një Formular të Notës së Paplotë, ata duhet të vendosin firmat në mënyrë që të dokumentojnë marrëveshjen, në mënyrë që të vendosin notën përfundimtare në rast se nuk janë respektuar kërkesat. Mësuesi do t’ia dorëzoj këtë formular Koordinatorit të Qendrës së Mësimit ose Kryesekretarisë. 6. Stazhi akademik dhe Pranueshmëria Në mënyrë që të vazhdohet regjistrimi për një çertifikatë akademike ose në një program të caktuar në Kolegjin Europian Nazaretas, studenti duhet të vazhdojë të bëjë progres në arritjen e objektivave të mësimit. Kolegji njeh 3 lloje progresesh:

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    Mesatarja për semestrin e fundit në të cilin studenti ishte regjistruar; Mesatarja e përgjithshme për të gjithë punën e kolegjit që studenti është përpjekur të bëjë; Pikët e TOEFL-it, ashtu siç është kërkuar për çdo nivel studimi. Dy të parat i aplikohen të gjithë studentëve, ndërsa pika e tretë i aplikohet vetëm studentëve nga vendet ose qendrat e mësimit që bëjnë kurse anglishteje. Çdo student mesatarja e përgjithsme e të cilit në fund të çdo semestri është e standarteve minimale të poshtëshënuara (duke përfshirë edhe transferimin e krediteve) mund të kalojë në stazh. Në një rast të tillë, studenti do të ketë një udhëheqje të veçantë dhe do të ndiqet më nga afër në mënyrë që të përmirësohet. TOEFL * Mesatarja Niveli i parë 475 - Niveli i dytë 525 2.0 Niveli i tretë dhe i katërt 550 2.5 *Provimi që bazohet në pikët që janë marrë në TOEFL. Për të krahasuar me testet në komjuter dhe internet shih faqen 16. Një student i cili nuk e përmirëson mesataren e përgjithshme në kohën e stazhit, ose të rris mesataren e përgjithshme në standardet minimale pas dy semestera stazhi, mund të deklarohet i papërshtatshëm për të vazhduar regjistrimin për të marr një çertifikatë akademike ose një program diplomimi. Progresi i çdo studenti që dëshiron të vazhdoj studimet do të rishikohet në fund të çdo semestri. Këto kërkesa duhet të plotësohen në mënyrë që studenti të diplomohet. Studentët të cilët kanë patur leje të veçantë për të bërë një kurs në godinën e EuNC-së, por që kanë marrë në provimin e TOEFL-it më pak se 475 pikë do të lejohen të bëjnë vetëm kurset e nevojshme të anglishtes dhe kurset e miratuara nga profesori i anglishtes. Studentët që duhet të përsërisin çdo kurs anglishteje duhet të bëjnë kurse të tjera shtesë që janë miratuar nga profesori i anglishtes. Çmimet e Nderit Kolegji Europian Nazaretas aplikon çmimet e nderit të mëposhtme: duke njohur punën akademike të diplomuesëve të tij: Summa Cum Laude Mesatrja ndërmjet 3.90 dhe 4.00 Magna Cum laude Mesatarja ndërmjet 3.70 dhe3.89 Cum Laude Grade Mesatarja 3.50 dhe 3.69

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    8. Kopjet e Shkruara Studentët kanë të drejtë të marrin një kopje të shkruar zyrtare falas. Tarifa prej 7 euro është vendosur për kopjen e dytë. Kopjet e shkruara zyrtare jepen vetëm nëse të gjitha detyrimet financiare janë përmbushur dhe nëse studentët kanë bërë kërkesën e tyre me shkrim për ta patur këtë kopje.

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    European Nazarene College is subsidised by the Church of the Nazarene for the specific task of providing ministerial preparation in Europe and the CIS. The financial investment of the church, as well as the different economic situations within Europe and the CIS, influence the tuition the school charges its students. EuNC differentiates between three groups of students:

    - Students from outside Europe and the CIS. Because the mandate given by the Church of the Nazarene, and the finances provided do not relate to these students, the tuition charged of these students reflects the real costs. The Church of the Nazarene provides educational opportunities to these students in their parts of the world.

    - Students from Europe and the CIS. Because these students come from the geographical area for which EuNC is responsible, they are charged a reduced tuition, acknowledging the financial commitment of the Church of the Nazarene to provide ministerial education for this part of the world through EuNC.

    - Students from the Church of the Nazarene from Europe and the CIS. Because these students come from within the structure of the Church of the Nazarene and are the immediate target group of the church, and because they sustain and support the work of the church, these students receive a Nazarene grant on top of the reduced tuition.

    N.B. EuNC does not differentiate between Nazarene and non-Nazarene students in all learning centres. We also differentiate between various economic situations, and the developmental stages of the districts from which our students come:

    - Affluent Districts: All students studying at the campus, and students in the learning centres in Denmark; Germany; Italy; Netherlands; and Portugal.

    - European Union Countries: All students in the learning centres in Bulgaria; France; Hungary; Romania; and Spain.

    - Non-European Union Countries: All students in the learning centres in Albania; Armenia; Kazakhstan; Kosovo; Kyrgyzstan; Russia; and Ukraine.

