Download - 17DA M新作公演 「煙がモンクの目にしみる」 Dust towel, bottled water, panties, skirts, toilet -seat, knitted

Page 1: 17DA M新作公演 「煙がモンクの目にしみる」 Dust towel, bottled water, panties, skirts, toilet -seat, knitted

17DA・M新作公演 「煙がモンクの目にしみる」 小道具 Props


物 段ボール製のプラカード、

変装用サングラス、帽子 その他。 タイトル 抗議する人 行為 プラカードを首から下げ、手に持ち、見せる。 props--- cards made by carbon paper, sunglass and hat for disguising. title ---- demonstrating person action---- hanging at neck, holding in hand and putting on ground to show cards with message, disguising to hide who he is. ■パーソナルモティーフ/サムワン as personal motif/ someone 物 ベルト タイトル・行為-- ベルトで床を叩く 意図 床の埃を立てる。 props--- belt title/ action---- hit floor with belt intention- to make dust on floor raise up.


This is my prop, a tow-el, I will use it as "someone "--a cleaning woman, to clean the stage or audience seats, and for presen-tation.

原田 Harada

中島 Nakajima






★someone で使う物

スコップ スコップを引きずって歩く。

言葉「お父さん、お父さん」 意図:瓦礫の中の子供を父親が捜索している。

ビニールロープ 布製の物へ変更する可能性あり。 端から張ったロープを頼りに低い姿勢で屈み前へ進んで行くなど。 意図:ホースを頼りに人が瓦礫の中を渡る。

縄跳び 縄跳びをする。 意図:気持ちがホッピングする。


パンツ姿でゴーグルを着け、蛍光灯の光を浴びカウントを数える。 オレンジを床に転がす。 蚊取り線香or花は、使用するかアンクリアです。 意図:光を浴びたい。私の日常の風景


Page 2: 17DA M新作公演 「煙がモンクの目にしみる」 Dust towel, bottled water, panties, skirts, toilet -seat, knitted

野田 Noda




・人形・・・ 両手で提示、自分の頭の上や顔の前で。二回目以降は抱きしめた


� の)誰かのおもちゃ。記憶の中の赤ん坊。



「おでかけする」 ・コート、帽子、傘、バッグ、靴(靴は元々履いてるがホワイトロードで一




これらを見につけながらvertical Lineを歩きます。片道行ったらそこで1回脱い





サキ Saki


1. 『水の入ったコップとバケツ』 避難キャンプでは、コップ一杯の水で顔を洗った、 という話しを昔聞いた事があって。 使用言葉「金持ちがフェラガモ履いてフェラーリ乗ってらぁ、 チョームカつく!� オマワリがヒマワリみたいにずらりと 並んでらぁープロテストより抜粋の上、少し変えました」

2.赤いスカーフ 顔を覆う(イスラムからのイメージ)、振り回す(まだはっきりしていない)、提示する 3.紙とボールペン 提示、白い紙を提示しながら、ボールペンを就きだすーインディビジュアル 説明時の大橋さんの行為にはっとしたので。



サッカーボール 「彼岸の優勝!」





17DA・M新作公演 「煙がモンクの目にしみる」 小道具 Props


Page 3: 17DA M新作公演 「煙がモンクの目にしみる」 Dust towel, bottled water, panties, skirts, toilet -seat, knitted

