Download - 5 Message of H.E. Koen Adam, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium in Serbia Message of Marijana Milošević Tufegdžić, Economic

Page 1: 5 Message of H.E. Koen Adam, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium in Serbia Message of Marijana Milošević Tufegdžić, Economic



Page 2: 5 Message of H.E. Koen Adam, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium in Serbia Message of Marijana Milošević Tufegdžić, Economic

Table of content:Sadržaj:

Message of H.E. Koen Adam, Ambassador of theKingdom of Belgium in Serbia

Uvodna reč Njegove Ekselencije Koen Adam,Ambasadora Kraljevine Belgije u Srbiji

Message of Marijana Milošević Tufegdžić,Economic and Trade Counsellor of Belgium

Uvodna reč gospođe Marijana Milošević Tufegdžić,Savetnik za ekonomiju i trgovinu države Belgije

Doc. dr Hugo A.M. van VeghelPresident of the Belgian Serbian Business Association

Doc. dr Hugo A.M. van VeghelPredsednik Belgijsko - Srpske poslovne asocijacije

Belgian - Serbian economic data

Board of directors of the BSBA

BSBA members

BSBA members by sector


Important addresses

Alphabetical index














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Message of H.E. Koen Adam,Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium in Serbia

Message of Marijana Milošević Tufegdžić,Economic and Trade Counsellor of Belgium

Uvodna reč gospođe Marijane Milošević Tufegdžić,Savetnik za ekonomiju i trgovinu države Belgije

Serbia’s strategic goal remains more than ever to integrate the country in the European family, alongside other countries in the Balkan. This requires a steady and progressive alignment with the so-called ‘communautarian acquis’ in a whole range of areas. Throughout the negotiation process, and within the sectoral chapters, the Serbian economy and business climate, as well as the general governance approach is gradually changing and modernizing. The EU supports this in different ways, through several funding and technical expertise mechanisms in which Belgium is also a stakeholder.

The best way to achieve the goal of EU integration, remains however the day to day cooperation on the ground between people, economic operators and companies: transfer of knowhow, training of local workforce, good business practices, transparency and adherence to European norms and regulatory standards are part of dynamics that will benefit Serbian as well as Belgian businesses. Our Belgian companies, mostly SME, have the skills and capacities to play a significant role in Serbia. Their growing presence and activity is reflected in the bilateral trade statistics.

This BSBA Directory fits perfectly in this endeavor: by showcasing the Belgian companies already present in Serbia, with company profiles that illustrate their strengths and potential, and linking this with the rapidly developing business opportunities in the Serbian market, the directory will contribute to achieving the ‘win win’ outcome of dense economic and commercial bonds between both our countries.

Belgium is at the leading edge of whole series of sectors and with its relatively small domestic market, Belgium has developed an open, internationally - oriented economy that depends heavily on foreign trade. Belgian exports amount to more than 80% of national GDP and according to the latest WTO data, it is the 13th largest exporting country in the world.

Belgian business community in Serbia is not so numerous, but it is present in various areas of Serbian economy - agriculture, food industry, ICT, metal processing, renewable enery. The overall foreign trade between the two countries is increasing streadily every year, making Serbia more attractive as partner for Belgian entrepreneurs.

This Directory is a summary of Belgian economic presence in Serbia. Creating a positive image about Serbia and its market is always a first step and we are continuosly raising the attention of the Belgian businessmen towards the advantages of the Serbia marketplace. Constant progress and many examples of good practice are the best guarantee for success.

Belgija je inovator u čitavom nizu sektora i uprkos relativno malom unutrašnjem tržištu, razvila je otvorenu, međunarodno orijentisanu privredu, koja se prvenstveno zasniva na spoljnoj trgovini. Belgijski izvoz predstavlja oko 80% BDP, a prema poslednjim podacima STO, Belgija je 13. najveći izvoznik u svetu.

Belgijska poslovna zajednica u Srbiji nije velika, ali je prisutna u mnogima oblastima srpske privrede: poljoprivredi, prehrambenoj industriji, IT-u, metaloprerađivačkoj industriji, sektoru obnovljive energije itd. Ukupna spoljnotrgovinska razmena između Belgije i Srbije raste iz godinu u godinu, čineći Srbiju sve atraktivnijim partnerom.

Ovaj poslovni adresar sumira belgijsko ekonomsko prisustvo u Srbiji. Stvaranje pozitivne slike o Srbiji i njenom tržištu je uvek prvi korak, te se mi trudimo da kontinuirano skrećemo pažnju belgijskih privrednika na prednosti srpskog tržišta. Stalni napredak i brojni primeri dobre prakse, najbolja su garancija uspeha.

September, 2019

November, 2016

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Doc. dr Hugo A.M. van VeghelPresident of the Belgian Serbian Business Association

Doc. dr Hugo A.M. van VeghelPredsednik Belgijsko-srpske poslovne asocijacije

I am glad to have the opportunity of welcoming the issue of this Directory and I would congratulate the publishers of this one on their enterprise.

The Belgian Serbian Business Association (BSBA) was established in 2010 to create a forum for the Belgian-Serbian economic community in the country. Since then the BSBA has 65 registered members and more than 740 followers on social media.

Our goal is to facilitate business between the two countries with a special focus on small and medium enterprises with support of our corporate members. In this context the BSBA is an active member of the European Initiative Workgroup and the Council of Mixed Chambers of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, advocating and lobbying for its members at the highest levels.

The BSBA gathers business entities and individuals from a wide variety of bu-siness sectors. The aim of this directory is to assist you in finding the right part-ners for the right job.

For those engaged in business or one of the professions, a comprehensive and accurate directory is a necessity, and I feel sure, knowing as I do that great care has been devoted to the publication of this volume, that it will fulfill with efficiency that need.

I hope that the directory will provide you further support in developing your business.

Drago mi je što imam priliku da pozdravim objavljivanje ovog adresara, te bih želeo da čestitam izdavačima ovog izdanja na obavljenom poslu.

Belgijsko-srpska poslovna asocijacija (BSPA) osnovana je 2010. godine kako bi bio stvoren forum za belgijsko-srpsku privrednu zajednicu u zemlji. Od tada, BSPA je okupila 65 registrovanih članica i više od 740 pratilaca na društvenim mrežama.

Naš cilj je da podržimo odnose između dve države, sa posebnim osvrtom ka malim i srednjim preduzećima uz podršku naših korporativnih članica. U tom smislu, BSPA je aktivna članica Radne grupe za evropske inicijative i Saveta me-šovitih privrednih komora Privredne komore Srbije, u kojima se zalaže i lobira za svoje članice na najvišem nivou.

BSPA okuplja privredne subjekte i pojedince iz širokog spektra poslovnih sektora. Cilj ovog adresara je da Vam pomogne da pronađete odgovarajuće partnere za odgovarajući posao.

Za one koji se bave poslom ili jednom od profesija, sveobuhvatan i tačan adresar predstavlja neophodnost. S obzirom da znam da je velika pažnja posvećena objavljivanju ovog izdanja, siguran sam da će ta potreba biti ispunjena na efikasan način. Nadam se da će ovaj adresar poslužiti kao dodatna podrška razvoju Vašeg posla.

November, 2016

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Major sections

Major sections

Serbia = 47th clientSerbia = 82th supplier

In million EURExportsImportsTrade balanceExports: variation %Imports: variation %






Serbia = 65th clientSerbia = 79th supplier

ExportChemicalsBase metalsMachinery & equipment

ExportMachinery & equipmentPlasticsTransport equipment

ImportVegetable productsTextilesMachinery & equipment

ImportVegetable productsTextilesChemicals





Trade balance: EUR 701.2 million

Trade balance: EUR 197.1 million

EUR 860.4 million: +145.1%EUR 159.2 million: +3.4%

EUR 351.1 million: +30.8%EUR 154.0 million: +10.7%

Importance of Serbia and neighbouring countries in Belgium’s foreign trade (2018)

Serbia47th clientEUR 860.4 million82th supplierEUR 159.2 million

Albania132th clientEUR 33.2 million157th supplierEUR 3.9 million

Montenegro160th clientEUR 12.9 million124th supplierEUR 19.8 million

Bosnia-Herzegovina103th clientEUR 85.2 million119th supplierEUR 38.2 million

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Honorary PresidentH.E Koen AdamBelgian Ambassador to Serbia Carmeuse

Delhaize SerbiaGSK GlaxoSmithKline

GomexMetechPopovic, Popovic & Partners

AGFA Health CareAIDA TradeAVL ProjektBeolaserBlockxCordeel d.o.o. BeogradCrops and PartnersDataplan InformatikaElicioFITEK Solutions dooITAF

JPM Jankovic Popovic MiticKaranovic & Nikolic OADMika EngineeringMinel-SchrederNDPPatrol PM DOOPuratosStylosTalent 4 BLINDSVedeto plus doo

BeotimBovan ConsultingC.A.M. PartnersConfirmaDe Hauwere DeniseDelva GilberteDeus MediaICTTIINDECKenzai GroupTVH Parts

Law Office MaricLaw Office Tasic & PartnersMJB Mikijelj Jankovic BogdanovicNuscience Premix GroupReal Estate SolutionsReynaers AluminiumSFSTARA International ConsultingTelenorZivkovic Samardzic

ChairmanHugo van Veghel

Vice ChairmanPatrick Geeraert

Executive DirectorMilica Vranjanac

TreasurerVladimir Brkić

Honorary memberSerbian Chamber of Commerce

Members of the boardMarijana Milošević Tufegdžić, Economic & Trade CounsellorAna Bovan Slobodan Leso Dirk Theunissen

Supervisory boardMarija TasićMirko Golijanin

Honorary PresidentH.E. Marina JovićevićSerbian Ambassador to Belgium

Honorary members for lifeVladimir Majstorović † 2011Denise De Hauwere

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AGFA Health CareBeolaserGSK


Cordeel d.o.o. Beograd

Kenzai GroupBeotim

MetechMika Engineering

AIDA Trade Restaurant Madera

Deus Media

Talent 4 Blinds

Vedeto plus doo

Patrol PM DOO



Dataplan InformatikaFitek Solutions doo

Telenor Banking


TVH Parts


De Hauwere DeniseDelva Gilberte

AVL ProjektMinel-Schreder

Bovan ConsultingConfirmaICTTI International center for knowledge and technology transfer partnership and inovationTARA International Consulting

C.A.M. Capital Asset Menagement partnersNDP Audio & ConsultingSFS Studio za finansijsko savetovanje

Crop’s & PartnersNuscience

CarmeuseReal Estate SolutionsReynaers AluminiumINDEC

MJB Mikijelj Jankovic BogdanovicJPM Jovanovic Popovic MiticKaranovic & Nikolic OADLaw Office MaricLaw Office Tasic & PartnersPopovic, Popovic & PartnersZivkovic Samardzic
























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AGFA Health Care AIDA Trade Restaurant MaderaAdress: Sarajevska 40, 11 000 BelgradeTel: + 381 11 26 86 181E-mail: [email protected]: www.agfa.comActive in Serbia since: directly from 2008Contact person: Marko Pandrc

Adress: Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 43 11 000 BelgradeTel: + 381 11 3231332, + 381 65 3231332Fax: + 381 11 3340463E-mail: [email protected]: www.maderarestoran.comActive in Serbia since: 2006Contact person: Nebojša Dapčević, manager


Activity:Leading global provider of diagnostic imaging and healthcare IT solutions. The company had nearly a century of healthcare experience and has been a pioneer of the healthcare IT market since the early 1990’s. Today Agfa Health Care designs, develops and delivers state-of-the-art system for capturing, managing and processing diagnostic images and clinical-administrative information for hospitals and healthcare facilities, as well as contrast media solutions to enable effective medical imaging results.

