Download - 2 2180000193 AKHIL.K 10/03/1989 Eligible14.139.185.6/website/vacancies/2020-03-04 15:48:23_vac839.pdf · 402180000130 DHANESH.C V 31/05/1990 University/Govt. Guest House or in reputed

Page 1: 2 2180000193 AKHIL.K 10/03/1989 Eligible14.139.185.6/website/vacancies/2020-03-04 15:48:23_vac839.pdf · 402180000130 DHANESH.C V 31/05/1990 University/Govt. Guest House or in reputed

കാലി ്കാലി ് സസർർവകലാശാലവകലാശാല റി ്െമ ്റി ്െമ ് െസെസ ൻൻ

N o.34910/AD -R EC -ASST-2/2020/Admn(I) 03.03.2020

Notification No. 44105/AD-A-ASST-3/2018/Admn dated 19.04.2018

കാലി ് സരകലാശാലയിൽ താ കാലികാടി ാന ിൽ ം േബായ് കം െബയറർത ികയിേല ് േമൽ ചി ി വി ാപന കാരം ഓൺൈലൻ ആയി അേപ ി വരിൽ

േയാഗ രായ ഉേദ ാഗാ ഥിക നിർേദശ ൾ


ഓൺൈലൻ അേപ യിൽ െകാ ിരി വിവര ൾ അ സരി ് ം േബായ് കംെബയറർ ത ികയിേല ് താ കാലികമായി നിയമനം നൽ തിനായിപരിഗണി െ ടാൻ േയാഗ രാെണ കെ ിയ അേപ ക െട അ ൽ േരഖക െടപരിേശാധന 12.03.2020 തി തിയിൽ കാല ് 10 മണി ് കാലി ്സർവകലാശാല ഭരണ കാര ാലയ ിൽ വ ് നട തായിരി ം.

2ഉേദ ാഗാർ ികൾ അേ ദിവസം ഓൺൈലൻ അേപ െട ി ് ഔ ം, േപര്, വയ ്,ജാതി , േയാഗ ത, ി പരിചയം ട ിയവാ െതളിയി ാ അ ൽ േരഖക ംഅവ െട പകർ ം െകാ വേര താണ് .

3സംവരണ വിഭാഗ ിൽ ഉൾെ ഉേദ ാഗാർ ികൾ എസ്.സി. / എസ് . ടി.വിഭാഗ ിൽ െപ വർ ജാതി/സ ദായ സർ ിഫി ം ഓ.ബി.സി. വിഭാഗ ിൽ െപ വർേനാൺ ീമിെലയർ സർ ിഫി ം സമർ ിേ താണ് .


സ ടിഫി റ് പരിേശാധന ് േയാഗ രായവ െട പ ിക താെഴെകാ ിരി .ഓൺൈലൻ അേപ യിൽ െകാ ിരി വിവര െടഅടി ാന ിൽ മാ മാണ് താെഴെ ാ ിരി പ ിക ത ാറാ ിയിരി ത്.ഈ ലി ് താൽ ാലികം മാ മാണ്. വി ാപന കാര േയാഗ തഉേദ ാഗാർ ികെള മാ േമ അഭി ഖ ിന് പരിഗണി ക . േയാഗ തകൾെതളിയി തി േരഖകൾ സമർ ി ാ വ െട അേപ കൾനിരസി തായിരി ം.

സർ ിഫി ് െവരിഫിേ ഷൻ തി തി : 12.03.2020സമയം: 10.00 a.m.

ലം : കാലി ് സർവകലാശാല ഭരണ വിഭാഗം കാര ാലയം

സർ ിഫി ക െട പരിേശാധന ് ഹാജരാേക ഉേദ ാഗാ ഥിക െട േപ വിവര ൾ


ID Name DOB Remarks

1 2180000613 AJAY V 18/07/1996 Eligible

2 2180000193 AKHIL.K 10/03/1989 Eligible

Page 2: 2 2180000193 AKHIL.K 10/03/1989 Eligible14.139.185.6/website/vacancies/2020-03-04 15:48:23_vac839.pdf · 402180000130 DHANESH.C V 31/05/1990 University/Govt. Guest House or in reputed

3 2180000073 ANAS.P.P 06/11/1992 Eligible

4 2180000379 MOHAMMED ALI V 08/11/1982 Eligible

5 2180000041SAYYID SAHEED.

