Zadanie 03

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Zadanie 03Zamy, e takie przyporzdkowanie jest moliwe.Niech A oznacza najwiksz spord liczb przyporzdkowanych wierzchokom, natomiast B i C oznaczaj liczby przyporzdkowanymi wierzchokom ssiednim, przy czym B C. Poniewa C > 0, dlatego: A = B C < Ba to jest sprzeczne z wyborem punktu A. Ta sprzeczno dowodzi, e przyporzdkowanie speniajce warunki zadania nie jest moliwe.Zadanie 04My idea is, that in or school create a project in wich we will be able to go to the UK, because is a beutiful country for Me. There are also large companies, which we could visit. I would like to take participation in the project about modern ways to protection of personal data in the Internet. This project could be held in the UK in London. We would visit this city on 1 January and return to the home on 3 January. Organizers of the project is Apple Corporation and in their headquarters held all training. All lessons would lead by Tim Cook, he is a chairman of the board in Apple. On the first day is planned to tour of London and after this we went for a lesson about - How to prevent the loss of personal data on the Internet. On the second day we learn about What companies do with our personal data and after the lesson we go to London Eye. On the last day we go to the lesson dedicated to Why worth protect personal data, later we are go to the Apple production hall to see how are made iMac and iPhone. This project would be valid for Me, because is very important to protect our personal data at such a rapid development of technology in the world and when I apply for a job in the future, I now how to protect my personal data have not been transferred to the wrong people.