Activity:Only „a la carte” restaurant with international and national menu. Madera is located in the metropolitan area with a long history. Part of today’s Boulevard of King Alexander - fromTakovska to Beogradska street - was known as “Fišegdžijska čaršija” (Cornet market) because, by order of Prince Miloš Obrenović, this area has been designated for the sale of gun-powder cornets. The place where Madera restaurant stands today, had been occupied by a “kafana” called Smederevo - a gethering place of coachmen and blue-collars. Then, in the spirit of Modernism, a new building was erected whose lobby was populated by the restaurant Madera in 1937.

The story goes that the restaurant got its name as one of the regular guests brought a great wine from the Portuguese island of Madeira. Belgrade’s bohemians, famous artists and journalists, which have been popularly called “maderaši”, gethered in our restaurant. Among them are Dr Aca Obradović, Predrag Milojević, Ljuba Tadić, Miroslav Radojčić, Den Tana, Miljan Miljanić, Slava Đukić, Ljubiša Vukadinović, Dragoslav Šekularac and others. Its current, modern appearance Madera got in May 2003.

Delatnosti:Vodeći globalni provajder u oblasti radiološke dijagnostike i IT rešenja u zdravstvu.Kompanija poseduje iskustvo od gotovo jednog veka i predstavlja pionira u IT tržištu u zdravstu. Danas, kompanija projektuje, razvija i isporučuje vrhunska rešenja za snimanje, upravljanje i obradu dijagnostičke slike kao i kliničko-administrativnih podataka za potrebe zdravstvenih ustanova, kao i kontrasna sredstva koja obezbeđuje efikasnije rezultate u radiologiji.

Delatnosti:Iskljucivo a la carte restoran sa internacionalnim i nacionalnim menijem. Restoran Madera se nalazi u gradskoj zoni duge prošlosti. Deo današnjeg Bulevara kralja Aleksandra od Takovske do Beogradske ulice bio je poznat pod imenom Fišegdžijska čaršija jer je, po naredbi kneza Miloša Obrenovića, taj prostor bio odrađen za prodaju baruta i fišeka. Na mostu gde se danas nalazi restoran Madera najpre je otvorena kafana Smederevo, gde su se okupljali kočijaši i amali. Potom je, u duhu moderne, podignuta višespratna zgrada čije je prizemlje 1937. godine krasila kafana – restoran Madera.

Priča kaže da je restoran dobio ime tako što je neko od gostiju doneo odlično vinosa portugalskog ostrva Madeira. U ovom restoranu okupljali su se gradski boemi, čuveni umetnici i novinari, koje su popularno nazivali “maderašima“. Među njima su dr Aca Obradović, Predrag Milojević, Ljuba Tadić, Miroslav Radojčić, Den Tana, Miljan Miljanić, Slava Đukić, Ljubiša Vukadinović, Dragoslav Šekularac i drugi. Današnji, moderan izgled Madera je dobila u maju 2003. godine.

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AVL ProjektAdress: Rumenački Put 28, 21 000 Novi SadTel: + 381 21 472 0556Fax: + 381 21 553 839E-mail: [email protected]: www.avlprojekt.rsActive in Serbia since: 2012Contact person: Slobodan Većkalov


Activity:AVL Projekt is an authorized distributor of the renowned world manufacturers of the professional audio and light equipment, video projection and LED systems, stage and trussing, as well as the consumer HiFi audio equipment. We design solutions, project systems, engineer and install the equipment and put it into operation. We also do the acoustic calculation, provide light and video design and train our clients to use the implemented solutions. The complete after-sales support is provided.

Delatnosti:AVL Projekt je ovlašćeni zastupnik renomiranih svetskih proizvođača profesionalne audio i rasvetne tehnike, video projekcione i LED opreme, sistema najrazličitijih binskih konstrukcija i trussing sistema, kao i konzumne HiFi audio opreme. Izrađujemo idejna rešenja, projektujemo sisteme, bavimo se inženjeringom i instalacijom opreme, puštanjem u rad sistema, pravljenjem akustičnih proračuna, rasvetnog i video dizajna, obukom korisnika i obezbeđivanjem potpune postprodajne podrške.


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BeolaserAdress: Trgovačka 16a, 11 147 Beograd Tel: + 381 11 2395639E-mail: [email protected] person: Branko Martinović


Activity:Beolaser is the exclusive distributor of Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation. The offer of the manufacturer, ultrasound and x-ray machines, angiography rooms, computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). We are also a local distributor of Agfa Health Care offer programs from which X-ray filling wet and dry technology, PACS solution systems for Computed Radiography (CR), printers, dry technology and digital X-ray machines.

Our company is the agent of Dornier MedTech. Beolaser Ltd. and a representative of Mennen Medical Ltd. renowned manufacturer patient monitor, system hemodynamic measurements and electrophysiological studie. The company has cooperated with several humanitarian organizations, regarding the delivery of medical equipment and supplies.

Delatnosti:Beolaser d.o.o. je eksluzivni distibuter Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation. U ponudi ovog proizvođača su ultrazvučni i rengen aparati, angio sale, kompjuteriyovana tomografija (CT) i magnetna rezonansa (MR). Takođe smo lokalni distributer Agfa Healthcare iz čijeg programa nudimo rentgen filomove mokre i suve tehnologije, PACS rešenje, sisteme za kompjuterizovanu radiografiju (CR), štampače suve tehnologije i digitalne rentgen aparate.

Naše privredno društvo je zastupnik Dornier MedTech. Beolaser d.o.o. je i zastupnik Mennen Medial ltd renomiranog proizvođača pacijent monitora, sistema za hemodinamska merenja i elektrofiziološke studije. Preduzeće je sarađivalo sa više humanitarnih organizacija, vezano za isporuke medicinske opreme i potrošnog materijala.

BeotimAdress: Sarajevska 40/23, 11 000 BelgradeTel: +381 11 36 10 737, +381 11 36 13 012Fax: +381 11 36 10 737, +381 11 36 13 012E-mail: [email protected] Website: Active in Serbia since: 1992Contact person: Marko Ilić

Activity:Hotel equipment – in room supplies, textiles and amenities;Craft & premium beers imports and distribution;Custom made retail furniture design and manufacturing.

Delatnosti:Oprema za hotele - oprema hotelskih soba, tekstilnim proizvodima i dekorativni elementima;Uvoz i distribucija zanatski proizvedenih piva i prestižnih uvoznih piva;Dizajn i proizvodnja nameštaja po meri u malim serijama.

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BlockxAdress: Ciglanska bb, 21 470 Bački Petrovac Tel: + 381 21 781 507Fax: +381 21 781 487E-mail: [email protected]: www.blockxdoo.comActive in Serbia since: January 2002Contact person: Benkova Miluška


Activity:Processing PP granules and production of PP tapes, fabrics and loops of different dimensions and chracteristics;

Production of Big bags of FIBC (Flexible Intermediate Bulk Containers) and Container liner bags of all types and for all purposes.

Delatnosti:Prerada PP granulate i proizvodnja PP tračica, tkanine i gurtni različitih dimenzija i karakteristika;

Proizvodnja džambo vreća i kontejner vreća.

Bovan ConsultingAdress: 13, Žorža Klemansoa, 11 000 BelgradeTel: + 381 11 30 36 133Fax: + 381 11 30 36 133E-mail: [email protected]: www.bovan.euActive in Serbia since: 2001Contact person: Marija Đorđević

Activity:Bovan Consulting is a consultancy focused on political and business interests of selected clients. For clients from Central and SE Europe, Bovan Consulting offers support in the fields of business strategy, M&A and lobbying on local markets and in Brussels.

Bovan Consulting’s presence in London and Brussels offers our clients the opportunities like no other consulting company of similar portfolio in the region. Since 2001 our seasoned and multidisciplinary team has been working in the fields of energy, ICT, agribusiness, security, pharma and tobacco among others.

Delatnosti:Bovan Consulting je konsultantska kuća koja zastupa političke i poslovne interese svojih klijenata. Za klijente iz Centralne i Jugoistočne Evrope, Bovan Consulting pruža podršku u oblasti poslovne strategije, M&A, kao i lobiranja na lokalnim tržištima i u Briselu.

Prisustvo Bovan Consulting u Londonu i Briselu nudi klijentima širok spektar mogućnosti u regionu. Od 2001. godine, naš iskusni i multidisciplinarni tim radi na polju energetike, ICT, agribiznisa, bezbednosti, farmaceutske i duvanske industrije pored drugih oblasti.