P.M.S04/02/1990 Eligible

6 2180000002 SUDHEER.C 04/01/1969 Eligible

ണിേവ ി ിണിേവ ി ി /ഗവഗവൺൺെമ ്െമ ് ഗ ്ഗ ് ഹൗ കളിേലാഹൗ കളിേലാ ഖഖ േഹാ കളിേലാേഹാ കളിേലാ ഹൗസ്ഹൗസ് കീ ിംഗ്കീ ിംഗ് ,്് ഓഫീസ്ഓഫീസ് , േബാേബാർർഡിങ്ഡിങ് അെ ിഅെ ിൽൽ കാ റിങ്കാ റിങ് േമഖലകളിേമഖലകളിൽൽ ഒഒ വവർർഷ ിഷ ിൽൽ റയാെതറയാെത

ംം േബായ്േബായ് ആആ ിി പരിചയംപരിചയം ഉെ ിഉെ ിൽൽ മാ ംമാ ം േയാഗ രാ വേയാഗ രാ വർർ

7 2180000192 Burga khaja hussain 01/06/1989

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


8 2180000581 ABDUL GAFFAR K 30/04/1991

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


9 2180000270 ABDUL JASEER K 25/12/1987

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering

service.Eligible only if

minimum one yearexperience in

Page 3: 2 2180000193 AKHIL.K 10/03/1989 Eligible14.139.185.6/website/vacancies/2020-03-04 15:48:23_vac839.pdf · 402180000130 DHANESH.C V 31/05/1990 University/Govt. Guest House or in reputed

10 2180000142 ABDUL RAHEEM K H 05/11/1985University/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


11 2180000374 ABDUL SALIM K 27/08/1982

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


12 2180000285 ABHIJITH P 14/04/1993

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


13 2180000201 Abhilash P P 17/09/1979

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


14 2180000576 ABIN K 18/03/1993

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering

service.Eligible only if

minimum one yearexperience in

Page 4: 2 2180000193 AKHIL.K 10/03/1989 Eligible14.139.185.6/website/vacancies/2020-03-04 15:48:23_vac839.pdf · 402180000130 DHANESH.C V 31/05/1990 University/Govt. Guest House or in reputed

15 2180000117 AJISH K 04/05/1987University/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


16 2180000409 AJITH E R 23/04/1993

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


17 2180000218 AKSHAY RAJ C K 08/01/1998

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


18 2180000252 AMARJITH.MP 23/05/1996

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


19 2180000369 ANEESH K 29/05/1986

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering

service.Eligible only if

minimum one yearexperience in

Page 5: 2 2180000193 AKHIL.K 10/03/1989 Eligible14.139.185.6/website/vacancies/2020-03-04 15:48:23_vac839.pdf · 402180000130 DHANESH.C V 31/05/1990 University/Govt. Guest House or in reputed

20 2180000495 ANEESH S KUMAR 02/10/1993University/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


21 2180000067 ANIKETH US 08/12/1992

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


22 2180000017 ANILKUMAR K 10/07/1984

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


23 2180000450 ANOOP M 05/05/1987

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


24 2180000325 ANSARI BASHEER 24/05/1983

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering

service.Eligible only if

minimum one yearexperience in

Page 6: 2 2180000193 AKHIL.K 10/03/1989 Eligible14.139.185.6/website/vacancies/2020-03-04 15:48:23_vac839.pdf · 402180000130 DHANESH.C V 31/05/1990 University/Govt. Guest House or in reputed

25 2180000494 ANUROOP A S 22/08/1997University/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