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    The tuition charged to the students is based on the affiliation assigned to a student. The following charges are applied to the following affiliations Affiliation Application

    Fee Tuition per ECTS

    Administration Fee per ECTS

    Total Tuition Per ECTS

    E1 €22,00 €23,65 €7,00 €30,65 E2 €22,00 €53,65 €7,00 €60,65 N1 €22,00 €173,65 €7,00 €180,65 N2 €22,00 €113,65 €7,00 €120,65 E3 €22,00 €24,75 €5,25 €30,00 E4 €22,00 €54,75 €5,25 €60,00 E5 €22,00 TBD €4,00 TBD E6 €22,00 €1,00 €2,00 €3,25 E7 €22,00 €0,75 €2,00 €2,75 E8 €22,00 €0,25 €2,00 €2,25 E9 €22,00 €33,00 €7,00 €40,00 E0 €22,00 €53,00 €7,00 €60,00 Students auditing classes pay 50% of the total tuition per ECTS. Students taking directed studies pay 20% of the total tuition extra per ECTS. Students taking online classes through NBC pay the E1/E2 fee, plus a €25,00 online fee. Rates for private music lessons at the campus are €133,00 (teacher from the residential faculty) or €175,00 (teacher from outside the residential faculty) per ECTS. Explanation of affiliations E1 All European or CIS students at the Büsingen campus coming from the

    Church of the Nazarene. E2 All European or CIS students at the Büsingen campus who do not come

    from the Church of the Nazarene. N1 All students from outside Europe or the CIS who study over a longer

    period at the campus or in one of the learning centres (semester abroad student).

    N2 Students from a school outside Europe, with whom EuNC has a collaborative agreement, who take one particular course at the campus or in one of the learning centres (visiting student).

    E3 Students in the learning centres in Denmark, Portugal and Italy coming from the Church of the Nazarene.

    E4 Students in the learning centres in Denmark, Portugal and Italy who do not come from the Church of the Nazarene.

    E5 Students in the learning centres in Bulgaria, France, Hungary, Romania, and Spain.

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    E6 Students in the learning centres in Moscow and St Petersburg (RUS1, RUS2 and RUS7).

    E7 Students in the learning centres in Albania; Kazakhstan; Kosovo; Kyrgyzstan; Russia (Except St Petersburg and Moscow); and Ukraine

    E8 Students in the learning centres in Armenia E9 Students in the learning centres in Germany and the Netherlands, coming

    from the Church of the Nazarene. E0 Students in the learning centres in Germany and the Netherlands, who do

    not come from the Church of the Nazarene.

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    4. INTENDED EDUCATIONAL OUTCOMES The following 24 outcomes describe what EuNC aims to accomplish in its educational programmes. They are divided into four main outcomes relating to knowledge, competencies, personal character traits, and sensitivity for contextual issues necessary for effective ministry. The three programmes offered by EuNC are developed to accomplish a certain set of the intended educational outcomes. The Bachelor of Arts programme is designed to meet all 24 outcomes. See pages 40-47 for the minimum requirements of these programmes. The individual courses offered by EuNC contribute to accomplishing certain of these educational outcomes as indicated in the syllabus. Content Knowledge of the content of the Old and New Testaments, the theology of the Christian faith, and history and mission of the Church is essential for ministry. Knowledge of how to interpret Scripture, the doctrine of holiness and our Wesleyan distinctives, and the history and polity of the Church of the Nazarene must be included in these courses.

    CN1 Bible. The students will know the content and theology of the Old and New Testaments, its historical backgrounds and the various kinds of literature, as well as key issues of hermeneutics.

    CN2 Theology. The students will know the various topics of Christian theology, its history and specifically Wesleyan holiness theology and the doctrines of the Church of the Nazarene.

    CN3 Church. The students will know the history of the church and the surrounding culture, and have a clear understanding of and vision for the mission of the church.

    CN4 Ministry. The students will have specific knowledge necessary for effective ministry in the different areas of the mission of the church.

    CN5 People. The students will have specific knowledge that will equip them to work with people in various circumstances, and prepare them to foster community.

    CN6 Scientific Literacy. Students will develop an informed perspective and respect for the created order and use the methods of scientific inquiry to explore it.

    CN7 Aesthetic Literacy. Students will develop a discerning awareness of the language and literature of diverse art forms and will be able to recognize, interpret, and use creative artistic expressions.

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    Competency Skills in oral and written communication, management and leadership, finance, and analytical thinking are also essential for ministry. In addition to general education in these areas, courses providing skills in preaching, pastoral care and counselling, worship, effective evangelism, Christian education and church administration must be included. Graduation from the course of study requires the partnership of the educational provider and a local church to direct students in ministerial practices and competency development.

    CP1 Interpretation. Students will be able to interpret Scripture in exegetically and theologically sound ways and be able to apply it.

    CP2 Communication. Students will be able to communicate clearly to people in various ways and different settings, and be able to respectfully receive the message of others.

    CP3 Leadership. Students will be able to lead people closer to God, and to lead the church in fruitful ministry, and be skilled in self and organisational management.

