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CRF = GGK = ESRD = GGT =CKD = PGKPenurunan fungsi ginjal Bertahap / progresif (tak disadari)Sering tanpa gejala insidentil medical check-up

Penyakit ginjal kronik (PGK) proses patofisiologis dengan etiologi yang beragam fungsi ginjal yg progresif gagal ginjal

Gagal ginjal keadaan klinis ditandai fungsi ginjal yg ireversibel perlu pengganti ginjal dialisis/transplantasi ginjal

Kriteria PGKKerusakan ginjal > 3 bln, struktural atau fungsional dengan atau tanpa penurunan LFGKelainan patologi atauTanda kerusakan ginjal dalam darah ataupun urine atau pada pemeriksaan imagingLFG < 60mL/m/1,73m2, > 3blnNormal: 120-130 ml / min / 1.73 m2Gangguan fungsi ginjalKlinisTanda, gejala, pemeriksaan fisik.LaboratorisUreum , kreatitin , asam urat Tes klirens kreatinin (TKK)

Rumus Cockrof-GaultKreatinin urin(mg/dL) x vol.urin(mL/24 jam)Kreatinin serum(mg/dL) x 1440LFG = (140-umur) x BB (Kg)72 x kreatinin serum (mg/dLWanita = 0,85 x pria IncreaseDecreaseFactors Affecting Serum Creatinine ConcentrationKidney Disease Ketoacidosis Drugs: TrimethoprimCimetidineFlucytosineSome cephalosporinsReduced Muscle Mass Malnutrition

Implementing NICE guidance 2011Prevalence of CKD by GFR in the USA

StageDescriptionGFR(mL/min/1.73m2)PrevalencePrevalence (%)1Kidney damage with normal or GFR> 905.9 million3.3%2Mild GFR60-895.3 million3.0%3Moderate GFR30-597.6 million4.3%4Severe GFR15-29400,0000.2%5Kidney Failure< 15 or dialysis 300,0000.2%Coresh, et al, Am J Kidney Dis. 2003; 41: 1-128Simplified Classification of CKD by DiagnosisDiabetic Kidney Disease Nondiabetic Kidney DiseaseGlomerular disease autoimmune, sytemic infections, drugs, neoplasia, idiopathic Vascular disease ischemic renal disease, hypertensive nephrosclerosis, microangiopathy Tubulointerstitial disease UTO, stones, UTI, drug toxicity Cystic diseasePost-Transplant

Causes of ESRD in the USA: 2006 ADR: USRDS10This slide shows the increasing prevalence of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients.References1. Keith DS, Nichols GA, Gullion CM, Brown JB, Smith DH. Longitudinal follow-up and outcomes among a population with chronic kidney disease in a large managed care organization. Arch Intern Med. 2004;164:659-663.2. U.S. Renal Data System, USRDS 2006 Annual Data Report: Bethesda, Md; 2006. Available at: Accessed March 13, 2007. Transition to Next SlideIt is important to note that CKD is also associated with high mortality.1Penyebab pasien HDPenyebab Pasien HD se Indonesia Tahun 2009 ( 7748 pasien )

PatofisiologiTerjadi kerusakan dan penurunan progresif fungsi nefron. Saat terjadi penurunan nilai GFR dan klirens serum ureum dan kreatinin meningkat.

Nefron yang masih sehat mengalami hipertropi karena terus menggantikan semua fungsi nefron yang rusak. Hal ini menyebabkan ginjal kehilangan kemampuan untuk memekatkan urine secara baik.Ginjal berupaya untuk mengeluarkan larutan urine dalam jumlah besar sehingga pasien mengalami kekurangan cairan tubuh.

Kerusakan nefron terus terjadi, diikuti laju filtrasi ginjal terus menurun.

Tubuh tidak mampu lagi membuang air, garam, dan produk-produk sampah lainya melalui ginjal. Jika laju filtrasi ginjal < 10 20 mL/mnt secara klinis akan terlihat uremia dan tanda-tanda toksik akibat produk sampah semakin terlihat.

