Download - 2020 年度 経済学部 一般入学試験 A日程)問題 ......1 2020 年度 経済学部 一般入学試験(A日程)問題 コミュニケーション英語Ⅰ・Ⅱ(2月3日)

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2020年度 経済学部 一般入学試験(A 日程)問題

コミュニケーション英語Ⅰ・Ⅱ(2月 3日)

第 1 問 次の英文を読み、1~10 の質問に対して、最も適切な答え



Based on

1. According to the first paragraph, where did Edgar M. Welch read the

fake news?

① Internet.

② TV.

③ Newspaper.

④ Magazine.

2. According to the first paragraph, what happened after Edgar M. Welch

had previously read a fake online news story?

① He opened fire in a pizzeria with an assault rifle and saved many


② He opened fire in a pizzeria with an assault rifle and killed Hillary


③ He opened fire in a pizzeria with an assault rifle and called police.

④ He opened fire in a pizzeria with an assault rifle, but fortunately no

one was hurt.

3. According to the second paragraph, what is the meaning of “the fake story snowballed” in the second paragraph?

① The fake story tells something about snowball.

② The spread of fake story is growing just like a snowball.

③ The fake story spreads through a snowball.

④ The fake story disappears just as a snowball melts.

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4. According to the second paragraph, why did people think that The New York Times and The Washington Post were themselves lying?

① People think that these newspapers have some political purpose.

② People think that these newspapers have some commercial purpose.

③ People think that these newspapers want to entertain public.

④ People think that these newspapers want to control the mind of

people based on some conspiracies.

5. According to the second paragraph and third paragraph, which one is NOT the reason that fake news stories can be hard to control?

① Many people don’t trust the famous newspapers such as The New

York Times and The Washington Post.

② Fake news spread over the Internet and the Internet is very hard to


③ Many people just don’t read established news sources.

④ Famous newspapers don’t care the fake news and they don’t respond

to the spread of fake news.

6. “The Onion” in the fourth paragraph refers to a ______.

① newspaper

② TV channel

③ website

④ small-town

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7. According to the fourth paragraph, which one is NOT the reason that

people create fake news?

① To achieve some political motives.

② To get a lot of hits on Tweet.

③ To satirize some current affairs.

④ To troubleshoot boredom.

8. According to the fourth paragraph, which one is the reason that

teenagers in Macedonia wrote fake news stories about Donald Trump?

① They wrote fake news stories just for money and for fun.

② They wrote fake news stories to disrupt US elections.

③ They wrote fake news stories because they hate Donald Trump.

④ They wrote fake news because they want to be famous on social


9. What can we do to stop fake news spreading? Choose the right

combinations of the actions listed in the following. A. Check the domain name of website. B. Check the sources of any quotes or figures given in the story. C. Check the mainstream media. D. Check the fake news by asking your friends.





10. According to the fifth paragraph, what is the author's attitude towards

fake news?

① The author thinks that we should be careful about the fake news.

② The author thinks that we should share fake news together.

③ The author thinks that we can just have fun by clicking on entertaining

fake news.

④ The author doesn’t show clearly his attitude towards on fake news.

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第 2 問 次の英文を読み、文脈に合わせて、11~20 の空白に入る最



Based on


11 ① To ② From ③ Toward ④ For

12 ① Date ② Place ③ Person ④ Reason

13 ① invitation ② application ③ participation ④ attendance

14 ① dispatch ② invite ③ dismiss ④ employ

15 ① examination ② meeting ③ conference ④ interview

16 ① exit ② elevator ③ square ④ reception

17 ① fast ② early ③ soon ④ quickly

18 ① on ② at ③ to ④ by

19 ① toward ② forward ③ upward ④ backward

20 ① work ② job ③ regards ④ luck

第 3 問 次の 21〜30 の文の下線部に入るもっとも適切な語(句)ま


21. “Do you know how to spell __(1)__ word “expensive” in English?”

“Yes. It begins with __(2)__ “e””.

① (1) the (2) a

② (1) the (2) an

③ (1) a (2) an

④ (1) the (2) the

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22. Upstairs are __(1)__ bedrooms. They are tidy and nice.

But __(2)__ are in a mess.

① (1) Lily’s and Lucy’s (2) our

② (1) Lily’s and Lucy’s (2) ours

③ (1) Lily and Lucy’s (2) ours

④ (1) Lily and Lucy’s (2) our

23. The food safety is a serious ______ in many countries.

People should try to solve it.

① chance

② program

③ problem

④ opinion

24. “Mum, could you buy me a dress like this, please?”

“ Of course. We can buy __(1)__ one than this, but __(2)__ it.”

① (1) a harder (2) better than

② (1) a worse (2) as good as

③ (1) a cheaper (2) as good as

④ (1) a more important (2) not as good as

25. “Where is Mike?”

“ I saw him ______ with Mr. Smith in the classroom just now.”

① to talk

② talking

③ talked

④ talks

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26. “I can’t find my phone anywhere.”

“ You ______ have lost it while shopping.”

① may

② can

③ should

④ would

27. “ What’s the meaning of “humanity”?”

