Download - 1/11/20171- ё. .-17 3/11/2017 3-ё ѕ.-17 Asia Paci fic Regional ... Parveen, Professor Eva Maglonzo, Dr.Chandra Nadarajan, Professor Nobutaro Ban (15.30-16.45-75 min) Co ...

Page 1: 1/11/20171- ё. .-17 3/11/2017 3-ё ѕ.-17 Asia Paci fic Regional ... Parveen, Professor Eva Maglonzo, Dr.Chandra Nadarajan, Professor Nobutaro Ban (15.30-16.45-75 min) Co ...

Wonca Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2017 - Pa�aya : Scien�fic Program (Dra�) Wonca Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2017 - Pa�aya : Scien�fic Program (Dra�)

Oct. 30 (Asia) Oct. 31 (Asia) Oct. 31 (Royal Cliff) Date/�me Date/�me Date/�me Date/�me 4-ё .ѕ .-17

Room Head of State Chamber (650) Orchid A (250) Orchid B (250) Jom�en 1 (70) Jom�en 2 (90) Jom�en 3 (70) Jom�en 4 (45) Jom�en 5 (45) Jom�en 6 (45) Jom�en 7 (45) Room Head of State Chamber (650) Orchid A (250) Orchid B (250) Jom�en 1 (70) Jom�en 2 (90) Jom�en 3 (70) Jom�en 4 (45) Jom�en 5 (45) Jom�en 6 (45) Jom�en 7 (45) Room Head of State Chamber Orvhid A (250) Orchid B Jomtein 1 (70) Jom�en 2 (90) Jom�en 3 (70) Jom�en 4 (45) Jom�en 5 (45) Jom�en 6 (45) Jom�en 7 (45) Room Head of State Chamber

7.00 - 8.30 7.00 - 8.30 Registra�on 7.00 - 8.30 Registra�on 7.00 - 8.30 Registra�on

8.30 - 9.15 8.30 - 9.15K4-Family Medicine Development & Feature of Family Medicine System in Taiwan - Professor Meng-Chih Lee

Chinese Forum 8.30 - 9.15K6-Experience with Scaling Up Family

Prac�ce in EMRO Countries- Dr. Mohammed Ibrahim Tarawneh

8.30 - 9.15 K8 - Vaccine Update- Somsak Lolekha

9.15 - 10.00K1-Disaster Preparedness, Response and

Family Medicine - Dr.Donald Li 9.15 - 10.00K5- -Family Doctors Tackling the Challenges of

Universal Health Coverage; What Role can I Play - Professor Michael Kidd

Chinese Forum 9.15 - 10.00

K7 -The Roles of Family Physicians in the Integra�on of Primary Care and

Occupa�onal Medicine Prac�ce - Professor Zolayda Leopando

9.15 - 10.00P4-1 Geriatric Assessment and Health Screening

Patsri Srisuwan

10.00 - 10.45K2 - Health and Social Health: The Royal

Ini�a�ve Projects - Professor Charas Suwanwela

10.00 - 10.45 10.00 - 10.45 10.00 - 10.45 Closing Ceremony / Award Presenta�on

10.45 - 11.30 10.45 - 11.30SS-Thailand Na�onal Plan for Preven�on and Care of

Birth Defects & Disabili�es - Emeritus Professor Pornswan Wasant

Chinese Forum 10.45 - 11.30P3-2 CV Risk Management 2017 -

Prof.Richard Hobbs, Dr. Chaisiri

How The Integration of Palliative Care by Family Physicians Facilitate Advance Care

Planning - Dr. Kittiphon Nagaviroj

11.30 - 12.15 Wes Fabb Ora�on 11.30 - 12.15SS- Lyn Clearithan Award Ceremony - Hosted by

Professor Yousuke Takemura, Presented by Award Winner - Assist Professor Michiko Goto

Chinese Forum 11.30 - 12.15S3-2-Addic�on Medicine for Primary Care

Doctor-Asst. Prof. Apinan Aramrat

W3-1 Advanced Direc�ves : Do Not Rescussitate or Withdrawal of Life Support

Protocols - Dr. Yasemin Kilic Ozturk

12.15 - 13.30 Luncheon Symposium (1) Luncheon Symposium (2) 12.15 - 13.30 Luncheon Symposium (3) Luncheon Symposium (4) 12.15 - 13.30 Luncheon Symposium (5) Luncheon Symposium (6)

13.30 - 14.15

Opening Ceremony and Special Lecture by Minister of Public Health -

H.E.Clin.Prof.Emeritus Piyasakol Sakolsatayadorn

13.30 - 14.15S2-5 - Elderly Care: Community-based and Home-based Care - Mayor Narongchai Khunpluem, Prof.

