Download - 20141026 主日講題「你擁有的使命」- 戴禮約牧師

  • 1. The Mission you have

2. Act 20:17-24 (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) 3. Acts.2024 24) 4. Gen.45:4-8() 5. 40% 6. 1. The mission you have is to preach gospel inyour office, community, school and family. 7. Acts.2024 8. Mk.1615 9. Rms.117 10. Sugarland Houston, Galveston,Victrola, mainland China () (.. ) 11. 2.The Gospel includes a.For my past, I have been forgiven 2cor.519 1. 2. 12. b.For my present, Ive got thestrength and significance of life. Jn.1010b ` 13. c.For my future, Ill have got theeverlasting home in heaven. Jn.14:2-3(3) 14. Rms.623 15. 3.You need to both live it out and speak it out toorder to bless others.Matt.5:16 16. 10:14 17. . 11% 16% 13% 18. 669Nicolas Winton 19. Act 26:18