26 2180000161ANVAR


Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


27 2180000515 ARUN T 11/03/1987

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


28 2180000289 ARUN.K 19/09/1995

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


29 2180000343ASHIK


Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering

service.Eligible only if

minimum one yearexperience in

Page 7: 2 2180000193 AKHIL.K 10/03/1989 Eligible14.139.185.6/website/vacancies/2020-03-04 15:48:23_vac839.pdf · 402180000130 DHANESH.C V 31/05/1990 University/Govt. Guest House or in reputed

30 2180000508 ASHIK P 04/03/1998University/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


31 2180000160 ASHRAF E P 01/07/1990

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


32 2180000317 ASWIN P 04/05/1999

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


33 2180000443 ATHUN M V 17/07/1990

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


34 2180000207 AUGUSTINE. L 10/04/1984

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering

service.Eligible only if

minimum one yearexperience in

Page 8: 2 2180000193 AKHIL.K 10/03/1989 Eligible14.139.185.6/website/vacancies/2020-03-04 15:48:23_vac839.pdf · 402180000130 DHANESH.C V 31/05/1990 University/Govt. Guest House or in reputed

35 2180000257 AVINASH D 28/05/1989University/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


36 2180000560 BADARUDHEEN A P 04/09/1995

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


37 2180000392 BIHAS K 12/05/1985

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


38 2180000247 CHANDRAN V P 16/04/1978

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


39 2180000310 DAVADAS C K P 31/05/1980

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering

service.Eligible only if

minimum one yearexperience in

Page 9: 2 2180000193 AKHIL.K 10/03/1989 Eligible14.139.185.6/website/vacancies/2020-03-04 15:48:23_vac839.pdf · 402180000130 DHANESH.C V 31/05/1990 University/Govt. Guest House or in reputed

40 2180000130 DHANESH.C V 31/05/1990University/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


41 2180000170 DINJITH M P 12/04/1996

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


42 2180000617 DINU B 11/05/1986

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


43 2180000425 FAISAL P V 10/05/1985

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


44 2180000568 FASALUL HARIS V P 07/04/1979

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering

service.Eligible only if

minimum one yearexperience in

Page 10: 2 2180000193 AKHIL.K 10/03/1989 Eligible14.139.185.6/website/vacancies/2020-03-04 15:48:23_vac839.pdf · 402180000130 DHANESH.C V 31/05/1990 University/Govt. Guest House or in reputed

45 2180000464 FAVAS O 03/09/1996University/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


46 2180000330 GOPI P M 25/05/1984

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


47 2180000039 HARIKRISHNAN S S 17/05/1988

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


48 2180000600 HARIKRISHNAN. KS 21/02/1995

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering



U P09/03/1994

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering

service.Eligible only if

minimum one yearexperience in

Page 11: 2 2180000193 AKHIL.K 10/03/1989 Eligible14.139.185.6/website/vacancies/2020-03-04 15:48:23_vac839.pdf · 402180000130 DHANESH.C V 31/05/1990 University/Govt. Guest House or in reputed

50 2180000487 HUSSAIN T 13/03/1991University/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


51 2180000307 IRFAD K 20/02/1994

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


52 2180000099 JAHFAR M 30/05/1981

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


53 2180000003 JALALUDHEEN P 11/02/1990

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


54 2180000473 JASAR P 03/11/1990

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering

service.Eligible only if

minimum one yearexperience in

Page 12: 2 2180000193 AKHIL.K 10/03/1989 Eligible14.139.185.6/website/vacancies/2020-03-04 15:48:23_vac839.pdf · 402180000130 DHANESH.C V 31/05/1990 University/Govt. Guest House or in reputed

55 2180000286 JASIR THANGAL A T 13/03/1992University/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


56 2180000157 JAYAN.A 27/05/1987

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


57 2180000435 JAYAPRAKASAN V 30/05/1980

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


58 2180000365 JAYESH M P 11/06/1986

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


59 2180000217 JEMSHEER K T 16/09/1987

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering

service.Eligible only if

minimum one yearexperience in

Page 13: 2 2180000193 AKHIL.K 10/03/1989 Eligible14.139.185.6/website/vacancies/2020-03-04 15:48:23_vac839.pdf · 402180000130 DHANESH.C V 31/05/1990 University/Govt. Guest House or in reputed

