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群书治要Compilation of Books and Writings on Important

Governing Principles (Qun Shu Zhi Yao)

中国古代的治国原则摘录Excerpts on the Governing Principles of Ancient China

1.1A) 君道:修身:戒贪1.1A) The Way of A Leader: Character Building: Guard Against Greed

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唐朝太宗皇帝( 公元五九九年 — 六四九年)令谏官魏征及虞世南等,整理历代帝王治国资政史料,撷取六经、四史、诸子百家中,有关修身、齐家、治国、平天下之精要,汇编成书。

Emperor Taizong (599-649) of the Tang dynasty ordered two advisors, the honorable Wei Zheng and Yu Shinan, to comb through all the historical records on imperial governing principles from the Six Classics, the Four Collections of History and the Hundreds of Schools, to extract the most important lessons related to the cultivation of oneself, management of family, good government, and ways to bring about peace in the world.

起源 Origins

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The result was a collection, titled Qunshu Zhiyao, carefully excerpted from 14,000 books and 89,000 scrolls of ancient writings—500,000 words in all, and covering sixty-five book categories—dating from the era of the Five Legendary Emperors to the Jin dynasty.

起源 Origins

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修身 Character Building◦ 戒贪 Guard against greed◦ 勤俭 Be frugal and diligent◦ 惩忿 Refrain from anger◦ 迁善 Emulate good deeds◦ 改过 Correcting our own mistakes

敦亲 Be Respectful of Relatives 反身 Self-Reflection 尊贤 Be Respectful of Wise and Able Ministers 纳谏 Be Receptive to Counsels from Ministers 杜谗邪 Be Averse to Slanderous and Malevolent Advice 审断 Be Perceptive and Astute

目录 Contents

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1. 自成康以来,几且千岁,欲为治者甚众, 然而太平不复兴者,何也?以其舍法度,而任私意,奢侈行而仁义废也。(卷十九 汉书七)

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1. 自成康盛世以来,将近千年,想使天下大治的君王很多,然而太平盛世不复出现, 这是为什么呢?因为领导者舍弃了治国的常理常法,而放任自己个人的私欲行事,导致奢侈横行而仁义废弛。

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1. Almost a thousand years have passed since the heyday of King Cheng and King Kang, and many rulers having tried to attain the same glory. But this golden era of peace and prosperity never returned. Why has this been so? It is because rulers have forsaken the law and moral standards, and have instead pursued selfish desires, spoiling themselves with extravagance, and totally neglecting the practice of benevolence and righteousness. Scroll 19: Han Shu, Vol. 7

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2. 夫物速成则疾亡,晚就则善终。朝华之草,夕而零落;松柏之茂,隆寒不衰。是以大雅君子恶速成。(卷二十六 魏志下)

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2. 大凡事物发展过快则衰亡也快,缓慢稳定的发展则容易有圆满的成果。早晨开花的草,到了傍晚就凋落了;茂盛的松柏,即使在非常寒冷的冬天也不会枯萎。所以,德高才大的君子忌讳速成。

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2. In general, anything that develops too fast will fall apart just as quickly, whereas a slow and steady development is more assured of yielding favorable results. Plants that unravel into full bloom in early morning may wither and fall by the evening, but the slow-growing pine trees will not wither even in the extreme winter cold. Hence, a superior person does not hasten to achieve results. Scroll 26: Wei Zhi, Vol. 2

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3. 夫荣公好专利而不知大难。夫利,百物之所生也,天地之所载也,而有专之,其害多矣!天地百物皆将取焉,何可专也?所怒甚多,而不备大难,以是教王,王其能久乎? (卷十一 史记上)

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3. 荣夷公喜好独占财利,而不知道会造成严重的社会问题。财利,是天地之间万物所依赖生存的资源。而有独占的现象,造成资源不均的害处就多了!因为大家都需要用到,怎么可以独占?不平的现象多了,而不知道社会问题已经存在,必招致民怨,不去防备大的灾难,却用这样的思想来教唆君王,王位怎能持久呢?

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3. Duke Yi of the state of Rong was known for monopolizing wealth and profits for himself and for being oblivious to its adverse effects on the society. One should know that wealth and profits are the very sources of survival for hundreds of materials nurtured between heaven and earth. To monopolize them will give rise to an unbalanced situation thereby causing much harm. How can one monopolize the resources when they are needed by so many? To do so will arouse anger from the public. If we teach our lord to monopolize resources instead of urging him to take precaution against major disasters, can his reign last long? Scroll 11: Shi Ji, Vol. 1

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4. 五色令人目盲; 五音令人耳聋; 五味令人口爽; 驰骋田猎,令人心发狂; 难得之货,令人行妨。(卷三十四 老子)

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4. 贪恋五花八门的色彩,使人精气神外散,视觉迟钝;过度追求音乐的刺激,使人心中失去平和中正之气,听觉迟钝;讲究食物的美味,使人味觉迟钝;沉溺于骑马打猎的快意,使人心神狂妄暴躁;稀有难得的货品,会使人贪心增长,而造成行为偏差。

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4. Craving for visual splendor can distort our vision and impede our ability to see the truth about things. Basking in musical amusement can numb our hearing and impede our ability to appreciate the finer meanings in music. Excessive indulgence in fine cuisine can dull our taste buds and impede our ability to appreciate the food. Wallowing in the thrill of game hunting can make us reckless and lose our sanity. Being desirous of rare and precious objects can cause our greediness to grow and drive us to behave wickedly. Scroll 34: Lao Zi

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5. 训有之,外作禽荒, 内作色荒。甘酒嗜音,峻宇雕墙。有一于此,未或弗亡。(卷二 尚书)

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5. 皇祖大禹有这样的话:在内迷恋女色, 在外迷恋游猎,纵情饮酒毫不节制,贪嗜歌舞不知满足,住在豪宅,雕梁画栋,过度装饰。以上几项只要沉迷于一项,就没有不亡国的。

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5. King Yu of antiquity said: “If a ruler is obsessed with womanizing and hunting, drinking fine wine, singing and dancing, living in lofty mansions with intricate wall paintings and carvings; any one of these will surely bring forth the ruin of his country.” Scroll 2: Shang Shu

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6. 乱国之主,务于广地,而不务于仁义,务于高位,而不务于道德,是舍其所以存,而造其所以亡也。(卷三十五 文子)

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6. 会造成国家动乱的领导人,只注重扩大势力范围,而不重视仁义的教化;只追求高位权力,而不专注道德的修养。这种做法是舍弃国家所能生存的条件,而造成灭亡的因素。

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6. Hence, a ruler who can ruin a country will be a leader zealous about expanding his territory but unconcerned with his duty to advance benevolence. He is concerned with pursuing a position of great authority but does not care too much about promoting virtues. By doing this, he has in fact given up all the conditions that can assure his country’s survival. Inevitably he will lead the country to a path of destruction. Scroll 35: Wen Zi

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7. 人主之大患,莫大乎好名。人主好名,则群臣知所要矣。(卷四十八 体论)

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7. 领导人最大的祸患,没有大过爱好虚名的祸患。一旦领导人好名声,那么下属就知道他想要的是什么,而投其所好。

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7. Nothing can do more harm to a leader than widespread knowledge of the fact that he craves adoration and popularity. Once a leader falls into the traps of wanting an inflated name for himself, his officials will know what he wants and conform to his wishes. Scroll 48: Ti Lun