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Page 1: 21st Century Marketing: The Evolution of Print in the Digital Age



By Rachel Ward

A Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the M.S. in Publishing degree at

Pace University

Graduation Date: May 2013

Thesis Advisor: Professor Soares

Page 2: 21st Century Marketing: The Evolution of Print in the Digital Age

Rachel  Ward     2  TABLE OF CONTENTS

Introduction…………………………...……………...…………………….……………...3History of Consumer Magazines.………………..…………………………………….… 4 Background of Print Consumer Magazines in the 20th Century……….………….5

Current State of Print Editions…………………………………………………….6 Digital Devices and the Impact of Digital on Print………………………………..7 What is Consumer Marketing?..…………………..………….…………………………...9 Newsstand Sales………………………………………..……………………….....9 Direct Marketing Techniques…………………………….……………………...10 Key Industries in Consumer Marketing …………………………………………………11

Fulfillment Industry……………………………………………………………...11 Printing Industry…………………………………………………………………12

United States Postal Service…………..………………………………..………..13 Types of Direct Consumer Marketing Promotions……….……………………………...14 Direct Mail……………………………………………………………….………14 Customer Retention……………………………………………………...………18 Insert Cards……………………………………………………...……………….19 Digital Marketing Promotions……………………………………………….…..20 Environmental Issues…………………………………………………………….………21 Sustainability of Print and Environmental Certification……………..…………..21 Recycling and Production Issues for Digital Devices……………………………23 Consumer Response to Marketing…………………………………………………….…24 Apprehension Towards Digital Marketing………………………………………24 Perceived Value and Scope of Print Products…………………………...……….25 Business Model…………………………………………………………………………..26 Reasons for Dependence on Current Print Model…...…………………………..27 A “Happy Medium”: The Hybrid of Print and Digital Promotions……………...28 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………….…30 Bibliography…………………………………………………..…………………………32

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Rachel  Ward     3  Introduction

Consumer magazines are no longer limited to the printed page. Whether for

pleasure or business, consumers can access their information from a myriad of sources.

In the past few years, tablets, iPad apps, and smartphones have quickly become a

contender for delivering the content once found only in the traditional, printed glossy.

However, even though it seems as if the whole media-consuming world has shifted over

to digital, there is still a market for consumer media in print form—so long as the

publisher knows their audience. Food Network Magazine, a Hearst publication, was

launched as recently as 2009 (Dobrow 2009). Part of what made this particular venture

successful was that it launched across multiple platforms, including print and digital. In a

white paper from Publishing Executive titled “23 Tips for Adapting From a Print-Centric

to Cross-Platform World,” Vicki Wellington, publisher of Food Network Magazine said,

“[p]eople thought the timing was crazy.” However, as the article states, ”the publisher

knew it was likely to work. Knowing your readers can help you decide what new

products to build out and when” (“23 Tips for Adapting” 2010).

The ways in which publishers have marketed to consumers have also evolved from a

full reliance on print to a hybrid—a veritable middle ground—of print and digital

depending on the customer’s preference. It is in this hybrid of print and digital that print

marketing will be able to flourish in this digital age. Frank Verrill, President of Advanced

Image Direct, a direct mail firm in California, argues that “[t]he savvy marketer knows

that print supports digital and vice versa” (Hosford 2010, vol. 97). The emotional

response garnered by a printed piece can often far outweigh the response gained from just

another e-mail in someone’s inbox. In a consumer channel preference study done by

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Rachel  Ward     4  Epsilon Targeting, 60% of U.S. consumers reported an “emotional boost” from checking

their physical mailbox for new mail (“The Formula for Success…” 2011). Although

some consumers may have turned to digital to access their content or to a bundled hybrid

of print and digital, printed consumer advertising, in the form of direct mail campaigns,

bill and renewal promotions, and insert cards, are still part of a viable, sustainable

business model that is utilized, relied on, and valued by consumers and publishers alike.

History of Consumer Magazines

Although printing has been around since the 15th century, magazines first took

root in the United States in the 1700s. The first two American magazines were of a

political nature (separate publications created by Andrew Bradford and Benjamin

Franklin) but even so, they signified the beginning of what would become an integral

medium to American and international culture. Most readers received their magazines

through subscriptions. However, circulation for the first magazines was limited to the

area in which a reader lived, not only for transportation purposes but because the postmen

literally could only carry so much weight (Johnson and Prijatel 2007, 81). A postal law

passed in 1794 helped to define the rates of magazine postage for publishers, allowing

more magazines to start up (Ibid). From these humble beginnings to the end of the

nineteenth century there would be over 3,300 magazines in circulation (Sumner and

Rhoades 2010, 130-131).

Nineteenth century magazines were expectedly more diverse than their eighteenth

century counterparts. Magazines such as Harper’s, The Atlantic Monthly, and Scribner’s

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Rachel  Ward     5  appealed to the “middle-class sensibilities” of their readers instead of having a purely

political nature like their prototypes of the eighteenth century (Johnson and Prijatal 2007,

65). Scientific American is an example of a popular trade newspaper that became a

monthly magazine that covered technology and scientific discoveries (and is still in

existence today) (Ibid 64). A new reader base emerged as well. The average American

housewife actually became a prime consumer of publications such as Ladies’ Home

Journal and McCall’s, magazines that catered to the “liberated needs of middle-class

women” (Ibid 65). Indeed, even today, 19% of women read a magazine every day on

average, compared to just 7% of men (Statistics Norway 2010).

