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  • 8/12/2019 354 33 Powerpoint-slides CH19


    N. Senthil Kumar,

    M. Saravanan &

    S. Jeevananthan

  • 8/12/2019 354 33 Powerpoint-slides CH19




    Oxford University Press 2013

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    Introduction Microprocessor or CPU contains an ALU, a program

    counter, a stack pointer, some working registers, aclock timing Circuit and interrupt circuit.

    To make a complete microcomputer, one must addmemory usually ROM and RAM, memory decoder, anoscillator and a number of Input / Output (I/O) devicessuch as parallel and serial data ports.

    Like the microprocessor, a micro controller is a general-purpose device, but is meant to read data, perform

    limited calculation on that data and control theenvironment based on those calculations.

    Oxford University Press 2013

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    Comparison between Intels

    8-bit and 16-bit processors

    Oxford University Press 2013

    Details Z80 8051(8 Bit)


    (16 Bit)

    Total Pins 40 40 68

    Address Pins 16 16 16

    Data Pins 8 8 16

    8 Bit registers 20 34 232

    16 bit registers 4 2 ---

    Internal ROM 0 4k 8k

    Internal RAM 0 128 232

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    Oxford University Press 2013

    Comparison between Intels

    8-bit and 16-bit processors

    Details Z80 8051(8 Bit)


    (16 Bit)

    External Memory 64k 120k 64k

    Flags 6 4 7

    Timers 0 2 2

    Parallel Ports 0 4 5

    Serial Port 0 1 2

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    Features of INTEL 8096 Micro

    Controller Intel has a series of 16-bit microcontrollers under the

    name 8X9X series.

    Intel 8096 is the basic chip in the 8X9X series of


    The other microcontrollers in this series are 8094,

    8396, 8394, 8097, 8095, 8397, 8395 etc.

    All these devices come with the part number as

    8X9XBH or 8X9XJF.

    Oxford University Press 2013

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    Oxford University Press 2013

    Features of INTEL 8x9x Micro


    16-bit CPU On chip clock generator

    256 bytes RAM Special Function Registers

    Parallel ports

    Analog input channelsADCHigh Speed inputs High Speed outputs

    2 timers Interrupts

    Serial ports Watch dog timer

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    Oxford University Press 2013

    Comparison between Intels

    8X9X series microcontrollersDetails 8096 8396 8097 8397 8095 8395

    Total Pins 68 68 68 68 48 48

    Internal ROM 0 8K 0 8K 0 8K

    Internal RAM 256 Bytes 256 Bytes 256 Bytes 256 Bytes 256 Bytes 256 Bytes

    Parallel port


    40 (5 ports) 40 (5 ports) 24 24 20 20

    Timers 2 2 2 2 2 2

    Serial port 1 1 1 1 1 1

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    Oxford University Press 2013

    Functional Block Diagram

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    Oxford University Press 2013

    CPU Section The central processing Unit (CPU) fetches instructions

    from the memory and performs specified tasks.

    It stores results in the memory and send results to theoutput device, according to the instruction given in theprogram.

    CPU controls and communicates with memory and input/ Output devices.

    The Intel 8096 is inherently a 16 bit microcontroller inthat the data path for operands is 16 bits wide i.e. when

    data is transferred between RAM or ROM and the CPU, itis transferred 16 bits per internal memory cycle.

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    Oxford University Press 2013

    The major components of the 16 bit CPU on the 8096 areregister file and RALU.

    The major components of the 16 bit CPU on the 8096 are

    register file and RALU.

    The RALU (Register / Arithmetic logic Unit) does not use

    an accumulator, it operates directly on the 256 byte

    register space made up of the register file and the SFRs.

    The CPU of 8096 uses a 16 bit ALU, which operates on a256-byte register file instead of an accumulator.

    The CPU of 8096 has Register Arithmetic Logic Unit


    CPU Section

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    Oxford University Press 2013

    RALU performs arithmetic and Logical operation using setof 232 register arrays.

    The register file or register array is in the form of RAM.

    It is used to store data temporarily during execution of


    The register file contains 232 bytes of RAM, which can be

    accessed as bytes, words or double words.

    The first word in the register file is reserved for use as thestack pointer, so it cannot be used for data when stack

    manipulations are taking place.

    CPU Section

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    Oxford University Press 2013

    In the lower 24 bytes of the register file are the registermapped I/O control locations, also called special functionregisters or SFRs.

    These registers are used to control the on chip I/Ofeatures.

    The remaining 232 bytes are general purpose RAM, theupper 16 of which can be kept alive using a low currentpower down mode.

    The control unit provides necessary timing and control

    signals to all the operations. It controls the flow of data between the controller,

    memory and peripherals.

    CPU Section

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    Oxford University Press 2013

    When the reset signal is activated, all internal operationsare suspended and the program counter is cleared.

    After reset, the program execution can begin from thezero memory address.

    The sequencing the execution of instructions is carriedout using the special function register program Counter.