Penyebab Kerusakan NefronKehilangan fungsi ginjal sebagianMenurunya GFR dan Clearance Meningkatkan fungsi ginjal yang masih normalSisa yang normal hypertrofiFiltrasi solute meningkatFungsi mengkonsentrasi urine menurunEkskresi hydrogen Asidosis metabolicEkskresi fosfat HyperfosfatemiaEkskresi kalium HyperkalemiaReabsorbsi Na Retensi airEkskresi sampah Nitrogen UremiaPasien kehilangan cairan tubuhPerfusi pembuluh darah ginjal menurunKerusakan renal meningkat, jumlah nefron normal menurunPerfusi pembuluh darah ginjal menurunTotal GFR menurun lebih lanjutTubuh tidak mampu membuang sisa garam dan sisa metabolisme melalui ginjalSyndrome Uremia (GFR 10 20 mL/mnt)Pasien mengalami Kehilangan fungsi non sekresi ginjal :Kerusakan fungsi insulinKegagalan produksi erytropoetinKegagalan mengaktifkan kalsiumGangguan reproduksiGangguan immunitasFungsi reabsorbsi tubulus menurun secara berangsurEkskresi urin meningkat, cair (Poliuria)Penyakit Ginjal KronikPerubahan yang terjadi:Ketidakseimbangan cairanKetidakseimbangan elektrolitKetidakmampuan mengekskresi metabolitKetidakmampuan mengontrol tekanan darahPengurangan produksi eritrositManifestasi KlinisSistemManifestasiPenyebab1.IntegumenKulitKukuRambutKulit kekuninganPucat / pallorPruritasKering dan bersisikTipis dan rapuhKering, rapuhPenimbunan urochromAnemiaPenurunan aktifitas kelenjar keringat (semua kelenjar)Endapan fosfatTerbuangnya protein dan Ca menurunAktifitas semua kelenjar menurunTerbuangnya protein2.Gastro inestestinalOralLambungHalitosis / fetor uremicumPerdarahan gusi, stomatitisMual, muntah, anoreksia, gastritis, ulcreationUrea diubah menjadi anemia oleh bakteri mulutPerubahan aktifitas plateletSerum uremit toxin akibat bakteri ususMukosa usus lembab3.CardiovaskulerHipertensi, oedemConjunctiva heart failureArteriosklerosis heart diseasePerikarditisOverload cairan mekanisme rennin angiotensinKelebihan cairan, anemiaHipertensi kronis, pengapuran jaringan lunakToxin uremic dakam pericardium4. PulmonaryUremic lung atau pneumoniaToxin uremic dalam pleura dan jaringan paru Retensi asam organic hasil metabolismeToxin uremic

Tanda dan gejalaKemih : kencing malam, banyak kencing, proteinuriaEkstremitas: edema tungkaiReproduksi: penurunan libidoSaraf : mengantuk, kejang, komaHematologi : anemiaDefining Kidney DamageMarkers of Kidney Damage :ProteinuriaMicroalbuminuriaHematuria (especially when seen with proteinuria)Isolated hematuria has a long differential: infection, stone, malignancy, etc.Casts (especially with cellular elements)

18Abnormal sediment

Red blood cell castWhite blood cell castGranular castsHyperkalemia & EKGK > 5.5 -6Tall, peaked TsWide QRSProlong PRDiminished PProlonged QTQRS-T merge sine wave


21Penatalaksanaan Konservatif

Tujuan:Mencegah menurunya faal ginjal yang progresifMeringankan keluhan uremiaMengurangi gejala uremia dengan memperbaiki metabolisme:Pengaturan cairan dan elektrolit dengan pengontrolan yang ketat terhadap diit & cairan Pengontrolan tensi / hipertensi dengan obatMeningkatkan kenyamanan pasien

Indikasi penatalaksanaan konservatif:PGK dan tahap insufisiensi ginjalFaal ginjal 10 50 % atau creatinin serum 2 mg% - 10 mg%Bentuk :Pengaturan keseimbangan cairan dan elektrolit:Penahanan kalium & fosfat dapat terjadi pada GGK (oral dengan CaCo3)Kontrol dapat dilakukan dengan mengurangi intake kalium dalam diit.Pemberian alumunium hidroksida mengikat fosfat Pemberian laksatifPemberian Vit.DKeseimbangan transport oksigenAnemia selalu mengiringi GGK pasien cepat letih dan sesak nafas.Memberikan rasa nyaman, istirahat dan tidurUmumnya tidak nyaman pada GGK meliputi pruritus, kram otot, rasa haus, sakit kepala, kulit kering, stress, emosional, insomnia.Mengurangi tingkat fosfat serum dengan Alhydrokside mengurangi gatal-gatalMenjaga kulit lembabMemberikan obat anti gatal Penatalaksanaan Konservatif

