Download - Protection regulates what goes in out Sensory (lets you feel things) Regulates Body Temperature Gets Rid of Waste.


Protection regulates what goes in & out Sensory (lets you feel things) Regulates Body Temperature Gets Rid of Waste Skin Epidermis Dermis Nails Hair Outer layer of skin, dead cells Second layer of skin, living cells a dark pigment that protects the skin from sunlight by absorbing the UV light. Protects organs Stores minerals (calcium) Assist with movement Make blood cells Bone Compact Spongy Marrow Cartilage Ligaments The part of the bone that has no open spaces. The part of the bone that has many open spaces. It provides most of the strength and support. A soft tissue inside of a bone that makes red and white blood cells and stores fat. A tissue that connects bone to bone. It holds joints together. A place where two or more bones meet. READ PAGES 584 586 & DEFINE. Compact Bone Spongy Bone Marrow Ligament Joint Work in pairs to generate movement Muscles Skeletal Cardiac Smooth Tendons Muscle action that is under your control. Muscle action that is not under your control. Enables bones to move Voluntary Fatigues A tissue that attaches muscle to bone. Moves food through the digestive system Involuntary Does not fatigue Pumps blood around the body\ Involuntary Does not fatigue