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Big and Enterprise data:Lesson learned

by Yevhen AndrushkoAugust 2014

Agile Basecamp 2014

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General theme overview

PM and new team, connecting

Why we need deeper involvement? How to and what tools?

DevOps role on the project, not underestimate them

Few words about motivation and GTD approach

Some kind of Summary

Presentation plan:

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Thanks' to SoftServe PMO, event organizers, my teams, colleagues and my wife of course.

Special notice

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Let’s start

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Good team composition secrets

▪ Choose right people▪ Create must to know item list, share it▪ Let the HR’s do their job▪ Provide mentoring on a regular basis▪ Book a regular 121 meeting with each team member

▪ Motivate and develop 24/7

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Steps of success team

• Create a vision with your team• Define behaviors for your group • Get to know your people • Get to know your team and have your

peopleget to know each other• Track the team’s work• Empower your team• Develop their skills• Celebrate success

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121 Major themes

▪ What 3 things are you working on right now?

▪ What’s something that you’re better at now then a month ago?

▪ What things do you want to get better at?▪ What’s your plan for developing those skills?

▪ What can I do to help you?▪ How can we do a better job?

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Staying Motivated

▪ Do what you were born to become▪ Mingle with motivated people▪ Learn from every person you meet▪ Set realistic goals▪ Celebrate success▪ Do not major in minors▪ Give recognition to those around you▪ Reward yourself

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CI in Enterprise

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What corporate tool to choose

▪ Atlassian Bamboo

+ Supports automatic branching and merging (This is the main reason my current company uses Bamboo, because we want to automatically branch our CI plans and make sure all our dev branches are covered by CI, in Jenkins, each branch and merge means we'd have to copy and reconfigure each plan)+ Integrates well with rest of Atlassian suite. So if you use Jira for bugs and story management, and confluence for documentation, it's easy to get bamboo to auto close stories/bugs as they're deployed, and update confluence documentation with each completed story.+ Has some cool bells and whistles like detecting if a plan is currently deadlocked. (by comparing it against a threshold of build times of previous builds, like if a build is taking 50% longer to build the the last successful build)- It's hard to find plugins for non-common tasks or setup. (For example, I couldn't find a TestSwarm plugin for Bamboo)- It's less popular than Jenkins. Hard to find other users to talk shop or ask for help.

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What corporate tool to choose #2

▪ Jenkins

Popular open source, easy to find plugins for. (for example, there's a testswarm plugin for Jenkins, and I had to write my own set of build scripts to do the same in bamboo because a plugin didn't exist)+ Easy to find other users and get help on Jenkins.+ Free, and easy to setup- Does not do automatic branching/merging

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DevOps are coming ©

Or we can say: Sysadmin codersThe Devops movement is built around a group of people who believe that the application of a combination of appropriate technology and attitude can revolutionize the world of software development and delivery.The demographic seems to be experienced, talented 30-something sysadmin coders with a clear understanding that writing software is about making money and shipping product. More importantly, these people understand the key point - we’re all on the same side! All of us - developers, testers, managers, DBAs, network technicians, and sysadmins - are all trying to achieve the same thing: the delivery of great quality, reliable software that delivers business benefit to those who commissioned it.

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Let’s wake up!

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Procrastination man

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Procrastination Survey Results

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About GTD

“Getting Things Done” – original book by David Allen

Workflow processCollecting, Sorting, Categorising and Accessing information

A methodology, not a technology

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Getting control of your life in 5 easy steps


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Become GTD#1

Capture Everything that needs to be done

Get it All out of your headTrain yourself to always identify the Next Action

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Become GTD#2

Capture Everything that needs to be done

Get it All out of your headTrain yourself to always identify the Next Action

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Become GTD#3

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Become GTD#4

Passwords:Forgive@her (Простить ее) ← посвящено бывшей жене, с этого все началосьQuit@smoking4ever (Навсегда бросить курить) ← сработалоSave4trip@thailand (Накопить на поездку в Таиланд) ← сработалоEat2times@day (Есть два раза в день) ← не сработало, остался в телеSleep@before12 (Ложиться спать до 12) ← сработалоAsk@her4date (Пригласить ее на свидание) ← сработало. Я снова влюбилсяNo@drinking2months (Не пить 2 месяца) ← сработало. Чувствую себя превосходноMovE@togeth3r (Начать жить вдвоем) ← сработалоGet@c4t! (Завести кошку) ← сработало. У нас замечательная кошка. Facetime2mom@sunday (Говорить с мамой через ФейсТайм каждое воскресенье) ← сработало. Я разговариваю с мамой каждую неделю. 

Сейчас стоит этот пароль:

Save4@ring (накопить на кольцо) ← Жизнь снова должна измениться

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Become GTD#5

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Communications: Bad example

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Communications: Bad example #2

▪ Only Google Drive▪ No Wiki at all▪ Meetings without webcam▪ Excel bug tracking▪ No backlog▪ Guesstimate planning▪ No stand ups

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Communications: RIGHT

▪ Jira(TFS, Trello, Redmine)

▪ Skype, Hangouts, Lync

▪ Mega meeting,, Go2Meeting

▪ Confluence

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Simple recipe for effective meetings.

▪ Own a meeting – Come prepared and feel responsible for the success of the meeting

▪ Publish Agenda, Define the goal, and expected outcome

▪ Consider time-boxing – time box the meeting to 30 minutes, shorter meetings are more effective.

▪ Physical participation - Make everyone physically participate - write on a white board, take notes, walk, move! 

▪ Close the meeting explicitly- recap the goal, outline results, next actions, assignments.

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Outsource thoughts to share

We don’t sell services, we sell skill, expertise & amazing team.

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More Information

••••• PMP in Depth book by Paul Sanghera • 45 manager tatoos by Maxim Batirev

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Yevhen AndrushkoProject [email protected]