Background of Print Consumer Magazines in the 20th Century

Consumer magazines came to play an important role in the average American’s

life and this role has only increased as technology advanced. Going into the 20th century,

a few key changes made greater circulation a possibility among readers. These included

developments in transportation, an increase in postal mailing discounts, and

developments in production technology, which increased the rate at which magazines

were printed (Sumner and Rhoades 2006, 131). Another important advancement in the

early 20th century was the standardization of compulsory education across all the states

(Simpson 2004). Typically, those who were educated were those who read. So as

education opportunities increased in this time period, so did the number of readers

(Johnson and Prijtal 2007, 66). By 1918, compulsory education had become a national

standard across the states (Simpson 2004). This standardization of education meant that

not only were readers more widespread but that there was also more of a need in this

market demographic for things to read, whether for pleasure or information.

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Rachel  Ward     6  As publishers learned more about their consumers, they could tailor content to

fit their reader’s age, demographic, and most importantly, income level. This is what

became known as “audience specialization.” George Horace Lorimer, editor of the

quintessential, but now shuttered, Saturday Evening Post, said that the Post reached “two

classes of men: Men with income, and men who are going to have incomes, and the

second is quite as important as the first to the advertiser” (Johnson and Prijatel 2007, 66-

67). This realization of how influential a magazine can be is crucial to understanding how

and why consumers, even today, read magazines or aspire to the lifestyle that’s

advertised. Magazines are there to inform, persuade, and entertain their readers. Anyone

willing to invest in the cost of an issue or subscription is open to persuasion. The 20th

century magazine became the symbol of education, money, and aspiration. The finer

things in life—from fashion to a better job to traveling to exotic places—could all be

found within their pages. Not only did magazines provide useful information for readers’

lives but they could help readers aspire to even fuller lives (be it financially, emotionally,

or physically), a key driving incentive for the publisher to provide desired content.

Current State of Print Editions

From their beginnings as conveyors of political essays to their role in the

twentieth century of fashion and travel inspiration, the place of magazines in modern

times is still as relevant as ever. Esquire and Cosmopolitan are two magazines that have a

strong basis in print that are still successful today in the same form. Esquire magazine,

which was founded in 1933 (Lawrence 2004), has a current rate base of 700,000

(“Esquire, Rate Base Information” 2012). Cosmopolitan, another Hearst magazine staple

with a current rate base of 3,000,000 (“Cosmopolitan, Rate Base Information” 2012), was

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Rachel  Ward     7  founded in 1886 (McGuire 2010). Both have withstood the test of time and have evolved

from print to digital editions and apps. In 2012, Cosmopolitan became the first Hearst

brand to surpass 100,000 digital-only subscribers (“Cosmopolitan Exceeds” 2012). In the

case of Cosmopolitan, the content has evolved in that it’s become one of the

quintessential women’s magazines. While it can be somewhat divisive among certain

groups for its questionably racy and liberal approach, this has also made it a staple in our

society. In this sense, consumer magazines are not always “fluff” when it comes to their

content: Cosmopolitan was actually the first magazine to discuss the Pill in the 1960’s

(Benjamin 2012).

It’s true that what is lasting about the power of magazines like Esquire and

Cosmopolitan is the strength and universality of their content. However, there are

elements of print that make it a viable, smart option for consumers and not just an

outdated media format. For one, some research actually suggests that it takes the

consumer longer to read on-screen than it does to read on paper (Szalavitz 2012). That

same research also holds that readers can retain information read in print better than they

can through digital means. This can be due to the larger print and also what are called

“spatial landmarks,” which is a way for readers to remember where something was on the

page (that is, top of the left page, bottom of the right page, etc.) (Ibid). Third, the

experience of print is undeniable. The sense of size and weight of a print issue goes

“beyond content” to provide a tangible, real experience for the consumer (Husni 2012).

Digital Devices and the Impact of Digital on Print

Around the year 2000, subscribers began to have the option of getting digital

editions for some of their magazines (McIlroy 2011). Today, subscribers now have even

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Rachel  Ward     8  more options when it comes to accessing their desired content. They access subscriptions

or individual copies from their smartphones, tablets, and e-readers. They can even receive

print in addition to digital editions, depending on what the publisher offers. Essentially

every device is positioned to offer something to fulfill the customer’s needs. Tablets such

as the iPad or Kindle Fire can provide premium content to readers that they are able to

access through newsstand apps or stores built into the device. In addition to print-only,

some publishers offer digital replica versions of the magazines while others are released

entirely as digital only. Each type of publication, whether print or digital, requires its own

staffing to produce the output. Lonny, a home décor magazine, is an example of a

magazine that launched digital only (Custom Media Insider 2011).

However, there are two sides to the debate between print versus digital editions.

The basic question that faces the publisher is whether to treat them as separate mediums

or to treat them as extensions of each other (Ives 2012). Through price testing, Hearst

magazines offered one dollar more for digital subscriptions to be bundled with the print

versions. Despite such a low, incremental cost, readers tended to pay a higher premium to

receive only their preferred medium even though bundling was a cheaper option (Ibid).

