Download - ብላዕ ንከርስኻ ፍረድ ንነብስኻ · Alamin Hassan Presidential aid. Ministerial Advisers 26. Dr. Matewos WolduEconomic Advisor and Coordinator of the program in

Page 1: ብላዕ ንከርስኻ ፍረድ ንነብስኻ · Alamin Hassan Presidential aid. Ministerial Advisers 26. Dr. Matewos WolduEconomic Advisor and Coordinator of the program in


ብላዕ ንከርስኻ ፍረድ ንነብስኻ ኣብ ሩሑቕን ቀረባን ዘለኹም ዘለኽን ኩቡራት ኤርትራውያን ሰላምታይ ይብጻሕኩም ኣብ ዝሓለፈ፡ መልሲ ን መርበብ ሓበሬታ ደቀባት ኣብዝሃብኩሉ፡ ኣብ 1991፡ ብተግባር ዘይሕጋዊ ናይ ክርስቲያን መንግስቲ ኢዩ ተተኺሉ ኣብ ኤርትራ ኢለ ጽሒፈ ነበርኩ። ብድሕሪኡ፡ ካብ ዝተፈላለየ ክፋላት ዓለም፡ ብ ኢ-መይልን ብተሌፎንን ብገጽ ንገጽን ካብ ዝተፈላለዩ ጾታን ዓይነት ሰባትን፡ ካብ ደገፍትን ተቓወምትን ህግደፍ ዝተፈላለየ ርኢቶታት ተቐቢለ ስለ ዘለኹ፡ ጭብጥን ኩውንነትን ባዕሎም ስለ ዝዛረቡ፡ ነዚ ዝስዕብ ጭብጥን ኩውንነትን ሰነድ ኣንቢብኩም ፍረዱ ይብለኩም። ነዚ 174 ገጻት ዝሓዘ ሰነድ ጭብጢታት፡ ኣነ ኣየዳለኹዎን፡ ኣዳለውቱ ብጉዳይ ሃገሮም ዝግደሱን ዝሰርሑን ኮይኖም፡ ኣብ ብረታዊ ቃልሲ ብተወፋይነት ንእስነቶምን ኩለንትና ዝወፈዩ ሓርበኛታት ኢዮም ኣዳልዮሞ፡ ምስጋናን ክብረትን ድማ ይግቦኦም። እዚ ሰነድ እዚ፡ ገለ ክፋሉ ማይ ዝጣዓመ ኢዩ፡ ምኽንያቱ፡ ገለ ክፋሉ ኣብ መርበብ ሓበሬታ ተዘርጊሑ ስለ ዝነበረ። ንእግረ መንገደይ፡ ነታ ስራሕ ዕሸላት ኣብ ምስራሕ ጥራይ ዕድሚኣ ተባኽን ዘላ ኣይተስፊ ኣይተምዕር እቲ ትሰርሖ ወላ ንህግደፍ ውን ዘይጠቕሞ ኣብ 1970 ትነብር ሚዛን ዘይብላ መርበብ ሓበሬታ መስከረም፡ ራዛ ናይ ኣቡኡ ሓዛ ናይ ሸያጢ ሃገር ወላዲኡ ብምኽታል ታሪኽ ክድገም ንዕዘብ ስለ ዘለና፡ ከም ናይ ወላዲኻ ናብ ጉሓፍ ታሪኽ ክትጓሓፍ ኢኻ ሓንቲ ከየፍረኻ ብምባል፡ ነቲ ተቓወምቲ ንስርዓት ህግደፍ ናይ ክርስቲያን ኢዩ ኢሎም ዝበልካዮ፡ እወ ሕጂ ውን ናይ ክርስቲያን ኢዩ እነሆ እቲ ጭብጢ ኣንብቦ። ኣብ ሓደ እዋን ኣብ ሓደ ሃገር ብደሞክራሲ ዝማሓደር ህዝቢ፡ ሕጋዊ ህዝቢ ዝመረጾ ሓደ ፕረሲደንት ሓደ ምኽትሉን ሓደ ቀዳማይ

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ሚኒስተርን ሃይማኖቱ ይኹን ብሄሩ ብዘየገድስ ክህልዎ ይግባእ። ካብኡ ሓሊፉ ግና 38% ጥራይ ኣብ ሓደ ሃገር ዘቕውም ሓደ ብሄር፡ ንናይ ሃገር ሂወት ፉጹም ተቖጻጺሩ ነቲ 62% ህዝባ ክድህኽን ክጭፍልቕን ክህድድን መሰል የብሉን። ከምዚ ክብል ኮለኹ ግና፡ ቡሙሉኡ ክርስቲያን ከበሳ ማለተይ ከምዘይኮነ ምግንዛብ የድሊ። ብኣንጻሩ ክርስቲያን ኤርትራ ግዳይ ናይዚ ግናይ ጉጅለ ህግደፍ ኢዩ። ብተማሳሳሊ ምስ’ዚ እከይ ጉጅለ፡ ንይምሰል ብ ኢሳይያስ ሽመት ዝተቶኽበሎም ኣስላም ከምዘለው ኩሉ ዝፈልጦ ኢዩ። ብግልጺ ንምዝራብ፡ እዞም ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዘሳቕዩን ዘጽንቱን ዘለው ጉጅለ፡ ኣብ መሰረት ታሪኽ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ሰነድን ታሪኽን ዘይብሎም፡ ማለት ኣቦታትናን ኣቦሓጎታትናን ኣስላምን ክርስቲያንን ብዛዕባ ኤርትራ ክዝትዩን ክዋረዱን ክቕተሉን ኮለው፡ ኣቦታትን ሓዎቦታትን ባዓል ኢሳይያስን ሓጎስን ካልኦትን ግና ጉዳዮም ስለ ዘይነበረን ስለ ዘይምልከቶምን፡ ኣብቲ ክሳዶም ኣቕኒዖም ዝኸድሉ ሃገሮም ኣማሓደርቲ ዓድዋን ተንቤንን ነበሩ። እቲ ሓቂ እዞም ሰጥ ለበጥ ኣቢሎም ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዝገዝእዎ ዘለው እንታዎት ኢዮም፡ ብፍላይ ኩሉ ግዝየ ክሪኦም ኮለኹ ደመይ ዝፈልሓኒ፡ ሓጎስ ክሻ, ግርማይ ሳንቲም, የማነ ገብርኣብን ጎይቶኦም ኢሳይያስ ኣፈወርቅን ወ.ዘ.ተ.ን ኢዮም። ጀጋኑ ኤርትራውያን ንስለ ሃገሮም ናብ ታንክታትን ናብ ነቶግትን ጠኒኖም ብምእታው ክደምዩን ክቆራረጹን ክስውኡን ኮለው፡ ባዓል ክሻ ባዓል ማንኪ ባዓል ሳንቲም ባዓል ኢሳይያስ ኣበይ ነበሩ፡ ኣበይ ከ ኣለው፡ እቶም ንነጻነት ኤርትራ ዝፈጠሩ’ኸ ኣበይ ተሸረቡ እንታይ ረኸቦም ካን ሽርብ። ኣብ መደምደምታ፡ ንኹሎም ኣስላም ብፍላይ ድማ ን ኣስላም ኤርትራ፡ መባልዕትና ሩሑስ ዒድ ኣል ፈጥር ይግበረልና ይብል። ኩቡራት ሃገራውያን ክሳብ ኣብ ዝመጽእ ጹሑፈይ ንራኸብ ሰላም ቅነ ሳልሕ ዓብደላ

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ካብ ለምለም ካናዳ [email protected]

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Eritrean Authority Personnel

Egypt Failed Because It Lacked Ethnic Harmony and Self-Reliant Economy Eritrea Has ….

Issaias Afwerki

Compiled By Jelal Y. Aberra








Female Male Total %

Total Eritrean Authority Personell

Others Tigrigna Total

Others Tigrigna Total

Female 36 156 192

Male 441 1929 2370

Total 477 2085 2562

% 18,6 % 81,4 % 100,0 %

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Index Origin of Name 3 Ethnic Groups & Population 3 Ministers 4 Office of President 4 Ministerial Advisers 4 Primary Sub Divisions 5 Military Leaders 5 National Security 6 Administrative Area 13 Directors 17 Managers 22 Heads 25 Administrators 37 Ambassadors 41 Chairpersons 43 Chairmen Secretary 44 Dean and Lecturers 45 Judges 47 Experts 48 Religious Leaders 51 Medical Doctors 52 Engineers 54 Departments “Defence ” 55 Police 57 Foreign Affairs 59 Justice Ministry 61 Ministry of LHW 63

Ministry of LWE 65 Ministry of National Development 66 Ministry of Public Work 67 Ministry of Tourism 69 Ministry of Trade & Industry 70 Ministry of Transport & Communication 71 Ministry of Mining & Energy 73 Ministry of Finance 74 Ministry of Fishery 75 Ministry of Health 76 Ministry of Agriculture 80 Ministry of Education 84 Ministry of Information 87 NUEW 89 NUEYS 90 PFDJ. 91 Association Chairmen 93 EWDFA 95 Commissions 95 Governmental Institutions 96 Museum 97 Anseba Region 98 Sothern Region 102 Gash Barka Region 108 Central Region 113 NR Sea Region 117 SR Sea Region 121 Religious Affairs 123

Bank of Eritrea &.. 124 UN Agencies 125 Malaria interviewers 126 Arrested & Defected Personality 126 Media Personality 129 Governmental Companies 131

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Origin of name: From Italian mare Eritreo, a name for the Red Sea


Eritrea's population was estimated to be 3,135,933 in July 2000. The population increased from 2.1 million in 1975 to 3.5 million in 1998, indicating a growth rate of 2.4 percent. The estimated birth rate in 2000 was 42.71 births per 1,000, and the estimated death rate 12.3 deaths per 1,000, contributing to a 3.86 percent growth rate in 2000. The population is expected to increase to about 4.8 million by 2015. Because of drought and a war with Ethiopia, about 1 million Eritreans lived abroad (mostly in Sudan) in 2000, while at least 955,000 were internally displaced.

Ethnic Groups (2010 = 3, 7 Million)

Ethnic Name % Population Religion % Old provinces

Tigrigna 38% 1, 432600

Orthodox,Protestants Catholic,

1 .131000 146,360 155,240

Serae, Akele Guzai, Hamasien

Tigre 36 % 1 337 000 Muslim, Protestants, Catholic,

1 275 560 23000 38880

Gash, Barka, Senhit, Semhar, Sahel,

Jeberti 8 % 296000 Muslim, 296,000 Serae, Hamasien Akele Guzai, Senhit


Saho 5 % 185000 Muslim, 185,000 Serae, Hamasien Akele Guzai, Senhit

Semhar, Sahel

Afar 4 % 148000 Muslim, 148,000 Dankalia

Kunama 3,3 % 122100

Muslim, Catholic,ProtestantsTrad.


73000 29,500 9100 14500

Gash Barka

Blin 2.52 % 93310 Muslim, Catholic,Protestants

60,320 32,680 2000


Beja 1.17 % 43590 Muslim, 43,590 Sahel Gash, Barka, Senhit

Nara 1 % 37000 Muslim, 37000 Gash, Barka

Reshaida 1% 25000 Muslim, 37000 Semhar, Sahel, Barka

100 3,770000 3737730

4.86%ProtestantsKale Hiywot Church of Eritrea.Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus, Evangelical Church of Eritrea, Lutheran Church of Eritrea, Middle East General Mission, and Seventh-day Adventist Church.

8.14% Catholic, Most of them are the Tzena Degle, the Mensae some Kunama and The Blen.

30 % Orthodoxrest animist&Muslim, Sunny (Merqanya, Hanefy, Maliki, Shafei, Hambeli).

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Eritrean Authority Personnel

Ministers: 1. Mr. Isaias Afwerki the President and Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces. 2. Gen. Sebhat Ephrem the Minister ofDefence. 3. Mr. Berhane AbreheMinister ofFinance. 4. Mr. Tesfai GebreselassieMinister ofEnergy and MinesofLand, Water and Environment.(13.05.09)

5. Dr. Woldai FuturMinister ofNational Development. 6. Mr. Weldemichael AbrahaMinisterofTransportand Communications.

7. Ms. Askalu Menkerios Minister ofLabourand Human Welfare.ofTourism(13.05.09) 8. Mr. Arefaine BerheMinister ofAgriculture. 9. Mr. Woldenkial GhebremariamMinister ofLand, Water and Environment.

10. Mr. Abraha AsfahaMinister ofPublic Works. 11. Mr. Semere RussomMinister ofEducation (19.04.07).

12. Mr. Tewelde KelatiAdministratorof the Central region. .(12.06.07)Minister ofFisheries 02.10

13. Mr. Estifanos HabteMinistry ofTrade and Industry.(05.07.10)

Dr. Gergish Teclemichael Ministry of Trade and Industry.Mr. Stifanos Habte (05.07.10)

14. Mr. Ahmed Hajj AliMinister ofFisheries.Minister ofEnergy and Mines(13.05.09)

15. Ms. Amina NurhusseinMinister ofTourism.Minister ofHealth(13.05.09) 16. Mr. Ali AbduMinister ofInformation. 17. Mr.Osman SalehMinister ofEducation.Foreign Affairs(19.04.07). 18. Ms. Fozia HashimMinister ofJustice. 19. Ms. Salma HassenMinister ofLabourand Human Welfare.(19.05.09).

Mr. Ali Said AbdullahMinister ofForeign Affairs.Passed Away

Mr.Saleh MekiMinisterofHealth. Minister offisheries(13.05.09)Passed Away2 .10.09

67% Tigrigna 33 % Others (Amina Nurhussein, Ali Abdu & Salma Hassen are Jeberti ), “ Tigrinya”

Officeof the President

20. Mr. Yemane GebremeskelAdvisor / Director /SpkprsnOffice of the President 21. ColonelTesfalidet Presidentialaid.

22. Tewelde (Gobbo)Director Eritrean Information Systems Agency.

23. Mr. Eritros AbrahamOffice of the President 24. Prof. Kesete Gebrekidan Advisor of Techincal Affairs in the Office of the President, passed away on June

5. 2011

25. Mr. Alamin Hassan Presidential aid.

Ministerial Advisers

26. Dr. Matewos WolduEconomic Advisor and Coordinator of the program in the Ministry of

National Development. 27. Mr. Fkreyesus GhilayAdvisor in the Ministry of Agriculture 28. Prof. Abraham KidaneEconomic Advisor in the Ministry of National Development 29. Dr. Ghirmay AbrahamEconomicAdvisor to the Ministry of National development 30. Dr. Mismay GebrehiwetAdvisor to the Ministry of Health

100% Tigrigna

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Primary subdivisions:

Eritrea is divided into six zoba (regions), 59 Sub- zones & 2606 Villages

Zoba Personell

Region HASC

FIPS Population Area(km.²) Capital Old provinces

Anseba Region ER.

AN ER01 650,846 23,200 Keren Barka, Senhit

Southern Region ER.

DU ER02 1.052,502 8,000 Mendefera Akele Guzai, Serae

SRS Region ER.

DK ER03 389,627 27,600 Assab Denkalia

Gash Barka ER.

GB ER04 615,667 33,200 Barentu Barka, Gash-Setit, Serae

Central Region ER.

MA ER05 602,300 1,300 Asmara Asmara, Hamasien

NRS Region ER.

SK ER06 492,653 27,800 Massawa

Akele Guzai, Denkalia, Sahel,


6 regions 3,773,595 121,100

Eritrea er delt inn i seks administrative soner kalt Zobas, 59 subzones og 2606 landsbyer

Sub region





H. quarter Region Administrative Area

Adi Keih

24 schools AK

Adi Keih

63 000



21 admin.


Maelewia, Ziban-Zigib, Embeito,Halai Hadish Adi, Maio, Mendefera, Der’a,

Awuhne, Adi-Kanta, Hawatsu, Tekondae, Berhinet, Embakhokwat, Ma’elewia,

Siberaso,Hadamu, Ambacocat, Dera, Mai Turab, Qua'atit, Safira,


Adi Kuala AQ Adi Kuala Southern Adi-Berhan, Bet-Gebriel, Adi-Abraham, Mosedo, Adi-Habr, Una-Gaeben,

Maigume, Tseratsr, Obel, Adebarussom, Adi Aba Ri'isom, Adi Bahro, Adi Fini'i, Adi

Gu'ur, Adi Habir, Adi Huduk, Adi K'eshi, Adi K'ore, Adilges, Adis `Alem, Adi Tafa,




a P




Zoba Personell




Others Tigrigna Total

Zoba Anseba 73 208 281

Zoba Debub 26 363 389

Zoba G. Barka 89 271 360

Zoba Maekel 11 187 198

Zoba NRS 13 136 216

Zoba SRD 64 59 123

Total 276 1224 1567

21% 79%

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Adi Wederki, Ad Nefas, Af May, Ayla, Bete Ts'iyon, Cudombascia, Da'ero-Kun'at,

Damba, Dengolo, Enda-Ghergis, Geza Keren, Gudba-Badm, Hananit, Inabta,

Iyamo, Ksad-Ika, Kutur, May Mech'ek'at, Mihiyaw, Time'i

Adi Tekelezan AT Adi

Tekelezan Anseba Adi Ghebru, Deki Zeru, Wara, Dekemhare, Deki-Ghebru, Adi Tekelezan, Agutri,

Dekemhare Hamasien, Digdig, Dildil, Gulgul, Habran K'ak'a, Harkuhuya, Hayelo,


Adobha AD Adobha NRS (4) Ararib, Ela Babu,Dirit, Gema'e

Afabet AF Afabet NRS

Nora Anis, Nora Teb'at, Kilamet, Kamchewa, Aget, Gulbub(hamlets of

Abdirbab, Embre, Kiwalai, Kezan), Kelhamet, Felket, Shabait, Ad Ibrahim,

Shabait, Afabet, Anaghit, Aruaddin, Ciabbub Areddu, Kubkub, Maho, Mefalk,

Mersa Gulbub, Mersa Kuba, Obellet, Sheib, Ticse

Agordat City AC Agordat Gash-Barka Solib, Deret-Endraib, Degesei-Ingerne, Ad Omar, Akurdet, Bet Mahala, Dega,


Are'eta At Ti’o SRS region

Bihta, Are’eta, Adailo, Ad Gaban, Afahani, Alas, Ayumen, Babaiu, Badieita, Bilieta,

Dara, Debba, Didib, Diwalu, Faraon, Firidello, Gadmaita, Gambed Buij,

Garbanna,Tió, Sahil, Daraeta and Saraeta,Gun Gum, Haloll, Hawra,

Horena, Ighiroli, Illabadan, M'edr, Mora, Morgada, Ona, Raa, Saada, Saroyta,

Sciec Alilo, Suwa

Areza AR Areza Southern Derhlasie, Debremariam, Daero, Haran, Ad Abbai, Addi Toqualu, Adi Essaha, Adi

Guagual, Azait, Debre-Menkoryos, Debri-Slasie, Decorassi, Mai Cehu, Tzada Addi,

Zeban Debri Hatsina(Adesgodom, Adi-Giroto, Kerni Wushti)

Asmat AS Asmat Anseba Azmat, Era, Adi Sceca, Adi Sciaba, Azmat, Azmat Adai, Era, Erota, Felhit, Guba, Scerit

Assab City AC Assab SRS region Assab Seghir (small Assab) on the shoreline, Assab Kebir (big Assab) in the center

of town,

Barentu City BC Barentu Gash-Barka Adi Culli, Allumnu, Asitti, Augana, Barentu, Chega, Cona, Scipitale, Sosona

Berikh BE Berikh Southern Adi Contzi, Adi Gebru, Adi Teklay, Ad Mussa, Da'iro P'awlos, Hazega, K'ushut,

Misgwag, Segdo, Tsa'edakristyan, Ts'e'ada, Tse'azega, Wek Diba

Central S. Red Sea CS Edi SRS Araeta, Abacheri, Abe, Ada Ela, Ad Arili, Afambo, Araiu, Aura,Bel'ebuy, Diddale,

Halaba, Idi, Irble, Irble, Krum, Lafofle

Dahlak DA Jimhil SRS Aranat, Cumbeiba, Debe'aluwa, Jimhil, Nokra, Port Smyth, Sahelia,Sceic Abdo


Dubarwa DB Dubarwa Southern

Qaqbda-Adebzage, Takita, Tera-Emni, Adikublo, Adi Agbay, Adibara, Adi-Felesti,

Adi Geda, Adi Hizba, Adi Nifas, Adi Ra'isi, Amadr, Azayeke, Bambuco, Ciaat,

Dbarwa, Dembe Toccolu, Emni-Tselim, Gherghera, Halhale, Hariyen, Harret,

La`ilay Adi Kefelet, Mai Albo, Tala, Tera-Emni, Zawl

Dekemhare DE Dekemhare Southern Hadamu, Zibanangeb, Azaiha, Dirbeta, Embakatsai, Embeito and Adi-Kerets,

Azamur, Wutuh, Tikul, Haddish Addi, Adi Ahderom, Adi Golgol, Adi-Nebri, Ad

Mocada, Afelba, Ala, Amhur, Arato, Aulietseru, Belec, Damba, Dekemhare,

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Dengel, Gheniseba, Gura'e, Habcnat, Hadamu, Keyih Kor, Mai Egada, Metsalu,

Korbarya, Sesah, Ts'egwaro, Wekerti

Dige DG Mogoraib Gash-Barka Adi-Ibrahim, Ad Faghi, Adi Ali Bakit, Algheden, Bisha, Damait, Hawashayt, Kieru

Elabereed EL Elabereed Anseba

Yigiar, Adi-Berbere, Halib-Mentel, Eden, Idirba, Wasdemba, Deki-Andu, Dembe-

Habtestion, Hadish-Adi, Era-Tahtai, She'ib-Seleba,( Rebto, Jembereq, Adi-Deri'e

and Adi-Garalebu). Debresina, Deki Andu, Wesbenseriku, Himerai, Digi,

Hagerqidaku, Shesherema, Beklaku, Dermush, Derequ, Haddish Addi, Adi

Hidrum, Dagaiso, Darok', Debalk'o, Debresina, Dermush, Fredarb, Halib-Mentel,

Himeret, Hodit, Iaholluf, Ieden, K'erech'a, Mendad, Muscia, Selaba She'ib,

Shegilet Wedi Merir, Surto, Yigi'ar

Foro FO Foro NRS

Acoma, Ad Daudi, Afta, Betalifuru, Chenanadole, Darmeli, Foro, Ghedem,

Habrenta, Hadish, Hidele, Illalia, Illauit, Irafayle, Lalenta, Maiam, Mara, Nauret,

Sacatare, Scillichi, Sessaghede, Suru Inferiore, Suru Superiore, Tarua, Wasena,

Wi'a, Zula

Forto FO Forto Gash-Barka Adal, Aderdeb, Algheden, Ghirmayka, Sebderat, Sorbetit

Gala Nefhi GN Gala Nefhi Central

Adi Ar`ada, Adi Gebray, Adi Gombolo, Adi Hakefa, Adi Hamushte, Adi Hawesha,

Adi Imneger, Adik'e, Adi Kefelet, Adi Kelkalti, Adi Kubulo, Adi Lamza, Adi Ra'isi,

Adi Sahlay, Ala, Demba Carmet, Embeyto, Gadien, Himbirti, Imk'ats'a, Kitmo

Awli'i, Laguyen, May-Nefhi, Sela'i Da'iro, Shiketi, Tredishi, Ts'elot, Zigib

Gelalo GL Gelalo NRS

Bordoli. Acca, Adaito, Asa'ila, Belessua, Bordele, Buya, Cabuia, Dangal, Dichicai,

Ela Cantubba, Follocle, Gandeli, Ganraito, Ghela'elo, Haddohalle, Iemarugle,

Inghel, Lammagadi, Medere, Meka'enile, Mersa Fatuma, Mocolba, Mogile, Ragali,

Randakoma, Rasa, Simoti, Zariga

Geleb GH Geleb Anseba Aibaba, Merat, Mezabat, Gerbet,At Faid, Curoh, Gheleb, Mihlab

Ghinda GD Ghinda NRS

Leaiten, Demas, Agemeda, Wuhablo, Aini, Togho, Zagr, Tsemrat, Shebah,

Metkel-Abyot, Adi Shuma, Barresa, Agambusa/Tobo, Agbalo, Aigherre, Anteca,

Aylet, Dalaulo, Dembe, Dengolo, Dengolo Tahtay, Nefasit, Embatkala, Filfil,

Gahtielay, Galata,Gohoreli, Gumhod, Lesa, May-Habar, Mestamer, Tseret,

Gogne GG Gogne Anseba Bishatte, Adarat, Tekawda, Haterdewar, Asugie, Gerda, Tokombia, Dassie Fode

and GogneAd Casub, Alegada, Asiti, Daghilo, Eshili, Fode, Gogne, Hambok, Idabi,

Ili, Kuluku, Markaughe, Missione Svedese, Moso, Tauda, Tokombia

Golij GL Golij Anseba Adi-Shegala, Sabunait, Gergef, Akelelat, Diriesa, Mengola. Tebedlia, Ameli,

Sabunait, Aiterfa, Angulei, Arcugi, Chichi, Geniti, Giamal Biscia, Magala, Mai

Chele, Mai Teb, Narcaba, Omhajer, Sahlat, Scisci, Tolesuca

Habero HB Habero Anseba Habero-Tselim, Habero-Tsaeda and Mezret, Araetai, Carobel, Chi-Nasce,

Ciagghene, En Harris, Felfele, Ghirghir, Hoho, It Atba, Laba, Malhas, Tahara,

Tetafil, Tof Alaba

Hagaz HG Hagaz Anseba

Adi-Arei, Fakai, Hashishai, Abruim, Ad Abi, Ad Amer, Ad Gander Gabei, Adi Ali Bakit, Ad Manna, Ad Scec, Ad Ulual, Ascidira, Azmat Uold, Hagaz, Hummet,

MansciuaAshera (Chiendaogai, Shaftakue, Sequar, Gelairkot, Akit, Meblataku

and Kerot-Nejer). Badob, Hashishai, Shengien and Golya

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Halhal HH Halhal Anseba Bosdemba, Chirum, Koseg, Luwit, Miraq, Teberaid, Qoqadig, Enrekebet, Al-Al,

Barakantiyan, Ciandelga, Gabena Gonfalon, Gher, Giangheren, Halhal, Molebso,

Rahei, Trongo, Uasentet

Hamelmalo HM Hamelmalo Anseba Gam, Wazintet, Gizgiza,

Haikota HA Haikota Gash-Barka Libaniay, Girashan, Goboshan,Adendema, Antalla, Bitama, Elit, Haikota,

Fiesko, Balkai.

Karora KA Karora NRS Shakat, Algena, Eub Anrafa, Gaghet, Hasta, Ras Kasar, Uodgan, Wedegiba

Keren City KC Keren Anseba Derequ, Keren, Megarih, Tantarua, Hashela,

Kerkebet KE Kerkebet Anseba Amleyet, Adi-Seidna, Hamshidba, Himbol, Adi-Sembra, Lekoyeb, Diraf, Filkit, Mekit ,

Harenait, Dirfa, Atai

Kudo Abur kb

Southern Ad Abiscia. Ad Dirco, Adi-Bigdi, Adi Hurwa, Adi Lubso, Adi Mai Laam, Dirko,

Ad Zeban Sebao, Arghezana, Buhunena, Sibi'a

Logo Anseba LA Meqerka Gash-Barka Liban, Habela, Abrascico, Adenna, Adi Neamn, Angheb, Anseba, Buc Savino, Deki

Dashim, Deda, Dem Sebai, Dersenei, Grat Ghebru, Habela, Liban, Melazenai

Mai Mine MM Mai Mine Southern Golgol Mariam, Hantsetsa, Derhlase, Adi-Atsida, Adi-Ghela'e, Adi-Ketina, Adi

Macambia, Adi Mahari Cristos, Adi Moaghe, Adi Shum Tombosa, Dabre, Mai Assa,

Debre Maryam, Enda Abba Ionas, Inda Iyesus, Kuhli-Zbi, Mai Gorzo

Massawa MA Massawa NRS Amatere, Degol, Deset, Dogali, Emberemi, Hirghigo, Hit'umblo, Massawa,

Mehatel Jebal, Zaga

Mendefera MF Mendefera Southern

Adi-Kemene, Mai-Harmaz, Adi-Tsaedi, Kudofelasi, Adi Hare, Abbi Adi, Adek'e

Ginet, Ad Finne, Adi Ada, Adi Agwa, Inda Amanu'el, Adi Bilay, Adi Gahad, Adi

Goda'iti, Adi K'ano, Adi Mengodti, Adi Scimandui, Adi Secche, Adi Shum Hafti, Adi

Zarna, Berak, Chessad Dahre, Dera'anto, Dibibti, Gina Bala, Gudela, Ziban Una,

Haserlibo, Igri Mekhel, K'ine Hayela, Kinafna, May Libus, Mefalso, Mikrem,

Shekha Wedi Bisrat, Takita,

Mogolo MG Mogolo Gash-Barka Abaredda, Aredda, Attai, Aula, Chibabo, Dedda, Mescul, Mogolo, Samero

Mensura MS Mensura Gash-Barka

Gherger, Gula, Tinsheai, Diluk, Mantai, Adikukuy, Hirkok, Koriet, Megawda,

Mantai, Ad Bili, Aderde, Aderde, Ad Errei, Ad Faghi, Ad Said Mustafa, Ad Saidna

Mustafa, Ad Sala, Ad Sata, Ad Scech Hammed, Ad Sulet, Ad Taula, Ad Taulet,

Antit Are, Are Adriss, Darotai, Dluk,Homed Issa,Mensura, Queddaelli, Sciacchen

Molqi MQ Molqi Gash-Barka Denbe-Doran) Sifra-Genet, Faulina, Koitabiya, Korokon

Nacfa NA Nacfa NRS Af Ceua, Agra'i, Angaba, Ba Sciare, Medruriet, Nak'fa, Sciumagalle

N. Asmara N Asmara Central ((N) Akhria (Akhria, part ofEdaga Arbi, Adi Nefas, Durfo) --(Edaga Hamus (Edaga Hamus, Haz-Haz)-- Abbashaul ( Abbashaul, -- Gheza Berhanu, part ofEdaga Arbi, Hadish Adi)

E. Asmara E Asmara Central ((E) Tsetserat (Tsetserat, Nda German, Space, Biet Mekhae, Villagio, Sanita) --Tiravolo (Tiravolo, Kagnew, Campopolo)

W. Asmara NE Asmara Central ((W) Gheza Banda (Gheza Banda, Ferrovia, Mai Chehot)

N. E. Asmara NE Asmara Central (NE) Mai Temenai (Mai Temenai, Seghen) (Paradizo, Adi Sogdo, Adi Abeito)

S. E. Asmara SE Asmara Central (SE) (Sembel and Sembel Housing Complex)

S. W. Asmara SW Asmara Centre Centre Region

N. W. Asmara NW

Asmara Central (NW) Arbaete Asmara (Arbaete Asmara, Gheza Kenisha, Gheza Tanika, Medeber, Deposito, Biet Geogis)

C. zone Asmara, CZ Asmara Central Maakel Katema (Souk, Central Zone, Tab'ah)

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Segeneiti SG Segeneiti Southern

Halai, Ewanet, Berak, Akrur, Halai, Mai-Harasat, Mai-Megudom, Hadish-Adi,Adi

Figni, Hebo, Acrur, Hibo, Adebu`ur, Adengefom, Adiba'ikel, Daber, Adi Hadid,

Berakit-Abay, Digra, Digsa, Doburra, Dub Dubaria, Embeito,Halibo, Kumheyle,

Ma'ereba, Mayha, Segheneyti

Sel'a SE Sel'a Anseba Geda’e, Badi, Merbebai, Dieba-Sata, Sherit, Rikeb and Gerger-

Gersi.Ela Tita, Hacal Todaro, Per Tokar, Saatta,

Senafe SF Senafe Southern

23 Metera) Lahio Zalambesa , Ambesete Geleba, Afoma, Hahayle,

Endeli, Ruba-Netsa, Ruba-Tseba, Addi Messahal, Ad Refai, Affesi,

Aromo, Barachit, Behat, Cieffa, Denagul, Guna-Guna, Gurgur, Ham,

Keshe'at, Mai Tzagla, Marta, Mezba, Zigfet

Serejeka SJ Serejeka Central Adi Abeto, Beleza, Deki Zeru, Emba Derho, Gashi Nashim, Gheremi, Guritat,

Hayelo, Hinzi, Mebasit, Meqerka,Shigirni, Shimanegus Tahtai, Shimanegus Lailai,

T'a'areshi, Una Lalay, Tzahaflam

Shambuko SH Shambuko Gash-Barka

Ad Aguale, Ad Asmaru, Ad Dechita, Adi Atei, Adi Tsetser, Adi-W'ala, Ad Messian, Ambori, Bibinna, Bushuka, Durna, Enda-Aba-Simeon, Fortino Ilma, May-Mefals, Shambuko, Tukl, Tole, Tsibuk Grat, Udibi, Dembe-Himbirti, Ghirme, Tsebra, Shihat, Koitebia, Adi-Maelel, Toliegemjan, Deda, Korokon, Ologimja, Girmen, Tsirha, Badme,

She’ib SH She’ib NRS Abna, Asus, Ghedghed/Debret, Mass Ali, May Atal, Menuetet, Mirara, Racrabet,

Saati, Sh'eb/Mensheb, Shebah, Wedi-ledo, Weqiro

S. Southern Red Sea SS Assab SRS

Bel’ubei, Berasole, Ghibdo, Abdi, Abhi, Adarte, Agurto, Alela, Amotalale, Asbol,

Aylu, Ayror, Behld, Beylul, Bihde, Daadatu, Dadda`to, Dasbudi, Daui Rori,

Debaysima, Dochtumo, Gehare, Hancul, Harsile, Mai-ti, Mergebla, Muri, Nacta,

Oasi, Raheita, Sacalatta,Seud Buij, Targhan, Vann, Wade,Abo (Asebol,

Gibdo, Kiloma, Mergabiy, Isseita, Bulahle and Abo)

Tessenei TE Tessenei Gash-Barka Aligidir, Mekasorat,Teseney

Tsorona TS Tsorona Southern

Adi Gaad, Ayba, Cudo Hoiva, Gergera, Ghinzebo, Hashaso, Koloburdo, Logosarda,

Mai Aini, Matara, Sarda, Una-Andom, Serha, Kudo Weiba, Una-Nazo Mai

Gundi, Kerni Maichew,

Walisho, Misra, May-Agam, Kurbeli and Egri-Mekel

Villages in the sub

zone of Tsorona

Laelai-Gash Barka UG Awgaro Gash-Barka

Awgaro,Tokombia, Birar, Meflech, Aitera, Mai-Kokah, Shilalo, Sheshebit, Adi-Hakin,

Mekuti, Adi Tsetser, Adi-Maelel, Mai-Kokah, Sheshebit, Mai Shigli(Dinsit,

Hawashait, Bekitkore, Adilalish, Zerafayai, Adi-Kurkure, Adi-Hatsurai, Adi-

Teklai),Alescifa, Antore, Baio, Biyakundi, Denbe Bengul, SitonaBlenayo ( Blenayo,

Awitet, Berdelesh, Kurbayo-Dekishehai, Kurbayo-Dieda.)

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Military leaders:

78 Generals 568 Colonels Major Military Units: The Eritrean army has four corps with 20 infantry brigades, one commando division, and one mechanized brigade

Defense Budget: In 1997 Eritrea’s defense budget was US$88 million, or 13.6 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). Defense spending skyrocketed during the war with Ethiopia, peaking in 1999 at US$271 million, a staggering 38.5 percent of GDP. Since the 2000 cease-fire, defense spending has declined, but it remained a heavy burden in 2002 (the last year for which figures are available) at US$150 million, or 25.7 percent of GDP.

Major Military Units

Major Military Equipment: The Eritrean army has an estimated 150 main battle tanks, 40 reconnaissance vehicles, 40 armored infantry fighting and personnel vehicles, 100 pieces of towed artillery, 25 pieces of self-propelled artillery, 35 multiple rocket launchers, 100+ mortars, 200 antitank guided weapons, and 70 air-defense guns. The navy has one missile craft, seven inshore patrol boats, and three amphibious vehicles of unknown serviceability. The air force has 18 combat aircraft of unknown serviceability, including MiG–21s, MiG–23s, and MiG–29s. The air force is thought to have approximately 15 training, transport, and armed helicopters.

Military Service: National Service is compulsory for a term of 16 months, including four months of military training. Since 1998, however, military service has often been extended indefinitely for men aged 18 to 40 and childless women aged 18 to 27. In 2005 men aged 40 to 60 in the major towns were recalled for several weeks of compulsory civil defense training.


31. Brig. GeneralSimon GhebredengelCommander of National Police and Security Forces 20.01.10 Colonel Headof internal security in the National security Department.

32. Brig. GeneralTekesteberhan GebrehiwotHead Military Intelligence Department (Eth Army), joined EPLF 1976

33. Brig. GeneralTemesgen Berhe(Wedi Berhe) Headofintelligence in charge of the Ethiopian opposition in Sudan

34. Brig. GeneralWoldu Ghebrekidan Deputy chief National Security (Brig. Gen)

35. CaptainKibrom Seyoum Tsaada-Guna,Headof the counter intelligence unit of the third operational zone

36. Colonel Abdurrahman Jasir External security. 37. Colonel Alem Negash Intelligence Officer. 38. Colonel Alem Tesfaydeputy HeadofIntelligence for foreign affairs office

39. Colonel Amanuel Ligjam Nat Sec Office. 40. Colonel Fitsum Yishak a.k.a. Lenin 41. Colonel GaimTesfamichaelHeadof Intelligence (officer in the state security apparatus). Chief of the

security in the secretive White Hotel. Col Gaim Tesfamichael head foreign intelligence 42. ColonelMelake Ghebremariam (Wedi Fitewrari) chief ofNational Security in Sudan. 43. Colonel Shebbah Negash Head Kagnew Station Military Residence

44. ColonelTeame Abraham Goitom(aka Makelle) CommanderAgent, Special Espionage Operations

45. Colonel Tesfalidet T/SelassieHead of the President’s Office 46. Colonel Tsegu Fesshayeespionage Works out of a non descript office in front of the Hotel Nyala. 47. Colonel Wedi Kidane Operational officer of the Eritrean “National Intelligence”. 48. Colonel Wedi WelelaChief of Intelligence for Administrative Zone 5. 49. ColonelWeldegebriel (Wedi Roma)HeadNational security Department branch Asmara. 50. Colonel Yonas KifleHeadof Intelligence in the Div. 61 51. LT. ColonelOsman Abu TewilaHead National Security in Tessenei sub-zone 52. Lt. ColonelTeshome Bahta KahsaiHeadof Military Intelligence in Brigade1842 53. Maj. General Abraha Kassachief ofNational Security. 54. Michael Tesfatsion” with Afut code name” civil spy in Oakland and Bay Area USA 55. Mr. Asmerom Haimen Deputy Head of National security in Gash Barka Region. 56. Mr. Shebbah Negash Head Kagnew Station Military base undercover Head of the Governmental


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57. Maj. Berekhet Weldegebriel (qewhi)-Staff intelligence unit of the 25th regiment. 58. Maj. Tekleberhan Hagos (Wedi ayney)-staff intelligence member of the third Div. 59. Colonel Alem Tesfay deputyHeadof Intelligence for foreign affairs office 60. Lt Col. Kubrom Ghebretatios 61. Mr. Nurhusein Mohammed (Wedi Mohammed) EritreanEmbassy in Sweden.Heworked in Djibuti

Lebanon & Somalia in early 80’s. 62. Ms. Abrehet Arefaine(Gual Fano)Headof the Foreign Zone at thePFDJ. . 63. Mr Redei Mehari Desserted to Canada 64. Aman Ibrahim Qadi RiyadhSaudi Arabia

65. Mr. Abraham Goitom a.k.a. Mekele


66. Assistant-LieutenanBiniamMehari Hospital 67. Assistant-LieutenanGuushAbraha National Service Training C. 68. Assistant-LieutenanMohammedMahmud Weapons Division 69. Assistant-LieutenanSiumYemane Weapons Division 70. Brig. General Abrahaley Kifle EyobCommanderofspecial tasks officer.Commissioner Liaison UNMEE,

East command. 71. Brig. General Abraham Andom Solomon Military, Commissioner Police 2003 1996/04 72. Brig. GeneralAfwerki TekieHead 73. Brig. General Amanuel Haile Tedla "Hanjama" Chief of Operations MOZ South 1996/04 74. Brig. GeneralBerhane Tsehay Head Finance Police 75. Brig. General Daniel Abraha Mebrahtu(chaay) Division 12 76. Brig. General Eyob Fesshaye "Halibay" 2003 Chief Op MOZ Center 77. Brig. General Fitsum Gebrehiwot(Wedi Memhir)Chief of Staffof theEritrean Naval Force 78. Brig. GeneralGabriel WoldeselassieHead 79. Brig. GeneralGhebrekidanHantal (Wedi Minney)Director of Immigration 80. Brig. General Ghirmay MehariHead Eritrean Prison and Rehabilitation Service, 81. Brig. General Goitom Menghistu "Chinese" Division Commander till 2002

82. Brig. General Habtetsion Hadgu Eth Airforce Major, defected 1988, Comm Er Air Force arrested 2002 83. Brig. GeneralHadish Ephraim(ADI NIFAS) the Commanderof19th Kifle Serawit 2003 Police

CommanderMaekel, 2004 back Abi Adi MOZ South 84. Brig. General Haile Muhtsun(Dr.) MoD Head Medical Service 85. Brig. GeneralHfun 86. Brig. General Kelete Haile Eth Army, later EPLF 87. Brig. General Mebrahtu Tekleab(V)Head 88. Brig. General Mebrahtu Tekleab Sibhatu 89. Brig. General Mehari Oqbazgi 1996/01 Dep .Prison Admin, died December 1999 90. Brig. GeneralMichael Yohannes 91. Brig. General Mikael Yohannes Issak 92. Brig. General NegashTesfatsion(Shaleqa Eth Army, later EPLF) Commanderof the Training Centre of

the EDF in Sawa from 1999 93. Brig. GeneralSibhatu Like " Wedi Liqe " Division Comm 1987-1992, 2004 no command.

94. Brig. GeneralSimon Oqbe (Riesi Mrak) 95. Brig. General Simon Oqbe Kelete "Vinac" Commander Division 29 96. Brig. General Stifanos Seyoum In Jail G15 97. Brig. GeneralTeame Goitom (Mekele) Head. 98. Brig. GeneralTekeste Haile(Wedi Haile Tekeste Haile Tesfamichael) Head judge in the central regional

court.Now in Sweden 99. Brig. GeneralTekie Russom (aka Blatta)Naval Force; Now Eritrea’s deputy Commissioner ofsports. 100. Brig. General Tekle Andom Gaim 2007 MoD Head Information & Agitation (frozen) 101. Brig. GeneralTekle Kiflay (Manjos)Commanderof Operation Zone 1.Commander Western Border 102. Brig. GeneralTeklemikael Habtu(Sins) Head 103. Brig. General Teklemikael Habtu TekieHeadof the Agitation and Information Department in the

MinistryofDefense 104. Brig. General Teklemikael Sibhatu Agitation and Information Center 105. Brig. General Tesfai Issak Woldeselassie Chief of Military Engineering 106. Brig. General Tesfay Hadgu

107. Brig. General Tesfay Isaac 108. Brig. General Tsehaye Kahsai Asmerom After 2002 briefly Commander Policeto the end of 2003,

Deputy Brig. Of General Haile Samuel China 109. Brig. GeneralYob Fesshaye (Halibay) Head 110. Capt.Girmai GebremedhinHead of accident investigation and control unit in the Eritrean Traffic Police.

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111. CaptainAmannuelAndemariam Officers Division 112. Captain Belay Hagos 113. Captain Beraki TeklemariamCommanderofPolice Station in Forto-Sawa sub-zone. 114. CaptainGhirmay GhebremedhinHead of traffic accident control in the Eritrean Police Traffic 115. Captain Habte GhebraiCommanderof police station in Molqi sub-zone. 116. CaptainHabtomKidane Camp Guard 117. Captain Habtu WoldeabCommanderof police force in the Laelai-Gash sub-zone. 118. Captain Hagos MelesManager of the Adi-Omar Agricultural Project in Tessenei sub-zone. 119. Captain Mekonnen Gebreselassieproject Headof the Mogarayb Plantation. 120. CaptainSenbelawit (woman) 121. CaptainSibhatleabGerezgher National Service Training C 122. CaptainTedros Tesfai Head of technique in the Public Technical Service branch in Gash-Barka region. 123. CaptainTekle Woldumilitary advisor in Somalia 124. Captain Tewelde Taareof1811 Division 125. CaptainYemaneTesfagabir Officers Division 126. CaptainYosiefGhebrehiwet Hospital 127. CaptainZemichaelYacob Officers Division 128. ColonelTesfamariam Negasi (Shambel) 129. Colonel Abraha OqbaselassieGeneral Managerof the Massawa Airport 130. Colonel Abraham Oqbaselassie Deputy Commander EAF, Chief of Operations 131. Colonel Afwerki Mosazghi 132. Colonel Alazar Dawit Gide. 133. Colonel Alemma Hailu Ghebre tekle 134. Colonel Alemseghed Asefaw Abraha 135. ColonelAmanuel Libanos (Wedi Libanos) chief of a police station in Asmara. 136. Colonel AndehishenHeadof Military Transport in Radar Station Asmara. 137. Colonel Andemariam MehretabYihdego 138. Colonel Andemariam GhebremedhinDirector Generalof the Department of Financein Central Region


139. Colonel Andemariam Teclemichael 140. Colonel Asmelash Gebregziabher Woldegiorgis 141. Colonel Asmelash Gebremeskel Weldegebriel 142. Colonel Asmerom GebrewoldHeadof the Crime Prevention Branch of the Eritrean Police 143. Colonel Assefa Berhe GileFormer Eth Air Force, retired, advisor EAF 144. Colonel Ayele Tikue Mirach 145. Colonel BBC Known by his nickname chief judge in the military court in Paradizo. 146. Colonel Beraki Ghilay Kidane 147. Colonel Beraki HaileHeadof the Central Region Branch of the Eritrean Police 148. Colonel Beraki Haile Weldemichael 149. ColonelBerekhet Abraha (Fenji) 150. Colonel Berhane Elias Seleba 151. ColonelBerhane Gebrehiwet (Qebr we’it) Headofthe Housing and Commerce bank owned by the

PFDJ. 152. Colonel Berhane Haile DirectorOffice of the Defense Minister.

153. Colonel Berhane Haile Measho 154. Colonel Berhane HansHeadof Garage branch in Asmara deserted now living in Norway 2004 155. Colonel Berhane NegashDirector Generalof the Social Services Central Region Administration 156. Colonel Berhane Oqbagabir Habtegabir 157. Colonel Berhe (Bokkassa) 158. Colonel Berhe Rezene Menghistu 2004 rep SMCC Centre 159. Colonel Beyene Semereab Gebreyesus staff 160. ColonelDebesai Gide(Debeb)2ndCommanderof the Sawa Military Training Centre. 161. Colonel Debesai HaileCommanderof WYDC in one Zoba 162. Colonel Debesai TecluHeadof the Service Branch in the Office of the Eritrean Police 163. ColonelDeres GebreamlakHead of Finance in the DefenseMinistry. 164. ColonelEyob Andemariam (Eyob Manjus) chief of the PFDJ. owned Gemel Transport service 165. Colonel Ezra WeldegebrielCommanderofSawa (1998) (2000 Gahtelay MTC), 2004 Deputy head Mai

Nefhi CollegeCommanderof the Sawa National Education and Training Center

166. Colonel Fesshaye Adhanom Head Artillery clinic (Nurse) 167. ColonelFesshaye Araya HagosIn charge of projects at PFDJ. 1997, died 2003 168. ColonelFesshaye Hawelti 169. ColonelFiori Headof the Godaif Police Station “Defected” 170. Colonel Fitsum Issak aka Lenin

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171. Colonel Gabriel Woldeselassie Ghebremedhin. 172. ColonelGebregergis DebretsionCommander 173. Colonel Gebregziabher Mehari Ghebrekristos 174. Colonel Gebregziabher Tekletsion Ghebrekristos 175. ColonelGhebrai Zere Habtemariamm 176. Colonel Ghebreamlak Afwerki Bokretsion 177. Colonel Ghebreghiorghis Debretsion Gebrezgi 178. Colonel Gherrie Brigade Commander 18.3 179. Colonel Ghirmay Ghebreghiorghis Ghebreamlak 180. Colonel Goitom GhebretensaeHead Crime Investigation Branch of the Eritrean Police 181. Colonel Habteab Fessehasion Kahsai 182. Colonel Habtom Tekeste 183. Colonel Hagos Tekeste Abbai 184. ColonelHagos TekesteCommander 185. Colonel Haile Gebremichael Kinfe 186. Colonel Haile Mesfin Manager of the Mereb Construction Company. 187. Colonel Haileab Isaac 188. Colonel Haregot Firzun Tafla 189. Colonel Jacob TekleabManagerofthe National Fisheries Corporation. 190. Colonel Kaleab Oqbamichael Tinsae

191. ColonelKaleab ZeraiCommanderof the Dekemhare Training Centre 13.08.10. 192. Colonel Kibrom Dagnew Zemichael 193. Colonel Kidane Habte Kiflemariam 194. Colonel Kidane Indrias Tesfamariam 195. Colonel Kidane Tesfai Asbu 196. ColonelKidane TesfaiHeadof education and training in the center in DekemhareHead Office of the

Eritrean Police 197. Colonel Kidane TesfaiHeadofeducation and training in the center 198. ColonelMahari Tesfamariam Managerof the Haben Construction Company.

199. Colonel Manna Araya Garza Head 200. Colonel Mehari Kidane Weldegabr MoD, aide-camp General Sebhat? 201. Colonel Mehari TesfamariamManager of the Haben Construction Company. 202. ColonelMehari TesfamariamManager of the Haben Construction Company. 203. Colonel Mehari TsegaiCommander of the Eritrean Police in the Central region in Assab. Eritrean

Police. 08.02.11 204. ColonelMekonnen KahsaiHead of Administration in the DefenseMinistry. 205. Colonel Mekonnen KahsaiHeadof the Administration in theDefence Ministry 206. Colonel Mekonnen Uqbamariam Kidane 207. Colonel Melake Yihdego AimutHeadofAdministration EAF 208. Colonel Menghisteab Tekle Kibrom 209. Colonel Michael Abraham(Woldu Barya)Eritrean p.o.w. (Ethiopia) 210. Colonel Michael BisratHead of the immigration and nationality branch in Southern region. 211. Colonel Michael GebrenegusHead 212. Colonel Michael Hans (Wedi Hans), the Commanderofdivision 32. 213. Colonel Michael Teklesenbet Ristu Deputy Commander 19th Div under Haddish Efrem 214. Colonel Michael TeweldeHeadof the Inspection of the Eritrean Police 215. ColonelMichaelWedi ZegebHead 216. Colonel Mikael Seyum Woldeyohannes 217. ColonelNegash TeklitHeadcoach of the Eritrean Football National Team 218. Colonel Neguse Gebrekal Elsa 219. Colonel Neguse Ghirmay Manna 220. Colonel Neguse Habtetsion Menghistu 221. Colonel Neguse Melke Hailemichael 222. Colonel Oqbamichael Tesfai Tekie 223. ColonelRezene TekleHead of the Mendefera Correctional and Rehabilitation Center 224. ColonelSamson YemaneBattalion Commanderof36th Division 225. Colonel Samuel Teclemichael Tesemma 226. ColonelSebhatu GoitomCommander 227. Colonel Semere Abraham Adhanom 228. Colonel Semere BeyinHead 229. ColonelSemere BeyinHead religious affairs 230. Colonel Shegheg 231. ColonelSibhatu Goitom

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232. ColonelSibhatu Goitom (Dunish) 233. Colonel Simret Tesfazgi Kidane 234. Colonel Solomon Abraha Commander of Division 235. Colonel Solomon Abraha Gebreyesus 236. Colonel Solomon AsfahaHeadof the Southern Region Police Branch 237. Colonel Solomon Ferzoun Commanderof Division 238. Colonel Solomon Seyum Tesfai 239. Colonel Solomon Tesfatsion Berhe 240. ColonelSuleiman HamidCommander

241. Colonel Taeme

242. Colonel Tedros Tesfatsion Baatai 243. ColonelTekeste Ghebremedhin Bokru 244. Colonel Tekie Gebregziabher Weldu 245. Colonel Teklesenbet Debesai Hagos 246. Colonel Teklizghi Tesfai Gaim 247. Colonel Temesgen SamuelCommander, National Service Training Center 248. Colonel Tesfai Mekonnen Mebrahtu 249. Colonel Tesfai Tekle Habtemickael 250. ColonelTesfalem BeyeneHead 251. Colonel Tesfalem Gaim Fesshaye 252. Colonel Tesfalem Marikos(Embeyito) 253. Colonel Tesfalidet Habteselassie Chief, Presidential security 254. Colonel Tesfalidet Seyoum In Jail 255. Colonel Tesfamariam Negassi (Shambel)Headof foreign relations office in the Ministry of Defence

from 1993 until his martyrdom 06.12.2010 256. Colonel Tesfamichael Ghebremedhin Police, came from Ethiopia 1991, died 257. Colonel Tewelde Habte Negash an officer under direct to Yemane and Col. Teame 258. ColonelTsegu Fesshaye Bahta Police/ Security Dep, Commercial Bank Manager 259. Colonel Tsehaye Afwerki Kifleyesus

260. ColonelTsehaye Habtetsion Embaye 261. Colonel Tsige Asfaha Tesfai 262. ColonelWedi Haleka, who was in charge of the 6th Police Station in Asmara ”Defected”. 263. Colonel Wedi YohannesHead 264. Colonel Weldegebriel Misgun Head Etaro Parental Community Club 265. Colonel Weldegebriel Misgun, chairman of the community-based reforestation activities in Etaro camp. 266. Colonel Weldemariam Commander of Brigade 18.2 267. Colonel Weldemariam Tsegai Asghedom 268. Colonel Weldezghi Bahta interrogator 269. Colonel Woldai Haile Goniche 270. ColonelWoldegebriel MisgunChairman of the Etaro community. 271. Colonel Woldeselassie Berhe Tedla 272. Colonel Woldu Gebreyesus Abaguben (Baria) Garage chief of 74 artillery 273. Colonel Woldu Gebreyesus General Managerof Dept. ofGovernmental Garages

274. Colonel Woldu Geresus (Barya) 275. ColonelYared Ghebrekidan Gebremeskel

276. Colonel Yemane Fesshaye , the Head of the Crime Prevention Department “Defected” 277. Colonel Yemane Ghebretensae(Badu) chief of the ailing Eritrean Railways 278. Colonel Yemane Sibhatu 279. Colonel Yemane TsegaiHead Kagnew Medical Center (Nurse) 280. ColonelYirgalem YebiyoCommanderof the 36 Division. 281. Colonel Zekarias OqbagabirActing Commissioner for Coordination with (UNMEE) 282. Colonel Zemichael TekliaHeadof the Gash – Barka RegionEritrean Police Branch 283. Colonel Zerai KaleabHeadof the Eritrean Police Training Centre. 284. Colonel Zerezgi WeldemariamHeadof theN. Red Sea Branch Region Branch of the Eritrean Police 285. First LieutenantDaniel Habte Yihdegoofficer in Immigration Dept. Killed in 13.08.09 286. First Lieutenant Fitsum ZeraiHead 287. First Lieutenant Tesfamichael HaileHead 288. First Lieutenant Zeweldi AbrahamHead

289. General Oqbe Abraha imprisoned, fate unknown since 2001 (G15) 1999/ 290. LieutenantTeklemariam TsegaiAdministratorofTsetserat Prison.

291. Lt. Colonel Tekleghiorgis TekleHeadof the Eritrean Forestry Controlling Unit

292. Lt. Colonel Yemane Asfaha 293. Lt. Colonel Abraham Berhane Weldi

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294. Lt. Colonel Abraham Medhin 295. Lt. Colonel AbrahamMedin Teachers AffairsPolitical Teachers of the EDFTC 296. Lt. Colonel Afwerki Tedla Sibhatu 297. Lt. Colonel Alemu Fesshaye Kidane 298. Lt. Colonel Amanuel Debesai Eyabe 299. Lt. Colonel Amanuel Libanos WeldegabrV/Presidential Guard Commander 300. Lt. Colonel Amanuel Tesfagaber 301. Lt. Colonel Amanuel TesfahuneiHeadof internal security of the Asmara City. 302. Lt. Colonel Andemariam Misgun Bahta 303. Lt. Colonel Andemariam WoldenkielHead of the Badme Construction Company. 304. Lt. Colonel Araia (Dr.) 305. Lt. Colonel Asayeheyn Haile Neguse 306. Lt. Colonel Belay Hintsa 2004 rep SMCC West 307. Lt. Colonel Berekhet Mebrahtu 2003: Coordinator WYDCZoba North Red Sea 308. Lt. Colonel Berekhet Weldemichael 309. Lt. Colonel Berhane Andemeskel Mebrahtu 310. Lt. Colonel Berhane NegashDirector General ofSocial Services in the Central Region 311. Lt. Colonel Berhe Oqbazgi MenamenoBattalion leader 1842 Division 312. Lt. Colonel Berhe Solomon Chief Sawa-Afhimbol Industrial Project 313. Lt. Colonel Beyene Chiefof Staff of Brigade18.3 314. Lt. Colonel Daniel Weldemichael Tekle 315. Lt. Colonel Dawit Tsegazaab 316. Lt. Colonel Debesai Tekie Kismat

317. Lt. Colonel ElsaHabtemickael (woman) “” Called Jinubi” Because of her dark Skin” Head

318. Lt. Colonel Ephrem Habteselassie Tedla Former Eth Air Force, now EAF Medical Chief 319. Lt. Colonel Estifanos Gebreyesus Kidane 320. Lt. Colonel Estifanos Haile Berhane 321. Lt. Colonel Fanuel Sahle Habtemickael 322. Lt. Colonel Fesshaye Berhane

323. Lt. Colonel Fiori (woman) Head 324. Lt. Colonel Fitsum Gebregziabher Weldegebriel 325. Lt. ColonelGebreberhan Tewelde Headof Finance Staff of the land Forces in Beleza 326. Lt. Colonel Gebregziabher Asmelash Asmerom 327. Lt. Colonel Gebremeskel Embaye Woldu 328. Lt. Colonel Gebremeskel TeklehaimanotHeadof the Immigration and Nationality branch office in Gash-

Barka region 329. Lt. ColonelGebremeskel TeklehaimanotHead of the Immigration and Nationality branch office in Gash-

Barka region. 330. Lt. Colonel Gebremichael Daaro Chief of Staff Brigade 18.2 331. Lt. Colonel Ghetachew MerhatsionCommander recruits division Sawa 1997 332. Lt. Colonel Ghirmay Teklemariam Bahta 333. Lt. Colonel Gide Fesshaye Tesfagaber 334. Lt. Colonel Goitom GebreselassieDirectorof the School of Finance and Management within the Ministry

of the Defence 335. Lt. ColonelGoitom Gebreslasie Director of the School of Finance and Management. 336. LT. Colonel Goitom GebretsadiqHead of crime prevention in the Police office in the Northern Red Sea

region. 337. Lt. Colonel Goitom Kidane Gebremariam 338. Lt. Colonel Goitom TesfayCommander recruits division Sawa1997 339. Lt. Colonel Habte Gebreselassie Tsegai 340. Lt. Colonel Habteab Tekeste Ghebrekristos 341. Lt. Colonel Habtetsion Tsehaye Crime Prevention Unit, Central Region 342. Lt. Colonel Habtezghi Tewelde Ghebru 343. Lt. Colonel Habtom Bahta 344. Lt. Colonel Haddish Gebreab Michael 345. Lt. Colonel Hadera Gebremedhin Headof the Eritrean Cattle Corporation in Gash-Barka region. 346. Lt. Colonel Haile Berhane 347. Lt. Colonel Haile Berhe Zemo 348. Lt. Colonel Haile MesfunManager of the Mereb Development National Construction Company. 349. Lt. Colonel Haregot Ferzoun 350. Lt. Colonel Isaac Araya (Wedi Hakim) Headof the Prison Warden ofEiraeiro prison. 351. Lt. Colonel Isaias YosiefHead interrogator at the 2nd .Police station in Asmara. 352. Lt. Colonel Kebede Habte Berhe

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353. Lt. Colonel Kibreab Tekle Bokretsion 354. Lt. Colonel Kibrom Abraha Ghebre 355. Lt. Colonel Kidane BaireDirector General of the AdministrationCentral Region Administration 356. Lt. Colonel Kidane N tre (N3) 357. Lt. Colonel Kidane Tesfagiorghis Mehari 358. Lt. Colonel Kiflay GhebremedhinHeadof machinery department at the Mereb Development Construction

Company 359. Lt. Colonel Mebrat (woman) Head 360. Lt. Colonel Mehari BerhaneHeadof the immigration and nationality branch in Anseba region. 361. Lt. Colonel Mehari Neguse Habte 362. Lt. Colonel Mehari Teclu 363. Lt. Colonel Mehari Tesfamariam Tesfai 364. Lt. Colonel Mehari Werasi Commander of the Tsetserat Correction and Rehabilitation Centre. 365. Lt. Colonel MehariWerasi Commander of the Tsetserat Correction and Rehabilitation Centre. 366. Lt. Colonel Mekonnen Gebremeskel 367. Lt. Colonel MekonnenGhebremeskel Weapons Division Political Teachers of the EDFTC 368. Lt. ColonelNeguse Alazar Solomon 369. Lt. Colonel Neguse Beyene Teferi 370. Lt. Colonel Neguse Gebrehiwet Naval Force (2003) 371. Lt. Colonel Oqbazgi Tesfai Yohannes 372. Lt. Colonel Rezene tekle 373. Lt. Colonel Rezene TekleHeadof the Prison and Rehabilitation Centre in Mendefera 374. Lt. Colonel Samuel KidaneHeadofSocial Work of the Sawa Training Centre. 375. Lt. Colonel Samuel Tsegai Sibhatu 376. Lt. Colonel Sapieto 377. Lt. Colonel Semere Gulbet 378. Lt. Colonel Senait Asghedom Ghirmay 379. Lt. Colonel Sengal 380. Lt. Colonel Simon Berhane Hagos

381. Lt. ColonelSolomon Belay Beraki 382. Lt. Colonel Tekeste Keleta (Hagay) 383. Lt. Colonel Tekie Woldu coordinator of the project from the central government garage in Gash-

Barkaregion 384. Lt. Colonel Tekle Abraha Tesfazgi 385. Lt. Colonel Teklegerghis TekleHead of the Eritrean Forestry Controlling Unit. Lt. Colonel Teklehaimanot Ghebrekristos Abraham 386. Lt. Colonel Temesgen SamuelDeputy Commanderof the Sawa Training Centre.

387. Lt. Colonel Tesfaghebriel Embaye, also known as "Hefun" “Defected” 388. Lt. Colonel Tesfai Nirayo Hadgu 389. Lt. Colonel Tesfalem Yemane Ghebremedhin

390. Lt. Colonel Tesfamariam SieleCommanderof the training centre of the Naval Force.

391. Lt. ColonelTesfazghi YohannesHead of the Penitentiary and Rehabilitation Center in Mendefera. 392. Lt. Colonel Tesfazgi YohannesCommanderof the Tsetserat Correctional and Rehabilitation Centre

393. Lt. Colonel Teshome Bahta Kahsai

394. Lt. Colonel Teshome Commissioner of Battalion 18.23 395. Lt. Colonel Tsehaye Berhethe chiefof law enforcement unit in the Southern Red Sea Region. 396. Lt. Colonel Wedi Berhane 397. Lt. Colonel Wedi Misghina 398. Lt. Colonel Wedi MqurHeadof Adi Abeito prison 399. Lt. Colonel Weldemichael Desta Gebremichael 400. Lt. Colonel Weldezghi OqbaselassieHeadofthe Administration of the Eritrean Correctional and

Rehabilitation Centre 401. Lt. Colonel Yane Asfaha 402. Lt. Colonel Yemane (Qoray) 403. Lt. Colonel Yemane Fesshaye (Moytelka) 404. Lt. Colonel Yemane Gebregziabher Sibhatu 405. Lt. Colonel Yemane Hidaat

406. Lt. Colonel Yemane Mebrahtu Awalom 407. Lt. Colonel Yemane Tesfai 408. Lt. Colonel YemaneTesfai Office of the EDFTC Political Teachers of the EDFTC 409. Lt. Colonel Yohannes Berhe Weldetatios 410. Lt. ColonelYosef MekonnenManager of the Harat Public Technical Service institution.

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411. Lt. Colonel Zere Gebreselassie 412. Lt. Colonel ZereGhebreselassie Officers Division 413. Lt. Colonel Zeru Desta Ghebre 414. Lt. Tesfahiwet GhebraiHeadof the Prison and Rehabilitation administration inSembel Asmara. 415. Maj.Alene YigzawHeadof immigration and nationality branch in Adi-Keih. 416. Maj. Berhane TeklaiHeadof the Penitentiary and Rehabilitation Centre inGash-Barka region. 417. Maj. Gebremeskel TekleCommanderof the police force in the Dekemhare town 418. Maj. General Abraham AndomCommissioner of the Eritrean Police Force. 419. Maj. General Asmerom Ghebrezgabheir (Hawi Bichir)MoD, Chief of Logistics. 420. Maj. General Berhane Gebrezgheir 1996/04 imprisoned 421. Maj. General Filippos Woldeyohannesthe Commanderof OperationZone 2. (161 Corps) Central

Region. 422. Maj. GeneralGebrezgheir Andemariam (“Wuchu”) the Commanderof Operation Zone 2. Now

Commanderof the Eastern Command 423. Maj. General Haile SamuelCommanderof Operation Zone 4.491 corps Gash Barka 424. Maj. GeneralTeklai Habteselassiethe Commanderof the Eritrean Air Force. 425. Maj. GeneralTekleLibsu TesfaWedi Libsu third man in the Special Court 426. Maj. General Yohannes Gebremeskel. 427. MajorBinyam Niguse Weapons Division 428. Major Ghebretensae Tesfalidet project Managerof the Afhimbol Plantation 429. Major Habte GebruHeadof traffic police in Gash-Barka region. 430. Major Habtemickael BerheHeadof development at the Eritrean Rehabilitation and Correctional Center.

431. Major Hagos TekieCommanderof the Eritrean penitentiary and rehabilitation centre in Anseba region 432. Major Kibreab AbrahamHeadof the Gash-Barka central government garage. 433. Major Kidane GebreselassieHeadof Interrogation office in Senafe later In the head office N Security in

Asmara, Defected Now In Norway

434. Major Mehari AndebrhanCommanderof the Sembel Rehabilitation and Correctional Centre. 435. Major Mihreteab KidaneStaff officerof agitation and information center in Sawa. 436. Major Nirayo Tekle (Anwar)Headof the PR office at the Eritrean Police.

437. Major Ogbay TekleHeadof customs duties at the Ghinda station. 438. Major OqbaselassieCoordinator Students engaged in the summer work program in Adi-Quala sub-

zone. 439. Major Semere HabtemickaelHeadof the Eritrean Diving Center. 440. Major Semere TekleCommander of the Hazhaz Rehabilitation and Correctional Centre, Asmara. 441. Major Tesfa TesfahunegnHead of the 6th Police station Asmara. 442. MajorTesfaiGhebhanes Mining Division 443. MajorTesfaiGirmai Weapons Division 444. Major Woldu TesfamariamHead of the Central Government Garage in Anseba region 445. Major Yohannes BerakiHead of enforcement unit & Customs Duty branch office in Agordat sub-zone. 446. MajorYohannesWeldeyesus Language Training Centre 447. Major Yosief Seyoum (Wedi Seyoum)Eritrean Naval Officer escaped on April 3, 2009 448. Mr. Ghirmay Semere from the Police Office in Gash-Barka region. 449. SergeantDanielEyob National Service Training C.

450. SergeantGhirmay Gebrezgheir (Commando head) 451. Sergeant Ghirmay TesfaiHead of the branch in the dep. of the Eritrean Police in theAnseba region. 452. SergeantKidane Tesfamichael (Wedi Keren) group leader 453. SergeantKiflay (Wedi Gash) group leader 454. SergeantMihretu groupleader 455. SergeantTsegab Measho (“Chealo” group leader) 456. SergeantTsegai Abraham-interrogator. 457. Tesfamichael(Wedi Hawelti) Deputy to the chief of PFDJ. - ownedGemel Transport 458. Welderufael (Haguadey) Head of Logistics Imdad 459. Yemane Fesshaye Berhe (Wedi Rig’o) 460. Yemane Fesshaye Mietelka chief of the body guards in the President’s Office. He died in 2006-7 in an

ambush near Haikota.

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461. Mr. Kibreab Abraham head of public technical center in Gash-Barka region.

462. Mr. SolomonGebremeskel director of the Central Command Boarding School.

463. Mr. TesfamariamWoldgebreal head of development at department of the Ministry of Transport and Communications.

464. Ms Hiwet ZemikaelCommissioner for Relief and Refugee Affairs

465. Mr. AsmeromSium Chairman of the Eritrean Health Laboratory Association. 466. Mr. MelesSium Director of the Eritrean Health Laboratory. 467. Dr. GebreberhanOkbazgi Deputy President of the Academic Affairs in the Eritrean Institute of Technology. 468. Mr. AhmedKasim Gider Coordinator of the southern Red Sea region cultural village at the festival. 469. Mr. IdrisSaleh in charge of PFDJ political affairs in the Northern Red Sea region. 470. Mr. Al-AminTahir head of the branch office of the Agriculture Ministry in the Anseba region. 23 July 2011 471. Mr. KibromAndemichael head of economic development in the Anseba region.23 July 2011 472. Mr. SerkeYosief an agricultural expert in the Golij sub-zone.

473. Ms. Zaid Teklehead of the Education Ministry’s branch office in the Adi-Keih sub-zone.

474. Mr. Tesfai Kidane manager of themicro-damproject in Habero-Tsaada administrative area.

475. Mr. Solomon Meles head of the branch office of the Agriculture Ministry in the Adi-Keihsub-zone.

476. Mr. Tsegai Medin, member of the Museum

477. Eng. Yemane Teklu Bidho Construction Company Southern region

19.07.2002 Graduation fro Dongollo marin centre Eritrean Naval Training Centre at Dongolo 45

prs 478. Maj Adem Mohammed AdemCommander of the battalion. 479. Brig. GeneralAbdu Muhammad OmerRemech Chief of Staff of Operation Zone 1.( Passed Away 05.2009) 480. Brig. General Kokol Adem (B/Gen.)Head of the Southern Red Sea Region Police Branch 481. Brig. GeneralMusa Rabaa Police, Commissioner Police till 2002 Administrator of Gash Barka Region 482. Colonel AbduIdris Omar Head 483. ColonelAbdu Metere

484. Colonel Hassen, Asmara Police Chief “Defected” 485. Colonel Ahmed Mohammed Ali 486. Colonel Hamed Mahmud (Col.)Head of the Anseba RegionPolice Branch 487. ColonelHumed Suleman Humed 488. ColonelHusein Saleh Omer 489. ColonelIbrahim Ahmed Negash 490. CaptainNasir AliAdem Head Office 491. Colonel Jemal Mohammednur,Commanderof the Wiia Training Centre. 492. ColonelMohamed Toom Head 493. ColonelOmeredin Ahmed Omer 494. ColonelOsman Ahmed Jabber 495. Colonel Saleh OsmanHead 496. ColonelSalem Said Bekit 497. ColonelSalih Osman Bekit

498. Colonel Umer Abdu Idris Head 499. ColonelYasin Salih Mohamed 500. LieutenantJelani Mohammed Head 501. Lt. Colonel Idris Amer Agordat Prison Warden 502. Lt. Colonel Khalid Aberra Eritrean Acting ambassador / Charge De affairs in South Africa 503. Lt. Colonel Mohammed Omer Salem 504. Lt. ColonelSaid Ali military advisor in Somalia 505. Lt. Colonel Shekai Ahmed Head Maintenance EAF, returnee from Syria 506. Lt. Korporal Idris Suleman Halo 18112 507. Maj. General Humed MohammedKarikare the Commander of Naval Forces. 508. Maj. General Omar Hassan Tewil, Commanderof Operation Zone 3. (381 Corps) 509. Maj. General Romodan AwliyaSportsCommissioner. 510. Maj. GeneralSaid Fereg 1997 Died 2002 511. MajorWedi Gulai Head of Dekemhare City jailed accused for corruption 512. Lt. Mohammed Saleh IsmailHead of Police station in Golij sub-zone. 513. Brig. General Abdalla Musa 1996/01 Chief Immigration, frozen 2003, Gov NRS, Now Amb. to Libya 514. Maj. GeneralAhmed Omer Kakkai 1996/04 Commander Operation Zone South

Colonel Hamed Wed Sheikh, Chief of Police for Massawa as well Anseba “Defected”

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Colonel Mohammed Burhan Abdulkader, the First Secretary in the Eritrean Embassy in Cairo


91, 73% "Tigrigna" = 422 8, 26% Others =38 100 % Total = 460

Composition of Students by Ethnicity

Tigrinya Tigre Bilen Hidareb Afar Nara Kunama Saho Rashaida

Male 4637 460 460 05 94 23 12 221 02

Female 4033 115 101 - 05 06 11 53 -

Total 8670 575 261 05 99 29 23 274 02

Composition of Students by Age

Under 18 18 to 22 23 to 30 27 to 30 Above 30 Total

Male 1911 3667 31 05 - 5614

Female 1599 2666 51 08 - 4324

Total 3510 6333 82 13 - 9938



76 18

489 280 345




Chart Title


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515. Aba Kidane SemereDirector the Donbosko Technical School in Dekemhare 516. Ambassador Fessehasion PetrosDirector Generalof Desks in the ForeignMinistry. 517. Brother Woldehawariat HaileDirectorof the Hagaz School of Agricultural Technique

518. Dr. Abrehet Ghebrekidan doctorof obstetrics &Lecturer University of Asmara

519. Dr. Andeab GebremeskelDirector Generalof Africa, Asia and Pacific Desk in theForeign Ministry Emabssy 23.04.07 Australia

520. Dr. Andebrhan TesfatsionDirectorof HIV/AIDS and TB in the MinistryofHealth. 521. Dr. Andom Ogbamariam Director Generalof Human Resource Development in the MinistryofHealth 522. Dr. Araya TsegaiDirector Generalof the Eritrean Free Trade Zone Authority in Massawa.

523. Dr. Berhane Debru Director of the Medical Services (Clinical Services)in theMinistryofHealth

524. Dr. Berhane GebretensaeDirector Generalof Health Services at the MinistryofHealth 525. Dr. Berhe HibtzgiDirectorof the Referral Hospital in the Southern regionin theMinistryofHealth 526. Dr. Beyene TeweldeMedical DirectorofHalibet Hospitalin theMinistryofHealth

527. Dr. Bisrat GhebruDirectorof the Consultancy and Testing Centreof Higher Educationin the Ministry

ofEducation 528. Dr. Dawit Estifanos Directorof Agordat Hospitalin theMinistryofHealth 529. Dr. Eyasu GebretatiyosDirector General of the Human Resources Department of the Ministry of

Agriculture. 530. Dr. Goitom MebrahtuDirector of the National Blindness Prevention and Control Program in

theMinistryofHealth 531. Dr. Habteab MahariDirector of national referral hospitals in the Ministry of Health. 532. Dr. Haile Mezgebe the Medical Directorof the Orotta Post-graduate School 533. Dr. Haile MuhtsunDirectorin theMinistryofHealth 534. Dr.Iyassu GebretatiosDirector General 0f the Agricultural Research in the MinistryofAgriculture 535. Dr. Luul BanteyirguDirectorof the Keren Hospital 536. Dr. Luul Ghebre Directorof Malaria Protection in sub-Zoba Addi Kuala 537. Dr. Mulugheta Haile Directorof the Adi Keih Hospitalmedical 538. Dr. Semere HabtetsionDirectorof Energy Management and Development Planning at the

MinistryofEnergy and Mines 539. Dr. Tadesse Mahari Executive Directorof the National Board for Higher Education 540. Dr. Tesfai GhirmayDirectorof the Agordat Hospital 541. Dr. Tesfai HaileDirectorof the Institute of Training Education and Consultancy (SMAP). 542. Dr. Tesfai Solomon acting Director Generalof regulatory services department in the Ministryof Health. 543. Dr. Tesfai Solomon Director of the Health services quality controlin theMinistryofHealth 544. Dr. Tewelde Gebremeskel, Headof national malaria control program in the MinistryofHealth 545. Dr. Yifdeamlak Tesfamariam Director GeneralofNational Blood Transfusion Centre (NBTC) 546. Dr. Yosief Libsekal Directorof the National Museum of Eritrea. 547. Dr. Yosief Tewelde Directorof a medical clinic In Asmara 548. Dr. Zemichael Ogbe medical Directorof the Orotta Pediatrics Hospital

549. Dr. Zemuy Alemu Director of the Family and Community Health in theMinistryofHealth

550. Eng. Haddish TesfamichaelDirector heading such activities in the Ministryof Public Works 551. Eng. Kidane BerhaneDirector Generalof the department of infrastructure in the MinistryofPublic

works 552. Eng. Medhanie EstifanosDirector Generalof town development in the MinistryofPublic Works. 553. Eng. Misgun AbrahaDirector of Control and Contracts in the Ministryof Public Works. 554. Eng. Rezene AbrahaDirector of water resources infrastructure in the Ministryof Public Works. 555. Eng. Zayid GebrekidanDirector of urban planning in the Ministryof Public Works. 556. Goitom GebretsadiqHead of crime prevention in the Police office in the Northern Red Sea region. 557. Lt. ColonelGoitom Gebreslasie Director of the School of Finance and Management. 558. Mr. Abrahaley Sium Director of the Asmara Technical School 559. Mr. Abrahaley TekleDirectorof the Adi-Quala High School 560. Mr. Abraham DawitDirectorof the Asia-Pacific Division in theMinistryof Foreign Affairs 561. Mr. Abraham Gebremeskel Director of the HRD in the Ministry of Agriculture 562. Mr. Abraham GebretensaeDirectorof the Operations Division, Customs Dept in the Ministryof Finance 563. Mr. Abraham RussomDirectorof planning and curriculum development branch in the Education

Ministry. 564. Mr. Abraham YakobDirectorof the Tsorona High School

565. Mr. Abraham Yohannes Director of the Dept. of Americas, UN &International Organizations. in

theForeign Ministry 566. Mr. Ahferom TeweldeDirectorofNacfa Cadre School 567. Mr. Ainom Berhane Director Generalof the National Statistics Office in theMinistryof National


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568. Mr. Akberom Tedla Director of the Eritrean Standards Institution in the Ministry of Trade & Industry

569. Mr. Alazar HailemichaelDirector Generalof Eri-British private educational institution

570. Mr. Alem GebrekalDirectorof the Asmara TeachersEducation Institute ATEI 571. Mr. Alem KibreabDirector General of the mining department in the Ministry of Mining and Energy. 572. Mr. Amanuel Asghedom Director of the Planning and Statistics in the MinistryofEnergy and Mines. 573. Mr. Amanuel HadguDirector of the PUBLIC RELATIONS in theMinistryof Information 574. Mr. Amanuel Negassi Director of the Soil and Water Conservation in the Ministry of Agriculture

575. Mr. Amare Reda acting Director of the Ministry of LHWbranch in the Southern region. 576. Mr. Amha Kidane Director Generalof the Administration & Finance Ministryof L. & H. Welfare.

577. Mr. Andeab Uqbamariam Director Generalof the HRD and Research in the Ministryof Health

578. Mr. Andebrhan Tesfazion Director Generalof the National HIV/AIDS and TB control in the

Ministryof Health 579. Mr. Andemichael SolomonDirector General of infrastructure development department in the

Southern Red Sea region.

580. Mr. Andom Gebretensae Director Generalof the Regulation in the Fisheries Ministry

581. Mr. Asefaw SengalDirectorofBeilul Currency Exchange Company 582. Mr. Asmelash AbrahaDirector General ofEriTV 583. Mr. Asmelash GebreyesusKidane Director General (act.)of the Registration Division. Eritrean Postal

Service in the Ministry ofT. & Communication 584. Mr. Asmerom Kidane,Director of natural resource study at the Halhale National Agricultural Research

Institute. in the Ministry of Agriculture

585. Mr. Asmerom MesfinDirector of geological studies in theMinistry of Mining and Energy 586. Mr. Basilos ZemoDirectorofEducational Media Division 587. Mr. Bereke Ogbamichael Director of crop and animal development. 588. Mr. Berekhet FesshayeDirectorof theMendefera School of Associate Nurse. 589. Mr. Berekhet GoitomDirectorof the Barentu School of Assistant Nurses 590. Mr. Berekhetab Habtemariam Oqbazgi Director of the Foreign Trade in the Ministry of Trade &


591. Mr. Berhane AbrahamDirector of theMinistry of Trade&Industry Office 592. Mr. Berhane NegashDirectorGeneralofSocialServices in the Central Region Administration 593. Mr. Berhane WoldekidanDirectorin the MinistryofLHW. branch office in the Central region 594. Mr. Berhe Tesfamariam Director of the Water Services in theMinistryofNational Development 595. Mr. Bernardos KifleyesusDirectorGeneral of medicine control at the MinistryofHealth 596. Mr. Beyene HaileDirectorEritrean Centre for Organizational Excellence in the Embatkala 597. Mr. Beyene RussomDirectorGeneral ofLand Department at the in the Ministryof LHW.

598. Mr. Daniel Tesfalidet Director Generalof theBudget and Planning in the MinistryofFinance

599. Mr. Dawit GebreabDirector of training centre in the Mereb Development Construction Company. 600. Mr. Debesai GebrehiwetDirectorof Renewable Energy Center in the Ministryof Energy and Mining. 601. Mr. Debesai Haile Director of the Office of the Ministerin theMinistry ofT. &Communication 602. Mr. Eden Fasil Director Generalof the Legal Services in the MinistryofJustice. 603. Mr. Elias WeldegebrielDirectorof the Asmara School of Music. 604. Mr. Elisa SolomonDirectorof junior and secondary schools in Shambuko sub-zone. 605. Mr. Ephrem Matewos Director General of Asmara Library

606. Mr. Ephrem TeklaiDirectorofWoldeab Weldemariam Secondary School

607. Mr. Estifanos Beyin Manna Director of theForestry and Wildlife in the Ministryof Agriculture

608. Mr. Estifanos BeynDirector of the Control of National Resources Department of the Ministryof Agriculture.

609. Mr. Eyassu Bahta Acting DirectorofDrug Control in the MinistryofHealth 610. Mr. Eyob BeyinDirectorof the WinaTechnicalSchool in Nacfa town. 611. Mr. Fessehasion PetrosDirector General of the Department of Desks in theMinistryof Foreign Affairs 612. Mr. Fesshaye Haile Director Generalof the Customs Department in the Ministryof Finance 613. Mr. Fesshaye KidaneDirectorof the National Vocational Training Centre (NVTC) in Sawa 614. Mr. Fesshaye KidaneDirector of the plant Mergida Agricultural Plant (Adi-Keih,). 615. Mr. Fisehaye HaileDirector Generalof the Customs Duty Department. 616. Mr. Gabriel FasilDirector Generalof the Bank of Eritrea 24.04.07 617. Mr. GebreabGhebremedhinDirectorof Air Navigation at theEritrean Civil Aviation Authority

618. Mr. Gebrehannes Hagos, director general of administration and finance in the Ministryof Education.

619. Mr. Gebrehiwet Teame Mahru Director of the Technical services division in the

MinistryofAgriculture 620. Mr. Gebremichael MengistuDirector Generalof the Development and Reconstruction Programat the

Ministry of National Development.

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621. Mr. Gebreselassie AradomDirector General of EconomicDevelopment in the Southern Red Sea region.

622. Mr. Gebreselassie Negash Beyene Director of the Assessment and National Examinations 623. Mr. Gebreslasie AradomDirector General of economic development in the Southern Red Sea region. 624. Mr. Gebrezgi DmamDirector Generalof the Department of Adult Education and Media 625. Mr. Gebru HaileDirector General of infrastructure development department in Anseba region. 626. Mr. Ghebremedhin HabteDirector Generalof marine transport in the MinistryofTransport and

Communications. 627. Mr. Ghebreyohannes Hagos Director General of the Admin & Finance in the Ministryof Education 628. Mr. Ghebrezgabheir Ghebremedhin Director Generalof the Audit 629. Mr. Ghirmay Andu Director of the Red Sea Secondary School 630. Mr. Ghirmay BerheDirector Generalof Radio Department. 631. Mr. Ghirmay GebrehiwotDirectorof the Warsay-Yikaalo School in Sawa 632. Mr. Ghirmay GebremeskelDirectorofCivil Service Administration 633. Mr. Ghirmay Ghebremariam Director Generalof the American & I. O. D: in the Foreign Ministry. 634. Mr. Ghirmay Mebrahtu OqbeDirector of the Admin & Finance in the Fisheries Ministry 635. Mr. Goitom AlemDirectorof the Rehabilitationin theMinistryofLHW. 636. Mr. Goitom HidromDirector of Lalmba Elementary School in Asmara. 637. Mr. Goitom Mebrahtu Director of the DPC in the Ministryof Health

638. Mr. Goitom Tewelde Director of the Disease Controlin theMinistryofHealth

639. Mr. Habteleul Ghebremedhin Director Generalof the Housing Division in the MinistryofPublic Works 640. Mr. Habtemickael Woldegiorgis Director Generalof the Cadastre of the MinistryofLHW.

641. Mr. Habtom Gebremichael Director of the Political Research in theForeign Ministry.

642. Mr. Habtom Sium Tekle Director Generalof the Social Welfare MinistryofLHW. 643. Mr. Hadish GebremichaelDirector “Administrator”of the Eritrean Water and Mine Drilling Company

(EWMDC). 644. Mr. Hadish Tesfamichael Director of the Engineering Works in the MinistryofPublic Works 645. Mr. Hagos GebrehiwotDirector GeneralofEconomic Affairs at the PFDJ. 646. Mr. Hagos WolduDirector Generalof investment and publicity department in the MinistryofTourism.