    CP4 Ministry. Students will be able to minister to the various needs of individuals and groups and provide pastoral care to these various needs.

    CP5 Analysis. Students will be able to analyse and address current situations in church and society in a historical, theological and biblical way.

    CP6 Critical Thinking. Students will develop the ability to determine validity and reasonableness through an examination of information, argumentation and experience.

    Character Personal growth in character, ethics, spirituality, and personal and family relationships is vital for the ministry. Courses addressing the areas of Christian ethics, spiritual formation, human development, the person of the minister, and marriage and family dynamics must be included.

    CH1 Integration. The students will be able to apply the knowledge they have received to their personal lives.

    CH2 Transformation. The students will have grown in their pursuit of living a holy life in all its various dimensions of daily life and personhood.

    CH3 Commitment. The students will be committed to give themselves as servants to God’s mission in this world, and commit to their specific ministries.

    CH4 Spirituality. The students will be immersed in the spiritual disciplines as their personal resources for ministry.

    CH5 Self-Understanding. Students will accept themselves as persons of worth and will develop habits of living that are mentally and physically healthy.

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    Context The minister must understand both the historical and contemporary context and interpret the worldview and social environment of the culture where the Church witnesses. Courses that address the concerns of anthropology and sociology, cross-cultural communication, missions, and social studies must be included.

    CT1 Relevance. The students will be able to communicate the Gospel in relevant ways to the people in a certain context, using sound hermeneutical principles.

    CT2 Cultural Responsiveness. The students will have sensitivity for different cultural contexts and will be able to minister effectively in and between them.

    CT3 Stewardship. Students will have a holistic view on the various responsibilities the church has for this world and its peoples.

    CT4 Integration. The students will be equipped to relate the Christian faith to all areas of life from the Wesleyan theological perspective.

    CT5 Culture and Society. The students will have general knowledge of the society and political situation of their country, and the history and culture that they share with neighbouring countries and regions.

    CT6 Social Responsibility. Students will become informed, concerned and involved citizens in the world.

    General Education Outcomes Below are the seven definitions of the General Education Outcomes taken from the MNU Catalogue, with a description of how they are integrated into the four Intended Educational Outcomes of EuNC. See pages 36-39 for information on the General Education requirements of MNU and EuNC. Spiritual Development (SpDe) Students will develop a clear understanding of

    the essential thoughts of biblical Christianity, which will enable them to live a lifestyle honouring to God. Divided over CN1, CN2

    Self-Understanding (SeUn) Students will accept themselves as persons of

    worth and will develop habits of living that are mentally and physically healthy.

    Equivalent to CH5 Critical Thinking (CrTh) Students will develop the ability to determine

    validity and reasonableness through an

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    examination of information, argumentation and experience.

    Equivalent to CP6 Effective Communication (EfCo) Students will be able to express their ideas

    clearly and effectively and will accurately interpret communication from others.

    Equivalent to CP2. Social Responsibility (SoRe) Students will become informed, concerned

    and involved citizens in the world. Equivalent to CT6 Scientific Literacy (ScLi) Students will develop an informed perspective

    and respect for the created order and use the methods of scientific inquiry to explore it.

    Equivalent to CN6 Aesthetic Literacy (AeLi) Students will develop a discerning awareness

    of the language and literature of diverse art forms and will be able to recognize, interpret, and use creative artistic expressions.

    Equivalent to CN7

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    A. CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK The curriculum of EuNC consists of nine clusters. All courses of the three different programmes are divided over one of these nine clusters. Each programme is structured similarly according to these nine clusters, but does not address all clusters evenly. All the courses are offered according to their place in the curriculum, providing a certain coherency to the curriculum. The curriculum framework below shows how the nine clusters are connected.

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    B. DESCRIPTION OF THE NINE CLUSTERS The way the nine clusters in the curriculum framework are related reflects what EuNC sees as its primary mission; the education of ministers. In the description of the clusters below, the required number of ECTS for each of the programmes is also listed. These are the minimum requirements for each programme at every location. 1. Bible (All course numbers starting with BIB) The foundational source that informs our view on God, the Church, the world and ministry is Scripture. Therefore students need to become well grounded in Scripture for receiving direction and inspiration. Spiritual Formation Certificate: 15 ECTS Christian Ministry Certificate: 25 ECTS Bachelor of Arts Degree: 50 ECTS

    2. Theology, Tradition and Identity (All course numbers starting with THE) Flowing out of Scripture comes our theology, with added to this the information from tradition, reason and experience (Wesleyan quadrilateral). It is our distinctive Wesleyan theology that provides identity, and describes who we are as a church.

    Spiritual Formation Certificate: 6 ECTS Christian Ministry Certificate: 20 ECTS Bachelor of Arts Degree: 35 ECTS 3. God's Mission; the Church and Vocation (All course numbers starting with MIS) The core of the curriculum is a biblical understanding of the heart of God and His mission in the world. Our understanding of the church and of our lives as vocation needs to be informed by this missiological understanding, and believers need to find their place in the missionary activity of God through the Church as the body of Christ.