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CarmeuseCapital Asset Management Partners Adress: Representative office, Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 10l / IV, 11 070 BelgradeFactory and production: Jelen Do doo; 31 215 Jelen DoTel: +381 31 590 599E-mail: [email protected]: in Serbia since: 2013Contact person: Sandra Milojević

Adress: Gandijeva 7/10, 11 000 BelgradeTel: +381 11 66 02 026Fax: +381 11 66 02 026E-mail: [email protected]: www.campartners.rsActive in Serbia since: 2012Contact person: Dejan Tufegdžić, director


Activity:Carmeuse is a leading international lime and limestone producer, with more than 150 years of experience in the extraction and processing of high calcium limestone and dolomite stone into lime and lime-related products for industrial and commercial customers.

Activity:Capital Asset Management Partners (C.A.M. Partners) is a corporate finance advisory boutique specializing in advisory services, mergers and acquisitions, business development, fund raising and valuations. Our competences are special understanding of all aspects of corporate finance, including M&A (mergers and acquisitions), restructuring and reorganization, raising equity and bank finance, management outsourcing and business development deals.

Extensive network of relationships in the fields of finance and industry and international presence enable us to identify suitable business partners and investors, provide specialist expertise and advice and complete deals between buyers, sellers and investors. Our team has worked in a wide variety of projects in various sectors, including banking, brokerage, insurance, retail, food & beverages, oil & gas, renewable energies & recycling, real estate, pharmaceuticals, media, telecommunications, security services.

Delatnosti:Carmeuse je vodeći svetski proizvođač krečnjaka i kreća, sa više od 150 godina iskustva u eksploataciji i preradi visoko kvalitetnih krečnjaka i dolomita u kreč i proizvide na bazi kreča za industriju i široku potrošnju.

Delatnosti:C.A.M. Partners je finansijska savetodavna firma koja pruža usluge specijalno prilagođene za određenu kompaniju (“tailor made“) svojim klijentima širom Srbije i CEFTA regiona. Naše ključne sposobnosti podrazumevaju posebno razumevanje svih aspekata korporativnih finansija, uključujući spajanja i pripajanja, restrukturiranje i reorganizaciju, uvećanje kapitala i finansiranje od strane banaka, pružanje usluga menadžmenta i razvoj poslovanja.

Naša široka mreža kontakata iz oblasti finansija i industrije i naša internacionalna prisutnost omogućava nam da identifikujemo podobne poslovne partnere i investitore, kao i pružanje stručne ekspertize/mišljenja i saveta našim klijentima. Naš tim je radio na širokom opsegu projekata u raznim sektorima, uključujući sektore bankarstva, posredovanja, osiguranja, maloprodaje, prehrambene industrije (hrana i piće), nafta i gasa, obnovljive energije i reciklaže, nekretnina, farmacije, medija, telekomunikacija, pružanja bezbedonosnih usluga.

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Cordeel d.o.o. BeogradAdress: Radnicka 35, 11 000 BelgradeTel: +381 11 3571968E-mail: [email protected] in Serbia since: 2015Contact person: Tanja ZizovicPosition: Administrative managerTel: +381 60 3572607E-mail: [email protected]


Activity:Cordeel ltd Belgrade is a company formed by Cordeel Group in order to approach to West Balkan markets with the synergy of Cordeel Group experience from its strongholds in Netherland, Belgium and Bulgaria and local market knowhow. Cordeel ltd Belgrade operates from the very start of the investment planning, through executing designed and built documentation, approvals and permits for the construction till executing all building works and following the projects in its maintenance period. Practically one place for entire investment development and execution. Cordeel ltd Belgrade team is made of proven local engineers, administrative managers and experience workers created with the idea to fully cover project management, building site execution and administration. Having huge group experience on disposal this team managed to grow the company within 3 years to became well positionedand reputed general contractor recognized on Serbian market for its on time execution and planning of recognized quality engineering solutions with the high satisfaction of its clients and partners. Having a firm financial stability and proven knowhow as its foundations, Cordeel ltd Belgrade represents not only stabile partner today but also a high quality developer for the future because in its operations does always implement new technologies and trends with the goal on high quality with cost and time efficiency. Projects : „Officina Game East“ 2500 m2 – pharmaceutical industry in Vrsac, „Ravago Chemicals“ 2600 m2 – chemical industry in Feketic, „Hiteam” 1800 m2 – data center in Vrsac, “Lidl” - 2700 m2 – retail store in Nis, “PSC Mazda” - 1100 m2 – commercial& service center in Nis, “Kalinel” - 2000 m2 –textile industry in Vranjska Banja, “Ergomade” – 6500m2 – ce furniture factory near Nis, “Zoppas” - 7000m2 – heating industry in Kikinda, “Lidl “ – 2500 m2 – retail store in Cacak.

Delatnosti:Cordeel d.o.o. Beograd je kompanija Cordeel grupe formirana sa ciljem da se nastupi na zapadno balkanskim tržištima u sinergiji iskustava Cordeel grupe iz Holandije, Belgije i Bugarske i poznavanja lokalnog tržišta. Cordeel d.o.o. Beograd pokriva sve aktivnosti od samog starta investicije kroz planiranje investicije, preko izrade projektne dokumentacije i dobijanja potrebnih dozvola do izvoenja svih radova i održavanja radova u garantnom periodu. Praktično jedno mesto za celokupan razvoj i realizaciju investicije. Tim Cordeel d.o.o. Beograd čine dokazani domaći inženjeri, administrativni menadžeri i iskusni radnici ujedinjeni u ideji da se u potpunosti odgovori svim zahtevima projekta u smislu voenja projekta, voenja gradilišta i svih administrativnih poslova. Imajući veliko iskustvo grupe na raspolaganju, tim je uspeo da razvije kompaniju za 3 godine i dostigne reputabilnu poziciju generalnog izvoača radova prepoznatljivog na Srpskom tržištu po svom striktnom poštovanju rokova, kvalitetnim inženjerskim rešenjima na veliko zadovoljstvo svojih klijenata i partnera.Imajući čvrstu finansijsku stabilnost i dokazani kvalitet kao svoje temelje, Cordeel d.o.o. Beograd ne predstavlja danas samo stabilnog partnera, već i visko kvalitetnog graditelja za budućnost jer u svom poslovanju uvek koristi najnovije tehnologije i trendove sa ciljem optimizacije visokog kvaliteta sa cenom i vremenom realizacije Projekti:„cina Game East“ 2500 m2 – farmaceutska industrija - Vrsac,„Ravago Chemicals“ 2600 m2 –hemijska industrija - Feketic, „Hiteam” 1800 m2 – data centar - Vrsac, “Lidl” - 2700 m2 – supermarket - Nis,“PSC Mazda” - 1100 m2 – poslovni centar - Nis, “Kalinel” - 2000 m2 – fabrika tekstila-Vranjska Banja,“Ergomade” – 6500m2 – fabrika nameštaja - Nis, “Zoppas” - 7000m2 – fabrika bakarnih cevi- Kikinda, “Lidl “ – 2500 m2 – supermarket - Cacak.

ConfirmaAdress: Mosten 13, Lokeren, Belgium TIN: BE0695756947Tel: +32 493 87 15 25E-mail: [email protected]: Active in Serbia since: 2019Contact person: Luli MilosPosition: OwnerMobile: +32 494 99 35 89; +381 60 499 35 89E-mail: [email protected]

Activity:Confirma is a Belgian company, centrally located in Lokeren. Confirma believes that all positive and negative sides of an organization are reflected through sales. That is why Confirma has developed a 5-step Sales Path to assist its customers, small and medium enterprises from different industries, in improving their sales structure and reaching new markets.In the initial phase of the cooperation, the customer’s business situation is thoroughly analyzed. That way it immediately becomes clear whether the sales strategy and operational capacities of the company are aligned with its vision. This is crucial to determine and reach the right qualitative business relations. Furthermore, Confirma shoulders the cumbersome tasks of organizing and following-up sales meetings, while its customers can focus on building up business relations and selling… because Confirma believes that no one can sell the product or service better than the general manager self. In the final stage of the 5-step Sales Path, after having prospected target groups and markets and having organized meetings, Confirma processes all feedbacks, and provides very focused marketing analysis and works out a number of possible strategic options.

Delatnosti:Confirma je belgijska firma, koja se nalazi centralno pozicionirana u Lokerenu.Belgiji.Confirma veruje da se sve pozitivne i negativne strane poslovanja ogledaju u prodaji.Zbog toga pomaze svojim klijentima, malim i srednjim preduzecima iz razlicitih industrija, da poboljsaju svoju strukturu prodaje i da osvoje nova trzista uz pomoc Sistema Prodaje u 5 Koraka. U prvoj fazi saradnje se detaljno analizira poslovanje, kako bi se odredilo da li su strategija i operacioni kapaciteti u skladu sa vizijom. To je veoma vazan korak u odredjivanju i ostvarenju kontakta sa adekvatnim, kvalitetnim poslovnim partnerima. U nastavku, Confirma preuzima na sebe organizaciju sastanaka, kao i sve administrativne zadatke koje im prethode i slede. Za to vreme klijent moze da se posveti izgradnji saradnje sa svojim poslovnim partnerima… i prodaji… zato sto Confirma veruje da niko ne moze bolje da predstavi i proda svoj proizvod od samog vlasnika firme. U poslednjoj fazi Sistema Prodaje u 5 Koraka, nakon organizacije sastanaka, Confirma analizira sve povratne informacije, priprema marketinsku analizu i pravi nekoliko strategijskih opcija za dalje poslovanje svojh klijenata.

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CCrop’s & PartnersAdress: Kralja Milutina 51, 11 000 Belgrade (head office)Momcila Tešića bb, 31210 Požega (factory)Tel: +381 11 30 65 065Fax: +381 11 36 10 082E-mail: [email protected] in Serbia since: 2010Contact person: Jelena Nikolić Radovan Lazarevic, direktor društva

Activity:Crop`s & Partners doo Belgrade as its main activity is dealing with the processingand conservation of fruits and vegetables.C&P doo buys fresh fruits from farmers and fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables from external suppliers. Then, C&P does the freezing, sorting, coating with the fresh and deeply frozen fruits, vegetables and fruit mixes and also packing in a specially designed packaging material. In addition, C&P doo is also included in raising of fresh organic raspberries Heritage in its own organic plantations in the area of 10ha (in preparation is another 27ha).

