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Starting small. History of Britain.


The Romans

V century BC.

The Anglo-Saxons

IV century BC

HeptarchyEngland in 878


On 1066 William of Normandy invaded England with a force of Normans.

In 1171 Henry subdued Ireland

"Angevin Empire"

In 1191 as a dependent territory was Cyprus.

In 1264 Edward I conquered Wales and attempted to gain control of the Kingdom of Scotland.

Newfoundland wasThe first British colony in the New world.

The Elizabethan era (15581603) is the golden age in English history.

The age of great navigators.

Englands territory grew more and more.

The begining

The Acts of Union between the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of Scotland were a pair of Parliamentary Acts passed by both parliaments in 1707.

The Kingdom of Scotland

More and more new colonies : Trinidad, Tobago, Dominica, St Lucia.

1 January 1801 -- a new state called the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

The flag means union of the countries.


The 19th century the British Empire dominates on the continents.


Since 1870, thanks to the capture of numerous colonies, it was calledthe British Empire

More colonies

Queen Victoria -- the longest reign - 64 years, she ruled over 40% of the globe and a quarter of the world's population.

In 1921 Ireland split from Great Britain.

In 1947, the Empire lost India. In the XX century the age of colonialism ended.

The British Empire collapsed.

And from 1950 to 1970 it lost the rest of the colonies for different reasons.

However, the United Kingdom remains the largest country of the 49 colonies. This Association is called the British Commonwealth of Nations.

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