Some print magazines even continue to raise their newsstand prices while maintaining

readers. Esquire and House Beautiful increased their rates by at least $0.50 since 2010

and Popular Mechanics has increased by $1.00 since February of 2012 (Vladimir

Damianov interview 2012). In essence, it really comes down to customer preference.

While the incremental cost for getting the digital edition along with print may not

be much more money, what this shows is that there are generally two audiences when it

comes to print editions and digital editions. This can also be inferred by looking at how

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Rachel  Ward     9  digital editions are priced. One would think that the price would drive consumers toward

one medium over the other. However, some digital editions, such as HGTV Magazine,

cost more than twice what the print edition costs (HGTV Magazine Digital Subscription

2012). The subscriber also gets fewer copies (in this case, six digital for $3.99 each

versus $1.80 for 10 issues) (HGTV Magazine Print Subscription 2012). John Loughlin of

Hearst Magazines argues that tablets are an opportunity to re-brand digital content and re-

establish it as having value in the same way that print does (Ives 2012). So issuing digital

editions is important for publishers because they are giving existing print readers an

opportunity to access a new medium. However, it is also enabling them to reach a

demographic that prefers digital mediums as evidenced by the disparity between pricing.

What is Consumer Marketing?

Getting the actual copies (whether print or digital) into the reader’s hands is a

specific science that industry professionals spend their lifetimes learning to master.

Essentially, consumer magazine marketing is when publishers market to the consumer

directly. The two primary areas are customer acquisition (gaining new subscribers) and

customer retention (maintaining existing subscribers). Most marketing attempts come

down to these two different areas. The primary consumer marketing avenues to reach

consumers include newsstand sales and direct marketing. The ways and means of

reaching them vary, however, just as the type of reader varies.

Newsstand Sales

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Rachel  Ward     10  One way for consumer marketing departments to gain subscribers is through the

sale of single copy, or newsstand, sales. While the name “newsstand” evokes images of

newspaper-laden racks at the corner store, newsstand sales are made up of airport stands,

the end caps at the grocery store, or even large, retail distributors like Walmart or Barnes

& Noble. While it varies for each publisher, newsstand sales generally make up 13% of

the budget for circulation departments (Johnson and Prijatel 2007, 167). In 2010, overall

newsstand sales across all Audit Bureau of Circulation-reported magazines amounted to

10% of the national circulation numbers (“Historical Subscriptions…” 2012). Although

they are relied on as a source of revenue, newsstand sales have seen declines in recent

years. The ABC 2011 magazine circulation numbers reported close to a 10% decline in

newsstand sales compared to 2010 (Vega 2012). While the newsstand was never a main

revenue source, there is room for growth (especially for the digital newsstand) in terms of

bolstering the newsstand’s appeal and more dynamic forms of consumer interaction will

have to provide that.

Direct Marketing Techniques

Unlike newsstand sales, the consumer marketer’s true skill comes into play when

it comes to direct marketing to consumers. Historically, consumer marketing was all

print, but now it has become a combination of print and digital initiatives. Where

publishers formerly would rely on newsstand sales, direct mail promotions, and insert

cards, they now have these options in addition to a myriad of digital ones. Julie Boser,

Consumer Marketing Manager at The Atlantic magazine, views the different marketing

options not as competition with one another but as a source of what she calls

“incremental production” (“production” meaning new subscribers) (Julie Boser interview

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Rachel  Ward     11  2012). Common digital campaigns include e-mail blasts, using social media, and doing

targeted marketing campaigns that trigger a promotion to the consumer via print and e-

mail. Once those subscribers are gained, keeping them is the next step in the marketing

process. The typical conversion rate for new subscribers is about 40% (Sumner and

Rhoades 2010, 73). While this rate of conversion increases the second year by 20%, that

same 60% renews at only a 5% rate over the next few years. Because the conversion pool

gets smaller with each year, consumer marketers must constantly look for ways to gain

new readers and find new revenue streams (Ibid, 73).

Key Industries in Consumer Marketing

There are three industries that play an integral role in the print—and digital—

marketing business for publishers. These are the fulfillment company, the printers, and

the United States Postal Service. Without any of these three, marketers would be unable

to conduct their business, as each one is reliant on the other. The fulfillment industry

works in partnership with publishers and printers to process and manage the marketing

efforts for the magazine’s subscribers. The printers work with the publishers, who in turn

work with the United States Postal service in determining mailing packages and, most

importantly, that they meet mailing regulations. While each area plays a widely different

role, they all come together to present a finished product to the consumer from the


Fulfillment Industry

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Rachel  Ward     12  Underlying newsstand sales and direct marketing is a key element that enables the

publisher to utilize these avenues. This key party in the consumer marketing industry is

the fulfillment company. Fulfillment companies are the primary facilitators of all

consumer magazine print and digital promotions as well as issue fulfillment. While the

overall offerings of each company vary, they must specifically be able to manage the data

in the subscriber records, credit card information, customer service, reporting tools,

product and premium fulfillment, all aspects of the mailing process (which takes place at

a “lettershop”), and the receiving and processing of the return mail. While smaller

publishers could find the necessary services for their subscribers through smaller

fulfillment agencies, the larger ones are best positioned to manage high volumes of

subscriber data and also meet their publisher’s changing needs. Fulfillment companies

play an invaluable role in the mailing and reporting process for major publishers.

