You are really a competent ( 称职的 ) tutor ( 家庭教师、辅导教师 )!



You are really a competent ( 称职的 ) tutor ( 家庭教师、辅导教师 )!. achievement 成绩、成就. Look! They are my companions( 伙伴、同伴 ) at the night class. I become more fluent (流利的) in English now. 语法. downtown 在市中心、闹市区. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of You are really a competent ( 称职的 ) tutor ( 家庭教师、辅导教师 )!

You are really a

competent( 称职的 ) tutor( 家庭教师、辅导教

师 )!

achievement 成绩、成就

Look! They are my companions( 伙伴、同伴 )

at the night class. I become more fluent (流

利的) in English now.


downtown 在市中心、闹市区

Look at the headings, the pictures and the instruction and answer the questions below.1. Where do you think the people

in the pictures are? What are they doing there?

2. Who are the letters to and from?

3. What might the letters talk about?

The City Mirror newspaper asked students to write about their experiences and opinions regarding tutorial centers. Here are someletters they have received.


I go to sleep

A waste of time and money

Good and bad


a student in university

answer questions about grammar


A waste of time and


too many


Talk about travelsLearnt nothing

excellent good

Victor Wang

Cindy Zhu

Lily Zhang

Frank Li

Read new words together.

1.*tutorial /tju:9tO:rIRl/ adj. 辅导的

2.tutor /9tju:tR(r)/ n. 家庭教师;辅导教师

3.competent /9kBmpItRnt/ adj. 胜任的; 称职的

4.fluent /9flu:Rnt/ adj. (尤指外语)流利的; 熟练的

5.achievement /R9Ti:vmRnt/ n. 成绩;成就

6.major /9meIJR(r)/ n. 主修课程;专业课

7.grammar /9GrCmR(r)/ n. 语法

8.advance /Rd9vA:ns/ v. 提高;使进步

9.dictation /dIk9teISn/ n. 听写 10.companion /kRm9pCnIRn/ n. 伙

伴;同伴 11.entire /In9taIR(r)/ adj. (用以

强调) 全部;整个的 12.*enrol /In9rRWl/ v. 加入;

注册 13.downtown /0daWn9taWn/ adv.

在市中心; 在闹市区

Important Phrases1. 有信心做某事

2. 为……而骄傲

3. 浪费……做某事

4. 注册学习一门课程

have confidence in doing sth.

be proud of

waste … doing sth.

enrol on a course

Language Point I have been forced to attend a tutorial

centre by my parents to advance my English.

• Passive voice : be + p.p.

• have / had been + p.p.

• is / am / are / were / was + p.p.

• will / would be + p.p.

Language Point

I have a lot of confidence in using English now, and I am proud of my achievements.

• have confidence in doing sth.• have trouble in doing sth.• have difficulty in doing sth.

Language Point It’s a waste of time and

money going to one of these schools.

It’s a waste of … doing sth.

Language PointMy foreign teacher spent the

entire lesson talking about his travels and I learnt nothing.

sb. spend … (in)doing sth.

sb. spend … on sth.

Talk Time Show your opinion about

going to tutorial centres. Use at least three sentences to support your opinion.

You can begin like this: I think it’s (un)necessary

to go to tutorial centres. … … …