60 2180000386 JIJITH C.S 23/08/1989University/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


61 2180000345 JINEESH P K 03/01/1998

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


62 2180000368 JISHAD P 21/05/1987

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


63 2180000363 JISHNU V.P 17/11/1994

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


64 2180000393 JISHNU.A 29/03/1996

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering

service.Eligible only if

minimum one yearexperience in

Page 14: 2 2180000193 AKHIL.K 10/03/1989 Eligible14.139.185.6/website/vacancies/2020-03-04 15:48:23_vac839.pdf · 402180000130 DHANESH.C V 31/05/1990 University/Govt. Guest House or in reputed

65 2180000026 Junaid.p 28/01/1986University/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


66 2180000531 KABEERDAS P 01/01/1980

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


67 2180000131 KRISHNADAS MV 20/05/1986

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


68 2180000303 KRISHNAPRASAD.P 10/03/1992

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


69 2180000332 LALU PRASAD P 20/05/1993

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering

service.Eligible only if

minimum one yearexperience in

Page 15: 2 2180000193 AKHIL.K 10/03/1989 Eligible14.139.185.6/website/vacancies/2020-03-04 15:48:23_vac839.pdf · 402180000130 DHANESH.C V 31/05/1990 University/Govt. Guest House or in reputed

70 2180000602 LIKHIN C 11/10/1993University/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


71 2180000262 MAHAROOF M K 03/08/1996

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


72 2180000341 MAHESH P 08/12/1981

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


73 2180000068 Mahroof Ali P 15/06/1992

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


74 2180000509 MANSOOR V P 04/05/1986

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering

service.Eligible only if

minimum one yearexperience in

Page 16: 2 2180000193 AKHIL.K 10/03/1989 Eligible14.139.185.6/website/vacancies/2020-03-04 15:48:23_vac839.pdf · 402180000130 DHANESH.C V 31/05/1990 University/Govt. Guest House or in reputed

75 2180000489 MIDHUN MOHAN 06/02/1997University/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


76 2180000198MOHAMMED ASHRAF


Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


77 2180000480 MOHAMMED FAVAS K 22/06/1992

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


78 2180000305 Mohammed Manhal 02/05/1989

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


79 2180000223MOHAMMED


Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering

service.Eligible only if

minimum one yearexperience in

University/Govt. Guest

Page 17: 2 2180000193 AKHIL.K 10/03/1989 Eligible14.139.185.6/website/vacancies/2020-03-04 15:48:23_vac839.pdf · 402180000130 DHANESH.C V 31/05/1990 University/Govt. Guest House or in reputed

80 2180000019MOHAMMED

RAFEEQUE K V19/05/1989

University/Govt. GuestHouse or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


81 2180000503 MUBASHIR C P 23/10/1994

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


82 2180000510MUHAMMED AJMAL V


Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


83 2180000021MUHAMMED ALI

IRSHAD K20/04/1984

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering




Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering

service.Eligible only if

minimum one yearexperience in

University/Govt. Guest

Page 18: 2 2180000193 AKHIL.K 10/03/1989 Eligible14.139.185.6/website/vacancies/2020-03-04 15:48:23_vac839.pdf · 402180000130 DHANESH.C V 31/05/1990 University/Govt. Guest House or in reputed

85 2180000556MUHAMMED HARIS P


University/Govt. GuestHouse or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


86 2180000239MUHAMMED ISHAKH

P A16/05/1988

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


87 2180000505MUHAMMED

MUBASHIR I P06/08/1998

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


88 2180000241MUHAMMED RAYEES

K C15/09/1992

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering



P K14/07/1992

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering



Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

Page 19: 2 2180000193 AKHIL.K 10/03/1989 Eligible14.139.185.6/website/vacancies/2020-03-04 15:48:23_vac839.pdf · 402180000130 DHANESH.C V 31/05/1990 University/Govt. Guest House or in reputed