Printing Industry

In addition to the fulfillment company, commercial printers are vital in order to

supply finished paper components for the publishers. Publishers have the option of going

direct to a printer or of using a print broker, who can oftentimes leverage savings or

simplify the print ordering process so the publisher can focus on the creative and

reporting aspect of marketing. In the United States there are over 35,000 commercial

printers, although consolidation is becoming more frequent as operating costs cannot

always be sustained at smaller printers (First Research 2012). While some fear the demise

of print in light of the evolving shift to digital, others see the shift in a more optimistic

light in respect to the publisher. Dave Rittman, National Accounts Manager of Colorfx,

LLC, and a 25-year veteran of the printing industry, says that the “competition in the

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Rachel  Ward     13  print and direct mail business… has produced a buyer’s market for print.” He holds that

“[p]rices and margins in the print industry are at record lows… .” (Dave Rittman

interview 2012). For the savvy marketer, leveraging the value that the market is creating

for buyers can increase buying power and give printers additional incentive to meet

client’s needs.

United States Postal Service

A third key industry to the consumer marketing business is the United States

Postal Service (or USPS). There has been recent news in the industry that the postal

service is suffering and on the verge of collapse. However, this is not necessarily the

case and it is not entirely due to digital shifts. At an inaugural Postal Summit held in

New York in early 2012, the Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe shed some light on

the issues at hand. Infrastructural issues, not print mailing decreases, are largely to

blame for higher costs being passed on to the publishers (Raphael 2012). Publishers

simply can’t leave the current revenue model for mailing as it is too ingrained in their

circulation model and gains the strongest response from consumers at large. In reality,

the USPS is laden with issues related to unions, retirement benefits, and career USPS

employees (Ibid). A restructuring is necessary in order to not spike rates for mailers who

want to continue to mail. However, the USPS is working to offer incentives to mailers,

which include the use of QR codes (discussed later in this paper) in addition to the

newly created Every Door Direct Mail program. In this program, the USPS guarantees

delivery for the marketer within a local area without requiring a permit number and also

offers a low postage rate (Ciabaton 2011). There are restrictions as to how many pieces

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Rachel  Ward     14  can be mailed per day in a given area, but this is another way that publishers can save

money by taking advantage of USPS incentives to continue mailing.

Types of Direct Consumer Marketing Promotions

The types and formats of direct marketing can vary among different publishers

and their consumer marketing departments. This is usually due, in part, to the content of

the publication as well as the audience they are intending to reach. For customer

acquisition (new subscribers), the following methods are generally employed: direct mail,

insert cards, and digital marketing promotions such as e-mail blasts and QR code options

on print pieces. For customer retention (existing subscribers), a combination of mailed

bill and renewal efforts are used in addition to insert cards, and digital marketing

promotions for e-renewals or e-bills. Lastly, digital marketing promotions, which include

e-bills and e-renewals, are essentially e-mail campaigns that are sent out to subscribers or

new prospects with the intent of gaining a response.

Direct Mail

Direct mail promotions are campaigns to gain new subscribers through targeted

list selections. They usually consist of an outer envelope, a letter with a compelling

message, a return business reply envelope (with postage paid), and at least one insert that

either references the letter or provides additional information (see figure 1 below for an

example of a typical mailing package as well as common specifications for each

component to fit together correctly). On the blog The Digital Nirvana, Trish Witkowski

argues that, “[a] successful direct mailer involves many components and those

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Rachel  Ward     15  components must work together to send the right message to provoke a call to action.”

Indeed, a direct mail package is more than just a piece of paper in an envelope. An

interesting, quality package can do much when it comes to gaining a response

(Witkowski 2011).

Figure 1. This is a graphic of the typical components in a mailing package at the ideal specifications. (Graphic by Stephanie Kvidera, Graphic Designer. “Ideal Mailing Package.” CDS Global’s Creative Mailing Solutions Department. [2011]).

Because direct mail campaigns must reach new consumers whose information is

not currently owned or maintained by the publisher, multiple outside sources come into

the mix. These include list owners, list brokers, and fulfillment houses. List owners are

people or organizations that have the right to use information on consumers. The lists,

which can be sold or rented, can be organized in many different ways depending on the

needs of the publisher (Maitland 1996, 7-8). Something important for the publisher to

keep in mind is that not just any list will work. A clean, current, and appropriately

targeted list is vital in order to make the best use of the mailing (Witkowski 2011). A

second party in the direct mail business is list brokers. In essence they are intermediaries

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Rachel  Ward     16  between the publisher and the list owners, often helping to simplify the research required

by the publisher to find the best lists (Maitland 1996, 8). A third, key party in managing a

successful direct mail campaign is the fulfillment house. This is where the printer ships

the print components so they can be inserted, printed with the name and address

information, and prepared for the mail stream. A crucial last step in the return mail

process is for the responses to each package to be counted and measured. The fulfillment

house is also typically the place where the return pieces are processed (Ibid, 9-10). Data

integrity is vital because it is how the publisher measures the success or failure of the

entire campaign, down to the last detail of which types of offers, messages, or package

combinations worked the best.

