Download - 初级英语听力 Unit 4 Part I Sentence Dictation Part II Compound Dictation Part III Short Answer Questions.

Page 1: 初级英语听力 Unit 4 Part I Sentence Dictation Part II Compound Dictation Part III Short Answer Questions.

初级英语听力Unit 4

Part I Sentence Dictation

Part II Compound Dictation

Part III Short Answer Questions

Page 2: 初级英语听力 Unit 4 Part I Sentence Dictation Part II Compound Dictation Part III Short Answer Questions.


1.Listen to following sentences carefully and try to write down what you have heard.

2. Please repeat each sentence while listening and pay attention to the phonetics

3. Please interpret what’ve heard into Chinese one by one.

Unit 4Part I Sentence Dictation



Part II Compound Dictation

Part III Short Answer Questions

Page 3: 初级英语听力 Unit 4 Part I Sentence Dictation Part II Compound Dictation Part III Short Answer Questions.

Part II Compound Dictation

fracture :骨折,破裂 single fracture :单骨折hairline fracture :骨裂 wreath :圈状物

complete fracture :完全骨折 comminuted fracture :粉碎性骨折

bowing fracture :弓形骨折greenstick fracture :青枝骨折 也叫不完全胃折,就象折青嫩的柳枝一样,表

皮有些折断了,而枝条却没完全拆断。open or compound fracture :复合型骨折 也叫开放性骨折

( open fracture )。骨折的部位碰触到体外。X-rays : X 光 Bandage :绷带

Calcium :钙 elbow pads ;护腕leg guards :护膝 screw :螺丝钉


1.Listen to the Words and their Stories, try to understand what you’ve heard.

Part I Sentence Dictation

Part III Short Answer Questions

Page 4: 初级英语听力 Unit 4 Part I Sentence Dictation Part II Compound Dictation Part III Short Answer Questions.

The medical term for 1. is a fracture. But there are different kinds of fractures. A single fracture is when a bone is broken in just one place. You may have heard the 2. hairline fracture. This is a single fracture that is very 3. like the wreath of the hair. A complete fracture is when the bone comes a part. When a bone is broken in 4.

or gets crushed. The 5. for it is a comminuted fracture. Still, another kind is a boning fracture.

This happens with a bone that 6. but does not break. It happens 7. in children. Ever heard of a grin stick fracture? This is when a bone is bent and 8.

like a young stick of wood. Another kind of break is an open or compound fracture. This is when the bone breaks the 9.

. This is very serious. Along with the bone damage, there is 10. infection in the open wound.

A lot of things happen as the body reacts to 11. like a broken bone, you might suddenly feel lighted head. You might also feel sick to your stomach. People who are seriously injured can go into shock. They might feel cold,

dizzy, 12. .

2.Listen to it again, this time, please try to fill the following blanks.


Shock requires immediate medical attention. But while broken bones can be painful. They are generally not 13. . Treatment depends on the kind of fracture. A doctor takes X-rays to seize the break and sets a broken bone to 14.

it is in the correct position.

Sever breaks may require an operation to 15. the bones together with metal plates and screws. Next, a person usually gets a cast put around the area of the break. 16.

. Casts are usually won for one to two months. In some cases, in stead of cast, a splint made of 17. or metal will be secured over the area to restrict movement. Doctors say broken bones should be treated quickly because they can 18. or cause nerve damage. Also 19.

. So you want to make sure the bone is lined up correctly.

Bones need calcium and vitamin D to grow and reach their full strength. 20. .

Wearing safety protection like elbow pads and leg guards during activities is a good idea. If you think this might by restrictive, try a cast.

Page 5: 初级英语听力 Unit 4 Part I Sentence Dictation Part II Compound Dictation Part III Short Answer Questions.

Part III Short Answer Questions

Cabinet Secretary:内阁总理 vote: n. v. 投票 , 表决Liberal Democratic Party:自民党 Foreign Minister.:外交部长

re-energize:重新注入活力 ruling party:执政党Burmese :缅甸的 ( Burma:缅甸,东南亚国家,首都仰光 Rangoon)

Buddhist :佛教徒 detain:拘留 monk:僧人anti-government demonstration:反政府示威

Pakistan :巴基斯坦 (南亚国家) Politician:政治家,政客Islamabad:伊斯兰堡(巴基斯坦首都) Detention:拘留,禁闭

Activist:激进主义份子 Condemn:判刑,声讨,谴责Campaign:(政治或商业)活动,竞选活动

Afghan:阿富汗人 Bangladesh:孟加拉国 Fishermen:渔民

1.Words and expressions

1.Listen to the material first time and try to understand what you’ve heard.

2.Listen to it again, and answer the following questions.

Part I Sentence Dictation

Part II Compound Dictation


Page 6: 初级英语听力 Unit 4 Part I Sentence Dictation Part II Compound Dictation Part III Short Answer Questions.

1) How many votes of support did the new Cabinet Secretary get? What are the measures of the new Cabinet Secretary?

2) Who took part in the anti-government demonstration?

3) Why Pakistani police arrested the opposition leaders?

4) How many people disappeared in west Afghan? Who are they?

5) Where did the storm hit Bangladesh? How many people were rescued? How many were missing?

4.Retell these news after listening to it the third time.


3.Listen to it again, and answer the following questions.