    This register is a memory pointer, which always points tothe memory address from which the next instruction is

    to be fetched. When an instruction is being fetched, the PC is

    incremented by one to point to the next instruction.

    CPU Section

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    Oxford University Press 2013

    The Micro Controller can be interrupted from the normalexecution of instructions and asked to execute some otherinstructions of higher priority called interrupt serviceroutine.

    The controller returns to its normal operations after

    completing the service routine. There are many interrupt sources for a micro-controller

    system and the programmer can set the priority for eachinterrupt.

    Clock circuit unit generates the clock signal and

    synchronizes all operations within the chip. It also supplies clock necessary for communication between

    CPU and peripheral units.

    CPU Section

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    Oxford University Press 2013

    A control unit and two buses connect the register file and RALU

    The two buses are the A bus which is 8 bits wide and the D

    bus which is 16 bits wide.

    D bus transfers data only between the RALU and the register file

    or special function registers (SFRs).

    A bus is used as the address bus for the above transfers or as a

    multiplexed address / data bus connecting to the memory


    Instructions to the RALU are taken from the A- Bus and stored

    temporarily in the instruction register.

    The control unit decodes the instructions and generates the

    correct sequence of signals to have the RALU perform the

    desired function.

    CPU Buses

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    Oxford University Press 2013


    Most calculations performed by 8X9X take place in the RALU. The RALU contains a 17-bit ALU, the program status word

    (PSW), the program counter (PC), a loop counter and three

    temporary registers.

    All the registers are 16 bits or 17 bits (16 + sign extension)wide. Some of the registers have the ability to perform simple

    operations to off load the ALU.

    A separate incrementor is used for the PC: however jumps

    must be handled through the ALU.

    The DELAY is used to convert the 16-bit bus into an 8-bit bus.

    This is required as all addresses and instruction are carried on

    the 8 bit A bus.

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    Oxford University Press 2013

    RALU Unit block Diagram

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    Oxford University Press 2013

    Temporary register

    Two of the temporary registers have their own shift logic. These registers are used for the operations, which require logical

    shifts including normalize, multiply and divide.

    The lower word register is used only when double word quantities

    are being shifted, the upper word register is used whenever a shift

    is performed or as a temporary register for many instructions.

    The 5-bit loop counter counts repetitive shifts.

    A temporary register is used to store the second operand of two

    operand instructions.

    This includes the multiplier during multiplications and the divisorduring divisions.

    To perform subtractions the output of their register can be

    complemented before being placed into the B input of the ALU.

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    Oxford University Press 2013

    Register File

    Locations 00H through 0FFH contain the register file and specialfunction registers (SFRs).

    No code can be executed from this internal RAM section.

    If an attempt to execute instructions from locations 000H through0FFH is made, the instruction will be fetched from externalmemory.

    This section of external memory is reserved for use by Inteldevelopment tools.

    The RALU can operate on any of the 256 internal register locations.

    Locations 00H through 17H are used to access the SFRs. Locations18H and 19H contains the stack pointer.

    These are not SFRs and may be used as standard RAM if stackoperations are not being performed.

    The stack pointer must be initialized by the user program and canpoint any where in the 64K memory space.

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    Oxford University Press 2013

    Program Status Word (PSW)

    The program status word (PSW) is a collection of Boolean flags, whichcontain information concerning the state of users program.

    The high byte of the PSW contains status flags and the low byte contains

    an interrupt mask register.

    The PSW can be saved in the system stack with a single operation (PUSHF)

    and restored in a link manner (POPF).

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    Oxford University Press 2013

    Format of PSW of 8096 and

    the bit definitons

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    Oxford University Press 2013

    Memory Controller The RALU talks to the memory through the memory

    controller, which is connected to the RALU by the A

    bus, and several control lines.

    Since the A bus is 8 bit wide, the memory controlleruses a slave program counter to avoid having to

    always get the instruction location from the RALU.

    In addition to holding a slave PC, the memory

    controller contains a 4-byte queue to help speedexecution.

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    Oxford University Press 2013

    Internal Timing The 8x9x requires an input clock frequency of

    between 6 MHz and 12 MHz to function.

    This frequency can be applied directly to XTAL-1.

    Alternatively, since XTAL1 and XTAL2 are inputs andoutputs of the inverter, it is also possible to use a

    crystal to generate the clock.

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    Oxford University Press 2013

    I/O Section The Micro controller I/O section consists of the

    following peripherals on chip

    1) ADC interface

    2) Pulse Width Modulator3) Parallel I/O lines

    4) High-speed I/O lines

    5) Full duplex serial port

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    Oxford University Press 2013

    I/O Section The analog to digital converter (ADC) has 8 multiplexed inputs

    and 10 bit resolution and use successive approximation

    technique for the conversion.

    The addition of A/D conversion capability means that large

    number of transducers for temperature, pressure strain,position etc. can be used directly with the micro controller.