In the past, when it came to direct mail, the choices were often limited to the look

of the package, the message content, and whether or not to include particular inserts in

the package (Maitland 1996, 50-56). Now, these factors still exist but are bolstered by the

options of using QR (quick response) codes; pull-off “sticky notes” that are integrated

into the outer envelope; personalized variable data; and PURLS. A QR code is a black,

3D image that the consumer scans with a barcode reader app on their smartphone. Once

scanned, the prospect is immediately directed to a website with an offer that’s tailored to

that particular prospect based on demographics (location, income level, age, gender).

Figure 2. This is an image of a QR code. (QR, accessed May 2012.

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Rachel  Ward     17  Personalized variable data is illustrated in the image in figure 3. This can be anything

from a person’s name programmed to appear in multiple points within a message to an

image being changed on the print piece to correspond to a certain geographic location

depending on the subscriber’s mailing address.

Figure 3. This flyer is an example of variable data where the consumer’s name is programmed for different locations on the piece. (Graphic from The Print Labs. “Variable Data Printing.” 2011.

PURLs, on the other hand, are personalized URLs which direct the consumer to a website

that has an offer directed to that particular prospect. The PURL is similar in some ways to

QR codes in that it takes the consumer from print to the web.

Another marketing promotion that is being used more frequently is a trigger

campaign. A triggered marketing campaign is when a print mailing is timed with an e-

mail or mobile blast so that the prospect is contacted at timed stages via different

communication routes (via e-mail, print package, etc.). The print mailing may be sent out

at a staggered stage then followed up by an e-mail a few days later. In between, or even

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Rachel  Ward     18  before the print mailing, an e-mail message can be directed to those same prospects to

support the message or elaborate on the first offer. The goal is to keep the offer in front of

the prospect so that it is fresh in their minds. For Hearst magazines, the e-mail match rate

varies depending on demographic and reader bases. Cosmopolitan, with a typically

younger base, is up to 80%, whereas Good Housekeeping, with a typically older base,

ranges around 30% (Vladimir Damianov interview 2012). All these options, from QR

codes to variable data, from PURLS to triggered campaigns, create a dynamic and varied

approach for publishers to reach a new potential subscriber with a compelling message.

Customer Retention

Once subscribers are gained, the next step of the consumer marketing process is to

maintain those subscribers. Similar to direct mail, a combination of mailed letters and

packages can be used in addition to including insert cards in subscriber copies of the

magazine. Instead of a single mailing, however, renewal campaigns are done through a

series of “efforts,” appropriately timed packages—consisting of an outer envelope, a

letter with a “call to action”, a reply envelope, and oftentimes an insert with additional

information or offers—that are sent out to subscribers over intervals throughout the year.

Some of these efforts could also be a “coverwrap” or an “onsert” which is glued or

polybagged to the actual magazine that the subscriber receives. This is an eye-catching

way to draw attention to an expiring subscription. A new recent trend has also been to

move mailed standard or first-class packages to “attached mail.” Attached mail is full

mail packages (outer envelope, letter, reply envelope, and insert) that are literally tacked

with removable glue onto the front of a magazine to be mailed to the subscriber. Instead

of the subscriber’s address being printed onto the white box on the magazine, the address

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Rachel  Ward     19  in the envelopes window serves as the address. These not only save first-class or standard

mail postage rates, but they ensure timely, relevant delivery to the reader (not to mention

a visual reminder as to what they are missing if they don’t renew). While each publisher

can vary the number and type of efforts they send out, there are typically at least two or

three efforts up to as many as 20 or more depending on the budget of the department.

What makes renewals an important part of consumer marketing budgets is that

they are considerably cheaper to gain than new subscriptions. Renewals, or

“conversions,” cost about 10% of what it costs to gain a new subscriber (Sumner and

Rhoades 2010, 82-83). That’s not to say that direct mail is too costly or risky because one

doesn’t exist without the other. It is simply harder to find new, interested consumers

whereas renewals are readers who were already convinced at one time that they saw

something of interest to them. As Sumner and Rhoades put it in their book, Magazines: A

Complete Guide to the Industry, “a renewal is like talking to an old friend” (page 82). It

is also worth noting that subscriber renewal offers increase with each year by a marginal

amount. Given the low cost to reach out to and maintain these readers, renewals are a

great source of maintaining revenue, not to mention crucial to establishing long-term


Insert Cards

A third type of consumer marketing promotion is to use insert cards. Many people

recognize these as the pesky cards that always fall out of their favorite magazines.

However, these function as an inexpensive way to promote both new business and

existing business. In addition they also serve to cross-promote other magazines

depending on their use. Insert cards are also very similar to coverwraps and onserts, as

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Rachel  Ward     20  mentioned earlier. Because these cards are inserted into large volume printings of the

magazines (for subscriber and/or newsstand copies), the cost per thousand (cpm) to print

them is generally very low. The response rates, however, are also generally low. Some

say a good response is 3% but can oftentimes be as low as 1% depending on the

magazine (Barbee 2008). As a supplement to mailed packages, which are more

expensive, insert cards are a good way to add renewals or subscriptions to a diversified

promotion mix.