    Spiritual Formation Certificate: 9 ECTS Christian Ministry Certificate: 10 ECTS Bachelor of Arts Degree: 17 ECTS 4. Proclaiming the Kingdom of God (All course numbers starting with PRC) One of the two main responsibilities of the Church as the body of Christ is the proclamation of the Kingdom of God as Jesus announced in Luke 4:18. Students

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    will explore this ministry of the church. Spiritual Formation Certificate: - Christian Ministry Certificate: 8 ECTS Bachelor of Arts Degree: 8 or 13 ECTS

    5. Shepherding the Flock (All course numbers starting with PAS) The other main responsibility of the Church is reflected in the words of Jesus to Peter: "Feed my Sheep" (John 21:15). The courses in this cluster focus on the nurture the church provides for its people or how the church can be led and organised to fulfil this responsibility.

    Spiritual Formation Certificate: 8 ECTS Christian Ministry Certificate: 8 ECTS Bachelor of Arts Degree: 8 or 13 ECTS

    6. Ministry Specialties (All course numbers starting with MIN or MUS) Along with studying the essential ministries of the church and receiving the appropriate knowledge, the students will be exploring specific ministries or the roles of a minister, and developing the needed competencies. The music courses EuNC offers are seen as supporting the ministry of the Church, and have their place in this cluster. Spiritual Formation Certificate: 1 ECTS Christian Ministry Certificate: 19 ECTS Bachelor of Arts Degree: 42 ECTS 7. Understanding the World (All course numbers starting with GEN) In order to strengthen the proclamation of the Kingdom of God (Cluster 4), students need to know and understand the world in which they live and minister, in order to relate the Gospel in a relevant way. Spiritual Formation Certificate: - Christian Ministry Certificate: 6 ECTS Bachelor of Arts Degree: 38 ECTS 8. Understanding People (All course numbers starting with SOC) In order to strengthen the shepherding of the flock (Cluster 5), students need to understand people and how to communicate with them.

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    Spiritual Formation Certificate: - Christian Ministry Certificate: 6 ECTS Bachelor of Arts Degree: 9 ECTS 9. Academic proficiencies (All course numbers starting with ACP) Students need to master competencies that will make them successful in their studies. They also need to show that they are able to integrate what they learn into an overall comprehensive view.

    Spiritual Formation Certificate: 1 ECTS Christian Ministry Certificate: 6 ECTS Bachelor of Arts Degree: 12 ECTS


    The electives give the campus and learning centres the opportunity to strengthen certain clusters beyond the required minimum by either offering certain courses for more ECTS or adding courses. In a very limited way it also gives individual students options to choose from. All electives need to fall in one of the nine clusters described above, or be in the areas of English (All course numbers starting with ENG), or German (All course numbers starting with GER).

    Spiritual Formation Certificate: 20 ECTS Christian Ministry Certificate: 12 ECTS Bachelor of Arts Degree: 16 ECTS C. GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS One of the requirements of a Bachelor of Arts Degree from MidAmerica Nazarene University is completion of the General Education programme as listed in the catalogue of MNU. The General Education programme at MidAmerica Nazarene University exposes students to certain facts, ideas and values in an attempt to awaken them to their potential and to assist them in developing ways of recognising and expressing truth through the academic disciplines. European Nazarene College has integrated these requirements into its BA programme, and into the overall curriculum structure. The main goal of the General Education experience is “to develop life-long learners who are informed, committed and caring citizens of this world with a deep appreciation for the revelation of God in Jesus Christ. It intends to develop

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    further the broad base of understandings, attitudes and skills which students possess upon entrance into college. It prepares the student to engage a particular area of study with reference to other fields of academia. It should make the student aware of the integration of human knowledge at various levels.” (MNU Catalogue) The MidAmerica Nazarene University faculty has identified seven areas in which students need to develop in order to function effectively in a chosen major and to engage their world appropriately. These seven areas are adopted by European Nazarene College and integrated into the intended educational outcomes of the school, as reflected on page 31-32 of this catalogue. Through the General Education experience the student should grow in the following areas:

    Spiritual Development (CN1; CN2)*- Students will develop a clear understanding of the essential thoughts of biblical Christianity which will enable them to live a lifestyle honoring to God. Self-Understanding (CH5) - Students will accept themselves as persons of worth and will develop habits of living that are mentally and physically healthy. Critical Thinking (CP6) - Students will develop the ability to determine validity and reasonableness through an examination of information, argumentation and experience. Effective Communication (CP2) - Students will be able to express their ideas clearly and effectively and accurately interpret communication from others. Social Responsibility (CT6) - Students will become informed, concerned and involved citizens in the world. Scientific Literacy (CN6) - Students will develop an informed perspective and respect for the created order and use the methods of scientific inquiry to explore it. Aesthetic Literacy (CN7) - Students will develop a discerning awareness of the language and literature of diverse art forms and will be able to recognize, interpret, and use creative artistic expressions.