647. Mr. Haile Alazar DirectorofResearch and Statistics in theMinistryofTourism. 648. Mr. Haile AsfahaDirector0f the Community Affairs in theMinistryof Foreign Affairs

649. Mr.Hailemichael Kinfu Director of the Bilateral Cooperation in the MinistryofFinance

650. Mr. Hailu AsfahaDirectorof Research Division in the Department of DRHRD 651. Mr. Hurui Asghedom Director Generalof the Agric Promotion and Development Dept in the Ministry

ofAgriculture 652. Mr. Kebedom TedlaDirectorof the Asmara Commercial College 653. Mr. Kibri TekesteDirector of the Himbirti Junior and Elementary School. 654. Mr. Kibrom AndemichaelDirector General of economic development in the Anseba region. 655. Mr. Kibrom AsmeromDirectorof the Duta Junior and Secondary School, Barentu 656. Mr. Kibrom DaflaDirector Generalof the Department of Internal Revenue. 657. Mr. Kibrom NirayoDirector General of administration and finance in the Southern Red Sea region. 658. Mr. Kidane Berhane Director Generalof the Infrastructure Dept in the MinistryofPublic Works 659. Mr. Kidane Habte Director of the Research, Planning and HRD MinistryofL. & H. Welfare. 660. Mr.Kidane Solomon Director Generalof the Artisanal Industries / Crafts in the Ministry of Trade &

Industry 661. Mr. Kidane Tsegai Director Generalof the Regional planning in theMinistryof National Development 662. Mr. Kiflay AndemichaelDirector of the Warsay-Yikaalo School in Sawa 663. Mr. Kifle Mekonnen Director ofof the National examinations office 664. Mr. Kuflom DebesaiDirector of the Administration & Finance in the MinistryofEnergy and Mines. 665. Mr. Legese Hadish,Director of the Gash Elementary and Junior School in Laelai-Gash sub-zone 666. Mr. Measho GebretensaeDirectorofinspection and standard in the Ministryof Education 667. Mr. Mebrahtu Gilagaber Directorof the Asmara Teachers Training Institute (TTI) 668. Mr. Mebrahtu Iyassu Director Generalof the Water Resources in the MinistryofLWE. 669. Mr. Medhanie Estifanos Director Generalof the Urban Development at the MinistryofPublic Works 670. Mr. Megos Weldemichael Director Generalof the Domestic Trade (and Intellectual Property) in the

Ministry of Trade & Industry 671. Mr. Megos Woldeyohannes Director Generalof the Environment in the MinistryofLHW. 672. Mr. Mehari MenghisteabDirectorof the development of the national sports activitiesoffice in the

Ministryof Education 673. Mr. Mekonnen Fessehasion Director Generalof the Communications in the Ministry ofT. &

Communication 674. Mr. Meles Seyoum Director of the National health laboratory in the Ministryof Health 675. Mr. Menghis Dagnew Director Generalof the Audit

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676. Mr. Mesfin MihreteabDirector of the development of tourism in the theMinistry of Tourism. 677. Mr. Michael Abraha Director of the Geological Survey in the MinistryofEnergy and Mines. 678. Mr. Michael ArefeDirector of the training of the Cultural Affairs Department of the PFDJ. . 679. Mr. Michael JahraiDirectorof the Ginda School of Associate Nursing 680. Mr. Michael WeldemariamDirectorof the Finance Division in theMinistryof Foreign Affairs 681. Mr. Mihreteab Fesshaye Director Generalof the Relief and Rehabilitation MinistryofL. & H. Welfare. 682. Mr. Mihreteab Tesfagiorghis Director Generalof the Mobile phone service in the Ministry ofT. &

Communication 683. Mr. Misghina Tekleab Director Generalof the Eri Pharmaceutical & Medical Equipment the

Ministryof Health 684. Mr. Mogos WoldemichaelDirector General of Internal Trade.’ 685. Mr. Mokria WolduDirector General of the external service department in the Ministryof Information 686. Mr. Mulugheta Haile Medical Directorof the Adi Keih hospital. 687. Mr. Mussie MisginaDirector General of infrastructure development in the Northern Red Sea region. 688. Mr. Nebai Tekle Director of the Office of the Minister in the MinistryofEnergy and Mines. 689. Mr. Negassi Sengal, Eritrean Ambassador to the United Kingdom and IrelandNowDirector of the

Information Divisionin theMinistryof Foreign Affairs 690. Mr. Paulos Kahsai Director Generalof the Civil Aviation in the Ministry ofT. & Communication 691. Mr. Petros HailemariamDirector General of human resource development in the Ministryof Education 692. Mr. Rezene FissehaDirector General of infrastructure development in the Southern region. 693. Mr. Rezene Seyum Director Generalof the Research and HRDin theMinistryofJustice 694. Mr. Samuel BaireDirector General of Power supply division at the Ministry of Energy and Mining. 695. Mr. Semere Beyin Director Generalof the Religious Affairs 696. Mr.Semere GebrehiwetDirector of the Plant Health Division in the Ministry of Agriculture 697. Mr. Sibhatu Yemane Director of the Primary Health Care in the Ministryof Health 698. Mr. Solomon BerheDirectorof the Minister office in the MinistryofInformation 699. Mr. Solomon Dirar Director of the Hidri publishing housePFDJ’s Political Affairs Bureau 700. Mr. Solomon NawdDirectorof the school of the 23rd Division’s Boarding School 701. Mr. Solomon Tsehaye Director of the Cultural Affairs Bureau in the Ministry ofEducationand member

of the evaluating committee of the PFDJ. CulturalBureau. 702. Mr. Solomon Zerabruk Director of the Administration and Financein theMinistry ofT. &

Communication 703. Mr. Stifanos Habte Director Generalof the Foreign Trade Department in the Ministry of Trade &

Industry 704. Mr. Stifanos Issak Director of the Staffing Dept., CSA 705. Mr. Tadesse WoldeyohanesDirector General of industrial development the Ministryof Trade and

Industry. 706. Mr. Tadesse Woldeyohannes Director Generalof Industrial Development at the Ministryof Trade and

Industry 707. Mr. Tedros SeyoumDirector of the HRD department in the MinistryofEducation 708. Mr. Tedros TecleDirector of the Office of the regional Administrator in the Southern region. 709. Mr. Tekeste Fekadu Director lof the Eritrean Demobilization Program 710. Mr. Tekie TewoldeDirector General of economic development in the Northern Red Sea region 711. Mr. Tekie Zerezgi Directorof the Admin & Financein theMinistryofJustice

712. Mr. Tekle BeyeneDirector of the Dembe-Asmera Elementary and Junior School in Dembe-Asmera administrative area, Shambuko sub-zone.

713. Mr. Tekle FrezgiDirector of human resource development and trainingin the the Ministry of Tourism. 714. Mr. Tekle Tesfai Director of the Child Welfare Ministry of LHW. 715. Mr. Tekleab Misghina Director Generalof the Regulatory Services in the Ministry of Agriculture 716. Mr. Teklehaimanot Debretsion Director of the HC Exploration and Promotion in the MinistryofEnergy

and Mines. 717. Mr. Temesgen GebreselassieDirectorConsularAffairs in the Ministryof Foreign Affairs 718. Mr. Tesfai Seyoum Director General of vocational and technical training in the Ministryof Education 719. Mr. Tesfai SolomonDirectorof the quality of health services 720. Mr. Tesfai TekleDirector General of social servicein Northern Red Sea region. 721. Mr. Tesfai WahdDirectorof theAsmara College of Nursing and Health Technology

722. Mr. Tesfalidet HabteDirector of Adi-Gulti Elementary and Junior School 723. Mr. Tesfalidet MichaelDirector of the Office of the Ministry of Tourism. 724. Mr. Tesfamariam HaileDirector Generalof administration and finance department in the Southern

regional Administration 725. Mr. Tesfatsion GhirmayDirector General of SocialServices inthe Ministryof LHWin theSouthern

region. 726. Mr. Tesfay BerheDirector of the Office of Holidays Coordinating Committee.

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727. Mr. Tewelde BerhaneDirectorof the Ghinda School of Associate Nurses 728. Mr. Tewelde DebesaiDirectorof the Eritrean Commercial Bank (ECB) branch in Anseba region 729. Mr. Tewelde GebreabDirectorof Eritrean Centre of Information System (ECIS) 730. Mr. Tewelde Gebreyesus Director Generalof the Environmental assessment & information division 731. Mr. Tewelde Weldemichael Director Generalof the Fisheries Resources Development in the Fisheries

Ministry 732. Mr. Tewolde WoldemichaelDirector General of marine resources development department in the

Ministry of Marine Resources. 733. Mr. Tezare AinealemDirector of the Abraha Bahta School of the Blind 734. Mr. Tquabo AimutDirectorofCurriculum Planning and Development Division in the Department ofAdult

Education and Media in the Ministryof Education 735. Mr. Tsegai BerhaneDirectorof seeds improvement branch office in the Halhale National Agricultural

Research Institute. 736. Mr. Tsegai SamuelDirector of the Adi-Guaedad Artificial Limb Plant. 737. Mr. Tsegai Taemrat Director of the Minister's Office in the MinistryofLHW. 738. Mr. Tsehaye Fasil Director of the Euro-America Division in theForeign Ministry 739. Mr. Tzadu Bahta Director Generalof the Administration & Finance in the Ministryof Public 740. Mr. Weldegabr WoldeabCEO(Chief Executive Officer)of the National Fisheries Corporation in the

Fisheries Ministry

741. Mr. Weldemariam TeklizghiDirector of the Desiet Elementary and Junior Schoolin Aibaba

administrative area,Geleb sub-zone. 742. Mr. Woldehawariat HaileDirector of theHagaz Agricultural Technical School. 743. Mr. Woldeselassie GedeDirectorof martyred Saleh Tetow Elementary and Junior School Habero sub-

zone 744. Mr. Woldeyesus Elisa Director Generalof the Labor Dept. MinistryofLHW. 745. Mr. Woldu Berhe Director of the Adult Education in the Ministryof Education 746. Mr. Woldu Gebreyesus Director Generalof the Government Garages Dept. (hardware) 747. Mr. Woldu Reda’e Director of the Jehan Junior School in Molqisub-zone,Gash-Barka region. 748. Mr. Yemane AbayDirector Generalof Economicdevelopment in the Central region. 749. Mr. Yemane Gebreab Director Generalofpolitical Affairs at the PFDJ. . 750. Mr. Yemane Haile Director of the HRH Planning and managementin theMinistryof Health 751. Mr. Yemane Hailemariam HEADof the Training coordination officein the MinistryofTourism. 752. Mr. Yifdeamlak GM Director of the Central Blood Bankin the Ministryof Health 753. Mr. Yitbarik HabtegergishDirectorof human resource development in the Ministryof Finance 754. Mr. Yohannes Gebreyesus head of the regional museum in the Northern Red Sea region. 755. Mr. Yohannes Isaac Director Generalof the Inland Revenue Department in the Ministryof Finance 756. Mr. Yohannes Woldeab Director of the Admin and Finance in theMinistryof National Development 757. Mr. Yosef ArayaDirector General of administration and finance in the regional administration in

Northern Red Sea region. 758. Mr. Yosief FessehasionDirectorof the Gebrekefelet junior school. 759. Mr. Yosief Kahsai Director of the Fisheries infrastructure development in the Fisheries Ministry 760. Mr. Yosief Zemichael Directorof the Mendefera Boarding School of Associate Nurses 761. Mr. Zemhret Yohannes, Director General of Research and Documentation at the PFDJ. .

762. Mr. Zeweldi TesfaiDirectorof the Kisanet Junior and Secondary School in Adi-Niamin 763. Mrs. Lia TesfaiDirector of the Personnel Division in theMinistryof Foreign Affairs 764. Ms. Abeba HabtomDirectorof kindergarten service in the EducationMinistry‘s general education

department. 765. Ms. Asmeret AbrahaDirectorof martyrs families’ assistance and communal services branch in the

Ministryof LHW. 766. Ms. Asmeret Mebrahtu Director of the Community services Ministry of L.H. Welfare. 767. Ms. Aster Redaezgi Director Generalof the Environmental management and control in the Ministryof

LHW. 768. Ms. Azieb TeweldeDirector of the Research and Documentation Centre RDC. 769. Ms. Elsa HaileDirector of Regional and Intern Organizations Divisionin theMinistryof Foreign Affairs 770. Ms. Elsa WoldemichaelDirector of the Asmara Music School. 771. Ms. Genet Tesfatsion Director of kindergarten teachers’ training at Asmara Teachers’ Training Institute. 772. Ms. Hanna Simon Director General of the Eritreans Residing Abroad in theMinistryof Foreign Affairs 773. Ms. Hiwet Zemichael Director Generalof the Tourism Developmentin the Ministry of Trade &

Industry. 774. Ms. Lemlem Ghebrekristos Directorof the Quality control and supervisionin the MinistryofTourism 775. Ms. Letteyesus Negassi Director of the Administration and Finance in the Ministryof Health 776. Ms. Letteyesus Neguse Director of the Administration in the Ministry of Agriculture 777. Ms. Lia Tesfai Director of the Personnel Division in theForeign Ministry

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778. Ms. Martha Woldegiorgis Director Generalof the Treasury Dept in the Ministryof Finance 779. Ms. Mehret Eyob Director of the International relations in the Ministryof Education 780. Ms. Nighisti NuguseDirectorof Medical Desk 781. Ms. Okba’ab Gebremichael Director of the Veterinary Services in the MinistryofAgriculture 782. Ms. Senait LigjamDirector General of land transport department in theMinistryofT.& Communication. 783. Sr. Senait Habtemariam Director ofCathedral Kindergarten.

784. Amb. Mahmoud Ali HuruiDirector Generalof the Department of Research and

theMinistryof Foreign Affairs 785. Dr. Yakob HassenDirector of Afabet Hospital, 786. Mr. Abdallahi Alamin Tita director general of Social service in the Gash-Barka region. 787. Mr. Abdella JabirDirector Generalofthe PFDJ. ‘sOrganizational Affairs. 788. Mr. Abdulahi Al-AminDirector Generalof Social Services in the Gash-Barka region. 789. Mr. Ali AbdallaDirector of the Mobile schools in Maebelie administrative area, Central-Denkalia sub-

zone. 790. Mr. Ali EgahleDirectorofBel’ubei Elementary School 791. Mr. Awrelyo JokominoDirector of the regional Administration office of the Gash-Barka region. 792. Mr. Bunmi MakinwaDirector of the UNFPA Africa Regional 793. Mr. Dini MohammedDirector of the Golo Junior and Secondary School in Senafe sub-zone. 794. Mr. Hamed MohammedDirector of the Afambo Junior Boarding School in Central Denkalia sub-zone,

Southern Red Sea region. 795. Mr. Hamid Idris MohammedDirector of the Krora Elementary and Junior School. 796. Mr. Ibrahim Burj program Director for the Eritrean National Holidays Organizing Committee 797. Mr. Ibrahim OsmanDirectorof the Middle East Division in theMinistryof Foreign Affairs 798. Mr. Jabir Ibrahim EtelDirector of Martyr Tahir Salim Elementary and Junior School in Hamelmalo

administrative areas. 799. Mr. Mahmoud Ali Hurui Director Generalof the Research & Inform. in theForeign Ministry 800. Mr. Mahmud Osman Alamin Director of the Housing Division in the Ministryof Public Works

801. Mr. Mohammed Ali AbdallaDirector of the Bolosto Elementary School in Bolosto,Gaden administrative area.

802. Mr. Mohammed FakakAhmedDirector of the elementary school in Beyan administrative area, Nacfa sub-zone.

803. Mr. Mohammed IbrahimDirector General of Service Department in the Ministry of Tourism. 804. Mr. Mohammed Idris IbrahimDirector Generalof tourism service in the Ministry of Tourism. 7 May

2011 805. Mr. Mohammed Idris Ibrahim Director Generalof the Tourism Services Deptin the MinistryofTourism. 806. Mr. Mohammed Ismail MussaDirector of Ti’o School. 807. Mr. Mohammed Jimi’e MohammedDirector of a boarding school in Forto-Sawa sub-zone. 808. Mr. Mohammed Nur Aman Director Generalof the Admin and Finance in the Ministryof Finance 809. Mr. Mohammed Omar MahmudDirectorof the M. East &North Africa Desk 810. Mr. Mohammed Omar SubaDirector Generalof the Press Department in the Ministry of Information. 811. Mr. Mohammed Osman IdrisDirectorof the Protocol Divisionin theMinistryof Foreign Affairs 812. Mr. Mohammed Sraj DirectorofBana Junior School

813. Mr. Mohammed-Aman OsmanDirector of the elementary school in Mesgolo-Zula administrative area.

814. Mr. Mussa Naib Director Generalof General Education in the MinistryofEducation

815. Mr. Osman Ali HusseinDirectorof the Boleli Elementary and Junior school in Bede, Gelaalo sub-

zone. 816. Mr. Osman IdrisDirector of the Bordeli Junior & secondary School in the Gelalo sub-zone. 817. Mr. Saad Ramadan SaidDirectorof the Eritrean Social Marketing Group (ESMG) 818. Mr. Saleh MohammedDirector of the school semi-boarding elementary and junior school in Beilul

administrative area, South-Denkalia sub-zone. 819. Mr. Seid Mohamed AbrarDirectorof the Minister’s Office at the Ministryof Fisheries 820. Mr. Seid SalehDirectorof the Gahtelai Junior School. 821. Mr. Wehab MohammedAliDirectorof the Mai-Haber Technical School. 822. Ms. Zahra JabberDirector Generalof the Administration in theMinistryof Foreign Affairs. 823. Ms. Zeineb OmarDirector Generalof social services Anseba region. 824. Mr. Dini MohammedDirector of the Golo Junior and Secondary School in Senafe sub-zone. 825. Mr. Abubeker AliDirector of the junior school in Kirora sub-zone.

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269"Tigrigna"= 86.50% 42Others = 13.50%

311Total = 100

General Managers:

826. Brig. Gen .Tesfai Issak(Wedi Mney)General Manager of the Eritrean Demining Authority 827. Brother Woldetnsae TesfaselassieManagingDirector of the Hagaz Agricultural Technical School. 828. Captain Hagos MelesManager of the Adi-Omar Agricultural Project in Tessenei sub-zone. 829. Col. Haile Mesfin Manager of the Mereb Construction Company. 830. Colonel Abraham OqbaselassieManagerof the Massawa Airportin theMinistry ofT.

&Communication 831. ColonelHaile MesfinManagerof the Mereb Construction Company. 832. ColonelMehari TesfamariamManager of the Haben Construction Company. 833. ColoneMehari TesfamariamGeneral Manager of the Haben Construction Company. 834. Dr. Goitom Weldemariam, General Manager of the Eritrean Development and Investment Bank (EDIB) 835. Dr.Kifle TeklaiManager of the Rural Enterprise Unit (REU) 836. Eng. Abraham BerheManager of electricity distribution in the Eritrean Electricity Corporation 837. Eng. Abraham WoldemichaelGeneralManager of the Eritrean Electricity Corporation. 838. Eng. Afwerki TesfatsionofMassawa Port Authority. 839. Eng. Desale GebremedihinManager Musa Ali Construction Company. 840. Eng. Habte TeklehaimanotManagerof the project in Northern Red Sea region 841. Eng. Haile WoldaiManagerof the Debwin Construction Company. 842. Eng. Mekonnen HabtetsionManagerof the Gedec Company. 843. Eng. Tekle HintsaManager of the Erisoc Factory environment-friendly and energy-saving products. 844. Eng. Weldemariam TsegaitechnicalManagerof the Ti’o Fish Processing Plant 845. Engineer Eyob HaileManagerofZula Construction Company. 846. LT. Colonel Andemariam Woldenkiel Managerof the Brick factory, Badme Construction Co., Barentu 847. LT. Colonel Haile Mesfun General Manager ofMereb constr. co. 848. LT. ColonelYosef MekonnenManager of the Harat Public Technical Service 849. Maj. Gebretensae Tesfalidet General Manager ofAf-Hmbol agric plantation, MoD 850. Mr. Abraham Fesshaye, Managerof the privately-owned Satae Bus Association Share Company. 851. Mr. Abraham MichaelManager of theGhergusum Beach Hotel. 852. Mr. Abraham OqbaselassieGeneral Manager of the Massawa International Airport 853. Mr. Abraham Weldemichael General Manager Eritrean Electricity Corporation 854. Mr. Alem AbrahaManager of the MassawaBoat Plant. 855. Mr. Amanuel GebreselassieManagerof the Eritrean Railways. 856. Mr.Andebrhan Kifle General Manager ofHomib Agric Establishment 857. Mr. Andemariam Woldenkiel Manager ofBadme Construction Company. 858. Mr. Ateshim TeweldemedhinManagingDirector of the Techno-BrakeCompany. 859. Mr.Beraki Neber Manager ofMarble factory, Gogne (Gonye) 860. Mr. Berekhet Abraha Managerof the EconomicDevelopment Unit in Zoba Maekel 861. Mr. Berekhet DanielManagerof the Eritrean Postal Service. 862. Mr. Berhane ArefaineManagerof the Traffic section, EriTelin theMinistry ofT. &Communication 863. Mr.Berhane Gebrehiwet General Manager of the Housing and Commerce Bank





Directors Tigrigna &Others




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864. Mr. Berhane Ghebremariam Managerof the Supervision Department, Bank of Eritrea 865. Mr. Berhane HabtemariamGeneral Manager ofENAMCO 866. Mr. Berhane MahariManagerof the NASAIR Company. 867. Mr.Beyene Asfaha Manager of the International Banking, CBE 868. Mr. Dawit MenghisteabManager the Assab Port Authorityin theMinistry ofT. &Communication 869. Mr. Desale GebremedhinManager of the Mussa Ali Construction Company.Oper Zone 4 870. Mr. Ephrem Abbebe General Manager ofSawa Agricultural Industry 871. Mr. Ephrem MatewosManager of the Asmara library. 872. Mr.Eyob Andemariam General Manager Gemel Trasoport Co. 873. Mr. Fekadu Tekle Branch Managerof the Gedem, Gash-Barka 874. Mr. Fitsum GebreselassieGeneral Manager ofJumbo Glass 875. Mr.Gaim Tekie General Manager of theRed Sea Trading Corporation 876. Mr. Gebremeskel Hailu General ManagerofAli Ghidir Agro Industry 877. Mr. Gebremichael Menghistu, Managerof the Project Management Unit regarding the activities of the

Emergency Reconstruction Program. 878. Mr. Gebrewold HagosGeneral Manager(act.)of the Asmara International Airportin theMinistry ofT.

&Communication 879. Mr. Gebrezgabiher AsmelashManagerof the Sembel Wood and Metal Works Plant.. 880. Mr.Gebrezgheir Tesfaselassie Manager ofHrgigoIron Works, Ghinda. 881. Mr. Ghebremedhin HabteDirector Generalof the Marine Transport Department. 882. Mr.Ghetachew Merhazion Manager ofSawa Construction 883. Mr.Ghirmay Abraha General Manager Anberbeb share co. 884. Mr.Ghirmay Gebreghergish Manager ofBarentu furniture and cemenet products 885. Mr. Ghirmay TesfaiManagerofSinnit Farming Association. 886. Mr. Ghirmay TsigeTechnical Managerof the Eritrean Telecommunications Corporation in theMinistry ofT.

&Communication 887. Mr. Girmai AbrahamManager of Amberbeb Share Company. 888. Mr. Habte NegashManagerof the Afabet Hospital 889. Mr.Habteab TeweldemedhinAudit Managerof the NICE

890. Mr.Habtom Kebedom Manager of the Bank ofEritrea, Massawa Branch 891. Mr. Habtu WoldegebrielManagerof a Toy Making Plant. 892. Mr. Hagos TeklehaimanotManagerofHidri Distribution Company Eritrean Grain Board (EGB) 893. Mr. Haile MesfunGeneral Manager ofMereb Development Construction Company. 894. Mr. Haile WoldaiManager of the Debwin Construction Company. 895. Mr. Hailezgi HabteManagerof the Fiesko Agricultural Project. 896. Mr. Isaias Gebregziabher deputy Managerof the Massawa Port Authority. 897. Mr. Kaleab Nuguse project Manager in the Ministryof Fisheries 898. Mr. Kelete BerheManagerof the Asbeko Construction Company. 899. Mr. Kibreab TesfaiManager of the Eritrean Core Well Drilling Company (ECDC). 900. Mr. Kibrom DaflaGeneral Manager of the Eritrean Airlinesin theMinistry ofT. &Communication 901. Mr. Kibrom RussomManager of the airlines at the Asmara International Airport. 902. Mr. Kibrom RussomManager of the Nasair-Eritrea airlines at the Asmara International Airport 903. Mr. Kidane Gebremichael General Manager(act.)of the Finan Shipping &Port Services Corp. in

theMinistry ofT. &Communication

904. Mr. Kidane WolduManagerof the Homib Construction Company. 905. Mr.KiflemariamManager of the REU, Barentu 906. Mr. Kostantinos NegashManagerof the Arag Wood and Metal Works Plant 907. Mr. Mahari TsegaiManager Central region Assembly 908. Mr. Mebrahtom BahtaManagerof the ERI-STAR enterprise 909. Mr. Mebrahtu Ma'el General Manager ofGedem Construction Company /Red Sea Construction Company. 910. Mr.Mebrahtu WoldeyesusManager of the REU,Keren 911. Mr. Medhanie Yohannes Acting Managerof the Ghinda Marbleand Granite Plant. 912. Mr. Mekonnen HabtetsionManagingDirectorof the Gedec Construction Company (GEDEC) 913. Mr.Melake Temnewo General Manager ofAlebu Dairy farm, Oper. Zone 1, Gash-Barka 914. Mr.Menghisteab Bisrat Admin. Manager of the NICE. 915. Mr. Mengisteab TewoldeberhanManager of the Fred Hollows Intraocular Lens Laboratory(ILL). 916. Mr. Michael GhebruManagerofAsmara Tannery Factory 917. Mr. Michael TeklemariamManager of the Elabered Estate Elabered tomato paste factory.

918. Mr. Mihreteab Tesfagiorghis Mobile Network Division Managerof at Eritrean Telecommunication 919. Mr.Misghina NegashController Manager of the Housing and Commerce Bank 920. Mr.Misghina NemariamTechnical Managerof the NICE 921. Mr. Mussie TesfamariamGeneral Manager ofMinistry 922. Mr. Negasi GoitomManager of the Salina Salt Factory.

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923. Mr.Ogbay Gebremichael ManagerofInfrastructure projects, Bidho Co. 924. Mr.Paulos Tekleab Manager of the Finance and Investment, NICE 925. Mr. Russom NegashGeneral Manager ofBarako Textile Factory.

926. Mr.Samuel Belay Manager ofMetal, Wood and Cement Products Factory, Keren

927. Mr.Samuel Mehari Managerof the Himbol Financial Services 928. Mr. Samuel TeclemichaelManagerof the Hariena Boat Plant in Halieb Island 929. Mr. Semere Gebremichael Managerof the Bidho Construction Company. (in the Igla-Demhina) 930. Mr. Semere Kifleyesus General Manager Gash-Setit agricultural project 931. Mr.Semere Negash Manager ofHanger construction co 932. Mr.Simon Abbai Manager of the CBE, Sawa 933. Mr. Solomon AbrahaManagerof the Embasoira and Hamasien hotels, and Chairmanof the Eritrean

Tourism Service-rendering Association. 934. Mr. Solomon Estifanos acting Managerof the Marble and Granite Factory in Ghinda 935. Mr.Solomon Goitom Managerof the CBE, Tessenei 936. Mr. Solomon KetemaManager of the Eritrean Commercial Bank (ECB) branch office in Assab. 937. Mr. Solomon TesfagiorghisGeneralManagerof the Rahwa Painting Plant. 938. Mr. TadesseEmbayeGeneral Manager ofSaburPrinting Services. 939. Mr. Teages Gebretensae Managerof the Asmara Soap Factory. 940. Mr. Tedros HabtetsionNBTC Donor Program Manager and the coordinator of the club. 941. Mr. Tedros Kebede tour Manager at Travel House International 942. Mr. Tekeste GebregziabherManager of the Orotta Metal Factory. 943. Mr. Tekle Berhan GeresusManagerof the RODABB Construction Company. 944. Mr. Teklehaimanot GebremichaelManagerof the Asmara Central Hotel administered by the Ministry of

Tourism 945. Mr. Tekleyes Mender traffic Managerof the Eritrean Rail Way. 946. Mr. Teklizghi GhideyManagerof Adi-Keyih Town. 947. Mr.Temesgen Ghebremariam Manager of the Economic Department, Bank of Eritrea 948. Mr. Temesgen HagosManagerof the Eritrean Marine Products Corporation 949. Mr. Tesfai Goitom (Gurage) General Manager ofSegen Construction Company

950. Mr. Tesfai Tekle Operation Managerof the Eritrean shipping Linesin theMinistry ofT. &Communication

951. Mr. Tesfai TsegaiManagerof the Nacfa Hospital. 952. Mr. Tesfai ZekariasManagerof the Petroleum Corporation of Eritrea (PCE) 953. Mr. Tesfaselassie BerhaneGeneral ManagerofEritel. 954. Mr. Tesfaslasie BerhaneGeneral Manager of the Eritrean Telecommunication Corporation (ERI-TEL). 955. Mr.Tesfazgi Woldeselassie Manager ofASBECO 956. Mr.Tewelde Abraha Manager ofWoodand Iron Works, Dongollo 957. Mr.Tewelde Tsige Manager of the Accounts Dept., Bank of Eritrea 958. Mr.Tquabo Mobae Manager of the Pension and Life, NICE 959. Mr. Tsehaye ArayaManagerof the Micro-Creditand Savings Scheme. 960. Mr. Tsigab BerheManager of the Rokoita administrative area, Senafe sub-zone. 961. Mr. Weldegabr WoldeabManagerof the National Fishing Corporation (NFC). 962. Mr. WeldemichaelManagingDirector of the Electricity Corporation. 963. Mr. Woldu AndeManager of the project by Gedem and Debaysina Construction Companies. 964. Mr. Yebiyo AraiaManagerof the Labor Supply Agency, Massawa Port in theMinistry ofT.

&Communication 965. Mr. Yemane Dawit former Managerof the Asmara City Hall 966. Mr. Yemane Gebretinsae Manager of Tessenei-Aligidir agricultural project. 967. Mr. Yemane KidaneManagerof the Shingrwa Song Competition Program 968. Mr. Yemane TesfaiGeneral Manager of the Commercial Bank of Eritrea. 969. Mr. Yemane YigzawDeputyManager of the Massawa Port Authorityin theMinistry ofT.

&Communication 970. Mr. Yohannes Habte Manager of theAsmaraBrewery 971. Mr. Yonas Abraha Manager of T.H Household Utensils Factory. Asmara 972. Mr. Zerabruk Gebreselassie General ManagerTranshorn Transport Company (TTC) 973. Mr.Zere Seyoum Managerof the International Operations, Bank of Eritrea 974. Mr. Zerezgi Dawit Managerof the CentralRegion Public Transport Office 975. Mr. Zeru Weldemichael General Managerof the National Insurance Corporation of Eritrea (NICE) 976. Mr. Yemane GebretensaeManagerof the Tessenei-Aligidiragricultural project. 977. Ms. Azieb TsegayManager of the Halhale Natural Fertilizer Manufacturing Plant in Dubarwa sub-zone. 978. Ms. Birikhti RedietAdministratorof the Housing and Commerce Bank. 979. Ms. Bisrat DesaleManagerof the Art Gallery in Asmara. 980. Mr. Tesfai GoitomManager of Segen Construction Company

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981. Mr. Simon Tewolde Assistant Manager r of Banatom, Milk Factory, Aqua Fresh Factory and Animal Feed Processing Plant.

982. Mr. Idris OgbamichaelManager of the Animal Feed Plant. 983. Mr. Azzazi ZeremariamManagingDirector ofEritrean Profile. 984. Mr. Stefano Bonnazi General Manager ofZambaiti- Eritrea P.L.CZaEr Textile and Garment Industry 985. Mr. Filli Said FilliManagerof the Expanded Program of Immunization (EPI)in the Ministryof Health 986. Mr. Giorgio LanfranciGeneral Managerof the Hotel Intercontinental Asmara(2009) 987. Mr. Haji Abdelkadir Mohammed BerhanManager of the Berhan Soap Factory in Dekemhare. 988. Mr. Hajim Semna HajimManager of bricks and lime plant in Badme Construction Company.

989. Mr. Hamid Ali SheikhManagerof the Fisheries docking port, Massawa in the Fisheries Ministry

990. Mr. Ibrahim SalehManager the Azreket Association of Gardeners 991. Mr. Mustafa Saleh Managerof the Commercial and Housing Bankin Barentu. 992. Ms. Rakya NurhusseinManagerofAl-Amel. 993. Mr. Khaled MohammedbirhanManager of the Kokob Plasctic Factory. (Dubaruwa) 994. Mr. Yahya SalehManager of Dibco Biscuit Factory in the Dubarwa sub-zone. 995. Mr. Issa Abdalla Manager of the Customs Duty Branch in Massawa. 996. Mr. Ibrahim KelifaManager of Eri-Fish Plant in Mendefera town.

Mr. Muhammad Saleh HagosGeneralManagerofRed Sea Soap Factory (executed)

155"Tigrigna" = 93, 37%

11Others = 6.63%

166Total = 100 %


997. CaptainTedros Tesfai Head of technique in the Public Technical Service branch in Gash-Barka region. 998. ColonelDeres GebreamlakHead of Finance in the DefenseMinistry. 999. ColonelMekonnen KahsaiHead of Administration in the DefenseMinistry. 1000. ColonelMichael BisratHead of the immigration and nationality branch in Southern region. 1001. ColonelSemere BeyinHead religious affairs 1002. Dr. Abraham TekleHeadof the surgery 1003. Dr. Afwerki BerheHeadof the Health Ministry’s branch in the Southern Red Sea region 1004. Dr. Araya BerhaneHead of the Health Ministry’s branch in the Gash-Barka region. 1005. Dr. Bahlibi Kuflom HEAD of the TB Control program unit in theMinistryofHealth 1006. Dr. Berhana HailuHead of family health fertility in the MinistryofHealth. 1007. Dr. Butsueamlak TsegaiHeadofwildlife resource in Anseba region

1008. Dr. Desbele Araya Head of the Burn Center at Halibet Hospital. 1009. Dr. Eyob FrezghiHead of Assab Hospital. 1010. Dr. Eyob Kuflom from the Southern Regional Referral Hospital. 1011. Dr. Fickak HabtesHeadNUEW North America. 1012. Dr. Ghirmay Tesfaselassie HEAD of the International cooperation in the Ministryof Health 1013. Dr. Ghirmay YosiefHeadof the HealthMinistry’s branchin the Gash-Barka region






Mangers Tigrigna &Other

148 148




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1014. Dr. Habte GaimHeadoftechnical service of the AgricultureMinistry s branch office in the Gash-Barkaregion.

1015. Dr. Kesete ArayaHeadofenvironmental sanitation in the MinistryofHealth. 1016. Dr. Kuflom Yohannes who is working in the Barentu Referral Hospital. 1017. Dr. Lielti Gebreselassie Headofpregnancy in the Keren Hospital 1018. Dr. Melake Tewelde HeadofEconomics Department, UniversityofAsmara. 1019. Dr. Minab SibhatuHeadof national T.B. control program. 1020. Dr. Oqbazgi Kifle Headofanimal resource in the MinistryofAgriculture branch office in the

Southern region. 1021. Dr. Teklemariam HailemichaelHead of veterinary unit in AgricultureMinistry’s branch in Anseba

region. 1022. Dr. Teklizghi Tekie Headofveterinary service in the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in Gash-Barka

region. 1023. Dr. Tesfalem GebrekidanHead of the Health Ministry branch in the in the Southern region

1024. Dr. Tewelde GebremeskelHeadof National Malaria Control Programin the MinistryofHealth. 1025. Dr. Werede MesfinHeadof the Health Ministry’s branch in the Central region.

1026. Dr. Wunesh TesfaiHeadofdental care inHalibet Hospital. 1027. Dr. Yemane ZekariasHeadBisha Mining Public Consultation Program. 1028. Dr. Yonas WolduHead of the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Southern Red Sea region 1029. Dr. Yosief GhirmayHeadof Branch HealthMinistry in Gash barka Region Defected to Sudan


1030. Eng. Abraham DanielHeadof the Agriculture Ministry‘s branch in the Central regional Administration.

1031. Eng. Aby GhebremedhinHeadof the Wind Project at the Ministryof Energy and Mines.

1032. Eng. Asefaw MesfinHead of construction service in the Ministryof Public Works

1033. Eng. Asmerom TesfaiHeadoftechnique department in the Dubarwa town. 1034. Eng. Daniel KiflayHeadof productions at the Fred Hollows Inter Ocular Lens Laboratory 1035. Eng. Dawit FitsameHead of Administration and Contracts Unit in the Ministry of Public Works. 1036. Eng. Dawit TadesseHead of the technical unit in the Mereb Construction Company 1037. Eng. Debesai ZerabrukHead of arranging national standards in the Eritrean Standards

Institution. 1038. Eng. Ephrem AfwerkiHeadof the project in Mendefera. 1039. Eng. Eritros AbrahamHead of infrastructure development in the Central region. 1040. Eng. Gezai NegassiHeadof the project from the Debwin Construction Company, 1041. Eng. Ghirmay Berhane. HeadofMassawa Maritime Transport. 1042. Eng. Habtu GhebreamlakHeadof Projects at theEritrean Electricity Corporation. 1043. Eng. Michael GirmaiHead the infrastructure development department in the Walik administrative

area, Keren town. 1044. Eng. Mihreteab Hailemariam Head of construction and renovation in the Infrastructure Department

in the Central region. 1045. Eng. Mihreteab TesfagiorghisHead of mobile service in ERI-TEL. 1046. Eng. Musie BahtaHeadof agricultural infrastructure in the administrative areas of Gogne sub-zone. 1047. Eng. Niamin EliasHead of the construction of a potable water project in the administrative area of

Igidoli, Araeta sub-zone. 1048. Eng. Niway Habtetsion Acting head of the Sembel residential complex in Asmara. 1049. Eng. Oqbaselassie GhilamichaelHeadof Governmental Constructions ofSenafe sub-zone 1050. Eng. Samuel NemariamHeadofschools construction of the educational development program office

in the MinistryofEducation 1051. Eng. Semere AbbaiHeadof techniques in the Central region Administration. 1052. Eng. Senai GebrehiwetHead of the school constructions project in Gash Barka region. 1053. Eng. Tadios TesfayHeadofinfrastructure department in the Anseba region. 1054. Eng. Yonas WoldaiHeadof soil and water conservation in the Agriculture Ministry's branch office

in the Southern region 1055. Keshi Dawit HaileHead &Priest of the Eritrean Orthodox Tewahdo Qidisty Mariam Church in

Oslo. 1056. Keshi G. Michael YohannesHead &Priest Eritrean Orthodox Tewahdo Medhanie AlemChurch In

North America 1057. Keshi Niamin TesfatsionHead&Priest of the Eritrean Orthodox Tewahdo Kidisti SelassieChurch

in Dubai 1058. Keshi Teame MenghisteabHeadof the Benefitscheme in Tessenei station. 1059. Liqe Hiruyan Keshi Tekle TeferiHead &Priest Eritrean Orthodox Tewahdo Medhanie

AlemChurch In Toronto.

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1060. LT. Colonel Goitom GebretsadiqHead of crime prevention in the Police office in the Northern Red Sea region.

1061. Lt. ColonelHadera Gebremedhin Headof the Eritrean Cattle Corporation in Gash-Barka region. 1062. Lt. ColonelMehari BerhaneHead of the immigration and nationality branch in Anseba region. 1063. LT. ColonelTeklegerghis TekleHead of the Eritrean Forestry Controlling Unit. 1064. Lt. ColonelTesfazghi YohannesHead of the Penitentiary and Rehabilitation Center in Mendefera. 1065. Maj. Habte GebruHeadof traffic police in Gash-Barka region. 1066. Mr. Abraha HadguHeadof the Ministry of Agriculture branch in the Emni-Haili sub-zone. 1067. Mr. Abraha SolomonHead of the health station Melebso administrative area, Halhal sub-zone. 1068. Mr. Abraha WoldeselassieHeadofmalaria control unit in the HealthMinistry’s branch in the

Southern region. 1069. Mr. Abraham Berhe Head of service programs department in the Ministryof Educationbranch of the

central region. 1070. Mr. Abraham GebremariamHead of the Ministry of LWE branch in the Mendefera sub-zone. 1071. Mr. Abraham HabteHead of ERI-TEL in Anseba region.

1072. Mr. Abraham HabtetsionHead of the health services inGerenfit - La'aly Gash sub-zone. 1073. Mr. Abraham Kifletsion Head ofthePublic Relations offices of the Eritrean War Disabled Veterans

Association (EWDVA). 1074. Mr. Abraham MesfunHead of animal health in the Ghinda sub-zone. 1075. Mr. Abraham TekaHead of administration and finance in the Senafe sub-zone 1076. Mr. Abraham TesfamariamHeadof the Information and documentation centre in the Northern Red.

Sea region. 1077. Mr. Abraham TesfaselassieHeadofquarantine and Port Health unit office in the Health Ministry. 1078. Mr. Abraham TeweldeHeadof the branch office ofMinistry of Mining and Energy in the Southern

region. 1079. Mr. Abraham TeweldeHeadof the Education Ministry’s branch in the Laelai-Gash sub-zone. 1080. Mr. Abraham WeldeyonasHeadof the Philatelic Department at the Eritrean Postal Service. 1081. Mr. Abraham YemaneHead of Ministry of Health branch office in the Northern Red Sea region. 1082. Mr. Afwerki ArayaHeadofmalaria prevention in the Gash-Barka region

1083. Mr. Afwerki Berhe the branchHeadof the Health Ministry in the Southern Red Sea region 1084. Mr. Afwerki RussomHeadof projects in Gash-Barka region.

1085. Mr. Ahferom TeweldeHeadofthe PFDJ. Central Office

1086. Mr. Ainom Berhane Acting Head of the Eritrean National Statistics Institution. 1087. Mr. Alazar HaileHeadof community hospital in the Elabereed sub-zone 1088. Mr. Alem BerheHead of the agricultural projectin the administrative areas of Golij, Tebeldia, Gergef,

Qachero, Adi-Shegela and Sabunait. 1089. Mr. Alem GhebruHeadof the Community Courts Monitoring Office at the Ministryof Justice

1090. Mr. Alem HabteHeadofthe Info and Communication (ICT)unitin theMinistryof Education 1091. Mr. Alem MebrahtuHeadof the Agriculture Ministry’sbranch office in the Mai-Aini sub-zone. 1092. Mr. Alemseghed TesfaiHead Oral History Project (PFDJ.) 1093. Mr. Alexander TekesteHeadof the Keranakudo health Centre Logo-Anseba sub-zone. 1094. Mr. Amanuel GirmatsionHeadofinformation in the HealthMinistry’s branch office in the Gash-

Barka region. 1095. Mr. Amanuel MahdereHeadofthe Plant genetic resource unit in the Ministry of Agriculture 1096. Mr. Amha GebrewahdHeadof administration and finance in Halhal sub-zone. 1097. Mr. Amine BerhaneHeadof the Agriculture Ministry’s branch in the Golij sub-zone.

1098. Mr. Amine TeklaiHeadof cultural and media affairs in the NUEYS. 1099. Mr. Amine TeweldeHead of branch office of the Ministryof Tourism in Gash-Barka region. 1100. Mr. Ande SibhatuHeadoffinance in the Ministryof Information 1101. Mr. Andeberhan Woldeyohannes head of forestry and wildlife resources in the Anseba region. 1102. Mr. Andebrhan HidremichaelHeadof the Gejeret&Godaif Community Hospital.( Berhan Ayini

Hospital)Asmara. 1103. Mr. Andebrhan WoldeyohannesHeadof the wildlife and forestry preservation unit in the Anseba

region. 1104. Mr. Andemeskel TesfaiHeadof the Ministry of LHW in theAreza sub-zone. 1105. Mr. Andemichael SolomonHeadofinfrastructure in the Southern Red Sea 1106. Mr. Andetsion ZeraiHeadof the AgriculturalMinistry’s branch in Berikh sub-zone. 1107. Mr. Angesom AberraHeadofwater resource development in Agordat sub-zone

1108. Mr. Angesom Gebregziabher a/Headof branch office of land transport inDekemhare sub-zone 1109. Mr. Araya GebremariamHeadofwater resource department in the town ofDubarwa 1110. Mr. Arefaine MenanHeadofmalaria control program in Golij sub-zone 1111. Mr. Aregai MebrahtuHeadof administration and finance in theShambuko sub-zone

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1112. Mr. Asefaw GebremichaelHeadofcommunicable diseases control unit in the HealthMinistry s branch in the Southern region.

1113. Mr. Asefaw TsegaiHeadofthe printing department in the Sabur Printing Press. 1114. Mr. Asfaha Fresenai HeadofElectricity Corporation branch office in Mendefera 1115. Mr. Asfaha GebrehiwotHeadofwater resource development and information system in Segeneiti

sub-zone 1116. Mr. Asheber ArayaHeadof the operation unit in the ERI-EQUIP plant. 1117. Mr. Asmerom FesshayeHeadof purchasing department in the Eritrean Electricity Corporation. 1118. Mr. Asmerom TesfayHeadofTechniques in the town ofDubarwa- 1119. Mr. Atoberhan AngesomHeadofAgriculture Ministry 's branchoffice in the Segeneiti sub-zone

1120. Mr. Atoweberhan YosiefHeadof theAgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Molqi sub-zone.

1121. Mr. Azmera SegidHeadofanimal health of the Agriculture Ministry’s branch in the Adi-Keih sub zone.

1122. Mr. Bahta TedrosHead of the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Southern region.

1123. Mr. Bainosay TsegaiHeadof the Planning and HRD, EriTelin the Ministry ofT. &Communication 1124. Mr. Belay HabtegabirHeadofresearch, planning and training desk in the Education Ministry’s

branch in the Central region 1125. Mr. Belay HabtegabirHeadof research, planning and training in the branch office in Central region. 1126. Mr. Beletsom EmbayeHeadof the Beguney dam project at the Bidho construction company. 1127. Mr. Bereke MisghinaHeadof the AgricultureMinistry’s branch office in the Adi-Keih sub-zone. 1128. Mr. Bereke Ogbamichael Director of crop and animal development. 1129. Mr. Bereket KidanHead of the branch office of Ministry of Land, Water and Environment in

Gash-Barka region. 1130. Mr. Bereket KidaneHead of the Ministry of Land, Water and Environment’s branch in the Gash-

Barka region. 1131. Mr. Bereket Tekle Head of the Agriculture Ministry’s branch in the Adi-Quala sub-zone. 1132. Mr. Berekhet Habtetsion,Headof the Health Ministry’s branch in the Karora sub-zone. 1133. Mr. Berekhet KidaneHeadof the Ministry of LWE branch in the Gash-Barka region. 1134. Mr. Berekhet TeameHeadof training at the Ministryof Tourism

1135. Mr. Berekhet TekleHeadSerejeka health centre 1136. Mr. Berekhet TekleselasieHeadof the AgricultureMinistry in the Dubarwa sub-zone 1137. Mr. Berekhet TesfamariamHeadofanimal resource unit in Mai-Mine sub-zone 1138. Mr. Berekhet TesfaselassieHead of the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Dubarwa sub-zone. 1139. Mr. Berekhet TeumHeadof the Duta Junior and Secondary School,

Barentuschool’sadministration 1140. Mr. Berekhet Yohannes Assistant nurse in the Forto-Sawa Health Centre. 1141. Mr. Bereqe MisghinaHeadof the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Der’a administrative area,

Adi-Keih sub-zone 1142. Mr. Berhane AbrahaHead of basic health care in the Anseba region. 1143. Mr. Berhane AbrahamHeadofthe Internet Services, EriTel in the Ministry ofT. &Communication 1144. Mr. Berhane FuruyHead of economic development in the Mendefera sub-zone. 1145. Mr. Berhane GebremariamHeadof the Mekete Committee in Denmark 1146. Mr. Berhane Habtemariam the Eritrean Auditor General.

1147. Mr. Berhane Haile, Planning Officer at the Eritrean Postal Service. 1148. Mr. Berhane IssakHeadof government garage in theCentral Denkalia sub-zone region 1149. Mr. Berhane KahsaiHeadof administration and finance in the Yikar’e administrative area, Kerkebet

sub-zone. Adi-Tekelezan 5.10. 2010

1150. Mr. Berhane KahsaiHead of Economicdevelopment in Adi-Tekelezan sub-zone. 1151. Mr. Berhane TecluHeadofmicrobiology department in the national laboratory 1152. Mr. Berhane TsegaiHeadof production department in the Rahwa Painting Plant. 1153. Mr. Berhane WoldekidanHeadofthe in the Ministry of LHW branch of the Central region 1154. Mr. Berhane ZereHeadofthe PFDJ. in theNorthern Red Sea region. 1155. Mr. Berhe BelayHeadof the Eritrean Electricity Corporation branch in the Dubarwa sub-zone. 1156. Mr. Berhe BereqeHeadof electricity service in the Dubarwa sub-zone. 1157. Mr. Berhe KeseteHeadof the HealthMinistry branch in the Mai-Aini sub-zone. 1158. Mr. Beyene HaileHeadof the Eritrean Institutional Excellence Center 1159. Mr. Beyene MisginaHead of the National Standards Institution the Ministry of Trade and Industry.

1160. Mr. Beyene TesfaiHeadof the Education Ministry’s branch in the Mai-Aini sub-zone 1161. Mr. Biniam YohannesHeadof small-scale saving and credit scheme in the Anseba region. 1162. Mr. Bokretsion HabtemickaelHeadof the EducationMinistry’s branch in theAnseba region. 1163. Mr. Daniel Berhe Acting Headof the Tourism Ministry’s branch in the Southern Red Sea region. 1164. Mr. Daniel BerheHeadof the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Adi-Tekelezan and Wara in Adi-

Tekelezan sub-zone

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1165. Mr. Daniel EyassuHeadofzonal coordination in the central office of the NUEYS, 1166. Mr. Daniel TesfalidetHead of Cultural Affairs Bureau Ministry of Finance 1167. Mr. Dawit ArayaHeadof the radio FM service in Sawa 1168. Mr. Dawit AsefawHeadOfSalina Salt Works in the port city ofMassawa 1169. Mr. Dawit Gebremichael branchHeadof the MinistryofLHW in the Tsorona sub-zone. 1170. Mr. Dawit GebrezgiHead of micro-dams supervision unit in the Shambuko sub-zone. 1171. Mr. Dawit GhebrekristosHeadof the Eritrean National War-disabled Veterans Association (ENWVA)

branch in Anseba region. 1172. Mr. Dawit KibreabHead of quality control unit in the TourismMinistry’s branch office in Anseba

region. 1173. Mr. Dawit SolomonHeadofinfrastructure in Assab 1174. Mr. Dawit TadesseHead of technique department in the Mereb Construction Company. 1175. Mr. Debesai AndemariamHead of the AgricultureMinistry’s branch office in Dubarwa. 1176. Mr. Debesai GebrenegusHeadofwater department inAssab 1177. Mr. Debesai IyeassHeadof finance at the National Holiday Coordinating Committee, NHCC. 1178. Mr. Debesay AndemariamHeadof Agriculture Ministry in the Dbaruwa sub zone. 1179. Mr. Desale TesfamariamHeadof the NUEYS Union in Tsetserat sub-zone 1180. Mr. Desie ZemichaelHead of Administration and Finance in the Nacfa sub-zone. 1181. Mr. Dirar AsfahaHead of Economic development in the Gelalo sub-zone. 1182. Mr. Elias HabtileHead of the branch office of the Ministry of LHW in theShambukosub-zone 1183. Mr. Engdamariam Weldemichael (Northern Red Sea Zoba (NRS)). 1184. Mr. Ephrem AfwerkiHead of enterprise development in the Debwin Construction Company. 1185. Mr. Ephrem Ghebrekristos Administrator ofDekemhare sub-zone, 1186. Mr. Ephrem KiflomHead of the Ministry of LHW’s branch in the Gash Barka region. 1187. Mr. Ephrem KifluHeadof the Administration &Finance in the Ministry ofAgriculture 1188. Mr. Ephrem KuflomHeadof theMinistryof LHW branch in the Gash-Barka region. 1189. Mr. Ephrem MatewosHeadof the Asmara Public Library. 1190. Mr. Ephrem ZekariasHeadofhealth supervision in the Central Denkalia sub-zone region. 1191. Mr. Ephrem Zib’ayHeadof health and reproduction unit in the Ministry’s branch in the Northern

Red Sea region. 1192. Mr. Eretros AbrahamHead infrastructure development department in the Central region. 1193. Mr. Ermias AsmelashHead of fruits and vegetables farming in the Ministryof the Agriculture. 1194. Mr. Ermias YohannesHead of geothermal energy in the Ministry of Mining and Energy. 1195. Mr. Esaw TikueHead of the Ministry’s branch in the Ministry of Marine Resource branch in the

Central region. 1196. Mr. Eyasu AsefawHead of the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Dekemhare sub-zone. 1197. Mr. Eyob KidaneHeadof the branch office of the MinistryofLHW in the N. Red Sea region 1198. Mr. Eyob YemaneHeadofcartography branch at the National Educational and Training Centre in

Sawa 1199. Mr. Fesshaye SiumHeadof the health station in the in Dirfo administrative area, Central region. 1200. Mr. Fikadu AsfahaHeadofdevelopment desk in the Adi-Tekelezan semi-urban center. 1201. Mr. Fikadu GebrehawariatHeadofschools in Keren sub-zone. 1202. Mr. Fikadu HabteselassieHeadof the infrastructure and project supervision unit in the Gelalo sub-


1203. Mr. Fikadu TekleHead of Gedem Construction Company in Gash-Barka region. 1204. Mr. Finot Weldemariam Assistant nurse in the health station in Sel’a sub-zone,Anseba region. 1205. Mr. Fisseha AbrahaHeadofthe Hagaz Community Hospital. 1206. Mr. FissehaWoldedawitHeadof theFinance Department in North Read Sea region. 1207. Mr. Fithi AndomHeadofPFDJ. Research and Documentation 1208. Mr. Fitiwi WoldegergisHead of Coordinatorof the Summer Work Program (SWP) in the Ministry of

Education. 1209. Mr. Fitsum GebrezgheirHeadof engineering and projects branch in the infrastructure development

department in Anseba regional Administration 1210. Mr. Fitsum SenaiHead of the Ministry of Agriculture in the Halhal sub-zone.

1211. Mr. Fitsum YebiyoHeadof information system and statistics in theGash-Barka region. 1212. Mr. Fitsum ZekariasHeadofbranch office ofyouth workers in Massawa 1213. Mr. Fitwi WoldegiorgisHeadof the Student Summer Work program in the Ministryof Education 1214. Mr. Fitwi ZereHead of the project in Bidho Construction Company.

1215. Mr. Freminatos Estifanos staff member of the Ministry of Information. 1216. Mr. Frewengel TeklehaimanotHeadofEconomic development in the Adi-Quala sub-zone 1217. Mr. Gabriel KahsaiHeadof the MinistryofLHW branch office in the Molqi sub-zone. 1218. Mr. Gaim KidaneHeadofEconomic development in the Eden semi-urban centre, Elabereed sub-


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1219. Mr. Gebar GebremichaelHeadofwater provision in the Dekemhare town 1220. Mr. Gebermichael TewoldeHeadof the sub-committee for exhibition in the Northern Red Sea

region 1221. Mr. Gebrai TekleabHead of reforestation and wildlife in the Serejeka sub-zone. 1222. Mr. Gebreab FesshayeHeadof the NGOs SupervisionAffairs department at the Ministryof LHW 1223. Mr. Gebreghergish SiumHeadof national forestry and wildlife preservation office in the

AgricultureMinistry 1224. Mr. Gebregziabher GhebremedhinHeadof General Auditing at the Office of the Auditor General 1225. Mr. Gebregziabher HabteHeadofthe branch office of the Ministry of Agriculture in the Barentu

sub-zone 1226. Mr. Gebregziabher KeseteHeadof reproduction unit in the HealthMinistry’s branch office in the

Southern Red Sea region. 1227. Mr. Gebrehiwet ArefaineHead of hospital in Dubarwa sub-zone. 1228. Mr. Gebrehiwet BerhaneHead of the education development program in the EducationMinistry 1229. Mr. Gebrehiwet WoldaiHeadof the Micro-Credit Scheme program in the Southern region.

1230. Mr. Gebremeskel GebrehiwetHead of health institutions in theGeleb&Hagaz sub-zone. 1231. Mr. Gebremeskel WeldoabzghiHead of HIV/AIDS and TB control in the branch office in the

Barentu. 1232. Mr. Gebremichael Mosazghi chairman of dairy farm owners association in the town Barentu. 1233. Mr. Gebreselassie AradomDirector Generalof Economic development in the Ara’ata, Central and

Southern Denkalia of the Southern Red Sea region. 1234. Mr. Gebreselassie NegashHead of PFDJ. Assessment and National Examination DivisionBureau in

the Southern region. 1235. Mr. Gebretensae ZemichaelHead of the HealthMinistry’s branch in Habero sub-zone. 1236. Mr. Gebrezgheir KeseteHeadof health fertility in the Health Ministry’s branch in Southern Red Sea

region. 1237. Mr. Geresus GebregergisHead of services in the Barentu town. 1238. Mr. Geza’e MebrahtuHeadofSocial services in the Habero sub-zone. 1239. Mr. Gezai HaileHeadof Adult Education Program in North-East Asmara administrative area (Durfo). 1240. Mr. Ghebreyohannes WeldemichaelHeadof the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Ginda sub-

zone 1241. Mr. Ghebru AbbaiHead of the Savings and Micro-Credit Scheme in Dubarwa sub-zone. 1242. Mr. Ghebru HaileHeadof the infrastructuredevelopment department in Anseba region. 1243. Mr. Ghedewon FesshayeHeadof Eri-Youth Festival organizing Committee. 1244. Mr. Ghetachew EyobHeadof the operations unit of the Savings and Micro-credit Bank 1245. Mr. Ghidey EstifanosHead of administration and finance in Dubarwa sub-zone. 1246. Mr. Ghilazghi WolduHead of the Tourism Ministry’s branch office in Northern Red Sea region. 1247. Mr. Ghirmay AbrahaHead& Expert in forestation and wildlife in the Adi-Keih sub-zone. 1248. Mr. Ghirmay Bimnet HeadNational Rehabilitation Commission branch in Gash-Barka 1249. Mr. Ghirmay BokretsionHead of the Ministry of LHW branch in the Anseba region. 1250. Mr. Ghirmay GebrehiwetHead of the Education Ministry’s branch in the Central region. 1251. Mr. Ghirmay GebreselassieHeadof teachers in Business and Economics High School in Omhajer

semi-urban centre.

1252. Mr. Ghirmay GhebreghiorghisHeadof Human Resource Development in the Information Ministry 1253. Mr. Ghirmay GideHead of development programs in the Hagaz sub-zone. 1254. Mr. Ghirmay HadguHeadof the Health Centre Forto-Sawa. 1255. Mr. Ghirmay Semere from the Police Office in Gash-Barka region. 1256. Mr. Ghirmay Tesfai Ghilamariam HEADof the Eritrea Research and Documentation Center 1257. Mr. Ghirmay Weldegabr branch Headof the MinistryofAgriculture in Gash-Barka region. 1258. Mr. Ghirmay WoldegiorgisHeadof Human Resource Developmentin the Ministryof Education 1259. Mr. Gide SequarHeadof the preparations committee to participate in the 4th National Youth Festival in

the Northern Red Sea region. 1260. Mr. Gidei StifanosHeadof administration and finance in the Dubarwa sub-zone. 1261. Mr. Gideon MengeshaHead of the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Senafe sub-zone 1262. Mr. Gilazgi WolduHeadof the Tourism Ministry’s branch in the Northern Red Sea region. 1263. Mr. Girmai GebrehiwotHeadof the branch office of the Ministry in the Central region. 1264. Mr. Girmatsion TekesteHeadof the Ministryof Agriculture’s branch in the Halhal sub-zone. 1265. Mr. Goitom TekleHead of ERI-TEL branch office in Anseba region. 1266. Mr. Goitom Tesfayonas Headof the Civil Aviation at the Ministry ofT. &Communication. 1267. Mr. Goitom Weldegebriel HEADof the Asmara-Massawa railway linein theMinistry ofT.

&Communication 1268. Mr. Habte GhebremariamHeadof license division of the Ministryof Tourism inthe Central region 1269. Mr. Habte MihreteabHead of economic development in Shambuko sub-zone.

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1270. Mr. Habteab TesfatsionHead of construction and engineering companies in the Ministryof Public Works.

1271. Mr. Habtemariam FesshayeHeadof the branch office of the MinistryofLHW in Anseba region 1272. Mr. Habtemariam Paulos Assistant in adult education program in the Education Ministry’s branch in

the Southern region. 1273. Mr. Habtemariam Paulos, Assistant in adult education program in the Education Ministry’s

branch in the Southern region.

1274. Mr. Habtemickael YohannesHeadof the MinistryofLHW branch in the Segeneiti sub-zone. 1275. Mr. Habteselassie YohannesHead of environmental sanitation in the branch office in Anseba

region. 1276. Mr. Hadgu HabtuHeadof Technical Desk in the infrastructure development department in the

Anseba region. 1277. Mr. Hadish Asmerom representative of the AdministratorofAgordat, 1278. Mr. Hadish Telahun HeadofAsmaraMunicipality 1279. Mr. Hager GanzaiHeadof NUEYS branch in the Southern region&member of the holidays

coordinating committee in the Southern region. 1280. Mr. Hagos AdhanaHeadof basic education in the EducationMinistry’s branch in Anseba region 1281. Mr. Hagos GebremariamHeadof regulation and control unit in the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in

the Gash-Barka region. 1282. Mr. Hagos GebremariamHeadof water services in the Ghinda town.

1283. Mr. Hagos GebretensaeHeadof the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Afabet sub-zone 1284. Mr. Hagos GebretinsaeHead of the Agriculture Ministry‘s branch in the Afabet sub-zone. 1285. Mr. Hagos MilkiasHead of the Health Ministry’ branch office in the Northern Red Sea region. 1286. Mr. Hagos YohannesHeadof the vegetation and wildlife ofthe Technical advisoryunit in the

MinistryofAgriculture. 1287. Mr. Haile AbrahamHeadof the Shambuko health center. 1288. Mr. Haile AsfahaHeadof the water resource department in Gash-Barka region 1289. Mr. Haile BerheHead of Documentation and Archives at the EritreanNationalMuseum 1290. Mr. Haile EmbayeHead of the Savings and Micro-Credit Scheme Office in the Northern Red Sea

region. 1291. Mr. Haile GebregziabherHeadofthe branch of the Ministry of Agriculture in the Keren sub-zone 1292. Mr. Haile GideHeadof the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Central Region 1293. Mr. Haile KidaneHeadof the Micro-Credit and Savings Office in the Central region. 1294. Mr. Haile MesfunHeadof the Mereb Construction Company 1295. Mr. Haile Tekleab acting Head of Rodab Construction Company in the Anseba region. 1296. Mr. Haile TesfazgiHeadof the Afabet-Nacfa-Rora Habab road project 1297. Mr. Haileab AbrahaHead the technique department of the Barentu town administration. 1298. Mr. Haileab HabtaiHeadof planning, research and documentation unit in the EducationMinistry’s

branch office in the Gash-Barka region. 1299. Mr. Haileab IssakHeadof the Loan and Credit Scheme branch office in Areza sub-zone 1300. Mr. Hailemichael Eyob Headof the branch office of the Ministry of LWE inAfabet (Northern Red

Sea region)regionbranch office in the Southern region 20.04.09 1301. Mr. Hailemichael MebrahtuHeadofElectricity Corporation branch in Adi-Keih town 1302. Mr. Hailezgi HabteHead of the projects in Tessenei and Haikota sub-zones. 1303. Mr. Hibtai GueshHeadof the scheme inNorthern Red Sea region in the Nacfa sub-zones. 1304. Mr. Huruy AsghedomHeadof agriculture extension department in the Ministryof Agriculture 1305. Mr. Isaac FissehaHeadofMetrologicalOffice in the Metrological Unit. 1306. Mr. Isaac Kafel Headof the regional branch of the Ministryof Agriculture in Gash-Barka. 1307. Mr. Isaac YosiefHeadofCoordinator of the Book Fair 1308. Mr. Isaias Tesfazgi member of the Museum of the Northern Red Sea region. 1309. Mr. Iyassu AsefawHeadof the Branch of the MinistryofAgriculture ofDekemhare Subzone. 1310. Mr. Iyassu HaileHeadofEconomic development in the Agordat sub-zone 1311. Mr. Kahsai AndemariamtheHeadof agriculture ofAdi-Quala sub-zone. 1312. Mr. Kahsai Asrat Headof operation in the office Savings and Micro-Credit Scheme 1313. Mr. Kahsai Gebrehiwot HeadofSibrit National Cultural troupe in PFDJ. . 1314. Mr. Kahsai NegashHeadof milk production and animal resource expert unit. 1315. Mr. Kalab TesfaslasieHead of the branch office of the Education Ministry in Southern region. 1316. Mr. Kaleab HaileHeadof Program Management at National Demobilization Commission. 1317. Mr. Kaleab KeletaHeadofMinistryofEducation branch in the Berikh sub-zone. 1318. Mr. Kaleab TesfaselassieHead of the EducationMinistry’s branch in the Southern region. 1319. Mr. Kaleb NuguseHead of the Branch office in the Ministry of Fisheries. 1320. Mr. Kelit GhirmayHead ofthe EducationMinistrys branch in Gash-Barka region

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1321. Mr. Kesete GhebreyohannesHead of seed fertilization at the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in Gash-Barka region.

1322. Mr. Kesete KiflemariamHeadofforestry and wild animals in the AgriculturalMinistry‘s branch office in the Gash-Barka region.

1323. Mr. Kesete TeklemariamHeadofSocialservices in Laelai Gash sub-zone. 1324. Mr. Kesete TesfatsionHeadofLand Resources and Seed Cultivation at the Central Region Branch of

the Ministryof Agriculture 1325. Mr. Kibreab AbrahamHead of the Centre of Government Garages, CGG in Gash-Barka region. 1326. Mr. Kibrom AndemichaelHeadofEconomicdevelopment in the Anseba region

1327. Mr. Kibrom AsmelashHeadofAdi-Quala hospital 1328. Mr. Kibrom BariagabirHeadof techniques in the government garage in the Northern Red Sea


1329. Mr. Kibrom TemesgenHeadofelectricity lines installation in Dekemhare&Segeneitiin the Eritrean Electricity Corporation.

1330. Mr. Kidane FuruyHeadofEconomic development in the Mendefera sub-zone.

1331. Mr. Kidane Solomon,Ministry of Tourism. 1332. Mr. Kidane Woldeyesus HeadDepartment of Pharmaceutical Services MinistryofHealth 1333. Mr. Kidane YohannesHead of the branch office of the Ministry of Labor and HumanWelfarein the

Northern Red Sea region. 1334. Mr. Kidane YohannesHead of the Ministry of LHW branch in Northern Red Sea region. 1335. Mr. Kidanemariam AbrahaHeadof the Computerized Information System (CIS)at the Central

region 1336. Mr. Kidanemariam MenghistuHeadof Unit Open Distance Learning. 1337. Mr. Kiflay AndemichaelHeadof the Zoba Maekel Branch Officeof the Ministryof Education. 1338. Mr. Kiflom Gebrezgiabiher Headof developmental activities of the Mai-Dima town. 1339. Mr. Kinfe GebreyesusHeadofPFDJ. Amsterdam branch. 1340. Mr. Kinfe HabtomHead of law and order branch in the Central region. 1341. Mr. Kiros Gebremariam Headof administration and finance in Dekemhare sub-zone. 1342. Mr. Kiros SereqeHead of malaria control desk in the Health Ministry’s branch in Anseba region. 1343. Mr.Kuflom GebregziabherHeadof development in the Nacfa town. 1344. Mr. Lemma TsegaiHeadof production. of the Azel Pharmaceutical Plant in Keren 1345. Mr. Maekele BeinHeadof project management in the EducationMinistry’s branch in the Anseba

region. 1346. Mr. Maekele TesfamichaelHeadofEconomic development in the Emni-Haili sub-zone. 1347. Mr. Measho TesfamariamHeadof soil and water conservation Desk in the AgricultureMinistry’s

branch in the Southern region. 1348. Mr. Mebrahtu Tekle a technician in the Adi-Guaedad Artificial Limb Plant. 1349. Mr. Mebrahtu TsegaiHeadof the town’s Economicdevelopment unit, Segeneiti town 1350. Mr. Medhane GebretinsaeHead of public health care in the Forto-Sawa sub-zone. 1351. Mr. Medhanie WoldezgiHead of schools in the Elabered sub-zone. 1352. Mr. Megos AsghedomHeadof the Ministry’s branch in Anseba region in the Ministryof Tourism 1353. Mr. Meharenna Kelati in charge of animal health program in the Golij sub-zone. 1354. Mr. Meharenna Tekleab head of administration and finance in the Sel’a sub-zonein the Anseba

region. 1355. Mr. Mehari DebesaiHeadofadministration&finance in the Elabereed sub-zone,Adi-Keih sub-

zone. 1356. Mr. Mehari HabteHeadofland transport branch in the Southern region 1357. Mr. Mehari KirosHeadof the branch office of the MinistryofEducation in the Dubarwa sub-zone. 1358. Mr. Mehari SibhatuHead of plumbing at Gerset agricultural project in Gash-Barka region. 1359. Mr. Mehari WoldeselassieHeadof cultural and sports activities in the Education Ministry’s branch

in the Gash-Barka region 1360. Mr. Mehari Woldu from the Ministry of Health. 1361. Mr. Mehretab TesfazgiHead of the branch office of the Eritrean Electricity Corporation inGhinda. 1362. Mr. Mekalh AbrahamHeadoftrade and administration in the NVTC 1363. Mr. Mekalih AbrahamHead of the School of Commerce and Management. 1364. Mr. Mekonnen AbrahaHeadof the National Holidays Coordinating Committee. 1365. Mr. Mekonnen Ghebru Head of the Supervision unit in the EducationMinistry 1366. Mr. Mekonnen TesfagiorghisHeadofblood Donor Services Department

1367. Mr. Melake TeweldeHeadof Social services in the Ministry of LHW in Adi-Keih &Senafe sub-zone.

1368. Mr. Meles Nuguse Headof the public relations office in the Eritrean Sport Commission 1369. Mr. Menghesha MahariHeadof the branch office of the land transport department of the

MinistryofTransport and Communications in Anseba region

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1370. Mr. Menghis GhirmayHeadof administration in the Eritrean Shipping Line. 1371. Mr. Menghis HabtetsionHeadof the land resource branch in the Central region 1372. Mr. Menghisteab TeameHead the Agriculture Ministry’s branch in the Adi-Quala sub-zone. 1373. Mr. Meseret GebremichaelHeadof the Agriculture Ministry’s branch in Gash-Barka region. 1374. Mr. Mesfn TecleHead of national examinations department in the Ministry of Education. 1375. Mr. Mesfun EmbayeHeadof administration and finance in the Areza sub-zone. 1376. Mr. Mesfun GebrehiwotHeadofPRof NUEYS.

1377. Mr. Mesfun IssakHeadofstandardization unit in the Land Transport Department 1378. Mr. Mesfun TekleHeadof peer education introduced programs in three schools in Anseba region. 1379. Mr. Michael AbrahaHeadofschools in AdiTekelezan sub-zone 1380. Mr. Michael BeyeneHead of the Asmara Sanitation Department. 1381. Mr. Michael EmbayHeadofpolitical affairs of the PFDJ. In the Central region. 1382. Mr. Michael GebretensaeHeadofERI-TV Studio and Expert in camera and lighting, 1383. Mr. Michael HagosHeadof the NUEYS branch in Gejeret sub-zone

1384. Mr. Michael Jahnay Headof the branch office of theEducation Ministry in Ghinda.

1385. Mr. Michael NegashHeadof the Eritrean Civil Aviation Authority 1386. Mr. Michael SiumHeadofSocialservices in the Mai-Mine sub-zone 1387. Mr. Michael SolomonHeadofagricultural affairs in the government garage branch in the Anseba

region. 1388. Mr. Michael Teklemariam Headofengineering service in theAnseba regional Administration. 1389. Mr. Michael TesfaiHead in soil and water conservation in the Agriculture Ministry’s branch office

in Mendefera sub-zone 1390. Mr. Michael YikaaloHead& Experts in soil and water conservation in the Agriculture Ministry’s

branch in Ghinda sub-zone. 1391. Mr. Mihreteab TesfagiorghisHeadofMobileNetwork Division at Eritrean Telecommunications

Corporation (Eritel). 1392. Mr. Misghina GhilayHeadof seeds and animal development in the branch office in Gash-Barka

region. 1393. Mr. Mogos AsgedomHeadof the branch office of TourismMinistryin the Anseba region.

1394. Mr. Mokonnen MelkeHead of Administration in the Azel Pharmaceuticals Plant inKeren.

1395. Mr. Mulugeta TarekeHead of health center in the Gelalo sub-zone. 1396. Mr. Musie GirmaiHead of social services in the Logo-Anseba sub-zone. 1397. Mr. Mussie GiovanniHeadofthe Foreign Trade in the Ministry of Trade & Industry 1398. Mr. Mussie Habtom Architect Headin the Ministry of Public Works branch office. 1399. Mr. Mussie TesfahiwotHeadof Environment at the Ministry of LWE. 1400. Mr. Mussie TesfamariamHeadofSales Department and Customers’ Service at SaburPrinting Services. 1401. Mr. Naizghi BerheHeadofAdult Educationin theEducation Ministry. 1402. Mr. Nebi GebremedhinHead of renewable energy in the Ministry of Mining and Energy. 1403. Mr. Negash FilliHeadof the Newly Planted Stone Grinding Mill Commences Services project in

theAligidir area. 1404. Mr. Negasi ItbarekHead of health institutions in Logo-Anseba sub-zone 1405. Mr. Negassi GhebredengelHeadof the branch office in the Ministryof Education 1406. Mr. Negassi HabtemickaelHeadof the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Laelai-Gash sub-

zone. 1407. Mr. Negassi YitbarikHeadofhealth institutions in Logo-Anseba sub-zone.

1408. Mr. Neguse KahsaiHead of the Health Ministry’s branch inTi’o&Araeta sub-zone. 1409. Mr. Nuguse AbrahaHead of seed fertilization supervision unit in the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in

Golij sub-zone. 1410. Mr. Nuguse MaekeleHeadofCulture, Sport and Health Unit at the Maekel region’s Branch of the

Ministryof Education. 1411. Mr. Ogbamichael GebremeskelHead of administration in the Red Sea Soap Factory. 1412. Mr. Ogbay GebremichaelHeadofinfrastructure projects in BidhoConstruction Company. 1413. Mr. Ogbay GhebreamlakHead of the Ministry of Agriculture branch office in the Forto-Sawa

sub-zone. 1414. Mr. Ogbe GebreselassieHeadof project supervision in the Gedem Construction Company 1415. Mr. Oqbazgi Tekleab in charge of the campaign in Adi-Keih sub-zone.

1416. Mr. Oqbazgi ZaidHeadofvaccination program in the Barentu sub-zone’s central health

station. . 1417. Mr. Rezene TesfamariamHeadofthe Eritrean National War-disabled Veterans Association (ENWVA)

branch office in the Gash-Barka region 1418. Mr. Rezene WoldeamlakHeadof the Ministryof L.H.W. branch in Adi-Keih sub-zone 1419. Mr. Russom FisehayeHeadof administration and finance in the Ministry of Information. 1420. Mr. Russom GhebremariamHeadofwater resource in the Southern Red Sea region.

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1421. Mr. Russom HizbaiHeadof the Ministry of LHW branch in the Northern Red Sea region. 1422. Mr. Samson GebreselassieHeadofadministration in the Bidho Construction Company. 1423. Mr. Samson Haile Editor of Haddas Ertra newspaper. 1424. Mr. Samson Solomon coach of the National Cycling Team 1425. Mr. Samuel KebedeHeadof the Health technician in the Northern Red Sea region. 1426. Mr. Sebhatleab WoldegiorgisHeadof the Ministryof LHW branch in Dekemhare sub-zone 1427. Mr. Segid WoldeabHeadof training at theCivil Aviation Department. 1428. Mr. Seltene BerheHeadof veterinary service in the branch office of the Agriculture Ministry in the

Gash-Barka region. 1429. Mr. Semere BerheHeadof the Amatere health Centre. 1430. Mr. Semere GebregiorgisHead of the ENWDVA branch in Denmark 1431. Mr. Semere GebremariamHead of public and community affairs Canada 1432. Mr. Semere GhebreghiorghisHeadof the WHOoffice in Eritrea 1433. Mr. Semere Ogbay a nurse at the Health center in Drit, Adobha sub-zone.

1434. Mr. Semere YemaneHeadof the branch office of the Agriculture Ministry in the Shambuko sub-zone

1435. Mr. Sengal Woldeselassie from the Water Department of the Ministryof LWE 1436. Mr. Sereke MedhanieHeadof veterinary service in the Golij sub-zone. 1437. Mr. Sereqe MichaelHeadof the Eritrean Electricity Corporation branch in the Anseba region. 1438. Mr. Seyoum GebreyesusHead from the infrastructure development department in the Southern

region. 1439. Mr. Shewit FishaleHead of the branch office of the Ministry of Agriculture in the Shambuko sub-

zone. 1440. Mr. Simon AbrahaHead of the Agricultural Ministry’s branch office in Emni-Haili sub-zone. 1441. Mr. Simon Zerezgi member of the executive committee of the Eritrean Books and Information

Association. 1442. Mr. Sium Ghebremedhin, Headof health control in the Tessenei town. 1443. Mr. Solomon EmbayeHeadofthe Customs, Postal Servicein theMinistry ofT. &Communication 1444. Mr. Solomon GhirmayHeadof the office of the Ministryof Agriculturein Ghinda sub-zone 1445. Mr. Solomon Haile, Headof the Planning and Statistics Office in the Ministryof Agriculture. 1446. Mr. Solomon Kifle, Headof the office ofEconomicdevelopment in the Gelebsub zone, Anseba

region 1447. Mr. Solomon MelesHead of the Agriculture Ministry’s branch office in the Adi-Keih sub-zone. 1448. Mr. Solomon NegashHeadof purchasing division at the Amberbeb Share Company.

1449. Mr. Solomon RustomHead of Public Relations of the Adi-Quala sub-zone. 1450. Mr. Solomon TeklehaimanotHead of schools in the Gash-Barka region. 1451. Mr. Solomon TsehayeHead of cultural affairs Bureau in the Ministry ofEducationand member of the

evaluating committee of the PFDJ. Cultural 1452. Mr. Solomon ZeruHeadof land transport branch in Gash-Barka region 1453. Mr. Sultan AblelomHeadof the Corporation’s branch office in Mendefera 1454. Mr. Sultan HagosHeadof health center in the Haikota sub-zone. 1455. Mr. Tadesse BeyeneHeadofNUEYS ofthe Southern region 1456. Mr. Tadesse Woldetnsae,Headof the project of NacfaRODABB Construction Company and Koken

Keyih Construction Company ofBrigade 23. 1457. Mr. Taezaz AbrahaHeadof the photography branch in the Ministry of Information. 1458. Mr. Tareke AbbaiHeadofdevelopment in the semi-urban centre (of Molqi sub-zone). 1459. Mr. Teages FrezghiHeadof engineering and studio branch in ERI-TV 1460. Mr. Teame HailemichaelHeadofthe Kohaito health Centre in Adi Keih sub-zone. 1461. Mr. Teame YohannesHead of the Eritrean Electricity Corporation branch in Barentu town. 1462. Mr. Teclit GebrehiwetHead of Economic Development of the Denkalia sub-zone. 1463. Mr. Teclu KafelHeadofEconomicdevelopment in the Elabereed sub-zone. 1464. Mr. Tedros FesshayeHead of social security in the Ministry of LHW branch in Anseba region. 1465. Mr. Tedros GhirmayHead ofthe Micro-loan and Savings Scheme in Anseba region 1466. Mr. Tedros SiumHeadof human resource development at the MinistryofEducation. 1467. Mr. Tedros ZegergishHeadof seed fertilization and animal preservation in Forto-Sawa sub-zone. 1468. Mr. Teferi SiumHead of administration in the Agordat Hospital. 1469. Mr. Tekea TesfamichaelHeadof NUEW branch in the Central region.

1470. Mr. Tekeste AlemseghedHeadofthe Quality control and inspection in the Fisheries Ministry

1471. Mr. Tekeste KiflemariamHead of forestry and wildlife resource in the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Gash-Barka region.

1472. Mr. Tekeste MelakeHeadof the Cultural Assets Rehabilitation Project (CARP) 1473. Mr. Tekeste MihreteabHead of the NCEW branch in the Southern region. 1474. Mr. Tekeste TesfamariamHead of Socialservices in the Laelai-Gash sub-zone.

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1475. Mr. Tekie AbrahabranchHeadof the MinistryofTourism 1476. Mr. Tekie AimutHeadof Administration and Finance in Segeneiti sub-zone 1477. Mr. Tekie BeyeneHeadofHidri Publishers.

1478. Mr.Tekie Guesh Headoffinance at the National Federation ofEritrean Football 1479. Mr. Tekie HabteExpert in environmental sanitation. 1480. Mr. Tekie KeletaHead of infrastructure inGash-Barka region 1481. Mr. Tekie TeclemichaelHeadof environment department in the Southern region 1482. Mr. Tekle GhebremedhinHeadofeducation in the Central region’s branch office in the Gala-Nefhi

sub-zone 1483. Mr. Tekle MenghistuHeadof communal and public affairs in the Scandinavian countries. 1484. Mr. Tekle Tesfamariam HeadoftheHealthMinistry’s branch in Anseba region 1485. Mr. Tekleberhan TeklizghiHeadof environmental sanitation supervision and malaria control unit in

the Haikota sub-zone. 1486. Mr. Tekleberhan Weldemariam veterinary at the branch office of theMinistry of Agriculture in the

Areza sub-zone. 1487. Mr. Teklesenbet ZeraiHeadof high schools in the Anseba region. 1488. Mr. Teklu BerakiHeadof land resource and seed fertilization branch in the Southern region. 1489. Mr. Temesgen GebrezgiHeadof the branch office of the Ministryof Agriculturein theShe’ib sub-

zone 1490. Mr. Temesgen ZeremariamHeadof a health center in AdiTekelezan sub-zone. 1491. Mr. Tesfaghebriel YimesgenHead of the mining activities control office in Dekemhare sub-zone. 1492. Mr. Tesfahiwet GhilayHeadofanimal resource in Golij sub-zone 1493. Mr. Tesfai BelayHeadofhealth in Aimen administrative area,Araata sub-zone 1494. Mr. Tesfai HagosHeadof the MinistryofAgriculture branch office in the Foro sub-zone. 1495. Mr. Tesfai TeckleHeadof the Department of Infrastructure and Branches inAnseba region 1496. Mr. Tesfai Tewelde Headof the branch office of the Ministryof AgricultureinForo Sub zone 1497. Mr. Tesfai TsegaiHead of Adminstrationand finance in the Adi-Quala sub-zone. 1498. Mr. Tesfalem GhebrekidanHead of the HealthMinistry’s branch office in the Southern region. 1499. Mr. Tesfalem MisghinaHead of agitation and information unit in the HealthMinistry’s branch in

Anseba region.

1500. Mr. Tesfalem Redi acting Headof the NCEW branch inGash-Barka region

1501. Mr. Tesfamariam BerheHeadofthe branch office of the Ministryof L H the Southern Red Sea region

1502. Mr. Tesfamariam FitsumHead of the school project in Dresa, Golj sub-zone. 1503. Mr. Tesfamariam WeldegebrielHeadof traffic safety in the branch office of the Central region 1504. Mr. Tesfamichael BasilosHeadof schools in the Hamelmalo and Elabereed sub-zone. 1505. Mr. Tesfamichael TesfalidetHeadof the Public Census Office in the Administration of the Central

region. 1506. Mr. Tesfazgi YohannesHead of the health station in Kerkebet sub-zone. 1507. Mr. Tesfit GebrezgiabiherHead of the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Northern Red Sea

region. 1508. Mr. Tesfu AndemariamHeadofwater resource management department,in the Ministryof LWE. 1509. Mr. Tesfu SolomonHeadofSocialsecurity in the Ministryof LHWbranch in the Central region. 1510. Mr. Tewelde KidaneHeadof the HealthMinistry’s branch in Adi-Quala sub-zone. 1511. Mr. Tewelde MedhanieHeadof project supervision in Tsorona sub-zone. 1512. Mr. Tewelde MehariHeadofEconomicdevelopment in the Mogoraib semi-urban center in Dige

sub-zone. 1513. Mr. Tewelde Mihreteab Headof Consular Affairs in South Africa. 1514. Mr. Tewelde Oqbagebriel,HeadofmarketingofEritrean Airlines. 1515. Mr. Tewelde PetrosHeadof production in the Red Sea Battlers Share Company. 1516. Mr. Tewelde TesfatsionHead of rules and regulations unit in the Keren town administration.

1517. Mr. Tewelde Weldemichael Headoffisheries development 1518. Mr. Teweldeberhan AbrahaHeadof the Electricity Corporation branch office in the Segeneiti


1519. Mr. Teweldemedhin TeklaiHeadof soil and water conservation program in the Golij sub-zone. 1520. Mr. Tewolde DirarHead of land transport in the Northern Red Sea region. 1521. Mr. Tewolde GebreselasieHead of postal services in the Anseba region. 1522. Mr. Tezare GhebratHeadof health station in the in Mihlab administrative area, Geleb sub-zone. 1523. Mr. Tombossa AsmelashHead of human resource development at the Ministry of Information. 1524. Mr. Tsegai GebremariamHeadofthe Project Mgmt. & Int'l Rel., Eri Postal Service in theMinistry ofT.


1525. Mr. Tsegai GiuseppeHeadof engineering department in Bidho Construction Company. 1526. Mr. Tsegai MegosHeadof external relations & deputy Secretary General of NCEW.

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1527. Mr. Tsegai TeweldemedhinHeadcoordinator of the rehabilitation program 1528. Mr. Tsegazaab BokretsionHead of the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in Barentu sub-zone. 1529. Mr. Tsehaye SieleHeadof the branch of the Ministryof LH Southern Zone

1530. Mr. Tsehaye TsegaiHeadof the Eritrean Teachers’ Association 1531. Mr. Weldemichael AbrahaHeadof the Ministry of Agriculture inGash Barka region. 1532. Mr. Weldemichael GebretensaeHeadof student academic affairs in the Institute(EIT). 1533. Mr. Weldemichael KidaneHeadofEconomicdevelopment in Mai-Mine sub-zone. 1534. Mr. Woldegiorgis KeletaHeadof the Education Ministry’s branch in the Mai-Mine sub-

zone,Southern region. 1535. Mr. Wolderufael TeklayHead of Human Resources Department of the Northern Red Sea region’s

administration. 1536. Mr. Woldesus TekieHead of the branch office of the AgricultureMinistry in the Mogolo sub-zone. 1537. Mr. Woldeyesus Tekie from the Agriculture Ministry’s branch office in theLaelai-Gash, sub-zone.

1538. Mr. Woldeyohannes KiflemariamHeadofhealth service in Bel’ubei administrative area, CentralDenkalia sub-zone

1539. Mr. Woldu GhebremedhinHead of technical department in the WaterResource Department in the Assab town.

1540. Mr. Woldu HaileabHeadof solar energy installation in the HealthMinistry. 1541. Mr. Woldu TesfamariamHeadofCentral Government Garage in Anseba region 1542. Mr. Woredezgi YebioHead of Hashishay health station Hagaz sub-zone. 1543. Mr. Yakob Tesfai Headof the SWP the inAnseba region. 1544. Mr. Yakob TsegaiHeadof the Education Ministry’s branch office in Mendefera sub-zone 1545. Mr. Yared HabtegergishHeadof the branch office of the Ministryof Agriculturein the Asmat sub-

zone 1546. Mr. Yemane GileuHead of Desk in the Anseba region. 1547. Mr. Yemane HailemariamHeadof the Training coordination officein the MinistryofTourism 1548. Mr. Yemane KifleHeadoftechnical service in the government garage and Gerset agricultural project. 1549. Mr. Yemane TeadelHeadof the Health Ministry’s branch in the Southern region. 1550. Mr. Yemane TekluHeadof housing construction projects in Bidho Construction Company.