Digital Marketing Promotions

Digital marketing is used for new business acquisition, customer retention, or

cross-promotion. It can be supplementary to print promotions or it can be done in lieu of

print promotions. The main type of a digital marketing promotion is an e-blast, which is

an e-mail campaign sent out to selected consumers. Typically the e-mail is comprised of

a compelling message or “call to action,” urging the consumer to pay online, renew their

subscription, or to subscribe for the first time. A catchy, purposeful subject heading is

used and a link is included at several places on the e-mail for easy access for the

consumer. Direct e-mail blasts typically go out to a larger pool of consumers, whereas

customer retention e-blasts are more selective, going out to subscribers as part of the

renewal effort lifecycle. Most e-mail lists are retained in-house, whereas outside lists can

be rented (with consumer permission) through direct mail agencies. However, there are

rules governing these types of promotions that publishers must adhere to. The CAN-

SPAM act that was initiated in 2003 requires the marketer to have an “opt-out” button in

the e-mail for the consumer to turn off e-mail notices (Rafner 2012). In addition, the

marketer needs to include their physical address in the e-mail for validity purposes (Ibid).

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Rachel  Ward     21  Many publishers also pursue search engine optimization for internet search engines so

that a consumer can easily find the website to subscribe to the magazine. Once directed to

a website, or “landing page”, the consumer can renew or start a new subscription online.

At Hearst Magazines, Brian Fichtel says that their team “is always exploring the use of

new channels… “ (Brian Fichtel interview 2012). He also indicates that e-mail is

becoming a more important channel for their internet-sourced orders. Whether used in

combination with other efforts or as part of a “trigger” campaign, digital initiatives can

supplement print or serve an independent source of subscription production.

Environmental Issues

The idea of “Going Green” is a hot button topic in the publishing and printing

industry. However, the common perception when it comes to print is that it kills trees, is

unsustainable, and that it is loading our landfills with unnecessary paper waste. These

perceptions are just that: perceptions (and inaccurate ones at that!). The idea of “Think

before you print!” is very different from “Please recycle!” There is also data to support

the idea that print is much more green than it is commonly thought to be. In addition,

paper products are generally more sustainable than the electronic devices used to access

material, such as computers, smartphones, and tablets. While there are recycling options

for both mediums, it is truly inaccurate to say that the medium of print is environmentally

harmful especially in comparison to electronic devices (Goleman and Norris 2010).

Sustainability of Print and Environmental Certification

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Rachel  Ward     22   Many certified paper suppliers get their paper from mills that are committed to

reforestation projects. In fact, every day 1.7 million trees are planted to offset the amount

of trees harvested for paper (NB: It is worth noting that number is still three times what is

harvested, according to an International Paper sponsored white paper on the topic titled

“Down to Earth”) (“Down to Earth” 2009). To be certified, there are multiple programs

in the print industry that offer environmental certification. FSC, SFI, and PEFC

certification are rigorous programs that rely on a strict, chain-of-custody in ensuring they

uphold environmental standards. The FSC certification, for example, is upheld by 10

principles, each of which has multiple standards that must be met in order to receive

certification. These standards range from respecting the indigenous people that used to

live or currently occupy the land to ensuring that employment is first made available to

neighboring communities (“FSC Principles & Criteria” 2012). Publishers that work with

certified paper mills are not only showing that their paper meets these strict requirements,

but that the print vendor they work with actively recycles the wasted paper on-site at their

facilities which is a requirement of the certification programs (Dave Rittman interview


Indeed, the option of pursuing recycled paper is one that some publishers are

opting for. It is not only environmentally responsible, but it can be a great platform to

present to consumers to show that an active effort is being made to preserve the

environment. Dave Rittman of ColorFX says that recycled paper is generally more

expensive. However, he also says that, “the increased costs can be managed through the

percentage content of post-consumer waste in the recycled stock. 10%-100% PCW (post-

consumer waste) content options are available” (Dave Rittman interview 2012). What

this means is that the publisher can invest in 100% recycled paper or choose a more cost-

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Rachel  Ward     23  effective route of using a lower percentage of recycled paper stock. This is still

incrementally helping the environment and also giving publishers the ability to label their

paper materials as made of recycled paper (often a selling point for some consumers).

Recycling and Production Issues for Digital Devices

Another factor in the argument against whether or not print is sustainable arises

from the comparison of creating and recycling print materials versus digital devices. The

creation of one e-reader alone requires the mining of 33 pounds of minerals and 70

gallons of water to produce and refine the metals needed for the wire board and batteries

(Goleman and Norris 2010). In comparison, a book (in lieu of a magazine) requires about

two thirds of a pound of minerals and only two gallons of water to make the pulp (Ibid).

Overall, the impact that one e-reader has on greenhouse gas emissions is roughly one to

100 books (Ibid). It’s not only the e-readers themselves that contribute to high energy

and mineral consumption but the data centers that simply power the internet in the U.S.

use 214% more power than the paper and pulp industry alone (“Down to Earth” 2012).

While tablets and smartphones can be recycled, some studies indicate that the

products don’t always reach the intended facilities (Parsons 2010). It may come down to

the recycling centers simply being difficult to find, or at least harder to access than paper

recycling (which is taken care of in some suburbs right at one’s doorstep). One issue that

arises from this is that the effects of e-waste on the environment are much more toxic

than those from paper production or recycling. Electronic waste contains toxic

components that include lead, mercury, arsenic, and beryllium (Ibid). They must be

disposed of properly in order to not harm others. A study done by the Government

Accountability Office titled “Harmful U.S. Exports Flow Virtually Unrestricted Because

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Rachel  Ward     24  of Minimal EPA Enforcement and Narrow Regulation,” found that countries like China

and India are handling the products unsafely due to a lack of regulation (Stephenson

2008). While it can also be argued that the consumer cannot always follow the chain of

custody for paper recycling, to argue that e-readers and data usage of electronic devices

are far greener than paper consumption is inaccurate. Both require strict chains of custody

in overseeing that the environmental standards are met for not only the environment but

for consumers and those who may be affected by the toxins.