Pornchai Jullamate

Tobacco Control and Cessa�on - MG.AsisProf.Kidaphol Wadhanakul

W2-6 Strenghtheing Primary Care in Upper -Middle Income Countries: An Open Discussion in the Light of Malaysian and Turkish Results of QUALICOPC study. -

Mehmet Akman

W2-5 -Simulation in Family Medicine Training (45min) - Dr. Yasemin Kilic Ozturk

W2-7 Special group-Family Violence Special Interest Group Mee�ng - Dr. Kelsey Hegarty (13.30-14.30-60min.)

13.30 - 14.15

S3-4-Strengthening Health Care System - Dr.San� Lapbenjakul, Dr.Duangdao Sriyakul, Dr.

Aileen R Espina, Dr. Mohammed Ibrahim Tarawneh (M)

P3-3 International General Medical Practice in Shanghai-Jingwen Gu

14.15 -15.00K3 - Family Medicine Innova�on:

Challenges Facing Family Physicians in the 21st Century - Professor Amanda Howe

14.15 -15.00 Oral / VDO Presenta�on (6 rooms) 14.15 -15.00

15.00 - 15.30 15.00 - 15.30 15.00 - 15.30

15.30 - 16.15P1-1 - Rheumatology for Primary Care-

Dr.Phonpen AkarawatcharanguraOral Presenta�on Chinese Forum 15.30 - 16.15

W1-1- Management of Pa�ents with Complex Co-morbidi�es by Family Physicians - Professor Lee Kheng

Hock, Dr.Agnes Koong, Dr.Tay Wei Yi15.30 - 16.15

S3-5- Emerging and Re-emerging of Infec�ous Diseases - Professor Somsak


W3-8- Double Focal Compression Bandaging Tecnique. We Can Heal Venous Ulcers and

We Ought Do It.-Carlos Sanchez Fernandez de la Vega (15.30-16.30 -60min)

W3-9-Basic enteral tube feeding for the home doctor (60min) (15.30-16.30)

16.15 - 17.00 oral presenta�on Chinese Forum 16.15 - 17.00W2-8 -Health Aspect in Buddhism Monks: The Favour

Spiritual Dimension in Chanthaburi City,Thailand - Dr.Kullawan Chaicharoenpong (45min)

16.15 - 17.00W3-6-Context-Based Learning Within & For the District Health System-Experience from

Thailand - Dr.Yongyuth Pongsupap

17.00-17.30 Chinese Forum 17.00-17.30 17.00-17.30

17.30-18.00 Oral Presenta�on Chinese Forum 17.30-18.00 17.30-18.00

18.00 - 20.00 18.00 - 20.00 18.00 - 20.00

K= Keynote, P = Plenary, S = Symposium, W = Workshop, SS=Special session K= Keynote, P = Plenary, S = Symposium, W = Workshop, SS=Special session K= Keynote, P = Plenary, S = Symposium, W = Workshop, SS=Special session

Workshop III for Residents - Public

Speaking (Asia Hotel) ѯюѧчўҖѠкъѼѥ


Workshop III for Resident - Public Speaking (Asia Hotel) +

TRM (8.00-12.00)

W2-2 -Building Up Research Capacity in Primary Care : How to Write a Scien�fic Paper? - Professor Mehmet

Akman, Dr.Karen Flegg (10.45-12.00-75min)

W1-4-Non Drug Interven�ons for Depression. What the Family Doctor Can

Do in a Rou�ne Consulta�on (15.30-16.45-75min) -Weng Yae Chin

Workshop III for Resident - Public Speaking (Asia Hotel) +

TRM (8.00-12.00)

12.00-17.00 hrs. Wonca Asia Pacific Council Mee�ng (Royal cliff - Jom�en 1)

W1-6 Domes�c and Family Violence: Overcoming the Challenges of Asking and Responding in Primary Care - Dr. Kelsey

Hegarty, Associate Professor Dr Sajaratulnisah Othman (15.30-16.45-75min.)