1551. Mr. Yemane TeweldeHeadof Technical Services in AssabPort Authority. 1552. Mr. Yemane TsegaiHeadofTB and HIV/AIDS control department in the Southern region. 1553. Mr. Yirgalem MussieHeadof the Socialwelfare department in the Anseba region 1554. Mr. Yohannes AbrahaHead of the Eritrean Research and Documentation Centre. 1555. Mr. Yohannes AsgedomHeadof the TourismMinistry’s branch in the Southern region. 1556. Mr. Yohannes GebreyesusHeadof the Museum in the Northern Red Sea region 1557. Mr. Yohannes MelakeHeadof the Ministry of Trade and Industry branch in the Centralregion.

1558. Mr. Yohannes Tekle Haimanot Municipality ofAsmara

1559. Mr. Yohannes TeklemariamHeadof the Fisheries monitoring unit in the Fisheries Ministry 1560. Mr. Yohannes Tesfai Headof thebranch office of the Ministryof LHW in the Southern region. 1561. Mr. Yohannes TesfaselassieHeadof branch at the National Insurance Corporation ofEritrea(NICE) 1562. Mr. Yohannes WeldemariamHeadof the Agriculture Ministry’s branch in Ghinda sub-zone. 1563. Mr. Yohannes Zerai from the Agriculture Ministry’s branch office in the Golij sub-zone. 1564. Mr. Yohannes ZeruHeadofmachinery supervision in the project ofSawa-Afhimbol Agro-Industry

1565. Mr. Yonas HabtemariamHeadof children’s welfare desk in the Ministryof LHW. branch in the Central region

1566. Mr. Yonas YosefHead of the Agriculture Ministry s branch in the Haikota sub-zone. 1567. Mr. Yosief AregahegnHeadofERI-TV Design branch and Expert in graphics,

1568. Mr. Yosief Hadera Headof Hotel and Tourism Service in the Ministryof Tourism

1569. Mr. Zaid TekleExpert in bee farming in the Southern region. 1570. Mr. Zaid TekleHeadof the EducationMinistry’s branch in the Adi-Keih sub-zone. 1571. Mr. Zebib KahsaiHead of the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Mendefera sub-zone. 1572. Mr. Zekarias OgbasilasieHeadof the HealthMinistry s branch in the Anseba region. 23 April 2011 1573. Mr. Zekarias OgbaslasieHeadof the HealthMinistry’s branch in the Anseba region. 1574. Mr. Zeragabir AmineHead of the forest inspectors in Laelai Gash sub-zone. 1575. Mr. Zeragabir TeweldemedhinHeadof the Loan and Micro-Credit Scheme in the Laelai-Gash sub-

zone 1576. Mr. Zere WoldetnsaeHeadof water resource in the Ministryof LWE branch in the Anseba region. 1577. Mr. Zeresenai TesfaiHeadof the NUEYS branch in Anseba region 1578. Mr. Arefaine MenanHead of malaria control unit in branch office of the Ministry of Health in Golij

sub-zone. 1579. Mr. Asefaw GebremichaelHeadof communicable disease prevention unit in the Southern region. 1580. Mr. Menghisteab HabtetsionHead of the Ministry’of Labor and Human Welfare branch in the

Central region.

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1581. Mrs. Shashu GebreselassieHeadof the Research and HRD Department in the Ministryof Health 1582. Ms Alem BelayHeadof the NUEW in Anseba region. 1583. Ms. Ababa WeldegebrielHead of supervision and adult education unit in theMinistry of Education

in Barentu sub zone. 1584. Ms. Abeba HabtomHead of pre-education department in theMinistry of Education. 1585. Ms. Abeba HaileHeadof pre-education coordinating unit in the Education Ministry 1586. Ms. Abrehet GebreHeadof the Program in the EducationMinistry s branch in the Anseba Region

region.27 April 2011 12:16

1587. Ms. Abrehet GhebreHeadof Adult Education in theEducationMinistry’sbranch in theAnseba

region. 1588. Ms. Abrehet WeldemariamHeadoffinance administration in theRed Sea Battlers Share Company 1589. Ms. Akberet Teshale Headof the branch office of the Ministryof Tourism in the Central region 1590. Ms. Alem BelayHead of the NUEW branch in Anseba region. 1591. Ms. Alganesh Tekleghiorgis Headof the hospital administration in the Orotta Pediatrics Hospital

1592. Ms. Almaz MahraiHeadof the branch office of the NUEW in the Tessenei sub-zone. 1593. Ms. Almaz TelaHead (Administrator)ofMekutiSchool.

1594. Ms. Almaz Tesfay Headof the branch office of Postal Service Authority in Mendefera 1595. Ms. Askalu TesfatsionHeadofAmbagaliano community library 1596. Ms. Asmeret AbrahaHeadofCommunity Service Division at theMinistry of L HW.

1597. Ms. Asmeret GebrezgiExpert in life skill in the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Segeneiti sub-zone.

1598. Ms. Asmeret TsegaiHead of the NUEW branch in Molqi sub-zone. 1599. Ms. Aster Berhe, Headof the public library inKeren. 1600. Ms. Aster RedaezgiHeadof the Eritrean Environment Management(E.E.M) 1601. Ms. Aster TesfaiHeadof administration and financeof the Eritrean Marine Processing Company. 1602. Ms. Aster WoldeabzgiHeadof environmental management at theMinistry ofLWE branch office of

Barentu town. 1603. Ms. Azieb BerhaneHead of Administration and Finance of NUEW. 1604. Ms. Azieb Eyob Acting Headof the Ministry of LHW branch office in Haikota sub-zone.

1605. Ms. Bisrat HabtemariamHeadofthe administrative office of the Central region’s community magistrates

1606. Ms. Elsa RistomHeadof the Agriculture Ministry’s branch in Gash-Barka region 1607. Ms. Emuna AfwerkiHeadof administration and finance in the Asmara branch office. 1608. Ms. FioriHead of the Orphanage. 1609. Ms. Genet AfwerkiHead of social service in the Elabered sub-zone. 21 March 2011 1610. Ms. Ghidey SielaiHeadofPFDJ. Branch in Bologna. 1611. Ms. Gimja AmareHeadofHome Economics in the MinistryofAgriculture. 1612. Ms. Hadenet KeletaHeadofNUEYS branch in the Yikaalo School, 1613. Ms. Hiwet FesshayeHead of life skill in the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Adi-Quala sub-

zone. 1614. Ms. Kahsa MehariHeadof life skill in thein the Ministry of Agriculture branch ofAdi-Keih sub-

zone. 1615. Ms. Kedes MebrahtuHeadofDekemhare town development 1616. Ms. Kidisti Kifle HeadofNUEWbranch in the Laelai-Gash sub-zone. 1617. Ms. Kudusan TeweldeHead of the office in Ministry of LHW branch in Dekemhare sub-zone. 1618. Ms. Legeset BerhaneHeadofhealth institutions in the Keren sub-zone. 1619. Ms. Lemlem Bairi’uHeadof the NUEW branch in Elabereed sub-zone 1620. Ms. Liya GebreabHeadof Public Relations at the Central Region administration. 1621. Ms. Lucia EliasHeadof Halhal Health Centre in Halhal sub-zone. 1622. Ms. Meaza KelatiHeadofmother and child care in the Southern region branchoffice of the


1623. Ms. Meaza MahraiHead of the NUEW branch Tesseneioffice. 1624. Ms. Meaza SibhatuHeadofNUEW branch in the Senafe and Adi-Keih sub-zones. 1625. Ms. Mehret AsfahaHeadofSocial service in the Mendefera sub zone. 1626. Ms. Meselesh LegeseHeadof the (NUEW) branch office in Mai-Mine sub-zone 1627. Ms. Migbinesh AsefawHeadofNUEYS in the Areza sub-zone. 1628. Ms. Milashu GurjaHeadofthe NUEW branch in Golij sub-zone

1629. Ms. Milite AdhanomHeadofhome Economics in the branch office of theMinistry of Agriculture in the Dekemhare sub-zone

1630. Ms. Milite ZerizgiHead of infrastructure office in theKeren town.

1631. Ms. Mulu Nire’aHead of bee farming in Senafe sub-zone. 1632. Ms. NatzenetYemaneHeadof the NUEYS in Gheza-Banda administrative area

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1633. Ms. Rahel Teweldev/Head of the Film and Drama Branch of the Cultural Affairs Bureau of the PFDJ. .

1634. Ms. Saba Haile HeadofNUEYSofCentral Region. 1635. Ms. Saba SibhatuHeadof the NUEW branch in Jeddah. 1636. Ms. Semainesh KebedeHeadof the EducationMinistry’s branch office in theNorthern Red Sea

region. 1637. Ms. Shewainesh KirosHeadofPFDJ. Public and Community Affairs in Italy. 1638. Ms. Solomie GebreselassieHeadofNUEW in the Serejeqa sub zone.

1639. Ms. Tek’a TesfamichaelHead of the central region branch of the National Union of Eritrean Women (NUEW).

1640. Ms. Tekh’a TesfamichaelHead of the NUEW branch in the Central region. 1641. Ms. Tiegsti MehariHeadof pre-education in the EducationMinistry’s branch office in the Anseba

region. 1642. Ms. Tigsti MehariHead of pre-education in the EducationMinistry’s branch in Anseba region. 1643. Ms. Tirhas FikaduHeadofSocial service in the Adi-Quala sub-zone. 1644. Ms. Tsega Araya Assistant nurse Headof Social services in Foro sub-zone. 1645. Ms. Tsega GaimHead of Rehabilitation and Social Services of NUEW.

1646. Ms. Tsegeweini GebreselassieHeadofNUEW branch in the Logo-Anseba sub-zone. 1647. Ms. Tsige BariagabirHead of the branch office of the Ministry of LHW in Mendefera sub-zone in

the Southern region. 1648. Ms. Weini NegashHeadofSocial services at the NUEW branch office in the Southern region. 1649. Ms. Yihdega YohannesHeadof administration and finance at the NUEW branch in Anseba region. 1650. Ms. Yordanos YukunoamlakHeadof nursery in Zambaiti- Eritrea Plc Industry. 1651. Ms. Zeferework FisehaieHead of the Africa Desk in the Ministry of Trade and Industry. 1652. Sister Letehans MenghisteabHeadofHamelmalo Health Centre in Hamelmalo sub zone.

1653. Mr. Abubeker Ibrahimhead of administration and finance in the Golalo sub-zone.

1654. Mr. Woldu Samuel head of administration and finance in the Asmat sub-zone.

1655. Mr. Tewolde Tesfazgi head of administration and finance in the Ginda sub-zone.

1656. Ms. Alganesh Adonai head of administration and finance at the NUEW branch in

Central region.

1657. Ms. Yihdega Yohannes head of administration and finance at the NUEW branch in

Anseba region.

1658. Mr. Emha Kidane director general of finance and administration office in the Ministry

of Labor and Human Welfare.

1659. Mr. Gebreslasie Aradom director general of economic developmenti

1660. Mr. Kibrom Nirayo director general of administration and finance in the Southern Red

Sea region.

1661. Mr. Andemichael Solomon director general of infrastructure development department

in the Southern Red Sea region.

1662. Mr. Tekie Tewolde director general of economic development in the Northern Red Sea


1663. Mr. Yosef Araya director general of administration and finance in the Northern Red

Sea region

1664. Mr. Yohannes Gebreyesus head of the regional museum in theNorthern Red Sea


1665. Mr. Mussie Misgina director general of infrastructure development in the Northern

Red Sea region.

1666. Mr. Tekle Mehari head of administration and finance in the Mai-Minesub-zone.

1667. Mr. Mehari Debesai head of administration and finance in the Adi-Keih sub-zone.

1668. Mr. Gidey Estifanos head of administration and finance in the Dubaruwa sub zone.

1669. Mr. Tekie Gebreselasie head of finance and administration in the Tserona Junior and

Secondary School.

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1670. Mr. Russom Fisehaye head of administration and finance in the Ministry of


1671. Ms. Emuna Afwerki head of administration and finance in the branch officeof land

transport in the central region.

1672. Mr. Rezene Abraha head of administration and finance in the Gash-Barka region.

1673. Mr. Mesfin Embaye head of administration and finance in the Areza sub-zone.

1674. Mr. Meharena Tekleab head of administration and finance in the Sel’a sub-zone in


1675. Mr. Zere Woldetinsae head of water resource department in the Anseba regional


1676. Mr. Hamad Gebre Amirhead of administration and finance in the Ti’o semi-urban

center in Araeta sub-zone.

1677. Mr. Kiros Gebremariam head of administration and finance in Dekemhare sub-zone.

1678. Mr. Gebrehanes Hagos director general of administration and finance in the Ministry

of Education.

1679. Mr. Emaha Gebrewahid head of administration and finance in Halhal sub-zonein the

Anseba regional Administration.

1680. Mr. Berhane Isak Chairman of the government garages branch office in the

SouthernRed Sea region. AdministratorChairmanCommanderCoordinatorHead CommissionerDirector GeneralGeneral ManagerMinistryAmbassador Consular Affairs SecretaryCoordinatorExpert InstructorSupervisorJudge ChairpersonChairmanCoordinatorExpert ForemanSupervisor. CoordinatorInstructor

PresidentAmbassadorConsularAffairs Ministry ConsulGeneralChargé d'AffairesFirst Secretary

ColonelLt. ColonelMaj.Captain

1681. Dr. Hamed Mohamed AlibranchHeadof the Health Ministry of Anseba region.

1682. Dr. Mahmoud Mohammed OmarHeadof bone surgery in Halibet Hospital. 1683. Eng. Akedir AhmedinHeadof training program in the Homib Construction Company 1684. Eng. Idris HamidHeadof engineering service and project management. 1685. Engineer Idris IbrahimHeadof engineering services and project administration in the Gash-Barka

region. 1686. Mr. Abdalla MahmoudHead of schools in Haikota sub-zone. 1687. Mr. Abdalla Mohammed OsmanHeadof the EducationMinistry’s branch in the Southern Red Sea

region. 1688. Mr. Abdallahi HassanHeadofSocial service in the Mensura sub-zone 1689. Mr. Abdella Al-AminHead of Social-service in the Gash-Barka region. 1690. Mr. Abdella NegashHeadof the office monitoring martyrs’ families at the PFDJ. Foreign Zone 1691. Mr. Abdu MohammedHead ofSocial service in theForto-Sawa sub-zone 1692. Mr. Abdullahi Al-Amin TitaHead of social services in theGash-Barka regionregional Administration. 1693. Mr. Abdullahi SalehHeadof the EducationMinistry’s branch in the Karora sub-zone. 1694. Mr. Abdurrahman AhmedHeadof Finan and Maritime corporations.

1695. Mr. Abdurrahman MohammedHeadofEconomic Development in the She’eb sub zone.

1696. Mr. Abir Ali Amirv/Headof the PFDJ. in the Afabet sub-zoneoffice 1697. Mr. Abubekker OsmanHeadof rehabilitation program in the area ofGash-Barka region 1698. Mr. Adem BeshirHeadof the Education Ministry’s branch in the Kerkebet sub-zone. 1699. Mr. Ahmed AliHead of the Education Ministry’s branch in the She’ib sub-zone. 1700. Mr. Ahmed AlishumHead of the Debub regional Harat Transport Company.

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1701. Mr. Ahmed Mohammed OmerHeadofArabic Department, Ministry of Information. 1702. Mr. Ali Idris a nurse in the centre in Bel’ubui administrative area, Southern Red Sea region. 1703. Mr. Almedai Berihacting Headof the Immigration and Nationality Office in Adibara administrative

area, Forto-Sawa sub-zone. 1704. Mr.Awate OsmanHeadofthe NUEYS in Sawa and higher education institutions 1705. Mr. Dawit RakaHead of the Eritrean Electricity Corporation Centrein theAfabet town. 1706. Mr. Halo Shifa IgahileHeadofAfambo Boarding School. 1707. Mr. Hamad Ghebre AmirHead of administration and finance in the Ti’o semi-urban center in Araeta

sub-zone. 1708. Mr. Hamed Hajji Mohammed NurHead of thePFDJ. in theSouthern Red Sea region 1709. Mr. Hamid AdemHead of the PFDJ. Bureau in Gogne sub-zone. 1710. Mr. Hamid Ali SheikhHeadof the port’s fisheries docking section in Massawa 1711. Mr. Hiero HumedHeadof the health station in Abo administrative area, South Denkalia sub-zone. 1712. Mr. Humed Bieyta,HeadofSupervision ofPFDJ. Groups in Central Denkalia 1713. Mr. Humed Feki AdemHeadofEconomic development in the Logo-Anseba sub-zone. 1714. Mr. Ibrahim Ali (Akla)Headof the PFDJ’s Cultural Affairs department. 1715. Mr. Ibrahim HassenHead of NUEYS in the Northern Red Sea region. 1716. Mr. Ibrahim IsamelHeadof the MinistryofLHW.branch in the Nacfa sub-zone. 1717. Mr. Ibrahim JafferHeadof the laboratory department at the Hospital. 1718. Mr. Ibrahim Mohammed AliHeadof the Beneficiaries of the micro-credit and savings scheme in the

Southern Red Sea region 1719. Mr. Ibrahim Mohammed BeshirHeadofthe Afambo Health Station. 1720. Mr. Ibrahim MohammedHead of the saving and micro-credit scheme in the Southern Red Sea

region. 1721. Mr. Ibrahim MohammedHead of the saving and micro-credit scheme in the Southern Red Sea

region. 1722. Mr. Ibrahim Mohammed-AliHead of social services in the Barentu sub-zone. 1723. Mr. Ibrahim OmarHeadofthe the Adi Keyih sub-zone 1724. Mr. Ibrahim SalehHeadofEconomic development in the Hamelmalo sub-zone

1725. Mr. Idris Abdalla HeadofEconomic development desk in the Hagaz sub-zone. 1726. Mr. Idris OsmanHeadofNUEYS branch in the Gelalo sub-zone 1727. Mr. Idris SalehHeadof the PFDJ’s political and organizational affairs in theNRS region 1728. Mr. Idris Saleh in Head of political affairs at the PFDJ in Northern Red Sea region. 1729. Mr. Isamel Mussa Headof theNUEYS branch in the Southern Red Sea region 1730. Mr. Ismail IbrahimHeadof the Education Ministry's branch in the Southern Denkalia sub-zone. 1731. Mr. Ismail MohammedHead of the Adi-Omar Agricultural Project. 1732. Mr. Ismail MussaHeadofNUEYS branch in the Southern Red Sea region. 1733. Mr. Ismail OsmanHead of Social security in the Ministry of LHW’s branch of Assab office. 1734. Mr. Issa Abdalla OmarHeadof the customs duty department at the MassawaPort Authority. 1735. Mr. Jabir MohammedHead of the Agriculture Ministry’s branch in the Nacfa sub-zone. 1736. Mr. Jacam OdiHead of Adult Education Program i in Gash-Barka region. 1737. Mr. Jemal NasirHead of the PFDJ. in the Kerkebet sub-zone. 1738. Mr. Jimie AbdallaHeadof land Transport branch in the Senafe sub-zone 1739. Mr. Khaled SalehHeadof engineering services and administration of projects in the Southern region.

1740. Mr. Khalid Mohammed Ahmed, Headof the National Fisheries Corporation in the SouthernReadSea region.

1741. Mr. Khalifa NurhusseinHeadof organizational affairs of the PFDJ. in the Central region 1742. Mr. Mahmoud ShefaHeadof the PFDJ. in the Mai-Mine sub-zone. 1743. Mr. Mansur AbdallaHeadof revenue and supervision of potable water supply of the Tebeldia, Golij

sub-zone in the Gash-Barka region 1744. Mr. Mohammed AbdallaHeadof the health center in the Tsorona sub-zone. 1745. Mr. Mohammed AbdallahHead of the AgricultureMinistry’s branch office in the Hagaz sub-zone 1746. Mr. Mohammed AnwarHeadof agitation and information unit in the office in Southern Red Sea

region 1747. Mr. Mohammed Eyah actingHeadof the Fisheries Ministry’s branch in the Northern Red Sea

region. 1748. Mr. Mohammed HassenHead of the Education Ministry’s branch in the Tessenei sub-zone. 1749. Mr. Mohammed Ibrahim ActingHead of the Buss terminal in the Hagaz sub-zone.

1750. Mr. Mohammed Idris Mohammed AliHead of the EducationMinistry’s branch in the Adobha sub-zone.

1751. Mr. Mohammed JabirHead of the branch office of the Ministry of LHW in the Southern Red Sea region.

1752. Mr. Mohammed Jim’e AhmedHead of schools in the Habero sub-zone.

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1753. Mr. Mohammed OsmanHeadof staff operations and human resource development at the Haben Construction Company.

1754. Mr. Mohammed OsmanHead of staff operations and human resource development at the Haben Construction Company.

1755. Mr. Mohammed Qashim HamedPFDJ. 's 1756. Mr. Mohammed Saleh JaberaHeadof the Agriculture Ministry’s branch in the Nacfa sub-zone 1757. Mr. Mussa HagosHeadofEconomicdevelopment in the Araeta sub-zone. 1758. Mr. Nageeb AhmedHeadof the Eritrean ruling party, PFDJ. In Agordat sub-zone. 1759. Mr. Nasser OmerHeadofdevelopmental activities in Hagaz. 1760. Mr. Nassir SalehHeadof the Ministryof Agriculture branchoffice in the Habero sub-zone. 1761. Mr. Omar IbrahimHeadofPFDJ. in the Afabet sub-zone. 1762. Mr. Omar SeidHeadofdevelopment in the Ghinda town administration 1763. Mr. Omeredin MohammedHead of the branch office of Ministry of Education in the Senafe sub-

zone. 1764. Mr. Omeredin MohammedHeadof the EducationMinistry’s branch in the Senafe sub-zone. 1765. Mr. Osman AbdulkaderHead of the EducationMinistry’s branch in the Dige sub-zone. 1766. Mr. Osman AdemHeadof social services in Afabet sub-zone. 1767. Mr. Osman Idris GelaudiosHeadof the NUEYS foreign relations 1768. Mr. Osman Idris Mehbusie Acting Headof the NUEYS branch in the Araeta, sub-zone. 1769. Mr. Osman Mohammed NorHead of the Agriculture Ministry’s branch in the Kerkebet sub-zone. 1770. Mr. Osman Mohammed NurHeadofAgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Kerkebet sub-zone, Gash-

Barka region. 1771. Mr. Romodan MohammedHeadof technical operation in the Red Sea General Mills 1772. Mr. Romodan SalehHeadof organizational affairs at the PFDJ’s branch office in Anseba region. 1773. Mr. Saleh AhmedHeadof the Education Ministry’s branch in Ghinda sub-zone 1774. Mr. Saleh IbrahimHead of schools in the Hagaz sub-zone. 1775. Mr. Saleh Mahmud SabbeHeadof public affairs in the Union’s branch office ofJeddah. 1776. Mr. Saleh OsmanActing Head of the Agriculture Ministry’s branch in the Halhal sub-zone. 1777. Mr. Saleh OsmanHeadofthe Education Ministry in theNacfa townsub-zone

1778. Mr. Saleh OsmanHead of the Ministryof LHW branch in Tessenei sub-zone. 1779. Mr. Saleh SebriHead of pension branch in the Ministry of LHW. 1780. Mr. Saleh TalkeHead of social services in theMogolo sub-zone. 1781. Mr. Salim AliSalimHeadof thePFDJ. for political affairs in the Southern Red Sea region. 1782. Mr. Seid Omar AdhanaHead of development in the Ghinda sub-zone. 1783. Mr. Seid Omar AdhanaHead of development in the Ginda town. 1784. Mr. Taib AlbekitHeadof the Loan and Credit Scheme branch office in Ghinda 1785. Mr. Yassin MohammedHead of the Ministryof Education in the Northern Red Sea region 1786. Mr. Yusuf SaikHeadof the PFDJ. In the NorthernRed Sea region.Zoba Maekel (03.09) 1787. Mr. Zibuy Idris, HeadofTechnicalEngineering in the headquarters ofthe Northern Red SeaElectric. 1788. Ms. Afiet SalehHeadofNUEW branch in the Agordat sub-zone. 1789. Ms. Amna Hussen OmarHeadof agitation and information at the NUEW branch in the Anseba

region. 1790. Ms. Amna IshmaelHeadof the NUEW branch in Sheib 1791. Ms. Dehab SuleimanHead of research and information in the NUEW.

1792. Ms. Elsa Melik Acting HeadSocial services in the Halib-Mentel administrative area. 1793. Ms. Fatima IdrisHeadofSocial service in Agordat sub-zone. 1794. Ms. Fatma Ali NurHead of social service in the NUEW branch in Bash-Barka region. 1795. Ms. Fatna MohammednurHeadofNUEW branch in Massawa city 1796. Ms. Fatuma AlinurHead of Social service in the NUEW branch in Gash-Barka region. 1797. Ms. Halima MohammedHead of educational service in theAsmara Teachers Education Institute. 1798. Ms. Hana OsmanHead of theMinistry of LHW branch in theBarentu sub-zone. 1799. Ms. Hayat Hassan, Headof theNUEWin Sawa branch. 1800. Ms. Mesuda HumedHead of the economic welfare of the NUEW branch in the Southern Red Sea

region. 1801. Ms. Mesuda HumedHead of the Union (NUEW.) in the Southern Red Sea region. 1802. Ms. Naila AbdallaHead of NUEW branch in Mogolo sub-zone. 1803. Ms. Nejat IbrahimHeadof basic education in theGash-Barka region. 1804. Ms. Nejat IbrahimHead of basic education in Gash-Barka region.

1805. Ms. Saediya Mohammed AdemHeadof the NUEW branch in Afabet sub-zone. 1806. Ms. Saediya Mohammed AdemHead of the NUEW branch in the Afabet sub-zone. 1807. Ms. Salha AdemHeadofNUEW branch office in Gash-Barka region. 1808. Ms. Semira Idris Acting Headof Gilbub administrative area, Afabet sub-zone. 1809. Ms. Kedija AmirHead of theNUEW branch in the Karora sub-zone.

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Mr. Jemal Yassin Headof Land Transport in the Zoba Maekel (deteined)

653"Tigrigna"=83.40% 130 “Others” = 16.60 % 783Total = 100 %

There are more than 490 private and government administrated kindergartens in the country at



1810. Keshi Kiros WeldegebrielAdministratorof Zigfet administrative area Senafe sub-zone

1811. Mr. Abrahaley HagosAdministratorofZiban-Debri administrative area in Areza sub-zone 1812. Mr. Abraham HagosAdministratorofMendefera town.Segeneitisub-zone.(12.05.08)

1813. Mr. Abraham HaileAdministratorofLaelai-Gash sub-zone.

1814. Mr. Abraham MekonnenAdministratorofSegeneiti. 1815. Mr. Afwerki MesfunAdministratorofDebora. 1816. Mr. Ahmed AliAdministrator of Aleti area, Araeta sub-zone, 1817. Mr. Anday HidruAdministratorofDeda administrative area, Logo-Anseba sub-zone. 1818. Mr. Andemariam MehretabAdministratorofMendefera sub-zone 1819. Mr. Andemichael Abrahathe AdministratorofAdikublo administrative area in Dubarwa sub-zone 1820. Mr. Asgedom TemnewoAdministratorof the Gilass administrative area.

1821. Mr. Asghedom MenghistuAdministrator of the Molqi semi-urban Centre

1822. Mr. Asmerom KiflitAdministratorof theHaikota sub-zone 1823. Mr. Bereket TekesteAdministratorof the Senafe sub zone 30 March 2011 1824. Mr. Berhane AntoniosAdministratorof the Southern Desk. 1825. Mr. Berhane IyasuAdministratoof the Assab town. 1826. Mr. Berhane Menghesha AdministratorofAdiKualasub-zone.Areza sub-zone 29.05.09 1827. Mr. Berhane TekesteAdministratorof the Adi-Halewatadministrative area, Emni-Haili sub-zone.

1828. Mr. Beyene GhebremariamAdministratorof theGerset administrative area,Golij sub-zone.

1829. Mr. Debrom EyasuAdministrator of Shihate administrative inGash- Barka region. 1830. Mr.Desu GebrezgheirAsst. AdministratorofBarentu sub-zone.

1831. Mr. Embaye IssakAdministratorofGergef administrative area, Golij sub-zone. 1832. Mr. Ephrem GhebrekristosAdministratorof the Dekemhare town. 18 May 2010 1833. Mr. Eyob WoldeabAdministratorof Begu administrative area, Keren sub-zone in Anseba region 1834. Mr. Ezkias WuhbetAdministratorofAkria administrative area,Asmara.






Heads Tigrigna &Others

536 536

222 222




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1835. Mr. Fessehasion GebremariamAdministratorofAmhur administrative area, Dekemhare sub-zone

1836. Mr. Fessehasion WolduAdministrator of the Ashera administrative area, Hagaz sub-zone. 1837. Mr. Fesshaye TekleabAdministratorofWasdembaadministrative area,Elabereed sub-zone 1838. Mr. Fisehaye HaileDirector Generalof the Customs Duty Department. 1839. Mr. Fisseha GebretensaeAdministratorofTokombia 1840. Mr. Fitsum GhebruAdministratorof the Mahmimetadministrative area, Karorasub-zone. 1841. Mr. Fitwi Gebremeskel acting aAdministratorof the Shieb-Seleba and Halib-Mentelsub zone

Now 2010 (provisional)Administratorof the Elabereed sub-zone13.06.10

1842. Mr. Fitwi Gebremeskel Acting Head of the Elabered sub-zone. 8 October 2010.

1843. Mr. Gebrehiwot KidaneAdministratorof the Adi-Maeleya administrative area, Shambuko sub-

zone 1844. Mr. Gezai Kaleab AdministratorofGelalo sub-zone. 1845. Mr. Ghebremedhin HaileAdministratorofAwgara administrative area, Laelai Gash sub-zone. 1846. Mr. Ghirmay KeletaAdministratorof the Mai-Aini sub zone now 2010 1847. Mr. Ghirmay MebrahtuAdministratorof the Shieb sub zone

1848. Mr. Ghirmay MenghistuAdministratorShe’ib sub-zone, Northern Red Sea region. 1849. Mr. Ghirmay TeklaiAdministratorof the Shilalo administrative area,Upper Gash (Lailai Gash) 1850. Mr. Ghirmay ZewdeAdministratorof the Der’a administrative area, Adi-Keih sub-zone. 1851. Mr. Gide MebrahtuAdministratorofYigaradministrative area, Elabereed sub-zone 1852. Mr. Girmai Mebrahtu Administrator of the She’ib sub-zone. 26 March 2011 1853. Mr. Gulbet,AdministratorofBushukka,Shambuko sub-zone. 1854. Mr. Habtom Tekle Acting AdministratorofAkrur administrative area. Segeneiti sub-zone 1855. Mr. Habtu KibreabAdministrator of the Aitera administrative area, Laelai Gash sub zone.

1856. Mr. Habtu YihdegoAdministratorof the Endagergis-Maimine sub-zone 1857. Mr. Hadish HabteAdministratorofBarentu sub-zone. / Replaced ToMr. Isaac Teum 1858. Mr. Haile WoldeselassieAdministratorof the Kudofelasi Administrative office in the Mendefera

sub zone.

1859. Mr. Hailemariam YohannesAdministratorofDigsaadministrative area, Segeneiti sub-zone 1860. Mr. Hzkias WuhbetAdministratorof the Akrya Administrative Area, Asmara sub-zone. 1861. Mr. Isak Ti’umAdministratorof Central Denkalia.

1862. Mr. Kafla MussaAdministratorof the Adi-Tekelezan sub-zone (24 March 2010) 1863. Mr. Kahsa GebreghergishAdministratorofMai-Tera administrative area, Senafe sub-zone. 1864. Mr. Kahsai AsratAdministratorofAgordat sub-zone.

1865. Mr. Kahsai GebrehiwotAdministratorofGash Barka.Central Zone 02.10

1866. Mr. Kahse Gebreghergish AdministratorofMai-Tera in Senafe sub-zone

1867. Mr. Kebede Awu’aleAdministratorofHaikota town 1868. Mr. Kebede TesfamichaelAdministratorof the Serha semi-urban centre, Senafe sub-zone. 1869. Mr.Kidane AbrahaAdministratorofAdi Kuala sub-zone. 1870. Mr. Kidane BerheAdministratorof the town ofDubarwa. 1871. Mr. Kidane GebreyesusAdministratorofAfelbainDekemharesub-zone. 1872. Mr. Kidane GhebruAdministratorofGura’e administrative area, Dekemhare sub-zone. 1873. Mr. Kidane WoldeslasieAdministrator r of the Molqi subzone. 5April 2011

1874. Mr. Leake TsegezabAdministratorof the Metera administrative area,Senafe sub-zone 1875. Mr. Matewos LukasAdministrator of the Libena administrative area, Hamelmalo sub-zone.

1876. Mr. Mebrahtu GebregziabherAdministratorof the Ewanet administrative area in the sub zones ofSegeneiti

1877. Mr. Medhanie GebreyesusAdministrator of Hadish-Adi sub-zone. 1878. Mr. Medhanie Tesfagaber acting Administratorof the Dembe-Dima in the administrative areas

ofHad-Hakin. 1879. Mr. Meharenna Tekleab Administratorof theAdi Tekelezan sub-zone. 1880. Mr. Mehari MebrahtuAdministrator of the Defere administrative area, Serejeka sub-zone.

1881. Mr. Mehretab FissehaAdministratorofHatsina administrative area in Areza sub-zone 1882. Mr. Mehretab Hiyabu AdministratorofEra-Laelaiadministrative area, Adi-Tekelezan sub-zone. 1883. Mr. Melake Ghebrehlassie Acting Administratorof the Adi-Niamin administrative area,Logo-

Anseba sub-zone 1884. Mr. Menghisteab FissehaAdministratorofHatsinaadministrative area, Berikh sub-zone.

1885. Mr. Menghisteab GebretensaeAdministratorof theKisad-Emba administrative area, Senafe sub-zone 07.08.09

1886. Mr. Menghisteab TzehaimerebAdministrator of Embakuakot administrative area.Adi-Keih sub-zone.

1887. Mr. Mengisteab FissehayeAdministrator of the Berik sub-zone

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1888. Mr. Mesfun EmhatzionAdministratorof the Temajulaadministrative area, Dubarwa sub-zone. 1889. Mr. Michael ZeromAdministratorof the Logo-Anseba sub-zone. 1890. Mr. Misghina TsegaiAdministratorofDeki-Zeru administrative area,Adi-Tekelezan sub-zone. 1891. Mr. Mulugheta Ghidey acting Head of the Tiravolo area administrative office in Asmara sub-zone. 1892. Mr. Negasi MehariAdministratorr of Ambesetegeleba administrative area, Senafe sub-zone.

1893. Mr. Okbasenbet MenghisteabAdministratorofDongolloadministrative area

1894. Mr. Oqbamichael GebremariamAdministratorof the villageToratin the Dubarwa sub-zone 1895. Mr.Russom KifleAdministratorof theMai-Aini sub-zone.

1896. Mr. Samuel NeguseAdministratorof the Derequadministrative area, Keren sub-zone.

1897. Mr. Seltene TeameAdministratorof the Tekondae administrative area, Adi-Keih sub-zone.

1898. Mr. Seyoum GebreyesusAdministratorofSenafe sub-zone.ofAdi-Quala sub-zone,10.3.19 1899. Mr. Shimanegus KidaneAdministratorof Emba-Baryaadministrative area, Tsorona and Adi-Quala

sub-zone. 1900. Mr. Shimondi WoldegiorgisAdministrator of the Omhajer semi-urban centre. 1901. Mr. Simon ArayaAdministratorof the Azaiha,Dirbeta, Embakatsai, Embeito and Adi-

Keretsadministrative area,,Dekemhare sub-zone

1902. Mr. Sium GebreyesusAdministrator of Adi-Quala sub-zone. 1903. Mr. Solomon HabtezghiAdministrator of Adebzage administrative area, Dubarwa sub-zone. 1904. Mr. Solomon HaileAdministratorof Gala-Nefhi sub-zone

1905. Mr. Solomon KinfeAdministrator of the Adi-Merkeja, Emni-Haili sub-zone. 4 May 2011

1906. Mr. Stifanos BokretsionAdministrator of Himbirty sub-zone. 1907. Mr. Tadesse GebregergisAdministrator of the Krora sub-zone.15.03.11 1908. Mr. Teages TesfaiAdministratorofEdensemi-urban centre in Elabereed sub-zone. 1909. Mr. Tearre HabteAdministratorofAntore administrative area, Laelai Gash sub-zone. 1910. Mr. Tearre HabtomAdministrator of Antore administrative area, Laelai-Gash sub-zone. 1911. Mr. Teclu Gebremeskel Acting AdministratorofDambaadministrative area, Dekemhare sub-zone. 1912. Mr. Tekie KeletaAdministratorof the Keren sub zone. 17 October 2010. 1913. Mr. Teklai EmunAdministratorofHalai administrative area in Segeneiti sub-zone 1914. Mr. Tekle TekesteAdministratorof Damba and Adi-Kerets administrative area, Dekemhare sub-

zone 21 March 2011. 1915. Mr. Tekle TekesteAdministratorof Damba and Adi-Kerets administrative area, Dekemhare sub-

zone 21 March 2011. 1916. Mr. Tekle TinsueAdministratorofRuba-Tseba administrative area (Senafe area) 1917. Mr. Tekleab BerhaneAdministratorof the Adi-Tsetser, Laelai-Gash sub-zone 1918. Mr. Tekleab GhebraiAdministratorof the Gaden administrative area, Dekemhare sub-zone. 1919. Mr. Tekleberhan GebrewoldAdministratorof the Tessenei sub-zone. 1920. Mr. Tekleberhan KibromAdministratorof the Hadish-Adi, Elabereed sub-zone 1921. Mr. Tekleberhan MihreteabAdministrator of Geleb sub-zone 9 May 2011 1922. Mr. Tekleberhan TesfatsionAdministrator administrative District ofAdi BerbereElabereed sub

zone 1923. Mr. Teklesenbet TesfayAdministratorof the Adi-Ghebru administrative areaAdi-Tekelezan sub-

zone 1924. Mr. Tesfagiorghis AsfahaAdministratorof the Shimanegus Tahtaiadministrative area, Serejeka


1925. Mr. Tesfahiwet Meresi’eAdministratorof the Belezaadministrative area, Serejeqa sub-zone. 1926. Mr. Tesfai FitwiAdministratorof Adi-Chegono administrative area, Mai-Mine sub-zone. 1927. Mr. Tesfalem Bahta Administrator Elaberid sub-zone, April 16, 2011

1928. Mr. Tesfalidet GebremariamAdministratorof the Mensura sub-zone. 1929. Mr. Tesfamariam MehariAdministratorof the area Molqi administrative area 1930. Mr. Tesfamariam Teame Acting AdministratorofTsorona sub-zone 1931. Mr. Tesfaselassie EliasAdministratorof the Embeito sub-zone.

1932. Mr. Teshale TekesteAdministrator of Damba & Adi-Kerets administrative areas in Dekemhare sub-zone.

1933. Mr. Tewelde Ghirmay acting Administratorof the She'ib sub-zone 1934. Mr. Tikabo SiumAdministrator of Tera-Emni administrative area, Dubarwa sub-zone

1935. Mr. Tiumzgi YohannesAdministrator of the Hagaz town. 1936. Mr. Woldemichael KidaneAdministrator of Segeneiti sub zone. 01 April 2011 1937. Mr. Woldu KifleAdministrator of Mai-Mine semi-urban center.

1938. Mr. Yakob FortunatoAdministrator of the Aikota administrative area, Shambuko sub-zone. 1939. Mr. Ybirah TekieAdministratorofDebremariam, in Areza and Mai-Mene, Southern region 1940. Mr. Yemane Gli’uAdministratorofHamelmalo sub-zone. 1941. Mr. Yemane TadesseAdministratorofWekerti administrative area, Dekemhare sub-zone 1942. Mr. Yikaalo Asghedom AdministratorofDebresina administrative area, Elabereed sub-zone

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1943. Mr. Zemhret WoldeabAdministrator of Arakub administrative area, Laelai Gash sub-zone.

1944. Mr. Zeragabir AndetsionAdministratorof the Habela administrative area, Logo-Anseba sub-zone.

1945. Mr. Zerai AndegergishAdministratorofShe'ib Selebaadministrative area, Elabereed sub-zone. 1946. Mr. Zerai BerheAdministratorof Southern Dankalia sub-zone. 1947. Mr. Zere Zerezgi Acting AdministratorofGolij sub-zone. 1948. Mr. Zerehaimanot HabtegergishAdministratorof the ofLibanadministrative area, Logo-Anseba

sub-zone 1949. Mr. Zeru Teklizghi Acting Administrator of the Golij sub-zone. 1950. Ms. Almaz AbrahaAdministrator of Geza Banda administrative area,Asmara. 1951. Ms. Almaz TelaAdministratorof Mekutiadministrative area 1952. Ms. Amete NiguseAdministratorGejeret administrative area,Asmara sub-zone. 1953. Ms. Fana TesfamariamAdministrator of Massawa city. 1954. Ms. Haregu WoldegiorgisAdministrator of Hamelmalo sub-zone (23.12. 2009) 1955. Ms. Hiwet MegosAdministratorofTiravolo administrative area, Asmara 1956. Ms. Kidisti GhebrezgabheirAdministratorofMai-Megudom administrative area, in Akrur

Segeneiti sub-zone,

1957. Ms. Leul AsratAdministratorof theEmni-Haili&Durko sub-zone.Dubarwa Town(09.05.09) 1958. Ms. Mil’ete TsegayAdministrator of Areza sub-zone 8 April 2011 1959. Ms. Tsegereda WoldegiorgisAdministratorofNorthern Red Sea region.

1960. Ms. Yordanos GhebraiAdministrator of administrative area No. 2 in the Keren town. 1961. Mr. Girmai MebrahtuAdministrator of theShe’ib sub-zone. 1962. Mr. Mebrahtu GebregziabherAdministrator of the Ewanet area Afabet sub-zone.

Mr. Tewelde KelatiAdministratorof the Central region. . (12.06.07)Minister of Fishery 02.10 1963. Mr. Abdalla Ali Hiero Acting Head of the Abo administrative area, South Denkalia sub-zone.

1964. Mr. Abdalla Osman GenadiAdministratorofEndraib administrative area, Agordat sub-zone. 1965. Mr. Abdelkerim IdrisAdministratorof the Forto Sawa sub-zone. 1966. Mr. Abdelkerim IdrisAdministrator of the Forto-Sawa sub-zone. April 18, 2011 1967. Mr. Abdella Mohammed Taha acting Administratorof Safora administrative area. 1968. Mr. Abdu Idris AdministratorofAdi-Keyih sub-zone. 1969. Mr. Abdu Mohammed TelkeAdministratorof theShe’ib sub-zone.(03.09)Afabet sub-zone 1970. Mr. AbdurahmanAdministrator of the Aklalat administrative area, Golij sub zone. 1971. Mr. Abubeker Mohammed Jimi’eAdministrator of the Asmat sub-zone. 1972. Mr. Abubekker AliAdministratorof the Administrative areas of Abo and KilomaSRS region.

1973. Mr. Abubekker MahmoudAdministratorofShambuko sub-zone 08.03.10 1974. Mr. Abubekker OsmanAdministratorof the Adi-Shegala area, Golij sub-zone. 1975. Mr. Adem SiedaiAdministratorofFakai administrative area, Hagaz sub-zone. 1976. Mr. Afa AbirAdministratorof the Shebah administrative area, Ghinda sub-zone 1977. Mr. Ahmed AliAdministrator of Aleti area, Araeta sub-zone,

1978. Mr. Ahmed HeileAdministrator of Mai-Habar administrative area, Ginda sub-zone 21 May 2011 1979. Mr. Ahmed IsmailAdministratorofBel’ubeiadministrative area, Central Denkalia sub-zone 1980. Mr. Ahmed MohammedAdministrator of Kiloma administrative areas in South Denkalia sub-

zone. 1981. Mr. Ahmed Mohammed NurJerebAdministratorof the Adobha sub-zone. 1982. Mr. Ahmed OsmanFerujAdministrator of the Logo-Anseba sub-zone. 25 May 2011 1983. Mr. Ali ArdaituAdministrator of Igroli administrative area Araeta sub-zone, Southern Red Sea

region. 1984. Mr. Ali EgahleAdministrator of the Hamerti administrative area, Araeta sub-zone. 1985. Mr. Ali Humed AdministratorofAdi-Arei administrative area in Hagaz sub-zone 1986. Mr. Ali HumedAdministrator of Asebui village, Mabra administrative area. 1987. Mr. Ali IgahlieAdministratorHamerti administrative area, Araeta sub-zone. 1988. Mr. Ali MahmoudAdministrator of the Southern Red Sea region 25 June 2011 1989. Mr. Ali MahmoudAdministrator of the Southern Red Sea region 25 June 2011 1990. Mr. Ali MohammedAdministrator of Tio

1991. Mr. Ali RiedoAdministratorof Seriru village, Mabra administrative area, 1992. Mr. Aurelyo JacominoAdministratorof the Agordat sub-zone. 23 January 2011

1993. Mr. Beshir MohammadAdministratorof the Aibaba Administrative Area, Geleb sub-zone 1994. Mr. Dar EzuzAdministrator ofMihlab administrative area, Geleb sub-zone. 1995. Mr. Dini OmerAdministrator of Rokhoito administrative area in Southern region administration.

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1996. Mr. Dini OmerAdministrator of Rokhoito administrative area, Adi-Keih sub-zone.

1997. Mr. Doren OsmanAdministratorof theRehaita administrative area, South Denkalia sub-zone 1998. Mr. Franco KubabaAdministratorof the Barentu sub-zone 14.05,10 1999. Mr. Gergish Ghirmay (Shekh Zaid)AdministratorofAnseba region29.05.09 (blen) 2000. Mr. Hamdu YosufAdministrator of the Haikota sub-zone. 19 May 2011 2001. Mr. Hamid AmirAdministrator of Quar’obeladministrative area, Habero sub-zone. 2002. Mr. Hamid HajjAdministratorofForo sub-zone.

2003. Mr. Hamid HasebelaAdministratorofKeren. 2004. Mr. Hamid Idris ShekaiAdministratorof the Mensura sub-zone. 2005. Mr. Hamid Mohammed AliAdministrator of the Gelalo sub-zone, Northern Red Sea region.

2006. Mr. Hamid Omar SalehAdministratorof theSabunaitadministrative area, Golij sub-zone. 2007. Mr. Hamid YusufAdministratorof the Haikota sub-zone 2008. Mr. Hamidnor Mohammed-AliAdministrator of the Agrae-Tehat administrative area, Nacfa sub-

zone. 2009. Mr. Hassan IbrahimAdministratorof the Hashishai administrative area, Hagaz sub-zone

2010. Mr. Hassen IsmaelAdministratorofMai-Shigliadministrative area,Laelai-Gash sub-zone

2011. Mr. Hassen ShenkhaiAdministratorof the Mengula administrative area, Golij sub-zone 2012. Mr. Hidug MohammedAdministrator of the Adi-Omar administrative area, Tessenei sub-zone. 2013. Mr. Humed Ela AliAdministrator of Kerkebet sub-zone. 2014. Mr. Humed Idris AwedaAdministratorofDeret administrative area, Agordat sub-zone.

2015. Mr. Humed YacobAdministratorofAdi-Ibrahim administrative area Dige sub-zone. 2016. Mr. Hussein MohammednurAdministratorof Habero sub-zone. 2017. Mr. Hussein Omar ShahriaAdministrator of Bede administrative area, Gelaalo sub-zone. 2018. Mr. Ibrahim Mohammed Sheik Al the Administrator of the Edi semi-urban centre, Central

Denkalia sub-zone. 2019. Mr. Ibrahim ShitelAdministratorof the Shabait administrative area, Afabet sub-zone

2020. Mr. Ibrahim Tedros AdministratorofMeratadministrative area.Geleb sub-zone 2021. Mr. Idris Ali ShakerAdministratorof theNacfa sub-zone

2022. Mr. Idris Ata AhmedAdministrator of Ad IbrahimVillage, Afabet sub-zone.

2023. Mr. Idris IbrahimAdministrator of Dresa, Golj sub-zone. 2024. Mr. Idris Ma’etuq Acting Administrator of the Emberemi admistrative area, Massawa sub-zone.

2025. Mr. Idris Mohammed HamidAdministratorofHagaz sub-zone 2026. Mr. Idris Mohammed OmarAdministratorofAsnedasemi-urban centre which is the hub ofAsmat

sub-zone 2027. Mr. Idris Mohammed OmerAdministrator of the Asneda semi-urban area, Asmat sub zone. 2028. Mr. Idris Mohammed OsmanAdministratorofIrjinay Village

2029. Mr. Idris ZekariAdministratorofAiterfa administrative area, Golij sub-zone. 2030. Mr. Jimi’e Bekit MahmoudAdministratorofWazintet administrative area,Hamelmalo sub-zone 2031. Mr. Jimi’e Suleiman ActingAdministratorofDubarwa sub-zone21.01.08 2032. Mr. Kerar Wuhaj AliAdministratorof the Lekoyeb administrative area, Kerkebet sub-zone.

2033. Mr. Khalifa Saleh Abdalla ActAdministratorofSabunait administrativearea inGolij sub-zone 2034. Mr. Kidane NadirAdministratorof the Eden town, Anseba region May 3, 2011 2035. Mr. Lila MarigAdministratorof the Sosonaadministrative area Barentu sub-zone

2036. Mr. Mahmoud AbdellaAdministratorof the area Leaiten administrative area, Ghinda sub-zone 2037. Mr. Mahmud MohammednurAdministratorof the Kerset administrative area, Halhal sub-zone

sub-zone. 2038. Mr. Mahmud MohammednurAdministratorof the Kerset administrative area, Halhal sub-zone


2039. Mr. Mohammed AbdallahAdministratorof the Le’aten administrative area, Ghinda sub-zone. 2040. Mr. Mohammed AdemAdministratorofFelket administrative area in Afabet sub-zone 2041. Mr. Mohammed Adem IdrisAdministratorofLibaniay administrative area inHaikota sub-zone 2042. Mr. Mohammed Adem ShegheraiAdministratorofAfabet sub-zone

2043. Mr. Mohammed AhmedAdministratorof theHirkok administrative area in Mensura sub-zone. 2044. Mr. Mohammed AliAdministratorof the Awgaro, Laelai-Gash sub-zone 2045. Mr. Mohammed AliAdministrator of Beylul administrative area, Denkalia sub-zone. 2046. Mr. Mohammed Ali IbrahimAdministrator of Telata-Asher.

2047. Mr. Mohammed Ali MussaAdministratorof Himbol administrative areas in Kerkebet sub-zone. 2048. Mr. Mohammed AlnurAdministratorof the Mengula administration area, Golij sub-zone. 2049. Mr. Mohammed Habena Acting Administrator of Sireru administrative area.

2050. Mr. Mohammed Hamed AshkeraiAdministratorof the Mogolo sub-zone 2051. Mr. Mohammed HamidAdministratorofZula sub-zone.of theAdi-Keih sub-zone. 20.04.09

2052. Mr. Mohammed Hassen HumedAdministratorof the Rikeb, Sel’a sub-zone

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2053. Mr. Mohammed Humed MohammedAdministratorof the Aget administrative area, Afabet sub-zone.

2054. Mr. Mohammed Idris AhmedAdministratorofGizgiza administrative area Hamelmalo sub-zone

2055. Mr. Mohammed Kier MahmoudAdministratorofDibi administrative area,Tsorona sub zone. 2056. Mr. Mohammed Mahmud Idris AdministratorofFanko administrative area, Tessenei sub zone. 2057. Mr. Mohammed MakhbulAdministratorofDehlIsland. 2058. Mr. Mohammed SalehAdministratorofBerasole administrative area, Southern-Denkalia sub-


2059. Mr. Mohammed Saleh JaberaAdministrator of the Nakfa sub zone 19.05.10

2060. Mr. Mohammed Saleh OsmanAdministratorofShelab administrative area, Agordat sub-zone. 2061. Mr. Mohammed-Idris AhmedAdministrator r of the Gizgiza administrative area, Hamelmalo sub-

zone. 2062. Mr. Mohammednur Mohammed Ali Administrator of Baqla administrative area, Nacfa sub zone.

2063. Mr. Mussa Omar KadiAdministratorof the Berdoli administrative area, Gelaalo sub-zone. 2064. Mr. Mustafa Nurhussein Administratorof the Southern region.

2065. Mr. Nassar Omar NassarAdministratorofHagaz town. 2066. Mr. Nesredin Ali BekitAdministratorofBegu administrative area, Halhal sub-zone. 2067. Mr. Omar IbrahimAdministrator of Durfo. 2068. Mr. Omar IbrahimAdministratorof the Egla administrative area, Adi-Keih sub-zone. 2069. Mr. Omar JebibAdministratorofDurfo administrative area 2070. Mr. Omar MohammedAdministrator of Foro sub-zone. 2071. Mr. Omar MohammedAdministrator of the Foro sub-zone. 2072. Mr. Omar SalehAdministratorof the Naro-Ans administrative area, Afabet sub-zone. 2073. Mr. Omar YahyaAdministrator of Araeta sub-zone. 2074. Mr. Omer MohammedAdministrator of Foro sub-zone April 26, 2011 2075. Mr. Osman ArafaAdministratorofHalhal sub-zone. 19.04.07 2076. Mr. Osman ArafatAdministrator of theAdi Keyih.Emni-Haili sub-zone. 2077. Mr. Osman Humed YigahleAdministratorof Abeadministrative area in Central Denkalia sub-

zone. 2078. Mr. Rashid Mohammed OsmanHead of secondary level of education unit in the

EducationMinistry’s branch in the Northern Red Sea region.

2079. Mr. Saleh Abdalla AAdministratorofHashakitoadministrative areaDige sub-zone19 March 2010

2080. Mr. Saleh Ahmed MohammedAdministratorofAleti-Aitos in Araeta sub-zone 2081. Mr. Saleh Al-AminAdministrator of the Meashiyat in Emberemi administrative area, Massawa


2082. Mr. Saleh HajjAdministratorofDige sub-zone, Gash-Barka region 2083. Mr. Saleh IbrahimAdministrator of the Erafale administrative area, Northern Red Sea region. 2084. Mr. Saleh IbrahimAdministrator of the Erafale administrative area, Northern Red Sea region. 2085. Mr. Saleh Mussa HamidAdministratorof theEmahmime semi-urban center NRS Region.

2086. Mr. Saleh OmieraAdministratorof the Bakla areaNorthern Red Sea 2087. Mr. Saleh Osman AmarAdministratorof Gerbet in the Geleb sub-zone 2088. Mr. Seid IsmailAdministratorofMekasorat administrative area ofAligidirsub-zone

2089. Mr. Seid Mohammed AliAdministratorofFana administrative area, Hagaz sub-zone 2090. Mr. Shekedin SalehActing Administratorof the Gogne sub-zone 2091. Mr. Shemshudin MohammedAdministratorof the Bihta area Ara’ata sub-zone SRS region 2092. Mr. Siraj Mohammed ActingAdministratorofGeza-Dungur administrative area, Areza sub-zone. 2093. Mr. Suleiman HajjAdministratorof theMendefera sub-zone 2094. Mr. Suleiman YusufAdministratorofDesk 2. 2095. Mr. Wela Mohammed AliAdministratorofDegeadministrative area, Agordat sub zones.

2096. Mr. Yassin TelaAdministratorofTologimja&Girmenadministrative area,Shambuko sub-zone 2097. Mr. Yusuf AliAdministratorofAfhimbol administrative area,Dige sub-zone 2098. Mr. Humed Mohammed IdrisAdministratorof theDeretadministrative area, Agordat sub-zone 2099. Ms.Amna Hajj OsmanAdministratorofGhinda sub-zone 2100. Ms. Emuna Mohamed Administrator ofHaskakito Village administrative area, Adi-Keih sub-

zone. 2101. Ms. Khedigia Shekh AliAdministratorof Tekreret Village.

2102. Sheik Ali BimnetAdministratorof the Geleb semi-urban center 2103. Sultan Abdulkader Dawudthe Sultan ofRehaita.

Ms. Selma HassanAdministratorofAnseba region. 27.01.07 Minister “29.05.09” Mr. Mohammed Omar Gulai AdministratorofDekemhare administrative area. (in Jail) Mr. Mohammed Seid BarihAdministratorofAnseba region(Deceased).

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Brig. GeneralAbdalla MussaAdministratorofNorthern Red Sea region.Now Ambassador to Libya Mr. Osman Mohammed OmarAdministratortheSouthern Red Sea region. From (12.06.07) to April 4, 2011Eritrean Embassy in Egypt

145”Tigrigna”=51.71% 142 Others = 48.29% 294Total = 100 %


Eritrea has established diplomatic relations at Ambassadorial level with 32 countries, 6 at Consular level and 5 at Honorary Consul level

2104. Dr. Andeab GebremeskelEritrean Ambassador to Australia 23.04.07 2105. Mr. Ahferom Berhane Eritrean ConsularAffairs to Canada24.04.07 2106. Mr. Alem Negash(Hadish?)EritreanConsulGeneral in JubaSudan 2107. Mr. Alem Tsehaye Eritrean Ambassador(toChina) to India 21.07.07

2108. Mr. Araya Desta Eritrean Ambassador to the Scandinavian countries, Permanent Representative of Eritrea to the UN in 2008

2109. Mr. Berhane GebrehiwotHeadofPublic Affairs at the Eritrean Embassy in Washington 2110. Mr. Berhane ZereHeadofPublic Affairs in the Eritrean Embassy in the German 2111. Mr. Berhane ZereHeadofPublicand CommunityAffairs at the Eritrean Embassy in Germany 2112. Mr. Daniel Gezai Eritrean Consulin Norway, 2113. Mr. Estifanos AfwerkiEritreanAmbassador to Japan 2114. Mr. Fasil Gebreselassie Eritrean Ambassador to Egypt 2008 2115. Mr. Fessehasion PetrosDirectorGeneralofDesks in the Foreign Ministry 2116. Mr. Gabriel Fasil Eritrean Ambassador toIndia

2117. Mr. Ghirmay Fessehasion, Eritrean Consulto Kuwait 2118. Mr.Ghirmay Ghebremariam, theEritrean Ambassador to the United States 2119. Mr. Haile AsfahaHeadofConsularAffairsin the Department. 2120. Mr. Hannibal Menghis diplomat in kenya 2121. Mr. Jonas MannaChargé d'Affaires at the Eritrean Embassy in Sweden. 2122. Mr. Negassi Sengal, Eritrean Ambassador to the United Kingdom and Ireland 2123. Mr. Russom Gebreghergish the Eritrean Consul General in Milan. 2124. Mr. Solomon Kinfe EritreanConsulGeneral in Italy 2125. Mr. Solomon Mahari Eritrean Consul in the Netherlands, 2126. Mr. Tekle MenghisteabHeadofpublic and community affairs at theEritrean Embassy to

Scandinavia 2127. Mr. Tesfa Alem SeyoumChargé d'Affairesof the Eritrean Mission to the UN. 2128. Mr. Tesfalem Gerahtu Eritrean Consul in Uganda 2129. Mr. Tesfamariam TekesteEritrean Ambassador to theIsrael 2130. Mr. Tesfamichael GerahtuEritrean Ambassador to the United Kingdom and Ireland 2009 2131. Mr. Tewelde Mihreteab the Eritrean Charge D’Affaires in South Africa. 2132. Mr. Tsegai TesfazionEritrean Ambassador to theChina 2133. Mr. Tsehaye FasilFirst Secretaryat the Eritrean Embassy in Washington, DC. 2134. Mr. Woldeselassie Ghebremedhin the HeadofEritrea's Consularoffice in Germany.




300 270

145 145

125 125




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2135. Mr. Yohannes TeklemikaelConsulGeneralin Northern Emirate and Dubai. 2136. Mr. Yohannes Teklemikael, General Eritrean Consul in United Arab Emirates (UAE) 2137. Mr. Zemede Tekle Eritrean Ambassador to Italy 2138. Ms Weini GebrezgheirFirst Secretaryat the Eritrean Embassy in Riyadh KSA. 2139. Ms. Haregu TesfamariamHeadofPublic affairs at the Embassy of Eritrea in UK 2140. Ms. Semainesh KirosHead of ConsularAffairsin the Eritrean Embassy in Italy 2141. Mr. Beyene Russom Eritrean Ambassador to the Republic of Kenya. 2142. Mr. Russom Gebregiorgis Eritrean Consul in Milano, 31 March 2011 2143. Mr. Russom Gebregiorgis Eritrean Consul in Milano. 2144. Mr. Berhane GebrehiwetFirst Secretary of the Eritrean Embassy to the US. 2145. Mr. Beyene RussomEritreanAmbassador to Kenya. 13 May 2011 2146. Ambassador Hanna SimonHead of the affairs of Eritreans in the Diaspora in the Foreign Ministry. 2147. Mr. Negasi Kassa Advisor of the Eritrean Embassy in Belgium

2148. Brig. General Abdalla MussaEritrean Ambassador to Libya

2149. Lt. ColonelKhalid AberraChargé d'Affairesin the Eritrean Embassy to South Africa, 2150. Mr. Abdalla Al-Kesan Metreji Eritrean Honorary Consul in Lebanon05.2010 2151. Mr. Abdu Heji Eritrean Ambassador to Danmark Pakistan 2152. Mr. Abdurahman Osman Eritrean Consul General in Saudi Arabia 22 March 2011. 2153. Mr. Ahmed Hassen Dahli Eritrean Ambassador toFrance 2154. Mr. Ahmed M. Imam General ConsulofEritrea for Western United States of America, 2155. Mr. Al-Amin Nafi’eChargé d'Affairesin the Eritrean Embassy to Saudi Arabia now in United Arab

Emirates. 2156. Mr. Ali Ibrahim Ahmed Eritrean Ambassador toQatar

2157. Mr. Atijani KhalidFirst Secretaryofthe Eritrean Consulin Canada. 2158. Mr. Beshir Idris NurOmarEritreanConsularAffairsin Australia 2159. Mr. Beshir Idris Eritrean ConsulGeneralto Australia and New Zealand.

2160. Mr. Hamed Yahiya HaliGeneral Consul inLebanon 2161. Mr. Idris Abu sheik Eritrean Consul General in Bahrain 2162. Mr. Ismael MussaHead of Public D’Affairs in the Eritrean Embassy in Sudan. 2163. Mr. Mahmud Ali Jabra Eritrean Ambassadorin Djibouti.

2164. Mr. Mohammed Ali Umaro Eritrean Ambassador to Kenya, Nigeria

2165. Mr. Mohammed Ismail Mahmud Eritrean AmbassadorinSaudi Arabia 24.04.07 2166. Mr. Mohammed Omar MahmudEritrean Ambassador to Saudi Arabia 15 May 2009 and

Lebanon as Eritrea's non-resident Ambassador 2167. Mr. Mohammed SuleimanEritrea’s Ambassador to the(European Union (EU)). Holland again

(EU)).21-04 2011 2168. Mr. Mohammed Suleiman Eritrean Ambassador to the EU 2169. Mr. Mohammedseid Mantai Eritrean Ambassador to Sudan. 7 April 2011 2170. Mr. Mussa Yassin EritreanAmbassador to Kuwait. 2171. Mr. Mussa YassinShekedin Eritrean Ambassadorto Yemen 2172. Mr. Nurhussein Mohammed Consular Affairsto Sweden 2173. Mr. Osman Mohammed Omar Eritrean Ambassador to Egypt. April 4, 2011 2174. Mr. Osman Mohammed Omar Eritrean Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) 2175. Mr. Saleh OmarEritrean Ambassador to Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. Now South Africa 21-04

2011 2176. Mr. Isa Ahmed Isa Eritrean Ambassador to Sudan replaced on 7 April 2011

Mr. Mohammed Omar Chirum Eritrean Ambassador toEgypt & Kuwait(Defected To Canada20.06.2009) Mr. Suleiman AlHaj IbrahimAmbassadortoSaudi Arabia. M, E. Foreign Affairs Asmara. Now Mendefera Administrator

Ms. Nura Mohammed Omer the Eritrean Consular Affairsto Canada. 24.04.07 freezed with no job

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44"Tigrigna"= 61, 32% 28Others = 38, 88%

72Total = 100 %

Chairperson, Secretary

2177. Ms. Alem BelayChairpersonof the NUEW branch in Anseba region. 2178. Ms. Alganesh AndemichaelChairpersonof the NUEW branch office in the Embaderho, Serejeqa

sub-zone. 2179. Ms. Asmeret Habtegergish, V/ Chairpersonof the National Union ofEritrean Women (NUEW) 2180. Ms. AziebTeweldeChairpersonof the Eritrean Libraryand Information Association. 2181. Ms. Bisrat MisghinaHeadofSocial services and rehabilitations in the (NUEW) Union’s branch in the

Central region. 2182. Ms. Elsa KidaneHeadof the NUEW branch office in Riyadh. 2183. Ms. Filippos GebremeskelChairpersonof the NUEW branch in Italy. 2184. Ms. Leul GebreabChairpersonoftheNUEW.

2185. Ms. Mebrat HabteChairpersonof the National Union ofEritrean Women (NUEW) branch in Europe. 2186. Ms. Meharite MisghinaChairpersonof the NUEW branch in the Tsorona Sub zone 2187. Ms. Aster BokuraiChairpersonof the Union in Washington D.C. and its environs.. 2188. Ms. Selome DanieChairpersonofNUEW in Omhajer town 2189. Ms.Freweyni Tekeste Chairpersonof the Mekete Task Force Committee in the Washington DC area. 2190. Ms. Tirhas KeletaChairpersonof the NUEW’s branch in Switzerland. 2191. Ms. Tirhas Mehari head ofNUEYS in the Hamelmalo sub-zone 2192. Ms. Weini Negash Chairpersonof NUEW branch in the Southern region. 2193. Ms. Rut FitsumChairpersonof the Organizing Committee of the Conference the 6th Berlin YPFDJ

Conference. 2194. Ms. Ruth SimonChairpersonof the Eritrean Film Rating Committee (EFRC). 2195. Ms. Saba SiumSecretaryof the NUEW branch in Germany. 2196. Ms. Elsa HaileSecretaryof the NUEW branch in Demam. 2197. Ms. Aster BokuraiChairpersonofthe of NUEWin Washington D.C. 2198. Ms. Samrawit MichaelChairpersonof the NUEW branch in .North America.

2199. Ms. Rahel WoldeabChairpersonof the International Youth Symposium Coordinating Committee. 2200. Ms. Freweyni TekesteChairperson of the Resolute Rebuff Committee in Washington D.C. 2201. Ms. Saba SibhatuChairpersonof the NUEW branch in Jeddah 2202. Ms. Freweini TekesteChairperson of the Mekete committee for the residing in Washington D.C. 2203. Semret Kidane:ChairpersonYPFDJ. in Norway Karl Yohans gata 4, 0154 Oslo, Norway

[email protected] 2204. Fewen TsigeChairpersonYPFDJ. GermanyEritreischer Jugendverein 2205. Yordanos BeyeneChairpersonYPFDJ.Italy Via Ferruccio 44, 00100 Rome, Italy

[email protected] 2206. Ms Freweyni Chairperson of Nuew Association in Jeddah

2207. Ms. Aisha MahmoudChairpersonof the Anseba regional Assembly. 2208. Ms. Asha Ali NurChairpersonof the NUEW in the Northern Red Sea region. 2209. Ms. Faizet AdalaChairpersonof the NUEW in the Geleb sub-zone. 2210. Ms. Jim’a Mohammed OmarChairpersonof the NUEW branch in Britain 2211. Ms. Sheika Fatima Bint MubarakChairpersonof the Family Development Foundation.


38 38

25 25









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2212. Ms. Khedigia OmarChairpersonof the festival organizing committee in the Southern Red Sea region.

2213. Ms. Jim’a AdemChairpersonof the Festival’s coordinating committee in the Anseba region. 2214. Ms. Raeyet OsmanSecretaryof the NUEW in the Nacfa sub-zone.

30”Tigrigna” = 78.94% 8 Others = 21.06 %

38 Total = 100 %

Chairmen,Commissioner, Secretary, President 2215. ColonelWoldegebriel MisgunChairman of the Etaro community. 2216. Dr. Berekhet FessehasionChairman of the Mekete Committee in UK& Ireland 2217. Dr. Berekhet SibhatuChairmanoftheEritrean Doctors Association. 2218. Dr. Eyassu GebretatiosChairmanof the Eritrean AgriculturalExperts Association. 2219. Dr. Hailu EmbayeChairman of the agitation committee in the Eritrean Community in the UK. 2220. Dr. Mismay GebrehiwotChairmanofEritrean Doctors Associationreplaced by 2221. Dr. Rezene ArayaChairmanof the Eritrean National Diabetic Association. 2222. Dr. Tewelde Woldekidan Chairman EPCC in London 2223. Dr. Tewelde WoldekidanChairmanof resolute Rebuff Committee in London. 2224. Eng. Mulugheta GebrezgheirChairmanof the Contractors and Electrical Engineering Consultants

association. 2225. Eng. Tsegai EliasChairmanofHizbawi Mekete in the southern African region. 2226. Keshi Russom KahsaiChairman of the fruits and vegetable farming Association in Ketina stream and

Ubel, Mai-Mine sub-zone. 2227. Keshi Sebhatleab ZeweldiChairman n of the Vegetable Farming Owners Association in Dekemhare

sub-zone 2228. Kuluberhan GebremedhinChairmanYPFDJ. Holland Jongeren voor Jongeren s’Gravendijkwal

28, 3014 ec Rotterdam, The Netherlands [email protected] 2229. Mr. Abraham HadguChairmanof Holidays Coordinating Committee in the two countries Australia

and New Zealand 2230. Mr. Abraham MichaelChairman of the Owners And Employees Of Service-Rendering Enterprises

Association’s branch in the Northern Red Sea region. 2231. Mr. Abraham MichaelSecretary of the Eritrean TourismService-Rendering Institutions. 2232. Mr. Abraham SemereChairmanof the Central Regional Assembly 2233. Mr. Afwerki GebregziabherChairmanof the Central region’s Eritrean Teachers Association 2234. Mr. Aklilu LigjamPresidentof the National Cycling Federation

2235. Mr. Alem TekleghiorgisChairmanof the Holidays Coordinating Committee in the Scandinavian countries.

2236. Mr. Alem TekleghiorgisChairman of the National Holidays Coordinating Committee(NHCC) in Sweden

2237. Mr. Alem ZomoSecretary in of the Eritrean Scandinavian Sports Coordinating Committee






24 24

8 8




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2238. Mr. Andemariam GebrehiwetChairmanof carnival show committee in the Central regionalAdministration 9 July 2010

2239. Mr. Andemariam GebremedhinChairman of the holidays coordinating committee in the Central regional Administration.

2240. Mr. Andemariam GebremedhinChairman of the holidays coordinating committee in the Central region.

2241. Mr. Andemeskel GebreyesusChairman of fruits and vegetables producing cooperatives in theTessenei sub-zone.

2242. Mr. Andemeskel GebreyesusChairman of fruits and vegetables producing cooperatives in theTessenei sub-zone.

2243. Mr. Andemichael G/SelassieChairmanof the Holiday Organizing Committee (ENHOC). 2244. Mr. Aregai GebregziabherChairmanof the Tourism services Association in Zone Anseba. 2245. Mr. Asefaw AsghedomChairmanof the Eritrean Community in Djibouti. 2246. Mr. Ataklti ArefaineChairmanof the Eritrean youth association in Italy 2247. Mr. Berhane AdonaiSecretaryGeneralof the Segen Eritrean Artist Group. 2248. Mr. BerhaneChairmanofPFDJ. -North America (the ruling party’s representative in North

America) 2249. Mr. Berhane EyassuChairmanof the Holidays Coordinating Committee in Assab. 2250. Mr. Berhane GebrehiwotChairmanof theCoordinatingCommittee. 2251. Mr. Berhane GhirmuChairmanof the Eritrean Community in Torino 2252. Mr. Berhane Issak Chairmanof the government garages branch office in the Southern Red Sea

region. 2253. Mr. Berhane Zere Chairmanof the Holidays Coordinating Committee ofthe Northern Red Sea

region 2254. Mr. Beyene MelkeChairmanof the Resistance Committee in Sudan 2255. Mr. Daniel BerhaneChairmanYPFDJ.Uk 96 White Lion Street, N1 9PF London, England

[email protected] 2256. Mr. Dawit Fesshaye(Wedi Police)Chairmanof the Eritrean National Association of the Blind(ERNAB) 2257. Mr. Dawit MengisteabChairman of the holidays coordinating committee in the Southern Red

Searegion. 2258. Mr. Debesai AfwerkiSecretaryof the PFDJ. in the Agordat sub-zone. 2259. Mr. Elias AmareChairmanof the Eritrean Film Rating Committee 2260. Mr. Ermias GhideyChairmanof The Eritrean Community in Milan 2261. Mr. Estifanos HagosChairmanof the Eritrean Pharmaceutical Association 2262. Mr. Eyob HadguSecretaryof the Central regional Assembly. 2263. Mr. Fekadu Teweldemedhin 2264. Mr. Fesshaye Tesfamichael vice Chairmanof the Eritrean War Disabled Veterans

Association(EWDVA) 2265. Mr. Filippos Gebremeskel ChairmanofNUEW branch office in Italy. 2266. Mr. Fitsum GebregziabherChairmanof the National Holidays Coordinating Committee in Anseba

region 2267. Mr. Fitsum YemaneChairmanof the village development committee in Zagir, Serejeka sub-zone 2268. Mr. Gebreberhan EyassuChairmanofTheEritrean National War Disabled Veterans Association. 2269. Mr. Gebreberhan EyasuChairmanof the Eritrean National War-disabled Veterans Association in

Barentu. 2270. Mr. Gebrehannes WoldegiorgisChairmanof the holidays coordinating committee of theAnseba

region 2271. Mr. Gebremichael HabteselassieChairmanof the Barentu Town Council. 2272. Mr. Gebremichael MosazghiChairman of dairy farm owners association in the town Barentu. 2273. Mr. Gebremichael TesfomSecretaryof the Algen Camp Community. 2274. Mr.Gebreselassie NegashSecretaryof thePFDJ. &Chairmanof the region’s Holidays Coordinating

Committeein Southern Region. 2275. Mr. Ghirmay BerheChairmanof the Eritrean National Holiday Organizing Committee (ENHOC) in


2276. Mr. Ghirmay YemaneChairmanofEritrean Community inRiyadh. 2277. Mr. Gideon FesshayeChairmanof the19th Independence Anniversary CelebrationsCommittee. 2278. Mr. Girmai AbreheChairman of the Eritrean Association of Road Traffic Safety. 2279. Mr. Girmai TesfaiChairman of the festival preparatory committee in the Netherlands.

2280. Mr. Girmai TesfaiChairman of the festival preparatory committee in the Netherlands.

2281. Mr. Hadish AsghedomChairmanof the school committee and representative of the Agordat sub-zonal administration.

2282. Mr. Hadish TadesseChairman of the Hearing Impaired Association in the Gash-Barka region. 2283. Mr. Isak TesfagergisChairman of the Eritrean Teachers Association.

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2284. Mr. Issak TesfagiorghisChairman of the Eritrean Teachers Association. 2285. Mr. Kesete Abraha,Steering Committee on Cultural Heritage, Secretariat. 2286. Mr. Kiflom TesfamariamChairmanof the library committee of Camp Denden. 2287. Mr. Kuluberhan GebremedhinChairmanYPFDJ. Holland Jongeren voor Jongeren

s’Gravendijkwal 28, 3014 ec Rotterdam, The Netherlands [email protected] 2288. Mr. Mahteme AskelawiChairmanof the Independence Day celebration Committee in the Northern

Red Sea Region. 2289. Mr. Mahteme AskelawiChairmanof the Independence Day celebration Committee in the Northern

Red Sea Region. 2290. Mr. Mebrahtu AsfahaChairmanof Barka Farming Associations in Tessenei sub-zone. 2291. Mr. Mebrahtu EyasuChairmanof the Association of Agricultural Experts. 2292. Mr. Mekonnen GhebremariamChairmanofYPFDJ- DC in North America) in North America) 2293. Mr. Mekonnen KidaneChairmanof the Oral Tradition Coordinating Committee

2294. Mr. Michael ZerizgiChairmanof vegetables farming association in the Haikota sub-zone.

2295. Mr. Naigzy GhebremedhinChairmanof the Steering Committee on Cultural Heritage. 2296. Mr. Nega HaileChairmanof the Association ofEritrean Returnees from North America and Canada 2297. Mr. Negassi Goitom Chairmanofthe Holidays Coordinating Committee of theNorthern Red Sea

Administration 2298. Mr. Negassi Tesfagaber, Sports Commissionerin the Southern region 2299. Mr. Negassi TesfamichaelChairmanof Fruits and Vegetables Farming Association in the Southern

region 2300. Mr. Negassi TesfamichaelChairman of the DekemhareFarmers'Association. 2301. Mr. Neguse HaileChairman of the Association of Dairy Producers in Southern region. 2302. Mr. Ogbay BerheSecretaryof the Festival Coordinating Committee. 2303. Mr. Okubamicheal TeweldeChairmanof the Association of the Eritrean National Association for the

Deaf(E.N.A.D). 2304. Mr. Reda’e TeklaiChairmanof the technical committee and senior Expertofforestation and wildlife

in the Agriculture Ministry. 2305. Mr. Rezene AdonaiChairman of the holidays coordinating committee in the Gash-Barka reigon.

2306. Mr. Rezene AdonaiPFDJ. Secretary in Gash-Barka region. 2307. Mr. Rezene AraiaChairmanof the Holidays Coordinating Committee in Keren. 2308. Mr. Samson YaredYPFDJ. in Norway 2309. Mr. Samuel AmanuelChairman of fruits and vegetables association in the Dubarwa sub-zone. 2310. Mr. Samuel BelayChairman of the Employers FederationBranch in Anseba region. 2311. Mr. Samuel MenghisteabChairmanof the Dairy Products Association in Dekemhare sub-zone. 2312. Mr. Semere NetsereabChairmanof the Awet Bus Owners Association. 2313. Mr. Semere PetrosChairmanof the Cooperative Association ofTanners 2314. Mr. Senai SolomonLemmaChairmanYPFDJ. Denmark Johan Kellers vej 26 4tv, 2450 Copenhagen,

Denmark [email protected] 2315. Mr. Senai SolomonLemmaChairmanYPFDJ. Denmark Johan Kellers vej 26 4tv, 2450 Copenhagen,

Denmark [email protected] 2316. Mr. Sibhatu BeyeneChairmanof the AlgenCamp Community. (Asmara). 2317. Mr. Solomon AbegazChairmanof the Holidays Coordinating Committee inBarentu. 2318. Mr. Solomon AbrahaChairman of the Eritrean Service-Rendering Institutions Association. 2319. Mr. Solomon AbrahaChairmanof the Eritrean Tourism Service Association(ETSA) 2320. Mr. Solomon DirarChairmanofHidri Publishers 2321. Mr. Solomon GebrekidanChairmanof Bidho (of HIV patients Association). 2322. Mr. Tedros AndemichaelChairman of the Eritrean community in North America and Canada

community. 2323. Mr. Tedros HailemariamChairman of the dairy farm cooperatives association in Adi-Quala sub-

zone. 2324. Mr. Tedros Yared Vice-ChairmanYPFDJ. in Norway 2325. Mr. Tekeste BaireChairmanof the National Confederation ofEritrean Workers (NCEW) 2326. Mr. Tekeste FesshayeChairmanThe Eritrean National War-Disabled Veterans Association

(ENWDVA) branch office in Sweden 2327. Mr. Tekle GhebrekidanChairmanof the AwgetCommunity and the NUEYS’s branch in the Central

region. 2328. Mr. Tesfai Berhe deputy President of the Eritrean National Cycling Federation. 2329. Mr. Tesfai GebreyesusChairmanoftheEritrean Football Federation. 2330. Mr. Tsegai Mogos vice Secretaryof the National Confederation of Eritrean Workers (NCEW), 2331. Mr. Tsehaye TsegaiChairmanof the Eritrean Teachers Association. 2332. Mr. Woldai Ghebre Chairmanof theSouthern Regional Assembly. 2333. Mr. Woldu Kidane Chairmanof the Holidays Coordinating Committee in Scandinavia

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2334. Mr. Yemane TesfayChairman of the National Confederation of Eritrean Workers (NCEW). 2335. Mr. Yohannes DebesaiChairmanEAAA-transition WWW.EAAARUNNERS.ORG 2336. Mr. Yohannes TekleabChairmanof the service-rendering institutions association branch office in the

Central region. 2337. Mr.Zemichael GebrewoldiChairmanofEritrean Community in Norway 2338. Mr. Zerai BerheChairmanof the Southern Red Sea regionborder sub-committee 2339. Mr. Zeresenai TesfaiChairmanof the 4th ERI-Youth Festival’s coordinating committee. 2340. Mrs. Fethawit GhebrezghiHead of economic affairs YPFDJ. in Norway 2341. Mrs. Misgana GhebreberhanChairman YPFDJ.Swiss 7 boulevard Carl-Vogt, 1205 Geneva,

Switzerland [email protected] 2342. Mrs. Nadja Afeworki Chairwoman YPFDJ.Göteborg Bondegatan 1, 41685, Gothenburg,

Sweden [email protected] 2343. Mr. Adem IdrisChairman of the Ghinda town council 2344. Mr. Tedros AndemichaelChairman of the community of North America and Canada 2345. Mr. Wolde BariyayChairman of the Owners of various business enterprises committee in Keren. 2346. Mr. Girmai NegasiChairman of the Bakery Owners Association. 2347. Mr. Michael TekleawalomChairman of martyrs’ families’ rehabilitation committee in the Tessenei

town. 2348. Mr. Ahmed Hamid ShoshebChairman of farmers’ association in Wadi-Labka of Gadim-Halib

administrative area, Afabet sub-zone 2349. Mr. Hagos GebretinsaeHead of the Agriculture Ministry‘s branch in the Afabet sub-zone. 2350. Mr. Samuel AmanuelChairman of fruits and vegetables association in the Dubarwa sub-zone. 2351. Mr. Girmai TesfaiChairman of the festival preparatory committee in the Netherlands. 2352. Mr. Mohammed AliChairman of the Southern Red Sea region assembly. 2353. Mr. Andemariam GebremedhinChairman of the holidays coordinating committee in the Central

region. 2354. Mr. Yemane TesfayChairman of the employers association. 2355. Mr. Mohammed SalehChairman of the Dogali Rock Quarry Company. 2356. Mr. Girmai YemaneChairman of the Eritrean Community in the Saudi Arabia Capital.

2357. Mr. Habte WoldegergisChairman of the Community in Jeddah. 2358. Mr. Gebremichael HabteselasieChairman of the Barentu counseling office. 2359. Mr. Mohammed-Nur Mussa HamidChairman of farmers association in the She’ib sub-zone. 2360. Mr. Ogbamichael TewoldeChairman of the branch of the Eritrean Association for the Deaf in Gash-

Barka region. 2361. Mr. Hamid HajiChairman of the holidays coordinating committee in Northern Red Sea region. 2362. Mr. Mebrahtom HaileChairman of the Fruits and Vegetables Farming Association in Adi-Quala sub-

zone. 2363. Mr. Lijam TesfalidetChairman of the fruits and vegetables farmers association in the Anseba



2364. Dr. Mohammed KusmelahChairmanof the Investment Association ofEritreans Residing in Australia and New Zealand

2365. Mr. Mohammed AliChairmanof the Southern Red Sea region assembly 2366. Mr. Kemal Mohammed BerhanChairman of the Eritrean Community in Dubai and North Emirate. 2367. Mr. Jemal NasirHead of the PFDJ. in the Kerkebet sub-zone. 2368. Mr. Mohammed AliChairmanof the Southern Red Sea region assembly 2369. Mr. Kemal Mohammed BerhanChairman of the Eritrean Community in Dubai and North Emirate. 2370. Mr. Abdu IdrisChairman of the PFDJ. In the Southern Red Sea region. 2371. Mr. Hamid HajiChairman of the holidays coordinating committee in the Northern Red Sea region. 2372. Mr. Abubeker ShenkehaiChairmanof the YPFDJbranch in Jeddah 2373. Mr. Adem AbdallaChairman of the Lorry Trucks Association inForto-Sawa sub-zone. 2374. Mr. Ahmed Hamid MussaChairmanoftheLegislative Assembly.

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2375. Mr. Al-Amin AliChairmanof the Eritrean Community in Abu Dhabi 2376. Mr. Alamin Mohammed Said, Secretaryofthe PFDJ. . 2377. Mr. Ali Asenai HumedChairman of the fruits and Vegetables Association in Kerkebet. 2378. Mr. Ali NurChairman of the Southern Red Sea Regional Assembly 2379. Mr. Ali Omar OsmanChairmanof the Eritrean Pharmaceutical Association. 2380. Mr. Awelkier Ibrahim Chairmanof the NUEYS branch in the Ghinda sub-zone 2381. Mr. Hamed HajjiChairmanof the Northern Red Sea regionHolidays Coordinating

Committee&Secretary of thePFDJ. in the region. 2382. Mr. Hamid HajjiChairmanof the PFDJ. Office in the Northern Red Sea region. 2383. Mr. Hamid JaberaChairman of the Fruits and Vegetable Farming Association in Habero sub-zone. 2384. Mr. Hassen MedeniChairmanofTraditional Fishermen Association in Adulis-Zula. 2385. Mr. Humed Ali OmarChairmanof the Abok and Tajura border sub-committee. 2386. Mr. Ibrahim Ali SheikChairman of the regional Assembly in the Northern Red Sea region. 2387. Mr. Ibrahim Ali Sheik,Chairmanof theNorthern Red Sea Assembly. 2388. Mr. Ismail MussaChairmanofNUEYS branch office in the Southern Red Sea Region (SRSR). 2389. Mr. Khalid Ismail NUEYS representative in the Sudan. 2390. Mr. Luwiji HusseinChairmanof the NUEYS branch in Gash-Barka region. 2391. Mr. Mahmoud Saleh ShenkehaiSecretaryof the She'ib Farmers Associations. 2392. Mr. Mohammed OsmanSecretaryof the Eritrean Music Association. 2393. Mr. Osman Mohamed AliChairmanof the Gash-Barka Regional Assembly. 2394. Mr. Saleh Mohammed AliChairmanofNUEYS branch office in the Agordat sub-zone. 2395. Mr. Sultan Seid Chairmanof NUEYS. 2396. Mr. Tahir Mohammed ArreiChairmanof the Eritrean Community in Qatar.