Consumer Response to Marketing

The ways in which consumers respond to print and digital varies depending on

demographics but studies indicate that print appeals to most consumers in a very strong

way. The “emotional boost” that a direct mail package can give to a consumer versus

another e-mail in their inbox is an important reaction that marketers understand and

monetize. Dave Rittman of ColorFX printing says that “[t]he connection comes from a

combination of emotional, psychological, and practical response of the consumer to

targeted, personalized messaging.” And that connection, Rittman says, is about “the right

message to the right person as the right time” (Dave Rittman interview 2012). E-mail

may be less expensive than a print mailing but a seemingly “blind” e-mail blast may elicit

a negative response if not carefully managed.

Apprehension Towards Digital Marketing

In general, there can be an apprehension towards digital marketing. Some

consumers don’t feel they benefit from sharing personal information online. The push

from publishers and marketers to gain that information without a valid reason creates a

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Rachel  Ward     25  sense of distrust. According to a study done by LoyaltyOne, 88% of consumers feel that

they lose and companies gain by collecting their personal data (Morrison 2012, vol. 83).

Another 74% “feel they don’t receive a benefit for having shared their data” (Ibid). To

consumers it is a one-way street. Unless they can understand the value that’s added to

their lives by sharing information, they can be overwhelmingly negative towards online

data collection. This is a good reason for marketers to look for ways to incentivize

subscribers with their offers.

Another important aspect is that of consumer privacy concerns. Online privacy

concerns are a valid point with the consumer because of so many scams online. With an

increasing number of junk e-mails appearing in inboxes everyday, some consumers even

have separate folders for the e-mails they receive (Morrison 2012, vol. 83). The fact that

consumers don’t even want their regular e-mail messages mixed with advertising ones is

what Chad White, a director at Responsys digital direct-marketing agency, calls “an

indication of distrust” (Ibid). This is only compounded by the fact that consumers may

feel they are being bombarded with e-mails that are not specific to their buying history.

Instead of incrementally helping the publisher gain subscriptions, this can have the

opposite effect and actually turn consumers off to the brand completely (Ibid).

Perceived Value and Scope of Print Products

Aside from print promotions, the importance and permanence of a postal mailing

address is validated by the other types of documents sent via mail. From birth records to

checks, from voter registration papers to tax statements, important life documents are sent

via mail for not only assurance of delivery but because of how important the content is.

The perception of the value of an e-mail over printed material delivered to a mailbox is

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Rachel  Ward     26  due to the types of documents that are mailed, not only to but from the consumer.

Undoubtedly there has been a shift in consumer habits in areas such as bill payment, with

some paying bills exclusively online. However, only 11% of consumers across all

industries (utilities, media, medical, etc.) pay their bills online (Yeager 2011). This means

almost 90% of consumers still pay their bills via traditional print mediums. The

perception of making payments with credit cards or checks through mail is that there is

assurance of delivery as well as a physical copy for the consumer of their bill (Ibid).

Print mail also triggers an emotional response in consumers that simply isn’t

replicated by an e-mail. In an Epsilon Targeting study, 60% agree they “enjoy checking

the mail box for postal mail.” Compare this to 75% of people who agree they get more e-

mails than they even open and you find that consumers aren’t even getting some of the

messages that are directed to them (“The Formula for Success…” 2011). A hand-written

note or card through the mail also costs more (buying the envelope, paying for postage,

not to mention the effort of taking the letter or postcard to the post office or mailbox) so

the perceived value can be greater to the receiver. Postal mail also seems more targeted,

personalized, and private, as evidenced by the 37% of consumers who believe traditional

mail methods are more private than e-mail (“The Formula for Success…” 2011).

Business Model

In general, current subscription and new business acquisition publishing models

rely on print advertising and printed media as a major source of generating revenue and

increasing sales. Most publishers generate at least 70% of their revenue from print versus

digital (Dwyer 2012). To make an immediate, disruptive shift from print promotions to

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Rachel  Ward     27  all digital, publishers would lose a high percentage of their subscribers in the conversion.

Not all consumers prefer digital communication, as evidenced by the 90% that choose to

pay bills via the traditional postal system. However, to deny that digital is the wave of the

future would be to ignore the inevitable. While it needs to be a gradual shift, publishers

must find a middle ground that enables both mediums to work together.

Reasons for Dependence on Current Print Marketing Model

While there has been a shift from print to digital when it comes to the content that

publishers offer, consumer habits in terms of response and communication have not

shifted at the same rate. “[P]rint magazine revenue remains a key to the economics of

most companies” just as print promotion revenue is (Raphael 2012). To move away from

print entirely (and conversely, to move to digital entirely) would upset the framework that

supports existing circulation revenue models. Additionally, the scope of how many

consumers are reached would be drastically affected. Print can actually reach a larger

market currently. Not only would older demographics be less likely to use e-mail or

smartphones, but the younger generation has a surprisingly different preference as well.

