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初看春花紅 轉眼已成冬 匆匆、匆匆

It was just spring and now it is winter

Time passes hurriedly, hurriedly.

The red spring flower at first sight already winter in a

wink of an eye

Rush... rush…(hurriedly / hastily)

一年容易又到頭 韶光逝去無影縱

The beginning of a new year is easily the end of it

Beautiful time fades and disappears until no one


Ethan Lin, 2013/1/6,
Ethan Lin, 01/06/13,
Ethan Lin, 01/06/13,
All images were lost in translation.
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So easily again a year passes happy times are gone

without traces

人生本有盡 宇宙永無窮 匆匆、匆匆

There’s an end to life, but the universe is eternal and


Time passes hurriedly, hurriedly

There is an ending to life / there is no ending to the


Rush... rush…

種樹為後人乘涼 要學我們老祖宗

We must learn from our ancestors; plant tree for the

descendants to rest under it

Ethan Lin, 01/06/13,
Ethan Lin, 01/06/13,
Ethan Lin, 2013/1/6,
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Sow the seed of trees for those to come / learn what our

ancestors had done

人生呵就像一條路 一會兒西一會兒東 匆匆、匆匆

Life is like a road; you go west and you go east

Time passes hurriedly, hurriedly

Life is just a road / sometimes to the east / sometimes to

the west

Rush... rush…

我們都是趕路人 珍惜光陰莫放鬆 匆匆、匆匆

We are people who are rushing

We should cherish time and shouldn’t relax

We are all in a hurry on the way Cherish your time, no

time to play

Ethan Lin, 01/06/13,
Ethan Lin, 01/06/13,
The subject is “life”
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Rush... rush…

莫等到了盡頭 枉嘆此行成空

Don’t wait until the end / and sigh your life is in vain

Do not wait till the end / sigh and regret your trip in vain

人生呵就像一條路 一會兒西一會兒東 匆匆、匆匆

Life is like a road; you go west and you go west

Time passes hurriedly, hurriedly

Life is just a road sometimes to the east sometimes to

the west

Rush... rush…

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2)〈江湖上〉Life time 余光中詞、楊弦曲

A Vagrant Life

一雙鞋 能踢幾條街

How many street can been gone through by a pair of


How many streets can a pair of shoes tread upon?

一雙腳 能換幾次鞋

How many shoe can be passed on your feet.

How many shoes can be worn out by your feet?

一口氣 嚥得下幾座城

Ethan Lin, 2013/1/6,
A symbol for days and experiences
Ethan Lin, 01/06/13,
worn on
Ethan Lin, 01/06/13,
Ethan Lin, 01/06/13,
be passed
Ethan Lin, 01/06/13,
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How many bitterness can be swallowed in one breath.

How many towns can you swallow in a breath?

一輩子 闖幾次紅燈

How many barrier can be broken through in this life


How many red lights can you run in your life?

答案啊答案 在茫茫的風裡

The answers swaying gently in the wind.

The answer, ah, the answer is drifting in the wind

答案啊答案 在茫茫的風裡

The answers swaying gently in the wind.

Ethan Lin, 01/06/13,
be verb
Ethan Lin, 2013/1/6,
Ethan Lin, 01/06/13,
Ethan Lin, 01/06/13,
Ethan Lin, 01/06/13,
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The answer, ah, the answer is drifting in the wind

一雙眼 能燃燒到幾歲

How long the flame of passion / can last in your gaze.

How many years can this flame burn in your eyes?

一張嘴 吻多少次酒杯

How much showiness can be seen through.

How many kisses can a wine glass get from your lips?

一頭發 能抵抗幾把梳子

How many lures of hypocrisy can be resisted.

How many times can you comb with through your hair?

一顆心 能年輕幾回

Ethan Lin, 01/06/13,
Ethan Lin, 2013/1/6,
How soon will you lost your hair?
Ethan Lin, 01/06/13,
Ethan Lin, 2013/1/6,
means “how much can you drink in your lifetime”
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How many times can feel the brand-new life in your


How many times can you stay young at heart?