130”Tigrigna” = 79, 26 % 34Others = 20, 84% 164Total = 100 %

President – Dean - Lecturer: 2397. Dr. Azieb OqbagebrielDeanof the College ofHealth. 2398. Dr. Beraki Woldehaimanot (Deanof the College of Science), 2399. Dr. Gebreberhan Oqbazgi DeputyPresident of theEritrean InstituteofTechnology. 2400. Dr. Gebrehiwot Medhanie, HeadofBiologyDepartment in the University. 2401. Dr. Oqbagebriel BerakiDeanof the Adi-Keyih CollegeofArtsand Social Science. 2402. Dr. Senait BahtaHead anthropologist from the Eritrean Instituteof Technology. 2403. Dr. Tadesse MahariActing Presidentof the University of Asmara. 2404. Dr. Tesfayesus MahariAssistant Deanof the CollegeofBusiness and Economicsin Halhale. 2405. Dr. Woldeab Yishak(PresidentUniversityofAsmara); 2406. Dr. Woldeselassie OqbazgiDeanofCollegeofAgriculture. 2407. Dr. YemaneMisghinaDeanof the College the Eritrean Institute ofTechnology (EIT). 2408. Dr. Yemane MisghinaDeanof the Halhale College ofBusiness and Economics. 2409. Mr. Abel Tekeste, a lecturer at Hagaz Agro Technical School.

2410. Mr. Semere AmlesomDean ofHamelmalo Collegeof Agriculture(HCA). 2411. Mr. Tesfatsion Ghirmay work executive officer of the Northern red sea region.

2412. Ms. Gimja Fesshaye ActingDeanof the Asmara Collegeof Health. 2413. Prof. Andemariam Gebremichael Assistant Dean in the Orotta School ofMedicine. 2414. Professor Abraham Kidane 2415. Dr. Tesfai HaileDirectorof the Institute ofTraining Education and Consultancy (SMAP). 2416. Dr. Yemane Misghina from the Halhale College of Business and Economics.





Chairmen Tigrigna& Other


109 109

28 28




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2417. Dr. Tekeste Melake from the College of Arts and Social Science.

2418. Dr. Zekaria Abdelkerim,Deanof the College of Scienceand Marine Technology.

21"Tigrigna" = 95,46% 1Others = 04, 54% 22Total = 100 %

JUSTICE DEP - Attorney – Judge- Magistrate – Legal adv.:

2419. Colonel BBC Known by his nickname chief Judge in the military court in Paradizo. 2420. Mr. Abraham Kibrom Headof theLegal advisory services in the Ministry of Justice. 2421. Mr. Afwerki DebesaiJudgeof the community magistrate in Eden semi-urban centre, Anseba region. 2422. Mr. Alem GhebruHeadof the Community Courts Monitoring Office at the Ministryof Justice 2423. Mr. Alemseged Habteslasie Attorney General. 2424. Mr. Alemseghed Bokretsion Headof the Civic-LegalEducation

2425. Mr. Alemseghed HabteselassieAttorney General 2426. Mr. Amanuel GhirmayJudge at the Dekemhare Court. 2427. Mr. Ataklti Habtemariam High Court Judge 2428. Mr. Eden FasilDirector GeneralLegal Service 2429. Mr. Estifanos Gebreselassie Chief Attorney of the Southern region 2430. Mr. Gebrehiwot FasilHeadofDubarwa Court 2431. Mr. Gebremichael TesfamichaelHead of courts coordination in the Southern region. 2432. Mr. Habteab Yemane judge at the High Appeals Court. 2433. Mr. Menkerios BerakiPresident tof the High Court 2434. Mr. Menkorios Beraki Acting President of Eritrean Courts. 2435. Mr. Mogos Ogbamichael,Head of Community Magistrates. 2436. Mr. Mulugheta AgostinoHeadof the Community Courts Monitoring Office in the Central Region 2437. Mr. Seyoum Teclejudge at the highcourt. 2438. Mr. Tewelde AbrahaHeadof courts supervision department in the Southern region. 2439. Mr. Turkuai KahseJudge in Tsorona semi-urban centre. 2440. Mr. Woldu GebremariamJudge of the High Court. 2441. Mr. Yemane OkubazionHeadof the Coordinator committee of courts in the Southern region. 2442. Ms. Bisrat HabtemariamHeadof the administrative office of the Centralregion’s community

magistrates. 2443. Ms. Dehab TekleberhanHeadof community magistrate in Shebeq, Hagaz sub-zone 2444. Ms. Tsegereda TesfaiPresidentof theCentral RegionCourt(CRC)

2445. Tesfalem GaimJudge in the military court. 2446. Mr. Abraham MelakeHead of Human Resources Development in the Ministryof Justice.

2447. Mr. Ferej JimieJudge in Agordat town court. 2448. Mr. Abdul-Aziz HamidHigher Court Judge in the in Anseba region 2449. Mr. Ga’as AhmedHeadofCourts Coordinatingoffice in the Southern Red Sea region

2450. Mr. Osman Hamid Head of Community Magistrates in the Anseba region.







Proff &Dean

Tigrigna &Other




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28"Tigrigna" = 87,50% 4Others = 12, 50% 32Total = 100 %

Supervisors – Instructors – Coordinator –Advisors -Experts Executive-

2451. Eng. Amanuel FesshayeCoordinatorof the project to New Water Conservation Infrastructure in

Southern Region

2452. Eng. Andit ZerabrukExpertin irrigation farming in the Agriculture Ministry’s branch in the Northern Red Sea region

2453. Eng. Berhane HaileSupervisor.of the Potable water supply projects in Golij sub-zone. 2454. Eng. Daniel Frezghi Foremanof the project ofDam Constructionin Shilalo administrative area 2455. Eng. Fasil KiflayExpert in soil and water conservation in theMai-Harmaz,Adi-Tsaedi and

Adekemene in Mendefera sub-zone. 2456. Eng. Mahari GhirmaySupervisorof the Alebu read construction project in Alebu, Haikota sub-

zone. 2457. Eng. Mihreteab FesshayeExpert in irrigational cultivation in Foro sub-zone. 2458. Eng. Simon AbrahaExpert in irrigation farming in the Southern region. 2459. Eng. Simon AbrahaExpert in soil and water conservation in the Agriculture Ministry’s branch in

Southern region. 2460. Eng. Teklesenbet Mihreteab Supervisorof the Canals and embankments in Ashenda water

diversion project in Forto-Sawa sub-zone. 2461. Eng. Tewoldemedhin Mihreteab supervisor of the project. 2462. Eng. Yosief GebremichaelCoordinatorof the project to promote sanitation in Massawa city 2463. Eng. Zeragabir Hidrai from the infrastructure development department in the Anseba regional

Administration 2464. Eng. Zerit GebraiSupervisor of the project in the Southern regional Administration. 2465. Mr. Afwerki RussomSupervisorof the residential housing complex project in Areza and Mai-Mene,

Southern region. 2466. Mr. Alemseghed GebremariamExpert in soil and water conservation in the Senafe sub-zone. 2467. Mr. Alemseghed MegosCoordinatorof the Dairy development in the Ministry of Agriculture. 2468. Mr. Amanuel Gebreselassie, Project Coordinator at the Eritrean Railways. 2469. Mr. Anday GebremichaelCoordinatorof the campaign of the soil erosion and deforestation in the

Diriesa administrative area, Golij sub-zone. 2470. Mr. Andebrhan TesfaberhanCoordinatorof the dam is under construction around Tinkulahas in

Keren project.

2471. Mr. Arefaine Tekle member ofExecutive committee of the Eritrean Bookshops and Information Association.

2472. Mr. Aregai MelesSupervisor of the secondary school project in Nacfa town. 2473. Mr. Ateshim YemaneExpert in engineering in the Laelai-Gash sub-zone. 2474. Mr. Bahlibi ZeresenaiExpert in the Soil and water conservation activities in La’lai-Gash sub-zone.






Tigrigna &Other




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2475. Mr. Berhane GebregziabherCoordinatorof the Summer Work Program in the sub-zones ofAssab and Are’eta in Southern Red Sea region.

2476. Mr. Berhane HailuExpert in Acupuncture at the Centre. 2477. Mr. Bihmot AinealemSupervisorof the project Micro-dam construction in Gizgiza in Hamelmalo

sub-zone. 2478. Mr. Daniel GebrehiwetInstructor in the department of building constructionSawa Vocational

Training Center 2479. Mr. Dawit GhebreyohannesHeadof the marketing department ofAzel Pharmaceutical share

company. 2480. Mr. Dawit Hadgu an Expert in veterinary science. 2481. Mr. Dawit YemaneSupervisorof the Sawa Vocational Training Center. 2482. Mr. Desale FessehasionExpert in Marine Biologist, working in the department of Eritrean Coastal

Marine and Island Biodiversity (ECMIB). 2483. Mr. Desbele BahtaCoordinatorof mother and child Health Care in the Ministry’s branch in the

Tsorona sub-zone.

2484. Mr. Eyob SolomonExpert in seed fertilization in the Mendefera sub-zone. 2485. Mr. Fanus KudusExpert in Gender Issues at the National Demobilization Commission 2486. Mr. Fessehasion Tekie Coordinatorof the Summer Work Program (SWP) in the Northern Red Sea

region. 2487. Mr. Fesshaye OqbamichaelContractor ofPotable water supply projects in Sabunait. Golij sub-

zone. 2488. Mr. Fikadu Tesfamichael an Expert in fertilizer and pesticide in Southern region. 2489. Mr. Fisseha Habtefrom the TourismMinistry’s branch in Anseba region. 2490. Mr. Fithi GoitomCoordinatorof the educational section. 2491. Mr. Fitwi WoldegiorgisCoordinatorofthe Summer Work Program (SWP)in the MinistryofEducation. 2492. Mr. Fitwi WoldegiorgisCoordinatorof the Summer Work Program (SWP) in the Education Ministry 2493. Mr. Fitwi ZereHeadSupervisorofthe construction of the Igla-Demhina road project.

2494. Mr. Fkreyesus GhilayCoordinatorof community reforestation in the MinistryofAgriculture. 2495. Mr. Futsum SenaiExpert in fruits and vegetables farming in the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the

Halhal sub-zone.

2496. Mr. Gabriel TsegaiAdvisorof Eritrea's Cultural Assets Rehabilitation Project. 2497. Mr. Gebar Bokhre Assistant veterinaryExpert in the Agriculture Ministry’s branch in the Southern

Red Sea region 2498. Mr. Gebre Adhanom an Expert in artifacts in the branch office of Tourism Ministry. 2499. Mr. Gebremeskel FissehaAdvisorof the Eritrean National Association of the Blind. 2500. Mr. Gebrenegus Berhane member of the Executive committee of the Eritrean Association of

Books and Information.

2501. Mr. Ghebrekidan Debass, Headofprojects in the Mai-Mine sub-zone, 2502. Mr. Ghirmay SiumExpert in forestation and wildlife resource preservation in the Senafe sub-zone. 2503. Mr. Ghirmay SiumExpert in vegetation and wildlife at the Agriculture Ministry’s branch office in

theSenafe sub-zone 2504. Mr. Ghirmay WeldegabrExpert in animal breeding in Gash-Barka region. 2505. Mr. Goitom HaileCoordinatorof the reforestation campaign in the Tsetserat administrative area in

the Central region. 2506. Mr. Goitom SemereExpertin soil and water conservation in theMolqi sub-zonebranch office, 2507. Mr. Goitom TekleabSupervisorof the Mendefera School of Associate Nurse constructing additional

building complex project. 2508. Mr. Habteab TesfazionCoordinatorof the Construction companies and engineers in the Ministryof

Public Works. 2509. Mr. Hagos MilkiasCoordinator of environmental sanitation in the HealthMinistry’s branch in

Northern Red Sea region.

2510. Mr. Haile TesfazgiHeadof the project of the Afabet-Nacfa Road. 2511. Mr. Hibtzgi WeldegabrExpertin seed filtering machine in the plant in Tessenei.

2512. Mr. Hurui AsghedomexecutiveBoard of the Association of Eritreans in Agricultural Sciences (AEAS) appointed the organizing committee,

2513. Mr. Hurui YohannesExpert in soil and water conservation at the branch office of theMinistry of Agriculture in Afabet sub-zone.

2514. Mr. IsaacYosiefCoordinatorof the Eritrean Book Fair events. 2515. Mr. Iyob Solomon project Expert in irrigation farming. 2516. Mr. Kafel TeklesenbetExpertin seed fertilization in Hamelmalo sub-zone. 2517. Mr. Kahsai SiumExpertin ophthalmologist in the Keren Hospital¨ (prevent blindness) 2518. Mr. Kesete FesshayeExpertof Veterinary Science in Haikota sub-zone

Page 66: ብላዕ ንከርስኻ ፍረድ ንነብስኻ · Alamin Hassan Presidential aid. Ministerial Advisers 26. Dr. Matewos WolduEconomic Advisor and Coordinator of the program in


2519. Mr. Kesete WolduSupervisorof the Micro-Dam Under Construction In Derequ Administrative Area.

2520. Mr. Kibreab HabtetsionCoordinatorof the 4th ERI-Youth Festival due to be held in Sawa program from NUEYS branch in Gash-Barka region. 2010

2521. Mr. Kibrom Teklemariam, rangelands Expertin the Haikota sub-zone. 2522. Mr. Kidane KibromExpert a veterinary scientists. 2523. Mr. Kifle SolomonCoordinatorof the Summer Work Program (SWP) in the EducationMinistry’s

branch office in the Anseba region. 2524. Mr. Kiflehannes FesshayeSupervisor in the Gedem Construction Company project inGahtelai semi-

urban centre. 2525. Mr. Marikos GirmatsionCoordinatorof the 4th ERI-Youth Festival due to be held in Sawa program

festival in the Southern region. 2010 2526. Mr. Mehari YohannesExpert in reforestation in Barentu. 2527. Mr. Mekonnen KahsaiSupervisor of transport in Arbata'asher. 2528. Mr. Melake FesshayeExpert in the Agriculture Ministry‘s branch in the Areza sub-zone. 2529. Mr. Melake GirmatsionSupervisorof the modern water supply project in the administrative areas of

Dembe-Habtetsion and Ber’ona in the Anseba region. 2530. Mr. Merhawi KifleyesusSupervisorof necessary infrastructure facilities project in Golij sub-zone.

2531. Mr. Merhawi MihreteabCoordinator of the ‘Zura N’Hagerka’ tour

2532. Mr. Michael BerheSupervisor of practical training in the Ministry of Health.

2533. Mr. Michael FesshayeSupervisorof the project, irrigation farming in the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Northern Red Sea region.

2534. Mr. Michael TekieSecretary general of the Eritrean Library and Information Association 2535. Mr. Michael Tesfamariamthe project supervisor of theEmbeitoand Azaiha micro-dam. 2536. Mr. Mihreteab AsghedomExpert in the upkeep of crops in the Halhal sub-zone. 2537. Mr. Mihretu ArayaExpert in seed fertilization in the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Areza sub-

zone. 2538. Mr. Misghina Mehari a teacher at the Technology School in Sawa. 2539. Mr. Mulugeta FitwiExper in soil and water conservation in Adi-Keih sub-zone. 2540. Mr. Nebai HadguSupervisorof the Construction projects in the Ministryof Public Works 2541. Mr. Negassi FissehaExpertin soil and water conservation in Areza sub-zone 2542. Mr. Nuguse TesfalidetSupervisor of the Halib Mentel-Sharkiroadproject 2543. Mr. Reda’e TeklaiExpert in forestry and wildlife resources in the Agriculture Ministry 2544. Mr. Rista GebremeskelSupervisorof Adult Education in the Education Ministry’s branch in Anseba

region. 2545. Mr. Samson Tesfamariam health Expert in the branch office ofMinistryofHealth in the Gash-

Barka region. 2546. Mr. Samuel AdomProfessional in agricultural activities. 2547. Mr. Samuel AdomProfessional in agricultural activities. 2548. Mr. Samuel Kebedehealth technician in the in Ghirar Hospital, Northern Red Sea region. 2549. Mr. Samuel SahleCoordinatorof the Laboratory. 2550. Mr. Seltene BerheExpert in animal health. 2551. Mr. Seltene BerheHeadExpert in veterinary service in the Gash-Barka region.

2552. Mr. Semere GhebremedhinExpertsoil and water conservation in the Adi-Quala sub-zone. 2553. Mr. Simon KifleExpert in soil and water conservation, as well as reforestation program. 2554. Mr. Sium HamednakaSupervisorof the project ofthe micro-dam constructed in Guba-Raki in

Elabereed sub-zone

2555. Mr. Tedros AtsbehaSecretaryof the Discipline and Organizing Committee ofNHCC. 2556. Mr. Tekeste BaireSecretaryGeneral ofNCEW 2557. Mr. Tekeste Kiflemariam an Expert in forestry at the Gash Barka Region 2558. Mr. Tekeste Tesfatsion, Expert in land resource in the Agriculture Ministry’s branch in the

Anseba region. 2559. Mr. Tekie HabteExpertin environmental sanitation. 2560. Mr. Tekle Legesse an Exper in animal husbandryin the Elabered sub-zone. 2561. Mr. Tekle Mebrahtuprogram Coordinator ofSchool Council of the Central region 2562. Mr. Tekle TeweldeCoordinatorof community-based projects in the Health Ministry 2563. Mr. Tekleberhan Weldemariam veterinary science Expert in the Ministry of Agriculture’sbranch

in the Areza sub-zone. 2564. Mr. Teklehaimanot HabtemickaelSupervisor of theAdult Education Program and eradicating

illiteracy in Southern region. 2565. Mr. Teklehaimanot YebiyoSupervisorof the new water reservoir project in the Deret administrative

area, Agordat sub-zone. 2566. Mr. Teklemariam HaileExpertin reforestation and wild life in the Adi-Quala sub-zone.

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2567. Mr. Tekleweini Woldegebreal expert in seed fertilization in Adi-Quala sub-zone. 2568. Mr. Tesfahiwet GideCoordinatorof the Summer Work Program in Southern region 2569. Mr. Tesfai GhebrekidanExpert in animal resource in the Adi-Keih sub-zone. 2570. Mr. Tesfai KidaneSupervisorof the electric line installation process in the semi-urban centres in

Barentu sub-zone. 2571. Mr. Tesfai NegashSupervisorof the Embatkala Bridge project. 2572. Mr. Tesfalidet EyobExpert in seed fertilization in the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in Dekemhare

sub-zone. 2573. Mr. Tesfamariam IssakCoordinator of the institutions of the Ministry of LHW. 2574. Mr. Tesfayohannes EyobSite SuperintendentofRODDAB Construction Company 2575. Mr. Tesfazgi Reda’eSupervisorof the project of two water reservoirs n Mengula administrative area,

Golij sub-zone 2576. Mr. Tesfu Kidane project Supervisorofthe Zula Construction Company 2577. Mr. Weldemichael HabteSupervisor of the scheme of theGerset agricultural project. 2578. Mr. Woldai Berhane Crop development Expertin the Southern Region. 2579. Mr. Woldeyesus Tekie from the Agriculture Ministry’s branch office in theLaelai-Gash, sub-zone.

2580. Mr. Woldu AndeSupervisorof the project OfGash Bridge Construction 2581. Mr. Woldu TekleCoordinatorof food security project in Gash-Barka region. 2582. Mr. Woldu Tekle projectSupervisorof water reservoirs in the sub-zonesofBarentu and Shambuko. 2583. Mr. Yebiyo Gebreabeye-treatment Expertfrom the Mendefera Referral Hospital 2584. Mr. Yebiyo TeweldeExpert in fruits and vegetables farming, said that fruits and vegetables in the

Southern region. 2585. Mr. Yebiyo Tewelde, ophthalmologist 2586. Mr. Yemane KifleExpertin agricultural machinery at the governmental garage of the Gash Barka

Region branch 2587. Mr. Yemaneberhan Kahsai coordinator of the Exhibition Of Industrial Products program at Asmara

Expo. 2588. Mr. Yemaneberhan KahsaiCoordinator of the Exhibition Of Industrial Products program at Asmara

Expo. 2589. Mr. Yishak Yosiefm/ of the Fair’s coordinating committee of the 9th Eritrean Book Fair 2590. Mr. Yohannes AndebrhanExpert in animal breeding in the Northern Red Sea region. 2591. Mr. Yohannes AndebrhanExpertin animal resource in the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the

Northern Red Sea 2592. Mr. Yohannes KiflemariamExpert in reforestation in the Adi- Keih sub-zone. 2593. Mr. Yohannes TeklemariamExpert in marine resource preservation 2594. Mr. Yonas AbrahamSupervisorof the project of the water reservoir is under construction in

GamaroundWazintet administrative area. 2595. Mr. Zaid TekleExpert in bee farming at the Ministryof Agriculture's branch office in the Southern

Region. 2596. Mr. Zekarias BerekhetabExpert in animal breeding in the Gash Barka Region 2597. Mrs. Rosina Mihreteab Instructorof the Ministryof EducationofCentral Regionfor equipping the

youth with different skills. 2598. Ms. Almaz Ligjam Chief Executiveat the Local Government 2599. Ms. Asmeret GebrezgiExpertin life skill in the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Segeneiti sub-

zone. 2600. Ms. Genet HabteCoordinatorof community-based rehabilitation program in the branch office of the

Ministryof LHW. 2601. Ms. Haddas MussieCoordinator of vocational training at the NUEW Training Centre in the Central

region. 2602. Ms. Kudusan Abraha Regional Schools Coordinatorin the Ministryof Health 2603. Ms. Lemlem GesesewCoordinatoroffemale education program in the NUEYS branch in the

Northern Red Sea region 2604. Ms. Selome GebreselassieCoordinatorofsoil and water conservation program in Central region. 2605. Ms. Shamla GhebrekidanCoordinatorof women’s affairs in the NUEYS branch in Anseba region. 2606. Ms. Tirhas AdresomCoordinatorof the program in the NUEW branch in the Southern region. 2607. Ms. Tirhas NirayoCoordinatorof reforestation activities projects in the NUEW branch in Anseba

region. 2608. Mr. Ande AdhanomCoordinator of carnival programs in Anseba region. 2609. Mr. Kiflai KidaneCoordinatorof environmental development projects in the Anseba regional

Administration. 2610. Mr. Fitiwi WoldegergisHead of Coordinatorof the Summer Work Program (SWP) in the Ministry of


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2611. Mr. Berhane GebrezgabiherCoordinatorof the Summer Work Program (SWP) in the Southern Red Sea region.

2612. Tesfalem Woldemichael Architect in the rural area general and Asmara 2613. Mr. Yonas GebrekirstosExpert in seed and anti-pesticides in theMinistryof Agriculture’s branch

office in theMai-Aini sub-zone.

2614. Mr. Osman Jim’eCoordinator of development activities in the Asmat sub-zone sub-zone. 2615. Mr. Berhanu Adem project Supervisor. 2616. Mr. Salih IdrisECMIB project information officerThe Eritrea Coastal, Island and Marine Biodiversity 2617. Mr. Saleh Mahmoud member the Curriculum Department oftheMinistryof Education 2618. Mr. Mussa Osman MohammedExpert in soil and water conservation at the Agriculture Ministry’s

branch in the Geleb sub-zone. 2619. Mr. Ibrahim MohammedExpert of solar energy techniques in the Health Ministry’s branch in

theSouthern Red Sea region. 2620. Mr. Said Abdu SalihCoordinatorof the National Plan of Action on Climate Change in the Ministryof

LHW. 2621. Mr. Mussa Hassenhealth professional in the Aleti-Aitosin Are’eta sub-zone 2622. Mr. Awelkier EdrisCoordinatorof the HAMSET Project in the Anseba region 2623. Mr. Hamid Ahmed AliSupervisorof the projects of two schools under construction in the Gerbet and

Marat administrative areas, Geleb sub-zone. 2624. Ms. Jemila OsmanCoordinatorof the Women from the town ofKeren who conducted a tour of the

Gash Barka region.

163"Tigrigna" = 90, 05% 18Others = 9.95% 181Total = 100 %

Religious leaders: 2625. Abune DioskorosPatriarchoftheEritrean Orthodox Church 2626. Megabe- Mistir Mebrahtu Mobae 2627. Mr. Yoftahe Dimetros GeneralSecretaryof the Holy Synod of the Eritrean Orthodox Church

(EOC) 2628. Abune Menghisteab TesfamariamBishopoftheEritrean Catholic Church 2629. Reverend Simon GebremeskelVice Presidentof the EritreanEvangelicalChurch 2630. Reverend Fesshaye EstifanosSecretary Generalof theEritreanEvangelical Church 2631. Abune KierlosBishop of Adi-Keih sub-zone.

2632. Sheik Alamin Osman theEritrean Mufti. 2633. Sheik Salem Ibrahim Al-MukhtarAdministratorof the Office of the Eritrean Mufti 2634. Mr. Omar Mohammed Ali Din Chairmanof the Asmara Auqaf Congress 2635. Mr. Mohammed Berhan AhmedSecretary Generalof theAuqaf CongressAsmara






Tigrigna &Other

158 148 148

10 10




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MedicalDoctors, Health Professionals

1. Brig. General Haile Muhtsun(Dr.) MoD Head Medical Service 2. Dr. Abraham TekleHeadof the surgery

3. Dr. Abrehet Ghebrekidan doctorof obstetrics&Lecturer University of Asmara

4. Dr. Afwerki BerheHeadof the Health Ministry’s branch in the Southern Red Sea region 5. Dr. Andebrhan TesfatsionDirectorof national TB and HIV/AIDS control department in theMinistryof

Heath. 6. Dr. Andom OgbamariamDirector GeneralofHuman Resource Development in the MinistryofHealth 7. Dr. Araya BerhaneHead of the Health Ministry’s branch in the Gash-Barka region. 8. Dr. Bahbelom Michaelpediatrician in Girar Hospital. 9. Dr. Berekhet Sibhatu President of the Eritrean Doctors Association. 10. Dr. Berhana HailuHead of family health fertility in the MinistryofHealth. 11. Dr. Berhane GebretensaeDirector Generalof Health Services at the Ministryof Heath 12. Dr. Berhane Seyoummemberof the Eritrean Diabetes Association(AEFM),

13. Dr. Berhane. 14. Dr. Berhe HibtzgiDirectorof the Referral Hospital in the Southern region 15. Dr. Beyene TeweldeMedical DirectorofHalibetHospital 16. Dr. Bimnet Abraha 17. Dr. Birhana HaileHeadoffamily reproduction and health care in theMinistryof Heath 18. Dr. Daniel Tekie 19. Dr. Dawit Estifanos Headof Agordat Hospital 20. Dr. Desbele Ghebreghiorghis, Chief Ophthalmologist 21. Dr. Eden Tareke 22. Dr. Elilta GebreselassieHeadofdelivery room at Keren Hospital 23. Dr. Eyob FrezghiHead of Assab Hospital. 24. Dr. Eyob Kuflom from the Southern Regional Referral Hospital. 25. Dr. Ghirmay YosiefHeadof the HealthMinistry’s branchin the Gash-Barka region 26. Dr. Goitom MebrahtuHeadof the National Blindness Prevention and Control Program

27. Dr. Habte HaileMelkotspecialist in pregnancy and childbirth at the Mendefera Referral Hospital 28. Dr. Habteab MahariDirectorand Coordinatorof the OrottaReferralHospital 29. Dr. Haile Mezgebe the Medical Directorof the OrottaPost-graduate School 30. Dr. Kahsai Negassi from Dekemhare Hospital 31. Dr. Kesete ArayaHead of environmental sanitation in the Ministryof Heath. 32. Dr. Kibreab Asfaha Director of Hospital 33. Dr. Kuflom Yohannes who is working in the Barentu Referral Hospital. 34. Dr. Lainesh GebrehiwetDentist 35. Dr. Lielti Gebreselassie a gynaecologist in the Keren Hospital. 36. Dr. Luul BanteyirguDirectorof the Keren Hospital 37. Dr. Luul Ghebre Headof Malaria Protection in sub-Zoba Addi Kuala 38. Dr. Mekonnen Ghebrekidan Eye specialist atAssabHospital 39. Dr. Michael Neberay 40. Dr. Mulugheta HaileDirector of the Adi-Keih Hospital medical. 41. Dr. Seletsion MegosDirector of the Gash-Barka Regional Referral Hospital. 42. Dr. Semere Tekleghiorgis 43. Dr. Tekeste ArayaHeadof environmental health in the Ministryof Health. 44. Dr. Tekeste Fekadu Surgeon 45. Dr. Tesfai Aradom 46. Dr. Tesfai GhirmayDirectorof the Agordat Hospital 47. Dr. Tesfalem GebrekidanHeadof the branch office of the Ministry of Health in Southern region. 48. Dr. Tesfalem GhebrekidanHeadof the HealthMinistry’s branch in theSouthern region. 49. Dr. Tesfaselassie Eyob Olympic doctor 50. Dr. Tewelde Gebremeskel, Headof national malaria control program in the Ministryof Heath. 51. Dr. Tiegsti Habtetsion 52. Dr. Wunesh TesfaiHeadofdental care in Halibet Hospital. 53. Dr. Yemane Sium internist in the Orotta School of Medicine 54. Dr. Yifdeamlak TesfamariamDirector GeneralofNational Blood Transfusion Centre(NBTC) 55. Dr. Yosief Tewelde Headof a medical clinic In Asmara 56. Dr. Yosief Yohannes,Chairmanof the blood donation club. 57. Dr. Zekarias Meles 58. Dr. Zemichael Ogbe medical Directorof the Orotta Pediatrics Hospital 59. Dr. Zemuy Alemu Directorof family and community health in the Ministryof Heath. 60. Lt. Colonel Araia (Dr.)

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61. Dr. Tesfai Solomon acting Director Generalof regulatory services department in the Ministryof Health.

62. Dr. Werede MesfinHeadof the Health Ministry’s branch in the Central region.

63. Dr. Yakob Hussein Medical DirectorofAfabet Hospital 64. Dr. Jabir Mohammed Idris 65. Dr. Hamed Mohamed AlibranchHeadof the HealthMinistry inthe Anseba region. 66. Dr. Mahmoud Mohammed OmarHeadof bone surgery in Halibet Hospital. 67. Dr. Josephat Shilil 68. Dr. Seipati Mozeboso, regional Advisor for safe pregnancy.

67"Tigrigna" = 89, 6% 6 Others = 10, 40 % 72Total = 100 %


1. Eng. Amanuel FesshayeCoordinatorof the project to New Water Conservation Infrastructurein Southern Region

2. Eng. Abraham BerheManager of electricity distribution in the Eritrean Electricity Corporation 3. Eng. Abraham DanielHead of the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Central region. 4. Eng. Abraham WoldemichaelGeneralManager of the Eritrean Electricity Corporation. 5. Eng. Aby GhebremedhinHeadof the Wind Project at the Ministryof Energy and Mines. 6. Eng. Afwerki TesfatsionofMassawa Port Authority. 7. Eng. Amanuel FesshayeCoordinatorof the dam under construction inAwli’e-Tsoru

8. Eng. Andit ZerabrukExpertin irrigation farming in the Agriculture Ministry’s branch in the

Northern Red Sea region

9. Eng. Asefaw MesfinHead of construction service in the Ministryof Public Works

10. Eng. Asefaw MesfinHead of construction service in the same MinistryMinistryof Public Works.. 11. Eng. Asmerom TesfaiHeadof technique department in the Dubarwa town. 12. Eng. Berhane HaileSupervisor.of the Potable water supply projects in Golij sub-zone. 13. Eng. Daniel Frezghi Foremanof the project ofDam Construction in Shilalo administrative area 14. Eng. Dawit FitsameHead of Administration and Contracts Unit in the Ministryof Public Works. 15. Eng. Dawit TadesseHead of the technical unit in the Mereb Construction Company. 16. Eng. Debesai ZerabrukHeadof arranging national standards in the Eritrean Standards Institution. 17. Eng. Dermas Kiflemariam 18. Eng. Desale GebremedihinManager Musa Ali Construction Company. 19. Eng. Fasil KiflayExpert in soil and water conservation in Mai-Harmaz,Adi-Tsaedi and

Adekemene in Mendefera sub-zone. 20. Eng. Gezai NegassiHeadof the project from the Debwin Construction Company. 21. Eng. Gezai Negassi representative of the Debwin Construction Company. 22. Eng. Ghirmay Berhane. HeadofMassawa Maritime Transport. 23. Eng. Habte TeklehaimanotManagerof the project in Northern Red Sea region 24. Eng. Habtu GhebreamlakHeadof Projects at theEritrean Electricity Corporation. 25. Eng. Haddish TesfamichaelDirector heading such activities in the Ministryof Public Works.Mr.

Habteab TesfatsionHead of construction and engineering companies in the Ministryof Public

Works. 26. Eng. Haile WoldaiManagerof the Debwin Construction Company. 27. Eng. Kahsai Niguse from the Eritrean Institute of Technology in the Ministryof Public Works. 28. Eng. Kidane BerhaneDirector General of Infrastructure Development Department of the

Ministry of Public Works.







Tigrigna &Other

72 67 67

6 2




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29. Eng. Mahari GhirmaySupervisorof the Alebu read construction project in Alebu, Haikota sub-zone.

30. Eng. Medhanie EstifanosDirector Generalof town development in theMinistryofPublic Works. 31. Eng. Mekonnen HabtetsionManagerof the Gedec Company. 32. Eng. Michael GirmaiHead the infrastructure development department in the Walik administrative

area, Keren town. 33. Eng. Michael GirmaiHead the infrastructure development department in the Walik administrative

area, Keren town. 34. Eng. Mihreteab FesshayeExpertin irrigational cultivation in Foro sub-zone. 35. Eng. Mihreteab Hailemariam Head of construction and renovation in the

Infrastructure Department in the Central region. 36. Eng. Mihreteab TesfagiorghisHead of mobile service in ERI-TEL. 37. Eng. Misgun AbrahaDirector of Control and Contracts in the Ministryof Public Works.. 38. Eng. Musie BahtaHeadof agricultural infrastructure in the administrative areas of Gogne sub-zone. 39. Eng. Niway Habtetsion ActingHead of the Sembel residential complex in Asmara. 40. Eng. Oqbaselassie GhilamichaelHeadof Governmental Constructions ofSenafe sub-zone 41. Eng. Rezene AbrahaDirector of water resources infrastructure in the Ministryof Public Works. 42. Eng. Semere Abbai theHeadof techniques in the Central regionAdministration. 43. Eng. Senai GebrehiwetHead of the school constructions project in Gash Barka region. 44. Eng. Simon AbrahaExpert in irrigation farming in the Southern region. 45. Eng. Solomon Gebrai 46. Eng. Tadios TesfayHeadofinfrastructure department in the Anseba region. 47. Eng. Tekle HintsaManager of the Erisoc Factory environment-friendly and energy-saving products. 48. Eng. Teklesenbet Mihreteab Supervisorof the Canals and embankments in Ashenda water

diversion project in Forto-Sawa sub-zone. 49. Eng. Tewoldemedhin Mihreteab supervisor of the project. 50. Eng. Weldemariam TsegaitechnicalManagerof the Ti’o Fish Processing Plan 51. Eng. Yonas WoldaiHeadof soil and water conservation in the Agriculture Ministry's branch office

in the Southern region 52. Eng. Yosief GebremichaelCoordinatorof the project to promote sanitation in Massawa city 53. Eng. Zayid GebrekidanDirector of urban planning in the Ministryof Public Works. 54. Eng. Zeragabir Hidrai from the infrastructure development department in the Anseba regional

Administration. 55. Eng. Zerit Gebrai supervisor of the project in the Southern regional Administration. 56. Engineer Amanuel FesshayeCoordinatorof the project to New Water Conservation Infrastructure

in Southern Region. 57. Engineer Eyob HaileManagerofZula Construction Company. 58. Mr. Ephrem KifluHeadof the Administration & Finance in the Ministry ofAgriculture 59. Mr. Gideon MengeshaHead of the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Senafe sub-zone

60. Engineer Idris IbrahimHeadof engineering services and project administration in the Gash-Barka

region. 61. Eng. Idris HamidHeadof engineering service and project management. 62. Eng. Akedir AhmedinHeadof training program in the Homib Construction Company.

43"Tigrigna" = 95, 56% 3Others =5, 71 % 45 Total = 100 %







Tigrigna &Other

45 43 43






Page 72: ብላዕ ንከርስኻ ፍረድ ንነብስኻ · Alamin Hassan Presidential aid. Ministerial Advisers 26. Dr. Matewos WolduEconomic Advisor and Coordinator of the program in


Tigrigna Farmers Business owners in Lowland & PFDJ Donors

2. Mr. Weldemichael Gebremeskel (Wedi Keshi), a driver-turned-farmer in the Forto-Sawa Subzone.

3. Mr. Teklit Kuflom a farmer Moved toAlebu administrative area,Tessenei sub-zone 4. Ms. Almaz Tesfaselassie owner of a restaurant and Farmer in Alebu administrative area,

Tessenei sub-zone. 5. Mr. Dawit Amlesom a farmer who is working at the Tessenei-Aligidir Agricultural

Development Project. 6. Tekie Shifta (x – Fighter) turned-farmer in the Golij sub-zone. 7. Mr. Habteab Zera Fruits and vegetables farmer in Adi-Roso administrative area, Ginda

sub-zone. 8. Mr. Wolde Baria farmer and owner of Dige Hotel. 9. Mr. Woldemichael Gebremeskel farmer in Forto-Sawa sub-zone, Gash-Barka region.

10. Mr. Gebremeskel Gebrekirstos in Golij sub-zone

11. Ms. Marta Hagos who resides in San Diego contributed 20,000 Nakfa. 12. Mr. Amanuel Redie and Ms. Zewdi Tsegai who live in Stuttgart 20,000 Nakfa 13. Mr. Woldemichael Semere and his family contributed 7,100 Nakfa 14. Ms. Hikmu Seid Mohammed-Nur, a national who lives in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 10,000


15. residing in Kuwait 24,908 dollars

16. Ms. Haregu Melake from Kuwait 10 thousand Nakfa

17. Mr.Yacob Arefaine from Milan city 500 Euro

18. Ms. Abrehet Haile Kassel, Germany, 3,630 Euro, 19.

20. Ms. Mizan Gebru from the the KSA 100,000 Nkf

21. Ms. Freweini Hagos from the the KSA 15,000 Nkf

22. Mr. Teklai Haile along with his wife Mrs. Teke’a Tesfazgi Washington D.C.

40,000 Nakfa

23. Mr. Tsegai Haile 10,000 Washington D.C. Nakfa

24. Ms. Frewieni Hagos an Asmara resident 10,000 Nakfa.

25. Mr. Adhanom Solomon residing in Saudi Arabia 20,500 Nakfa

26. The Eritro-German association donated 60,000 Nakfa,

27. Ms. Yihdega Zegeye contributed 10,000 Nakfa

28. Ms. Kebedesh Kinfe donated 20,000 Nakfa

29. Ms. Rshan Abraha, residing in Asmara has donated 17,250 Nakfa


31. Ms. Yodit Fitwi from the Central region donated 10,000 Nakfa

32. Ms. Asefash Ayalew from the Central region contributed 3,000 Nakfa

DEPARTMENTS OF MINISTRIES Dr. Matewos WolduEconomic Advisor and Coordinator of the program in the MinistryofNational Development Mr. Fkreyesus GhilayAdvisor in theMinistryof Agriculture Prof. Abraham KidaneEconomic Advisor in theMinistryof National Development Dr. Ghirmay AbrahamEconomicAdvisor to the Ministryof National development

Departments Head

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Departments Others Tigrigna Total

Ministry Of Defence. 38 422 460

Ministry Of Foreign Office. 25 49 74

Ministry Of Justice. 4 28 32

Ministry Of LHW. 22 65 87

Ministry Of Energy & M. 1 36 37

Ministry Of Transport & C. 4 74 78

Ministry Of LWE 10 36 46

Ministry Of Public Works 9 135 144

Ministry Of Education. 44 137 181

Ministry Of Fishery. 1 7 8

Ministry Of Trade Industry. 2 32 34

Ministry Of Agriculture. 9 209 218

Ministry Of Information. 13 54 67

Ministry Of Health. 12 220 232

Ministry Of Tourism. 1 37 38

Ministry Of Finance. 7 65 72

Ministry Of National Dev. 3 10 13

Total 205 1616 1821

% 11% 89%

















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Branches of the EDF

The Eritrean Defence Forces (EDF) are composed of three branches: Air Force, Army, and Navy. The Army is by far the largest, followed by the Air Force and Navy. The Commander-in-Chief of the EDF is the President of Eritrea.

The Minister of Defence oversees the EDF on a day-to-day basis.

Military service age and obligation: 18-40 years of age for male and female voluntary and compulsory military service; 16-month conscript service obligation (2006)

National service

Every able bodied man and woman is required to serve ostensibly for 1½ years. In this time they receive six months of military training and the balance is spent working on national reconstruction projects. This is outlined in both the Constitution of Eritrea and Proclamation 82 issued by the National Assembly on 1995-10-23.[5] However, the period of enlistment may be extended during times of national crisis and the typical period of national service is considerably longer than the minimum. This program aims to compensate for Eritrea’s lack of capital and to reduce dependence on foreign aid, while welding together an ethnically diverse society, half Christian and half Muslim, representing nine ethnic groups.[6]

Military training is given at the Sawa Defence Training Centre and Kiloma Military Training Centre. Students, both male and female, are required to attend the Sawa training centre to complete the final year of their secondary education, which is integrated with their military service. If a student does not attend this period of training, he or she will not be allowed to attend university - many routes to employment also require proof of military training. However, they may be able to attend a vocational training centre, or to find work in the private sector. At the end of the 1½ year national service, a conscript can elect to stay on and become a career military officer. If the conscript elects otherwise, in theory, they may return to their civilian life but will continue to be a reservist. In practice, graduates of military service are often chosen for further national service according to their vocation - for example, teachers may be compulsorily seconded for several years to schools in an unfamiliar region of the country. According to the Government of Eritrea, "The sole objective of the National Service program is thus to cultivate capable, hardworking, and alert individuals."[1]

The salary for National Service conscripts is typically very low. First-year conscripts are generally paid 150 Nakfa (10 dollars) per month. This rises to 500 nakfa (33 dollars) per month after the first year of service.

1 round national service 11,446 Sawa 1994 2 round national service 23,554 Sawa 3 round national service 19,737 Sawa 1995 4 round national service 11,338 Sawa 1995 5 round national service 18,782 Sawa1996 6 round national service 15,795 7 round national service 17,256 Sawa 16 round nationa service Warsay Yikalo Sawa 2002 & Wi’a “not so clever” students 17 round national service Sawa July 29, 2004 18 round national service Sawa, 25 July 2005 19 recruitment round 18,000 Kiloma December 9th, 2006 20th round National Service Program graduated. Sawa 30 June 2007 21st round National Service Program graduated. Sawa 27 June 2009 22nd round National Service graduated Sawa 27 June 2009 22nd round National Service graduated Sawa16 July 2010 24th round National Service Sawa, July 16 2011

Location: Kiloma is located 40 kilometers south of Assab. The first question is why did the government discontinue the use of Sawa military camp? The answer is that Sawa is close to the border town of Tessenei, and the government had found that there is no effective method to reduce desertion from people who are conscripted by force. The choice of the remote Kiloma was meant to minimize desertion.

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1. Training: The 8-month military training consisted of long marches, requiring the conscripts to walk up to 40 kilometers per day in the harsh climate. The training is not designed to convert civilians into fighting machines but to break the spirit of a youth which daily plots to find a way to escape.

2. Isolation: While at the Kiloma military camp, conscripts are not allowed to send letters to, or receive letters from, their parents. Nor are phone calls or visitations allowed for 18 months. Worried parents have absolutely no way of knowing whether their children are alive, healthy, sick, dead or have deserted. For all parents, attending the graduation ceremony was the only way to find out whether their children are alive or dead. Those who found their

children were televised expressing their jubilation and serving the government�s propaganda of �popular

participation�; parents who did not find their children, estimated in the hundreds by witnesses, were blocked by

armed guards and isolated so their anguish could not be televised.

3. Attrition: The number of those who have been �martyred� includes anyone who died at Kilma, regardless of cause

of death and it is certainly more than the 1 reported by government media. Those who deserted are not 18; they

number in the hundreds. Still, even after this �attrition� number, the number of graduates is significantly over the

18,000 reported. The reason that 18,000 is cited is due to legitimate national security reasons (many governments are loathe to give the precise number of their defense forces) as well as self-deception: the government fully expects that hundreds of those who have graduated will either desert or die and wants to use that number as its baseline.

1. Gen. Sebhat Ephrem the Minister ofDefence.

2. Berhane Haile (Colonel)DirectorOffice of the Minister tel. 16-05-51

16-05-52Fax N. .16-05-50 Address Balineki 3. TeklaiHabteselassie (M/ General)Commanderof the Air Force 18-14-00 Fax N. 18-13-91 Asmara 4. Simon MarikosHeadGeneral Staff tel. 16-02-95Fax N. 20-27-57

5. Maj. General Abraha Kassachief ofNational Security.

6. Brig. General Abrahaley KifleCommanderof special tasks officer. 7. Brig. GeneralAfwerki Tekie 8. Brig. General Fitsum Gebrehiwot(Wedi Memhir)Chief of Staffof theEritrean Naval Force 9. Brig. GeneralGabriel Woldeselassie 10. Brig. GeneralGhebrekidan(Wedi Minney) 11. Brig. GeneralHadish Ephraim(ADI NIFAS) the Commanderof19th Kifle Serawit 12. Brig. General Haile Muhtsun(Dr.) MoD Head Medical Service 13. Brig. General Mebrahtu Tekleab(V) 14. Brig. General Michael Yohannes 15. Brig. General NegashTesfatsionCommanderof the Training Centre of the EDF. 16. Brig. GeneralTeame Goitom (Mekele). 17. Brig. General Tekeste Haile(Wedi Haile)defected to Sweden 18. Brig. GeneralTekie Russom Eritrea’s deputy Commissioner ofsports.

19. Brig. GeneralTekle Kiflay(Manjos)Commanderof Operation Zone 1.

20. Brig. GeneralTeklemikael Habtu(Sins) 21. Brig. GeneralTemesgen Berhe 22. Brig. GeneralYob Fesshaye (Halibay) 23. Captain Hagos MelesManager of the Adi-Omar Agricultural Project in Tessenei sub-zone. 24. Captain Mekonnen Gebreselassieproject Head of the Mogarayb Plantation. 25. CaptainSenbelawit (woman)

26. CaptainTedros Tesfai Head of technique in the Public Technical Service branch in Gash-Barka region. 27. CaptainTedros Tesfai Head of technique in the Public Technical Service branch in Gash-Barka region. 28. Captain Tewelde Taareof1811 Division 29. Col. Haile Mesfin Manager of the Mereb Construction Company. 30. Col. Shegheg 31. ColonelTesfamariam Negasi (Shambel)

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32. Colonel Abraha OqbaselassieGeneral Manager ofthe Massawa Airport 33. Colonel AndehishenHeadof Military Transport in Radar Station Asmara. 34. Colonel Andemariam GhebremedhinDirector General of the Department of Financein Central

Region Administration 35. ColonelAndemariam GhebremedhinDirector Generalof theDepartment of Finance in the Central

Region Administration 36. Colonel Berhane HaileDirectorOffice of the Diffence Minister. 37. Colonel Berhane NegashDirector General of the Social Services Central Region Administration 38. ColonelDebesai Gide 2ndCommander of the Sawa Training Centre. 39. ColonelDeres GebreamlakHead of Finance in the DefenseMinistry. 40. ColonelEzra Weldegebriel1stCommanderof the Sawa National Education and Training Center 41. Colonel Gaim Head of Intelligence for foreign affairs office 42. ColonelGebregergis DebretsionCommander 43. ColonelHagos TekesteCommander 44. ColonelHaile MesfinManagerof the Mereb Construction Company. 45. ColonelHaile MesfinManager of the Mereb Construction Company. 46. Colonel Jacob TekleabManagerofthe National Fisheries Corporation. 47. Colonel Manna Araia 48. Colonel Mehari TesfamariamGeneral Manager of the Haben Construction Company. 49. ColonelMehari TesfamariamManager of the Haben Construction Company. 50. ColonelMehari TsegaiCommander of Eritrean Police Force in Assab. 51. ColonelMekonnen KahsaiHead of Administration in the DefenseMinistry. 52. Colonel Michael Abraham(Woldu Barya)Eritrean POWs (Ethiopia) 53. ColonelMichael BisratHead of the immigration and nationality branch in Southern region. 54. Colonel Michael Gebrenegus

55. Colonel Michael Hans (Wedi Hans), the Commanderofdivision 32. 56. ColonelMichael Wedi Zegeb 57. ColonelSamson Yemane Battalion Commander r of36th Division 58. ColonelSebhatu GoitomCommander 59. Colonel Semere Beyin 60. ColonelSemere BeyinHead religious affairs 61. Colonel Simon GhebredengelHeadof internal security in the National security Department. 62. ColonelTesfalem Beyene 63. Colonel Tesfalem Marikos(Embeyito) 64. Colonel Tesfalidet HabteselassieHead of President body guards 65. Colonel Tesfamariam Negassi (Shambel)Headof foreign relations office in the Ministry of Defence from

1993 until his martyrdom 06.12.2010 66. Colonel Wedi WelelaChief of Intelligence for Administrative Zone 5. 67. Colonel Weldegebriel Misgun Head Etaro Parentral Community Club 68. ColonelWoldegebriel MisgunChairman of the Etaro community. 69. Colonel Woldu Gebreyesus Abaguben (Baria) Garage chief of 74 artillery 70. Colonel Woldu GebreyesusGeneral Manager of Dept. ofGovernmental Garages inGash Barka

region 71. ColonelYirgalem YebiyoCommanderof the 36 Division. 72. Colonel Yonas KifleHeadof Intelligence in theDiv. 61 73. Colonel Zekarias Oqbagabir Acting Commissioner for Coordination with (UNMEE) 74. Colonel. Wedi Yohannes 75. First Lieutenant Daniel Habte Yihdego officer in Immigration Dept. Killed in 13.08.09 76. First Lieutenant Fitsum Zerai 77. First Lieutenant Tesfamichael Haile 78. First Lieutenant Zeweldi Abraham 79. Lt.Col. Teklegerghis TekleHeadof the Eritrean Forestry Controlling Unit- 80. Lt. Col. Teshome Bahta KahsaiHeadofMilitary Intelligence in Brigade1842 81. Lt. Colonel Amanuel TesfahuneiHeadof internal security of the Asmara City. 82. Lt. ColonelAndemariam WoldenkielHead of the Badme Construction Company. 83. Lt. Colonel Araia (Dr.) 84. Lt. ColonelBerhane NegashDirector GeneralofSocial Services in the Central Region 85. Lt. ColonelBerhe Oqbazgi MenamenoBattalion leader 1842 Division

86. Lt. Colonel Elsa (woman) 87. Lt. Colonel Fiori (woman) 88. Lt. Colonel Gebremeskel TeklehaimanotHeadof the Immigration and Nationality branch office in

Gash Barka region 89. Lt. ColonelGoitom Gebreslasie Director of the School of Finance and Management.

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90. Lt. ColonelGoitom GebretsadiqHead of crime prevention in the Police office in the Northern Red Sea region.

91. Lt. ColonelHadera Gebremedhin Headof the Eritrean Cattle Corporation in Gash-Barka region. 92. Lt. Colonel Haile MesfunManager of the Mereb Development National Construction Company.

93. Lt. Colonel Isaac Araya (Wedi Hakim), Prison Warden ofEiraeiro prison. 94. Lt. Colonel Kidane BaireDirector Generalof the AdministrationCentral Region Administration 95. Lt. Colonel Mebrat (woman) 96. Lt. ColonelMehari BerhaneHead of the immigration and nationality branch in Anseba region. 97. Lt. Colonel Samuel KidaneRepresentative &Head of Social Work of the Sawa Training Centre. 98. Lt. Colonel Temesgen SamuelDeputy Commander of the Sawa Training Centre. 99. Lt. ColonelTesfazghi YohannesHead of the Rehabilitation Center in Mendefera. 100. Lt. Colonel Tsehaye Berhethe chiefof law enforcement unit in the Southern Red Sea Region.

101. Lt. ColonelWedi MqurHeadof Adi Abeito prison

102. Lt. Colonel Weldezghi OqbaselassieHeadofthe Administration of the Eritrean Correctional and Rehabilitation Centre

103. Lt. ColonelYosef MekonnenManager of the Harat Public Technical Service 104. Lt. Tesfahiwet GhebraiHeadof the Prison and Rehabilitation administration in Sembel. 105. Maj. Alene YigzawHeadof immigration and nationality branch in Adi-Keih. 106. Maj. General Asmerom Gebregziabher Force. 107. Maj. General Filippos Woldeyohannesthe Commanderof OperationZone 2.(161 Corps)

108. Maj. GeneralGebrezgheir Andemariam (“Wuchu”) the Commanderof Operation Zone 2. Now

Commander of the Eastern Command 109. Maj. General Haile Samuel the Commanderof Operation Zone 4.491 corps 110. Maj. GeneralTeklai Habteselassiethe Commanderof the Eritrean Air Force. 111. Maj. General Yohannes Gebremeskel 112. Maj.GhebretensaeTesfalidetproject Manager of the Afhimbol Plantation

113. Maj. Hagos TekiePrisons & Rehabilitation

114. Maj. Kibreab AbrahamHeadof the Gash-Barka central government garage 115. Maj.Mihreteab KidaneStaff officerof agitation and information center in Sawa. 116. Maj. Semere HabtemickaelHeadof the Eritrean Diving Center 117. Maj. Woldu TesfamariamHead of the Central Government Garage in Anseba region 118. Maj.Yosief Seyoum (Wedi Seyoum)Eritrean Naval Officer escaped on April 3, 2009 119. Welderufael (Haguadey) Head of Logistics Imdad. 120. Colonel Berhane HansHead of Garage branch in Asmara deserted now living in Norway 2004

121. Maj. General Humed MohammedKarikarethe CommanderofNaval Forces. 122. Maj. General Omar Hassan Tewilthe Commanderof Operation Zone 3. (381 Corps) 123. Maj. General Romodan Awliya the Sports Commissioner. 124. Brig. GeneralAbdu Remech Chief of Staff of Operation Zone 1.(Passed Away05.2009) 125. Colonel AbduIdris Omar

126. Colonel Jemal MohammednurCommanderof the Wiia Training Centre. 127. ColonelMohamed Toom. 128. Colonel Omar Abdu Idris 129. Colonel Saleh Osman 130. Lt. Colonel Khalid Aberra working atEritrean Embassy in South Africa. 131. MajorWedi Gulai. 132. LieutenantJelani Mohammed 133. Lt. KorporalIdris Suleman Halo 18112 134. Maj Adem Mohammed AdemCommanderof the battalion. 135. ColonelSuleiman HamidCommander

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89"Tigrigna" = 87, 25% 13 Others = 12, 75 % 102 Total = 100 %


1. Commissioner, TEL16-40-28Fax N. N. 16-13-68 Asmara Head Office of the Eritrean Police 2. Colonel Debesai TecluHeadof the Service Branch,TEL12-49-99Fax N. N. 12-21-35 Asmara Head

Office of the Eritrean Police 3. Colonel Michael Tewelde Headof the Inspection TEL12-49-99Fax N. N. 12-21-35 Asmara Head

Office of the Eritrean Police 4. Colonel Asmerom GebrewoldiHeadof the Crime Prevention Branch,TEL12-15-46 Fax N. N. 11-70-

20 Asmara Head Office of the Eritrean Police 5. Colonel Goitom GhebretensaeHeadof the Crime Investigation Branch, Phone TEL20-09-10 Fax N.

N. 12-21-54Asmara Head Office of the Eritrean Police 6. Colonel Zerai KaleabHeadof the Eritrean Police Training Centre,TEL64-19-46 Fax N. N. 64-19-

32 Dekemhare Head Office of the Eritrean Police 7. Solomon BerhaneHead Budgeting, TEL12-77-79 Asmara Head Office of the Eritrean Police 8. Colonel Beraki HaileHeadCentral Region Branch,TEL12-36-81 P.O. Box 1223 Asmara 9. Colonel Solomon AsfahaHeadof the Southern Region Branch, TEL61-13-65 Fax N. N. 61-15-93

Southern Region Police Branch 10. Hamed Mahmud (Col.)Head, Anseba Branch, TEL40-10-49Fax N. N. 40-24-16 Anseba

RegionPolice Branch 11. Colonel Zemichael TekliaHeadoftheGash–Barka RegionTEL73-12-83Fax N. N. 73-12-83 Gash -

Barka Region Police Branch 12. Brig. Generall Kokol Adem Headof theSouthern Red Sea RegionTEL66-11-48Fax N. N. 66-12-57

Southern Red Sea Region Police Branch 13. Colonel ZerezgiWeldemariamHeadof theN. R. S. BranchRegion Branchof the Eritrean

PoliceTEL55-20-79Fax N. N. 552270- Northern Red Sea Region Police Branch 14. Brig. General Ghirmay MehariHead, Eritrean Prison and Rehabilitation Service,TEL16-12-56Fax N.

N. 16-14-56 Asmara

1. Brig. General General Michael Yohannes 2. Brig. General Ghirmay MehariHead, Eritrean Prison and Rehabilitation Service. 3. Capt.Girmai GebremedhinHead of accident investigation and control unit in the Eritrean Traffic

Police. 4. Captain Habte GhebraiCommanderof police station in Molqi sub-zone. 5. Captain Habtu WoldeabCommanderof police force in the Laelai-Gash sub-zone. 6. CaptainTedros Tesfai,Headof technical tasks at the Gash-Barka central government garage. 7. Captain. Beraki TeklemariamCommanderofPolice Station in Forto-Sawa sub-zone. 8. Colonel Asmerom GebrewoldHead of the Crime Prevention Branch. 9. Colonel Beraki HaileHeadCentral Region Branch.

10. Colonel Debesai TecluHead,of the Service Branch. 11. Colonel Goitom GhebretensaeHeadof the Crime Investigation Branch. 12. ColonelKidane TesfaiHeadof education and training in the center in DekemhareHead Office of the 13. Colonel Mehari TesfamariamManager of the Haben Construction Company. 14. Colonel Mehari Tsegai Commander of the Eritrean Police in the Central region.








Tigrigna &Other




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15. Colonel Mehari Tsegai Commander of the Eritrean Police.08.02.11 16. Colonel Michael BisratHead of the immigration and nationality branch in Southern region. 17. Colonel Michael TeweldeHeadof the Inspection. 18. Colonel Shegheg 19. Colonel Solomon AsfahaHead of the Southern Region Branch. 20. Colonel Woldegebriel MisgunChairman of the Etaro community. 21. Colonel Zemichael TekliaHead of the Gash–Barka. 22. Colonel Zerai KaleabHeadof the Eritrean Police Training Centre. 23. Colonel Zerezgi WeldemariamHeadof theN. R. S. Branch

Eritrean Police 24. LieutenantTeklemariam Tsegai Administrator of the Tsetserat Prison 25. Lt. Colonel Andemariam WoldenkielHead of the Badme Construction Company. 26. LT. Colonel Goitom GebretsadiqHead of crime prevention in the Police office in the Northern Red

Sea region. 27. Lt. Colonel Isaias YosiefHead interrogator at the 2nd .Police station in Asmara. 28. Lt. Colonel Mehari BerhaneHeadof the immigration and nationality branch in Anseba region. 29. Lt. Colonel Sapieto 30. Lt. Tesfahiwet GhebraiHeadof the Prison and Rehabilitation administration in Sembel Asmara. 31. Maj. Ogbay TekleHeadof customs duties at the Ghinda station. 32. Maj. Berhane TeklaiHeadof the Penitentiary and Rehabilitation Centre inGash-Barka region. 33. Maj. Gebremeskel TekleCommanderof the police force in the Dekemhare town. 34. Maj. General Abraham Andom Commissioner of the Eritrean Police Force. 35. Maj. Habte GebruHeadof traffic police in Gash-Barka region. 36. Maj. Habtemickael BerheHeadof development at the Eritrean Rehabilitation and Correctional Center. 37. Maj. Hagos TekieCommanderof the Eritrean penitentiary and rehabilitation centre in Anseba region. 38. Maj. Kibreab AbrahamHeadof the Gash-Barka central government garage. 39. Maj. Nirayo Tekle (Anwar)Headof the PR office at the Eritrean Police. 40. Maj. Tesfa TesfahunegnHeadof the 6th Police station Asmara. 41. Maj. Woldu TesfamariamHeadof government garage in the Anseba region.

42. Maj. Yohannes BerakiHeadof enforcement unit in the Customs Duty branch office in Agordat sub-zone

43. Maj. Yohannes BerakiHeadof enforcement unit in the office in Agordat sub-zone. 44. Mr. Ghirmay Semere from the Police Office in Gash-Barka region. 45. Sergeant GhirmayTesfai from the Eritrean Police in theAnseba region. 46. Lt. Col. Teklegerghis TekleHead of the Eritrean Forestry Controlling Unit. 47. Colonel Mehari TsegaiCommander of the Eritrean Police

48. Lt. Mohammed Saleh IsmailHeadof Police station in Golij sub-zone. 49. Colonel Hamed Mahmud (Col.)Headof the Anseba RegionPolice Branch. 50. Brig. Generall Kokol Adem Headof theSouthern Red Sea Region

ColonelHassen, Asmara Police Chief “Defected”.

47 "Tigrigna" = 92, 15% 4 Others = 7, 85 % 51 Total = 100 %






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MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Eritrea has established diplomatic relations at Ambassadorial level with 32 countries, 6 at Consular level and 5 at Honorary Consul level

1. Mr. Osman SalehMinister ofEducation.Foreign Affairs(19.04.07)

2. Amb. Fessahazion PetrosDirector Generalof the Department of Desks Phone 12-51-53 3. Amb. Hanna Simon Director Generalof the Eritreans Residing Abroad Phone 12-50-64 Fax N. . 12-

51-30 4. Amb. Mahmoud Ali HuruiDirector Generalof the Department of Research and Information.Phone

12-71-3512-30-08 Fax N. . 12-51-41 5. Amb. Negassi SengalDirector ofthe Information DivisionPhone 12-18-01 Fax N. . 12-51-41 6. DirectorEconomical Research 7. Director of Training 8. Duty Officer (Saturdays, Sundays, and Public Holidays)Phone 11-69-67 Fax N. . 12-37-88 9. Mr. Abraham DawitDirectorof the Asia-Pacific Division Phone 12-41-47 Fax N. . 12-51-34 10. Mr. Habtom GebremichaelDirectorofthe Political Research Phone 12-71-10 Fax N. .12-51-41 11. Mr. Haile AsfahaDirector0f the Community Affairs Phone 12-70-55Fax N. .. 11-47-97 12. Mr. Ibrahim OsmanDirectorof the Middle East Division Phone 12-18-65 13. Mr. Michael W/mariamDirectorof the Finance Division. Phone12-71-20 Fax N. .12-37-88 14. Mr. Mohammed Osman IdrisDirectorof the Protocol DivisionPhone12-50-61 15. Mr. Temesgen GebreselassieDirector Consular Affairs Phone 12-69-55 Fax N. .12-70-68 16. Mr. Tsehaye FasilDirectorEuro-America Division Phone 12-50-56 Fax N. . , 12-51-34 17. Mrs. Lia TesfaiDirector of the Personnel Division Phone 12-08-23 18. Ms. Elsa HaileDirector of Regional and Intern Organizations Division.Phone. 12-71-51 Fax N. . 12-

51-64 19. Ms. Zahra JaberDirector GeneralOf the Administration Phone.12-51-3812-17-39 Fax N. .12-51-27

20. Amb. Hanna Simon Director General of the Eritreans Residing Abroad 21. Amb. Negassi Sengal, Eritrean Ambassador to the United Kingdom and IrelandDirector of the

Information Division 22. Ambassador Fessehasion PetrosDirector Generalof the Department of Desks in the Foreign

Ministry 23. Dr. Andeab GebremeskelEritrean Ambassador to Australia 23.04.07

24. Mr. Abraham Dawit Director of the Asia-Pacific Division

25. Mr. Abraham Yohannes Director of the Dept. of Americas, UN &International Organizs. 26. Mr. Ahferom Berhane Eritrean ConsularAffairs to Canada24.04.07

27. Mr. Alem Negash (Hadish?)EritreanConsulGeneral in Juba Sudan 28. Mr. Alem Tsehaye Eritrean Ambassador(toChina) to India 21.07.07 29. Mr. Araya Desta Eritrean Ambassador to the Scandinavian countries, Permanent

Representative of Eritrea to the UN in 2008 30. Mr. Asamnew GhebreEconomicOfficer in the Embassy Of The State Of Eritrea 31. Mr. Berhane GebrehiwetFirst Secretary of the Eritrean Embassy to the US. 32. Mr. Berhane ZereHeadof Public and CommunityAffairs at the Eritrean Embassy in Germany 33. Mr. Beyene RussomEritreanAmbassador to Kenya. 13 May 2011 34. Mr. Beyene Russom Eritrean Ambassador to the Republic of Kenya. 35. Mr. Daniel Gezai Eritrean Consulin Norway, 36. Mr. Estifanos AfwerkiEritreanAmbassador to Japan 37. Mr. Fasil Gebreselassie Eritrean Ambassador to Egypt 2008 38. Mr. Fessehasion PetrosDirectorGeneralofDesks in the Foreign Ministry 39. Mr. Gabriel Fasil Eritrean Ambassador toIndia

40. Mr. Ghirmay Fessehasion, Eritrean Consulto Kuwait 41. Mr.Ghirmay Ghebremariam, theEritrean Ambassador to the United States

42. Mr. Habtom Gebremichael Director of the Political Research

43. Mr. Haile AsfahaDirector of the Community Affairs 44. Mr. Hannibal Menghis diplomat in Kenya

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45. Mr. Jonas MannaChargé d'Affaires at the Eritrean Embassy in Sweden. 46. Mr. Michael WeldemariamDirectorof the Finance Division. 47. Mr. Negassi Sengal, Eritrean Ambassador to the United Kingdom and Ireland 48. Mr. Russom Gebreghergish the Eritrean Consul General in Milan. 49. Mr. Russom Gebregiorgis Eritrean Consul in Milano, 31 March 2011 50. Mr. Semere GebremariamHead of public and community affairs Canada 51. Mr. Solomon Kinfe EritreanConsulGeneral in Italy 52. Mr. Solomon Mahari Eritrean Consul in the Netherlands, 53. Mr. Tekle MenghisteabHeadofpublic and community affairs at the Eritrean Embassy to Scandinavia, 54. Mr. Temesgen Berhe (Wedi Berhe) Headofintelligence in charge of the Ethiopian opposition in Sudan 55. Mr. Temesgen GebreselassieDirectorConsular Affairs 56. Mr. Tesfa Alem SeyoumChargé d'Affairesof the Eritrean Mission to the UN. 57. Mr. Tesfalem Gerahtu Eritrean Consul in Uganda 58. Mr. Tesfamariam TekesteEritrean Ambassador to theIsrael 59. Mr. Tesfamichael GerahtuEritrean Ambassador to the United Kingdom and Ireland 2009 60. Mr. Tewelde MihreteabHeadof Consular Affairs in South Africa. 61. Mr. Tsegai TesfazionEritrean Ambassador to theChina 62. Mr. Tsehaye FasilDirector of Euro-America Division now First Secretaryat the Eritrean Embassy in

Washington, DC. 63. Mr. Tsehaye FasilFirst Secretaryat the Eritrean Embassy in Washington, DC. 64. Mr. Woldeselassie Ghebremedhin the HeadofEritrea's Consularoffice in Germany. 65. Mr. Yohannes Teklemichael Eritrean ConsulGeneralin Dubai and North Emirate.(UAE) 66. Mr. Yonnas Mana EritreanCharge Affairs in the Scandinavian countries. 67. Mr. Zemede Tekle Eritrean Ambassador to Italy 68. Ms Weini GebrezgheirFirst Secretaryat the Eritrean Embassy in Riyadh KSA. 69. Ms. Elsa HaileDirector of Regional and International Organizations Division. 70. Ms. Genet AfwerkiHead of social service in the Elabered sub-zone. 21 March 2011 71. Ms. Haregu TesfamariamHeadofPublic affairs at the Embassy of Eritrea in UK 72. Ms. Semainesh KirosHead of ConsularAffairsin the Eritrean Embassy in Italy. 73. Mr. Negasi Kassa Advisor of the Eritrean Embassy in Belgium

1. Brig. General Abdalla MussaEritrean Ambassador to Libya

2. Lt. Colonel Khalid AberraFirst Secretary in the Eritrean Embassy to South Africa. 3. Mr. Abdalla Al-Kesan Metreji Eritrean Honorary Consul in Lebanon 05.2010 4. Mr. Abdu Heji Eritrean Ambassador to Danmark Pakistan 5. Mr. Abdurahman Osman Eritrean Consul General in Saudi Arabia 22 March 2011. 6. Mr. Ahmed Hassen Dahli Eritrean Ambassador toFrance 7. Mr. Ahmed M. Imam General ConsulofEritrea for Western United States of America, 8. Mr. Al-Amin Nafi'e Charge D'affaires of Eritrean Embassy in United Arab Emirates. 9. Mr. Ali Ibrahim Ahmed Eritrean Ambassador toQatar

10. Mr. Atijani KhalidFirst Secretaryofthe Eritrean Consulin Canada. 11. Mr. Beshir IdrisNurOmarEritrean ConsulGeneral to Australia and New Zealand.

12. Mr. Hamed Yahiya HaliGeneral Consul inLebanon 13. Mr. Ibrahim OsmanDirector0f the Middle East Division 14. Mr. Idris Abu sheik Eritrean Consul General in Bahrain 15. Mr. Ismael MussaHead of Public D’Affairs in the Eritrean Embassy in Sudan. 16. Mr. Mahmoud Ali HuruiDirector General of the Research & Information 17. Mr. Mahmud Ali Jabra Eritrean Ambassadorin Djibouti.

18. Mr. Mohammed Ali Umaro EritreanAmbassador to Kenya now in Nigeria

19. Mr. Mohammed Ismail Mahmud Eritrean AmbassadorinSaudi Arabia 24.04.07 20. Mr. Mohammed Omar MahmudEritrean Ambassador to Saudi Arabia 15 May 2009 and

Lebanon as Eritrea's non-resident Ambassador 21. Mr. Mohammed Omar Mahmud Eritrean Ambassador to SaudiArabia 15 May 2009and Lebanon as

Eritrea's non-resident Ambassador 22. Mr. Mohammed Osman IdrisDirectorof the Protocol Division 23. Mr. Mohammed SuleimanEritrea’s Ambassador to the (European Union (EU)). Hollandagain (EU)).

21-04 2011 24. Mr. Mohammedseid Mantai Eritrean Ambassador to Sudan. 7 April 2011 25. Mr. Mussa YassinShekedin Eritrean Ambassadorto Kuwait, tot he Yemen 26. Mr. Nurhussein Mohammed Security Affairsto Swedennow in KSA

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27. Mr. Osman Mohammed Omar Eritrean Ambassador United Arab Emirates (UAE) Kwait, to Egypt. April 4, 2011

28. Mr. Saleh OmarEritrean Ambassador to Kenya, Uganda and Tanzaniato South Africa 21.04.2011 29. Ms. Zahra JaberDirector GeneralOf the Administration

Mr. Isa Ahmed Isa Eritrean Ambassador to Sudan replaced on 7 April 2011

Mr. Mohammed Omar Chirum Eritrean Ambassador toEgypt & Kuwait(Defected To Canada20.06.2009) Mr. Osman Mohammed Omar Eritrean Ambassadorto the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Admn. In the Sothern Red Sea Region Mr. Suleiman alHaj IbrahimEritreanAmbassadortoSaudi Arabia. M, E. Foreign Affairs Asmara. Now Mendefera Administrator

Ms. Nura Mohammed Omer the Eritrean Consular Affairsto Canada. 24.04.07 freezed with no job

72"Tigrigna" = 68, 57% 30 “Others” = 31, 43 % 102 Total = 100 %



Eritrea has three types of courts: civil, special, and military court.

The Military Court

The Military Court has jurisdiction over penal cases brought against members of the armed forces. It

also assumes jurisdiction over crimes committed by and against the members of the armed forces. The

Military Court is structured in two levels: higher and lower. The jurisdiction of these two levels depends

on the seriousness of the offences in question. The higher level of the Military Court is part of the

Eritrean High Court. The Military Court does not afford the right of appeal.

The Special Court

The Special Court has jurisdiction over cases involving corruption. It has the power to re-open and

adjudicate cases that have already been processed through the regular criminal justice system. This

court does not afford the right of counsel or appeal.

Judges in the Special Court do not have formal legal training. They are appointed by the Eritrean

President and are mostly senior members of the armed forces.

The Civil Courts

1. Community Court

The Community Courts, established in 2001, have a one magistrate bench system filled by elected

magistrates. They have jurisdiction over cases involving minor infractions of the law. The magistrates,

who sit in community courts, do not have legal training. Unlike judges in the Zoba and High Courts, they






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base their decisions on the customs of the areas in which they serve. Decisions made by such courts

may be appealed to Zoba Courts.

2. Zoba Court

The Zoba Court, with few exceptions, is the court of first instance. It has civil, criminal, and shari’a

benches. In addition to the one judge bench system which hears all first instance cases, it has a three

judge appellate bench that hears cases appealed from determinations made by the labor office on

employer-employee relations. The Shari’a bench adjudicates matters of personal status of followers of

Islam. Decisions rendered by any of the benches at the Zoba Court can be appealed to the appropriate

benches at the High Court.

3. High Court

The High Court, with few exceptions, is an appellate court. It has three judge bench systems. These

benches are the civil, criminal, commercial, and shari’a benches.

Eritrea also has a five judge bench that hears final appeals in lieu of a Supreme Court. Eritrea does not

have a Supreme Court yet although the Eritrean Constitution envisages one. The final appeals panel at

the High Court, which is at the same level of all other benches in the High Court, functions much like a

Supreme Court does and is the bench of last resort. This bench is presided by the High Court’s Chief

Justice and four other judges from the other benches at the High Court.

Other Sources

1. Customary laws

Although customary law is not recognized as an official source of law in Eritrea, it plays a complementary

role in the “modern legal system” through incorporation and enjoys a great deal of importance in

practice. Its lack of uniformity, due to its variations along ethnic and regional lines, makes blanket

customary law application impossible. It has, however, maintained its importance in the Eritrean legal

system through informal incorporation in the “modern laws.” For instance, while the age of majority

according to the Civil Code is 18 years of age, the Civil Code also recognizes marriages between the age

of 15 and 18 in recognition of Eritrean customary marriage practices. The establishment of Community

Courts in 2001 with the mandate to apply customary laws is another testimony to the importance of

customary law in Eritrea.

2. Shari’a Law

Although Shari’a law is not formally recognized as a source of law, it enjoys de facto status in the

Eritrean legal system. It regulates issues of personal status of believers of Islam and is enforced through

separate Shari’a chambers in the civil court system.

There are 36 courts in the Central region, including 6 in Asmara, 9 in semi-urban centres and

21 in rural areas.

There are 45 community magistrates in 11 sub-zones of the Anseba region at present. 1 School of Law in Mekerka

Ms. Fozia HashimMinister ofJustice.

Eden FasilDirector GeneralLegal Service Phone 20-29-10 Fax N. . 12-69-85 Asmara Rezene SeyoumDirector GeneralResearch and HRD Phone 12-49-16 Asmara AlemseghedHabteselassieDirector GeneralAttorney General Phone 12-64-80 Fax N. . 20-18-29 Asmara Menkerios BerakiPresident, High Court Phone 12-10-03 Fax N. . 12-16-25 Asmara Tekie ZerezgiHead, Admin. and Finance Phone 12-68-48 Asmara

Mr. Gebrehiwot FasilHeadofDubarwa Court

1. Colonel BBC Known by his nickname chief Judge in the military court in Paradizo.

Page 84: ብላዕ ንከርስኻ ፍረድ ንነብስኻ · Alamin Hassan Presidential aid. Ministerial Advisers 26. Dr. Matewos WolduEconomic Advisor and Coordinator of the program in


2. Mr. Abraham KibromHead ofLegal advisory services

3. Mr. Abraham KibromHead of theLegal advisory services

4. Mr. Abraham MelakeHead of Human Resources Development in the Ministry of Justice. 5. Mr. Abraham MelakeHead of Human Resources Development in the Ministryof Justice. 6. Mr. Afwerki DebesaiJudgeof the community magistrate in Eden semi-urban centre, Anseba region. 7. Mr. Alem GhebruHeadof the Community Courts Monitoring Office at the Ministry of Justice 8. Mr. Alemseged Habteslasie Attorney the Ministryof Justice.

9. Mr. Alemseghed BokretsionHead of theCivic-Legal education

10. Mr. Alemseghed HabteselassieDirector GeneralAttorney General 11. Mr. Amanuel GhirmayJudge at the Dekemhare Court.

12. Mr. Eden FasilDirector GeneralLegal Service

13. Mr. Gebrehiwot FasilHeadofDubarwa Court 14. Mr. Gebremichael TesfamichaelHead of courtsCoordination in the Southern region. 15. Mr. Habteab Yemane judge at the High Appeals Court,in the Ministryof Justice.

16. Mr. Kinfe HabtomHead of law and order branch in the Central region, in the Ministryof Justice. 17. Mr. Menkerios BerakiPresidentof the High Court 18. Mr. Mogos Ogbamichael,Head of Community Magistrates, in the Ministryof Justice. 19. Mr. Rezene SeyoumDirector GeneralResearch and HRD 20. Mr. Seyoum Teclejudge at the highcourt,in the Ministryof Justice. 21. Mr. Tekie Zerezgi Directorof the Admin & Finance 22. Mr. Tewelde AbrahaHeadof courts supervision department in the Southern region.

23. Mr. Tewelde TesfatsionHead of rules and regulations unit in the Keren town administration. 24. Mr. Turkuai KahseJudge in Tsorona semi-urban centre. 25. Mr. Woldu Gebremariam Judge of the High Court. 26. Ms. Bisrat HabtemariamHeadof the administrative office of the Centralregion’s community


27. Ms. Dehab TekleberhanHeadof community magistrate inShebeq administrative area;Hagaz sub-zone.

28. Ms. Tsegereda TesfaiPresidentof the Central Region Court (CRC)

29. Mr. Ferej JimieJudge in Agordat town court. 30. Mr. Abdelaziz HamidHigher Court judge in the in Anseba region 31. Mr. Ga’as AhmedHead ofcourts coordinatingoffice in the Southern Red Sea region.

32. Mr. Osman Hamid Head of community magistrates in the Anseba region.

33. Mr. Ahmed Hamid MussaChairmanofthe Legislative Assembly.

28 "Tigrigna" = 84, 84% 4 “Others” = 15, 16 % 33 Total = 100 %


1. Ms. Salma HassenMinister ofLabourand Human Welfare.(19.05.09).






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2. Woldeyesus ElesaDirector General, Labor Department 15-17-50 Fax N.. 15-17-80 P.O. Box 5252

Asmara 3. Mihreteab FesshayeDirector GeneralSocial Welfare Dept. 15-11-06 Fax N. . 15-10-29 P.O. Box 5252

Asmara 4. Amha KidaneDirector General. Administration and Finance 15-16-26 Fax N. 15-02-00 P.O. Box 5252


1. Woldeyesus ElesaDirector GeneralofLabor Department in the Ministryof LHW. 2. Mihreteab FesshayeDirector GeneralofSocial Welfare in the Ministryof LHW. 3. Amha KidaneDirector Generalof Administration and Finance in the MinistryofLHW.

4. Colonel Berhane NegashDirector Generalof the Social Services Central Region Administration 5. M. Ghirmay BokretsionHead of the Ministry of LHW branch in the Anseba region.

6. Mr. Amare Reda acting Directorof the Ministryof LHW.Branch in the Southern region. 7. Mr. Amha Kidane Director Generalof the Administration & Finance Ministry of LHW. 8. Mr. Andemeskel TesfaiHeadof the Ministry of theAreza sub-zone. 9. Mr. Andemichael SolomonDirector Generalof infrastructure and social services department in the

Southern Red Sea region. 10. Mr. Asmeret Mebrahtu Director of the Community services Ministryof LHW. 11. Mr. Berhane NegashDirector Generalof social services in the Central region. 12. Mr. Berhane WoldekidanHeadofthe Ministryof LHW.branch of the central region 13. Mr. Dawit Gebremichael branchHeadof the Ministryof the Tsorona sub-zone. 14. Mr. Dawit GhebrekristosHeadof the Eritrean National War-disabled Veterans Association (ENWVA)

branch in Anseba region. 15. Mr. Elias HabtileHeadof the branch office of the MinistryofLHWin theShambukosub-zone 16. Mr. Ephrem KiflomHead of the Ministryof LHW branch in the Gash-Barka region. 17. Mr. Eyob KidaneHeadof the branch office of the Ministryof the N. Red Sea region 18. Mr. Gabriel KahsaiHeadof the Ministry of LHW.branch office in the Molqi sub-zone. 19. Mr. Gebreab Fesshaye HEADof theNGO Affairs Ministryof LHW. 20. Mr. Geresus GebregergisHead of services in the Barentu town. 21. Mr. Goitom Alem Director of the Rehabilitation Ministryof LHW. 22. Mr. Habtemariam FesshayeHeadof the branch office of the Ministry of Anseba region 23. Mr. Habtemickael YohannesHeadof the Ministry of LHW.branch office of the Segeneiti sub-zone. 24. Mr. Habtom Sium Tekle Director Generalof the Social Welfare Ministry of LHW. 25. Mr. Kidane Habte Director of the Research, Planning and HRDMinistry of LHW. 26. Mr. Melake TeweldeHeadof Social services in the Ministry of LHW in Senafe sub-zone. 27. Mr. Mihreteab Fesshaye Director Generalof the Relief and Rehabilitation MinistryofLHW. 28. Mr. Rezene GhebreamlakHead of the branch office of the Ministry of LHW in Adi-Keih sub-zone. 29. Mr. Rezene WoldeamlakHeadof the Ministryof LHW.branch in Adi-Keih sub-zone

30. Mr. Russom HizbaiHead of social security in the Ministryof LHW branch in Northern Red Sea region.

31. Mr. Russom HizbaiHeadof the Ministry of LHW branch in the Northern Red Sea region. 32. Mr. Russom NegashManagerof Barako Textile Factory. 33. Mr. Samson Solomon coach of the National Cycling Team 34. Mr. Sebhatleab WoldegiorgisHeadof the Ministryof LHW branch in Dekemhare sub-zone 35. Mr. Solomon TeklehaimanotHead of schools in the Gash-Barka region. 36. Mr. Tedros FesshayeHead of social security in the Ministry of LHW branch in Anseba region. 37. Mr. Tekeste TesfamariamHead of Socialservices in the Laelai-Gash sub-zone. 38. Mr. Tekle Tesfai Director of theChild Welfare Ministry of LHW. 39. Mr. Tesfai TekleDirector General of social servicein Northern Red Sea region. 40. Mr. Tesfamariam BerheHeadofthe branch office of the the Southern Red Sea

region 41. Mr. Tesfamariam IssakCoordinator of the institutions of the Ministry of LHW.

42. Mr. Tesfatsion GhirmayDirector General of SocialServices in the Southern region. 43. Mr. Tesfu SolomonHeadof the Central region’s branch office in charge ofSocial welfare in the

Ministryof LHW. 44. Mr. Tewelde TesfatsionHead of rules and regulations unit in the Keren town administration. 45. Mr. Tsehaye SieleHeadof the branch of the MinistryofLHW.inSouthern region

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46. Mr. Woldeyesus Elisa Director Generalof the Labor Dept. Ministryof LHW. 47. Mr. Yirgalem MussieHeadof the Social welfare department in the Anseba region

48. Mr. Yohannes TesfaiHeadof thebranch office of the MinistryofLHW. inthe Southern region. 49. Mr. Yohannes TesfaselassieHeadof branch at the National Insurance Corporation of Eritrea (NICE) 50. Mr. Yonas Habtemariam coordinator of vocational training in the Ministryof LHW.branch in the

Central region 51. Mr. Menghisteab HabtetsionHead of the Ministry’of LHW branch in the Central region. 52. Mrs. Asmeret Abraha Headof Community Service Division at the Ministryof LHW. 53. Ms. Azieb Eyob Acting Headof the Ministry of LHW branch office in Haikota sub-zone. 54. Ms. FioriHead of the Orphanage. 55. Ms. Genet AfwerkiHead of Social service in the Elabered sub-zone. 21 March 2011 56. Ms. Genet HabteCoordinatorof community-based rehabilitation program in the branch office of the

Ministryof LHW. 57. Ms. Kahsa MehariHeadof life skill in the Adi-Keih sub-zone.

58. Ms. Kudusan TeweldeHead of the office in Ministry of LHW branch in Dekemhare sub-zone. 59. Ms. Mehret AsfahaHeadofSocial service in the Mendefera sub zone. 60. Ms. Tirhas FikaduHeadofSocial service in the Adi-Quala sub-zone 61. Ms. Tsige BariagabirHead of the branch office of the Ministry of LHW in Mendefera sub-zone in the

Southern region. 62. Mr. Andemeskel TesfaiHead of martyrs’ benefit scheme in the Ministry of LHW.. 63. Mr. Kidane YohannesHead of the Ministry of LHW branch in Northern Red Sea region. 64. Mr. Rezene WoldeamlakHead of the Ministry of LHW branch in Adi-Keih sub-zone. 65. Mr. Kidane YohannesHead of the branch office of the Ministry of LHWin the Northern Red Sea


66. Mr. Abdallahi Al-AminHeadofSocial service in Gash-Barka.

67. Mr. Abdallahi HassanHeadofSocial service in the Mensura sub-zone 68. Mr. Abdu MohammedHeadofSocial service in theForto-Sawa sub-zone. 69. Mr. Abdulahi Al-AminTita Director Generalof Social Services in the Gash-Barka region. 70. Mr. Abdullahi SalehHeadof the Education Ministry’s branch in the Karora sub-zone. 71. Mr. Ibrahim IsmaelHeadof the Ministry ofMinistryof LHW.branch in the Nacfa sub-zone. 72. Mr. Ibrahim OmarHeadofthe Ministry of the Adi Keyih sub-zone 73. Mr. Ismail OsmanHead of Social security in the Ministry of LHW’s branch of Assab office. 74. Mr. Jimi’e HusseinHead of the Ministry’s branch office in theMinistry of LHW branch in Golij sub-

zone. 75. Mr. Mahmoud SeidHead of the branch office of the Ministryof LHW in Nacfa sub-zone. 76. Mr. Mohammed JabirHead of the branch office of the Ministry of LHW in the Southern Red Sea

region. 77. Mr. Osman AdemHeadof social services in Afabet sub-zone. 78. Mr. Saleh OsmanHead of the Ministryof LHW branch in Tessenei sub-zone. 79. Mr. Saleh TalkeHead of social services in theMogolo sub-zone. 80. Mr. Se'id Abdu SalihCoordinatorof the National Plan of Action on Climate Change in the Ministryof

LHW. 81. Ms. Elsa Melik Acting HeadSocial services in the Halib-Mentel administrative area. 82. Ms. Fatima IdrisHeadofSocial service in Agordat sub-zone. 83. Ms. Fatuma AlinurHead of Social service in the NUEW branch in Gash-Barka region. 84. Ms. Fatuma Mohammed KentebaiHead of Socialservices in Ghinda sub-zone. 85. Ms. Hana OsmanHead of theMinistry of LHW branch in theBarentu sub-zone. 86. Ms. Zeineb OmarHeadofSocialservice in Anseba region. 87. Mr. Saleh SebriHead of pension branch in the Ministry of LHW.