    Any transducer, which generates an output voltage

    proportional to derived physical parameters, can be

    interfaced with the micro controller. The conversion of an analog voltage to digital number is

    implemented in 8096 with the Successive approximation


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    Oxford University Press 2013

    I/O Section The Pulse width modulation output (PWM) can be used as a

    Digital to Analog Converter, a motor driver analog circuit or for

    many other purposes.

    The Intel 8096 includes a pulse width modulator as one of its on

    chip resources.

    Once it has been setup, it requires no further CPU interventionto continue generating a wave form with a period of 64 micro

    seconds and a duty cycle of any value between 0 and 255/256,

    depending upon the 8 bit number written to a PWM register.

    Because of this, it provides a reasonable way to carry out a D/Aconversion if all we need is a waveform with dc components,

    which is proportional to a digital quantity.

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    Oxford University Press 2013

    PWM Output Driver Circuit

    and Output Waveform

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    Oxford University Press 2013

    I/O Section Pulse width modulation is to achieve width modulated pulses

    and thereby to generate variable average dc output as shown

    in figure

    A watchdog timer is an internal timer, which can be used to

    reset the system if the software fails to operate properly i.e. itresets 8096 if a mal function occurs.

    The high speed I/O section includes a 16-bit timer, a 16 bit

    counter, a 4-bit programmable edge detector, 4 software

    timers, and a 6 output programmable event generators. High speed input unit provides automatic recording of events.

    High output unit provides automatic triggering of events and

    real time interrupts.

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    Oxford University Press 2013

    I/O Section

    The serial port has several modes and its own baud rategenerator. Serial port provides synchronous or Asynchronouslink.

    InputOutput interactions of a micro controller some timesrequire hand shaking.

    8096 includes programmable timer facilities, which can beused to cause output events to occur at precise times, evenwhile the CPU is doing something else.

    They can also be used to measure the time of occurrence ofinput events again even the CPU is doing something else.

    The 8096 has two time bases, timer1 and timer2. Timer1 is a16 bit free running timer, which is incremented every 8 statetimes.

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    Oxford University Press 2013

    Memory Structure of 8096 The 8096 has internal memory with a provision to have

    external memory.

    The memory in the 8096 system is divided into two types

    namely, the data memory and program memory.

    In general, the data memory is Random access or read-write


    The program memory is read only memory.

    With 16 bit address lines, 8096 can access a maximum of

    64Kbytes of memory. RAM is user memory and is used to store data.

    This information stored in this memory can be easily read

    and altered.

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    Oxford University Press 2013

    Memory Map

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    Oxford University Press 2013

    Memory Structure of 8096 The addressable memory space on an 8X9X consists of 64K

    bytes, most of which is available to the user for program ordata memory.

    There are several registers labeled Reserved.

    These registers are reserved for future expansion and test


    Operations should not be performed with these registers as

    reads from them and writes to them may produce unexpected


    The locations 0000H through 00FFH, 0100H through 01FFH and1FFEH through 2080H are for reserved purposes.

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    Oxford University Press 2013

    All other locations can be used for either program or data

    storage or for memory mapped peripherals.

    All the reserved locations except 2019H must be filled with Hex

    value of 0FFH to insure compatibility with future devices.

    Locations 2019H must be filled with 20H.

    Locations 1FFEH and 1FFFH are reserved for port3 and 4


    This is to allow easy construction of these ports if external

    memory is used in the system.

    If port 3 and port 4 are not going to be reconstructed, these

    locations can be treated as any other external memory


    Memory Structure of 8096

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    Oxford University Press 2013

    The 9-interrupt vectors are stored in the locations

    2000H through 2011H.

    Locations 2012H through 2017H are reserved forfuture use.

    Location 2018H is the chip configuration byte whichgives configuration information.

    Locations 2020H through 202FH are the security keyused with the ROM lock feature.

    All the unspecified addresses in locations 2000Hthrough 207FH, including those marked reservedshould be considered reserved for use by Intel.

    Memory Structure of 8096

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    Oxford University Press 2013

    Special Function Registers (SFRs)

    There are several restrictions on using special functionregisters, they are as follows:

    Neither the source nor destination addresses of the

    multiply and divide instructions can be writable special

    function register. These registers may not be used as base or index registers

    for indirect or indexed instructions.

    These registers can only be accessed as bytes unless

    otherwise specified. Some of these registers can only beaccessed as words and not as bytes.

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    List of Special Function Registers

    Oxford University Press 2013

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    Oxford University Press 2013

    List of Special Function Registers

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    Power Down Mode of CPU

    Oxford University Press 2013

    The upper 16 RAM locations (0F0H through 0FFH)receive their power from the Vpd pin.

    If it is desired to keep the memory in these locations

    alive during a power down situation, one need only

    keep voltage on the Vpd pin.

    The current required to keep the RAM alive isapproximately 1 mA.

    Both Vcc & Vpd must have power applied for normal


    If Vpd is not applied the power down RAM will notfunction properly even if Vcc is applied.

    To place the 8096 into a power down mode, the RESET

    pin is pulled low.