答案啊答案 在茫茫的風裡

The answers swaying gently in the wind.

The answer, ah, the answer is drifting in the wind

答案啊答案 在茫茫的風裡

The answers swaying gently in the wind.

The answer, ah, the answer is drifting in the wind

啦…… 啦…… La la la la la ….

啦…… 啦……La la la la la ….

Ethan Lin, 01/06/13,
Lacking subject
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為什麼 信總在雲上飛

Why I can never catch those letters in my hand.

Why do letters always fly upon the clouds?

為什麼 車票在手裡

Why I grab the chance in my hand.

Why are the train tickets in my hand?

為什麼 惡夢在枕頭下

Why I am haunted by the nightmare constantly.

Why is there a nightmare under my pillow?

Ethan Lin, 01/06/13,
Ethan Lin, 01/06/13,
Should save the image of “ticket”
Ethan Lin, 2013/1/6,
Got the ticket, but couldn’t go back
Ethan Lin, 01/06/13,
Create alternate image
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為什麼 抱你的是大衣

Why I am not the one to hold you tight.

Why is it your coat embracing you?

(but not me?)

答案啊答案 在茫茫的風裡

The answers swaying gently in the wind.

The answer, ah, the answer is drifting in the wind

答案啊答案 在茫茫的風裡

The answers swaying gently in the wind.

The answer, ah, the answer is drifting in the wind

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一片大陸 算不算你的國

Can you count a continent an your country?

A continent, could it be your country?

一個島 算不算你的家

Can you count an island as your home?

An island, could it be your home?

一眨眼 算不算少年

Could we count the crazy adolescence as just in a


Ethan Lin, 01/06/13,
Ethan Lin, 2013/1/6,
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A blink, could you retain your youth?

一輩子 算不算永遠

Could we count the time from the cradle to the


A life, could it be forever?

答案啊答案 在茫茫的風裡

The answers swaying gently in the wind.

The answer, ah, the answer is drifting in the wind

答案啊答案 在茫茫的風裡

The answers swaying gently in the wind.

The answer, ah, the answer is drifting in the wind

啦…… 啦……Lalala……Lalala……

Ethan Lin, 01/07/13,
Ethan Lin, 01/06/13,
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啦…… 啦……Lalala……Lalala……

啦…… 啦……Lalala……Lalala……

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Walking in the rain

當我走在淒清的路上 天空正飄著濛濛細雨

When I was walking down on the gloomy street, the sky

rains drizzly

When I was walking on a lonely street, the sky was afloat

in misty drizzle

在這寂寞黯淡的暮色裡 想起我們相別在雨中

Sinking in such a lonely, dim dusk,

The memory of us saying goodbye come to mind

Dusk falling on a lonely dark sky thinking of how in the

rain we said goodbye

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Can’t help but let the sadness growing inside my heart

My heart cannot help mourning

當我獨自徘徊在雨中 大地孤寂沈沒在黑夜裡

When I am wandering in the rain alone,

Landscape sinking into the darkness

When I am alone wandering in the rain

the earth is lonely sinking in the dark night

雨絲就像她柔軟的細髮 深深繫住我心的深處

The rain just likes her soft hair, ties up in my inner heart


Silken rain like her soft hair tied within the depths of

my heart

Ethan Lin, 01/06/13,
deeply in my heart
Ethan Lin, 01/06/13,
is like
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Can’t tell these are tears or raindrops

Couldn’t tell if it is rain or if they are tears

記起我們相見在雨中 那微微細雨落在我們頭髮上

I remember that we meet in the rain; the drizzle fell on

our hair slightly

Reminiscing when we met in the rain and the drizzle

that caught in our hair.