    * The abbreviations refer to the Intended Educational Outcomes, as stated on pages 29-31 of this catalogue. The faculty at MidAmerica Nazarene University and European Nazarene College believe “that a Christian worldview provides the most adequate perception of the universe. This worldview understands that rebellion against God is the fundamental problem of humanity. It has alienated people from God, themselves, other humans and the created order. Such alienation affects our abilities to learn and function effectively in our world.” (MNU Catalogue)

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    General Education at MidAmerica Nazarene University and European Nazarene College “takes into account this alienation and seeks to address each of these four areas so that the student might be better equipped to live a meaningful and productive life. Spiritual Development deals with reconciliation to God. Self-Understanding and Critical Thinking deal with reconciliation to ourselves. Effective Communication and Social Responsibility deal with reconciliation to others. Scientific Literacy and Aesthetic Literacy deal with reconciliation to the created order.” (MNU Catalogue) The university faculty of MidAmerica has selected a core of courses to meet the above goals of General Education. The faculty of EuNC has selected from this list a variety of courses as listed below, and made them an integrated part of the BA as offered by European Nazarene College. MNU Requirements

    EuNC (Campus BA Programme)

    Spiritual Development 9 hours

    Total: 16 ECTS (9.6 college credits) 5 ECTS: BIB11 Introduction to Old Testament 5 ECTS: BIB12 Introduction to New Testament 6 ECTS: THE21 Christian Doctrines

    Self-Understanding 5-7 hours

    Total: 9 ECTS (5.4 college credit) 3 ECTS: SOC22 Human Growth & Development 3 ECTS: GEN34 Introduction to a Somatic Way of

    Learning 3 ECTS: ACP 10 Introduction to College Studies

    Critical Thinking 6-9 hours

    Total: 12 ECTS (7.2 college credit) 3 ECTS: GEN21 Christian Ethics 3 ECTS: GEN20 Philosophy 3 ECTS: GEN22 World Religions 3 ECTS: ACP30 Research Methodology

    Effective Communication 6-10 hours

    Total: 18 ECTS (10.8 college credit) 3 ECTS: SOC21 Interpersonal/Cultural Communication 3 ECTS: ACP20 Language and Written Expression 9 ECTS: BIB31 Beginning NT Greek 3 ECTS: BIB32 Intermediate Greek

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    Social Responsibility 6 hours

    Total: 11 ECTS (6.6 college credit) 3 ECTS: GEN10 European History 5 ECTS: GEN31 Economics and Politics 3 ECTS: SOC23 Marriage and the Family; or MIN29

    Personal/Church Finance; or SOC24 Understanding Multicultural Behaviour

    Scientific Literacy 8-9 hours

    Total: 13 ECTS (7.8 college credit) 5 ECTS: GEN42 Environmental Science 5 ECTS: GEN43 Principles of Biology; or GEN44

    Concepts in Physical Science; or GEN45 Human Genetics; or GEN46 Bio Ethics; or GEN47 Human Nutrition

    3 ECTS: GEN33 Computing for Liberal Arts Aesthetic Literacy 6 hours

    Total: 9 ECTS (5.4 college credit) 5 ECTS: GEN32 History & Appreciation of European Arts 4 ECTS: 4x1 MUS10 Choir; MUS11 Hand Bell Choir;

    MUS12 Ensemble; MUS 13 Private Voice; MUS14 Beginning Piano; MUS15 Beginning Guitar; MUS24 Intermediate Piano; MUS44 Advanced Piano

    Total 46-56 semester hours

    Total: 88 ECTS (52.8 college credit)

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    The following are the general outcomes and minimum requirements for the various programmes EuNC offers in its residential and learning centre programmes. The implementation of these general requirements differs for each location where the programmes are offered. For the detailed requirements of each location see pages 49-64, and for the specific course descriptions see pages 70-91 of this catalogue. A. CERTIFICATE IN SPIRITUAL FORMATION Description This programme consists of 60 ECTS (one year full time). It intends to deepen the knowledge of students in the Bible and the Christian faith, and is designed to help them grow spiritually and to encourage greater involvement in the local church. Programme Outcomes Students who graduate with the Spiritual Formation Certificate will have

    - a foundational knowledge of Scripture (CN1)* and of the Christian faith, especially from a Wesleyan perspective (CN2).

    - a clear understanding of and vision for the mission of the Church (CN3), and the church’s responsibility to the world and its people (CT3).

    - started to apply the knowledge they have learnt to their personal lives (CH1).

    - grown in their pursuit of holy living in all its various dimensions of daily life (CT4) and personhood (CH2) through acquaintance with different spiritual disciplines (CH4).

    - an increased awareness of who they are as persons (CH5) and as servants involved in God’s mission in the world (CH3).

    Note: The curriculum is designed with the understanding that no educational programme is complete, but needs to be seen as laying a foundation for life-long learning. * The abbreviations refer to the intended educational outcomes, as described on pages 29-31 of this Catalogue.

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    Minimum Requirements

    - Only courses with passing grades will count. - A TOEFL score of 475 for entrance to the campus programme. - The student must complete 60 ECTS, distributed as follows:

    Cluster Course ECTS 1. Bible Introduction to Old Testament 5 Introduction to New Testament 5 Hermeneutics 5

    2. Theology, Tradition, Identity Introduction to Theology 3 Holiness & Identity 3 3. God’s Mission; The Church and God’s Mission and the Church ) Vocation Vocation & Personal Ministry ) 8* Spiritual Formation ) Mentoring 1 4. Proclaiming the Kingdom of God - 5. Shepherding the Flock Faith Development in the Local Congregation 3 Christian Worship or Reinventing Church 5

    and Evangelism 6. Ministry Specialties Practicum 1 7. Understanding the World - 8. Understanding People - 9. Academic Proficiencies Introduction to College Studies 1 Electives 20 Total 60 * These three courses need to be offered for a minimum of 8 ECTS together, combining two into one 5 ECTS course and one for 3 ECTS. All three can also be offered for each 3 ECTS.