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65 "Tigrigna" = 75. 00% 22 Others = 25, 00 % 87 Total = 100 %


1. Mr. Tesfai Gebreselassie(Minister ofEnergy and Mines)ofLand, Water and Environment.(13.05.09)

1. Beyene RussomDirector GeneralLand,Phone 12-46-33 Fax N. 12-46-35 P.O. Box 976 Asmara 2. Mebrahtu IyassuDirector GeneralWaterPhone 12-04-04 Fax N. 12-46-25 P.O. Box 1488 Asmara 3. Megos WoldeyohannesDirector General EnvironmentPhone 12-11-03 Fax N. . 12-60-95 P.O. Box

976 Asmara 4. Habtemickael WoldegiorgisDirector GeneralCadastrePhone 12-42-53 P.O. Box 976 Asmara 5. TsegaiTaemratDirector,Minister’s Office Phone 12-32-84 Fax N. 12-32-85 P.O. Box 976 Asmara

1. Eng. Berhane HaileSupervisorof the Potable water supply projects in Golij sub-zone. 2. Eng. Fasil KiflayExpert in soil and water conservation in the Mai-Harmaz, Adi-Tsaedi and Adekemene in

Mendefera sub-zone. 3. Lt. Colonel Tekie Woldu coordinator of thePotableWaterSupplyproject in Tessenei from the central

government garage in Gash-Barkaregion 4. Mr. Andebrhan TesfaberhanCoordinatorof the dam is under construction around Tinkulahas in

Keren project 5. Mr. Bahlibi ZeresenaiExpert in the Soil and water conservation activities in La’lai-Gash sub-zone. 6. Mr. Berekhet Kidane Headof the Ministry’ofLWE branch office in Gash-Barka region 7. Mr. Beyene RussomDirector GeneralLandat the Ministryof LWE. 8. Mr. Debesai Gebrehiwet Director Generalof the Research and training in the Ministryof LWE 9. Mr. Fesshaye OqbamichaelContractor ofPotable water supply projects in Sabunait. Golij sub-zone. 10. Mr. Goitom SemereExpertin soil and water conservation in theMolqi sub-zonebranch office.

11. Mr. Habtemickael WoldegiorgisDirector GeneralCadastreat the Ministryof LWE. 12. Mr. Hadish GebremichaelDirector“Administrator”of theEritrean Water and Mine Drilling

Company (EWMDC). 13. Mr. Hagos GebremariamHeadof water supply unit in theGhinda town. 14. Mr. Mebrahtu EyassuDirectorofWater Department in the Ministry of LWE. 15. Mr. Megos WoldeyohannesDirector General Environmentat the Ministryof LWE. 16. Mr. Melake GirmatsionSupervisorof the modern water supply project in the administrative areas

ofDembe-Habtetsion and Ber’ona in the Anseba region. 17. Mr. Negassi FissehaExpertin soil and water conservation in Areza sub-zone 18. Mr. Semere GhebremedhinExpertsoil and water conservation in the Adi-Quala sub-zone. 19. Mr. Teklehaimanot YebioSupervisorof the new water reservoir project in the Deret administrative

area, Agordat sub-zone. 20. Mr. Tesfu Andemariam HEADof the Water resources management in the Ministryof LWE 21. Mr. Tewelde Gebreyesus Director Generalof the Environmental assessment & information division

22. Mr. Teweldemedhin TeklaiHeadof soil and water conservation program in the Golij sub-zone. 23. Mr. Tsegai Taemrat Director of the Minister's Office in the Ministryof LWE

24. Mr. Yonas AbrahamSupervisorof the project of the water reservoir is under construction in Gam around Wazintet administrative area






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25. Ms. Aster Redaezgi Director Generalof the Environmental management and control in the Ministryof LWE.

26. Mr. Tsegai TaemratDirector of the Minister’s office in the Ministry of LWE. 27. Mr. Hailemichael EyobHead of the Ministry of LWE branch in the Southern region. 28. Mr. Woldu GhebremedhinHead of technical department in the WaterResource Department in the

Assab town. 29. Ms. Aster WoldeabezgiHeadof environmental management at theMinistry ofLWE branch office of

Barentu town. 30. Mr. Berekhet KidaneHeadof the Ministry of LWE branch in the Gash-Barka region. 31. Mr. Hagos GebremariamHeadof water services in the Ghinda town. 32. Mr. Dawit GebrezgiHead of micro-dams supervision unit in the Shambuko sub-zone. 33. Mr. Zere WoldetnsaeHeadof water resource in the Ministryof LWE branch in the Anseba region.

34. Mr. Bereket KidaneHead of the Ministry of LWE’s branch in the Gash- Barka region. 35. Mr. Hailemichael IyobHead of the Southern region branch office of the Ministry of LWE. 36. Mr. Ephrem KiflomHead of the Ministry of LHW’s branch in the Gash Barka region. 37.

38. Mr. Se'id Abdu Salih CORDINATORof the National Plan of Action on Climate Change in the Ministryof LWE

The Meteorological Office of the Civil Aviation Department Mr. Asefaw, Mr. Isaac Fisseha, Mr. Hadgu Kibreab Mr. Tsehaye Tsige at the Ministry of AgricultureMr. Yemane T. Yohannes, Mr. Tekeste Weldegebriel, Mr. Yirgalem Mr. Beraki at

the FEWS (Famine Early Warning System)

36"Tigrigna" = 97, 25% 1 Others = 2, 71 % 37 Total = 100 %


1. Dr. Woldai FuturMinister ofNational Development.

2. Abraham Kidane (Prof.)Economic Advisor,Phone (Office)12-33-56 Fax N. . 12-64-22 P .O. Box 1386

Asmara 3. Ghirmay Abraham (Dr.)Economic Advisor Phone (Office) 12-33-56 Fax N. N. 12-64-22 P .O. Box

1386 Asmara 4. Kidane TsegaiDirector General Min. of National DevPhone12-27-50 Fax N. 12-64-22 P .O. Box 1386

Asmara 5. Ainom BerhaneA/Director Generalof the National Statistics Dept. Phone 12-80-34Fax N. 12-56-79 P

.O. Box 5838 Asmara






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2. Dr. Ghirmay Abraham (Dr.)Economic Advisor in the Ministry ofNational Development 3. Mr. Ainom BerhaneA/Director General 0f the National Statistics Dept. in the Ministry of National

Development 4. Mr. Ainom Berhane Director Generalof the National Statistics Office in theMinistry of National

Development 5. Mr. Berhe Tesfamariam Director of the Water Services in theMinistry of National Development 6. Mr. Ghirmay WoldegiorgisHeadofHuman Resource Development. 7. Mr. Kidane Tsegai Director Generalof the Regional planning in theMinistry of National

Development 8. Mr. Kidane TsegaiDirector General Min. of National Dev. in the Ministry ofNational Development 9. Mr. Yohannes Woldeab Director of the Admin and Finance in theMinistry of National Development. 10. Eng. Tadios TesfayHeadofinfrastructure department in the Anseba region.

11. Engineer Idris IbrahimHeadof engineering services and project administration in the Gash-Barka region.

12. Mr. Omar SeidHeadof development in the Ghinda town administration 13. Mr. Osman Jim’eCoordinator of development activities in the Asmat sub-zone sub-zone.

10"Tigrigna" = 76, 92% 3 Others = 23, 08 % 13 Total = 100 %

MINISTRY OF PUBLIC WORKS 1. Mr. Abraha AsfahaMinister ofPublic Works.

2. Haddish TesfamichaelDirector General Engineering Works, Phone (Office) 12-03-02Fax N. N. 12-

06-61P .O. Box 841 Asmara 3. Medhanie EstifanosDirector General Urban Development, Phone (Office) 11-83-17Fax N. N. 12-06-

61P .O. Box 841 Asmara

4. Kidane BerhaneDirector General Infrastructure, Phone (Office) 12-04-42 Fax N. N. 12-06-61 P .O. Box 841 Asmara

5. Tzadu BahtaDirector of Administration and Finance, Phone (Office) 11-45-00Fax N. N. 12-06-61 P .O. Box 841 Asmara

6. Mr. Habteleul Ghebremedhin Director Generalof the Housing Division in the Ministryof Public Works

7. Mr. Andemichael SolomonDirectorGeneral of infrastructure development and Socialservice in the Red Sea region.

8. Mr. Mussie MisginaDirector General of infrastructure development in the Northern Red Sea region.






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1. CaptainTedros Tesfai Head of technique in the Public Technical Service branch in Gash-Barka region. 2. Colonel Haile Mesfin Manager of the Mereb Construction Company. 3. Colonel Mehari TesfamariamManager of the Haben Construction Company. 4. Eng. Eyob HaileManagerofZula Construction Company.

5. Eng. Asefaw MesfinHead of construction service in the Ministryof Public Works

6. Eng. Asmerom TesfaiHeadof technique department in the Dubarwa town 7. Eng. Dawit FitsameHead of Administration and Contracts Unit in the Ministryof Public Works. 8. Eng. Dawit TadesseHead of the technical unit in the Mereb Construction Company 9. Eng. Desale GebremedihinManager Musa Ali Construction Company. 10. Eng. Eritros AbrahamHead of infrastructure development in the Central region. 11. Eng. Gezai NegassiHeadof the project from the Debwin Construction Company. 12. Eng. Haddish TesfamichaelDirector heading such activities in the Ministryof Public Works. 13. Eng. Haile WoldaiManagerof the Debwin Construction Company. 14. Eng. Kahsai Niguse from the Eritrean Institute of Technology in the Ministryof Public Works. 15. Eng. Kidane BerhaneDirector General of Infrastructure Development Department of the Ministry of

Public Works. 16. Eng. Kidane BerhaneDirector Generalof the department of infrastructure in the Ministry ofPublic


17. Eng. Medhanie EstifanosDirector Generalof town development in the Ministry ofPublic Works. 18. Eng. Michael GirmaiHead the infrastructure development department in the Walik administrative area,

Keren town. 19. Eng. Mihreteab Hailemariam Head of construction and renovation in the Infrastructure Department in

the Central region.

20. Eng. Mihreteab TesfagiorghisHead of mobile service in ERI-TEL. 21. Eng. Misgun AbrahaDirector of Control and Contracts in the Ministryof Public Works. 22. Eng. Niamin EliasHead of the construction of a potable water project in the administrative area of

Igidoli, Araeta sub-zone. 23. Eng. Niway Habtetsion ActingHead of the Sembel residential complex in Asmara. 24. Eng. Oqbaselassie GhilamichaelHeadof Governmental Constructions ofSenafe sub-zone 25. Eng. Rezene AbrahaDirector of water resources infrastructure in the Ministryof Public Works. 26. Eng. Semere AbbaiHeadoftechniques in the Central region Administration. 27. Eng. Senai GebrehiwetHead of the school constructions project in Gash Barka region. 28. Eng. Simon AbrahaExpert in irrigation farming in the Southern region. 29. Eng. Solomon Gebrai 30. Eng. Tadios TesfayHeadofinfrastructure department in the Anseba region. 31. Eng. Teklesenbet Mihreteab Supervisorof the Canals and embankments in Ashenda water diversion

project in Forto-Sawa sub-zone. 32. Eng. Tewoldemedhin Mihreteab supervisor of the project. 33. Eng. Weldemariam TsegaitechnicalManagerof the Ti’o Fish Processing Plan 34. Eng. Zayid GebrekidanDirector of urban planning in the Ministryof Public Works. 35. Eng. Zeragabir Hidrai from the infrastructure development department in the Anseba regional

Administration. 36. Eng. Zerit Gebrai supervisor of the project in the Southern regional Administration. 37. Engineer Amanuel FesshayeCoordinatorof the project to New Water Conservation Infrastructure in

Southern Region. 38. Lt. Colonel Andemariam WoldenkielHead of the Badme Construction Company. 39. Maj. Woldu TesfamariamHead of the Central Government Garage in Anseba region 40. Mr. Tekle Berhan GeresusManager of the RODABB Construction Company. 41. Mr. Afwerki RussomHeadofprojects in Gash-Barka region.Areza and Mai-Mene, Southern region 42. Mr. Andemariam WoldenkielManagerofBadme Construction Company 43. Mr. Andemichael SolomonDirector General of infrastructure development department in the

Southern Red Sea region.

44. Mr. Aregai MelesSupervisor of the secondary school project in Nacfa town. 45. Mr. Asmerom TesfayHeadofTechniques in the town ofDubarwa- 46. Mr. Ateshim YemaneExpert in engineering in the Laelai-Gash sub-zone. 47. Mr. Beletsom EmbayeHeadof the Beguney dam project at the Bidho construction company. 48. Mr. Berhane HabtemariamGeneral Manager ofENAMCO

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49. Mr. Bihmot AinealemSupervisorof the project Micro-dam construction in Gizgiza in Hamelmalo sub-zone

50. Mr. Dawit GebreabDirector of training centre in the Mereb Development Construction Company. 51. Mr. Dawit GebrezgiHead of micro-dams supervision unit in the Shambuko sub-zone. 52. Mr. Dawit SolomonHeadofinfrastructure in Assab 53. Mr. Dawit TadesseHead of technique department in the Mereb Construction Company. 54. Mr. Desale GebremedhinManager of the Mussa Ali Construction Company. 55. Mr. Ephrem Afwerki in charge of enterprise development in the Debwin Construction Company. 56. Mr. Eretros AbrahamHead infrastructure development department in the Central region. 57. Mr. Fekadu TekleHeadofGedemConstructionCompany at Gash Barka 58. Mr. Fikadu HabteselassieHeadofthe infrastructure and project supervision unit in the Gelalo sub-

zone. 59. Mr. Fikadu TekleHead of Gedem Construction Company in Gash-Barka region. 60. Mr. Fitsum GebrezgheirHeadof engineering and projects branch in the infrastructure development

department in Anseba regional Administration 61. Mr. Fitwi ZereHead of the project in Bidho Construction Company. 62. Mr. Ghebru HaileHeadof the infrastructure department in Anseba region. 63. Mr.Ghetachew Merhazion Manager ofSawa Construction.

64. Mr. Ghirmay GebreghergishManager of the Barentu Cement, Metal and Woodworks Plant. 65. Mr. Habte Mihreteab Head of economic development in the Shambko sub-zone,Gash-Barka region, 66. Mr. Habteab TesfatsionHead of construction and engineering companies in the Ministryof Public

Works. 67. Mr. Habteleul Ghebremedhin Director Generalof the Housing Division in the Ministryof Public

Works 68. Mr. Habtemariam Fissehaye Head of Cement supply project coordination. 69. Mr. Hadgu Habtu, HeadofTechnical Desk in the infrastructure development department in the

Anseba region. 70. Mr. Haile MesfunGeneral Manager ofMereb Development Construction Company. 71. Mr. Haile Tekleab acting Head of Rodab Construction Company in the Anseba region.

72. Mr. Haileab AbrahaHeadof the technique department of the Barentu town administration. 73. Mr. Hailezgi HabteHead of the projects in Tessenei and Haikota sub-zones. 74. Mr. Kelete BerheManagerof the Asbeko Construction Company 75. Mr. Kesete Woldu supervisor of the Micro-Dam under Construction in Derequ AdministrativeArea

project. 76. Mr. Kibreab AbrahaHead of public technical service in Gash-Barka region. 77. Mr. Kibreab BelaiSupervisor of the new school constructed in Lekuyeb, Kerkebet sub-zone project. 78. Mr. Kibreab TesfaiManager of the Eritrean Core Well Drilling Company (ECDC) 79. Mr. Kibrom BariagabirHeadof techniques in the government garage in the Northern Red Sea region. 80. Mr. Kidane Woldu Managerof the Homib Construction Company 81. Mr. Kiflehannes FesshayeSupervisor in the Gedem Construction Company project inGahtelai semi-

urban centre. 82. Mr. Mebrahtom BahtaManagerof the ERI-STAR enterprise 83. Mr. Mebrahtu MaelManager of the Red Sea Construction Company. 84. Mr. Medhanie EstifanosDirector General of Urban Development in the Ministryof Public Works. 85. Mr. Mekonnen HabtetsionManagingDirectorof the Gedec Construction Company 86. Mr. Michael Teklemariam Headofengineering service in theAnseba regional Administration. 87. Mr. Misghina MussieHeadofinfrastructure in the Northern Red Sea region 88. Mr. Mussie Habtom Architect Headin theMinistry of Public Works branch office. 89. Mr. Mussie MisghinaHeadofinfrastructure in the Karora sub-zone region 90. Mr. Mussie MisginaDirector General of infrastructure development in the Northern Red Sea

region. 91. Mr. Nebai HadguSupervisorof the Construction projects in the Ministryof Public Works 92. Mr. Negash FilliHeadof the Newly Planted Stone Grinding Mill Commences Services project in theAligidir

area. 93. Mr. Negasi GoitomManager of Salt Production Plant. 94. Mr. Ogbay GebremichaelHeadofinfrastructure projects in BidhoConstruction Company. 95. Mr. Oqbe GebreselassieHeadofproject supervision in the Gedem Construction Company 96. Mr. Rezene FissehaDirector General ofinfrastructure development in theSouthern region. 97. Mr. Samson GebreselassieHeadof administration in the Bidho Construction Company.

98. Mr. Semere GebremichaelManagerof the Bidho Construction Company. (in the Igla-Demhina)

99. Mr. Solomon NegashHeadof purchasing division at the Amberbeb Share Company. 100. Mr. Sultan AblelomHeadof the Corporation’s branch office in Mendefera

Page 92: ብላዕ ንከርስኻ ፍረድ ንነብስኻ · Alamin Hassan Presidential aid. Ministerial Advisers 26. Dr. Matewos WolduEconomic Advisor and Coordinator of the program in


101. Mr. Tadesse Woldetnsae,Headofthe project of NacfaRODABBConstruction Company and Koken Keyih Construction CompanyofBrigade 23.

102. Mr. Tadesse Woldeyohannes Director Generalof the Urban Development in the Ministryof Public Works

103. Mr. Tareke AbbaiHeadof development in the semi-urban center (of Molqi sub-zone). 104. Mr. Tekie KeletaHead of infrastructure inGash-Barka region 105. Mr. Tesfai GoitomHeadofSegen Construction Company. 106. Mr. Tesfamariam FitsumHead of the school project in Dresa, Golj sub-zone. 107. Mr. Tesfay TeckleHeadofthe Department of Infrastructure and Branches inAnseba region 108. Mr. Tewelde MedhanieHeadofproject supervision in Tsorona sub-zone. 109. Mr. Tsegai GiuseppeHeadofengineering department in Bidho Construction Company. 110. Mr. Tzadu Bahta Director Generalof the Administration & Finance in the Ministryof Public Works 111. Mr. Woldu AndeManagerof the project by Gedem and Debaysina construction companies are

constructing 112. Mr. Yemane TekluHeadof housing construction projects in Bidho Construction Company. 113. Mr. Yemane TeweldeHeadof Technical Services inAssab Port Authority. 114. Mr. Yohannes Gebreyesus head of the regional museum in the Northern Red Sea region. 115. Mr. Yonas AbrahamSupervisorof the project of the water reservoir is under construction in Gam

aroundWazintet administrative area. 116. Ms. Kedes MebrahtuHeadofDekemhare town development. 117. Ms. Milite ZerizgiHead of infrastructure office in theKeren town. 118. Mr. Tesfai GoitomManager of Segen Construction Company

119. Eng. Akedir AhmedinHeadof training program in the Homib Construction Company. 120. Eng. Beshir AbdusemedCoordinatorofIDP projects in the Southern region. 121. Mr. Hajim Semna HajimManager of bricks and lime plant in Badme Construction Company.

122. Mr. Hamid Ahmed AliSupervisorof the projects of two schools under construction in the Gerbet and Marat administrative areas, Geleb sub-zone.

123. Mr. Hamid Haji Secretary of the PFDJ in the Northern Red Sea region. 124. Mr. Hanin HassanHead of engineering and machinery at the Bidho Construction Company. 125. Mr. Mahmud Osman Alamin Director of the Housing Division in the Ministry of Public Works. 126. Mr. Mohammed OsmanHeadof staff operations and human resource development at the Haben

Construction Company. 127. Mr. Seid Omar AdhanaHeadof development in the Ghinda sub-zone. 128. Mr. Mohammed OsmanHead of staff operations and human resource development at the Haben

Construction Company.

135"Tigrigna" = 93, 75% 9 Others = 6,25 % 144 Total = 100 %






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1. Ms. Askalu Menkerios Minister ofLabourand Human Welfare.ofTourism(13.05.09) 2. Tzadu BahtaDirector General 0f the Tourism Development, Phone (Office) 12-17-49Fax N.12-69-

49 Harnet Avenue, House No. 129P.O. Box 1010 3. Mohammed Idris IbrahimDirector Generalof the Tourism ServicePhone (Office) 12-17-64 Fax N.

12-69-49 Harnet Avenue, House No. 12P.O. Box 1010’ 4. Mr. Hagos WolduDirector Generalof investment and publicity department in the Ministry of


1. Tzadu BahtaDirector General 0f the Tourism Development 2. Mr. Yemane HailemariamHeadof training coordinating office in the Ministryof Tourism

3. Mr. Amine TeweldeHeadofbranch office of the Ministry ofTourism in Gash-Barka region. 4. Mr. Berekhet TeameHeadofTraining at the Ministry of Tourismin the Ministryof Tourism 5. Mr. Habte GhebremariamHeadof license division of the MinistryofTourism inthe Central region 6. Mr. Hagos WolduDirector Generalof investment and publicity department in the Ministry ofTourism. 7. Mr. Haile AlazarDirectorofResearch and Statistics in the MinistryofTourism 8. Mr. Hailu AsfahaDirectorof Research Division in the Department of DRHRD 9. Mr. Megos AsghedomHeadof the Ministry’s branch in Anseba region in the Ministry ofTourism 10. Mr. Tekie AbrahabranchHeadof the Ministryof Tourism 11. Mr. Tekle FrezghiHeadofHuman Resource Development and Training in the MinistryofTourism 12. Mr. Yemane HailemariamHeadof training coordinating office in the Ministry ofTourism 13. Mr. Yohannes AsghedomHeadof the Ministryof Tourism branch office in the Southern region

14. Mr. Yosief Hadera HeadofHotel and Tourism Service in the Ministry of Tourism

15. Ms. Akberet Teshale Headof the branch office of the Ministryof Tourism in the Central region 16. Mr. Yohannes AsghedomHeadof the Tourism Ministry’sbranch in the Southern region

17. Mr. Fisseha Habtefrom the Tourism Ministry’s branch in Anseba region. 18. Mr. Megos AsghedomHeadof the TourismMinistry’s branch in the Anseba region. 19. Mr. Ghilazghi WolduHead of the Tourism Ministry’s branch office in Northern Red Sea region. 20. Mr. Abraham MichaelManager of theGhergusum Beach Hotel. 21. Mr. Daniel Berhe Acting Headof the Tourism Ministry’s branch in the Southern Red Sea region. 22. Eng. Abraham WoldemichaelGeneralManager of the Eritrean Electricity Corporation. 23. Eng. Musie BahtaHeadof agricultural infrastructure in the administrative areas of Gogne sub-zone. 24. Eng. Solomon Gebrai 25. Eng. Tewoldemedhin Mihreteab supervisor of the project. 26. Mr. Gebre Adhanom an Expert in artifacts in the branch office of Tourism Ministry. 27. Mr. Yohannes AsgedomHeadof the TourismMinistry’s branch in the Southern region. 28. Mr. Gilazgi WolduHeadof the Tourism Ministry’s branch in the Northern Red Sea region. 29. Mr. Mogos AsgedomHeadof the branch office of TourismMinistryin the Anseba region. 30. Mr. Mogos AsgedomHeadof the Tourism Ministry’s branch office in the Anseba region. 31. Mr. Yohannes AsgedomHead of the TourismMinistry’s branch in the Southern region.

32. Mr. Hagos WolduDirectorof promotion office in the Ministryof Tourism. 7 May 2011 33. Mr. Tesfalidet MichaelDirector of the Office of the Ministry of Tourism. 34. Mr. Mesfin MihreteabDirector of the development of tourism in the theMinistry of Tourism. 35. Mr. Tekle FrezgiDirector of human resource development and trainingin the the Ministry of Tourism. 36. Mr. Hagos WolduDirector of promotion branch in the Ministry of Tourism. 37. Ms. Akberet TeshaleHead of tourism in the Central region.

38. Mr. Mohammed Idris IbrahimDirector Generalof tourism service in the Ministry of Tourism. 7 May 2011

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37"Tigrigna" = 97, 36% 1”Others” = 2, 64 % 38 Total = 100 %


1. Dr. Gergish TeclemichaelMinistry ofTrade and Industry. 2. Tadesse WoldeyohannesDirector General 0f the Department of Industrial Development, Phone

(Office) 11-62-10 Fax N. N. 12-45- 75 MTI P.O. Box 1844 3. Kidane SolomonDirector General 0f the Fine Art Industry and Handicraft, Phone (Office) 11-81-

70Fax N. N. 12-00-82-MTI P.O. Box 1844 4. Stifanos HabteDirector General0f the Department of Foreign Trade, Phone (Office) 12-66-94Fax N.

N. 12-41-75-MTI P.O. Box 1844 5. MegosWeldemichaelDirector General 0f the Department of Internal Trade, Phone (Office) 12-01-

28Fax N. N. 12-05-86-MTI P.O. Box 1844 6. Beyene MisghinaGeneral Manager0f the Eritrean Standards Institution, Phone (Office) 12-20-05Fax

N. N. 12-02-45-MTI P.O. Box 245

1. Eng. Debesai ZerabrukHeadof arranging national standards in the Eritrean Standards Institution. 2. Mr. Akberom Tedla Director of the Eritrean Standards Institution in the Ministry of Trade & Industry 3. Mr. Akberom TedlaSecretarygeneral of the Eritrean National Chamber of Commerce. In the Ministryof

Trade and Industry. 4. Mr. Berekhetab Habtemariam Oqbazgi Director of the Foreign Trade in the Ministry 5. Mr. Berhane AbrahamDirector of theMinistry of Trade&Industry Office

6. Mr. Berhane TsegaiHeadof production department in the Rahwa Painting Plant. 7. Mr. Beyene MisghinaGeneralManager of theEritrean Standards Institution 8. Mr. Beyene MisginaHead of the National Standards Institution the Ministryof Trade and Industry.. 9. Mr. Gebrezgabiher AsmelashManager r of the Sembel Wood and Metal Works Plant.. 10. Mr. Girmai AbrahamManager of Amberbeb Share Company. 11. Mr. Kibreab TesfaiManager of the Eritrean Core Well Drilling Company (ECDC). 12. Mr. Kibreab TesfaiManager of the Eritrean Core Well Drilling Company (ECDC). 13. Mr. Kidane SolomonDirector General of handicraft development the Ministryof Trade and

Industry. 14. Mr. Lemma TsegaiHead of production. of the Azel Pharmaceutical Plant in Keren 15. Mr. Megos WeldemichaelDirector General 0f the Department ofInternal Trade 16. Mr. Menghisteab TeweldeberhanManagerof the Fred Hollows Laboratory (Asmara). 17. Mr. Michael GhebruManagerr ofAsmara Tannery Factory 18. Mr. Mogos WoldemichaelDirector General of Internal Trade.’Ministryof Trade and Industry. 19. Mr. Mussie Giovanni HEADof the Foreign Trade in the Ministry of Trade & Industry

20. Mr. Russom NegashManagerof Barako Textile Factory. 21. Mr. Solomon TesfagiorghisGeneralManagerof the Rahwa Painting Plant. 22. Mr. Stifanos Habte Director Generalof the Foreign Trade Department in the Ministry 23. Mr. Tadesse WoldeyohanesDirector General of industrial development theMinistryof Trade and







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24. Mr. Tadesse Woldeyohannes Director Generalof the Industrial Development in the Ministry 25. Mr. Tewelde PetrosHead of production in the Red Sea Battlers Share Company. 26. Mr. Yohannes MelakeHeadof the Ministry of Trade and Industry branch in the Centralregion. 27. Mrs. Aster TesfaiHeadof administration and financeof the Eritrean Marine Processing Company. 28. Mrs. Yordanos YukunoamlakHeadof nursery in Zambaiti- Eritrea Plc Industry. 29. Ms. Abrehet WeldemariamHeadoffinance administration in the Red Sea Battlers Share Company 30. Ms. Azieb TsegayManager of the Halhale Natural Fertilizer Manufacturing Plant in Dubarwa sub-

zone. 31. Ms. Hiwet Zemichael Director Generalofthe ????in the Ministry 32. Ms. Zeferework FisehaieHead of the Africa Desk in the Ministryof Trade and Industry..

33. Mr. Khaled MohammedbirhanManager of the Kokob Plasctic Factory. (Dubaruwa) 34. Mr. Romodan MohammedHeadof technical operation in the Red Sea General Mills

32 "Tigrigna" = 94, 11% 2 “Others” = 12, 75 % 34“Total” = 100 %


Communications service, including postal service. The Massawa and Assab ports and Civil

Aviation Department

1. Mr. Weldemichael AbrahaMinisterofTransportand Communications. 2. Debesai HaileDirectorOffice of the Minister, Phone (Office) 18-01-36 Fax N. N. 18-46-90-MTC P. O

.Box 6465 3. Solomon ZerabrukDirectorof Admin and Fin. Phone (Office) 18-91-97 Fax N. N. 18-46-90-MTC P. O

.Box 6465 4. Senait LigjamDirector General.. Department of Land Transport, Phone (Office) 18-98-55Fax N. N.

18-10-16-MTC P. O .Box 6465 5. Paulos KahsaiDirector General.. Civil Aviation Department, Phone (Office) 18-91-21Fax N. N. 18-15-

20-MTC P. O .Box 252 6. Eng. MekonnenFessehasion A /Director General. Department of Communications, , Phone (Office)

18-50-19 Fax N. N. 18-15-20-MTC P. O .Box 4918 7. Ghebremedhin HabteDirector General. Department of Maritime Transport, Phone (Office) 18-91-56

Fax N. N. 18-65-41-MTC P. O .Box 679/1120 8. Tesfaselassie Berhane G. Manager, Telecom. Service, Phone (Office) 12-46-55 Fax N. N. 12-09-38-

MTC P.O. Box 243






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9. G. M. Eritrean Postal Service, Phone (Office) 12-53-43Fax N. N. 12-54-74 -MTC P.O. Box 229 10. Gebrewold HagosActing General ManagerAsmara International Airport, Phone (Office) 15-45-30

Fax N. N. 15-26-57-MTC P. O .Box 5846 11. Dawit MenghisteabGeneral ManagerPort ofAssab, Phone (Office) 66-07-10 Fax N. N. 66-12-49-

MTC P.O. Box 58 Assab 12. Abraham Oqbaselassie (Col.)General Manager, Massawa Air Port, Phone (Office) 55-10-81 13. Fax N. N. 55-10-86-MTC P.O. Box 361 Massawa 14. Yemane YigzawGeneral Manager, Port ofMassawa, Phone (Office) 55-24-93Fax N. N. 55-21-06-

MTC P.O. Box 73 Massawa 15. Simon GebregziabherGeneral ManagerMaritime Shipping Service Corporation (MASSCO), Phone

(Office) 55-27-29Fax N. N. 55-24-38-MTC P.O. Box 99 Massawa 16. Kidane GebremichaelActing General ManagerFinan ships and Port Services Corp. (FISAPS) Massawa,

Phone (Office) 55-22-00Fax N. N. 55-24-20-MTC P.O. Box 477 Massawa 17. Yebiyo AraiaGeneral ManagerPort Labor Supply Agency, Massawa, Phone (Office) 55-25-42 18. Fax N. N. 55-29-88-MTC P.O.Box 156 Massawa 19. CEO Eritrean Airlines, Phone (Office) 12-66-81Fax N. N. 12-44-06 -MTC P. O .Box 222

1. Colonel Abraham OqbaselassieManagerof the Massawa Airportin theMinistry ofT.

&Communication 2. Colonel Andehishen Headof Military Transport in Radar Station Asmara. 3. Eng. Ghirmay Berhane. Headof Massawa Maritime Transport. 4. Eng. Mekonnen Fessehasion A /Director General. Department of Communications 5. Eng. Mihreteab TesfagiorghisHead of mobile service in ERI-TEL. 6. Lt. ColonelYosef MekonnenManager of the Harat Public Technical Service 7. Mr. Abraham Oqbaselassie (Col.)General Manager, Massawa Air Port 8. Mr. Abraham WeldeyonasHeadof the Philatelic Department at the Eritrean Postal Service.

9. Mr. Amanuel GebreselassieManagerof the Eritrean Railways

10. Mr. Angesom Gebregziabher acting head of the branch office ofland transport in the sub-zone in Dekemhare sub-zone

11. Mr. Asmelash Gebreyesus Director General (act.)of the Registration Division. Eritrean Postal Service in the Ministry ofT. & Communication

12. Mr. Asmelash Geresus Acting Head of the Eritrean Postal Service. 13. Mr. Bainosay Tsegai HEADof the Planning and HRD, EriTelin theMinistry ofT. &Communication 14. Mr. Berekhet DanielManagerof the Eritrean Postal Service 15. Mr. Berhane Abraham HEADof the Internet Services, EriTelin theMinistry ofT. &Communication 16. Mr. Berhane ArefaineManagerof the Traffic section, EriTelin theMinistry ofT. &Communication 17. Mr. Berhane Haile, Planning Officer at the Eritrean Postal Service. 18. Mr. Berhane Issak head of government garage in theCentral Denkalia sub-zone region 19. Mr. Berhane MahariManagerof the NASAIR Company

Mr. Dawit KibreabHead of quality control unit in the TourismMinistry’s branch office in Anseba region.

20. Mr. Dawit MenghisteabManager the Assab Port Authorityin theMinistry ofT. &Communication 21. Mr. Debesai Haile Director of the Office of the Ministerin theMinistry ofT. &Communication 22. Mr. Gebrewold HagosActing General ManagerAsmara International Airport 23. Mr. Ghebremedhin Habte Kidane Director Generalof the Maritime Transport in the Ministry ofT. &

Communication 24. Mr. Ghirmay TsigeTechnicalManagerof the Eritrean Telecommunications Corporationin theMinistry

ofT. &Communication 25. Mr. Goitom Tesfayonas Headof the Civil Aviation at the MinistryofTransport and Communication 26. Mr. Goitom WeldegebrielHeadof the Asmara-Massawa railway linein theMinistry ofT.

&Communication 27. Mr. Habte Mihreteab Head of economic development in the Shambko sub-zone.Gash-Barka region. 28. Mr. Isaias Gebregziabher deputy Managerof the Massawa Port Authority. 29. Mr. Kibrom DaflaGeneral Manager of the Eritrean Airlinesin theMinistry ofT. &Communication 30. Mr. Kibrom RussomManager of the Nasair-Eritrea airlines at the Asmara International Airport

31. Mr. Kidane Gebremichael Acting General Manager Finan ships and Port Services Corp. Massawa 32. Mr. Mehari HabteHeadof land transport in the Southern region. 33. Mr. Mekonnen Fessehasion Director Generalof the Communications in the Ministry ofT. &

Communication 34. Mr. Mekonnen KahsaiSupervisor of transport in Arbata'asher.

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35. Mr. Mengesha MehariHeadof the transport branch office in the Anseba region. 36. Mr. Menghis GhirmayHeadof administration in the Eritrean Shipping Line. 37. Mr. Mesfun IssakHeadofstandardization unit in the Land Transport Department 38. Mr. Michael NegashHeadof the Eritrean Civil Aviation Authority 39. Mr. Mihreteab Tesfagiorghis Director Generalof the Mobile phone service in the Ministry ofT. &

Communication 40. Mr. Mihreteab Tesfagiorghis Mobile Network Division Managerofat Eritrean Telecommunication 41. Mr. Paulos Kahsai Director Generalof the Civil Aviation in the Ministry ofT. & Communication 42. Mr. Segid Woldeab,Headof training at theCivil Aviation Department. 43. Mr. Semere Netsereab chairman of the Awet Bus Owners Association. 44. Mr. Sereqe MichaelHeadof the Eritrean Electricity Corporation branch in the Anseba region. 45. Mr. Simon GebregziabherGeneral Manager Maritime Shipping Service Corporation 46. Mr. Solomon EmbayeHeadof customs duty in the Eritrean Postal Service. 47. Mr. Solomon Zerabruk Director of the Administration and Financein theMinistry ofT.

&Communication 48. Mr. Solomon ZeruHeadof land transport branch in Gash-Barka region 49. Mr. Tekleyes Mender traffic Managerof the Eritrean Rail Way. 50. Mr. Tesfai Tekle Operation Managerof the Eritrean shipping Linesin theMinistry ofT.

&Communication 51. Mr. Tesfamariam WeldegebrielHeadof traffic safety unit in the Land Transport Department. 52. Mr. Tesfaselassie BerhaneGeneral Manager of the Eritrean Telecommunications Corporation (EriTel)

in the Ministry ofT. & Communication 53. Mr. Tewelde Oqbagebriel,Headof marketing ofEritrean Airlines. 54. Mr. Tewolde DirarHead of land transport in the Northern Red Sea region. 55. Mr. Tewolde GebreselasieHead of postal services in the Anseba region. 56. Mr. Tsegai Gebremariam HEADof the ProjectMgmt. & Int'l Rel., Eri Postal Service in theMinistry ofT.

&Communication 57. Mr. Wolde Baria owner of Dige Hotel. 58. Mr. Woldemichael Gebremeskel farmer in Forto-Sawa sub-zone, Gash-Barka region,

59. Mr. Woldu TesfamariamHeadof Central Government Garage in Anseba region 60. Mr. Yebiyo AraiaManagerof the Labor Supply Agency, Massawa Port in theMinistry ofT.

&Communication 61. Mr. Yemane TeweldeHeadof Technical Services in Assab Port Authority. 62. Mr. Yemane YigzawManager of the Massawa Port Authorityin theMinistry ofT. &Communication 63. Mr. Zerezgi Dawit Managerof The Central Region Public Transport Office 64. Ms. Almaz Tesfay Headof the branch office of Postal Service Authority in Mendefera 65. Ms. Senait Ligjam Director Generalof the Land Transport in the Ministry ofT. & Communication

66. Mr. Mohammed Ibrahim ActingHead of the Buss terminal in the Hagaz sub-zone. 67. Mr. Ahmed AlishumHead of the Debub regional Harat Transport Company. 68. Mr. Ahmed AlishumHeadof the Debub regional Harat Transport Company. 69. Mr. Adem AbdallaChairman of the Lorry Trucks Association inForto-Sawa sub-zone. 70. Mr. Mohammed Ibrahim ActingHead of the Buss terminal in the Hagaz sub-zone.

Mr. Jemal Yassin Headof Land Transport in the Zoba Maekel (in Prison)






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74"Tigrigna" = 94, 87% 4“Others” = 5, 13 % 78” Total “= 100 %


1. Mr. Ahmed Hajj AliMinister offisheries. Minister ofEnergy and Mines(13.05.09) 2. Nebai TekleDirector Minister’s Office Phone 11-62-47 Fax N. . 12-76-52 P.O.BOX 5285 Asmara 3. Samuel BaireDirector GeneralEnergy Phone 12-15-41 Fax N. . 12-76-52 P.O. Box 5285 Asmara 4. Alem KibreabDirector GeneralMinesPhone 20-28-8920-28-43/44 Fax N. . 12-45-09 P.O. Box 272 5. Abraham Weldemichael(Eng.)Manager, Eritrean Electricity CorporationPhone 12-22-28 6. 12-22-22 Fax N. .12-49-84 P.O. Box 911 Asmara 7. KuflomDebesaiDirector, Admin. and Finance Phone 12-14-92 Fax N. . 12-76-52 P.O.Box 5285 Asmara.

1. Dr. Semere HabtetsionDirectorof Energy Management and Development Planning at the Ministryof Energy and Mines.

2. Dr. Yemane ZekariasHeadBisha Mining Public Consultation Program. 3. Eng. Abraham Berhe Headof electricity installation branch in the Eritrean Electricity Corporation 4. Engineer Aby Ghebremedhin Headof the Wind Project at the Ministry of Energy and Mines. 5. Engineer Habtu GhebreamlakHeadof Projects at theEritrean Electricity Corporation. 6. Kuflom DebesaiDirector, Admin. and Finance of the ministryofEnergy and Mines 7. Mr. Abraham Weldemichael(Eng.)ManagingDirector Eritrean Electricity Corporation 8. Mr. Alem KibreabDirector GeneralMinesof the MinistryofEnergy and Mines 9. Mr. Amanuel Asghedom Director of the Planning and Statistics 10. Mr. Asmerom Mesfun Director of the Mines Control 11. Mr. Debesai GebrehiwotDirectorof the Energy Research and Training Centre at theMinistryof Energy

and Mines(ERCT). 12. Mr. Hailemichael Mebrahtu Headof Electricity Corporation branch in Adi-Keih town

13. Mr. Kuflom DebesaiHeadofadministration & Financeof theMinistryofEnergy and Mines.

14. Mr. Michael Abraha Director of the Geological Survey 15. Mr. Nebai TekleDirector Minister’s Office of the MinistryofEnergy and Mines 16. Mr. Samuel BaireDirector GeneralEnergy of the ministryofEnergy and Mines

17. Eng. Abraham BerheManager of electricity distribution in the Eritrean Electricity Corporation 18. Eng. Abraham WoldemichaelGeneralManager of the Eritrean Electricity Corporation. 19. Mr. Abraham TeweldeHeadof the branch office ofMinistry of Mining and Energy in the Southern

region. 20. Mr. Asmerom FesshayeHeadof purchasing department in the Eritrean Electricity Corporation. 21. Mr. Asmerom MesfinDirector of geological studies in theMinistry of Mining and Energy

22. Mr. Beyene MisginaHead of the National Standards Institution the Ministry of Trade and Industry. 23. Mr. Dawit TadesseHead of technique department in the Mereb Construction Company. 24. Mr. Ermias YohannHeadof geothermal energy in the Ministry of Mining and Energy. 25. Mr. Nebi GebremedhinHead of renewable energy in the Ministry of Mining and Energy. 26. Mr. Samuel BaireDirector General of Power supply division at the Ministry of Energy and Mining. 27. Mr. Sereqe MichaelHead of the Eritrean Electricity Corporation branch in the Anseba region. 28. Mr. Teame YohannesHead of the Eritrean Electricity Corporation branch in Barentu town. 29. Mr. Teklehaimanot DebretsionHead of the hydrocarbon department in the Ministry of Mining and

Energy. 30. Mr. Tesfaghebriel YimesgenHead of the mining activities control office in Dekemhare sub-zone. 31. Mr. Tesfai KidaneSupervisorof the electric line installation process in the semi-urban centres in

Barentu sub-zone. 32. Mr.Tesfai Zekarias General ManagerPetroleum Corporation of Eritrea.

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32"Tigrigna" = 96, 96% 1” Others” = 3, 04 % 33” Total” = 100 %


1. Mr. Berhane AbreheMinister ofFinance. 2. Yohannes IssakDirector GeneralInland Revenue Dept.Phone 20-08-19 Fax N. . 12-68-10 P.O. Box

198/895 Asmara 3. Marta WoldegiorgisDirector GeneralTreasury Department Phone 12-08-15 FFax N. . 12-79-47 P.O.

Box 198/895 Asmara 4. Fesshaye HaileDirector GeneralCustoms DepartmentPhone 12-37-70 Fax N. . 12-51-16 P.O. Box 217

Asmara 5. MohammedNur AmanDirector GeneralAdministration and Finance Phone 20-02-38 Fax N. . 12-68-

99 P.O. Box 198 /895 Asmara 6. Daniel TesfalidetDirector GeneralBudget and Planning Phone 20-22-67 Fax N. . 12-79-47 P.O.Box


1. Dr. Araya TsegaiManagingDirectorof the Free Economic Zones Authority

2. Mr. Abraham GebretensaeDirectorof the Operations Division, Customs Dept in the

MinistryofFinance 3. Keshi Teame MenghisteabHeadof the Benefit scheme in Tessenei station. 4. Mr. Amha GebrewahdHeadof administration and finance in Halhal sub-zone. 5. Mr. Berhane Habtemariam the Eritrean Auditor General in the Ministryof Finance. 6. Mr. Berhane KahsaiHead of Economicdevelopment in Adi-Tekelezan sub-zone.

7. Mr. Biniam YohannesHeadof small-scale saving and credit scheme in the Anseba region 8. Mr. Daniel TesfalidetDirector GeneralBudget and Plannin in the Ministryof Finance 9. Mr. Debesai IyeassHeadoffinance at the National Holiday Coordinating Committee,NHCC. 10. Mr. Desie ZemichaelHeadof Administration and Finance in the Nacfa sub-zone.

11. Mr. Dirar AsfahaHead of Economic development in the Gelalo sub-zone. 12. Mr. Fesshaye HaileDirector GeneralCustoms Departmentin the Ministryof Finance 13. Mr. Frewengel TeklehaimanotHeadofEconomicdevelopment in the Adi-Quala sub-zone 14. Mr. Gaim TekieHeadofthe Red Sea Trading Corporationin the Ministryof Finance 15. Mr. Gebregziabher GhebremedhinHeadofGeneral Auditing at the Office of the Auditor General 16. Mr. Gebreselassie AradomDirector GeneralofEconomic development in the Southern Red Sea

region 17. Mr. Gebreselassie AradomDirector Generalof Economic development in the Ara’ata, Central and

Southern Denkalia of the SRS region. 18. Mr. Gebreselassie Negash chairman of the region’s holidays coordinating committee Mendefera town

19. Mr. Ghetachew EyobHeadof the operations unit of the Savings and Micro-credit Bank

20. Mr.Hailemichael Kinfu Director of the Bilateral Cooperation

21. Mr. Iyassu HaileHeadofEconomic development in the Agordat sub-zone 22. Mr. Kidane FuruyHeadofEconomic development in the Mendefera sub-zone. 23. Mr. Maekele Tesfamichael head ofEconomicdevelopment in the Emni-Haili sub-zone.






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24. Mr. Mebrahtu TsegaiHeadofthe town’s Economic development unit.

25. Mr. Mehari DebesaiHeadofadministration&finance in the Elabered sub-zone. 26. Mr. Teclu KafelHeadofEconomic development in the Elabereed sub-zone. 27. Mr. Tedros GhirmayHead ofthe Micro-loan and Savings Scheme in Anseba region 28. Mr. Tekie AimutHeadof Administration and Finance in Segeneiti sub-zone 29. Mr. Tesfamariam HaileDirectorGeneralof administration and finance department in the Southern

regional Administration 30. Mr. Yemane AbayDirector Generalof Economicdevelopment in the Central region.

31. Mr. Yitbarik Habtegergish Directorof the HRD

32. Mr. Yohannes IssakDirector GeneralInland Revenue the Ministry of Finance 33. Mr. Zeragabir Teweldemedhin head of the Loan and Micro-Credit Scheme in the Laelai-Gash sub-

zone 34. Mr. Zerit TeweldeberhanDirector GeneralofEconomic development in the Southern region. 35. Ms. Marta WoldegiorgisDirector GeneralTreasury Department in the Ministryof Finance.

36. Mr. Ghidey EstifanosHead of administration and finance in Dubarwa sub-zone. 37. Mr. Kiros Gebremariam Headof administration and finance in Dekemhare sub-zone. 38. Mr. Meharenna TekleabHeadof administration and finance in the Sel’a sub-zonein the Anseba

region. 39. Mr. Teclu KafelHead of economic development in Elabered sub-zone. 40. Mr. Ghebru AbbaiHead of the Savings and Micro-Credit Scheme in Dubarwa sub-zone.

41. Mr. Ghirmay GebreghergishManager of the Barentu Cement, Metal and Woodworks Plant. 42. Mr. Habte MihreteabHead of economic development in Shambuko sub-zone. 43. Mr. Mesfun EmbayeHeadof administration and finance in the Areza sub-zone. 44. Mr. Berhane FuruyHead of economic development in the Mendefera sub-zone. 45. Ms. Emuna AfwerkiHeadof administration and finance in the Asmara branch office. 46. Mr. Gidei StifanosHeadof administration and finance in the Dubarwa sub-zone. 47. Mr. Berhane FuruyHead of economic development in the Mendefera sub-zone. 48. Ms. Emuna AfwerkiHead of administration and finance in the Asmara branch office. 49. Mr. Gebrehiwet WoldaiHeadof the Micro-Credit Scheme program in the Southern region.

50. Ms. Emuna AfwerkiHeadof administration and finance in the Asmara branch office. 51. Ms. Yihdega YohannesHeadof administration and finance at the NUEW branch in Anseba region. 52. AbayDirector Generalof economic development in the Central region. 53. Mr. Gebrehiwet WoldaiHeadof the Micro-Credit Scheme program in the Southern region. 54. Mr. Kibrom AndemichaelDirector General of economic development in the Anseba region. 55. Mr. Tekie TewoldeDirector General of economic development in the Northern Red Sea region 56. Mr. Yosef ArayaDirector General of administration and finance in the regional administration in

Northern Red Sea region. 57. Mr. Kibrom NirayoDirector General of administration and finance in the Southern Red Sea region. 58. Mr. Gebreslasie AradomDirector General of economic development in the Southern Red Sea

region. 59. Mr. Habte Mihreteab Head of economic development in the Shambko sub-zone.Gash-Barka region. 60. Mr. Yemane AbbaiHead of Economic Development of Central Region. 61. Mr. Haile EmbayeHead of the Savings and Micro-Credit Scheme Office in the Northern Red Sea

region. 62. Mr. Yemane AbaiHead of economic development in the Central region. 63. theinfrastructure development department in the Southern region. 64. Mr. Maekele TesfamichaelHead of economic development in the Emni-Haili sub-zone. 65. Mr. Teclit GebrehiwetHead of Economic Development of the Denkalia sub-zone.

66. Mr. Ibrahim MohammedHead of the saving and micro-credit scheme in the Southern Red Sea region.

67. Mr. Ibrahim MohammedHead of the saving and micro-credit scheme in the Southern Red Sea region.

68. Mr. Mohammed Nur AmanDirector Generalof administration and finance in the Ministry of Finance 69. Mr. Mustafa Saleh Manager of the Commercial and Housing Bank in Barentu. 70. Mr. Idris Abdalla in charge ofEconomic development in the Hamelmalo sub-zone.

71. Mr. Humed Feki Adem head ofEconomic development in the Logo-Anseba sub-zone. 72. Mr. Hamad Ghebre AmirHead of administration and finance in the Ti’o semi-urban center in Araeta


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65 "Tigrigna" = 90, 27% 7“Others” = 9, 73 % 72“Total” = 100 %


1. Mr. Tewelde Kelati AbreheMinister ofFisheries. 2. Andom GebretensaeDirector GeneralResources Regulatory Services Phone 55-29-35Fax N. .|55-

21-77 P.O. Box 27, Massawa 3. TeweldeberhanWeldemichaelDirector GeneralResources DevelopmentPhone 55-25-32 FFax N. .

55-27-43 P.O. Box 27, Massawa 4. Ghirmay Mebrahtu OgbeDirector AdministrationAnd FinancePhone 55-29-85 Fax N. . 55-21-77

P.O. Box 27, Massawa

1. Mr. Andom GebretensaeDirector GeneralResources Regulatory Services Massawa 2. Mr. TeweldeberhanWeldemichaelDirector GeneralResources Development Massawa 3. Mr. Ghirmay Mebrahtu OgbeDirector Administration and FinanceMassawa 4. Mr. Tewelde Weldemichael Headoffisheries development 5. Mr. Kaleab Nuguse project Manager inthe Ministryof Fisheries. 6. Mr. Esaw Tiku’eHead of the Ministry’s branch in the Ministry of Marine Resource branch in the

Central region. 7. Mr. Ghebru AbbaiHead of the Savings and Micro-Credit Scheme in Dubarwa sub-zone.

8. Mr. Seid Mohamed AbrarDirectorof the Minister’s Office at the Ministryof Fisheries

7"Tigrigna" = 87, 50% 1” Others” = 12, 50 % 8 Total = 100 %






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1. Ms. Amina NurhusseinMinister ofTourism.Minister ofHealth(13.05.09) 2. Dr. Berhane GhebretensaeDirector General of the Health Service Phone 12-23-25 /12-23-14 3. Director General. Regulatory Service 12-53-612-55-25 4. Dr. Andom Ogbamariam (Dr.)Director Generalof theResearch and Human DevelopmentPhone 12-29-

8012-73-24 Fax N. 12-41-94 5. Ms. LetteyesusNegassiAdministrator of Ministry of HealthPhone 20-29-17

1. Brig. General Haile Muhtsun(Dr.) MoD Head Medical Service 2. Dr. Abraham TekleHeadof the surgery.

3. Dr. Abrehet Ghebrekidan doctorof obstetrics&Lecturer University of Asmara.

4. Dr. AfwerkiBerheHead of the HealthMinistry’s branch in the Southern Red Sea region. 5. Dr. Andebrhan TesfatsionDirector of HIV/AIDS and TB in the MinistryofHealth. 6. Dr. Andom OqbamariamDirector General of research and human resource development at the

Ministry of Health. 7. Dr. Bahbelom Michaelpediatrician in Girar Hospital. 8. Dr.Bahlibi Kuflom HEAD of the TB Control program unit in the Ministryof Health. 9. Dr. Berekhet Sibhatu President of the Eritrean Doctors Association 10. Dr. Berhana HailuHead of family health fertility in the MinistryofHealth.

11. Dr.Berhane Debru Director of the Medical Services (Clinical Services)in the Ministryof Health.

12. Dr. Berhane GebretensaeDirector Generalof Health Services at the Ministry of Health 13. Dr. Berhane Seyoummemberof the Eritrean Diabetes Association(AEFM),

14. Dr. Berhe HibtzgiDirectorof the Referral Hospital in the Southern region. 15. Dr. Beyene TeweldeMedical DirectorofHalibet Hospital. 16. Dr. Bimnet Abraha. 17. Dr. Birhana HaileHeadoffamily reproduction and health care in the Ministryof Heath. 18. Dr. Daniel Tekie. 19. Dr. Dawit Estifanos Headof Agordat Hospital. 20. Dr. Desbele Araya Headof the Burn Center at Halibet Hospital. Asmara.

21. Dr. Desbele Ghebreghiorghis, Chief Ophthalmologist. 22. Dr. Eden Tareke 23. Dr. Elilta GebreselassieHeadofdelivery room atKeren Hospital. 24. Dr. Eyob FrezghiHead of Assab Hospital. 25. Dr. Eyob Kuflom from the Southern Regional Referral Hospital.

26. Dr. Ghirmay Ligjam Anseba& Central Supervisor. 27. Dr.Ghirmay Tesfaselassie HEAD of the International cooperation in the Ministryof Health. 28. Dr. Ghirmay Yosiefof the Health Ministry’s branchin the Gash-Barka region. 29. Dr. Goitom MebrahtuHeadof the National Blindness Prevention and Control Program. 30. Dr. Habte HaileMelkotspecialist in pregnancy and childbirth at the Mendefera Referral Hospital. 31. Dr. Habteab MahariDirector of national referral hospitals in the Ministry of Health.

32. Dr. Habteab Mehari Director of the Referral hospitals in the Ministryof Health.

33. Dr. Haile Mezgebe the Medical Directorof the Orotta Post-graduate School. 34. Dr. Haile Muhtsun Head 35. Dr. Kahsai Negassi from Dekemhare Hospital. 36. Dr. Kesete ArayaHeadof environmental sanitation in the Health Ministry. 37. Dr. Kibreab Asfaha Director of Hospital. 38. Dr. Kuflom Yohannes who is working in the Barentu Referral Hospital. 39. Dr. Lainesh GebrehiwetDentist. 40. Dr. Lielti Gebreselassie a gynaecologist in the Keren Hospital.

41. Dr. Luul BanteyirguDirectorof the Keren Hospital. 42. Dr. Luul Ghebre Headof Malaria Protection in sub-Zoba Addi Kuala. 43. Dr. Mekonnen Ghebrekidan Eye specialist atAssab Hospital. 44. Dr. Michael Neberay 45. Dr. Minab SibhatuHeadof national T.B. control program.

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46. Dr. Mismay Gebrehiwet, Advisor to the HealthMinister. 47. Dr. Mulugheta HaileDirector of the Adi-Keih Hospital medical. 48. Dr. Seipati Mozebosoregional Advisor for safe pregnancy 49. Dr. Seletsion MegosDirector of the Gash-Barka Regional Referral Hospital. 50. Dr. Semere Tekleghiorgis 51. Dr. Tekeste ArayaHeadof environmental health in the Ministryof Health. 52. Dr. Tekeste Fekadu Surgeon 53. Dr. Tesfai Aradom 54. Dr. Tesfai GhirmayDirectorof the Agordat Hospital 55. Dr. Tesfai Solomon acting Director General of regulatory services department in the Ministry of

Health. 56. Dr. Tesfai Solomon Director of the Health services quality controlin the Ministryof Health. 57. Dr. Tesfai SolomonHead of regulations and services. 58. Dr. Tesfalem GhebrekidanHeadof the HealthMinistry’s branch in theSouthern region. 59. Dr. Tesfaselassie EyobOlympicdoctor 60. Dr. Tewelde GebremeskelHeadof national Malaria Control Programin the Ministryof Health. 61. Dr. Tiegsti Habtetsion. 62. Dr. Werede MesfinHead of the Health Ministry’s branch in the Central region. 63. Dr. Wunesh TesfaiHeadof dental care in Halibet Hospital. 64. Dr. Yemane Sium internist in the Orotta School of Medicine. 65. Dr. Yifdeamlak TesfamariamDirector GeneralofNational Blood Transfusion Centre(NBTC) 66. Dr. Yosief Tewelde Headof a medical clinic In Asmara. 67. Dr. Yosief Yohannes, Chairman of the blood donation club. 68. Dr. Zekarias Meles 69. Dr. Zemichael Ogbe medical Directorof the Orotta Pediatrics Hospital. 70. Dr. Zemuy Alemu Directorof family and community health in the MinistryofHealth. 71. Eng. Yosief GebremichaelCoordinatorof the project to promote sanitation in Massawa city 72. Lt. Colonel Araia (Dr.) 73. LT. Colonel Goitom GebretsadiqHead of crime prevention in the Police office in the Northern Red

Sea region. 74. Mr. Abraha SolomonHead of the health station Melebso administrative area, Halhal sub-zone. 75. Mr. Abraha WoldeselassieHeadof malaria control in the Health Ministry branch office in the

Southern region. 76. Mr. Abraham HabtetsionHeadof the health services inGerenfit - La'aly Gash sub-zone.

77. Mr. Abraham Tesfaselassie HEAD of the National Port Health and Quarantinein the Ministryof Health. 78. Mr. Abraham YemaneHeadof the HealthMinistry s branch in Northern Red Sea region. 79. Mr. Afwerki AraiaHead of malaria control unit in Gash-Barka region. 80. Mr. Alexander TekesteHeadof the Keranakudohealth CentreLogo-Anseba sub-zone. 81. Mr. Amanuel GhirmayHeadof information and campaign in the Ministry of Health branch in the Gash-

Barka region. 82. Mr. Amanuel Kifle HEAD of the Health Management Information Systemin the MinistryofHealth.

83. Mr. Andeab Uqbamariam Director Generalof the HRD and Research in the Ministryof Health.

84. Mr. Andebrhan HidremichaelHeadof the Godaif Community Hospital in Asmara.( Berhan Ayini


85. Mr. Andebrhan Tesfazion Director Generalof the National HIV/AIDS and TB control in the

Ministryof Health 86. Mr. Arefaine MenanHeadofmalaria control program in Golij sub-zone 87. Mr. Asefaw GebremichaelHead of the HealthMinistry’s branch in the Southern region. 88. Mr. Asemehey YebiyoHEAD of the Finance unit in the Ministryof Health 89. Mr. Berekhet Habtetsion,Headof the Health Ministry’s branch in the Karora sub-zone. 90. Mr. Berekhet TekleA/HeadSerejeka health centre 91. Mr. Berekhet Yohannes, Assistant nurse in the Forto-Sawa Health Centre. 92. Mr. Berhane AbrahaHead of basic health care in the Anseba region.

93. Mr. Berhane Gebretensae Director Generalof the Health Servicesin the Ministryof Health

94. Mr. Berhane HailuExpert in Acupuncture at the center. 95. Mr. Berhane TecluHeadof microbiology department in the national laboratory. 96. Mr. Berhe KeseteHeadof the HealthMinistry branch in the Mai-Aini sub-zone. 97. Mr. Bernardos KifleyesusDirectorGeneralof medicine control at the Ministryof Health 98. Mr. Ephrem ZekariasHead of environmental sanitation desk in the branch office in the Southern Red

Sea. 99. Mr. Eyassu Bahta Acting Directorof Drug Control in the Ministry of Health 100. Mr. Fesshaye SiumHeadof the health station in the in Dirfo administrative area, Central region.

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101. Mr. Finot Weldemariam Assistant nurse in the health station in Sel’a sub-zone,Anseba region. 102. Mr. Gebregziabher KeseteHeadof fertility and vaccination in the Southern Red Sea region.

103. Mr. Gebregziabher KeseteHeadof the coordination office of reproductive health in in the Assab sub-zone, Southern Red Sea region

104. Mr. Gebrehiwet ArefaineHead of hospital in Dubarwa sub-zone. 105. Mr. Gebremeskel GebrehiwetHead of health institutions in the Hagaz sub-zone. 106. Mr. Gebremeskel WeldoabzghiHead of HIV/AIDS and TB control in the branch office in the Barentu. 107. Mr. Gebretensae ZemichaelHead of the HealthMinistry’s branch in Habero sub-zone. 108. Mr. Gebrezgheir KeseteHeadof health fertility in the Health Ministry’s branch in Southern Red Sea

region. 109. Mr.Goitom MebrahtuDirector of the DPC in the Ministryof Health

110. Mr. Goitom Tewelde Director lof the Disease Controlin the Ministryof Health

111. Mr. Habte Gebremichael HEAD of the Research unit in the MinistryofHealth 112. Mr. Habteselassie YohannesHead of environmental sanitation in the branch office in Anseba region.

113. Mr. Habteslasie YohanneHead of environmental sanitation in the Anseba region. 114. Mr. Hagos MilkiasCoordinator of environmental sanitation in the HealthMinistry’s branch in

Northern Red Sea region. 115. Mr. Hagos MilkiasHead of the Health Ministry’ branch office in the Northern Red Sea region. 116. Mr. Kahsai Sium, an Expert in eye treatment at Keren Hospital 117. Mr. Kibrom Temesgen Headof power supply distribution in Segeneitiand Dekemhare sub-zones.

118. Mr. Kiros SereqeHead of malaria control desk in the Health Ministry’s branch in Anseba region. 119. Mr. Lemma TsegayHead of Productions in the Azel Pharmaceuticals Plant in Keren. 120. Mr. Medhane GebretinsaeHead of public health care in the Forto-Sawa sub-zone. 121. Mr. Mehari Woldu from the Ministry of Health. 122. Mr. Mekonnen Tesfagiorghis HEAD of the Health promotion unit in the Ministryof Health 123. Mr. Meles SiumHead of NationalHealth Laboratory in the Ministryof Health 124. Mr. Menghisteab Gaim president of the Eritrean Nurses Association. 125. Mr. Michael BerheSupervisor of practical training in the Ministry of Health.

126. Mr. Michael BeyeneHead of the Asmara Sanitation Department. 127. Mr. Misghina Tekleab Director Generalof the Eri Pharmaceutical & Medical Equipment the

Ministryof Health

128. Mr. Mokonnen MelkeHead of Administration in the Azel Pharmaceuticals Plant inKeren.

129. Mr. Mulugeta TarekeHead of Health center in the Gelalo sub-zone. 130. Mr. Negasi ItbarekHead of health institutions in Logo-Anseba sub-zone 131. Mr. Negassi YitbarikHeadofhealth institutions in Logo-Anseba sub-zone. 132. Mr. Neguse KahsaiHead of the Health Ministry’s branch in Araeta sub-zone. 133. Mr. Samuel Kebede,Headof the Health technicians in the Northern Red Sea region. 134. Mr. Samuel SahleCoordinatorof the Laboratory. 135. Mr. Semere BerheHeadof the Amatere health Centre. 136. Mr. Semere GhebreghiorghisHeadofthe WHOoffice in Eritrea 137. Mr. Semere Ogbay a nurse at the Health center in Drit, Adobha sub-zone. 138. Mr. Sibhatu Yemane Director of the Primary Health Care in the Ministryof Health 139. Mr. Sium Ghebremedhin, Headofhealth control in the Tessenei town. 140. Mr. Sultan HagosHeadof health center in the Haikota sub-zone. 141. Mr. Teame HailemichaelHeadofthe Kohaito health centre in Adi Keih sub-zone. 142. Mr. Teferi SiumHead of administration in the Agordat Hospital. 143. Mr. Tekle Tesfamariam Headofthe HealthMinistry’s branch in Anseba region 144. Mr. Tekleberhan TeklizghiHeadof environmental sanitation supervision and malaria control unit in the

Haikota sub-zone. 145. Mr. Tesfai BelayHeadofhealth in Aimen administrative area, Araata sub-zone 146. Mr.Tesfai SolomonDirectorof the quality ofhealth services 147. Mr. Tesfai TsegaiManagerof the Nacfa Hospital 148. Mr. Tesfalem GhebrekidanHead of the HealthMinistry’s branch office in the Southern region. 149. Mr. Tesfalem MisghinaHead of agitation and information unit in the HealthMinistry’s branch in

Anseba region. 150. Mr. Tesfatsion TesfamariamHeadofAdi-Keih Hospital. 151. Mr. Tesfazgi YohannesHead of the health station in Kerkebet sub-zone. 152. Mr. Tewelde Gebremeskel HEAD of the National Malarial Control in the Ministryof Health 153. Mr. Tewelde KidaneHeadof the HealthMinistry’s branch in Adi-Quala sub-zone. 154. Mr. Tezare GhebratHeadof health station in the in Mihlab administrative area, Geleb sub-zone. 155. Mr. Woldeyohannes KiflemariamHeadof health service in Bel’ubei administrative area, Central

Denkalia sub-zone

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156. Mr. Woldu HaileabHeadof solar energy installation in the HealthMinistry. 157. Mr. Woredezgi YebioHead of Hashishay health station Hagaz sub-zone.

158. Mr. Yemane Haile Director of the HRH Planning and managementin the Ministryof Health

159. Mr. Yemane TsegaiHeadofTB and HIV/AIDS control department in the Southern region. 160. Mr. Yifdeamlak GM Director of the Central Blood Bankin the Ministryof Health 161. Mr. Yosief ZemichaelDirector of the Mendefera School of Associate Nurse. 162. Mr. Zekarias OgbasilasieHeadof the HealthMinistry s branch in the Anseba region. 23 April 2011 163. Mr. Arefaine MenanHead of malaria control unit in branch office of the Ministry of Health in Golij

sub-zone. 164. Mr. Asefaw GebremichaelHead of communicable disease prevention unit in the Southern region. 165. Mrs. Shashu Gebreselassie Head of the Research and HRD Department in the Ministry of Health 166. Ms. Alganesh Tekleghiorgis Headofthe hospital administration in the Orotta Pediatrics Hospital 167. Ms. Kudusan Abraha Regional Schools Coordinatorin the Ministryof Health 168. Ms. Kudusan TeweldeHead of the office in Ministry of LHW branch in Dekemhare sub-zone. 169. Ms. Legeset BerhaneHeadofhealth institutions in the Keren sub-zone.

170. Ms. Letteyesus Negassi Director of the Administration and Finance in the Ministryof Health

171. Ms. Lucia EliasHeadof Halhal Health Centre in Halhal sub-zone. 172. Ms. Meaza KelatiHeadofmother and child care in the Southern region branch office of the Ministryof

Health 173. Ms. Nighisti NuguseDirectorof Medical Desk. 174. Prof. Andemariam Gebremichael Assistant Dean in the Orotta School ofMedicine.

175. Abraham Tesfaselassie Gash-Barka & Debub Supervisor 176. Abrahatzion Hadgu Anseba & CentralInterviewer 177. Adhanom Kidane Gash-Barka & Debub Supervisor 178. Aida Gebreselassie Gash-Barka & Debub Interviewer 179. Aklilu Daniel Ministry Of Health/HRD Data Entrant 180. Alazar Mehretab Northern & Southern Red SeasInterviewer 181. Almaz Petros Northern & Southern Red SeasInterviewer 182. Amanuel Kifle Ministry Of Health/HRD Data Entrant 183. Ariam Woldu Anseba & CentralInterviewer 184. Askalu Tsegai Gash-Barka & Debub Interviewer 185. Destaghennet Haile Northern & Southern Red SeasInterviewer 186. Elsa Tesfay Anseba & CentralInterviewer 187. Embaye Asfaha Northern & Southern Red Seas Supervisor 188. Emhatzion T/Medhin Anseba & CentralInterviewer 189. Ezra Kidane Ministry Of Health/HRD Data Entrant 190. Freweyni Zeru Gash-Barka & Debub Interviewer 191. Ghidey Debass Northern & Southern Red SeasInterviewer 192. Haimanot Isaac Gash-Barka & Debub Interviewer 193. Hiriyti Estifanos Gash-Barka & Debub Interviewer 194. Lemlem Tesfay Ministry Of Health/HRD Data Entrant 195. Letehawariat Yosief Anseba & CentralInterviewer 196. Mebrat Zeru Gash-Barka & Debub Interviewer 197. Megdelawit Tazdu Anseba & CentralInterviewer 198. Mehari Oqbe Gash-Barka & Debub Interviewer 199. Pazion Araia Northern & Southern Red SeasInterviewer 200. Shishai Haile Anseba & CentralInterviewer 201. Signe Minassie Gash-Barka & Debub Interviewer 202. Tadesse Fesshaye Anseba & Central Supervisor 203. Teklai Estifanos Northern & Southern Red Seas Supervisor 204. Tekle Tesfamariam Northern & Southern Red SeasInterviewer 205. Tesfamariam Mebrahtu Northern & Southern Red SeasInterviewer 206. Tsega Tombossa Gash-Barka & Debub Interviewer 207. Yayesh Teweldemedhin Northern & Southern Red SeasInterviewer

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208. Zaid Debesai Northern & Southern Red SeasInterviewer 209. Zaid Woldegiorgis Anseba & CentralInterviewer 210. Zednghel Gorgrious Northern & Southern Red SeasInterviewer 211. Zewdi Ghebremedhin Gash-Barka & Debub Interviewer 212. Zewdi Habte Anseba & CentralInterviewer 213. Zufan Abraha Anseba & CentralInterviewer

214. Afia Said Anseba & CentralInterviewer 215. Mohamed Said Mahmud Ministry Of Health/HRD Data Entrant

216. Dr. Jabir Mohammed Idris 217. Dr. Mahmoud Mohammed OmarHeadof bone surgery in Halibet Hospital. 218. Dr. Yakob Hussein Medical Director ofAfabet Hospital 219. Mr. Filli Se'id FilliManagerof the Expanded Program of Immunization (EPI)in the Ministryof Health 220. Mr. Hiero HumedHeadof the health station in Abo administrative area, South Denkalia sub-zone. 221. Mr. Ibrahim Ja’eferHeadofthe laboratory department at the Hospital. 222. Mr. Ibrahim Mohammed BeshirHeadofthe Afambo Health Station. 223. Mr. Ibrahim MohammedExpert of solar energy techniques in the Health Ministry’s branch in

theSouthern Red Sea region. 224. Mr. Mussa Hassenhealth professional in the Aleti-Aitos in Are’eta sub-zone 225. Ms. Fatma Ali NurHead of social service in the NUEW branch in Bash-Barka region.

Minister of Health, National Malaria Control Program:

Mr. Mehari Zerom, Mr. David Sintasath, Dr. Josephat Shililu, Mr. Asmelash Gebregziabher, Mr. Solomon Menghistu,Mr. Yohannes Bein, Ms. Helen Fekadu, Ms. Fiori Hagos,Ms.. Zufan Tesfai,

andMr. Fesshaye Seulu at the NMCP head office; Mr. Endemariam W. Michael (Northern Red Sea Zoba (NRS)), Mr. Afwerki Araya, andMr. Frezghi (Gash Barka), Mr. Kiros Sereke (Anseba),

Mr. Solomon Neguse, Mr. Tekle Berhane, Mr. GhirmayWerede, andMs. Lemlem (Debub), Mr.

Meles Gebreyesus (Maekel), and Mr. Asrat Gheubrelul ( Southern Red Sea Zoba (SRS)). Mr. Embaye Asfaha, Mr. Fikremariam Ghilamichael,Mr. Tadesse Fesshaye of the Infectious Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR)

220"Tigrigna" = 92, 82% 12 Others = 5, 18 % 232 Total = 100 %






Tigrigna &Other




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1. Mr. Arefaine BerheMinister ofAgriculture 2. Mr. Amanuel NegassiDirectorOffice of the Minister tel. 18-13-24 3. Mr. Tekleab Misghina D.G. Regulatory Service tel. 12-03-95 Fax N. - 12-75-08 4. IyassuGebretatios (Dr.) D.G. Agricultural Research tel. 15-98-01 Fax N. - 15-98-03 5. Mr. Ephrem Kiflu Head, Admin. and Finance 18-21-51 Fax N. -18-15-11 6. Mr. Hurui Asghedom D.G, Agricultural Promotion and Development Department tel. - 181480 Fax N.-

181274 7. Mr.Haile GideDirector Central Regional Admin. Tel 202463 Fax N. - 155266 P.O. Box 1048 Asmara 8. Mr.Bahta TedrosDirector Southern Regional Admin. 611363Fax N. – 611458 P.O. Box 30 Asmara 9. Mr. Jabir AhmedDirector, Anseba Regional 40\1218 Fax N.. 40-17-24 P.O. Box 118

Asmara 10. Mr. Meseret GebremichaelDirectorGash-Barka Regional Admin. Tel. 73-11-86 Fax N. . 73-11-20

P.O. Box 19 Asmara 11. Dr. Yonas WolduDirector, Southern Red Sea Regional Admin. 66-04-15 66-04-15 P.O. Box 266

Asmara 12. Mr.Tesfit GebrezgheirDirector, N. Red Sea Regional Admin. 54-07-81 54-08-63 P.O. Box 231 Asmara

1. Mr. Arefaine BerheMinister ofAgriculture 2. Mr. Amanuel NegassiDirectorOffice of the Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture 3. Mr. Tekleab MisghinaDirector GeneralRegulatory Service of the Ministry of Agriculture 4. Dr. IyassuGebretatiosDirector GeneralAgricultural Research of the Ministry of Agriculture 5. Mr. Ephrem Kiflu Head, Admin. and Finance of the Ministry of Agriculture 6. Mr. Hurui Asghedom D.G, Agricultural Promotion and Development Department of the Ministryof

Agriculture 7. Mr. Hurui AsghedomDirector GeneralAgricultural Promotion and Development Department 8. Mr.Haile GideDirector Central Regional Admin. of the Ministry of Agriculture 9. Mr. Bahta TedrosDirector Southern Regional Admin. of the Ministry of Agriculture 10. Mr. Meseret GebremichaelDirectorGash-Barka Regional Admin. of the Ministry of Agriculture 11. Mr.Tesfit GebrezgheirDirector, N. Red Sea Regional Admin. of the Ministry of Agriculture

12. Captain Hagos MelesManager of the Adi-Omar Agricultural Project in Tessenei sub-zone. 13. Captain Mekonnen Gebreselassie project Headof the Mogoraib Plantation. 14. Dr. Butsueamlak TsegaiHeadofwildlife resource in Anseba region

15. Dr. Eyassu GebretatiosChairmanof the Eritrean Agricultural Experts Association. 16. Dr. Eyassu GebretatiosDirector Generalof the National Institute ofAgricultural Research

17. Dr. Eyasu GebretatiosDirector General of the Halhale National Agricultural Research Institute. 18. Dr. Eyasu GebretatiyosDirector General of the Human Resources Department of the Ministry of

Agriculture. 226. Dr. Habte GaimHeadof technical service of the AgricultureMinistry s branch office in the Gash-Barka

region. 19. Dr. Oqbazgi Kifle Headofanimal resource in the MinistryofAgriculture branch office in the Southern

region. 20. Dr. Teklemariam HailemichaelHead of veterinary unit in AgricultureMinistry’s branch in Anseba

region. 21. Dr. Teklizghi Tekie in charge of veterinary service in the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in Gash-

Barka region. 22. Dr. Yonas WolduHead of the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Southern Red Sea region 23. Eng. Abraham DanielHeadof the Agriculture Ministry‘s branch in the Central regional

Administration. 24. Eng. Abraham DanielHead of the Agriculture Ministry’s branch in the Central region. 25. Eng. Amanuel FesshayeHeadof the soil and water conservation in the Agriculture Ministry'sbranch

office in the Keih-Kor administrative area, Dekemhare sub-zone

26. Eng. Andit ZerabrukExpertin irrigation farming in the Agriculture Ministry’s branch in the Northern Red Sea region.

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27. Eng. Fasil KiflayExpert in soil and water conservation in the Mai-Harmaz, Adi-Tsaedi and Adekemene in Mendefera sub-zone.

28. Eng. Musie BahtaHeadof agricultural infrastructure in the administrative areas of Gogne sub-zone. 29. Eng. Simon AbrahaExpert in soil and water conservation in the Agriculture Ministry’s branch in

Southern region. 30. Eng. Yonas WoldaiHeadof soil and water conservation in the Agriculture Ministry's branch office in

the Southern region. 31. Eng. Zerit Gebrai supervisor of the project in the Southern regional Administration. 32. Keshi Russom KahsaiChairman of the fruits and vegetable farming Association in Ketina stream and

Ubel, Mai-Mine sub-zone. 33. Lt. Col. Teklegerghis TekleHead of the Eritrean Forestry Controlling Unit. 34. Lt. Colonel Hadera Gebremedhin Headof the Eritrean Cattle Corporation in Gash-Barka region. 35. Maj. Gebretensae Tesfalidet project Managerof the Afhimbol Plantation 36. Mr. Abraha HadguHeadof the Ministry of Agriculture branch in the Emni-Haili sub-zone 37. Mr. Abraham Gebremeskel Director of the Human Resources Development 38. Mr. Abraham MesfunHeadofanimal health in the Ginda sub-zone 39. Mr. Alem MebrahtuHeadofthe Ministry of Agriculture’s branch office in the Mai-Aini sub-zone. 40. Mr. Alemseghed MegosCoordinatorof the Dairy development in the Ministry of Agriculture 41. Mr. Amanuel MahdereHeadoff the Plant genetic resource unit 42. Mr. Amanuel Negassi Director of the Soil and Water Conservation 43. Mr. Amine BerhaneHeadof the Agriculture Ministry.’s branch in the Golij sub-zone. 44. Mr. Andeberhan WoldeyohannesHead of forestry and wildlife resources in the Anseba region. 45. Mr. Andetsion ZeraiHeadof the AgriculturalMinistry’s branch in Berikh sub-zone. 46. Mr. Asmerom KidaneDirector of natural resources branch in the genetic resource Bank in Halhale

National Agricultural Research Institute. 47. Mr. Asmerom Kidane Director of the National Agricultural Research Institute 48. Mr. Atoberhan AngesomHeadofMinistry of Agriculture 's branchoffice in the Segeneiti sub-zone 49. Mr. Atoweberhan YosiefHeadof theAgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Molqi sub-zone. 50. Mr. Azmera SegidHeadofanimal health of the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Adi-Keih sub

zone. 51. Mr. Bahta Tedros HeadofAgricultureMinistry’s branch office in Southern region. 52. Mr. Bereke MisghinaHeadof the Ministry of Agriculture’s branch office in the Adi-Keih sub-zone. 53. Mr. Bereke OgbamichaelDirector of crop and animal development. 54. Mr. Bereket Tekle Head of the Agriculture Ministry’s branch in the Adi-Quala sub-zone. 55. Mr. Berekhet TesfaselassieHead of the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Dubarwa sub-zone. 56. Mr. Bereqe MisghinaHeadof the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Der’a administrative area, Adi-

Keih sub-zone 57. Mr. Daniel Berhe head of the branch in theMinistry ofAgricultureof the Adi-Tekelezan and Wara in Adi-

Tekelezan sub-zone 58. Mr. Dawit Amlesom a farmer who is working at the Tessenei-Aligidir Agricultural Development Project. 59. Mr. Dawit Hadgu an Expert in veterinary science in the Ministry ofAgriculture. 60. Mr. Debesay AndemariamHeadof AgricultureMinistry in the Dubaruwa sub zone. 61. Mr. Ephrem KifluHeadof the Administration & Finance in the Ministry ofAgriculture 62. Mr. Ermias AsmelashHead of fruits and vegetables farming in the Ministryof the Agriculture.

63. Mr. Estifanos BeynDirector of the Control of National Resources Department of the Ministryof Agriculture.

64. Mr. Eyasu AsefawHead of the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Dekemhare sub-zone. 65. Mr. Eyob SolomonExpert in seed fertilization in the Mendefera sub-zone. 66. Mr. Fesshaye KidaneDirector of the plant Mergida Agricultural Plant (Adi-Keih,) 67. Mr. Finot Weldemariam Assistant nurse in the health station in Sel’a sub-zone,Anseba region. 68. Mr. Fitsum SenaiHead of the Ministry of Agriculture in the Halhal sub-zone. 69. Mr. Fitwi DawitCoordinatorof the Land levelling scheme program in Sabunait administrative area,

Golij sub-zone 70. Mr. Fkreyesus GhilayCoordinatorof the Communal forestation in the Ministry of Agriculture 71. Mr. Futsum Senai expert in fruits and vegetables farming in the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the

Halhal sub-zone. 72. Mr. Gebreghergish SiumHeadof national forestry and wildlife preservation office in the


73. Mr. Gebregziabher HabteHeadofthe branch office of the Ministry of Agriculture in the Barentu sub-zone

74. Mr. Gebregziabher KeseteHeadof reproduction unit in the HealthMinistry’s branch office in the Southern Red Sea region.

75. Mr. Gebrehiwet Teame Mahru Director of the Technical services division

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76. Mr. Gebremichael MosazghiChairman of dairy farm owners association in the town Barentu. 77. Mr. Ghebrai TekleabHead of reforestation and wildlife in the Serejeka sub-zone. 78. Mr. Ghebreyohannes WeldemichaelHeadof the Ministry ofof Agriculture’s branch in the Ginda

sub-zone 79. Mr. Ghirmay Abraha Head&Expert in forestation and wildlife in the Adi-Keih sub-zone. 80. Mr. Ghirmay Weldegabr branch Headof the Ministry.ofAgriculture in Gash-Barka region. 81. Mr. Gideon MengeshaHead of the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Senafe sub-zone. 82. Mr. Girmatsion Tekeste Headof the Ministry of Agriculture’s branch in the Halhal sub-zone. 83. Mr. Hagos GebremariamHeadof regulation and control unit in the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the

Gash-Barka region. 84. Mr. Hagos Gebretensae Headof the Ministry of Agriculture’s branch in the Afabet sub-zone 85. Mr. Hagos YohannesHeadof the vegetation and wildlife unit in the MinistryofAgriculture. 86. Mr. Haile GebregziabherHeadofthe branch ofthe Ministry of Agriculture in the Keren sub-zone 87. Mr. Haile GideHeadof the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Central Region 88. Mr. Hibtzgi WeldegabrExpertin seed filtering machine in the plant in Tessenei 89. Mr. Hirruy AsgedomHead of extension in the Ministry of Agriculture. 90. Mr. Hurui AsghedomHeadof agriculture extension department in the Ministryof Agriculture 91. Mr. Hurui YohannesExpert in soil and water conservation at the branch office of theMinistry of

Agriculture in Afabet sub-zone. 92. Mr. Idris AhmedHeadof the branch office of Ministry of Agriculture in the Tessenei sub-zone. 93. Mr. Isaac Kafel Headof the regional branch of the Ministry of Agriculture in Gash-Barka. 94. Mr. Isaac YosiefHeadofCoordinator of the Book Fair 95. Mr. Iyassu Asefaw Headof the Branch of the Ministry ofAgriculture ofDekemhare Subzone 96. Mr. Iyob Solomon project Expert in irrigation farming. 97. Mr. Kafel TeklesenbetExpertin seed fertilization in Hamelmalo sub-zone. 98. Mr. Kahsai Andemariam theHeadofAgricultureofAdi-Quala sub-zone. 99. Mr. Kahsai NegashHeadof milk production and animal resource expert unit. 100. Mr. Kesete FesshayeExpertof Veterinary Science in Haikota sub-zone 101. Mr. Kesete GhebreyohannesHead of seed fertilization at the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in Gash-

Barka region. 102. Mr. Kesete GhebreyohannesHead of the branch office of the Ministry of Agriculture in the Gash-

Barka region. 103. Mr. Kesete Kiflemariam, head of forestry and wild animals in the Agricultural Ministry’s branch office in

the Gash-Barka region. 104. Mr. Kesete TesfatsionHeadofLand Resources and Seed Cultivation at the Central Region Branch of the

Ministry ofAgriculture. 105. Mr. Kibreab Abraham, Headof Governmental Garage Gash Barka Region branch. 106. Mr. Kidane Kibrom,Expert a veterinary scientists in the Ministry ofAgriculture. 107. Mr. Kiflai KidaneCoordinatorof environmental development projects in the Anseba regional

Administration. 108. Mr. Kifle SolomonCoordinatorof the Summer Work Program (SWP) in Anseba region. 109. Mr. Kinfe HabtomHead of rules and regulations branch in the Central region. 110. Mr. Measho TesfamariamHeadof soil and water conservation Desk in the AgricultureMinistry’s

branch in the Southern region.

111. Mr. Mebrahtu EyasuChairmanof the Association of Agricultural Experts. 112. Mr. Medhanie YihdegoExpert of crop development in the branch office of theMinistryof Agriculture

in Gash-Barka region. 113. Mr. Meharenna Kelati iHeadof animal health program in the Golij sub-zone. 114. Mr. Mehari YohannesExpert in reforestation in Barentu 115. Mr. Melake FesshayeExpert in the Agriculture Ministry‘s branch in the Areza sub-zone. 116. Mr. Melake Gebrekristos A farmer in Dogali. 117. Mr.Melake Temnewo General Manager ofAlebu Dairy farm, Oper. Zone 1, Gash-Barka 118. Mr. Menghisteab TeameHeadof the AgricultureMinistry’s branch office in the Adi-Quala sub-zone. 119. Mr. Menghisteab TeameHeadofthe Ministry of Agriculture’s branch in the Adi-Quala sub-zone. 120. Mr. Meseret GebremichaelHeadofthe AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Gash-Barka region.

121. Mr. Michael FesshayeSupervisorof the project, irrigation farming in the AgricultureMinistry’s branch

in the Northern Red Sea region. 122. Mr. Michael SolomonHead of agricultural affairs at the Ansebaregion’s public technical service. 123. Mr. Michael SolomonHead of agricultural affairs at the Ansebaregion’s public technical service. 124. Mr. Michael TeklemariamManagerof the Elabered Agro-Industry. 125. Mr. Michael TesfaiHeadof soil and water conservation in the Ministry of Agriculture’s branch office in

Mendefera sub-zone

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126. Mr. Michael YikaaloHead&Experts in soil and water conservation in the branch of the Ministry Ghinda sub-zone.