Delatnosti:Crop`s & Partners doo Beograd se kao svojom osnovnom delatnošću bavi preradom i konzervisanjem voća i povrća. C&P doo otkupljuje sveže voće od farmera i sveže i smrznuto voće i povrće od eksternih dobavljača. Zatim, C&P zamrzava, sortira, kandira sveže i duboko zamrznuto voće, povrće i voćne mikseve i takođeambalažu. Pored toga, C&P doo se bavi gajenjem organske maline Heritage na sopstevnim zasadima površine 10ha (u pripremi je jos 27ha).


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Dataplan InformatikaAdress: Milutina Milankovica 11a, 11000 Novi BeogradTel: +32 50 37 00 46E-mail : [email protected]: www.dataplan.beYear of establish in Serbia: 08/2018Contact persons: Billy BogaertMobile: +32 484 06 91 05E-mail: [email protected]


Activity:Dataplan relieves companies with targeted intelligent solutions and permanent support. It is our goal to grow our customers smartly and to make their IT resilient for the future. We are therefore more than just an external technology partner, we act as the IT team of our customers.Due to the increasing digitalization of society and the business community, the competitive position of many companies today is directly linked to the (in) ability to integrate IT infrastructure, IT services and cloud solutions in a professional way into day-to-day operations. This requires a great effort that these organizations usually cannot deliver alone. Reliable IT partners are needed who can support and strengthen companies in order to continue to grow in a sustainable manner.Dataplan therefore offers quality products and services that ensure complete unburdening of all IT needs of our customers.Our niche software strengthens brokers and owners in efficient and organic management of multiple properties.

Delatnosti:Dataplan rasterećuje kompanije ciljanim inteligentnim rešenjima i stalnom podrškom. Naš cilj je pametan rast klijenata, kao i to da njihov IT učinimo spremnim za budućnost. Zbog toga smo više od spoljno-tehnološkog partnera, mi delujemo kao IT tim naših klijenata.Zbog sve veće digitalizacije društva i poslovne zajednice, konkurentna pozicija mnogih kompanija danas je direktno povezana sa (ne)mogućnošću integrisanja IT infrastrukture, IT usluga i cloud rešenja na profesionalan način u svakodnevne operacije. To zahteva velike napore, što ove organizacije obično ne mogu same da ostvare. Potrebni su pouzdani IT partneri koji mogu da podržavaju i ojačavaju kompanije kako bi one nastavile da se razvijaju na održiv način.Zbog toga Dataplan nudi kvalitetne proizvode i usluge koje rasterećuju naše klijente u pogledu svih IT potreba.Naš niche software osnažuje posrednike i vlasnike u učinkovitom i organičkom upravljanju.

Delhaize SerbiaAddress: Jurija Gagarina 14, 11 070 BelgradeTel: + 381 11 71 53 400E-mail: [email protected]: www.maxi.rsYear of establish in Serbia: 2011 Contact persons: Mirjana Jovašević [email protected] Miloš Jauković[email protected]

Activity:Delhaize Serbia is a member of international food retail chain Ahold Delhaize. Since the arrival to Serbia in 2011, Delhaize Serbia has been strongly focused on portfolio expansion, constant quality upgrade, recipe and design improvements, while the integration of this market into the globally renowned system has contributed to the overall development of modern business operations in the retail sector in Serbia. Thus Delhaize Serbia has remained the largest retail chain in our country. With more than 11.000 employees the company is one of the Top five employers in Serbia. Delhaize Serbia operates via Maxi, Tempo and Shop&Go brands, with the overall network of more than 400 stores.

Delatnosti:Delez Srbija je od članica međunarodnog trgovinskog lanca Ahold Delez. Od dolaska u Srbiju 2011. godine Deley intenzivno radi na proširenju asortimana, konstantnom podizanju kvaliteta, unapređenju receptura i dizajnu, a intergracija ovog tržišta u svetski prepoznat sistem doprinela je celokupnom razvoju modernog poslovanja u oblasti maloprodaje u Srbiji. Delez Srbija je na taj način, ostala najveći trgovinski lanac u našoj zemlji. Sa više od 11.000 zaposlenih kompanija se ubraja u 5 najvećih poslodavaca u Srbiji. Delez Srbija posluje kroz brendove Maxi, Shop&Go i Tempo, i ima više od 400 maloprodajnih objekata.

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Delva GilberteTel: 064 514 5154E-mail: [email protected]


Activity:Gilberte Delva holds as a degree in Economics and International Relations. After starting a career in the banking world, she joined the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (F.A.O.) in Rome and later became Trade Commissioner for Belgium in Yugoslavia, Canada, Poland and Germany.

As a retiree, she held the function of Business Relations Manager with the BSBA and is presently its Secretary.

Gilberte Delva also represents “Vlamingen in de Wereld” in Serbia (

Delatnosti:Gilbert Delva počela je svoju karijeru u bankarstvu, da bi nastavila rad u agenciji Ujedinjenih nacija za poljoprivredu i ishranu (FAO), a potom kao trgovinski ataše Belgije sa postavljenjima u Jugoslaviji, Kanadi, Poljskoj i Nemačkoj. Diplomiran je ekonomista sa post-diplomskim studijama iz međunarodnih odnosa.

Odlaskom u penziju i dolaskom u Srbiju pristupa BSPA gde ima funkciju sekretara i održava poslovne odnose BSPA.

Takođe, predstavlja u Srbiji organizaciju “Vlamingen in de Wereld” (”Flamanci u svetu”), koja ima sedište u Brislu (

Denise de Hauwere Honorarz AmbassadorAddress: Jurija Gagarina 14, 11 000 BelgradeTel: + 381 69 61 40 33E-mail: [email protected] in Serbia as Ambassadorfrom 2006 to 2011

Activity:Ambassador De Hauwere founded the Belgian Serbian Business Association in 2010. She is presently Member of the Board of Directors.She lives both in Belgium and in Serbia, where she spends most of the summer months at the Silver Lake.She is also President of the European think tank CEIPA (

Delatnosti:Ambasadorka Dehauver bila je 2010. godine jedna od osnivača Belgijsko-srpske poslovne asocijacije. Sada je član Upravnog odbora direktora.Živi istovremeno u Belgiji i Srbiji. Veći deo letnjih meseci provodi na Srebrnom jezeru.Ona je istovremeno Predsednik Evropskog savetodavnog tela CEIPA (

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Deus Media DriversAddress: Kneza Mihaila 33, 11 000 BelgradeTel: +381692282802E-mail: [email protected]: www.deusdigitaldrivers.comActive in Serbia since: 2017Contact person: Dejan PopovicPosition: OwnerE-mail: [email protected]


Activity:Deus Media is mainly engaged in the creation of business software solutions for small and medium enterprises. It has its own web site development platform, mobile application development platform, business solutions for business management and digital marketing.Deus Media is committed to the goal of creating long-term, both-sides satisfactory partnership relations through active collaboration with the clients in a mission to create additional value for them. Their solutions enabled companies to solve complex, mission-critical business problems and automate business functions, improving their efficiency and productivity.In order to keep up with the constantly changing technologies Deus Media is constantly improving its productivity by researching the new technologies and developing its own techniques and tools to improve quality of the products and services.

Delatnosti:Deus Media se pretežno bavi izradom poslovnih softverskih rešenja za mala i srednja preduzeća.Ima svoju jedinstvenu web platformu za izradu sajtova , platformu za izradu mobilnih aplikacija , poslovna rešenja za business management i digitalni marketing.Deus Media je kompanija posvećena cilju stvaranja dugoročnih, obostrano zadovoljavajućih partnerskih odnosa kroz aktivnu saradnju sa klijentima. Njihova rešenja omogućavaju kompanijama rešavanje složenih, kritičnih poslovnih problema i automatizovanje poslovnih funnkcija, kroz poboljšavanje efikasnosti i produktivnosti.U cilju držanja koraka sa tehnologijama koje se stalno menjaju, Deus Media konstantno poboljšava svoju produktivnost istražujući nove tehnologije i razvijajući sopstvene tehnike i alate za poboljšanje kvaliteta proizvoda i usluga.


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Elicio windAdress: Vladimira Popovića 6, 11 070 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 66 00 955Fax: + 381 11 66 00 496E-mail: [email protected]:, www.elicio.rsActive in Serbia since: 2009Contact person: Dragana Gajić,[email protected]


Activity:Elicio NV is a branch of the Belgian Nethys group–energy and telecommunications giant (

In 2014 the company Elicio NV acquired the projects of the company Electrawinds, among which the companies Electrawinds S and Electrawinds Mali WF, that are developing and planning the construction of the wind farms Alibunar and Malibunar.

Company obtained construction permits for WF Alibunar (42 MW) and WF Malibunar ( 8 MW) as well temporary status of privileged producer for both projects.

Delatnosti:Elicio NV je kompanija u okviru grupacije Nethys, belgijskog energetskog i telekomunikacionog giganta (

Sredinom 2014. godine kompanija Elicio je preuzela kompanije Electrawinds, među kojima i Electrawinds S i Electrawinds Mali WF, koji razvijaju i planiraju izgradnju vetroparkova Alibunar i Malibunar.

Kompanija je pribavila neophodne građevinske dozvole, kao i privremenu status povlašćenog proizvođača za obe vetroelektrane.


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Fitek Solutions dooAdress: Cara Dušana 212, 11080 Beograd-ZemunTIN: 103729280Tel: 011/7150748E-mail: [email protected] Website:, Active in Serbia since: 2005Contact person: Mirko Golijanin, Business Unit ManagerMob: 063/227578Email: [email protected]


Activity:Fitek Serbia (Fitek Balkan Ltd, Fitek Solutions Ltd, New Image Ltd) is an IT services provider and market leader in customer communication management solutions and inbound and outbound e-invoice solutions. New Image Ltd provides printing services for various customers. Fitek Serbia is owned by UnifiedPost Group based in La Hulpe, Belgium.

Delatnosti:Fitek Srbija (Fitek Balkan doo, Fitek Solutions doo, New Image doo) je lider na tržištu IT usluga koje omogućavaju kompanijama da upravljaju komunikacijom sa svojim klijentima (slanje računa, imejl i sms obaveštenja, kampanje i sl). Pored toga, nudimo rešenje za digitalizaciju i upravljanje ulaznim fakturama dobavljača uz mogućnost povezivanja sa računovodstvenim softverom radi automatizacije knjiženja. New Image doo pruža sve vrste usluga komercijalne i digitalne štampe. Fitek Srbija je u vlasništvu UnifiedPost Grupe sa sedištem u La Hulpe, Belgija.