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    B. CERTIFICATE IN CHRISTIAN MINISTRY Description This programme consists of 120 ECTS (two years full time) and intends to prepare students for ministry in the local church. This programme meets the minimum requirements for ordained ministry in the Church of the Nazarene, unless a certain district has additional requirements. Outcomes Students who graduate with the Christian Ministry Certificate will have

    - a basic knowledge of Scripture (CN1)* and of the Christian faith, especially from a Wesleyan perspective (CN2), and of the history of the church (CN3).

    - A clear understanding of and vision for the mission of the Church (CN3), and the church’s responsibility to the world and its people (CT3).

    - basic knowledge necessary for effective ministry (CN4) and for working with people (CN5).

    - the basic skills to interpret Scripture (CP1) and communicate effectively (CT1) within different cultural contexts (CT2).

    - the basic skills to provide leadership (CP3) and pastoral care to people (CP4), and to communicate clearly with people (CP2).

    - the skills to apply Christian understanding to their personal lives (CH1). - grown in their pursuit of holy living in all its various dimensions of daily life

    (CT4) and personhood (CH2) through acquaintance with different spiritual disciplines (CH4).

    - an increased awareness of who they are as persons (CH5) and as servants involved in God’s mission in the world (CH3).

    Note: The curriculum is designed with the understanding that no educational programme is complete, but needs to be seen as laying a foundation for life-long learning. * The abbreviations refer to the intended educational outcomes, as described on pages 29-31 of this Catalogue. Minimum Requirements

    - Only courses with passing grades will count. - A TOEFL score of 525 for entrance into the second level of the campus

    programme. - A Grade Point Average of 2.0 is required to enter the second level, and

    this need to be maintained. - The student must complete 120 ECTS, distributed as follows:

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    Cluster Course ECTS 1. Bible Introduction to Old Testament 5 25 ECTS Introduction to New Testament 5 Hermeneutics 5 Pentateuch or Old Testament Prophets 5 Synoptic Gospels or Pauline Literature 5 2. Theology, Tradition, Identity Introduction to Theology 3 20 ECTS Christian Doctrines 6 Church History 5 Nazarene History &Polity 3 Holiness & Identity 3 3. God’s Mission; The Church and God’s Mission and the Church ) Vocation Vocation and Personal Ministry ) 8* 10 ECTS Spiritual Formation ) Mentoring 2 4. Proclaiming the Kingdom of God Intercultural Missions 3 8 ECTS Reinventing Evangelism & Church 5

    or Urban Ministry 5. Shepherding the Flock Faith Development in the Local Congregation 3 8 ECTS Worship or Church Development 5

    6. Ministry Specialties Two courses of each 5 ECTS of the following: 10 19 ECTS Preaching; Pastoral Care & Counselling;

    Foundations for Youth & Family Ministry; Leadership. Practicum; and Internship 1 6 Ministry Integration 3

    7. Understanding the World Two courses of each 3 ECTS of the following: 6 6 ECTS European History; Philosophy; Ethics; World Religions 8. Understanding People Interpersonal & Intercultural Comm. 3 6 ECTS Human Growth & Development 3 9. Academic Proficiencies Introduction to College Studies 3 6 ECTS Language and Written Expression 3 Electives 12

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    Total 120 * These three courses need to be offered for a minimum of 8 ECTS together, combining two into one 5 ECTS course and one for 3 ECTS. All three can also be offered for each 3 ECTS. C. BACHELOR OF ARTS IN RELIGION Description This programme consists of 240 ECTS (four years full time) and intends to prepare students for full time ministry. It introduces them to theology as an academic discipline, allowing them to continue their studies at a Masters level. The General Education requirements needed for a Bachelor of Arts degree are integrated into this programme, and if possible, are related to theology and ministry. Outcomes Students who graduate with the Bachelor of Arts Degree will have

    - knowledge of Scripture (CN1)* and of the Christian faith, especially from a Wesleyan perspective (CN2), and of the history of the church (CN3).

    - a clear understanding of and vision for the mission of the Church (CN3), and the church’s responsibility to the world and its people (CT3).

    - knowledge necessary for effective ministry (CN4) and for working with people (CN5).

    - an informed view of the world, the sciences (CN6) and the diverse art forms (CN7),

    - skills to interpret Scripture (CP1) and communicate effectively (CT1) within different cultural contexts (CT2).

    - skills to provide leadership (CP3) and pastoral care to people (CP4), and to communicate clearly with people (CP2).

    - developed an attitude of critical thinking (CP6) and an ability to analyse situations in a historical, theological and biblical way (CP5).