127. Mr. Mihretu ArayaExpert in seed fertilization in the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Areza sub-zone.

128. Mr. Misghina GhilayHeadof seeds and animal development in the branch office in Gash-Barka region. 129. Mr. Mohammed Ali SalehHead of the Agriculture Ministry’s branch in the Nacfa sub-zone. 130. Mr. Mulugeta Fitwi expert in soil and water conservation in Adi-Keih sub-zone. 131. Mr. Muluras TesfaiManager of the farmers’ association in Southern region.

132. Mr. Negassi HabtemickaelHeadof the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Laelai-Gash sub-zone. 133. Mr. Negassi TesfamichaelChairman of the Dekemharefarmers' association. 134. Mr. Neguse HaileChairman of the Association of Dairy Producers in Southern region. 135. Mr. Nuguse AbrahaHead of seed fertilization supervision unit in the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in

Golij sub-zone. 136. Mr. Nuguse AbrahaHead of seed fertilization supervision unit in the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in

Golij sub-zone. 137. Mr. Ogbay GhebreamlakHead of the Ministry of Agriculture branch office in the Forto-Sawa sub-

zone. 138. Mr. Ogbe GebreamlakHead of the Agriculture Ministry’s branch office in Forto-Sawa sub-zone. 139. Mr. Reda’e TeklaiChairmanof the technical committee and senior Expertof forestation and wildlifein

the Agriculture Ministry. 140. Mr. Reda’e TeklaiExpert in forestry and wildlife resources in the Agriculture Ministry 141. Mr. Samson Tesfamariam health Expert in the branch office ofMinistryofHealth in the Gash-Barka

region. 142. Mr. Samuel Adom professional in agricultural activities. 143. Mr. Samuel AmanuelChairman of the Fruits and Vegetables Farming Association in Dubarwa sub-

zone. 144. Mr. Samuel Kebedehealth technician in the in Ghirar Hospital, Northern Red Sea region. 145. Mr. Seltene BerheHeadExpert in veterinary service in the Gash-Barka region. 146. Mr. Semere Amlesom Dean of the Hamelmalo College of Agriculture.

147. Mr. Semere Gebrehiwet Director of the Plant Health Division 148. Mr. Semere YemaneHeadof the branch office of the Ministry of Agriculture in the Shambuko sub-

zone 149. Mr. Sereke MedhanieHeadof veterinary service in the Golij sub-zone. 150. Mr. Shewit FishaleHead of the branch office of the Ministry of Agriculture in the Shambuko sub-

zone. 151. Mr. Simon AbrahaHeadofthe Ministry of Agriculture’s branch office in Emni-Haili sub-zone. 152. Mr. Solomon GhirmayHeadof the office of the Ministry of Agriculture in Ghinda sub-zone 153. Mr. Solomon Haile Director of the Planning and Staistics Office in the Ministry of Agriculture. 154. Mr. Solomon Kifle, Headofthe office ofEconomic development in the Geleb sub zone, Anseba region 155. Mr. Solomon MelesHead of the Agriculture Ministry’s branch office in the Adi-Keih sub-zone. 156. Mr. Solomon MelesHeadofthe Ministry of Agriculturebranch in the Tsorona district. 157. Mr. Tedros HailemariamChairman of the dairy farm cooperatives association in Adi-Quala sub-zone. 158. Mr. Tedros ZegergishHeadof seed fertilization and animal preservation in Forto-Sawa sub-zone. 159. Mr. Tekeste KiflemariamHead of forestry and wildlife resource in the AgricultureMinistry’s branch

in the Gash-Barka region. 160. Mr. Tekeste TesfatsionExpert in land resource in the Ministry ofAgriculturebranch Anseba region. 161. Mr. Tekle Legesse an expert in animal husbandryin the Elabered sub-zone. 162. Mr. Tekleab Misghina Director Generalof the Regulatory Services in the Ministry ofAgriculture. 163. Mr. Tekleberhan WeldemariamHeadof the veterinary at the branch office of theMinistry of

Agriculture in the Areza sub-zone. 164. Mr. Tekleberhan Weldemariam veterinary science Expert in the Ministry of Agriculture’s branch in

the Areza sub-zone. 165. Mr. Teklehaimanot HabtemickaelSupervisor of theAdult Education Program and eradicating illiteracy

in Southern region. 166. Mr. Teklemariam HaileExpertin reforestation and wild life in the Adi-Quala sub-zone. 167. Mr. Teklu BerakiHeadof land resource and seed fertilization branch in the Southern region. 168. Mr. Temesgen Gebrezgi Headof the branch office of the M. of Agriculture in theShe’ib sub-zone 169. Mr. Tesfahiwet GhilayHeadof animal resource in Golij sub-zone 170. Mr. Tesfai Afwerki expert in poultry breeding in the branch office of the AgricultureMinistry in the

Southern region. 171. Mr. Tesfai GhebrekidanExpert in animal resource in the Adi-Keih sub-zone. 172. Mr. Tesfai HagosHeadof the MinistryofAgriculture branch office in the Foro sub-zone. 173. Mr. Tesfai Tewelde Headof the branch office of the Ministryof Agriculture inForo Sub zone

Page 111: ብላዕ ንከርስኻ ፍረድ ንነብስኻ · Alamin Hassan Presidential aid. Ministerial Advisers 26. Dr. Matewos WolduEconomic Advisor and Coordinator of the program in


174. Mr. Tesfalidet EyobExpert in seed fertilization in the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in Dekemhare sub-zone.

175. Mr. Tesfit Gebrezgiabiher Headof the Agriculture Ministry’s branch in the Northern Red Sea region. 176. Mr. Tesfit GebrezgiabiherHead of the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Northern Red Sea

region. 177. Mr. Tsegai BerhaneDirectorof seeds improvement branch office in the Halhale National Agricultural

Research Institute. 178. Mr. Tsegai BerhaneDirectorof seeds improvement branch office in the Halhale National Agricultural

Research Institute. 179. Mr. Tsegazaab BokretsionHead of the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in Barentu sub-zone. 180. Mr. Weldemichael AbrahaHeadof the Ministry of Agriculturein Gash Barka region. 181. Mr. Woldemichael Gebremeskel a vegetable farmer in Kor’obel, Agordat sub-zone, 182. Mr. Woldesus TekieHead of the branch office of the AgricultureMinistry in the Mogolo sub-zone. 183. Mr. Woldeyesus Tekie from the Agriculture Ministry’s branch office in theLaelai-Gash, sub-zone.

184. Mr. Yared HabtegergishHeadofthe branch office of the Ministry of Agriculture in the Asmat sub-

zone 185. Mr. Yebiyo TeweldeExpert in fruits and vegetables farming, said that fruits and vegetables in the

Southern region. 186. Mr. Yemane Gebretinsae Manager of Tessenei-Aligidir agricultural project. 187. Mr. Yemane KifleExpertin agricultural machinery at the governmental garage of the Gash Barka

Region branch 188. Mr. Yohannes Andebrhan,Expert in animal resource in the Ministry ofAgriculturebranch Northern

Red Sea 189. Mr. Yohannes KiflemariamExpert in reforestation in theAdi-Keih sub-zone. 190. Mr. Yohannes WeldemariamHeadof the AgricultureMinistry.’s branch in Ginda sub-zone. 191. Mr. Yohannes Zerai from the Agriculture Ministry’s branch office in the Golij sub-zone. 192. Mr. Yonas GebrekirstosExpert in seed and anti-pesticides in theMinistryof Agriculture’s branch office

in theMai-Aini sub-zone. 193. Mr. Yonas YosefHead of the Agriculture Ministry s branch in the Haikota sub-zone. 194. Mr. Yonas YosefHead of the Agriculture Ministry s branch in the Haikota sub-zone. 195. Mr. Zaid TekleExpert in bee farming at the Ministryof Agriculture's branch office in the Southern

Region. 196. Mr. Zaid TekleExpert in bee farming in the Southern region. 197. Mr. Zebib KahsaiHead of the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Mendefera sub-zone. 198. Mr. Zekarias BerekhetabExpert in animal breeding in the Gash Barka Region 199. Mr. Zekarias Fesshaye owner of the Zak Dairy and Cattle-breeding Plant in Dekemhare town. 200. Mr. Zeragabir AmineHead of the forest inspectors in Laelai Gash sub-zone. 201. Ms. Asmeret GebrezgiExpertin life skill in the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Segeneiti sub-

zone. 202. Ms. Azieb TsegayManager of the Halhale Natural Fertilizer Manufacturing Plant in Dubarwa sub-

zone. 203. Ms. Elsa RistomHeadof the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in Gash-Barka region 204. Ms. Gimja AmareHeadofHome Economics in the MinistryofAgriculture. 205. Ms. Kahsa MahariHeadof home management department in the Ministry of Agriculture branch of the

region. 206. Ms. Letteyesus Neguse Director of the Administration in the Ministry ofAgriculture. 207. Ms. Milite AdhanomHeadofhome Economics in the branch office of theMinistryof Agriculture in the

Dekemhare sub-zone 208. Ms. Mulu Nire’aHead of bee farming in Senafe sub-zone. 209. Ms. Okba’ab Gebremichael Director of the Veterinary Services. 210. Mr. Hagos GebretinsaeHead of the Agriculture Ministry‘s branch in the Afabet sub-zone.

211. Mr. Ismail MohammedHead of the Adi-Omar Agricultural Project. 212. Mr. Jabera MohammedHeadoftheMinistry of Agriculture’s branch in the Nacfa sub-zone 213. Mr. Jabir AhmedDirector , Anseba Regionalof the Ministry of Agriculture 214. Mr. Jabir MohammedHead of the Agriculture Ministry’s branch in the Nacfa sub-zone. 215. Mr. Mohammed AbdallahHead of the AgricultureMinistry’s branch office in the Hagaz sub-zone

sub-zone. 216. Mr. Mohammed Saleh JaberaHeadof the Agriculture Ministry’s branch in the Nacfa sub-zone 217. Mr. Mussa Osman MohammedExpert in soil and water conservation at the Agriculture Ministry’s

branch in the Geleb sub-zone.

Page 112: ብላዕ ንከርስኻ ፍረድ ንነብስኻ · Alamin Hassan Presidential aid. Ministerial Advisers 26. Dr. Matewos WolduEconomic Advisor and Coordinator of the program in


218. Mr. Nassir SalehHeadofthe Ministry of Agriculture branchoffice in the Habero sub-zone. 219. Mr. Osman Mohammed NurHeadofAgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Kerkebet sub-zone, Gash-

Barka region.

209"Tigrigna" = 95, 87% 9“Others” = 4, 13 % 218 Total = 100 %


1. Mr. Semere RussomMinister ofEducation 2. Mr. Mussa NaibDirector GeneralDept. of Gen. Education 12-63-5311-77-9920-16-28 Fax N. 20-16-59

P.O. Box 1056 Asmara 3. Mr. Petros HailemariamDirector GeneralResearch and HRD Tel 12-54-28 Fax N. 12-19-13 P.O. Box

1056 4. Tesfay SiumDirector GeneralVocational Education and Training Tel. 11-57-31 P.O. Box 1056 Asmara 5. Gebrezgi DmamDirector GeneralAdult and Media Education tel. 11-75-56 P.O. Box 1056 Asmara 6. Gebrehannes HagosDirector GeneralDept. of Admin. and Finance 12-16-43 Fax N.12-53-69 .P.O. Box

1056 Asmara 7. Ms. Mehret EyobDirector Eritrea National Commission for UNESCO tel. 11-57-26 8. KaleabTesfaselassieHead, Debub Branch tel 61-10-22 Fax N.61-11-22 P.O. Box 40Mendefera 9. Yassin MohammedHead, N. Red Sea Branch tel 54-12-7054-12-69 Fax N. 54-00-80 P.O. Box

332Massawa 10. Ghirmay G/HiwetHead, Maekel Branch 11-77-9912-21-51 Fax N. 20-16-74 P.O. Box 82 Asmara 11. Bokretsion HabtemickaelHead, Anseba Branch tel. 40-22-90 Fax N.. 40-10-10 P.O. Box 18Keren 12. Kelit GhirmayHead, Gash - Barka Branch Tel. 73-10-43 Barentu 13. Abdella MohameedHead, S. Red Sea Branch Tel. 66-01-87 Fax N.66-11-09 Assab

1. Mr. Mussa NaibDirector GeneralDept. of Gen. Education 2. Mr. Petros HailemariamDirector GeneralResearch and HRD. 3. Mr. Tesfay SiumDirector GeneralVocational Education and Training 4. Mr. Gebrezgi DmamDirector GeneralAdult and Media Education 5. Mr. Gebrehannes HagosDirector GeneralDept. of Admin. and Finance 6. Ms Mehret EyobDirector Eritrea National Commission for UNESCO 7. Mr. KaleabTesfaselassieHead, Debub Branchof the Education Ministry

8. Mr. Yassin MohammedHead, N. Red Sea Branchof the Education Ministry 9. Mr.Bokretsion HabtemickaelHead, Anseba Branchof the Education Ministry 10. Mr.Ghirmay G/HiwetHead, Maekel Branchof the Education Minister 11. Mr.Abdella MohameedHead, S. Red Sea Branchof the Education Ministry 12. Mr. Naizghi BerheHeadofAdult Educationof the Education Ministry. 13. Mr. Kifle MekonnenHeadof national examinations in the Ministryof Education.






Tigrigna &Other




Page 113: ብላዕ ንከርስኻ ፍረድ ንነብስኻ · Alamin Hassan Presidential aid. Ministerial Advisers 26. Dr. Matewos WolduEconomic Advisor and Coordinator of the program in


1. Aba Kidane SemereDirector the Donbosko Technical School in Dekemhare 2. Brother Woldehawariat HaileDirectorof the Hagaz School of Agricultural Technique 3. Dr. Bisrat GhebruHeadofthe Bureau of Standards and Evaluation in the Ministryof Education 4. Dr. Gebreberhan Oqbazgi deputy President of the Eritrean Institute of Technology in Mai-

Nefhi. 5. Dr. Gebreberhan Oqbazgi Vice President of the Eritrean Institute of Technology (EIT). 6. Dr. Melake Tewelde HeadofEconomics Department, University of Asmara. 7. Dr. Tekeste Melake from the College of Arts and Social Science. 8. Dr. Tesfai HaileDirectorof the Institute ofTraining Education and Consultancy (SMAP). 9. Dr. Tesfai HaileDirector of the SMAP Institute of Training, Education and Consultancy. 10. Dr. Yemane Misghina from the Halhale College of Business and Economics. 11. Eng. Samuel NemariamHeadof schools construction of the educational development program office

in the MinistryofEducation

12. Mr. Abrahaley Seyoum Head, of AsmaraTechnical School 13. Mr. Abrahaley TekleDirectorof the Adi-Quala High School 14. Mr. Abraham RussomDirectorof planning and curriculum development branch in the

EducationMinistry. 15. Mr. Abraham YakobDirectorof the Tsorona High School 16. Mr. Afwerki GebregziabherChairmanof the Central region’s Eritrean Teachers Association 17. Mr. Alem GebrekalDirectorof the Asmara Teachers Education Institute 18. Mr. Alem HabteHeadof IT and Communications in theMinistry of Education. 19. Mr. Andebrhan Woldit, director of the Halib-Siete Elementary and Junior School in the Filfle

administrative area, Habero sub-zone 20. Mr. Aregai MelesSupervisor of the secondary school project in Nacfa town. 21. Mr. Belay HabtegabirHeadof research, planning and training desk in the Education Ministry s

branch in the Central region 22. Mr. Berekhet FesshayeDirectorof the the Mendefera School of Associate Nurse. 23. Mr. Berekhet GoitomDirector,of the Barentu School of Assistant Nurses 24. Mr. Berekhet TeumHeadof the Duta Junior and Secondary School, Barentu,school’s

administration 25. Mr. Berhane GebregziabherCoordinatorof the Summer Work Program in the sub-zonesofAssab

and Are’eta in Southern Red Sea region. 26. Mr. Bokretsion HabtemickaelHeadof the EducationMinistry’s branch in theAnseba region. 27. Mr. Elias WeldegebrielDirector,of the Asmara School of Music 28. Mr. Elisa SolomonDirectorof junior and secondary schools in Shambuko sub-zone. 29. Mr. Ephrem Matewos Director Generalof Asmara Library 30. Mr. Ephrem TeklaiDirectorofWoldeab Weldemariam Secondary School 31. Mr. Eyob BeyinDirector of the Wina Technical School in Nacfa town. 32. Mr. Fessehasion Tekie Coordinatorof the Summer Work Program (SWP) in the Northern Red Sea

region. 33. Mr. Fikadu GebrehawariatHeadof schools in Keren sub-zone. 34. Mr. Fitiwi WoldegergisHead of Coordinatorof the Summer Work Program (SWP) in the Ministry of

Education. 35. Mr. Fitwi WoldegiorgisHeadofthe Student Summer Work program in the Ministryof Education 36. Mr. Gebermichael TewoldeHeadof the sub-committee for exhibition in the Northern Red Sea

region 37. Mr. Gebrehiwet BerhaneHeadofthe education development program in the Ministry. 38. Mr. Gebremichael TesfomSecretaryof the Algen Camp Community.

39. Mr. Gebreselassie NegashDirectorofAssessment and National Examination Division in the Education Ministry

40. Mr. Gebrezgheir KeseteHeadof health fertility in the Health Ministry’s branch in Southern Red Sea region.

41. Mr. Gebrezgi DmamDirector Generalof the Department ofAdult Education and Media 42. Mr. Gezai HaileHeadof Adult Education Program in North-East Asmara administrative area (Durfo)

43. Mr. Ghebreyohannes HagosDirector Generalof the Admin & Finance 44. Mr. Ghirmay AnduDirectorof the Red Sea Secondary School 45. Mr. Ghirmay GebrehiwotHeadof Education Ministry’s branch office in the Central region.later

Directoof the Warsay-Yikaalo School in Sawa 46. Mr. Ghirmay GebreselassieHeadof teachers in Business and Economics High School in Omhajer

semi-urban centre.

Page 114: ብላዕ ንከርስኻ ፍረድ ንነብስኻ · Alamin Hassan Presidential aid. Ministerial Advisers 26. Dr. Matewos WolduEconomic Advisor and Coordinator of the program in


47. Mr. Goitom HidromDirector of Lalmba Elementary School in Asmara. 48. Mr. Hager GanzaiHeadof National Union of Eritrean Youth and Students in the Southern region. 49. Mr. Hagos AdhanaHead of basic education in the Anseba region. 50. Mr. Haileab HabtaiHeadof planning, research and training in the Education Ministry’s branch in the

Gash Barka region. 51. Mr. Haileab HabtaiHeadofResearch, Planning and Training at the Branch office ofShambuko and

Molqui sub-zones 52. Mr. Haileab HabtaiHeadof research, planning and training desk in the branch office of the

EducationMinistry’s branch office in Gash-Barka region 53. Mr. Isak TesfagergisChairman of the Eritrean Teachers Association. 54. Mr. Issak TesfagiorghisChairman of the Eritrean Teachers Association. 55. Mr. Kaleab KeletaHeadofMinistryofEducation branch in the Berikh sub-zone. 56. Mr. Kaleab TesfaselassieHeadof the EducationMinistry’s branch in the Southern region. 57. Mr. Kebedom TedlaDirectorof the Asmara Commercial College 58. Mr. Kelit GirmaiHead of the EducationMinistry’s branch office in the Gash-Barka region. 59. Mr. Kibri TekesteDirector of the Himbirti Junior and Elementary School. 60. Mr. Kibrom AsmeromDirectorof the Duta Junior and Secondary School, Barentu 61. Mr. Kidanemariam MenghistuHeadof Unit Open Distance Learning 62. Mr. Kiflay AndemichaelHeadof the Zoba Maekel Branch Office of the Ministryof Education 63. Mr. Kifle MekonnenHeadof national examinations in the Ministryof Education 64. Mr. Kifle SolomonCoordinatorof the Summer Work Program (SWP) in the EducationMinistry’s

branch office in the Anseba region. 65. Mr. Kiros TeklehaimanotSecretary of the Assab City Council. 66. Mr. Maekele BeinHeadof project management in the EducationMinistry’s branch in the Anseba

region. 67. Mr. Measho GebretensaeDirectorofinspection and standard in the MinistryofEducation 68. Mr. Mebrahtu GilagaberDirectorof the Asmara Teachers Training Institute (TTI) 69. Mr. Medhanie WeldezghiHead of schools in Elabered sub-zone. 70. Mr. Mehari MenghisteabDirectorof the development of the national sports activitiesoffice in the

Minister of Education 71. Mr. Mehari WoldeselassieHeadof cultural and sports activities in the Education Ministry’s branch in

theGash-Barka region 72. Mr. Mehari WoldeselassieHead of sport and culture department in theBarentu branch office. 73. Mr. Mekalih AbrahamHead of the School of Commerce and Management.

74. Mr. Mekonnen Ghebru Head of the Supervision unit 75. Mr. Mesfn TecleHead of national examinations department in the Ministry of Education. 76. Mr. Mesfun TekleHeadof peer education introduced programs in three schools in Anseba region. 77. Mr. Michael Jahnay Headof the branch office of theEducation Minister in Ghinda. 78. Mr. Michael TeklemariamManager of the Elabered Estate Elabered tomato paste factory. 79. Mr. Musie GirmaiHead of social services in the Logo-Anseba sub-zone.

80. Mr. Naizghi BerheHeadofAdult Education 81. Mr. Nebi GebremedhinHead of renewable energy in the Ministry of Mining and Energy. 82. Mr. Nega Tesfai Head of the Projects coordination

83. Mr. Negassi GhebredengelHeadof the branch office in the Ministryof Education 84. Mr. Nuguse MaekeleHeadof Culture, Sport and Health Unit at the Maekel region’s Branch of the

Ministryof Education. 85. Mr. Petros DesuDirector of the elementary and junior school in Adi-Andeil, Southern region. 86. Mr. Petros HailemariamDirector Generalof human resource development in theMinistryof

Education 87. Mr. Rista GebremeskelSupervisorof Adult Education in the Education Ministry’s branch in Anseba

region. 88. Mr. Russom Gebregiorgis Eritrean Consul in Milano. 89. Mr. Samson Solomon coach of the National Cycling Team 90. Mr. Semere Amlesom Dean of Hamelmalo College of Agriculture. 91. Mr. Solomon NawdDirectorof the school of the 23rd Division’s Boarding School 92. Mr. Solomon TeklehaimanotHead of schools in the Gash-Barka region.

93. Mr. Solomon Tsehaye Director of the Cultural Affairs 94. Mr. Tedros SeyoumDirector of the human resource development department in the

MinistryofEducation 95. Mr. Tedros SeyoumDirector of the human resource development department in the

MinistryofEducation 96. Mr. Tedros SiumHeadofHuman Resource Development at the MinistryofEducation.

Page 115: ብላዕ ንከርስኻ ፍረድ ንነብስኻ · Alamin Hassan Presidential aid. Ministerial Advisers 26. Dr. Matewos WolduEconomic Advisor and Coordinator of the program in


97. Mr. Tekle BeyeneDirector of the Dembe-Asmara Elementary and Junior School in Dembe-Asmera administrative area, Shambuko sub-zone.

98. Mr. Tekle GhebremedhinHeadof education in the Central region’s branch office in the Gala-Nefhi sub-zone

99. Mr. Teklehaimanot DebretsionHead of the hydrocarbon department in the Ministry of Mining and Energy.

100. Mr. Teklehaimanot HabtemickaelSupervisor of theAdult Education Program and eradicating illiteracy in Southern region.

101. Mr. Teklesenbet ZeraiHeadof high schools in the Anseba region. 102. Mr. Tesfai SeyoumDirector Generalof vocational and technical training in the Ministry of

Education 103. Mr. Tesfai WahidDirectorof the Asmara School of Nursing. 104. Mr. Tesfalidet HabteDirectorofAdi-Gulti elementary and junior school in Areza sub-zone 105. Mr. Tesfamariam FitsumHead of the school project in Dresa, Golj sub-zone. 106. Mr. Tewolde DirarHead of land transport in the Northern Red Sea region. 107. Mr. Tewolde GebreselasieHead of postal services in the Anseba region. 108. Mr. Tezare AinealemDirector of the Abraha Bahta School of the Blind 109. Mr. Tquabo AimutDirector of Curriculum Planning and Development Division in the Department of

Adult Education and Media in the Ministry of Education 110. Mr. Tsehaye TsegaiHeadof the Eritrean Teachers’ Association

111. Mr. Weldemariam TeklizghiDirector of the Desiet Elementary and Junior Schoolin Aibaba administrative area,Geleb sub-zone.

112. Mr. Weldemichael GebretensaeHeadof student academic affairs in the Institute(EIT). 113. Mr. Woldegiorgis KeletaHeadof the Education Ministry’s branch in the Mai-Mine sub-

zone,Southern region. 114. Mr. Woldehawariat HaileDirector of theHagaz Agricultural Technical School.

115. Mr. Woldu BerheDirector of the Adult Education in the Education Ministry

116. Mr. Yohannes GebreyesusHead of the Northern Red Sea region Museum. 117. Mr. Yonas AbrahaManagerof T.H Household Utensils Factory.

118. Mr. Yosief FessehasionDirectorof the Gebrekefelet junior school. 119. Mr. Zeweldi TesfaiDirectorof the Kisanet Junior and Secondary School in Adi-Niamin 120. Mr. Asefaw GebremichaelHeadof communicable disease prevention unit in the Southern region. 121. Ms. Ababa WeldegebrielHead of supervision and adult education unit in theMinistry of Education

in Barentu sub zone. 122. Ms. Abeba HabtomDirectorof kindergarten service in the Education Ministry’s general education

department. 123. Ms. Abeba HabtomHead of pre-education department in theMinistry of Education. 124. Ms. Abeba HaileHeadofpre-education coordinating unit in the Education Ministry 125. Ms. Abrehet GebreHeadof the Program in the EducationMinistry s branch in the Anseba Region

region.27 April 2011 12:16 126. Ms. Abrehet GebreHeadof the Program in the EducationMinistry’s branch in the Anseba Region

region.27 April 2011 12:16 127. Ms. Abrehet Ghebre Headof Adult Education in theEducationMinistry’s branch in theAnseba

region. 128. Ms. Akberet TeshaleHead of tourism in theMinistryofTourismthe Central region.

129. Ms. Almaz TelaHead (Administrator)ofMekutiSchool. 130. Ms. Elsa WoldemichaelDirector of the Asmara Music School. 131. Ms. Genet AfwerkiHead of social service in the Elabered sub-zone. 21 March 2011 132. Ms. Hadenet KeletaHeadofNUEYS branch in the Yikaalo School 133. Ms. Lemlem GesesewCoordinatoroffemale education program in the NUEYS branch in the

Northern Red Sea region 134. Ms. Mehret Eyob Director of the International relations 135. Ms. Tigsti MehariHead of pre-education in the EducationMinistry’s branch in Anseba region. 136. Prof. Andemariam Gebremichael Assistant Dean in the Orotta School ofMedicine. 137. Sr. Senait HabtemariamDirectorofCathedral Kindergarten.

138. Dr. Ibrahim Nesredin, a lecturer in Cairo University. 139. Mr. Abdalla MahmoudHead of schools in Haikota sub-zone.

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140. Mr. Abdalla MahmoudHeadof schools in the Haikota sub-zone 141. Mr. Abdalla MohammedHead of the EducationMinistry’s branch in Southern Red Sea region. 142. Mr.Abdella MohameedHead, S. Red Sea Branchof the EducationMinistry 143. Mr. Abdullahi SalehHeadof the Education Ministry’s branch in the Karora sub-zone. 144. Mr. Abubeker AliDirector of the junior school in Kirora sub-zone. 145. Mr. Adem BeshirHeadof the Education Ministry’s branch in the Kerkebet sub-zone. 146. Mr. Ahmed AliHead of the Education Ministry’s branch in the She’ib sub-zone. 147. Mr. Ali AbdallaDirector of the Mobile schools in Maebelie administrative area, Central-Denkalia

sub-zone. 148. Mr. Ali Egahle director ofBel’ubei Elementary School 149. Mr. Dini MohammedDirector of the Golo Junior and Secondary School in Senafe sub-zone. 150. Mr. Halo Shifa YigahleHeadofAfambo Boarding School. 151. Mr. Jabir Ibrahim EtelDirector of Martyr Tahir Salim Elementary and Junior School in Hamelmalo

administrative areas. 152. Mr. Jacam OdiHead of Adult Education Program i in Gash-Barka region. 153. Mr. Mahmud Mohammed Idris Assistant Principal of the Quar’obel Elementary and Junior School

Habero sub-zone. 154. Mr. Mohammed Ali AbdallaDirector of the Bolosto Elementary School in Bolosto,Gaden

administrative area. 155. Mr. Mohammed AnwarHeadof agitation and information unit in the office in Southern Red Sea

region 156. Mr. Mohammed FakakAhmedDirector of the elementary school in Beyan administrative area,

Nacfa sub-zone. 157. Mr. Mohammed HassenHead of the Education Ministry’s branch in the Tessenei sub-zone. 158. Mr. Mohammed HassenHead of the Education Ministry’s branch in Tessenei sub-zone. 159. Mr. Mohammed IdrisHead of the EducationMinistry’s branch in the Adobha sub-zone. 160. Mr. Mohammed Ismail MussaDirector of Ti’o School. 161. Mr. Mohammed Jim’e AhmedHead of schools in the Habero sub-zone.

162. Mr. Mohammed Jimi’e AhmedHeadof schools in the Habero sub-zone

163. Mr. Mohammed Sraj Directorof Bana Junior School 164. Mr. Mohammedseid Mantai Eritrean Ambassador to the Sudan 7 April 2011 165. Mr. Mussa NaibDirector GeneralDept. of Gen. Education. 166. Mr. Omeredin MohammedHead of the branch office of Ministry of Education in the Senafe sub-

zone. 167. Mr. Omeredin MohammedHeadof the EducationMinistry’s branch in the Senafe sub-zone. 168. Mr. Osman AbdulkaderHead of the EducationMinistry’s branch in the Dige sub-zone.

169. Mr. Osman Ali HusseinDirectorof the Boleli Elementary and Junior school in Bede, Gelaalo sub-

zone. 170. Mr. Osman IdrisDirector of the Bordeli Junior & secondary School in the Gelalo sub-zone. 171. Mr. Saleh AhmedHeadof the Education Ministry’s branch in Ginda sub-zone. 172. Mr. Saleh IbrahimHead of schools in the Hagaz sub-zone. 173. Mr. Saleh MohammedDirector of the school semi-boarding elementary and junior school in Beilul

administrative area, South-Denkalia sub-zone. 174. Mr. Seid Omar AdhanaHead of development in the Ginda town. 175. Mr. Wahab MohammedAliDirectorof theMai-Haber Technical School. 176. Mr. Yasin MohammedHead of the EducationMinistry’s branch in Northern Red Sea region. 177. Mr. Yassin MohammedHead of the Ministry of Education in the Northern Red Sea Region. 178. Mr. Yassin MohammedHead, N. Red Sea Branchof the Education Ministry. 179. Ms. Halima MohammedHead of educational service in theAsmara Teachers Education Institute. 180. Ms. Nejat IbrahimHeadof basic education in theGash-Barka region. 181. Ms. Nejat IbrahimHead of basic education in Gash-Barka region.

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137"Tigrigna" = 75, 69% 44” Others” = 24, 31 % 181” Total” = 100 %

Ministry of Information

1. Mr. Ali Abdurrahman Ahmed YounusMinister ofInformation. 2. Mr. Solomon BerheDirector- OFFICE OF THE MINISTER e-mail - [email protected]

TEL - 291-1-116007 FAX N. - 291-1-124847 3. Mr. Amanuel HadguDirector - PUBLIC RELATIONS e-mail: [email protected]

TEL - 291-1-128058 / 07184006 FAX N. -291-1-124847 4. Mr. RUSSOM FESAHAYE WELDUHead- ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE TEL 202935 / 07141871 5. Mr. Mekurya WolduDirector General- FOREIGN SERVICE e-mail [email protected]

TEL - 202250 6. Mr. Tewelde GebremichaelHead-GENERAL SERVICE TEL - 201820 Ext. -1010/ 07144360 7. Mr. AndemariamSibhatuHeadOF FINANCE e-mail - [email protected] - 07136479 /

120510 8. Mr. Abraham G/ MichaelHead, MARKATING DIVISION e-mail -

[email protected]/ 125013 9. Mr. Paulos G/MariamHeadof QUALITY CONTROL TEL 201820 Ext. 1117 10. Mr. Ogbay G/SellasieHeadof Marketing TEL 127494 11. Mr. Elias Mohammed HarunHead, PUBLISHING TEL. 117111/ 118711 12. Mr. TEKESTE MESFINHeadGENERAL STORE TEL - 153812 13. Mrs. Elsa Zeratzion PURCHASER TEL – 07151108 14. Mr. Samson HaileHead - MONITORING & INTERNATIONAL NEWS e-mail -

berhanetheophilos@yahoo .com 15. Mr. Paulos NebtayDirector - NEWS ROOM e-mail- [email protected] – 07127370

TEL 07118798 / 126753 16. Mr. EyassuTeweldemedhinHead- TV SITUATION ROOM TEL– 122055 17. Mr. Berhe Asfaha Head- NEWS AGENCY TEL - 121185 / 122485 FAX N. - 127385 18. Mr. GhirmayWoldegiorgisHeadOf H.R.D TEL - 120333 19. Mr. Tekie GebreyesusHeadof ARCHIVES TEL - 119390 / 116610


Mr. ASMELASH ABRAHADirector Generalof ERI-TVe-mail [email protected]. 120521 Mr. Sium GebremariamHeadof TV Program Coordinator Tel. 12 50 14 Mr. Isaac MehariHeadof Entertainment Programs (Mosaic)e-mail- [email protected]. 123898 Mr. Teages FrezghiHeadof TV Engineering and Studio Mr.Petros MenghisHeadof Education and Youth Desk Tel. 126447 Mr. Michel TesfalidetHeadof Politics and Development Deske-mail [email protected] Mrs. Manna KidaneHeadofSocial Affairs Mr. Kidanemariam DesbeleHeadof Channel-2 TV Tel. 116136






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Mr. RufaelGiuseppeHead, English TVe-mail [email protected]. 07188999 Mr. Daniel KuflomHead, TV Engineering e.mail - [email protected] Mr. Michael G/TinsaeHeadof TV Studio Tel. 201808 Mr. Al-Hassan Mohammed Al-HassanHeadof Arabic Desk Tel. 125012 Mr. Adem Mohammes AliHeadof Tigre Desk Tel. 120494 Mr. Yosef AregahegnHeadofERI-TV Disegn branch and Expert in graphics,

RADIO (Dimsti Hafash)

Mr. GHIRMAY BERHEDirector Generalof Radio Dimtsi HaffashPhone – 120624 Fax N. -126747 Mr. THOMBOSA ASMELASHHead BRANCH OF TIGRIGNA PROGRAM e-mail- [email protected] - 127750 mobile- 07216545 Mr. GEREMESKEL GERZGHEIRHeadOF MONITERING Phone -123601e-mail –[email protected] 07149199 Mrs. MEBRAK TEWELDEHeadOF RADIO STUDIO Phone – 125020 Mr. YONAS ABRAHAMHeadOFSOCIAL AND ECONOMIC AFFAIRS DESK Phone -127750 MOBILE- 07111867 Mr. DEBESAI WELDUHeadOF CULTURE AND ARTS DESK Phone -127750 MOBILE- 07125571 Mr.MENGESHA HABTEHeadOF SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENTPhone. 07201775 Mr. SULEMAN OSMAN ABEIHeadOF TIGRE PROGRAM AND RADIO ZARA e-mail- [email protected] 126733 / 127298 mobile – 07111529 Mr. SALEH MOHAMMED OMERHeadOF AFAR PROGRAM Phone 121797 MOBILE- 07223916 Mrs.DARET YOUSUFHeadOF MUSIC LIBRARY Mr. AHMED MOHAMMED OMARHead BRANCH OF ARAB PRGORAM Phone 201657 MOBILE -07128558


Mr. Mohammed Omer SubaDirector General- Press Department Phone 127748 Fax N. . 127749 Mr. Yishak YaredEditor In Cheif- Eritrea Profile e-mail- [email protected] 114114 Mr. Mohammednur YahyaEditor In Chief – Eritrea Alhaditha Phone 127099 Fax N. . 127749 Mr. Asfaha Teklemariam Editor In Chief - Haddas Ertra Phone 116266 Fax N. . 127749 Mrs. Kalshum Mohammed DabasEditor In Chief - Eritrea Haddas Phone 201820 EXT. 2206

1. Mr. Ali Abdurrahman Ahmed YounusMinister ofInformation. 2. Mr. Abraham G/ MichaelHead, MARKATING DIVISION in the Information Ministry 3. Mr. Amanuel HadguDirector - PUBLIC RELATIONS in the Information Ministry 4. Mr. Ande SibhatuHeadoffinance in the Ministry ofInformation 5. Mr. AndemariamSibhatuHeadOF FINANCE in the Information Ministry 6. Mr. Asfaha Teklemariam Editor In Chief - Haddas Ertra 7. Mr. ASMELASH ABRAHADirector Generalof ERI-TV 8. Mr. Berhe Asfaha Head- NEWS AGENCY in the Information Ministry 9. Mr. Ghirmay BerheDirector Generalof Radio Department. 10. Mr. Daniel KuflomHead, TV Engineering 11. Mr. DEBESAI WELDUHeadOF CULTURE AND ARTS DESK 12. Mr. Eyassu TeweldemedhinHead- TV SITUATION ROOM in the Information Ministry 13. Mr. GEREMESKEL GERZGHEIRHeadOF MONITERING 14. Mr. GHIRMAY BERHEDirector Generalof Radio Dimtsi Haffash 15. Mr. Ghirmay GhebreghiorghisHeadofHuman Resource Development in the Information Ministry 16. Mr. Isaac MehariHeadof Entertainment Programs (Mosaic) 17. Mr. Kidanemariam DesbeleHeadof Channel-2 TV

18. Mr. Mekurya WolduDirector General- FOREIGN SERVICE in the Information Ministry 19. Mr. MENGESHA HABTEHeadOF SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT 20. Mr. Michael GebretensaeHeadof ERI-TV Studio and Expert in camera and lightingin theInformation

Ministry 21. Mr. Michel TesfalidetHeadof Politics and Development Desk

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22. Mr. Ogbay G/SelassieHeadof Marketing in the Information Ministry 23. Mr. Paulos G/MariamHeadof QUALITY CONTROL in the Information Ministry 24. Mr. Paulos NebtayDirector - NEWS ROOM in the Information Ministry 25. Mr.Petros MenghisHeadof Education and Youth Desk 26. Mr. Rufael GiuseppeHead, English TV 27. Mr. RUSSOM FESAHAYE WELDU Headof- ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE Information Minister 28. Mr. Samson HaileHead - MONITORING & INTERNATIONAL NEWS 29. Mr. Sium GebremariamHeadof TV Program Coordinator 30. Mr. Solomon BerheDirector- OFFICE OF THE MINISTER in the Information Ministry 31. Mr. Taezaz Abraha head of the photography branch in the Ministry of Information. 32. Mr. Teages FrezghiHeadof engineering and studio branch in ERI-TV 33. Mr. TEKESTE MESFINHeadGENERAL STORE in the Information Ministry 34. Mr. Tekie GebreyesusHeadof ARCHIVES in the Information Ministry 35. Mr. Tewelde GebremichaelHead-GENERAL SERVICE in the Information Ministry 36. Mr. THOMBOSA ASMELASHHead BRANCH OF TIGRIGNA PROGRAM 37. Mr. Yitzhak YaredEditor In Chief- Eritrea Profile 38. Mr. YONAS ABRAHAMHeadOFSOCIAL AND ECONOMIC AFFAIRS DESK 0 39. Mr. Yosief AregahegnHeadofERI-TV Design branch and Expert in graphics,in the Information

Ministry 40. Mrs. Elsa Zeratzion PURCHASER in the Information Ministry 41. Mrs. Manna KidaneHeadofSocial Affairs 42. Mrs. MEBRAK TEWELDEHeadOF RADIO STUDIO 43. Mr. Samson Haile Editor of Haddas Ertra newspaper.

44. Mr. Adem Mohammed AliHeadof Tigre Desk Tel. 120494 45. Mr. Ahmed Mohammed OmerHeadof Arabic Department, Ministry ofInformation. 46. Mr. Al-Hassan Mohammed Al-HassanHeadofArabic DeskTel. 125012 47. Mr. Elias Mohammed HarunHead, PUBLISHIN 48. Mr. Mohammed Omer SubaDirector General- Press Department 49. Mr. Mohammednur YahyaEditor In Chief – Eritrea Alhaditha 50. Mr. SALEH MOHAMMED OMERHeadOFAFAR PROGRAM 51. Mr. SULEMAN OSMAN ABEIHeadOF TIGRE PROGRAM AND RADIO ZARA 52. Mrs.DARET YOUSUFHeadOF MUSIC LIBRARY 53. Mrs. Kalshum Mohammed DebassEditor In Chief - Eritrea Haddas

54"Tigrigna" = 54, 00% 13 Others = 46, 700% 67 Total = 100 %






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1. Luul Gebreab President Phone 12-79-04 Fax N. 12-06-28 Address P.O. Box 239 Asmara

Ms. Leul GebreabChairpersonoftheNUEW

2. Ms. Asmeret Habtegergish, V/ Chairpersonof the National Union of Eritrean Women (NUEW)

3. Ms. Tirhas KeletaChairpersonof the NUEW’s branch in Switzerland 4. Ms. Weini Negash Chairpersonof NUEW branch in the Southern region 5. Ms. Mebrat HabteChairpersonof the National Union of Eritrean Women (NUEW) branch in Europe 6. Ms. Alem BelayChairpersonof the NUEW branch in Anseba region 7. Ms. Filippos Gebremeskel ChairmanofNUEW branch office in ItalyDr. Fickak HabtesHeadNUEW

North America

8. Dr. Fickak HabtesHead ofNUEW North America

9. Ms. Tekh’a, Tesfamichael head ofNUEW branch in the Central region 10. Ms. Azieb BerhaneHeadof Administration and Finance ofNUEW. 11. Ms. Tsega GaimHeadof Rehabilitation and Social Services ofNUEW.

12. Ms. Yihdega YohannesHeadof administration and finance at the NUEW branch in Anseba region. 13. Ms. Meaza SibhatuHead of the branch of NUEW in Senafe sub-zone.

1. Ms. Alem BelayHead of the NUEW branch in Anseba region. 2. Ms. Alganesh AndemichaelChairpersonof the NUEW branch office in the Embaderho, Serejeqa

sub-zone. 3. Ms. Asmeret TsegaiHead of the NUEW branch in Molqi sub-zone.

4. Ms. Aster BokuraiChairpersonofthe of NUEWin Washington D.C. 5. Ms. Bisrat MisghinaHeadofSocial services and rehabilitations in the (NUEW) Union’s branch in the

Central region. 6. Ms. Elsa HaileSecretaryof the NUEW branch in Demam 7. Ms. Elsa KidaneHead oftheNUEW branch office in Ryadh 8. Ms. Kidisti Kifle HeadofNUEWbranch in the Laelai-Gash sub-zone. 9. Ms. Lemlem Bairi’uHeadof the NUEW branch in Elabered sub-zone 10. Ms. Meaza MahraiHead of the NUEW branch in Tesseneisub-zone. 11. Ms. Meaza SibhatuHeadofNUEW branch in the Senafe and Adi-Keih sub-zones. 12. Ms. Meharite MisghinaChairpersonof the Abinet Union branch of the NUEW branch in the Tsorona

Sub zone 13. Ms. Natzenet Yemane A representative of the NUEYS in Geza-Bandaadministrative area 14. Ms. Saba SibhatuHeadof the Union’s branch in Jeddah 15. Ms. Saba SiumSecretaryof the NUEW branch in Germany 16. Ms. Samrawit MichaelChairpersonof the NUEW branch in North America.

17. Ms. Selome DanieChairpersonofNUEW in Omhajer town 18. Ms. Solomie GebreselassieHeadofNUEW in the Serejeqa sub zone.

19. Ms. Tekh’a TesfamichaelHeadof the NUEW branch in the Central region. 20. Ms. Tirhas AdresomCoordinatorof the program in the NUEW branch in the Southern region. 21. Ms. Tirhas MehariHead ofNUEYS in the Hamelmalo sub-zone 22. Ms. Tsegeweini GebreselassieHead ofNUEW branch in the Logo-Anseba sub-zone.

23. Mr. Ismail MussaChairmanofNUEYS branch office in the Southern Red Sea Region (SRSR) 24. Mrs. Salha MohammedHeadof the NUEW in the Tsorona sub zone 25. Ms. Aisha Ali NurChairpersonof the NUEW in the Northern Red Sea region 26. Ms. Amna Hussen OmarHeadof agitation and information at the NUEW branch in the Anseba


27. Ms. Amna IshmaelHeadof the NUEW branch in She’ib. 28. Ms. Dehab SuleimanHead of agitation and information at the NUEW in Anseba region. 29. Ms. Dehab SuleimanHead of Information and Campaign in the National Union of Eritrean Women

(NUEW). 30. Ms. Faizet AdalaChairpersonof the NUEW in the Geleb sub-zone

Page 121: ብላዕ ንከርስኻ ፍረድ ንነብስኻ · Alamin Hassan Presidential aid. Ministerial Advisers 26. Dr. Matewos WolduEconomic Advisor and Coordinator of the program in


31. Ms. Faizet AdalaChairpersonof the NUEW in the Geleb sub-zone 32. Ms. Fatma MohammednurHeadofNUEW branch in Massawa city 33. Ms. Fatuma AlinurHead of Social service in the NUEW branch in Gash-Barka region. 34. Ms. Jim’a Mohammed OmarChairpersonof the NUEW branch in Britain 35. Ms. Jim’a Mohammed OmarChairpersonof the NUEW branch in Britain 36. Ms. Jim’a Mohammed OmarChairpersonof the NUEW branch in Britain 37. Ms. Kedija AmirHead of theNUEW branch in the Karora sub-zone. 38. Ms. Mesuda HumedHead of the economic welfare of the NUEW branch in the Southern Red Sea

region. 39. Ms. Mesuda HumedHead of the Union (NUEW.) in the Southern Red Sea region. 40. Ms. Raeyet Osman Secretary of the NUEW in theNacfa sub-zone. 41. Ms. Raeyet Osman, Secretaryof the NUEW in the Nacfa sub-zone. 42. Ms. Saediya Mohammed AdemHeadof the NUEW branch in Afabet sub-zone.

22"Tigrigna" = 51, 16% 21 Others = 48, 84 % 43 Total = 100 %

NATIONAL UNION OF ERITREAN YOUTH AND STUDENTS Sultan Said Chairman Phone 12-21-18 Fax N. 12-59-81Address P.O. Box 1042 Asmara

1. Mr. Sultan SeidChairmanofNUEYS 2. Ms. Saba HaileChairpersonof the NUEYS in the Central region

3. Mr. Hager GanzaiChairmanof the NUEYS branch in the Southern region 4. Mr. Zeresenai TesfaiHeadof the National Union of Eritrean Youth and Students in the Anseba region 5. Mr. Ataklti ArefaineChairmanof the Eritrean youth association in Italy 6. Mr. Tadesse BeyeneHeadofNUEYS ofthe Southern region 7. Mr. Mesfun GebrehiwotHeadofPRof NUEYS.

8. Ms. Hadenet KeletaHeadofNUEYS branch in the Yikaalo School. 9. Ms Alem BelayHeadof the NUEW in Anseba region. 10. Mr. Tekea TesfamichaelHeadof NUEW branch in the Central region. 11. Ms Alem BelayHeadof the NUEW in Anseba region. 12. Mr. Hager GanzaiHeadof National Union of Eritrean Youth and Students in the Southern region.

13. Mr. Desale TesfamariamHeadof the NUEYS Union in Tsetserat sub-zone

14. Mr. Michael HagosHeadof the NUEYS branch in Gejeret sub-zone

15. Mr. Daniel EyassuHeadofzonal coordination in the central offi ceof the NUEYS. 16. Mr. Desale Tesfamariam head of the NUEYS Union in Tsetserat sub-zone 17. Mr. Michael HagosHeadof the NUEYS branch in Gejeret sub-zone 18. Ms. Natzenet YemaneHeadof the NUEYS in Geza-Banda administrative area






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19. Dr. Kesete ArayaHeadof environmental sanitation in the MinistryofHealth. 20. Ms. Migbinesh AsefawHeadofNUEYS in the Areza sub-zone. 21. Mr. Kibreab HabtetsionCoordinatorof the 4th ERI-Youth Festival due to be held in Sawa program from

NUEYS branch in Gash-Barka region. 2010

22. Mr. Saleh Mohammed AliChairmanofNUEYS branch office in the Agordat sub-zone 23. Mr. Awelkier Ibrahim Chairmanof the NUEYS branch in the Ginda sub-zone 24. Mr. Khalid Ismail NUEYS representative in the Sudan 25. Mr. Saleh Mahmud SabbeHeadof public affairs in the Union’s branch office ofJeddah.

26. Mr. Awate OsmanHeadof the NUEYS in Sawa and higher education institutions 27. Mr. Idris OsmanHeadofNUEYS branch in the Gelalo sub-zone. 28. Mr. Ismail MussaHeadofNUEYS branch in the Southern Red Sea region. 29. Mr. Osman Idris Mehbusie Acting Headof the NUEYS branch in the Araeta, sub-zone. 30. Mr. Ibrahim HassenHead of NUEYS in the Northern Red Sea region. 31. Ms. Fatma Ali NurHead of social service in the NUEW branch in Bash-Barka region. 32. Ms. Naila AbdallaHead of NUEW branch in Mogolo sub-zone. 33. Mr. Ismail MussaChairmanof the NUEYSbranch office in the Southern Red Sea region 34. Mr. Luwiji HusseinChairmanof the NUEYS branch in Gash-Barka region 35. Mr. Khalid Ismail NUEYS representative in the Sudan

21"Tigrigna" = 60, 00% 14“Others“ = 40, 00 % 35 “Total” = 100 %


1. Alamin Mohammed Said Secretary of the PFDJ. Phone 12-09-29 --11-51-16 Fax N. 12-05-42

Address P. O. Box 1081

2. Yemane GebreabHead, Political Affairs Phone (Office) 11-51-51 Fax N. 12-08-48 Address P. O. Box 5660

3. Abdella Jabber Head, Organizational Affairs Phone 11-51-23 Fax N. 12-61-02 Address P. O. Box 1081

4. Hagos GebrehiwetHead, Economic Affairs Phone 12-06-97 Fax N. 12-22-54 Address P. O. Box 5659

5. Zemhret Yohannes Head, Research and Documentation Phone 11-51-26 Fax N. 12-56-30 Address P. O. Box 1081

6. Haile TeweldeberhanHead, Administration Phone 12-62-19 Fax N. 18-02-11 Address P. O. Box

1081 7. Yussuf Saik Chairman, PFDJ. Central Region Phone 18-45-71--11-53-07 Fax N. 11-53-16 Address

P. O. Box 4618






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8. Ms. Semhar Gebreab representative of YPFDJ in the UK.

1. Mr. Yemane GebreabHead, Political Affairsof thePFDJ. 2. Mr. Hagos GebrehiwetHead, Economic Affairsof thePFDJ. 3. Mr. Zemhret YohannesHeadResearch and Documentationof thePFDJ. 4. Mr. Haile TeweldeberhanHeadAdministrationof thePFDJ.

5. Mr. Ahferom TeweldeHeadofthe PFDJ. Central Office

6. Mr. Michael ArefeDirector of the training of the Cultural Affairs Department of the PFDJ.

7. Mr. Daniel BerhaneChairmanYPFDJ.Uk 96 White Lion Street, N1 9PF London, England [email protected]

8. Mrs. Fethawit GhebrezghiHead of economic affairs YPFDJ. in Norway 9. Mrs. Fewen TsigeChairpersonYPFDJ. GermanyEritreischer Jugendverein 10. Mr. Kuluberhan GebremedhinChairmanYPFDJ. Holland Jongeren voor Jongeren s’Gravendijkwal

28, 3014 ec Rotterdam, The Netherlands [email protected] 11. Mrs. Misgana GhebreberhanChairman YPFDJ.Swiss 7 boulevard Carl-Vogt, 1205 Geneva, Switzerland

[email protected] 12. Mr. Ataklti ArefaineChairmanof the YPFDJ(Eritrean youth association) in Italy 13. Mr. BerhaneChairmanofPFDJ. North America (the ruling party’s representative in North America) 14. Mr. Debesai AfwerkiSecretaryof the PFDJ. In the Agordat sub-zone. 15. Mr. Fithi AndomHeadofPFDJ. Research and Documentation 16. Mr. Gebreselassie NegashHead of PFDJ. Bureau in the Southern region. 17. Mr. Gebreselassie NegashPFDJ. secretary in the Southern region 18. Mr. Hadish Asghedom representative of thePFDJ. Of the sub-zonal administrator in the Agordat sub-

zone. 19. Mr. Kahsai Gebrehiwot Headof Sibrit National Cultural troupe inPFDJ. 20. Mr. Kinfe GebreyesusHeadofPFDJ. Amsterdam branch. 21. Mr. Michael EmbayHeadofpolitical and organizational affairs of the PFDJ. in theCentral region. 22. Mr. Rezene AdonaiSecretaryof thePFDJ. in theGash-Barka region 23. Mr. Solomon DirarHeadof political publications at the PFDJ. ‘s Political Affairs Bureau 24. Mr. Solomon TsehayeHeadand member of the evaluating committee of the PFDJ Cultural Affairs

25. Ms. Abrehet ArefaineHeadof the Foreign Zone at the PFDJ. . 26. Ms. Freweini TekesteChairperson of the Mekete committee for the residing in Washington D.C. 27. Ms. Ghidey SielaiHeadofPFDJ. Branch in Bologna. 28. Ms. Rahel TeweldeHeadworks at the Film and Drama Branch of the Cultural Affairs Bureau of the

PFDJ. 29. Ms. Shewainesh KirosHeadof PFDJ. Office in charge of public and community affairs. 30. Ms. Nadja Afeworki ChairmanYPFDJ.Göteborg Bondegatan 1, 41685, Gothenburg,

Sweden [email protected] 31. Mr. Samson YaredYPFDJ. in Norway 32. Semret Kidane:ChairpersonYPFDJ. in Norway Karl Yohans gata 4, 0154 Oslo, Norway

[email protected] 33. Mr. Senai SolomonLemmaChairmanYPFDJ. Denmark Johan Kellers vej 26 4tv, 2450 Copenhagen,

Denmark [email protected] 34. Mr. Tedros Yared Vice-ChairmanYPFDJ. in Norway 35. Ms. Yordanos BeyeneChairpersonYPFDJ.Italy Via Ferruccio 44, 00100 Rome, Italy

[email protected]

36. Mr. Alamin Mohammed Said Secretary of thePFDJ. 37. Mr. Abdella JabirHeadofthe PFDJ‘sOrganizational Affairs. 38. Mr. Abdella NegashHeadof the office monitoring martyrs’ families at the PFDJ. Foreign Zone 39. Mr. Abdu IdrisChairmanof the PFDJ. In the Southern Red Sea region. 40. Mr. Abubekker Shenkehai Chairman of the YPFDJ branch in Jeddah 41. Mr. Hamid AdemHead of the PFDJ. Bureau in Gogne sub-zone. 42. Mr. Hamid HajiChairmanof the PFDJ. Office in the Northern Red Sea region. 43. Mr. Humed Bieyta,HeadofSupervision ofPFDJ. Groups in Central Denkalia 44. Mr. Ibrahim Ali (Akla)Headof the PFDJ’s Cultural Affairs department. 45. Mr. Idris SalehHeadof the PFDJ’s political and organizational affairs in theNRS region

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46. Mr. Jemal NasirHead of the PFDJ. in the Kerkebet sub-zone.

47. Mr. Khalifa NurhusseinHeadof political and organizational affairs of the PFDJ. in the Central region 48. Mr. Mahmoud ShefaHeadof the PFDJ. In the Mai-Mine sub-zone. 49. Mr. Mohammed Qashim Hamed Head of PFDJ. 's 50. Mr. Nageeb AhmedHeadof the Eritrean ruling party, PFDJ. , in Agordat sub-zone. 51. Mr. Omar Al-AminHeadofPFDJ. Branch in Afabet. 52. Mr. Selim AliHeadof the PFDJ. For political affairs in the Southern Red Sea region. 53. Mr. Yusuf SaikChairman of thePFDJ. in the Central Region

35"Tigrigna" = 66, 03% 18 Others = 33, 97 % 53 Total = 100 %


1. ColonelWoldegebriel MisgunChairman of the Etaro community. 2. Dr. Berekhet FessehasionChairmanof the Hizbawi Mekete Committee in London 3. Dr. Berekhet SibhatuChairmanoftheEritrean Doctors Association. 4. Dr. Eyassu GebretatiosChairmanof the Eritrean Agricultural Experts Association. 5. Dr. Hailu EmbayeChairman of the agitation committee in the Eritrean Community in the UK. 6. Dr. Mismay GebrehiwotChairmanof Eritrean Doctors Association 7. Dr. Tewelde WoldekidanChairmanof resolute rebuff committee in London. 8. Eng. Mulugheta GebrezgheirChairmanof the contractors and electrical engineering consultants

association. 9. Keshi Russom KahsaiChairman of the fruits and vegetable farming Association in Ketina stream and

Ubel, Mai-Mine sub-zone. 10. Mr. Abraham MichaelChairman of the Owners And Employees Of Service-Rendering Enterprises 11. Mr. Abraham MichaelSecretary of the Eritrean TourismService-Rendering Institutions. 12. Mr. Abraham SemereChairmanof the Central regional Assembly. 13. Mr. Abraham SemereChairman of the Central regional Assembly. 14. Mr. Adem IdrisChairman of the Ghinda town council 15. Mr. Ahmed Hamid ShoshebChairman of farmers’ association in Wadi-Labka of Gadim-Halib

administrative area, Afabet sub-zone 16. Mr. Alem TekleghiorgisChairman of the National Holidays Coordinating Committee(NHCC) in Sweden 17. Mr. Andemariam GebrehiwetChairmanof carnival show committee in the Central

regionalAdministration 9 July 2010 18. Mr. Andemeskel GebreyesusChairman of fruits and vegetables producing cooperatives in theTessenei

sub-zone. 19. Mr. Andemichael G/SelassieChairmanof the Holiday Organizing Committee (ENHOC).

20. Mr. Asefaw Asghedom theChairmanof the Eritrean Community in Djibouti. 21. Mr. Berhane GebrehiwotChairmanof the co-ordinating committee. 22. Mr. Berhane GhirmuChairmanof the Eritrean Community in Torino 23. Mr. Beyene MelkeChairmanof the Resistance Committee in Sudan 24. Mr. Dawit Fesshaye(Wedi Police)Chairmanof the Eritrean National Association of the Blind(ERNAB)






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25. Mr. Dawit MengisteabChairman of the holidays coordinating committee in the Southern Red Searegion.

26. Mr. Elias AmareChairmanof the Eritrean Film Rating Committee 27. Mr. Ermias GhideyChairmanof The Eritrean Community in Milan 28. Mr. Estifanos HagosChairmanof the Eritrean Pharmaceutical Association 29. Mr. Eyob HadguSecretaryof the Central regional Assembly. 30. Mr. Gebrehiwet WoldaiHeadof the Micro-Credit Scheme program in the Southern region. 31. Mr. Gebremichael HabteselassieChairmanof the Barentu Town Council. 32. Mr. Gebremichael MosazghiChairman of dairy farm owners association in the town Barentu. 33. Mr. Gebremichael TesfomChairmanof the Algien Parents’ Committee 34. Mr. Gebrenegus Berhane member of the Executive committee of the Eritrean Association of Books

and Information. 35. Mr. Gebreselassie NegashChairmanof the Southern region’s holidays coordinating committee. 36. Mr. Ghirmay BerheChairmanof the Eritrean National Holiday Organizing Committee (ENHOC) in

America. 37. Mr. Ghirmay YemaneChairmanof Eritrean Community inRiyadh. 38. Mr. Gideon FesshayeChairmanof the19th Independence Anniversary Celebrations Committee. 39. Mr. Girmai AbreheChairman of the Eritrean Association of Road Traffic Safety. 40. Mr. Girmai NegasiChairman of the Bakery Owners Association. 41. Mr. Girmai TesfaiChairman of the festival preparatory committee in the Netherlands. 42. Mr. Girmai YemaneChairman of the Eritrean Community in the Saudi Arabia Capital. 43. Mr. Habte WoldegergisChairman of the Community in Jeddah. 44. Mr. Hadish TadesseChairmanof the Hearing Impaired Association in the Gash-Barka region 45. Mr. Hailat AnduChairman of the dairy farm association in Segeneiti sub-zone. 46. Mr. Hamid HajiChairman of the holidays coordinating committee in Northern Red Sea region. 47. Mr. Hurui Asghedom Executive Board of the Association of Eritreans in Agricultural Sciences (AEAS)

appointed the organizing committee, 48. Mr. Isak TesfagergisChairman of the Eritrean Teachers Association. 49. Mr. Kiflom TesfamariamChairmanof the library committee of Camp Denden.

50. Mr. Lijam TesfalidetChairman of the fruits and vegetables farmers association in the Anseba region. 51. Mr. Mahteme AskelawiChairmanof the Independence Day celebration Committee in the Northern Red

Sea Region. 52. Mr. Mebrahtom HaileChairman of the Fruits and Vegetables Farming Association in Adi-Quala sub-

zone. 53. Mr. Mebrahtu EyasuChairmanof the Association of Agricultural Experts. 54. Mr. Mekonnen KidaneChairmanof the Oral Tradition Coordinating Committee

55. Mr. Michael Tekie secretary general of the Eritrean Library and Information Association 56. Mr. Michael TekleawalomChairman of martyrs’ families’ rehabilitation committee in the Tessenei

town. 57. Mr. Michael ZerizgiChairmanof vegetables farming association in the Haikota sub-zone. 58. Mr. Mohammed AliChairmanof the Southern Red Sea region assembly 59. Mr. Mohammed SalehChairman of the Dogali Rock Quarry Company. 60. Mr. Mohammed-Nur Mussa HamidChairman of farmers association in the She’ib sub-zone.

61. Mr. Nega HaileChairmanof the Association of Eritrean returnees from North America and Canada 62. Mr. Neguse HaileChairman of the Association of Dairy Producers in Southern region. 63. Mr. Ogbamichael TewoldeChairman of the branch of the Eritrean Association for the Deaf in Gash-

Barka region. 64. Mr. Ogbay BerheSecretaryof the Festival Coordinating Committee. 65. Mr. Okubamicheal TeweldeChairmanof the association of the Eritrean National Association for the

Deaf(E.N.A.D). 66. Mr. Reda’e TeklaiChairmanof the technical committee and senior Expertof forestation and wildlifein

the Agriculture Ministry. 67. Mr. Rezene AdonaiChairman of the holidays coordinating committee in the Gash-Barka reigon. 68. Mr. Samuel AmanuelChairman of fruits and vegetables association in the Dubarwa sub-zone. 69. Mr. Samuel BelayChairman of the Employers Federation branch in Anseba region. 70. Mr. Seare GhebreyohannesChairmanof the Eritrean Pharmaceutical Association. 71. Mr. Semere NetsereabChairmanof the Awet Bus Owners Association. 72. Mr. Sibhatu BeyeneChairmanof the Algen Camp Community. (Asmara).

73. Mr. Solomon AbrahaChairmanof the Eritrean Tourism Service Association (ETSA) 74. Mr. Solomon DirarChairmanofHidri Publishers 75. Mr. Solomon GebrekidanChairmanof Bidho (of HIV patients Association). 76. Mr. Tedros AndemichaelChairman of the community of North America and Canada 77. Mr. Tedros HailemariamChairman of the dairy farm cooperatives association in Adi-Quala sub-zone.

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78. Mr. Tekle GhebrekidanChairmanof the Awget community and the National Union of Eritrean Youthand Students branch in the Central region.

79. Mr. Tesfai GebreyesusChairmanoftheEritrean Football Federation. 80. Mr. Tesfai TsegaiHead of Administrationand finance in the Adi-Quala sub-zone. 81. Mr. Tsegai Mogos vice Secretaryof the National Confederation of Eritrean Workers (NCEW), 82. Mr. Tsehaye Tsegai Chairman of the Teachers Association of Eritrea. 83. Mr. Wolde BariyayChairman of the Owners of various business enterprises committee in Keren. 84. Mr. Woldu Kidane Chairmanof the holidays coordinating committee in Scandinavia 85. Mr. Yemane TesfayChairman of the employers association. 86. Mr. Yohannes DebesaiChairmanEAAA-transition WWW.EAAARUNNERS.ORG 87. Mr. Yohannes TekieChairmanof the service-rendering institutions association branch office in the

Central region 88. Mr. Zeresenai TesfaiChairmanof the 4th ERI-Youth Festival’s coordinating committee 89. Ms. Azieb TeweldeChairpersonof the Eritrean Library and Information Association. 90. Ms. Freweyni TekesteChairperson of the Resolute Rebuff Committee in Washington D.C.

91. Dr. Mohammed KusmellahChairmanof the Investment Association of Eritreans residing in Australia and New Zealand

92. Mr. Ahmed Hamid MussaChairmanofthe Legislative Assembly. 93. Mr. Al-Amin AliChairmanof the Eritrean Community inAbu Dhabi 94. Mr. Ali Asenai HumedChairman of the fruits and Vegetables Association in Kerkebet. 95. Mr. Ali Omar OsmanChairmanof the Eritrean Pharmaceutical Association. 96. Mr. Hamid HajiChairman of the holidays coordinating committee in the Northern Red Sea region. 97. Mr. Hamid JaberaChairman of the Fruits and Vegetable Farming Association in Habero sub-zone. 98. Mr. Kemal Mohammed BerhanChairman of the Eritrean Community in Dubai and North Emirate. 99. Mr. Mohammed OsmanSecretaryof the Eritrean Music Association

100. Mr. Mohammed-Nur Mussa HamidChairman of farmers association in the in She’ib sub-zone. 101. Mr. Tahir Mohammed ArreiChairmanof the Eritrean Community in Qatar. 102. Mr. Tahir MohammedChairman of the Eritrean community in Qatar. 103. Ms. Asha MahmoudChairmanof theAnseba regional Assembly. 104. Ms. Jim’ia AdemChairpersonof the Festival’s coordinating committee in the Anseba region. 105. Ms. Khedija OmarChairpersonof the festival organizing committee in the Southern Red Sea region. 106. Ms. Sheika Fatima Bint MubarakChairpersonof the Family Development Foundation.

81"Tigrigna" = 83, 50% 16 Others = 16, 50 % 97 Total = 100 %






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Mr. GebreberhanIyassuChairman Phone 12-29-67 Fax N. 12-08-20 Address P. O. Box 5613 Asmara

1. Mr. Abraham KifletsionHeadofthe Association’s (ENWVA) organization and information department 2. Mr. Dawit GhebrekristosHeadof the Eritrean National War-disabled Veterans Association (ENWVA)

branch in Anseba region. 3. Mr. Fesshaye Tesfamichael vice Chairmanof the Eritrean War Disabled Veterans Association(EWDVA) 4. Mr. Gebreberhan EyassuChairmanof The Eritrean National War Disabled VeteransAssociation 5. Mr. Rezene TesfamariamHeadofthe Eritrean National War-disabled Veterans Association (ENWVA)

branch office in the Gash-Barka region 6. Mr. Tekeste FesshayeChairmanThe Eritrean National War-Disabled Veterans Association (ENWDVA)

branch office in Sweden 7. Mr. Semere GebregiorgisHead of the ENWDVA branch in Denmark

6"Tigrigna" = 100, 00% 0 Others = 00, 00 % 6 Total = 100 %

NATIONAL CONFEDERATION OF ERITREAN WORKERS 1. Tekeste Baire Secretary General Tekeste Baire Phone 11-61-87 Fax N. 12-66-06 Address P.O.Box

1188 Asmara 2. Mr. Tsegai MegosDeputyGeneral Secretary and Head of International Relations NCEW. 3. Mr. Tesfalem Redi acting head of the NCEW branch in Gash-Barka region








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1. Mr. Tadesse Kidane Temporary Headof Housing Commission, Phone (Office) 12-06-21Fax N. N. 12-06-70 P.O. Box 348 Asmara

2. Tedros WeredeHead, Housing Verification Phone (Office12-04-81Fax N. N. 12-06-70 P.O. Box 348 Asmara

3. Tesfay TekleHead, Provisional Board Administrator, Phone (Office 12-65-29Fax N. N. 12-06-70 P.O. Box 348 Asmara

4. SolomonGebrenegusHead, Government Rental Houses Administrator, ,Phone (Office 12-05-67Fax

N. N. 12-06-70 P.O. Box 348 Asmara


Romodan Osman Awliya (M. General) Commissioner, ,Phone (Office 16-30-25Fax N. 16-13-68 Asmra Samuel Tsegai Administration, Phone (Office 12-08-65Fax N. 12-21-35Asmara

1. Major General Romodan Osman Awliyai (M. General) Commissioner 2. Samuel Tsegai Administration 3. Mr.Tekie Guesh Headoffinance at the National Federation ofEritrean Football 4. Mr. Meles Nuguse Headof the public relations office in the Eritrean Sport Commission 5. ColonelNegash TeklitHeadcoach of the Eritrean Footbal National Team










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Mr. Gebrewold Hagos G. Manager, Asmara Airport Phone 15-45-30 Fax N. 15-26-57Address Asmara International Airport Mr. Abraha Oqbaselassie (Col.) G. Manager, Massawa Airport Phone 55-10-81 Fax N. 55-10-86 Address Massawa Airport P.O. Box 361 Air Traffic Center Phone 15-27-58 Ext. 216Fax N.15-26-57

AUDITOR GENERAL’S OFFICE Mr. Berhane Habtemariam Auditor General Phone 15-22-03Fax N. 15-02-52 Address P.O. Box 918 Asmara Mr. Gebrezgheir GhebremedhinDirector General. Audit Phone 15-22-03Fax N. 15-02-52Address P.O. Box 918 Asmara Mr. Menghis DagnewDirector General.. Audit Phone 15-22-06Fax N. 15-02-52Address P.O. Box 918 Asmara

CIVIL SERVICE ADMINISTRATION (CSA) Mr. Ghirmay Gebremeskel Chief Executive Director Phone 12-20-02 Fax N. 12-24-22 Address P.O. Box 256 Asmara Mr. Stifanos IssakDirector General. Staffing Dept. Phone 12-19-17 Fax N. 12-24-22 Address P.O. Box 256 Asmara

DEPARTMENT OF GOVERNMENTAL GARAGES Mr. Woldu Gebreyesus(Col.) G. Manager, Dept. of Governmental Garages Phone 15-97-94 Fax N. 15-91-51 Address P.O. Box 11932 Asmara Mr. Tekle Redie Head, Governmental Garage Garages Phone 12-65-30Fax N. 20-26-21Address P.O. Box 762 Asmara

ERITREA FREE ZONES AUTHORITY Mr. Araya Tsegai(Dr.) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Garages Phone 20-08-12Fax N. 20-27-78Address P.O. Box 9150 Asmara

HIMBOL FINANCIAL SERVICES Mr. Samuel Mehari Manager Phone 12-07-35 Fax N. 12-10-58 Address P.O. Box 91113 Asmara

1. Mr. Kahsai Asrat Headof operation in the office Savings and Micro-Credit Scheme

NATIONAL INSURANCE CORPORATION OF ERITREA (NICE) Mr. Zeru Weldemichael General Manager Phone 12-22-56Fax N. 12-32-40 Address P.O. Box 881 Asmara Misghina NemariamTechnical Manager Phone 12-00-81 Fax N. 12-13-40 Address P.O. Box 881 Asmara Mr. Menghisteab Bisrat Administration Manager Phone 12-04-33 Fax N. 12-13-40 Address P.O. Box 881 Asmara Mr. TquaboMobae Pension and Life Manager Phone 12-13-13Fax N. 12-50-20Address P.O. Box 881 Asmara Mr. Habteab Teweldemedhin Audit Manager Phone 12-38-47Fax N. 12-50-20Address P.O. Box 881 Asmara Mr. Paulos Tekleab A/Finance and Investment Manager Phone 12-51-80 Fax N. 12-50-20Address P.O. Box 881 Asmara

1. Mr. Zeru Weldemichael General Manager 2. Misghina NemariamTechnical Manager 3. Mr. Menghisteab Bisrat Administration Manager 4. Mr. TquaboMobae Pension and Life Manager 5. Mr. Habteab Teweldemedhin Audit Manager 6. Mr. Paulos Tekleab A/Finance and Investment Manager

7. Mr. Yohannes TesfaselassieHeadof branch at the National Insurance Corporation ofEritrea(NICE)

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PROGRAM MANAGEMENT UNIT- EMERGENCY RECONSTRCTION PROGRAM Mr. GebremichaelMenghistu General Manager Phone 15-14-03 Fax N. 15-14-05 Address P.O. Box 8589 Asmara

1. Mr. Kaleab HaileHeadof Program Management at National Demobilization Commission. 2. Mr. GebremichaelMenghistu General Manager

RED SEA TRADING CORPORATION Mr. Gaim Tekie General Manager Phone 12-78-46Fax N. 12-43-53 Address P.O. Box 332 Asmara

National Board for Higher Education (NBHE) Tadesse Mehari (Dr.) ExecutiveDirector,, NBHE Phone 16-19-38 Fax N. 16-22-36 Address P.O. Box 1220 Asmara Bisrat Ghebru (Dr.)DirectorStandard and Evaluation, NBHE Phone 11-55-58 Fax N. 16-22-36 Address P.O. Box 3025 Asmara Mr. Sebhatleab Tewelde(Dr.)DirectorAdministration and Finance, NBHE Phone 16-21-34 Fax N. 16-22-36 Address P.O. Box 1220 Asmara Mr. BerekhetTewelde (Dr.)Director, HE Administration and International Linkages, Phone 16-21-34 Fax N. 16-22-36 Address P.O. Box 1220 Asmara

1. Dr. Tadesse Mahari Executive Directorof the National Board for Higher Education 2. Bisrat Ghebru (Dr.)DirectorStandard and Evaluation 3. Mr. Sebhatleab Tewelde(Dr.)DirectorAdministration and Finance, NBHE

4. Mr. BerekhetTewelde (Dr.)Director, HE Administration and International Linkages 5. Mr. Kidanemariam MenghistuHeadof Unit Open Distance Learning.








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National Museum Mr. Yosief Libsekal (Dr.)Director, National Museum Phone 11-90-02Fax N. 111-46-66 Address P.O. Box Asmara

1. Dr. Yosief Libsekal (Dr.)Director, National Museum 2. Mr. Haile BerheHead of Documentation and Archives at the Eritrean National Museum


Anseba Region Administration

Adi Tekelezan ·Asmat ·Elabared ·Geleb ·Hagaz ·Halhal ·Habero ·Keren ·Kerkebet ·Sel’a

Regional Civil Servants

1. Mr. GergishGhirmay Governor Phone 40-10-03 Fax N. 40-10-51 Address Keren 2. Mr. Ghebreyohannes Woldegiorgis Head, Dept. of Administration KerenPhone 40-10-67 Fax N. 40-

10-51 AddressKeren 3. Mr. Tekie Keleta Administrator ofKeren Phone 40-10-05 Fax N. 40-14-61 AddressKeren 4. Mr.Yemane GileuHeadof Desk in the Anseba region.








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5. Mrs. Zeineb OmerHeadofSocial Servicesin the Anseba region

6. Brig. GeneralTekle Kiflay (Manjos)Commander of Operation Zone 1. Commander Western Border 7. Brother Woldehawariat HaileDirectorof the Hagaz School of Agricultural Technique. 8. Brother Woldetnsae TesfaselassieManagingDirector of the Hagaz Agricultural Technical School. 9. Dr. Butsueamlak TsegaiHeadof wildlife resource in Anseba region. 10. Dr. Elilta Gebreselassie Headofpregnancy in the Keren Hospital. 11. Dr. Eyasu GebretatiosDirector General of the Halhale National Agricultural Research Institute. 12. Dr. Eyob FrezghiHead of Assab Hospital. 13. Dr. Eyob Kuflom from the Southern Regional Referral Hospital. 14. Dr. Oqbazgi KifleHead of animal resource in the Agriculture Ministry’s branch in the Southern

region. 15. Dr. Yonas WolduHead of the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Southern Red Sea region 16. Eng. Musie BahtaHeadof agricultural infrastructure in the administrative areas of Gogne sub-zone. 17. Eng. Tadios TesfayHeadofinfrastructure department in the Anseba region. 18. Eng. Zeragabir Hidrai from the infrastructure development department in the Anseba regional

Administration. 19. Eng. Zeragabir Hidrai from the infrastructure development department in the Anseba regional

Administration. 20. Lt. ColonelAndemariam WoldenkielHead of the Badme Construction Company. 21. Lt. Colonel Mehari BerhaneHeadof the Immigration and Nationality branch in theAnseba region 22. Mr. Ghirmay BokretsionHead of the Ministry of LHW branch in the Anseba region. 23. Maj. Hagos TekieCommanderof the Eritrean penitentiary and rehabilitation centre in Anseba region. 24. Maj.Hagos TekieHeadofPrisons & Rehabin the Anseba region. 25. Maj. Woldu TesfamariamHeadof government garage in the Anseba region. 26. Mr. Abraha SolomonHead of the health station Melebso administrative area, Halhal sub-zone.

27. Mr. Abraha SolomonHead of the health station Melebso administrative area, Halhal sub-zone. 28. Mr. Abraham HabteHeadof ERI-TELin the Anseba region. 29. Mr. Abraham TeweldeHeadof the branch office ofMinistry of Mining and Energy in the Southern

region. 30. Mr. Afwerki DebesaiJudgeof the community magistrate in Eden semi-urban centre, Anseba region. 31. Mr. Aineta GhirmayHeadofTelecomin the Anseba region 32. Mr. Alazar HaileHeadof community hospital in the Elabered sub-zone. 33. Mr. Amanuel TesfaiHeadofChief Prosecutor in the Anseba region. 34. Mr. Amha GebrewahdHeadof administration and finance in Halhal sub-zone. 35. Mr. Ande AdhanomCoordinator of carnival programs in Anseba region. 36. Mr. Andeberhan WoldeyohannesHead of forestry and wildlife resources in the Anseba region. 37. Mr. Andebrhan TesfaberhanCoordinatorof the dam is under construction around Tinkulahas in

Keren project 38. Mr. Andemichael SolomonDirectorGeneral of infrastructure development and Socialservice in the

Red Sea region.

39. Mr. Arefaine MenanHeadofmalaria control program in Golij sub-zone 40. Mr. Asmelash Geresus Acting Head of the Eritrean Postal Service. 41. Mr. Berekhet Habtetsion,Headof the Health Ministry’s branch in the Karora sub-zone. 42. Mr. Berhane AbrahaHeadofRural developmentin the Anseba region 43. Mr. Berhane KahsaiHead of Economicdevelopment in Adi-Tekelezan sub-zone. 44. Mr. Berhane TsegaiHeadof production department in the Rahwa Painting Plant. 45. Mr. Bihmot AinealemSupervisorof the project Micro-dam construction in Gizgiza in Hamelmalo

sub-zone. 46. Mr. Biniam YohannesHeadofMicro-credit & Savingsin the Anseba region. 47. Mr. Bokretsion HabtemickaelHead of the EducationMinistry’s branch in Anseba region. 48. Mr. Daniel BerheHeadof the Agriculture Ministry’s branch in the Adi-Tekelezan and Wara in Adi-

Tekelezan sub-zone. 49. Mr. Dawit GhebrekristosHeadof the Eritrean National War-disabled Veterans Association (ENWVA)

branch in Anseba region.

50. Mr. Dawit KibreabHead of quality control unit in the TourismMinistry’s branch office in Anseba region.

51. Mr. Embaye IssakAdministratorofGergef administrative area, Golij sub-zone. 52. Mr. Eyob WoldeabAdministratorof Begu administrative area, Keren sub-zone in Anseba region 53. Mr. Fessehasion WolduAdministrator of the Ashera administrative area, Hagaz sub-zone.

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54. Mr. Fesshaye TekleabAdministratorofWasdemba. 55. Mr. Fikadu AsfahaHeadof development desk in the Adi-Tekelezan semi-urban center. 56. Mr. Fikadu GebrehawariatHeadof schools in Keren sub-zone. 57. Mr. Finot Weldemariam Assistant nurse in the health station in Sel’a sub-zone,Anseba region. 58. Mr. Finot Weldemariam Assistant nurse in the health station in Sel’a sub-zone,Anseba region. 59. Mr. Fisseha AbrahaHeadofthe Hagaz Community Hospitalin the Anseba region. 60. Mr. Fisseha Habtefrom the Tourism Ministry’s branch in Anseba region. 61. Mr. Fitsum GebrezgheirHeadofPlanning & statisticsin the Anseba regionChairmanof the

National Holidays Coordinating Committee in Anseba region. 62. Mr. Fitwi DawitCoordinatorof the Land levelling scheme program in Sabunait administrative area,

Golij sub-zoneMr. Teclu KafelHeadofEconomic development in the Elabered sub-zone. 63. Mr. Fitwi Gebremeskel acting Administratorof the Shieb-Seleba andHalib-Mentel sub

zoneElabereed sub zone 13.06.10. 64. Mr. Futsum Senai expert in fruits and vegetables farming in the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the

Halhal sub-zone. 65. Mr. Gebrehannes WoldegiorgisChairmanof the holidays coordinating committee of theAnseba

region. 66. Mr. Gebremeskel GebrehiwetHead of health institutions in the Hagaz sub-zone. 67. Mr. Gebremeskel GebrehiwotHeadof the health station in Gelebin the Anseba region. 68. Mr. Gebretensae ZemichaelHead of the HealthMinistry’s branch in Habero sub-zone. 69. Mr. Gebru HaileDirector General of infrastructure development Anseba region. 70. Mr. Geza’e MebrahtuHeadofSocialservices in the Habero sub-zone.

71. Mr. Ghebru HaileHead of infrastructure development department in the Anseba region. 72. Mr.Ghebru HaileHeadofInfrastructure in the Anseba region. 73. Mr. Ghidey EstifanosHead of administration and finance in Dubarwa sub-zone. 74. Mr. Ghirmay BokretsionHeadof the MinistryofLHW branch office in the Keren sub-zones. 75. Mr. Ghirmay GideHead of development programs in the Hagaz sub-zone. 76. Mr. Gide MebrahtuAdministratorofYigaradministrative area, Elabereed sub-zone 77. Mr. Girmatsion TekesteHeadof the Ministryof Agriculture’s branch in the Halhal sub-zone. 78. Mr. Goitom TekleHead of ERI-TEL branch office in Anseba region. 79. Mr.Habteab TsegaiHeadofMiningin theAnseba region 80. Mr. Habtemariam FesshayeHeadof the branch office of the MinistryofLHW in Anseba region 81. Mr. Habteslasie YohannesHead of environmental sanitation in the Anseba region. 82. Mr. Hadgu Habtu, HeadofTechnical Desk in the infrastructure development department in the

Anseba region. 83. Mr. Hagos AdhanaHeadof basic education in the EducationMinistry’s branch in Anseba region 84. Mr. Hagos MilkiasHead of the Health Ministry’ branch office in the Northern Red Sea region. 85. Mr. Haile GebregziabherHeadofthe branch of the Ministry of Agriculture in the Keren sub-zone 86. Mr. Haile Tekleab acting Head of Rodab Construction Company in the Anseba region. 87. Mr. Kafel Teklesenbet, expert in seed fertilization in Hamelmalo sub-zone.

88. Mr. Kafla MussaAdministratorof the Adi-Tekelezan sub-zone 89. Mr. Kahsai Sium an ophthalmologist in the Keren Hospital¨ (prevent blindness) 90. Mr. Kesete Woldusupervisor of the Micro-Dam Under Construction project inDerequ Administrative

Area. 91. Mr. Kibreab BelaiSupervisor of the new school constructed in Lekuyeb, Kerkebet sub-zone

project. 92. Mr. Kibrom AndemichaelDirector General of economic development in the Anseba region. 93. Mr. Kiflai KidaneCoordinatorof environmental development projects in the Anseba regional

Administration. 94. Mr. Kifle SolomonCoordinatorof the Summer Work Program (SWP) in the EducationMinistry’s

branch office in the Anseba region. 95. Mr. Kiros Gebremariam Headof administration and finance in Dekemhare sub-zone. 96. Mr. Kiros Sereke from the HealthMinistry’s branch in the Anseba region. 97. Mr. Kiros SerekeHead of malaria control desk in the HealthMinistry’s branch in the Anseba region. 98. Mr. Kiros SerekeHeadof malaria control unit in the Health Ministry’s branch in the Anseba region. 99. Mr. Lemma TsegayHead of Productions in the Azel Pharmaceuticals Plant in Keren.

100. Mr. Lemma TsegayHead of Productions in the Azel Pharmaceuticals Plant in Keren. 101. Mr. Maekele BeinHeadof project management in the EducationMinistry’s branch in the Anseba

region. 102. Mr. Matewos LukasAdministrator of the Libena administrative area, Hamelmalo sub-zone. 103. Mr. Megos AsghedomHeadof the Ministry’s branch in Anseba region in the Ministryof Tourism 104. Mr. Meharenna Tekleab Administratorof theAddi Tekelezan sub-zone.

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105. Mr. Meharenna TekleabHeadof administration and finance in the Sel’a sub-zonein the Anseba region.

106. Mr. Mehari BerhaneHeadofImmigration & Nationality the Anseba region 107. Mr. Mehari DebesaiHeadofadministration&finance in the Elabered sub-zone 108. Mr. Mehretab Hiyabu AdministratorofEra-Laelaiadministrative area. 109. Mr. Mekonnen KahsaiSupervisor of transport in Arbata'asher. 110. Mr. Melake Girmatsion supervisor of the modern water supply project in the administrative areas

ofDembe-Habtetsion and Ber’ona in the Anseba region. 111. Mr. Mengesha MehariHeadof the transport branch office in the Anseba region. 112. Mr. Menghesha MahariHeadof the branch office of the land transport department of the

MinistryofTransport and Communications in Anseba region 113. Mr. Mesfun TekleHeadof peer education introduced programs in three schools in Anseba region. 114. Mr. Michael AbrahaHeadof schools in AdiTekelezan sub-zone 115. Mr. Michael SolomonHeadofagricultural affairs in the government garage branch in the Anseba

region. 116. Mr. Michael TeklemariamManager of the ElaberedEstate ( Elabered tomato paste factory) 117. Mr. Michael Teklemariam Headof engineering service in theAnseba regional Administration. 118. Mr. Mihreteab AsghedomExpert in the upkeep of crops in the Halhal sub-zone. 119. Mr. Mogos AsgedomHeadof the branch office of TourismMinistryin the Anseba region. 120. Mr. Mogos AsgedomHeadof the Tourism Ministry’s branch office in the Anseba region.