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GSK Glaxo Smith KlineAdress: Omladinskih brigade 88, Belgrade 11 000Tel: +381 11 31 05 700E-mail: [email protected]: www.blockxdoo.comContact person: Marija Krstić, general manager


Activity:We are global innovative pharmaceutical company. We develop, produce and make available a spectrum of drugs, vaccines and consumer healthcare products.

Prescription drugs - we are developing drugs for treatment in different therapeutic areas, including respiratorz diseases and HIV/AIDSVaccines - we are leader in R&D of vaccines for child and adult immunization againstcommunicable diseases.Consumer healthcare products - we are producing wide range of consumer healthcare products in four categories: wellness, skin care and oral care.

Delatnosti:Mi smo globalna inovativna farmaceutska. Mi istražujemo, proizvodimo i činimodostupnim širok spektar lekova, vakcina i consumer healthcare proizvoda.

Lekovi na recept - mi razvijamo proizvodimo lekove za terapiju mnogih bolesti, uključujući respiratorna oboljenja i HIV/AIDS.Vakcine - mi istražujemo i proizvodimo vakcine za decu i odrasle koje štite od zaraznih bolesti.Consumer Healthcare - mi proizvodimo brojne consumer healthcare proizvode u četiri kategorije: wellness, zdravlje kože, oralno.

GomexAdress: Beogradski put bb, 23 000 ZrenjaninTel: + 381 23 315 02 30E-mail: [email protected]: gomex.rsContact person: Goran Kovačević

Activity:Gomex Ltd. is a retailing company based in Zrenjanin. Because of results achieved since its establishment in 1995, Gomex is ranked as the regional leader in the fields of wholesale and retail of consumer goods in Vojvodina. Gomex has opened a facility in Šabac and is expanding the sales network in central Serbia. Currently distribution is operated from 139 retail stores, with an average size of 250 m². Locations are very attractive and are selected so as to be in the immediate neighborhood of consumers.

Delatnosti:Gomex d.o.o. je trgovinska kompanija sa sedištem u Zrenjaninu. Rezultati postignuti od osnivanja 1995. godine svrstali su nas u regionalne lidere u oblasti veleprodaje i maloprodaje robe široke potrošnje.Naše radnje su raspoređene na teritoriji Vojvodine, a otvaranjem objekta u Šapcu otpočeli smo širenje prodajne mreže u centralnoj Srbiji. Trenutno u sastavu našeg trgovinskog lanca posluje 139 maloprodajnih objekata, sa prosečnom veličinom 250m². Lokacije radnji su veoma atraktivne i birane su tako da budu u neposrednom komšiluku potrošača.

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ICTTI - International Center for Knowledgeand Technology Transfer, Partnership & Innovation Adress: Narodnog Fronta 73a, 21 000 Novi SadTel: + 381 60 52 50 020E-mail: [email protected]: www.ictti.orgActive in Serbia since: 2011Contact person: Biljana van Veghel Kondić


Activity:ICTTI is a Belgian-Estonian-Serbian hands-on not-for-profit consulting organization focusing on international business development and innovation process management relatedactivities through facilitation of and mediation in knowledge and technology transfer and partnerships aiming at efficient innovation support.

Our Values:Truthfulness , Urgency and Professionalism.We are willing and able to take the risks with you, if you’re willing to share therewards. (

Delatnosti:ICTTI je belgijsko-estonsko-srpska neprofitna konsultantska organizacija s neposrednim pristupom koja se bavi aktivnostima u oblasti međunarodnog poslovnog razvoja i upravljanja procesom inovacija putem podsticanja i olakšavanja transfera znanja i tehnologije, kao i partnerstava s ciljem pružanja efikasne podrškeinovacijama.

Naše vrednosti:Iskrenost, urgentnost i profesionalizam.Spremni smo i sposobni da preuzmemo rizik s vama, ako ste vi spremni da podelite plodove rada s nama. (

INDEC NVAdress: Industrieweg Noord 1188-3660 Opglabbeek - BelgiumTel: +32 89 62 14 34Fax: +32 89 62 14 36E-mail: [email protected]: www.indec.euContact person: Dirk Mingelinckx

Activity:Industrial engineering and contracting, design and build of industrial and commercial buildings, automation, mechanical and electrical installation for automotive, active in Europe.

Delatnosti:Industrijski inženjering: ugovaranje, projektovanje i izgradnja poslovnih objekata primena automatizacije, ugradnja masinskih i i električnih instalacije u automobilskom sektoru. Aktivan u Evropi.

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ITAF ICT ServicesAdress: Durmitorska 1, 11 000 Belgrade Tel: +381 69 277 90 46E-mail: [email protected]: www.itaf.euActive in Serbia since: 2012Contact person: Jurgen Dumont


Activity:ICT Services• infrastructure services• managed services• professional services• software development

Delatnosti:ICT usluge:• infrastrukturne usluge• organozovane usluge• profesionalne usluge• razvoj softvera


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JPM Jankovic, Popovic, Mitic a.o.d. Adress: Palmotićeva 16a, 11 000 Belgrade Mailing address: Vladimira Popovića 6, 11070 Novi BeogradTel: +381 11 207 68 50 Fax: +381 11 207 68 99E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.jpm.rsActive in Serbia since: 1991Contact person: Mr. Nikola Poznanović, Partner


Activity:JPM is the leading law firm in Serbia, providing full service in Serbia and SEE region. Since 1991, we are serving national and international clients from various industries in establishing, building and maintaining their business presence in Serbia and SEE.

The Partners, together with the team of senior and junior associates, and their extensive local, regional and international education and experience have proven thier capacity to provide solutions overcoming all the difficulties and to obtain client’s trust to render the best possible legal services at all times. Our client portfolio ranges from multinational and national companies engaged in business activities in this region, banks and other financial institutions, institutional strategic and financial investors, to public and private institutions

Delatnosti:JPM je vodeća advokatska kancelarija u Srbiji koja pruža kompletne pravne usluge u Srbiji i regionu jugo-istočne Evrope (SEE). Od 1991. godine mi pružamo usluge nacionalnim i internacionalnim klijentima iz raznih privrednih grana prilikom ustanovljavanja njihovog prisustva u Republici Srbiji, razgranavanja njihovog poslovanja i daljeg unapređenja pozicije na tržištu Republike Srbije i SEE.

Partneri, zajedno sa timom starijih i mlađih advokata, svojim renomiranim znanjem sticanim na domaćim i inostranim akademskim institucijama kao i višegodišnjoj bogatoj praksi, dokazali su da su sposobni da pronađu brojna rešenja za prevazilaženje svih pravnih problema i na taj način steknu i očuvaju poverenje klijenata da će u svakom trenutku biti na raspolaganju klijentu i pružiti mu kvalitetne i blagovremene pravne usluge. Portfolio naših klijenata obuhvata kako multinacionalne i nacionalne kompanije koje se bave svojim delatnostima u ovom regionu, tako i banke i druge finansijske institucije, institucione strateške i finansijske investitore, kao i javne i privatne institucije.


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Karanovic and Partners Adress: Resavska 23, 11000 BelgradeTel: +381 11 3094 200E-mail: [email protected]: www.karanovicpartners.comActive in Serbia since: 1995.Contact person: Alexander PoelsPosition: PartnerMobile: +386 51 668 607E-mail: [email protected]


Activity:Karanovic & Partners is a regional legal practice in Southeast Europe with the tradition spanning two decades. With more than 100 attorneys at law coopeating across the region, we take pride in our work, dedication and understan ing of our clients’ industries and needs.

The Karanovic & Partners legal practice, with its’ cooperating attorneys-at-law, offers services in Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Montenegro and Macedonia.

Delatnosti:Karanovic & Partners je regionalna advokatska kancelarija u jugoistočnoj Evropi čija tradicija seže dve decenije. Saraujući sa više od 100 advokata širom regiona, ponosimo se kvalitetom rada, posvećenošću i razumevanjem potreba i industrija naših klijenata.

Advokatska kancelarija Karanovic & Partners, zajedno sa advokatima sa kojima saraujemo, pruža usluge u Srbiji, Hrvatskoj, Sloveniji, Bosni i Hercegovini, Crnoj Gori i Makedoniji.

Kenzai GroupAdress: Mike Alasa 34, 11 000 BelgradeTel: +381 11 785 28 28, +381 63 351 419Fax: +381 11 328 52 93E-mail: [email protected]:, www.contractworld.rsActive in Serbia since: 2002Contact person: Patrick Geeraert

Activity:Kenzai Group is the global resource center specialized in interior furnishings and fit-out services, from floor to ceiling. We work with the leading producers and finest brands in Europe to inspire our customers with great and innovative products. We work closely with our clients to provide them with solutions specifically tailored to their needs. From the product selection to installation and follow-up, we offer a complete package of quality sevices.

Delatnosti:Kenzai Group je globalni resursni centar specijalizovan za prodaju raznih vrsta materijala za opremanje enterijera i usluge ugradnje istih, od poda do plafona. Mi zastupamo vodeće proizvođače i najfinije brendove u Evropi, kako bismo inspirisali naše kupce sa inovativnim proizvodima. Blisko sarađujemo sa našim kupcima i obezbeđujemo im rešenja skrojena po njihovim potrebama. Od samog odabira proizvoda, pa do ugradnje i praćenja projekta, mi nudimo kompletan paket kvalitetnih usluga.

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Law Office Maric Adress: Bulevar oslobodjenja 78, 21 000 Novi SadTel: +381 21 6618119, +381 63 53 84 79Fax: +381 21 6618119E-mail: [email protected]: www.lawyermaric.comActive in Serbia since: 2005Contact person: Rajko Maric


Activity:• Law firm, legal representing, advising;• Lobbying, mostly business law areas, including business criminal;• Active in Serbia and all countries of former Yugoslavia, also in Belgium, USA,Greece, Italy, and other European, Asian and South America countries.

Delatnosti:• Advokatska kancelarija, zastupanje i davanje pravnih saveta;• Lobiranje, uglavnom u oblasti privrednog prava uključujući i privredni kriminal;• Advokatska kancelarija posluje u zemljama bivše Jugoslavije, Belgiji, SAD-u,Grčkoj, Italiji i drugim zemljana Evrope, Azije i Južne Amerike.