“ Let me ______ this word in a new dictionary.”

① look at

② look for

③ look after

④ look up

28. Success always belongs to those ______ have tried their best to

make their dreams come true.

① who

② whom

③ whose

④ which

29. I like the TV program The Reader best. I think we should spend as

much time as we can ______ in our spare time.

① read

② to read

③ reading

④ reads

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30. “Linda has __(1)__ to Paris. How can I get in touch with her?”

“ Don’t worry. She will call you as soon as she __(2)__ there.”

① (1) been (2) will get

② (1) been (2) gets

③ (1) gone (2) will get

④ (1) gone (2) gets

第 4 問 次の(1)〜(5)の文中の下線部にそれぞれ①~④の語を入れ

て完全な文にしたとき、31〜35 に入る語の番号をマークせよ。


(1) He is cleverer ______ __31__ ______ ______ in the class.

① any ② other ③ pupil ④ than

(2) It is ______ to ______ a __32__ than curse the ______.

① darkness ② better ③ candle ④ light

(3) If you get some new __33__, please ______ us as ______ as


① information ② notice ③ soon ④ possible

(4) This ______ is so __34__ that it makes ______ feel like you ______


① real ② game ③ you ④ are

(5) Our __35__ offers us ______ a life with ______, but a life with the

chance of ______.

① not ② destiny ③ despair ④ opportunity

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第 1問


(1)(𝑥 − 1)(𝑥 − 2)(𝑥 − 4)(𝑥 − 5) − 4を因数分解すると,

(𝑥2 − 1 𝑥+ 2 ) (𝑥 − 3 )2


(2)𝑎 − 𝑏 = 1, 𝑏 − 𝑐 = 1 であるとき,

𝑎2 + 𝑏2 + 𝑐2 − 𝑎𝑏 − 𝑏𝑐 − 𝑐𝑎 = 4 である。

2020 年度 経済学部

一般入学試験(A 日程)問題

数学Ⅰ (2 月 3 日)

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第 2問

次の空欄に当てはまる数字をマークしなさい。ただし, 9 および

10 は当てはまるものを選択肢①~③から選び,その数字をマー


軸が 𝑥 = 2 で,2点 (1, 2),(5, −6) を通る放物線をグラフとする

2次関数は,y = −𝑥2 + 5 𝑥 − 6 である。このグラフの頂点の

座標は ( 7 , 8 ) である。

また,直線 𝑦 = 2𝑥 + 1 はこの 2次関数のグラフと 9 。さらに,

この 2 次関数のグラフを𝑥軸方向に −1 平行移動させたグラフと直線

𝑦 = 2𝑥 + 1 は 10 。


① 異なる 2点で交わる

② 接する

③ 共有点をもたない

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第 3問


上のような△ABCにおいて,面積は, 11 + 12 √ 13

である。また,AB= 14 √ 15 である。

以上のことから 𝑠𝑖𝑛75°=√2+√ 16

17 となる。

75° 60°




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第 4問

(1)2つの集合 𝐴 = { 𝑎 + 4, 𝑎2 − 1}, 𝐵 = {3, −2𝑎, −2𝑎 + 2} について,

𝐴 ∩ 𝐵 = {3},𝐴 ∪ 𝐵 = {2, 3, 4, 6} であるとき,𝑎 の値は 18 であ


① −1 ② 2 ③ −2 ④ 1

(2)𝑈 = {2𝑥 | 1 < 𝑥 < 10, 𝑥 は自然数} を全体集合とするとき,その部

分集合 𝐴 と 𝐵 について,次のことが成り立つ。

𝐴 ∩ �̅� = {4, 8, 16},𝐴 ∪ 𝐵̅̅ ̅̅ ̅̅ ̅ = {6, 14},𝐴 ∩ 𝐵 = {10}

集合 𝐵 の要素の和は, 19 20 である。当てはまる数字を

マークしなさい。ただし, 19 20 は 2桁の数字を表す。

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第 5問


さい。ただし,解答番号 21,22,24,25,27,28 は[選択肢 A]①

~⑧の中から,解答番号 23,26,29 は[選択肢 B]①~②の中から



命題「𝑥 > 0 かつ 𝑦 > 0 ⟹ 𝑥 + 𝑦 > 0」は真の命題である。この命題

に対して,逆,裏,対偶と,それらの真偽を調べよ。ただし,𝑥, 𝑦は


(1) 逆 :「 21 ⟹ 22 」…… 23

(2) 裏 :「 24 ⟹ 25 」…… 26

(3)対偶:「 27 ⟹ 28 」…… 29

[選択肢 A]

① 𝑥 + 𝑦 > 0 ② 𝑥 + 𝑦 < 0

③ 𝑥 + 𝑦 ≧ 0 ④ 𝑥 + 𝑦 ≦ 0

⑤ 𝑥 > 0 かつ 𝑦 > 0 ⑥ 𝑥 ≦ 0 かつ 𝑦 ≦ 0

⑦ 𝑥 > 0 または 𝑦 > 0 ⑧ 𝑥 ≦ 0 または 𝑦 ≦ 0

[選択肢 B]

① 真

② 偽

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