02/04/1989 House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


91 2180000507 MUNAVAR T K 20/11/1989

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


92 2180000520 MUNEER K 26/04/1985

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


93 2180000185 NASEEB P 15/11/1991

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


94 2180000075 NAVEEN C M 13/08/1995

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering

service.Eligible only if

minimum one yearexperience in

University/Govt. Guest

Page 20: 2 2180000193 AKHIL.K 10/03/1989 Eligible14.139.185.6/website/vacancies/2020-03-04 15:48:23_vac839.pdf · 402180000130 DHANESH.C V 31/05/1990 University/Govt. Guest House or in reputed

95 2180000614 NIBIN C 19/01/1998 House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


96 2180000237 NISHIL SIVADAS 02/04/1990

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


97 2180000604 PRAJEESH K 04/01/1986

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


98 2180000488 PRAJEESH P 30/03/1988

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


99 2180000138 Prajin Kumar 11/02/1988

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering

service.Eligible only if

minimum one yearexperience in

University/Govt. Guest

Page 21: 2 2180000193 AKHIL.K 10/03/1989 Eligible14.139.185.6/website/vacancies/2020-03-04 15:48:23_vac839.pdf · 402180000130 DHANESH.C V 31/05/1990 University/Govt. Guest House or in reputed

100 2180000291 PRASAD P 25/05/1985 House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


101 2180000081 PRATHEESH M. 25/05/1993

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


102 2180000511 PREJITH K P 08/10/1992

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


103 2180000274 RAFEEQUE P 02/05/1981

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


104 2180000148 RAJEESH M 19/04/1987

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering

service.Eligible only if

minimum one yearexperience in

University/Govt. Guest

Page 22: 2 2180000193 AKHIL.K 10/03/1989 Eligible14.139.185.6/website/vacancies/2020-03-04 15:48:23_vac839.pdf · 402180000130 DHANESH.C V 31/05/1990 University/Govt. Guest House or in reputed

105 2180000361 RAJEESH N R 13/05/1990 House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


106 2180000159 RAJESH C 17/03/1979

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


107 2180000412 RAJESH C 02/05/1982

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


108 2180000074 RAJESH K 05/05/1981

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


109 2180000145 RAJESH.P 29/04/1980

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering

service.Eligible only if

minimum one yearexperience in

University/Govt. Guest

Page 23: 2 2180000193 AKHIL.K 10/03/1989 Eligible14.139.185.6/website/vacancies/2020-03-04 15:48:23_vac839.pdf · 402180000130 DHANESH.C V 31/05/1990 University/Govt. Guest House or in reputed

110 2180000288 RAKESH M 13/04/1989 House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


111 2180000563 RAMESH KUMAR K 26/05/1981

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


112 2180000191 RANJITH EK 25/05/1988

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


113 2180000333 RATHEESH K 13/04/1982

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


114 2180000226 RATHEESH T 09/05/1984

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering

service.Eligible only if

minimum one yearexperience in

University/Govt. Guest

Page 24: 2 2180000193 AKHIL.K 10/03/1989 Eligible14.139.185.6/website/vacancies/2020-03-04 15:48:23_vac839.pdf · 402180000130 DHANESH.C V 31/05/1990 University/Govt. Guest House or in reputed

115 2180000570 RAVINDRAN P 01/05/1982 House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


116 2180000135 RENJITH T 28/03/1990

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


117 2180000171 RIJU V 15/04/1986

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


118 2180000245 RIYAZ P M 19/05/1983

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


119 2180000302 SABEER T H 20/03/1992

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering

service.Eligible only if

minimum one yearexperience in

University/Govt. Guest

Page 25: 2 2180000193 AKHIL.K 10/03/1989 Eligible14.139.185.6/website/vacancies/2020-03-04 15:48:23_vac839.pdf · 402180000130 DHANESH.C V 31/05/1990 University/Govt. Guest House or in reputed

120 2180000015 SAFDAR HASHMI K P 15/05/1989 House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