Law Office Tasic & PartnersAdress: Knez Mihailova 11-15, 11 000 BelgradeTel: +381 11 630 22 33Fax: +381 11 328 52 03E-mail: [email protected]: www.tasiclaw.comActive in Serbia since: 2008Contact person: Ms Marija Tasic, partner

Activity:Tasic & Partners is a full service corporate and commercial law office, offering a wide array of legal services to companies in both international and local, public and private sector. We have necessary expertise and professional qualification in relevant legal areas as - foreign investments, Greenfield and Brownfield, M&As, stock exchange trading, privatization and reorganization processes, competition clearance, real estate, labor law, international trade, to serve foreign client’s needs in responsive and cost-effective manner. We provide our clients legal advice regarding the foundation of companies, representative offices and branches in Serbia, organize registration, prepare drafts of general acts and other statutory documentation.

T&P is among few law offices who have coped with public-private partnerships, in the field of energy efficiency, public lighting, public transport and environmental protection.

Delatnosti:Advokatska kancelarija Tasić&Partners, bavi se prvenstveno privrednim pravom i pruža savete i pravne usluge u vezi sa osnivanjem privrednih društava, predstavništava i ogranaka u Srbiji. Vršimo registraciju privrednih društava, pripremamo nacrte opštih akata i drugih relevantnu statusnu dokumentaciju. Takođe, jedna smo od prvih advokatskih kancelarija u Srbiji koja se bavi projektima javnoprivatnih partnerstava.

Naš tim pruža pravne savete i sve prateće usluge u vezi sa realizacijom projekata JPP, uključujući i projekte koji podrazumevaju obnovljive izvore energije, upravljanje otpadom, infrastrukturu, zaštitu okoline i prirodnih resursa.

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Metech Address: Đure Salaja 19, 11 300 Smederevo, SerbiaTel: +381 26 240 300Fax: +381 26 240 360E-mail: [email protected]: www.metech-srbija.comActive in Serbia since: 2005Contact person: Aleksandar Jovanović


Activity:Production of sheet metal parts and assemblies. Total concept production of machines.

Delatnosti:Proizvodnja delova od lima i sklopova. Proizvodnja mašina – total concept.

MIKA EngineeringAddress: 4 rue Tony Neuman, LuxembourgTel: +352 40 50 02; +381 11 442 7 800Fax: +352 40 25 25E-mail: [email protected]: www.mika.luActive in Serbia since: 2007Contact person: Stevan Mehandžić

Activity:Mika Engineering has focused on becoming an expert in the metallurgical industry (steel, copper and aluminum). We have hundreds of successful projects behind us. Our team of engineers, technician and designers is responsible for the professional and on time execution. We are specialists on the field of drive tunings, process control, PLC and HMI programming and regulation system.

Mika Engineering provides following services: engineering, software, commissioning, design (EPLAN), plant electrical installation supervision and plant management.

Delatnosti:Aktivnost Mika Engineering-a se bazira na stručnosti u metalnoj industriji (čelika, bakra i aluminijuma). Iza nas je stotine uspešnih projekata. Naš tim inženjera, tehničara i dizajnera vodi računa o profesionalnom i tačnom izvršenju posla. Mi smo stručnjaci na polju podešavanja pogona, procesne kontrole, programiranja PLC-a i HMI-a i regulacionog sistema.

Mika Engineering obezbeđuje sledeće usluge: inženjering, softver, puštanje u rad, dizajn (EPLAN), nadzor električnik instalacija i upravljanje pogonom.

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Mikijelj Jankovic & BogdanovicAddress: Vlajkovićeva 28, 11 000 BelgradeTel: +381 11 32 31 970Fax: +381 11 32 45 065E-mail: [email protected]: www.mjb.rsActive in Serbia since: 1985Contact person: Dejan P. Bogdanović


Activity:Mikijelj Jankovic & Bogdanovic (MJB) is a law office based in Belgrade, Serbia, with a network of correspondents throughout the region of the former Yugoslavia (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia and Kosovo).Our focus is on business law, especially intellectual property law, although the firm still preserves its general practice.

Established in 1985, MJB has been proud to serve its clients with dedication for over 30 years. We cultivate a personalized approach towards the clients, regardless of their size, and persevere in providing them with the highest quality service. . MJB is proud of its international orientation, which stems from its service to transnational business clients and foreign embassies in Belgrade and involvement in international litigations and arbitrations. We advise our clients in Serbian, English, German and French.

Delatnosti:Mikijelj Jankovic & Bogdanovic (MJB) je beogradska advokatska kancelarija s mrežom korespondenata širom bivše Jugoslavije (u Sloveniji, Hrvatskoj, Bosni i Hercegovini, Crnoj Gori, Makedoniji i na Kosovu). Pružamo advokatske usluge u oblasti poslovnog prava, posebno prava intelektualne svojine, iako smo zadržali i opštu advokatsku praksu.

Osnovana 1985. godine, kancelarija predano služi svojim klijentima duže od 30 godina. Prema klijentima gajimo lični odnos, bez obzira na njihovu veličinu, i trudimo se da im pružimo usluge najvišeg kvaliteta. Ponosimo se svojom međunarodnom orijentacijom. Naši klijenti su brojne transnacionalne kompanije i strane ambasade u Beogradu, a advokati iz naše kancelarije zastupaju u međunarodnim sudskim i arbitražnim sporovima. Klijentima pružamo pravne savete na srpskom, engleskom, nemačkom i francuskom jeziku.

MINEL- SCHREDERAddress: Tosin Bunar 51, 11 070 Novi BeogradTel: +381 2100 933Fax: +381 11 2612 166E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]: minel-schreder.rsActive in Serbia since: 1969Contact person: Bratislav Vučković, Nenad Plazincić

Activity:Production of luminaires for public, urban, illumination, sport, industry and tunnel lighting.

Delatnosti:Proizvodnja svetiljki za javno, urbano, dekorativno, sportsko, industrijsko i tunelsko osvetljenje.

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NDP Audit & Consulting Belgrade Address: Nebojsina 8, 11 000 BelgradeTel: +381 11 43 00 141 E-mail: [email protected]: www.ndp-audit.rsActive in Serbia since: 2006Contact person: Vladimir Dabić, [email protected] Trenčev, [email protected]


Activity:Specialized in working with foreign companies present on the Serbian market, NDP Audit & Consulting provides complete accounting, legal and tax advisory services, incorporation services and administrative support including all employment matters, virtual office and secretarial services, company management services and M&A.

Delatnosti:Specijalizovan za rad sa stranim kompanijama koje posluju na tržištu Srbije, NDP Audit & Consulting pruža kompletne usluge računovodstva, pravnog i poreskog savetovanja, usluge u vezi sa osnivanjem kompanija, administrativnu podršku nakon osnivanja uključujući sva pitanja u vezi sa zapošljavanjem i radnim odnosom, virtuelne kancelarije, sekretarske usluge kao i kompletne usluge savetovanja menadžmenta i usluge u vezi sa preuzimanjem kompanija.

Nuscience Premix International Address: 28. oktobra 60, 11 320 Velika Plana Tel: +381 26 515 945Address in Belgrade: Belgrade Branch Francuska 17/IV, loc Cp 11 000 BelgradeTel: +381 11 3349 035E-mail: [email protected]: www.nuscience.rsContact person: Karoly Molnar

Activity:Nuscience Premix International Velika Plana is a Serbian company, under the exclusive ownership of Nuscience Group.

We are a company specialized for the production and sale of vitamin and mineralpremixes for animal nutrition. The company was founded in 2010 after the completion of the factory. Standards of quality and safety ISO 9001: 2008 and HACCP were implemented in 2010.

We provide the highest quality products on the field of premixes, as well as theguarantee of the quality system of Nuscience Group. The raw materials used in the production process originate from reputable international manufacturers and meet the highest criteria of Nuscience Group.

Delatnosti:Nuscience Premix International Velika Plana je srpska članica, u isključivom vlasništvu Nuscience Grupe, sa proizvodnim pogonom najbolje klase u proizvodnjipremiksa u Velikoj Plani. Mi smo preduzeće koje se bavi proizvodnjom i prodajomvitaminsko-mineralnih predsmeša namenjenih ishrani domaćih životinja.

Firma je osnovana u 2010.godini nakon završetka fabrike. Standardi kvalitetai bezbednosti hrane ISO 9001:2008 i HACCP su implementirani tokom 2010.godine.

Naš stav vođen inovacijama daje nam mogućnost da ponudimo održivo i ekonomski isplativo rešenje za efikasnu proizvodnju stočne hrane i sastojaka stočne hrane.

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Patrol PM DOO Puratos Address: Stanoja Glavaša 10, 18000 NišTel: +381 18 593 567E-mail: [email protected]: in Serbia since: 2002Contact person: Miroslav PavlovicPosition: Director/OwnerMobile: +381 64 1193095E-mail: [email protected]

Address: Dobanovački put 58, 11 080 ZemunTel: +381 11 3168 475Fax: +381 11 3168 474 E-mail: [email protected]: www.puratos.rsActive in Serbia since: 1996Contact person: Orfej Đorđević


Activity:The company Patrol PM doo is engaged in the production of personal protective equipment and representation of personal protective equipment production companies. The quality of products and high customer satisfaction are the main goals of the company. The company is keeping up with trends in the fields of modern workwear and safety clothing, while modern designs and high-quality materials make their products recognizable on the market.The company Patrol PM doo has three certificates: SRPS ISO 14001, SRPS ISO 9001andi SRPS OHSAS 18001.

Activity:Puratos is an international group offering a full range of innovative products, raw materials and application expertise to the bakery, patisserie and chocolate sectors. Our products and services are available in over 100 countries around the world and, in many cases, are produced by our network of local subsidiaries.

Above all, we aim to be ‘reliable partners in innovation’, helping our customers around the world to deliver nutritious and tasty food to their local communities. Our headquarters are in Groot-Bijgaardenu, just outside Brussel.

Delatnosti:Firma Patrol PM doo se bavi proizvodnjom i zastupništvom HTZ opreme. Njihov osnovni cilj su kvalitet proizvoda i visok stepen satisfakcije kupaca. Ističu se u praćenju trendova u oblasti savremene radne odeće i obuće obezbeđenja, dok moderni dizajn i najkvalitetniji materijali njihove proizvode čine prepoznatljivim na tržištu. Patrol PM doo poseduje sertifikate SRPS ISO 14001, SRPS ISO 9001 i SRPS OHSAS 18001.

