Download - 法學緒論(圖解&試題.雙效學習) 2013海巡.警特.一般警察學儒

  • 1. 003 1 2 4 3 5 6 1Ulpianus 170287 2divinarum atque humanarum rerum notitia3 45Hugo Grotius 158316451625 6Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz 16461716

2. 004 7 8 9 1011 121314157 8 9 Distributive Justice Retributive Justice 10 11 Rules 12 13 14 15 3. 005 16 17 170 2 16 17 4. 006 91 18 1920 21 18 19 20 21 5. 007 6. 008 7. 009 Power1 1 2 12 8. 010 170171 172 3 43254 9. 011 25 5 6 116125 7 2 1456297 10. 012 385863 1946 8 1961 9 1938 1972 10 8 9 Rome Convention for the Protection of Performers Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations 1961 1964 2002 7 15 69 10 Treaty on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems ABM 1972 11. 013 1945 12. 014 329 58 2 63 11 1 11 709-1 514-1 881-1 13. 015 68 1 207 2 12 1 13450 14 2 12 450 2 13 68161439207450776778 14 14. 016 1 15 16 15 A B B A A B 16 1 15. 017 1 2 17 18 17 57 18 Case Law 16. 018 154 Statutes 19 20 19 20 17. 019 18. 020 57 19. 021 2 20. 022 1 2 12