Terapi Farmakologis

Diabetic Kidney Disease ACEI or ARB in all diabetic patients with microalbuminuriaACEI (alt ARB) for Type 1 Diabetics with macroalbuminuriaARB (alt. ACEI) in Type 2 Diabetics with macroalbuminuria

Nondiabetic Kidney Disease ACEI/ARB recommended in all proteinuric (>200 mg/g Cr on spot urine) patients with CKDMay tolerate creatinine rise of 35% above baseline 902Mild GFR60-89TD mulai meningkat3Moderate GFR30-59Hipefosfatemia, HiipokalemiaAnemia, Hiperparatiroid, Hipertensi,4Severe GFR15-29Malnutrisi, asidosis metabolikCenderung hiperkalemia, dislipidemia5Kidney Failure< 15 Gagal jantunguremia31PTH and Mineral Disorders in Patients With CKD

32IntroductionMineral and bone metabolism involves complex interactions between P, Ca, PTH and vitamin DAbnormal mineral metabolism in patients with CKD is associated withVascular calcification1Renal bone disease2 and may lead to Increased mortality31Goodman WG et al. N Engl J Med 2000;342:147883 2Moe S et al. Kidney Int 2006;69:1945533Block GA et al. J Am Soc Nephrol 2004;15:220818Item code: 037/0052A Date of preparation: July 200633

www.kdigo.org34Definition of CKD MBDA systemic disorder of mineral and bone metabolism due to CKD manifested by either one or a combination of the following:Abnormalities of calcium, phosphorus, PTH, or vitamin D metabolismAbnormalities in bone turnover, mineralization, volume, linear growth, or strengthVascular or other soft tissue calcification Moe et al Kidney International June 200635Pathophysiology PTH & Mineral Disorders in CKD 1,25(OH)2D3 P

Adapted from Skorecki K, et al. Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicine. 15th ed. 2001:1551-1562. PTH

Ca2+36Pathophysiology of sHPT in Chronic Kidney DiseaseThe pathogenesis of secondary hyperparathyroidism in chronic kidney disease is multifactorial, with a number of different processes contributing to disturbances in the regulation of PTH production and secretion. With the progressive loss of kidney function, less vitamin D is converted to its active form, calcitriol, resulting in decreased serum calcitriol levels. Phosphorus is retained, so serum phosphorus levels rise. Decreased serum vitamin D results in less serum calcium absorption from the intestine, so serum calcium levels may decrease.

The parathyroid gland is highly sensitive to even very small changes in ionized extracellular calcium and rapidly releases PTH in response to a decrease in calcium concentration.

Low serum calcium, elevated phosphorus, and decreased calcitriol each contributes to chronic increases in PTH levels. The calcium response is mediated by the calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR), the primary regulator of PTH secretion. Calcitriol inhibits PTH gene transcription, and therefore a decline in calcitriol leads to increased PTH production. Decreased calcitriol has also been linked to decreased expression of vitamin D receptors (VDR) and of CaSR in parathyroid tissue, which also contributes to increases in serum PTH levels.

Elevated PTH is known to contribute to pathogenesis of renal osteodystrophy and has also been implicated in damage to other systems, including cardiac, cutaneous, endocrine, immunologic, and nervous systems. Associated imbalances in mineral homeostasis probably also contribute to organ system damage.

References:Goodman WG. Recent developments in the management of secondary hyperparathyroidism. Kidney Int. 2001;59:1187-1201. Locatelli F, Cannata-Anda JB, Drueke TB, et al. Management of disturbances of calcium and phosphate metabolism in chronic renal insufficiency, with emphasis on the control of hyperphosphataemia. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2002;17:723-731.Skorecki K, et al. Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicine. 15th ed. 2001:1551-1562.