    - skills to apply Christian understanding to their personal lives (CH1). - grown in their pursuit of holy living in all its various dimensions of daily life

    (CT4) and personhood (CH2) through acquaintance with different spiritual disciplines (CH4).

    - an increased awareness of who they are as persons (CH5) and as servants involved in God’s mission in the world (CH3).

    - become informed, concerned and involved citizens of the world (CT6) with a general knowledge of the society, political situation and culture where they live (CT5).

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    Note: The curriculum is designed with the understanding that no educational programme is complete, but needs to be seen as laying a foundation for life-long learning. * The abbreviations refer to the intended educational outcomes, as described on pages 29-31 of this Catalogue. Minimum Requirements

    - Only courses with passing grades will count. - A TOEFL score of 550 for entrance into the second level of the campus

    programme. - A Grade Point Average of 2.5 is required to enter the second level, and

    this need to be maintained. - The student must complete 240 ECTS, distributed as follows:

    Cluster Course ECTS 1. Bible Introduction to Old Testament 5 50 ECTS Introduction to New Testament 5 Hermeneutics 5 Pentateuch or Old Testament Prophets 5 Synoptic Gospels or Pauline Literature 5 Beginning NT Greek 9 Intermediate NT Greek 3

    Pauline Epistles or Johannine Literature 5 Psalms & Wisdom Lit or OT Narrative Lit 5 Elective: Advanced Biblical Studies 3

    2. Theology, Tradition, Identity Introduction to Theology 3 35 ECTS Christian Doctrines 6 Church History 5 Nazarene History & Polity 3 Holiness & Identity 3 John Wesley’s Theology 3 Christian Apologetics 3 Christian Faith and Science 3 Christianity and other Religions 3 Contemporary Holiness Theology 3 3. God’s Mission; The Church and God’s Mission and the Church ) Vocation Vocation and Personal Ministry ) 8* 17 ECTS Spiritual Formation ) The Person of the Minister 3 Mentoring 6

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    4. Proclaiming the Kingdom of God Intercultural Missions 3 8 or 13 ECTS One or both of these courses: Reinventing 5/10**

    Evangelism & Church; Urban Ministry/Compassionate Ministries

    5. Shepherding the Flock Faith Development in the Local Congregation 3 8 or 13 ECTS One or both of these courses: Worship; 5/10** Church Development 6. Ministry Specialties Four courses of each 5 ECTS (two lower 20 42 ECTS level/two higher level or three lower level/one

    higher level) in two or three of the following areas: Preaching; Church Leadership; Pastoral Care & Counselling; Foundations for Youth and Family Ministry) Practicum and Internship 1 and 2 13 Ministry Integration 3 Leadership Conference 2 Music 4

    7. Understanding the World Philosophy 3 38 ECTS European History 3

    Ethics 3 World Religions 3

    Environmental Science 5 Science Course 5 Computing for Liberal Arts 3 Introduction to a Somatic way of Learning 3

    Economics and Politics 5 History and Appreciation of Art 5

    8. Understanding People Interpersonal & Intercultural Comm. 3 9 ECTS Human Growth and Development 3 Marriage and the Family 3 9. Academic Proficiencies Introduction to College Studies 3 12 ECTS Language and Written Expression 3 Research Methodology 3 Senior Review 3 Electives 16 Total 240 * These three courses need to be offered for a minimum of 8 ECTS together, combining two into one 5 ECTS course and one for 3 ECTS. All three can also be offered for each 3 ECTS.

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    ** The total of both options combined needs to be 15 ECTS.

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    The Christian Ministry (CM) Certificate of EuNC fulfils the minimum ordination requirements for ordination within the Church of the Nazarene. The four outcomes of Content, Competency, Character and Context that EuNC uses in its curriculum are identical to the outcomes the Church of the Nazarene uses to describe a validated course of study for ordination (Manual Church of the Nazarene 2005-2009, §424.3). The 120 ECTS of the Christian Ministry Certificate indicate a total of 3000 to 3600 student learning hours, which exceeds the minimum of 3000 student learning hours as established by the Eurasia Regional Course of Study Advisory Committee (RCOSAC) for approved curriculum. In developing the Christian Ministry Certificate programme, each Learning Centre has followed the minimum requirements as established on page 40-47 of this catalogue and used the 12 elective credits to either strengthen certain courses, by offering them for more ECTS or by adding certain courses to the curriculum. This option allows each learning centre to be sensitive to some of the contextual challenges and concerns. The various Christian Ministry Certificate programmes of the learning centres can be found on pages 53-64. A district of the Church of the Nazarene may also decide to go beyond the minimum requirements of 120 ECTS for ordination. The courses beyond the Christian Ministry Certificate that are needed for ordination in that district are listed separately following the CM requirements of each Learning Centre. Because of the various requirements among the European districts, it is important to understand that a candidate for ordination always needs to comply with the requirements established by the district where he or she will be ordained. The BA is seen as EuNC’s expanded ministerial preparation in the Liberal Arts tradition that builds on the CM Programme as the minimum ordination programme. The third and fourth levels of the curriculum are offered on the campus only, and learning centre students need to transfer to the campus after completion of the CM Programme. Districts that do not yet have a developed ordination curriculum will fall by default under the requirements of approved programme of one of the other districts within that field.