Delatnosti:Puratos je internacionalna kompanija koja nudi kompletan asortiman inovativnih proizvoda, i stručnost u primeni za sektore pekarstva, poslastičarstva i čokolade. Proizvodi i usluge dostupni su u preko 100 zemalja širom sveta, a u velikom broju slučajeva proizvode se i lokalno. Naši kupci su zanatske pekare, poslastičarnice, HoReCa sektor, pekarska industrija, konditori…

Želimo da budemo “Pouzdan partner u razvoju” gde god da se nalazimo, i tako pomognemo našim kupcima da proizvedu hranljive i ukusne proizvode u sredinama u kojima žive. Naša centrala nalazi se u Groot-Bijgaardenu, u blizini Brisela.

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Popovic, Popovic & Partners Address: Takovska 19, 11 000 BelgradeTel: + 381 11 32 39 442Mob: +381 3242 646Tel: +381 11 3349 035E-mail: [email protected]: www.ppsp.rsActive in Serbia: 1933Contact person: associate Natalija Popović,attorney at law

Activity:Popovic, Popovic & PARTNERS is one of the oldest working law firms in Serbia established in 1933. We provide IP services in Serbia and West Balkan Region. Further fields of legal practice are M&A, transactions, dispute resolutions, commercial and corporate matters, labour law, media law, data protection, food safety and environmental law. We maintain our general civil law practice in representation of foreigners in civil and status matters. Within our devotion to human rights, we provide pro bono assistance to the ones in need. Languages spoken English, French and German.

Delatnosti:Popovic, Popovic i Partneri je jedna od najstarijih advokatskih kancelarija u Srbiji,osnovana 1933. Pružamo IP usluge u Srbiji i regionu zapadnog Balkana. Bavimose takođe M&A, transakcijama, sporovima, komercijalnim i korporativnim pravom, radnim pravom, medijskim pravom, zaštitom podataka, bezbednošću hrane i ekološkim pravom. Negujemo opštu građansku praksu i zastupanje stranaca u statusnim, imovinskim i porodičnim stvarima. U okviru naše posvećenosti ljudskim pravima, pružamo pro bono pomoć onima čija su prava ugrožena. Jezici: engleski, francuski i nemački.

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Real Estate Solutions Address: Antifašističke borbe 22/23, 11 070 BelgradeTel: + 381 11 770 465 4Mob: +381 65 321 5980 Fax: +381 11 770 465 3 E-mail: [email protected]: www.resolutions.rsActive in Serbia since: 2016Contact person: Borivoj Popović


Activity:Real Estate Solutions specializes in high end residential and mixed use sales and leases, servicing investors, developers, landlords and buyers/tenants of the highest profile in Serbia.Core competencies include: - Property Sales / Marketing - Client Analysis/Consultancy - Prospecting/Networking - Contracts / Leases - Market Research - Project Management - Negotiation / Mediation - Customer Service Excellence

Delatnosti:Real Estate Solutions je firma specijalizovana za prodaju i zakup visokokvalitetnih stambenih, poslovnih i nekretnina mešovite namene, uslužujući najuglednije investitore, zakupodavce i kupce/zakupce u Srbiji.Znanja, veštine i usluge obuhvataju:- Prodaja nepokretnosti/Marketing- Analiza potreba klijenata/Savetovanje- Pronalaženje klijenata/Umrežavanje kontakata- Ugovori / Zakupi- Istraživanje tržišta- Upravljanje projektima- Pregovori / Medijacija- Izvrsnost usluga klijentima

REYNAERS AluminiumAddress: Tošin bunar 272, 11 070 BelgradeTel: +381 11 713 8747, +381 63 117 5177Tel: +381 11 713 8748E-mail: [email protected]: www.reynaers.comActive in Serbia: 2008.Contact person: Mr. Saša Sretenović

Activity:Reynaers Aluminium is a leading European specialist in the development and marketing of innovative and sustainable aluminium solutions for windows, doors, curtain walls, sliding systems, sun screening and conservatories. Besides a wide range of standard solutions, we also develop tailor-made solutions for all market sectors – from residential to commercial and industrial projects. Our high-quality systems all meet the most stringent demands in terms of comfort, security, architectural design, and energy efficiency. Reynaers is not only a supplier, but also a valuable partner— for architects, fabricators, solar installers, project developers, investors and end users.

Founded in 1965, Reynaers currently employs over 1 600 workers in 40 countries worldwide and exports to more than 70 countries on 5 continents. The company, with its headquarters in Duffel, Belgium achieved an annual turnover of 360 million euros in 2015.

Delatnosti:Reynaers Aluminij je vodeća evropska kompanija za razvoj i proizvodnju inovativnih i održivih aluminijumskih rešenja za prozore, vrata, fasade, klizne sisteme i zaštitu od sunca. Osim širokog spektra standardnih rešenja, nudimo i razvijamo po meri rešenja za sve vrste objekata - od stambenih, javnih i poslovnih pa sve do industrijskih objekata najrazličitije namene. Naši sistemi visokog kvaliteta zadovoljavaju najstrože zahteve u pogledu komfora, sigurnosti, arhitektonskog rešenja, dizajna i energetske efikasnosti. Reynaers nije samo i proizvoač, on je pouzdan partner arhitektama, fabrikatorima, montažerima, investitorima i krajnjm korisnicima.

Osnovan 1965. godine, Reynaers trenutno zapošljava više od 1.600 radnika u 40 zemalja širom sveta i izvoz u više od 70 zemalja na 5 kontinenata. Kompanija, sa sedištem u Duffel-u, Belgija, ostvarila je godišnji promet od 360 miliona evra u 2015. godine.

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SFS Address: Esad Pašina 21, 11 000 BeogradTel: +38 11 140 99 217E-mail: [email protected]: www.sfs.rsActive in Serbia since: 2013Contact person: Vladimir Brkić


Activity:SFS is providing financial advisory services for corporate clients. SFS is specialised for the issues of financing/funding of different projects in Serbia. Besides, SFS is providing business and financial services for foreign investors in Serbia.

Delatnosti:SFS pruža usluge finansijskog savetovanja za korporativne klijente. SFS je specijalizovan za pitanja finansiranja različitih projekata u Srbiji. Pored toga, SFS pruža biznis i finansijske usluge stranim investitorima u Srbiji.

StylosAddress: Futoški put 67, 21 000 Novi SadTel: +381 21 4891 600Fax: +381 21 4891 602E-mail: [email protected]: www.stylos.rsActive in Serbia since: 1991Contact person: Natalija Pavić

Activity:Stylos d.o.o. Novi Sad is part of the Stylos Group business system, together with multiple different companies in Serbia, Bosnia, Macedonia and Montenegro. Founded in 1991, today it has more than 300 employees and an annual turnover of 25 million euros.

Stylos is a distributor of many renowned brands and manufacturers of office supplies and equipment, school supplies, luggage and travel accessories, and business gift. Notable mentions are Officce Depot, Parker, Waterman, Cross, Delsey, Titan, Travelite, Rotring, Navigator, Fabriano, Casio, 3M, Esselte, Leitz, Ricoh, HP, Mas, Noki, Global Notes, Papermate, Dymo, and many others. Within the Stylos Group system there is also a pressroom and a printing office, mainly used for production of cardboard packaging for pharmaceutical and foodindutry. Stylos operation is compliant with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards, and we use Microsoft Nav business solutions software.

Delatnosti:Kompanija Stylos d.o.o. Novi Sad je osnovana 1991. godine i predstavlja deo poslovnog sistema Stylos Group u čijem sastavu posluje više kompanija u Srbiji, BiH, Makedoniji i Crnoj Gori, sa preko 300 zaposlenih i godišnjim poslovnim prihodom od preko 25 miliona eura.

Stylos zastupa renomirane svetske brendove iz oblasti kancelarijskog materijala, školskog pribora, biroopreme, putnog programa i poslovnih poklona: Office Depot, Parker, Waterman, Cross, Delsey, Titan, Travelite, Rotring, Navigator, Fabriano, Casio, 3M, Esselte, Leitz, Ricoh, HP, Mas, Noki, Global Notes, Papermate, Dymo,... U okviru sistema posluje i štamparija čija je glavna delatnost proizvodnja kartonske ambalaže za farmaceutsku i prehrambenu industriju.Poslovanje Stylos-a se odvija u skladu sa standardima ISO 9001 i ISO 14001 uz korišcenje poslovnog sofware-a Microsoft Nav.

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Talent 4 Blinds Address: Doktora Đora Radića 4, 23101 ZrenjaninTel: +381 233155255E-mail: [email protected]: www.talent4blinds.comActive in Serbia since: 04.2018Contact person: Patrick VervischPosition: Company ownerMobile: +32 495 51 25 25E-mail: [email protected]


Activity:Talent 4 Blinds is an expert in the manufacturing of window fashion. With its Belgian-Dutch board, Talent 4 Blinds has 35years of experience in crafting the perfect window fashion solution. Its knowhow and experience leads to high quality products and a continuous Optimal service. Talent 4 Blinds ensures these high standards with its state-of-the-art machinery, on point digital systems and highly skilled employees.

Their proven first-class products are built with the best fabrics and components, which are carefully selected from several reliable suppliers. Talent 4 Blinds is known for its wide range of window covering solutions.

Delatnosti:Talent 4 Blinds je kompanija koja je specijalizovana za proizvodnju roletni i dekoracije za prozore. Sa svojim belgijsko-holandskim Odborom, Talent 4 Blinds poseduje 35 godina iskustva u izradi savršenih modnih rešenja za prozore. Rezultat znanja i iskustva jesu proizvodi visokog kvaliteta i kontinuirana vrhunska usluga. Talent 4 Blinds osigurava ove visoke standarde svojom najsavremenijom opremom, digitalnim sistemima i visoko kvalifikovanim zaposlenima.

Njihovi provereni proizvodi prve klase proizvedeni su od najkvalitetnijih tkanina i komponenti pažljivo odabranih od strane nekoliko pouzdanih dobavljača. Tentent 4 Blinds poznat je po širokom spektru rešenja za pokrivanje prozora.