Clinical Consequences of Mineral DysregulationRenal osteodystrophyHyperphosphatemiaCardiovascular calcificationExtraskeletal calcificationEndocrine disturbancesNeurobehavioral changesCompromised immune systemAltered erythropoiesis

37Risk Factors for Soft Tissue Calcification HyperphosphatemiaIncreased Ca x P productExcessive calcium loadSecondary hyperparathyroidismLocal tissue injuryRise in tissue pH Decreased levels of calcification inhibitorsSystolic hypertension (average 1 year systolic bp 160 mm Hg vs 120)Adipose tissue (calcific uremic arteriolopathy)38Vascular Calcification, Cardiovascular Complications, and CKDVascular Calcification Associated With: Accelerated risk of stroke, amputation, MI Left ventricular hypertrophy Poor coronary artery perfusion Increased pulse wave velocity Increased pulse pressure

Contributory Factors: Deranged bone and mineral metabolism Decreased levels of inhibitors of calcification such as fetuin-A Stimulation of osteogenic pathways in endothelial cells by uremic toxins Impaired endothelial repair mechanismsAdapted from Lederer E and Ouseph R. Am J Kidney Dis. 2007;49:162-171.Block GA, et al. Kidney Int. 2007;71(5):438-441.39Vascular Calcification, Cardiovascular Complications, and CKDEnd-stage renal disease (ESRD) is associated with a greatly increased risk of cardiovascular mortality.1 Although patients develop cardiovascular abnormalities early in the disease process and have substantial traditional risk factors (diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia), a feature of many patients in the years preceding a cardiovascular event is the presence of extensive vascular calcification. This calcification manifests as increased intimal calcification of atherosclerotic plaques and extensive medial calcification of large elastic arteries and small arterioles throughout the vascular tree. Calcification at either site is associated with an increased risk of myocardial infarction. Intimal calcification may increase the risk of plaque erosion and rupture while medial calcification increases arterial stiffness leading to high systolic and pulse pressures.

Some risk factors for vascular calcification have been identified in human, animal, or in vitro studies:2Clinical: age, duration of dialysis, kidney function/uremia, diabetes, known coronary artery disease, abnormal boneBiochemical: hyperphosphatemia, hypercalcemia, abnormal parathyroid hormone, low fetuin-A, elevated cytokines, oxidative stress, low pyrophosphate, decreased matrix Gla protein (MGP), decreased bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-7Medications: calcium-containing phosphate binders, high-dose vitamin D, Coumadin (decreases active MGP)References:Shanahan CM. Vascular calcification. Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens. 2005;14:361-367. Moe SM. Vascular calcification: hardening of the evidence. Kidney Int. 2006;70:1535-1537.Lederer E, Ouseph R. Chronic kidney disease. Am J Kidney Dis. 2007;49:162-171.Block GA, Raggi P, Bellasi A, Kooienga L, Spiegel DM. Mortality effect of coronary calcification and phosphate binder choice in incident hemodialysis patients. Kidney Int. 2007;71:438-441.11.520.9All-Cause Death Hazard RatioSerum iPTH (pg/mL)KDOQI recommended range: 150-300 pg/mLRisk of Death by Quarterly Varying iPTH< 100100-200200-300300-400400-500500-600600-700 700Time-dependent Case-Mix and MICS model Kalantar-Zadeh K, et al. Kidney Int. 2006;70:771-780.40Risk of Death by Quarterly Varying iPTHA 2-year historical cohort study of prospectively collected data from maintenance hemodialysis patients was performed to examine associations between baseline values and survival.

Three types of models were examined based on the level of multivariate adjustment: (1) unadjusted models included indicators of osteodystrophy (Ca, P, Ca x P, iPTH, or alkaline phosphatase) as the predicting variable, entry quarter as the covariate, and mortality as the outcome variable; (2) case-mix adjusted models included additional covariates: age, gender, race and ethnicity, diabetes mellitus, vintage, primary insurance, marriage status, the dialysis clinic mortality ratio, continuous values of Kt/V, dialysate calcium, and vitamin D doses; and (3) case-mix and MICS adjusted models also included 11 indicators of nutritional status and inflammation, including the time-varying BMI, rHuEPO dose, and the time-varying laboratory values.

