Download - 最後的晚餐 - The Last Supper

Page 1: 最後的晚餐 - The Last Supper

[Jesus] poured water into a basin. Then he began to wash the disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel he had around him. After washing their feet, he put on his robe again and sat down and said, “Do you understand what I was doing? You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and you are right, because that’s what I am. Now I have given you an example to follow. The most important one of you should be like the least important, and your leader should be like a servant.”


[耶穌]隨後把水倒在盆裡,就洗門徒的腳,並用自己所束的手巾擦乾。耶穌洗完了他們的腳,就穿上衣服,又坐下,對他們說:「我向你們所做的,你們明白嗎?你們稱呼我『夫子』,稱呼我『主』,你們說的不錯,我本來是。我給你們作了榜樣,叫你們照著我向你們所做的去做。 你們中間最大的,應當像最小的;作首領的,應當像服事人的。」

Page 2: 最後的晚餐 - The Last Supper

While they were eating, Jesus took some bread and thanked God for it. He broke off some pieces, gave them to his followers and said, “Take this bread and eat it. It is my body.”

Then he took a cup of wine, thanked God for it, and gave it to them. He said, “Each one of you drink some of it. This wine is my blood, which will be poured out to forgive the sins of many and begin the new agreement from God to his people.”

Jesus then asked them to drink wine and eat bread together in remembrance of Him, until the day that He would eat and drink together with them again in Heaven. When Christians gather together, they often perform this ceremony, called communion.

他們吃的時候,耶穌拿起餅來,祝謝了就擘開,遞給門徒,說:“你們拿去吃吧,這是我的身體。” 耶穌又拿起杯來,祝謝了就遞給他們,說:“你們都喝吧, 這是我的血,是為立約的,為許多人流出來,使罪得赦。" 耶穌祂邀請他們一起喝酒和吃麵包來紀念祂,直到有一天,祂會在天堂裡再和他們一同吃喝。現在當基督徒們聚在一起時,通常會舉行這個儀式,就叫做「同領聖餐」。

Page 3: 最後的晚餐 - The Last Supper

The meaning of the bread: Jesus’ body was broken for our healing

Jesus’ body was broken for us for the healing of our bodies.

The meaning of the wine: the blood, shed for our salvation and forgiveness of sins

The wine symbolizes Jesus’ blood, shed for the salvation of our souls.

Featured on Art on pgs 2 & 3 ©Philip Martin; used under CC license.

麵包所代表的意義: 耶穌的身體為了我們的醫治而被破碎

耶穌的身體為我們而破碎,為的是使我們的身體可以得醫治。 酒的意義:祂為我們的救贖所流的血,因而寬恕了我們的罪