121. Mr. Mokonnen MelkeHead of Administration in the Azel Pharmaceuticals Plant inKeren.

122. Mr. Mokonnen MelkeHead of Administration in the Azel Pharmaceuticals Plant inKeren.

123. Mr. Musie GirmaiHead of Social services in the Logo-Anseba sub-zone. 124. Mr. Negasi ItbarekHead of health institutions in Logo-Anseba sub-zone 125. Mr. Nuguse AbrahaHead of seed fertilization supervision unit in the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in

Golij sub-zone. 126. Mr. Nuguse AbrahaHead of seed fertilization supervision unit in the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in

Golij sub-zone. 127. Mr. Rezene AraiaChairmanof the holidays coordinating committee in Keren.

128. Mr. Rista GebremeskelSupervisorof Adult Education in the Education Ministry’s branch in Anseba region.

129. Mr. Samuel BelayChairman of the Employers Federation branch in Anseba region. 130. Mr. Samuel NeguseAdministratorof the Derequ administrative area,Keren sub-zone. 131. Mr. Semere BerheHead of the Amatere Obstetrics Center. 132. Mr. Sereqe MichaelHeadof the Eritrean Electricity Corporation branch in the Anseba region. 133. Mr. Solomon Kifle, Headof the office ofEconomic development in the Gelebsub zone, Anseba region 134. Mr. Solomon TesfagiorghisGeneralManagerof the Rahwa Painting Plant.

135. Mr. Teages TesfaiAdministratorofEden semi-urban centre in Elabered sub-zone. 136. Mr. Teclu KafelHead of economic development in Elabered sub-zone. 137. Mr. Tedros FesshayeHead of social security in the Ministry of LHW branch in Anseba region. 138. Mr. Tedros FesshayeHeadof the MinistryofLHW branch in Anseba region. 139. Mr. Tedros FesshayeHeadof the MinistryofLHW branch in Anseba region. 140. Mr. Tedros GhirmayHead ofthe Micro-loan and Savings Scheme in Anseba region 141. Mr. Tedros ZegergishHeadof seed fertilization and animal preservation in Forto-Sawa sub-zone. 142. Mr. Tekeste Tesfatsion,Expert in land resource in the Agriculture Ministry’s branch in the Anseba

region. 143. Mr. Tekie KeletaAdministratorof the town Keren

144. Mr. Teklai EmunAdministratorofHalai administrative area 145. Mr. Tekle Tesfamariam Head the HealthMinistry’s branch in Anseba region 146. Mr. Tekleberhan KibromAdministratorof the Hadish-Adi, Elabered sub-zone 147. Mr. Tekleberhan MihreteabAdministrator ofElabereed sub-zone.Geleb sub-zone 9 May 2011 148. Mr. Teklesenbet TesfayAdministratorof the Adi-Ghebru administrative area 149. Mr. Teklesenbet ZeraiHeadof high schools in the Anseba region. 150. Mr. Temesgen ZeremariamHeadof a health center in Adi Tekelezan sub-zone. 151. Mr. Tesfahiwet GhilayHeadofanimal resource in Golij sub-zone 152. Mr. Tesfai GoitomHeadofSegen Construction Company. 153. Mr. Tesfalem Bahta Administrator Elaberid sub-zone, April 16, 2011 154. Mr. Tesfalem BahtaAdministrator of the Elaberad sub-zone. 26 May 2011

155. Mr. Tesfalem MisghinaHead of agitation and information unit in the HealthMinistry’s branch in Anseba region.

156. Mr. Tesfamariam FitsumHead of the school project in Dresa, Golj sub-zone. 157. Mr. Tesfamichael BasilosHeadofschools in the Hamelmalo and Elabereed sub-zone 158. Mr. Tesfay TeckleHeadofthe Department of Infrastructure and Branches inAnseba region

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159. Mr. Tewelde DebesaiHeadof the Eritrean Commercial Bank (ECB) branch in Anseba region

160. Mr. Tewelde TesfatsionHead of rules and regulations unit in the Keren town administration. 161. Mr. Tewolde GebreselasieHead of postal services in the Anseba region.. 162. Mr. Tezare GhebratHeadof health station in the in Mihlab administrative area, Geleb sub-zone. 163. Mr. Tezare GhebratHeadof health station in the in Mihlab administrative area, Geleb sub-zone. 164. Mr. Tiumzgi YohannesAdministrator of the Hagaz town.

165. Mr. Weldemariam TeklizghiDirector of the Desiet Elementary and Junior Schoolin Aibaba administrative area,Geleb sub-zone.

166. Mr. Woldehawariat HaileDirector of theHagaz Agricultural Technical School. 167. Mr. Woldu TesfamariamHeadofCentral Government Garage in Anseba region 168. Mr. Woredezgi YebioHead of Hashishay health station Hagaz sub-zone. 169. Mr. Yakob Tesfai Headof the SWP inthe Anseba region 170. Mr. Yared HabtegergishHeadof the branch office of the Ministryof Agriculturein the Asmat sub-


171. Mr. Yemane AbbaiHead of Economic Development of Central Region. 172. Mr.Yemane GileuHeadof Desk in the Anseba region. 173. Mr. Yikaalo Asghedom AdministratorofDebresina administrative area, Elabered sub-zone

174. Mr. Yirgalem MussieHeadof the Social welfare department in the Anseba region 175. Mr. Yohannes Zerai from the Agriculture Ministry’s branch office in the Golij sub-zone. 176. Mr. Yonas AbrahamSupervisorof the project of the water reservoir is under construction in Gam

around Wazintet administrative area 177. Mr. Yonas AbrahamSupervisorof the project of the water reservoir is under construction in Gam

around Wazintet administrative area. 178. Mr. Zekarias OgbasilasieHeadof the HealthMinistry s branch in the Anseba region. 23 April 2011 179. Mr. Zekarias OgbasilasieHeadof the HealthMinistry’s branch in the Anseba region. 23 April 2011 180. Mr. Zeragabir AndetsionAdministratorof the Habela administrative area, Logo-Anseba sub-


181. Mr. Zerai AndegergishAdministratorofShe'ib Seleba, Elabered sub-zone. 182. Mr. Zere Teklizghi Acting Administrator of the Mengula administrative area, Golij sub-zone 183. Mr. Zere WoldetnsaeHeadof Water resource in the Ministryof LWE branch in the Anseba region. 184. Mr. Zeresenai TesfaiHeadof the NUEYS branch in Anseba region 185. Mr. Arefaine MenanHead of malaria control unit in branch office of the Ministry of Health in Golij

sub-zone. 186. Ms Alem BelayHeadof the NUEW in Anseba region. 187. Ms. Abrehet GebreHeadof the Program in the EducationMinistry s branch in the Anseba Region

region.27 April 2011 12:16 188. Ms. Abrehet Ghebre Headof Adult Education in theEducation Ministry’s branch in theAnseba

region. 189. Ms. Alem BelayHead of the NUEW branch in Anseba region. 190. Ms. Aster Berhe, Headof the public library inKeren. 191. Ms. Belainesh Weldemichael, a physiotherapist in the Keren hospital 192. Ms. Dehab TekleberhanHeadof community magistrate inShebeq administrative area, in Hagaz sub-


193. Ms. Genet AfwerkiHead of Social service in the Elabered sub-zone. 21 March 2011 194. Ms. Haregu WoldegiorgisAdministratorofHamelmalo sub-zone 195. Ms. Legeset BerhaneHeadofhealth institutions in the Keren sub-zone. 196. Ms. Lemlem Bairi’uHeadof the NUEW branch in Elabered sub-zone 197. Ms. Lucia EliasHeadof Halhal Health Centre in Halhal sub-zone. 198. Ms. Milite ZerizgiHead of infrastructure office in theKeren town. 199. Ms. Tiegsti MehariHeadof pre-education in the Ministry’s branch office in the Anseba region 200. Ms. Tigsti MehariHead of pre-education in the EducationMinistry’s branch in Anseba region. 201. Ms. Tirhas MehariHeadofNUEYS in the Hamelmalo sub-zone 202. Ms. Tirhas Nirayo Coordinatorof reforestation activities projects in the NUEW branch in Anseba

region. 203. Ms. Tsegeweini GebreselassieHeadofNUEW branch in the Logo-Anseba sub-zone. 204. Ms. Yihdega YohannesHeadof administration and finance at the NUEW branch in Anseba region. 205. Ms. Yihdega YohannesHeadof administration and finance at the NUEW branch in Anseba region.

206. Ms. Yordanos GhebraiAdministrator of administrative area No. 2 in the Keren town. 207. Sergeant Ghirmay TesfaiHead of the branch in the dep. of theEritrean Police in theAnseba

region. 208. Sister Letehans MenghisteabHeadof theHamelmalo Health Centre in Hamelmalo sub zone. 209. Mr. Wolde BariyayChairman of the Owners of various business enterprises committee in Keren.

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210. Colonel Hamed Mahmud (Col.)Headofthe Anseba RegionPolice Branch 211. Dr. Hamed Mohamed AlibranchHeadof the HealthMinistryofthe Anseba region. 212. Mr. Abdul-Aziz HamidHigher Court judge in the in Anseba region 213. Mr. Abubeker Mohammed Jimi’eAdministrator of the Asmat sub-zone. 214. Mr. Abubekker OsmanAdministratorof the Adi-Shegala area, Golij sub-zone. 215. Mr. Adem BeshirHeadof the Education Ministry’s branch in the Kerkebet sub-zone.

216. Mr. Adem SiedaiAdministratorofFakai administrative area, Hagaz sub-zone. 217. Mr. Ahmed OsmanFerujAdministrator of the Logo-Anseba sub-zone. 25 May 2011 218. Mr. Ahmed Osman Feruj Administratorof theLogo-Anseba sub-zone. 219. Mr. Ali Asenai HumedChairman of the fruits and Vegetables Association in Kerkebet. 220. Mr. Ali Humed AdministratorofAdi-Arei administrative area in Hagaz sub-zone 221. Mr. Awelkier EdrisCoordinatorof the HAMSET Project in the Anseba region

222. Mr. Beshir MohammadAdministratorof the Aibaba Administrative Area, Geleb sub-zone 223. Mr. Dar EzuzAdministrator ofMihlab administrative area, Geleb sub-zone. 224. Mr. Gergish GhirmayAdministratorofAnseba region29.05.09 (blen) 225. Mr. Hamid AdemHead of the PFDJ. Bureau in Gogne sub-zone. 226. Mr. Hamid Ahmed AliSupervisorof the projects of two schools under construction in theGerbet and

Marat administrative areas, Geleb sub-zone. 227. Mr. Hamid AmirAdministrator of Quar’obeladministrative area, Habero sub-zone. 228. Mr. Hamid HasebelaAdministratorofKeren. 229. Mr. Hamid JaberaChairman of the Fruits and Vegetable Farming Association in Habero sub-zone.

230. Mr. Hamid Omar SalehAdministratorof the Sabunait administrative area, Golij sub-zone. 231. Mr. Hassan IbrahimAdministratorof the Hashishai, Hagaz sub-zone. 232. Mr. Humed Ela AliAdministrator of Kerkebet sub-zone.

233. Mr. Lijam TesfalidetChairman of the fruits and vegetables farmers association in the Anseba region. 234. Mr. Hussein MohammednurAdministratorof Habero sub-zone.

235. Mr. Ibrahim SalehHeadofEconomic development in the Hamelmalo sub-zone. 236. Mr. Ibrahim Tedros AdministratorofMerat administrative area. 237. Mr. Idris Abdalla HeadofEconomic development desk in the Hagaz sub-zone. 238. Mr. Idris AhmedHeadof the branch office of Ministry of Agriculture in the Tessenei sub-zone. 239. Mr. Idris Ata AhmedAdministrator of Ad Ibrahim Village. 240. Mr. Idris IbrahimAdministrator of Dresa, Golj sub-zone.

241. Mr. Idris Mohammed HamidAdministratorofHagaz sub-zone 242. Mr. Idris Mohammed OmarAdministratorof theAsnedasemi-urban centre which is the hub

ofAsmat sub-zone 243. Mr. Idris Mohammed OmerAdministrator of the Asneda semi-urban area, Asmat sub zone. 244. Mr. Jabir AhmedHeadofAgriculture in the Anseba region 245. Mr. Jabir Ibrahim EtelDirector of Martyr Tahir Salim Elementary and Junior School in Hamelmalo 246. Mr. Jemal NasirHead of the PFDJ. in the Kerkebet sub-zone.

247. Mr. Jimi’e Bekit MahmoudAdministratorofWazintet administrative area,

248. Mr. Kerrar Wuhaj AliAdministratorof the Lekoyeb administrative area, Kerkebet sub-zone. 249. Mr. Kidane NadirAdministratorof the Eden town, Anseba region May 3, 2011 250. Mr. Mahmud Mohammed Idris Assistant Principal of the Quar’obel Elementary and Junior School

Habero sub-zone. 251. Mr. Mahmud MohammednurAdministratorof the Kerset administrative area, Halhal sub-zone

sub-zone. 252. Mr. Mohammed AbdallahHead of the AgricultureMinistry’s branch office in the Hagaz sub-zone

sub-zone. 253. Mr. Mohammed AdbellaHeadof the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in Hagaz sub-zone. 254. Mr. Mohammed Ali Abdalla (acting)HeadofInland Revenuesin the Anseba region

255. Mr. Mohammed Ali MussaAdministratorof theHimboladministrative areas in Kerkebet sub-zone.

256. Mr. Mohammed Hassen HumedAdministratorof the Rikeb, Sel’a sub-zone 257. Mr. Mohammed Ibrahim ActingHead of the Buss terminal in the Hagaz sub-zone.

258. Mr. Mohammed Idris AhmedAdministratorofGizgiza administrative area Hamelmalo sub-zone

259. Mr. Mohammed Jimi’e AhmedHeadof schools in the Habero sub-zone. 260. Mr. Mohammed-Idris AhmedAdministrator r of the Gizgiza administrative area, Hamelmalo sub-


261. Mr. Nassar Omar NassarAdministratorofHagaz town. 262. Mr. Nassir SalehHeadof the Ministryof Agriculture branchoffice in the Habero sub-zone

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263. Mr. Osman ArafaAdministratorofHalhal sub-zone. 19.04.07

264. Mr. Osman Hamid Head of community magistrates in the Anseba region.

265. Mr. Osman Jim’eCoordinator of development activities in the Asmat sub-zone sub-zone. 266. Mr. Romodan SalehHeadof organizational affairs at the PFDJ's branch office in Anseba region. 267. Mr. Saleh IbrahimHead of schools in the Hagaz sub-zone. 268. Mr. Saleh OsmanActing Head of the Agriculture Ministry’s branch in the Halhal sub-zone. 269. Mr. Saleh Osman AmarAdministratorofGerbet in the Geleb sub-zone. 270. Mr. Seid Mohammed AliAdministratorofFana administrative area, Hagaz sub-zone. 271. Mr. Shekedin SalehActing Administratorof the Gogne sub-zone. 272. Ms. Aisha MahmoudChairpersonof the Anseba regional Assembly. 273. Ms. Amna Hussen OmarHeadof agitation and information at the NUEW branch in the Anseba region. 274. Ms. Asha MahmoudChairmanof theAnseba regional Assembly. 275. Ms. Dehab SuleimanHead of agitation and information at the NUEW in Anseba region. 276. Ms. Elsa Melik Acting HeadSocial services in the Halib-Mentel administrative area. 277. Ms. Emuna Mohamed AdministratorofHaskakito Village. 278. Ms. Faizet AdalaChairpersonof the NUEW in the Geleb sub-zone. 279. Ms. Jemila OsmanCoordinatorof the Women from the town of Keren who conducted a tour of the

Gash Barka region. 280. Ms. Jim’ia AdemChairpersonof the Festival’s coordinating committee in the Anseba region. 281. Ms. Khadija Sheik AliAdministratorofTekreretVillage. 282. Ms. Zeineb OmarDirector Generalof social services Anseba region.

283. Sheik Ali BimnetAdministratorof the Geleb semi-urban center.

Ms. Selma HassanAdministratorofAnseba region. 27.01.07 Minister “29.05.09” Mr. Mohammed Seid BarihAdministratorofAnseba region(Deceased).

208"Tigrigna" = 77, 67% 73” Others” = 22, 33 % 327 Total = 100 %






Tigrigna &Other




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South Region Administration

Adi Keyih ·Adi Quala ·Areza ·Dubarwa ·Dekemhare ·Kudo Be'ur ·Mai-

Mene ·Mendefera ·Segeneiti ·Senafe

Regional Civil Servants Mustafa Nurhussein Governor Phone 61-10-15 Fax N. 61-16-30 Address P.O. Box 04 Mendefera Tedros Tekle DirectorOffice of the Governor Phone61-10-08 Fax N. 61-16-30 Address P.O. Box 04 Mendefera

Tesfamariam HaileHead, Dept. of Administration Phone 61-15-19 Fax N. 61-16-30 Address P.O. Box 04 Mendefera SuleimanHajj AhmedAdministratorofMendefera Phone61-10-07 Fax N. 61-10-55 Address P.O.Box 10 Rezene FissehaDirector GeneralInfrastructure Phone 61-15-20 Fax N. 61-10-55 Address P.O.Box 04 Tesfazion GhirmayDirector GeneralSocial Services Phone 61-12-66 Fax N. 61-10-55 Address P.O.Box 04 Zerit TeweldeberhanDirector Generalof theEconomicDevelopmentPhone 61-15-21Fax N.61-16-30 Address P.O.Box 10

1. Mr. Mustafa Nurhussein Governor of theSouthern Region. 2. Mr.Tedros Tekle Director Office of the Governor in the Southern region. 3. Mr.Bahta TedrosHead of the Agriculture. 4. Mr.Kaleab Tesfaselassie Head of the Education. 5. Mr. TesfalemGhebrekidan Head of the Health. 6. Mr.Yohannes Tesfai Head of the Labor & Human Welfare. 7. Mr.Hailemichael Eyob Head of the Land, Water & Environment. 8. Mr.Yohannes Asghedom Head of the Tourism. 9. Mr.Gebremichael Tesfamichael Head of the Justice. 10. Mr. Tesfamariam HaileHead, Dept. of Administration in the Southern region. 11. Mr.Ghebremedhin Adhanom Head of the Micro-credit & Savings. 12. Mr.Tekie Teklemichael Head of the Environment. 13. Mr.Rezene FissehaDirector General Infrastructure in the Southern region.

14. Mr. Tesfazion GhirmayDirector General Social Services in the Southern region. 15. Mr. Zerit TeweldeberhanDirector Generalof the EconomicDevelopmentin the Southern region.

16. Aba Kidane SemereDirector the Donbosko Technical School inDekemhare. 17. Abune Kierlos Bishop of Adi-Keih sub-zone. 18. ColonelKaleab ZeraiCommanderof the Dekemhare Training Centre 13.08.10. 19. ColonelKidane TesfaiHeadof education and training in the center in DekemhareHead Office of the

Eritrean Police. 20. Colonel Michael BisratHeadof the branch office of nationality and immigration in the Southern region. 21. Dr. Eyob Kuflom from the Southern Regional Referral Hospital. 22. Dr. Mulugheta HaileDirector of the Adi-Keih Hospital medical. 23. Dr. Oqbazgi KifleHead of animal resource in the Agriculture Ministry’s branch in the Southern region. 24. Dr. Oqbazgi Kifle Headof animal resource in the MinistryofAgriculture branch office in the Southern

region. 25. Dr. Tesfai HaileDirector of the SMAP Institute of Training, Education and Consultancy. 26. Dr. Tesfalem GebrekidanHeadof the branch office of the Ministry of Health in Southern region. 27. Dr. Tesfalem GhebrekidanHeadof the HealthMinistry’s branch in theSouthern region. 28. Dr. Yonas WolduHeadof the Southern Region Branchof the Ministryof Agriculture (MoA)

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29. Eng. Amanuel FesshayeCoordinatorof the project to New Water Conservation Infrastructure in Southern Region

30. Eng. Asmerom TesfaiHeadof technique department in the Dubarwa town. 31. Eng. Ephrem AfwerkiHeadof the project in Mendefera. 32. Eng. Fasil KiflayExpert in soil and water conservation in the of Mai-Harmaz, Adi-Tsaedi and Adekemene in

Mendefera sub-zone. 33. Eng. Gezai Negassi representative of the Debwin Construction Company. 34. Eng. Mihreteab TesfagiorghisHead of mobile service in ERI-TEL. 35. Eng. Niway Habtetsion ActingHead of the Sembel residential complex in Asmara. 36. Eng. Oqbaselassie GhilamichaelHeadof Governmental Constructions ofSenafe sub-zone. 37. Eng. Simon AbrahaExpert in irrigation farming in the Southern region. 38. Eng. Simon AbrahaExpert in soil and water conservation in the Agriculture Ministry’s branch in

Southern region. 39. Eng. Yonas WoldaiHeadof soil and water conservation in the Agriculture Ministry's branch office in the

Southern region. 40. Eng. Yonas WoldaiHeadof soil and water conservation in the Agriculture Ministry's branch office in the

Southern region.

41. Keshi Kiros WeldegebrielAdministratorof Zigfet administrative area in the Senafesub-zone.

42. Keshi Russom KahsaiChairman of the fruits and vegetable farming Association in Ketina stream and Ubel, Mai-Mine sub-zone.

43. Lieutenant Teklemariam Tsegai Administrator of Tsetserat Prison 44. Lt. Col Isaias YosiefHead interrogator at the 2nd .Police station in Asmara. 45. Lt. Colonel Kiflay Ghebremedhin, headof machinery department at the Mereb Development

Construction Company. 46. Lt. Colonel Rezene TekleHeadof the Prison and Rehabilitation Centre inMendefera 47. Maj. Alene YigzawHeadof immigration and nationality branch in Adi-Keih. 48. Maj. Gebremeskel TekleCommanderof the police force in the Dekemhare town. 49. Major Oqbaselassie Coordinator Students engaged in the summer work program in Adi-Quala sub-

zone. 50. Mr. Abraha HadguHeadof the Ministry ofAgriculture branch in the Emni-Haili sub-zone. 51. Mr. Abraha WoldeselassieHeadof malaria control department in theSouthern region. 52. Mr. Abrahaley HagosAdministratorofZiban-Debri administrative area in Areza sub-zone. 53. Mr. Abrahaley TekleDirectorof the Adi-Quala High School. 54. Mr. Abraham GebremariamHead of the Ministry of LWE branch in the Mendefera sub-zone. 55. Mr. Abraham HagosAdministratorofMendefera town.Segeneitisub-zone.(12.05.08).

56. Mr. Abraham MekonnenAdministratorofSegeneiti. 57. Mr. Abraham TekaHeadof administration and finance in the Senafe sub-zone. 58. Mr. Abraham TeweldeHeadof the branch office ofMinistry of Mining and Energy in the Southern

region. 59. Mr. Abraham YakobDirectorof the Tsorona High School. 60. Mr. Afwerki MesfunAdministratorofDebora.administrative area. 61. Mr. Afwerki Russom supervisor of the residential housing complex project in Areza and Mai-Mene,

Southern region. 62. Mr. Alem MebrahtuHeadof the Agriculture Ministry’sbranch office in the Mai-Aini sub-zone.

63. Mr. Alemseghed Gebremariam,Expert in soil and water conservation in the Senafe sub-zone. 64. Mr. Amanuel Ghirmay Judge at the Dekemhare Court. 65. Mr. Amare Reda acting Directorof theMinistryof LHW.branch in the Southern region. 66. Mr. Andemariam MehretabAdministratorofMendefera sub-zone. 67. Mr. Andemeskel TesfaiHeadof the Ministryof LHW in theAreza sub-zone. 68. Mr. Andemichael Abrahathe AdministratorofAdikublo administrative area in Dubarwa sub-zone. 69. Mr. Angesom Gebregziabher acting Headofthe branch office of land transport in the sub-zone in

Dekemhare sub-zone. 70. Mr. Araya GebremariamHeadof water resource department in the town ofDubarwa 71. Mr. Asefaw GebremichaelHeadof communicable diseases controlling unit in Southern region. 72. Mr. Asefaw GebremichaelHead of control unit regarding communicable diseases in the Southern

region. 73. Mr. Asefaw GebremichaelHead of the Health Ministry’s branch in the Southern region. 74. Mr. Asfaha Fresenai Headof Electricity Corporation branch office in Mendefera.

75. Mr. Asfaha GebrehiwotHeadof water resource development and information system in Segeneiti sub-zone.

76. Mr. Asmerom TesfayHeadof Techniques in the town ofDubarwa. 77. Mr. Atoberhan AngesomHeadofAgriculture Ministry 's branchoffice in the Segeneiti sub-zone. 78. Mr. Azmera SegidHeadof animal health of the Agriculture Ministry’s branch in the Adi-Keih sub zone.

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79. Mr. Bahta Tedros branch Head of the AgricultureMinistry in the Southern region. 80. Mr. Bainosay TsegaiHeadof the Planning and HRD, EriTelin the Ministry ofT. &Communication. 81. Mr. Bereke MisghinaHeadof the AgricultureMinistry’’s branch office in the Adi-Keih sub-zone. 82. Mr. Berekhet FesshayeDirectorof the the Mendefera School of Associate Nurse. 83. Mr. Berekhet TekesteAdministratorofSenafe sub-zone. 84. Mr. Berekhet TekleselasieHeadof the AgricultureMinistry in the Dubarwa sub-zone 85. Mr. Berekhet TesfamariamHeadof animal resource unit in Mai-Mine sub-zone. 86. Mr. Berekhet TesfaselassieHead of the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Dubarwa sub-zone. 87. Mr. Bereqe MisghinaHeadof the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Der’a administrative area, Adi-

Keih sub-zone.

88. Mr. Berhane AntoniosAdministratorof the Southern Desk. 89. Mr. Berhane FuruyHead of economic development in the Mendefera sub-zone. 90. Mr. Berhane Menghesha AdministratorofAdiKualasub-zone.Areza sub-zone 29.05.09. 91. Mr. Berhane MengheshaAdministrator of Areza sub-zone. 92. Mr. Berhane MengheshaAdministrator of the Adi-Belesei administrative area, Areza sub-zone.

93. Mr. Berhane TekesteAdministratorof the Adi-Halewat in Emni-Haili sub-zone. 94. Mr. Berhe BelayHeadof the Eritrean Electricity Corporation branch in the Dubarwa sub-zone. 95. Mr. Berhe BereqeHeadof electricity service in the Dubarwa sub-zone. 96. Mr. Berhe KeseteHeadof the HealthMinistry branch in the Mai-Aini sub-zone. 97. Mr. Beyene TesfaiHeadof the Education Ministry’s branch in the Mai-Aini sub-zone. 98. Mr. Dawit Gebremichael branchHeadof the MinistryofLHW in the Tsorona sub-zone. 99. Mr. Ephrem GhebrekristosAdministratorofDekemhare sub-zone18 May 2010 100. Mr. Eyob SolomonExpert in seed fertilization in the Mendefera sub-zone. 101. Mr. Fesshaye KidaneDirector of the plant Mergida Agricultural Plant (Adi-Keih,) 102. Mr. Fikadu Tesfamichael an Expert in fertilizer and pesticide in Southern region. 103. Mr. Frewengel TeklehaimanotHeadofEconomic development in the Adi-Quala sub-zone 104. Mr. Geber GebremichaelHeadofwater provision in the Dekemhare town

105. Mr. Gebrehiwet BerhaneHead of the education development program in the education Ministry 106. Mr. Gebrehiwet WoldaiHeadof the Micro-Credit Scheme program in the Southern region.

107. Mr. Gebrehiwot FasilHeadofDubarwa Court 108. Mr. Gebrehiwot KidaneAdministratorof the Adi-Maeleya administrative area 109. Mr. Gebremichael Menghistu Headof emergency community development program in the Adi-Keih

sub-zone 110. Mr. Gebreselassie NegashChairmanof the Southern region’s holidays coordinating committee. 111. Mr. Gebreselassie NegashHead of PFDJ. Bureau in the Southern region. 112. Mr. Ghebru AbbaiHead of the Savings and Micro-Credit Scheme in Dubarwa sub-zone. 113. Mr. Ghidey EstifanosHead of administration and finance in Dubarwa sub-zone. 114. Mr. Ghirmay AbrahaHead& Expert in forestation and wildlife in the Adi-Keih sub-zone.

115. Mr. Ghirmay KeletaAdministratorof the Tsoronasub-zone. 116. Mr. Ghirmay ZewdeAdministratorof the Der’a administrative area, Adi-Keih sub-zone. 117. Mr. Ghirmay ZewdeAdministratorof the ofDera administrative area, Adi-Keih town. 118. Mr. Gidei StifanosHeadof administration and finance in the Dubarwa sub-zone. 119. Mr. Goitom TekleabSupervisorof the Mendefera School of Associate Nurse constructing additional

building complex project.

120. Mr. Habte GhebremariamHeadof license division of the Ministryof Tourism inthe Central region 121. Mr. Habteab TesfatsionHeadof the Coordination Office of Construction and Engineering Companies 122. Mr. Habtemariam Paulos Assistant in adult education program in the Education Ministry’s branch in the

Southern region. 123. Mr. Habtemickael YohannesHeadof the MinistryofLHW branch in the Segeneiti sub-zone. 124. Mr. Habtom Tekle Acting HeadofAkrur administrative area, 125. Mr. Habtu YihdegoAdministratorof the Endagergis-Maimine sub-zone 126. Mr. Hager GanzaiHeadof NUEYS branch in the Southern region 127. Mr. Hailat AnduChairman of the dairy farm association in Segeneiti sub-zone. 128. Mr. Haile WoldeselassieAdministratorof the Kudofelasi Administrative office in the Mendefera sub

zone. 129. Mr. Haileab IssakHeadof the Loan and Credit Scheme branch office in Areza sub-zone

130. Mr. Hailemariam YohannesAdministratorofDigsa 131. Mr. Hailemichael EyobHeadof the Ministry of LWEbranch office in the Southern region 20.04.09 132. Mr. Hailemichael EyobHeadof the Ministry of LWE’s branch in the Southern region. 133. Mr. Hailemichael Mebrahtuhead of Electricity Corporation branch in Adi-Keih town 134. Mr. Iyassu AsefawHeadof the soil and water conservation in the Agriculture Ministry’s branch office in

the Dekemhare sub-zone. 135. Mr. Kahsa GebreghergishAdministratorofMai-Tera administrative area, Senafe sub-zone.

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136. Mr. Kahsai AndemariamtheHeadof agriculture ofAdi-Quala sub-zone.

137. Mr. Kahse Gebreghergish AdministratorofMai-Tera in Senafe sub-zone 138. Mr. Kalab TesfaslasieHead of the branch office of the Education Ministry in Southern region. 139. Mr. Kaleab TesfaselassieHead of the EducationMinistry’s branch in the Southern region. 140. Mr. Kaleab TesfaselassieHead of the EducationMinistry’s branch in the Southern region. 141. Mr. Kebede TesfamichaelAdministratorof the Serha semi-urban centre, Senafe sub-zone. 142. Mr. Kesete TesfatsionHeadof Land Resources and Seed Cultivation at the Central Region Branch of the

Ministryof Agriculture 143. Mr. Kibrom AsmelashHeadofAdi-Quala hospital 144. Mr. Kibrom Temesgen Headof power supply distribution in Segeneitiand Dekemhare sub-zones.

145. Mr.Kidane AbrahaAdministratorofAdi Kuala sub-zone. 146. Mr. Kidane BerheAdministratorof the town ofDubarwa. 147. Mr. Kidane FuruyHeadofEconomic development in the Mendefera sub-zone. 148. Mr. Kidane GebreyesusAdministratorofAfelba. 149. Mr. Kidane GhebruAdministratorofGura’e administrative area, Dekemhare sub-zone.

150. Mr. Kidanemariam MenghistuHeadof Unit Open Distance Learning. 151. Mr. Kiflay AndemichaelHeadof the Zoba Maekel Branch Officeof the Ministryof Education. 152. Mr. Kiros Gebremariam Headof administration and finance in Dekemhare sub-zone. 153. Mr. Kuflom DebesaiHeadof administration of the ministry ofEnergy and Mines. 154. Mr. Leake TsegezabAdministratorof the Metera administrative area 155. Mr. Maekele TesfamichaelHeadofEconomic development in the Emni-Haili sub-zone. 156. Mr. Marikos GirmatsionCoordinatorof the 4th ERI-Youth Festival due to be held in Sawa program festival

in the Southern region. 2010 157. Mr. Measho TesfamariamHeadof soil and water conservation Desk in the Agriculture Ministry’s branch

in the Southern region. 158. Mr. Mebrahtu GebregziabherAdministratorof the Ewanet administrative area in the sub zones

ofSegeneiti 159. Mr. Mebrahtu TsegaiHeadof the town’s Economic development unit. 160. Mr. Medhanie GebreyesusAdministrator of Hadish-Adi sub-zone. 161. Mr. Medhanie Tesfagaber acting Administratorof the Dembe-Dima in the administrative areas ofHad-

Hakin. 162. Mr. Mehari DebesaiHeadof administration and finance in Adi-Keih sub-zone 163. Mr. Mehari HabteHeadof land transport branch in the Southern region 164. Mr. Mehari HabteHeadof land transport in the Southern region. 165. Mr. Melake TeweldeHeadofSocial service in the Adi-Keih sub-zone 166. Mr. Melake TeweldeHeadof Social services in the Ministry of LHW in Senafe sub-zone. 167. Mr. Menghisteab FissehaAdministratorofBerikh sub-zone. 168. Mr. Menghisteab GebretensaeAdministratorof theKisad-Emba administrative area of Senafe sub-

zone 07.08.09

169. Mr. Menghisteab TeameHeadof the Agriculture Ministry’s branch office in the Adi-Quala sub-zone. 170. Mr. Menghisteab TeameHead the Agriculture Ministry’s branch in the Adi-Quala sub-zone. 171. Mr. Menghisteab TzehaimerebAdministrator of Embakuakot administrative area.Adi-Keih sub-zone. 172. Mr. Mesfun EmhatzionAdministratorof the Temajula administrative area, Dubarwa sub-zone.

173. Mr. Michael SiumHeadofSocial services in the Mai-Mine sub-zone 174. Mr. Michael TesfaiHead in soil and water conservation in the Agriculture Ministry’s branch office in

Mendefera sub-zone 175. Mr. Mihreteab FissehaAdministratorofHatsina(Adesgodom, Adi-Giroto, Hatsina, Zibandebri Kerni

Wushti) administrative area, Areza sub-zone.

176. Mr. Mihreteab FissehaAdministratorofHatsina administrative area in Areza sub-zone 177. Mr. Mulugheta HaileMedical Directorof the Adi Keih hospital. 178. Mr. Negasi MehariAdministratorr of Ambesetegeleba administrative area, Senafe sub-zone. 179. Mr. Negassi Fisseha Expert in soil and water conservation in Areza sub-zone 180. Mr. Negassi MahariAdministratorofAmbesete-Geleba administrative area 181. Mr. Negassi TesfamichaelChairman of the Dekemharefarmers' association. 182. Mr. Neguse HaileChairman of the Association of Dairy Producers in Southern region. 183. Mr. Neguse HaileChairmanof the dairy farming association in the Southern region.

184. Mr. Oqbamichael GebremariamAdministratorof the villageToratin the Dubarwa sub-zone 185. Mr. Oqbazgi Tekleab in charge of the campaign in Adi-Keih sub-zone. 186. Mr. Petros DesuDirector of the elementary and junior school in Adi-Andeil, Southern region. 187. Mr. Rezene FissehaDirectorGeneral of infrastructure development in the Southern region. 188. Mr. Rezene GhebreamlakHead of the branch office of the Ministry of LHW in Adi-Keih sub-zone. 189. Mr. Rezene WoldeamlakHeadof the Ministryof LHW.branch in Adi-Keih sub-zone 190. Mr.Russom KifleAdministratorof theMai-Aini sub-zone.

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191. Mr. Samuel Amanuel Chairman of the Association of vegetable and fruits farmers in Dubarwa sub zone 192. Mr. Samuel AmanuelChairman of the Fruits and Vegetables Farming Association in Dubarwa sub-zone. 193. Mr. Samuel MenghisteabChairmanof the Dairy Products Association in Dekemhare sub-zone. 194. Mr. Sebhatleab WoldegiorgisHeadof the Ministryof LHW branch in Dekemhare sub-zone. 195. Mr. Sebhatleab WoldegiorgisHeadof the MinistryofLHW branch in Dekemhare sub-zone.

196. Mr. Seltene TeameAdministratorof the Tekondae administrative area, Adi-Keih sub-zone.

197. Mr. Semere GhebremedhinExpertsoil and water conservation in the Adi-Quala sub-zone. 198. Mr. Sengal Woldeselassie from The Water Department of the MinistryLWE 199. Mr. Sereqe MichaelHeadof the Eritrean Electricity Corporation branch in the Anseba region.

200. Mr. Seyoum GebreyesusAdministratorofSenafe sub-zone.ofAdi-Quala sub-zone,10.3.19 201. Mr. Shimanegus KidaneAdministratorof Emba-Baryaadministrative area, Tsorona and Adi-Quala sub-

zone. 202. Mr. Simon AbrahaHeadof the Agricultural Ministry’s branch office in Emni-Haili sub-zone 203. Mr. Simon ArayaAdministratorof the Azaiha, Dirbeta, Embakatsai, Embeito and Adi-Kerets area

204. Mr. Sium GebreyesusAdministrator of Adi-Quala sub-zone. 205. Mr. Solomon EmbayeHeadof customs duty in the Eritrean Postal Service. 206. Mr. Solomon HabtezghiAdministrator of Adebzage administrative area, Dubarwa sub-zone. 207. Mr. Solomon HaileAdministratorof Gala-Nefhi sub-zone

208. Mr. Solomon MelesHead of the Agriculture Ministry’s branch office in the Adi-Keih sub-zone. 209. Mr. Solomon Meles Headthe Ministryof Agriculture branch in the Tsorona district. 210. Mr. Solomon NegashHeadof purchasing division at the Amberbeb Share Company.

211. Mr. Stifanos BokretsionAdministrator of Himbirty sub-zone. 212. Mr. Sultan AblelomHeadof the Corporation’s branch office in Mendefera 213. Mr. Sultan HagosHeadof health center in the Haikota sub-zone. 214. Mr. Tadesse BeyeneHeadofNUEYS ofthe Southern region 215. Mr. Teame HailemichaelHeadofthe Kohaito health centre in Adi Keih sub-zone. 216. Mr. Teclu Gebremeskel Acting AdministratorofDambaadministrative area, Dekemhare sub-zone. 217. Mr. Tedros HailemariamChairman of the dairy farm cooperatives association in Adi-Quala sub-zone. 218. Mr. Tedros TekleDirector of Administrator’s office in the Southern region. 219. Mr. Tedros Tekle DirectorOffice of the Governor in the South Region Administration 220. Mr. Tekeste MihreteabHead of the NCEW branch in the Southern region. 221. Mr. Tekie AimutHeadof Administration and Finance in Segeneiti sub-zone 222. Mr. Tekie HabteExpertin environmental sanitation. 223. Mr. Tekie TeclemichaelHeadof environment department in the Southern region 224. Mr. Teklai EmunAdministratorofHalai administrative area 225. Mr. Tekle GhebremedhinHeadof education in the Central region’s branch office in the Gala-Nefhi sub-


226. Mr. Tekle TinsueAdministratorofRuba-Tseba administrative area (Senafe area) 227. Mr. Tekleab GhebraiAdministratorof the Gaden administrative area, Dekemhare sub-zone. 228. Mr. Tekleberhan WeldemariamHeadof the veterinary at the branch office of theMinistry of Agriculture

in the Areza sub-zone. 229. Mr. Tekleberhan Weldemariam veterinary science Expert in the Agriculture Ministry’s branch in the

Areza sub-zone. 230. Mr. Teklehaimanot HabtemickaelSupervisor of theAdult Education Program and eradicating illiteracy in

Southern region. 231. Mr. Teklehaimanot HabtemickaelSupervisor of theAdult Education Program and eradicating illiteracy in

Southern region. 232. Mr. Teklemariam Haile Expert in reforestation and wild life in the Adi-Quala sub-zone. 233. Mr. Teklizghi GhideyManagerofAdi-Keyih Town. 234. Mr. Teklu BerakiHeadof land resource and seed fertilization branch in the Southern region. 235. Mr. Teklu BerakiHeadof land resource and seed fertilization branch in the Southern region. 236. Mr. Tesfaghebriel YimesgenHead of the mining activities control office in Dekemhare sub-zone. 237. Mr. Tesfaghebriel YimesgenHead of the mining activities control office in Dekemhare sub-zone. 238. Mr. Tesfai Afwerki expert in poultry breeding in the branch office of the AgricultureMinistry in the

Southern region. 239. Mr. Tesfai FitwiAdministratorof Adi-Chegono administrative area, Mai-Mine sub-zone. 240. Mr. Tesfai GhebrekidanExpert in animal resource in the Adi-Keih sub-zone. 241. Mr. Tesfai TsegaiAdministratorof the hospital. 242. Mr. Tesfalem GhebrekidanHead of the HealthMinistry’s branch office in the Southern region. 243. Mr. Tesfalidet EyobExpert in seed fertilization in the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in Dekemhare sub-

zone. 244. Mr. Tesfalidet HabteDirectorof Adi-Gulti elementary and junior school in Areza sub-zone

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245. Mr. Tesfamariam HaileDirectorGeneralof administration and finance department in the Southernregional Administration

246. Mr. Tesfamariam Teame Acting AdministratorofTsorona sub-zone 247. Mr. Tesfaselassie EliasAdministratorof the Embeito sub-zone. 248. Mr. Tesfatsion GhirmayDirector General of SocialServices in the Southern region. 249. Mr. Tesfatsion GhirmayHeadof the branch office ofthe Ministryof LHW in the Southern region. 250. Mr. Tesfatsion TesfamariamHeadofAdi-Keih Hospital.

251. Mr. Teshale TekesteAdministrator of Damba & Adi-Kerets administrative areas in Dekemhare sub-zone.

252. Mr. Tewelde AbrahaHeadof courts supervision department in the Southern region. 253. Mr. Tewelde KidaneHeadof the HealthMinistry’s branch in Adi-Quala sub-zone. 254. Mr. Tewelde MedhanieHeadof project supervision in Tsorona sub-zone. 255. Mr. Tewelde TesfatsionHead of rules and regulations unit in the Keren town administration.

256. Mr. Teweldeberhan AbrahaHeadof the Electricity Corporation branch office in the Segeneiti sub-zone. 257. Mr. Tikabo SiumAdministrator of Tera-Emni, Dubarwa sub-zone 258. Mr. Tsehaye SieleHeadof the branch of theMinistryof L. & H. Southern Zone 259. Mr. Turkuai Kahse,Judge in Tsorona semi-urban centre 260. Mr. Weldemichael KidaneAdministratorofSegeneiti sub-zone 23.08.2010. 261. Mr. Weldemichael KidaneAdministratorof theMaereba administrative area, Segeneiti sub-zone 262. Mr. Weldemichael KidaneHeadofEconomicdevelopment inMai-Mine sub-zone 263. Mr. Woldai Ghebre Chairmanof theSouthern Regional Assembly. 264. Mr. Woldegiorgis KeletaHeadof the Education Ministry’s branch in the Mai-Mine sub-zone,Southern

region. 265. Mr. Woldegiorgis KeletaHeadof the Education Ministry’s branch in the Mai-Mine sub-

zone,Southern region. 266. Mr. Woldu KifleAdministrator of Mai-Mine semi-urban center. 267. Mr. Yakob TsegaiHeadof the Education Ministry’s branch office in Mendefera sub-zone

268. Mr. Ybirah TekieAdministratorofDebremariam, in Areza and Mai-Mene, Southern region 269. Mr. Yebiyo TeweldeExpert in fruits and vegetables farming, said that fruits and vegetables in the

Southern region. 270. Mr. Yemane OkubazionHeadof the Coordinator committee of courts in the Southern region. 271. Mr. Yemane Sium owner of Median Hotel. 272. Mr. Yemane TadesseAdministratorof Wekerti administrative area, Dekemhare sub-zone 273. Mr. Yemane TeadelHeadof the Health Ministry’s branch in the Southern region. 274. Mr. Yemane TsegaiHeadof communicable disease and HIV/AIDS prevention unit in the Southern

region 275. Mr. Yemane TsegaiHeadofTB and HIV/AIDS control department in the Southern region. 276. Mr. Yohannes AsgedomHeadof the TourismMinistry’s branch in the Southern region. 277. Mr. Yohannes AsgedomHeadof the TourismMinistry’s branch in the Southern region. 278. Mr. Yohannes AsghedomHeadof the Ministryof Tourism branch office in the Southern region 279. Mr. Yohannes KiflemariamExpert in reforestation in theAdi-Keih sub-zone.

280. Mr. Yohannes TesfaiHeadof thebranch office of the Ministry of LHW in the Southern region. 281. Mr. Yosief FessehasionDirectorof the Gebrekefelet junior school.

282. Mr. Yosief Zemichael Directorof the Mendefera Boarding School of Associate Nurses 283. Mr. Zaid TekleExpert in bee farming in the Southern region. 284. Mr. Zebib KahsaiHead of the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Mendefera sub-zone. 285. Mr. Zebib KahsaiHeadof the MinistryofAgriculture’s branch in the Mendefera sub-zone 286. Mr. Zekarias Fesshaye owner of the Zak Dairy and Cattle-breeding Plant in Dekemhare town. 287. Mr. Zerit TeweldeberhanDirector GeneralofEconomic development in the Southern region. 288. Mr. Asefaw GebremichaelHeadof communicable disease prevention unit in the Southern region. 289. Mr. Asefaw GebremichaelHeadof communicable disease prevention unit in the Southern region. 290. Ms. Almaz Tesfay Headof the branch office of Postal Service Authority in Mendefera 291. Ms. Asmeret GebrezgiExpertin life skill in the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Segeneiti sub-

zone. 292. Ms. Azieb TsegayManager of the Halhale Natural Fertilizer Manufacturing Plant in Dubarwa sub-zone. 293. Ms. Kahsa MahariHeadof home management department in the Ministry of Agriculture branch of the

region. 294. Ms. Kedes MebrahtuHeadoftown development in the Dekemhare town in the Southern region

295. Ms. Kidisti GebregziabherAdministrator of Mai-Megudom administrative area

296. Ms. Kudusan TeweldeHead of the office in Ministry of LHW branch in Dekemhare sub-zone.

297. Ms. Leul AsratAdministratorof theEmni-Haili&Durko sub-zone.Dubarwa Town(09.05.09) 298. Ms. Meaza KelatiHeadofmother and child care in the Southern region branch office of the


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299. Ms. Meaza SibhatuHeadof NUEW branch in Adi-Keih sub-zone. 300. Ms. Meaza SibhatuHeadofNUEW branch in the Senafe and Adi-Keih sub-zones. 301. Ms. Meaza SibhatuHead of the branch of NUEW in Senafe sub-zone. 302. Ms. Mehret AsfahaHeadofSocial service in the Mendefera sub zone.

303. Ms. Meselesh LegeseHeadof the (NUEW) branch office in Mai-Mine sub-zone 304. Ms. Migbinesh AsefawHeadofNUEYS in the Areza sub-zone. 305. Ms. Milite AdhanomHeadofhome Economics in the branch office of theMinistry of Agriculture in the

Dekemhare sub-zone 306. Ms. Mulu Nire’aHead of bee farming in Senafe sub-zone. 307. Ms. Tirhas AdresomCoordinatorof the program in the NUEW branch in the Southern region. 308. Ms. Tirhas FikaduHeadofSocial service in the Adi-Quala sub-zone 309. Ms. Tsige BariagabirHead of the branch office of the Ministry of LHW in Mendefera sub-zone in the

Southern region. 310. Ms. Weini Negash Chairpersonof NUEW branch in the Southern region. 311. Mr. Samuel AmanuelChairman of fruits and vegetables association in the Dubarwa sub-zone.

312. Dr. Tesfalem GebrekidanHead of the Health Ministry branch in the in the Southern region 313. Dr. Tesfalem GebrekidanHead of the Health Ministry branch in the in the Southern region 314. Mr. Rezene WoldeamlakHead of the Ministry of LHW branch in Adi-Keih sub-zone. 315. Mr. Rezene FissehaDirector General ofinfrastructure development in theSouthern region. 316. Mr. Tewelde MedhanieHeadofproject supervision in Tsorona sub-zone. 317. Ms. Kedes MebrahtuHeadofDekemhare town development. 318. Eng. Oqbaselassie GhilamichaelHeadof Governmental Constructions ofSenafe sub-zone 319. Eng. Simon AbrahaExpert in irrigation farming in the Southern region. 320. Eng. Zerit Gebrai supervisor of the project in the Southern regional Administration. 321. Mr. Muluras TesfaiManager of the farmers’ association in Southern region. 322. Lt. ColonelTesfazghi YohannesHead of the Rehabilitation Center in Mendefera. 323. Mr. Tedros TecleDirector of the Office of the regional Administrator in the Southern region. 324. Mr. Khaled SalehHeadof engineering services and administration of projects in the Southern region 325. Mr. Mulugeta FitwiExpert in soil and water conservation in Adi-Keih.

326. Mr. Kiflom Gebrezgiabiher Headof developmental activities of the Mai-Dima town. 327. Mr. Tekleweini Woldegebreal expert in seed fertilization in Adi-Quala sub-zone.

328. Mr. Solomon RustomHead of Public Relations of the Adi-Quala sub-zone. 329. Mr. Yahya SalehManager of Dibco Biscuit Factory in the Dubarwa sub-zone. 330. Mr. Bahta TedrosHead of the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Southern region. 331. Mr. Hailemichael IyobHead of the Southern region branch office of the Ministry of Land, Water and

Environment. 332. Mr. Hailemichael IyobHead of the Southern region branch office of the Ministry of LWE. 333. Mr. Kaleab TesfaselisdieHead of EducationMinistry branch in the Southern region 334. Mr. Kibri TekesteDirector of the Himbirti Junior and Elementary School. 335. Mr. Kiflom Gebrezgiabiher Headof developmental activities of the Mai-Dima town.

336. Mr. Solomon RustomHead of Public Relations of the Adi-Quala sub-zone. 337. Mr. Kaleab TesfaselisdieHead of EducationMinistry branch in the Southern region 338. Mr. Gideon MengeshaHead of the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Senafe sub-zone. 339. Mr. Bereket Tekle Head of the Agriculture Ministry’s branch in the Adi-Quala sub-zone. 340. Mr. Bereket Tekle Head of the Agriculture Ministry’s branch in the Adi-Quala sub-zone. 341. Mr. Bahta TedrosHead of the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Southern region. 342. Mr. Debesay AndemariamHeadof Agriculture Ministry in the Dbaruwa sub zone. 343. Mr. Debesai AndemariamHead of the AgricultureMinistry’s branch office in Dubarwa. 344. Mr. Gideon MengeshaHead of the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Senafe sub-zone 345. Mr. Debesay AndemariamHeadof AgricultureMinistry in the Dubaruwa sub zone. 346. Mr. Mulugeta Fitwi expert in soil and water conservation in Adi-Keih sub-zone. 347. Mr. Bahta TedrosHead of the agricultural branch in the Southern region 348. Eng. Yonas WoldaiHeadof soil and water conservation in the Agriculture Ministry's branch office in the

Southern region. 349. Mr. Ibrahim KelifaManager of Eri-Fish Plant in Mendefera town. 350. Mr. Seyoum GebreyesusHead from the infrastructure development department in the Southern

region. 351. Mr. Maekele TesfamichaelHead of economic development in the Emni-Haili sub-zone. 352. Lt. ColonelTesfazghi YohannesHead of the Penitentiary and Rehabilitation Center in Mendefera. 353. Mr. Hager GanzaiHeadof National Union of Eritrean Youth and Students in the Southern region. 354. Mr. Bereket TekesteAdministrator of the Senafe sub zone 30 March 2011 355. Mr. Tekle TekesteAdministratorof Damba and Adi-Kerets administrative area, Dekemhare sub-zone

21 March 2011.

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356. Mr. Woldemichael KidaneAdministrator of Segeneiti sub zone. 01 April 2011 357. Ms. Mil’ete TsegayAdministrator of Areza sub-zone 8 April 2011 358. Ms. Mil’ete TsegayAdministrator of Areza sub-zone 8 April 7 2011 359. Mr. Woldemichael KidaneAdministrator of Segeneiti sub zone. 01 April 2011 360. Mr. Bereket TekesteAdministrator of the Senafe sub zone. 30 March 2011 361. Mr. Solomon KinfeAdministrator of the Adi-Merkeja, Emni-Haili sub-zone. 4 May 2011 362. Mr. Yonas GebrekirstosExpert in seed and anti-pesticides in theMinistryof Agriculture’s branch office

in theMai-Aini sub-zone. 363. Mr. Tsigab BerheManager of the Rokoita administrative area, Senafe sub-zone. 364. Mr. Samuel AmanuelChairman of fruits and vegetables association in the Dubarwa sub-zone. 365. Mr. Mebrahtom HaileChairman of the Fruits and Vegetables Farming Association in Adi-Quala sub-

zone. 366. Mr. Tesfai TsegaiHead of Administrationand finance in the Adi-Quala sub-zone. 367. 368. Mr. Dini OmerAdministrator of Rokhoito administrative area in Southern region administration. 369. Mr. Omar IbrahimAdministratorof the Egla administrative area, Adi-Keih sub-zone. 370. Mr. Omeredin MohammedHead of the branch office of Ministry of Education in the Senafe sub-zone. 371. Mr. Khaled MohammedbirhanManager of the Kokob Plasctic Factory. (Dubaruwa) 372. Mr. Mahmoud ShefaHeadof the PFDJ. in the Mai-Mine sub-zone. 373. Mr. Dini MohammedDirector of the Golo Junior and Secondary School in Senafe sub-zone. 374. Mr. Haji Abdelkadir Mohammed BerhanManager of the Berhan Soap Factory in Dekemhare. 375. Eng. Beshir AbdusemedCoordinatorofIDP projects in the Southern region.

376. Maj. GeneralAhmed Umer Kakay 1996/04 Commander Operation Zone South 377. Maj. General Omar Hassan Tewil the Commander of Operation Zone 3. (381 Corps)

378. Mr. Abdu Idris AdministratorofAdi-Keyih sub-zone. 379. Mr. Ahmed AlishumHeadof the Debub regional Harat Transport Company. 380. Mr. Ibrahim OmarHeadofthe the Adi Keyih sub-zone

381. Mr. Jimi’e Suleiman ActingAdministratorofDubarwa sub-zone21.01.08 382. Mr.Khalid SalehHead of the Engineering & Project management. 383. Mr. Mohammed AbdallaHeadof the health center in the Tsorona sub-zone. 384. Mr. Mohammed HamidAdministrator of theAdi-Keih sub-zone. 20.04.09

385. Mr. Mohammed Kier MahmoudAdministratorofDebi administrative area 386. Mr. Mohammed Omar GulaiAdministratorofDekemhare administrative area. 387. Mr. Mustafa Nurhussein Administratorof the Southern region. 388. Mr. Omeredin MohammedHeadof the Education Ministry’s branch in the Senafe sub-zone

389. Mr. Osman ArafaAdministrator of the Emni-Haili sub-zone. 390. Mr. Osman ArafatAdministratorofAdi Keyih.

391. Mr. Siraj Mohammed ActingAdministratorofGeza-Dungur administrative area, Areza sub-zone.

392. Mr. Suleiman HajjAdministratorof theMendefera sub-zone 393. Ms. Salha MohammedHeadof the NUEW in the Tsorona sub zone.

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363"Tigrigna" = 93, 31% 26” Others” = 6, 69 % 389 Total = 100 %

Gash - Barka Region Administration

Akurdet ·Barentu ·Dghe ·Forto ·Gogne ·Haykota ·Logo

Anseba ·Mensura ·Mogolo ·Molki ·Omhajer ·Shambuko ·Tesseney ·Upper Gash

Regional Civil Servants

Musa RaabaGovernor Phone 73-11-93 Fax N. 73-12-00Address P.O. Box 22 Barentu Rezene Abraha Head of Administration & Finance Phone 73-12-03Fax N. 73-12-00Address P.O. Box 22 Barentu

Mr. Kahsai Gebrehiwot Governorof theGash-Barka region. (Maekel Region) 1. Musa RaabaGovernorof theGash-Barka region. 020210 2. Rezene Abraha Head of Administration & Financein Gash-Barka region.

3. Mr.Naizghi Woldu Head of the Administration& Finance 4. Mr.Meseret Gebremichael Head of the Agriculture 5. Mr.Kelit Ghirmay Head of the Education 6. Dr. Ghirmay Yosief Head of the Health 7. Mr.EphremKuflom Head of the Labor & Human Welfare 8. Mr.Sibhatu Gebremariam Head of the Land, Water & Environment 9. Mr.Amine Woldeab Head of the Tourism 10. Mr.Solomon Zeru Head of the Land Transport 11. Mr.Haile Asfaha Head of the Water supply / resources

12. Mr.Ghirmay Bimnet Head of the National Rehab Commission, Branch 13. Mr.Kibreab Abraham Head of the Govt. garage / machinery 14. Mr.Gebremeskel Teklehaimanot Head of the Immigration & Nationality Dept.






Tigrigna &Other




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15. Brig. General NegashTesfatsion(Shaleqa Eth Army, later EPLF) Commanderof the Training Centre of the EDF in Sawa from 1999

16. Capt. Habte GhebraiCommanderof police station in Molqi sub-zone 17. Captain Habte GhebraiCommanderof police station in Molqi sub-zone. 18. CaptainKibrom Seyoum Tsaada-Guna,Headof the counter intelligence unit of the third operational

zone. 19. Captain Mekonnen Gebreselassieproject Headof the Mogoraib Plantation. 20. CaptainTedros TesfaiHeadof technical tasks at the Gash-Barka central government garage. 21. Captain. Beraki TeklemariamCommanderofPolice Station in Forto-Sawa sub-zone. 22. Captain. Tedros Tesfai,Headof technical tasks at the Gash-Barka central government garage. 23. Colonel Berhe Rezene Menghistu 2004 rep SMCC Centre 24. Colonel Debesai Gide(Debeb)2ndCommanderof the Sawa Military Training Centre. 25. Colonel Ezra Weldegebriel Vice-Com Sawa (1998) (2000 Gahtelay MTC), 2004 Deputy head Mai Nefhi

CollegeCommanderof the Sawa National Education and Training Center 26. Colonel Temesgen SamuelCommander, National Service Training Center 27. Colonel Zemichael TekliaHeadof the Gash – Barka RegionEritrean Police Branch 28. Dr. Dawit Estifanos DirectorofAgordat Hospital 29. Dr. Ghirmay YosiefHeadof the HealthMinistry’s branchin the Gash-Barka region

30. Captain Habtu WoldeabCommanderof police force in the Laelai-Gash sub-zone. 31. Captain Hagos MelesManager of the Adi-Omar Agricultural Project in Tessenei sub-zone. 32. Dr. Habte GaimHeadof technical service of the AgricultureMinistry’s branch office in the Gash-Barka

region. 33. Dr. Kuflom Yohannes who is working in the Barentu Referral Hospital. 34. Dr. Seletsion MegosDirector of the Gash-Barka Regional Referral Hospital. 35. Dr. Teklizghi Tekie in charge of veterinary service in the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in Gash-Barka

region. 36. Dr. Tesfai GhirmayDirectorof the Agordat Hospital

37. Eng. Berhane HaileSupervisor.of the Potable water supply projects in Golij sub-zone. 38. Eng. Teklesenbet Mihreteab Supervisorof the Canals and embankments in Ashenda water diversion

project in Forto-Sawa sub-zone. 39. Keshi Teame MenghisteabHeadof the Benefit scheme in Tessenei station. 40. Lt. Colonel Andemariam WoldenkielHead of the Badme Construction Company. 41. Lt. Colonel Goitom TesfayCommander recruits division Sawa1997. 42. Lt. Colonel Samuel KidaneRepresentative&HeadofSocial Work of the Sawa Training Centre. 43. Lt. Colonel Tekie Woldu coordinator of thePotable water supplyproject in Tessenei from the central

government garage in Gash-Barkaregion 44. Lt. Colonel Temesgen SamuelDeputy Commanderof the Sawa Training Centre. 45. Maj. Berhane TeklaiHeadof the Penitentiary and Rehabilitation Centre inGash-Barka region. 46. Maj. Ghebretensae Tesfalidet General Manager ofAf-Hmbol agric plantation, MoD 47. Maj. Kibreab AbrahamHeadof the Gash-Barka central government garage. 48. Maj. Mihreteab KidaneStaff officerof agitation and information center in Sawa. 49. Maj. Yohannes BerakiHeadof enforcement unit in the Customs Duty branch office in Agordat sub-

zone. 50. Mr. Abraham HabtetsionHeadof the health services inGerenfit - Laelai Gash sub-zone. 51. Mr. Abraham HaileAdministratorofLaelai-Gash sub-zone.

52. Mr. Abraham HaileAdministrator of Laelai-Gash sub-zone. 53. Mr. Abraham TeweldeHeadof the Education Ministry’s branch in the Laelai-Gash sub-zone. 54. Mr. Afwerki AraiaHead of malaria control unit in Gash-Barka region. 55. Mr. Afwerki RussomHeadof projects in Gash-Barka region. 56. Mr. Alem BerheHead of the agricultural projectin the administrative areas of Golij, Tebeldia, Gergef,

Qachero, Adi-Shegela and Sabunait. 57. Mr. Alexander TekesteHeadof the Keranakudohealth CentreLogo-Anseba sub-zone. 58. Mr. Amanuel GhirmayHeadof information and campaign in the Ministry of Health branch in the Gash-

Barka region. 59. Mr. Amanuel GirmatsionHeadof information in the HealthMinistry’s branch office in the Gash-Barka


60. Mr. Amanuel GirmatsionHeadof the Ministryof Heath branch office in theGash-Barka region. 61. Mr. Amine Berhane Head of branch office of the Ministryof Agriculture in sub zone Golij 62. Mr. Amine WoldeabHeadof branch office of the MinistryofTourism in Gash-Barka region 63. Mr. Anday HidruAdministratorofDeda administrative area, Logo-Anseba sub-zone. 64. Mr. Angesom AberraHeadof water resource development in Agordat sub-zone

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65. Mr. Aregai MebrahtuHeadof administration and finance in theShambuko sub-zone 66. Mr. Asmerom KiflitAdministratorof theHaikota sub-zone 67. Mr. Ateshim YemaneExpert in engineering in the Laelai-Gash sub-zone. 68. Mr. Atoweberhan YosiefHeadof theAgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Molqi sub-zone. 69. Mr. Bahlibi ZeresenaiExpert in the Soil and water conservation activities in La’lai-Gash sub-zone 70. Mr. Berekhet GoitomDirectorof the Barentu School of Assistant Nurses 71. Mr. Berekhet KidaneHeadof the Ministry of LWE branch in the Gash-Barka region. 72. Mr. Berekhet Kidane Headof the Ministry’of LWE branch office in Gash-Barka region 73. Mr. Berekhet TeumHeadof the Duta Junior and Secondary School, Barentu,school’s administration 74. Mr. Berekhet Yohannes Assistant nurse in the Forto-Sawa Health Centre.

75. Mr. Beyene GhebremariamAdministratorof the Gerset administrative area 76. Mr. Dawit Amlesom a farmer who is working at the Tessenei-Aligidir Agricultural Development Project. 77. Mr. Dawit ArayaHeadof the radio FM service in Sawa. 78. Mr. Dawit GebrezgiHead of micro-dams supervision unit in the Shambuko sub-zone. 79. Mr. Debesai Afwerki Secretary of the PFDJ. in the Agordat sub-zone.

80. Mr.Desu GebrezgheirAsst. AdministratorofBarentu sub-zone. 81. Mr. Elias HabtileHeadof the branch office of the MinistryofLHW in theShambukosub-zone 82. Mr. Elisa SolomonDirectorof junior and secondary schools in Shambuko sub-zone. 83. Mr. Ephrem Abbebe General Manager ofSawa Agricultural Industry. 84. Mr. Ephrem KuflomHead of the Ministry of LHW branch in Gash-Barka region. 85. Mr.Eyob Andemariam General ManagerGemel Transport Co. 86. Mr. Eyob KidaneHeadof the branch office of the MinistryofLHW in the N. Red Sea region 87. Mr. Eyob YemaneHeadof cartography branch at the National Educational and Training Center in Sawa 88. Mr. Fekadu Tekle Branch Managerof the Gedem, Gash-Barka. 89. Mr. Fesshaye KidaneDirectorof the National Vocational Training Centre (NVTC) in Sawa 90. Mr. Fesshaye OqbamichaelContractor ofPotable water supply projects in Sabunait. Golij sub-zone. 91. Mr. Fesshaye SiumHeadof the health station in the in Dirfo administrative area, Central region. 92. Mr. Fikadu TekleHead of Gedem Construction Company in Gash-Barka region. 93. Mr. Fisseha GebretensaeAdministratorofTokombia.

94. Mr. Fitsum YebiyoHeadof information system and statistics in theGash-Barka region. 95. Mr. Gabriel KahsaiHead of the branch office of the Ministry of LHW in Molqui sub-zone. 96. Mr. Gabriel KahsaiHeadof the MinistryofLHW branch office in the Molqi sub-zone. 97. Mr. Gebregziabher HabteHeadofthe branch office of the Ministry of Agriculture in the Barentu sub-

zone 98. Mr. Gebremeskel Hailu General ManagerofAli Ghidir Agro Industry 99. Mr.Gebremeskel Teklehaimanot Head of the Immigration & Nationality Dept 100. Mr. Gebremeskel WeldoabzghiHead of HIV/AIDS and TB control in the branch office in the Barentu. 101. Mr. Gebremichael HabteselassieChairmanof theBarentu Town Council. 102. Mr. Gebremichael MosazghiChairman of dairy farm owners association in the town Barentu. 103. Mr. Gebretensae ZemichaelHead of the HealthMinistry’s branch in Habero sub-zone. 104. Mr. GebrewoldAdministratorof the Tessenei sub-zone. 105. Mr. Gezai Kaleab AdministratorofGelalo sub-zone. 106. Mr.Ghetachew Merhazion Manager ofSawa Construction 107. Mr. Ghirmay Bimnet HeadNational Rehabilitation Commission branch in Gash-Barka

108. Mr. Ghirmay GebreghergishManager of the Barentu Cement, Metal and Woodworks Plant. 109. Mr. Ghirmay GebrehiwotDirectorof the Warsay-Yikaalo School in Sawa 110. Mr. Ghirmay GebreselassieHeadof teachers in Business and Economics High School in Omhajer semi-

urban centre. 111. Mr. Ghirmay GebreselassieHeadof teachers of Business and Economics High School in Omhajer semi-

urban centre. 112. Mr. Ghirmay Semere from the Police Office in Gash-Barka region.

113. Mr. Ghirmay TeklaiAdministratorof the Shilalo administrative area in Upper Gash 114. Mr. Ghirmay Weldegabr branch Headof the Ministry.ofAgriculture in Gash-Barka region. 115. Mr. Goitom SemereExpertin soil and water conservation in theMolqi sub-zonebranch office. 116. Mr. Gulbet,AdministratorofBushukka,Shambuko sub-zone. 117. Mr. Habte MihreteabHead of economic development in Shambuko sub-zone. 118. Mr. Habtu KibreabAdministrator ofAitera administrative area, Laelai Gash sub zone.

119. Mr. Hadish AsghedomChairmanof the school committee and representative of the Agordat sub-

zonal administration. 120. Mr. Hadish Asmerom representative of the Administrator of Agordat.

121. Mr. Hadish HabteAdministratorofBarentu sub-zone. / Replaced ToMr. Isaac Teum 122. Mr. Hadish TadesseChairman of the Hearing Impaired Association in the Gash-Barka region.

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123. Mr. Hagos GebremariamHeadof regulation and control unit in the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Gash-Barka region.

124. Mr. Hailat AnduChairman of the dairy farm association in Segeneiti sub-zone. 125. Mr. Haile AbrahaHeadof the Shambuko health center. 126. Mr. Haile AsfahaHeadof the water resource department in Gash-Barka region 127. Mr. Haileab AbrahaHead the technique department of the Barentu town administration. 128. Mr. Haileab HabtaiHeadof planning, research and documentation unit in the EducationMinistry’s branch

office in the Gash-Barka region. 129. Mr. Haileab HabtaiHeadofResearch, Planning and Training at the Branch office ofShambuko and Molqi

sub-zones 130. Mr. Hailezgi HabteHead of the projects in Tessenei and Haikota sub-zones. 131. Mr. Hibtzgi WeldegabrExpertin seed filtering machine in the plant in Tessenei 132. Mr. Isaac Kafel Headof the regional branch of the Ministryof Agriculture in Gash-Barka. 133. Mr. Iyassu HaileHeadofEconomic development in the Agordat sub-zone 134. Mr. Kahsai AsratAdministratorofAgordat sub-zone.

135. Mr. Kahsai GebrehiwotAdministratorofGash Barka.Central Zone 02.10

136. Mr. Kebede Awu’aleAdministratorofHaikota town 137. Mr. Kelit GhirmayHead ofthe EducationMinistrys branch in Gash-Barka region 138. Mr. Kesete GhebreyohannesHead of seed fertilization at the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in Gash-

Barka region. 139. , head offorestry and wild animals in the Agricultural Ministry’s branch office in the Gash-Barka region. 140. Mr. Kibreab Abraham, Headof Governmental GarageGash Barka Region branch. 141. Mr. Kibreab HabtetsionCoordinatorof the 4th ERI-Youth Festival due to be held in Sawa program from

NUEYS branch in Gash-Barka region. 2010 142. Mr. Kibreab HabtetsionCoordinatorof the 4th ERI-Youth Festival due to be held in Sawa program from

NUEYS branch in Gash-Barka region. 2010 143. Mr. Kibrom AsmeromDirectorof the Duta Junior and Secondary School, Barentu 144. Mr. Kidane WoldeselassieAdministratorofMolqi sub-zone 12 April 2010 145. Mr. Kidane WolduManager of the Homib Construction Company.

146. Mr. Kiflay AndemichaelDirector of the Warsay-Yikaalo School in Sawa 147. Mr.KiflemariamManager of the REU, Barentu 148. Mr. Legese Hadish,Director of the Gash Elementary and Junior School in Laelai-Gash sub-zone 149. Mr. Meharenna KelatiHeadof animal health program in the Golij sub-zone. 150. Mr. Mehari SibhatuHead of plumbing at Gerset agricultural project in Gash-Barka region. 151. Mr. Mehari WoldeselassieHeadof cultural and sports activities in the EducationMinistry’s branch in

theGash-Barka region 152. Mr. Mehari WoldeselassieHead of sport and culture department in theBarentu branch office. 153. Mr. Mehari Woldu from the Ministry of Health. 154. Mr. Mehari YohannesExpert in reforestation in Barentu 155. Mr. Mehretab Hiyabu AdministratorofEra-Laelaiadministrative area. 156. Mr. Mekonnen KahsaiSupervisor of transport in Arbata'asher. 157. Mr. Melake TemnewoManagerof the Dairy farm in Alebu semi-urban center, Haikota sub-zoneOper.

Zone 1Gash-Barka 158. Mr. Meseret GebremichaelHeadof the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Gash-Barka region. 159. Mr. Michael Zerom Administrator of the Logo-Anseba sub-zone. 160. Mr. Misghina GhilayHeadof seeds and animal development in the branch office in Gash-Barka region.

161. Mr. Misghina TsegaiAdministratorofDeki-Zeru administrative area 162. Mr.Naizghi Woldu Head of the Administration & Finance 163. Mr. Negash FilliHeadof the Newly Planted Stone Grinding Mill Commences Services project in theAligidir


164. Mr. Negassi HabtemickaelHeadof the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Laelai-Gash sub-zone. 165. Mr. Negassi YitbarikHeadofhealth institutions in Logo-Anseba sub-zone. 166. Mr. Ogbay GhebreamlakHead of the Ministry of Agriculture branch office in the Forto-Sawa sub-

zone. 167. Mr. Rezene AbrahaHeadofAdministration & Financein Gash-Barka region. 168. Mr. Rezene AdonaiPFDJSecretary in Gash-Barka region. 169. Mr. Rezene AdonaiSecretary of thePFDJ. in theGash-Barka region 170. Mr. Rezene TesfamariamHeadofthe Eritrean National War-disabled Veterans Association (ENWVA)

branch office in the Gash-Barka region 171. Mr. Seltene BerheHeadExpert in veterinary service in the Gash-Barka region. 172. Mr. Semere Kifleyesus General Manager Gash-Setit agricultural project 173. Mr. Sereke MedhanieHeadof veterinary service in the Golij sub-zone.

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174. Mr. Shewit FishaleHead of the branch office of the Ministry of Agriculture in the Shambuko sub-zone.

175. Mr. Shimondi WoldegiorgisAdministrator of the Umhajer semi-urban area. 176. Mr.Sibhatu Gebremariam Head of the LWE 177. Mr.Simon Abbai Manager of the CBE, Sawa 178. Mr. Sium Ghebremedhin, Headofhealth control in the Tessenei town. 179. Mr. Solomon AbegazChairmanof the holidays coordinating committee in Barentu. 180. Mr.Solomon Goitom Managerof the CBE, Tessenei 181. Mr. Solomon TeklehaimanotHead of schools in the Gash-Barka region. 182. Mr. Solomon ZeruHeadof land transport branch in Gash-Barka region 183. Mr. Sultan HagosHeadofhealth service in the Haikota sub zone. 184. Mr. Tareke Abbai Headofdevelopment in theMolqi semi-urban centre. 185. Mr. Teame YohannesHead of the Eritrean Electricity Corporation branch in Barentu town. 186. Mr. Tearre HabteAdministratorofAntore administrative area, Laelai Gash sub-zone. 187. Mr. Tedros ZegergishHeadof seed fertilization and animal preservation in Forto-Sawa sub-zone.

188. Mr. Teferi SiumHead of administration in the Agordat Hospital. 189. Mr. Tekeste KiflemariamHead of forestry and wildlife resource in the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in

the Gash-Barka region. 190. Mr. Tekeste TesfamariamHead of Socialservices in the Laelai-Gash sub-zone. 191. Mr. Tekie KeletaHead of infrastructure inGash-Barka region 192. Mr. Tekle BeyeneDirector of the Dembe-Asmara Elementary and Junior School in Dembe-Asmera

administrative area, Shambuko sub-zone.

193. Mr. Tekleab BerhaneAdministratorof the Adi-Tsetser, Laelai-Gash sub-zone 194. Mr. Tekleberhan GebrewoldAdministratorof the Tessenei sub-zone. 195. Mr. Tekleberhan TeklizghiHeadof environmental sanitation supervision and malaria control unit in the

Haikota sub-zone. 196. Mr. Teklehaimanot YebiyoSupervisorof the new water reservoir project in the Deret administrative

area, Agordat sub-zone. 197. Mr. Tesfai KidaneSupervisorof the electric line installation process in the semi-urban centres in Barentu

sub-zone. 198. Mr. Tesfalem Rediacting head of the NCEW branch in Gash-Barka region 199. Mr. Tesfalidet GebremariamAdministrator of Mensura sub-zone.

200. Mr. Tesfamariam MehariAdministratorof the area Molqi administrative area 201. Mr. Tewelde MehariHeadofEconomic development in the Mogoraib semi-urban center in Dige sub-

zone. 202. Mr. Teweldemedhin TeklaiHeadof soil and water conservation program in the Golij sub-zone. 203. Mr. Tsegazaab BokretsionHead of the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in Barentu sub-zone. 204. Mr. Weldemichael AbrahaHeadof the Ministryof Agriculture inGash Barka region. 205. Mr. Weldemichael HabteSupervisor of the scheme of theGerset agricultural project. 206. Mr. Woldeyesus Tekie from the Agriculture Ministry’s branch office in theLaelai-Gash, sub-zone.

207. Mr. Woldu Reda’e Director of the Jehan Junior School in Molqisub-zone,Gash-Barka region.

208. Mr. Yakob FortunatoAdministrator of the Aikota administrative area, Shambuko sub-zone. 209. Mr. Yemane KifleHeadof technical service in the government garage and Gerset agricultural project. 210. Mr. Yohannes ZeruHeadofmachinery supervision in the project ofSawa-Afhimbol Agro-Industry 211. Mr. Zekarias BerekhetabExpert in animal breeding in the Gash Barka Region 212. Mr. Zekarias Fesshaye owner of the Zak Dairy and Cattle-breeding Plant in Dekemhare town. 213. Mr. Zemhret WoldeabAdministrator of Arakub administrative area, Laelai Gash sub-zone. 214. Mr. Zeragabir AmineHead of the forest inspectors in Laelai Gash sub-zone. 215. Mr. Zeragabir Teweldemedhin head of the Loan and Micro-Credit Scheme in the Laelai-Gash sub-zone

216. Mr. Zerehaimanot HabtegergishAdministratorofthe ofLiban, Logo-Anseba sub-zone. 217. Ms. Ababa WeldegebrielHead of supervision and adult education unit in theMinistry of Education in

Barentu sub zone. 218. Ms. Almaz MahraiHeadof The branch office of the National Union of Eritrean Women (NUEW) in the

Tessenei sub-zone.

219. Ms. Almaz TelaHead (Administrator)ofMekutiadministrative area

220. Ms. Asmeret TsegaiHead of the NUEW branch in Molqi sub-zone. 221. Ms. Asmeret TsegaiHead of the NUEW branch in Molqi sub-zone. 222. Ms. Aster WoldeabzgiHeadof environmental management at theMinistry ofLWE branch office of

Barentu town. 223. Ms. Elsa RistomHeadof the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in Gash-Barka region 224. Ms. Kidisti Kifle HeadofNUEWbranch in the Laelai-Gash sub-zone. 225. Ms. Meaza MahraiHead of the NUEW branch in Tesseneisub-zone. 226. Ms. Milashu GurjaHeadofthe NUEW branch in Golij sub-zone

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227. Ms. Selome DanieChairpersonofNUEW in Omhajer town. 228. Mr. Fikadu TekleHead of the Company in the Gash-Barka region. 229. Mr. Haileab HabtaiHeadof planning, research and training in the Education Ministry’s branch in the

Gash Barka region. 230. Maj. Habte GebruHeadof traffic police in Gash-Barka region. 231. Mr. Geresus GebregergisHead of services in the Barentu town. 232. Mr. Sultan HagosHeadof health center in the Haikota sub-zone. 233. Mr. Ephrem KiflomHead of the Ministryof LHW branch in the Gash-Barka region 234. Mr. Hadish TadesseChairmanof the Hearing Impaired Association in the Gash-Barka region. 235. Mr. Michael ZerizgiChairmanof vegetables farming association in the Haikota sub-zone. 236. Mr. Andemeskel GebreyesusChairman of fruits and vegetables producing cooperatives in theTessenei

sub-zone. 237. Mr. Rezene AdonaiChairman of the holidays coordinating committee in the Gash-Barka reigon. 238. 239. Mr. Sultan HagosHeadof health center in the Haikota sub-zone. 240. Mr. Tareke AbbaiHeadof development in the semi-urban center (of Molqi sub-zone). 241. Mr. Tekie KeletaHead of infrastructure inGash-Barka region 242. Eng. Senai GebrehiwetHead of the school constructions project in Gash Barka region. 243. Eng. Teklesenbet Mihreteab Supervisorof the Canals and embankments in Ashenda water diversion

project in Forto-Sawa sub-zone. 244. Mr. Tesfazgi YohannesHead of the health station in Kerkebet sub-zone. 245. Mr. Medhane GebretinsaeHead of public health care in the Forto-Sawa sub-zone. 246. Mr. Kelit GirmaiHead of the EducationMinistry’s branch office in the Gash-Barka region. 247. Mr. Wolde Baria owner of Dige Hotel. 248. Mr. Woldemichael Gebremeskel farmer in Forto-Sawa sub-zone, Gash-Barka region, 249. Mr. Habte Mihreteab Head of economic development in the Shambko sub-zone.Gash-Barka region, 250. Lt. Colonel Hadera Gebremedhin Headof the Eritrean Cattle Corporation in Gash-Barka region. 251. CaptainTedros Tesfai Head of technique in the Public Technical Service branch in Gash-Barka region. 252. Dr. Teklezgi TekieHeadof livestock health in the Gash-Barka region.

253. Lt. ColonelHadera Gebremedhin Headof the Eritrean Cattle Corporation in Gash-Barka region. 254. Mr. Bereket KidaneHead of the Ministryof L WE’s branch in the Gash- Barka region. 255. Mr. Habte Mihreteab Head of economic development in the Shambko sub-zone,Gash-Barka region, 256. Mr. Bereket KidanHead of the branch office of Ministry of LWE in Gash-Barka region. 257. Mr. Kelit GirmaiHead of the EducationMinistry’s branch office in the Gash-Barka region. 258. Mr. Ogbe GebreamlakHead of the Agriculture Ministry’s branch office in Forto-Sawa sub-zone. 259. Mr. Woldemichael Gebremeskel a vegetable farmer in Kor’obel, Agordat sub-zone, 260. Mr. Yonas YosefHead of the Agriculture Ministry s branch in the Haikota sub-zone. 261. Mr. Woldesus TekieHead of the branch office of the AgricultureMinistry in the Mogolo sub-zone. 262. Mr. Ephrem KifluHeadof the Administration & Finance in the Ministry ofAgriculture 263. Mr. Yonas YosefHead of the Agriculture Ministry s branch in the Haikota sub-zone. 264. Mr. Yemane Gebretinsae Manager of Tessenei-Aligidir agricultural project.

265. Dr. Teklezgi TekieHeadof livestock health in the Gash-Barka region. 266. Mr. Gebrehiwet ArefaineHead of hospital in Dubarwa sub-zone.

267. Mr. Semere Ogbay a nurse at the Health center in Drit, Adobha sub-zone. 268. Mr. Kidane WoldeslasieAdministrator of the Molqi sub-zone. 269. 270. Mr. Debrom EyasuAdministrator of Shihate administrative in Gash- Barka region. 271. Mr. Asgedom TemnewoAdministratorof the Gilass administrative area. 272. Mr. Michael TekleawalomChairman of martyrs’ families’ rehabilitation committee in the Tessenei town. 273. Mr. Gebremichael HabteselasieChairman of the Barentu counseling office. 274. Mr. Ephrem KiflomHead of the Ministry of LHW’s branch in the Gash Barka region. 275. Mr. Ogbamichael TewoldeChairman of the branch of the Eritrean Association for the Deaf in Gash-

Barka region.

276. Dr. Ibrahim Nesredin, a lecturer in Cairo University. 277. Engineer Idris IbrahimHeadof engineering services and project administration in the Gash-Barka


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278. Lt Mohammed Saleh IsmailHeadof Police station in Golij sub-zone. 279. Lt. Colonel Idris Amer Agordat Prison Warden 280. Mr. Abdalla MahmoudHead of schools in Haikota sub-zone.

281. Mr. Abdalla Osman GenadiAdministratorofEndraib administrative area, Agordat sub-zone. 282. Mr. Abdallahi Al-AminHeadofSocial service in Gash-Barka. 283. Mr.Abdallahi Alamin Tita Head of the Social Services 284. Mr. Abdallahi HassanHeadofSocial service in the Mensura sub-zone

285. Mr. Abdelkerim IdrisAdministratorof the Forto Sawa sub-zone. 286. Mr. Abdella Al-AminHead of Social-service in the Gash-Barka region. 287. Mr. Abdu MohammedHeadofSocial service in theForto-Sawa sub-zone 288. Mr. Abdulahi Al-AminDirector Generalof Social Services in the Gash-Barka region. 289. Mr. AbdurahmanAdministrator of the Aklalat administrative area, Golij sub zone. 290. Mr. Abdurrahman MohammedHeadofEconomic Development in the She’eb sub zone.

291. Mr. Abubakar MahmoudAdministratorofShambuko sub-zone 08.03.10 292. Mr. Abubekker OsmanAdministratorof the Adi-Shegala area, Golij sub-zone. 293. Mr. Abubekker OsmanHeadof rehabilitation program in the area ofGash-Barka region 294. Mr. Adem AbdallaChairman of the Lorry Trucks Association inForto-Sawa sub-zone. 295. Mr. Ahmed Mohammed NurJerebAdministratorof the Adobha sub-zone. 296. Mr. Ali AbdallaDirector of the Mobile schools in Maebelie administrative area, Central-Denkalia sub-

zone. 297. Mr. Almedai Berihacting Headof the Immigration and Nationality Office in Adibara administrative area,

Forto-Sawa sub-zone. 298. Mr. Aurelyo JacominoAdministratorof the Agordat sub-zone. 23 January 2011 299. Mr. Awate OsmanHeadofthe NUEYS in Sawa and higher education institutions 300. Mr. Awurelyo JacominoAdministratorof Agordat sub-zone. 301. Mr. Beshir MohammadAdministratorof the Aibaba Administrative Area, Geleb sub-zone 302. Mr. Ferej Jimie, judge in Agordat town court. 303. Mr. Hajim Semna HajimManager of bricks and lime plant in Badme Construction Company. 304. Mr. Hamid Idris ShekaiAdministratorof the Mensura sub-zone. 305. Mr. Hamid JaberaChairman of the Fruits and Vegetable Farming Association in Habero sub-zone. 306. Mr. Hamid YosufAdministratorof Haikota sub-zone 307. Mr. Hassen IsmailAdministrator of the Mai-Shigli administrative area, Laelai-Gash sub-zone 308. Mr. Hassen ShenkhaiAdministratorof the Mengula administrative area, Golij sub-zone05 Feb 2010 309. Mr. Hidug MohammedAdministrator of the Adi-Omar administrative area, Tessenei sub-zone. 310. Mr. Humed Ali OmarChairmanof the Abok and Tajura border sub-committee 311. Mr. Humed Feki AdemHeadofEconomic development in the Logo-Anseba sub-zone.

312. Mr. Humed Idris AwedaAdministratorofDeret administrative area, Agordat sub-zone. 313. Mr. Humed YacobAdministratorofAdi-Ibrahim administrative area Dige sub-zone. 314. Mr. Ibrahim IsamelHeadof theMinistryof Labour and Human Welfare branch in the Nacfa sub-zone. 315. Mr. Ibrahim Ja’eferHeadof the laboratory department at the Barentu Referral Hospital inGash-Barka

region 316. Mr. Idris AhmedHeadof the branch office of Ministry of Agriculture in the Tessenei sub-zone. 317. Mr. Idris Ata AhmedAdministrator of Ad Ibrahim Village

318. Mr. Idris Mohammed OsmanAdministratorofIrjinay Village

319. Mr. Idris ZekariAdministratorofAiterfa administrative area, Golij sub-zone. 320. Mr. Ismail MohammedHead of the Adi-Omar Agricultural Project.Tessenei sub-zone. 321. Mr. Jimi’e HusseinHead of the Ministry’s branch office in theMinistry of LHW branch in Golij sub-zone. 322. Mr. Jokomo OdiHead of adult education program in the Gash-Barka region.

