Download - 2014 高考英语科考试说明解读 及二轮复习建议

  • 2014

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    30IIII(115304540II(35 1025

  • 0.63520.70.5~0.70.3~0.5

  • ()53020151545252020403510104012585+1150120

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  • 2014201. capable (a.)2. career (n.)3. critical (a.)4. curiosity (n.)5.detail (n.)6. drama (n.)7. economy (n.)8. efficient (a.)9. emotional (a.)10. factor (n.)

    11. feature (n.)12. highlight (n.&v.)13. impact (n.)14. investigation (n.)15. issue (n&v.)16. release (v.)17. resource (n.)18. significant (a.)19. transfer (n&V.)20. vary (v.)

  • 2013involveInvolve (vt) Involve in

  • Involve

    1.The demonstration involved about 20000 students. 2.This problem involves us all.

    3.he wasn't going to involve his wife unnecessarily.

  • Involve inThe Genius is a lovable physicist who is deeply involved in defining the workings of the universe.

  • Involve201324.Michelle found a job as a high school teacher which ____spending quite a lot of time with students.A.enjoys B.involves C.practices D.suggests

  • 3. 2014

  • 4

  • 2009-2013130103~43~42~3

  • 20141011803~42~3

  • focus on)

  • 1. 12345

  • 2. 1 2 3() 4 5

  • 3. 1What did you think of it?/how did you find?2What is the woman plan to do tomorrow?3Whats the price?4Whats the problem / wrong with you?5May I take your order? Whats on the menu?6Would you like to tell me which road leads to ?7Excuse me, would you like to tell us the way to ?8check in, check out, how to book a room

  • 1) Who broke the window?2) What does the man suggest Linda do?2) Why did he come late?4) When does the shop open?5) Where did the woman stay last year?6) Which does she prefer, tea or coffee?7) How much did she pay for the book?8) How often does he write to his mother?(

  • 1) What is the lecture about?2) What are the two speakers talking about?3) Which of the following topics are they talking about?4) What is the main idea of this conversation?

  • (

    1) What can we learn from the womans words?2) When did this conversation take place?3) What is the probable relationship between the man and the woman?4) What does the woman think of Americans attitude?5) What is the reason for his absence?6) How much a pound are the apples?7) When does the plane take off?8) Whats the time now?

  • 2013

  • 1.21. (a, the)22. (being known, knowing, having knownwill help...)23. as well as24. involve25. constant2013

  • 26. 27. through the eyes of those whose lives...28. ... old-fashioned phones matter when wireless network ____ in disasters.A.turn down B.turn out C.break down D. break out (29. (in the way, on watch, in sight, on the line) (30. 2013

  • 31. 32. (be) tested positive for H7N9...33. would you mind 34. 35. eitherneither2013

  • 2.


    31) Those poor and needy teenagers were excited to find a shop at the corner where they could buy a _____________ priced bicycle. affordably

  • David Wilkins3.1)2)3)

  • 123.4.

  • 5. 1duc: educate: e+duc+ate introduce: intro+duc+e sol: solve( solve( solution

  • 2 afford Miss Ford cannot afford a Fordstrategy rate learn earn

  • 3 announce noun environment iron


  • 123


  • 4


  • 2.123

  • 3.123

  • 4.1main idea)2(best title)3(mainly talk about)


  • 5.1(infer)2(tell)3(conclude)

  • 6. and, in addition, besides, whats more, for example, but, however, yet, while must, should, ought to, although ...

  • 7.Apple Inc. is one step closer to beginning sales of ipad2 tablet computers with cellular network compatibility(for the first time in the Chinese mainland, where the consumer-electronics giant is in the midst of an aggressive expansion.

  • For those who will be vacationing on the off-season a trip on the Native American Red river rafting is available year round or a one-day trip is avaible on the Colorado River from Diamond Creek to Pierce Ferry(about three hours from Las Vegas).

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