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    The campus and each learning centre have their own educational programmes that meet the minimum requirements as outlined on pages 40-47. On the following pages the specific requirements for each of these centres are outlined. These are the requirements that apply for the student studying in one of these locations. A. BÜSINGEN CAMPUS Certificate in Spiritual Formation Cluster Course ECTS 1. Bible Introduction to Old Testament 6 Introduction to New Testament 5 Hermeneutics 5

    2. Theology, Tradition, Identity Introduction to Theology 3 Holiness & Identity 3 3. God’s Mission; The Church and God’s Mission and the Church 3 Vocation Vocation & Personal Ministry 3 Spiritual Formation 3 Mentoring: Coaching Groups 2 4. Proclaiming the Kingdom of God Reinventing Church and Evangelism 5

    (or Christian Worship) 5. Shepherding the Flock Faith Development in the Local Congregation 3 6. Ministry Specialties One foundational Ministry Course 5

    Practicum: Student Leadership teams 1 Music 1 Leadership Conference 1

    7. Understanding the World - 8. Understanding People - 9. Academic Proficiencies Introduction to College Studies 3 Electives 8

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    Total 60 Certificate in Christian Ministry Cluster Course ECTS 1. Bible Introduction to Old Testament 6 26 ECTS Introduction to New Testament 5 Hermeneutics 5 Pentateuch or Old Testament Prophets 5 Synoptic Gospels or Pauline Literature 5 2. Theology, Tradition, Identity Introduction to Theology 3 21 ECTS Christian Doctrines1 and 2 6 Church History 1 and 2 6 Nazarene History & Polity 3 Holiness & Identity 3 3. God’s Mission; The Church and God’s Mission and the Church 3 Vocation Vocation and Personal Ministry 3 13 ECTS Spiritual Formation 3 Mentoring: coaching group 4 4. Proclaiming the Kingdom of God Intercultural Mission 3 8 ECTS Reinventing Evangelism & Church 5 5. Shepherding the Flock Faith Development in the Local Congregation 3 8 ECTS Worship 5

    6. Ministry Specialties Two courses of each 5 ECTS of the founda- 10 22 ECTS tional courses in Preaching; Pastoral Care &

    Counselling; Youth & Family Ministry; Leadership. Practicum: Student Leadership Team 2 Music 2 Internship 1 3 Ministry Integration 3 Leadership Conference 2

    7. Understanding the World European History 3 6 ECTS History of European Philosophy 3 8. Understanding People Interpersonal & Intercultural Comm. 5 10 ECTS Human Growth & Development 5

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    9. Academic Proficiencies Introduction to College Studies 3 6 ECTS Language and Written Expression 3 Total 120 Bachelor of Arts in Religion* Cluster Course ECTS 1. Bible Introduction to Old Testament 6 51 ECTS Introduction to New Testament 5 Hermeneutics 5 Pentateuch or Old Testament Prophets 5 Synoptic Gospels or Pauline Literature 5 Beginning NT Greek 9 Intermediate NT Greek 3

    Pauline Epistles or Johannine Literature 5 Psalms & Wisdom Lit or OT Narrative Lit 5 Advanced Biblical Studies 3

    2. Theology, Tradition, Identity Introduction to Theology 3 36 ECTS Christian Doctrines 1 and 2 6 Church History 1 and 2 6 Nazarene History & Polity 3 Holiness & Identity 3 John Wesley’s Theology 3 Christian Apologetics 3 Christian Faith and Science 3 Christianity and other Religions 3 Contemporary Holiness Theology 3 3. God’s Mission; The Church and God’s Mission and the Church 3 Vocation Vocation and Personal Ministry 3 20 ECTS Spiritual Formation 3 The Person of the Minister 3 Mentoring: Coaching Group 8 4. Proclaiming the Kingdom of God Intercultural Missions 3 13 ECTS Reinventing Evangelism & Church 5

    Urban Ministry 5 5. Shepherding the Flock Faith Development in the Local Congregation 3 13 ECTS Christian Worship 5

    Church Development 5

    6. Ministry Specialties Four courses of each 5 ECTS (two lower 20 44 ECTS level/two higher level or three lower level/one

    higher level) in two or three of the following areas:

  • 52

    Preaching; Church Leadership; Pastoral Care & Counselling; Foundations for Youth and Family Ministry) Practicum: Student Leadership Team 4 Internship 1 and 2 9 Ministry Integration 3 Leadership Conference 4 Music 4

    7. Understanding the World History of Western Philosophy 3 38 ECTS European History 3

    Christian Ethics 3 World Religions 3

    Environmental Science 5 Biology, Genetics; Nutrition; Phys. Science 5 Computing for Liberal Arts 3 Intro to a Somatic way of Learning 3

    Economics and Politics 5 History and Appreciation of European Art 5

    8. Understanding People Interpersonal & Intercultural Comm. 5 13 ECTS Human Growth and Development 5 Marriage and the Family 3 9. Academic Proficiencies Introduction to College Studies 3 12 ECTS Language and Written Expression 3 Research Methodology 3 Senior Review 3 Total 240