Page 7: 初级英语听力 Unit 4 Part I Sentence Dictation Part II Compound Dictation Part III Short Answer Questions.

1. My uncle is a high school principal.

3. During your first year of college, did you make straight A’s?

4. My brother is a member of the faculty.

He teaches economics.

2. What kind of grades did you make in college?

5. John has extracurricular activities. He’s on the football team.


BackPart II Compound Dictation

Page 8: 初级英语听力 Unit 4 Part I Sentence Dictation Part II Compound Dictation Part III Short Answer Questions.


1.a broken bone 2.term 3.small

4.more than two places 6.bends

7.mostly 8.breaks along only one side

9.Skin 10.risk of injury

12.unable to think clearly threatening 14.make sure

15.haul 16.The hard bandage holds the bone in place while it heals

17.Plastic 18.restrict blood flow

19.the break will start to repair itself

20.Keeping your bones strong with exercise may also help prevent fractures

Part III Short Answer Questions script

Page 9: 初级英语听力 Unit 4 Part I Sentence Dictation Part II Compound Dictation Part III Short Answer Questions.

•The medical term for 1.a broken bone is a fracture. But there are different kinds of fractures. A single fracture is when a bone is broken in just one place. You may have heard the 2.term hairline fracture. This is a single fracture that is very 3.small like the wreath of the hair. A complete fracture is when the bone comes a part. When a bone is broken in 4.more than two places or gets crushed. The for it is a comminuted fracture. Still, another kind is a boning fracture. This happens with a bone that 6.bends but does not break. It happens 7.mostly in children. Ever heard of a grin stick fracture? This is when a bone is bent and 8.breaks along only one side like a young stick of wood. Another kind of break is an open or compound fracture. This is when the bone breaks the This is very serious. Along with the bone damage, there is 10.risk of infection in the open wound.

A lot of things happen as the body reacts to injury like a broken bone, you might suddenly feel lighted head. You might also feel sick to your stomach. People who are seriously injured can go into shock. They might feel cold, dizzy,

12.unable to think clearly.


Page 10: 初级英语听力 Unit 4 Part I Sentence Dictation Part II Compound Dictation Part III Short Answer Questions.

Shock requires immediate medical attention. But while broken bones can be painful. They are generally not threatening. Treatment depends on the kind of fracture. A doctor takes X-rays to seize the break and sets a broken bone to 14.make sure it is in the correct position.

Sever breaks may require an operation to 15.haul the bones together with metal plates and screws. Next, a person usually gets a cast put around the area of the break. 16.The hard bandage holds the bone in place while it heals. Casts are usually won for one to two months. In some cases, in stead of cast, a splint made of 17.plastic or metal will be secured over the area to restrict movement. Doctors say broken bones should be treated quickly because they can 18.restrict blood flow or cause nerve damage. Also 19.the break will start to repair itself. So you want to make sure the bone is lined up correctly.

Bones need calcium and vitamin D to grow and reach their full strength. 20.Keeping your bones strong with exercise may also help prevent fractures. Wearing safety protection like elbow pads and leg guards during activities is a good idea. If you think this might by restrictive, try a cast.

backPart III Short Answer Questions

Page 11: 初级英语听力 Unit 4 Part I Sentence Dictation Part II Compound Dictation Part III Short Answer Questions.

[1]. In the news at this hour, the former chief Cabinet Secretary of Japan has been elected the country's next Prime Minister. Yasuo Fukuda won 330 votes of support out of possible 527 votes in the Liberal Democratic Party election. His competitor former

Foreign Minister Taro Aso won 197 votes. Mr. Fukuda says he wants to re-energize the ruling party and regain the public's trust.

[2]. Burmese police have prevented Buddhist religious workers from marching to the home of detained democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi. Hundreds of monks and their

supporters took part in the march. Monks did reach Ms. Suu Kyi's house during a march on Saturday. She came outside for her first public appearance since 2003. Also on

Sunday about 20,000 people demonstrated in the capital, Rangoon. It was the largest anti-government demonstration in Burma in 20 years. Such demonstrations have been taking

place in Rangoon for six straight days.

[3]. Pakistani officials say the arrests of several opposition politicians were aimed at preventing unrest before the presidential election. Pakistani police seized at least four opposition leaders on Saturday in Islamabad. The leaders have been held under 30-day detention orders. Many more activists also were ordered detained. The opposition has

condemned the arrests. They say the action is meant to silence critics of President Pervez Musharraf's campaign for reelection.


Page 12: 初级英语听力 Unit 4 Part I Sentence Dictation Part II Compound Dictation Part III Short Answer Questions.

[4]. Afghan police say they are searching for two Italians and two Afghans who disappeared on a visit to a dangerous area in the west. Officials say they are investigating whether the four may have been kidnapped on Saturday in Herat province. Italy's Defense Ministry says two soldiers are missing. The officials did not say if the soldiers have been kidnapped. Earlier reports said the Italians were reporters and the Afghans were working for them. Afghan officials say the four were last seen on Saturday in the Shindand area of Herat

[5]. Officials in Bangladesh say more than 100 fishermen are missing after a severe storm hit the country's southern coast. Officials in the Barguna area said on Saturday that at least 12 fishing boats were in the Bay of Bengal when the storm caused strong winds and high waves. About 50 fishermen swam to land or were rescued by other boats. Some of the survivors said they saw several boats sank.