121 2180000047 SAJEESH 11/05/1985

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


122 2180000336 SAJESH,PT 26/05/1979

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


123 2180000315 SAJI K 17/05/1976

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


124 2180000227 SAJITH M 09/05/1996

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering

service.Eligible only if

minimum one yearexperience in

University/Govt. Guest

Page 26: 2 2180000193 AKHIL.K 10/03/1989 Eligible14.139.185.6/website/vacancies/2020-03-04 15:48:23_vac839.pdf · 402180000130 DHANESH.C V 31/05/1990 University/Govt. Guest House or in reputed

125 2180000609 SAJITH.K 10/03/1992 House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


126 2180000200 SALMANUL FAZIL K 23/03/1995

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


127 2180000150 SAMEER. P 01/09/1990

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


128 2180000551 SANAL KUMAR K 01/12/1995

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


129 2180000079 SANAL P T 06/06/1994

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering

service.Eligible only if

minimum one yearexperience in

University/Govt. Guest

Page 27: 2 2180000193 AKHIL.K 10/03/1989 Eligible14.139.185.6/website/vacancies/2020-03-04 15:48:23_vac839.pdf · 402180000130 DHANESH.C V 31/05/1990 University/Govt. Guest House or in reputed

130 2180000134 SANDEEP E 23/05/1985 House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


131 2180000583 SANTHOSH T 16/05/1986

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


132 2180000220SANU


Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


133 2180000437 SHAFEEQ .C.K 25/07/1991

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


134 2180000069 SHAJITH V 19/01/1984

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering

service.Eligible only if

minimum one yearexperience in

University/Govt. Guest

Page 28: 2 2180000193 AKHIL.K 10/03/1989 Eligible14.139.185.6/website/vacancies/2020-03-04 15:48:23_vac839.pdf · 402180000130 DHANESH.C V 31/05/1990 University/Govt. Guest House or in reputed

135 2180000196 SHAJU P 20/01/1989 House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


136 2180000206 SHAKIR.T.C. 04/07/1990

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


137 2180000102 SHANAVAS N V 29/05/1981

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


138 2180000566 SHIBU E 21/12/1987

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


139 2180000554 SHIHABUDHEEN M 29/12/1981

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering

service.Eligible only if

minimum one yearexperience in

University/Govt. Guest

Page 29: 2 2180000193 AKHIL.K 10/03/1989 Eligible14.139.185.6/website/vacancies/2020-03-04 15:48:23_vac839.pdf · 402180000130 DHANESH.C V 31/05/1990 University/Govt. Guest House or in reputed

140 2180000471 SHIHABUDHEEN N 03/02/1982 House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


141 2180000153 SHIHAS P H 26/10/1987

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


142 2180000463 SHINE M 27/03/1996

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


143 2180000167 SHYLESH V 28/05/1982

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


144 2180000547 SIBILAL .K 25/05/1990

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering

service.Eligible only if

minimum one yearexperience in

University/Govt. Guest

Page 30: 2 2180000193 AKHIL.K 10/03/1989 Eligible14.139.185.6/website/vacancies/2020-03-04 15:48:23_vac839.pdf · 402180000130 DHANESH.C V 31/05/1990 University/Govt. Guest House or in reputed

145 2180000550 SIJILAL K 29/11/1993 House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


146 2180000536 SIRAJUDHEEN K 30/05/1987

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


147 2180000143 SIVINDAS P 19/03/1991

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


148 2180000222 SOORAJ KUMAR K 30/05/1987

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


149 2180000402 SREEJITH E R 23/04/1993

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering

service.Eligible only if

minimum one yearexperience in

University/Govt. Guest

Page 31: 2 2180000193 AKHIL.K 10/03/1989 Eligible14.139.185.6/website/vacancies/2020-03-04 15:48:23_vac839.pdf · 402180000130 DHANESH.C V 31/05/1990 University/Govt. Guest House or in reputed

150 2180000447 SREEJITH V V 30/03/1995 House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