Interestingly enough, younger audiences increasingly prefer mailed promotions over e-

mail. The 18-34 year-old demographic prefers mailed promotions two to three times more

than online ones (Boldt 2010). In this same article, author Ethan Boldt claims that 45% of

men and 36% of women don’t even have a Facebook account. So, for example, if a

publisher were to use social media only, marketers “could be missing a significant

portion of their audience”, says Warren Storey from ICOM (Ibid). The opportunity to

reach a younger demographic with strong buying power that actually prefers mailed

promotions cannot be ignored.

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Rachel  Ward     28  A “Happy Medium”: The Hybrid of Print and Digital Promotions

By incorporating both print and digital promotions, multi-media and cross-media

marketing can be a great way to use the best aspects of both marketing methods (print

and digital) to reach the largest number of subscribers in the most effective way possible.

This is a solution that uses the best of the historical modes of marketing coupled with

new technologies that are becoming increasingly relevant. Trigger marketing can

supplement e-campaigns with a direct mail add-on. Print renewal efforts can be partnered

with e-mail efforts to enforce the call to action for the subscriber. Indeed, print mailings

do not need to be separate communication methods from digital campaigns. Bruce

Jensen, vice president of sales for Transcontinental Printing, argues that printing, in

combination with other platforms, remains the primary driver of consumers to the

internet (Greenbaum 2011, vol. 54). The traditional role and view of direct mail was that

it was, in and of itself, a direct-response format. Today, it is key to driving consumers to

the web as a part of a digital or mobile strategy (“Special Report: Direct marketing

report…” 2011, 27).

There are a variety of ways that technological advancements can work in

partnership with print to drive a higher response to subscription promotions or renewal

efforts. In support of cross media campaigns, Julie Boser of The Atlantic says that, “[a]

print piece can be a reminder to go online and subscribe…. [and that an] e-mail can be a

reminder to bring out the checkbook and make a trip to the mailbox” (Julie Boser

interview 2012). The advertising “rule of three” is also a natural product of cross-media

promotions when it comes to using digital and print to elicit a consumer response. The

idea is that a consumer needs to be contacted or reached three different times in order to

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Rachel  Ward     29  begin thinking about or wanting to purchase your product (or subscription, in this case)

(Morgan 2008). In this sense, the use of print, digital, and cross media efforts fits the

natural conclusions behind some key marketing ideas. QR codes, for example, can

provide an abundance of ways to connect print to digital that have the potential not only

to yield higher responses but to also generate cost savings. The USPS has offered postage

discounts to publishers who use QR codes on their mail pieces (in addition to their Every

Door Direct Mail program mentioned earlier). By taking advantage of the incentive, the

USPS offers postage savings of 2% for first-class and standard mail pieces, the primary

mail classes used for consumer marketing (“Postal FYI” 2012). Some consumer

marketing departments, such as The Atlantic’s, are considering using QR codes solely

based on the savings that are offered them (Julie Boser interview 2012). These

incremental savings that the USPS can offer publishers amount to considerable savings

depending on the mail volumes.

By having a QR code incorporated into a direct mail piece, the publisher can also

save money on the business reply envelope postage that they would otherwise have to

budget for on each piece mailed, not to mention substantially decreasing the response

time than through mail (Henkel 2010). Not only does this save money for the publisher (a

huge driving incentive), it creates a sense of interaction between the marketer and the

consumer that is absent from normal e-mail campaigns or direct mail promotions (Ibid).

By incorporating a trigger system to a direct mail piece with a QR code, the publisher

could also setup an automatic text message or e-mail to contact the consumer depending

on information they provided to the publisher (Ibid). Tom Foti, manager of Marketing

Mail, believes that this demonstrates “how the value of mail is increased by interfacing

with technology to engage customers” (“USPS Formally Announces…” 2011).

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Rachel  Ward     30  Additionally, the QR codes help to track responses more efficiently as the code links can

be tracked to see how many are scanned (Ibid). This helps to more accurately determine

campaign effectiveness in addition to staying in “front” of the consumer with a

compelling, relevant message.


Print—as a conveyor of entertainment media and relevant marketing promotions—is

a sustainable medium for consumer magazine publishers. In addition, current consumer

marketing business models are reliant on print promotions in respect to their reader

demographics. Indeed, the mutual exclusivity of print and digital need not apply when it

comes to both reading formats (print and digital) and especially consumer promotions.

Mal Skelton, Production Director of Immediate Media in the UK, says that “[d]ifferent

formats offer different experiences, and they don’t need to be mutually exclusive”

(Skelton 2012). Through the evolution of marketing trends moving from print-only to

print and digital, a profitable and successful middle ground can be reached that

incorporates the best of both worlds while also reaching the largest audience.

Additionally, publishers must shift their paradigms from the question of “Print or

Digital?” to instead focus on content. If the content is valuable enough to the consumer,

then it is less about print versus digital, and more about giving them something they will

pay for that will inspire them to live fuller lives (Husni 2012). Incorporating

environmentally sustainable print promotions into a cross-media campaign involving

digital promotions is an effective way of ensuring success on all platforms for the future.

The potential for print is as strong as ever and its “effective use [will be] complimented

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Rachel  Ward     31  by evolving technology, not replaced by it” (Dave Rittman interview 2012). People still

respond to print and will for a long time to come.

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