Coffee Break

Coffee Break & Poster Viewing

W2-1-WWPWFM: Role Modeling: A Tool to Promote Family Medicine in Medical Schools - Professor Zolayda

Leopando, Dr.Mayuri Phitaksilp, Professor Valerie Wass, A/Professor Leilanie Nicodemus (10.45-12.00-75


W1-6 Medical Educa�on: Developing the Undergraduate Curriculum to Promote

Family Medicine in Medical Schools - Professor Valerie Wass, Dr.Hashmet

Parveen, Professor Eva Maglonzo, Dr.Chandra Nadarajan, Professor Nobutaro

Ban (15.30-16.45-75 min)

Coffee Break & Poster Viewing

Gala Dinner

W2-11-TRM How encourage the young doctors movement within Asia Pacific Countries - Dr. Shin

Yoshida (15.30-16.45 -75min)

W3-7 Rural Emergency Care Training for Family Physicians (RECTIFY) 75min(15.30 - 16.45) -

Nisanth Menon Nedungalaparambil, Dr. Victor Ng, Dr. Pratyush Kumar Mishra

W3-5 -Caring for the Carer: Maintaining Doctors Mental Health (75min) (15.30 - 16.45)

Dr. Naomi Harris

W2-9- Family Counseling: Catharsis, Educa�on and Ac�on - Professor Eva Irene Maglonzo, Dr.Leilanie Nicodemus, Dr.Anna Guia Limpoco (15.30 - 16.45-


W2-10-Spiritual Medicine: Medita�on and Energy Therapy (SKT) - A/Prof Somporn Triamchaisri

W3-4 Disaster Risk Management Training for Family Medicine Residents (2hrs) - Aileen R. Espina (WWPWFM

Chair-Elect) (15.30 - 17.30)

W2-13 -Teaching Consulta�on Skills Using Observed Consulta�ons - Dr.Karen Flegg, Professor Job

Metsemakers (VDO presenta�on - 1.5 hrs)

W2-12-Understanding Assessment Methodology and the Move to Forma�ve Workplace Based

Assessment (15.30-16.45 -75min) Val Wass, Hashmet Parveen, Eva Maglonzo,

Nobutaro Ban

Coffee Break & Poster Viewing

Welcome Recep�on @ Royal Summit Chamber Room

W1-4-Working with Mul�disciplinary Team - MS.Su�hinee Chatyalak, Dr.Chaisiri

Angkurawaranon (Thai Language with English Interpreta�on)

W1-2 - The Fi�h ARPaC Forum: Standards for Training PCP/FM Specialists - Professor

Zorayda Leopando

3-ё .ѕ .-17

Oral / VDO Presenta�on (6 rooms) Oral / VDO Presenta�on (6 rooms)

1-ё . .-171/11/2017


P3-1 Primary Health Care Policy Implementa�on in the Asia Pacific Region

<Part II> : WONCA Working Party on Research Mul�-na�onal Plenary Panel Project - Prof Ryuki Kassai , Dr Karen Flegg. Prof Seng Fah

Tong, Dr Myagmartseren Dashtseren. A/Prof Dr Tin Myo Han, Dr Sairat Noknoy, Ass/Prof Pham

Le An

Coffee Break & Poster Viewing

W3-3- Asia Pacific Rural Health Network- Dr. Frank Jone

W3-2-WONCA Con�nuing Professional Development (CPD) Standards: Mee�ng the

Needs of Primary Care Prac��oners Worldwide - Dr.Victor Ng and Professor Valerie Wass

2-ё .ѕ .-

Coffee Break & Poster Viewing

W2-3 Challenges Facing Family Physicians Providing Primary Pallia�ve Care (45min) - Dr. Yasemin Kilic Ozturk &

Dr.Ki�phon Nagaviroj , Dr. Veerachai Sachdev