This graph shows the association between the time-varying serum intact PTH values and the relative risk of death in 58,058 MHD patients as derived in the case-mix and MICS adjusted model. This analysis includes time-dependent Cox models with time-varying repeated measures. PTH values outside the KDOQI-recommended range are associated with increased hazard ratios of 1.31.4. Reference:Kalantar-Zadeh K, Kuwae N, Regidor DL, et al. Survival predictability of time-varying indicators of bone disease in maintenance hemodialysis patients. Kidney Int. 2006;70:771-780.Corrected Serum Calcium (mg/dL)< 8.08.0 to8.58.5 to9.09.0 to9.59.5 to10.010.0 to10.510.5 to11 11.00.7231All-Cause Death Hazard Ratio8.0 to0.72310.72310.71.5231Risk of Death by Quarterly Varying Albumin-Adjusted CalciumKDOQI recommended range 8.4-9.5 mg/dLTime-dependent Case-Mix and MICS model Kalantar-Zadeh K, et al. Kidney Int. 2006;70:771-780.41Death Risk by Quarterly Varying Albumin-Adjusted CalciumA 2-year historical cohort study of prospectively collected data from maintenance hemodialysis patients was performed to examine associations between baseline values and survival.

Three types of models were examined based on the level of multivariate adjustment: (1) unadjusted models included indicators of osteodystrophy (Ca, P, Ca x P, iPTH, or alkaline phosphatase) as the predicting variable, entry quarter as the covariate, and mortality as the outcome variable; (2) case-mix adjusted models included additional covariates: age, gender, race and ethnicity, diabetes mellitus, vintage, primary insurance, marriage status, the dialysis clinic mortality ratio, continuous values of Kt/V, dialysate calcium, and vitamin D doses; and (3) case-mix and MICS adjusted models also included 11 indicators of nutritional status and inflammation, including the time-varying BMI, rHuEPO dose, and the time-varying laboratory values.

This graph shows the association between the time-varying adjusted serum Ca2+ values and the relative risk of death in 58,058 MHD patients as derived in the case-mix and MICS adjusted model. This analysis includes time-dependent Cox models with time-varying repeated measures. Calcium values above 10.5 mg/dL are associated with increased hazard ratios 1.4, while within and near the KDOQI-recommended range the hazard ratio is less. When considered with the relative stability of serum Ca2+ during the course of chronic kidney disease, these data suggest that fluctuation of serum ionized calcium is not a major determinant of mortality in ESRD.Reference:Kalantar-Zadeh K, Kuwae N, Regidor DL, et al. Survival predictability of time-varying indicators of bone disease in maintenance hemodialysis patients. Kidney Int. 2006;70:771-780.

Risk of Death by Quarterly Varying Phosphorus0.72341Serum Phosphorus (mg/dL)234123412341< 3.03.0 to3.994.0 to4.995.0 to5.996.0 to6.997.0 to7.998.0 to8.99 9.0KDOQI recommended range: 3.5-5.5 mg/dLAll-Cause Death Hazard RatioKalantar-Zadeh K, et al. Kidney Int. 2006;70:771-780.Time-dependent Case-Mix and MICS model 42Reference:Kalantar-Zadeh K, Kuwae N, Regidor DL, et al. Survival predictability of time-varying indicators of bone disease in maintenance hemodialysis patients. Kidney Int. 2006;70:771-780.

Risk of Death by Quarterly Varying PhosphorusA 2-year historical cohort study of prospectively collected data from maintenance hemodialysis patients was performed to examine associations between baseline values and survival.

Three types of models were examined based on the level of multivariate adjustment: (1) unadjusted models included indicators of osteodystrophy (Ca, P, Ca x P, iPTH, or alkaline phosphatase) as the predicting variable, entry quarter as the covariate, and mortality as the outcome variable; (2) case-mix adjusted models included additional covariates: age, gender, race and ethnicity, diabetes mellitus, vintage, primary insurance, marriage status, the dialysis clinic mortality ratio, continuous values of Kt/V, dialysate calcium, and vitamin D doses; and (3) case-mix and MICS adjusted models also included 11 indicators of nutritional status and inflammation, including the time-varying BMI, rHuEPO dose, and the time-varying laboratory values.

