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報告者 林穎琪 莊欣諺 王勛佑 蔡子謙授課教授 蘇沛琪



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Page 3: 報告者  林穎琪 莊欣諺 王勛佑 蔡子謙

I love the smell of metrics in the morning.我喜歡一早起來就開始度量小事物、小細節的味道

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I spent years in a metrics-driven organisation with analysis deeply rooted in the company’s DNA... And it was just great. My user experience design team was constantly occupied with lots of small tasks focused on the optimisation of the UI and though this is not something you can brag about during a family dinner (hardly noticeable things aren’t particularly admired), it let our users perform better every day and damn... it was bringing the company money! We did our job well.

我在以度量為導向的公司花了好幾年的時間深深根植於他們的 DNA 分析…那真是太棒了。我的使用者經驗團隊不斷專注於透過很多小任務去設計最好的使用者介面,儘管這並不是你可以在家庭聚會上炫耀的事(因為這些難以察覺的東西不會被特別推崇),但是卻讓我們的使用者每天可以表現的更好和該死…還可以幫公司賺錢!我們把我們的工作做得很好。

Metrics Driven Organizations got Analysis deeply rooted in their DNA.

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Despite all this experience, I struggled to put up ananalytical framework for UXPin - my own startup. By not measuring things properly, We were pushing ourcompany into the void of lost opportunities, money and users’ trust. It was a nightmare for me both as an entrepreneur and a user experience designer.

儘管有了這些經驗,我仍致力於為UXPin 建立了一個分析架構——這也是我的起步。但是由於沒有正確測量,我們將公司推向失去機會、金錢和使用者信任的無用狀況。這對我作為一個企業家和使用者經驗設計師來說無疑是個噩夢。

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I started to wonder: if we’re creating The UX Design App, shouldn’t we be an example of a great approach to user experience design? Why do we keep failing?What’s the difference between our startup and my previous job? The answer was simple: the difference is fundamental. Startups are just different.

我開始思索:如果我們要創造一個使用者體驗設計 App 應用程式設計,我們是否應該有個偉大的使用者經驗範例?為何我們一直在失敗? 我的起步方式和我之前的工作有什麼區別?答案很簡單:區別在於基礎。不同點就在於起步方式。

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It’s not the difference in team size and revenue numbers, it’s the difference of dynamics, uncertainty and your personal feelings.它的差別不在於團隊的規模和營收數目,它的差別是充滿變數、不確定性和你的個人情感。

The latter is probably the most influential. In yourown startup some things are unnaturally hard, becauseyou care too much. Caring too much brings chaos onboard. Chaos makes the simple complicated. Nextthing you know: you’re in trouble.後者可能是最具影響力的。在你自身的起步中,因為在乎的太多,所以有些事情將超乎尋常的困難。顧慮太多將造成更多混亂。混亂讓簡單的事情變得複雜。下一件事:你麻煩了!

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Besides, in a startup you’re so busy building that you sometimes forget about thinking.

Ain’t that shamefully right, fellow entrepreneurs?

Who doesn’t get caught by this vicious trap from time to time? I know I do.


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UXPin came a long way – from a fresh productwith problems to current solid traction and amazinggrowth in sales. I’d like to share with you how we usedspecific metrics to stay focused and really accelerateour business. Hopefully, it will spare you a couple ofsleepless nights and give your project a proper push.

UXPin 從很長遠的路走來——從一個有問題的全新產品到目前的固定牽引和驚人的銷售成長。我想跟你分享我們如何使用特定的度量方式保持專注和真正促進我們的業務。我希望它能減少你不眠不休的夜晚,並且適當地推動你的計劃

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Crossroads of

art and



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User experience design lies at the crossroads of art and science.It’s a magical mixture of visual art, hardboiled psychology and numbers. Drink it, click your heels and you’ll soon be in the right place, Dorothy.


User experience design is powerful, but honestly, there’s not a lot of mystery here. On a very general level, successful UX designers do just three things:使用者體驗設計很強大,但實際上也不是不可以思義的事情,一般來說,成功的使用者經驗設計師只要做三件事情:

UX 是視覺藝術、心理學和分析的混合物UX is a mixture of visual art, psychology and analysis.

西方童話《綠野仙蹤》(又名《奧茲國歷險記》, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz )的故事中,主人翁桃樂絲在一場風暴災難裡,與家人分離,而後在神祕的國度得到了一雙魔女的銀紅鞋,當她穿著這神奇的鞋,互碰一下雙腳的鞋跟,這雙鞋便能帶領她前往任何地方──最重要的是,帶她回家。

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1. Measure human behaviour and act upon metrics 衡量 ( 觀察 ) 人類行為,並作為採取行動的指標 ( 目標 ) 。2. Come up with solutions to well understood problems, basing their ideas on psychological knowledge and data gathered in research (solutions are visualised as prototypes, wireframes, sketches, diagrams etc.理解問題點並找到解決方法,將他們在心理知識上的想法和數據整合在研究中(視覺化呈現解決方案,例如製作原型、 線框、 草圖、圖表等。3. Communicate with other members of the team to facilitate design collaboration. 與團隊的其他組員溝通交流,以促進設計之間的合作。

Successful UX designers

Do just three things

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Do the same and your startup will flourish and grow rapidly. 跟著做 ,你的起步將會非常活躍且快速的成長Sounds simple right?聽起來很簡單嗎 ?

Unfortunately, sometimes the road is unpleasantly rough. 不幸的是,有時候路並不是那麼的平坦。Measuring human behavior in a startup is hard to do and easy to forget.在一開始衡量 ( 觀察 ) 人們的行為是很困難,也很容易就被忘記的。U








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I’ve recently had a conversation (not the first one of its sort) on why the results of the work of a very talented designer don’t bring home the bacon (happy users and money). The design looks great, most of the decisions are backed up with reasonable argumentation, it’s shiny, personal and seems to be clever. What could be wrong? Why doesn’t it simply fly?

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It’s very easy to lose faith in the designer’s talent, The users, or, God forbid, the design itself. Too easy. We have this inner urge to blame, but believe me -that’s not the right path to take. This shiny design might have a certain value, it just doesn’t perform well enough. Blaming the designer would only obscure the picture. Perhaps we’re just one small tweak away from a great-looking, high-performance interface. How could we know this, if not by carefully measuring performance, gathering the right data and drawing a valid conclusion?

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Try to figure out what’s going wrong (classic usability testing might come in handy) 試著指出可能錯誤的地方 (傳統的測試也許能派上用場 )

and correct it. It’s almost always that easy.然後校正它,它幾乎會是簡單的(它通常都很簡單。)


Make sure that you know what your design is supposed to do (choose one main thing to start with),確認你是為了什麼假設去做你的設計 (選一個主要因素做起始依據 )

choose one metric that can tell you if people succeed and measure it. 選擇一個可以讓你成功測試人們的工具

The numbers don’t look too good? 這些數字看起來不是很好 ?



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Measurement is a habit that you need to grow and in time you’ll get better and better at choosing the right things

and ways to measure them. Your startup will flourish.


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In our story, the particularly talented designer, didn’t measure and didn’t optimise his designs. No wonder there was no bacon at the table. He remained unsuccessful because he forgot about one ingredient of our magical mixture of user experience design – the numbers - a measurement of user behaviour. That’s the easiest way to fail.


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You don’t want to copy his approach. Especially when your business is at stake.

你不會 ( 不要 )模仿他 ( 別人 ) 的做法 尤其是當你的生意危在旦夕時

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報告者 林穎琪 莊欣諺 王勛佑 蔡子謙授課教授 蘇沛琪