323. Mr. Khalifa Saleh Abdalla ActAdministratorofSabunaitadministrativearea,Golij sub-zone 324. Mr. Lila MarigAdministratorof the Sosona administrative area Barka Region 325. Mr. Luwiji HusseinChairmanof the NUEYS branch in Gash-Barka region 326. Mr. Mansur AbdallaHeadof revenue and supervision of potable water supply of the Tebeldia, Golij sub-

zone in the Gash-Barka region

327. Mr. Mohammed Adem IdrisAdministratorofLibaniay administrative area 328. Mr. Mohammed AhmedAdministratorof the Hirkok administrative area in Mensura sub-zone 329. Mr. Mohammed AliAdministratorof the Awgaro, Laelai-Gash sub-zone 330. Mr. Mohammed Ali IbrahimAdministrator of Telata-Asher.

331. Mr. Mohammed Ali MussaAdministratorof theHimboladministrative areas in Kerkebet sub-zone.

332. Mr. Mohammed AlnurAdministratorof the Mengula administration area, Golij sub-zone. 333. Mr. Mohammed Hamed AshkeraiAdministratorof the Mogolo sub-zone 334. Mr. Mohammed HassenHead of the Education Ministry’s branch in the Tessenei sub-zone. 335. Mr. Mohammed Idris Mohammed AliHead of the EducationMinistry’s branch in the Adobha sub-


Page 153: ብላዕ ንከርስኻ ፍረድ ንነብስኻ · Alamin Hassan Presidential aid. Ministerial Advisers 26. Dr. Matewos WolduEconomic Advisor and Coordinator of the program in


336. Mr. Mohammed Jim’e AhmedHead of schools in the Habero sub-zone. 337. Mr. Mohammed Jimi’e MohammedDirector of a boarding school in Forto-Sawa sub-zone. 338. Mr. Mohammed Mahmud Idris Administratorof theFanko administrative area, Tesennei sub-zone.

339. Mr. Mohammed Saleh OsmanAdministratorofShelab administrative area, Agordat sub-zone. 340. Mr. Mustafa SalehManager r of the Commercial and Housing Bank in Barentu. 341. Mr. Nageeb AhmedHeadof the Eritrean ruling party, PFDJ. , in Agordat sub-zone, 342. Mr. Osman AbdulkaderHead of the EducationMinistry’s branch in the Dige sub-zone. 343. Mr. Osman Mohamed AliChairmanof the Gash-Barka Regional Assembly 344. Mr. Ahmed Osman Mohammed FerujAdministratorofLogo-Anseba sub-zone. 345. Mr. Saleh Abdalla AAdministratorofHashakito in Dige sub-zone

346. Mr. Saleh HajjAdministratorofDige sub-zone, Gash-Barka region 347. Mr. Saleh Mohammed AliChairmanofNUEYS branch office in the Agordat sub-zone 348. Mr. Saleh OsmanHead of the Ministryof LHW branch in Tessenei sub-zone. 349. Mr. Saleh TalkeHead of social services in theMogolo sub-zone. 350. Mr. Seid IsmailAdministratorofMekasorat administrative area of Aligidirsub-zone

351. Mr. Wela Mohammed AliAdministratorof the Dege andAgordat sub zones. 352. Mr. Yassin TelaAdministratorofTologimja and Girmen, Shambuko sub-zone 353. Mr. Yusuf AliAdministratorofAfhimbol administrative area 354. Mr. Humed Mohammed IdrisAdministratorof the Deret administrative area, Agordat sub-zone 355. Ms. Afiet SalehHeadofthe Union’s branch in Agordat sub-zone. 356. Ms. Emuna Mohamed AdministratorofHaskakito Village 357. Ms. Fatima IdrisHeadofSocial service in Agordat sub-zone. 358. Ms. Fatuma AlinurHead of Social service in the NUEW branch in Gash-Barka region. 359. Ms. Hana OsmanHead of theMinistry of LHW branch in theBarentu sub-zone. 360. Ms. Hayat Hassan, Headof theNUEWin Sawa branch. 361. Ms. Khedigia Sheik AliAdministratorof Tekreret Village. 362. Ms. Nejat IbrahimHeadof basic education in theGash-Barka region. 363. Ms. Saediya Mohammed AdemHeadof the NUEW branch in Afabet sub-zone. 364. Ms. Salha AdemHeadofNUEW branch office in Gash-Barka region.

271"Tigrigna" = 75, 27% 89 “ Others” = 24, 73 % 360 “ Total“= 100 %

Central Region Administration






Tigrigna &Other




Page 154: ብላዕ ንከርስኻ ፍረድ ንነብስኻ · Alamin Hassan Presidential aid. Ministerial Advisers 26. Dr. Matewos WolduEconomic Advisor and Coordinator of the program in


Berikh ·Ghala Nefhi ·North Eastern ·Serejaka ·South Eastern ·South Western

Zagir, Adengode, Adi-Gombelo, Adi-Keshi, Adi-Ke, Adi-Gebru, Adi-Jin, Betmekae, Serejeka sub-zonal,

Beleza-Dirfo, Tsaeda Kristian, and Maichehot-Guli, Sembel Daerotai, Nebera, Arbe-Rebue, Ela-Higus, Antsefet, Adi-Shuma, Menteli, Quazien, Madet, Argolo,

Risi-Harmaz and Risi-Adi.

Regional Civil Servants

Mr. Kahsai GebrehiwotGovernor Phone 20-27-75 Fax N. 12-31-83Address P.O. Box P.O. Box 259 Asmara

Mr. Almaz Ligjam Chief Executive Phone 12-21-84Fax N. 12-42-60Address P.O. Box P.O. Box 259 Asmara L/ColonelKidane Baire Director GeneralAdministration Phone 12-46-89Fax N. 12-49-24Address P.O. Box P.O. Box 259 Asmara Mr. Andemariam Ghebremedhin (Col.)Director GeneralDepartment of Finance Phone 12-46-11 Fax N. 12-49-24Address P.O. Box P.O. Box 259 Asmara L/Colonel Berhane Negash(L. Col.)Director Generalof theSocial Services Phone 12-23-76 Fax N. 12-49-24Address P.O. Box P.O. Box 259 Asmara Mr. Ghebrekidan GirmatsionDirector General. Water Supply Phone 11-53-23Fax N. 12-21-05 Address P.O. Box P.O. Box 259 Asmara Mr. Eritros AbrahamDirector GeneralInfrastructure Phone 12-21-05 Fax N. 12-21-05 Address P.O. Box P.O. Box 259 Asmara

Mr. Tewelde Kelati Governor of the Central region (Fishery Minister) 1. Mr. Kahsai Gebrehiwot Governorof theGash-Barka region.Central region 02.02.10

2. Mr. Almaz Ligjam Chief Executiveofthe Central region 3. L/ColonelKidane Baire Director GeneralAdministrationofthe Central region 4. ColonelAndemariam GhebremedhinDirector GeneralDepartment of Financeofthe Central region 5. ColonelBerhane Negash(L. Col.)Director Generalof theSocial Servicesofthe Central region 6. Mr. Ghebrekidan GirmatsionDirector General. Waterofthe Central region 7. Mr. Eritros AbrahamDirector GeneralInfrastructureofthe Central region. 8. Mr. Hadish Telahun HeadofAsmara Municipality 9. Mr.Ghirmay G/HiwetHead, Maekel BranchofThe Education Minister. 10. Mr.Haile Ghide Head of the Agriculture. 11. Lt. Colonel Berhane NegashDirector General ofSocial Services in the Central Region. 12. Mr. Ghirmay Gebrehiwet Head of the Education 13. Mr.Werede Mesfun Head of the Health 14. Mr.Ghirmay Bokretsion Head of the Labor & Human Welfare 15. Mr.Jamal Yassin Head of the Land Transport

16. Ms.Tsegereda Tesfai Head of the Justice (Courts coordinator) 17. Mr. Yemane Abbai Head of the Project management 18. Mr.Menghis Habtetsion Head of the Land resources 19. Mr.Ghebrekidan Girmatsion Head of the Water supply / resources 20. Mr.Haile Kidane Head of the Micro-credit & Savings 21. Mr.Muluberhan Ghebreyohannes Head of the Sanitation

1. Brig. General Eyob Fesshaye "Halibay" 2003 Chief Op MOZ Center 2. Brig. GeneralTekeste Haile(Wedi Haile Tekeste Haile Tesfamichael) Head judge in the central

regional court.Now in Sweden 3. ColonelAmanuel Libanos (Wedi Libanos) chief of a police station in Asmara. 4. Colonel AndehishenHeadof Military Transport in Radar Station Asmara. 5. ColonelAndemariam GhebremedhinDirector General Department of Finance of the Central region 6. ColonelBBCKnown by his nickname chief judge in the military court in Paradizo. 7. Colonel Beraki HaileHeadof the Central Region Branch of the Eritrean Police

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8. Colonel Berhane Negash(L. Col.)Director General of the Social Services of the Central region 9. Colonel Gaim Headof Intelligence (officer in the state security apparatus). Chief of the security in

the secretive White Hotel. 10. Colonel Weldezghi Bahta interrogator Asmara. 11. Colonel Mehari Tsegai Commander of the Eritrean Police in the Central region. 12. Dr. Abraham TekleHeadof the surgery Orotta Hospital 13. Dr. Desbele Araya Headof the Burn Center at Halibet Hospital. Asmara. 14. Dr. Gebreberhan Oqbazgi Vice President of the Eritrean Institute of Technology (EIT). 15. Dr. Melake Tewelde HeadofEconomics Department, University of Asmara. 16. Dr. Tesfai HaileDirectorof the Institute ofTraining Education and Consultancy (SMAP). 17. Dr. Werede MesfunHeadof the HealthMinistry’s branch in the Central region.

18. Dr. Wunesh TesfaiHeadofdental care in Halibet Hospital. 19. Eng. Eritros AbrahamHead of infrastructure development in the Central region. 20. Eng. Gezai Negassi representative of the Debwin Construction Company. 21. Eng. Mihreteab TesfagiorghisHead of mobile service in ERI-TEL. 22. Eng. Niway Habtetsion ActingHead of the Sembel residential complex in Asmara. 23. Eng. Semere AbbaiHeadof techniques in the Central region Administration. 24. Lt. Colonel Habtetsion Tsehaye Crime Prevention Unit, Central Region 25. LT. Colonel Kidane Baire Director General Administration of the Central region 26. Lt. Colonel Wedi MqurHeadof Adi Abeto prison 27. Lt. Tesfahiwet GhebraiHeadof the Prison and Rehabilitation administration in Sembel, Asmara. 28. Maj. General Filippos Woldeyohannesthe Commanderof OperationZone 2. (161 Corps) 29. Maj. Tesfa TesfahunegnHeadof the 6th Police station Asmara. 30. Mr. Abrahaley Sium Director of the Asmara Technical School 31. Mr. Abraham Berhe Headof service programs department in the Ministryof

Educationbranch of the central region. 32. Mr. Abraham SemereChairmanof the Central Regional Assembly 33. Mr. Abraham WoldeyonasHeadof the Philatelic Department at the Eritrean Postal Service. 34. Mr. Afwerki GebregziabherChairmanof the Central region’s Eritrean Teachers Association

35. Mr. Alem GebrekalDirectorof the Asmara Teachers Training Institute 36. Mr. Almaz Ligjam Chief Executive of the Central region 37. Mr. Andebrhan HidremichaelHeadof the Gejeret Community Hospital. 38. Mr. Andebrhan HidremichaelHeadof the Godaif Community Hospital in Asmara.( Berhan Ayini

Hospital). 39. Mr. Andemariam GebrehiwetChairmanof carnival show committee in the Central

regionalAdministration 9 July 2010 40. Mr. Andetsion ZeraiHeadof the AgriculturalMinistry’s branch in Berikh sub-zone. 41. Mr. Belay HabtegabirHeadof research, planning and training desk in the the Education Ministry’s

branch in the Central region 42. Mr. Belay HabtegabirHeadof research, planning and training in the branch office in Central region. 43. Mr. Berekhet Abraha Managerof the Economic Development Unit in Zoba Maekel 44. Mr. Berhane WoldekidanHeadof the Ministry of L. H. W branch of the central region 45. Mr. Berhane WoldekidanHead of the Ministry of LHW branch office in the Central region. 46. Mr. Desale TesfamariamHeadof the NUEYS Union in Tsetserat sub-zone

47. Mr. Elias WeldegebrielDirectorof the Asmara School of Music. 48. Mr. Ephrem Matewos Director General of Asmara Library 49. Mr. Ephrem TeklaiDirectorofWoldeab Weldemariam Secondary School 50. Mr. Eritros AbrahamDirector General Infrastructure of the Central region. 51. Mr. Esaw TikueHead of the Ministry’s branch in the Ministry of Marine Resource branch in the

Central region. 52. Mr. Ezkias WuhbetAdministratorofAkria administrative area,Asmara. 53. Mr. Fesshaye SiumHeadof the health station in the in Dirfo administrative area, Central region. 54. Mr. Fitsum YemaneChairman of the village development committee in Zagir, Serejeka sub-zone 55. Mr. Gebremichael TesfomSecretaryof the Algen Camp Community. (Asmara). 56. Mr. Gezai HaileHeadof Adult Education Program in North-East Asmara administrative area (Durfo) 57. Mr. Ghebrai TekleabHead of reforestation and wildlife in the Serejeka sub-zone. 58. Mr. Ghebrekidan GirmatsionDirector General. Watersupply / resourcesof the Central region 59. Mr.Ghirmay Bokretsion Head of the Labor & Human Welfare

60. Mr. Ghirmay GebrehiwotHeadof the Central Region of theEducationEducationMinistry. 61. Mr. Goitom HaileCoordinatorof the reforestation campaign in the Tsetserat administrative area in the

Central region. 62. Mr. Goitom HidromDirector of Lalmba Elementary School in Asmara. 63. Mr. Goitom TekleHead of ERI-TEL branch office in Anseba region.

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64. Mr. Habte GhebremariamHeadoflicense division of the Ministry of Tourism in the Central region 65. Mr. Hadish Telahun HeadofAsmara Municipality 66. Mr. Haile GideHeadof the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Central Region 67. Mr. Haile KidaneHeadof the Micro-Credit and Savings Office in the Central region. 68. Mr. Hzkias WuhbetAdministratorof the Akrya Administrative Area, Asmara sub-zone. 69. Mr. Kahsai Gebrehiwot Governorof theGash-Barka region.Central region 02.02.10 70. Mr. Kaleab KeletaHeadofMinistryofEducation branch in the Berikh sub-zone. 71. Mr. Kaleab TesfaselassieHead of the Education Ministry’s branch in the Southern region. 72. Mr. Kebedom TedlaDirectorof the Asmara Commercial College 73. Mr. Kesete TesfatsionHeadof Land Resources and Seed Cultivation at the Central Region Branch of

the Ministry of Agriculture 74. Mr. Kidanemariam AbrahaHeadof the Computerized Information System (CIS)at the Central region 75. Mr. Kiflay AndemichaelHeadof the Zoba Maekel Branch Officeof the Ministry of Education. 76. Mr. Kostantinos NegashManagerof the Arag Wood and Metal Works Plant 77. Mr. Mahari TsegaiManager Central region Assembly 78. Mr. Menghis HabtetsionHeadof the land resource branch in the Central region 79. Mr. Menghisteab TeweldeberhanManagerof the Fred Hollows Laboratory (Asmara). 80. Mr. Michael BeyeneHead of the Asmara Sanitation Department. 81. Mr. Michael EmbayHeadof political affairs of the PFDJ. in the Central region. 82. Mr. Michael Ghebru manager of Asmara Tannery Factory 83. Mr. Michael HagosHeadof the NUEYS branch in Gejeret sub-zone

84. Mr.Muluberhan GhebreyohannesHead of the Sanitation 85. Mr. Mulugheta AgostinoHeadof the Community Courts Monitoring Office in the Central Region 86. Mr. Mulugheta Ghidey acting Head of the Tiravolo area administrative office in Asmara sub-zone. 87. Mr. Nuguse MaekeleHeadof Culture, Sport and Health Unit at the Maekel region’s Branch of the

Ministry of Education. 88. Mr. Nuguse MaekeleHeadof Culture, Sport and Health Unit at the Maekel region’s Branch of the

Ministry of Education. 89. Mr. Russom NegashManagerof Barako Textile Factory.

90. Mr. Samson Solomon coach of the National Cycling Team 91. Mr. Sibhatu BeyeneChairmanof the Algen Camp Community. (Asmara). 92. Mr. Solomon AbrahaManagerof the Embasoira and Hamasien hotels, and Chairmanof the Eritrean

Tourism Service-rendering Association.

93. Mr. Solomon HaileAdministratorof Gala-Nefhi sub-zone. 94. Mr. Tekeste GebregziabherManager of the Orotta Metal Factory. 95. Mr. Tekle GhebrekidanChairmanof the Awget community and the National Union of Eritrean Youthand

Students branch in the Central region. 96. Mr. Teklehaimanot GebremichaelManagerof the Asmara Central Hotel administered by the

Ministry of Tourism 97. Mr. Tesfaghebriel YimesgenHead of the mining activities control office in Dekemhare sub-zone. 98. Mr. Tesfagiorghis AsfahaAdministratorof the Shimanegus Tahtai,Serejeka sub-zone

99. Mr. Tesfahiwet Meresi’eAdministratorof the Beleza, Serejeqa sub-zone. 100. Mr. Tesfamariam WeldegebrielHeadof traffic safety in the branch office of the Central region 101. Mr. Tesfamichael TesfalidetHeadof the Public Census Office in the Administration of the Central

region. 102. Mr. Tesfaselassie BerhaneGeneral ManagerofEritel..

103. Mr. Tesfaselassie EliasAdministratorof the Embeyito sub-zone 104. Mr. Tesfu SolomonHeadofSocial security in the Ministry of Labor and Human Welfare branch in the

Central region. 105. Mr. Tesfu SolomonHeadofSocial security in the Ministryof LHWbranch in the Central region. 106. Mr. Tewelde KelatiAdministratorof the Central region. .(12.06.07) 107. Mr. Tewelde PetrosHeadof production in the Red Sea Battlers Share Company. 108. Mr. Tezare AinealemDirector of the Abraha Bahta School of the Blind 109. Mr. Tsehaye ArayaManagerof the Micro-Credit and Savings Scheme. 110. Mr. Weldegabr WoldeabManagerof the National Fishing Corporation (NFC). 111. Mr.Werede Mesfun Head of the Health 112. Mr. Yemane AbaiHead of Economic development in the Central regional Administration. 113. Mr. Yemane AbayDirector Generalof Economicdevelopment in the Central region.

114. Mr. Yemane Dawit former Managerof the Asmara City Hall 115. Mr. Yemane KidaneManagerof the Shingrwa song competition program 116. Mr. Yemane TesfaiGeneral Manager of the Commercial Bank of Eritrea. 117. Mr. Yemane TesfaiGeneral Manager of the Commercial Bank of Eritrea (CBE) 118. Mr. Yemane Yigzaw Deputy Managerof the Massawa Port Authority

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119. Mr. Yohannes AbrahaHead of the Eritrean Research and Documentation Centre. 120. Mr. Yohannes Habte Manager of theAsmara brewery 121. Mr. Yohannes TekieChairmanof the service-rendering institutions association branch office in the

Central region 122. Mr. Yonas HabtemariamHeadof children’s welfare desk in the Ministryof LHW. branch in the Central

region 123. Mr. Zaid TekleHeadof the EducationMinistry’s branch in the Adi-Keih sub-zone. 124. Mr. Menghisteab HabtetsionHead of the Ministry’of Labor and Human Welfare branch in the

Central region. 125. Ms. Abeba HabtomHead of pre-school section in the Ministry of Education. 126. Ms. Abrehet Weldemariam head of finance administration in the Red Sea Battlers Share Company 127. Ms. Akberet Teshale Headof the branch office of the Ministryof Tourism in the Central region 128. Ms. Alganesh AndemichaelChairpersonof the NUEW branch office in the Embaderho, Serejeqa

sub-zone. 129. Ms. Alganesh Tekleghiorgis Headof the hospital administration in the Orotta Pediatrics Hospital

130. Ms. Almaz AbrahaAdministrator of Geza Banda administrative area,Asmara. 131. Ms. Askalu TesfatsionHeadofAmbagaliano community library 132. Ms. Bisrat DesaleManagerof The Art Gallery in Asmara 133. Ms. Bisrat HabtemariamHeadofthe administrative office of the Central region’s community

magistrates 134. Ms. Bisrat MisghinaHeadofSocial services and rehabilitations in the (NUEW) Union’s branch in the

Central region. 135. Ms. Hadenet KeletaHeadofNUEYS branch in the Yikaalo School. 136. Ms. Hiwet MegosAdministratorofTiravolo administrative area. Asmara. 137. Ms. Liya GebreabHeadof Public Relations at the Central Region administration. 138. Ms. Natzenet YemaneHeadof the NUEYS in Geza-Banda administrative area. 139. Ms. Saba HaileChairpersonof the NUEYS in the Central region. 140. Ms. Solomie GebreselassieHeadofNUEW in the Serejeqa sub zone.

141. Ms. Tekh’a TesfamichaelHead of the NUEW branch in the Central region. 142. Ms. Tekie Tesfamichael Chairpersonof the Union’s branch office in the Central region. 143. Ms. Tsegereda TesfaiPresidentof theCentral Region Court (CRC).

144. Ms. Yordanos YukunoamlakHeadof nursery in Zambaiti- Eritrea Plc Industry. 145. Prof. Andemariam Gebremichael Assistant Dean in the Orotta School ofMedicine. 146. Sr. Senait Habtemariam Director ofCathedral Kindergarten. 147. Director of the SMAP Institute of Training, Education and Consultancy. 148. Lt. Col Isaias YosiefHead interrogator at the 2nd .Police station in Asmara. 149. Mr. Asmelash Geresus Acting Head of the Eritrean Postal Service. 150. Mr. Girmai GebrehiwotHeadof the branch office of the Ministry in the Central region. 151. Mr. Yohannes MelakeHeadof the Ministry of Trade and Industry branch in the Centralregion. 152. Mr. Kinfe HabtomHead of rules and regulations branch in the Central region. 153. Eng. Abraham DanielHeadof the Agriculture Ministry‘s branch in the Central regional

Administration. 154. Mr. Abraham SemereChairmanof the Central regional Assembly. 155. Mr. Eyob HadguSecretaryof the Central regional Assembly.

156. Ms. Emuna AfwerkiHeadof administration and finance in the Asmara branch office. 157. Mr. Yohannes AsgedomHead of the TourismMinistry’s branch in the Southern region. 158. Mr. Yohannes MelakeHead of the Ministry of Trade and Industry branch in the Centralregion. 159. Mr. Yemane AbayDirector General of economic development in the Central region. 160. Ms. Elsa WoldemichaelDirector of the Asmara Music School. 161. Dr. Werede MesfinHead of the Health Ministry’s branch in the Central region. 162. Ms. Tek’a TesfamichaelHead of the central region branch of the National Union of Eritrean Women

(NUEW). 163. Mr. Mengisteab FissehayeAdministrator of the Berik sub-zone 164. Mr. Hizkias WihbetAdministrator of Akhria district. 165. Mr. Solomon HaileAdministrator of Gala-Nefih sub-zone. 166. Mr. Andemariam GebremedhinChairman of the holidays coordinating committee in the Central

regional Administration. 167. Mr. Solomon GebrekidanChairmanof Bidho (of HIV patients Association). 168. Mr. Kiflom TesfamariamChairmanof the library committee of Camp Denden. 169. Mr. Andemariam GebremedhinChairman of the holidays coordinating committee in the Central region. 170. Mr. Abraham SemereChairman of the Central regional Assembly.

171. Eng. Niway Habtetsion ActingHead of the Sembel residential complex in Asmara.

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172. Eng. Semere Abbai theHeadof techniques in the Central regionAdministration. 173. Ms. Akberet TeshaleHead of tourism in the Central region. 174. Mr. Yonas Abraha Manager of T.H Household Utensils Factory. Asmara 175. Mr. Kinfe HabtomHead of law and order branch in the Central region, in the Ministryof Justice. 176. Ms. Akberet TeshaleHead of tourism in theMinistryofTourismthe Central region. 177. Mr. Kibri TekesteDirector of the Himbirti Junior and Elementary School. 178. Mr. Yemane AbbaiHead of Economic Development of Central Region. 179. Eng. Abraham DanielHead of the Agriculture Ministry’s branch in the Central region. 180. Mr. Yemane AbaiHead of economic development in the Central region. 181. Mr. Tsegai SamuelDirector of the Adi-Guaedad Artificial Limb Plant. 182. Mr. Mebrahtu Tekle a technician in the Adi-Guaedad Artificial Limb Plant. 183. Mr. Kebedom TedlaDirector of the Asmara Commercial College 184. Mr. Mehari MebrahtuAdministrator of the Defere administrative area, Serejeka sub-zone. 185. Mr. Solomon HaileAdministrator of Gala-Nefhi sub-zone. 186. Ms. Amete NiguseAdministratorGejeret administrative area,Asmara sub-zone.

187. Tesfalem Woldemichael Architect in the rural area general and Asmara 188. Mr. Andemariam GebremedhinChairman of the holidays coordinating committee in the Central

region. 189. Ms. Halima MohammedHead of educational service in theAsmara Teachers Education Institute. 190. ColonelHassen, Asmara Police Chief “Defected” 191. Dr. Mahmoud Mohammed OmarHeadof bone surgery in Halibet Hospital. 192. Mr. Abdella NegashHeadof the office monitoring martyrs’ families at the PFDJ. Foreign Zone 193. Mr. Ibrahim SalehManager the Azreket Association of Gardeners 194. Mr. Khalifa NurhuseinHeadof organizational affairs of the PFDJ. in the Central region 195. Mr. Muhammad Saleh Hagos, GeneralManagerofRed Sea Soap Factory (excecuted) 196. Mr. Omar JebibAdministratorofDirfo administrative area 197. Mr. Yussuf SaikChairmanof the PFDJ. in the Central Region 198. Ms. Rakya NurhusseinManagerofAl-Amel. 199. Mr. Giorgio LanfranciGeneral Managerof the Hotel Intercontinental Asmara (resigned)

Mr. Jemal Yassin Head of Land Transport in the Central Region

187"Tigrigna" = 94, 44% 11” Others” = 5, 56 % 198 Total = 100 %






Tigrigna &Other




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Northern Red Sea Region Administration

Afabet ·Dahlak ·Gelalo ·Foro ·Ghinda ·Karora ·Massawa ·Nacfa ·She’ib

Regional Civil Servants

Ms. Tsegereda Woldegiorgis Governor Phone 54-06-61 Fax N. 54-06-63 Massawa Mr. Yosief ArayaDirector General..Administration and Finance Phone 54-06-92Fax N. 54-06-64 Address Massawa Mr. Tesfay TekleDirector General. Social Service Phone 54-07-02Fax N. 54-06-64 Address Massawa Hamed FaidDirector General..Economic Development Phone 54-08-06 Fax N. 54-06-64 Address Massawa Mr. Mussie Misghina,Director Generalof the Infrastructure Phone 54-08-50Fax N. 54-06-64 Address Massawa Ms. Fana TesfamariamAdministratorofMassawaPhone 54-05-52 Fax N. 54-06-64 Address Massawa

1. Ms. Tsegereda Woldegiorgis GovernorofNorthern Read Sea 2. Mr. Yosief ArayaDirector General..Administrationand Finance 3. Mr. Tesfay TekleDirector General. Social Service 4. Mr. Mussie MisghinaDirector Generalof the Infrastructure 5. Ms. Fanna TesfamariamAdministratorofMassawa 6. Yassin MohammedHead, N. Red Sea Branchof theEducation Ministry 7. Mr. Hamed FayedDirector General..Economic Development

1. Brig. General Fitsum Gebrehiwot(Wedi Memhir)Chief of Staffof theEritrean Naval Force 2. Col. Abraham OqbaselassieManagerof the Massawa Airportin theMinistry ofT. &

Communication 3. Colonel Abraha OqbaselassieGeneral Managerof the Massawa Airport 4. Colonel Jacob TekleabManagerofthe National Fisheries Corporation. 5. Colonel Wedi WelelaChief of Intelligence for Administrative Zone 5. 6. Colonel Zerezgi WeldemariamHeadof theN. Red Sea Branch Region Branch of the Eritrean

Police 7. Dr. Araya TsegaiDirector Generalof the Eritrean Free Trade Zone Authority in Massawa. 8. Dr. Zemuy Alemu Headof family and community health in the Ministryof Heath in theNorthern

Red Sea region. 9. Eng. Afwerki TesfatsionofMassawa Port Authority. 10. Eng. Ghirmay Berhane, branch Headof the marine transport inMassawa. 11. Eng. Habte TeklehaimanotManagerof the project in Northern Red Sea region 12. Eng. Weldemariam TsegaitechnicalManagerof the Ti’o Fish Processing Plant 13. Lt. Colonel Berekhet Mebrahtu 2003: Coordinator WYDC Zoba North Red Sea 14. Lt. Colonel Isaac Araya (Wedi Hakim), Head of the Prison Warden ofEiraeiro prison. 15. Maj. Ogbay TekleHeadcustoms duties at theGhinda station 16. Mr. Abraham MesfunHeadof animal health in the Ghinda sub-zone. 17. Mr. Abraham OqbaselassieGeneral Manager of the Massawa International Airport

18. Mr. Abraham TesfaselassieHeadof the National Quarantine and Port Health unit. 19. Mr. Abraham YemaneHead of Ministry of Health branch office in the Northern Red Sea


20. Mr. Abraham YemaneHeadof the Ministryof Heath branchoffice in the NR Sea region 21. Mr. Ahferom TeweldeDirectorofNacfa Cadre School.

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22. Mr. Andemichael SolomonDirectorGeneral of infrastructure development and Socialservice in the Red Sea region.

23. Mr. Aregai MelesSupervisor of the secondary school project in Nacfa town. 24. Mr. Berekhet Habtetsion,Headof the Health Ministry’s branch in the Karora sub-zone. 25. Mr. Berhane ZereChairmanof the Holidays Coordinating Committee ofthe Northern Red

Searegion 26. Mr. Berhane ZereHeadofthe PFDJ. .in theNorthern Red Sea region. 27. Mr. Beyene HaileDirectorEritrean Centre for Organizational Excellence in theEmbatkala 28. Mr. Dawit AsefawHeadOfSalina Salt Works in the port city ofMassawa 29. Mr. Desie ZemichaelHeadof Administration and Finance in the Nacfa sub-zone.

30. Mr. Dirar AsfahaHead of Economic development in the Gelalo sub-zone. 31. Mr. Engdamariam Weldemichael (Northern Red Sea Zoba (NRS)). 32. Mr. Ephrem Zib’ayHeadofhealth and reproduction unit in the Ministry’s branch in the Northern

Red Sea region.

33. Mr. Eyob KidaneHeadof the branch office of the Ministry of the N. Red Sea region 34. Mr. Fessehasion Tekie Coordinatorof the Summer Work Program (SWP) in the Northern Red

Sea region. 35. Mr. Fikadu HabteselassieHeadof the infrastructure and project supervision unit in the Gelalo sub-


36. Mr. Fisseha WoldedawitHeadof the Finance Department in North Read Sea region. 37. Mr. Fitsum GhebruAdministratorof the Mahmimet sub-zone of Karora. 38. Mr. Fitsum ZekariasHeadofbranch office of youth workers in Massawa.

39. Mr. Fitwi WoldegiorgisHeadof the Student Summer Work program in the Ministryof Education. 40. Mr. Fitwi ZereHeadof the Kohaito-Foro road project 41. Mr. Gebremichael TesfomChairmanof the Algien Parents’ Committee 42. Mr.Gebrezgheir Tesfaselassie Manager ofHirghigo Iron Works, Ghinda. 43. Mr. Gezai Kaleab AdministratorofGelalo sub-zone. 44. Mr. Ghebreyohannes WeldemichaelHeadof the Agriculture Ministry s branch in the Ghinda

sub-zone. 45. Mr. Ghirmay MebrahtuAdministratorof the Shieb sub zone. 46. Mr.Habtom Kebedom Manager of the Bank of Eritrea, Massawa Branch. 47. Mr. Hagos GebremariamHeadof water supply unit in theGhinda town.

48. Mr. Hagos GebretensaeHeadof the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Afabet sub-zone. 49. Mr. Hagos MilkiasCoordinator of environmental sanitation in the HealthMinistry’s branch in

Northern Red Sea region. 50. Mr. Hagos MilkiasHead of the Health Ministry’ branch office in the Northern Red Sea region. 51. Mr. Haile TesfazgiHeadof the Afabet-Nacfa-Rora Habab road project. 52. Mr. Hailemichael EyobHeadof the branch office of the Ministry of LWE in Afabet (NRS region) 53. Mr. Hibtai GueshHeadof the Martyrs' Fund scheme inNorthern Red Sea region in the Nacfa sub-

zones. 54. Mr. Isaias Gebregziabher deputy Managerof the Massawa Port Authority. 55. Mr. Kiflehannes FesshayeSupervisor in the Gedem Construction Company project inGahtelai

semi-urban centre.

56. Mr.Kuflom GebregziabherHeadof development in the Nacfa town. 57. Mr.Medhanie Habte Head of the Land Transport. 58. Mr. Medhanie Yohannes Acting Managerof the Ghinda Marble and Granite Plant.

59. Mr. Mehretab TesfazgiHead of the branch office of the Eritrean Electricity Corporation inGhinda. 60. Mr. Michael Jahnay Headof the branch office of theEducation Ministry in Ghinda. 61. Mr. Michael YikaaloHead& Experts in soil and water conservation in the Agriculture Ministry’s

branch in Ghinda sub-zone. 62. Mr. Mussie MisghinaDirector Generalof the Infrastructurein the NRSregion 63. Mr. Negassi Goitom Chairmanofthe Holidays Coordinating Committee of theNRS region

64. Mr. Okbasenbet MenghisteabAdministratorof Dongolloadministrative areaGhinda sub-zone 65. Mr. Russom HizbaiHeadofSocial security in the branch officein the Northern Red Sea region. 66. Mr. Samuel Kebede,Headof the Health technician in the Northern Red Sea region. 67. Mr. Samuel TeclemichaelManagerof the Hariena Boat Plant in Halieb Island. 68. Mr. Solomon Estifanos acting Managerof the Marble and Granite Factory in Ghinda. 69. Mr. Solomon GhirmayHeadof the office of the Ministryof Agriculturein Ghinda sub-zone. 70. Mr. Temesgen Gebrezgi Headof the branch office of the MinistryofAgriculture in theShe’ib

sub-zone 71. Mr. Tesfai HagosHeadof the MinistryofAgriculture branch office in the Foro sub-zone. 72. Mr. Tesfai NegashSupervisorof the Embatkala Bridge project.

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73. Mr. Tesfai TekleDirector General ofSocial service department in the Northern Red Sea region. 74. Mr. Tesfai Tewelde Headof the branch office of the Ministryof AgricultureinForo Sub zone. 75. Mr. Tesfai TsegaiManagerof the Nacfa Hospital. 76. Mr.Tesfit GebregziabherHead of theAgriculture. 77. Mr.Tewelde Abraha Manager ofWood and Iron Works, Dongollo. 78. Mr. Tewelde Ghirmay acting Administratorof the She'ib sub-zone. 79. Mr.Tsehaye Siele Head of the Land, Water & Environment. 80. Mr. Yemane Yigzaw the deputy Headof the Massawa Port Authority. 81. Mr. Yohannes AndebrhanExpert in animal breeding in the Northern Red Sea region. 82. Mr. Abraham MichaelManager of theGhergusum Beach Hotel. 83. Mr. Abraham YemaneHead of the Health Ministry’s branch in Northern Red Sea region. 84. Mr. Fikadu HabteselassieHead of infrastructure projects in the Gelalu sub-zone. 85. Mr. Ghilazghi WolduHead of the Tourism Ministry’s branch office in Northern Red Sea region. 86. Mr. Ghirmay MenghistuAdministratorShe’ib sub-zone, Northern Red Sea region. 87. Mr. Hagos GebremariamHeadof water services in the Ghinda town.

88. Mr. Hurui YohannesExpert in soil and water conservation at the branch office of theMinistry of Agriculture in Afabet sub-zone.

89. Mr. Kibrom BariagabirHeadof techniques in the government garage in the Northern Red Sea region.

90. Mr. Russom HizbaiHeadof the Ministry of LHW branch in the Northern Red Sea region.

91. Mr. Russom HizbaiHeadof the Ministry of LHW branch in the Northern Red Sea region. 92. Mr. Tesfai NegashSupervisorof the Embatkala Bridge project. 93. Mr. Yohannes Andebrhan,Expert in animal resource in the Agriculture Ministry’s branch in the

Northern Red Sea 94. Mr. Yohannes GebreyesusDirectorof the Museum in the Northern Red Sea region

95. Mr. Yohannes Teklemariam HEAD of the Fisheries monitoring unit in the Fisheries Ministry

96. Mr. Yohannes WeldemariamHeadof the AgricultureMinistry.’s branch in Ghinda sub-zone. 97. Mr. Yosief ArayaDirector General.. Admn. and Finance 98. Ms. Fana TesfamariamAdministratorofMassawa city. 99. Ms. Lemlem GesesewCoordinatoroffemale education program in the NUEYS branch in the

Northern Red Sea region. 100. Ms. Semainesh KebedeHeadof the EducationMinistry’s branch office in theNR Sea region. 101. Ms. Tsega Araya Assistant nurse HeadofSocial services in Foro sub-zone

102. Ms. Tsegereda WoldegiorgisAdministratorofNorthern Red Sea region. 103. Dr. Bahbelom Michaelpediatrician in Girar Hospital. 104. LT. Colonel Goitom GebretsadiqHead of crime prevention in the Police office in the Northern

Red Sea region. 105. Mr. Abraham YemaneHeadof the HealthMinistry s branch in Northern Red Sea region. 106. Mr. Gebermichael TewoldeHeadof the sub-committee for exhibition in the Northern Red Sea

region 107. Mr. Gilazgi WolduHeadof the Tourism Ministry’s branch in the Northern Red Sea region. 108. Mr. Russom HizbaiHead of social security in the Ministryof LHW branch in Northern Red Sea

region. 109. Mr. Omar SalehAdministrator of the Naro-Ans administrative area, Afabet sub-zone. 110. Mr. Habteab Zera Fruits and vegetables farmer in Adi-Roso administrative area, Ginda sub-zone. 111. Mr. Mahteme AskelawiChairmanof the Independence Day celebration Committee in the Northern

Red Sea Region. 112. Mr. Sibhatu BeyeneChairman of the Algen Camp Community. 113. ColonelWoldegebriel MisgunChairman of the Etaro community. 114. Ms. Freweini TekesteChairperson of the Mekete committee for the residing in Washington D.C. 115. Mr. Abraham YemaneHead of the Health Ministry’s branch in the Northern Red Sea region. 116. Mr. Mulugeta TarekeHead of Health center in the Gelalo sub-zone. 117. Eng. Yosief GebremichaelCoordinatorof the project to promote sanitation in Massawa city 118. Mr. Kidane YohannesHead of the branch office of the Ministry of LHWin the Northern Red Sea

region. 119. Mr. Kidane YohannesHead of the Ministry of LHW branch in Northern Red Sea region. 120. Lt. ColonelGoitom GebretsadiqHead of crime prevention in the Police office in the Northern Red

Sea region. 121. Lt. ColonelGoitom Gebreslasie Director of the School of Finance and Management. 122. Mr. Tewolde DirarHead of land transport in the Northern Red Sea region. 123. Mr. Alem AbrahaManager of the MassawaBoat Plant. 124. Mr. Melake Gebrekristos A farmer in Dogali. 125. Mr. Tekie TewoldeDirector General of economic development in the Northern Red Sea region

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126. Mr. Yosef ArayaDirector General of administration and finance in the regional administration in Northern Red Sea region.

127. Mr. Tesfai TekleDirector General of social servicein Northern Red Sea region. 128. Mr. Mussie MisginaDirector General of infrastructure development in the Northern Red Sea

region. 129. Mr. Yohannes GebreyesusHead of the regional museum in the Northern Red Sea region. 130. Mr. Tesfit Gebrezgiabiher Headof the Agriculture Ministry’s branch in the Northern Red Sea

region. 131. Mr. Tewolde DirarHead of land transport in the Northern Red Sea region. 132. Mr. Yohannes GebreyesusHead of the Northern N Red Sea region Museum. 133. Mr. Tesfit GebrezgiabiherHead of the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Northern Red Sea

region. 134. Mr. Haile EmbayeHead of the Savings and Micro-Credit Scheme Office in the Northern Red Sea

region. 135. Mr. Wolderufael TeklayHead of Human Resources Department of the Northern Red Sea

region’s administration. 136. Mr. Negasi GoitomManager of the Salina Salt Factory. 137. Mr. Mebrahtu GebregziabherAdministrator of the Ewanet area Afabet sub-zone. 138. Mr. Adem IdrisChairman of the Ghinda town council 139. Mr. Ahmed Hamid ShoshebChairman of farmers’ association in Wadi-Labka of Gadim-Halib

administrative area, Afabet sub-zone 140. Mr. Hagos GebretinsaeHead of the Agriculture Ministry‘s branch in the Afabet sub-zone. 141. Mr. Mohammed-Nur Mussa HamidChairman of farmers association in the She’ib sub-zone.

142. Colonel Jemal Mohammednur Commander of the Wiia Training Centre.

143. Dr. Yakob HassenDirector of Afabet Hospital, 144. Dr. Yakob Hussein Medical Director ofAfabet Hospital

145. Mr. Abdalla MussaAdministratorofNorthern Red Sea region.Now Ambassador to Libya 146. Mr. Abdu Mohammed TelkeAdministratorof theofShe’ib sub-zone.(03.09)Afabet sub-zone 147. Mr. Abdullahi SalehHeadof the Education Ministry’s branch in the Karora sub-zone. 148. Mr. Abir Ali Amirv/Head the PFDJ. the Afabet sub-zoneoffice 149. Mr. Abubeker AliDirector of the junior school in Kirora sub-zone.

150. Mr. Afa AbirAdministratorof the Shebah administrative area, Ghinda sub-zone. 151. Mr. Ahmed HeileAdministrator of Mai-Habar administrative area, Ginda sub-zone 21 May 2011 152. Mr. Ali Asenai HumedChairman of the fruits and Vegetables Association in Kerkebet. 153. Mr. Awelkier Ibrahim Chairmanof the NUEYS branch in the Ghinda sub-zone 154. Mr. Hamed FayedDirector General..Economic Development.

155. Mr. Hamid Ali SheikhManagerof the Fisheries docking port, Massawa in the Fisheries


156. Mr. Hamid HajiChairman of the holidays coordinating committee in the Northern Red Sea region.

157. Mr. Hamid Haji Secretary of the PFDJ in the Northern Red Sea region. 158. Mr. Hamid HajjAdministratorofForo sub-zone &Secretaryof the PFDJ. . 159. Mr. Hamid HajjiChairmanof the PFDJ. .Office in the Northern Red Sea region. 160. Mr. Hamid Mohammed AliAdministratorof the Gelalo sub-zone. 28.02.10 161. Mr. Hamidnor Mohammed-AliAdministrator of the Agrae-Tehat administrative area, Nacfa

sub-zone. 162. Mr. Hassen MedeniChairmanofTraditional Fishermen Association in Adulis-Zula. 163. Mr. Humed Ali OmarChairmanof the Abok and Tajura border sub-committee. 164. Mr. Hussein Omar ShahriaAdministrator of Bede administrative area, Gelaalo sub-

zone.Northern Red Sea region. 165. Mr. Ibrahim Ali SheikChairmanof theNorthern Red Sea Assembly. 166. Mr. Ibrahim HassenHead of NUEYS in the Northern Red Sea region. 167. Mr. Ibrahim IshmaelHeadof the MinistryofLHW.branch in the Nacfa sub-zone. 168. Mr. Ibrahim ShitelAdministratorof the Shabait administrative area, Afabet sub-zone 169. Mr. Idris AliAdministratorof the Nacfa sub-zone. 170. Mr. Idris Ali ShakerAdministratorof theNacfa sub-zone.

171. Mr. Idris OsmanHead of NUEYS branch in the Gelalo sub-zone. 172. Mr. Idris SalehHeadof the PFDJ’s political and organizational affairs in theNRS region

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173. Mr. Issa Abdalla OmarHeadof the customs duty department at the Massawa Port Authority. 174. Mr. Jabera MohammedHeadof the Agriculture Ministry’s branch in the Nacfa sub-zone 175. Mr. Mahmoud AbdellaAdministratorof the area Leaiten administrative area, Ghinda sub-

zone. 176. Mr. Mahmoud Saleh ShenkehaiSecretary of the She'ib Farmers Associations. 177. Mr. Mahmoud SeidHead of the branch office of the Ministryof LHW in Nacfa sub-zone. 178. Mr. Mohammed AbdallahAdministratorof the Le’aten administrative area, Ghinda sub-zone. 179. Mr. Mohammed Adem ShegheraiAdministratorofFelket administrative area in Afabet sub-

zone. 180. Mr. Mohammed Ali AbdallaDirector of the Bolosto Elementary School in Bolosto,Gaden

administrative area. 181. Mr. Mohammed Ali SalehHead of the Agriculture Ministry’s branch in the Nacfa sub-zone. 182. Mr. Mohammed Eyah actingHeadof the Fisheries Ministry’s branch in the NR Sea region. 183. Mr. Mohammed FakakAhmedDirector of the elementary school in Beyan administrative area,

Nacfa sub-zone.

184. Mr. Mohammed HamidAdministratorof the Zula sub-zone. 185. Mr. Mohammed Humed MohammedAdministrator of the Aget administrative area, Afabet sub-


186. Mr. Mohammed Saleh JaberaAdministratorof the Nakfa sub zone 19.05.10 187. Mr. Mohammed Saleh JaberaHeadof the Agriculture Ministry’s branch in the Nacfa sub-zone 188. Mr. Mohammed-Aman OsmanDirector of the elementary school in Mesgolo-Zula

administrative area. 189. Mr. Mohammednur Mohammed Ali Administrator of Baqla administrative area, Nacfa sub zone. 190. Mr. Mohammed-Nur Mussa HamidChairman of farmers association in the in She’ib sub-zone. 191. Mr. Mussa HagosHeadofEconomicdevelopment in the Araeta sub-zone. 192. Mr. Mussa Omar KadiAdministratorof the Berdoli administrative area, Gelaalo sub-zone. 193. Mr. Omar Al-AminHeadofPFDJ. Branch in Afabet. 194. Mr. Omar IbrahimHeadofPFDJ. In the Afabet sub-zone. 195. Mr. Omar JebibAdministratorofDirfo administrative area.

196. Mr. Omar SeidHeadof development in the Ghinda town administration. 197. Mr. Osman AdemHeadof social services in Afabet sub-zone. 198. Mr. Rashid Mohammed OsmanHead of secondary level of education unit in the

EducationMinistry’s branch in the Northern Red Sea region. 199. Mr. Saleh AhmedHeadof the Education Ministry’s branch in Ghinda sub-zone. 200. Mr. Saleh Al-AminAdministrator of the Meashiyat in Emberemi administrative area, Massawa

sub-zone. 201. Mr. Saleh IbrahimAdministrator of the Erafale administrative area, Northern Red Sea region. 202. Mr. Saleh Mussa HamidAdministratorof theEmahmime semi-urban center NRS Region.

203. Mr. Saleh OmieraAdministratorof the Bakla areaNorthern Red Sea 204. Mr. Saleh OsmanHeadofthe Education Ministry in theNacfa townsub-zone. 205. Mr. Seid Omar AdhanaHeadof development in the Ghinda sub-zone. 206. Mr. Seid Omar AdhanaHead of development in the Ginda town. 207. Mr. Seid SalehDirectorof the Gahtelai Junior School. 208. Mr. Taib AlBekitHeadof the Loan and Credit Scheme branch office in Ghinda 209. Mr. Wehab MohammedAliDirectorof the Mai-Haber Technical School. 210. Mr. Yasin MohammedHead of the EducationMinistry’s branch in Northern Red Sea region. 211. Mr. Yassin MohammedHead of the Ministry of Education in the Northern Red Sea Region. 212. Mr. Zibuy Idris, HeadofTechnicalEngineering in the headquarters ofthe NRSeaElectric. 213. Ms.Amna Hajj OsmanAdministratorofGhinda sub-zone ???

214. Ms. Amna IshmaelHeadof the NUEW branch in Sheib. 215. Ms. Asha Ali NurChairpersonof the NUEW in the Northern Red Sea region. 216. Ms. Fatna MohammednurHeadofNUEW branch in Massawa city. 217. Ms. Fatuma Mohammed KentebaiHead of Socialservices in Ghinda sub-zone. 218. Ms. Kedija AmirHead of theNUEW branch in the Karora sub-zone. 219. Ms. Raeyet Osman, Secretaryof the NUEW in the Nacfa sub-zone. 220. Ms. Saediya Mohammed AdemHeadof the NUEW branch in Afabet sub-zone. 221. Ms. Semira Idris Acting Headof Gilbub administrative area, Afabet sub-zone.

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136"Tigrigna" = 62, 96% 13 Others = 37, 04 % 216 Total = 100 %

Southern Red Sea Region Administration

Are'eta ·Central Denkalya ·Southern Denkalya

Tiyo-Anrata -Faraon-Sahli -Babaiu and Ad Gaban.

Regional Civil Servants

Mr. Osman Mohammed Omer Governor Phone 66-00-01 Fax N. 66-02-54 Address Assab Mr. Kubrom Nerayo Head, Dept. of Administration Phone 66-11-98Fax N. 66-02-54 Address Assab

1. Mr.Osman Mohammed Omer Governorof the Southern Red Sea region. 2. Mr. KibromNirayoHead ofDept. of Administrationof the Southern Red Sea region. 3. Mr.Abdella MohameedHead, S. Red Sea Branchof the Education Minister. 4. Mr. Zerai BerheChairmanof the Southern Red Sea regionborder sub-committee.

5. Mr. Zerai BerheAdministratorofSouthern Dankalia sub-zone. 6. Mr. Berhane EyassuAdministratorof the Assab town.

1. Mr.Andemichael Solomon Head of the Social Services 2. Mr.Mussie Misghina Head of the infrastructure

3. Lt. Colonel Tsehaye Berhethe chiefof law enforcement unit in the SouthernRed Sea Region.

4. Maj. General GebrezgheirAndemariam(Wuchu)the Commander of Operation Zone 4.491

corps 5. Mr.GebreselassieAradom Head of the Economic Development 6. Mr.Yonas Woldu Head of the Agriculture






Tigrigna &Other




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7. Mr.Afwerki Berhe Head of the Health. 8. Mr.Tesfamariam Berhe Head of the Labor & Human Welfare. 9. Mr.Teklom Tsegai Head of the Construction / Projects. 10. Mr.Russom Teklemariam Head of the Water supply / resources.

Maj. General Haile Samuel the Commander of Operation Zone 4.491 corps.

11. Dr. Afwerki BerheHead of the Health Ministry’s branch in Southern Red Sea region. 12. Dr. Eyob FrezghiHead of Assab Hospital. 13. Dr. Eyob Kuflom from the Southern Regional Referral Hospital. 14. Dr. Oqbazgi KifleHead of animal resource in the Agriculture Ministry’s branch in the Southern

region. 15. Dr. Yonas WolduHead of the AgricultureMinistry’s branch in the Southern Red Sea region 16. Eng. Niamin EliasHead of the construction of a potable water project in the administrative area of

Igidoli, Araeta sub-zone. 17. Eng. Weldemariam TsegaitechnicalManagerof the Ti’o Fish Processing Plant. 18. Mr. Andemichael SolomonDirector Generalof infrastructure and social services department in the

Southern Red Sea region. 19. Mr. Andemichael SolomonDirectorGeneral of infrastructure development and Socialservice in

the Red Sea region. 20. Mr. Berhane EyassuAdministrator of Assab town.

21. Mr. Berhane EyassuChairmanof the Holidays Coordinating Committee &Administrator of Assab town.

22. Mr. Berhane GebregziabherCoordinatorof the Summer Work Program in the sub-zones ofAssab and Are’eta in Southern Red Sea region.

23. Mr. Berhane IssakHeadof government garage in theCentral Denkalia sub-zone region 24. Mr. Daniel Berhe Acting Headof the Tourism Ministry’s branch in the Southern Red Sea region. 25. Mr. Dawit Solomon theHeadof infrastructure in Assab 26. Mr. Debesai GebrenegusHeadof water department inAssab 27. Mr. Debesai SemereDirector of the regional Administrator’s Office in Southern Red Sea region. 28. Mr. Ephrem ZekariasHead of environmental sanitation desk in the branch office in the Southern

Red Sea. 29. Mr. Fikadu HabteselassieHead of infrastructure projects in the Gelalu sub-zone. 30. Mr. Gebregziabher KeseteHeadof fertility and vaccination in the Southern Red Sea region

31. Mr. Gebregziabher KeseteHeadof reproduction unit in the HealthMinistry’s branch office in the Southern Red Sea region.

32. Mr. Gebreselassie AradomDirector Generalof Economic development in the Ara’ata, Central and Southern Denkalia of the Southern Red Sea region.

33. Mr. Gebrezgheir KeseteHeadof health fertility in the Health Ministry’s branch in Southern Red

Sea region. 34. Mr. Issak TeumAdministratorof the Edi sub-zone,Central theSouthern Red Sea

region. 35. Mr. Kibrom NirayoHead Dept. ofAdministration of the Southern Red Sea region. 36. Mr.Mussie Misghina Head of the infrastructure. 37. Mr. Neguse KahsaiHead of the Health Ministry’s branch in Araeta sub-zone. 38. Mr.Russom Teklemariam Head of theWater supply / resources 39. Mr. Solomon KetemaManager of the Eritrean Commercial Bank (ECB) branch office in Assab. 40. Mr.Teklom Tsegai Head of the Construction / Projects 41. Mr. Tesfai BelayHeadofhealth inAimen administrative area, Araata sub-zone. 42. Mr. Tesfamariam BerheHeadofthe branch office of the Ministry of L H the SR Sea region 43. Mr. Woldeyohannes KiflemariamHeadof health service in Bel’ubei administrative area, Central

Denkalia sub-zone. 44. Mr. Yemane TeweldeHeadof Technical Services in Assab Port Authority.

45. Mr.Yonas Woldu Head of theAgriculture. 46. Mr. Zerai BerheAdministratorof Southern Dankalia sub-zone. 47. Mr. Tewolde Gebremariam coordinator of the artistic campaign aimed at promoting equal female

participation in education program in the the Southern Red Sea region. 48. Mr. Dawit MengisteabChairman of the holidays coordinating committee in the Southern Red


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49. Mr. Yemane TeweldeHeadof Technical Services inAssab Port Authority. 50. Eng. Weldemariam TsegaitechnicalManagerof the Ti’o Fish Processing Plan 51. ColonelMehari TsegaiCommander of Eritrean Police Force in Assab. 52. Mr. Berhane GebrezgabiherCoordinatorof the Summer Work Program (SWP) in the Southern

Red Sea region. 53. Mr. Kibrom NirayoDirector General of administration and finance in the Southern Red Sea

region. 54. Mr. Andemichael SolomonDirector General of infrastructure development department in the

Southern Red Sea region. 55. Mr. Gebreslasie AradomDirector General of economic development in the Southern Red Sea

region. 56. Mr. Teclit GebrehiwetHead of Economic Development of the Denkalia sub-zone. 57. Mr. Isak Ti’umAdministratorof Central Denkalia. 58. Mr. Berhane IyasuAdministratoof the Assab town. 59. Mr. Zerai BerheAdministrator of the South Denkalia sub-zone.

Mr. Zerai Berhe Chairmanof the Southern Red Sea region border sub-committee. Ms. Tsegereda Woldegiorgis AdministratorofSouthern Red Sea Northern Red Sea.

60. Brig. GeneralAdem Mohammed KokolCommander of the Police force in the SRS region. 61. Mr. Abdalla Ali Hiero Acting Head of the Abo administrative area, S-Denkalia sub-zone. 62. Mr. Abdalla ArekiefareDirectorof the Ma’edir Elementary School, in Ma’dir administrative area,

Southern Red Sea region. 63. Mr. Abdalla MohammedHead of the EducationMinistry’s branch in Southern Red Sea region. 64. Mr. Abdalla Mohammed OsmanHeadof the EducationMinistry’s branch in the Southern Red

Sea region. 65. Mr. Abdalla OsmanHeadof the Education Ministry’s branch in the Southern Red Sea region. 66. Mr. Abdella Al-AminHead of Social-service in the Gash-Barka region. 67. Mr.Abdella MohameedHead, S. Red Sea Branchof the Education Ministry. 68. Mr. Abdella Mohammed Taha acting Administratorof Safora administrative area.

69. Mr. Abubekker AliAdministratorof the Administrative areas of Abo and KilomaSRS region. 07.10.2010

70. Mr. Ahmed IsmailAdministratorof the Bel’ubei administrative area, C-Denkalia sub-zone. 71. Mr. Ahmed MohammedAdministrator of Kiloma administrative areas in South Denkalia sub-

zone. 72. Mr. Ahmed Mohammed OmerHeadof Arabic Department, Ministryof Information. 73. Mr. Ali AbdallaDirector of the Mobile schools in Maebelie administrative area, Central-Denkalia

sub-zone. 74. Mr. Ali ArdaituAdministrator of Igroli administrative area Araeta sub-zone, Southern Red Sea

region. 75. Mr. Ali EgahleAdministrator of the Hamerti administrative area, Araeta sub-zone. 76. Mr. Ali EgahleDirectorofBel’ubei Elementary School. 77. Mr. Ali HumedAdministrator of Asebui village, Mabra administrative area. 78. Mr. Ali Idris a nurse in the centre in Bel’ubui administrative area, Southern Red Sea region. 79. Mr. Ali IgahlieAdministratorHamerti administrative area, Araeta sub-zone. 80. Mr. Ali MahmoudAdministrator of the Southern Red Sea region 25 June 2011 81. Mr. Ali MohammedAdministrator of Tio 82. Mr. Ali NurChairmanof the SRS Regional Assembly. 83. Mr. Ali RiedoAdministratorof Seriru village, Mabra administrative area, 84. Mr. Doren OsmanAdministratorof theRehaita administrative area. 85. Mr. Ga’as AhmedHeadofCourts coordinating office in the Southern Red Sea region. 86. Mr. Halo Shifa IgahileHeadofAfambo Boarding Schoolin theSouthern Red Sea region. 87. Mr. Hamad Ghebre AmirHead of administration and finance in the Ti’o semi-urban center in

Araeta sub-zone. 88. Mr. Hamed Hajji Mohammed NurHeadof thePFDJ. in theSouthern Red Sea region. 89. Mr. Hamed MohammedDirector of the Afambo Junior Boarding School in Central Denkalia sub-

zone, Southern Red Sea region.

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90. Mr. Hiero HumedHeadof the health station in Abo administrative area, S-Denkalia sub-zone. 91. Mr. Humed Bieyta,HeadofSupervision ofPFDJ. Groups in Central Denkalia. 92. Mr.Ibrahim Mohammed Ali Head of the Micro-credit& Savingsin the SRS region. 93. Mr. Ibrahim Mohammed BeshirHeadofthe Afambo Health Station. 94. Mr. Ibrahim MohammedExpert of solar energy techniques in the Health Ministry’s branch in

theSRS region. 95. Mr. Ibrahim MohammedHead of the saving and micro-credit scheme in the Southern Red Sea

region. 96. Mr. Ibrahim Mohammed Sheik Al the Administrator of the Edi semi-urban centre, Central

Denkalia sub-zone.

97. Mr. Idris Mohammed OsmanAdministratorofIrjinay Village. 98. Mr. Ismael Mussa Headof theNUEYS branch in the SRS region. 99. Mr. Ismail IbrahimHeadof the Education Ministry's branch in the S-Denkalia sub-zone. 100. Mr. Ismail MussaChairmanofNUEYS branch office in the SRS Region (SRSR) 101. Mr. Ismail OsmanHead of Social security in the Ministry of LHW’s branch of Assab office.

102. Mr. Khalid Mohammed Ahmed, Headof the National Fisheries Corporation in the SRS region. 103. Mr. Mohammed AliAdministratorr of Beylul administrative area, Denkalia sub-zone.

104. Mr. Mohammed Ali Ahmed ActingAdministrator of the Beilul administrative area, South Denkalia sub-zone.

105. Mr. Mohammed AliChairman of the Southern Red Sea region assembly. 106. Mr. Mohammed AnwarHeadof agitation and information unit in the office in Southern Red Sea

region 107. Mr. Mohammed Habena Acting Administrator of Sireru administrative area. 108. Mr. Mohammed Ismail MussaDirector of Ti’o School. 109. Mr. Mohammed JabirHead of the branch office of the Ministry of LHW in the Southern Red Sea

region. 110. Mr. Mohammed JabirHeadof the Ministryof LHW branch in the Southern Red Sea region.

111. Mr. Mohammed MakhbulAdministrator of Dehl Island. 112. Mr. Mohammed SalehAdministratorofBerasole administrative area, S-Denkalia sub-zone. 113. Mr. Mussa Hassenhealth professional in the Aleti-Aitos in Are’eta sub-zone. 114. Mr. Omar MohammedAdministrator of the Foro sub-zone. 115. Mr. Omar YahyaAdministrator of Araeta sub-zone.

116. Mr. Osman Humed YigahleAdministratorof Abeadministrative area in C-Denkalia sub-zone. 117. Mr. Osman Idris Mehbusie Acting Headof the NUEYS branch in the Araeta, sub-zone. 118. Mr. Saleh Ahmed MohammedAdministratorofAleti-Aitos in Araeta sub-zone. 119. Mr. Saleh MohammedDirector of the school semi-boarding elementary and junior school in Beilul

administrative area, South-Denkalia sub-zone. 120. Mr. Salim AliHeadof thePFDJ. For political affairs in the SRS region. 121. Mr. Shemshudin MohammedAdministratorof the Bihta&Rabukra area Are’eta sub-

zoneSRS region. 122. Ms. Khedigia OmarChairpersonof the festival organizing committee in the SRS region. 123. Ms. Mesuda HumedHead of the economic welfare of the NUEW branch in the Southern Red Sea

region. 124. Sultan Abdulkader Dawudthe Sultan ofRehaita.

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59"Tigrigna" = 47, 96% 64 Others = 52, 04 % 123 Total = 100 %


RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS Semere BeyinDirector General. Religious Affairs Phone12-49-43 Fax N. 12-73-70 AddressP.O.Box 5835 Asmara Amanuel Tesfahunei Deputy Director General Phone12-23-16 Fax N. 12-73-70 AddressP.O.Box 5835 Asmara


Abune Menghisteab Tesfamariam Bishop, Eparch of Asmara Phone12-02-06 Fax N. 12-65-19 AddressP. O .Box 244 Asmara Abune KidanemariamYebiyo Bishop Eparch of Keren Phone40-19-07 Fax N. 40-16-04 AddressKeren Abune Tomas Osman Bishop Eparch of Barentu Phone73-10-10 Fax N. 40-16-04 AddressBarentu Abba Tekleberhan Tsegai Secretary General Phone73-10-10 Fax N. 40-16-04 Address P.O. Box 1990Asmara

EVANGELICAL CHURCH Rev. Asfaha Mehari President Phone12-73-64 Fax N. 12-00-62 Address Geza Kenisha, 905 St. No. 137/4 Asmara

Rev. Fesshaye Estifanos Secretary General Phone12-07-11 Fax N. 12-00-62 Address Geza Kenisha, 905 St. No. 137/4 Asmara

MUFTI OFFICE Sheikh Al-Amin Osman Mufti Phone12-09-45 Fax N. 12-20-79 Address Asmara Sheikh Salem IbrahimPhone11-90-96 Fax N. 12-20-79 Address Asmara

ORTHODOX CHURCH His Holiness Abune Dioskoros Patriarch Phone18-25-47 Fax N. 18-21-95 Address Warsay St./728 Asmara Abune Petros AsfahaPhone18-20-98 Fax N. 18-21-95 Address Warsay St./728 Asmara Yoftahe Dimetros Administrator Phone18-42-90 Fax N. 18-21-95 Address Warsay St./728 Asmara





Tigrigna &Other




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Kibreab Weldemariam A/Governor Phone 12-48-95 Fax N. 12-20-91 Address Kerkebet 1A 746 No. 4 Asmara Berhane Ghebremariam Manager of Supervision DepartmentPhone12-31-58 Fax N. 12-20-91Address Abenet No. 874 Asmara Temesgen Ghebremariam Manager ofEconomics DepartmentPhone12-02-87 Fax N. 12-20-91Address Aflug 192 No. 36 Asmara TeweldeTsige Managerof Accounts Department Phone 12-79-52Fax N. 12-20-91Address Ruba Anseba No. 8/10 Asmara Zere Seyoum Manager Intl. Operation Department Phone 12-79-48 Fax N. 12-20-98 Address Ruba Gonfolom 756 No. 19 Asmara

Habtom Kebedom Massawa Branch Manager Phone 55-11-80 Fax N. 55-29-77Address New Kutmia Block 126 No. 211 Massawa Asmara

COMMERCIAL BANK OF ERITREA Yemane Tesfay General Manager Phone 12-76-83 Fax N. 12-48-87 Address P.O. Box 219 Asmara Beyene Asfaha Head, International Banking Phone 12-16-87 Fax N. 12-48-87 Address P.O. Box 219 Asmara

ERITREAN DEVELOPMENT AND INVESTMENT BANK Goitom Weldemariam (Dr.)General Manager Phone 12-37-87 Fax N. 20-19-76Address P.O. Box 1266


HOUSING AND COMMERCE BANK OF ERITREA Berhane GebrehiwetGeneral Manager Phone 20-21-20 Fax N. 12-04-01 Address P.O. Box 235 Asmara Misghina Negash Controller Phone12-66-24 Fax N. 12-04-01Address P.O. Box 235 Asmara BirikhtiRediet Administrator Phone 12-67-75 Fax N. 12-04-01 Address P.O. Box 235 Asmara

1. Ms.Birikhti RedietAdministratorHousing and Commerce Bank

UN AGENCIES &The ICRC Dr. Mamadou P.Diallo Resident Humanitarian Coordinator (UN), Resident Representative of UNDP Phone15-03-66Fax N.15-10-81Address Haday St. P.O. Box 5366 Asmara Mr. Ernest Fausther (Officer in Charge) Senior Deputy Resident Representative Phone15-11-66 Fax N. 15-10-81AddressHaday St. P.O. Box 5366 Asmara James C. Lovelace Country Manager of World Bank Phone12-43-02 Fax N.12-43-09 AddressStreet 173-2 No.15-17 P.O. Box 4983 Asmara Moeketsi Mokati Representative of FAO Phone18-84-41 Fax N.18-85-11Address5 Warsay Avenue P.O. Box 4908 Asmara Dirk Leon A. Jena Representative of UNFPA Phone15-18-52 Fax N. 15-16-48 Address5 Warsay Avenue P.O. Box 5366 Asmara Vedasto J. Mwesiga Representative of UNHCR Phone20-25-31 Fax N.12-72-55 AddressBdho Street 173 House No. 108 P.O. Box 1995 Asmara

Eva Johnson Representative of UNICEF Phone15-11-99 Fax N.15-13-50 AddressP.O. Box 2004 Asmara Dr. Idrisu Sow Representative of WHO Phone18-47-35 Fax N.12-51-55 Address5 Warsay Ave. P.O. Box 5561Asmara Tesfai AregaiOffice in Charge Phone18-44-03 Fax N.18-48-86 AddressWarsay Avenue Saba Devt. Building, 4th ,5th and 6th Fl. P.O. Box 1229 Asmara Mr. Gerardo PontrandolflHead of Delegation of ICRC Phone11-41-71Fax N.18-11-64 AddressAsmara

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Malaria & tropical Disease Supervisor & Interviewer

Dr. Ghirmay Ligjam Anseba & Central Supervisor Tadesse Fesshaye Anseba & Central Supervisor Shishai Haile Anseba & CentralInterviewer Zaid Woldegiorgis Anseba & CentralInterviewer Zewdi Habte Anseba & CentralInterviewer Elsa Tesfay Anseba & CentralInterviewer Letehawariat Yosief Anseba & CentralInterviewer Megdelawit Tazdu Anseba & CentralInterviewer Zufan Abraha Anseba & CentralInterviewer Abrahatzion Hadgu Anseba & CentralInterviewer Ariam Woldu Anseba & CentralInterviewer Emhatzion T/Medhin Anseba & CentralInterviewer Abraham Tesfaselassie Gash-Barka & Debub Supervisor Adhanom Kidane Gash-Barka & Debub Supervisor Aida Gebreselassie Gash-Barka & Debub Interviewer Zewdi Ghebremedhin Gash-Barka & Debub Interviewer Tsega Tombossa Gash-Barka & Debub Interviewer Freweyni Zeru Gash-Barka & Debub Interviewer Signe Minassie Gash-Barka & Debub Interviewer Mehari Oqbe Gash-Barka & Debub Interviewer

Hiriyti Estifanos Gash-Barka & Debub Interviewer Haimanot Isaac Gash-Barka & Debub Interviewer Mebrat Zeru Gash-Barka & Debub Interviewer Askalu Tsegai Gash-Barka & Debub Interviewer Teklai Estifanos Northern & Southern Red Seas Supervisor Embaye Asfaha Northern & Southern Red Seas Supervisor Yayesh Teweldemedhin Northern & Southern Red SeasInterviewer Destaghennet Haile Northern & Southern Red SeasInterviewer Tesfamariam Mebrahtu Northern & Southern Red SeasInterviewer Alazar Mehretab Northern & Southern Red SeasInterviewer Zednghel Gorgrious Northern & Southern Red SeasInterviewer Ghidey Debass Northern & Southern Red SeasInterviewer Zaid Debesai Northern & Southern Red SeasInterviewer Almaz Petros Northern & Southern Red SeasInterviewer Pazion Araia Northern & Southern Red SeasInterviewer Tekle Tesfamariam Northern & Southern Red SeasInterviewer Ezra Kidane Ministry Of Health/HRD Data Entrant Amanuel Kifle Ministry Of Health/HRD Data Entrant Aklilu Daniel Ministry Of Health/HRD Data Entrant Lemlem Tesfay Ministry Of Health/HRD Data Entrant Afia Said Anseba & CentralInterviewer Mohamed Said Mahmud Ministry Of Health/HRD Data Entrant



1)Alazar Mesfun


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3)Beraki G/Selassie

4)Berhane Ghebrezgabheir

5)BG Estifanos Seyoum

6)Bitweded Abraha

7)General Ogbe Abraha

8)Haile Woldetnsae

9)Hamid Himid

10)Idris AbuArre

11)Germano Nat

12)Kidane Gebreab

13)Kiros Awer

14)Mahmud Sheriffo

15)Petros Solomon

16)Saleh Kekia

17)Tesfay Gommera

18) Siraj Ibrahim


1) Haile Menkerios

2) Mesfun Hagos

3) Abdella Adem

4) Adhanom Gebremariam

5) BerekhetHabteselassie

6) Dr. Asefaw Tekeste

7) Petros Tesfagiorghis

8) Hibret Berhe x Wife to Haile Menkerios

9) Mahmud Tcherum defected together with his wife “B. Ali Shefeddin” to Canada,

10 ) Muhieddin Shengheb

11) Maj. General Tekeste Haile





1.Ambassador Mohammed Nur Ahmed, Eritrea’s former envoy to China

2.Mr. YounesHussein Omer, a Director at Eritrea’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (resigned)

3.Mr. Habteab Tesfaselassie, the director of consular affairs at the Eritrean embassy in


4.Mr. Berhane Minassie and Mr. Mekonnen Woldeyesus also abandoned the PFDJ. and were

subsequently granted political asylum in Canada

5.Mr. Ibrahim Osman Hamid, an official in the Eritrean Ministry of Foreign Affairs

6.Mr. Temesgen Debesai, Director of the English Desk at the Ministry of Information

7.Mr. Tomas Tewelde, Eritrea's First Secretary to the diplomatic mission in Kenya

8.Mr. Teclu Oqbamichael, a senior diplomat at the Eritrean Embassy in Canberra

9.Mr. Mohammed Nur Osman Degol, Eritrea’s former Consul General to Saudi Arabia

10.Mr. Abdella Mohammed Ali, head of consular affairs in the Eritrean embassy in Khartoum

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11.Mr. Abdella Adem, ambassador to Sudan

12.Mr. Mohammed Burhan Abdulkader the First Secretary to the Eritrean Embassy in Egypt

13.Mr. Mohammed Nur Osman “Degaulle”, Eritrea’s Consul General in Saudi Arabia

14.Ambassador Hibret Berhe, former envoy to Scandinavian states

15.Endrias Habtegergish, Charge d’Affairs in The Netherlands

16.Ambassador Haile Menkerios, Head of Mission to the United Nations

17.Dr. Tesfai Girmatsion, envoy to the European Union and Belgium

18.Ambassador Adhanom Gebremariam, former envoy to Nigeria

19. Mohamed Saleh Shum political advisor in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

20.Abdella Degol, former General Consul in Saudi Arabia

21.Mr. Derie Mohammed Debas and Younes Hussein, both directors within the foreign


22.Mr. Mohammed Berhan Abdulkader, First Secretary in the Eritrean Embassy in Egypt

23.Mr. Hamid Dirar, First Secretary in Djibouti now living in Norway

24.Mr. Dawit Solomon, First Secretary in Denmark

25.Mr. Afwerki Abraha, first secretary in the Eritrean Embassy in the United kingdom


1.Consul General to Kenya, "Keshi" Mussie

2.Mr. Teweldemedhin Tesfamariam, then the Deputy Ambassador to Kenya

3.Mr. Ahmed Ali Burhan, Eritrea’s former ambassador to Kuwait

4.Ambassador Beraki Gebreselassie, former Ambassador to Germany

5.Mr. Ali Mohammed Saleh and Mr. Tesfay Gebreab, both directors within the Ministry of

foreign affairs

6.Besrat Yemane, former consul general in Germany

7.Ambassador Ermias Debesai ambassador to China



Football (soccer) players for Red Sea champion team

1) Ghirmay Abraha (coach/trainer)

2) Russom “Ejion” Teweldemedhin

3) Ali “Alitay” Jaber

4) Dawit “Chakur” Weldegebriel

5) Yukuno

6) Fasil Abraha

7) Ephrem “Kruf”

8) Leul Medhanie

9) Robel Yosief

10) Robel Keleta

11) Yemane Henok

12) Wedi Mahari

13) Zemichael Asmelash )

14) Misghina Bisrat

15) Yonas Neguse

16) Yosief Michael

17) Amanuel Negassi

18) Temesgen Tesfai.


1) Tesfit

2) Rembo

3) Nebai Habte

4) Teklemariam Merid

5) Furtnato Yakob

6) Simret Asmerom

7) Tekle Menghisteab

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8) Lemlem Berekhet

9) Ghirmay Woldu


1) Dawit Mehari


Arrested (some released after many years in the prison)

1) Mohammed Said Nasser

2) Sunabera Demena

3) Hassen Kekia (life time benefactor of the EPLF)

4) Abdu Ahmed Younes

5) Kentebai Hedad Kerrar (RIP)

6) Mr. Suleiman Musa Hajj

7) Mr. Taha Suraj

8) Engineer Desbele

9) Mr. Mohammed Berhan Negash

10) Mr. Demoz Afwerki, Eritrean Commercial Bank (HCBE)

11) Mr. Andebrhan Estifanos, Eritrean refugees commissioner

12) Mr. Mohammed Ali Alamin, Associated with Himbol 13) Mr. Mohammed ShumaySEDAO (Societa Elettrica Dell ‘ Africa Orientale )

From Agriculture Dept. 2010

14) Dr. Gebrehiwet Teame, Dr. Oqbagebriel. Tesfalidet Mehari,



1) Zemenfes Haile, Tsigenay

2) Gebrehiwet Keleta, Tsigenay

3) Amanuel Asrat, Zemen

4) Medhanie Haile, Keste Debena

5) Yusuf Mohamed Ali, Tsigenay

6) Matewos Habteab, Meqaleh

7) Temesgen Gebreyesus, Keste Debena

8) Said Abdulkader, Admas

9) Dawit Issak, Setit

10) Seyoum Tsehaye, Freelance

11) Dawit Habtemickael, Meqaleh

12) Fesshaye “Joshua” Yohannes, Setit (RIP)

13) Selamyinghes Beyene, Meqaleh

14) Saleh Aljiezeeri, Dimtsi Hafash 15) Jimie Kimeil, Eritrea Alhaeeth

Defected 1) Aaron Berhane, Setit 2) Ms. Amal Ali, Eri-TV 3) Ms. Neema Debesai Garza 4) Solomon Aberra, Radio Zahra 5) Alula Unqibahri, Meqaleh

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6) Berhane Tewelde 7) Simret Seyum 8) Aziz 9) Dawit Gebreab 10) Milkias Mehretab , Keste Debena 11) Semere Taezaz , Keste Debena 12) Hamid Mohamed Said, ERI-TV 13) Sadia , Eri-TV 14) Kidane Ybirah Beyene 15)Khalid Abdu Admas (now Living In Sweden)

MIA (Missing In Action) 1) Saleh Idris Gama, of the Eritrean state-run Eri-TV

2) Tesfalidet Kidane Tesfazgi, Eri-TV cameraman

Eritrean Radio &Television (EriTV) (Voice of theMasses) (Radio Bana) (Haddas Ertra), (Eretria Al Hadisa) (Hidri) (Eritrea Profile) (Ertrea

Haddas)( &

1. Dr. Tesfa G. Ghebremedhinwriter & contributor writer in

2. E.B.,writer & contributor writer in

3. Mr. Amanuel Sahlewriter & contributor writer in

4. Mr. Amanuel Tekle Layout ofHaddas Ertra 5. Mr. Amanuel Tesfaywriter & contributor writer in

6. Mr. Asfaha Teklemariam Editor in ChiefofHaddas Ertra 7. Mr. Asmelash AbrahaDirector Generalof Press and News Agency Department 8. Mr. Azzazi Zeremariam Managing Director ofEritrea Profile 9. Mr. Bayru PaulosEriTVAmharic & Oromigna Program. 10. Mr. Beraki A. Weldegebrielwriter & contributor writer in

11. Mr. Berekhet Teweldewriter & contributor writer in

12. Mr. Berekhet Tewelde writer & contributor writer in

13. Mr. Berekhet-ab Habtemariamwriter & contributor writer in 14. Mr. Berhane Asghedom writer & contributor writer in

15. Mr. Berhe Habteghiorgis

16. Mr. Daniel AronEriTVTigrigna Program 17. Mr. Dawit Ghebre editor ofEritrea Profile 18. Mr. Demsas Tsegaiwriter & contributor writer in

19. Mr. Ephrem Habtetsionwriter & contributor writer in

20. Mr. G. Abrahawriter & contributor writer in

21. Mr. G. Tekleberhanwriter & contributor writer in

22. Mr. Ghedewon Abbai Asmeromwriter contributor writer in

23. Mr. Ghirmay Abrahamwriter & contributor writer r in

24. Mr. Ghirmay BerheDirector Generalof Radio Department 25. Mr. Hidru Zeraiwriter & contributor writer in

26. Mr. Isaias Fesshayewriter contributor writer in

27. Mr. Isaias Tesfamariamwriter & contributor writer in

28. Mr. Kalekristos Zeresenai writer & contributor writer in

29. Mr. Kidane Habtetsionwriter & contributor writer in

30. Mr. Kidane Misghina EriTVAmharic & Oromigna Program. 31. Mr. Luul Ghirmay EriTVAmharic & Oromigna Program. 32. Mr. Mekurya Woldu Headof External Source in the Information MinistryEriTVAmharic & Oromigna

Program. 33. Mr. Mewail Sium EriTVAmharic & Oromigna Program. 34. Mr. Michael Siumwriter & contributor writer in

35. Mr. Muluberhan Habteghebriel EditorofHaddas Ertra

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36. Mr. Mulugheta Mezenghee EditorofHaddas Ertra 37. Mr.Mussie Ghirmaywriter & contributor writer in

38. Mr. Naod Hagoswriter & contributor writer in

39. Mr. Paulos Kidane (Deceased)EriTVAmharic & Oromigna Program. 40. Mr. Senai Ghebremedhin EriTVAmharic & Oromigna Program. 41. Mr. Simon Mesfun writer & contributor writer in

42. Mr. Solomon Dirar from Hidri Publishers 43. Mr. Taezaz Gebreselassie editor ofEritrea Profilewriter & contributor writer in 44. Mr. Teclu Tesfazgiwriter & contributor writer in

45. Mr. Tedros Abraham editor ofEritrea Profile 46. Mr. Tesfalem Gebreselassie (Tcharre) writer & contributor writer in Ertra

47. Mr. Tesfalem Tekletsion reporter for the agriculture and environment program of theRadioBana 48. Mr. Tesfalidet Kidane Camera ManEriTV. 49. Mr. Tewelde Beyenewriter & contributor writer in

50. Mr. TM Negassiwriter & contributor writer

51. Mr. Yishak Yared Editor in ChiefofEritrea Profile 52. Mrs. Ababa Yosief EriTVAmharic & Oromigna Program. 53. Mrs. Aster Eyassuwriter & contributor writer in

54. Mrs. Eden Ghebremedhin Layout ofHaddas Ertra 55. Mrs. Genet Teweldemedhin Layout ofEritrea Profile 56. Mrs. Hanna Tekle EriTVAmharic & Oromigna Program. 57. Mrs. Marta Semere EriTVAmharic & Oromigna Program. 58. Mrs. Meron Abrahawriter & contributor writer in

59. Mrs. Rahel Tesfay Layout ofHaddas Ertra 60. Mrs. Rahwa Alemseghed EriTVEnglish Program 61. Mrs. Salina K writer & contributor writer in

62. Mrs. Samrawit Ghidey Layout ofEritrea Profile&Ertrea Haddas (Tigre) 63. Mrs. Samrawit Meles Layout ofHaddas Ertra

64. Mrs. Selam Seyoum writer & contributor writer in

65. Mrs. Selamawit Kibreab Layout ofHaddas Ertra 66. Mrs. Semhar Afwerki Layout ofEritrea Profile 67. Mrs. SENAIT MICHAELwriter & contributor writer in

68. Mrs. Sophia Tesfamariamwriter & contributor writer in

69. Mrs. Tsige Hailemichaelwriter & contributor writer in

70. Mrs. Yorusalem Abrahawriter & contributor writer in

71. Mrs. Zebib Tewelde Layout ofHaddas Ertra 72. Ms. Manna KidaneEriTV Tigrigna Program

73. Mr. A. KEBIREcontributor writerin

74. Mr. Abdu Osmancontributor writerin

75. Mr. Abubekker AbdelawelVice Editor in ChiefofHaddas Ertra 76. Mr.Adem Berhancontributor & writer in

77. Mr. Adem Saleh Abu Hirsha (vice)Editor in Chief Ertrea Haddas (Tigre) 78. Mr. Adib Abducontributor writerin

79. Mr. Ahmed Sheriff (vice)Editor in ChiefofEretria Al’ Hadisa(Arabic) 80. Mr. Awed Isamel Ibrahim ofEretria Al’ Hadisa(Arabic) 81. Mr. Hamed Abubekker HeadofNews ofErtrea Haddas (Tigre) 82. Mr. Khalid Mohammedberhancontributor writerin

83. Mr. Mohammed Idris Editor in ChiefofErtrea Haddas (Tigre) 84. Mr. Mohammed Idris Mohammed, deputy editor of the Tigre language newspaper Eritria Hadas 85. Mr. Mohammed Omar SubaDirector Generalof Radio Department 86. Mr. Mohammednur Dihi Editor in ChiefofEretria Al’ Hadisa(Arabic) 87. Mrs. Fatma Abdurrahman EriTVTigre Program 88. Mrs. Hayat Saad Ahmed Ibrahim ofEretria Al’ Hadisa(Arabic) 89. Mr. Mansur Nouredin contributor writerin

Page 176: ብላዕ ንከርስኻ ፍረድ ንነብስኻ · Alamin Hassan Presidential aid. Ministerial Advisers 26. Dr. Matewos WolduEconomic Advisor and Coordinator of the program in


Eritrean Governmental Companies

1. Techno-BrakeCompany 2. Trust Company 3. Sembel Metal and Wood Works (SMWW) 4. MARGRAN Marble and graniteCompany 5. Jumbo Glass 6. Fred Hollows Intraocular Lens Laboratory. 7. Beilul Currency Exchange Company 8. Eritrean Telecommunications Corporation (Eritel). 9. EritreanPharmaceutical Manufacturing 10. Hidri publishing house 11. Sabur Printing Services.

12. Azel PharmaceuticalShare Company 13. Prima Petroleum Company 14. Zambaiti- Eritrea P.L.C. ( ZaEr) Textile and Garment Industry (Asmara) 15. The Hawashait Clothing Factory 16. D.M.K factory in Dekemhare town. 17. Anberbeb Company 18. Hotel Intercontinental Asmara now Asmara Palace Hotel 19. Selam Hotel 20. Hamasien Hotel 21. Imperial. “Amba Soira” Hotel

PFDJ’s and Government owned Transportation companies

1. Transhorn Transportation company 2. Harat Transportation company 3. Gemel Transportation company 4. Lilo Transportation company 5. Eri-Traco Transportation company

PFDJ’s and Government owned Mining companies

6. Bisha gold mining 7. Zara gold mining

PFDJ’s and Government owned construction companies

8. ASBECOConstruction Company 9. Badme Construction Company






Tigrigna &Other




Page 177: ብላዕ ንከርስኻ ፍረድ ንነብስኻ · Alamin Hassan Presidential aid. Ministerial Advisers 26. Dr. Matewos WolduEconomic Advisor and Coordinator of the program in


10. DebeatConstruction Company 11. Debwin Construction Company 12. Gedec Construction Company 13. GedemConstruction Company 14. HomibConstruction Company 15. Mereb Development Construction Company. 16. Mussa AliConstruction Company 17. RoadupConstruction Company 18. Sawa Construction Company 19. SegenConstruction Company 20. WinaConstruction Company 21. Zula Construction Company

Category: Companies of Eritrea¨

1. Asmara Brewery owner Asmara Brewery Corporation 2. Banca per l'Africa Orientale 3. SEDAO ( Societa Elettrica dell’ Africa Orientale) 4. Commercial Bank of Eritrea 5. Elabored Estate 6. Eritrean Investment and Development Bank 7. Housing and Commerce Bank 8. Golden Star Brewery owner Elsa Ghebreigziabiher, Luigi Grimaldi 9. Eritrean Telecommunications Corporation 10. Nacfa Corporation 11. Red Sea Trading Corporation 12. Sabur Printing Press 13. 1EriTel (mobile phone operator) 14. 2EriTel (ISP) 15. 3EriTel (landline operator) 16. 4References 17. Arag Garment and Sanitary Towel Factory in Mendefera sub-zone

Compiled By Jelal Yassin Aberra

Sources (Kilder) (Official Information Ministry Webb Site) (Official PFDJ. Webb Site) Eritrean Profile (English News Paper) Haddas Eritrea (The New Eritrea in Tigrigna Language) Eretrea El Hadisa (The New Eritrea in Tigre Language) EriTv.& Dimtsi Haffash (Voice of the Masses) www.