This graph shows the association between the time-varying serum phosphorus values and the relative risk of death in 58,058 MHD patients as derived in the case-mix and MICS adjusted model. This analysis includes time-dependent Cox models with time-varying repeated measures. Phosphorus values above and below the KDOQI-recommended range are associated with increased hazard ratios.Nutrition GuidelinesLimit dietary phosphorus to 800-1000 mg/d with consideration for protein needs, ie, as low as possible while allowing for a recommended level of protein intakeLimit elemental calcium from calcium-based binders to 1500 mg/dLimit total (dietary and medication) elemental calcium to 2000 mg/d Avoid calcium fortified foods as directedModerate application of cardiovascular dietary recommendations, not to the detriment of nutrition statusNational Kidney Foundation. Am J Kidney Dis. 2002;39(Suppl 1):S1-S266.43Nutrition GuidelinesAccording to KDOQI guidelines1, dietary phosphorus should be restricted to 800 to 1000 mg/day (adjusted for dietary protein needs) when the serum phosphorus levels are elevated (> 4.6 mg/dL) at Stages 3 and 4 of CKD, and > 5.5 mg/dL in those with kidney failure (Stage 5). This same restriction should be observed when the plasma levels of intact PTH are elevated above target range of the CKD stage. The serum phosphorus levels should be monitored every month following the initiation of dietary phosphorus restriction.

The average daily dietary intake of phosphorus is about 1550 mg for males and 1000 mg for females.2 In general, foods high in protein are also high in phosphorus. Phosphates are added to many processed foods including meats, cheeses, dressings, beverages, and bakery products. Such additives may increase the phosphorus intake by as a much as 1 g/day.

Dietary calcium intake is low in patients with CKD. Intake of calcium in adults with advanced CKD ranged between 300 and 700 mg/day; in those treated with hemodialysis, calcium intake averaged 549 mg/day. When dietary calcium intake was less than 20 mg/kg/day, patients with CKD had negative net intestinal calcium balance, but neutral calcium balance was achievable with calcium intake around 30 mg/kg/day.

References:National Kidney Foundation. K/DOQI clinical practice guidelines for chronic kidney disease: evaluation, classification, and stratification. Am J Kidney Dis. 2002;39(2 suppl 1):S1-S266.Uribarri J, Calvo MS. Hidden sources of phosphorus in the typical American diet: does it matter in nephrology? Semin Dial. 2003;16:186-188. InterventionResultCaPO4PTHPhosphate Binders(Ca-based)Therapeutic Interventions forManaging CKDAdapted from Goodman WG. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2003;18(suppl 3):iii2-iii8.

44Therapeutic Interventions for Managing Secondary HPTPhosphate binders are useful for control of serum phosphorus, but calcium-based binders can also increase serum calcium concentration.Reference:Slide: Adapted from Goodman WG. Medical management of secondary hyperparathyroidism in chronic renal failure. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2003;18(suppl 3):iii2-iii8.

Nefropati DiabetikPenderita diabetes melitus sangat cenderung untuk mengalami gangguan ginjal.Dibagi menjadi 5 stadium:Stadium hipertropi-hiperfungsi; dimana GFR meningkat 3-40% disertai pembesaran ukuran ginjal, reversibelNefropati diabetikaStadium sepi; perubahan glomerular telah melanjut, akan tetapi fungsi tidak memburuk pada pemeriksaan standar. GFR tetap tinggi (20-30% di atas normal), ekskresi albumin akan meningkat setelah latihan fisis.

Stadium awal nefropati diabetik; meningkatnya ekskresi albumin di urin (mikroalbuminuria), walaupun secara klinis tetap tanpa proteinuria dengan pemeriksaan standarNefropati diabetikaStadium nefropati diabetik nyata; ditandai oleh proteinuria yang menetap, peningkatan tekanan darah dan penurunan GFR

Stadium gagal ginjal terminalPemeriksaan laboratoriumPemeriksaan yang penting:urinalisis (mikroalbuminuria,albuminuria, glukosuria)pemeriksaan fungsi ginjalelektrolit serumHemoglobin dan hematokrit