啊 往事說不盡 就像山一樣高 好像海一樣深

Ah the untold past was as high as mountains, as deep as

the sea

Ethan Lin, 01/06/13,
Ethan Lin, 01/06/13,
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Ah, the untold past Like the height of a mountain like

the depth of the ocean

甜蜜綺麗彩虹般美麗往事 說不盡就像山一樣高

The beautiful past was as sweet as gorgeous rainbows

The untold past was as high as mountains

Sweet enchanting rainbow of happenings in the past

Like the height of a mountain are words of never-ending


好像海一樣深 甜蜜綺麗彩虹般美麗往事

The untold past was as deep as the sea

The beautiful past was as sweet as gorgeous rainbows.

Like the depth of the ocean sweet enchanting rainbow

of happenings in the past

Ethan Lin, 2013/1/6,
sweet, beautiful rainbow like past
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Golden Thread Shoes

再為我歌一曲吧 再笑一個淒絕美絕的笑吧

Singing a song for me again and laughing with a

mournful and beautiful smile.

Sing a song for me again smile a smile of extreme

sorrow and beauty again

等待你去踏著 踏一個軟而濕的金縷鞋

I am waiting for you to tread in a pair of soft and wet

golden silk shoes.

Waiting for you to tread treading in these soft, wet

Ethan Lin, 2013/1/6,
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golden thread shoes

月亮已沈下去了 露珠們正端凝著小眼睛在等待

The moon went down. The dew was waiting for the


The moon has set Dew drops are opening their little eyes


再為我歌一曲吧 再笑一個淒絕美絕的笑吧

Singing one more song for me; smiling again to get away

from sadness.

Sing a song for me again smile a smile of extreme

sorrow and beauty again

等待你去踏著 踏一個軟而濕的金縷鞋

Ethan Lin, 01/06/13,
over interpretation
Ethan Lin, 01/06/13,
Ethan Lin, 01/06/13,
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I am waiting for you to tread a in a pair of soft and wet

golden silk shoes.

Waiting for you to tread treading in these soft, wet

golden thread shoes

走呀走回去在他們底眼上 像一片楚楚的蝴蝶

Going back and going back to their sight. Just like a

lovely butterfly.

Go! Go back to their eyes like a lovely touching


等待你去踏著 踏一個軟而濕的金縷鞋

I am waiting for you to tread a in a pair of soft and wet

golden silk shoes.

Ethan Lin, 01/06/13,
again and retuning
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Waiting for you to tread treading in these soft, wet

golden thread shoes

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你抱著豎琴 也抱住自己優美的側影 啦...

You hold the harp and your graceful silhouette. La~~~

You hold on to a harp and hold on to your beautiful


那是一座照著春天樣子 雕成的浮雕 啦...

That is a relief which carved as spring look. La~~

It’s the appearance of spring carved into a relief

撥弄著琴線 你的手也是琴線

Ethan Lin, 01/06/13,
the look of spring
Ethan Lin, 01/06/13,
Awkward, “what a relief”
Ethan-Lin, 01/06/13,
KK: [ukapNtUf],
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Fiddling with strings, and your hands are strings.

Fiddling with the harp strings, your hands are also harp



Your hair is also strings.

Your hair is also harp strings.

你的眼睛裡 都是琴線

All the things in your eyes are strings.

The depth of your eyes is harp strings

所有的琴線 將你圍繞成另一個豎琴

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All the strings surround and turn you into another harp.

All the strings wrap around you turning you into another


只能用目靜靜的看 用心慢慢的想

I can only see silently and think slowly, Look quietly

with your eye think slowly with your mind


using my hand to fiddle the harp strings softly.

Plucked gently by hand

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河流也是琴線 樹林也是琴線

River is also a string, and so is forest.

A river is also harp strings a forest is also harp strings


Sun and moon are strings.

The sun and the moon are all harp strings


The things fluttering toward are dreams.

Floating from here is a dream

Ethan-Lin, 01/06/13,
From here to there… from this place to another place
Ethan Lin, 01/06/13,
the Sun….
Ethan Lin, 01/06/13,
Ethan Lin, 01/06/13,
Ethan Lin, 01/06/13,
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The things fluttering away are also dreams.

Floating to there is also a dream

(floating away)