Tara International Consulting Address: Narodnog Fronta 73a, 21 000 Novi SadTel: +381 60 52 50 020, +381 60 52 50 023E-mail: [email protected]: www.taraic.euActive in Serbia since: 2007Contact person: Hugo A.M. van Veghel

Activity:TARAIC is a regional and local development consultancy providing services to public institutions, non-governmental organisations, and private companies in the preparation and implementation of development programmes and projects (e.g EU, IPARD). We see our clients as partners and support them in the successful uptake of development funding with attention to the specific needs and goals of their organisations and the target groups with whom they operate.

Find out why various organizations, local governments, companies and institutions choose us (

Delatnosti:TARAIC je konsultantska kuća koja se bavi regionalnim i lokalnim razvojem i pruža usluge javnim ustanovama, nevladinim organizacijama i privatnim kompanijama prilikom pripreme i implementacije razvojnih programa i projekata (e.g. EU, IPARD). Svoje klijente vidimo kao partnere i pomažemo im da uspešno raspolažu razvojnim finansijskim sredstvima, uz pažnju posvećenu specifičnim potrebama i ciljevima njihovih organizacija i ciljnih grupa s kojima rade.

Otkrijte zašto različite organizacije, lokalne samouprave, kompanije i institucije biraju baš nas (

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Telenor banka a.d.Address: Omladinskih brigada 90v, 11 070 Novi BeogradTel: +381 63 9005E-mail: [email protected]: www.telenorbanka.rsActive in Serbia since: 2014Contact person: Mirko Golijanin, Retail and Customer Care Manager


Activity:Retail banking - first fully mobile and online bank in Serbia; offering all kinds of traditional and innovative payment services, deposit and loan products to physical persons; part of Telenor Group (telecommunications).

Delatnosti:Retail bankarstvo – prva banka u Srbiji koja posluje sa korisnicima isključivo putem mobilne i internet aplikacije. U ponudi su sve vrste tradicionalnih i inovativnih platnih usluga, kao i depozitni i kreditni proizvodi za fizička lica; deo Telenor Grupe (telekomunikacije).

TVH PARTS nvAddress: Brabantstraat 15, 8790-WaregemTel: +32 56 434439Fax: +32 56 434688E-mail: [email protected]: www.tvh.comActive in Serbia since: 1995Contact person: Goran KorićMob: +381 64 9934687E-mail: [email protected]

Activity:World largest distributor of spare parts, 21 million known references of parts for forklift trucks, telehandlers, aerial work platforms, sweepers, scrubbers, tail lift parts, agricultural equipment etc. Over 1600 second-hand forklift trucks and aerial work platforms always on stock in Belgium.

Delatnosti:Najveći svetksi dobavljač delova, preko 21 milion poznatih reference delova za viljuškare, telehendlere, hidraulične radne platform, mašine za čišćenje, kamionske hidraulične rampe, poljoprivrednu mehanizaciju itd. Preko 1600 polovnih viljuškara i hidrauličnih radnih platformi uvek na stanju u Belgiji.

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Vedeto plus dooAddress: Beograd-Zemun 11080, Zeleznicka 69TIN: 109387198Tel: +381658398304E-mail: [email protected]: www.vedetoplus.rsContact person: Tomislav VujasicPosition: General DirektorMobile: +381658398304E-mail: [email protected]


Activity:International forwarding company Vedeto Plus d.o.o. offers you complete transport, logistics and customs clearance services.Customs intermediation is our core activity. We mediate in all types of customs procedures for import, export or transportation of goods for all legal entities in the Republic of Serbia.Our main transport destinations are Belgium, the United Kingdom and Scandinavia.We are also transporting from and to Austria, Montenegro, Czech Republic, France, Netherlands, Croatia, Italy, Hungary, Macedonia, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain and Switzerland.

Delatnosti:Vedeto plus d.o.o. je međunarodna špedicija koja Vam pruža kompletnu uslugu transporta, logistike i carinskog zastupanja.Carinsko posredovanje je naša osnovna delatnost. Posredujemo u svim vrstama carinskog postupka pri uvozu, izvozu ili transportu robe, za sva pravna lica u Republici Srbiji.Naše glavne destinacije po pitanju transporta su Belgija, Velika Britanija i Skandinavija.Obavljamo prevoz iz i u Austriju, Crnu Goru, Češku, Francusku, Holandiju, Hrvatsku, Italiju, Mađarsku, Makedoniju, Nemačku, Poljsku, Portugaliju, Sloveniju, Španiju i Švajcarsku.


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Zivkovic SamardzicAddress: Makedonska 30, 11 000 BeogradTel: +381 11 2636 636Fax: +381 11 2635 555E-mail: [email protected]: www.zslaw.rsActive in Serbia since: 1998Contact person: Uroš Đorđević, partner


Activity:Živković Samardžić was founded on a handshake in 1998 as a five lawyers boutique active in media and telecoms, insurance litigation, private and not-for-profit client practices.Today, Živković Samardžić is one of the Serbia’s leading full-service independent law firms. Our 8 partners / 35 lawyers strong team provide top quality lega l service to a diverse range of international and national clients, from SME to Global 500.Experienced in cross-border matters, we nurture professional connections regionally, through a well-coordinated network of top-ranking local business law firms with international experience in Central and Eastern European countries and worldwide, as a member of Employment Law Alliance, Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance, AVRIO Advocati network of law firms, World Bank local partner on the Doing Business project and as exclusive partner of „Lansky, Ganzger & Partner“ in Vienna. We are members of Bar Association of Serbia and Bar Association of Belgrade, American Chamber of Commerce in Serbia and Foreign Investors’ Council.Languages spoken : Serbian, English, German, Spanish and Italian.

Delatnosti:Živković Samardžić je osnovan 1998. godine kao zajednička advokatska kancelarija sa 5 advokata koji su se bavili medijskim pravom i telekomunikacijama, parničnim postupcima u oblasti osuguranja, kao i zastupanjem privatnih i neprofitnih klijenata.Danas ŽS je jedna od vodećih advokatskih kancelarija u Srbiji. Naš tim od 8 partnera i 35 pravnika/advokata pruža pravne usluge vrhunskog kvaliteta raznovrsnom krugu stranih i domaćih klijenata, od SME do Global 500.Sa iskustvom u međunarodnim pitanjima, mi negujemo profesionalne veze kako regionalno, kroz dobro koordiniranu mrežu najboljih advokatskih firmi iz centralne i istočne Evrope sa međunarodnim iskustvom, tako i širom sveta, kao član Employment Law Alliance, Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance, AVRIO Advocati , World Bank kao lokalni partner Doing Business projekta.Takođe smo članovi i Advokatske komore Srbije, Advokatske komore Beograda, AmCham Serbia i Foreign Investors’ Council (FIC).Jezici: srpski, engleski, nemački, španski i italijanski.


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Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium in BelgradeKrunska 18, 11 000 BelgradeSerbia

+381 11 324 75 87(Reception and visa section)

+381 11 324 43 94

+381 63 468 669(Emergency number outside opening hours)

[email protected]://

Leo D’AES, Ambassador of BelgiumGuy VAN GLABEKE, First Secretary - Consular & administrative affairsEwoud ROES, First Secretary - Political and Economic Section


Marijana MILOŠEVIĆ TUFEGDŽIĆEconomic and Trade Counsellor for the Brussels Capital Region,or the Flemish Region and for the Walloon Region

Address: Koce Kapetana, 30 - 11000 BelgradeTel.: (00.381.11) 308.55.70ax: (00.381.11) 344.56.49Email: [email protected]


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Marko PandrcPetar Kajtar

Dapcević Nebojša

Ana Mladenović

H.E. Koen Adam

H.E. Marina Jovićević

Slobodan VeckalovJovica Macos

Branko MartinovićDragan Rokić

Marko Ilić

Miluska Benkova

Ana B. Bovan

Dejan Tufegdžić

Gilberte DelvaDenise De Hauwere













AIDA Trade

AIDA Trade Madera

Ambassador of Belgium

Ambassador of Serbia

AVL Projekt


Beotim doo


Bovan Consulting

CAM Partners


Chamber of Commerce Serbia


Cordeel D.O.O Beograde

Dataplan Informatika

Deus Media

Crop’s and Partners


Saša BozićSrđan MarkovićSandra Milojević

Goran KovačevićMilutin VojinovićDragan Ranisavljević

Janko NikolićNikola Poznanović

Jurgen Dumont

Alexander Poels

Patrick Geeraert

Rajko Marić

Maria Tasić

Biljana van Veghel Kondić

Dirk Mingelinckx

John KyrtisisMirjana JovanovićMilos Jauković

Aleksandar MilojevićMarija KrstićZorana Stanojevski

Eduard RuttenAleksandar JovanovićWalter KnabeMarijana Sulejić

Vladimir RadoslavljevićStevan Mehandžić

Mirko Golijanin

Marko ČadežZorana Delić

Luli Milos

Tanja Zizovic

Billy Bogaert

Dejan Popovic

Radovan LazarevićJelena Nikolić

Christophe BolsDanijela Isailović

Carmeuse Gomex

Jankovic Popovic Mitic JPM


Karanovic & Nikolic OAD

Kenzai Group

Law Office Maric

Law Office Tasic




GSK Glaxo Smith Kline


Mika Engineering

Fitek Solutions doo

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Mikijelj Jankovic & Bogdanovic


Dejan Bogdanović


Bratislav VuckovićNenad Plazincić

Vladimir DabićMirjana Jovanović

Slobodan LesoOrfej Đorđević

Natalija Popović

Borivoj Popović

Saša Sretenović

Vladimir Brkić

Patrick Vervisch

Hugo van Veghel

Boško BlazićNatalija Pavić

Karoly Molnar

Miroslav Pavlovic
















Popovic Popovic & Partners

Real Estate Solutions

Reynaers Aluminium


Talent 4 Blinds



Nuscience Premix

Patrol PM DOO

Mirko Golijanin

Marijana Tufegdžić-Milošević

Goran Korić

Tomislav Vujasic

Uroš Đorđević






Telenor Banka

Trade Commissioner

TVH Parts

Vedeto plus doo

Zivkovic Samardzic

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Responsible editordr. Hugo van Veghel, Chair


11000 BelgradeSerbia

Design and layoutStefan Bela

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