Pemeriksaan LaboratoriumPemeriksaan fungsi ginjalKadar Ureum serum Ureum adalah hasil akhir dari metabolisme proteinHanya ginjal yang mensekresi ureumSehingga kadar ureum dapat menggambarkan fungsi ekskresi ginjal

Pemeriksaan LaboratoriumPemeriksaan fungsi ginjalKreatinin serumKadar kreatinin dalam darahKreatinin adalah hasil terakhir metabolisme kreatin ( zat yang sangat diperlukan untuk kontraksi otot rangka)Hanya ginjal yang mengekskresi kreatinin, sehingga dapat menggambarkan fungsi ekskresi ginjal.Dapat dijadikan nilai pemantau perburukan fungsi ginjal.

Pemeriksaan laboratoriumPemeriksaan fungsi ginjalBersihan kreatinin (Creatinine clearance)Jumlah kreatinin yang dalam urin selama 24 jam.Rumus : Cockcroft-Gault (140 - umur) x Berat Badan (Kg)Creatinine clearance =(pria)72 x Kreatinin serum

(wanita) = 0,85 x Bersihan kreatinin priaRumus : MDRDPenatalaksanaanPemantauan status cairan melalui:Penghitungan pemasukan dan pembuangan cairan.Pengukuran berat badanPengukuran tekanan darahPengaturan diet:Pembatasan pemasukan protein, natrium, kaliumPemberian suplementasi besi, folat, vit B12Pengobatan: pemberian Epo, antihipertensi, obat lain sesuai gejalaPada PGT dibutuhkan dialisis atau transplantasi

Pilihan Terapi PenggantiDIALISISDefinisiMetode yang dilakukan untuk mengeluarkan senyawa toksik dan sampah metabolisme yang normal dieksresi oleh ginjal yang sehatPeritoneal DialisisHemodialisisDialisis dilakukan bila pasien tidak respon terhadap terapi konservatif

Ruang HD RS. RK Charitas PalembangHEMODIALISISMenggantikan fungsi ginjal dengan alat dialiser (ginjal buatan).Menggunakan mesin dialiser, darah dikeluarkan dari tubuh, masuk mesin dialiser; dibersihkan, kemudian setelah bersih masuk kembali ke dalam tubuh.


BERAPA SERING ?Sebaiknya 2-3 kali seminggu, selama 3-5 jam.Seumur hidup, kecuali bila dilakukan transplantasi ginjal.

PERITONEAL DIALISISProses dialisis dengan memakai selaput rongga perut sebagai alat pembersihnya (saringannya).Cara kerja : memasukkan cairan pembersih ke dalam rongga perut melalui suatu kateter atau selang khusus yang ditanam ke dalam rongga perut.Karena tidak mencuci darah secara langsung, hemodinamik tidak terganggu.Dilakukan setiap hari 3-4 kali, di rumah, sehingga sosialisasi tidak terganggu.Penyakit Ginjal KronikPeritoneal dialisis

Penyakit Ginjal KronikPeritoneal dialisis

Penyakit Ginjal KronikTransplantasiTerapi terbaik dibanding dialisisMemindahkan ginjal dari seorang donor yang sehat atau dari kadaver pada seorang dengan PGT yang membutuhkan dialisis.Angka keberhasilannya bervariasi, faktor yang sering mempengaruhi kesuksesan adalah respon imun (penolakan). Donor dari famili lebih besar angka keberhasilannya dibandingkan donor kadaver

Dialisis vs Transplantasi

Complications of CKDAnemiaBone diseaseHTNCVDChart10.


Sheet1Column1E1 (Glumerulopati Primer) (GNC)15%E2 (Nefropati Diabetika)23%E3 (Nefropati Lupus) (SLE)1%E4 (Penyakit ginjal Hipertensi)31%E5 (Ginjal Polikistik)1%E6 (Nefropati Asam Urat)1%E7 (Nefropati Obstruksi)11%E8 (Pielonefritis Chronic0 (PNC)8%E9 (Lain-Lain)6%E10 (Tidak Diketahui)2%

Transplantasi ginjalDialisis


Kualitas hidup


Bila gagalSatu kali

Baik sekali

Sekali saja, lebih kecil

Dapat dialisis kembali atau transplantasiSeumur hidup

Cukup baik

Cukup besar
