Download - 一個觸摸的力量 - The Power of a Touch

Page 1: 一個觸摸的力量 - The Power of a Touch
Page 2: 一個觸摸的力量 - The Power of a Touch

One day Jesus was on His way to

the house of a man whose

daughter was very ill. As usual, a

crowd followed and pressed

around Him. In the midst of the

crowd was a woman who had

been sick for 12 years. She had

spent every bit of her money on

doctors, yet the sickness


Desperate, the woman thought,

Oh, if I could touch Jesus, I know

I would be healed!

Then, seeing Jesus afar off, she

anxiously made her way toward

Him. It wasn’t easy to get through

the mob of onlookers who were

all trying to get as close to Jesus

as they could, but she was driven

by that thought. She just had to

touch Him!

在一天,耶穌正要去附近城鎮一個病危的人家裏,路上,人群如通常一樣擁擠著祂。在群衆之間,有一個患了十二年血漏病的女人。在這十二年之間,她曾一個接一個的去看醫生、但從未被治好。她花盡錢財來付醫治費,並因接受他們的各種治療而受了許多苦,但她仍在病了。 那女人迫切的想∶「啊,我若能只是觸摸到耶穌的話,肯定就會被治癒的。」 當她遠遠的看到耶穌時,她 就開始急忙趕往祂那裏去。 要穿過人群並不是件容易的 事,因有一大群擁擠的旁觀 者,在設法走近耶穌,然而 她心中只有一個念頭,那就 是我一定要觸摸到祂,即使 只是觸摸到祂衣裳的縫邊也 好。

Page 3: 一個觸摸的力量 - The Power of a Touch

Finally she came within reach,

stretched out her hand, and was

able to barely touch the edge of His

robe with her fingertips.

Immediately the pain that had

plagued her for so long stopped

completely. A warm and wonderful

feeling of health and well-being

swept over her body. She was

healed at last!

Jesus paused for a moment. He had

felt healing power pass from Him.

He asked, “Who touched Me?”

“With this crowd pressing around

You,” His disciples replied, “You

ask who touched You?”

But Jesus already knew who had

touched Him. He turned to the

astonished woman. She fell at His

feet and told Him her story.



祂的門徒驚愕地看著祂說 ∶「有那麽大的一群人在 擁擠的緊靠著你,你竟問 誰摸了你?」

但耶穌知道誰摸 了祂,就 轉身看著那位 驚愕的女人。她仍因剛發 生了的事而感到震驚,因 此往前俯倒在祂腳前,告 訴祂整件事的經過。

Page 4: 一個觸摸的力量 - The Power of a Touch

As lovingly and tenderly as a

father would speak to a child,

Jesus said to her, “Daughter,

your faith has made you well!

Go in peace and be healed of

your disease.” Jesus was making

it clear to all the crowd that

touching His clothes was not

what had healed the woman, but

it was her faith.

This woman, as soon as she

heard of Jesus, believed in her

heart that He could really help

her, when all else had failed. So

she pressed toward Him, full of

faith, never giving up until she

made contact with the Lord!

Dramatization based on Luke 8:42-48

Cover art and dramatized version of this story © Aurora Productions. Inside illustrations by Didier Martin.

儿童的圣经故事 :

就如父親對他的孩子說話一樣,耶穌充滿愛心而溫柔的對她說∶「女兒,你的信心使你痊愈了!平平安安的去吧!你的病已經得醫治了。」耶穌對所有的群衆清楚地說明,那婦人被治好,並不是由於她觸摸了祂衣裳的緣故,而是由於她對祂有信心所致。 這個女人,她曾嘗試一切方法,但都失敗 了,而當她一聽到耶 穌,她就深信不疑的相 信祂能幫助她,並因此 而不放棄的擠過人群往 祂那裏去,直到她與上 主作了個人的接觸爲 止。