151 2180000574 SREELAL .P 24/12/1987

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


152 2180000497 SREELAL.C.S 11/10/1992

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


153 2180000278 SREELAL.P 24/12/1987

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


154 2180000557 SREENIVASAN T 07/02/1982

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering

service.Eligible only if

minimum one yearexperience in

University/Govt. Guest

Page 32: 2 2180000193 AKHIL.K 10/03/1989 Eligible14.139.185.6/website/vacancies/2020-03-04 15:48:23_vac839.pdf · 402180000130 DHANESH.C V 31/05/1990 University/Govt. Guest House or in reputed

155 2180000261 SREERAG N 06/11/1997 House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


156 2180000593 SREERAG P K 07/11/1992

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


157 2180000290 SUBAIR 05/10/1988

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


158 2180000197 SUBAIR M 17/01/1986

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


159 2180000427 Subin K 28/05/1991

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering

service.Eligible only if

minimum one yearexperience in

University/Govt. Guest

Page 33: 2 2180000193 AKHIL.K 10/03/1989 Eligible14.139.185.6/website/vacancies/2020-03-04 15:48:23_vac839.pdf · 402180000130 DHANESH.C V 31/05/1990 University/Govt. Guest House or in reputed

160 2180000301 SUDEESH C 29/03/1988 House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


161 2180000527 SUDHEESH M 26/02/1981

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


162 2180000224 SUDHEESH T 28/12/1984

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


163 2180000419 SUJEESH P 10/03/1988

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


164 2180000534 SUJESH V P 20/02/1987

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering

service.Eligible only if

minimum one yearexperience in

University/Govt. Guest

Page 34: 2 2180000193 AKHIL.K 10/03/1989 Eligible14.139.185.6/website/vacancies/2020-03-04 15:48:23_vac839.pdf · 402180000130 DHANESH.C V 31/05/1990 University/Govt. Guest House or in reputed

165 2180000565 SUJIN N K 25/09/1992 House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


166 2180000178 SUMESH M 25/05/1990

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


167 2180000168 SUNISH ABRAHAM 18/05/1982

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


168 2180000517 SURENDRAMOHAN 06/10/1989

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


169 2180000590 SURESH P 21/05/1984

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering

service.Eligible only if

minimum one yearexperience in

University/Govt. Guest

Page 35: 2 2180000193 AKHIL.K 10/03/1989 Eligible14.139.185.6/website/vacancies/2020-03-04 15:48:23_vac839.pdf · 402180000130 DHANESH.C V 31/05/1990 University/Govt. Guest House or in reputed

170 2180000579 UBAIS T K 05/05/1980 House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


171 2180000572VEERENDRA KUMAR


Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


172 2180000309 VIGNNESH RAJ T 25/03/1989

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


173 2180000500 VIJEESH V 02/10/1986

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


174 2180000316 VIJESH T 31/05/1983

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering

service.Eligible only if

minimum one yearexperience in

University/Govt. Guest

Page 36: 2 2180000193 AKHIL.K 10/03/1989 Eligible14.139.185.6/website/vacancies/2020-03-04 15:48:23_vac839.pdf · 402180000130 DHANESH.C V 31/05/1990 University/Govt. Guest House or in reputed

175 2180000434 VIJIN.A 11/02/1998 House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


176 2180000101 VINEESH K 10/05/1985

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


177 2180000349 VINOY K 20/12/1989

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


178 2180000266 VIPIN DEV 20/08/1994

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


179 2180000476 VIPINRAJ A 03/04/1991

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering

service.Eligible only if

minimum one yearexperience in

University/Govt. Guest

Page 37: 2 2180000193 AKHIL.K 10/03/1989 Eligible14.139.185.6/website/vacancies/2020-03-04 15:48:23_vac839.pdf · 402180000130 DHANESH.C V 31/05/1990 University/Govt. Guest House or in reputed

180 2180000615 VISHAK A 03/02/1996 House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


181 2180000591 VISHNU K 26/04/1991

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


182 2180000553 VISHNU K 24/01/1996

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


183 2180000243 YELTHO 03/10/1996

Eligible only ifminimum one year

experience inUniversity/Govt. Guest

House or in reputedhotels with house

keeping, front office,boarding and catering


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Deputy Registrar