■�Dinner Action a) Entering in with shopped foods bag and many mails b) Take off the coat and change clothes - <Objectless behavior> c) Looking at the mirror and brushing hair – washing hands - <Objectless behavior> d) Turn on cell phone radio e) Preparing dinner with some of the food she brought on the floor where the table was h) Unpack and check mails Sound Song of ‘A Lover’s Concerto’ in the radio request program Word a) Benzene, Examining arsenic, cadmium, mercury, cadmium, chromium, cadmium, radiation, but I still want romantic love. People who such as empty straw - <in ‘PROTEST’ by Fukuda san> Props Some food in a convenient plastic pack, mail, cigarettes, cell phones ■�knitting Action a) Sitting on the toilet, knitting - Put the thread in the toilet and pulls the thread between the legs for knitting – Standing up - Walking and knitting, Using tension so that the thread does not protrude out of the toilet Word a) It may be a purple rose rather than a red one. No red, no purple, no color of rose. I cannot say the name of the color because I do not know what to call it. Nameless flower, unnamed color - <in the second paragraph of PROTEUS by Fukuda san> b) To the unnamed flower I mutter. I mutter. Song… ... Singing is also hard. Maybe the song will not be able to sing now. I can still shout. I can do that when it happens. I can surely do it. - <in the third paragraph of PROTEUS by Fukuda san> c) No one is singing now. There are nothing happened. There’s nothing. No, definitely there was. Something happened. I can say so that. I cannot say so that. I was crying like a child - <in the fourth paragraph of PROTEUS by Fukuda san> d) still can draw until it rips. There are nothing happened. There’s nothing. No, definitely there was. Something happened. I can say so that. I cannot say so that. I was crying like a child - <in the fifth paragraph of PROTEUS by Fukuda san> e) To call the name of an unnamed flower. On a crumpled old paper I write the name of an unnamed flower. It is a wrinkled old God of wrinkled old sea. - <in the sixth paragraph of PROTEUS by Fukuda san> f) Drank honey from flowers. Drink honey. Lick honey. Takes taste of honey. The taste of honey is sweet and little bit bitter. The kissing mouth was dirty by the ink of the squid, and the teeth, the tongue and the lips were also black. I cut off the tail of the lizards. The blue tail is growing even when cut and cut. Pale moon hide its figure. Purple smoke of cigarette. The men on the stock exchange are twisting their bodies, and piss off shit, at same time. - <in the seventh paragraph of PROTEUS by Fukuda san> Props Knitting yarn, Crochet, toilet seat, scissors, etc. ■�Toilet Action a) ‘ I want go to toilet ‘ movements b) Puts down panties from inside of skirt, moves legs during seat on toilet-seat, moving ass for dust off, and raises panties b’) Puts down panties from inside of skirt, moves legs during seat on toilet-seat, - Pull the end of the roll tissue - drop the tissues - bend over and follow the tissues - the tissues roll away - raise the panties - catch the tissues with a quick gesture - repeating c) Sitting on the toilet seat - open legs - put hand into between the legs - and bend upper body - moving e) Put head in the toilet. - Bend the upper body - moving the toilet with whole body - speaking f) Take off the toilet cover - sit with the butt in the toilet - take a bath - pour a bottle of water into the body g) Wipe the toilet - Wrap the toilet with a knitted cloth Sound 'Butterfly, Butterfly Come Here' - Harmonica (sometimes) Song Word a) I want to be a volcano. I want to spit out the fire of sad love in this heart. It's dirty! Spit! Spit! Spit! Spit! Spit! Spit! Spit! Spit! - <in ‘PROTEST’ by Fukuda san> b) The wild dog barks. Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! One day in Aleppo, grabbed the throat lines of an evil dog and stabbed it. Someday in Aleppo ... Someday in Aleppo ... Have you ever read a novel by Nabokov? It's a story about a woman who vanished like a smoke in Aleppo someday. <in ‘PROTEST’ by Fukuda san> c) A lie that does not even have such a heart. Did you really believe? Beating at us. don't have home for back to go, To us who became a smoke. - <in ‘PROTEST’ by Fukuda san> Props Dust towel, bottled water, panties, skirts, toilet -seat, knitted cloth, etc.


17DA・M新作公演 「煙がモンクの目にしみる」 小道具 Props 2017.3.14


Page 4: 17DA M新作公演 「煙がモンクの目にしみる」 Dust towel, bottled water, panties, skirts, toilet -seat, knitted

17DA・M新作公演 「煙がモンクの目にしみる」 小道具 Props

国枝 Kunieda 不動産広告 Housing ads ・「I」 ・提示物 Presentation ※「空き家、マイホーム(夢)、土地等」多様な情報 ・無言、または読みながら提示します。 Present in silence, or by reading the ads aloud.

中国語宣伝入り紙袋 ・「I」 ・提示物 Presentation ・無言で提示 Present in silence 唐草模様の風呂敷 Big wrapping cloth ・「I」/ someone ・持って走る Hold it high and run / 畳んで床を拭くFold it and wipe floor / 床に叩きつける Throw it to the ground

子ども用の長靴 履いていた子はいない プレゼンテーションで使う








ことより振り回して楽しんでいる 宮地 Miyaji
